#callyieverse quotes
kururu418 · 6 months
Any Teen Dusk and Dawn interactions?
“You made a very grave error coming here boy…” the vampire said, smiling as he and his brethren surrounded the boy. 
Dawn smirked towards them, and held one hand up. “Nah, the only one who made the mistake is you. You really shouldn’t have come to this town. I know you bloodsuckers have to feed to survive and all that, but chowing on innocent people is a serious no go, and as the future king of Avalon I can’t have that, ya know?” he asked. 
The vampire chuckled. “What an arrogant little brat you are. What exactly makes you think you can stand against us?” he asked. 
Dawn opened his hand. “Simple. You guys rise with the moon…” A bright ball of intensely hot magic suddenly formed above it, and the vampires hissed and shielded their eyes. “I rise with the sun…”
“You understand right uncle Astro? I mean You were the right ruler for Mewni, and I’m the right ruler for Avalon,” Dawn said, laying on his back as he looked down at his uncle. “I know Rain is your favorite and junk, but c’mon.” 
Astro crossed his arms as he looked up at his nephew. “You don’t want the throne Dawn…” he said, narrowing his eyes. 
Dawn sat up. “What? Of course I do! I mean I-” 
Astro cut him off. “A throne isn’t a seat, it’s a weight. I don’t want you or any fo your siblings to ever have to carry it. Just… enjoy being young,” he said, turning and walking off. 
Dawn stared after him, confused. “Man, he can be so dramatic sometimes…” 
“So, who’s the alpha twin between the two of you?” the young goddess asked. 
The Twilight Twins shared a look. “I’m stronger,” Dawn pointed out. 
“I’m smarter,” Dusk countered. 
“Yeah… well, I’m better looking,” Dawn said, smirking. Dusk smirked back, and the two shared a chuckle. 
“You arrogant gods think you can just tower over everyone else,” the titan snarled, glaring as he held his injured arm. “What gives you the right to-” 
Dusk sighed, cutting him off. “Stop yapping at me already. I don’t care if you’re a titan, god, mortal, or anything else. I mean I’m the second least ‘godly’ in my family, so if you’re accusing someone of having a complex go find Dawn or Rain” he said, eyes glowing slightly.  “The only reason you’re about to bite the dust right now if because you bared your fangs at what’s important to me…” 
Dusk could let a lot of things slide, but attempts on his family? Never. He could wipe out every single threat that set foot on this island, and he’d make sure his brothers and sister were none the wiser. 
“You let your hair grow out too long again,” Calliste said, reaching up and brushing a finger over his bangs. “You said you’d be more mindful of that.” 
Dusk sat in silence for a moment, and then looked away from the young goddess. “I’ve been busy…” It wasn’t a lie. He’d been running around doing so many tasks lately that it had slipped his mind. Not that she would cut him any slack for it. 
“Turn around,” she said, summoning a small blade of water. “I’ll cut it.” 
Dusk didn’t argue, and turned his back towards her as she moved behind him and began snipping his hair. He untensed and allowed himself to relax. He only ever seemed to be able to do so with her. “Thanks…” 
“If you want to thank me, look after yourself. You can’t look after your siblings if you don’t take care of yourself first.”    
“C’mon, let me tag along!” DJ said, chasing after his brother. 
“No, go home DJ,” Dusk said, sounding exhausted. 
“But Dawn is coming with you right? I can be back up! I can-” 
Dusk turned around towards him and glared. “Go. Home.” 
DJ flinched, and then scowled. “Fine…” He turned and walked off, an obviously bitter expression on his face. 
Dusk watched him go, and then sighed. He felt bad about shooing him away. He knew he just wanted to help and be useful. But he couldn’t bring himself to let him tag along on this one. Not with that he was doing. 
He was too young to have blood on his hands…
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laylaylamode · 2 years
Stacie Q: Omg, you're actually twins?!
Mach: Nope. We're triplets.
Franny: We leave the ugly one at home.
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onelastfic · 2 years
Messed Up Kids Club Quotes
Nico: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Cindy: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back.
Nenet: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Bruce: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
JJ: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Dylan: Mental stability, my old friend!
Nico: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
JJ: A butterfly! Hey, little guy, gal or nonbinary pal!
Nenet: Can a butterfly be nonbinary?
JJ: I mean, maybe? I don't judge.
