#camp armagetalong
brotpqueen · 3 months
Okay chapter six is nearly ready. However I do have to share something that was inspired by a comment from @jennythepenny. Behold a microcosm of my summer camp good omens au madness.
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Technically Newt shouldn’t count because he’s a twig man but shhhh. Also honourable mentions to Aziraphale but you’re too smart to be considered a himbo.
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 4 months
okay I have an issue! So I’m halfway through writing chapter 2 for Camp Armagetalong, but started thinking that maybe I should switch from present tense (what the first chapter is written in) to past tense because I’m not sure if the present tense makes it sound juvenile, and most of the time I prefer to read past tense myself so maybe other people do, but I also kind of like it because it feels like you’re someone observing everything go down as it happens. More personal in a way.
hmm..present tense I think, since it feels more connective! ^^
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brotpqueen · 3 months
Progress on chapter 8 is going great! (She lies. It’s slow going lol.) Gabriel’s POV again. Here’s a little sneak-peak.
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brotpqueen · 4 months
Guess who managed to miraculously write a chapter in one day? Yes, that’s right, me when I’m supposed to be doing something important! Everyone knows that’s the only time writers get motivations. Aziracrow lovers, angst lovers, and dumb-shit-these-characters-do lovers, come get your food! (Once again, if you like the fic follow the fic not my blog here. Say it with me people who’ve read the last two chapters: ✨anxiety✨. I’ll stop reminding this after this chapter dw.)
And bonus: my shittily PicCollage edited examples of the four main dynamics in this fic and also the shittily put together camp logo which is mostly a png. Yes graphic design is my passion /J. I’m very sorry idk the OG artists of the base things (except the one from TikTok that has the creators name in it) but if you do please tell me I’ll add their names here:
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brotpqueen · 4 months
So I’m trying to do some important stuff so the next chapter of Camp Armagetalong may take a little longer. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day. In the meantime have more dumb PicCollage content. Features the MCs and the other councillors.
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brotpqueen · 4 months
Hi! So this is my first proper post on here that isn’t a reblog from someone else. It’s a link to my fanfic! (Btw if you like the fic plz subscribe to the fic itself not follow me on here I like to monitor who follows me on tumblr for safety reasons. Anxiety yk.) It’s a WIP and I’m probably gonna update slow but I’ll try my best. It’s a summer camp AU featuring Crowley and Gabriel as brothers with issues™️, Aziraphale and Beelzebub as head councillors that are done with everyone’s shit, and all your fave characters!
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brotpqueen · 4 months
Okay listen I’m working on the next chapter but Gabriel is a bitch to write for. I am neither a man nor an overconfident little bastard (though that last one is debatable) so I don’t relate to him as much as the others which makes writing more complicated. This bitch is tiring. Also as y’all know I have no idea how to write romantic tension, especially not of the enemies-to-lovers variety. Here’s some incorrect quotes while you guys wait (with some lore drops about the AU if you look hard enough). Thanks for being so patient, gang.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut? Beelzebub: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
(if you read chapter one you already know my Beez makes terrible decisions about their hair.)
Anathema: I'm at a loss for words! Newt: Despite being ‘at a loss for words’, Anathema yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.
(Newt is the incompetent one in the group but he’s so sweet they keep him around anyway)
Gabriel: There. How do I look? Shax: Like a cheap French harlot. Gabriel: French?!
(Former Cyberbully VS Also Former Cyberbully. At least Shax is creative with it.)
Aziraphale: Crowley, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Crowley, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.
Aziraphale: What the fuck is wrong with you?? Beelzebub: What? No good morning? Aziraphale: Good morning, what the fuck is wrong with you??
(This is literally all of their conversations up until they were like fourteen and Aziraphale gave up on being a good influence and joined in the batshit)
Shax: You're smiling. What happened? Crowley: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Aziraphale: Gabriel tripped and fell down the stairs today.
(They’re the worst brothers ever <3)
Beelzebub: When I was your age- Aziraphale, mocking Beelzebub: When I was your height. Beelzebub: Beelzebub: Listen here you little shit-
(Beez is completely ignoring that Aziraphale is literally like a month older than them)
Hastur: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. Newt: Why not? Hastur: Because I don't know what they mean.
(Hastur is a himbo. In this context both affectionate and derogatory. Love ya, ya dumbass.)
The Squad is gathered in the living room for a meeting Maggie: walks in and sits on Nina’s lap The Squad: … Newt: Why are you sitting there? Maggie: There’s no free seats! Newt: But we made sure there was enough room for- Nina: hugs Maggie tightly There are no free seats.
