#camp cretacerous brooklyn
mary-laib · 4 months
Sammy x Yasmina
I love their relationship and how they have come so far throughout cc and ct. Also less to do with the ship but I especially loved how Yasmina was shown in ct to have worked towards facing her fears and has gotten so much further than Sammy, who has been ignoring her problems. There's like nothing to hate about this ship. Everyone agrees they're perfect.
Kenji x Brooklyn
I've been waiting for them to break up since they got together. She was great for him in the beginning of their relationship, helping him become his own person and becoming less egotistical, but she has refused to change with him, which has made their relationship stagnant. I thing their relationship was good for Kenji and I'm glad they got together if only so that she could help him figure out how to be his own man, but past that, their relationship was pointless and I hope it never gets rejuvenated.
Ben x Darius
I love them as bros and honestly, despite their obvious closeness and the fact that I would like to see more of their interactions, I see them as more platonic, especially with what Darius said about his crush on Brooklyn. Not because of him liking Brooklyn or girls in general and you'll see why in a minute. But I also wouldn't be mad to see them get together. They're both nerds and I love them.
Darius x Brooklyn
Honestly, I feel like the same things that caused a rift in Brooklyn's relationship with Kenji would also tear apart her relationship with Darius. And it's stated in the show that it's unrequited. They're good friends, but while he'd probably rate her as his top friend and vice versa, I feel like we can collectively agree that there are other friendships he has that are less toxic. Also the love triangle thing feels so weird when the girl cares less about both the guys combined than either one feels about her.
Darius x Nobody
9/10 The dots have been connected
Now hear me out: I don't feel like his crush has ruined things between him and Ben or Kenji, but some things about what he said regarding his crush and his reactions have made me feel like he is very aroace coded. Which has put a lot of things in perspective for me. Since the beginning of cc, he's been a "power of friendship" guy and rewatching his interactions with everyone, they seem a lot stronger and meaningful as just platonic, rather than romantic. And while everyone around him has been dealing with romance, he's just kind of indifferent to it all until Brooklyn. And his reaction to his crush on Brooklyn just screams repressed aroace with him saying that he never thought he could feel like that (has he never had a crush on anybody before) and how he has completely panicked regarding their relationship. Idk to me, it's giving aroace with a "fake" crush or demi aroace person who has taken way too long to fall for a girl that anybody else would have fallen for after the original bout of mortal danger. He had to be friends with her for YEARS before he could catch a semblance of a crush on her. And it also sounds to me like she was pretty absent in his life before popping in to stay with him for a week, which could also explain why he might he having a "fake" crush (if that is what it is). ALSO: when I say "fake" crush, I'm not trying to downplay his feelings, I'm just referring to something a lot of aroace people experience where you get really close to someone and mistake those feelings for love. And when it happens, these feelings are very intense(speaking from experience). Like how if he's suddenly frequently interacting with Brooklyn again and it's just them, I feel like that kind of situation could lead to an aroace crush. It's all just giving aroace person experiencing their first crush in the most traumatic way possible.
Brooklyn x Nobody
10/10 We love to see a gal feeling herself
I feel like at this point in the story, she has nothing to gain or give by being in a relationship with anybody in the show. Her and Kenji had a decent run while they had it, but it's time to let go at this point. If she does end up with someone, it has to be someone outside the main cast and personally, I'd like to see her with a gal pal. She has bi energy, especially with the new haircut.
Kenji x Darius
Honestly, I definitely shipped them mid-cc, but at the beginning of ct, I decided I did not want to see them get together. But by the end, I kind of changed my mind. I still think their relationship would be best platonic, but I also wouldn't be mad if they got together. It'd probably be a bit stranger than if Darius was with Ben, but they've also got a strong connection.
Ben x Kenji
I feel like they've hardly gotten any relationship building in either cc or ct and it needs to happen pronto. There has to be something they can bond over
Sammy x Yasmina and Ben
I'd like to see the lesbians in a qpr with their hypeman. Ben is just so cute with them and he loves them so much (platonically) and vice versa. It doesn't need to be anything official, but just more of Ben being their third wheel/adopted son would make the show more perfect than it already is.
