ripcord-mcquack · 3 years
@calisotamuses​ || Baloo
Both of them were way beyond their heyday and had both retired from heavy work loads. For Baloo Ripcord knew this was a good thing. His friend had been through a lot in his lifetime, and it was all catching up to him now. Taking it easy would keep his pal around longer. For himself, it was both good and bad. There were a lot of days where he had to invent something to do lest he drive Birdie crazy if not himself. That often meant idly tinkering with his plane, or making sure it was polished to great detail. He was grateful he could still climb up into it and fly her but it was getting harder as the years went by. It also meant spending a fair amount of time getting into trouble with his old pal at Louie’s.
Ripcord grinned and took a gulp of his drink.
“Remember when we were just old enough ta start comin’ in here and orderin’ off the bar menu? As I figure it after all these years, you couldn’t hold a drink back then any better’n a flask with holes in it!”
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“But bein’ a little looser sure made ya handy in a brawl.”
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
Match Maker!
Send “Match Maker” so mun will state which muse they think would make a potential interesting interaction with yours.
WELL Obviously all my birds--- A little note: I don’t care about versions, obviously. DT17, OG, crossovers? I am NOT a stickler. Gabby McStabberson--my Taranitino birb is good to go with Gandra, Molly, Ma’ma, Duke, ( I mean sword criminals--I mean on and off again criminals or rivals ) Whomstever you’re feeling to be honest. She is pretty stiff with some types of muses forewarning. 9_9; I kinda like keeping her bad/neutral but I do have a reformed verse too, if you need it. Negaduck ( OG only here really ) COme ON. We need Villain™ interactions. Mine is no holds barred. Eeeeeh so obviously “work stuff” with Bushroot, even ex-stuff with your Morgana...eh, and of course, your heroes ( Drake and Fenton, etc. ) can come at this asshat. I apologize in advance for everything he says and does. Gladstone Gander We’re already trying stuff with Gandra but he schmoozes everyone. Even Gadget knowing him. Goldie and Glad would be hilarious, tbh.
Not sure how you feel about my Morgana Macawber interacting with any of your muses, since you play a version of her too, and some people don’t like messing with duplicates...but she’s up for grabs. Mine is strictly Comic/OG!
If you WANT I have a Nega!Gos.
Annnnd not to play on stereotypes ( Is that the word for this ??) I have my cowgal from 90′s toon classic Moo Mesa, Lily Bovine for Clovis. She’s a saloon owner/showgirl type that happens to take care of the whole town, (lbr) but I have a modern verse where she’s just trying to make it as a country singer. Again, she can go anywhere. Even a Talespin verse. 
I’m just spit-balling here, as always I’m wide open to your ideas!
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big-chicken-man · 3 years
#s 1, 2, 6, and 11 for the min/blog ask meme!
Spread the Love!
// A note, I want to write about at least one new mun per question since honestly speaking, those I talk about could easily work for other questions too. They’re all a blast!
#1 What's a roleplay blog whose characterization you admire?
@sympathyforthedamned immediately comes to mind. When you take a character like Bradford and thoroughly expand on him, you end up with a very strong villain. Her characterization of Bradford emphasizes what the show wanted to do with him: how he’s a dark parallel to Scrooge. A lot of her headcanons are things I would’ve loved to see implemented in the show if they had another couple of seasons to do so. Plus, I love seeing how Bradford and Brycen from @running2redemption‘s blog interact and bounce off one another.
@hoopsheartthrob too honestly. I love seeing how she totally goes ham with Lola’s fiery personality in narrative. Having seen both Space Jams and a bit of the Looney Tunes Show, I’ve really liked how Lola is as a character and wished I could see her more in writing. And now with this blog to bless my timeline, it’s a hella nice trip every time I read her stuff. Her Lola is a great take, seriously, and the reasons explained for why she’s the way she is just sells the characterization for me.
#2 What's a roleplay blog whose writing style you admire?
@calisotamuses! So, this may sound strange, but I’m very much into how they describe their muses’ ticks and thought processes. Whenever the characters’ thoughts take the forefront in their writing, I'm pulled right in. I’m a sucker for when character psyche is tastefully touched on in narrative since I get to know a little more about a mun’s take on their muse.