Cindy: (staring dreamily out of the window) Ah, have you ever imagine having butterfly wings? Then-
Dylan: Then it would be inconvenient as hell. Your wings would smack every door frame and your clothes would have to have holes in the back.
Nenet: Also, your wing's paperthin, so even a six year old aimed a NERF gun at it would... Yeah...
Nico: (sips coffee) According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a-
Cindy: No, nononono. You have already shattered my dream, you don't get the privilege to make that reference.
Laika: Also, it's about a butterfly, not a bee... Why would you make that reference?
Dylan: You clearly have not lived with them long enough.
Cindy: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Laika: No.
Dylan: I did not.
Nenet: I may have actually forgotten one.
Nico: Also no.
Nenet: Wait, what was the lesson again?
JJ: *Exhausted sigh*
Laika: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Cindy: (watching Nico screaming, Nenet trying to set Dylan on fire, and JJ choking on air) I don't know either.
Dylan: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Cindy and JJ's convo?
Nenet: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Bruce: I'm in the washing machine.
Nico: I'm in the closet.
Nenet: We accept you Nico.
Nico: No I'm literally in the closet.
Dylan: Love is love, bro.
Cindy: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier. Violently practices.
Nico: Violently studies.
JJ: Violently sleeps.
Laika: Violently shoots pictures.
Dylan: Violently boxes.
Nenet: Violently murders people.
JJ: Violently worries about the previous statement.
JJ: Is it still visible? Where the criminal slapped me?
Dylan: Your face looks like a don't walk signal.
Laika: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box.
Nico: A palm reader could tell the criminal's future by looking at your face.
Nenet: The phrase 'talk to teh hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face.
JJ: ...A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
Laika, Bruce, Cindy, and Dylan belongs to @laylaylamode
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cooltmoney95 · 2 years
Meet my Woolandia OCs
Hey ya'll! T-mack here and I just wanted to share some of my Woolandia OCs with ya'll. I managed to get their mini-bios done (Which is great for me. Because Summer classes are coming up. And I'm trying to get as much done as I can.). I got a couple more OCs in the works that I'm gonna share with ya'll at some point. But these four are all I got atm. So I hope you'll all like at least one of them.
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Jonas Harry (18)-Jonas Harry is the youngest son of Cotton & Velvet Harry. His family is known for being among the strongest and most feared warrior families in all of Woolandia & he is determined to live up to those standards himself. Growing up as the youngest of five with four older brothers, he had to fight for his voice to be heard and to be taken seriously. He's a bit rough around the edges and has trouble adapting to his new life as a prince. But he's willing to learn thanks to a certain prince of Mirat helping him. Jonas comes off as cold and intimidating on first impressions. But will show a more kind and compassionate side to him once he's around people he's comfortable with. He has doubts about forming an alliance with the mirrorfolk due to their history. But is willing to go along with it for the sake of his people.
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Chalice Mirrorshards (18)-Chalice Lucien Mirrorshards is the only son and eldest child of King & Queen Mirrorshard. As heir to the throne of Mirat, he is seen as the emblem of his people's future and has a lot of high expectations thrust on his shoulders. Yet despite being the destined king of Mirat, there is a part of him that secretly hates the position and feels trapped having to carry himself as the "Perfect Prince" all the time. But he doesn't have the courage to say this to his parents. Especially his father. He is quite polite and chivalrous. But is a total neat freak and can be a bit vain sometimes.
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Clarity Mirrorshards (16)-Clarity Mirrorshards is the only daughter & youngest child of King & Queen Mirrorshards. She is the sweet and loving princess of Mirat, the home of the mirrorfolk. In the presence of her parents, fellow royals, and the people of Mirat, she comes off as a rather quiet and reserved young lady who is always kind and respectable to those around her. But in her more private moments, (Ex: Whenever she's either alone or with her close friends.), she shows a more adventurous, fun-loving, and free-spirited side of her who loves to explore the outdoors and meet new people. Clarity will often follow traditions by the book and will do anything she can to be the quote-unquote "perfect princess" that both her parents and (supposedly) her kingdom wants. Secretly desires to become queen of Mirat, but knows that her parents are in favor of her brother Chalice taking the throne due to him being the first born son. So she stays on the sidelines. Despite knowing there's little chance she'll become queen, Clarity tries her best to live up to the standards of both her people and her family.
