#cali the skeleton
inthecalibration · 2 months
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Care for any Flowers?
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©SAINT M××××××
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the-ultimate-squish · 8 months
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parasite-core · 1 year
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Calio and his new pet friend Reggie.
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diorsluv · 6 months
feather , part 1
“ not another take ”
series m. list next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by _quinnhughes, markestapa, luca.fantilli, and 78,682 others
yourusername after 19 years of being my brother, jamie still takes the worst photos
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jamie.drysdale I WAS TAKING 50 PICS PER SECOND.
→ jamie.drysdale you’re so ungrateful
→ yourusername love u too
trevorzegras is he ruining your trip?
→ yourusername oh my god he’s been annoying me nonstop for the past theee days
→ jamie.drysdale stop spreading rumors
username4 ur so stunning
username66 MY IDOLLL
markestapa come back to michigan we miss you 😞
→ yourusername YOU miss me????
→ markestapa good lord HE said he misses you a lot
→ yourusername idk who “he” is markie, ur gonna have to specify 🤔🤔
→ edwards.73 he’s WHINING
→ dylanduke25 he just collapsed onto the ground
→ mackie.samo i can hear him crying from the other side of the yost
→ jamie.drysdale WHO IS “HE”??? yourusername DO YOU KNOW WHO “HE” IS??? WHY DOES HE MISS YOU HELLO?
→ yourusername calm ur tits bro ✋
username1 what’s going on in mark’s replies..
lhughes_06 when are you coming back 🙏
lhughes_06 leave cali and come back 🙏
lhughes_06 imysm please come back to michigan 🙏
lhughes_06 i’m so lonely without you i need you to come back 🙏
→ yourusername awww i can’t believe you missed me that much
→ rutgermcgroarty dude i’m deathly sick rn i physically cannot have stolen his phone
→ jackhughes aw moosey long distance isn’t working?
_quinnhughes are you flying up here when we play the ducks?
→ yourusername YOU KNOW IT
→ jamie.drysdale i’m trying to convince her not to i promise
→ yourusername i wouldn’t miss a chance to spend time with my huggy wuggy bear
→ _quinnhughes blocked.
username29 jamie’s an amazing photographer
liked by jamie.drysdale
→ yourusername he wants me to clarify that it “wasn’t him” (you shouldn’t believe him)
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liked by adamfantilli, lhughes_06, _alexturcotte and 92,177 others
yourusername guess who’s who??
tagged: edwards.73, markestapa, luca.fantilli, rutgermcgroarty
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mackie.samo how come i wasn’t invited 🙁
→ mackie.samo it’s okay we can still have our annual cookie baking session
→ rutgermcgroarty COOKIES?? CAN I JOIN
→ mackie.samo NO it’s us two only 😠
→ yourusername mack’s the boss, sorry rut
username47 tag yourself i’m the skeleton mark’s hugging
→ username22 how’d you know it’s mark wtf
→ username90 i’m the yellow glasses ethan’s wearing
jamie.drysdale of course you go and do this as soon as you get back
→ yourusername DON’T JUDGE
adamfantilli luca’s the second right one on the right photo isn’t he..
→ yourusername YES HOW’D YOU KNOW??
→ adamfantilli i could smell the stupidity
→ luca.fantilli WOAH WOAH?? WHAT DID I DO?
→ yourusername FANTILLI FIGHT ⁉️⁉️
→ adamfantilli mom got mad at me because YOU left the house messy before we left to catch our flight
→ luca.fantilli your room was the only messy room in the house stop lying
username65 friend group goals
liked by yourusername
username7 wtf i wanna do this with my friends
username74 FASHION ICONS
trevorzegras come back and watch us play lil drizzy ❤️
→ yourusername first of all never call me lil drizzy again
→ yourusername second of all i’m going to the nucks game when you play BE PATIENT 🙄
next chapter notes ) this was actually so fun to make im excited to make moreeee 🫣 also the official nickname is drizzle i’m calling it rn bc drysdale=drizzle=drizzy=drizz AND I KNOW IT SOUNDS STUPID BUT I SWEAR YOU WILL COME TO LOVE IT
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mei-wixie · 4 months
Cali @ XPAU Part 2
Part 1
Needed context: Calibri has seen everything anyone has ever done on his screens (he was bored).
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RAAAAAAAGAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH I finally finished!!!! This took me so long but omg I'm very happy to be done. I plan on making more parts to this also!!!
I struggled immensely trying to get this comic to look decent, feel free to ignore how ugly the last panel before the cut looks because I do NOT know how to draw the back of a sans the skeleton head and I tried incredibly medium on it.
But WOOOOO also I am a HUGE fan of Eggnog he is SO CUTE I love him sm. Hopefully November 28th is his actual birthday, all I did was scroll down to the bottom of the eggnog tag to the first post
And of course ~ XPAU by @xpau-official Eggnog by xpau-official @zelphin124 @doodlenovaa Calibri by me Everyone else by the people who made them
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bigbangharringrove · 5 months
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An affinity for dead things
Author: @spaceofentropy (Ao3: zeros83) Artist: @bigolemantiddies (Ao3: A_goodboy; IG: steven_creates) Artist: @raven-cl (Ao3: Raven_CL) Beta Reader: @kallisto-k (Ao3: DragonsIre)
Summary: Billy Hargrove has been dead and buried for a month and a half when Steve sets up to steal his body from his grave. The goal: to use magic to bring him back to life. The only problem is that magic always has a price, and things are never as easy as they seem. Rating: E Pairings: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington; background Nancy Wheeler/Jonathan Byers Content Tags: magic AU; post season 3; necromancer!Steve; grave robbing; Neil Hargrove; letters and postcards; Billy Hargrove is bad at feelings; platonic Stobin; sculptress Robin; speedrun through a different season 4 Content Warnings: neglectful parents; referenced child abuse; Neil Hargrove; blood and gore; dead animals; undead animals; skeletons and bones; knives; scars; homicide; canonical Upside Down/Vecna stuff
Excerpt & Art Previews:
Steve keeps on calling Hargrove back. Never stops pouring magic inside the cold body. He offers Billy life, shelter, warmth, another chance at building a future. The sun shining on his skin. The roar of the ocean. New and old music. Fast cars and deserted roads. Drinking beer while smoking a cigarette. Terrible food combinations when the munchies hit him at night. The perfect morsel of food, waiting for him somewhere around the world. The small things that make life worth living. The big things that make life scary. An explanation for what happened at Starcourt. The chance to experience what magic can do. The earthly pleasure of a living body, and those of the mind too. The magic flows with every syllable and Steve can feel more and more damage get undone while sweat beads on his skin and snakes down his back. He keeps on calling, keeps on offering, keeps on hoping. And then the ink on Billy's skin... it turns into dust. Raises in the air. Paints the currents of magic in the room grey and black. "The doors are open," Steve recites, holding Billy's hand even tighter, feeling like this, right here, right now, is the exact moment for the final invocation, "the road lies wide and free for you, Billy Hargrove. I've bribed it open for you with gifts of blood and water, I've prepared your body for your return, on a bed of anguish I've carved my prayers and laid my offerings. Listen to my call, beloved, and, if that pleases you, come back to the world of the living. Come listen to my voice in person. Come see the sun again, oh lost one, so that I can at least give you a proper goodbye before we're parted forever." Steve presses his lips to the tips of Billy's fingers and murmurs against his skin a soft, almost inaudible, please, Cali, come to me. The clamor of Billy's flesh knitting back together falls silent. Nothing happens. Not a fucking thing.
