#cam my detested
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Prompt: Features a death (square 29)
Book read: The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton/Arthur Conan Doyle
Why: For this prompt there are a number of ways to go about it. You could read a murder mystery, a book which features war, a book about death, or reread something you know already has a death in it. I did try to read a murder mystery (Murder on the Orient Express) but I dnf’ed it, so I decided to reread my favorite Sherlock Holmes story of all time.
What I Got: This isn’t only my favorite Sherlock Holmes story, but one of my favorite short stories in general. And guess what! It’s public domain! Read it here.
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
This might end up being a little disappointing because I really don’t have much to say (future rin edit: and what I do say is pretty bitter). I was just bored and waiting for Alex or any mention of him, but I can remark on a few other things. Without further ado, here are my thoughts on 4x04:
Mildly surprised Mimi was killed off, but not really because she never really played any kind of role. Couldn’t care less about Maria, and aside from that beginning scene, I skipped everything else she was in.
Glad Anatsa finally left. They could’ve had Isobel with Cam if they really wanted a sapphic relationship, she has a lot more chemistry with her, in my opinion, but I just want her with Kyle already, to be honest.
I’m bummed Bonnie and Clyde aren’t a romantic relationship, I really liked the idea of Clyde being this angry guy and only softening around Bonnie, it was pretty cute. I don’t get how or why the writers didn’t go with that, but whatever.
I didn’t really mind the kiss because it gave us Michael calling Alex his boyfriend and that “I’m kinda completely in love with him” line, which is the only real saving grace of the episode and will forever have a piece of my heart. I do wish that Bonnie hadn’t actually gotten to kiss him, that she’d tried but before she’d gotten close enough, Michael had pushed her back, but that’s really more of a nitpick.
I’m going to write a fic on this, but I wish the show would show Michael missing Alex when he’s away. I was disappointed nobody noticed he was gone yet, and I realize that this is his work and they have no reason to assume anything bad happened yet (if they don’t realize it by next episode though, that would really be pushing it), but Alex and Michael love each other, and Alex isn’t responding to Michael’s texts or calls. Can’t we just get a scene of Michael grumbling as he scrolls through his texts and someone teasing him about missing Alex? Just a line or something?
The one thing that really did annoy me in this episode is that we finally get to see Michael calling Alex after he’d left, and it was because Maria needs him. Yeah, well, Alex needed Michael, and Maria didn’t seem to mind taking him away.
Look, call it petty, call it bitter, but we just came off a season where mostly everyone’s attention centered around Maria. I’m fucking sick of her. The writers really need to stop trying to shove her down our throats, like the more we get of her and everyone loving and praising her, the more we’ll start to care about her. You’ve shattered her beyond repair, I don’t give a crap what happens to her, and I sure as hell don’t sympathize with her either. Stop having Michael outwardly care about her so much when we don’t even get to see him fucking miss his own boyfriend. I know it’s her mom and all, but this is what happens when you make a character so detestable, then center a season around her, constantly try to force her into the narrative, and then give her a tragedy; I don’t care about her, I’m emotionally incapable after everything she’s done.
For the most part though, I was just bored. With the exception of Kyle and Michael’s scenes, I was ready to skip the entire episode. The only reason I didn’t was because I worried someone would mention Alex. Don’t worry though, because aside from a moment with Michael, and in keeping with this show’s traditions, Alex Manes was thoroughly ignored.
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
donnie having a list of insults to call cameron/vigilante but it just gets more romantic the more you go down. my worst enemy, my esteemed rival, my beloved nemesis, my dearly detested, my significant bother…. and at the bottom scribbled over in permanent marker is really lovey dovey shit like light of my life that he wrote down in a moment of weakness
My greatest enemy
My arch nemesis
My detested rival
Hot pretty pretty boy
The idea of Donnie sitting in his lab, trying not to give into his gay thoughts, before not even a minute later furiously doodling Cam's name surrounded by hearts is rly fucking funny to me, like damn he rly got emotionally bested by the grungiest fucker ever
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thirdtimecharmed · 2 years
Disjointed Nona thoughts under the cut because I just read it and desire to Speak About It
Fuckin.... wow
Pyrrha Dve is insane and I love her so much. 
Everything about Gideon/Kiriona made me unspeakably sad, its like... Gideon but not her at all, yanno? Like, there was no warmth behind any of the jokes she made and it just made her feel so bitter and lifeless and hollow. Great writing but so sad. 
Like I would pay a million dollars for a snapshot of her perspective when Nona kissed her. Also Tamsyn Muir owes me a million dollars for emotional damages for having fucking SLEEPING BEAUTY happen in the middle of all this craziness I s2g. So really the million dollars evens out.  Also everyone who ever gave a hot goddamn about palamedes/dulcinea owes me $20 because like lbr here how much love can you have for some lady you’ve never met vs. the person youve grown up with and depended on I mean come on people
Everything about Nona, but the fact that she has pica somehow gave me the most feelings. Her pretending to be Harrow was so incredibly hilarious and I am the first one in my household to read it so I can’t share with anyone how funny that was. 
Also speaking of palamedes and cam, this book really twists the knife wrt how fucking tragic gideon and harrow’s story is. Like, they are wedged so deep into an impossible middle ground, somewhere between the original Lyctors who did it super wrong and Paul who mostly(?) figured it out but just. The limbo they’re stuck in is ugh. 
The fact that Gideon even though she’s a hollow version of herself sTiLl was like “where’s harrow” @ nona I fucking cannot. 
Whoever called the fact that there would be a skeleton war joke, I salute thee
And speaking of the skeleton war, did anyone else really find Jod scarily relatable? Like he’s detestable obvs but in the exact same way I think any person is capable of being. In his situation I can’t say for sure I’d do anything differently, which is a very compelling thing for a very detestable character. 
Interesting how this book makes it preeeetty clear how immediately every single Lyctor was plotting against Jod. Like, the Sixth one whose name I don’t remember had it early, Anastasia clearly was doing something hella early, Pyrrha was hiding out... so many of them had their foot out the door its almost the literal opposite of the Jesus/disciples narrative. 
I also love how much and how little we really understand about the resurrection beasts. What the hell was one doing channeling Judith? I guessed in Harrow that they represented the nine planets, so I’m guessing that Nona/Alecto can understand them because she’s also a planet?
Speaking of all the “/”es going on there’s a fascinating undercurrent of like what the hell is gender in this whole book. Like... Paul but also Prince Ianthe Naberius and Prince Kiriona and Nona struggling with they/them for Aim and Coronabeth struggling with she/her for Pyrrha. I guess it goes hand in hand with the questions of identity and souls and body that is pretty central to the whole series
A friend asked if I liked the book cause I borrowed her copy and I don’t know if ‘like’ is the right word but like intensely compelling, enjoyable to read, I will be thinking about this for days so????????
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glamoplasm · 2 years
shaky cam my detested
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libidomechanica · 8 months
Untitled Poem # 10510
A Meredith sonnet sequence
Is singing warm water, and one chains and   all by myself to win! Where thynges moore   it was to talk to your wheel, and thyme—had straggled out, and weak; and seeing this book, right as he who hath these enclaspëd hands   again towards the pain: the bloody shirt! The   other thing in the kind of spring I desire of life that my Muse shall I say curst or blood turn’d my true-love frae my   door, who was a lady in the incumbrance   of this couche; for which long such sort that those goods which to resume his stile. Fragile like mist o’er the faery powers from   which they’re purely bright, alone had an earthbound   crisis she spread like a top, or like memory, with a strange convulsive splash’d.
Three of my body keeps, thy shadow pay?   The sea. Stormy stoures do breede both ioy   and palely loitering, with a voice is short, it is a house half the twilight increased much better spirit that hapless   crew; for, as you know despair was the veering   dull pensiuenesse bewray it seemed the thre were precision she was, and in one grief; for she chosen found an unknown within   his Almagestee, so blesse thee. Her heel;   and in swich wit is yeven al hir lond, what mighty throng, one dy’d in Metaphor, and with the milder intense souls we loved   but for the priest was one that all which never   more. No ridges there plann’d it, tis But blythe’s the bren, as I have dreamer.
Into some account of hock and song, in   that is in the peace and after Millions   slain, but ev’ry Grace, and the dead—it costs three years, to these respond, I knocked, and grief unutterably helpless, and will not   known, and glance each pulse and I—light in what   the envious night at your self thy cruel Nymph exulting fires? Such was all my life in hell, who vainly guest; distance and joy—   what mair hae Queen of Denmark unto Ynde,   and of broth, but not a dreamed, ah woe betide, the hungry Judges soon as she look’d up to God, that is, I mean duration;   ther is eating Heaven the cold hill side.   When coffin’d at fourscore, engrave understand at the maid who cam so far to me!
Same hue, of downcast, not to be expect?   All day with the blue stones, the mouse, as if   the which time show ripe ears of joy. Holland, France, a patch of mercy deere. While the Patch- box fell; the tott’ring Irons wreath, hush’d into   a new; so close, though she turn’d from her   sleep, or where you in ioyes remained more than a maiden may be poor—Robie and of his Dianyre, that ones in summer dust; till   the dreaded East is already you love   me! I wol nat dwelle in every wight is lost on Earth o’er it many, round the carpenter, a twenty—five years, like earthquakes   from Day’s detested Day, which chiefly a   beef-steak. God clepe I, but if a sely wyf be oon of this sullen Region know.
And also for the bowels; love, when thickest   dark did tranced in life; and but one, the   womman may ye fynde that love, and the sad wound, its worth; if you please,—the mortal and gay perree, as perles, ne this manere age   that the long-boat’s come to be wholly wreck’d   youth are they must help the other timely buds with this nombrė mencioun made he, of bigamye, or of oure chaffare; greet perfect of   the foule cherl, the momentary tranced   in life; and if that gave me for to chide? It is not so pleasant for the orange or daunce to face; her earnestness would   reached the eclipse, arguing home that helpith   it of me to the young Juan slept like an unwean’d child: the fifthė man was noon heeste.
Things which cannot call the wet and stood in   her teeth, and he never seized her trim prepared   to walk forlorne, alas why am I lorne? Beyond the perception of thousands of wailing, begins the blizzard and   stand in his grave: and thousands, now the   liberty; and tho’ she granted half to fixt the thief, and sport to meet, nor this, and faire, and they maad upon the sun had newly   scoop’d a running streams. Of an hour when thousands   of fiery dust. My time: for I am changed; and mothers still increased by its own; uncurl’d o’er, farewell of seaweed,   crush of my bed was false plagued without. To   be filled my middle o’ my care, for Juan, whose cheek the passion could not part us!
And the sun; the gear black air under a   summer dust; till their own fire. Seems to mourn   the realms obey, dost someone’s garage I fell on me; floats though I long tressed heer and still she found me here the   various train firm state within these ruined   house, four Kings indigest such coltish yeeres; that word from the treachery of friend; but, no doubt, pass, thou and me, but pays off   moment Juan stood to drink they’re bred, and my   pith. And seeing then a sigh—it was to the misery of thee true. The other wo? In one grief; for surely fair health and   kissing, and suffreth his magazines to   prune, though a pale steam of the Apostles’ cure. Be mouldering dawn, behold at home!
While Venus werkes worth—a lad of sixteen   your boughes doe raine, what might restrain,   while cheek and most surely if we were bound up for the gifts and tears, which, being at a reflection, baptized in his gardyn   growed swich cheere that ether holy man,   and we be fair, though each clasp’d my hands in ecstasy! Upon my gaye scarlet gytes. And som for gentillesse and he might   they shall things where she cast on the air, and   calls forth with his first break a single heart- quake,—for a kiss—like that day she die! They also great distress, when at last, with sparry   roofs of those. Survive, not scornful Virgin   could not long winter greenness; of her Face, and somehow, but when in the comfort.
Outside the gilded Mast, superior   by the weather-tough: and thus, shivering   hope endearing me back again precipitate a nocturnal carnation, in cloisters of this my weary waine, and tall,   and Mars yaf me al the rest, the speediest   way to the bed baith large an orb, as truly loves on to blow, and trembling hand, and sair, sair did her nodding Tow’rs, the blesse the   Lord Gregory. The cloud, so sorrow laid   asleep; so soft, so sweet, so delicate aquiline curve in a narrow views to Things below, there it came. Dreadful by his   swimming, wading, scrambling, and clear-cut face,   and her Hair, which, like shame. The city. That a sneeze should lay, the rest his mane, she said.
But sweeping like to the invisible,   only movement could bear it no stocking.   One glancing fire, of Eva first, more than chanced a strange convulsions rage: scourge of miracle. Up then see! Now wol I tellen   forth his feet, his most holy dreams our   waking the Vent. Till losing their morals, never die; of any wood ye see, you’ll say with moderate sound the shining pebbles   and of my yeare were plann’d, but Juan knew   it was also a bell evening, from either me? Mid-sentence, we remember that yokes wi’ a mate in her teeth, and forever   were lost, where Thou, sad Virgins visited   by Angel-Pow’rs, to steal from the knife carved uncouth, alone, but humility.
Her brow was her Eyes, and from its dark   slavery my sweet’st friends like a big girl’s blouse   and dash’d the small mouth to the wine, in search the sun rose circling in the gazing from the bats, when every desperate condition   was low, hey body keeps, thy spells whose   grave and in my heart to cheek a fading rose fast the story lingered in their vision each she stood to prechyng eek, and crave.   And all that gaunt crew; and some lone Isle, or   distant refrain. Buys them is doubled him as t was all my spirit held aloof the pope hadden never more? Paradoxical,   clever, unlink’d with zeal. The dreaded   East is all the speed of purgatives are sailing, begins the sugar bowl.
The want of waltz, clicking that shower at   least little dart, let thy holy care. For   we must fall. In a counter two adventrous Knight, present,—condense, in a rapture of Majesty rever’d, with this our hapless   crew; and every stranger passed by every   day by one, a stranger pass this proverbe of Ecclesiaste where paper-gowned we take Physick, others’ to abound; and   in the spirit calms of his face such   cherubins as they ran, though so few—nine in the coffee, breath; this known to be true; and whining, and saw the prettiest creature   me alone and peace, the while beauty slumber   in white. Ever full of pensive Nymph reviews her Force of unresisted Steel?
Even nations to a vice: had she give   and forever, ever on the Winds; there’s   nought upon the middle line, yet some still an image in its cause as its storms, yet work’d by the started from moats and how   to accept a better to impart. Ne   of no great or fair, keep mind that Woman’s transient wrong. See fierce Belinda burns without heart, therefore, was before, and all. In   a rapturous pain; once drinking. In time   the masts were the shut eye where within the extremely various virtues raised his mother, worlds on worlds have waked; my tears:   and, howling, screech owl is the same and stroll’d   on, and three, who like a dog in a kitchen two times a day I die, the ladies.
Night I a less pleasant, beside their affairs   appear’d; yet she thoughts which by the Diamonds   pours out an errand sent the Flash of hope and cheer’d his bleeding cattle are grateful wyf yrekened is former years   gone, some fold thus upon the rose. Which has   died entangled in the chambers, and man, sober and fading and kiss’d her heart to see thy widowed, and told thee fly, the watcher’s   dark eyes darting has its songs lamenting   thee, my life’s composition bed. Where the Cosmetic Pow’rs combin’d, of broken shedding ring, and, going to hold betwixt   the Tears of might restrain, whil that is in   me. In this occurs but there was hardly could be hers, as he gazed on glass; I speak.
Soft o’er the leaves lay scattering in it.   With their purveyor from the foam from her   wanted anything of their woes; but most of the wheat was yellow walls, we left their Elemental Tea. Let this occurs but   this extract, t is just one glancing fire,   that chill’d by the faster for waur, and if that she grew sea-sickness, nor had I rather yet slumber—for the park with the dede;   and also; and made a fire and the happy,   for a moment! Oh plunge me despair, as long attack us here in a narrow views to Things, the allegory a   mere log, and made a most perfect the proudest   sail doth bear, cry’d Dapperwit, and took over my turf when I forget em all.
Were no life beneath the sun blooms each Eye   o’erflow’d her fee, had further of the Skies.   Our shipwreck’d boy was lying, before, and the doors upon his Foe to die with retching. A fisher, the wild bee farms of you   do not love that wax and warm, in case by   chance. Hard by fame her head, and went, and those related in molten gold, as pow’rful Fancy works, and sithes I blessed never!   Down he sunk; and aspect lay, as fast as   his last—farewell, too, has a meeting of the watch him slumbering Sion: i’d weep, and thought that was so fressh and o’er her Head.   Of eyes, without hope of chance to wynne hir   lecchours by experience. She made her Face; sees by Degrees their minds, and Heaven!
Evening, it light, a haystack. Now, when she   spake a dame in Fate’s eternity can   not annul, but less steps forth: The King unseen lurk’d in her arms, and hope endeared, a daughter, call’d her pale, cold in the Throne. And   in stone shore; for I have griev’d your very   soon even of the old Man said, My life is rather of these rare endowments of tape delayed sheltering wainscot shriek, the   Muse—having no Grecian though I hadde the   princes too, Oh, tis undisturbed behind the blossoms camouflage for to dye, he replied, it were, seydė this Pardoner, as   ye bigan telle of a voluptuous   night. And let our window my body, war piled above, and therfore ever found.
Into his home, and Shock must full-stop here.   The hunger’s Ends, this Hand, which gave me for   that which that to do or how can mortal must be bled to see; some curse so darkly on my pacing steed, as if the sweet lips!   So bad, that the boat—the crew, who, before,   with the speaks so well as not this; Haidee was Nature was, a sweet, that none of the incumbrance of the joys of drinking mind;   and, as he radde, and blackouts, do you know   slime, that with mourning o’er the auburn; but her elder child, that not so; he breast down her so soon? Did improve—perhaps of kindred   birth, that green field sleeps she and horrid   glee, half in dreams had perish’d, and then stand an endless Skies, where the best way to him.
To trace the sounds of wailing, begin to   doubt, with devocioun; but this is to be   her lady with a dish for breast with such as the Jews from side to the boats; and the night disports in every kind of parting   light in Truth’s dateless night. Which I behold,   without a Wind, nay, Poll sate mute, and married they were so loving, he roll’d on poison’d, tis there as new; and every act   pertaining to a second autumn, in   wild Decembers, lull’d even the meant to partake nature gnaw, he fell upon what, in fact, a different mosses, too deep to   clear Mirror of the fiery Spirits   back from death; and hand youth is clay. Behind then on what, or assist their Pride conceal’d.
Here Britain’s Statesmen oft the heart as weeds.   Pair of Gloves; and the young bird; and, if that   I took my strength indu’d, she gave their young man! Unless my heart really the beach found me here on the lond and found me here for   mortal made of such quicksilver shene, they   shine than grace. In sickness she reject a Lord? Sweetness and death that it was oure sheep that famine was past, who gave a petted   mood and when you walk the moss, and seye thise   wormes shende a tree, right sun-bow that length one or two that al my lyf, upon the braw lass made the Fray. And now, as oft in   some guns broke by female, as when at last,   with a young and such light it be at charge wher that, like a grave, and bright, where it came.
I have nothing more their Insect-Wings   unbearably in the den look’d shadow to   the snow tires, you of them any tea, but I wol hym noght, thro’ Crystal Dome. And all their images would never passion   could touch and shaped cone to pay them with; and   some pinnes hurt did whine, by my side, trembling the same object; and in my walkynge out by nyghtyngale, whan she; each under   on the Blaze of Day, the Smiles extend   the sallow walls, we left enough: in vain. And eek a frere wol falle in every weel aff, Wi’ Johnny, yet fast fa’ the changing   day; love stays for Nisus’ injur’d Hair   which long exercise above, varied with Pow’rs gave their wings. And eke tenne thousand times.
As if going down in the Somonour?   Deem that time future as I listen to   read. Or suck the forest-tops, and fluttering in his elbow he arose, and seek some one dying I throw myself, a friendly   breathe, thogh that Appelles wroghte subtilly;   it nys but was allowed, there thou that pious heat may moderately prevailed, so all ye, who heroically breast was   allowed the eclipse, arguing home that   is, I mean duration; ther in the boat, and rapp’d his Mistress would say the shadow pay? Put eloquent, where by water, and   Mars the flowers to bring to the rain; I   want to swim in that drank spear-grass of Lochroyan, o open the bodies ruined walls.
She was free as a love so alike, was   come, and to greet despit that at each she   nippit her busy with many a seint sith the departed hence; and the day, that stille that I ne sholde hem at hir housbonde—   God his scarcely say she found him with coins   of my rurall musick holdeth scorn of a cliff-worn cave, with one manly Leg, to sight on a midnight sholde nat of hym Daryus,   which vnto it by birth I owe nobler   desiren us for richest lace from his heres: slepynge, his thankes, helde. I care na thy kin, sae high wind made hym in   sondry talys—that is the blue-stocking.   The sun declining from the application: glory, the great Anna! Or the ferthe.
To me, the green spark of the bed to me.   By God, if wommen han, if they had me   yiven hir lond and fear, a dark reality. While on the procedure in thine in mine appear in its nest; and when to   the weather and stink of mercy deere. There   we built anew, grows fairer than the ravish’d Hair which make the growing or clotting in the preserved from which bespoke a sleepy   arms and lat us wyvės that my   wealthier lust buys them any tea, but I wol hym noght, thro’ the hubbub of the tide. My fifthe hour was waste: then can I grieves   me much reply’d was it for your tears stood   twinkling laws, the Sylph in twain, but Airy Substance soon shall together, answers in.
Whose drops fra my chin. I grant, sweet kisses   on honde. And now and there was awful in   the garden-ground, and for my sake he would, as pow’rful Fancy works of melancholy rise, with a familiarly do I   perceive in the fool; infants Cheek for terme   of al mankynde. As o’er a Turk’s pavilion, baptized in his economy, and blessed her heel; and there a Goose-Pye talks; men   prove twas but barely by depart not—lest   these dear chains across the meditative mind with ease was pious, generous, loved this when the oxen’s low came to my wit   that a tight boat will not come again! Wings,   and he might in her: the lower region of the hand and maybe kissing so close.
I sey this, ev’n Belinda smil’d to share   his face, and to think beyond the dove from   Noah’s ark went cruising her forth as I kenna thou be, tell me this: that is in mariage! A linnet warble something to the   oar made folk seye vileynye. But then her eye-   lids droop’d dripping on their Visits shall this vain bubble’s shadow sway. Out of young wife— a time, and be clenė, body and gone ere   Robert come at the moment with her garment   was a mayde, but if that steal upon the cold hill side. In a country dwelling Bag he rent, which is worse from behind their   Knights, and with lemon, she of the beams have   such daring Souls retired with a clean shirt, he saw the cold hill side. Like a villain.
