msclaritea · 3 months
Gavin Newsom’s keeping it all in the family
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JANUARY 6, 2019
This story is part of California Voices, a commentary forum aiming to broaden our understanding of the state and spotlight Californians directly impacted by policy or its absence. Learn more here.
Gavin Newsom will be the first Democrat in more than a century to succeed another Democrat as governor and the succession also marks a big generational transition in California politics.
A long-dominant geriatric quartet from the San Francisco Bay Area – Gov. Jerry Brown, Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – has been slowly ceding power to younger political strivers.
Moreover, Newsom is succeeding someone who could be considered his quasi-uncle, since his inauguration continues the decades-long saga of four San Francisco families intertwined by blood, by marriage, by money, by culture and, of course, by politics – the Browns, the Newsoms, the Pelosis and the Gettys.
The connections date back at least 80 years, to when Jerry Brown’s father, Pat Brown, ran for San Francisco district attorney, losing in 1939 but winning in 1943, with the help of his close friend and Gavin Newsom’s grandfather, businessman William Newsom.
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Ties among the Brown, Newsom, Pelosi and Getty families date back three generations. Click on image for a larger view. Graphic for CALmatters by Nazneen Rydhan-Foster.
Fast forward two decades. Gov. Pat Brown’s administration developed Squaw Valley for the 1960s winter Olympics and afterward awarded a concession to operate it to William Newsom and his partner, John Pelosi.
One of the Pelosis’ sons, Paul, married Nancy D’Alesandro, who went into politics and has now reclaimed speakership of the House of Representatives. Another Pelosi son married William Newsom’s daughter, Barbara. Until they divorced, that made Nancy Pelosi something like an aunt by marriage to Gavin Newson (Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law was Gavin Newsom’s uncle).
The Squaw Valley concession was controversial at the time and created something of a rupture between the two old friends.
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William Newsom wanted to make significant improvements to the ski complex, including a convention center, but Brown’s Department of Parks and Recreation balked. Newsom and his son, an attorney also named William, held a series of contentious meetings with officials over the issue.
An eight-page memo about those 1966 meetings from the department’s director, Fred Jones, buried in the Pat Brown archives, describes the Newsoms as being embittered and the senior Newsom threatening to “hurt the governor politically” as Brown ran for a third term that year against Ronald Reagan.
Pat Brown’s bid for a third term failed, and the Reagan administration later bought out the Newsom concession. But the Brown-Newsom connection continued as Brown’s son, Jerry, reclaimed the governorship in 1974. He appointed the younger William Newsom, a personal friend and Gavin’s father, to a Placer County judgeship in 1975 and three years later to the state Court of Appeal.
Justice Newsom, who died a few weeks ago, had been an attorney for oil magnate J. Paul Getty, most famously delivering $3 million to Italian kidnapers of Getty’s grandson in 1973. While serving on the appellate bench in the 1980s, he helped Getty’s son, Gordon, secure a change in state trust law that allowed him to claim his share of a multi-heir trust.
After Newsom retired from the bench in 1995, he became administrator of Gordon Getty’s own trust, telling one interviewer, “I make my living working for Gordon Getty.” The trust provided seed money for the PlumpJack chain of restaurants and wine shops that Newson’s son, Gavin, and Gordon Getty’s son, Billy, developed, the first being in a Squaw Valley hotel.
Gavin Newsom had been informally adopted by the Gettys after his parents divorced, returning a similar favor that the Newsom family had done for a young Gordon Getty many years earlier. Newsom’s PlumpJack business (named for an opera that Gordon Getty wrote) led to a career in San Francisco politics, a stint as mayor, the lieutenant governorship and now to the governorship, succeeding his father’s old friend.
He’s keeping it all in the extended family.
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Join CalMatters.org in an online conversation to discuss how currently California uses systems, policies, and laws and learn about new ways Californians will get water when they need it.
For the Golden State, with its unpredictable swings from dry to wet and back again, water managers and lawmakers must plan for both. As always, they’re faced with their dueling responsibilities: forestalling floods while preparing for possible scarcity in a state where water supplies are often stretched thin and long droughts are common.