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Thank you @cams4 for an adorable Sans x OC commission 🥺 I love plant mages, if I could pick any magic power it would probably be something plant related <3
Calypso came in from the rain, closing the backdoor behind her, cutting off the sound of the downpour that had quickly descended over the skeleton household. She pulled off her coat and hung it up beside the door, moving into the kitchen with a collection of cut plant stalks in one hand. The stems were long but not that thick, the ends dotted with what looked like hundreds of clusters of tiny balls.
When she arrived in the kitchen, Sans was already there. He was leaning on the countertop, casually, a cup of coffee in hand and an easy smile on his face.
(She hadn’t seen the way he jumped at the sound of her coming in. Though it wasn't unusual for her to come over, he hadn't been expecting to see her. She hadn’t seen how he pulled at his dirty shirt, counting the stains and wishing he’d worn something less gross. She hadn’t seen how he scrabbled at some dirty plates he’d bought down from his room and teleported them into the sink- and she hadn’t seen the three poses he’d attempted, before settling on the most casual-seeming one.)
“hey caly.” He said, smooth and warm.
... Calypso’s fern-green eyes only needed to land on him for a few moments, before he already felt himself slightly losing his cool, cheekbones prickling and threatening to flush blue. He swallowed, shifting his weight a little more onto one foot.
She visibly brightened. Raindrops hung suspended in her golden hair, like dozens of little pearls. “Sans! You’re up early!”
Sans was up early. 11am- early for him. He winked. “yup, i can’t be-leaf it either. whatcha doin’ out in the rain?”
His joke earned a modest snort, despite the innumerable amount of times he’d said that same joke to her. “Just some gardening for Papyrus. Is he home yet?” 
“not yet. still working out, probably.”
He didn’t really understand why Calypso bothered with gardening. She was a mage- capable of making plant life grow on command. And yet she often still insisted on taking the long route.
“... I just think it’s much more rewarding to let the plants grow themselves, and help them along a bit. Listen to them, rather than forcing them to make the journey faster. They’re just as pretty when they’re growing as they are when they’re grown.”
... He didn’t get it. The only plant he’d managed to keep alive was a little potted cactus she’d given him a few months ago, a creature who sat happily on his windowsill and seemed to thrive on his neglect. If he had plant powers he’d use them all the time.
... But maybe there was an element of comfort, to him, about the fact that the girl he was so hopelessly head-over-heels for preferred a fixer-upper to something already perfect.
“what’s pap growin’ now, then?” He asked.
“He likes dahlias, so I’ve just planted some. He described them as ‘POSITIVELY MATHEMATICAL’.” She drew a vase out of the cupboard, filling it with water and dropping the large trimmings in. “They might take a while to grow, but that’s alright.”
Sans couldn’t help but chuckle. Of course his brother was obsessed with such a symmetrical flower.
“gotta admit, i’m comin’ up short on dahlia puns.” He supported his chin on his elbow, swirling the remaining dredges of coffee in his cup. Talking to her... it just made him feel so... relaxed. So okay. “what’re the ones in the vase, then?”
“Just some of the hydrangea. It’s getting huge, now. It’s good to garden them when it’s raining.” She gently rearranged them. “I thought they’d look nice inside, when they bloomed.”
He grinned. “bet they’ll be bloomin’ unbelievable.”
Calypso suddenly shifted. She looked... nervous? She bit her lip.
... Sans immediately felt himself shift too, instinctively, smile losing a few millimetres. He lowered his mug.
“... something... wrong?” He asked, carefully, after a few moments of silence.
She had no idea how much that single sentence meant, coming from him. Sans, famously terrified of any emotional subject, had a tendency to evacuate the room even when his closest friends got too upset. But with her, he felt a degree of comfort he’d only felt before around family. 
... He wanted to make sure she was okay.
“N-no, not at all.” She needlessly adjusted the flower in the vase again. “I’m fine. Uhm... It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
The thought of her not being able to tell him something made him feel itchy. 
“... you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. but, uh... you can tell me anything, heh.” He was wearing his most disarming smile. “‘sides, if it’s botherin’ you, it’s usually better to get it out.”
If Papyrus had been in the room he would’ve fainted at the sight of Sans not only avoiding the easy way out of the conversation (just accepting her 'I'm fine'), but actively pushing for greater emotional honesty.
As a monster, he had exceptional hearing. He didn’t want to tell her that he could hear her heartbeat getting faster.
“I’m...” Her eyes darted around, focusing on anything that wasn’t him. Were her cheeks getting red? Shit, had one of his jokes landed badly? He racked his mind for anything he could've said to make her upset. “Y-you’re right. It’s... it’ll be better to get it out.”
He was getting nervous now. Was it bad? Should he be concerned? “mhm.”
She stared at the hydrangea. She fidgeted with the side of the countertop, took a breath in...
“I... I really like you.”
“.......... huh?”
“... Like... erm...” She tucked some hair behind her ear, still not looking at him. “... Romantically.”
Not what he was expecting to hear.
The sound of the rain outside filled the room. Sans stood there, staring at her blankly, waiting for the punchline. Waiting for her to start laughing, grin and say it was a prank. Waiting for the gotcha!
There was no way she liked him. It was too good to be true.
... Not when he liked her so much, too. 
Calypso glanced at him- his expression must’ve been something else, because she immediately looked away again. He could smell regret starting to seep out of her.
“I-I mean... it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to do anything. It’s no big deal.” She laced her fingers together, then unlaced them, tapping them on the countertop, as unsure of how to stand as he had been minutes earlier. “I just, uhm... figured you should know... nothing has to change though. A-and it’s fine, I’ll probably-” 
Her cheeks were getting progressively redder and redder, and her voice progressively smaller and smaller. She was being honest. 
“i-i like you too,” he blurted. 
She finally looked at him. She stared at him as blankly as he’d stared at her. 
... He had to let go of his mug, for fear of cracking the handle. 
“... romantically.”
Calypso's face flushed. As it did, her eyes glimmered green for a split second- and every bud on hydrangeas in the vase instantly opened, a vivid bunch of bubblegum pink.
It kinda matched the shade on her cheeks.
“Y-you... do?” Her voice cracked.
His Soul was in his mouth. If it turned out she was pranking him, he’d never forgive her. don’t laugh at me. 
“... you sound like you don’t believe me.” He said, as playfully as he could, in the state he was in. He could feel his eyelights all but twinkling in his sockets, they were probably embarrassingly big and fuzzy.
“I... w-well. You’re just... you’re so cool, and I...”
... Sans laughed. He couldn’t help it. It was a short sound, he covered his mouth- she quickly gave him a quizzical look. Though she seemed comforted by the sound. 
i feel like my bones are gonna fall apart.
