inthecalibration · 4 months
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In ForestTale, does Sans like someone? and are Alphys and Undyne dating?
As far as I know, San does not like someone. Alphys and Undyne were indeed dating, at least before the second demon came, and they were even planning a marriage, thanks to that demon, that didn't happen, we hope they are happy and married together in the afterlife.
- ForesTTale Asgore
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abiothic · 2 years
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Moss's Official Profile!
I forgot to add- Mosses Birthday is September 4th!
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fairytaletime1 · 1 month
In an ancient forest, the wise wizard Eldrin casts a midnight spell, awakening enchanted creatures and a sleeping princess. As dawn breaks, the magic fades, but the forest is forever changed by the night of wonder and enchantment.
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sunshinegearbox · 1 month
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skelesune-kitston · 4 months
Amber's Introduction! + DTIYS!
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-Aged 27 when not regressed
-A self-insert
-Age regressor, regresses to 1-9
-Lives in Foresttale (Magicverse's Haventale)
-Uses They/Them ONLY
-Has an older brother named Dire Wolfsbane
-An Outcode from Underhunt (an AU where Monsters are animals in forests that get hunted by humans)
-Based on Kitsunes from Japanese folklore
-Has ghost magic due to their SOUL
-Mute, fully mute, they were born like this, they use sign language or their little ghosties to talk to others
-Is 4'6 (average Skelesune/Kitston height)
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SOUL of PASSION: People w/ this SOUL rely heavily on relationships, they are very passionate about bonding with others and passionate about magic and the dead, mainly helping lost SOULs finding a reaper to bring them to peace, their SOULs come from the SOULs of FEAR (From Bettie Noirs) and HOPE (From Deities of Life), the FEAR part is why they care about death, the HOPE part is why they care about relationships
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HP: 50
DEF: 5
AT: 2
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Relationship Chart!
Dire Wolfsbane: Older brother - Good relationship
Fresh "Sans": Boyfriend - Wonderful relationship
Yusebi & Medi: Saviors - Follower relationship
Humans: Hunters - Horrible relationship
More to be added...
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OC Ref Template: twinskitty on DeviantArt
Detailed Skeleton Base: BushBabyOrigins on MediBang
Chibi Ecto Base: KurilianCharlie on DeviantArt
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There's no limit! And no prizes! This is just a silly prompt for anyone interested!
Tag me in the post if you draw this!
Amber & Fresh kissing, cuddling or doing something romantic, hell even a family photo w/ ship kids or a wedding pic is fine!
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Amber intro
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Labels: Ageregressor, Babyregressor & Toddlerregressor
Caregiver(s): Fresh
AU: Foresttale (Me)
Regresses to: 0-6
Pronouns: They/Them
Other Notes:
-Energetic little
-Nonverbal (fully mute)
-Plays with their ghosties
-Uses a lot of teethers
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1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
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Black stain with Killer? Could be interesting given his black goo.
I had to restart this one 7 or 8 times, and even now, I dunno if it's really good but I thought it was cute! I hope you like it :3
The black marking that was on Killer's arm was something that he would often mess with. He would trace his fingers across it whenever he got bored, sad, or really... anything? Mostly whenever he got lost in thought and he would need something to do with his hands.
The marking went around one of his arms, and he knew that it wasn't a skeleton so hey, that meant it wasn't one of the Bad Sanses, or one of the different versions of him which was... a good thing, at least?
He did wonder who that character was?
What kinda person would be his soulmate? He honestly didn't expect himself to have one! It's crazy that he did. The idea of it was awesome, though! Someone loved him! How funny is that? Could he even love them back?
Would it work out?
Well yeah, of course it would, they're soulmates. They always have to work out.
Today was a new day, and Killer came to this new AU alone cause he was bored and had nothing better to do. Of course he asked Nightmare to make sure that it was okay before he left, and now he was here! What was the AU?
He didn't know.
All he knew was that he was in a forest, nice place. A lot of fruits and veggies. Was it like a Foresttale or something? Some of these AUs are starting to be pretty stupid lol.
You know?
It could just be that he came out of the portal in a forest... bah, this stuff is confusing... at least there was a nice view! He loved walking through forests, they're always so pretty and weirdly calming, right?
Killer held his arms out by his sides as he walked, letting out soft sounds as he walked along a fallen tree. It was over a little river. The water was rushing pretty fast and there were rocks. He wondered how deep the water was? How hard it would be to swim in that.
He wasn't a good swimmer at all, now that he thought about it.
Eh, whatever, it doesn't really matter!
It seemed as though the world wanted to prove him wrong because in an instant he felt his foot slip on the wood of the fallen tree. His empty black sockets widened, his soul skipping as he felt himself start to fall into the water. It felt like he was moving in slow motion.
Well shit.
