— College Graduate
— atleast 3 months BPO Experience
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VIBER +639367227133
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riz-sol · 5 months
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beforethepoison · 6 months
Here are some truth about call centers:
The person who is calling you doesn't give a fuck if you didn't pay your bills. They are there just because they need the freaking money to buy food.
The person who asks about your payment they have to answer or pick calls from 150-200 person's a day. They have lunch breaks from 10 minutes in which they lose 2 minutes only to pick their bags from their lockets. So basically is 8 minutes. When they have lunch break from 20 minutes, they also lose 2 minutes just to pick their food from the bag or fridge and heat them.
We listen to people being mean to you not only in the telephone line but outside from it. We were badly prepared from the job. The "superiors" they give a lesson from pdf but they don't explain deeply about the situations. When you ask your supervisor, a question GUESS WHAT: they don't even know the answer too. Because it's beyond their power. But they don't EVER tell you the words: " I don't know. Let's find out together". They just put a brave face and talk bs.
Some of us have to go take the bus to go home at night. But there is just ONE bus passing by your way to home or hometown (some of us live in another city). Example: The bus that I took it fits 44 people sitting down on their seats. Yesterday I took a bus with 77 people on it.
The city major has done shit to offer us a second bus.
So when you are being "funny" or "witty" over the phone, you are being rude to people who hadn't be given any sorta of POWER to solve your problems (as much as us we wanted because some of us wants to do a great job)
Think twice before being an asshole
You might ended up being on their chairs and feeling their pain
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balnshhet · 1 year
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theheartbeat · 10 months
Navigating 'The Heartbeat': A User-Friendly Guide to Call Analytics
In today's digital world, understanding how customers act and looking at call data is super important for businesses. Call analytics helps businesses get useful information, making them grow and make customers happier. But with so many tools out there, choosing the right one can be tough.
Discovering 'The Heartbeat':
I heard about 'The Heartbeat' from a friend in the industry. People were talking about its smart insights and how well it fits with other tools. Interested, I decided to check it out to see if it was what I needed.
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Features and Abilities:
'The Heartbeat' has some cool features. It can understand speech really well, predict things, and even listen in on live calls. What makes it special is how deeply it looks into conversations. Unlike other tools that just scratch the surface, 'The Heartbeat' really gets what people are talking about, thanks to its Call Quality Score.
One cool thing is how efficient it is. It doesn't just help with customer stuff but also makes products better and saves money. And it keeps things safe by hiding private data.
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Trying It Out:
Using 'The Heartbeat' was easy. The way it works is easy to understand, and it links up with cloud storage like Google Drive and OneDrive, so you don't have to spend time putting in data by hand. I remember a time when I wanted to figure out what customers were saying. 'The Heartbeat' quickly sorted it out and gave me ideas to fix things.
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Benefits Seen:
After using 'The Heartbeat,' our call center got much better. The smart insights it gives us have made us smarter in business, and our workers are doing a better job. Knowing how customers feel right away helps us fix things fast and keeps customers happy.
Comparing to Others:
I've tried a few tools before, but 'The Heartbeat' is way better. It goes really deep into conversations, unlike other tools that only look at a small part. It's easy to use, and that's a big plus.
Challenges and Suggestions:
No tool is perfect. I had a few issues getting everything to work, but the support team fixed it fast. One thing I'd like to see in the future is a chatbot to help with problems right away.
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In the world of call analytics, 'The Heartbeat' stands out. It's smart and easy to use, making it a must for businesses. I would tell others to use it, and I'm excited to see what new things they come up with.
You can also register and start a free trial: The HeartBeat
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radanriel15 · 1 year
one last ride.
Siguro sapat na yung nakakamatay at zombie na oras.
Tulog kayo at kami ay gising sa oras ng alas dos ng madaling araw.
Tinitingnan sila para obserbahan kung paano nila ubusin ang yosi at kwento sa loob ng kinse minuto.
Iba iba. Kanya kanya. Magkaka iba ng edad, kasarian, edukasyon, social life, lugar, paniniwala, trip, relihiyon, kandidato, problema at gustong gawin sa buhay.
Hindi biro ang trabahong ito.
Makati City, Philippines | 2023
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ghofrana · 1 year
Why does your business need contact center outsourcing?
As businesses expand, their demands for customer service also increase. Handling customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests can be time-consuming and overwhelming, taking valuable time and resources away from core business operations. This is where contact center outsourcing comes in, providing businesses with a cost-effective solution to their customer service needs. In this blog article, we will discuss why your business needs contact center outsourcing.
Cost savings
Outsourcing your contact center operations can save your business money. Setting up and maintaining an in-house contact center can be expensive, with costs such as salaries, benefits, infrastructure, and technology. Outsourcing allows businesses to pay only for the services they need, reducing overhead costs and improving profit margins.
Contact center outsourcing provides businesses with the ability to scale up or down quickly based on their customer service needs. During peak seasons, such as holidays or sales events, businesses can increase their outsourcing services to handle the influx of customer inquiries. Conversely, during slow periods, businesses can reduce their outsourcing services, saving money on unnecessary expenses.