“i-i’m sorry. i just...” He dragged his hand down his face, his grin was so big it was starting to ache. “i can’t believe you said that. that’s exactly how i feel about you.”
The hydrangeas went from pink to red. Again, just like her face. “... You think I’m... cool?”
He had word vomit. “who wouldn’t?”
He was so... excited? Happy? He couldn’t put his finger on it. He wasn’t used to not knowing exactly how he felt.
“... I didn’t know you could go that colour.” Calypso giggled, gently.
Sans quickly became self-conscious of the amount of magic he could feel prickling in his cheekbones. His face must’ve been absolutely cerulean; he itched his cheekbone, letting out a weak chuckle of his own and glancing away. 
“guess, uh... my crush confessing to me blue me away, heheh...”
She reached across, and took one of his skeletal hands in hers.
He stared at the two limbs, entwined. Warmth spread through his chest. Whatever he was feeling, he really liked it.
“pap is gonna lose his shit when he finds out.”
“I know, right?”
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yin-yanglulu · 3 months
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inthecalibration · 1 month
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months
Cali walked under the door way to look up at the hung mistletoe, sadly some other person had walked under the door way with her. Her eyes fluttered from the plant suspended above the doorway to the other person. A soft “uh” left her lips subconscious, did this person followed tradition? No? She had no idea, but Cali was fine with being a bit festive this year..
(she knows no one, I expect nothing outta this lmao!! But I think it’s fun and a festive way to spend my holiday hour while I got time to spare. Nice idea!!! I think next time I’ll use my freebie for sans. Also not expecting much but I have hopes 🤠)
The larger barrel shaped skeleton monster stops, a little surprised there’s mistletoe there, but he doesn’t look embarrassed or mad about it
Moose: huh, you alright w’ a little gyftmas tradition human~?
At your eager nod, he chuckles and leans down to give you a gentle kiss on the lips. He smells like firewood and tastes vaguely like huckleberries. You sigh, leaning into the cozy kiss. This guy clearly knows what he’s doing
When moose pulls away, he gives you a pleased grin and a wink before leaving
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infamoussparks · 5 months
Chapter 4: Skeleton Closets
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Approx. 5,200 words; 40 minute read.
Everyone had secrets to keep, this was just a fact of life. You don’t rise to power, become labeled a “hero” and not have a lockbox hidden away. Delsin knew his secret had been safely buried, but now it felt as though he was going to have to reveal his hand. And he knew, beyond any doubt, that his secret was going to shatter any spark of trust he had built up. With everyone.
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Delsin mused over his list, mentally checking boxes next to tasks that seemed to be finished enough for now. He had personally called Rosaline to inform her of Eugene’s findings and she didn’t sound surprised at the least. Rosaline did ask that the team continue to house Caly for the moment, only because the hospital was crawling with reporters even a full day after the incident and she didn’t feel it was a very safe environment for the 4-year old. Especially if Caly had suffered trauma, which seemed more and more likely given Caly’s reluctance to speak while seemingly retaining full comprehension of what was said to her. Rosaline would have Caly’s vision and hearing tested as soon as she could.
After speaking with his team, Delsin paid a visit to Benji who was more than happy to continue to spend time with Caly and be excused from classes. Benji was a good student, only faltering in training classes as he struggled to accept his power and outright refused to use it, even with Fetch’s reassurance that she would be there the whole time and could help him break control in seconds. Benji would just shrug and stop participating and Fetch didn’t push him. Delsin wasn’t concerned about Benji missing any additional classes for the time being.
Eugene hadn’t made much more progress on digging deeper into Stratego simply because they had a very innocuous website and no apparent backdoor into what the company really was. He was busy trying to crack the code in various ways between teaching his classes.
Fetch delivered on her lists of students. The lists were hand-written but grouped students by powers that worked best together to provide the most support for everyone, should they need to start getting defensive on campus. Delsin had kept the conversation strictly business, even though his heart ached to pull Fetch aside and just talk. He made another mental note on his list to get Fetch alone soon.
But Fetch did that first.
“Hey, Smokes… Got a second?” She had rapped her knuckles against the open office door and pulled Delsin suddenly from his head as it snapped toward the door while he straightened from leaning against the desk. Fetch offered a soft smile, “A little jumpy today?”
“Yeah, sorry. Lost in my thoughts. Come in,” Delsin motioned toward the couch and he moved toward the refrigerator, “Want anything to drink?”
Fetch closed the office door behind her and dropped onto the couch in one graceful motion, “Is it too early for a beer?”
Delsin chuckled as he grabbed two beers and joined Fetch on the couch, handing her one of the glass bottles. She quickly opened it and clinked it against Delsins’ before taking a long sip. She sat back against the couch and blew a puff of air up toward her bangs, the pink-dyed hair fluttering before settling against her forehead again.
Delsin leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees while his bottle hung loosely between his fingers. He didn’t say anything but he felt the tension in the room rising between the two conduits in the silence.
“Let’s try this again. You and me.”
Delsin felt his eyes go wide at the words but he only glanced to the side to check if Fetch was still there and this wasn’t some weird daydream. She was absolutely still seated beside him, head tilted slightly to her right as she gazed at him. He swallowed and cleared his throat.
“Are you sure? I mean, I’m not going to push things but I don’t want you to do this because you think I want it.”
“You do, though,” Fetch took another sip from her beer bottle, “And I do, too. I’m tired of chasing my shadows. Delsin, we’re 30. We need to stop messing around, you know?”
Delsin did know but this whole conversation was not at all what he was expecting. He slowly sat back against the couch and nursed his beer for a moment before responding. 
“What brought this on?”
“We’re about to face something crazy, I can feel it. I don’t know what Stratego means for us but I know it isn’t a good omen. And… Honestly, I just miss you.”
“Do you? You haven’t been very open to the idea of ‘us’ in years. And I know that’s my fault too, with the whole…” Delsin motioned by swirling his beer around. It was still too hard to name, “I’m tired of playing games.”
Fetch shifted her position and she leaned up against Delsin then, resting her head on his shoulder. Delsin didn’t move, just waited with learned patience. Fetch could be hard to read sometimes and this was one of those moments. But she was opening up and he didn’t want to accidentally close her off, so he sat with the silence caught on his tongue.
Fetch lowered her voice, her words sounding more sincere, “No more games. I promise. And you know I don’t break my promises.”
“You never have.”
Fetch moved her beer to her right hand, sliding her left one over to Delsin. He paused a second before offloading his beer to his left hand and taking her hand with his right one, their fingers lacing together. It was quiet in that space and Delsin realized he missed her touch. He missed any touch, really. It was incredibly hard to have physical touch with the power to drain other conduits. Even after all these years he still had no control over that first touch and it had resulted in a great deal of personal frustration.
But he didn’t have to worry about that with Fetch as he had taken Neon from her long ago and she never shied from his touch while they were together, on and off again. 
Maybe this time would be different.
“Fetch Walker, you know I can’t turn you down,” Delsin mused softly, giving a quick kiss to the top of her head. Fetch snickered in return.
“And I can’t give you up, Delsin Rowe.”