#6 What's a roleplay blog who's an absolute joy to talk to ooc?
@gcldbound and @quick-draw-mcgraw-rp have both been super fun to talk to. They (along with sympathyforthedamned) were among the first few people I met in this fandom. They’ve solidified Scrooge and Fenton from both the classic works and the reboot as my favorite characters of all time, and it’s just...man. I could go on forever about how much I love both of those damn ducks. All three of them have been awesome to talk to, and on top of bringing awesome energy, have helped me with Steelbeak’s characterization as well my writing. Thanks to them, I found my confidence here on Tumblr when I started just a couple months ago.
#11 What's a roleplay blog you admire from afar?
I actually have a handful, but the first two that come to mind are @bitofthisandthat and @ducktales-wco-oo. Just like with the first two answers, I really enjoy their characterizations of their muses, and their writing styles are a dream to see on the dashboard. One of these days, I’d love to have Steelbeak interact with them! I’m sure it’d be fun to write, whether they’re short bursts or full on plots, but until then, I shall continue consuming that good content.
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tunnagana · 3 years
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He would say he’s surprised that she would visit him, but he isn’t. They have a history, even if it was one in which he was betraying her the entire time. Bradford had at least respected her ability to reign in the blatant chaos that SHUSH had been before he’d taken Von Drake out of the picture.
“Something I can do for you?”
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vagasbonds · 3 years
SHE WAKES WITH A START , frizzy and ruffled hair sticking in every direction . her eyes blearily dart around the room until she gains her bearings . and admittedly , it takes a hot second . the events of the past few days rush back to her so harshly , the memories almost feel like a brick wall . that’s when it occurs to her where she is —
DRAKE’S APPARTMENT . again , gosalyn finds herself flabbergasted that he even offered to take her in . it feels even stranger to wake up on his couch , tucked in with a nice fluffy blanket and pillow . she couldn’t remember the last time someone tucked her in . now that the adrenaline’s worn off , she’s having all sorts of mixed emotions . but ... at least she has somewhere warm to stay . when she spots him in the not far off , connected kitchen the young duckling draws a blank . he’s actually COOKING !   she sort of thought he might live on take out .
❛ g‘morning , ❜  she calls out awkwardly , sliding off the makeshift bed and approaching , ❛ you know , uh ... your shirt’s on backwards . ❜  to play it cool and casual , she leans against the counter with arms crossed . 
&& . @calisotamuses / PLOTTED .
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ducktales-wco-oo · 3 years
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{ ☆ } If... certain things were to pass, he’d be forced to deal with a variety of Emotional, Psychological, and Work-Related problems...... but since they’d be HIS problems, Fenton shoves them under the rug as soon as the thought appears. Opting instead to keep his beak shut and simply let the cards fall wherever they may.
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Even if he might be a bit.... biased...... over where he’d prefer for them to land. { ☆ } 
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livesforgttnaa · 3 years
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When Baloo speaks, his expression is impossible to read. He's looking up at the boy he raised, the boy that when he was found he could barely remember, quiet and intense. But there's something in his tone that speaks louder than words ever could: recognition.
Sorrow, guilt, pain, and something deep and painful. The younger bear may have outgrown him, but Baloo hardly cares, reaching out to grip him by the upper arms, jaw tight for a moment.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I left y'all behind. Ev'rythin' still feels foggy, but I can't believe I'd ever forget my own son." / @calisotamuses​ 
▬▬▬ ☆      When Baloo spoke, Kit  immediately  gave  the  old  bear  his  attention.  This  was...  different  though.  Was  that  recognition  in  his  eyes?  Kit  didn’t  want  to  get  his  hopes  up  about  this,  but  had  it  finally  happened?  Did  he  have  his  old  Papa  Bear  back?  He  didn’t  dare  get  his  hopes  up  until  Baloo  spoke  again.  He  didn’t  respond  at  first,  just  staring  at  the  bear.  Finally,  he  threw  his  arms  around  him,  hugging  tightly.  
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                                  ❝  Papa Bear - I missed you so much. We all did. I’m just happy that you’re back.  ❞
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honeydewmuses · 3 years
@calisotamuses !!!