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Aquamarine (16)-Aquamarine is the daughter of Neptune & Pastoria, the leaders of the Asrai, an aquatic Woolandian-native race that populate the majority of Woolandia's oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. After breaking up with her emotionally abusive boyfriend, she decides to take some time away from the dating scene to self-reflect and reconnect with herself. A sweet and compassionate girl who struggles to unlearn some of the toxic lessons she internalized from her parents. She is close friends with Princess Clarity of Mirat. And the two have been growing very 'close' recently.
So that's about it so far. I'm actually thinking of using them for a potential story idea I have that's set primarily in Woolandia (Although I do want to bring them to both Earth & Mewni at some point.). But I'm a wait until I get my current plans for Oswald The Spy & Junior Spies stuff done first. Since that's my main priority as far as ToM/Callyieverse content goes.
Anywho, that's all I got for now.
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callyieverse-quotes · 2 years
Astro: Really now, if I'm all that bad, then may god strike me down where I stand!
*lightning flies in that gets deflected by his hand*
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Hody my love, do you happen to have a favorite color?
Hody: Most people assume it’s blue or green, but it’s actually red. My sash was actually a gift mother bought me out shopping. It matched well.
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cocopineo · 4 years
*Astro pokes at Damien with a stick as Vera looks over him*
Vera: I-is he alive
Astro: Yeah he's definitely alive just idk even know what you would call this. (Glares) If it wasn't for Basteta scaring the living souls out of him
Basteta: Come on it wasn't even that bad
Astro: You scared him and then he ran into a tree and then the sign for the camp. He's practically unconscious now!
Basteta: Sounds like a personal problem to me
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More Camp Young League Basteta is a prankster and they can end in absolute ruin. Still funny though!
Basteta belongs @onelastfic
Astro belong to @kururu418
Vera belongs to @princesscallyie
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Knives up my Sleeve
Basteta: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Dai Tai: I think you mean "cards."
Basteta: No, I do not.
Basteta is owned by @onelastfic
Dai Tai is owned by @laylaylamode
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princesscallyie · 5 years
Will Vera lose her left eye by a stray of bullets according to the Incorrect Callyieverse Quotes Blog about Vera meeting her future self? I know this is a blog to submits fun incorrect quotes, but I have this deep feeling that it is going happens and be confirm later on in your series, Generation: Rising Star.
This is my first time ever hearing of this blog and you just answered your own question involving if this is going to happen or not.
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Niko Corduroy
Age: 15
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 4’ 10"
Birthday: June 19th (Gemini-Cancer Cusp)
Species: Demon-Chemical W Super Hybrid
Blisstina Utonium (decreased biological estranged mom)
Him (biogical estranged dad)
Ethan Corduroy (adopted oldest brother) 
Wendy Corduroy (adopted mother)
Tamara Thunder (“big sister”)
Andrew Cunningham (“big brother”)
Cayenne, Persephone, Blue Bell, Rosie, Alex, Micah, Ty, Lequan, and Bianca (Cousins and not so cousins, it is complicated)
The Nightmare Triplets (Half Siblings)
Berserk, Brat, and Brute (Step-Mothers)
Appearance: Niko have common tan, and short cyan hair with bangs that cover her purple/green gradient eyes. Her dress is purple, with a white mini jacket over it, and white leggings reach all the way down to her feet. She also has a dark blue alice band featuring a fuchsia pink heart with matching dark blue and fuchsia rain boots. She also have horns, but can hide them easily using her shape-shifting powers. She have a red dinosaur-like tail with spike. Her hands can be either red crustacean-Like claws or normal hands. In her vigilant form, she wear a purple and black body suit, purple and black boots, glove and a helmet given to be Blossom herself. Her eyes are in dual colours, red and blue when she activate her powers.
Powers: Inheir from her parents: Shape-Shifting, Zoner, plasma eye beams, creating illusions, dark magic (like resurrecting the deaths), alter reality, telekinesis, levitate, Electric manipulation, teleportation, flying/levitating, possibly manipulating emotion to make her opponents empathize.
 Her own: energy-infused punches and kicks, create illusions, create portals, the ability to nullify superheroes powers, and high pitch screaming.
Ethan: She and Ethan get along well. He helps Niko with her powers, and school. She is the only one who can calm him down. Ethan always save her when she is in trouble either from Victor or Melvin. 