That sucks. He's going to get wet and might hurt himself falling into the water. Ugh, that's gonna be FUN trying to explain.
He shuts his sockets tight, just preparing to feel the water...
But he didn't.
“Hey, you alright there pal?” he heard.
He opens his sockets, and looks over his shoulder at whoever spoke to him. It was a human looking at him with an amused look on their face. They were holding onto his arm and their hand was... colorful. He stares at the hand, then up at their face, and laughs “Yeah, I guess I just fell in two ways” Hell yeah, puns! Been forever since he could do that.
They make a snort sound and pull him up off of the log and onto solid ground.
He looks at their hand, then looks down at his arm, and he tugs his sleeve up to look at the mark. It was full of so many colors... he lifts his head to look at them “Well damn,” He starts, “I didn't think I'd meet my soulmate like this... what's your name?”
How was he supposed to explain this? You know... maybe he won't. He'll just come back to this AU every so often and see them and once he's sure that he likes them, then he'll explain! It'll be... it'll be better this time.
Their name was Y/n... by the way.
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popiollie · 1 year
I had another Undertale AU idea (I'm not sure if it has been done before) Where instead of being banished to a cave, the were banished to a forest (making them similar to ig our "bigfoot", them mostly being folktale to scare kids) and most humans that pass by are hikers, families, and rarely children. Children are the only ones that are 'foolish' enough to stay more than a quick pass by, not understanding the dangers of the 'monsters'. The monsters like to live in tree houses, some make dens (like the animal based monsters), some make artificial dams, rivers, and ponds to make their life more suitable.
I like to think of their designs to be more "cottage-core" and old timey. The village can be seen mostly with brown shades, with green and some flowers to give it more of a pop! Vines, bushes, roses and sunflowers are more inviting to newcomers.
(I'm trying to decide if the homey-feel is a trap to lour people in, or just the aesthetic)
I'm trying to think of designs right now, I'll get back to you guys once I do.
I was thinking of the name of like "ForestTale" or something similar to that.
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amazoniatale · 2 years
AmazoniaTale Floresttale au original my au original
Amazoniatale (Foresttale) In Modelingtale's Au Eeva and wirte!sans were bored and frustrated because they wanted to know other universes, but papyrus didn't want them to leave, so in the middle of Write!sans thoughts he had an idea. "hey!, Eeva!", "yes,sans?", "Since we can't leave this universe, why don't we create our own au" bright stars come out of her head and a bright aura too, Eeva is insecure with this idea: "We?! Create an AU?!", "Of course why not?" a question comes out of sans head, "What if papy finds out and if we do this and other aus suspect us, what are they going to do with us and if they find us out?!" , she puts her hands over her head imagining the worst, he holds them and says: "Eeva relax, just don't sign with our names, and with our initials", he winks at her, she calms down and is convinced. So they begin to create their universe based on the history books of surface humans that papyrus brought, in addition to biology books about. the fauna and flora, and finally write finishes writing to Au" phew….. good….. we're done hey can you help me? , Eeva looks at him with a curious look "with what?", " help me bring our au to life? , "how would that work?" , " well you have the gift of creating living beings and I have the gift of giving them feelings, if we focus all our energy on this role we can make it come to life! in theory", "but what if it doesn't work out? " " well ….at least we tried". So the two decide to concentrate all their energy on the leaf and thus create Amazonia tale, but Eeva leaves a small tiny part of her energy in a tree that she named "tree of life" or "buriti of life", a large tree that would be kept by a ghost a lion with 7 wings and 7 eyes made of pure light that for 50 to 50 years the people would feed from the tree to gain eternal life and connect to nature, while this tree feeds and strengthens this universe bringing water, wind and life to her if someone disobeyed would earn a punishment and curse for getting too close to the tree at the wrong time, and anyone who tries to attack or enter the forest with an impure heart would be visited by this beast and this would make him lose all his senses in the same Aldem time to kick him out of the forest. When they finished their creation, they gained a magic sphere, where they could dazzle the creation they had created and guard it. They signed with W.E so that Au would have a mysterious creator.
AU Tribes: The AU is divided into three tribes.