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After an hour, the office had shifted into what looked like some sort of detective set. Papers with hand-written notes covered the desk, Eugene was sighing and growing more and more frustrated behind the laptop screen, Fetch was picking up papers and putting them down again in some sort of pile system that only she seemed to understand, while Delsin was pacing the room, a familiar scene as he was trying to put the pieces together in his head.
“... You two kiss and make up, or what? You both seem a lot more relaxed today.” Eugene sat back in the desk chair, pushing the laptop away from him and took his glasses off as he pressed the heels of his hands against his closed eyes. Delsin and Fetch exchanged a look and Fetch smirked as Delsin winked at her.
“Something like that, Gameboy. When you gonna introduce us to your partner?” Fetch teased. Eugene suddenly flushed three shades of red and looked like he wanted to melt into the floor.
“You know I’m too busy here for that.”
“Oh? That’s not what I heard from our local barista…”
“Oh my Go–”
“OKAY, so.” Delsin cut Eugene off and pulled the conversation back to the topic at hand. Eugene gave him a grateful look and Fetch waved the distraction off, “Where are we on Stratego?”
Eugene sighed loudly, “Dead end. No backdoor, no hints in the code. I’ve tried everything I can think of but I can’t find anything that would connect them to the kidnappings or alleged experiments.”
“So that either means they aren’t behind it, or that they are absolutely behind it.” Fetch chimed in, her focus waning from her paper stacks.
Eugene sighed again, clearly on the brink of giving up, “Did you research the funding, Delsin?”
“Not yet. I was going to see what I could find after my visit today.” Delsin had stopped pacing and was now standing behind Fetch.
Fetch glanced up at him and furrowed her brows slightly, “Are you seeing Betty today for your weekly visit? Where does the time go?”
“Yeah, time is a mess lately, right? I’ll be back before you know it. You two got things under control while I’m offsite?”
Eugene and Fetch agreed in unison and Delsin gave Fetch a swift kiss on her forehead before leaving the office behind.
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Everyone had secrets to keep, this was just a fact of life. You don’t rise to power, become labeled a “hero” and not have a lockbox hidden away. Delsin knew his secret had been safely buried, but now it felt as though he was going to have to reveal his hand. And he knew, beyond any doubt, that his secret was going to shatter any spark of trust he had built up. With everyone. 
Delsin loved his visits with Betty. They helped to keep him grounded when things were overwhelming with the start of the conduit school project. They helped to keep him fed when the warehouse took all his time and energy. They provided him with a place to express himself when things with Fetch took a turn for the worst, or when they worked out again. Betty was always welcoming and warm and loving, no matter what stuff Delsin seemed to be slogging through. She was his rock.
Which is why he visited her every week. Or so the story goes. He actually only saw her every other week. And this week was an off-week, so he wasn’t expected by Betty today. He was, however, expected by someone else entirely.
He drove his familiar blue pickup truck on the highway to avoid the main street traffic and took the same exit as the one he took to get to his reservation, but he didn’t drive far enough to even find himself in those familiar woods before home came into view. Today he turned nearly immediately off the access road and traveled along the street until he pulled into a parking lot. He parked and sighed, steeling his nerves before exiting his pickup truck and heading inside the large building.
“Welcome to Seattle Inpatient Psychiatric Cent–Oh! Hello, Mr. Rowe!” A cheery nurse waved as Delsin entered the building and approached the desk to sign in. She was always very helpful and Delsin had long ago picked up hints that maybe she was interested in him, but he didn’t want to pursue something with her with so much else going on in his life. And now he didn’t feel the need to anymore.
“Hey, Lissa. Always nice to see you,” Delsin finished signing in and he caught Elizabeth smiling with a fresh flush on her cheeks. Delsin was the only non-staff member she allowed to call her by that nickname.
Elizabeth stood and walked from behind the desk, using her badge to summon an elevator, “I’ll bring you up to the room. Please follow me.”
“Sure thing,” Delsin followed and once they were inside the elevator he was distracted by his own thoughts, “Any change? Talking? Movements?”
Elizabeth shook her head, “Sadly, none. The doctors are taking good care of her and following your instructions.”
Delsin sighed and ran a hand along the back of his neck as the doors opened to the floor that Elizabeth had requested. She walked out first and he followed her a few steps behind. She stopped outside a closed door marked with a single word and gave Delsin a brilliant smile.
“Here we are. Please just signal if you need anything. You have…” Elizabeth checked a clipboard hanging to the right of the door, “30 minutes with her. She has a call after you from her family.”
“Thank you, Lissa. I should be fine with her alone.” Delsin flashed a side smile and gave the nurse a quick wink. She flushed bright red and then nodded and quickly left back toward the elevator. Delsin watched her go and once he was mostly alone in the hallway he refocused on the door before him. And that one word written across the whiteboard attached to it–catatonic.
With a strong inhale through his nose, Delsin opened the door and went inside.
The room was airy and bright, the walls painted an off-white but not quite cream color. The bed was at the far left corner. A huge window was directly across from the door and a table with two chairs pushed in around it found to the far right. The room was mostly empty except for a lone wheelchair pushed before the window with a person seated within comfortably.
Delsin had always been a man of buried regret. He was known for doing the “right thing” but he’d learned quickly that the “right thing” always came at a cost. Maybe he was chasing that absent praise and reassurance that he would never receive from his lost family members, leaving him stranded in this odd in-between state of doing just enough to prove himself but never enough to find himself in it all. Regardless, after his win seven years ago against the D.U.P., sealing Brooke Augustine within concrete never sat right with him and he was soon at her aid to free her after all the interviews and photos and attention, only to find the damage had been done. Now, Augustine remained here at Seattle Inpatient Psychiatric Center in her catatonic state. Delsin donated a huge sum of money toward her care and protection. And to keep his visits a secret, off the public record.
“Beautiful day out there, Augustine,” Delsin approached the wheelchair with a bit of nervousness in his tone and mannerisms. Knowing he was partly at fault that Augustine was here at all weighed heavy on his conscience.
Augustine did not respond. Or even blink. Not a single movement or sound. She just stared out the window at the view, seemingly fixated on the Space Needle in the distance.
“The warehouse is doing well. We’re more full than ever these days. Helping all the… what did you call us? ‘Bio-terrorists’, right? Helping all of them to feel more connected and human than you ever did. Us conduits need to stick together.”
It was like a sort-of therapy to talk aloud to her every other week. No input, no laughter, only silence. It was like talking to himself but Delsin knew Augustine could hear him. Somewhere deep in her mind, she was there seething or crying or apologizing or planning. Delsin didn’t know which, but he never skipped a visit.
He may have been the only constant she had left.
“Listen, I didn’t come here to banter with you about the state of things, but I do have a question for you,” Delsin slowly made his way to stand directly in front of Augustine and then he kneeled so he could look into her eyes, “Who are the Stratego? This group the D.U.P. funded way back when it was still active? They are causing problems for us now. Does that name mean anything to you? Stratego?”
Augustine did nothing. Delsin huffed quietly.
Delsin tried again, “At least blink or something, dammit. I know you know something. Do you know who the Stratego are?”
Again, nothing. Not even a twitch.