March 22 10:30-11:00am
Register here: https://floodsanddroughtmanagingca.splashthat.com/
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I'm a leftist (Libertarian-Socialist), who votes progressive, because I live under an "elected" government, and I had thought I had purged the MSNBC/CNN Nation from my friends list, but apparently not, as my timeline is just chock-full of media-driven hysteria over current events, so here's a primer:
"Liberals" who think their arguments are clever or relevant to the Second Amendment are exhausting.
They are not the left; they are just one half of the good cop/bad cop act of the corporate owned fire-hose of bullshit that is the corporate media, and corporate America's governing criminal cartel/duopoly.
Both cults "I like simple and ineffectual 'solutions', because they make me feel like I'm doing something, and I'm just stinky with fear."
There are over a hundred million legal gun owners, who some want to punish for somebody else's crime.
Well, there are some things to consider.
We've been a heavily armed country since 1621, and yet the epidemic of daily mass-shootings didn't begin until 20 April 1999 (Columbine), at a time when gun ownership was at an all-time low, and five years after Clinton's assault-weapons ban, so maybe guns aren't the variable.
Maybe, just maybe, dead school-children are the price of the neoliberalism practiced under the "Washington Consensus" of BOTH right-wing authoritarian parties since the 1980's? When your country offers you no prospects, and you become terrified of the future, what then? Fear can make unstable people do desperate things. Add to that a culture of celebrity, and what could possibly go wrong?
Another factor that goes completely unexamined, is the way Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill emptied our state hospitals onto our streets, and onto families ill-equipped to deal with the sometimes violent mentally ill.
Thank God, the "solution" is so simple...
Also, 84% of NRA members support universal background checks. The problem is, every time a bill comes up for a vote, Democrats add poison pill amendments guaranteeing defeat in the legislature (and the courts), and then they proceed to tell the TV cameras that "once again the GOP and the gun lobby have voted down background checks and defied the will of the people", or some such nonsense.  
If you want to watch Dems sabotage universal background checks (while Republicans roll their eyes and face-palm) in real time, go here:
P.S. You can probably guess which one of these three groups I belong to (Hint: It's the one that's growing and actually decides elections):
P S The line, "You don't need 30 rounds to shoot a deer!" is not clever.
The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting tools, toys for hobbyists (target shooting), or even weapons for self-defense.
It's about ARMS!!!
It's about the individual citizen's right to arms, so they'll be prepared to join a militia, not the other way around. ‘Well regulated’ at that time, simply meant, ‘efficient.’ In other words, in order for a muster to be efficient, civilians needed to be already armed.
So the "collective rights" argument has a couple of problems that make it quite unhinged from history and reality.
1) As I've mentioned above, Americans have always been relatively heavily armed. How did that happen in a collective rights paradigm?
2) Contrary to what you were probably taught in school, by the time of the Confederate artillery barrage on Fort Sumter, the war over slavery had already been going on for over six years, and was fought entirely by independent volunteer militia's. Fort Sumter was just the beginning of official involvement by government troops. How did that happen in a collective rights paradigm?
3) In what universe do government forces need to have their right to arms protected?
4) Since when do National Guard members keep National Guard arms (Hint: they're kept at the armory, and have been since colonial times)?
5) Obviously, "Liberals" are stupid.
Again: #LaborPartyNow!!!