Ben x His European GF
I think she's fake, either that he's lying about her so he doesn't lose street cred or that she is lying to him and is a catfish. Maybe we'll see a plot twist relating to the gf, but I'm not holding out hope. She could be redeemed if she was a real girl who was a total kickass and saved the whole group (maybe they meet her at the end of their stowaway boat mission) but otherwise I don't really care about her. Also don't lose hope, people who hc him as gay or aro, there's always the chance that he's bi, lying, or having a "fake" crush like Darius. I know I, as an aroace person have had more online than irl relationships and I'm p sure that's a sign of not being allo, especially when the person you're dating is far away and you have no plans of ever seeing them irl.
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Lil sketch of brooklynn!!!!!! I might digitalise and colour but rn I'm j happy to draw her!!! Her hair is legit the best ever thing to draw it's so swoopy and fun I love it!!!!!
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evilmskitty · 3 months
Chaos Theory Spoilers, about the reveal and the change of relationships
I do anticipate Brooklyn’s reveal to have a more lasting mark on the group then how Ben was reunited last series will. Unlike with Ben, who had no way of contacting the others to let them know he was alive. Brooklyn does. The seeds of doubt have been planted as while even before she ran off to Darius’ with her ruining her relationship of 6 years.
Her PTSD has a lot to do with it, however she doesn’t hardly communicate to anyone what exactly she’s doing or where she’s going. Darius seems to imply that she never really answered his confession either. She struggles to communicate with her friends who she’s been through so much with because she cannot put her personal shit aside to give them a chance to understand.
It’s gonna leave a straining mark on everyone, as the entirety of them are scarred by the mere memory of her. Which is slowly being tainted through them finding everything she’s hidden from them. It’ll take some work for her to get back in their good graces, especially Kenji’s. I can see Sammy and slowly Darius being the first to accept her back and hear her out immediately. But I hope she doesn’t try to pinpoint blame or ignore why they’re upset, which I don’t think the writers will do that. So far this season they’ve done a really good job of showing the importance of trauma and PTSD.
My thoughts anyways, I’m not saying Brooklyn’s bad I just find this dynamic interesting and hope it plays out to have a lasting effect.
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st4rrmii · 4 months
The Nublar Six as Songs from my "This Shit has me Ascending" Playlist
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A House in Nebraska - Ethel Cain
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Take Me Back To Eden - Sleep Token
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Not Gonna Die - Skillet
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Heavy - Peach PRC
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Beside You - Marianas Trench
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Hello - Evanescence
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cloud-navi · 4 months
⚠️ spoilers ⚠️
My thoughts on:
Camp Cretaceous season one
Feels pretty basic, not bad. Understandable feelings of grief from his dad.
Loud enough to hear considered obnoxious, but I counter that with: Daddy issues (obvious from the start, very happy they pulled that around for season 2 and Chaos Theory).
Darius and Kenji
In episodes 1 and 2 they both get in trouble and Darius takes the blame for it after Kenji admits that all he’s really done/wanted was to make his dad proud. Darius gets angry because Kenji “lied” about wanting to make his dad proud, but really, thats not a lie. Kenji, (assumption) is likely an only child, with no mention of his mom, and his dad is extremely neglectful and manipulative. Only showing attention to Kenji when he wants something from his son, or use him as a tool as seen in season five. Kenji didn’t lie about wanting to make his dad proud, making his dad proud get him the attention that he rightfully deserves a human being and as a child. lonely children like Kenji tend to act out because they want the attention that they aren’t getting when they need it, attention is very important during development and neglect leaves emotional scars and affect how they behave. I think Darius, as an adolescent didn’t quite understand that point of view because he sees Kenji, how Kenji wants Darius to see him. Overly confident, laidback, cool. So Darius, who also had a wonderful relationship with his dad, didn’t have the insight of “Lack of parental support/attention = Lack of self-worth/masking as someone cooler then (they think) themself even if that means a few lies.” Except, he didn’t lie. His mask cracked, he told the truth. Anyone with neglectful parents can tell you, before you start resenting your parents neglectfulness, you resent yourself for “not being good enough,” blaming yourself, just wanting to make them proud (✋).
Because his behavior stems from neglect, it also dictates the way he’s acting in season five, which is some thing the other characters seem to struggle with understanding and having empathy. Darius and Ben are probably the youngest in the group, so they may not pick up on those signals, They should still be in developing their empathy and understanding other peoples experiences than a five year old. Out of all of the main characters, I only give Brooklyn a pass. it feels really shitty that your friend is doing some thing that y’all are all against and have been against for almost a year, but you need to understand. They are not focusing that they are focusing on getting some thing they have been deprived of since they were young (parental love, and engagement), which is a very valid reason to have tunnel vision. I also don’t like how Mai the researcher in season five, didn’t point it out to them in a way that they would understand Kenji‘s position, but I also don’t remember if she had the chance to. Will come back to that later.
