#can u believe me that i made it render for error
layraket · 1 year
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pfp for my friend @amyred
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jami-purple · 1 year
The Official Malware Sonic Lore post
Because it got deleted from the Wiki at one point and I finally became aware of the random ass lore that was made up by his fans which is WOW! still can't believe my critter had those.
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Overview of character
Malware Sonic, or Mal, for short, is a computer virus that was made to look like a Sonic the Hedgehog fan game to fool people into downloading it. The virus later became conscious, and nowadays it just likes surfing the web, trying to find computers to get inside of and control.
There were once two friends. These two friends decided one day that they wanted to create a fake Sonic game to trick people into downloading a virus so they could get a few laughs out of other people’s stupidity. They only made a single level; you could play as Sonic while a horribly functioning Tails AI followed you around. It was short and stupid, with barely any enemies, basic platforming, and no iconic Sonic stuff: loop-da-loops, springs, rings, you know the deal. They uploaded the purposefully defective game to the internet and waited. Two months later, one of the developers got an interesting email with the title read “HEY!!! PLEASE CHECK DIS OUT!! I WANT TO TELL U SOMETHING!", Once the developer opened the email, a download started, and they lost control of the computer immediately; nothing responded. Suddenly a familiar game started up; it was the virus game they made two months ago. The title screen showcased the slightly misscolored Sonic looking at the viewer, playfully moving his finger like the original Sega Genesis one. Then, the game froze, and a pop-up error message appeared on the screen. “THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME! I'VE BEEN HAVING A LOT OF FUN”, then another pop-up message, “I WONDER... WOULD YOU MIND IF I TOOK CONTROL OVER HERE? I WANT YOU TO SEE WHAT I CAN DO”. Out of nowhere, a bunch of annoying, high-pitched noises that barely resembled laughter were emitted from the computer, and tons of files were deleted or modified in ways that rendered them unusable. The computer started opening up random images and replacing them with a corrupted version of “Sonic’s” sprite sheet in the virus game, and various pop-up messages started showing up, repeating the same phrase over and over: “THIS IS GREAT! THANK YOU AGAIN!”. So many things were happening on screen that the developer could only watch in awe; they just couldn’t believe that they created this, or at least helped create it. While the computer was submerged in a chaotic mess of corrupted files, noises, and intelligible messages, the developer decided to phone call their friend to tell them what had become of their infected game and that it had somehow become conscious; however, their friend told them off and that they didn’t believe it and hung up.
What became of the two developer friends is unknown and unimportant, as it has nothing to do with what happened later on with this virus. It’s unknown how he became conscious, but it happened after being uploaded to the internet. Nowadays, Mal dedicates his existence to finding ways to get inside people’s computers and mess with them and their stuff, as he finds this fun and feels like that’s his purpose in life.
His abilities are solely computer-based and include: creating copies of himself, corrupting files, and entire computer systems; taking control of the social media accounts of the user he is infecting; entering computer files and tampering with them from the inside (ex: he can enter a video file, so if you open the video, you will see him there doing whatever he feels like doing); and having the ability to completely brick computers as well in the worst cases.
-Possible weaknesses
If the user manages to get the game file out of their computer in time, Malware won’t be able to corrupt it, as he is tied to the game. 
A really good anti-virus might be able to stop him as well.
In-universe, he was created around the 2010’s, so he speaks with a bunch of that time’s internet lingo.
He was slightly based on Harry Potter Obama, an infamous image of a bootleg Sonic the Hedgehog backpack.
He went through some minor design changes, which is why some early drawings have him with a red mouth and white teeth (nowadays, the inside of his mouth is black, his teeth are yellow and his tounge is red).
If you take off its gloves and shoes, there’s just a glitchy void.
Mal is a minor, but it’s up to the viewer to decide how old they think he is.
He doesn’t need to eat, but he likes candy because they are colorful.
He is a demi-boy.
2’9” (90cm)
-Date of creation
October 21, 2021
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doctor-dream313 · 6 months
You ask me if I am absoluetly certain that I am the choice for.you and the hope of a beautiful designed,comfortable and complete relationship. I dont know I am absolutely certain. I just am absolutely certain that it's not a possibility if not chanced and executed to our ability for the security of our future. no accountability will be worse than that of the one of us who, if so choses to not endeavor the way together, chooseing they go on alone. will hold their selves in account for a disdainful existence in a war of choice stuck between weighing chance and probabilities with profound and emotional, wisdom, and equal interest sacrificed rendering outcomes. that have been mathematically divided into madding robotic life events to occur in the present reality of life. what could u lose if I was wrong. It wouldn't be a loss of time and effort. You would gain experience, knowledge and understanding of the psychology and skills neqeded for freedom in your life and order. If you dont act differently now knowing that its not a risky decision or really a bad wager when nothing is going to be lost if it wasn't meant to be. The problem is not knowing what if?, the one chance you had to be in charge of your live and happiness with the whole. You ostensibly declined with skepticism that such things were able without a miraculous act of the God's. I'll let you know a little secret and that's we all are God's we just need to be a part of our own life and set no definite limits on our possibilities. for then we can make changes to our reality. Knowing the difference between a belief and a possible reality or if a problem exist that is having a new profound reshaping thought process, occurring for a periods at a time, limit of action, with apparent errors in the activity that said problem influences. If its negative but the truth is that it is a positive. Made so, uniquely through stable conditions of insane reasoning. Its called a new reason within reasons, that's if existing laws don't lie. the unilateral laws apply to those of thought making it, if not, chanced to be here. Then in fact it is already existing in another state of reality close or even similar to our own life so close to the end of exploration possible to reach our own certainty that the difference is so minimal that a atom is the only thing that is having difference in its form with reestablished purpose of its behavior. Re compacting inside itself introducing the unreasonable way to make false statements a unique and accurate unarguable reasoning that is having truth. 2+2=5 itself is not believable. But change the narrative of the truth then it suddenly becomes the truth. To those ignorant of the slight rearrangement of the world and its perception of the truth impossible is now the possibility.
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futuresmashmemes · 4 years
In complete curiosity, can you tell me what your favorite Smash reveal trailer of all time was?
Like, actually, real shit, stuff that’s already happened in this timeline?
Nothing will ever top Smash 4’s reveal for me. I was really into Brawl as a kid, and after Brawl came out a lot of people spread the idea online that it would be the last smash game (hilarious in hindsight, I know). Me, being the dumb kid I was, took that at face value. I also wasn’t really into following leaks at the time. I was also 12, almost 13 when 4 was revealed, keep in mind. I just sort of accepted that smash was done.
I vividly remember when I first saw that reveal trailer. We were in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for my sister’s soccer game. I was sweaty, hungry, and my phone was running out of battery. I managed to convince my mom to let me stay in the car for the rest of the game, where I promptly began charging my phone and went onto YouTube to pull up some music to listen to (knowing me at the time, it probably would’ve been an Evanescence song). And there, at the top of my recommended feed, was that trailer.
It almost didn’t feel real. I was so convinced that Smash was over, I almost thought that the video would’ve been a fake. Some shitty mod or whatever. But I clicked on it anyways, because, y’know, Smash Bros! Boy am I glad I did. Instantly, I was enthralled by the idea of Smash on the go. I didn’t have a 3DS at the time, but I played on my DS like I was getting paid for every second the screen was on. Having a portable smash game was a dream come true! And when they got to the Wii U part of the trailer, I was drawn in by the visual upgrade compared to Brawl. I was a dumb kid who didn’t know anything about graphics watching this trailer in 480p on a shitty Windows phone, and even I could tell how much of a graphics upgrade it was compared to Brawl. I didn’t have a Wii U at the time either, but I was still excited.
The new characters announced were just the icing on the cake. I love Animal Crossing, but I never expected an Animal Crossing rep in smash because I read that Sakurai had previously said that Animal Crossing characters were unsuited for battle. So when that trailer opened up on a shot of the Villager opening the now iconic envelope, my hype levels instantly shot through the roof of the car. Really, I should consider myself lucky that I was watching this trailer in the middle of an empty parking lot in the middle of nowhere and not, say, on the bus ride home from school, because after that point, I was visibly freaking out throughout. I would’ve been perfectly satisfied with just Villager, but then the trailer continued. The videos online right now show these two as separate videos, but I definitely remember watching them as one big trailer.
Oh boy, who could it be? The gang looked up at a cliff to see a boy with distinct spiky hair.
“No. There’s no way it could be him. There’s just no way! I read online that he couldn’t get in, so it’s not him.”
It didn’t feel real. It felt like a dream. But I was loving every second of it. And even better, the next video in my recommended feed was the trailer for Wii Fit Trainer. What? Why? Who asked for this? I was dumbfounded, but all for it.
I think that those three characters made for the perfect holy trinity of character reveals. The anticipated first party/character Sakurai previously said no to, the third party, and the character that nobody saw coming. Smash 4’s initial reveal had it all. I probably rewatched that trailer for the rest of the soccer game. I texted all my friends about it, and they were all nearly as excited as I was. I would’ve told my mom and sister all about it when they got back in the car, but I wasn’t supposed to be using data at the time, so if they knew that I had used it to watch a silly reveal trailer over and over again, mom probably would’ve had a heart attack (this was before unlimited data was more standard). But you better believe that I exploded on about it as soon as I figured it was safe to.