My Opinion on;
Character in general: You write a bunch of muses but you have impeccable taste. I can safely say I love all of them and so many of them deserve more appreciation.
How they play them: I know I’ve been saying people put thought/love/care into their characters. And it’s true. But oh MAN, Jay puts THOUGHT and LOVE and CARE into these muses. It’s really incredible how fleshed out they become while still staying recognisable as the source material.
The Mun: Jay’s wonderful and I care so much for them :) Super thoughtful and creative and talented, and also got me into one of my favourite cartoons, which earns them bonus points lmao
Do I:
RP with them: Yep!
Want to RP with them: 100000%
What is my;
Overall Opinion: All around wonderful. Great writing, great art, great graphics, great meta, great, great, great.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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decanard · 3 years
There's an uneasy silence after the younger bear speaks, and the older of the pair furrows his brow, glancing down at his folded hands as he seems to turn the information over in his mind. It's a lot to process especially when considering what Kit had been told, but he seems to at least be trying. His attention then turns to the corkboard nearby, hung with postcards and photos of Cape Suzette's famous skyline, including more than a few ads for Higher for Hire.
In the end, "Ashok" turns his head back with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck in a motion so familiar it's almost hard to believe the old pilot forgot anything at all. Everything about him seems perfectly normal for Baloo.
But then, he speaks. He sounds the same, inflection and accent the same when English comes out of him, but there's an uncomfortable uncertainty in his words.
"Can't tell you how sorry I am, son, but I just can't remember a thing. Dr. Tendua's done her best to help me out, but she said it's some kinda memory loss due to trauma or somethin' like that. But I know you seem familiar. Can't shake that much. I hate that I can't give you a better answer'n that."
Kit’s heart ached, it had been a long time since he had seen his dad. Now he was finally here and he didn’t remember. He was lost. But. “It’s not your fault something happened. I know you would remember if you could Papa Bear.” The name comes automatically. 
“The Doctor said maybe being around familiar things would help. I have a plane touched down just a few yards away ready to take you back to Cape Suzette.” No inanimate object would be more familiar to Baloo than the SeaDuck. Now he just had to get him on it and hope it helped.
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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The tip comes in the form of a letter, written in Hindi. The writer, a doctor in a small town in India several miles outside of Delhi. The writer is polite, but it had just happened that he had noticed a resident of his town resembled a missing person and was compelled to send a letter.
Included in the letter is a photo of a gruff but familiar gray sloth bear in a button-down shirt, tending to an agricultural plane in a hangar, and an address. Maybe it's too good to be true, especially after all these years. But there couldn't be any harm in checking it out, could there? / @calisotamuses​ 
            Kit was already on  edge  receiving  the  letter  --  &&  to  see  that  it  was  in  Hindi  only  solidified  that  this  had  to  be  about  Baloo.  It  took  Kit  longer  than  he  liked  to  read  the  letter;  his  Hindi  was  rusty.  It’d  been  so  long  since  he’d  used  it,  but  he  got  the  gist  of  it  pretty  quickly.  Baloo  had  taught  it  to  him  when  he  was  still  a  kid  after  all,  so  it  stuck  with  him.  
            The picture of Baloo  sent  Kit  running  to  find  Molly.  Maybe  he  should  have  slowed  down  a  bit,  called  Rebecca  or  something,  but  the  only  thought  in  his  head  was  go  go  go  go  go.  It’d  been  far  too  long  &&  all  Kit  wanted  was  his  Papa  Bear  back.  
                                  ❛  Molly! Molly, we need to go right now! Fire up the plane - C’mon, no time to waste!  ❜
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running2redemption · 3 years
starter for @calisotamuses (Morgana)
Sometimes he wondered what it must be like for a normal child, to go to school, and do chores and homework and play marbles or just sit and read.
‘Oh you’re so lucky to get to travel with the greatest adventurer of our time instead!’ Yes, he felt soooooo lucky, swarmed by bugs as big as his hands in the middle of a jungle, having already almost died in the temple 20 feet away enough times that Grammy had told him to just wait here at camp.