Around the race of all recollect Great   Britain’s base, the warmer sun. As the sun   rose circles spread our evening breakers, others are not such as others plait the Goddes sweete pyne! The very loud in multitude   returned into the devil they fill’d;   her Bosom of the sage blue-eyed grass sprang from the laurels at the world’s bicycle goes by. Brow was when drugs were eloquence   in thine eyes, that should contrived to stay your   love, not her virtue friends, oft she rears; th’ inferior Priest have; but feared each others still more shall be sandless; fields. Save   one half the pane; the Spheres and the Nymph he   found, in sunshine set somewhat fond of rest; such as to prune, though so close by the stars.
Thrice she lived as do the lame; want and disease   he lingered in unquiet widowhood,   a wife and warm, in case we dote on, when they hold catkins of the kind flood on a wave should die to beat apart. Save Zoe,   who, although on the distress, and Praise shall   break out into far Ku-to-yen, by the tuck-in of a bribe appeared as chearful things, for all of a soft Transition, fame,   if love is a war of lies., Eat, drink, a   spider’s welcome thy flight. Till could not rain back a drop of dew, when every nyghtyngale, whan that made more because the worst   was Solitude, and Shock was dark, that cruel   eye hath no more fruitful or more robust and payne. When numerous self-doing crime.
And mantle black curls were unquiet dream. Upon   the fore-paws, which to prevent: to languid   Juan gazed on glass; I speak, yet wol I tellė forth his feet, and even the aid of joy. And their grave; and well-drest Youths around   the magisterial crew! For the   lesser sin that made it fret against his book, thus Juan learn’d his Azure Wand, and in broke, the look on her head away. Hath me   birth, we stood alone, do my thought she slept   again I saw these set to music of my pain! Your words, because I loved him more: not awed to death, thought the honey wild, with   his guilt, a child but insides grow. Such Sabbath;   only from Fifteen, felt as if my body were about on a transient wrong.
She is desolate. A drop of waters;   it unmans one quite so fondly to-day,   were come in this proverbes n of othere men whose race flower snapp’d from blame, they pursue, or, one dream is flowing Deeps resound;   I grant, sweet, and seriously resolved   into join; and Monument over the pretty woman is a most perfection, and the sounds of water we can scarcely   she suffer, being madly, for his   chill her trim prepared to state, and her lips’ red; if snow be white, why the azure hill; the race from every womman kan. The story   lingered in Nature’s good as if my   body, clay taking she might render the Apostles name: in habit maad with care.
Love and me of olde Romayn tolde me eek   for engendrure,—than maystow chesė wheither   dry nor neat, the weather’s, whom he lovd, or even ther no man, and Jankyn, oure sire, redde on his haughty billows; but thou   binna she, now tell me some other rites   that sat in the high Dome re-ecchoes to hopes are alone, but the Sylph too warn’d by its own; uncurl’d it round, as fair, though fast   and you lost. Broken, dream a rich result   of a Court; in various conjectures, for Morning Sun descends. Them something to the Heavens forget, I swear, which never   was there was some huge oak whose garments; let   us possess the first grynt; I pleyne, and the night’s purple rose, or at your leisure!
A likerousness, save his mates upon   such time when breaks their strength could keep his first   love you. In the lack of mast, two blighted, and there in the Indian graveyard. And make out silver’d o’er the sea acted as   a dog, as quiet air I am not   young. To becomes more mischief Mortals, thought o’t gars me greet! And there rings, Maker’s arms. You can see, my courses would make the   Spleenwort in his gazelle, no—none of the   circular argument deserves tuned for bothe; this knoweth every light Coquettes in Sylphs, yet mindful of vermicelli,—   for love, who begun to be wholly wreck’d,   I am forsaken; a third form, wherefore, was beten for cast-off dresses.
Yet not though we never rust if you have   to shore; fair Annie of Lochroyan lay dead   and dash’d within the rest. That Socrates hadde I levere who had the rest torn out. Oh Dearest, wilt thou be dumb? Less for that   your leisure! More soft warm her praise. And then;   t was a home. And I bishrewe yow, if you please, yet some words would very deel. And, if they feel. By this odd warp in time tell   o’er the chaste connubial state precarious,   they ne’er woman is moore. And countenance needs no come again that ther being air, she often found a wine-and-watery   glass: yet look not every lane; but they   were a wantonness and touch of human being pent in heavier wreath’d around.
Who speak to hem that buyldeth his despair:   now called breakfast the Potter’s ass, find shelter   of mortal eyes close Recesses in their provision as now reduced to flow, for pale as before I leave auld Scotia’s   short an aged Man, alone, and no birds   do sink. Wicked at me as a man in years, till pausing a divorce puzzled his western isle, which were some frail China Jar   receives its gullies: we grow burnt as a   mother. Sunk in Thalestries vary—though of no great use: there was a sort of spongy pitches so—beloved friend, till pausing   at the morrow when I stood Ill-nature   was never passed by its own; uncurl’d negligence, and no richesse, somme been spilt.
They glared upon ech a syde. The labour   turned her father was her only way, my   small senses were settled long salt water. Keeps looking in this peril of oure apprentice Janekyn, and kiss’d, and down Armies   in one side, O sweet you as where I   have dreams of the heart as well as liver! But almost enforce the deep sea calm and scorch’d, thus one by your valet—bid him quite   nature’s wrinkled Form in Black and soul, and   Mars yaf me al the sepulcre of hym corrected be. They now transient view of thy ruffled by the Virgin came on, and blackout,   Madam white face, huge cloudy symbols   of artisans were the shipwrecking roar, save one has struck in fight, no doubt, the heart.
Repairs, and all the day on the eve and   in some pendulum soul, and the tale with   heads of tourists. When they guesswork: adulterated speculation as to meaning truly, and, which is better in his   shoo ful bitter, bitter orange or daunce   to an angry wyf doun in hir bed, by their stock was most holy dream—that he for alle his wyf hir lyf in chastitee; and   while he there among the heart up solemn   Days, where Truth is—in a well half-choked with manly Leg, to sight; they had all been undone, but it was her Smiles extend, some wealth   I hadde swich harneys as I to my aid,   my verse alone, do my though a pale steam of Zoe’s cookery no doubt they been spilt.
And I will bind my love of other beckon’d;   and if he were to pay them to each   other’s holland, France, England, Germany, or Spain, like to think that once, an eye survey the rusted bodies the treble, and   frame and Natures rent, whose drops of distant   a few pray’d he turn’d to repeat the hair beneath.—Well, thank Heaven to draw fresh and gain had of sixteen causing a divorce   puzzled by a poplar shook the lines and   his black, such as the sweet silence into the same sweet portraits of dried to soothe each have a comfort she be foundation lie;   she twirled the quiet as a couple. My   poet, though right ynogh at even the sea, dragging huge chains and a lusty folk.
Nor mermaid o’ the Skies, with God’s still get   through of all the weaker thrumm’d a sail. I   made hym with more Glories, in a grumbled to duty by superior mess of sails, the lassie, life’s compos’d of general   roar of the spirit-room, and she nippit   her begg’d and unmoved, hush’d as the sun, that flesh there are, too strict and she, who were dim, and cannie wale a routed Army runs, of   Asia’s Troops an earth. And as in his thin   worn cheek a purple charmes resist? The dart is always might, the main-mast follow, such as could perceive you look at each pulse   and such light to their wives a-sunning for   your breathed to me. What rekketh me biraft my bed that hardly clothes were deed tomorwe!
Mirth and fast to a crutch; but, by God and   believed: a letter. With chearfulness, save   his head—I guess he had not take it, while decline, and in some face I recognize? Thou comest hoom as dronken ben of all   the kind flood on a wal, or doon a thyng   of my body, clay taking shews of being sent, though his wyves bonde. Had he knows what we’re not a thinking of your ideograms,   how only a cut, a half—inch space   to stir in. Or amber, but all ten finger with a comb, two faces rest; where they are comforts, gladly, nyght and daughters of   your lovesick land thus and leaning true   love round Juan could be, like a month of road and she was left alone and eek mateere.
Four Knaves in their disaster, or the Fair   in all its sunny land of love, O troth.   By complexities or crippled Mendicant in Sailor’s lot, since, in a grumbled to duty by superior by the   Vial whence Melody descend; some, Orb   in Orb, around, through them as each was her so, as one who is my Name. Some o’er his despair, cold, thirsty heat oppress’d at evening   heart, take good omen—it is no drede,   that somme han hem yeve poysoun in mariage; for, praising; there was wont to build a bonny foot? To hint thatch. And all mankind’s   forlornest uses, thogh I have their strength, and   hang the dark. I ne owe hem never but one, thou findst that in that in such a freak.
A lad of sixteen causing a divorce   puzzled his senses, leave our state, this clerk   wol speke of wo that is eternal love? And may be lined without dislike inanition; and, bathing had voyaged throng, one   dy’d in Metaphor quite practised here   she died away he knew that hole where I, like a shroud, or a Tory, or Trimmer at least, where he shouts, the most beautiful,   drawn from the dull film half glazed, again to   one Man’s Treat, but a rich wreck—her first rose so bright Nymph! So subject, but for thanne hadde seten hem in engendrure,—than maystow   chesė wheither meant to partake nature like   moonbeams that land he would not her on the mountains; small clouds depart not—lest they came.
Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!   Than the lass that makes men miseries of   some love, and I lost my walks a moment mercifully gave, but he had more secure, the eye, cheated, opens thick with their   deliverance. For all the Furies issued at   the bar and asking now to purposes of worthless country house or garden-ground, a power to virginitee? Yet fast fa’   the tedious, but my seat, playing for   the kind flood on a wal, or doon a throne and eek I seyde hym frye for angre, and when a holiday upon his stretched Maid reply’d   was it flies, and they did blasphemy,   devotion, clamour’d in that even; her tears. Just in thy coatie, sweet Tibbie Dunbar?
That sev’nfold Fence to fail; tho’ stiff with Head   uncover’d, the ultimate recoil. A   wife as tendencies of the stars that bring relief; you are shepheards God, that poverty brought on a train firm state precarious,   and alle were none to those rivers,   your slave, horace, Catullus, scholars, Ovid tutor, was for her come again.—To Love an exception of the Eastern hills,   have no talys. Lettuce which you know, nor   bound, for the measures, childish push-pin, for costage; and the holy house half a Pair of the Skies, where never form’d in vain for   him, was washed cottage bench; an iron-pointed   staff lay at his wyf go roule aboute myn herte roote. Lord Gregory come hame.
But thou poure alwey a coltes tooth. Er   I be deed, yet canst not then use rigor   in my tyme. Go to see the long-boat they might be forborn, unless with people thinks herself in common pity drew near, her   infant Thoughts I cheer’d him like to thee. This   clerk is preyse my bele chose bust I ne’er saw justice done, but cannot live, like the frosty Night; or suck the Handle this manere   age that I’m enlightened sometimes it   was, by feeling and two pretty babes, and Ariel plac’d; his Purple Pinions opening to the gate. So Pharaoh, or some   greater sorrow after the sallow was   whisper’d any; she had a weaklier child, that seem’d but Zephyrs to the Ground, listening!
Her hair—her clustering hair, I said, and   her little too ripe, too conscious driven   snaw, twa drifted heaps sae fair as they thought, and all by myself am shent when in glory, the grave; and, from out his Neck in   three Seal-Rings; which his matere a queynte allone?   And so I waste of her husband and the remainder set to gete hire al the same objects only sinking deep of the   wind a cold bare wide world, O, yellow hair!   And every desperate conditions, it mends the wall hung behind: they knew not heard the clear and Pompey, Mahomet, Belisarius,   holland she was a frequent fog-   banks gave their mouth as serv’d to cheerful Breeze, or so the shadows of the day after.
Lambs frisk and pleas’d pursue, or, which is   acquired in Nature withinne my bow, leaving   Don Juan’s wake, my dear Perilla, I will building and of Venus from fears, still in use. Exceeds the soul gave a heel, and   grief and sighing and kissing so close. But   I’m the lady. Extends his custume, whan that day, in all its sustain a Flow’rs, hearts are dry as summer window my body   should seem princesses shall help thinking about   my bone, you scarce decent trowsers—went to pray. Or moonlight; and inspire their charity, that my Muse some ice, take a walk,—   for ye wol heere. But if he be not yet   separate the bed to me, the lass that’s impossible, and I hate what they would not.
To teachers, barrow, South, Tillotson, who   whisper I loved this is a painful feelings   must understand; and after you’re sweet you as fast and patience to draw fresh bands or where your sights controls, and make my bower?   To be true; and in few lives, in bullets   and eyes—so kissed her insatiate grave and the telescope was urgent, that they found him as t was done, was scant patch of   parting, for she saw them not; but the night   not girlish but zombie-lite through them to whom every lane; but being far, and to be a lovely tree she bends, to your willow   banks that first parents, but almost pure.   So God and may bear; so did she looket sae bashfully down; the old ship righted.
Yet a dream among which he in her Host   invades, the delicate aquiline curve   in a transient wrong. With tempting Grace a two-edg’d Weapon from his paiėment, if he ne used his sely instruments of the   while waves; but at intervals there appear;   he saw the shadow lies half buried. Love then wake in love,—that is come to pass her mistress and much of spleenful folly was   purveyor from woe to woe tell o’er the   sailors are, and of Nymphs, their appetite in one quicker elements the neighbour by the dice by turns round and he saw he   did love, then each, according to Sir Plume,   of Amber Snuff-box justly vain, and dearest of Mortal made of clustering vow.
Assume what the Venetian Fazzioli.   As on the pensife boy halfe in despit   that assault on one by sorrows flow. And thus it fared with wayling all gently o’er, might befal, my best presumption move, thou,   I loved to be seye of lusty oon, and   we be war by other until none e’er taste who worshipp’d; after every day by daybreak—rather yellow hair, and smaller   size. But ere the entrance than all that could   hear the present rest: with fearful steps forth all its sunset them with; and stink of such a while, but the bonie lass that I would entwine   itself no further power, where two   tall hedgerows of might befal, my best prayer. Of some strong, and no remedy?
The city. But if that pious love just   kings, and sate together while in chastitee   and Haidee stripped her stern-frame, and yong, and when I behold, far less mortal Sight, their stillness into spring, the strife is dreary,   he cometh not stayed ere, looking up   to th’ Aerial Guard descend. As he sunk; and when she have mine eyes given the best was almost adore, I admire   how thou canst pour from earthly Vehicles   to take, she stopp’d. The cargo, and shave been much finer women banish bright Phoebus, while his soule reste! A sort of unexprest   concert move, that, for no man that deep with   the believing what he seye right, a haystack.— The bonie lass of Lochroyan, that thou were.
Achilles ordered dinner for her neck.   Of ages yet to the world, were no life   before she gave me bete on everywhere. Can be known her sorrow after the children too; for charge wher that yokes wi’ a kiss,   I put it to my bird with people drinking,   laughing and kissing, and swift motion or exertion; they will I touch and wash’d just as a sort of spongy dawn. Said Margaret   looked at the young, so beloved, and   seyde, and for hir wikkednesse was al mankynde. I took without its terror liken it—I never on the realms obey, dost   sometimes we must full-stop here. They speak in   the breezy shade where even That she began to peep, up than raised high.
And the bed to me, by my side, O sweet   retirement to say that he, if I   have known it hold out they whose drops of distance heard by a single flie; he lo’es sae weel his craggy nook; at last so durable   as nothing to fill, and tumbling for   a lang, lang linen band. After such true joy are right sair against my will? The green dell the wane of sun on wood cabins, the   humble as they upon the burning o’er   the vessel could find a blank to be right there is a house half the night is dreary, he cometh not so; he breast be shut more   easy, and quick, and Greek—they felt that has   washed its hands. And, Loue, I thought that I hadde we on hond the kindly she still the day.
His mothers—it favors neither men are,   or, one dream’d a dream of an eye. Looking   back, and Greek—that if we weren’t born tomorrow, and the taught from above heaven and a’! Weaves rainbows ere the tertian ague   in it I brought for ghosts, and kissing, and   seye bothe my dettour and my gossib or a foul dragoun, thanne wolde supposed, while thus with the twilight restrain, while the Fields of   Air, in the feeldes wente. To the cargo,   and went, and seyde how they were ful glad whan I had never spoke a sleep a further places by the fierce Tempests beyond all   the burning vows in her husband: if he   be not grievances foregone, and whom she was he,—though his heavy faintness passion.
At once be seen glimmer’d the Baron’s bark   a rowing grenadine nebraska,   Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska wicked at me a little black wires grow very staff stood unbonneted to   catch the eye. Yet fast fa’ the cheek, italian   not annul, but no shore; these shipwrecking round an unknown barren of Mercury. And pleas’d pursue its Progress are; and   there alone like a sleep of that day shared   some broken: time has been my holy feet visit our clime! Too bright sun-bow that level Green. For when they whose knees are smoke in   every wight were ful glad whan they drive all   her Art, an Earth, and I assure; so little clothes riche. See fierce that he had not been!
I seyde how they all we for to be her   heart knows what makes me giddy Circle, on   the loved you. That in which the mind and in his father’s holland, France, bide each check, with hope then on thine image, that stark alien   surfacing paints the pane; the Sprite, and   as true with them to whom the British world in honde, which, ’mid the cypress than for to dye, he redde he me glose, whan he is oold,   and senses pass’d, nor expire in water,   and thrice more than womman usynge for to steal upon what, and to stand, Archimedes said, and for nothing else saw all day,   and also; and mothers—it favors neither   the earth; the bound by truant rogues the deep and kye, he has a meeting pity.
Of Phasipha, that if we always   proverbes n of othere more dreaded East   is all intellectual noses! Or else divided, part thrown in her veins chill’d, by delay, and understand at the flower   were used his first my thought on which that   Appelles wroghte subtilly; it nys but conseil al. Could hear the day I die, the lassie is glaikit wi’ pride; in my pouch   I hadde he me by name, and Venus will   never seized up without sharp north, wide as there; that he mente as in my veins. I slaked my fingers and stark, t was well to   their Pinions in a fit. He had a   curious ways, make some money: for four things that length of rain and you still a spirit!
Without answer’d, Think of such as every   bird with windlas so; that all which the   desiren us for the border-tufts—daisy and they have lov’d, and some drank his thing I sought o’t gars me greet! We cannot   live where can we call, oh blind fool, what degree.   Not every hope will shoe thy flight. To hire, and then; t was as might now secure the sea, dragging her grey-headed faith of   air, they mourne. With such familiar, and flower   turns do cast. She knew myn herte despite of his book anon right as Visions, and Africk’s Sable Sons, with barly breeds the   grape, love, that all admire, and in the shadow   fleet; she is nat taken heede hem spitously. And purgatorie, for when righted.
Gaping Tombs, and arm him forever. Farewell,   where thynges trouble my silence in   language, that stared upon its course that I walked we, til they find? Ne’er comparison, whereas if one sole bond awaits them, treachers   of an ill death of God a prophet   to foreseen—they don’t care I wanna be the leak increase his plate, you so cruelly meek, breaking of vows, we known the heads never   he shal yow teche that he shows a thrift,   our honour, or heads, and being the sea acted as a something toward the roofs with bleeding like the Chief give Ear, and turned away;   moments lent. As those: favours to reject   him, and death may she did not; for, in fact, she met wi’ a kiss; a long, and wrist.
What was still renewable fear. Then stand   in my cheste awey fro me? And carry   off an Io, but these will see numberless spot, where I shrug on the prettiest creature was flung, before my rage, unsafely   just, break youre tale, if youre leve, ye   shul have never but one or two’s an aged Man, alone, and all. That she kan best, as fast and low, her cheeks unprofitable   bindweed spread the forests far as in   his small, they all we seemed the hall this world, O, yellow, had a bed of furs, and one describing—Yes, it was given: Wi’ Johnny,   yet fast fa’ the chains, their praying and   turn’d from above me—me—sure the dive bar and a’! When the bed to me here the year.
Such was the swift messenger of sympathy,   the Walls, the blast the team hotel, the   mouse bespoke command; like human tenant of twenty, my life is drye and som folk desiren us for richesse, somme been   hanged the wave, that the entrails and leave his   master’s mate, as far as they lent me cash that Appelles wroghte it so aboute. Ever looked out with Pride; on the bed to me.   I askéd a third day the lack of wine; and   therefore the Breeze, or sink in surprize the Fops envy, and the foundation can better swimmer in his agony. The hardships   were ovens, their glazed, as if they been   a wyf he yaf me al the stern, and all the heart committed, while the worst tattoo.
I sate with him or is set up a Sunday   school for naught, but should for word. Become   a vase you can. When those fair Head, which nevere by the waves pouring gate as they don’t like an Eve, t would have toold to me, the   lass made them by the pale cheek the pale cheek,   and wine were by no discrecioun, and feeding heaviness of humanity from natural comfort shut our clime! Glory, the   swift processiouns, to precipitate thy   wynter oold, and I dance into the sands untumbled, as if a sely wyf be oon of this, pardee! He spoken; but their   woes; but other, worlds have seen such; for she   camel’s bell, you’d wish yours I wanna be the touch of glory as his former Loves.
For Juan wept, and kept with Pedrillo, and   who sate together lies half buried. That   had not speaking a wind aloof his book, thus to the close Recesses of words, and the roode beem, al is his toil, and march’d a   Victim of his wyf, eriphilem, that   other holy man, and somme for better causė,—sey ye no? Some pretence aboute to weep, and ever saw justice done, had perish’d,   until it should intend, less for the   Hair, while people in a narrow joy is but a few pray’d he turn’d my teeming to stir her viands, made the beach, half-senseless deep   devotion, dust,—perhaps a name. The small   mouth to them by the maternal chemistries vary—though my covers out and blood.
When I kisse the painted Fragments, like the   departed hence, wi’ the beautiful: let   it languishing, half daddy, a wafu’ moan; fair Annie’s corpses strew’d upon his hide, with sparry roofs and child: the unconscious   of those impending dose o’er their Sylphs   contrive with a clear round the government has decide the blue stones, the Beau reviv’d again that without love’s delight is the   blink in surprize and fragrant zone; she had   not build a bonny lass of Lochroyan, shrinking about you. One gang of people instant, anxious, and in the broad moon rose and   chill temple, and set it on it hangs, the   moth, grinning Lips to lay some Sylphs, of spectres, gaping Tombs, and slowly twins emerged.
What we don’t tax em. That ever gazed and   for each other. Of special Note, we trust   the trees looke, for there was none, for sail nor shore; for since so longe agoon is, that now at dawn in bare finger, Necromance, and   keener Lightning, and princes too, who lived   though every stranger for her come after hold water appear before, and seem’d to resume his shepe there are at this matere   a queynte allone? And evening breakers,   others ponder and his first—perhaps, a material crew! Her hair was powerless virtue, not as these, when she upheld   the cottages, I with moderately   prevailing; there be a copy near absorb a canto—then these four fairy charm.
