#calum icon
kindahoping4forever · 24 days
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Cal via shicafreaka on IG
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venusplanetofloveee · 28 days
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The og tumblr boys.
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calumsbiceps · 5 months
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editfandom · 1 year
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Aftersun, 2022
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sugarcoatedvein · 5 months
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moviesycho · 1 year
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Paul Mescal as Calum
AFTERSUN (2022) directed by Charlotte Wells
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youngxcalm · 5 months
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i love
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riya-kaur · 10 months
luke robert hemmings.
cw! mentions of puking and feeling unwell
summary: you had been feeling unwell for a couple of days now. with luke being concerned he called the boys and told them he couldn't make it into the studio today so he could take the day to stay beside you and take care of you.
take care.
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it was early hours in the morning, the sun hardly up from its slumber.
your hands grabbed your stomach as you woke up with a sharp pain to your abdomen. "fuck" you muttered as you sprinted to the bathroom, still holding your stomach. you knelt down beside the toilet as you bring up the contents of your stomach.
the sourness in your mouth, making you retch from the taste as you hovered over the bowl.
"i'm so sorry, sweet." you feel your boyfriend's hand rest on the small of your back, rubbing your back in an up and down motion.
you open your mouth to speak, but before you know it, you're leaning into the bowl again. you feel luke gather your hair and put it up in a ponytail. "t-thanks" you finally say as he leans your back against his chest.
you feel his arms travel around you waist as he puts his head on your shoulder. "how're you feeling sweet?" he asks, watching you as you nuzzle yourself further into his embrace.
"i hate this, lu" you sniffle as you turn your head into his chest, letting your tears soak into his bare chest. "i'm sorry, my love" he frowns before placing a kiss on your head.
"no, i'm sorry- you have work later on and i woke you up. you should head back to sleep" you sniffle once again as you pull yourself away from your boyfriend. "don't be silly, i wanna take care of you y/n, let me, okay?" he reassures, pulling you back into his embrace.
"ïm gonna go downstairs and get you some medicine and water, then we can try head back to sleep for a few hours, is that okay?" he asks, and you nod.
luke helps lift you up and guides you back into the bedroom, settling you into the bed. "i'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" he informs you and you respond with a nod before pulling the covers over your body.
you hear luke jog downstairs before he makes his way into the kitchen, opening and closing the kitchen cabinets. true to his word, after a few minutes, you hear him walking back up the stairs. this time, he walks in with a tall glass of water and some pills in his hand.
you've got a visitor" Iuke announces, nodding his head to the side. you peek over to luke's side seeing petunia walking over as she wags her tail left to right.
"hey baby girl" you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "go to momma, 'tunia." luke coos at the bulldog before handing you the water and pills. "thank you, lu," you give him a weak smile before placing the pills in your mouth, which you swallowed down with half the glass of water.
you then feel petunia jump onto the end of the bed. waddling her way over to you, you quickly set your glass on your nightstand before directing your attention to the pup.
luke had now made his way around the bed, now on his side of the bed, before slipping under the duvet.
luke cuddles into your side, letting one hand pet the pup in front of you. "if you don't want to sleep, let me know, okay?" he mumbles against your shoulder. "no, sleeping might do me somne good" you mutter as you turn to look at the blonde. luke hums before gently pulling you down, beside him.
"c'mere" he whispers as he lays you right next to him. he wraps his arms around you before placing a kiss on your head. "goodnight sweet" he mumbles against your neck. "goodnight lu"
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hours had ticked by, and you hadn't slept a wink. you were tossing and turning in discomfort and pain.
you were settled on your back, staring at the ceiling whilst your hands were busy massaging the pup beside you.
you jumped slightly when you heard luke's alarm fill the room. you hear luke groan as he goes to turn it off. "morning baby" he says in his croaky morning voice. "morning" you say as you fake a smile, trying to hide the pain you're in.
''when did you wake up" he asks, rubbing his eyes open. "i'm not too sure" you lie, your voice hinting with hesitation. "have you been asleep at all?" your boyfriend asks, as he sits up on the bed.
you shake your head to the side, "i'm sorry, i just couldn't, it's hurts lu, too much" you say as your eyes become glossy. "aw baby" he coos as he lifts you up and pulls you into his lap. ''you should have a woke me up" he says as he strokes the locks of your hair that laid on over your shoulder.
"you've got work today. i didn't want to disturb you" you whimper as you hide your face into his chest. "baby, you still should've woken me up," he whispers before placing a kiss on your hair. "sorry lu" you sniffle against his chest.
you stay in luke's embrace for a short amount of time before he excuses himself to answer his phone, which was ringing from an incoming call.
you hear luke walking out of the bedroom before you hear the muffled voices from him and the person on the phone.
you turn your attention to the pup, who laid beside you. you placed kisses on her head and nose before you see luke enter back into the bedroom.