Literally my favorite cinnamon roll baby in season one, I adore his relationship to bumpy. Ump is a fucking angel. And I like how they bring a few of the seasons down to the wire with bumpy near the crossfire. It’s a good way to keep bumpy as a main side character.
Also kind of flat, not much to say. She’s more introverted doesn’t talk to people as much doesn’t like to be on camera, really shy, with trust issues. I understand why she feels betrayed when she finds out Sammy did lie, but also for her age (15) I think it’s both reasonable and irrational for her to lack in understanding and having empathy as to why Sammy was doing what she did. Reasonable for her to feel that way, considering she has issues with trust. But also irrational to disregard Sammy’s motive for what was happening. 
Not many notes on Brooklyn either, though it’s clear that she also hasn’t had much real social interaction, considering her whole career started since she was like 10 (mentioned in season two) so she hasn’t had much real socialization outside of the Internet. I understand why she’s angry with Sammy when her phone is taken, and when it is proven after everyone has told her to shut up about it so many times before. However, just like Yasmina, I think she needs to chill out with blaming Sammy. You might not have known why at the time, but what Sammy was doing was pretty understandable in my opinion based on her character and what her experience. Being upset was reasonable, but blaming Sammy for the events at Isla and not being able to get off the island, was completely irrational considering who do you think was gonna pick up the phone? Do you think they were going to get there in time? Do you think they would Believe the probability of their survival was high enough that they would send a team when there was a huge evacuation of an giant park and you weren’t even at the park. I think they’re being unreasonable at the time, it’s not like Phone would’ve charged enough, or the fact that when the island lost power, it’s a no fly zone and there is no service (revealed season 2).
I can see why she could be considered obnoxious, but more so just allowed and bubbly person. I like Sammy I can understand her motive, and what she was doing, if I believed in myself that much to complete those tasks, I would do it too. In her position, her family was on the verge of losing their farm so they got a loan that ended up being really bad people, and left them with the only choice of losing their livelihood or using their daughter as a spy. Sammy has a large heart, and clearly a lot of self assurance, to rationalize her actions based on her motive. Regardless of what was happening on the island I would not be able to stay mad at Sammy. Because when you boil it down, Sammy‘s tasks would not have hurt anyone by her doing. Anything after getting the samples and information going to Manta Cor, would have been Manta Cor’s fault because it was in charge the information. Sammy‘s motives were completely out of love for her family.
Sidenote, when they are in the field in the gyrospheres, I kinda think that was completely on the kids being idiots. Brooklyn and Darius were completely at fault for nearly dying, just as much as every other person was except for Sammy. None of them listened to the person with actual experience, herding animals. Up until Jurassic Park and then Jurassic World, the books that Darius has are probably all just theorized behaviors, it would have been more valuable to listen to someone (Sammy) that has EXPERIENCE herding herbivores. Just saying.
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judzea · 2 years
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I have for real Camp Cretaceous brain rot. So here is some content for my fellow Dino lovers. Not my best work if someone could explain how tf to do highlights. Anyway enjoy. 
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Part 8 of my live reaction to Jurassic world: Chaos Theory
Spoiler below the cut
• we started the chapter with "negotiations" I don't like that
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• So he is the boss but not the boss-boss of everything?
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• I'm kind of impartial about his dead but like aren't my babies still In there?
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• mi mind is divided by two side rn
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Is it Brooklyn?????? And Who tf is this????????
•Oh my gooooooood
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Mateo you've won a place in my heart 4ever
And why does he look so high in this picture
• long live sapphics (I was gonna put lesbians to make it three L but I don't remember if they're lesbians)
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• two seconds and I already love this scene, it's gonna be in my heart forever
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• is she some kind of zombie like the zombiesaurus or wtf?
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I didn't say anything she's not a zombie cuz she felt empathy for her raptors (i think)
• Yeah it would
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• lol they all forgot about Mateo
• I hate and love? My sister so much rn
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My girl was not dead, my hermanita was right
But, where's your arm? Girl?
{]( some kind of cute banner to point out that this is the conclusion) [}
It's 23:31 rn and I'm bout to head to bed cuz even though I'm on winter break I have to wake up early tomorrow so this will be quick
Does someone know when S2 will come out?
