#calzona chats
drdelphinecormigay · 2 years
Hello 👋
What Calzona fic are you reading now? Is it any good?
I’m currently re reading This Life and The Next and it is absolutely wonderful which is something I’ve harped on about so much I’m sure you all know that by now!
I’ve also recently been reading Working for The Enemy which honestly is a good fun read, the plot can be a bit silly but overall I’m enjoying it
I next plan to re read Time Heals Everything (Except Loving You) bc I forgot it existed until like an hour ago and I don’t remember anything about it other than I really enjoyed it so I’ll share my thoughts on that when I get to it!
How about you guys? What have you been reading recently? Any recommendations?
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thundergrace · 2 years
Someone put in the chat "Hello Penny Blake from Grey's"
And I replied, "I loved Perfect Penny😊"
And then Kate mentioned that someone mentioned 'Perfect Penny', and Sam said "oh yeah" and smiled just a bit.
But you can tell it's not something she wants to talk about or get into. That's a shame. No actress -other than the actress who played the woman Arizona cheated on Callie with- who played a woman 'getting between' Calzona had a good time, I don't think
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You’ve heard of the Slexie zone. Now introducing:
The Calzona crew!
Feel free to join.
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spookyrobbins · 6 months
Hey can you send a link for the discord - everyone I've found is invalid lol thanks
here you go:
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itsmccomplicated · 3 years
this is just my interpretation, but i’m thinking about how at the end of the musical episode when callie is singing ‘the story,’ she alludes to all of the wonderful things that she has to live for but still chooses to make the decision to stay for herself.
callie wasn’t made for mark, or for arizona, or even for sofia. she was made for callie.
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leaculpa22 · 7 years
Attention femslash shippers!
I want to start a group chat on whatsapp about all lesbians ships (bi and non binary ships as well). A place where we can talk about our canon and non canon ships whitout judgements and share arts about them.
If you would like to join please message me here with your number so I can create it!
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abbidaiz · 7 years
Things that irritate me: straight girls who worry that a gay girl fancies them.
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pearlcages · 2 years
stop not a post-s14 multi chap! i’m fully devoted to that era of them because there are SO many possibilities for angst, and also because those au’s on ffnet are… distressing (to say the least).
it’s wild how Calzona see each other in ny, share one kiss, talk for like 30 minutes and then BAM they’re back together again. like miss arziona would physically and emotionally not be able to get behind that. cmon people.
would love to chat bc i am curious about what you have in store. i just never go on discord and haven’t gone on tumblr since i was a teen haha. i honestly probs wouldn’t even have asked you anything till i saw your description and was like hm this person seems vibey
no literally calzona’s reconciliation must be long, messy, and at least a little toxic. as of chapter four they have had only one conversation that was completely amicable and frankly? i don’t know when that’s going to happen again.
you should dm me if you want more info!! i have so many fun little excerpts written and i’m always open to feedback / criticism— glad i seem vibey, honestly what more could a gal ask for
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What’s our sorely-missed Calzona and company doing RIGHT NOW?
Headcannons from your favorite Calzona-obsessed and barely updated fangirl!
Callie is the chief of ortho at NewYork Presbyterian, with a huge research grant to take her artificial cartilage to clinical trials and to finish her and Derek’s work on robotic limbs for amputees. Amelia is consulting on her late brother’s work and flies out help (and see her friends) every few months. Callie is loving the baby time she gets with Scout during Amelia’s visits, and is not-so-subtly eyeing Arizona whenever a baby is in sight. Arizona begrudgingly agreed to be the face of NY Pres’ campaign for the robotic limb research, and Callie really loves pointing out to coworkers and patients alike that the hot blonde plastered across banners and walls and elevators is the woman she comes home to every night. The Chief of Surgery at NY Pres announced his upcoming retirement recently, and Callie just learned she’s been placed on the short list for his replacement.