With a grumble, Delsin rose from his spot before Augustine and looped around her chair once. He was clearly at a dead end here, but maybe it just meant that Augustine did know something. She may have tried to signal otherwise if she didn’t know anything at all. Maybe. It was still a possibility.
“Okay, fine. I’m going with my gut on this. We’re going to sort through this and dismantle whatever the Hell Stratego is, with or without your help,” Delsin gave Augustine’s face one more lookover before he turned his back and headed for the door. Not exactly a wasted trip but it didn’t feel very productive either.
Delsin reached the door and tossed out one last message, “If you think of anything, have the nurses contact me. I’ll see you in two weeks,” Then, the man with more than one power and more than one chip on his shoulder, left the room and the hospital behind.
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The Stratego lab was bustling with people calling out news and updates and coordinates. The main room was full of several computers, monitors showing muted feeds of people within cells down the halls. A small team of three was in the main section of the room, surrounded by computers on each side. One woman stood with a clipboard, a pen wiggling between her fingers like a fidget toy. She barked orders after checking her watch for the third time.
“Anthony, ready on the transmission hacking?”
“Ready,” Anthony called, his eyes glued to the monitor before him, fingers posed over a keyboard.
“Thomas, call ready to connect?”
“Roger, Cindy,” Thomas gave a thumbs up and an enthusiastic grin. Cindy rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose which pushed her glasses up into her hair for a moment.
“Good. Connect the call. Anthony, begin the transmission interruption.”
Thomas pressed a button and a phone ring began in the earpiece in Cindy’s ear. Anthony immediately began typing away once she signaled that she heard the ringing.
“Hello and thank you for calling the Seattle Inpatient Psychiatric Center. How may we direct your call?” The kind voice who answered was accompanied by a soft beeping that signaled the call was being recorded.
“Yes, hello. This is Cindy Signet. I’m calling to speak to my Aunt, Brooke Austine.” Beep.
“Ah, Ms. Signet. Let me transfer you to Elizabeth and she’ll connect you. Please note that all calls are recorded.”
“Yes, thank you.” Beep. Cindy watched Anthony from a few feet away. He was typing and clicking and slowly solving an invisible puzzle.
The call was transferred and Cindy and Elizabeth made small talk before she connected the call to Augustine’s room then went to retrieve the phone and hook it to an apparatus so that she didn’t have to hold it the entire call.
“Cindy? Are you there?” Elizabeth confirmed before sliding the phone into the holder for Augustine.
“I’m here. Thank you so much Elizabeth,” Cindy checked her watch again, “How much time do I have?” Beep.
“Thirty minutes. I’ll be back at that time to disconnect the call.” Elizabeth sounded so pleasant on the other end of the call that Cindy almost felt bad for her.
“Perfect. Thank you again,” Beep. “Is she doing any better?”
“Still catatonic, I’m afraid. But she seems to have had a lovely day today.” Beep. “Here she is. Enjoy your call.”
The phone was placed into the apparatus and a soft clunk noise was heard as it was all adjusted into place. The silence that followed was abruptly interrupted by the familiar beep of the recorded call and then a strangle garbled noise, like a record scratch pitched down. Cindy focused her gaze on Anthony. He signaled that he had hacked the call and disconnected the recording device successfully as always. Cindy let out a quiet sigh of relief.
“Augustine, it’s Cindy. How are you, Director?”
“Good to hear it. I’ll cut to the chase, I have good news and bad news for you.”
Dead air.
“Bad news–Project 41 escaped with Project 42. Good news–we found and neutralized Project 41. Unfortunately, we cannot locate Project 42 at this time.”
Deafening quiet.
“I have teams out but we have no traces of her yet. As soon as we find her, I’ll contact you.”
A soft noise. A swallow of breath.
“Of course we are keeping things as quiet as possible. No one will be suspicious.”
Another noise. A quiet click of lips parting.
“I understand, Director. I’m on it. Good-bye.” Cindy turned to Thomas and held up her hand, then created a fist. Thomas disconnected the call and Cindy let out a rush of air.
“She’s pissed.”
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While things unfolded at the hospital in secret, at the warehouse the sun was brilliant and warm as late afternoon blossomed into early evening hours. The students at the warehouse were none the wiser to the chaos running through their teachers’ heads, but then again Delsin, Fetch and Eugene were very good at tucking these things away to not cause a mass panic with inexperienced power users. It had been a secret rule of theirs since the beginning in pulling together what they needed to make the warehouse a reality. In teaching others, panic needed to be almost non-existent. They all wanted to give everyone a chance at learning safely and not in a trial-by-fire situation that they all fell into once their powers had awakened.
Black platform boots swung through the air as a young woman sat perched on a branch within a tree just outside the warehouse’s main entrance. She was watching the students come and go like little ants marching to and from their colony. Her loud, rave-wear aesthetic was mostly concealed from behind the leaves of the tree, neon green, black, yellow and purple melting into the shadows and sun-kissed patches around her.
Finally, her amber eyes caught a student in her sights. One she had overheard the name of. One that seemed like fun to play with. That wasn’t her directive, but she loved rules simply because she loved breaking them. She dropped from the tree in a graceful plummet, landing as quietly as possible. She pulled a pair of gray-tinted goggles from her dyed black hair over her eyes taking care around her eyebrow piercings, then pulled up a black mask from around her neck being cautious around her piercings in her lower lip and in her nose as she covered the lower half of her face before stepping out behind the student.
She reached over, tapping them on the shoulder with one hand, her neon green fingernails matching the fishnet arm warmers she wore, “Sam?”
Sam turned around to see who needed their attention and clearly did not recognize this person at all. The woman smiled beneath the mask she wore and held out one hand, palm up as if expecting a gift.
“I forgot my little key-pass-thingy in my dorm. Could I borrow yours?”
Sam squinted their eyes trying to place this person as a friend and before they could ask how they knew each other, the woman sighed loudly and pulled her mask down revealing her face.
“Ugh, fine! I tried to give you an easy out, but whatever. Enjoy your headache,” Before Sam could react, the woman held her other hand to her face, opening her palm and blowing a kiss of green gas directly into Sam’s face. The student wobbled, then pitched forward completely unconscious and the woman caught them and dragged their body into the bushes behind her. She felt around Sam's hoodie and found the emblem the students wore and unpinned it for herself. She held it up to the sunlight and shrugged before attaching it to the strap of her revealing black shirt. Then she pulled a folded piece of paper from against her hip, held there by the band of her tulle skirt. She tucked the paper into the pocket of Sam’s hoodie.
“There ya go! A little gift from your new friend, Makayla. Sleep well!” Makayla giggled, then turned and literally skipped into the warehouse, allowed access by her ‘borrowed’ pinned emblem. Her toxic gas could do terrible things if she wanted it to. For now, Sam would stay passed out and trapped in a nightmare until someone found them in the bushes and woke them. They would likely have a migraine upon waking. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.
Makayla looked around within the main entrance of the warehouse, casually moving her goggles back up over her triangle-cut fringe, dyed black and neon green in two perfect sections. Her amber eyes widened as she looked around, taking everything in.
“Holy shit. This place is so epic.” Makayla started moving down the main hall slowly, running her fingers against the wall as she walked, etching a map within her mind. It was way bigger than she thought it would be and the place was full of people all doing their own thing, all different ages. It was even more amazing than she had been told.