Guyrá Tribe (Ares)
Yahto araruna (blue macaw) (great warrior)
Porã Araruna (red macaw, rainbow macaw or colorful macaw) (party singer)
Yoki Araruna (Canindé macaw) (helps to cultivate and harvest food for the village) (the three are twin brothers)
Cauã Bagé (Gaviao real) (leader of the group
) Oriba Araxá (uirapuru) (guardian of the forest and symbol of legend) Iracema Bambui (purple hummingbird) (helps to bring nectar and food to the audeia too)
Taiguara Iabá (toucan) trader
Kayapo Tribe (forest)
Toriba Iapuama- (great military macaw) (novice warrior)
Snowly (jaguar) (warrior)
Jaciara (black panther) (merchant)
Deimos (I'll change that name because it's too ugly) (Guara wolf) (village child)
Abaeté (golden lion mico) (healer of all tribes)
Iguatu Tribe (rivers)
Jandir Iguapé (son of the pink dolphin with Iara) (merchant and warrior protector legend of the pink dolphin)
Lúna Iguapé (sister of Jandir) (mermaid and wishes to be the future protector of the Amazon)
Paitã (yellow-snouted alligator) (warrior and chief of the waters)
Human: Anahi Jurandir (Tupi Indian)
Protective cracks:
King - Curupira
Trader - Caipora
Vigolante- Boitata
my au and my ocs: @teensadventuresstudio and @amazoniatale
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Modelightale my Au - Write !sans my sans!
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-24 y.o (1 year of Eeva's breeding life)
-full of energy
hates: being alone, being ignored, being forced
likes: discovering new words, reading, writing, singing, loves to make poems.
character: friendly, responsible, guardian, curious, still learning about the world.
Eeva created him to keep him company, many times papyrus needs to buy or get material for Eeva to continue with his creation work, and Eeva felt alone because he took a long time to come back, so one day she decided to create someone to keep her company, Her papyrus told stories about his brother named Sans, so one day she decided to create one to surprise papys, when he would finish his work a drop of ink fell into his eye, she tried to clean it but the stain had already dried the ink, she hugged him and began to apologize and the statue and her tear fell on her body and the mass was transformed into flesh or rather BONE, she was scared and he came to life, from there he began to help her create her garden.
-everything he writes comes true (except forcing someone to do something they don't want to do) including feelings when he writes poems the energy of each poem can affect the one who reads it eg: if it's a sad poem when the person reads it he will melt in the deep sadness of this poem) he, usually he helps her to create things that are not able to do manually, i.e. immaterial things, like time, for example.
his emotions can be seen in concrete form example, when he is in doubt others can see a giant enterogation point above his head, when he is in love with several hearts, when he is nervous drops of water come out of his head,
he can also read the thought bubbles and narration balloons in addition to being able to hear the narrator. of others and interacting with them, for example, it can transform a thought bubble of a certain character into a speech or scream bubble.
(I'm thinking of making a comic showing how it was created ;w; maybe furtively because i have a foresttale to fix)
Write!sans my sans AU: @teensadventuresstudio @modelingtale
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inthecalibration · 4 months
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My ask box is open, you may ask about my AUS, ocs and multiverse, wich are:
Minimalist Dreamtale, ForesTTale and DemoRoYality Verse, all are explained down the cut
My ocs are: Allyon, Isaac, Mason, Aokiji, Taiga and Aysha from the same place (Mission to save the world). Meamcra, Sonne, Mond and Zachary from another place (Dragons). And we have the gods, I am not gonna name them as there are at minimum twenty but you can ask about them in general
You may call me chaotic cat, and my pronouns are he/him, they/them and it/it's more things about me down the cut as well
-Minimalist Dreamtale comic (NOT STARTED)
Dream and nightmare ate one apple each and after some events are unable to feel emotions, their codename are: Dream: Proton. Nightmare: Elétron.
-Foresttale comic (STILL NO MASTERPOST)
Monsters are elfs and humans are demons
-Demoroyality verse [DRYV] (NOT STARTED)
My multiverse. You may ask the aus cus I'm lazy to put them here
I am a PARAGENDER yippee. AroAce and a minor. I also really see myself with catgender and other Xenogenders.
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abiothic · 2 years
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Introducing Moss!
Moss's Profile will be posted above
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emmaralesser · 1 year
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✨🍁🎃 Sanstober23 🎃🍁✨
En el tercer Día Arial y Jason Dejaron armas Atrás y por un único día especial Fueron a conocer un Bosque secreto escondido entre AUs... para conocer y cuidar de las flores y las Almas
03- ForTaky Chin SweetwTaky_chin_Drawings
ForestTale es un bosque gigante. En dónde los monstruos son mejor conocido como espíritus de la naturaleza.
Son seres encargados de castigar a cualquiera que haga daño a las plantas del bosque donde esos espíritus habitan.
Cada Monstruo esta encargado de cuidar una planta en específico y se representan con ellas.
Casa monstruo puede convertirse en cualquier árbol vivo que este cerca. Y aunque es un lugar muy lindo y pacífico. En casos extremos dónde estén amenazando al bosque los seres de pueden tornar agresivos.
Los humanos tienen almas, los Monstruos no, sus "almas" están representadas en flores en su pecho, flores con un significado especial para cada uno en cuanto a su personalidad. Si se corta flor de su pecho el Monstruo muere💚
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sunshinegearbox · 1 month
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