Callie works just a short subway ride from the Robbins-Herman Center for Women's Health, where Arizona’s carts have reduced maternal mortality rates by a decent percentage. Herman is licensing off the rights to the carts across the country given how promising the results have been. Nicole and Arizona are teaching a promising “flock” of students. Nicole insists on referring to them as a flock, with Arizona being their mama bird, as she is Dr. Robbins. Arizona pretends not to be amused by Nicole’s less-than-stellar running joke, but she secretly loves being the rare, exotic mama bird, helping the new nestlings learn to soar in the field that she and Nicole are pioneering, saving lives in the process. Somehow, Nicole manages to, despite the blindness, always know exactly what’s going on, be it in a surgery or in Arizona’s love life. 
And Arizona’s love life is, for the first time in a long time, super awesome. She and Callie are stronger than ever, going into their relationship with better boundaries, coping mechanisms, communication skills, and understandings of each other. What hasn’t changed is the easy chemistry, laughter, and palpable, mutual attraction Arizona and Callie always seemed to share. Originally, Arizona had rented the apartment across the hall from Callie’s, but once her year-long lease was up, she, Callie, and Sofia, now a proper family again, made themselves comfortable in the far-more-spacious penthouse, with surprisingly low rent. Well, it was surprising until they found out that Carlos Torres of Torres Enterprises had ventured into Manhattan real-estate. He wanted nothing but the best for his Calliope, but Arizona doesn’t believe in handouts, so they pay a fair but below market-price rent for the four bedroom apartment. Between visits from Amelia and Teddy with Scout and Allison, Callie’s pleading looks, and her surprising ability to sic Sofia on the baby train, Arizona got on board. Callie and Arizona are in the process of becoming registered foster parents, as well as putting applications in with a few adoption agencies. 
When they realized that the fostering/adoption process would be much simpler if they were married, Callie popped the question (it was her turn, after all) during dinner at a three Michelin star restaurant. Callie had previously made a list of all the restaurants in New York she wanted to try, and although Arizona is a far less intrepid eater, she’s been holding her own on the adventure. Arizona said yes, not that it was even a question. After all, they’re Callie and Arizona, the great love story. They’re meant to be. Callie and Arizona had a quiet (legally-binding!) ceremony at their local courthouse with Sofia, but plan to have a destination wedding in Spain with the whole GSM gang once COVID travel restrictions lighten up. Sofia, a genius like both her moms and her dad, got to skip fourth grade and is loving fifth grade. She’s really excited for middle school, regularly claiming she’s all grown up now, but she’ll always be her moms’ baby girl no matter how many grades she skips or how old she gets. She has weekly FaceTime calls with Zola on her brand new phone. Arizona was staunchly against it, as The Colonel’s daughter, but seeing as Sofia took the subway on her own, Callie talked her into it.
Callie and Arizona keep up with all of their Grey-Sloan Memorial friends, past and present, but are definitely thankful to have gotten away from the drama that seemed to follow them around in Seattle. Meredith, aside from her comatose period during her battle with COVID, has done a remarkable job keeping them in the loop, with Maggie filling in when Meredith couldn’t. While Callie and Arizona couldn’t visit Meredith when she was sick, they hounded Bailey and Webber with endless phone calls for progress reports. Bailey was beyond happy to hear that the wedding she officiated ended up in a happy marriage, despite what she referred to as a little bump in the road. Richard is also happy he no longer has to be Arizona’s wingman, but the whole GSM gang still gets together for weekly trivia nights on Zoom every Wednesday, at Richard’s insistence. And whenever Callie gets into a disagreement with her soon-to-be former chief at NY Pres, one reminder that she is a close personal friend of Webber and Bailey seems to end with her getting her way. She promised she wouldn’t use that to her advantage, but she does. Her temper still gets the best of her, but not when it comes to Arizona or Sofia, which is all that really matters to Callie.