(fuck I don't know how to close stuff)
I need more I don't know what else to say other than this season had a big effect on my and that the Raptors lady's gonna appear on my nightmare
That, bye
Part 1, part 7, and this is part 8
I'm slow sorry
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sonofapunk · 2 years
Who's your favorite character from Jwcc? What moment or trait made you latch onto them?
I always forget I have an inbox on this blog; so sorry for the delay, anon!
I honestly am having trouble picking a favorite, so I'm going to name traits about all of them that really touched home for me!
For Sammy, it's her heart! She is resilient, and nothing was ever enough to knock her down for long, and whenever she got back up, she got back up even stronger than before. It's inspiring to watch, and in a show that throws plight after plight at the characters as often as it does, it is also vital and necessary, and the show is better for it.
Speaking of strength, for Yaz, it was indeed that, but not in the traditional sense of strength. I admire Yaz's journey to find strength in vulnerability. The standout moment of her facing down the Scorpios and getting into a runner's position was stunning, but there's a reason the strength that she had in that scene was not inspired by her athleticism, but by the very terrifying and vulnerable realization that she loved Sammy so much that she had to make it back.
For Brooklyn, it was her unwavering dedication to the people around her. Aside from the fight with Sammy at the beginning, I really struggle to think of a scene where Brooklyn was not more than ready to be selfless for the people around her (and you could argue that her fight with Sammy was not even based in selfishness imo). There's a slight expectation for her to fall into the selfish media personality type if you follow the tropes of her occupation and archetype, but the writers did better, and they subverted that expectation, making her one of the most selfless characters I've seen in a TV show in a long time.
For Kenji, you can also speak very much to his unwavering love and dedication to the group, but one of the most stand-out items for me was the way he learned to love himself in the honest way. The Kenji who starts the show acts confident in an attempt to prove to both others and himself that he is worthy of attention and care, but the Kenji who ends the show is someone who knows his worth well enough to turn away from the very person he's been desperately seeking validation from since childhood, who he eventually recognizes will never actually give that to him. Kenji recognizes that he deserves better, and he goes to get it for himself, and I admire that a lot about his character.
For Ben, it's actually a trait that he gains after his primary development. It's easy to say that his development stops after the first two seasons, but I argue that we see subtler changes even after that. The one I like the most is his switch from serious survivalist to being silly and goofy again. Ben was put through some intense trauma, and it shaped him throughout the series, and likely continues to shape him as he goes through the rest of his life. What I appreciate about this show is that he's still allowed to be a kid after it happens. He jokes with his friends, he allows himself to laugh, he makes funny noises, and he's allowed to be clumsy. I love that his transformation into someone confident and capable of survival even in difficult situations did not take away his joy, or the fact that he's still a teenager who refuses be serious all the time.
Finally, for Darius, it's something that I struggle to put into words, but I'll see if I can do it. Darius is a very family-centered character. There is of course the grief that he's feeling over his father, but there's also the fact that the first chance he gets to, he calls his brother. We know that he and his mom are likely close. Darius is a family-oriented person, and I think that this can be used to explain most of why he does what he does. And for me, that's something I cherish very deeply about this character. They're called the camp fam for a reason, and that's because they really did forge bonds as tightly-knit as family to one another, especially Darius to the others. He's a family person through and through, and it's very beautiful to watch in a show like this.
With that, I think that the reason it's so hard to pick one of these characters for me is tied to that camp fam thing. Each character makes each other better. They challenge each other, and they improve together. I find it difficult to isolate one as standing out among the rest, though each of them is also unique and enjoyable in their own way. And ultimately, that just speaks to how great of character work the team behind this show did, which is a huge inspiration for me, as an aspiring animation writer, myself.
Thank you for asking, anon, and I hope that this answer was still interesting to read!
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angxliquel · 2 years
Just finished the Interactive Episode!! Here are some of my thoughts:
When I tell you the opening credits and theme was enough to make my heart go all mushy. I MISSED THESE KIDS SMM
Yaz going off on Darius in the gyro scene 💀 SHE WAS SO PISSED. Def one of my favorite parts of the episode
And then sammys just sitting behind her all wide-eyed
Literally the whole gyro scene reminded me of "The Cattle Drive" (one of my favorite episodes from S1) and again, my heart went all mushy
every single dynamic was so FUN. Kenji and Darius having the brotherly best-friends dynamic was awesome. They're the brothers ever.