Tamara: She is like a big sister to her and she taught her to be a strong and independent woman.
Andrew: Teaching her how to focus and taste in music.
The Nightmare Triplets: They believe she is a link to meeting HIM.
Janaya: He have a vision that she will destroy Townvilles, Vanguard League, KND, and the royal families of Mewni. Thus, Ethan is overprotective toward her. He is Niko’s mentor in dark magic.
Victor: He try to take her away, but Ethan stop him once.
Melvin: Despise her because she is related to The Nightmare Triplets, the three who almost killed him.
Blossom: She is fascinate by Niko because she came from another universe and a Chemical W Super. She is the one who gave her the helmet.
Wendy: The coolest mom ever, she help her on putting her clothes on.
Delta aka The White Maiden: She admire her beauty and skill and want to be just like her, which shock Ethan because she is a villain.
Ryan: Have a crush on him.
In another version of the Callyieverse, where Bliss exist, The Defender of the Cosmos conceive Niko when Him fuse with her again. Bliss did not raise her, instead Niko was raise by Blossom and the Professor.
At a age of 9 she became a member of the YBA and spend her few years doing the YBA’s and her father’s dirty works.bThe day of her universe erase from existence, she was transported. As a result, she suffer from brain injuries and memory loss.
She meet Ethan Coruduroy 
She have dual personality either caused or worsened by the brain damage he suffers from. She alternates between an aggressive and abrasive mood, employing foul language when she talk to any of the YBA members, and a meek, passive, apologetic self, in which he is too timid to defend herself from bullying or in an aftermath of a fits. She doesn’t like being touched by strangers and will completely freak out until they let go. She sometime freak out if a situation have occurs. She have short-term memory loss so her brother always write notes and a voice recorder to remember. She also have an alter ego named Amalgamate who have similar personality likes HIM, sinister, cruel, manipulation, and showing no mercy. She does not remember what her alter ego did and confuse about it. If she gain her full memories, she will revert back to her amnesia self. She can be clumsy so she have to wear a helmet and hide her tail. She dislike her appearance and try to change herself using her shape shifting powers to hide her features (claws and horns).
Victor: “Leave me alone, I do not want go with you, rapist!“  
Ethan: “Go ahead Ethan, make him suffer.”
Cayenne: “Why do you hate me?”
Alex: “I can shape shift too, but I do not think all people are ugly, we shape shift to hide our flaws.”
When she see Ethan hurt: “YOU BASTARD!”
Melvin: “Please Cc-calm down…. sir.”
Amalgamate: “Let me turn your world red!”
Delta: “You are pretty, are you a princess?”
“I am such a retard and useless….”
When getting pick on or attack: “Big Brother!!!”
Delta, Melvin, Ryan, and Victor @princesscallyie
Ethan, Tamara, and Andrew @ej-cappy-universe
Trivia: Her favorite drink is milk and secretly ship Mirage with Andrew
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kururu418 · 6 months
Triton and Pandae Quotes
“So, you still worried about your baby sis huh? She’s almost an adult ya know. You can’t keep babying her forever,” Triton said, snickering as he walked alongside his cousin.
Zagreus grunted. “There’s more and more titans popping up lately. She might think I’m being overprotective, but you know as well as I do how dangerous they can be,” he said, narrowing his eyes. 
“Yeah, but I also know there are exceptions to the rule. I mean, look at my ma’s side of the family.” 
“That’s different. You’re not one of them, so don’t try to pull that crap….” 
Triton smirked and slung an arm around his shoulder. “Ah relax a little. I know you’re just trying to protect your family, I can respect that. If my girls were in trouble I’d be the same way. If anything goes down let me know. You’re family too after all,” he said.  
Dai Tai blinked as she noticed the slightest of tugs on her hair. “What the-?” She looked down and saw Triton was braiding a part of her hair. “Um, excuse me?” she asked. 
Triton waved a hand. “Sorry, sorry. I was bored. And it's a force of habit, ya know. I got three girls after all, and one of them wants to try out all these hairstyles the mortals are doing and junk,” he said. “Hey, ya wanna see pictures of them?” 
Before she could answer, he formed a bubble in his hands, and a image of three young girls popped up. “There they are! That’s Triteia, that one is Pallas, that one is Calliste! Ain’t they adorable? Pallas is the one who wants to try out all those new hairstyles. The mortals sure know how to make stuff kids like, don’t they?” 