Arizona was overjoyed to hear about April’s move thousands of miles closer. She has booked train tickets to Boston for herself, Callie, and Sofia to help with the move. Sofia can distract Harriet, Arizona can be her type-A control freak self and make sure every box is put exactly where she thinks it should be, and she can stare at Callie’s ass while she carries boxes around, so, for Arizona, it’s a win-win-win-win scenario. Her apartment-warming gift to April is a very large Expedia gift card so that she feels obligated to visit Arizona often as she can get away from work. To say Arizona misses the woman she’d never have expected to become her best friend is an understatement.
Alex is still a little bitter he missed a number of years of the twins’ lives, but Arizona is helping him through that and he and Izzie are doing well. He’s, of course, the star at their dump truck Kansas hospital (not that Arizona would ever use that characterization to his face), having been Arizona’s protégé for all these years. He still calls Arizona when he needs to make a plan for a complicated case. Sometimes the cases he calls Arizona about aren’t all that complicated, but both Alex and Arizona know it’s Alex Karev’s way of checking in and catching up. He isn’t one to admit to calling people just to chat.
Cristina is hoping to make a trip out to see her god-daughter, who she still refers to as a chicken, when the pandemic restrictions relax. Until then, she and Callie talk every couple weeks, catching up on the latest groundbreaking, kick ass procedure Cristina has brilliantly invented. She says she’s married to her work, but there is a Swiss surgeon at the hospital who seems to be infatuated with Cristina, from what Callie can gather. And it appears to be mutual. Cristina is still not one to gush about boyfriends, but Callie can get bits and pieces in conversation. Every so often, Callie, Arizona, and Sofia get fancy Swiss chocolates in the mail, with a note to keep sending pictures of Aunt Cristina’s little chicken.
Addison has an open invitation to join the Robbins-Herman Center. Arizona even offered to amend the name, but Nicole was none too happy at the prospect of getting her name booted from second to third. But, again, the Robbins-Herman-Montgomery Center makes it sound like they are a man. Addison is still mulling it over, happy with her life, friends, and family in LA, but Callie and Arizona are still trying to wear her down. And Addison still regularly reminds them to thank her for Callie’s gay awakening, She was, after all, the first one to point it out.
Mark is beyond thrilled to see that all of his yelling has been working, not that he’s getting the credit. Now that Callie and Arizona woke up and aren’t missing the best part of life, Mark can enjoy watching Sofia grow up with Lexie by his side. Sofia is certainly growing into her Sloan looks, and will certainly be a heartbreaker once she gets a bit older. 
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shayveridekidd · 3 years
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
hi, so i feel like you and the group chat members are my best hope buuut i've been trying to find this fic it's au and alex is a single dad and jo becomes his kids nanny?? i feel like i remember that calzona helped him pick a nanny and also jason (blehh) was in it briefly. if you can help i'd be super greatful, thanks a bunch in advance!
okay, i’m 99% sure that this is the fic you were talking about, since i searched all of ff.net and got only this one. 
here is where you can find it. 
only reason i’m saying 99% sure is bc i’m pretty sure i remember calzona, but i don’t remember anything about jason, though that could be because i read it a while ago (only like max of 4 months but i have the memory the size of a pea so...) 
n e ways, hope this is the one ur talking about! 
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drdelphinecormigay · 2 years
What are your favorite CalZona characterizations?
Oooh a wonderful question!! And one I have thought about before so I can answer it!
Ok so, for Callie, I love:
- Badass Callie who is super sarky and doesn’t like perky people… except for her super perky gf that she is absolutely head over heels for and she know it ruins her image a bit but she can’t even bring herself to care. I saw someone on Twitter discussing ‘golden retriever gf x black cat gf’ and I am obsessed with it as a calzona concept.