Even after all these years (and all of the timelines I’ve looked into), no Smash trailer...no, more like no trailer period has ever gotten close to capturing the pure excitement that I felt when I first saw the Smash 4 trailer, and I doubt that there ever will be one. I’m a jaded adult now, and everything is more exciting through the rose-tinted glass of adolescence. The “Everyone is Here!” trailer for Ultimate came close, though. Smash 4’s development was also something of a turning point for me when I became more active in following the development of new games online. I think it was for a lot of people, I think that a lot of that can be attributed to Brawl’s success (and the Wii as a whole) at capturing a wider demographic of gamers compared to Melee and 64. Smash 4 feels almost laughable to go back and play now, but I can’t deny the impact it had on me.
As far as other individual reveal trailers go, here are my favorites:
Little Mac and Palutena-both for the same reason: THAT ART STYLE. Their trailers also convinced me to play their respective games. Uprising was one of my first 3DS games and Punch Out is the last game I remember renting from Blockbuster.
Greninja-As laughable as this sounds now, getting a new Pokémon rep was really hype for me back then. I was beginning to get into competitive, so seeing the ninja frog that had taken over the competitive scene at the time get into smash was cool, even if I was Team Fennekin. Confirmation that at least Charizard had survived the cut was also really cool.
Robin and Lucina-I didn’t know anything about Fire Emblem at the time, but Robin looked cool and I was digging the 3D anime artstyle from Awakening that the trailer was rendered in. Another trailer that convinced me to buy the game that they were from, and good god now I’m an insufferable Fire Emblem fan good lord I was so innocent back then. “Girl Marth” jokes were rampant amongst my friends. Also, CAPTAIN FALCON!!!
Lucas-Funny story, my sister absolutely despises video games with a burning, visceral passion now, but back when we played Brawl together, her mains were Lucas and Snake. You can imagine the pain and agony she felt when Smash 4 initially came out. Lucas’ DLC came out around my birthday, so her gift to me that year was a $10 eShop card. She just told me: “you know what to spend it on.”
Cloud-“Hey guys, you know what would’ve been awesome? In Brawl, if, like, they put in Cloud from Final Fantasy 7?”
Corrin-At this point I was a big Fire Emblem fan riding hot on the hype train for Fates, so I was very excited for Corrin. The dragon-inspired moveset also seemed really cool. Funny how times have changed, and when Byleth was added in I was very lukewarm compared to when my reaction to Corrin.
Inkling-Similar story to the Smash 4 reveal trailer, I was absolutely not expecting a Smash announcement that day and I saw the video was in my YouTube recommended feed while I was at my internship of all places. Unfortunately, none of the other people there were gamers (let alone Smash fans), so they couldn’t share in my hype.
Everyone is Here/Ridley-I can’t properly give this one the justice it deserves in a short amount of words and this post is already getting really long, so I’ll save this one for a later day if you guys are interested. To keep it short, let’s just say that I was very much a part of the Ridley gang and I was very happy to see him in.
Belmonts and K. Rool-I got up at 7 in the morning to watch that trailer and loved every second of it. Keep in mind that I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. The only thing that sort of spoiled it for me was that the Smash teams themselves leaked it the night before by releasing a track titled Bloody Tears/Monster Dance
Ken and Incineroar-Nothing against these two, but at the time I was crushed when I realized the Grinch leak was fake. Now I can look back on it and laugh at Little Mac getting yeeted through the billboard and Villager’s stance at the end of the trailer.
Sans Mii Costume-Pretty sure I’ve already mentioned this, but when I first saw that trailer I legit fell out of my chair laughing. I’m not even an Undertale fan, but seeing funny skeleton man on my screen just broke me. The fact that Toby went to Sakurai’s house and beat him in Smash made it even better.
Banjo-I’ve never actually played a Banjo Kazooie game before, but I’ve seen enough videos about them over the years that I almost feel like I have. They’re ingrained in my childhood due to that in a weird way. Plus, it felt so good to have a victory over the Steve fans. I felt the weight of that Jiggy that bounced on the floor.
And that’s about it! If you guys want to hear my thoughts on the Everyone is Here trailer, please let me know and I’ll do another post like this.
...Upon rereading this post for spelling errors, I realized that you probably were more asking about my favorite reveal trailers throughout multiple timelines. Oops. Let me know if that’s what you wanted and I’ll answer with my thoughts on my favorite future reveal trailers.
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dizzydennis · 5 years
A long, in-depth review of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
I remember playing the first Mario & Sonic game back on the Nintendo Wii. It was simple and a bit unbelievable that this was the first time these two gaming icons would be in a video game together. While the Olympics were literally nobody’s choice to have these heroes meet, it made for a fun albeit simplistic party game. I enjoyed my time with it, but it wasn’t until the second game, Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games that I fell in love with the series. The amount of variety and fan service was staggering and it was very clear that a lot of passion had gone into this game, but as the games moved to the Wii U, it was apparent that the creative was drying up as the game focused more on the typical Olympic events.
That takes us to 2019 where the series has returned on the Nintendo Switch. Considering the fact that this game was made to coincide with the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, I was very excited. Not only is this the home country of both Mario and Sonic, but it’s where I’ve been living for the past 4 and a half years. I was worried when the series skipped the Pyeongchang Olympics that we would never see them in Japan. However, fate would be kind to me. The only question was: does this new edition reach the previous highs that the best Mario & Sonic outings have reached or is it another missed opportunity.
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This game has a very interesting premise too. Since Tokyo was the host of the Olympics back in 1964, there is a time travel plot where Sonic, Eggman, Mario, Bowser, and Toad get sucked into a video game world based on those events. It allows for a fresh idea presented with classic sprites of these beloved characters. With the 2020 Olympic events combined with the 1964 events, there are plenty of events to try out.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t describe how nice the game looks. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is a very good looking game. In single player, the game constantly runs at 60FPS with highly detailed character models and lush environments. The crowds consisting of Toads, Shy Guys, Flickies, and more are still 2D textures that are animated well, but when inspected, they do not hold up. In Olympic events where the game is handled in splitscreen, the framerate can often take a hit. It’s nothing unplayable, but it is very noticeable. The menus are also very slick though a bit simplistic from past entries. Even so, you’ll be treated with wonderful character renders over the backdrop of various Tokyo locales. The only problem with the visuals come from the retro 1964 mode. While the sprites look fine, there is a huge clash between the Super Mario characters being 8-bit sprites while the Sonic characters are 16-bit sprites. It seems as this was done for broad appeal since Mario’s NES outings and Sonic’s Genesis outings are arguably their most well-known appearances. Even so, it doesn’t mesh together perfectly.
So the game looks good for the most part, but how does it sound? Honestly, it’s a mixed bag and a particularly odd one too. During story mode, characters do not speak in full sentences. Sonic may say “Hey” while the text box fills in an entire sentence of dialogue. This isn’t a problem, but what is a bit distracting are the voice samples chosen; specifically, the Super Mario characters. Mario and Luigi have no text boxes with their dialogue, but instead will only make small noises or words. It becomes increasingly annoying as their responses are so limited. You cannot skip or fast forward any dialogue boxes or animations either. There was no reason to keep them from talking as Bowser, Princess Peach, and Toad all talk just as the Sonic characters do. However, characters like Luigi, Daisy, and the Koopalings have the most peculiar voice samples. Daisy sounds like she’s about to cough up her lunch and the Koopalings have this odd reverb effect that sounds like a rendering error. Many of these samples just sound unpleasant and you’ll be hearing them enough that it becomes grating.
Now, the Mario & Sonic series has been praised by fans for their amazing remixes of classic songs. These remixes allowed some unique flair to be given to countless songs from Mario and Sonic’s catalogue. So, one may wonder how many remixes there are in Mario & Sonic Tokyo. Two. There are only two remixes from the respective series. Sonic’s side received a rather standard and unimpressive remix of Metropolitan Highway from Sonic Forces. It doesn’t improve the original song at all and feels a bit half baked. On the other side, Mario received a remix of Peach’s Castle theme and it’s frankly awful. Just sped up with synth-like instruments. When this has been a repeated highlight for these games, (even in the less-than-stellar Wii U games), it’s baffling that SEGA and Nintendo didn’t try harder here. It feels lazy and extremely disappointing. In past games, you could go back to any event and change the standard background music to whatever songs you have unlocked. It’s just not possible here. That means that during the events, you’ll be listening to original music. Thankfully, it’s mostly very good! I am a big fan of the tunes set to Rugby Sevens, a battle with Metal Sonic, Surfing, and Dream Shooting. A lot of the music has a Japanese flair to it and it’s very well composed. Some songs are extremely catchy and I’ve found myself remembering and humming them outside of my time with the game. However, during the lengthy story cutscenes, you may be cycling through the same 5 or 6 songs and it can become old very quickly. They are good songs, but even the retro music wears thin when it’s been playing for most of your downtime.
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Sonic fans have always been passionate about the voice work of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Thankfully, the new voice clips (during events) are pretty good. Characters have interesting remarks when winning and some of them speak perfectly to their established characters. I believe that for the Sonic characters, most if not all of the voice clips are new. There are some baffling ones like Sonic saying “Ole!” and “Right through that wall!” at the most random times. Characters like Tails and Vector are very endearing in this game. Even so, it works well and as a fan, it was fun to hear. The Mario characters definitely have some new voice clips, but it’s hard to tell when their characters don’t vocally emote as often outside of this game. I’m sure there are some repeated clips, but there not all reused.