And then Darius's "ear" joke (I did laugh at that a little)
The fact that no one knew who Owen Grady was besides Darius was funny as hell 😭
the whole drum-roll scene made me smile so hard
I actually did a good job at keeping the kids alive- on my first try, I kept dying at the code part, because I was looking WAY too into it. But that's the only time they died (still not gonna get over it for weeks)
Honestly, both the rollercoaster and the car ride routes were fun. Had a blast playing both! I picked the rollercoaster one first cause I like rollercoasters lmao. Also I really didn't expect the car route to be an actual ride, but it was super cool
The scene in the rollercoaster route where Sammy and Yaz look at eachother and then start smiling and laughing 😞
I REALLY hope they do another interactive episode, or maybe even something like a follow-up set in Dominon
Just seeing the kids back was so great- Did I mention how much I missed them??
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bs-fangirl · 2 years
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I was expecting the cutesy cheek kiss like last season but FULL ON KISS FOR MY GIRLS HELL YES
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perish-the-creator · 3 years
Nothing makes me laugh more than witnessing the absolute hurdles some of you are jumping over to try and explain why Kenji and Brooklyn are problematic.
"There was no chemistry" Neither was there for any ship besides Yazammy. Honestly look back and you'll see that Benji and Dinostar hold little weight. Ben was borderline tolerant of Kenji and couldn't care less unless the dude was in direct danger. Don't forget that Brooklyn threw Darius dead father in his face. I don't care how sorry she said she was, you don't say that to a grieving kid.
"But the age gap!" Hey. Hey listen. Um, teenagers will date other teenagers if they like them. Their canon ages are 13 and 15. That is normal. I know some of y'all have been online thanks to the pandemic, but two year age gaps are normal in high school and middle school. So stop trying to turn it into something it's not. Y'all sound stupid as hell.
Also, no you didn't get queerbaited. Stop throwing that word around.
Yasammy is neither confirmed nor denied. Neither girls have showed interest in anyone else. Also, you use the argument of them being kids? SHOCKER! Someone like Yaz probably didn't have time to properly understand her sexuality. Especially when it came to survival.
Kenji's feelings also made sense in context of what was going on. They are under the impression they are going home. So yeah, they can let their minds focus on things outside of trying not to die. And considering the close calls this season, it was now or never that he confessed.
Not to mention, the show actually promotes positive masculinity. By Darius not getting angry or trying to fight, it gets rid of the idea that boys fight over girls. Which is something that happens too often in shows.
If you truly hate the season just for the ship alone, I'd be happy to see you leave the fandom and never touch it again.
Don't harass the writers. Don't harass those who ship it. Don't say you can fix it just by suddenly making Kenji attracted to Ben.
Benji is dead and exist only in fanon.
Dinostar is dead and exist only in fanon.
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roseshadedglasses · 2 years
For anyone wondering, the time skip at the end is three years, since it coincides with the end of Fallen Kingdom and the plot of Dominion. This makes the year 2018-2019 I believe
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snaplight-anxiety · 2 years
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one time i drew a meme lol
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pokemon1oadvanced · 2 years
Jurassic world: Camp Cretaceous Season Five Trailer
Omg I can’t believe it’s already the final season! This show has been so amazing and I can’t wait to watch season five.
I really hope they bring more lore into this season, as I’m still waiting for it to connect to dominion.
Screen shots!
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Is that the shaving cream from the first movie?! I hope it isn’t just an Easter egg and is related in the plot in some way.
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Mind control working on the carnivores?! Please let our children be safe this season.
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I hope this is Darius’ brother getting off the boat! Since the phone call I have been anticipating their reunion! I really hope he got Dave and Roxy, as I would love to see Roxy punch Kenjis dad in the face.
Overall, this trailer looks amazing. You can see the kids have been split again, with Kenji undoubtedly being stuck with his father and the others going back to Isla Nublar? Or the dinos coming to them? I can’t wait to see Kenjis loyalties tested, and the growth of each kid.
I swear if Bumpys not in this season I will cry! I’m sure Ben can smuggle her to the mainland when they finally get home.
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Hey this is your reminder to go watch Camp Cretaceous because it’s actually really really good. It’s five seasons and on Netflix and I love it so much. I started it 3 days ago and it’s already done and I already miss it
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multivstx · 2 years
my annual post about how i forget CC had s5 coming and me finding out 4 days later😭 anyways better late than never!!
ahhh i can’t for my favorite dino group all together again…
also possibly seeing other romantic pairings??!
and do they finally make it home?!? since it’s the “last season”💔
ANYWAYS don’t bother me since i’ll be binging
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