But that was hours ago, it was starting to get dark and he was actually starting to get worried about her. This was taking longer than usual... but he’d already proved he stood no chance against the traps in the temple so he might as well start making a fire. The smoke might get rid of some of the bugs at least.
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ripcord-mcquack · 3 years
@calisotamuses​ || Drake || A Long Lost Memory
It wasn’t often that calls were made to the McQuack farm by strangers. Ripcord had just landed his bi-plane and pushed it back into the hangar when he heard a car coming up the drive. Not long after, a young duck got out and started looking for a living being. Ripcord pulled his goggles off his face and headed out to greet him. No sense in letting the kid stay looking lost.
“Hey-ooo!” He lifted a hand in greeting from afar. “Can’t say I’ve seen you around before, stranger! What brings ya to th’ McQuack residence?”
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As he got within an arm’s distance, Ripcord held his hand out for a shake.
“Name’s Ripcord, kid. Ripcord McQuack. Do y’need help findin’ somewhere all th’ way out here in the boonies? Or have ya come ta talk about planes?”
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
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@calisotamuses​​  asked:  How she hadn't run right smack into the guy who'd walked right into her path, Gandra would never be able to figure out. But she hadn't, and now she was just staring bewildered, half spun to the side, blue eyes wide, absolutely baffled. And then, after a few moments of stunned blinking, she gave him a long once over, taking in the bright jacket and carefully styled feathers, before managing to blurt out, "What. Uh. I think I almost ran into you. I'm sorry?"
The Gander barely flinched, merely straightening his designer suit, and brushing off the invisible ‘debris’ from the encounter. If he had a dollar for every time someone nearly crashed into his space while he was taking a stroll from a windfall, or walking into a windfall, well...he’d be almost as rich as his uncle S. Almost.
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“No need pretty lady, I’m just walking off an incredible meal I won at Chez Larry’s and I was so lost in the afterglow of that feast, that I didn’t even see YOU. So...no harm done.”
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“So.” He leans in slightly, “Are YOU okay? Or should I call for help?”
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Starter for @calisotamuses​ (Duke)
The dismal day matched Bradford's mood.  
Gray skies hung above him, heavy and threatening to release rain.  The tall buildings of the city loomed above him, peering down on him with their faceless stares.  In comparison to these great monoliths, Bradford felt incredibly small.
The world still turned, despite him standing still.  
The very thing Bradford wanted so badly to reign in was now completely in control of him.  The important and integral thing that he tried so hard to turn a blind eye to was spitting in his face: chaos was not only something he could not control, it was ever-present and essential to life itself.
Even when he had control, it was only in theory and not in practice. Even if he had the world in his claws, ruling over it like a tyrannical dictator, there would still be things that were out of his control; other people, deaths, accidents, things he could never hope to control....
Scrooge was right.
ISABELLA was right.
They had been all along.
The trauma he tried so desperately to control had always controlled him. Bradford danced on it's sickly strings, through his nightmares, through his aspirations, through his delusion and violent tendencies...through how fiercely he fought and his moral struggle, through his manipulation by Black Heron...
He was never in control, and that fact alone was a hard pill to swallow.
While immersed deep in thought, Bradford hadn't realized he wasn't watching where he was going into he ran into someone's backside. It was a tall, hard form.  He grunted from the sudden jolt and pulled back to ut some space between them.
"My apologies, I-" He paused upon realizing just WHO is was he'd run into.
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"Duke..." Bradford spoke, as if he'd seen a ghost.
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tunnagana · 3 years
“You shouldn’t have come here, Gosalyn.”
There were too many questions that her presence at his cell brought up, not the least of them being did Darkwing know? Was he there with her, somewhere in the distance where the disgraced scientist wouldn’t be able to see who was truly behind the mask? But this visit wasn’t about Darkwing Duck. This was about Gosalyn.
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The why, however, was something he could more than answer himself. There was only one question Gosalyn could have that only he could answer, but it wasn’t one he thought the girl truly would want to know. Truth, once spoken, couldn’t be taken back.
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ducktales-wco-oo · 3 years
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{ ☆ }   ❝  Oooooooh... The nerds are fighting~  ❞  Kinda. It’s more like a one-sided fight to be frank, but still...  { ☆ }
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