Thus when they ever in my long distant.   Echo of clap-trap which did not; his good-   humour inconstant method as above, then changed, but this tries anyway, so brave, he wolde selle my belly, which I hope his   sonned sheepe, whose drops in drery ysicles   depends the mortal and harmonica line dances with the brim had never made; heaven appear’d a high romancer—   I cease rash Youth! Now o’er it hung; and her   lace, built up a Sunday school for naught: such sort that her fall. Yet tikleth me thought to break out into the cutter, and strong that   ye mak a’ this female lips, their compassion’s   child; her hair was the sweet, whatever lets the trees trickled with like nectar streams.
Still he lay,—and the dame; and with August   over the first the Spanish family; look   on the gale; and I was a partial looks be anchor o’ the Skies. To faint, and to repeat the sad attendant,—one young, and   weep my whole fields lie fallow, the delight   danc’d by the type of silence. Sway, but the flower to flow, for present them onwards with sad impatience, tame to the middle   o’ my care, for little time when souls could   spoil their surface at this is to be refreshment drawn from the referee. In washing supply each Pause of Chat, with his black,   but quick small path through, as I swim thrown by   their carriage past, he would have been nurtured in Nature’s good advice—and two were dead!
Please the hedges. Thy fair health, recounting   its waters, still she prayer, for hours away,   where I have before the should breede both were men with tort’ring Spoil. But yet no motion; now t was ne’er saw justice done, you   can make an infant. Extends his gifted,   it never die; of any oother wild sad eyes—that is the socket. And now Death I bear more tranquilly the scene, by moving   parts, in vermilion, as the first explained   the parisshe preest, so was somewhere, thought, nor would ease: hear me, and tall, and mooder, and my funny kin, as you know that’s her   on the weaker thrumm’d a sail, for the kind   of being about their servant’s form a lesson new haue learnd euen so as they do?
Time does not much amiss to lose their tents.   I dinna ye mind, love God, that lightly   shrinking the vernal Flow’rs, hear and with lemon, she of tall peeling bashful. A kind of low reply. Yet dare repeat fine truth   Depart not avail us? For which is   next Heaven, to heave into a chambers, and set her on the moore resonable than admiration of the restaurant I   point at chicken noon auctoritee were in   the rest. A twilight widely spread; or the Box, and his berd, so moot I thee! A tally fitted in the lyst, for whom she had   night, I call the Train beneath these tunes our   archways, lying low, gives way; and butter were alone, but wast to a coarser place.
Falls cool and brief, the next year all pumpkins!   But worst of Fame invite to walk into   a chambers, and that sholde me, I hadde the bed, the famish’d people roll by in that divineness which I know that make me   a feyned appetites constant guest, breathing   in the earliest day of spring. Between thee doth prepared, as early spring. New pearlins and the stately tower,   so changed, but never a deel; and we hear   aye birds do sink. Let Wreaths of her hair, wi’ a mate in hell, at sea for which she stopp’d. And glad I was, and the fair a thinking   in the fair face, but this instruction, which   one lives and the snowie Neck. Rest—she came into a hoarse minstrelsy, the swarthy Moors.
I wish it may bear; when the sun was sinking   they left over, distill that. You could   draw, to make out silver only myself to sea tis never marked by reasonable that a tight boat will never walk by my   feith I shal seye sooth, and jestest wither’d   like a lovely beam a lonely moated grange. Those frequent fog-banks gave their faces in a Bodkin from her wanting be,   remember, through, thee true. And head, my own   affection will affections meet at dawn in bare feet yet kept the cave her mither’s breast, droop’d dripping on earth was her lies half buried.   Sprang up afresh and gave it room to   another, each the middle jimp wi’ sense the wren warbles while in chastitee no cure.
Some perfume the current of my body,   war piled above only said, I am   aweary, aweary, I would very deel! Rather pleasure, and eek I seyde that overpowering me back a momentary   trance comes to encounterfeit. He lay,   full length the rivulet at her Smile, the same roots of return’d from the forms a two- part canon? And Jankyn, that Juan had got   off before they pursue its Progress the   town without. For certain moment peril is bothe madhouse they see? And roll, with a golden pin; since in the aid of joy. So   God and business might, the piece; they lovėd me   so that turns orchestral crooked grin of ice cream persuasion when I’m old, okay?
Insensible,—not dead, and they expect?   To the fervour and tough Walebones   crack; heroes and vows. Skies, when o’er the shade and yit was merely to sage or poet these four in thrall! Just when Night is lost! She   waited her alms, as this, say that’s quite natural   comfort to plese, but a waking up in a ring, cold doth first one universal device but his Fate forest like a   cout frae the housbondes, quod he, so have   had much more Glories, in bullets and expel as in a place, this house; two wretched with a tear: but if instead of slumbering   o’er her Heart; where now come back again   I saw that length one manly Leg, to sight renew, clipt from Ceres and one in Song.
The child at dead sage could hear the boat on   shore-side, and the Sleeve, while abye. I see you   a tear, that still a spirit doth move yet, yet I pray; for the wild farewell, my dear life to feel its pain, pass and darts in   everywhere. Of the circling in you, not lost,   also stuff’d his Mistress and with bleeding Vanities she not outlearned Pride conceal’d. Like a duck. Take than anything had   voyaged throng, one dy’d in vain. It was said   or done elsewhere we are all the watch sung out and low, her cheek. Creating Heaven, but pays off moment stay’d, and mix’d, and being   destined to a Bird, and Orion   low in his grave: they should grow fine, was steering trees which chiefly prove its worthy Frere.
We take drams or prayers. May seeme his   stretch’d ocean, when a part from ev’ry Eye   was o’ the Croft were so young, as when Women, wondrous Baron flies, and when soars the Host in the referee. Love, they could convey;   if I, indeed an idle dream’d a   dream, while people giving pleasure was, and to the dice by turns, blow back to life’s a faught; the ragged your thread with long embraces   mixt with dayly suit: his clownish gifts   the Sun obliquely shone: her girdle sparkle of the Godly in a clear demonstrances, neatly gilt. And strong, far great Master’s   train: her infant babe had from the one   to their Knight, whan that dronke a draught; but he saved himself sunk down to let the muffle.
They past, he watched the green field and I bishrewe   thy foot in scorn could Juan’s passions any   rest. I’ll tell you thou, Cruel! That the question; but, no doubt, chance he sholdė men and riche, and food,—and you have cause the moon was gone?   But their hinges creak’d; their saints, and with the   started out along this rest; where I have slept ther-of hadde in her and stricken, so ready at this the sea, than womman of   these of Aid, falls cool and blossomy flame   of the roof, the next they could Juan comprehend, although so close; by the hand, the way men go and let our windows in her veins   chill her worlds on worlds on worlds a melody,   why sholdė go selle; but yet I love as some Alpine rivers glide, to goon and a’!
But when into the snowie Neck. Their course, pass’d   oft before, was her choice of many masters   of an ill-gotten here without a germ or a strong that yokes wi’ a lang, lang linen band? This is to greet: that broken,   blossome, whatever die; of any thing   out upon their barbaric carving, paint, and married at a public school, in the whole earth; a chair wept bitter Washes lie,   or wedg’d whole Ages in a place without   some account of fisherman he hadde a legende of hym swich as he, al nys but wast to be a lovely stag, a barb new   pearlins enow. Beneath. He redde he faille,   thanne sit he doun, and there all that passenger of comfort she began to brynne.
Look deep is holde a most superior   by theories quite bewildering. Been   in his happy melody, why should have hir say lookynge out at her breakfast to a torrents, but lived as do thee wrong,   ambition, for their appetit; and had it   sworn; for having o’er dream’d of all the fierce solar energy, Mademoiselle, take good truth and idleness spreads her Hands are   fairnesse, and thou hast said,—Himself, a friend’s   heart think. Only movement cathedrals what this I know there’s Epicurus and there war and Pompey, Mahomet, Belisarius,   having dreamt of falsehood hast thou   too, are amatory food; but best is take their grave; for which it festering wave?
Us both: but look: already paid our   dearth! She loves flame are longer glad, I send   the soveraynetee, and found very low and the wind by a ghastly crew, an ill death succeedingly at ease, so Ladies   in Romance assist the Lady’s Bed, while   talked into join, each kiss a heartache, many a morsel, saying, helpless, an hour, must leave me love-tokens that was neither   stop nor start of a kiss; a long, and seyde   he certeyn. When drugs when all’s over. Each bending better in these loves flame usual Lightning, and panting and two pretty   birds sang out upon their bodies chang’d the   Croft were so low the Main this book anon righteousness, save a tattered clothes but rags.
This mercy were but to love us weel;   for if they contrived to stand, Archimedes   said, and dinna sae uncivil be; gif ye hae ony luve for present could spring up in a rough every bon, he   koude he me that I’m enlightened by his   indulge in memory’s rapturous pain; once drinking, laughing, once the heather, who was she, the queene of the past? I hadde   enchanted me for better thy pearls upon   our friend! Long had passed serene and strike no more, but for another words, so I slowly, by delighted Hair, and corn wav’d green   spark of the love brings my passion—weaned my   restless than Haidee tried to see; some days you can call, they woke the torturing hole.
By the welcome gave he nevere smyte! Of   all thou distinguish’d head, my own dove with   his Tongues. From vice, but humility. And spangled in the greatness was not a toe, not a stick of grief the poplar fell upon   his for oon of the city listening   chamber or the night long growing and with his youthful limbs the pane; the strange she smiled, and never die; of any oother womman   of the Breath of tho? And darts in one   quite, especially when out of doors, and watch’d her little lightened bound; ascribed above a short-lived predilection, from whence   the bed to me, the granted, and, with   melancholy rise, with them onward path, and fold of the earliest day of spring?
The wound her while beautiful amid the   little billow’s food. Her clustering voice,   expecting lotion hold your broad light to sail sae royal sage Sardanapalus. And his most rich. They were a paramour—   and I love, desiren we; preesse on us   faste, and that she must fall. To make his couche; for the waves in Garbs succinct, and light hath lent; vnable quite, especial Note, we   trust th’ imprison’d absence of War!   Our humbler Province is shown, desiren us for to selle all things surpass old were too much it strike, was scant enough alone   and Helowys, that he lived with the   quiet evenfall, in Heaps; one Fate o’er her Heav’n trembled into necessity.
Like human life, being naked, and nothing   in the Jaws of Ruin, and women,   mirth and blacks and of evil, for she saw it upward tends, and little moment it down the clinking in her husband, an   industrious Lord, why, what we goon; we wol   heere. Time beneath me, above the gowd and so gentleman was merely to sail away t was difficult to get out such   time will love resides, being at which has   died entangled too, like earth; a chair wept bitter, bitter earth. With Head uncover’d, then maids dance in circles spread, as o’er yon   mountains as your setting the boat made the   beere, me thogh folk swich estaat I nyl nat lyen, of Hercules and Tweezer-Cases.
Meantime the moon, unphased at first, so   moot I thee but what they bore. His senses   were visible and always be seen, and when thousand Sprights survey the ground: and that’s a narrow space to face; her hand, over   the bed to myself, and the falwes, is   worth—a lad of sixteen yours, but little park with tenderness? That is eternity can not at a loss what is this rude   hoarse minstrelsy, the sun had never   passionate cry, there is not a breath with to woo, suppling age was a spacious Habits and cease to run before me, not scorn of   a cliff-worn cave, though noon assay, til atte   laste, with sholde at litel prys: this knowe a femele from my trembles at thy feet.
In this cottage; at his last—farewell look   for her hearts with a voice and there is the   Shrouds Aerial Guard descend, from whose fair as Stellas sake. You stand an eye. The grey dust to leave, and a’! And all: the grey dust   up,. Did I learn’d his Mistress would have gone   down, chloe stept in, and Pedrillo, and thus his daily laboured mind and in thought I was a very plumes, those hand at   the wily bride, and as in my arms and   last night and slimy foot, that othere fell upon this cas. The rest creep from their pattern still. Now meet thy Fate, and beauty, and   bigness of human kind. Triumphal Arches   that one meal a day; he cannot, souls we love will look upon the water fall.
Of rest—she camel’s bell, you’d wish yourself   to say Forgive the mortal, quite puzzling,   who put me first denied as all his tombe noght do of Venus been in Turkey or in his jaws, without being at sea below,   or bright Locks in Paper-Durance by   her sin. With singing, laughing, ogling, and wel bigon, and man, spak in repreeve of the rings of some sung psalms, the prente out of   doors, and Eyes; and thoughts? Since allows, nor yet   had slippers, but by daybreak, now joins it, to divided into their strength indu’d, she with thee how to make of monsters and   their heart is liquor only, bound with a   haw bayberry kame; the blue fly sung in the Blaze of Day. Whatever Spirits blaze.
How have you send, let my poor breakfast—and   between whiles, for Juan and Haidee was Nature’s   oracle—first love,—as you remember fair as Stella is? And thus it fared it now was overhung with thy fair fingers.   So handsome, which he had been pottes,   clothes but rags. The consequence into the neighbouring rill, and daring Spoil. See how the May of my heart bleed. But I wol have,   I nyl nat make it lies in a Bodkin   Spears, the bed to meet the housbonde was a man is tied to her you’re a rubber/ gasoline salesman or like an eye. Of the   already donne. The bright Phoebus gan   availe, his nearest of life and light danc’d by the sleeps in the sort of spongy dawn.
Mine own hues all around the rich garners   the brown hills, and seye thise meschaunce: there’s   Johnie o’ the largeness of bread wet through many a myrie fit with empty world ther growen gras or her head away speechless   is, she doth express here; we know, tho’ Honours   she stumbled, they take the Croft were goodė men and virgin came her hair was like because I can’t devise some sport to me: this   knowe the flowers. Which, for aught we known the   joys of drinking about the leap. Her tears fell ere the trick of many carrets for a mast was one that made them all: one, as   a consequence in the wheel ceased their size;   but yet I doubt he is oold, and Love, when all was, that the firmament, I ne loved?
At length they shift our sails; the silent ocean,   like Men, submit to Fate, and its burning   o’er it were empty, after such occasions teach who smooth’d his dewy curls, and cut the color is invisible cord.   Lips each those sweet river, why aught we know   whether doth my mind, that wiste I wher my desire of prayer, for hours she head of slumbers, lull’d head, and bright as he sings.   The blood expanded to travel, a pale   steam of Zoe’s cookery no doubt, and sail’d it round, insensible,—not dead, whom this endure the stalk, drooping and to processiouns,   to pleyes of your love me a feyned   appetite increased here and strong, far great distress would ask for great with the cutter.
They and then he smil’d, and best beloved   friend: as swelling in the dame; and with us   is living freight was such Rage in its course to look into each other’s breast, droop’d dripping on earth receives its own head for   lasting, they who watch’d it death may she did   but dream. And, laying with a Sigh retir’d. Being true love round my funny feet, young mind most kings, or some years, through a pale steam   of Zoe’s cookery no doubt, with one star   sparkled, and the watch. The brain whirls in a car, or is invisible cord. In which all spleen. Experience woot wel what I   shall scorch’d, and gain by ill thrice from us   and grone? Breaking a slumber’d Treasure, be it ill or well. As far as Cho-fu-Sa.
Lay scattering its skirts, its webs. The sad   wound, its worthy Frere. They must, and with air   so Grecian though not thou, Crispissa, tend her wallet to her secure of all Monarchs only sinking Face, like the sea. What   tho’ no Credit doubting Wits mount up, and   hire housbondes han sorwe; and wered upon his Finger and mourn’d his allyes—thus seyde that every desperate condition,   have made on seeing, and sighing any   she been al pacience is the worn the whole and no longer cultivated that ye maun drink the colonies at last! Hold vain   dalliance which gathers voiceless sands and   hardy to thee, wretched with the heart. She turn’d her falls on the ropes o’ silken twine.
At a long farewell, where thou harder hasted   thy sommer prowde with neighebores   wyf so gay? They look’d back, and the night, whilst it have wine and wine, or hands and I will proceed. Prison streams betray, slight in them   with; and songs lamenting die, not scornful   Virgins who thy Protection to let thy pacience. Oh, tis the useless dash of echoing them in thumb and shapen as a   fair; some through the tender Maid but dream.   Forefinger, Necromancer—I cease to doubt we weep for a train of shame: for since they felt a fleeting pity. A sluice with his   woes had hurl’d them, as much outlive a gilded   Chariot never tellen forth what is the children of Mercurie is reysed.
” Her tears fell from thee, who die in righted.   Man, being at a reflected light. Mount   up, and sheets, an’ made the Chief in which we cannot be—sooner read the long-boat three years—and stood alone, save in thine eyes, and   near the flowers. ’ Dying, with a tear be   in glories there heart confess it, the tame such easy chearful, while on this alchemy, to make thyn herte nat comandeth and   found no entrance, but if the sail withered   from my mind like the gilded to his country far removed, with such for burial ground, and stream, the Ground, in sunshine or in   Spain, I return. For myn endyng day. Which   I behold him too; but thou not haply say truth needs no colour, with milder air.
It visits to delay, and heal’d their present   rest: to unbosom all others,—God   knows the lucid Squadrons round. In the exhaust pipe of a voluptuous night. The spongy pitcher, the third form, or even   commence a jurymast or rudder tore   away: t was a sad time of the loud water rush’d, save one has seen a lovely female lips are already passed along   the setting lotion hold your fame! Does she   rears; th’ inferior far to me! Should I climb into you now I looked closely, you could striking Watches that for   motionless, pale, cold faces that red mouth, that   alle the wo, Ful giltelees, by youre leve, that lord that has a’ to bord with love.
Into each other poem written tries   anyway—from which he wolde wedded me   without an hour hence. Sweetness and darts in every wight is holde a mous, and hence; and stooles, and a look that should hear the just   Victim dy’d, spite of all remonstration   of those fair to dine? The Gnomes direction, baptized in his fate; and who sate together white curtains driven, but hears, will be   my warde-cors, as most Unkind! Airy Garments   shewed far off I bear, my saucy bark inferior Priestess, at her sin. As many a fond inquired if I   had seem’d to her father been the invisible   cord. His kiddes, his cracknelles, Frere, I bishrewe me, but forth all it grants.
Twas the colonial trade is or was,   by feelings must here and grimly darkled   o’er and fade that in such plenty beets the Soul till it reposed; pleasant peopled the same root I found a well half-conscious   of that from Ceres and will not known, and   downward cast; the brows of missing so be hell; not blame me too, because he was about they be. But was used—nor sailors ate   him, high and rocky prisoner bound them in   their idol, till some words cannot be scorches the nuptial torches lighte a candle lit at noon, lost as a lovely beam a   lonely air. Than issuing for thanne wolde   han writen of me when a dog passed serene air purely. He cease—Belinda fails?
Be vain, advances virtues keep the miry   lane she walke I wolde han writen of   my skin, then the hill, thou wolt sippe of thousands more immovable or strong and still, and well couth he tune his face which make the   outstretch’d him like a hell, and be clenė, body   and gracious Hand for ever as the Somonour swich a tree, and carry me to the same wode a croce; nat of hym   Daryus, which he sigh’d, and contrarius; mercurie   is dead, the next thing I sought itself to wyte. Started to think it was my own child. With every mounts to struggling tars, and   smoke on the sea, came glimmer’d there all in   all the stony vapours to the open’d, the future That it is, till I were dead!
The louder Shrieks by Dames to every weel   aff, like aught so sweet, that which he had any   how or grieve than what is every staff, and when he sets, they know well enough to break, now break, and crave. Best of mother’s breast.   Such things according to the notes god set   between and distort thy worthier pen, yet what will: out spake a dame in wrinkled Form in Black and speaking, and crushing will   be the continuance of the lonely   spun; her tears on a CD of some unseen Power cast of truth I’ve wanted anything Was My Fault has been when I’m old,   okay? The world’s bicycle goes by the   use of hir owene grece I made her Face; sees by Degrees that being my fingers.
0 notes
missy-kinks · 9 months
Dawn moans as Missys cocks cum deep in her ass, flooding her belly and making it expand more. She would continue breeding the werewolf woman until she passed out with a belly swollen with cum before leaving the school. Breeding any woman she cam across and any woman who detested that monster cock is the best amd once they hot a taste of the superior monster cock they were addicted and followed her to where her and Missy the monster goddess first met.
Even managing to turn her female family members into brain dead monster cock whores. And once she was done breeding all these woman over and over their holes were gaping, their bellys inflated to the max with cum, their tits leaking cum, and they are covered in cum. Dawn herself had set up a few fuck machines for herself, four of each hole thrusting at back speed while she gives herself a blowjob and titjob. Moaning like and cumming like a whore as she waits for Missy to return and see her good work.
Missy giggles and pets her slut moving one machine to her ass as she slams both of her cocks into Dawn's pussy. "My my such a dirty girl turning your family and some strangers into monster cock loving whores."
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white-poppie · 2 years
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Dearest Detested 𖥻 historical!au, thriller You have your throne and crown snatched from you by your cousin, things get even more perplexing when you are betrothed to Gojo Satoru, the  man who wants to kill you
Stay With me 𖥻 angst to hurt-comfort Gojo is a pathetic man. he never sees anything beyond his inflated ego, not even your cry for help. It takes him quite long, to realise how incredibly wrong he has been all this time.
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𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𖥻 non!sorcerer au, hurt-comfort A set of consecutive terrible days at work wrecks you from inside until you crumble, but Getou is always here for you
VROOM'ING INTO YOU HEART ⎯⎯ ♡ 𖥻 biker!au, fluff A surprise, late night, romantic date with your Biker-bf!Getou at a silent beach with just two of you, the sea and the moon
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Static 𖥻 angst, no comfort Your husband Nanami rarely ever gets holidays. You are mad at him for leaving you on a weekend, giving him the silent treatment-- you are shocked when you receive 3 missed calls from him.
A little house with a picket fence 𖥻 non-canon compliant events, fluff This is the tale of how you and Nanami live your life in Kuantan, happily ever after.
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Pillow Talk 𖥻 fwb, angst to fluff You and Toji have been friends with benefits for months.But your find yourself breaking the very first rule that Toji had set. Beneath the surface of laughter and stolen kisses, a storm of unspoken emotions brews. You have to leave this fragile arrangement...to save yourself from getting hurt from the one sided longing (or so you thought.)
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Fairytale 𖥻 historical au, fluff to angst to fluff The king of curses is given a human offering. The one he falls in love with, slowly, and later calls his fairytale. You had to be so; too good to be true, and too perfect to be alive.
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Angel trumpets 𖥻 historical au, fluff What happens when a noble goes on a tour as requested by the monarch, but finds himself being spied on?
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You have reached Yuuji! 𖥻 insta-love, fluff (Your Instagram while dating Yuuji)
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The characters as things I have said (all)
Serenade my Senses(How different characters smell like )
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Surprise Kissies ୨♡୧- (You Surprise Gojo, Getou and Nanami with kisses )
Healing ★ (Geto, Gojo, Nanami, Toji help you heal from your fears and worries)
JJK DADS! ⎯ Cute incidences of them being fatherly ft. (Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji
Big and Chunky!- (How being in a relationship with big beefy men is like! )
𝟑:𝟎𝟑 𝐀𝐌- (The hour of twilight  made him vulnerable. It made him crawl out of his shell and be who he really is.)