P P S That was ENTIRELY the point of the first fruits of dissent, the 10 Amendments we've come to call the BILL OF RIGHTS (which have become a beacon to aspiring democrats all over the world), to protect INDIVIDUALS from the government they had just created. #TrueStory
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Virtual casino added to Everquest https://web.archive.org/web/20040121154511/http://eq.crgaming.com/viewarticle.asp?Article=5257
#20yrsago Left Behind deconstructed https://slacktivist.typepad.com/slacktivist/left_behind/index.html
#15yrsago WSJ invents fictional Net Neutrality scandal https://isen.com/blog/2008/12/bogus-wsj-story-on-net-neutrality.html
#15yrsago Arab shoe-tossing isn’t a gesture of friendly affection http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/010871.html
#15yrsago No Limit Texas Dreidel https://moderntribe.com/products/no_limit_texas_dreidel_standard
#10yrsago Sassafrass: choral folks songs about space and Icelandic mythos https://memex.craphound.com/2013/12/14/sassafrass-choral-folks-songs-about-space-and-icelandic-mythos/
#10yrsago Bunnie Huang explains the nuts-and-bolts of getting stuff made in Shenzhen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwhe0RWDMvE
#5yrsago Facebook gave third party developers access to 6.8 million users’ private photos https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-photo-api-bug-millions-users-exposed/
#5yrsago Rudolph’s Revenge, by Mr Werewolf https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Q5vJ8
#5yrsago Augmented reality and machine empathy: another great sf story from Sarah Gailey https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/12/short-story-about-choice-age-wearables/577732/
#5yrsago The journalists Facebook installed as fact-checkers say the company is using them as window-dressing https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/dec/13/they-dont-care-facebook-fact-checking-in-disarray-as-journalists-push-to-cut-ties
#5yrsago Citing Brett Kavanaugh appointment, California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye has quit the GOP https://calmatters.org/politics/2018/12/chief-justice-of-the-california-supreme-court-leaves-the-republican-party-citing-kavanaugh/
#5yrsago Every Mickey: a chimera made by combining every available online 3D model of Mickey Mouse https://web.archive.org/web/20181211171931/https://www.plummerfernandez.com/Every-Mickey
#5yrsago Yellow Vests stand for and against many contradictory things, but are united in opposition to oligarchy https://memex.craphound.com/2018/12/14/yellow-vests-stand-for-and-against-many-contradictory-things-but-are-united-in-opposition-to-oligarchy/
#5yrsago Mass protests and parliamentary chaos in Hungary over “slave labour” law https://memex.craphound.com/2018/12/14/mass-protests-and-parliamentary-chaos-in-hungary-over-slave-labour-law/
#5yrsago Europe’s right-to-repair movement is surging — and winning https://www.vice.com/en/article/9k487p/protesters-are-slowly-winning-electronics-right-to-repair-battles-in-europe
#5yrsago After chaos, the EU’s plan to censor the internet takes a huge step backwards https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/12/facing-criticism-all-sides-eus-terrible-copyright-amendments-stumble-new-year
#1yrago This "inflation" is different https://pluralistic.net/2022/12/14/medieval-bloodletters/#its-the-stupid-economy
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hackernewsrobot · 3 days
California fails to track its homelessness spending or results, a new audit says
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holisticalameda · 5 days
Medicine Man: Calabasas CA Community Screening 1st October
“Part cowboy, part naturalist, part lots of other things — he is in many ways a baffling man.” So begins Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story, a documentary focused on the remarkable life of Stan Brock and his founding of the charity Remote Area Medical (RAM). One part exposé of the life and career of British adventurer Stanley Brock, and one part investigation into America’s faltering health-care system, the documentary threads together biography with topical investigative journalism. It shows how Brock made the late-in-life transition from roving animal wrangler to roving medicine man. The documentary’s most compelling moments come from the on-the-ground footage captured at Brock’s mobile health-care sites. We see everyday folks camping out for days for a chance to get everything from tooth extractions to tumors removed free of charge.
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The main message of Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story is about how healthcare ought to be a right, not a privilege … but it is also in greater part about the absolute importance of volunteerism, the giving of oneself to help those less fortunate. Stan Brock became the consummate volunteer, and named RAM a Volunteer Corps.
Holistic Alameda co-hosted a Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story community screening in June, in association with League of Women Voters of Alameda, Iambic Dream & Alameda Recreation and Park Department at Mastick Center in June! So naturally we're excited about the next California community screening of this important doc film on October 1st in the Los Angeles area at Calabasas Library, which will incorporate a health and volunteer minI-fair, amazing! So spread the word to friends and family …
This is In association with the Rotary Club of Calabasas and The Friends of the Calabasas Library. Other participants will include CalMatters.org and AirsLa.Org with more to join. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director. For more further information, email Karilyn Steward at [email protected] or visit the Calabasas Library website: calabasaslibrary.org
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fadingsunsjvj · 13 days
California mulls offering free checking accounts - CalMatters
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ryan-jared-blog-post · 4 months
Post de Blog 2, Semestre 2
Hola chicos. Soy Jared y en la última entrada del blog hablé de una situación en la que un gobierno salvó un parque protegido, pero el tema de este post es mucho más urgente y no tiene una solución fácil. Hoy hablaré sobre una situación muy grave que ocurrió en el año pasado, las sequías en América del Sur. Más específicamente, hablaré de los efectos de estas sequías en el medio ambiente de la Amazonia brasileña.