- Sports Callie. I’ve definitely discussed this before. I know it’s quite AU but I love a sports AU. And a ‘Callie is the top of her game’ sports AU is always a good one
- Business Callie. I can’t remember if I’ve talked about it before but like, Callie being the top of her game as a business professional walking around in a tailored pant suit and heels is such a vibe. Like in Bailero. I always picture her in the if/then episode. It’s a great time. (I also love passionate but stressed chaos genius Arizona in Bailero but we’re talking Callie here)
For Arizona:
- Top of her game good at her job Arizona is very important to me. Like, if she’s not totally bossing it then it doesn’t feel genuine
- Troubled Arizona. Hear me out on this one. I feel like Arizona can often be quite one dimensional (so like perky and chirpy) but there is definitely so much more to her that is neglected by the show. And I love it when writers explore that. I’m talking like fates collide Arizona, or scar tissue Arizona, or for love and softball Arizona (there are definitely way more). I just feel like there is so much to Arizona and her past and all of the shit that she’s been through that makes her her that can be explored in such a beautiful way.
If you’re looking at them as a couple, I think it’s really interesting how there’s a sort of spectrum of characterisations. Like, on one end you have badass sarcastic take no shit Callie and perky as fuck sweet bubbly Arizona, and then on the other you have super dorky endearing awkward Callie and super highly strung type A intense Arizona. And then you have anywhere in the middle of that. And I feel like they all work as long as they’re lined up properly, if this makes any sense. So like canon calzona are probably somewhere in the middle, probably more towards the badass Callie perky Arizona end, but all of my favourite fics are lined up somewhere on this spectrum. The key factor is that they all feel like calzona, and like what their relationship would be like if they had gone through different experiences etc. This feels like me chatting some real shit but I swear it makes sense in my head. Maybe I should draw a diagram lol
What about you guys. What are your favourite characterisations?
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thundergrace · 3 years
I first joined tumblr in the good old Grey's days and loved chatting to you about it. I haven't watched since season 10, but Sara's version of The story came up on my spotify playlist last night and man!! I have to say that show had some of the best tv episodes and moments that I've ever witnessed. Callie getting increasingly angry when she was watching Arizona break down and couldn't meet her new baby girl and she started shaking the hospital bed to try and get herself to wake up....absolute chills!😱 The shooting ep, the plane crash, the AU ep. That scene where Webber is singing My funny valentine to his wife. Ooooh 😥 I remember exactly how I felt in those moments💛 Even the regular eps had such powerful scenes and were gripping.
How impactful Calzona was (I just ignore what they turned them into in the end). Seeing that wedding. They were the first healthy wlw couple I saw on screen. The 'can't pray away the gay' scene. Arizona explaining to Callie's dad how she got her name 🥺
The different relationships and how they were all so different and powerful. Cristina and Meredith. Arizona and Alex. Mark and Callie. The amazing trio that was Bailey, Arizona, and Callie. Ugh!
I really need to do a rewatch of it all 😆
I could be wrong, but from what I've seen of the current seasons, it doesn't even compete, and in some ways I find it a bit sad as it's lost basically all the OG's and the magic. It's sort of like 'please, just let it die in peace'.
Sigh. I'm just going down memory lane here.
Yeah, I say Oz all the time but Grey's is probably my favorite show of all time. I guess I don't think to say that when pushed because it's still airing and I haven't watched in YEARS but... when that was my shit, IT WAS MY SHIT. And to this day no show has ever brought out so many different emotions in me. Grey's was epic. EPIC and I'm sure it's still epic for many who hung on and certainly for new fans it keeps getting ,that's keeping it the number one watched drama on tv or some shit, for damn near 20 years and still going strong...
Something interesting is how it became the premiere streaming show. Can you imagine? MILLIONS of people are introduced to Grey's Afuckingnatomy through Netflix and BINGEING that? That blows my mind. I can't imagine the emotional turmoil of having to watch these storylines non-stop without giving your heart a rest. Honestly, I don't envy it lol.