"you okay?" you ask, looking up at the blonde. luke nods before gesturing petunia to move. he sits where she once laid, which was in front of you. he takes your hand in his, "what'd you want for breakfast, love?" he asks as he plays with your fingers. "nothing, 'm not hungry'' you mumble as you lean forward to lean on his chest.
"sweet, you have to eat. i'll make anything you want," Iuke offers. "avocado on toast," you say, looking up at luke. he places a kiss on your nose, "perfect, i'll go make it" he says.
he scoops you up into his arms and begins to make his way downstairs, petunia following behind him.
he sets you on the couch before placing a blanket over you. "i'll go make your breakfast," he smiles, placing a kiss to your head.
you watch as he makes his way to the kitchen, "Iu" you exclaim before letting a string of coughs follow suit. "yes, love?" he asks, shouting from the kitchen.
"don't you have to go to the studio today?" you ask, sniffling. you hear luke walking back to where you laid. "i told the boys i couldn't make it today, told them how you're feeling," he says, hovering over you from behind the couch.
"lu, no, you should go. i'll be fine, honestly, " you say, the sound of your voice coming out quiet and soft. unable to contain it, you let out another string of coughs. "no y/n, i need to be here with you and help you get better," he states.
"i'm sorry, lu" you say letting your head fall back, looking into his eyes. he shakes his head before placing a kiss on your lips upside down. he places his hand around your neck, helping you to keep your balance as your head is tilted back.
you pull away quickly after, "you shouldn't kiss me, we don't wanna risk you getting sick as well" you say, looking back at luke. luke hums, "i don't care, baby" he says before placing a quick peck to your lips again. "Iu" you hummed, shaking your head.
luke simply gives you wink before standing up straight, from leaning over the couch. "i'm gonna head out to get some avocado, okay, will you be okay for ten minutes?" he asks. you nod, "just don't be long, or i'll miss you too much" you say with a pout on your lips. luke giggles, "you won't even notice i'm gone, love"
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"i noticed you were gone" you whine as you hear your boyfriend kick his shoes off, beside the front door.
"sorry sweet, the line was so long" he says, walking over to you, with a bag of groceries. "i got you something," he smiles before placing a kiss on your forehead. you watched as he kneeled down in front of you, bringing the hand that was behind his back in front of you, showing off the bouquet of flowers he was holding.
"oh my- lu! thank you baby!" you exclaim, holding the flowers and breathing in their scent. you're welcome, my love,' he giggles. "here, i'll go put them in water, luke says. you pass him the flowers back. "thank you, baby, that was so sweet," you smile. "you're welcome, sweet."
luke heads back into the kitchen, putting the flowers in a vase and setting it on the coffee table. he then turns his attention back to making breakfast for the two of you.
"shit" you muttered as you made your way back into the bathroom, kneeling down beside the toilet, emptying your stomach once again.
minutes had passed, you had assumed that the breakfast was nearly ready as you heard luke fry an egg for his avocado on toast. the smell from frying the egg came across strong, making your stomach turn.
you felt tears roll down your cheek as you felt a burn to your throat.
"fuck, are you okay?" you hear luke exclaim. you nod your head before tucking your knees to your chest, resting your head on your knees.
"i"m so sorry lu" you choke as the tears fall down to your cheeks. "don't apologize, he hums as he wraps his arms around you, swaying you in his arms. "you're gonna be okay y/n" he reassures.
after luke consoled you, the two of you made your way back into the living room, where you both sat and ate your breakfast. you struggled eating at first, but luke encouraged you to at least try and eat.
"okay, what'd you wanna do sweet?" he asks, coming back into the living room from putting the dishes in the kitchen.
"wanna watch the prisoner of azkaban?" you grin, batting your eyelashes. "how can i say no" he smiles.
you put the movie on whilst luke sets himself in between your legs, placing his head on your stomach whilst his arms wrapped around your legs.
"ready?" you ask before clicking play on the movie. the blonde hums as he turns to look at the tv.
it was nearly the end of the movie, and during the movie, your boyfriend couldn't help but notice how highly you speak about a certain character. "he's definitely your favourite character, isn't he?" luke says. "duh" you say playfully, rolling your eyes. "okay, but seriously, lu, can you blame me. i mean, just look at him!" you squeal. luke looks up at you, his head still on your stomach. he plasters a fake frown on his lips whilst making his eyes glossy, "but he doesn't compare to you baby." you giggle as you see the blonde's frown turn into a gleaming smirk.