As this is a minigame collection, it’s important to question how the game actually plays. Overall, I think the Olympic events have been reworked in a significant enough way that it feels rewarding… though not perfect. For example, the 100M race, skateboarding, and badminton are a few events that are just too simplistic for their own good. They are just not as fulfilling to play through as other events. Rugby sevens, soccer (which is strangely called Football despite the fact that Japan calls the sport soccer), Karate, Archery, Sport Climbing, and Equestrian are a few of the events that are just exhilarating. Most of the events have done an admirable job allowing for motion controls with two joy cons, one joy con, or buttons. Since I have been gaming since the early 1990s, I almost always prefer button controls. Even so, I have to admit that the motion controls are fun… for some of the events. Archery is a blast with motion controls, as are the track & field events. The game seems to make a conscious effort to balance the less accurate use of motion controls to button controls. That’s great, but it can make some events feel unfairly difficult due to the handicap. For example, when using button controls, the Boxing event feels almost impossible to win without a huge amount of luck. If you’re knocked down while using buttons, you have to jam the A button to get up and it feels nearly impossible to recover within the allotted time. It’s something that was so aggravating that I found myself praying that SEGA would release a quality of life patch for this game to iron out some of the problems.
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The 1964 events are pretty different from the 2020 events. Since they’re based on retro video games, they only allow for button controls. But with this aesthetic comes simplified gameplay. I found these events to be fun, but not too engaging. Shooting, 10M Platform, Marathon were pretty fun, but I wasn’t wowed by these. It’s 2019 and I think I can speak for many when I say that using retro sprites in your game doesn’t excite people as much as it used to. It sometimes comes across as desperate fan service. While these events are fun, I have to question: Has the game really benefited from going with this throwback? It has certainly increased the amount of events and didn’t hurt the overall package, but I also wasn’t blown away by their inclusion. Speaking of these retro events, it’s very saddening that it’s only limited to 8 characters. Classic characters like Donkey Kong, Metal Sonic, and especially Amy Rose are left out for seemingly no reason. This kind of exclusivity from the “classic” side of Sonic has been limited to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman for a long while now and it seems to ignore that Amy was part of that original crew too. Moreover, I’m sure fans would have loved to see more characters in this retro style. If SEGA/Nintendo had made more of an effort, we could have possibly seen more modern characters like Shadow the Hedgehog or Waluigi.
Throughout story mode there are also a number of mini games. In 2020, Luigi and Tails partake in many events. Whether it’s climbing up the side of Tokyo Tower, battling Shy Guys, or kicking a rugby ball to attack Metal Sonic; these events share their DNA with the normal Olympic events. Some of the ideas are creative, but they are over before they really begin. Again, they’re simplistic and through that simplicity is their downfall. I love the ideas on display, but I want them to be more engaging. One particular mini game that I was fond of has you searching for a particular Toad at the famous Shibuya Scramble. It’s basically a virtual version of a Where’s Waldo game, but it’s very fun and unique. The only problem is that it ends after finding three targets. If there was an option for this to be expanded into an endurance mode, then I think it would really have some legs.
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The mini games for the 1964 world are a bit more unique, but are still overly simple. You might be sneaking into a museum, using Sonic’s speed to chase down a bullet train (shinkansen), or even using the biplane known as the Tornado to attack Eggman’s mechs above Tokyo. Interestingly, that sky battle is the most complex of all the mini games, but even it ends after three stages. What works so well with this mode is that the stage consists of numerous Sonic enemies with decent fan service throughout. You’ll battle Eggman’s first boss from Sonic the Hedgehog 1 as well as Mecha Sonic and the Metropolis Zone boss from Sonic 2. It’s so bizarre that this great amount of fan service is so hidden. You must re-enter this game a second time from a completely different menu to see this.
There are three Dream Events in this game. The first being Dream Racing which is honestly fantastic. It’s based on a stage from Sonic Forces and features a downhill race on hoverboards with Mario Kart-like items. It’s a bit clunky on certain parts, but it’s a lot of fun. The kinetic energy of the whole thing makes me want more than just one stage based on this. It’s definitely a highlight and if there was entire game based on a more refined version of this... I wouldn’t be opposed. Following that is Dream Karate based on the Mushroom Kingdom from Super Mario Odyssey. It’s a mess. There doesn’t seem to be any clear strategy and it favors chaos over defined goals. Also, it hardly uses the Mario universe. It’s just a square arena set in a Mario world with a bad remix in the background. Very disappointing. Lastly is Dream Shooting which takes place in a Japanese temple with each corner of the temple representing a different season. It uses the gyro controls of the Nintendo Switch and it’s very fun. A little clunky here and there, but enjoyable nonetheless. It has one crucial flaw in the fact that your character will laugh every single time they hit a target. It gets annoying quick when you’re constantly firing away and hearing them cackle nonstop. I don’t know how that sort of thing still gets by developers.
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The story mode was heavily pushed with a lot of the promotion for this game. I can honestly say that this is not the type of game that needs a story, but it’s the kind of dopey thing that I am absolutely on board for. I was hoping for an over-the-top plot that had these characters doing ridiculous things based on idea from the Olympics. My expectations weren’t completely baseless either. Past games on the Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS have had story campaigns and they got wild with shadow clones of the characters to Dr. Eggman releasing giant robots. The games even featured some surprisingly well animated cutscenes too. You wouldn’t be wrong in thinking that I was hyped for this mode. What we got, however, was bare bones. I like the corny idea of the heroes and villains getting sucked into the retro game world. That’s wonderful, but unfortunately it doesn’t really get zanier than that. In 2020, Tails and Luigi work to save their friends by participating in regular Olympic events. In 1964, Mario and Sonic save themselves by participating in regular Olympic events. Yes, there are occasional mini games, but as I mentioned earlier, they are so simple and feel like they’ve finished before they’ve begun. Where’s the fun, the stupidly epic nature you can achieve when featuring franchises like Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog? Why can’t Eggman use the Gold Medals to make this fire monster that will compete against Mario and Sonic? Why can’t Metal Sonic cause chaos in Tokyo while Tails and Luigi stop him with a small platforming challenge? I know that there was an attempt with the mini games that are available, but it still comes up short and leaves me wanting a lot more.
This problem is completely related to the story as well. Meaning that while it has some genuinely great moments, it is a slog to get through at times. It has one formula and it follows that formula for the entire campaign. Every time, it’s a chore of: “go to this venue, talk to the character, face that character in an event, have them give you an item.” It never breaks off from this formula. Even the mini games follow the same structure. Again, where’s the heart? This is just running through the motions of a story. I’d love for it to really go wild with the Olympics and the characters at their disposal. One thing I couldn’t wrap my head around was the use of Luigi. This game really, really, really likes Luigi. He has the most mini games out of anybody, he’s featured in the story more than any other character, and once the game is finished, you are stuck using Luigi for any of the events within the epilogue. This includes the Dream Events too. Considering the fact that this game came out just one day after Luigi’s Mansion 3, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was intentional. It’s very odd that a game with Mario & Sonic in the title gives so much of the spotlight to Luigi. Along with his annoying vocal grunts that I mentioned earlier, I found Luigi got on my nerves throughout the story. The game also never lets you control any Sonic characters outside of a few events. Despite the fact that they are in pairs for the entire story, on the map screens, you can only control Mario in 1964 and Luigi in 2020. Not for nothing, but I’d like to control Sonic and Tails if I had the choice. This isn’t a huge complaint, but it’s something I noticed.
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There are some positives to the story mode though. Certain character interactions are fantastic. I really loved bumping into Jet the Hawk, Wario & Waluigi, and Ludwig von Koopa during the campaign. Jet still refers to Sonic by his full name which was a bit of character consistency that made me smile. Sonic is also written pretty well. Since Mario doesn’t talk, Sonic does all of the talking for the heroes. He’s got a great mix of cockiness, heroism, and that cheesy factor that makes him so likeable. I was happy seeing how Sonic acted even if it wasn’t anything too mind blowing. Bowser and Eggman are written a bit more incompetent than usual, but it works well for comedic effect. There is also a moment in the climax that taps into that greatness I was hoping for. It’s a fantastic moment that I won’t spoil, but I enjoyed it and cared about what was happening to all of the character in the retro game world.
Throughout the map screens, you can find trivia pods. This seems like cheap filler, but I have to be honest… I actually found them very fun. There are 4 types of trivia cards: Olympic trivia, Japan trivia, Mario character trivia, and Sonic character trivia. I found myself learning a lot about the Olympics and Japan through this game. Often I became aware of things I never knew of. As a fan too, seeing Amy’s love for fortune reading or the game teasing that Wario and Waluigi are just two dudes who hang out together was a nice treat. However, being a big fan also means you know when they make mistakes. So when they say that Eggman Nega is Eggman’s descendant, I can’t help, but roll my eye. Yes, I know the Sonic Rivals games messed up the continuity, but the Sonic Rush games clearly established he’s from another dimension. His name is Eggman NEGA for crying out loud! In fact, his whole character is stated time and time again that he hates Eggman and yet he spends a vast majority of the campaign actively trying to save Eggman from the video game world. How many wires got crossed when they were making this game? Also, some pods say that Shadow being born on the Space Colony ARK is just a rumor... when we’ve had TWO games dedicated to that backstory. It just left me flabbergasted. Other trivia pods are just a waste of time though. “What color are Wendy’s shoes,” read one question that had a full body picture of Wendy attached to it. (Yes, you could clearly see her shoes). Were they that lazy with some of these?
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One particular thing about the story mode that had me laughing while also sighing was how much this game praises Japan. It’s honestly hilarious. Talking to Toads or animals around the map screens almost always has them saying how amazing Japan is, how the Olympics are this perfect accumulation of everybody’s efforts, or how nice and incredible Japanese achievements and citizens are. I’m not saying that Japan is a bad country, but when you’re constantly being told this stuff, after a while it just seems like excessive. I’m not blind to the fact that this game was made to be a commercial of sorts for the 2020 Olympic games and for Japan too, but the game clearly has more love and more of a desire to promote Japan than it does the two lead stars of the game. Let’s be honest here, Olympic fans aren’t coming out in droves to play this game, Mario and Sonic fans are.