(Nina and Maggie are just here to cuddle and see shit go down tbh.)
Aziraphale: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator. Anathema: Yup. Beelzebub: Maybe the generator is watching us. Aziraphale: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added? Aziraphale: … Aziraphale: Wait—
(Never let the smart ones™️ near alcohol they’re existential little fucks already we don’t need a philosophical debate at the campfire)
Shax: Some of us are still ‘it’ from a childhood game of tag. Uriel: Way to just fuck me up on a Tuesday.
(Shax is studying psychology at college/uni SOLELY so she can use it to fuck with people.)
Crowley: We need a plan to beat them. Aziraphale: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food. Crowley: Aziraphale: Judge me all you want, I get results.
(And people say Bee is a bad influence. Really! He’s much better at being a devious little shit now, so I’d call that a good influence!)
One of the campers: running towards Beelzebub with open arms Beelzebub: moves out of the way One of the campers: Hey, why'd you move?! Beelzebub: I thought you were going to attack me. One of the campers: I was going to hug you! Beelzebub: Why would you hug me? One of the campers: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
(They have issues okay. Stay tuned for that shit show!)
Shax: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
(She’s the worst I love her.)
Beelzebub: It’s too early in the morning for this. sent at 11:57 AM
(Aziraphale at many points throughout the years since they chose their name: your name is Beelzebub not Belphegor. Get up and go eat.)
Crowley: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities. Crowley, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
(He looses all morals when it comes to board games. Also shut up Crowley your mother is like as rich as God…almost literally.)
Hastur: Hey, Aziraphale you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform. Aziraphale: Have you ever been to a mortuary? Hastur: Yea, my grandma lives there. Uriel: That is the worst response to that question.
Aziraphale: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Beelzebub: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
(This is just their entire dynamic in this fic. Literally. This is how they end up in so many situations™️)
Beelzebub, to Nina: You know, Gabriel can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching. Beelzebub: blows airhorn at Gabriel GET FUCKED!
(They’re still in the enemies stage of enemies-to-lovers…Also Crowley approves this method.)
Beelzebub: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Gabriel, are a fucking cactus.
(Wait why is that just something I would have them say.)
Uriel: We need to distract these guys. Shax: Leave it to me. Shax: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. The smart ones™️: immediately begin arguing
(More psych student Shax knowing her friends eerily well! She’s a nightmare!)
Gabriel: What have I done wrong?! Crowley: Everything. For your entire life.
(They are in SEVERE need of character development…shame no one around here is doing that. *whistles totally inconspicuously, definitely not ignoring the WIP that’s open in my notes right now*)
Maggie: Which country has the most birds? Maggie: Portu-geese! Uriel: That's a language. Maggie: Portu-gull? Uriel: Good recovery. Newt: I think you mean good re-dovery. Anathema: TURKEY. HOW DID WE MISS TURKEY?
(This is what’s happening while the MCs are off doing MC shit)
Crowley: We’re going to have to split up, like in Scooby Doo. Crowley, to Newt and Hastur: You guys are Scooby and Shaggy. You can search the bathrooms. Crowley, to Aziraphale: Velma, you get the spooky looking fridge in the basement. Aziraphale: What? Why am I Velma? And why do I get the… dubious looking device? Crowley: Because only Velma would say “dubious device”. Aziraphale gets the spooky fridge in the basement. Gabriel: And what does that make you, Fred? Crowley: Bitch, I’m Daphne.
(The real reason Crowley and Gabriel hate eachother so much is that there’s only room for one dramatic little bitch in their family and they both think it should be them.)
Maggie: I'm not superstitious… But I am a little stitious.
(My underrated queen!)
Hastur: I know where you live. Uriel: Where? Hastur: In a house.
(Uriel spends half of their time at camp facepalming. This is what they get for being normal in a sea of weirdos.)
Okay that’s it for now see y’all soon hopefully with the next chapter!
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brotpqueen · 17 days
Finally, FINALLY finished chapter nine! Yes it took over a month but I was lost in antartica or whatever a good reason is. Angst time!!!
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brotpqueen · 4 months
Second chapter of my dumbass summer camp AU now up! Crowley (and Gabriel) time! (Once again, if you like the story please subscribe to that itself rather than following me here my anxiety cannot handle more followers than just my moots.)
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brotpqueen · 4 months
Forgot to post this when I uploaded chapter 5 yesterday!
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brotpqueen · 3 months
I FINALLY managed to finish chapter six I’m so sorry it took this long. Come get your food, Crowley fans, it’s his POV time again.