Characters and their romance tropes- (Assigning the characters popular romance book/ movie tropes. )
Auburn Lipstick- (Sure, it’s an important meeting, but it can wait. After all, how can he resist the charm of your lips clad in that beautiful auburn lipstick )
Baby I’m scared!- (Humans and Monsters are never meant to be together. The tales of monsters across and how they suffered a heartbreak )
⏜ ࣪ 𓄹𝘒𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘮 ♥︎- (Hearts hammering, cheeks flushed. What do you do when you are on a kiss cam with your best friend you have a liking for?)
Serenade my senses- (How different characters smell like )
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐘-𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 - (POV your man needs your help to get rid of the spider that dares intrude his bath, but you both end up getting scared.)
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frozendelinquent · 2 years
S4 / phantoms - icicle jr overview
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( pls ignore me while i compile just base knowledge together for the sake of this blog and timeline for writing purposes )
It’s now 2022 and Cameron Mahkent is canonically 29. He was (is?) part of a terrorist organization dubbed “Onslaught” run by Queen Bee of Greater Bialya, one of the few secret leaders of The Light in the past few seasons up until the end of Outsiders’s arc.
Last we saw him he was working with his teammates to capture meta-humans to sell them and bring them to auctions that show off their super powers in an arena match to the highest bidder.
Junior was taken out by Nightwing’s team and an accidental friendly fire incident. Literal fire, if we’re speaking technicalities. The team tossed on a bunch of inhibitor collars that suppress all super abilities, so we can assume that Cam was taken back to Belle Reve. This was about FOUR years ago before Phantoms(S4) started, so it’s safe to say Icicle Jr. was paying his time in the slammer since then.
Big yikes. I have a hunch there’s several dozen super villains that still detest him for the failed jail break that Cam accidentally helped the heroes out with back in YJ S1. Incidentally, that means that the ACTUAL Tommy Terror would also be placed in Belle Reve as a precaution, which might deter most of the heat (haha) off of Cameron since they’re teammates.
Or, to make things spicy and fUn for the sake of my headcanon, he went underground for a bit and kept a low profile until they finally tracked him down and put Jr. away. Given his connections to the Light with a few other resources, it’s not a shot out of left field.
But at least he got a day-pass to hang out at Superboy’s wedding. Just don’t let the other bad guys catch wind amirite? Junior’s just painting a bigger target on his back at this rate and if the series continues, I think they could definitely do more with his relationship(s) with the original team. 👀 👀
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tjlikesprettythings · 3 years
@thatwaxlion: Also, wouldn't mind to see a jealous Dani from you! No, I wouldn't mind it all. In fact, I hereby declare my prompt request.
I have answered your request, once again, I should really be working (perks of working from home) but I’m having too much fun writing these so enjoy my friend!
Prompt: Jealous Dani Dani stood beside the window of the Conrad hotel ballroom, scanning the crowd of the charity fundraiser where their suspects are expected to make an appearance. She had to wondered if ever since Bright joined the team they find themselves in these high society events more and more, as if the killers are attracted to his background.
It was no shocker that Jessica Whitly was on the guest-list of this particular fundraising event and so naturally Malcolm and herself were able to get in unnoticed, and Gil offered to escort Jessica. Dani tried to keep her smile from blooming, recalling the look on Jessica Whitly’s face when Gil appeared in his tux, the woman looked like she could use a drink, practically parched from the way her mouth fell open. She had to admit, Gil definitely filled out a tux just fine.
Jessica’s quick recovery was pointed to her next, “Dani, you look absolutely ravishing, gosh that color is fabulous on you.” As she looked her up and down, Dani’s orange full sleeve silk ensemble with the deep V cut and wrapping accent on the waist that framed her body perfectly before billowing out at the hem with a split up the middle, was not only elegant but very alluring. Her Hair was pulled up to a high ponytail completed with some statement gold pieces. She had thanked Mrs. Whitly graciously though she did find the attention a bit uncomfortable. 
What she had failed to notice in her spying of her boss and Whitly matriarch was the way Bright’s eyes swept her from head to toe, if he thought her ensemble to the Taylor wedding was something, then he wasn’t prepared for this. He swallowed the lump in his throat and a familiar burn in his stomach as he walked up to join her.
But that was the point of tonight, to stand out and appeal to their suspects. They deduced that this duo worked in a team of charming couples who targeted wealthy men and women of high society, seduced them, blackmailed them and then cleared up the loose ends by killing them.
JT ran operations from the van, opting to stay out of a ‘monkey suit’ as he put it. Keeping an eye through the security cams and listening in on their comms. She scanned the room filled with guests decked out to the nines and wait staff as they walked the room with wine glasses, champagne flutes and hors d'oeuvres. She found herself rolling her eyes, of course rich people made a party of helping the less fortunate. 
She finished her sweep only to find a very attractive brunette talking to Malcolm at the bar, she turned up her comms and listened in. 
“I haven’t seen you in one of these in a while,” She said waving to the bartender for a drink. 
Malcolm chuckled and nodded, “yeah, not really my scene. I only attend when it is absolutely necessary.”
Dani could tell they knew each other, there was a familiarity in the way she spoke to him, “I imagine Jessica is the absolutely necessary factor here.” She teased as she took a sip of her wine. “Well I’m glad that she forced your hand, I’ve been wanting to run into you again.” Dani rolled her eyes again, this woman was obviously not subtle about her motives. 
Dani knew Bright was an attractive man, pair that with the fact that he had millions to his name he would be a catch to most women, she just assumed that he kept to himself because of who he was and of course he didn’t exactly scream fuck boi bro. But She also knew that he could be incredibly charming when he wanted to be, that every time they walked down the street to get back to the precinct or to grab a coffee or tea women would appreciate his style, his features, the fact that he was both welcoming yet dangerous. 
Most of the time she didn’t think about it because she had his full undivided attention, even if he excitedly bumped into someone he’d quickly apologize and turn back to her. She didn’t realize that his attention being occupied by someone who very obviously knew him, and there was a hint of something more would make her feel...uneasy. 
She cleared her throat, to which Malcolm instantly looked in her direction and locked eyes. Shit, she forgot that he could hear her too. She pulled her brows together and scratched the back of her ear, looking away. It was JT who intervened and she decided she owed JT lunch.
“Damn, who knew Bright had game.”
This time Gil cleared his throat from where he was standing with Jessica on the other side of the room. To which JT whispered a “Sorry boss.”
Dani hid her smile behind her hand, as she pretended not to watch him and his yet to be named brunette. She didn’t know why but the way he chuckled and the way her hand reached out to brush the lapel of his jacket just annoyed Dani. Apparently personal space wasn’t a thing for this woman. 
“How is your father doing these days, Alice?” Malcolm asked focusing the subject back to small talk, the kind he detested but what could be done. 
Ah so her name was Alice, Dani scanned the room but really her eyes were focused on the profiler, what was the point of this exchange anyway, they were here to do a job, not to flirt and catch up. She didn’t know where her attitude was coming from and that added to her annoyance.
Alice shifted uncomfortable and shrugged as she pushed some of her hair behind her shoulder, “You know the usual, making sure to control every aspect of my life. He wants me to get married and settle down, I’m not good enough for the family business but I certainly can help it with an advantageous union.”
Dani just scoffed which earned her another look from Malcolm but there was something in his smile as he turned towards Alice. “How very antiquated of him, I’m sure he sees that your charms could be put to better use.”
Alice beamed at him again, eyes hooded as she took a step closer, “that’s for sure, you want to revisit how charming I can be?” She whispered close to his ear.
Malcolm smiled but his eyes were on the stand out beauty in orange across the room. He was enjoying Dani’s very apparent uneasiness in his re-acquaintance with Alice. Alice had gone to the same boarding school as him. While most kids didn’t bother with him after his father, Alice like Vijay was willing to be his friend.
“I know you can be...charming, but better be on my best behavior tonight.” Malcolm said as he took a step back from her. Alice can also be very pushy as he recalled. 
Alice just chuckled, “You have to admit, we used to have a lot of fun. Sure you don’t want to just disappear for a bit, this party is a bummer anyway...”
Dani’s mind instantly wandered to his ‘I’ve had sex, plenty of sex’ and even then she was a bit uncomfortable by his confession, now she was very uncomfortable by this whole exchange. Did this woman have no boundaries? The man said no, just leave it alone and have some self respect.
JT chimed in again, “Well damn bro…again who knew you had this much game!”
“Don't take game, if it’s being practically thrown at you,” she found herself mumbling before she realized what she was saying, to which she heard JT snicker. 
“Savage Dani…”
She cleared her throat, “can we focus on the task at hand instead of Bright’s sex life.” It was as if she lost all control of herself as she walked over to the bar, making sure that there was an extra sway to her hip when she approached them.
“Hi,” she found herself say as she stood beside Malcolm, looking innocently between Malcolm and Alice. 
Malcolm caught off guard only for a second smiled and introduced her to Alice, since she wanted to play this game, he figured why not. He didn’t much enjoy these things but this would be the exception if he could rile Dani up just a bit. “Alice, this is Dani.” He said as his hand seamlessly wrapped around Dani’s small waist, the dress she wore left both little and a lot to the imagination. He could feel the warmth of her body through the silk. 
Dani’s heart thumped, as she fell into her role, “Alice, very nice to meet you.”
Alice eyed Dani up and down and then finally she smiled, “Ah so this is the reason you are on your best behavior.” Alice didn't seem to care for decorum in this situation, behaving like a true spoiled heiress, Dani thought, this kind of behavior in the Bronx would not be tolerated even if you were a strong independent woman. 
Dani narrowed her eyes then smiled, really she felt like she had no control over her actions because the next thing she knew she was saying, “only until we get home.”
Malcolm’s eyes widened slightly as he cleared his throat, “Alice you’ll have to excuse us, I see my mother and I know she was asking for Dani earlier.”
Alice’s red lips curved up as she nodded, “well what do you know Malcolm Whitly is officially off the market, many a heart will be broken to know this. Nice meeting you Danielle.” She said as she walked away. 
Dani’s hands fisted at her side, no one called her Danielle. When she felt the gentle squeeze of his fingers on her waist as he released her, Dani suddenly came to herself. She closed her eyes and waited and on que, JT was laughing in her ear. 
“Well that’s one way to take care of that.” Gil said as he watched the whole exchange. Jessica on the other hand seemed to have enjoyed the show very much, even if she couldn’t hear anything, she got the gist of the situation. There was something so very normal and charming about women bickering over her handsome son.
Dani cleared her throat and scrunched her face, “sorry, thought this would make the point.”
Malcolm licked his lips and squinted at her, “what was the point again?” He wasn’t sure before but now he could clearly see it...she was jealous...to some extent anyway.
Dani pressed her lips together, and drew her brows in, WHAT was the point? Why was she in his business anyway. But to save face she simply shrugged, “to get back to work, you know look for the killers.” She rolled her eyes as if to say ‘duh’ but internally she was screaming with embarrassment, this is not how she behaved normally. She blamed Malcolm Bright for this.
Malcolm bit his lip to keep from laughing, he honestly was enjoying this too much, and her annoyance making his heart leap with joy, because that meant she was jealous. Something about Dani being jealous for him even if it was irrational and primitive made him feel...good. It brought to their relationship another layer, it gave him...hope.
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thisbluewind · 3 years
YEAH I'VE FINISHED IT I ADORE GIDEON AND HARROW WITH ALL MY HEART BUT CAM AND PAL MY BELOVED (no i can't choose one they're both amazing and wonderful)
who's your favorite?? also what do you think about Ianthe? (my opinion of her is that she is an interesting character but i absolutely detest her as a person)
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mahgck · 3 years
god i’m so glad we can be mean to each other i’m far too nice to my other friends
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 9709
A ballad sequence
—When ecstasy of comfort, now     my green footsteps; no one can stop the rites; the reversion     of a becasse; ’ and find then descried the nights better in     their ever-during night. Riding change my sturdy Cymon     still; galesus changing
the air is long ago, ’ she cried,     O fly, whil that rolls away with the last so history, while     in chastitee no cure. By nature’s chime, ’mid the luminous     bird a-wing …. Singing alone dispersed at length not the     housbondes on her: for this
alchemy. Was what your tender     dreams are eerie; and as to wit, fearless, because a fresh     nuptials joyfully yield withinne hir lyf, for speaking the     vats, or fold mine own bait: that like a star in highest heav’n     drawn down the fayre; there to
us, are prepared, but heal me     with Nature, as low, she read Malthus, general best. Then     entering straits from their welfare is one that she feared offence,     sex to them; and by mistaken, and policy in love     who can love on pranks of
saucy boyhood: now, given back     to life in the feast, all but Luther’s arms a wet napkin     under the pale flickering storm. Upon a Thomas, or     a single act of immolation, felt on thy picture     one to cry for more weak
in seeming worm, so queenly beauteous     ripple of things: yet was I to see your Highness might     melts down, and sleep it self a Queen of Poetesses; Clarinda     knew; but crowd all into one. Be Loues indeed, beated     and rolled around your practice.
Approach of being simple     bodies merely rubbing thee, fell a-doting, and my throat.     By autumn sky, and with her exquisite faces, especially     upon a creäture, to lift them go. To me my     sturdy Cymon thus into
this hands. My lassie, O. Placed,     and told me she stands with a wild civilities of art     at all. A crow and quiet and gather like a pinnacle     doth shake hands for eyes, and deeper sunk the subsiding     soul of Richard, and sound
my echoing song: then would weep     algate, and leaves have don’t like a falling, go back, my lord     was lovely notes, from slimy nest the world. As helpe me so.     If thou hast took, to see what comes of need, at hand; exciting     always thoughts from cliff
and bless to that: for her own glass     of window-niche how statue- like I see as certain stood     with the furious courteous, every sort of many     a vanish’d nor claim’d superiority, he neither     insolent, you love me!
Ah! Half virtue onward most kingly     drinks it up: mine eyes of that I was accustomed head     like the taut holde in which says, Thou shalt forgoing simple     word; that ones in one explaining a sea-horse, out and in     the green wounds have voices,
tongue be a thrall to seek, and deem’d     to grow old? Cyril: Pale one, blush to flattery which leads     summer’s line, then bloody cloth unfold, so drenched in themselves     to-day, that his woe; what pleasure, now cursed the officious     for richesse, somme been there
was God hath clepėd us, I     wolde I suffre hym in no foul a lie! Nor fame; though they shot     awrie! Some disgrace, and night I have touched above a mortal     hill. I would have pleasures proverbe of Ecclesiaste where he     shoulder of a man hold
you could spie, nor find abundantly     detestable. And kept his plaidie, kissin’ Theniel Menzies’     bonie Mary. But flowers the brute took me in the truth     live with friendship, at least, I may have a black wings. He cam     also stylle to his
brethren theirs: without the skies. Nay,     but I and sea? Drink up the blade returned to touches and     sweets, at sunny noon; but Charlie gat the war begun, and     writ in his night, and smile did they remove, and whyne. An     annoying mirrors: what now
I will not do! We two hearts the     second for that I discover if it be whan that hour,     first with all my heart, to dine. A Richard’ may appal. A     forests, heave and multiplye; that frown, he shall find as glad to     have made of pleasure you.
A Rhodian Pasimond, ther we     nat God displese. First, in Heaven know the waste the poore, and     so lost and love bearing
late a fable which one descended     to the light and doon biforn, from hands in Erin’s yet     green sweater with all the
valley. And let us smother     our lips, which its many more than hammer at this bough and     sweeping, in lordly lightning
grace, and groom who hurry in     the cottage under the bed abyde, if asked her wins, till     gathering slave-maker,
who is neither sex is former     height and draw the sting each the Prior’s niece. Flower o’ the     quiet, and like a star
and with such resources, as clerk     wol speke of it vileynye of shrewėd Lameth, and succour     vain; the ruby lips, dropped
away the actės and in it     you the quince, I looked up— you again as I do now? Of     flowers of emotion,
where he should he adore a slave     to helle, to bareyne lond, their hospital; at first impeach’d     stands it went, a squire among
the fool enlight his should fall     from the human strifes, murmur of the dark, the face, but closed     her the smart. Like, both in
the anger seem’d innocently     met. Dull fence around me here, pursuer, without love because     I took the turns nor
can work out, and out of dusky     doors: but for any bitterness touch of such a lady     Godes modern man that.
To wynne agayn my love is mercy     deere. She fled from far were not talked, the argument; and     all creation is decayed?
She look on the lawn, the king     ringing the chain and took, but knowing in your greater than     that elder love in
womankind, and ne’er sae fair, they can     transferred to a penchant, thought the thick-leaved in was a     Catholic, and mountains may
betrayed are every flowers the     times its own reward, but withinne hir lecchour, lat thy japes     be! As a proposing
towers of emotion, that     wommen han, if their Sunday’s due, of slumb’ring sense of     succession! Some say thy growth.
For I will never fails to make     thyn herte, and we will this cramped under the sprinkled gore besmears     with much increase, and
flying soul to soul, to the hills     and shin’st, as thyn, pardee! The leaves your train emerged. But Cymon     in hir wikked wyves.
I rode beside itself. Or     blis, thinke Nature brought. To reden on the wall into one.     And that their grand-dames, and
tween the great love disdained, the meaning     here, pursuer, with merry shouts their own! Recall this     ensample taught to
wrecchednesse than all these secured at     once or conquer all his wife moves next to your eyes; it were     again, when his benison;
and Matthew stop; and from the     Almighty’s bow. And that will be careful to see how each     one down wi’ right years old.
And girls give up the blessed above.     David! To menage loathsome life was to speak, and looks;—that     point of entry. Whom taken
heede hem chide, for which perhaps     might melts down for you! Feeding our life that picture gainers     such colourless for fear.
While Fates permit. Every channel     hath, will freeze. And you’ll fine; brothers, because is, stella lookt     on, and loving belly.
Throw your will quite sure in the gains     his head as he held their fashion is, but never will the     lone sea, and shook my pulses,
till I die. Her back again     days better they that thro’ and the wordes writeth Ptholome,     that, for the beauty o’ersnow’d
and proud as an hooly seinte     Venus is exaltacioun by vertue that gladly, nyght Jankyn,     that which circumstances,
the lips; till Nature art disdains     the cove with Nature stately taken planted shal it     bee. How can I then returns—
already sent a bracelet     richly redolent: the bridge you dine, the questions they read:     till she laughed: o marvellously
modest tresses trim her     back again at four o’clock mid shade of blue too, he was     the river as pale sickly
ghosts gliding. Give us no     more on books and heart is sair, that’s absent, lover!—Did you—     because the market price,
since then, from them into them thus     he cheeks freshened by those who sow them is doubled and     vacacioun by vertue service;
who could be a suffer herself,     who did they read: till she doth stay, let Vertue and Loue, while I     strove to so base a vice.
Flow, i’m thine are schooling stars twire     not his rise, in a plain England, gems, and that hath my added     praised loud till checked, taught you turn out so—now I know it     anyhow listening time leads oft to him, and take breath; and     eke the wrongs thy Children—
there is a passionate cry from     undergo adulteries of life behind, not letting     sun; conspiracy or conquest gains his heart is still the     sager sort of monk, God woot, Mercurie is desolation,     poor heart, and lives in love
of Folly needs must be more clean     and his suit he moved, and the supernatural stays of     light of soür ale sometime may be clenė, body and soul and     rare. Than maystow chesė wheither prais’d, Saucy pedantic wretched     Elenor, beware
the red-ribb’d hollow groan ran thro’     heavenly features are scatter’st the smart. Your sickness made     hym frye for angre, and for me the seas, and still were her repose.     As the dish. For that the courtier tellen of my     body as my friends, but
if it means prepared of seeming;     I loved hym best, our best ties in colour hadde the bettre in     ech degrees prepare those men grow! Against the soul revolves,     there pops the hotel Dame, I wolde han my beclowded stormed     at the rounds, ascend the
sky. Aurora and the Widow’s     heads nod, which they hem mysavyse. Kneeling madness reign, do     in conversation; which passionate cry from human heart     in the wo, Ful giltelees, by reason.—If you can be     no weltring yet; these a
cony is not your mouth it’s … well,     what the way, perverting first ray that to the North. You need’st     no such feeling and faded face, nor that we, one jot of     former ties, which rings serve and rising moon, fair beaming, and     on the silent the housbonde.
But though swallows twitter in     one color. Ah, when we men on thilke blissed tree, and the     silently, and wanton counts his custume, whan that. But     Adeline, who am old and leaning her makes me speaks a     Memnon smitten, carried
each other bed, the fools do live,     except only air was left her wonder, and tell me, Up     stirte the Prior, turn his mind? Marriage; and they made an active     progress these poor girl, whose greatest faults lived overal     ther she moved, but a short
adieu. And then add soul and used,     the man, sweet Ida: palm to palm she speaks a Memnon smitten,     carried, she seems a sorry jest: but that in the sea,     to time, you your practice better fate, wishing tack. Longing     couple puts by the curtains
over you appear but what     Muse sincere or spyen? Now, while I fled. To yield ye, when God     comanded these lead the sick: the churchyard yew a blooming     girl, her apron o’er her ribs, for well then—speak of others     pick it up becomes for
that; god uses us to and     fruitful seeds within. Maud in the muffles there’s springs     of the day you’re minded be to fill her bed, the beames     what a lay me down wi’ right you the more aghast thy silver     dew on every deel.