A small child raced by to her right, giggling loudly as a student in a dark blue hoodie chased her. Makayla was drawn toward them for a moment before she heard a commotion behind her and she spun to look only to see another student dragging Sam inside.
Makayla cursed under her breath and did her best to squeeze between students who were coming over to investigate and attempt to help Sam, which left the hallway mostly empty. Someone called out a name that Makayla hadn’t heard in years and she watched as the Eugene Sims came out of a classroom to check on Sam’s pulse. She continued to back up slowly and suddenly felt herself collide with someone. She spun around quickly to face them.
“I’m sorry I was distra–Oh, shit.” Makayla’s purple-tinted lips hung open in disbelief as realization clicked in her mind. She had just walked into the Fetch Walker. And Fetch didn’t seem happy about it.
Fetch had been watching the commotion from the second floor balcony but Eugene had been closer and reached Sam before Fetch could. Fetch still headed over to investigate and see if she could calm the students and break up the ring that was growing as people were trying to see what was going on, when a student bumped into her who seemed to be suspiciously trying to flee the scene. And when this neon-wearing kid turned around to apologize Fetch saw guilt written all over her face.
“Wait. Who are you?” Fetch immediately had her hackles up, her defenses rising as she looked over this spry woman before her. 
Makayla was better under pressure than anyone ever gave her credit for as she countered, “You’re Fetch, right? I guess you could say I’m a big fan.”
Fetch glowered and gritted her teeth, “Liar.”
“Oh? You recognize one-for-one, huh? Love that for you.”
Fetch could feel her neon burning at her fingertips as her buttons were pushed, “Choose your next words carefully. What did you do to Sam?”
Makayla brought her green gas to her palms. The toxin swirled and collected as she stepped back into a more defensive pose, “A fan of my work too? How sweet. I’ll give ya a free sample on my way out.”
Fetch didn’t wait any longer and simply rushed this intruder in a bright pink arch of speed and agility. Makayla was faster than she looked and the neon green gas aided her in narrowly avoiding Fetch’s leap. Then green and pink streaked down one of the darker, empty hallways as Makayla led a chase through the warehouse that Fetch was destined to win simply because she knew the layout. Makayla realized this wasn’t a bright idea, so instead she baited Fetch with quick dodges and false steps, keeping the Neon user on her toes. But the end of the hallway quickly thwarted any hope Makayla had for winning this encounter and she stopped running, hands up in surrender. It was a dead end.
Fetch left her neon to glow around her fists as she stood tall and approached Makayla slowly, “Listen, I don’t want to hurt you. Just tell me what you did and why you’re here and we’ll talk it out.”
Makayla laughed in response, dropping her googles back into place and bringing her fists in front of her face as though she was cowering in fear, “You wouldn’t hurt me? Even though you’re glowing?”
Fetch snarled slightly and shook her hands free of neon, knowing her power was an instant pull if needed. She had to appear less aggressive if she was going to get this person to talk. She did her best to memorize the woman in front of her while showing her neon-less hands in a show of good faith, “I’m not going to hurt you. Would you hurt me?”
Makayla grinned and quickly opened her hands to reveal two full palms of green gas. In an instant, Makalya blew the toxic gas into Fetch’s face and watched the conduit drop to the ground. She tiptoed over to Fetch and toed her body for a moment with her boot. With no response, she dropped another folded piece of paper on top of Fetch’s stomach.
Makayla whispered her response, “Yes, I would. Sweet nightmares, Fetch. Pleasure to meet you and knock you out,” Makayla didn’t stick around and instead dashed without aided speed back down the hallway the way she had come and paused only long enough to assess the situation where Sam, Eugene and the crowd of students were, then she rushed into the cafeteria in the opposite direction.
The cafeteria was half full of students not bothered or unaware of the situation in the entranceway and Makayla marveled at the food choices here. Her stomach made a rallying cry on her behalf and she walked over to the burger station, grabbing a container of french fries and then walking casually out a side door that led back outside. 
Once outside, Makayla breathed in the fresh air deeply and adjusted her googles back on top of her head, “Freedom and french fries. Life doesn’t get better than this.”
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“I’m baaaack~” Makayla’s voice a sing-song as she waltzed through the door, evening darkness covering her entrance. Hours had passed and Makayla made sure to take the scenic route home. The concrete room felt more like a prison than a hideout but it never bothered her. It was what her leader seemed comfortable with, so she didn’t give it a second thought.
“Makayla Grayson. We agreed on no powers.”
“Yeah, yeah. I got bored. Sue me later.” Makayla waved the accusation off and then stood on tiptoe, stretching her interlocked fingers up to the ceiling with a satisfied sound.
“... And?”
Makayla laughed as she skipped over to an empty desk hopping up to sit at the edge, swinging her legs freely, “And I got you a key. You were right, place was loaded with powered, but don’t worry none of ‘em tracked me back here.”
She unpinned the silver emblem from her shirt and placed it on her closed fist then flicked it toward her leader using her thumb. The small emblem caught the light as it flipped head over tails and the person standing across from Makayla caught it in a flash of white, then examined it carefully.
“That’s not all, boss. Guess what else I found?”
A head snapped up to stare at Makayla in great interest, “Tell me.”
“The supposed ‘Heroes of Seattle’ are running the place. All of ‘em. I took out Fetch easily enough. I bet the other two would be just as fun to test my powers on.” Makayla knew she hadn’t seen Delsin there, but if Eugene and Fetch were inside, he must not have been too far away. Besides, a little white lie never hurt anyone.
There was a pause of silence then a soft chuckle sounded from the one with the emblem in hand now, “Good work, Makayla. Go drain up. You’ll need it,” Makayla’s leader spoke quietly and remained beneath the single fluorescent light which cast her in an eerie glow.
“Aye, aye Celia! I left your calling card behind, too. Lemme know when you wanna grab dinner.” Makayla leapt from her spot and she quickly dashed out the door, leaving silence in her wake.
A rabbit mask tilted in thought as plans were forming in the mind behind it. Celia hummed to herself one single name.
“Delsin Rowe…”
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inafieldofdaisies · 11 months
10 Songs Tag | Tagged by @laindtt ♥️
Tagging @adelaidedrubman @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @g0dspeeed @voidika @theelderhazelnut @poisonedtruth @madparadoxum @jacobsneed @florbelles @cassietrn @josephseedismyfather @thesingularityseries @detectivelokis @trench-rot and anyone that would like to do the tag ♥️
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iamknicole · 2 years
A/N: I'm still building this. So, if you're looking for fics of mine and they are not linked below, they're coming soon! Check the tags on this post in the meantime to find them!