Dai Tai smiled nervously. She had a feeling she should have politely refused when she had the chance.  
Triton narrowed his eyes down at the young boy, a scowl on his face. “So, you’re the little one my youngest has been seeing visions of huh?” he said, kneeling down to get a better look at Dusk. Even crouched down the tall god still loomed over Dusk. “What’s your name, boy?” 
Dusk raised an eyebrow. “You… there’s no way you don’t already know my name.” 
“You sassin me boy?” Triton asked. “Don’t go thinking just because you’re Queen’s Titania’s kid you can go getting all cozy with my daughter.” 
Dusk turned and began walking off. “Mom, there’s some weird guy here.”
“You running off to your mama?! What kind of man are you?!” 
“Big brother Asterossa. I’ve come to Mewni in search of worthy opponents. Tell me, are you children of age yet? Surely they’re old enough to have-” 
“No,” Astro said, cutting her off. 
She looked surprised. “By why?” 
“Because if I let you fight you’re going to go overboard.” Maybe not with Dorado, but most certainly with Lacerta. And lord help them if she ended up coming across Scent. “I’ll spar with you later if I have the time.” 
She was silent for a moment, but then pouted and looked away childishly. “You never have the time. You're always too busy doing kingly duties.” This was just like when she was younger. Taiyo always had Umbriel to play with, but Astro was almost always too busy to hang out with her.
Astro sighed. “Tartarus help me… come get your child Heracles…” 
Pandae raised her club and pointed it up at the beast. “Heed my warning creature! You stand before the mightiest of Heracles children! Relent now and you will be spared! Proceed and you will meet a most unfortunate end!” she shouted. 
The creature just roared back in response, and Apollo chuckled from beside her. “I don’t think it can understand your words,” he said. 
She raised her club up higher. “Then perhaps it will understand my club!” She charged forward, ready to attack, while Apollo shook his head. She was certainly an energetic one. But he could’t find himself to dislike her despite her usual choice in company. 
She was, after all, a perfect combination of beauty and power. 
“Are there any heroic deeds or labors that you need from me, Hera?” Pandae asked. She had initially been distrustful of the blonde. Partly because she had taken her aunt Asterope’s spot as supreme goddess, and partly because she had a great dislike of the old Hera. But she had since learned that the woman was quite nice. 
Hera smiled back at her. “Not today dear. Please just keep an eye out for any trouble though,” she said. The girl had a strong sense of justice, much like her father. And she always wanted to be useful. 
Pandae pounded her chest. “Rest assured, no enemy will break through our gates while I am here!” she said.
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kururu418 · 4 months
Pei-Ling: Daddy, why is mom so angry at you?
Heath: You see Pei, your mother has these things called, 'expectations'.
Pei-Ling: Are those bad?
Heath: Well, they're bad for me, because your mother thinks I'm going to try and meet them.
Pei-Ling: You're not going to?
Heath: No. But once your mother remembers to lower her expectations, everything will go back to normal.
Pei-Ling: Oh...
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kururu418 · 22 days
Got any Dallas and Helmut interactions? Just interested in how those interact since the both can't stand each other. Probably butt heads more than rams in a mountain pass 🐏
Dallas scowled down at Helmut, not at all happy about the spike he had missed. It was set a head too high, and they botched a point because of it. “Ya set the ball too high…”
Helmut grit his teeth. “You didn’t jump high enough…” 
“I ain’t a frog Helmut. How high do ya think I can jump?” 
“Higher than that. Now get up there. I’m not adjusting to bad habits,” Helmut said matter-of-factly. He walked off, and Dallas glared after him angrily. 
Dallas loomed over Helmut with a frown on his face. “Listen here partner, just because my sister takes to ya, doesn’t mean I won’t squash ya,” he said. 
“Bigger and stronger people than you have tried,” Helmut said, brushing him off. “Now get back to work, you country bumpkin.” 
Dallas’ eye twitched, and he moved to go after him, but Tony grabbed his shirt. “C’mon dude, you know it’s not worth it…” 
“Little shit…” 
“Dallas! Set it!” 
Dallas got under the ball and scowled. They were out of formation and the only one he could reasonably set to was Helmut. He already wasn’t the best setter, and the blockers were already setting up to shut him down. They were gonna shut Helmut down for sure. 