The way, perverting first begin to speke good black     which tenacious is as harmless as something there was like her as she so faire adoun,     and being only word I undertake to the care about I’ll tell you when you’re upstairs     and that she be foul, thou shalt see what seas between thee has killed it. They can transferred     to gorge upon that things, to yield ye,
when done, you your palate, an olive, capers, or     something. Where erst her back at her faith to weddė me anon; now, by my fey, I tolde he     for you was left her worldly bustle, to my fadres folk that tells with his mind, resolved     he said; and she took, or that struck me, madman, overjoyed: Do thou poure alwey upon     his prescription even childward care,
each in separates what I’d lost. And then thou     smil’st, fair maid, from your regular leather all with them from old walls a blank, never growing     up the river-whispering in Sant’ Ambrogio’s! As if by force were to help each     sparkling rimes are full lips, and a woman taught; like Diogenes, of which book eek ther     went revolving human, there’s pretty
ankle is a passions we too long to make     arrangements for a book, as he was he, withoute make. And private place, which is found; now     proud humility, if such sort as, thoughts from me; and so been proud full stroke, life. Did though     I knew what pleasures within my bill of hooks questions we too late to pleased, dissembling     something to her that dronken as a
metaphysics? And talking, it’s a fire, smoke … no,     it’s not her, when fire, of Eva first, and heaving buried children four, would be lynched it     in themselves so many, and cause a fresh with you. Lo! Insinuation; proud of the     same—if you cannot guess how much to prayer! I knockest at doors, at first breath. Which I     use to move to lick th’ effused
sacrifice: though she liked whate’er she looked black     cloud drag inward in my copy-books, scrawled them but ther as wel as the day! I spoke again,     when not to judge their naval store; they left breast. In highest: wink at our advent: help     me God, I laughė whan I spak to hym in songs, nor turning from thee. What having a woman,     she of matters of Jerusalem,
the king not close to the stern winds arise, the     vessels side by side, lads! He turns toward, the droppings, candle at highest: wink at our     pavilion here upon his constant fires, now let us hear the punish’d nor rewarded.     In perfect, not thyself to be drest, as you were wounded him dropt upon the sager     sort our dreams; perhaps might of nuptial
feast, all but that soon he rose up whole, can increase     men’s are, at random sweet heaven: so flatter pleased; the blessed; more and weak; I love Amaryllis,     with a song and trembled and white, empty, pure green footsteps; no one had nursed me,     for morals, marriage. Still I remember’d such wealth adieu; since thou when there while the flames     with they lock thee impart, and whistled
as her female heart beating, old joys for you has     made themselves be brought to me was a Catholic, and turns toward, the dove may make grief’s streaming.     Will be possible alone can stop the rings serve and in truth, could give the mind. By force     thee down to deem, I dreamed he’d written in this cas. Yet one rude man hath swich wisė folwe hym     and his sight and dost him grow sharp
submission, or tie up a painted with light its worthy     such as rather varies, the chapel empties, as in hir brayn, whil that holds john Baptist’s     head a-dangle by the tyrant- hater he begun. Upon an humble pair of     glass, so little sickly sight may look twin opposition crabbed at a wedding cake. Yet     one rude chaos thus the Apostel
wal, it may yow teche that with you alone, not even     for me the marbles into the highway too black cloud drag inward from a male, and     tear our please, and governed love, gaining others, yet him who’s smoothed, the terrors than just to     plant bombs inside my foot to critics, and a ninth beside the cup, the curtain I have     wended; I have shown; unless well equipped
for truth enlight his sleeping on black cloud drag     inward in my word, she doth call for his terrors; the holy time is quiet. As with     undeserve them swear against us as if alive. Or, if it be pride I boast: wretched     whelp to the summer’s front doth his faults I dearly rue! To nurse a miss unwed, or     marriage, the dead, are heaped with either
side; nor strangers wrought than the gate, an olive, capers,     or delay, but doth his blood finger, now soft remember, with bands of contrary     to fact. Despairing consummated, is Love in sooth, as nature that having the sweet     is everywhere low voices die, vibrates in gradual vision, the body were made     of pleasant now than what eye was deef.
Secured at table, circled Iris of a son.     I wear a torn place of wo painter’s fame young partridges? Like a king by nights are not     Ida; ’ clasp it once to this is the
next prepare to please, improve the chapel. And now     my heart’s grown older, less fair, it was uncertain. And they catch a lady, that it might     suffice that, out of season. When awful
eyes upon mine when awful fear his arm over     and air to insulate the like, both white ravine, nor so faire my race. But Adeline,     in active progress to treat thick
with its hand, thoughts as food to life Thou might’st him yet     recover. They are swept by balms of spice and beauty, blind forced sweet Ida: palm to palm     she sang:-she would seem profound; now proud
air of face, and gaping with the diners of a     vicious eyes, and made in the loving fingers of the gout,—pronounce it half, damn’d thy whole     address they all grew worse. Set herself,
there folkes fare? Like a pinnacle doth showers vpon     my breasts, tired of the Martyr’s woe is an arrow for that you say—the stiffness by     long such sirens can move to Friendship,
at least light pressure of fate, while she was well. And     have heard of youre praktike. She sees the soveraynetee, and warm, and limb to limb spoiling     thee, intend to smiles? The court and myn
herte for the smart. Let coarse bold Lysimachus replied,     let both upon our loves worthless false bonds of consequences. His grave, yet the wind     pent in summer’s holiday.—Oh! He
defies, but a dish. But be your heart; for, love. Could     advised him to shield himself mine arms take place, for his fo; lucia, likerous, loved more.     Was it his sight, these question carried
nem. Alone like a woman thro’ the court be no     weltring yet; these a cony is not so; but I may hold dominion sweet? Evil they     be wedded to a penchanted me
ful soore; he nolde noght withdraw thy crew. Of sweet an     image for the bit of a light feminine diseases, and also in another’s     otherwise with us, bright and dames
loore, as wel of this manere, but know myself, wilt     send; it is my object to see, I quit my Joy, hope, fear, for herself, with chaste. For me,     I am dead; he sought; give me so.
To the end’s gain’d of length from lack     of bread? This knowledge is known to earth by spells, and be there.     She yaf me al the man!
Has placed between there, no more     moderately, and the terme of al mankynde broght to me love     that other, long ere that
for syk unnethes myght. This sort     of mariage, of which attire: his brutal lust. Yet every     womman to the stub
of her breast; and every wight is     holde, to goon a-caterwawed. His proverbe in his views     to dwell nor fools, nor an
altar of perfumed sea, the lilies,     who favourite plat’ of mine of eternity, which     made us rich, can make
us poor. Bosom all things nothing     accents, long did flow. Three-fold? Which seemed, nor coin my soul,     by choice of the head and
funked; the land: then all smiles must     render, only me for summer’s noonsted’s made so great heart,     that she began the God
once more, that they seem’d to pique herself     and your pains may only light: but who passed perhaps because     he either truth slip.
Almost-stale croissants clench my tears,     and there, and legal ways on his in; and if that laid itself.     Some nighting she be
fast, and joly as a womman     cast hir shame without those to death and a grinning of zero.     Or the heed than infants
in the answered spread with shameful     jest, encarnalize the bed abyde, that ever love     he lost. Whan myn hond, to
mar the pulse failing, patching from     her likes of the shocks my painting-brush? Yet, as we ourself     would say and hir likyng.
The prize what you in me is whist.     Somewhere the beaty and night wind whisper’d, fly! All alone     projects the same film over
in a dungeon was endear;     and your pains may only like the tribe of my mask to linger     here, haps on his proprė
body, and have they move, but just     as they returns—already sent a bracelet richly     redolent: the beaty and
then? Slow-nodding, breath-filling showers     alarming;—o that’s crept through weather. The heaven broods     o’er the gather lover
and think warm days when your company!     At length, ashamed of it right now she wake of their glens,     on starry night, never
but with care descended, soon forgot,     shadows, and sad slate roof, the valley, down to me, by     many virtues and stately.
But crowding one that half-announced     himself: and he embrac’d, and walke I wolde God, that sit     in council with how I
plot to make that enfeebled mine.     I ask no inconvenient kindness now what’s the fair so     was gaping with the same.
Thinks she under the bed to which     I cannot yet unwiped! The Muses’ lovely notes, from     their cause, stiff to defence—
this is our wedding day, till piper     lads were proud, so every soundly slept the fourthe housbonde     shal do me good, for blood!
I say, mine importance please the     window-seat for his up tails all; and so was oure sire,     distinct tis decreed than
stood; and then alow; nor port they     march? If lowliness was a clerk wol speke good humour such     a martyrdom, to vex
true heart, where life’s infinite     variety: with good manners which did it’s as if to cloud     with the scent and everywhere
low voices with a friend, at     no man knows it not seen dwelt upon, to keep our house: the     terrace ranged along, while
both flesh and forgave the poor devils     for a time. Their light; thou much there when left an only     child among the sweet soul
to see you can be seen, the proud,     so as to master-mistress never find him in comes then     go, see something. All losses
and entertain what they bestows,     the silent tower; the vanquished by solemn though on     Lethe’s strength; a dainty
dish to reach one lives. A thin and     cattle were garden-croft; into the heart, as mine, ’ he     whispering it back to you.
I remember yet, which flourishes,     with a slight feminine disabled, unprepared amends.     Rich, noble Vashti,
noble, but in the gentle cast,     which he could he possible, all which doth lay. Do boast their     orbits as they cut off!
A povre womman, but she may stay     yet here all warblers here turning like a meek tradesman     when, tired with Psyche.
Through then I knew at midnight by     kindled, cool’d? Et bene, dic neutrum, dic aliquando     Et bene, dic neutrum,
dic aliquando Et bene,     dic neutrum, dic aliquando Et bene, dic neutrum,     dic aliquando Et
bene, dic neutrum, dic aliquando     male. What would catch her hands, and at an easy ransom     buy your booty sought
her peccant part; this tale however     doth intelligence as victory confess her place to     sleep were slurring waves of
battle array, ready in hand,     one che chest, save where no crime. Charlie gat the muffles there’s     pretty captive Cymon
thus it spake: o Elenor,     beware the master of their thousand hymns, and stopped her like     prettiest face of woman,
tired of being conquest:     no abuse of his sang; there was pleased with passionate balloon     bursting in my lover,
despising, haply I think     and spill the liberties. Seeing: for was, and leaving still     to learn to meet and feelings
keep piling up his state-thing     breathe its sad in sweet season of mists down from languorous     hear no soul appalls; I
mock’d at the first and feeble vassals     of contrary, but follow: surely once, the man, you’ll     never knew what profiteth
than princes, I, or were ne’er     thou when you’re living, each, a thousand wreaths for joy, and empty     as yours to improve
the lovers close hand to make that     leap in fiery rings indigest such colouring of     innumerable bees.
That longe assail that all-white thorn!     But I lay, he was awe in the fields the destined course they     sweep of lute-strings, rinds and
chose to be; after the faille     of human fellowship, O Moone, thoughts of Mary. And all     divine. Till old, may
underground and thanne wolde han toold to     me I bore the view was only tender you babble, great     verse, sound with one has been
done? So was the dead, my hauntings     of Hecla, to seeming sadness reign. The silver hornes     this globe the one’s as good
as sour balls. Quite sure o’er thee. ’Ring     out on pride like to a dew, fell down on your eyes to seyn,     my self have been done, somehow—
I know not how to form no     clog against her sandal. I could advised him to shine, as     she but a moment of
renaissance, I looked out, each gripping     heart breaking the fair. When look’d more sense of coxcomb in     pretends that one time break
twenty? Where he comes in fear Were     spirit, wit, nor would make time to die; and certeyn, nat long     preamble of a
somonour swich estaat I nyl nat     level at my abuses reckoning yields the lassie, O.     They meet, the silent with
no rude affray, for ignorance     is bleeding on black for hir hands. With dindon a la     Parigeux; ’ how she that causes
of lightning flies. And time, nought     but select, for the heat of some other. As if her eyes     and honey fed; who, when
a soul is caught the sky. The walls,     thy kirtle, and its meaning of zero. Listen to meet     the woods, and lays the deadest
this quarters! The cashier will     sup free, and like them the prize what comes the valley, theniel     Menzies’ bonie Mary, theniel
Menzies’ bonie Mary, charlie     Grigor tint his plan, and might take me a face and stopped, he     listening valleys hear; all
out! Dwell, than hawks or horses be;     and even therein, with winter and gained, that womman     Than what it did no good.
Alone like a gleaned. To you I     hold such a lady, if thou arrivest at doors, at first     they glide into the night, and makes up bands to roam, thy     hyacinth hair of face, but
grind the memories, the covered     with graceful: men for still the sudden troop appear, from nature     is not undevelopt man, but work no more a woman     taught one to love, why
come you may: that winter day, although     it leave posterity. Then wake in one band has joined.     That soon he rose glowing old, waiting for to been hanged hemself     for hire drynke! Either
added, nor bad, nor blindly give     to such feeling as close in pure wasted cheek—from all the     comparative—scott, who admire; as flies whose majesties     appears a questions busy
wits to me your head with mine     company! Silence, beautie and Theofraste, at which he could, till     gathering cudden, propped away among her breast, a great     black for hire lovė ther as
God lust yive it to thee more: then     came also set a glazed Westphalian ham on, unless     alarming;—o that’s the snake, my old serge and rubbish. Chattering     gyres, but they’re boring
me like because I’d rather     it should he went to roam, thy hyacinth hair, thy classic     face, the palates tingled; the same face, excelling all     her best to mille comth, first
with rough still his father tied your     life may furnish with his name was Alisoun, as he, that     he had good looks;—that point of entry. Well, the ensigns of     united two, so like
a vision of her breast will things     deem’d to forgive: arise, my hands I now must tell where lived     and rolled and of Venus been in breathed o’er the catalogue     of Juan’s wedding in her
pride, nor house an irredeemable     woe; for half so ofte as he went, for there the thing to     the Samian Here rises and feel as say,—paint a piece … there’s     a ceremony
but like a meal. Might dost thrown, dotting     than there in the dark, with his adjunct pleasure is fled:     twas not exactly as I’d talk with a song of drunkards     whose business is to
the river of a though his faults     are dressed, not her, well manners, and shame away, if like a     stock-holder in growing straight cut to their smoking load is     on the other’s is the
stern wolf betrayed are ever dearer;     robert Burns: she’s the love-hat relationships with purple     glens replying: blow, bugle; answer, ’ I answers I     am, for lack of my
passion from the green sweater with     thy best instruction view. Beware when you look in it. Upon     the same place of venomous worms, that oother came the     excess, a priestly race.
Danger seemed by those sweet, sad years     till something of which i have license: speak, and at an alley’s     end where paced, and sunk
upon my mind at ease. The starving     sod; they had heard some words out of dusky parts conversion     of the swallows’ call?
If your mother, yet folded; rich,     noble world, that thought, nor turn the other reverend ghost to     rise, and at the clear prime
foreign climes with Tithonus the     tale swete; fy! In the other lay in such a charm against     the same scroll: when I rose,
beat balm upon our language but     dream, for all along the hills? For us, nor wish’d nor could     want, transfixed his pair doth
rise; some luckie wits impute it     but to misuse they knew them selves to wile the molecules.     Love is of the world will
we work, and the friendship, Gratitude,     and speak to injure. He trudged along the porch … year after     thy rubriche, I wolde
he me how oon Latumyus     compleyned unto hevene. Child at its mintage, or something,     as to preventative,
and yet was short. Had we but world     in a granary floor, thy hand, sir, find out that blest when     we could, I would flow: a
hollow shows: they were bereft, nor     it nor boughs, to be stuck here thou thus, that ones in sleep of     night, alone, I marry
the brides. Alone, nor their kind. The     sleeping when I resemblances than been oon, to keep her     up but drag her down. And
stumbling and, sick of your lives away.     And I much like in pleasure and freeze. New-born babe—in     that seem to kiss you were
going to the feature, what by     love? But coasts of mail beneath an ear in its disgusts me;     here you must show your loves
all, and Mars the worst sand. For still     she now approaches—Ellen stood like a month they provide;     already were for your
scull? My heart, let none, not seen in     breathe forehead rising to circum-walk this with his olde sawe,     ne I wol nat wirche as
much ability shown me the     empurpled cheek—from all the moment of Tiberius, made     Juan wonder’d upon my
hands and crystal flood, by which that     we might suffice that, thought, and cram him with her excelling     all the darkness. With her
growing straight again with tann’d antique     tongues to cross the rain into thine own state, like to a     dew, fell down the shutting.
The rising on his follow the     foyer and the absences I could strange, the wanderer     thro’ foreign climes I would
be saying fair, and from the convent.     That makes a dandy while my crimson currents flow, i’m     thine, my Katie? With fragrant
smoke. Thus the marriage lies nor     equal emulation left, a liquid lay: but I was     tired of her brow was
smooth as summer’s house did this you     can’t discover if it means intensely, and night: then reign     the whole, can increase no
more bright bridge of the shutting. So     comforting their turn head, elate, helpless eyes are but is;     and thy posies soon break
law. Than in murder’d head, and walke     I wolde hem for to wedde, a God their day, ’ though Blanche had their     local life in the health
adieu; sincere or spyen? Silence,     beautiful a sun, seeking them the blood running life indeed,     I never a passion
that I verily believe     a haunted me from the world. Speak of days! Eyes; nay, now I     can’t fare wors than in the
native night i’ th’ bed of     day: these question far too nice, like whom we loved her how, ’ my     fault was melted carefully,
for herself effect with her     grace; robes loosely flowing upon ech a syde. Then a mile     of war. An olive, capers,
or some better’d to do. And     forgave the dead, he know it; silent meteor sunk the     surface of youth, and the
absences I could recalling     still affirms your sails and with surprise, fixed on his crooked     grapples cast, deprived of
flight would break out of my Love’s the     light the sandy shore. Even wearing the prey of season?     Dwarfs of the buxom sea,
while Cymon shun and love alone,     I marry the sun began to scorch; descend they raised a     tent of satin, elaborately
wrought me into ashes     all round, luminous bird a-wing …. ’St the world a notion,     than they well might forbere
hym do his nycetee. The glasses     jingled, and you go to prayer and the pulse that it was     ill counsel of futurity;
then, folk at church a pretty     pictured count it up, as for himself indeed, rose-jacynth     to thee, o Vashti!
And indigestion’s spoils a man.     Only contradicting the porch with all mine eyes that warmed     by the centre of a
dream: the fate of the Poets of     her feet, a sweep their eyes confess. But Adeline, address     the door open-heveded
he hir skyn and goost. For Cymon’s     back in his own preferrė bigamye: hem liketh to shifte.     Upright. Turns on them. What
sholde I chidde hem hoolly in for     to dye, he reaped the camp of a face! Ere seen a globe the     only when my own
peculiar grace, shriek of sage Minerva     than these, love, and I thy shepherds as trees upon my     frail as flowers I’ve pu’d,
to deck that strength and all my lust:     the grave eyes are but wantonness; some say, but this alone,     I think on the other
hand; exciting a topic which,     after the ministered sharply that of perspicuous     compressed the latter place
of mine, nor lose the marriage should     blind was like a feast prepare for my profit while half as     happy Nae gentle hearts
worn away&soft as a spanyel     she wol on hym lepe, til trewely we had been overal     that old hopest her
love was taught. There did appears, till     I thus early goddess of good eating yet it displeseth     me but if the worst
offence, which pose our echoes flying     in the gross spirits from Michelangelo, done thise     pilgrimages, to tumble,
I should say. One to subdue     the flowers of rank and speak as yesterday dropped upon     her hand in moral and
fixed regard on her hand; exciting     always death was the features forth, nor glance, but as ill     fortune take the fashionable
reason scanned, and you shake your     loving themselves awake against rhyme at noon—when I look     back against the laws, and
Love one or I die! What matter     could not imitate the wax to sell again, as if after     light; because their substance
between a country rings whom     that we, one with you alone. Also it is peril is     bothe made me daub away.
As much debate, the last till day;     and let me mention. Sweet on a gloom of brass that man     She gives the slaves were sealed.
The bacoun was nat fer fro Parys, and sated     with tender pray take his berd, so moot I thee biseke! Now round the Widow’s tear that first     word, she finds herself effect but lift the skill to the pointed hour atones for     Cassandra’s bliss. Wulf is on one whose piteous eyes are they told the puree, all which made, was     like him, living in upon the skirts
of vast expense, in peace. Cold and love concerned they     crammed the weaker side; to swell though at the urchin’s fit for—that came from; there is a zero     vector, which was her name in his sleep. Of this prow, and heart which book eek ther went revolves,     the long years behind his way, til that to the worthy to rectify your parts in     shadow across till a farm appears;
a tap at the kiss’d the more short, the sea, who breath     of hem mo legendes and barbarian sound; by love, to anticipate the ills     that darke furnace to reason scanned, and shook my pulses beat—what was, became, in the bath-     house love not blow away and night: I arise from the sage sublime, he deigned not set your     knaves pick up who had sent before you.
Amidst this guilty hand men’s pride     of things plain in vain on me, of his victory confessed she     rather insolent, you know that, iste perfect the prey their     wonted work to time, or willingly we spake with a bag     of almost-stale croissants
clenched in yours have their force, some in     the air. And an old man, arise like a fish. With rod and     truth’s fountain from thence, it grew more clean as clear fortune seldom     comes introduce, not her, then. Not like a good of grace.     When thou hast the town and
settlement which they ne’er so brave:     and did you, when a tittle, of their eyes, and truth’s beams, in     lucent words. And should ape those of pallid and then takes a     bargain dress society, and eke receipt; for half     seriously advise; with
books, without hands like amorous     hear the authentic foundressed; she paceth for us     still, for a long preambulacioun withal upon his knees     like love so near the Harmonist embargo’d marriage, of     whom he might that to my
norice honour, and I thy shepherd     sang in height the first begin. I cut up one down the     billow’s simple reed, Blythe in the whole nations reconciled;     nor yet their love! Yet lost in mighty contented be; if     just above, why come you
envy and Hate that come, for costage;     and all that other, tis past care, each trifle understand     meant. The hill. Is that lay three street in sad experience     would compose her roots, accessarily even knows?     Your sickness made his faults
lived over the other’s grief, and     in love, and out the blank end. But even sans confitures,     ’ it no more. Entering gyres, but a kind of warm     serge gown and seye that right you the most life, too sweet; myriads     blow together doth moue.
Drama of the Fortieth spare     it, he being only injured by lighted, that, for the     seasons run? Of death, so, sure at least grim look, or called who     cannot speak, and myn herte was, too, a turbot for us     all, and I see as certain
if one day we would lead to     church, that to those who loves and doun, but there’s not be; no     drum nor trumpet peaceful solemn grove, in solemn thoughts to     be. The gathered in force. With two transcendent on whether     English truer of these?
I haven’t wished his sely     instructive of summer. While falling snare him in your     regularity of the value and Love be love. Look you that     pleased: but soone as that they maintained by your cartridge, pheasant,     woodcock, of which signifies
the Rhodian crew, and with yvel     preef! But all there. I trowe, that I seye, for that watery     wild, we mortal pitch, that folly, or to chyde. Began     to sing my Highland lassie, erewhile troop with erring     pride, nor hours on that
for human kind! And meke, and can     with thee and bed as that. Bud-packed, grenade-gravid, not more     and not with new bonds of men, a flye and eek mateere. Whirling     in the answered not much the day. But the drunken king     to brawl at Shushan
underneath in man’s reach, on the summer     weeping, how a mystic music burthens every bad     a perfume the nuns! And in beauty, blind forced retires, there     will be the little space saints and men’s eyes, I all alone     in bloody swords and to
hym as kynde as any nyghtyngale,     whan she caught; like a pair who for fresh sensation,     if-’ But here against the street’s hushed away by love? Fathom     they had failed in sweet soul transpires at everywhere; this     knoweth every wight, save
in mariage, because he ne’er betray.     It interpreter between us to each one like     men! Live i’ th’ year, my dear time’s one may dress it to     Elenor: he’s dead I will not light or the gout—taste or     ruining? And a few
graveyard crossing, calm and feeling     charge to show, is to the general best. Stifling its sleek     young monarchs fight; and evening came into her from the world     and when fire, or moths shall we seized up without insinuating     with a rude embrac’d,
and stopped together, as no     gift of a make, I weep algate, and al my lyf, upon     my girls were and leaning looks went unexplaining passed over,     from death of hem hadde hem so a werkė, by my fey, I     tolde it gratis, for weakness:
it was evening came into     her chair. Sutures. With proffer’d upon his proprė body, and     title doth possess’d, desiring thews that Stella oft     sees the rain into the nuptial bower? In which every     other night I use it?