Bloodline Family Series
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Welcome Home
Parent Conference
Embarrassing Moment
Parent Conference
Big Boy Simba
Just Say No 2
Just Say No 3
Just Say No 4
Fed Up 1
Fed Up 2
A New Leaf
Wait … Before You Hit Me
Guess What
House Party
Simba’s First Date
Heartbreak Pt. 1
Heartbreak Pt. 2
Daddy’s Got You
Meet the Family
Meet the Washingtons
What’s Done in the Dark
Comes to the Light
Birthday Girl
Early Christmas Gift Planning
Dinner & Dessert
New Blessings
Congrats, Grad
Attack 2
Attack 3
Old Wounds
Old Wounds II
Old Wounds III
Tha Block is Hot
Knock, Knock
Goin’ Off
Let’s Talk
Draft Night
Bloodline Family Series Shorties
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Do You Want It I’ll Buy It For You
Haleigh & Carlito
Auntie A
You Don’t Have To Do All The Things You Do
I’m Not Gonna Stop Poking You
I Fell in Love With My Best Friend
It’s A Real Shame No One Asked For Your Opinion
You’re So Cute When You Pout Like That
That doesn’t Even Make Sense
Child is Sick & Wants Daddy
Bedtime Temper Tantrum
Parental Paragraph
Is That Mistletoe?
My Parents Will Love You, Don’t Worry
Let’s Bake Cookies!
I Want A Picture with Santa
Daddy, Can you Help Me Write A Letter to Santa?
I Don’t Sing
Baby, Help Me Write Christmas Cards
It’s 1AM, Get Up!
Bloodline Family Series AU
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Netflix and …
Family Ties
Spinoff from BLFS
(I wrote all fics linked here but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
First Day In Cali (Goes with “Todd”)
Just Because
Hear Me Out
Carlito’s First Sleepover
Girl Talk
Let Me Tell You
Morgan & Chenice
Father’s Day Prep
Come Get Her
Family Court
Story Time
Pop Up
Hey Alexa
Family Ties AU
(I wrote all fics linked here but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Water Balloons
But …
BLFS//FT Crossover
Excuse Me Miss
Haleigh’s Appointment
Man to Man
Home Alone
Grandpa King’s Farm
Sour Patch Kid
Birthday Party
Mama Tasha
Like It?
BLFS//FT AU Crossover
Haleigh’s Visitor
New Kid on the Block
Unicorns & Rainbows
Awkward 2
Movin’ Out
Get Right
My Baby
I’m Sorry
Mama Bear
I’m Fine
Take Care of It
Runaway Bride
First Trip
Kid Free
Have & Have Nots
(I wrote all fics linked her but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Officially A Malone
Gotta Go
Mind Your Business
Pop Up
Formal Introduction
The Real Her
My Brother’s Keeper
Family Time
Let’s Talk
The Morning After
Night Out
Engagement Dinner
Another Emergency
Beat Down
Sweeties Day
What Are You Doing Here?
Skeletons 2
For You
To Zion
First Day
Just In Case
Dumb Broad
Lil Thug Life
Old Friends
A Tragic Day
Thin Ice
Empty House
Full Story
Family Dinner
The Last Straw
Gee Wiz, It’s Christmas
Oh You Forgot?
Who Is She?
I’m Pregnant
Back In Town
Stop Playin’ With Me
Oliver & Company
Plan B
Back Off
The First Baby
You’re …
Sibling Rivalry
Another Willis
Have & Have Nots AU
10 Seconds
Trouble Man
Be Nice
New Leaf
Just The Two of Us
Familiar Face
Trial Prep
A Special Victim
The Things We Have to Lose (Pt. 1)
The Canary
Features Roman Reigns & OCs
We All Want Love
Features Roman Reigns & OCs
Chapter One
Line in the Sand
Features Tama Tonga & OCs
Five (Pt. 1)
Five (Pt. 2)
(I wrote all fics linked her but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Prince of Rap
Group Project
Come Here
Faded Memories
Come Clean
Ghost 2
Meeting Ms. Taylor
McIntyre Family Series
Features Drew McIntyre, Montez Ford & OCs
Temper Tantrum
First Night Home
Bonding Time
Daddy, Can You Help Me Write A Letter to Santa?
I’m Pregnant
My Parents Will Love You
Is That A Mistletoe?
Sleeping Headcanon
Anger Headcanon
Kissing Headcnnon
New Years #4
Main Event
Champ 2
Deja Vú
Features Florian Munteanu & OCs
Daddy Daughter Time (Seth Rollins)
Twitter Fingers (Tama Tonga)
Baby’s First Shots (Tama Tonga)
Temper Tantrum (Samoa Joe)
First Day of School (Tama Tonga)
Baby’s First Doctor’s Appointment (Jeff Hardy)
Nightmare (Tama Tonga)
Child is Sick (Jeff Hardy)
Breakfast Time (Samoa Joe)
Daddy Daughter Bonding (Jinder Mahal)
Parental Paragraph (Big E)
Director's Commentary
Haleigh & Messiah
Jey & Apryl
Roman & Kandice
Best & Worst Traits of Characters
Drew & Danica
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mei-wixie · 7 months
Calibri - OC Concept
I finally made my own little guy to join everyone else in the Undertale Multiverse. Introducing Calibri (Or Cali for short)
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He is (loosely) based on Windows 7 (which will make more sense as I flesh out his lore)
More under the cut:
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Here's a shitty drawing of him I did in MS Paint to practice using the drawing tablet I just got. Plus it's on-brand for him. Story: "In a small pocket in the multiverse sat a skeleton watching a screen. His universe contained almost nothing—just his screens, and a server room that powered them. As one does not remember their own birth, he doesn’t know how he got there, but there is where he has lived his entire life.
His screen, he found, could show him everything that was happening in the multiverse, and having nothing better to do, he spent all of his time watching the other AUs, practically making himself omnipresent in the multiverse. Each person he saw had a unique personality and backstory, and Calibri became a fan of each and every AU. He longed to be there too, wishing he could talk to them and experience their worlds for himself.
His own AU was small and had no other occupants. He understood it would be very unlikely that he would ever be found by anyone, and he had no way to leave, as he lacked the ability to hop through universes. Still, he longed to have a conversation with someone. His universe was incredibly lonely.
In his free time, Calibri writes fan stories of the AUs he saw on Monstersoft word [Microsoft Word], and creates art of them on MS Paint. Seeing as each individual had their own unique name, he named himself Calibri, after the default font used on his favorite writing software. Plus, it was still a *sans*- serif font.
As for the system he was using, it was a little outdated. His system operated on Aperture 7 [Windows 7] to conserve his server’s resources for other, more important things (such as having an interdimensional universe viewing system, as well as the ability to create holograms and attacks). As a downside, Calibri tends to lag, and does not have access to any complex programs." Fun facts: - Although writing and drawing are his hobbies, he isn't particularly good at either of them - He's also learning Wingdings as a second language for fun - Idk exactly how dnd alignment charts work but he'd probably be considered "true neutral" - Calibri does not need to eat or sleep while inside his own universe, but he would if he were to leave - Despite this, he takes frequent naps in the server room, both because the computers are warm, and out of boredom.
And that's all for now! I need to come up with a name for his universe still. Feel free to send him asks -- he'll get them on his computer!
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roseofdarkness0 · 1 year
Some Explanations of My au from my incorrect quotes post bc I started writing and it got out of hand but I need those bunnies out of my head and if stuff is repeated but just reworded then it's because I've been writing this on different days whilst working on different stuff at the same time. As office would have said, Parkour!