Access to specialized expertise
Outsourcing contact center services provide businesses with access to specialized expertise. Contact center outsourcing companies employ customer service professionals who are trained in handling various types of customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests. They also have the technology and infrastructure necessary to handle high volumes of calls and emails, ensuring that customers receive prompt and efficient service.
Improved customer experience
Providing exceptional customer service is critical to the success of any business. Contact center outsourcing companies prioritize providing exceptional customer service, often employing customer satisfaction metrics to ensure that their services meet or exceed customer expectations. By outsourcing contact center operations, businesses can ensure that their customers receive the best possible support, leading to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction.
24/7 availability
In today's global economy, businesses operate around the clock, and customers expect support to be available 24/7. Contact center outsourcing companies offer round-the-clock support, ensuring that customers can reach out for help at any time, even outside of regular business hours. This provides businesses with a competitive advantage, as customers are more likely to choose a company that offers 24/7 support.
Focus on core business operations
Outsourcing contact center operations allows businesses to focus on their core operations, such as product development, marketing, and sales. By outsourcing customer service, businesses can reduce the time and resources spent on handling inquiries, complaints, and support requests, allowing them to focus on what they do best.
In conclusion, contact center outsourcing can provide numerous benefits to businesses, including cost savings, scalability, access to specialized expertise, improved customer experience, 24/7 availability, and the ability to focus on core operations. By partnering with a reputable contact center outsourcing company, businesses can ensure that their customers receive exceptional support while saving time and resources to focus on their core business operations. If you need help from a call center, please contact REACH 3C.
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picsfortheday · 1 year
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
August 2022
Man kann nämlich doch was machen gegen die täglichen Telekom-Werbeanrufe
Meine Mutter bekommt täglich Werbeanrufe der Telekom. In der Anfangszeit unseres Zusammenwohnens war ich noch höflich, dann unhöflicher, inzwischen lege ich sehr schnell auf. Die Anrufenden haben auch immer so einen unangenehm vorwurfsvollen Ton, beziehungsweise ein unangenehm vorwurfsvolles Skript: “Aber Sie haben mich ja gar nicht ausreden lassen!”
Um 1994 war ich in den USA bei Freunden von Freunden zum Abendessen eingeladen. Während des Essens klingelte alle paar Minuten das Telefon, die Freunde gingen dran und legten gleich wieder auf. Das seien Werbeanrufe, da könne man nichts machen. Ich fand beides absurd: dass es passiert und dass man nichts dagegen machen kann. Naja, ist halt ein komisches Land, dachte ich damals. Und jetzt ist es hier genauso.
Aber vielleicht kann man ja doch was machen, überlege ich an einem besonders anrufreichen Tag, und konsultiere das Internet. Dabei finde ich heraus, dass man die Werbeanrufe in den Einstellungen zum Festnetzanschluss abstellen kann.
Das Login bei der Telekom ist kompliziert wie üblich, mein 1Password-Notizzettel mit allen Telekom-Logindaten der Mutter verlängert sich weiter auf aktuell 13 Zeilen. Ich wüsste sehr gern, wie sie das intern verwalten, die multiplen Schichten der Zugangsdaten seit 1975. Nach erfolgreichem Kundencenter-Login suche ich nach etwas namens “InfoService” und finde es auch, ganz klein und weit unten auf der Seite.
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Dort kann man Werbeanrufe abstellen, indem man ein paar Häkchen entfernt:
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Fünf Stunden später kommt der nächste Telekom-Anruf. Wir hätten angeblich um Rückruf gegen Abend gebeten. Als ich auflege, rufen sie sofort wieder an. Vielleicht dauert es ja ein bisschen, bis die Sperrung sich Telekom-intern in alle Winkel verbreitet, denke ich optimistisch.
Aber es ist natürlich nicht die Telekom selbst, die da ständig anruft, es sind selbstständige Drückercallcenter, die von der Telekom nur Provision kassieren, genau wie die Telekom-Drücker an der Haustür. Im Nachhinein ist es mir ein bisschen peinlich, dass ich immer versucht habe, mit den Anrufenden zu diskutieren: "nein, wir haben bestimmt nicht drum gebeten, dass Sie abends noch mal anrufen", immer in dem Glauben, es sei ein etwas dummes Telekom-Callcenter. Dabei war das natürlich alles Absicht und dumm war bloß ich.
Angeblich untersagt man diese externe Drückerei mit der Einstellung im Router gleich mit. Aber nachdem ich noch ein bisschen länger über den Anruf trotz Sperrung nachgedacht habe, nimmt mein Optimismus ab. Ich suche die Nummer bei werruft.info, sehe, dass auch andere dasselbe Problem mit ihr haben und sperre sie im Router.
Als am nächsten Tag der nächste Telekom-Werbeanruf kommt, durchlaufe ich noch mal die Kundencenter-Loginprozedur, um nachzusehen, ob es vielleicht eine neue Nummer ist, die ich auch noch blockieren muss. Ist es nicht, aber ich merke, dass die Mutter ja seit der Umstellung von 2016 zwei Telefonnummern hat: Die alte aus den 70er oder 80er Jahren und eine zweite, neue, die niemand kennt oder verwendet. Außer den Telekom-Drückern. Und für die zweite Nummer muss man alle Anrufsperreinstellungen noch mal gesondert machen. Ich sperre die zweite Nummer vollständig für alle Anrufe.