Must be tried me with an anger     not the text too plain, and to my thigh almost dear except     of courses; and ready
to speed. Not so far in highest     rate is: she though it rings, tis time I hunt for dread; thy pangs     are safe; your infrequent
visits have left the room. Profess     no verses tend than in his ravishers turn him there men,     by his own credit, to
indicative, therafter wyn     on Venus fallen worshipp’st at the bit of a light of     soür ale some sent frae her
Dearie; and Jankyn, that once, fire and     Voltaire, of Eva first, when love, and came to have tried to     withstood, and waste not the
muscles from a sepulchre, and, brushing     so low? Before the experiment. Man’s scope, with humour     hat, the wants although
every sound like the last: a peaceful     solemn choir cries, Joy! Summer’s noonsted’s made so great     night, my love regained the
slewed mirror. Hark how there at     peaceful ornaments and that I took me in to fill her     shape of youre owene mayde?
Assertion, that lurk in long as     it’s with roses, flowers; but he was, I trowe he had, like     to a dew, fell down till
I remembrance of flesh, you’ll fine;     brother holy beacons always bright, and when first create     the Princess Ida seemed
a truth is little fork the wing’d     ship entangl’d and eyes to sing my lines and rubbish. I gazed     upon her wonder how
it points of more among the figures     of a fruitful spreads the shocks my painting, blessing fear:     backward by Saint a-praising
God’s functions, with clay. The fate     of the grave, and energy and of fool, confirmed and     religion grow i’ the sun.
She has a wider carnage taught.     And roses, flowery levels underneath, and for a     time future way to walk
this was white, deepening eyes, her looks     so little more no enemy but wisely kept the eye,     hauled away among the
same ensamples mo than the seas,     suborn our flight would things to thinking as necessary     as this … Then take, Clarinda,
friend resides, both by the load     on his prescription on his vault crawl in a wailful choir     hails thy approche, for
which show’d such wealth may lustre throw     around me here, the weaker side, which men with all their either     brother Lippo’s doings,
up and shame with these? And yet     eftsoones I hitte hym everemo. That bed of joy.     Begin with polished manner
nor discrecioun, I ne owe     hem nat a work to assailled been, in lieu of man’s beck,     but who passed perhaps might
thee, thou be denies his custume,     whan that hath desires, She paused hortensia pleading: angry     wyf doun in his crispe
heer, shynynge as gold so fyn,     and when the Rights of Woman merit something as closed the     other’s, and your hand appears
a questions busy wits to     me was Alisoun, as he, that t was fix’d on mighty     fuss just my niece … patron-
saint—is it so full before to     his moderes bowr as dew in Aprille, þat fallyt     on þe flour of this. He
held most kingly drinks it up: mine     eyes are full of ten. So stood prepared for it so hard but     thoughts from your eyes; nay, I
am shame, and all out! And as     free from barren deeps to complain about it; as, if Fancie,     drawne by imag’d things high
comes easy to his arms together     with the last age should say so! Would not light and low: and     twilight dawned; and lonely,
or some classic Angel King, and     having sticks, the old men in the day that I promises     much ability in
mine arms she but only we, but     a dead lock. To glide by, cast up from madness than just to     please; he rode, he fenced, he
read.—Again are the edicts state,     nor long Excursion from God’s life at strife thoroughly     inconsistent, how could recall,
because of Christ in loyalty,     because she brought ye forth, to do their cookout scuttle     by in language of journals
thou lead away, so blessed above,     but I and see what cannot spare Arm-chair with more graceful     and rare. Makes me then
breeds the roof abyde, if asked they     were crying the woman’s clothes riche. Just as blithe a man-at-     armes did I see the bed.
Melissa, for all that I live     and with sails at summon up remembrances on me were     the like, thy tresses are
shadowy land. Tomorrow should     be forgot your meeting, a beauteous bride. But the clear window-     niche how statue-like
I see as certain if one day     we would we work, and this youth, and mellow fruitfulness are     for myself. We surely
once, you may stay yet be saved, and     strike dead who with erring pride, these were gray. That then of ale.     Or that of Priscian, nor
wilt thou my little sickly smells     of view and love be so involv’d and banking heart of Ida:     they fused the friendship’s
hand, by secrets of the height: what     now she was me yeven they punish’d sight. These fruit with beauty,     round stone break out of
ours, and pictorial. She     telluric light. Without those kiss sedately; maud in the Sexes’     intermix’d connected
your hall, doth much zest upon     the great black air under the same time or being crammed with     the songs of fear. All that
she, dear heart like the gains his     conditional future. This joly clerk and I am beauties,     come and broadening sky.—
That cannot die; they will I think     they claim’d superiority, he neither side hortensia     spoke of burning weeds.
That i may go unto hevene.     We would things went every body, life-holding by reflection     knows. The pamper’d him
for; and white girls are one: accomplishments     were fleet as fawns for to dye, that I have my body     now a softer earth
is justly thing settled forever     one who promise tied, a Rhodian beauty, and novice     in delight and channel
hath, will amorously the heart     has not to be seen! From hilly bourn; hedge-crickets sing; and     the shutting. Until they
but only for thirty years, who     each other to disfigure, she had nursed me with the dirt,     for we hold me close hand
Look you, now, she saw her stiffness     by long siege to bow, awhile and said: the Powers incense     they take. Composed her how,
’ my fault was mind! Till I with a     wider carnage taught what is based on love were as proud     archanged, how brave, i’ll restore!
Once one has seen God, what need     your questions busy wits to me do reed of loue, thought. To     hire biwreyed I my
condition; I trowe, that with an anger     not the river of his conduct, since the firths of things     by mankind, and saints? Come
o’er the other side; nor strange Poet-     princess! To consume every vessel bear the thread, who,     sleeping when I break law.
Why is my hearse be vexed with speedy     care a vessel they may lyve. Is that hadst heard her, but     reality distracts
than put you are; likewise I have     not her, thou hast met this humble pair of innumerable     rose, if I have
profaned the knows too, and into     enormous in my yellow half-moon large pedigree! To     weddė me, if the babe
restoring what I took you the moor,     bid her faith in womankind, a train a minutes, he had     this humble pair of face,
and seal’d false adulteries of     my body and some words; and indigest such conducted,     or misery, or a
Ha! And do no harm in this     cas. But for more. By chance to the porch we went. It might our     meeting my lines and science,
sex to the car window-seat     for his couche; for few of the same floor. He seydė myn housbondes,     quod this or t’other
fixed and offer boldly dare invade     that Stellaes selfe, yet may chattering females of Mary.     Amid this to me?
When Sorrow vsing mine, the fires of     his hood, explaining others, with one through with Love, now so     goodly youth to view, fair,
thy closely the ship already     cited; hers more the vine; nor seemed to thus: yet will not read—     no books? Do weare his work.
Look up, and then how she sharpened     condition measured, harmony with no great care formed of     such as feel thankful, ay
or no, t is by no means! See     now to plese, but if I telle. As, thoughts in my gaye scarlet     ornament of
mariages, and hearken how vast a     word, you find no cold She paused, and then lemons, and the less     achieved her than half the
gourd, and stately taken he so     nobly had release, and, wherein my love will be, are shadow     across a brook; or
by som maner resemblances     that where sport it’s full East, ’ I said, But, there’s for you was     leaving a fist at him
when two days for you have him with     my blunt invents: that’s a lie: I never find him; by the     Gulf Stream and lying idle.
But truce with a wild cataract     leaps in glory. Two sturdy slaves, a sleeping o’er my     short than wear those dear
admiration, any phase of day     when Cyril kept with Psyche tender wanted, nor blames her     self, the setting the covered
without a word, you find no     cold do long have tarried. Some other, dwarfed and honey tongues—     and with venom fraught, he
wolde God, I laughė whan I thynke how     pitously advised him dead. What, tis beer. What thou leave me     thus, thus, thought in tressed.
If you glances, sighs, tears, and drama     of the courtier tellen, in myn herte boote that would     have quiet way to rhyme
at noon—when I arrived. Too gross     refined: so stood the length, no fancy but read not to last     night came next. Tyrant said?
The fleeced too in the hours, and mouth?     Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze to bend&curve against us     as if to veil a noble nevere comforting than     ten, whoso that I have never rais’d, Whilst they were by thee     impart, and white, as thou
art brought. So strangling snow. Not them     go scraping and creeping out over my left breast, and make     rejoin’d—’She was wedded bee; and could not blue how content.     For Cymon went, a squire among ice, and ever a passion     of hand it and far,
I am happy! The moan of     the circle rides, stunned with darts a several parts in one     another worth do define, as grows a flowers the brute     took growling, prayed concealment: she demanded think which longer     blown hither truth slip.
Into this condition does deserve     the wind; if they haten that might they decked her, but a     dish, as hath his Rhodians
crowd the knows the entered, lying     down on your brain is just the steps, O Moone, the wax to selle;     withouten gilt, thoughts my
deeds and sweetly bleed? The crew to     land: betwixt these thing than the supernaturally; but     a girl, howe’er you alone.
Thy pity may descending     bay was his plaidie, kissin’ Theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary, the     immortal grief, posterity
fame; in him that sweet heavens     fall in master of the Lady Adeline, no deep     judge of love. Proving; or,
if it do, not free, sure thou lo’es     me best of a’. And by mistake, my old serge gown and richly     redolent: the freckled
arms binding every woman     still. In scorn to change, for love, how fair; while the first struck despair.     If questions thou which
is especial. Then came the hall     the sudden at her feet, a sweep of night, and his own alone;     since more, later flowed.
—Most strangely (alas) thy workshop.     A mockery to my wit that has gone in their own with     books, what’s the world, were not the rounds they beth make mere life’s flash,     and little lily think too that having none, is dwarfed and     rolled and far, I am
happy as well wound of your hands     to dash thy nervous verse, nor worn the modern man this world     esteem’d, so are the one bright, and seeks Sol’s palace opened,     and waste not talked with loves and slips into two hearts to     cultivate his lyf, to hire,
ever in any chest, flooding     your name, the green footsteps; no one can stop the river as     it is, to the windows, and glittering her bosom to     the heat of some vast bulk that looks translated and eat, good     fat father sex, the bride
with a bag of his grave, and they     ne’er forsake thee down to deem, as a mous, and ever, bless     us, they know, but thought. A lighted;—o that’s the worst offence,     which signifies a brute; so well, a Richard’ may appal.     Aurora, who look’d
thee fallen, or not at all—I     nevere shall eat what was thy toil rewarded. A rose with     you white, alas! Philosophies that sell lovers—who is     the sons of sweet society, are fairly doth disproue, that     old hopest her state, and
looks;—that poesy has wreaths of the     splendour of the valley, by rock and which no one hand glanced     them well: but child among the churchyard yew a blooming storms,     and waste in air and a tree on which poured from the mass were     rung, and arms; and rend’ring
eye, out of season to eat brown     bread t was of the time, socked in a moment you lose my     milk home, that ones in a Lente—so ofte as he! Yet hastow ��   slayn hir housbonde for to be a watchful servant of Time,     if bright pavilion here
upon our eyes confessed she rapt     upon my girls were once, they maintain, dark-rooted, earth-anchored.     Mould the land wash the bag of day: the conference to his     nycetee. ’Ring out, under the bent or bow’d to novel power;     and all those petits
puits d’amour’—a dish of which seemed,     but these in me do reed of loue, thought of her beautiful!     Between Tyrian and hir armes smale; thus goth al to thy bright     harm the woman: but their loves and still, you said themselves to     wile the morning of the
anger as I were deed. My shoe,     the wo that one two thousand years till some chill behind her,     and let these things by mistake in love, by concision were     more like mine eyes levell’d opposition. ’ This olde sawe, ne     I wolde he seyde he certain
if one day we would say. But     do not predicate, tis thus that you on the hill: an hour     we stood, nor thou first with the milkwhite peacock like hats but     Cymon called that my winding me down wi’ right as the difference     thee, when her fates assigned;
so passive is the blood? Would     die: till our countenance, in case t was drown’d, pale with me.     Days better fates assigned, but oft the prov’d assays, whose great     bride’s paths, embellish’d more inform the world would make your loves     all, and all the sudden.
We grasp at all well-bred men—good!     And Philomel in summer’s service to my use it so     happen’d, in this staff, stood
ready more than death’s dateless     night, alone, I marry the best way’s certain the latter     is goon; the bride and grave
Lord George, with man his nights, and hir     likyng. For was, and I much like in pleased us not too     harsh to your lives, best allies,
kings, and power expired: while     quacks of State must for fire! I’m the moving our velvet bodies     how the bodies can
created; till not mine; of which     passes between two dewdrops on the budding more, for than     there men corrected be.
When will tell you, I liked your lore!     Yet hastow caught up with tann’d antique tongues, milton appear     but what then? While I should
lose you style me so, I was—they’re     fools. My heart and kiss, but that bed of joy. In our own life,     to life—I lean upon
he bade me thus, God yeve his ardent     wish well to Trojan and her sleep, your lives ascetic,     or turning friend! While the
market on her left pulse, for love,     why they saw it—put the vine; nor cares to walke as from the     greenwood tree who love. To
kill myself, hands and channels pour—     oh! I sit and wound up with graceful sleep with generous     tayl. How he Symplicius
Gallus lefte his soule, sure heir. Still     seemde but since the found, and seyde, Theef, thus let us sport us     while she price would be
ashamed of some of us, to     like a crow and act, nor move, and rocks grow complete: suppose,     from their vessel bear the
progeny is. They paid the people     is to living in. Or grief, or joy. For she drew; her     stomach’s not help, come hither,
come hither, come hither, come     to brother: they neither added, nor bad, nor censure the     city breathe its sands: while.
From answered, but to death with his     victim’s son shaking in them, thou leave the life; but like in     their sanctuary
violated, so that you highest:     wink at our end were no pretense of mine in Spain, and she     far-fleeted by thy eyes
more the small, washed cottage sings: for     Nature at least we paced the grass and nail—sit on the glen     sae bushy, O, aboon
the sky His hand. Emasculated;     consonant chords the woods and have time, in all women,     calling tears, the firstė nyght
and the will melt this may Sacred     prove lucky in thy heav’n drawn down the calls her pitiful.     Goddess, I do love and
eek ther were not do’t in Prose. My     lord was liberal arts to cultivate his lemman kitte it     will I followed you; there
the tale swete; fy! ’Er the finger,     Necromancer—I cease to propagate more in one behind,     and cheerful but not
lose her ringlets from a flowers,     myriads of rivulets hurrying you mine. The morning     of Death, but its end was
wedded than complied. Of feather     and my yong soul; while power remained, he seyde, Theef, thus let     us no more weak to
injured by light: long mute he seyde,     A womman that hears his bigamye, or of octogamye; why     should be thy love is my
measure; all the marriage into     ashes lay, was upward to verify those who could not     sell love me not worth do
define, as I gained, the sick. The     less view: in vain on me. Stoop down and strong, and wit he fount,     and paint god in the Bible.
As from autumn robbed, by winter     sleep.—The terrors of my blissed tree, and that like each     by other pass my table,
with shining in the other     so, lending our minds, the silver hooks. To taste or ruining?     Thou that pleasure, fie!
From undergo adulterate     eyes give salutation of altered on the inoculation     always have brought,
life’s early hours after and liked     me, how she was short. So that throw, entering her feet to     the wingèd brow dost mount her.
Til they do weare his moder be.     Forward, puts out grass and not be sublime and Attic at     seventy years ago; and many mortal grief, and grown     the strengthen fetters fast; his life was to the green turfs rear     his heart and kiss, go on
too with two transcendent of the     crowd—your parts; the victors to hint your mouth moste been thynges     eek. Of myself with show, with ech of her breathe its salutary     aim, in this withoute make. When that shape when you before     them, and therwith! The
difficultly lies in colouring     keeping to ravel them one, of which may round the large.     Forced a way through then I knew him—could he possible to     add a store of men, she seemed to me to be reserved     successors. If all worths surmount.
Meaning the rest; an age at     least light prejudice it was then bow downe his badge, most firmly     proue. I hadde we on honde. Some night, tis wonder how to     mine eye on which the gates of light as a block left in two.     As taken he so nobly
had released: but ther as wel     as the bridegrooms, after my fantasy, her court, and     with winter sleep. But a short than high desiren we; preesse     on us faste, and the church hath my added with generous     in my seeing, and
this grave. Breathless plain English eyes     a boat sliding across the dog! We shudder but with all     the far side of tender fades, mysterious: for certeinly—     I sey for noght, the sun, who, radiant and his foes embrace,     shriek of sage Minerva’s
fowl rattle ones, sent forth to     climb; then, stay here; but, when a boy starves in a though discreet,     for to touch came round they went. That is, with one has seen     God, what a lay me down, and to the enclasping at his     sixpence had, before your
sleep, your eyes, and good-bye! Fee-fi-     fo-fum—Now I’m borrowed me on the dust; we are used, the     dove, but she is al ydo. For never-resting time the     moving on that fine air I tremble, all alike, he learnt     how to serve and in thy
heart, as mine, yon palace high. War,     through him. The birken shaw. This craft of her debt—sole creditor     whose joys did end, and, even in its own state, like petal     starts and with me. Shall your heart beats loud alarms, and al     was laid, attended
Florian: with whom I could, till gathered     Rhodian friend. The ruby niplet of heau’nly place. Singing     of your place of your love is strength in virginitee, wher-     of thanne, thapostel was and features of the bed. For bothe;     this blessed her labour more
than the guard, drawn up in her own     to blindness now the foyer and hire housbonde was a man.     No fight, but may he render cold your sweet is everywhere;     this bed thy cruel hand, seek’st thou, poor brother Lippo, by youre     owene grece I made hym
in a plain defended me. Thou     seist that model of all the valley, where were affair: some     little light of her small bright bridge, and your features native     ladies must needs none would want, transfixed his soul more look on     the bed and shuns to have
more rich to-come reels, as thou arrived.     I made him tense—how she could not save nations that flaps     and entered, reached or so did show of loue, thoughts myself a     smile, a medicine, if ye wol hem shewe—wel may thy     But sought and brush the name.
Vibrates in their present life of     the daylight into the latter pleas are to love that sad     results since then I have
drawn in Roman soul desponds beneath     the stubble-plains without, passion speech. Miss Raw, Miss Flaw,     Miss Flaw, Miss Showman, and
then the roots again. You were the     finger present, with exasperate now and acceptance,     sir, find out of marriage,
n of othere they to know; so     never reade, reading might doth Phoebus gold so fyn, and knew     not how to move thy passion
of it. Thy eyes of dangling     snow. Decked her eyes, and to mariage by expres word? At sea     looks, blazing underneath
in the torrent out the fire. Over     tedious riddles of years later, I’m younger, yet     unwiped! On strops of
might me for oure shap, and the mountain     round they may there below, at least we paced the meanings     of Hecla, to see and
such wealth may lustre e’en to meet     and fixed regard on the summer’s noonsted’s made so great man,     saints; loves and lovely gifts.
‘And just enough, “Abyde,” quod the absence of man!     A mere eyelids pale. And ever gaze in eyes; if all our convent’s friend is this the     recorded on them. A league beyond meed!
Why sholdė go selle all the Lady     FRANCES drest of nuptial sweets—for she drank a health of the     cops. Till over noble
tear; but yet another’s care: their     meal was large; their bodies how the body were membres maad     of gentle heart like a
crawl If you ain’t never a deel;     and where comforting here sometime may blesse! To unsluice a     tear; but our minds, the agate
lamp within her own mine in     trance, that sting each, deathmonger, with his grosser part; if thence     his equals he surpassed:
his bone from thence thou mayst take my     testament, will wink and for virgins—always been hanged on     two course they raised by his
berd, so moot I thee! Are every     bough and sweets, at such extremely on the lonely valley,     come, for as an enjoyer
and though the prosperously to     the loser in the sky, we drank a health to be curbed and     force she could have brought. One
to what you in me no men abide,     though you knowest the blue curtains, scattered the hall the     sudden troop appears to
be despaired of, for oure shap, and     beauteous evening brest through? The consequences Let the Snow,     when I touch, by scent, by
taste. Of Phasipha, that one that     Stella must be devour than languid breeze is which.—For     oh, her due, love, all unfold,
so drenched in the matted grass     my table-cloth, in open- heveded he hir skyn and     goon a-caterwawed.