Online play has been included too. Honestly, there isn’t too much to say about it. If you’ve played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate or Super Mario Maker 2 online before then you know what to expect. Nintendo’s shoddy online service doesn’t do Mario & Sonic any favors. It’s functional, but button delay and occasional lag are very apparent and do hamper the experience. I enjoyed a few games of Rugby Sevens online, but I never felt like I had as much control as I did when I was playing solo. For games like the Javelin Throw or Triple Jump that require pinpoint accuracy, I don’t see how this is going to be viable. Nintendo can make some great games, but they are constantly behind in all other aspects.
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Plenty can be said about Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Mechanically, all of the changes to the many events have benefited how they played. There’s a lot to experience here, but the game shies away from using the potential of having such iconic heroes in their line-up. I don’t know if it’s incompetence or laziness, but this doesn’t not reach the heights that it should. It has less Dream Events, less music remixes, less fan service, and a less ambitious story than previous Mario & Sonic games. Many people come into these games knowing they’ll be simple, but also feeling that the fan service and winks to the source material will elevate it into something great. Nevertheless, it feels like SEGA and Nintendo believed that putting Sonic and company in cute outfits would be enough to excuse other lackluster elements. I worry that this review may have come across as overly negative. There are many things I love about this game and I find that the game can be a real blast to play! The variety of the events and the pure fun factor of some cannot be denied. There are many good qualities to be found in this product, but when it lacks that special shine and polish that is to be expected by now, it inevitably feels disappointing. I don’t hate this game in the slightest, but I’d be lying if I said it I wasn’t left wanting more as a fan. SEGA and Nintendo are big companies and they can do better than this; we should expect more from them. At the end of the day, I will definitely be popping this game in from time to time. The mechanics are fun and there are lovable characters in here. I just wish they were celebrated more than the Olympics themselves.
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Presentation script
I've had an obsession with camouflage my whole life, growing up in the bush made it seem so normal, and those thoughts were boosted by going to a beautiful rural school. That pushed the ideas of being one with your environment, and how important we are to it and vice versa. When I was at school I used to have problems with keeping my attention on the teacher, always daydreaming into my own world. There was always something to disrupt or distract me, keeping my attention away from what was in front of me, which leads me into my topic. Disruption camouflage, and how to provoke the public to see you standing out and drawing attention, rather than looking away or making you invisible.
I wanted to show some examples of disruption camouflage to give you an idea into my thinking. Firstly I'd like to start by adopting a phrase ‘nega camouflage’ (nega meaning negative or in this case opposite), which is another way of saying camouflage that shows. A great example of this was Norman Wilkinson’s Dazzle camouflage (also known as Razzle Dazzle) first trialed in 1919. It’s counterintuitive camouflage technique, focused on confusing the vision of German u-boats. Creating a visual disruption giving British naval boats a momentary advantage, in a war fort in millimeters, if a German u-boats torpedo was even a few millimeters off course, it could result in the ship being completely missed. Professor Roy R. Behrens quotes, “for Wilkinson to come up with the ideas of redefining camouflage as high visibility as opposed to low visibility, was pretty astonishing”. This concept was so astonishing because up until the start of the 19th century camouflage was only seen as a form of concealment, Wilkinson however showed that camouflage was much more than a cloaking device. It was a tool that in the right hands could distract and disrupt the vision of the opposing ships, confusing the size, speed, and direction of the vestle.
Another technique of disruptive camouflage is the example of Disney’s ‘Go away green’. The purpose of ‘Go away green’, is to obscure security equipment, construction sights, and blend large objects into the surroundings. This technique of disruption focuses on making the viewer's peripheral vision believe the area continuous, giving them a false sense of awareness, which falls into the optical illusion side of my thinking.
Being a graphic designer, even a presentation needs a table of contents, so I thought early on I would outline the key components of my presentation, firstly my methodologies, both digital and textile
My key themes, distortion, reconstruction, and layering.
And finally my practitioners I will talk more in depth about, Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Adam Harvey, Sir David Attenbourgh, and...
Jonathan Castro
This year I really wanted to look deeper into halftones and an artist that I've always admired is Jonathan Castro, and his halftone system. The major elements I was interested in were his use of opacity, layering, image distortion, and vibrancy. Which I want to develop into my own practice.
Which brings us to my digital system development
And the systems I have developed from Jonathan Castro’s work. This year I developed two different digital systems that i've used to throughout my practice
My first system works on taking photos or finding photos, and building different versions of them. Starting with creating each image into a halftone rendering, I then began playing around with line art, inversin, and grayscales of the image. Creating 2-5 different versions of each image gives me more options when it comes to the layering process.
Next I thought I'd break down the layering process of a work from mid years, titled ‘master piece’. These aren't all the images used as it didn't fit nicely, but it's enough to convey the system. Which relies on individual placement and sizing of each image. With each layer having its own opacity to give the desired effect, predominantly layering difference, multiply, hue, and saturation opacities, but testing every form of opacity before setting on what I was happy with.
Until we get to the final outcome, where the original images are being so distorted that you start to build your own imagery. As you come in closer..
You become even more entranced in the image, finding more are more, diving deeper until it becomes too overwhelming and a mental rest. This system mostly focuses on distraction, building eye-catching imagery that draws the viewer in through its excessive detail, building on my concept of ‘nega camouflage’.
Which brings me to my second digital system
Starting the same as my first system, but focusing on adding things on top of a singular image, distorting the original.
Building on the concept of distortion, I focused on layering and in this case using ‘master piece’ zoomed up very close to layer over the image. The system is quite similar to my first at this point playing around with different opacities, till I find the one I'm happy with.
Next step, More versions. Lots more, and where this system starts to separate is focusing on a singular image as reiterated earlier, in this case creating 72 variants of the image, using different parts of ‘master piece’. On the left you can see the opacity system that I used to create each image, black darken the image, light blue difference, aqua lighten the image, and green was a free for all, giving a bit more playfulness to the process, and randomness.
Moving forward, more layering, now layering the opacity pattern over top with a hue opacity.
And now beginning the selection process, breaking down the image into segments. As the original image becomes more and more distorted, and start to reconstruct the meaning. I refer to this stage as ‘finding the tasty bits’, and ideology from our lectures when researching for our literature reviews. I've outlined the segment that we will zoom in on in red.
Now that we have our segment, it's even more breaking down. Scaling it back more and more, down to the size of the original image, which has again been highlighted in red. I call this part ‘finding the taste bit within the tastiest segment’.
Until we reach our final outcome, the tastiest bit within the tastiest segment. So distorted that it now has its own meaning, but if you held it next to the original image you would still be able to see the reminisce, or resemblance. I think in a nutshell this for me is closer to Castro’s system, but I think adapting parts from each system will be my overall outcome.
Which brings me to my second practitioner..
Akiyoshi Kitaoka
You can't truly distract someone without an illusion, and there is no more iconic illusion designer than Professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka, based in Japan, Kitaoka is seen as the modern godfather of peripheral drift illusions. I thought I'd take this moment to break down how they work as it's an integral part of my disruption camouflage. This illusion is called ‘Rotating Snake’, and I don't know about you, but when I was little this and camouflage were the shit. I covered all my books for years in this exact pattern, which probably was one of the reasons I was so distracted in class. Anyway, into the science behind the illusion. ‘Rotation snake’ is a four colour system relying on a delayed release of motion detection neurons, which I refer to as ‘lag time’ in the visual cortex. It starts with an instant burst as the black and white colours are perceived, and then a second longer and slower release of neurons as the contrasting blue and yellow are perceived.
The result is a moving static image, which is an oxymoron, and I think this is what inspired me to want to work with this specific illusion. The concept of a static image creating movement is just so mind blending, and I wanted to see where we could push it.
I started with applying the peripheral drift illusion to one of the images from system two, and was surprised how much it added to the work. I began thinking about how I could layer the illusion? And how I could push this illusion into a textile world.
Which brings me to my own development of Akiyoshi’s ‘rotating snake’. I figured out how to build his illusion by messing around with building pattern brushes and symbols, and through trial and error, rotating and reshaping I came up with an almost perfect version. I then began testing different colour schemes to find the strongest peripheral effect. As you can see on the right of the slide, this is the optical illusion contrast wheel, pairing up contrasting colours that have the best visual cortex reaction.
Through a bit of mixing and matching I found there were 2 major standouts on the left, a green and pink colour scheme I call ‘Watermelon’, for obvious colour reasons, and on the right Akiyoshi Kitaoka’s colour scheme, which I fittingly called Akiyoshi’s.
The goal with these ‘rotating snake’ illusions is to apply them to clothing through sublimation, a form of inkjet printing, much like a printer does with paper, only onto fabric. The idea is to start building the concept of disruption camouflage in a more urban tangible setting. The concept of disruption camouflage is more than illusions though, it's about attracting the attention of your surroundings, I guess in a nutshell it's standing out from the crowd.
The Idea of being able to stand out in a crowd leaves you somewhat vulnerable to options, which is expected, but there is a more obvious threat wherever you go, that threat is servanice.
Which leading into talking about Adam Harvey
Adam Harvey is the founder of ‘Hyperface’ servanice camouflage, a digital made textile system, which uses facial recognition patterns to disrupt and distract servanice cameras. In the aim of reducing the correct detection of facial recognition by providing false faces, that distract computer vision algorithms. Why this concept works is due to computer vision algorithms' non definite depiction of a face, there is never one perfect face, only face like or non face like.