Aunque casi todos los años se producen sequías en la Amazonia, en 2023 fue peor que nunca. Las sequías son peores este año que nunca debido a un sistema climático llamado El Niño. Si quieres saber más sobre El Niño, lee la publicación del blog de Ryan o lee la publicación 3 de mi blog.  En el estado de Amazonia en Brasil (la región más afectada por esta tragedia), los ríos no tenían suficiente agua. Esto provocó que aparecieran muchas especies de peces muertos en las orillas y que muchas orillas de ríos colapsaran mortalmente.
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Sí, este es el mismo río Amazonas mencionado en el blog de Gael y Alessandra sobre La Yacamama de Ecuador a pesar de que esta sequía está en Brasil. Extendiéndose desde Ecuador hasta Brasil, atravesando casi todo el continente, queda claro lo importante que es el río Amazonas. Además, el río Amazonas es como una autopista que cruza el país y es muy importante para el transporte de comidas, medicinas, ect. Esto significa que muchas ciudades del país no tenían suficiente comida y esto, obviamente, es horrible. Esta situación también da mucho miedo porque estas condiciones secas y calurosas pueden causar muchos incendios forestales y con esta, mucha deforestación, contaminación, ect. Si quieres aprender sobre esto, lee el blog post de Ryan. 
En una situación crítica como está, es obvio que el gobierno necesita hacer algo y Brasil no fue una excepción. El gobierno brasileño, en conjunto con el ejército, envió paquetes de ayuda a las regiones afectadas con agua, alimentos y otros suministros. El gobierno también se comprometió a gastar más de 126 millones de dólares para reconstruir todos los daños y proteger la infraestructura y el medio ambiente de estas regiones contra sequías e incendios en el futuro.
Sin embargo, es muy posible que todos estos esfuerzos sean inútiles porque los expertos piensan que las sequías del  año siguiente serán peores. En mi opinión, el gobierno brasileño está en una mala posición porque necesita gastar dinero porque si no gasta dinero, los brasileños podrían pensar que no son les importa al gobierno, pero además estos esfuerzos son muy costosos y serán necesarios. el año que viene también cuando vuelvan a producirse las sequías. Además, Brasil ahora tiene muchos más problemas con la pobreza y la economía y sería malo si Brasil gastara mucho dinero cada año y no lograra nada. Yo no sé lo que Brasil debería hacer pero yo sé que Brasil, de una forma u otra, necesitará tomar una decisión difícil.
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Vivo en Estados Unidos y también tenemos muchas sequías muy graves. Por ejemplo, el año pasado tuvimos sequías en muchos estados como California. California, como el estado Amozonia, sufre sequías todos los años, pero el año pasado fue peor que nunca.El gobierno de Estados Unidos, FEMA y el gobierno de California enviaron ayuda a personas afectadas por tan sequías como Brasil. Pero también, en 2021, Joe Biden aprobó una ley de infraestructura que asignó 8 mil millones de dólares para reconstruir y modernizar infraestructura y construir represas/embalses para prevenir crisis futuras. Creo que esto es muy caro, pero Brasil debe hacer algo como esto para garantizar que no vuelvan a ocurrir sequías de esta magnitud.
¡Gracias por leer y hasta luego!
Un saludo, 
Jared Margulis
Becker, R. (2022, September 28). Four in a row: California drought likely to continue. CalMatters. https://calmatters.org/environment/2022/09/california-drought-likely-to-continue/
Hughes, E. (2023, December 20). “everything is dead”: How record drought is wreaking havoc on the Amazon. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/20/everything-is-dead-how-record-drought-is-wreaking-havoc-on-the-amazon
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dayvin-velez · 5 months
The Problem of Food Inflation
Inflation especially when it comes to food has been a problem plaguing the US for a long while, especially after the covid19 pandemic.