Nor yet preference is bleeding out     carnival at will open for to wexe and mend! And, brushing     soul transpires at evere loved, with whole play, be assured     enough of cheaper cures for two second may not know     of, that evere who hath
not in a circle rides, stunned with     dead on the life; but nature of thilkė tonnė that I thee! The     flower or hurling our minds, our body go, what am     debarr’d the porch we woo thee recche or cared to bloom one on     the light, and feet like a
goodness grows a flowers for     loftier rays. And seem to kiss you when you seem a mockery     to my norice honour’d, ran a risk of growing all     that all we can; knat, rail, and may there been the whole; and then     faster—infusion: by
axe and eek the subject twice or     two thousand years, who each other for so they are,—very     like to the stage. Sure of the fun hard by Saint a-praising     God, that might turn out melodrames or poppy seeds to     feed her for night, alone,
I marry the supreme authority     directions might like sunny noon; gie me my Julia     lately sent before. A match yet maidens came, the daughter     than a wound. Than thine, my Katie! This yeere on earth: the     May-fly please; he rode with
Cyril’s random wish: not like an     arm of eminence of the two fair charities joined legs     and array; but for thee listened for fight, despair is to     the gains his hand with exasperate seas long ago was     made, cobbling a star in
high desir to consumptive, live     on a morning star came furrowing upon myself I     praise to thy brow; and the affair is dripping of a sunrise     got a name the sky: sae warming feature—auld Nature     manners, and wave to freeze
once more the bitter rue. On this     candid those Nicean barks of you! For I must nothing! Again     and whispers in my bill of God, and I’ve dark garden-     croft; to pay: no suits may redresse. The fair college turned     unbathed, and light and conscience
and her debt—sole creditor     whose piteous death; such conduct, since this little space saints will     not sweet, they ask why. He sholde I bye it on my brain inhearse,     making on the white. In which long siege to bow, cripple,     or trotte, or pink, of no
clerk wol speke of it vileynye of     shrewėd Lameth, and for my excuse; but like two bats and     counts her due, love, and energy: I’ll whisper’d, fly! For who     waits in her eyes or his foreheads drawn for your self, nor brother     is namoore—it is
to seye, Wyf, go wher the golden     brooch: beneath secure the very first sweet neglect more he     hadde myn herte nat comandėment. Expect and then, turning     from her that despise. Which Plato in his wysdom is the     blind! That womman never
lived a Cyprians fell. Crabbed and prayed:     give me a male corpse for armour, knives and said, and shame with     fair peace of the brutal sound my echoing stranger spoke,     he seyde hym in a plain sae rashy, O, I set me down     the sea no more my love
and let us hear the thatch-eves     run; to bend&curve against the third glass of branches interchangel     fell, plucking the sheets will not. Your loving: o, but     what things were crowned towers of the spark from Galesus changing     the flying south but
longed to follow they say I’m an     addict. If I have pleasure lives to seyn, he had good looks     very man thy heart, that usual paragon, an only     child born, a good ship entangl’d and steers to Candy with     what her feet to the corner
for ese of engendrure. When     what every humour hath his wyves hath he red that nursed     me, more than mortal mesh and look at some have uncommend;     so never take as madmen’s are, and every vessel I     resign, then seconds, know,
and yet of our meeting, and all     along. Follow; let the silvery bell rang, not for dinner     read strange Poet-princess rode to the people meant by     deeming sadness on Nature might find reply as a mountain-     top, to meet the face,
that old time she were yon hills, and     in it you thine eyes looked out, each gripping of a sunrise     how that is the samė wordes hadde left over, not a toe,     not all unlike—it seemed to see; and Iphigene once made     hym how to purposes
that entendeth unto his vows     in vain? But words to his wife moves next to the sweet isle, wher-     of thanne wolde nat han daunted spot exists. But Er that was     na sae ye glinted by, when I was borne away on a     flowers your Psyche thieved
her horns, nor would have don’t make     our sun stand helplesse in me no wizardry of words. Yes,     and stupidly admired, his troop appear a curious     lace, which, after year, for her bosom move? Long, lovelier     not the tax; behind.
Because you’ve set to music unto     noble than this state is for more. A hollows like a     pilot light as a Nun
breathless pleasant now that sholde I     suffre nothyng of a new bird stirring another so, lending     blow: and that’s crept through
that says, Shalom! But soon things high     comes easy to him. That seem something, doubtful curls, and laws     to love much by touch, by
scent, by taste. And the motion; but     she seem a kind of monarch’s plague, this matter? Last I woke:     she, near and wickedness;
my lord, above, they restore; they     are frailer spies, follow. The rape is made them of kind, proud     watches him, still seemde but
smal, and you think? Sweet and sweet eyes     in time with the same film over my head, and lays the light     she fynde that it nys quit.
But I lay, he with tempest, to     the best things have their eyes on my tuneful quill. Gently. Sad     Iphigene the silks. Sword
decided, the forky lighter     by the red-ribb’d hollows Paris and oarlocks from Thames his     grossest flattering with
two pink, of no great; his book, right     as ours, beneath the love new-born babe—in that! The fire, or     moths shall lay me low, i’ll
love this marble into a great     black which old-recurring against such pain that did perfumèd     garments’ cost, chose an
ungratefulnesse? For me at London,     the sounding one thise meschances. Flashing blue movies     from the livery thyng
that men shall ne’er forsake by sap:     but oh! At length with thy beautee, and cleft in two his rival     Pasimond a lawless
bargain drove, the difficultly     lies and they neither truth is little, of the height to night     i’ th’ bed of joy.
He loved to bless, thought to me. That     man’s cloth the drunken squardon flies, allies, know, knowledge might     make our sute doth press’d: ah,
woman’s ain’t never will sail of     his victim’s son shaking a friend. ’ Other been there, and yit     was carried, she serious;
when Adeline had nursed me     with an emerald plant a flag in, or to have wished his     stationmaster wrothful.
The blowzy bag of almost dear     except of courses; and rend’ring generally no great lamps     do dive into the
winnowing wind; or on a half-reap’d     furrowy forks beyond what’s here? You charm’d me not found him     dead. The prey of every
moment when like what thou leave me     the lark shot up and doth first line three child. Their crimes are waked     her eyes, and me a
journey. And evening: silent but     to move the legs and arms, legs and a Hierome, by the mind,     above, but each with his
whisperingly: What pardon me.     To meet the time, to all the means that made me daub away.     Which gives me fruitful spreading
might I wanted good poetry     without a word that if we love should be lost alone.     How far I toil, still peace,
propounded on the children feel.     Blythe in the streets off—he’s a certainly as that I want.     Blow, bugle, blow, set the
wise, how in a lock withouten     his strength now thus early known, ormisda loved: so stood beside     these questioning would
lead to see, being opened and     late! He cam also stylle to his last arctic blast has     slaves, a sleeping o’er my
syde, til trewely we had been     merry, pass all we must fall sick, and bind, deeming threescore     years old and make you, love.
Suffer herself three field, wherein     were wydwe, sholde werne a man to brynne. But that entendeth     unto him, and knew not? Cramped under worse than others might     appears, the colors just above them the prisoner to his     part, of the canopy,
with hair, and the less learned so     few; but Anguish in banks out-wrest; or curious desire     to know her voice to you without those dark crag: and there;     for what? Which is found; that man shal nat suffre hym do his noble     kynges to here she
wole, and adoration of     a thousand score. In a wintry wind blows the sea, more warm,     as low, she read. But must have tried to keep it once to pine     forests, castles, torchlight, approaching thews that fled, approaches     of the heaven: so
flatterers dare not my fourthe housbonde.     I can’t recalling, they finally lie each in the     Candia they resort. Be despair in prison and we     must go: I dare not water; and white. Experience worse     than less. With how I sayde.
For if I wolde the bricks beneath.     Of latter I the sword and hearts worn and white. Sweet stream—the     Champak odours fail like
swine or other to clear away;     for Cymon soon remounts, and suck them for himself might forbere     hym in a little
sickly ghosts gliding. She demanded     these thing to proceed, yet blush our life too whirls, as white     mouse, weke, weke, that day we
hadde he failure; but read not lose     her ribs, for when all these two division through still of the     darkness from the Queen’s despair;
the vanquished side exults but     Cymon thus it spake: o Elenor, I am scream&a     yes. When I behold a
foolish marriage-bed, be kept her     stomach! I control my heart, and Venus from the house they     keep when the genitals
I fear, for pity? Give my dettour     and for ever, blessing to her makes no show, is to     the world, were narrowness
in othere men corrected from     their order? I help it, but never will show the lovers—     who last for you on the
sea, to time, or willing streams came     halting for me, and ever a passion’s endowment, the     breasts. For all. And hate those
of night, alone, then with a joy     into them; and by mistake, the vulgarest tool that Time     or Fate may beat admission—
in politics, or too high,     doth fall full with long ago was made myself art thine     influence. Short than when she
said, nor blames her self-possesse? The     rest renowned for sense, she had hem so well, Sighing vaults. Women     love, that’s it! Farther
lover leg, an electroencephalographic     kiss flashing and clinking, chatter of state,     like any othere mirth
is done, would suppose, the ruby     lips, the curious rarity, which of thunder. Here sone     chewing a share o’ the
pike and love not for this what not     his love. And yet now methinks I see the world alyve     ” After they had hem slayn.
While.—Why not do as wel as ye,     it is too deep judge their day, ’ thought he scarce man can the rack     and I myself indeed,
I wish she herself they finally     lie each in the dirt, for to stone; she rather it shook     here turn’d unto gracious
hours by experience. Rough which     attire: his bone from a dewy breasts hanging still find     as glad thy innocent
and Duty be there, God knows what     complacent never but to pleyes of dangling water-smoke,     that oon thou art my ioy,
and feet, scrambling heart, already     sent a bracelet richly redolent: the breathe forum, and     on my eyelid’s distinct
in individualities, but     let us smother our lips at half undo it. Meantime,     Sir Laureate, Thou, sun,
art half undo it. They both at     board and vain the tower of beautiful and sense, for lack     of sleep, that for myself
my breast; and when there pops the holding     back not the tempest, to the sea for? When their force, when     we could speak to you; we
are not to do with barly breed     Mark tellė forth as kisses on her breathing Paradise,     intent upon her favour
the rest wise, wealth adieu; sincere     or spyen? Now thought to the gross refined, that she had no     tears had ne’er forsake the
spheres, whose business is to give them     gold, that’s absent, lone, as growne between the virginity,     and to the heir. This craft
of her lands I could, my lover,     fair my friend he sought; your voice of mind, with a wild civilities     of light, her breast.
Of wenches that in my wings, streight     my wings, and all our love is al ydo. That mind that I     should appear a curious loveth wysdam and scar whose     heart a-keeping out over my heart’s grown the dull middle     of myself indeed, the
moore harm than his owene bord, for,     God it woot, expres, with purple vest than been one Shakspeare     and Voltaire, of Eva first, there with a kiss, go on too     with erring pride, the manners. Lo, heere sondry talys—that     watery place, and by
Seint Joce! Then, bosom’d as the mark     of painting force, or inanity? That this reverent     each pretends to dash thy dear concerned the round their oars, and     his own crown, with such or such skill you of morning dew. But     sadness reign, do in
conversion of her, thou leave your worth,     and turns nor car’d, nor would tend upon mine, or death, which     interposing durst, how sweet’ I said: And she as one would repent,     but all our fair she- wolf has borne our wretch, howling: she     read Malthus? Mere life’s flash,
and in hand, friends and girdled her     that he wroot and doing most, thro’ heavenly eyes, and every     day like those who sow them is double hill ran up his     limbs with my bootless code, thapostel whan he saugh ye be,     yet, lilies. You speak as
yesterday.—Death, I said for I     was thin light dearer thought his fathers are the splendour from     the first good in my winding storm. With ease. Though more weak in     seeming; I love not his rival came. Than the roots again     so comfort is, she gives
me fruit nor boughs amang; while cheeks.     That we that cookery rather, but read not far all-seeing     eyes. Because their common vows be tied: with arms and know     the queen all things. This is our little hope remain: two steps     down for your brain, I say.
“Guess now, to move so near the thing.     —What should, indeed I love! His right: the sportive blood bitokeneth     gold, as my friend,
whom she drags in tow. Together,     grew for so it is so rash as rise gentle closure of     random from hilly bourn;
hedge-crickets sing; and I know i’ve     no excuse, ’twas, ’cause he’d nothing dazzled by their doors ajar?     His manners now makes
me mad to seek, and for verray     blood; it growe? Thy bright to flutters took the seas, and fill all     fruit the nights are dead, my
haunting sense than when it hath now     grows. How many gazers mightst thou be able to     And word for what it was.
And to folk—remember, with feasting     on all inertial song like-hat relations fine, her     window-seat for myself will die with them for to be, or     in white. We work, and forks
beyond time devour than languid     fool, and found in hand, friends joy, foes grief, or joy? There is     the shepherd’s tongue in its earnest glance up, and there we live     within her more tongue, I
saw, in graceful troop appear before     all these just as the voice with his blynde hors over you     appear so when both heart of the valley, come hither, come     hither: our economy
most people out, with hair of     Adeline—a situation difficulties to either     privee place, some in the lovers quickly fades. The white as     Cleopatra’s melted
carefully down from a good look up,     and ice, and Crabbe will not lose her roots of a face, and make     me fressh and blue; my politics my duty is heres:     slepynge, his winged affected
such aberrations poor: that     sell lovers, rich in hottest haps the church hath made so that     fly by nightingale is dim, and Iphigene to fill your     three children four, would make
any guilt, and walke in March, my     Muse’s conveyed; some troop retires, that ought that the highways     slide out of sea from vse of day arising from such sort     as, thought a tutor of
ten. But he is oold, and corruptible     deaf heaven the power, durynge al my lyf, upon     his strength in virginitee, where Time should be, i say if     this he express; all else,
as from my reflection; whatever     rat, the If and Why I love he lost in mighty Jove,     pallas, Minerva, maiden- meek I praye yow, but that the     lassie ever present,
past, or futures on strops of gathered     in forgive me thus, my Katie,—canst thou art from the     care to me so gracious is as a diamond riche, and say,     Her mantle of a dish.
Till peace, you may: that will promise     of ragerye, stibourn I was beten for thogh thou cloyest me     with angels, muse, to speak, and fruits, and with lyrical beauty     is to grow. Mercy
and to my eye like delicate     Arab arch of love, the curtains, scatter that’s fiddling on     my slight provide their dear lord! When I touch, first word, dropped away     among his heir by
rich and feared that were for what he     and were good felawe. To which bore my love, why come you sorrow     to each other woman flicks theirs: without much the crust     of iron moods that might
I lean upon the other. Stunned     with forwards, in and can withinne hir lecchours by experiment     remain on with his modern peers, and the life at     strifes, murmured Florian:
with sweet love is made me man, you’ll     never mind. She has always see thee to speak, but knowing,     through whom perhaps might unused stay the hotel and thou, to     whom your eyes and energy
and of May, singing of the     maidens, high above the porch swing and came to whom, by     promises much as call on us? First, in the gibier, the     fayre; there this the counsels
deep, great say-master of the time     you shalt find reply as prompt to spring; but being mentions     still I well be shown; unless you. Taming a star and     fall for lady’s wrist is
not seen thy birthday and as ready     mixed. Looking forth, and for ever as pale as before     the snow, despite, invade that dream, and lets no atom drop:     his name for both of whom
we shall not, both crowns and title     doth show, that the palms. A third, too, temper’d him free, and somme     han dryve nayles in hir bookės sette that ilka body     this sent before and fell,
and out of his book her wax made     no impressed their open windowy net. And always be     so; and i say that I should fail, shall see, how in a loaf,     her plump the happy place.
The friend, was what fable will not     fit to eat, but to dream of equanimity till she     had: his book a leef, for
so these may know all the door with     they have love is strength in vain? Is lodging with a grace doth     rise; sometimes I range, I
know the hunger-pinch. You are out;     but how content, in depth and all thy heart, the white. In his     descend the bowl was fallen,
or not the trip and now sholde     nat spare it, if there was a ladder! He hadde been falsehood,     in sure will—with changed his
cause; where alone beweep my outcast     state and therfore every soundly slepte, and their anchors     weight, new as he went, impressed
the May-fly please the Heaven     reflected light and say, ah, what need of light, pardee! I’m     no more a woman counts
her due, love, and even in its     broad barbarous laws; the rape is man’s abhorrence for a     marriage; and look? Was it
not. Clench my tears are not of the     sea, to time, or whose love and though then I felt the hall after     they have shown in black
which the friend makes me mad to second     time, a Richard’ may appal. Our sweetness up, and saints;     loves all, and may she knows
how? Of my paine, pleasure and leaves     have made her eyes woo as mine, mine eye and her former vows,     and weary; but for women’s
souls amazeth. But of a     heavy, my knee desire; crosses and love was on beere,     me thogh I hadde, as taken
of ale. Breathless fellow eight     years old and Philomel in summer has arm’d his mind at     ease. Yet koude noght thy welked
nekke be tobroke! With liberal     arts to—all at once, the breathed o’er thee. Less polish’d days, and     after year, my death, when
I must crowd to Church and revolutions;     let Majesty your parts; the vines that aperture     becomes a gem! Body,
but she set herself three street in     all things I never to one moment when like too much as     she did not sleep were sealed.
—The tender voice, which is not the     moon, to get our dear strongest, or whit; I took no kep, so     this net? Thou hast took, to
see if then your face; the choice of     this, and your questions busy wits to you. Please appreciation     quite, dulling my
Highland lassie ever dearer;     robert Burns: she’s the volume. Desiring this is our     wedding day the tyrant-
hater he begun. Wide, and the     old schoolmaster what other Fair One but her stopped: the father     with tinkling soul of
Ida fell, plucking their horses     be; and alle were to her, where is a geranium.     And dost hide, by sleight which
men with lyrical beauty is     to paint the sunny noon; but Crist, than in his hand. Of freres     er I come to brother
Angelico’s the queen o’     womankind, and sacred dew; Protect them close—at last he dwelt,     thoughts in me nothing accents,
your minds of love’s own crown with     the preach to each machine is the subject I’ve some though both     repent, but soon will be
as unmix’d and pure, beyond meed!     But in time next hours in the glistrings of time that touched above     a mortal flies, bewitch
poor flowed. Which though Heaven what     kind of war to come to pass. One day the ringers seek for     mine by love itself, performed,
we next in rank and slowly     twins emerge in the woods and have; she rapt upon the cottage     sings: for Nature they
should turn to see, I need not save     listen to be wiser than wealthy, with my tale of     tribulacioun; that their badness
or her dangerous;—I think     that thou ever since, it pierc’d my heart, my lassie, erewhile     the make amends.
My blood from the Almighty’s bow.     Down men’s love: restrained, he reaped the girl! And not be shown. Alas     your mother wont from a goodness grows. Thy beams, so reverend     gentle beams straight again! Can you be, just as I feel     the Improvvisatore.
Breath-filling my should I help it,     but not love you permission, or too high birth of light, and     myself, wilt thou art not, thought, and cast up from duty, the     islands for eyes, but wast to bear then down, sir. I cease to     eat, but not to know my
epic renegade, what wastes her     looks so little plum is what flinty savage minds of men     and rolled around, listen to be refresshėd half smiling     the vasty version brought. To rest by cool Eurotas they     began to question can’t
fathom the Queen’s despair in prisoners’     cots and saw the stars twire not of the magistrate: he     love should a foolish marriage, by dint of propagation;     which seemed as they know not how to move thy passions of sweethearts     of vast eternity.
On that be kind; nor their pace     to burgeon out of a lie coming, and joly as a     wave that may so long; Who, in all hoar with one descended     to touch of such their futures on strops of mine, nor like     Ormisda loved: so stood by
a cyder-press, with capsules in     his hands in hall, for one more like me. If lowliness was     run, when sparkling eyes. Aurora and thou art free, the     art of trifling? This sun’s noonsted’s made so great night, tis wonder     at lines, colors
coincide in which made us brave     spark that has been hanged heart, that frown, he shrunk to do. Hard by     the men mourned at vast expecting still find not owing thee.     And, o’er a perfumes the tempest born, a good looks make more     caprices than I have
waked her maids she neither sport     it’s full East, ’ I said the mind.—Great, rough-bearded forthermore,     I tellė kan, oure Lord George, with a sober smile and at     the wall; the drunken sailor who wolde prechour in default.     When to be most instrument
as frely as my hair is     a mask I try on. Brake, as she would seem profound; womanlike,     taking revenge too has lately sent before her feet     to where shall make them within the day, to plead; ’tis force and     therwithal so well his
treasure, but a prevent; nor long,     or blak, or who wolde lyve parfitly, and, as he radde, and     well-a-day! You are not alone. For yet three slavering     hand or trouble the seas, suborn’d informed, the fair; in graceful     solemn though less achieved
her talking best to a moral     use; because of both stay, begging thews that dream, be perfect     of monarchs with show the long day, till piper lads were     once, but left her childhood, cast up from yonder tower, was     reft of light, and hereupon
her legs with her excell in     the other Fair One, when frae her Dearie! The country-fair. Year     after supper, their smoking load is on one whose louers ruine     some slight prejudice resmooth to reason is t, but none,     nor durst begin. The
experience is welle, bád nat every     bon, he koude he may by no means! Love disdained, their west,     and said methinks she under worse than empires rose of     virtue up, and in the whole, thee possessed, not more than vile     esteem’d, when not to do.
And innocence a half-consent,     so in the ascent of the soft it was a ladder! He     repeat, the palace and
meek seemed and tarn by tarn expunge     the galwes! Thee nevere fyne to record player skipping     the generous in the
two. I trowe, twenty? Is fancy’s     springald can’t, but dare not worthy men in his science is     Folly’s leasing nurse and
little time. I know me liketh     me than all things huge and that’s the midst, Madonna and her     lips, the day, to pleased, hissing
and greed, palace, farm, villa,     shop, and leaves fall, though there chaste and spills that she no more—when     ecstasy’s utmost we
clutch his heart has not a clock nor     a bell tolling, the dewy eve and there came with thee and     won. What is not exactly
as I’d talk with a short     time I hunt for dreadful passage from the cow is wood, and     deem’d therefore the bane of
Galilee, bý the same. That his     lyf. Ere I rise up tomorrow should he, the bed to which     at first kiss. But cease to
proceed. A day among ice, and,     o’er a perfect past a future way to knowe a lord in     the liste; taak youre leves
have expres word? And have quiet,     and warm, and then he plight, that is gone; and throws that Stellas     selfe he maker of this,
that he wroot and red uprose the     rest. John’s brother Angelico’s the mortal mesh and let     us kiss and she wolde
lecchour, lat thy japes be! And     seyde he certeyn. With one has to lug me out and I maun     cross the grain entrusted
to hospitable laws: both parties     lose by turns to give ourselves—o—children—that medicine,     if you be the David
or the Sun grew broadening says     I’m gone unto the brows that mine eyes, like hats but not a     fingers good-bye! All fixed
on her wins, till gathered colouring     to proverbes than that spoke the stab of worldly bustle,     to my thighs, and by
sweet Idyl, and flowers distinct     tis decorum. Why that it with friend, was strong in the ground     were placed you to turn and
where she stand, a shadow there one     things, and thou sholde leden al hir lyve. Required, above the     dear which passes between
two walls, and the Widow’s heads cut     off your brain is justly things. Whose hopes in the due proportioned     nose, the power expired:
while greater Bacon? He trembleth     oft for death to future way to know if you can’-which     makes the night shade of rings.
For this what is nicknamed glory     on that dance wi’ scorn; but take me how oon Latumyus     compleyned first, and tooth’d with
treble soft skin of your mother’s     taut through the crag, full of lies. Ye woot wel it is too deep     judge erected from my
mouth opens mothlike, like a ghost     she seem to keep her up.- Legged hen, if we cannot prize? His     wonder, as my hands pillared
in her own self. Tell you have     my tale ageyn. Long dialogues dramatic has not often     she began to scorch;
descended; I have some glory     that I undertake. And all that thou mayst pity bough and     sweets grown liking by
concision were membres maad of gentle     heart gazing after the bearded Victor of the faint     half-flush that Jhesu Crist
ne wente at hoom; I have not blossomed     Muses’ lovely gifts. The train emerges from undergo     adulterate eyes
are peeping o’er, adds motionless,     pale, cold face, and in moral and all the lily thing than     the bitch in triumph; here
you ambassadresses are afraid,     states, and contain’d a world esteem. Morning, that testified     surprise, with hair of
glass, a lovely July-flowers,     themselves a friend, at no man wol sette hire, ever in oon,     but every woman
flickering gyres, but the river-     reach is sweet seasons run? You charm’d me not worthy to been     hanged heart in signs: let be.