I started thinking about some works I'd done earlier in the year, where I had been researching Akiyoshi Kitaoka’s ‘Distorted figure’, an optical illusion meant to trick the mind into believing that the segmented squares are not evenly laid out, and how the process wasn't that different to Adam Harveys ‘Hyperface’, in terms of pattern development.
Continuing on with Akiyoshi Kitaoka’s ‘Distorted figure’, I developed a series of camouflage scarfs based on my favorite camo ‘choco’ as my template, and overlaid the colours with important places from my childhood. Creating swatch colour pallets and adapting them to the form of the illusion, I called this Collection ‘Childhood Camouflage’. In hindsight I wish I had known about Adam Harvey before making this collection, because it would have pushed me to think more about the shapes, and forms I was creating, and the effect it could have in an urban environment. But nevertheless I think the outcome was a step in the right direction.
I decided to do a run of seven sublimated scarfs of my ‘Childhood’ print, because realistically I wanted to see something physical, and the confidence that I could make sublimation tangible.
I thought now would be a good time to look at a couple textile practitioners that I've been looking at for inspiration. Firstly Daoyuan Ding, the ITS fashion show winner from 2019, and his textile work. With my practice I don't hope to mimic any artist style, but I do like to draw elements from their work, as stepping stones for my practice. Daoyuan Ding is a great example of not overdoing the work, and that's something that I personally struggle with as I tend to just want to add more and more layers until it's an explosion of colour, and detail. So with the sublimation I'm going to do moving forward, I'm going to think about giving the garments or accessories breathing room. Or atleast make the important parts stand out and the rest blend together.
The second practitioner and fashion designer is Chez Ichiro, going by the alias ICHI, and his amazing distorted prints. ICHI in a similar way knows how to use negative space with his garments, creating eye-catching moments and allowing the garments to still be formal.
I think the important thing for me with ICHI’s work, in terms of my practice, was the creativity. It showed me that I wasn't even thinking out of the box yet, which gave me hope that my practice will flesh out over time, and to be a bit more crazy with my ideas.
Which brings me to my final inspiration..
Sir David Attenbourgh
I was on netflix at night early in the year, and I was saying to myself, “man I really need something to inspire me for these lit reviews coming up”, and bam there it was. Sir David Attenbourgh’s ‘life in colour’, a three part series looking at all the weird and wonderful colours and patterns found in nature, made by nature. One interesting element that stuck out to me was when he talked about seasonal arctic animals, and how they change their coats to match their environments.
After watching the Sir David Attenbourgh series I wanted to see if I could adapt the seasonal arctic animals camouflage into a digital system. I did this by creating a 360 frame hue camouflage, capturing a segment of as many abnormal and normal environments as I could.
Here are some examples of how camouflage can adapt to different environments, and I want to keep pushing this idea of adaptable clothing and camouflage into my textile practice.
When thinking about how not to approach adaptable camouflage, a great example is the tiger. The tiger is orange because it predominantly hunts deer, and deer can't see orange. In the example picture we see what a deer see’s on the left vs a human on the right, and I think this is an important trait to get right when thinking about an adaptable camouflage.
I continued on my thinking by looking at the Monster moths of Britain, thinking about how their wings disrupt predators, giving the moths a few seconds of hesitation or a second thought before they are attacked, and how that was similar to the way dazzle camouflage is effective. I then began to think about what that might look like in an urban environment, is it eye-catching like a detailed digital work, or does it attract the viewer in by being really different, vibrant, and standing out.
Which brings me to some more examples of adaptations of insects in their environments, to give them an advantage in survival. The two examples I have here, the Sphinx Hawk Caterpillar and the Metalmark spider, both use an adaptation I call ‘Shapeshifting’. The idea of shapeshifting is to be able to adapt to multiple environments, and is a concept that has been tackled by the last couple practitioners..
Firstly Ding Yun Zhang, and his orange metallic helmet bag. Which is able to change from a bag to a helmet, to a backpack. Although it's not exactly what I have in mind as it doesn't really adapt to the environment, it does adapt to the users needs, which I think is a step in the right direction with my process.
Secondly, Virgil Abloh’s 2054 adaptable vest. Turning from a vest, to a long sleeve windbreaker, to an under hooded windbreaker and a puffer vest. This is a great example of shapeshifting clothing, and a real inspiration for my conceptual ideas. Again similar to Ding Yun Zhang, this is more of an example of adapting to users needs. But I thought in terms of weather this is a great concept for environmental adaptability. (If video hasn’t finished banter, if it has slide)
To end I thought I'd show you where my current practice is at. Because I've been unable to sublimate anything because of Covid, it's made me think outside of the box a bit more. So I was playing with the idea of something that made you look one way in the day another at night, and what better example than Bioluminescent mushrooms, in this case Ghost mushrooms.
So I tried to adapt that into a series of hats, using resin and glow in the dark powder. Creating an object that can change how you are perceived in different amounts of light, or environments.
Digitally, I've been working on Akiyoshi Kitaoka’s ‘rotating snake’ illusion, and different ways I can make it environmentally adaptable. An interesting idea I had moving forward was to cut out different components of the illusions. Whether it's, the black allowing the surroundings to build the negative colour.
Or using the contrasting landscapes of our urban jungle, and the real jungle, under laid beneath the cut out of the illusion. Which due to the variety of colours, makes the optical illusion work.
And thats where im at, thank you for listening
0 notes
thedefinitionofbts · 7 years
Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Scifi, Angst, Robot Au
Words: 4.5K
Description: As requested by anon: “have u seen Vixx Error MV?? can i request a jungkook robot au based on the MV?? something along the storyline about after ur tragic death he couldnt live on without you so he made a robot that looks exactly like you and programmed all their memories they had together into the robot. but the police (well more those ppl in black from the MV lol) finds out about it and take actions. and so now you and her are trying to escape together.”
A/N: First off, I’m just going to say I love Vixx’s Error, and I’ve been wanting to write a robot au for a long time coming. I hope you don’t mind that I added my own little twist to this. Thank you for the request!
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Jungkook stares at the humanoid robot positioned in front of him, tracing along every edge and curvature of the android that is an exact replica of the woman he has only able to see in his dreams since the day she left this world. Her eyes remained delicately closed, body rigid and lifeless, but her hair flowed naturally down towards her shoulders, and it reminds him of the exact way it used to flutter in the ocean breeze, the exact way it used to embody the familiar scent of her. He continues to gaze at the rendering machine, eyes flickering with ambiguity and swelling with imminent tears threatening to spill over. He is unsure of himself; uncertain of what he has done, and yet he cannot stop his heart from continuing to call out for someone his mind knows is already gone.
There is a kind of stillness in the room that makes Jungkook wholly hesitate one last time. His head throbs as the tiny voice of reason makes an attempt to crawl forward and awaken him, but he squeezes his skull with his hands, shutting it away before it can convince him to stop while he still can. Part of him knows this is not the answer, but a larger portion of him doesn’t care because he’s too close to stop now. He holds his breath, thrashing in his self-created penitentiary, shaking violently and coercing the voice to go away, and when it finally does, he’s ready to proceed without any more disruptions.
An eerie silence looms as the approaching finale instigates the slow churning rise of apprehension in his chest. He inhales and exhales, gradually calming his stiffened body and proceeds to finish off what he started.
After months of burying himself in the lab--designing, experimenting, and building—driven purely by his grief stricken heart and the determination of a madman, he was finally one step away from completion.
This was it.  
He was one step away from bringing you back.
 9 Months Ago
 Whoever came up with the five stage of loss was spewing bullshit.
Jungkook has been stuck in limbo, slipping between the stratums of earth and hell for weeks, and the fact that his therapist kept telling him that time will heal the deepest of wounds was infuriating and maddening because Jungkook doesn’t buy any of it, especially not when he’s fully convinced that he has the ability to bring you back.
“Jungkook, are you sure about this? You understand that it’s illegal right?”
“No one has to find out. You won’t tell the authorities, will you?” Jungkook looks at him intently, eyes burning and desperate, nonverbally begging the older male to keep this secret, to hide it between the two of them for as long as need be. Of all the people in this world, Jungkook trusted Yoongi, and he knew for a fact that Yoongi would never rat him out.
Yoongi looks at the younger male with pitiful eyes and has no choice but to let out a defeated sigh. He knows Jungkook won’t listen to him anyways because any sort of reasoning just ends up going through one ear and out the other. Jungkook is too stubborn, too hopelessly in love with his dead girlfriend to think straight, to accept any kind of consolation offered in hopes of getting him to move on with his life because he still thinks it’s his fault.
That accident was a tragedy, and no one could’ve predicted that semi-truck would collide with his SUV that day. But he still chooses to imprison himself in guilt because he insists he could’ve prevented the unavoidable. And Yoongi can’t fucking stand to see him in pain, he can’t bear to see the kid continue to live in perpetual torment brought on by something that he had no control over, but the whole idea of creating a conscious robot did not sit well with the older male.
Yoongi looks back up at Jungkook, who was still waiting for an affirmative response. At least Jungkook wasn’t crying until his tears ran dry or showing up with sunken cheeks and bloodshot eyes from not being able to eat or sleep for days. He was maybe doing a tad bit better after the tragedy that happened three months ago, and although Yoongi doesn’t know if it’s because of this crazy idea or if he’s actually just moving to the next emotional stage of loss, he figures it’s much better to be trusted by the younger male than to be seen as an enemy so that way he can at least be of aid if worse comes to worst.
“No. I won’t tell anyone.” Yoongi murmurs, sighing once more.
Jungkook’s lips curve into the faintest of smiles, something Yoongi hasn’t seen the lights of in a long time. “Thanks.”