"i know, i'm definitely better looking than sirius black," he smirks, leaning up to place a kiss on your lips, but you quickly turn your head. "i don't want you to get sick, lu," you inform him. "i won't, and even if i do, i don't mind. i just wanna kiss you, love," he says, knitting his brows together, "please, " he adds.
"c'mere" you say, shaking your head. "thank you sweet" he says, leaning up to place a soft and slow kiss on your lips. he let's his lips linger on yours before he settles his head back onto your stomach, "i love you y/n", he smiles softly, glancing up at you, "i love you lu" you smile back.
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"she's gonna pick me!" you exclaim as you take a seat on the floor. you watch luke set your phone up across the room. "no, she's a hundred percent a daddy's girl" luke confirms.
the two of you had decided to try out a tiktok trend to see who petunia would go to. we told her to sit on the opposite side of the room as we sat on the other side of the room.
luke came and sat beside you, leaving plenty of room between the two of you. he had set the ten second timer on tiktok, and once it hit one second left, the two of you called petunia over.
you watch her waddling her way over to the two of you before she stops in the middle, looking between both you and luke.
"come on, baby," you exclaim, "come on, tunia." luke squeals. you watch her look over at luke before she comes running into your arms.
you let her lick your face whilst you exclaimed in excitemnent, "i wanna do it again!" you hear your boyfriend say, "luke she chose me, that means she likes me better." you giggle as you stick your tongue out at the blonde. "please, just one more go?" he asks, "fine" you say, giving in.
you set petunia back into the spot she sat in before, you and luke then sitting back into your seats.
once again, once the timer hit one, you both called her over. she came running up to you before luke called her over. once she set her eyes on luke, she sprinted over to him. "ha" luke exclaims. "now we're even," you smile, standing up to grab your phone, which recorded the video.
you take a seat on the couch, watching the video back. luke had now made his way beside you, snuggling into your side.
''oh my gosh- luke, you cheated!" you exclaimed as you look at the boy, "did not!" he says, lifting his head up from your shoulder. ''what's this?" you say as you showed him a scene from the video.
it was the part where luke had called her over when she stood in front of me, luke had shown her a treat, hence why she went running over to him.
"she likes you better than me" luke frowns. "what can i say, i'm just the best" you giggle. luke hums, "that you are" he says, pulling you in for a kiss.
you let your hands cup his cheeks once he deepened the kiss with his tongue. he hums against your lips as he pulls you on top of him, a smirk growing on his lips as he squeezed your leg.
the two of you were interrupted by the doorbell ringing, "fucking great" luke mumbles against your lips. you giggle as you roll off his laps. luke stands up, making his way to the front door.
"we come bearing gifts!" you hear a familiar voice say from the door, along with a few other muffled voices.
you peek your head up, wanting to see who it was. "hey crys," you hear luke say. "crystal!" you exclaim before you see her running up to you. she hovers over you before giving you a tight hug.
"how are you feeling, babe?" she asks. "wasn't feeling too good this morning, but luke's been great at taking care of me" you say, giving a smile to your boyfriend.
luke hovers over you from behind, placing a kiss on your head. you look behind luke to see michael, ashton, and calum. "hey guys," you smile at the other three, giving them a small hug.
they greeted you back before wishing you a speedy recovery.
the six of you all took seats on the couch, whilst you all caught up.
you, luke, and crystal were on one couch whilst calum, ashton, and michael were on the other couch.
''we bought you some gifts" michael says, handing a basket to you. "you shouldn't have" you express, "but thank you, i appreciate it, guys." you smile before opening the basket.
''my favourite!" you squeal as you take out the packet of party size crispy m&ms out. "i call dibs on half," luke announces, you shake your head at the boy, "nope, these are all mine, baby" you grin.
"but you can definitely help me use up all these," you say as you take out a box full of face masks, lip masks, and under eye masks
"yeah, definitely not, babe,"
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a/n: this a repost of the sickfic i did.
also send in your requests, guys! ♡
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iconsfinder · 9 months
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calumsash · 2 years
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i love shaggy
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sbrinapacks · 10 months
hii sabrina icons with 5 seconds of summer headers please??
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Via Rock Sound's 25 Icons Series
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aboutl0ve · 3 months
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calumsbiceps · 7 months
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Luke Hemmings in ✨Yellow✨
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editfandom · 4 months
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Calum - Aftersun, 2022
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sugarcoatedvein · 8 months
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- 🦢🫧🎧🪞🩰 -
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