The increase of prices cause by food inflation has led to a lot of family's suffering due to not being able afford food. Not only does it affect families and other individuals who need to buy food, it also has an impact on Local restaurants. These restaurants are not able to buy the resources they need to keep their business afloat, much less being able to provide for themselves.
Some solutions being thrown around include things such as food banks, government programs, and many organizations that can help provide food for people in need or even help secure, protect and harvest the crops needed for more food.
(This was mainly done itself for a school project, I hope I did well this this, here is some additional links below which me and some of my fellow classmates got for this, feel free to research more about this topic whenever you have the time)
(will edit this with more links whenever I have the time)
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3gremlins · 7 months
hey fyi if you're a registered democrat (or independent who requested inclusion in the primary on your ballot) in CALIFORNIA and you want to protest biden's continued support of israel in the primary (like they have in minnesota and michigan), it's recommended that you leave the presidential area blank (vote for nobody) instead of writing in anything/editorializing. the reasoning for this is you don't want to accidentally negate your whole ballot (and there's a lot of important local and state elections that are important to vote in this upcoming tuesday too). to minimize this risk, it's suggested to leave it blank (what counts as "impeding tabulation" is pretty arbitrary and is at the discretion of election officials). info here: https://calmatters.org/politics/elections/2024/02/gaza-ceasefire-democrats-california-election/ also if you're a democratic socialist/progressive looking for some more solid info/recs (tho ofc you should always do your own research) on candidates and issues, the california dsa has a pretty solid voter guide here (if you're in la, the dsla chapter has their own local version available as a pdf here). voting day is tomorrow (march 5, 2024)!
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newsokgr · 10 months
Τα φαρμακεία της Καλιφόρνια σταματούν να αρωματίζουν τα φάρμακα για παιδιά καθώς τίθενται σε ισχύ οι νέοι κρατικοί κανόνες
Η Santa Barbara Independent αναδημοσιεύει ιστορίες από το CalMatters.org σχετικά με πολιτειακά και τοπικά ζητήματα που επηρεάζουν τους αναγνώστες στην κομητεία Santa Barbara. Lea este artículo en español . Περισσότερα από 3.000 φαρμακεία της Καλιφόρνια νωρίτερα αυτό το μήνα τερμάτισαν μια υπηρεσία που παρείχαν εδώ και καιρό για να βοηθήσουν το φάρμακο να σταματήσει, και δεν είναι σαφές πότε θα…
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westend9 · 11 months
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New California law requires gradual minimum wage increase to $25 per hour for healthcare workers. California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Friday a bill that raises the minimum wage for healthcare workers to $25 per hour across the state over the next several years.4 days ago
https://www.fiercehealthcare.com › ...
Newsom signs $25 per hour minimum wage law for healthcare
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The Hill
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New California law raises minimum wage to $25 for health care workers
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Join CalMatters.org in an online conversation about California’s long struggle to help people with serious mental illness on April 25, 1-1:30pm
The COVID-19 pandemic, people with mental illness living on the streets, the fentanyl epidemic, and a growing mental health crisis among children and teenagers, has made mental health a top concern for Californians. Referencing “our broken system,” Gov. Gavin Newsom in recent years has made more funding available and rolled out a steady stream of major mental health policy changes.
Registration link: https://forlearningmentalhealth.splashthat.com
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truck-fump · 1 year
<b>Trump</b> to California Republicans: 'No way we lose this state in a real election' - CalMatters
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/09/donald-trump-california-republicans/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2TE5_IjoRPMQnftqPMeDcc
Trump to California Republicans: 'No way we lose this state in a real election' - CalMatters
Donald Trump railed against Democrats and again claimed the 2020 election was rigged in his speech to the California Republican Party.
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Tearing down Klamath dams: The world’s largest dam demolition - CalMatters
Tribes and communities along the Klamath River wait anxiously to see what the future holds. “Once a river is dammed, is it damned forever?” experts ask. — Read on calmatters.org/environment/2023/08/klamath-river-dams-demolition/
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hackernewsrobot · 4 months
California sides with big utilities, trimming incentives for community solar
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