And then he’s gone, disappearing for the next six months.
  Memory download complete.
Your eyes gently flutter open, squinting as your system adjusted to the artificial lights streaming down from the ceiling. Lost in a confused daze, you take a moment to stabilize, scanning the surrounding area to gain some sort of a footing, so at least you could process how to proceed from here. You don’t really feel anything unbearable, nothing you can’t handle with a bit of buffering from your hard-wired code, that is, until you see him.
Jeon Jungkook
The flood of emotions that washes over you the moment you recognize him instantly is overwhelming, to the point where it’s almost too overpowering to fully comprehend, too much for your system to logically handle, which shouldn’t actually be possible but somehow is. He’s looking at you with anticipation, eyes glittering with the tears he’s trying so hard to hold in.
“Jungkook” You voice, stepping forward and throwing yourself into his arms.
He welcomes your embrace immediately, enveloping you in his arms as securely as he can. Caressing your head as you bury your face into the crook of his neck, like he was afraid you would vanish if he didn’t hold you tightly enough. And it feels familiar; the same way it has felt when he hugged you on multiple occasions in the past, only now, it’s even more desperate, and he’s even more unwilling to let go.
“Y/N” He breathes out in relief and rapture as his tears finally tumble over, streaming down his cheeks and onto your exposed shoulders, and you can feel their warmth, the anguish they carry with them, and you can sense his pain in the most undiluted way. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, Jungkook.” You whisper back despite not being able to understand the precise reason for your response, but seeing him quelled a deeply rooted longing that you are just now becoming hyper aware of. You can fully grasp the cause for his unbearable yearning, the origin of why every inch of his body was conveying elation at the sight of you. However, simultaneously, you felt that there was something important missing, something you didn’t have the means to obtain the link for or find a way to trace it back to the source data. 
“You remember me, right?” He pulls away slowly, holding you by the shoulders and searching within your synthetic eyes for that indisputable glint of recognition, the confirmation that his experiment was a success, and he had indeed brought you back. His features are laced with expectancy, and you can tell he’s grappling with the fear that you don’t remember him, and he failed.  
You nod your head deliberately, flashing him an endearing smile. “Of course.”
At the sound of your words, he returns the gesture fondly and exhales deeply. “I can’t believe you’re back.” He breathes out, leading you over to the bench and sitting you down beside him. “How do you feel?”
The question catches you off guard, you don’t know why there’s such an opposing mixture of emotions playing inside of you. “Happy to see you.” You blurt out, despite knowing it was a white lie. It hurts, but for some reason you don’t want to tell him that it does.
He smiles again, and the pain within you subsides momentarily. “Me too.”
“I’m sorry I left” The words come out before you’ve made a prediction about the response they would elicit. You aren’t sure if it will work, but you wanted to get one fact straight right away.  
A shadow hovers over his irises, and the aching inside of you swells once more. “It was my fault. I should’ve reacted faster.” He lowers his gaze even more. “I wish it was me instead of you.”
You close your eyes, replaying that moment of seeing the girl drenched in blood, lying unconscious in a totaled vehicle, and you understand. You know that you are supposed to be the girl he is longing to see. “No, Jungkook. It’s not your fault. It was an accident, no one could’ve predicted those events to happen that day. And please stop wishing you could’ve taken my place.”
He takes your hand in his, rubbing the back with his thumb in the way you’ve always loved most. “You’re right.” He agrees. “But it doesn’t matter now, you’re here and that’s all that matters.” 
His words do not provide you the unadulterated comfort that he intends. They are sincere, but they’re only pieces of the whole that is still broken, and you know it’s only a band aid covering a wound that has not been disinfected. “You’ve been through too much.” You squeeze his hand firmly, leaning your head against his chest just like the way you used.
“Anything for you.” Jungkook doesn’t pay attention to the strange sensation of persuading himself he’s brought you back from the dead. He’s completely fine with allowing his brain to continue tricking himself into thinking you are no different from the girl he lost in that car accident a year ago. 
But you on the other hand, are unable to ignore what you perceive to be a miscalculation.
  “Do you like it?” Jungkook says, walking you into your new bedroom connected to his lab.
You look around at the spacious replica of the old room you shared with him back before you had died, complete with cream colored walls decorated with paintings and photos of the two of you in your happiest moments, a dresser for both of your clothes, your vanity lined with cosmetics and your favorite stuffed animals, his shelf of action figures and comic books, and finally a king-sized bed with white sheets placed directly in the center. It resembled the bedroom from your memories down to the very last detail, and you can’t ignore the bittersweet taste in your heart as you stood there, staring at the visual evidence of Jungkook’s attempt to restore that which cannot be repaired.  “You have a very good memory.” You comment.
He laughs for the first time in 12 months, the sound saturating the room strangely foreign to his own ears, but nevertheless completely genuine. “I scanned it and used 3-D printing technology. Piece of cake.”
You throw him a playful grin. “Boastful now, are we?”
“It’s not bragging if it’s the truth.”
“Never heard of that one.” You cock a brow.
Jungkook scratches the back of his neck, realizing it’s been a year since he’s cracked a joke. “It’s been too long, I’ve lost my touch.”
“Well, let’s bring it back then.” You nudge him in the shoulder, and he responds by reaching over and tickling you until you are both squirming on the floor giggling like the good old days.
When the two of you calm down for your laughing fit, you continue to lie on the floor together as Jungkook takes you in his arms once more. And it’s not that you didn’t enjoy being like this with him more than anything else, but the glaring fault line is there again, and it’s cutting into you like shards of glass gripped in the palms of your hands.  
“And to think I almost listened when they told me to let you go.” He tilts his head down to look at you, expression unreadable, but you can sense his grip on that shard of glass, and you know he thinks ignoring the blood oozing out of his hand will make the stinging go away because that’s what your system wants you to think as well.
But it’s a lie because the wound is growing deeper.
“It would’ve been less painful.” You tell him, almost wanting to be more adamant about the statement.
He shakes his head. “I’ll never be able to.” He whispers.
The look in his eyes is exactly how you feel when he voices those words. A mixture of emotions that are indescribable except through the endless stories built by all the memories the two of you have shared, and the reality of having a future of infinite possibilities taken away, stolen abruptly so that you are only left with fading pages of a lost life.
You scoot in closer to him and hug him snugly. Taking in every piece of sensory information you are provided in that intimate position. You are listening to every vibration of his body, the sound of his heartbeat, and his calming whispers, and in that instant you can feel yourself inching that much closer to the missing source despite knowing you’ll never reach it.
  Over the next few weeks, the error that had made itself known since the moment you opened your eyes for the first time is kept at bay through your interactions with Jungkook. From the moment you wake in the morning until the day comes to its inevitable end, he is with you. He is always with you, and the fact that you would never want to have it any other way, makes you feel selfish because you were fully aware that his love for you is more than you deserve. He’s beautiful just like this world he has gifted you the ability to experience, and everything about the days you are allowed to spend with him leaves you breathless even if those ephemeral emotions are artificial. He’s covering your shared wounds with his undying affection until the surface heals while the infection below is allowed to resume spreading beneath the scars, and even though the pain is reduced to a dull throbbing, it never vanishes completely.
But he does it because he can’t let go of you.  
And it’s not that Jungkook was very good at hiding his own pain or deceiving himself into trusting that everything was perfect. It was the fact that he had literally become immune to his actions, unable to focus on treating the problem rather than the symptoms. But you completely understand him because he made you feel like your life with him was authentic, existent, and tangible. In his embrace, you are able to set your worries aside temporarily. While listening to his voice you can’t help but believe in his words. Seeing his smile you are gifted the hope that everything can potentially work out. But it wasn’t long before the superficiality of the life you have forced yourself to consider valid is actually counterfeit, and you can never run away from such a fundamental issue.
“Y/N, I have good news!”
“What is it Jungkook?” You turn around to face him as he wraps you in his arms in excitement.
“I’ve figured out how to turn myself into a cyborg.” He announces in an utterly delighted tone that sends your system directly into panic mode.
“What?!” You pull away from him, shaking your head and trying to register his words. “No, why would you do that?”
His smile drops when he realizes your reaction was not the one he had expected to witness. “So we can be together. Isn’t that great?” He peers at you hopefully, waiting for a different response.
Together. For some reason, the word hits you suddenly like a harsh gust of wind that snaps a thick branch off of a tree because you are reminded in that instant of realization that being with him was not right. It was never right to begin with, and no matter how expertly you try to hide your mistake, it always comes back to bite. It is then that the cause of the missing source finally revealed itself, and it only took one decision from him for you to locate the reason for why all of this felt so wrong.
You were not who he assumes you to be, and you do not belong with him in such circumstances.
“Yes, it is” Your voice is detached as you force yourself to agree with him, but Jungkook is too enthusiastic to notice your change in demeanor to read in between the lines. “When will you start?” You inquire, hiding the true motive behind your words.
“Tomorrow” He grins, eyes disappearing only to be replaced by smile lines and a pair of bunny teeth that makes your metal ribcage feel warm, even though it’s not and never will be.
  There’s an urgent pounding at the door of Jungkook’s lab the next day, right as he is about to render the machine to undergo the transformation.  
“Who’s that?” He says to no one in particular, thinking that it was maybe Yoongi coming to check up on him.
You stay silent, watching him closely as he walks towards the door. The trepidation sowing within you is beginning to sprout, but all you can do is wait passively.
“Who-“ Jungkook is cut off as the group of men in black suits forcefully barge in unwelcomed. “Hey!” He shouts as they head straight towards you. “What are you-”
“Grab her!” One of them orders as another man behind him walks up to you and binds both of your arms behind your back.