If anything else in the future needs to be explained about my aus I will link this post.
Married Au: Cali and Gov married each other around 1800's because some congressmen were bothering Gov about him being single (with goal of trapping him with one of their daughters so their family could profit) and Gov was getting tired of it. One day where he was close to murdering someone, he spotted another person being bothered about the same thing, sure maybe not on the scale that he was but if he played his cards right it could work out....
Long story short, Gov married that person, "Poppy 'Goldie' McNugget" (strange name but he couldn't exactly complain) by having one of the visiting priests marry them with others as their witnessess. Poppy provided the rings and after few weeks of awkward small talks and getting to know each other a bit better, they parted ways never to see each other again.... until nearly 100 years later when he had to take over a meeting America couldn't attend to and came face to face with Poppy or as he was now known California.
After several rounds of alcohol and long debates, that might as well be considered screaming matches by some states who were unfortunate enough to walk by Gov Office, they came to agreement that every ten or so years they would spend time together as a couple. Mostly to keep up the marriage act and just in case they need to bullshit something on the fly.
Gov was just happy that he wouldn't have to tell Pennsylvania or Virgina about the fact that he is married and didn't invite them. Or his brother.
*as a kind of edit, it's not that gov and Cali haven't seen each other before that but it was rare and only for few apperences. Why the congressmen didn't out gov? Gov is scary mothefucker who then was growing stronger day by day, the choice between death and life was easier to make even if they weren't happy about it.
Which speaking off, in this au I wanted to have countries to exist as well sooooo here is small breakdown of Gov "fam":
Pennsylvania and Virgina as "parents" not exactly but those two helped him out the most when he first came around so they have this relationship of sorts. Mostly it consists of Pennsylvania riling Gov up and Virginia trying to calm them and bring peace but I do imagine that the two are somewhat protective of gov and will beat his ass second they learn he didn't invite them to a wedding.
America as in personification of the country (separate from the states) being older brother of sorts to Gov, think Hetalia or CH hybrid. No I don't have design for his in mind apart from Big boi full of himself who is protective over states but in asshole roundabout way.
Cali on the other hand was human turned into state. His general backstory for this au is that he was human born in Spain meant to marry someone he didn't want as he had fallen in love with someone his family didn't approve off. To rebel they married in secrets torched down the whole town as they ran away on a horseback, got to America and into Oregon trail (which they sometimes left to explore the country before returning) and settled into the new land that promised lots of gold. Few years passed as they settled, drama happened somewhat and Poppy/Cali end up being detained for murder of their husband and hanged. Few days later he crawls out of the grab using skeleton pieces of his husband he had been buried with (hello COD community can u see where I got it from) and it derails into like 1800s where Cali who was still going by Poppy married gov randomly cause might as well get those sweet tax evasion in early and yes the rings he used where his and his late then husband (who is reincarnated soul so he keeps his memories when he dies and reborn, in modern times he had set up bakery in Washington and is flirting with a politician that frequents his bakery.)
Gov and Cali worked out they married each other in 1923 but it was like that umbrella academy meme :
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They both were like wait a fucking minute why aren't you dead and then had the whole office screaming match.
I mentioned it earlier but every 10 years they pick some dates where they allow themselves to be like married couple. It started out with them knowing each other better the first few times and it derail into different activities raging from dinner dates to cute murder dates.
They don't try to hide it too much but no one apart from Utah really picked up on it's Why Utah? I thought it be funny. That's it that's the reason.
Both encourage each other to chase after their crushes (Gov has crush on Florida Louisiana and DC but will deny it harder then he denies having emotions and Cali is crushing on NY and Texas (maybe Oklahoma but that's a crackship so ignore that for now Lmao) but will deny it whilst being a simp to gov face) and honestly end goal is some weird poly couple cause I adore poly couples and think there is big potential for fun dynamic. Maybe I will get into it later.
General rules for most of my aus that I will follow:
Kind of height chart mostly to explain how I see it. So, Countries are bigger then states/regions even the smallest country is taller by an inch or two, like even Alaska whilst the tallest state would be smaller then a country, which yes it means that countries are borderline giants but they can adjust their height to become slightly more human. They have special dimension of sorts to hold their own meeting but if they have to meet up with their human politicians or just humans in general they get to be more 'human' as to not freak anyone out.
Then you have states and regions of a country. Similar rules apply but obviously each country is just slightly different. They are second tallest to reflect their status as a region but obviously their height flu crusted bases on their territory. Nothing much to add here but cities are smaller then states.
With "organisations" such like well Gov, FBI, CDC and so on welllbdbd depends? I imagine Gov as being seoerete from DC and IDC (will explain soon) but general rule of thumbs is that manifestation of government is taller then the country state/region or malleable to what they want in the moment. FBI and CDC are a bit more human like cause they work with humans most often but they sometimes make people feel uncanny bc it's clear they just aren't fully human. Hard to explain but yeah.
DC And IDC! Those two were humans turned immortal cause I think it be funny. They are twins but gained immortality in slightly different ways. IDC was turned immortal bc FBI and CIA took liking to her and the fact that they got some of that hot international gossip that America wouldn't share with them and I imagine as a 'human' she was from either of their agencies or at least worked together with them long enough they decided that yeah she can stay longer. Not sure if that makes any sense.
DC on the other hand was a fed that was supposed to get the states to work together during the meetings in the pandemic which worked. He mostly gained immortality bc either Florida convinced Louisiana to fuck around and find out or Gov saw states devastated that they favourite fed isn't there anymore so he decided to grant DC the immortality to keep states happy but he joined more meetings and ran some of them as well as DC recovered from Jan 6th.
So DC and Gov are separate with Gov having worked mostly near president and doing paperwork from the meetings DC ran but he has been getting involved a bit more with states recently with DC running smaller meetings or hanging out with IDC.
Unless it's specified, most of family relations from Marriage au apply, as in Gov + Ame = kind of brothers, IDC and DC human twins turned immortal through two different means
Poppy explained:
Essentially I took concept of Surfer Cali being SoCal and normal Cali being NoCal and ran with it by adding Hollywood as a Poppy. And mostly bc I hc Cali as FtM but add more wacky magic shit? Main shit to know is that Poppy = Cali but before officially a state
Just me shipping Gov x Cali x NY x Florida x Louisiana x Texas x DC together bc I am addicted at this point to complicated shipping dynamics lmao
This one will go hand in hand with marriage au as Gov and Cali crush on the established group of NY x Florida x Louisiana x Texas x DC and the group slowly going "Wait a second was that hot or am I just horny"
My favourite stuff from those interactions is Cali teasing Gov about crocodile wrangling out of nowhere with Gov talking about hot and cold meats out of nowhere in turn. Utah was ready to book an exorcism for the two but after being witness to the two bullshiterry he would rather book a cupid or therapist for them.
Literary same thing like above but with Oklahoma bc I think it be hilarious and I have personal investment in Oklahoma and Texas fighting like usual but both agreeing they need to bag Cali and others before anyone else realises they are good potential partners.
Poly-Nation Au
All States are dating each other. Mostly for either requests or ideas taken from Wtttcord that don't fit in my Aus or I just wanna write something
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