“Damn it…” he said, setting the ball up. He scowled even deeper when he realized he had set it a little too high. There was no way Helmut was going to-
Helmut shot up into the air, bringing his hand back as he soared up towards and then spiked the ball past the block, shanking it off the side of their hands and sending it outside of the court before they could receive it. Dallas looked shocked. The kid jumped like a jackrabbit.  
Helmut turned towards him with narrowed eyes. “You didn’t plan on setting it that high, did you…?” he asked, sounding pissed off. 
“Didn't think ya’d reach it seeing as how yer shorter than a flat bellied snake…” 
“Very funny. I might be sure, but I’m twice the player you are. Don’t forget that…”
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kururu418 · 23 days
I’ll be honest I’d love some Tony and Newt interactions only because I see them as each other’s biggest opps 😂
Tony looked up at Newt with a confident smirk on his face. “Hope you’re not lacking in practice. Would be boring if I just kept scoring on you over and over again,” he said. He wasn’t sure why he felt so competitive towards Newt. Maybe it was because their dads went at it sometimes back in the day. But for some reason, he really wanted to beat him. 
Newt blinked, and then pushed his glasses up. He definitely wasn’t as good a scorer as Olivier or setter as Beat, but if there was one thing he was confident in… 
“My blocks aren’t that easy to get by,” he said, narrowing his eyes. 
Tony waved at Stacie Q as she stood in line to get her food with the rest of the Stacies and girls team. He then looked over towards Newt, who was standing awkwardly nearby. “Don’t go trying to flirt with my girl now Newt. I mean, I know she’s the prettiest girl at your school but-” 
“Lyric is prettier.” 
Tony blinked, looking back up towards him. Newt now was looking at him with narrowed eyes. “What?” Tony said, raising an eyebrow. 
“Lyric is prettier,” Newt repeated, looking away with a pout. “She’s the prettiest girl in school…” 
Tony grew an annoyed look on his face. “You can’t be serious… who the heck even is Lyric?” 
“The prettiest girl at Townsville High…” 
Tony swung forward to spike the ball, but right before contact Newt loomed over him. He panicked and tried to aim for his fingers, managing to brush it against the top of his hands and making the ball go flying back. 
“One touch!” Newt shouted, looking back. 
Yonji ran back to try and save it, but it landed out of bounds just before he could get to it. Newt and Tony both turned back towards one another, frowns on their faces. “I should have used a kill block…” Newt mentally cursed.   “I should have gone for a line shot…” Tony thought, scowling.
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kururu418 · 6 months
Gotta ask because now you got me interested, any Jodie and Helmut interactions?
Dolly growled as she looked towards Helmut, who was sneering down at the dog. “You need to keep that thing on a leash. It looks like it might have rabies,” he said. 
Jodie crossed her arms. “Like, that babyface act vanished real quick,” she said. She knew something was up with him. Dolly’s nose could sniff out a bad personality from a mile away.
“Don’t call me babyface, you hippie…” 
“Again? What are you even doing here? Shouldn’t you be at some sort of hippie singing circle or some such trite?” he asked. He had no idea how he kept running into her, and it was honestly starting to irk him. 
“Why do you have a bowl cut, man?” Jodie asked. 
“What?” he asked, blinking. 
“Your hair, it’s like, totally cut with a bowl. Doesn’t your family have a fancy barber or something? I thought you were like super rich.” 
“My hair is not-” 
“Hey! Don’t call me-!” 
“Honestly, I should never have come here. The monster attacks in this city are akin to a rat infestation,” he said, scowling. Now he was stuck on a train with Jodie of all people. He hoped they settled this and got this thing moving soon. 
Jodie waved a hand. “Like, relax bowl-cut. It’ll be over soon.” 
“It’s Helmut!” he snapped. “And how would you even know?” 
“It’s in the cards, man,” she said, holding up a deck of tarot cards. 
Helmut raised an eyebrow. “Why am I not surprised you believe in something so ridiculous…?” he muttered, shaking his head. 
Helmut cracked his knuckles as he looked down at the downed boys before him. “Fucking wankers…” he muttered, a disgusted look on his face. To have the audacity to try and rob him. Who did they think they were messing with? 