You scream, but Jungkook is quick to react, sprinting over to your side within a matter of seconds and ripping the suited man off of you.
“We need to get out of here!” He urges, intertwining his hand with yours and making a run for it. You follow as he tugs on your arm, running after him as he keeps your hand gipped firmly within his, and you almost wish you could stay like that forever, that nothing else mattered as long as he was with you.
The two of you run outside, and it’s the first time you feel the warm rays of the sun hit your artificial skin directly. It’s so warm and comforting, a sensation supposedly foreign but so familiar because it’s a physical reminder of all the sunlit days you’ve spent with Jungkook in the past, those from the memories he has gifted you, and it prompts you to momentarily forget that you are running from people who are going to take you away and lock you up because that lovely feeling swelling inside of you is melting everything else away. 
“Where are we going?” You shout, keeping your legs moving at the same pace as Jungkook’s.
“The mountains” He replies between raged breaths. “We can hide up there until I figure out a plan.”
You ignore the feeling of guilt that is beginning to nag at you. You hate yourself for putting him through all of this, for continuing to allow him to believe in what the two of you had even though you knew it was wrong. You had known all along. His misjudgment was understandable, but yours wasn't, because your mind was always clear and you’ve always had the power to make things right. You sensed the error in the beginning, and yet you still chose to live in the lie that continues to eat away at Jungkook.  
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Everything will be ok. I won’t let them take you away.” His reassuring words hit you like a bucket of ice water and the faint smile tugging at his lips as he turns to glance at you with glassy doe-eyes is a bloodstained dagger jabbing into your chest cavity. And that’s when you realized how much you truly loved him and how unconditionally grateful you were to receive his love despite the circumstances for why he loved you and how flawed everything was, and in that moment you make a promise to yourself that you will end everything and put him out of his misery.
The trail up the mountain is steep, but Jungkook is strong and determined to make it to the top. You watch the trees fly by as the two of you raced though the forest, the sent of musky wood and wild grasses filling your senses and throwing you back to when you and Jungkook had gone camping for the very first time, how happy he was on that day and how that memory seems to only cause him pain now. The contrast only strengthens your resolve, and it wasn’t long before the two of you reach the clearing on the edge of the cliff.
“How could they have found out?” Jungkook shakes his head, covering his face with his hands as he stops to catch his breath. It was impossible, he never let any of the information he was using leak out, and the only other person he told about you was Yoongi. It couldn’t have been him could it?
“I contacted them through my system.” You mumur softly, causing him to freeze in place and his eyes to lift up, meeting yours with growing misunderstanding.
“What?” It comes out as a muted whisper. “You did what?” He takes a step closer and you take one back. “Y/N, why? Why would you tell them?” He rushes up and grips you by the shoulders, examining your body to see if any discernible malfunctions were obvious and he had just been stupid enough to miss it.
You shake your head, fighting your internal system that was trying to convince you what you did was a mistake because it wasn’t, and you knew deep down that you had to do it. “I can’t sit back and watch you ruin yourself any longer.” There are dry tears where real ones should belong in your eyes, and although they don’t stream down your cheek the way they are supposed to, the invisible substance is still able to convey the excruciating agony that has planted itself in the core of your metallic heart. You lift an arm to caress his warm cheek, moistened by his own freshly produced human tears, and he feels so familiar and so endearing that you almost feel alive like her, the missing source that you could never be, and in that infinitesimal second you’re almost able to persuade yourself that despite not being her, you are still real and you have the power to release Jungkook from his self made prison.
So you step back. 
Further and further, and it takes all the strength you have to not stop.
“Y/N! NO!!!” He’s screaming, but the world is being drowned out by his desperation. He’s rooted in place, unable to move his numb limbs that are starting to give way. “What are you doing!?” He croaks.
You smile at him one last time before taking the last step towards the edge of the cliff.
 “I’m setting you free.”
  “Listen, Jungkook, I know it’s hard.” Yoongi begins, walking over and settling down on the couch of his apartment next to Jungkook. It had been two weeks since your self-destruction, and Jungkook was finally beginning to wake up.
“I keep making errors” Jungkook shakes his head, balling his hands into fists.
“You’ve only made one error thus far.” The younger male looks up, confused. “Turning her into a robot and thinking that was the equivalent of bringing her back.”
“I thought it worked.” Jungkook’s voice is hollow and empty because he’s not even confident in his own statement.
“I know you programmed her to be identical to Y/N, but she wasn’t Y/N.” Yoongi scoots over quietly and places a tender arm around Jungkook’s shoulder, rubbing his arm calmingly. “You put your memories of her into her, but that’s a completely different standpoint of how Y/N perceived you when she was alive.”
“W-what do you mean? They were memories of us. She knew us. She recognized me.” Jungkook stares off into space, eyebrows furrowing, and head throbbing once more.
“There are two halves of a relationship, two different perspectives that make up the whole.” Yoongi explains. “Those two halves are the same story from opposite points of view. I’m sure she sensed it somewhere along the way, and that’s what made her ultimately destroy herself. She must’ve understood the immense amount of pain you were in and used her artificial intelligence to calculate how to save you.”
“So it would’ve worked if I had somehow used Y/N’s memories instead?”
Yoongi shakes his head sadly. “No matter what you could’ve done, that robot could not have been Y/N. There is only one Y/N in this universe, just like there is only one version of each of us.” Yoongi sighs, pausing to come up with an easier way of looking at the concept. “Look, I don’t want to go into all these theories of what makes us who we are, but I’d like to think there’s much more to us than just flesh, blood, atoms, particles, and even memories. Wouldn’t you also like to think that Y/N was much more than what could be described by ordinary things?”
“Yeah, she was breathtaking and unbelievable in so many ways.” 
Jungkook closes his eyes, picturing the last time you smiled at him in the passenger’s seat, how the appearance of your dimples and sparkling eyes made his heart feel so full and warm, like the rays of sunlight that cascade over flowery meadows in the summer and the diamond-like crystals of dazzling snowflakes in the winter. Then his mind drifts over to the you he created with those same memories, the way your artificial features mimicked almost the exact same gesture, making those emotions manifest into tentative form, close enough to feel under the tips of his fingers. And even though it wasn’t the you he had intended to create, he still loved you almost just as much, in almost the exact same way.
“Do you think she loved me?” He asks after a long moment of silence.
 “I’m certain they both did.” Yoongi answers.
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spacechip707 · 7 years
#33: On a post-it note! Saeyoung x MC, please. Am I allowed to ask for some flustered seven?
Of course you can! Here’s something quick for you. Hope it’s okay! 
Also, just a note…I’m not a physicist, so…sorry if I made some errors. Please have mercy, haha. 
The Ways You Say “I love you”: #33 On a Post-it Note
This was your fault, technically.
You were snooping around in Saeyoung’s workroom when you found the little pink post-it note. Two words were scrawled in his handwriting: Quantum Entanglement. You just didn’t realize asking a simple question such as “What does this mean?” would lead to you being dragged in front of a whiteboard while your boyfriend scribbled strange diagrams across the glossy surface.
Now, you were mentally clobbering Einstein, Newton, and any other physicist you could think of for inadvertently pulling you back into this mini college lecture. As time passed on, you had lowered yourself into a swivel chair and doodled on at least four other post-it notes without Saeyoung even missing a beat.
But you really didn’t have the heart to stop him either. Especially with the way his tone dipped when he was being serious and rose again when he got a bit carried away. Or the way his eyes seemed to light up every time he paused to solve a complex equation. Every minor movement exuded passion, and even though you could barely understand three words out of his mouth, his intelligence was impressive…and extremely attractive. A few theories later, you had abandoned your pencil and doodles in favour of surveying him.
“Does that make sense?”
You jumped at the sudden question, barely snapping out of your entrancement by the time Saeyoung turned. You cleared your throat as he raised a brow expectantly. “Um, yeah,” you said with an added shrug. “I mean, except the part where you were talking about–er–submarine particles or something.”
“Subatomic,” he corrected with a chuckle.
You tapped your nose. “Yeah, that’s the word.”
He capped his marker and tossed it onto the desk. He sucked air between his teeth and leaned back against the wall, an amused grin pulling at his mouth. “You didn’t get half of it, did you?”
You ducked your head shyly and tugged at the ends of your hair. He took a few steps towards, hands resting on the arms of your chair as his eyes wandered across the ceiling in thought. “Let me explain it this way. Quantum Entanglement is kind of like us.”
Your brows furrowed together, and you tilted your head. “Are you trying to say most people can’t really understand us?”
He opened his mouth to protest, but then rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, maybe…” he conceded. He shook his head and once again leaned forward. “No, I mean–We’re both two people, right? We’re individuals. So, there can be physical space between us,”  he faltered, eyes dipping down to your lips. “Or not.”
You coloured under his teasing glances and slapped his shoulder. “Saeyoung!”
He smirked and nudged your nose with his own. “But you can’t reference one without the other,” he finished. His mischievous demeanour trickled away, replaced by something more solemn and affectionate. His finger traced light circles against your wrist. “There can’t be me without you. We’re entangled, see?”
Though the actual theory was still a vague concept in your head, your heart seemed to be enthralled with the science talk, threatening to spontaneously combust at his words. Or perhaps it was because his gaze swept over your face as if you were the most precious gem on this earth. A hushed gasp left your parted mouth, and you cupped his face with both hands.
“How can someone be so sweet while explaining physics?” you said. You squished his cheeks together in mild frustration at how absolutely adoring he could be.
He gently extracted your hands away from his person, only to interlace his own with them. He fidgeted under your admiring stare, and you watched as his boldness crumbled piece by piece. “Oh–er–do you want to know something else? I know biology, astronomy, statistics–”
“Chemistry?” you interrupted with a coyness of your own.