Ich war ja immer sehr zufrieden damit, kinderlos zu sein, aber wie das mal werden soll, wenn ich selbst 79 bin und der Telekom hilflos ausgeliefert, weiß ich noch nicht.
(Kathrin Passig)
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callcentermaschen · 1 year
Komplette Länge auf YouTube
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Happening now - until Friday, December 8!
Where : Jollibee, Spark Cubao Time : 8AM – 4PM
Salary ranges from 18k-26k
Qualifications : • Atleast 6mos. BPO experience • Willing to work in Quezon City • Can start on January 2024
See you there!
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callcenterauthority · 2 years
Phone Answering & Call Center Services
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ringflow · 1 year
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Are you tired of outdated call centers? Upgrade to our Cloud Contact Center Solution and transform the way you handle customer calls! Follow us for more innovative solutions that can take your business to the next level. Website:- https://www.ringflow.com/ Email:- [email protected]
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tejascharde · 2 days
How AI Can Predict Customer Needs Before They Contact Your Call Center
Organizations are increasingly focused on delivering personalized interactions to increase loyalty and drive revenue. One of the revolutionary advancements in this area is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict customer needs before they even reach out to a call center. This shift from reactive customer service to proactive engagement is transforming the way businesses interact with their clients, offering a more efficient and satisfying experience.
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The Evolution of Customer Service: From Reactive to Proactive
Traditionally, customer service has been reactive in nature. A customer faces an issue or has a question, and they contact a call center for assistance. While this approach has served its purpose for decades, it often leaves customers feeling frustrated due to wait times, repetitive explanations, and lack of personalization. In contrast, predictive customer service powered by AI can anticipate the needs of customers, offering solutions before they encounter problems or even reach out for help.
AI does this by analyzing vast amounts of data in real time, learning from previous interactions, and recognizing patterns that indicate when and why a customer is likely to need assistance. This proactive approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also reduces the burden on call centers by minimizing inbound inquiries.
The Role of AI in Customer Data Analysis
AI’s ability to predict customer needs begins with data. Customers generate massive amounts of data through various touchpoints, including website visits, social media interactions, past purchases, and previous customer service requests. AI tools use machine learning algorithms to sift through this data and build comprehensive profiles for each customer.
By analyzing past behavior, AI can identify trends and patterns, such as the frequency of a customer’s interactions, the types of products they typically purchase, and the most common issues they face. With this information, AI systems can predict when a customer might experience an issue or need additional support, allowing businesses to take preemptive actions.
Real-Time Monitoring and Predictive Analytics
One of AI’s most powerful tools in predicting customer needs is real-time monitoring combined with predictive analytics. AI systems can continuously track customer behavior, identifying key indicators that suggest when they might require assistance. Whether it’s a spike in website activity, frequent log-ins to an account, or browsing through help pages, these actions can signal potential issues or inquiries.
Using predictive analytics, AI can determine the likelihood of a customer needing support based on these actions. For example, if a customer spends a significant amount of time on the troubleshooting section of a website, the AI system can assume they are facing a problem. In such cases, businesses can proactively reach out via email, chatbot, or phone to offer assistance, potentially resolving the issue before the customer even contacts the call center.
This type of real-time intervention not only improves customer satisfaction but also shortens the resolution time, saving both the customer and the business valuable resources.
Sentiment Analysis: Gauging Customer Emotions
AI’s ability to predict customer needs is not limited to their behavior or actions—it also extends to understanding their emotions. Sentiment analysis is a branch of AI that uses machine learning and NLP to assess a customer’s emotional state based on their language, tone, and phrasing in written or spoken communication.
When applied to customer interactions, sentiment analysis can help businesses determine whether a customer is frustrated, confused, or satisfied. For example, if a customer leaves a negative review or posts a complaint on social media, AI systems can analyze the sentiment of the message and flag it for immediate follow-up. This allows the company to address the issue before it escalates, preventing further dissatisfaction.
Benefits of AI-Powered Predictive Customer Service
The advantages of AI in predicting customer needs are significant for both businesses and customers. For companies, AI-powered customer service reduces the workload on call center agents by minimizing the number of inbound inquiries. By resolving issues before they escalate, AI helps businesses optimize their resources and reduce operational costs.
AI is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers by predicting their needs before they contact call centers. Through data analysis, real-time monitoring, chatbots, virtual assistants, and sentiment analysis, AI enables companies to shift from reactive customer service to proactive engagement. This transformation not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives efficiency and profitability for businesses. As AI technology continues to evolve, its ability to predict and meet customer needs will only grow, solidifying its role as an essential tool in the future of customer service.
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levoker89-blog · 2 days
Telesales agents are involved in a profession where they use proper tools to increase productivity, efficiency and better client involvement to increase sales.
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voipminutes · 3 days
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