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priea01 · 2 years
(i’m the previous anon) yes ofc! i’ve read so many of your Calzona fics, like of course i remember @librarynerd on ffnet from 9 or so years ago. iconic.
i’m just now getting back into reading Calzona stuff, which is why i’m all over the place and trying to remember who wrote what. i guess i should have phrased my previous question better…
anyways, i love your work!! i know some anons on tumblr are beyond insensitive (especially about the whole fluffycalzona fiasco), but don’t sell yourself short— you’re one of the OG Calzona writers and many of us miss you!
Oh, then thank you for sure.
I'm glad you're enjoying revisiting old fics. I sometimes do that as well, though less often anymore.
I don't really consider myself OG because I was still pretty late to the game, but thank you. I do still write. It's just hard to write for a couple when there's no new content, as my ideas often come from what I want to see. But if you watch Station 19 and/or like Maya and Carina, I do currently write for them.
Also, definitely don't be afraid to come off anon if you have an account. I don't bite and I will happily chat with anyone who reaches out to me.
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spookyrobbins · 1 year
could you post a link to the discord again?? the last one i could find seems to have expired and i would love to join in on all the discussions that seem to be going on over there !
here you go! https://discord.gg/rhJKyvZ4
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Since you made the questions you should answer them too
1. Name your two favourite characters from a current TV show My two favourite characters are Arizona Robbins and Izzy Silva2. For the first of your favourite characters, let’s call them A, talk about why they are your favourite The lovely Arizona Robbins. She’s an amazing character in Greys Anatomy, she brings so much happiness with ever scene she is in. I love her because when she first came into the show, the fact that she was gay was never hidden. She has always been proud of who she is which inspires me. She can just smile and it makes me happy. The way she wore skate shoes around work, the way she’s always happy, the way she is super bubbly. Everything about her makes her my favourite character. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think I would still be as obsessed with Greys.3. For character A, talk about what you find attractive about them Oh god, where do I start. Arizona Robbins has the most beautiful smile. When she smiles her whole face just lights up. Her eyes, oh god her eyes. I could gaze into them for days and never get bored. You just have to look at her and you’ll instantly see how beautiful she is. Her hair always lays so perfectly, and her skin looks flawless. I even find her whole personality attractive, her bubbliness is everything.4. For the second of your favourite characters, let’s call them B, talk about why they are your favourite The amazing Izzy Silva, where do I even start. She’s so funny and full of life. I started watching You Me Her after seeing that she was in the show. She drinks a lot and smokes a lot of pot, both of which make me love her because seeing her like that makes me smile and laugh. Seeing her smile is perfection, she is so cute when she smiles. She also has this confidence that makes me want to be like her, it’s everything.5. For character B, talk about what you find attractive about them What’s not to find attractive about her?! Her eyes, her smile, her body, her hair. Everything about her is so attractive. She doesn’t even have to try, she just always looks so beautiful – even when she’s just woken up. The way she looks is how I aim to look one day. Her personality too is the kind that I look for in a friend. She is literally friend goals – and girlfriend goals. She has such a good sense of style too which just adds to how attractive she is, the leather jackets, the jeans, everything she wears – especially the underwear.6. For character A, talk about the actor/actress Jessica Capshaw, damn she’s great. I remember when I first saw her I was just amazed. She’s not much different to Arizona Robbins to be honest. She has that same bubbliness about her, which makes her so amazing in my eyes. She has the most adorable children too, they are just the cutest. Then on Instagram, she makes it clear that she can’t work snapchat which I just find too cute.7. For character B, talk about the actor/actress Priscilla Faia is honestly amazing. I only knew who she was after watching Rookie Blue where she played Chloe Price. I was completely in love with her as Chloe so started following her on a lot. I love her friendship with Missy Peregrym, they are honestly friendship goals. They are just so funny together, from the pictures to the videos. Every time I see something to do with Priscilla I just smile instantly. She’s so like the characters she plays because she always has that quirkiness about her, which I love.8. Talk