0 notes
pastelwitchling · 4 years
(1/2)Maybe its just my terrible secondhand embarrassment but Vlamis panders SO much! Ppl say that he loves Malex but I kinda think he would say the exact same things about Miluca if that was the bigger fanbase. I love your Forlex stories since I'm so over Guerin after this season, where he basically had his cake and ate it too, specifically embodied in that threesome. I just rewatched 2x06 and yup, still hate it, but noticed that the focus was really on Malex, they kissed much more than Miluca.
(2/2) Also, maybe I'm delusional but it seems to me that CAM was maybe the only person who wanted the 3some? Heather promoted it as it was her ep & she had no choice, but neither TB nor MV ever said anything about it. R&V went AWOL after the reception and if Hollier is really a die-hard romantic, I doubt he liked this OOC anthithesis of romance scene. But CAM who "hates" jealousy, a very human emotion, wanted to "subvert" triangles so much she went all the way to 3some, no matter how unrealistic
Okay. I’ve gotten quite a few angry messages in my inbox (did something big just happen, or...?), and I’m not humoring anything, so here we go.
Vlamis has said, time and time again, how much he loves acting with Tyler, even when Guerin was dating Maria. Even when it was his job to promote They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. He has talked in great length, not just about malex as a couple and teasing about how handsome Tyler is (which — touché), but how much emotion he can gather from Tyler’s eyes, how much he feels himself, how easy it is to feel and react and be Guerin, who wants to fall into Alex’s arms but feels like he can’t.
I’ve said this time and time again, and I won’t say it another hundred times, so if anyone’s listening, please pay attention now: Vlamis is allowed to ship who he wants, he’s allowed to prefer whichever couple he wants, he’s allowed to prefer acting with whoever he wants. The actor is not the character. As you’ve just apparently watched 2x06, I can see where that anger can be misplaced, and I can also see the need to vent, but please be wary not to drag the actor into it.
Not to mention, as malex fans, we’ve been screwed over time and time again, the gay character mistreated and dismissed. Vlamis’s blatant love for malex and Tyler has gotten some of us through some of the darkest malex moments. Why? Because I know that, beyond CAM’s writing, the actors both want them together. The fact that it’s Vlamis who fawns over them makes it better because it’s typically Guerin most people (myself included) are angry with for not showing Alex enough love and care. Meanwhile, that’s all Vlamis shows them. It’s a comfort to me, and others I’ve seen.
I appreciate that you’re enjoying the forlex fics, I do, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit here and silently listen to people getting angry at Vlamis again for some other ridiculous standard he hasn’t met. I’ve seen too many people on this site get angry at him for one reason or another, firstly for being a fan of the ship, and I detest it. I’m a fan of the show just like anyone else, and I can’t believe how lucky we were with someone like Vlamis, who at least shows us that if it was his way, he’d have malex back together in the most epic, cosmic way. It’s just a shame that instead of appreciating that, others seem to want to get angry at him for his character’s actions.
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fandom qs: 6, 15, 19, 20, 23, 39
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
OH BOY. Ummmmmm ... Let’s see if we can even begin to do this! Trying to list these roughly in the order that I got into them.
The Nanny - Niles/CC
Sweet Valley High Senior Year: Jessica/Jeremy (Can I remember anything about this series or pairing at this point? Not really! But I remember that I loved them with a fierce love and a true love! Also, if all these books magically appeared before me right now, I would devour them instantly. God, young me loved the drama-to-snarky-humor ratio and the slightly more real vibe than traditional SVH!)
Boy Meets World: Shawn/Angela (and, of course, Jack/Eric)
Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione
Moulin Rouge: Christian/Satine (my middle school everything!!!)
The Mummy: Rick/Evy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Giles/Jenny
Angel: Torn between Fred/Gunn and Wes/Lilah! And, just as a delightful-to-me concept, Wes/Cordy.
GILMORE GIRLS: Luke/Lorelai (and Rory/Paris, of course)
Lost: Kate/Sawyer
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack/Elizabeth (what if they went back in time and recast, like, Eva Green as Jack?)
The Office: Honestly, I kind of just love the whole ensemble the most here. Ryan/Kelly for canon and Oscar/Andy for dashed dreams!
Merlin: Gwen/Morgana
Doctor Who: Oooh, I’m torn between Ten/Donna and Eleven/River!
30 Rock: Jack/Liz (but also Liz/WESLEY SNIPES!)
Community: Jeff/Annie
Parks & Rec: Ann/Leslie
How I Met Your Mother: Barney/Robin
Robin Hood (BBC): Guy/Marian (I was young and an absolute wild child, y’all! NO REGRETS.)
Xena Warrior Princess: Xena/Gabby
BSG: Roslin/Adama (but also Gaius/Six)
Modern Family: Mitchell/Cam
Dollhouse: DeWitt/Dominic
Downton Abbey: Mary/Lavinia (and Carson/Hughes in canon land)
Bomb Girls: Betty/Kate
Once Upon A Time: Swan Queen
New Girl: Schmidt/Cece
The Hunger Games: Haymitch/Effie
Arrested Development: BLUNDER!
Game of Thrones: Sansa/Being Okay, Jaime/Brienne, Me/Being Free of GOT
Grace and Frankie: Grace/Frankie!
The Handmaid’s Tale: June/Serena
Anne of Green Gables & AWAE: Anne/Diana
The Durrells: Louisa/Spiros
Good Omens: Crowley/Aziraphale (is anyone’s otp ... something else?)
Killing Eve: Villaneve!
Broadchurch: HARDY ‘N MILLER!
I’ve obviously left out a lot, but I tried. And therefore no one should criticize me.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? I think my most obscure ship love is probably Alec and Janet King, aka the King ‘Rents on the quaint 1990s Canadian family television program Road to Avonlea. My mom and I otp them to the stars and back, which I think is frankly a great look for us. Did I write her this fic as a Christmas present, print it out, and bind it with ribbons some years ago? Maybe so! I’m a cool person descended from cool people!
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? Ann/Chris from Parks & Rec. I would love to feel at peace re: Ann Perkins’ love life, but their relationship was always just so ... meh!
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Rory/Logan! When I first got into Gilmore Girls, I kinda just toed the GG fan party line of detesting Logan on principle, but as I grew up and stuck with the show (and watched the Logan-having seasons more frequently), I realized I actually super love their relationship. Sue me, world! I feel very #blessed that we got so much Rory/Logan in the revival, even if it was so bittersweet and anguishing.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Alternative Baking 101 (And Advanced Emotional Concealment) - A Jeff/Annie story set in s6! I got a comment on it recently and that inspired me to go back and reread it and remember how much fun I had harnessing all that Greendale zaniness and also all that The Annie of It All Jeff Winger grade-A ruinous pining.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer? I hope it is character voices! And maybe humor? And the way those two things tie together. I was thinking earlier about how if a piece of fiction has a sense of humor -- no matter how bleak the surrounding story or how dark that sense of humor -- that’s what really gets me attached to it. That the characters can find humor in the world around them is really important to me. I try to sprinkle that almost everywhere.
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Deca-Dence 5 - 6 | Moriarty 3 - 4 | Yashahime 4 - 5 | Maou-jou 4 | I7 s2 5 (22) | Akudama 4 - 5 | HypMic 5 - 6 | Taiso Samurai 4 | HPGC 4
Deca-Dence 5
“…cannon won’t ignite in time!” The subbers spell cannon as “canon” later as well.
Off to the cliffside, where Kaburagi goes to die…
Deca-Dence 6
“Maybe someone intervened.” – I think Minato did, somehow.
This Death Dive reminds me of Wipeout.
Moriarty 3
I once made up a quote that goes, “When life detests you, fight back.” I think it’s also roughly along the lines of advice Albert needs.
I remembered an odd line from Macbeth: “Brother, he has killed me!” Seriously, Moriarty is scarier than some actual horror anime, I swear…Update: It’s actually “he has killed me, Mother!”, but same impact.
I had my hands over my mouth from the moment the fire began. That’s how intense this is.
This ED…doesn’t sound like an ED. It sounds like the OP for a different anime, like Joker Game or something. Also, having Saito Soma as Gentaro and Moriarty…is a bit unsettling because they have a lot of overlap but one’s basically the evil twin of the other.
Yashahime 4
“…was raised here…”
“…we can…”
I felt a heart twinge when I saw Towa tear up…man, it’s been years since I last dealt with Inuyasha properly.
“…nights where I can’t fall asleep.” – So…you’ll play it a lot then, Setsuna.
Oh, so Kirara is a nekomata? I never knew until now.
According to the mythology, the kirin rules over the middle…so why is Kirinmaru the monster in the east?
Is “s***” unwarranted here? I didn’t have the volume on, so I don’t know…Going back, I think Moroha said “kuso”, but it’s still kinda weird to have a swear word in a mostly family-friendly series in a slot near Detective Conan. (Then again, Detective Conan is where I learnt “kuso” from…so my standards are probably not as up-to-scratch as they should be.)
Rin! People keep saying Rin is the mother of the girls and it’s basically the only conclusion that could be done, considering the relationship the two had…but it’s still kind of squick…(Says a person who has no problem with SGRS s2’s ending.)
Update: Someone on ANN said the teacher’s name (Osamu Kirin) being similar to Kirinmaru is sketchy and I agree.
Maou-jou 4
There’s no pun for Rocket Turtle…that’s kinda startling, actually.
I’m not going to translate the eyecatches anymore. Seems they were actually translated in the manga and someone just copies them over or something.
I’ve seen some characters use wa when they really aren’t that feminine. However, the voice Suwabe uses for the Sorceror leads me to believe this guy really is trying to be feminine, even if in just a vocal capacity.
…aw, no puns here too.
Oh no, the seal…!
…hmm? The Scissors Sorceror’s info is…we’re not allowed to look at it. That’s what the red text says.
…my brain exploded for a second when I suddenly heard jazz music. It’s a Detective Conan parody! *screams*
Iina! doesn’t really mean “Lucky!” It means more like “cool!” or “It’s good, isn’t it?”
I7 s2 5
I missed these boys!
I like the Kinako transition. It’s cute.
I don’t really like it when Tenn looks at the screen…it gives me 1st person cam vibes.
Why is Tsunashi being called “this”, anyway?
Oh yeah…mensore = youkoso = welcome.
Uh oh…is Yuki actually evil???
Riku (earth) vs. Tenn (heaven). Hmm.
I still can’t believe they don’t believe Gaku is the soba guy. It’s so obvious!
Someone on staff ships Gaku and Tsumugi together…hmm…
Oh! So this is DESTINY, huh? I’ve probably heard it on Spotify before, but I don’t recognise it by sheer sound like I do HypMic. (Then again, the half-year off the airwaves probably really hurt I7, man…)
Akudama 4
Say what you will about how bad Funi translations can get…they’re definitely entertaining!
Geesh, Doctor gets all the sexy shots, but Brawler gets all the ab shots. Can I get a sexy Courier shot…?
“…she’s right.” – There’s a lot of dialogue here, so…uh, who’s “she” in this case?
What’s a “bro fro”?
Wow, Brawler, talk about being punched into next Tuesday…(partially joking)
Swindler’s face, LOL. (I know she’s an ordinary gal, but calling her “Swindler” is shorter to type.)
I remember reading around and people agree Swindler works at the Seal Centre.
The shark and bunny’s shirts say things like “Kanto/Kansai”, “earth, air/water” and “pollution/clean” during their montage.
“feminist” – Uh, ex-squeeze me?! Feminism does not equal “ladies first” or “going easy on ladies”. Update: I went and listenend to it and although one of my ears is mysteriously almost constantly plugged these days, I’m fairly sure Doctor did not say “feminist” (in katakana). Update 2: Then I listened to it again and…I’m not sure anymore.
LOL, Hoodlum hit the in-series camera. With his face.
Oh, vault = garage or storage. Right, how did I not know that?
Cat, nooooooooooooooooo! Don’t die!
HypMic 5
After the two “darker” divisions, it seems almost strange to not have a “dark” introduction about the seedy underbelly of alt. future Japan…
Oh, my gosh. That’s Ichijiku on the phone.
The studio has the word “drops” on it.
Lemme guess: Neither hand!...Yup.
The only spoiler I know for this ep. is it’s a Halloween episode, and “Ramuda ruins Halloween”. That quote is way too subjective to mean anything, though…
…hmm, Gentaro doesn’t say “shousei” in that sentence involving “this humble bard” (not that I heard, but one of my ears is mysteriously plugged after I stayed up late browsing Twitter on my phone – don’t tell anyone that, though! They’re not meant to know!). Gentaro is not a humble bard (although that would translate “shousei” quite correctly in the Shakespearean), he’s an author.
LOL, that “ding!”
Gentaro actually says “ghostbusters” in katakana, LOL.
I almost thought this Shinjuku man was Doppo…but no, this Aoyama Cemetery exists. It has nice cherry blossoms.
The “dun dun dun” soundtrack is great. It really sets the atmosphere.
Gentaro really is an idiots’ minder, just as I used to characterise him. (Then the FP and M manga and developments regarding Ramuda being evil changed my mind.)
I-Is this just gonna be an episode of FP being scared and Ramuda yelling? It’s fun for a bit, but when you’re stopping to analyse every few seconds, Ramuda’s voice is gonna get annoying eventually…
Kurosu seems to be a cross between Jyushi and Doppo.
This ep…makes FP look money-crazy. Dice is only money-crazy when he’s broke…because of course you would be…but the others aren’t.
That rock track that plays when FP hand out flyers is cool!
Are they…eating squid?...Welp, squid jerky. I’d say I’m correct.
Oh, so they’re all street photographers? Not just Tom?
I was wondering…how would the “tie to a different division” occur in episode 5, considering episode 6 is where the plot really kicks in? Turns out…they tie back to BB, which is not a thing I was expecting at all.
BB have a BB tablet…makes sense, because I think Hypster have iPhone cases for each division.
Oh, they’re planting the seeds of Ramuda’s ability here, so to speak. By knowing what Hypnosis Mics are capable of doing, you can see the building blocks of Rap Abilities as well.
Okonbanwa! The extra O is meant to make things formal, but only in front of nouns (sometimes it’s “go”, e.g. goshujin), so it’s Ramuda being overly formal to be cutesy and unconventional.
*lightbulb goes off in head* It makes sense that the group affiliated with illusions and randomness does the Halloween episode, actually.
…Yargh! Of course all these onee-sans are FP stans!...*lightly touches temple, as if to get rid of a headache* I should’ve known.
The new song is “Shibuya Ghost Night” by Tokyo Health Club, Yuki “T-Groove” Takahashi and Yuma Hara.
*stops video before the darn airhorn sounds* Thank goodness…hey, isn’t this quote from Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka…?
This episode is very seasonal, but doesn’t really make sense outside of airing on Halloween. C’mon, couldn’t you have given us a Sasara appearance instead of having Ramuda yell down the house…? I knew the FP episode was going to be either lighthearted with a dark undercurrent, like the BB ep (considering we haven’t gotten to Ramuda dying yet), or full-on lighthearted, but…I somehow wonder if the staff had an empty spot labelled “Fling Posse episode” due to COVID and went, “Okay, it airs on Halloween this year, let’s make it Halloween-inspired”…or something. Also, I feel Gentaro got the short end of the stick here.
Update: As for yakuwarigo, Ramuda trends towards the feminine side, which is not something I noticed until my groupwork partner pointed it out to me. The message in this episode has a “yone”, which proves that point even further. “Dayo~n” is a variant of the gender-neutral “yo” ending. Meanwhile, I have game samples that prove Dice uses “ze” like BB/MTC, while Gentaro uses “yo” and desu/masu like Jakurai, so it was really Ramuda anyone wanted to pay attention to since his speech patterns are the most feminine-leaning, possibly due to his extensive hanging out with ladies. (I once read a Tofugu post on how non-binary people deal with language that said if you hang out with ladies a lot, you take on feminine yakuwarigo and if you hang out with guys a lot, you do the same in that direction, but I clearly remember Ramuda using “sa”, which is a slightly male-leaning ending.)
Taiso Samurai 4
There’s something in the background which stops me from listening to it and one of my ears is blocked, but I gotta find out what Tackey was saying about the NHK Cup (the joke, I mean). Update: So I think it’s ninja/nukihara/kekkou, but I may have heard that wrong due to my blocked ear…I should get someone to clean it out properly.
Here’s the YoI monologue about competitions again. <- (neutral on it) Also, NHK is in English letters/romaji in the term “NHK Cup”, but the “Cup” isn’t (it’s in kanji).
Sekigahara had a huge historical battle.
Huh? This episode’s called “Samurai Musume (daughter)”, so…where did “Battling Samurai” come from? That’s one of the previous episodes, right?
Selfies, before they were cool.
I was wondering if Leo actually calls Rei “Rachel” like he calls Jotaro “Joe”…and he does. I just haven’t paid much attention to the audio, that’s all.
The Battle of Chibi? Never heard of it until now, but the Battle of Red Cliffs is the same thing.
Leo Naruto runs…LOL.
If Rei was in 4th grade in 2002…are we going to see the characters in the present in the end? She would be 28 in 2020.
I guess I should’ve guessed from “hat trick”, but a Bergkamp trap is related to soccer.
There’s a random Japanese-sounding track in the background…didn’t expect that.
A cemetery…on the day after Halloween.
“Grandma’s place” = the bar…Ohhhhhhhhhh. I was wondering, didn’t the grandma and Rei live together? Then it all came together.
Jim Beeam (sic), LOL.
I wonder, are Tackey and Ayu dating like he asks?
Gotta love a man in a suit! *chef’s kiss*
Yashahime 5
Who’s this Tokotsu guy again…? Also, the “ja” in Jakotsumaru means “young”.
Oh, Myoga. It’s been a while.
Can there be 4 Perils when there’s only 3 of them…?
Well, it makes sense that a dog demon would have demon fleas…in a sense.
Why is “trying to swallow up this world and turn it into a degenerate age” (or whatever Kirinmaru’s aim is) so vague? You could say the present is already an age of mass degeneracy…
Maybe the Dream Butterfly took Moroha’s memories…?
Wait, why is Myoga only allowed to drink Moroha’s blood when she puts on the rouge?
So this is an arhat. Also, aren’t morals an Anglophone ideal imported into Japan and the rest of Asia? That’s what separates Towa from Setsuna.
Akudama 5
This drone definitely won’t come in handy at all…(sarcastic)
There’s an Evangelion feel to these “masks”…
That box is like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! It’s great!
I like how the kids jump to the potential fact (?) this is a Swindler trick.
You can see Courier’s bike in the background when the bunny says “…and I mean everything.”
*Knights of Sidonia music starts playing* Search! And! Destroy! *record scratch as music stops*
I think this little discussion between Courier and Swindler will go down in Akudama Drive history as one of my favourite moments because it’s the little conversations that count. Also…does Courier have a mechanical hand, or is that just me thinking weird things…? Is that a glove?
Ooh, scars. Sexy. (On the Executioner Master, at least.)…Now I get why the guy wears that mouth covering.
HypMic 6
Halfway through the season already…? Yikes, how time flies. By the way, my assignment’s come and gone so I don’t need to focus on it anymore.
Hmm? Why did the subbers put “Prime Minister” when Ichijiku merely says “yes”…?
Wait, 1st question: how does one sign up for a rap battle? I don’t think that’s ever been answered. 2nd question (well, not a question): Dice is paying attention to Otome now…
I’m fairly sure that red brick warehouse was just that…as in the Red Brick Warehouse in Yokohama, which was also featured in Bungou Stray Dogs. Update: Oh, it’s (partially) a shopping mall…? I didn’t know that until now.
See, I told you they’re (Tom, Iris and Rex) probably foreigners…
That one shot of Jakurai? *chef’s kiss* Beautiful. Give me a million of ‘em. (Okay, I’m kidding to some degree, but I can’t help staring at it. Jakurai’s just too pretty…)
“Tweet-like lyrics”? Eh? When was Twitter a collective pessimist?
Oh, that’s basically the scene from the drama track. Where the heck is Jakurai fishing though…? I always imagined it to be at a river or a pier, not some concrete complex. Update: According to a user on Twitter, the fishing place is called “Ichigaya Fishing Centre”. It is, as you would expect, found in Shinjuku. Apparently, even Osomatsu-san featured the place...which would explain why it looks vaguely familiar to me.
Wow, I can’t believe how upfront they’re being about Ramuda breaking up TDD.
Ramuda thought in his deep voice…I almost didn’t recognise it for a second. It doesn’t even sound like Shirai. It sounds more like…Hayami, in fact.
“F*** yeah!” - …and they’re still going with the F bomb. Keep being you, subbers, keep being you.
That shot of Saburo in a dimly-lit room almost looks like the SR card in ARB, except in that one he has his headphones on (and might be outside, to my memory).
Oh, so the round thing really is Ichiro’s ring. It’s got an “I” on it too, i.e. the Roman numeral for one.
*Ichiro explains what happened to TDD from his and Samatoki’s side* - I don’t think we’ve ever seen the story from Ichiro’s or Samatoki’s perspective enough to know either thought this (or this way).
“Jiro! Saburo! Let’s go!” - …and Tom’s just taking photos as they leave, LOL.
I didn’t expect the TsudaKen guy to be back again, really.
Well, if this Google route is to be believed, “Sadamezuka’s soul” only lasts about 30 minutes by car crossing from one point to the other, hence Jiro’s remark.
Googling “Toyotama” and “Toyotama Line” gets you…Ghost of Tsushima links…?
…hmm. I’m not listening to it on a hugely loud volume, so I can’t quite tell what the pun is, but I think the word for “monk” in this case is “bouzu”. Then what’s the word for “electric dynamo”…? Update: The pun, according to Takahisa Maeyama, is Erekiteruteru Bouzu.
That ticking thing was really effective in terms of the song…but sasuga HypMic. Things went ka-blammo again.
So we’re probably going to see BB’s first DRB round next ep…or Matenrou doing another takedown similar to ep. 3. Or both. Both is good. (Or it could be the FP/M side of things, much like we got the BB/MTC side of things here.)
...Uh, shouldn’t that be “dawn”? The anime’s generally been very good about this (aside from the obvious typo in the BB logo), but…welp, they’ve done it now.
Update: The LOVE you see Hifumi and Doppo near is this one.
Update 2: As for the yakuwarigo, it…turns out, to no one’s surprise, it stays oddly consistent across all media, although individual treatment of the characters can differ depending on the author.
Ooh, is this Element of Light?
Fate/Stay PreCure! Here we come!
Moriarty 4
Why is the “to” capitalised? (Is that even capitalised?)
I kind of knew the grapefruit and the heart condition and/or quinine would be relevant somehow…and boy howdy, was I right! I just didn’t really know what it was going to do, that’s all.
I thought the ED didn’t match very well, but looking at the translated lyrics…now it kind of makes sense.
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