“Like where did you learn to fight like that?” Jodie asked. She knew she had a mean streak in him he usually kept hidden, but she had no idea he could fight like that. 
He hummed. “What does it matter? You may thank me for not just leaving you behind, as I very well could have.” It would have been easy to slip away and ditch her with them, though it was less about helping her and more about teaching these idiots a lesson. 
“Okay, thanks for not being as big of a jerky twerp as usual I guess,” she said.
“Why you little…”     
Jodie belongs to @thereallordgrape
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kururu418 · 2 days
Bringing back the interactions cycle: got any for Astro's kids interacting with Nia's Avalon family members? Curious to see how’d they get along 😚
Umbriel smirked as he continued to dodge the flurry of attacks Lacerta sent his way. The boy was unyielding and unrelenting, fighting with a ferocity he’d only rarely seen in Asterossa. “Well now, it seems that as hot as the fire in your soul burns, tis not yet hot enough for your fangs to reach me,” he mocked, blocking Lacerta’s kick with his sword. 
Lacerta glared at him. “You wanna be?!” he shouted, intensifying the flames around his leg. Umbriel continued to hold the attack off, but noticed her had to put more effort in doing so. 
The oy was like a rabid beast when it came to combat. Though far from mindless. In a few more decades… yet, he might very well surpass his sire. And prove to be another worthy opponent to best. As it stood now though. “Not enough I’m afraid,” he said, grabbing his sword with both hands and flinging him back. “You still have quite some room to grow…” 
Lacerta landed, only to immediately rocket back towards him. “Good thing I’m good at learning on the fly!” 
Cetus looked up towards Titania, who was looking down at him with a curious expression on her face. “Oh, hello… Lady Titania?” He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to address her as lady or Queen. She certainly wasn’t going to say former Queen. Even he thought that would come off as disrespectful. 
She smiled and offered a brief wave to him. “Do not hang on formality, child. This is not some royal gathering,” she said. “And forgive my leering. Something about you is… familiar.” 
Cetus tilted his head. “About me? What do you mean?” 
She shook her head. “Don’t fret over it child. It may have just been a trick of the light,” she said. Then again, maybe it wasn’t. She may have had to keep a close eye on him. Even if he wasn’t one himself, there was no reason a child of a titan should have the lingering essence of a god within them… 
Cressida watched curiously as Dorado stared at Excalibur. He seemed hesitant, but then reached out and grabbed the handle of the blade, trying to lift it. It didn’t even budge. He kept trying for a few more moments, and then sighed. 
“Looks like I’m not worthy of this one either…” 
Even his younger cousin seemed to be made of more mettle. Creissda sighed and walked towards him. “You know, you really should get out of your father’s shadow,” she said. Dorado turned towards her confused. “Take it from someone who lived their whole life in their family’s. It gets you nowhere.” 
Dorado blinked. “I… I’m not…” 
“Yeah you are,” she said. “It’s one thing to look up to your father, it’s another thing to idolize him. Your brother is ahead on that front.” 
Dorado looked down, the words stung, but… it wasn’t as if he could deny them. Dorado saw his father as a goal, whereas Lacerta saw him as something to surpass. “You may be right. But that’s easier said than done…” 
“You’re quite the well learned young woman,” Titania complimented. 
Saggita smiled. “Thank you!” 
“Tell me, why is it that you have thrown in your lot for your father’s throne? Surely your mother’s people would survive with either you or your brother at the helm?” she asked, leaning her chin on her palm. 
Sagitta thought for a moment. “Hmm… I guess I just want to. Same way Lars looks up to my dad, I look up to my mom. I wanna continue what she started,” she said, smiling. 
Titania looked amused. “A clear goal and a clear mind. I believe you will be a boon to your people,” she said. The girl was clever. Perhaps not in the same way as herself or Dusk, but she held a wisdom beyond her years. It was no wonder Astro spoke to highly of her when given the chance.
Oberon grunted as Aqua made her way inside his study, not even bothering to look towards the child. “I want a sample… and I’m willing to bargain for it,” she said. 
He sighed. “And what do you have to bargain with, child?” 
“I will stay away from the island for half a year…” Oberon actually raised an eyebrow, his interest now piqued. “For a finger.” 
And, lost… 
“As if it doesn't grow back… ugh, fine. A blood sample.” 
“A toenail?” 
“Get out…”
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