about if you think characters A and B would be friends if they were in a TV show together I think they would be friends. Izzy is a bit younger than Arizona but I still think they would be friends because they have the same kind of personality. They are both bubbly and happy which is why I think they would be friends. I also think there is a chance of them dating, maybe not at first but after a while of being friends then I think they would grow close and possibly date – which would be so cute.9. Talk about what part character A would play if they were in character B’s TV show Ooo if Arizona was in You Me Her…I think she would play Izzy’s best friend. She would be the sensible one of them both, and she would look out for Izzy but she would be such a great friend to her.10. Talk about what part character B would play if they were in character A’s TV show I think Izzy would play one of the interns in Greys. She would be the bubbly, eager one. I think she’d work in Peads under Alex, and would be friends with Arizona. Her best friend there would be Jo though.11. If you had to give a ship name to these two characters what would it be? I would call them Arizzy – I think that’s a super cute ship name12. Talk about what made you start watching the show that character A is in Someone in work had been pestering me for ages to watch Greys and I finally did. I had also seen lots of people talking about “Calzona” so that had me completely drawn to it.13. Talk about what made you start watching the show that character B is in I had read that Priscilla Faia was in You Me Her, and I had just finished watching Rookie Blue so I decided I needed more Priscilla in my life and chose to watch it – best decision.14. If you had the chance to meet the actors/actresses that play your favourite characters, what would you say to them? I think I would cry if I got to meet either of the actresses. I have no idea what I would say, I would be totally star struck. They are two of my inspirations in life and meeting them would be the absolute dream.15. If character A was stranded on an island, do you think they could survive? I think there is a very good chance that Arizona would survive on an island, I don’t think she would like it but I think she could survive. She’s strong and she’s been through a lot of difficult times that I think they would help her in being able to survive.16. If character B was alone in a bar, would they have the confidence to go up and make friends with the nearest group of people? God yeah, Izzy is such a confident character. She could make friends with anyone, no matter where she was. She would make it as if she had known them for years and just have fun being there.17. Is character B the type of person to get high? What about character A? Izzy gets high all the time, she never goes anywhere without her pot so yes, she is the kind of person to get high. I’m not too sure about Arizona, she seems too sensible but I think if she was with someone who did then she might try it for fun.18. Who is more sensible, character A or character B? Arizona for sure, she’s the most sensible of them both. It’s not that Izzy is irresponsible though, she just likes to have fun because she’s still very young19. Can you imagine character B ever having kids? If yes, what do you think they would call them? Hmm at the age Izzy is just now I can’t imagine her having kids but if she ever did I think she would name them either Maya or Nathan20. If you had the chance to go out on a date with character A, where would you take them? Why? I would take Arizona to a romantic restaurant, then we would go for a walk down by the harbour before heading up to the rooftop overlooking the city where we would lay on a rug and watch the stars above.21. In your mind, what would the home of character A look like? I think Arizona would live in a large new build, but it would look like a cute bungalow from the outside with the wooden porch and features. Then inside it would be very chic, but very homely at the same time.22. If you were on a night out with character B, do you think they would be a bad influence? If yes, in what way? Yes, Izzy would be such a bad influence. She would have me doing shots, drinking lots and smoking pot. I would enjoy it so much though because she would be so much fun to be out with.23. You’re stuck in an elevator with both characters. What do you do? Who freaks out first? I think we would play some music, dance a little, smoke some pot (since it’s Izzy’s thing) and just chat for a while. I don’t think anyone would freak out to be honest.24. It’s Christmas Day and both characters are in your house. Who is most in the Christmas spirit? Who is in the kitchen cooking? Who’s drinking all the alcohol? I think both Arizona and Izzy would be in the Christmas spirit. Arizona would definitely be cooking in the kitchen, making the perfect Christmas dinner. Izzy would be sitting drinking all the alcohol whilst waiting for the food to come. Then Arizona would get on the alcohol too and we would all