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brotpqueen · 3 months
Greetings! Guess who finally managed to write quickly for once! Yes I did write half of this already as I was writing 6 but shhh let’s pretend I’m competent. Quick warning this chapter is pretty heavy. Proper warning at the top of the chapter.
Also! I’ve started drawing stuff! Here’s a crusty old ‘polaroid’ of our beloved head councillors hanging out at the lake as either 11 or 12 year olds. They don’t quite remember. It’s not super but I had fun.
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brotpqueen · 4 months
Finally got the fourth chapter done!
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brotpqueen · 2 months
Hi everyone! Finished chapter eight!
Sorry it took so long, I’ve had some stuff going on, had a patch of writers block/general laziness and spent some time evaluate after everything that came out about Neil Gaiman how/if I want to continue being a member of this fandom. I rambled about this more in the notes but that’s the gist of it. Enjoy!
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brotpqueen · 4 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes!
Once again so surprised people actually like my dumb shit lol
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brotpqueen · 28 days
Good Omens hot take!
So we all love drawing parallels between the ineffable husbands and the other big ships, right?
Ineffable Husbands
Ineffable Bureaucracy
Most of us imagine the mirror characters to be this, right?
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Well that’s where I think we’re getting this wrong! I do agree with the vinylatte parallels, but as for ineffable bureaucracy? I have a different view. To me the parallels go more like this.
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Okay so hear me out! I know it’s easy to draw comparisons because obviously the angel character will have more in common with another angel and vice versa for the demons. And that may be true on the surface. However! The more I think about these characters the more it makes sense to me.
Well start with the Crowley-Gabriel comparison, because I’ve seen this floating around a little more.
They have a good amount of traits in common.
Cold exterior, sharp language and mannerisms, secret soft side, all that good stuff. But what makes them so comparable to me is their impulsiveness. They (and Nina) tend to deal with their problems through schemes that aren’t entirely thought through and, most obviously, avoidance/escape. Crowley suggests multiple times that he and aziraphale run away together, and Gabriel’s grand plan for being with Beelzebub is to simply - literally - go to hell. (Nina’s example of avoidance is avoiding her feelings about Lindsay leaving her and her avoiding maggie so she doesn’t have to deal with any potential new feelings on top of those. This is a much less extreme version of how the dudes™️ handle things but then again vinylatte are really just the realistic balanced version of all the other idiots.) They’re not STUPID by any means, but they’re a lot more prone to an ‘act first, think later’ tactic. They also tend to show a lack of consideration about how anything they do to be with their chosen partner will affect the rest of the world. Crowley wants to go off with aziraphale and let the earth get blown to bits so long as they can be together and Gabriel leaves for hell not seeming to give much thought as to what will happen without him as supreme archangel. Gabriel’s plan also gives Crowley himself another chance to show his avoidance as his plan is to simply dump Gabriel somewhere. I love these dudes but they are, and I say this with love, a little silly.
Now to my favourite comparison! And no it’s not just because I’m delusional and think they’d be besties (though if you do wanna see that my fic Camp Armagetalong is full of my propaganda for that cause). It’s just genuinely such an interesting thought to me. In contrast to their respective partners, Aziraphale and Beelzebub are both a lot more strategic. More logical. To be quite blunt - they’re smarter about it. Aziraphale, while his hesitation may be frustrating, is correct in his judgements most of the time. He’s right that heaven and hell knowing about he and Crowley’s relationship would be dangerous and he’s right to try to cover it up for their safety despite how painful it may be. His plan when Gabriel shows up with his memory wiped is to figure out what happened and go from there.
In a similar vein, Beelzebub, while it may be less intentional, goes about trying to find Gabriel in a similar way. They ask the person they think is most likely to know where he is and when they get a lead they don’t simply go knocking down the door themself, they have an organised fleet breach the bookshop. Their gift to Gabriel also acts as a sort of backup plan to save him should his brashness get him in hot water - exactly what it does.
But above all the biggest similarity I see is that while Crowley and Gabriel deal with their problems by avoiding or simply destroying the issue, these two are fighters. These are people (beings?) who know what they want, face their issues head on and try to find ways to work through problems instead of jumping ship.
What happened to Gabriel? Time to investigate.
The system won’t let you be with your husband? Keep it a secret until you figure out a proper plan.
Someone’s being annoying? Either insult them right to their face or use the power of sarcasm! (Gabriel watch and learn. ‘Shut your stupid mouth and die’ is not as effective as an extremely bitchy glare.)
Okay I know this isn’t a very good analysis or argument I just wanted to ramble about my thoughts
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