celebrate.25. You’re on a safari with character B, they ask you what animal they remind you of. What do you say? Hmm, what animal does Izzy remind me off…a Cheetah. I don’t know why but there’s just something there that reminds me of her.26. Character A is decorating their apartment/home, what colour do they paint their bedroom? I feel that she would paint it in pastel colours – blues, pinks, greens, yellows.27. From the way character B acts, how old would you think they were? What about character A? From the way Izzy acts I’d think she was around 19/20. From the way Arizona acts I would think she was around 27/28.28. Who do you think has the better sense of style, character A or B? I think they both have good style, just in different ways. Izzy is very casual, very modern and young in the way she dresses. Arizona dresses very professional and smart because of where she works.29. You’re having a bad day and need some cheering up. Who do you call, character A or B? Why? It depends how I wanted cheered up. If I wanted someone to come over and just sit and talk to then I would call Arizona. If I wanted someone to come over and drag me out to cheer me up then I would call Izzy.30. It’s a Friday night, you’re home watching TV. Who is more likely to call you to go out, character A or B? Why? Izzy would definitely be more likely to call me to go out, she’s the party type and loves to be drinking and getting high31. Character A comes to you and tells you they killed someone. What do you do? Now this can be taken in two different ways. If she came to me and told me she had killed someone at work (she’s a surgeon) then I would sit and comfort her. However, if she came to me and said she had killed someone out of work then I would help her hide the body and cover it up as if it never happened.32. Who do you think would last longer in prison, character A or B? Why? Well as Arizona once said “I’m too pretty for prison” therefore I think Izzy would last longer. She has that slightly tougher side to her than Arizona, but sometimes Arizona does have the tough side to her – I still don’t think she’d last too long.33. Talk about the first time you saw character A on the TV show they are in. Did you instantly know they would be your favourite? What was it about them? The first time Arizona was in Greys was when she was sitting at the bar after work and she followed Callie to the bathroom and ended up kissing her. I instantly knew she was going to be my favourite because she was so bubbly right from the start and she was so forward, which I love.34. Halloween is approaching, who is more excited – character A or B? What would each character dress up as? I think character B would be more excited about Halloween because she is younger and more into going out drinking and partying – even though Arizona is into that too. As for dressing up, I think Izzy would dress up as something like the girl from The Ring or Insidious. Then I think Arizona would dress up as either Tinkerbell or Alice from Alice in Wonderland.35. Honestly, who do you think you would get on better with – character A or B? Why? I think I would get on really well with them both. I’d get on with Izzy in the way that we could go out together, drink, smoke, and dance and just have fun. Then I would get on with Arizona in the way that we could stay in and eat pizza, or go out to a bar for a few drinks.36. Character B’s birthday is coming up, what do you plan? Will you go out or have a night in? Will there be lots of people invited or just close friends? I think for Izzy’s birthday we would have a night in with close friends, maybe eight or nine. Just have a house party with music, pizza, drink, shots, pot. That would be a good way to spend her birthday.37. It’s late and you’ve just come out of a club. Who would you call to come get you? Why? I would call Arizona to come get me because she’s the more sensible of the two. She would happily come get me and make sure I got home safe.38. Who is more likely to cook dinner for you? Who would be more inclined to order a takeaway? What would they make/order? Arizona is more likely to cook dinner for me, she would probably cook something like steak or a roast dinner. Izzy would be the one ordering a takeaway, in most cases pizza.39. If character B was still in school, what do you think they would doodle on their work? What about character A? I think Izzy would doodle little pictures of the things in life she loves so there would be pizza, pot, music and dancing. Then I also think there would be doodles of the person she likes at the time, maybe their name in a heart and other little things to do with them.40. Out of your other favourite characters, who do you think would be friends with characters A and B? Would they be the goals of friendship groups? Well I think that Arizona and Izzy’s friends would be Eliza Minnick, April Kepner, Clarke Griffin, Alex Danvers, Nicole Haught, Andy McNally, Maura Isles, Regina Mills, Bridget Westfall and Annie Wilson.
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