He pursed his lips and nodded seriously. “Yeah, that too.”
You blinked, realizing he didn’t catch your meaning. For a genius, he could be oblivious at times, and somehow it was endearing. You detangled your fingers and instead curled them around the flaps of his open jacket. With a sharp tug, you nearly sent him hurtling into you, except he caught himself on your chair so he was essentially caging you with his arms.
When he noticed your lack of distance, his brows rose until they disappeared behind his bangs. His strong gaze weakened with the faint blush tainting his cheeks. “O-oh. That chemistry.”
You were starting to believe that Saeyoung was a scientific phenomenon himself. In most circumstances, he was incredibly sweet despite his tendency to be overly playful. Moreover, he was mercilessly teasing, reveling in every moment he could render you speechless.
But under certain conditions, he changed. The moment you turned those same affections onto him, he became a stumbling, blushing wreck with unintelligible syllables flying out of his mouth every second. It was happening now too. How interesting…
You drew your teeth along your bottom lip in attempts to keep your giggles at bay. Gosh, he was just so red. “Actually, I have a great interest in chemistry,” you said, drawing him closer until your noses bumped. “Especially between you and me.”
His eyes widened. A few breathy laughs escaped his throat and fanned across your cheeks. His mouth opened and closed several times before he let out a slight groan.
“What’s wrong?” You simpered. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Cat?” Saeyoung stammered. He inched back as much as he could with your tight grip. His voice grew louder albeit thinner. “Cat! Did I ever tell you about Schrodinger’s cat? I-it’s not a real cat, but a theory that states–”
You covered his mouth with yours, and his rambling diminished to a soft hum as his lips took a different interest. Within a counted three seconds, your little scientific oddity returned once again with his brazen side. His kisses grew more demanding, and his hands wandered from your side to your back and up through your hair. Minutes passed…or maybe hours, you weren’t sure. Time seemed relative in the moment, getting lost as the space between you lessened.
But unfortunately, science demanded that you needed air, forcing you apart with a few pants.  Your lashes swept up and you found his own still resting against his cheek, accompanied by a dazed smile. You traced the outline of his lips with your finger until your own mirrored the expression.
Finally, his eyes fluttered open and met yours. He observed you in the silence, his admiration from earlier flooding you more heavily now. “I love science,” he breathed as you rested your head against his shoulder.
“Yeah?” you said, lazily wrapping your arms around his middle. “I think I’m starting to.”
His chest vibrated against your cheeks in a low laugh. You were faintly aware of the scratching of a pen, in sync with his moving left hand. He pushed you back against the chair, adopting that sincere mannerism again. “But science isn’t everything. There’s some things that can only be expressed as…” his words drifted off.
“Love?” you finished, a warmth unfurling inside your chest.
“No,” he snorted. Your face fell along with the tender atmosphere. “With math equations.”
Saeyoung pressed a piece of paper into your palm with a jaunty grin. You looked down and unfolded the pink post- it. Sure enough, there was a single equation written on it: i
You jerked your head up to him and found him laughing into his hand. You should’ve been annoyed, but how could you really?
“I love you too,” you said, shoulders shaking slightly in amusement. “You nerd.”
He only laughed harder.
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roadsideassiomaha · 4 years
Best Towing Services and Cost in Omaha NE |724 Roadside Assistance Omaha
More information is at: http://24houromaharoadsideassistance.org/best-towing-services-near-me/
Towing Services near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Towing Services near Omaha NE ? 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha, not only are capable of offering high quality services at an affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs. Towing Service specialize you with fast service, so you don’t have to wait for long.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Towing Service around Omaha NE . We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
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Main Towing Methods to Consider Towing service near Omaha NE: 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha service's tow trucks in Omaha NE are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha in Omaha NE. However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown it's just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for: 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of Omaha NE Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the Omaha NE area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning. Flatbed towing near Omaha NE is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha professionals in Omaha NE can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and small trucks. If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose. Towing service near Omaha NE: On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option. Regarding special types of towing, 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha near Omaha NE Can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses. Give 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions you may have. We service the entire area of Omaha NE. ● 24 Hour 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha ● Affiliated With GSA ● Auto Body Shop ● Auto Repair ● Auto Repair Shop ● Blocked Driveway Service ● Body Shop ● 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha  Towing ● 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha  Towing Service ● Car Towing ● Engines ● Exhaust ● Flatbed Towing ● Fuel Delivery ● Insurance Accepted ● Jump Starts ● Local Towing ● Lock-Outs ● Long Distance Towing ● Radio Dispatched ● Roadside Assistance ● Repos ● SUVs ● Tow Company 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha ● Towing ● Towing Companies ● Towing Service ● Transmissions ● Truck Service ● U-Haul Towing ● Vehicle Removal 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha has two convenient locations in the Omaha NE area and runs 24/7.
COST How Much Are Towing Fees? Towing service near Omaha NE: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company.
Why Would I Need To Be Towed? There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call. Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge.
Average Tow Costs Towing service near Omaha NE: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying: Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow. ● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100 ● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250 ● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600
What Services Do Tow Companies Offer? Best Towing service near Omaha NE: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company. ● Gas Delivery ● Jump Start ● Unlock Door ● Tire Change ● Transport a Vehicle ● Pull You Out If Stuck What Impacts the Cost of a Tow? If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located. Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
How can I get my vehicle back?
Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
I am an Omaha NE employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
Who pays the towing fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
Why was my vehicle towed?
Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be made via phone to the 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
Towing is enforced at all 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha Development parking facilities.
Who pays the booting fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
Why was my vehicle booted?
Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to Omaha NE, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
Currently, booting is enforced in all 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
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Contact us: 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha 24 Hour Towing Roadside Assistance Mobile Mechanic Services in Omaha, NE CALL (402) 590-8094 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CALL (402) 401-7563 MOBILE MECHANIC – 1 CALL (402) 401-7561 MOBILE MECHANIC – 2 CALL (402) 513-4411 MOBILE MECHANIC – 3 CALL (402) 401-7564 TOWING TOW TRUCK Located in Omaha, Nebraska Open 24 Hours 7 Days WEBSITE: 24houromaharoadsideassistance.org roadsideassistanceomaha.com towingserviceomaha.com mobilemechanicomaha.com mobileautorepairomaha.com Service area: Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
0 notes
towingserlas541 · 4 years
Best Local Towing Service and Cost in Las Vegas NV |Towing Services of Las Vegas
 More information is at: http://towinglasvegas.org/local-towing-service-near-me/
 Local Towing Service near Las Vegas NV: Are you looking for the Best Local Towing Service near Las Vegas NV? Towing Services of Las Vegas, are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Local Towing Service around Las Vegas NV. We serve Las Vegas NV and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Welcome to Towing Services of Las Vegas.
Local Towing Service near Las Vegas NV: Towing Services of Las Vegas was established with more than 10 years of Roadside Assistance and towing service experience. At an affordable Price for the residents of Mexico Towing Services of Las Vegas offers:
● Local & Long Distance
● Wheel lift Service
● Flatbed Service
● Winching
● Auto Body Repair
● Illegally Parked Cars / Blocked Driveways
● Junk Car Removal
● Cash for Cars
● 24-hour roadside assistance
● Breakdown emergencies
● Jump start battery
● flat tire repair
● Gas Delivery (Gas Refuel)
● Auto Lock Outs
If you’re looking for a reliable Towing company that deals with low-cost towing, Towing Services of Las Vegas in Las Vegas NV is one place where many would expect the best professional services to be found.
Towing Services of Las Vegas Services in Las Vegas NV not only are capable of offering high quality services at an overall affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs.
 Main Local Towing Methods to Consider
Local Towing Service near Las Vegas NV: Towing Services of Las Vegas Towing's tow trucks in Las Vegas NV are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on Towing Services of Las Vegas in Las Vegas NV New Mexico.
However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown its just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for:
● 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of Las Vegas NV Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the Las Vegas NV area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning.
● Flatbed towing near Las Vegas NV is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. Towing Services of Las Vegas professionals in Las Vegas NV can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and even small trucks.
● If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose.
● On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option.
● Regarding special types of towing, Towing Services of Las Vegas services near Las Vegas NV can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses.
Give Towing Services of Las Vegas a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions You may have. We service the entire area of Mexico.
● 24 Hour Towing
● Affiliated With GSA
● Auto Body Shop
● Auto Repair
● Auto Repair Shop
● Blocked Driveway Service
● Body Shop
● Car Towing
● Engines
● Exhaust
● Flatbed Towing
● Fuel Delivery
● Insurance Accepted
● Jump Starts
● Local Towing
● Lock-Outs
● Long Distance Towing
● Radio Dispatched
● Roadside Assistance
● Repos
● SUVs
● Tow Company Bronx
● Towing
● Towing Companies
● Towing Service
● Transmissions
● Truck Service
● U-Haul Towing
● Vehicle Removal
Local Towing Service near Las Vegas NV: Towing service near Las Vegas NV: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company.
Why Would I Need To Be Towed?
There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call.
Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge.
Average Tow Costs
Towing service near Las Vegas NV: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying:
Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow.
● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100
● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250
● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600
What Services Do Tow Companies Offer?
Best Towing service near Las Vegas NV: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company.
● Gas Delivery
● Jump Start
● Unlock Door
● Tire Change
● Transport a Vehicle
● Pull You Out If Stuck
What Impacts the Cost of a Tow?
If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located.
Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
 Local Towing Service near Las Vegas NV: The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
 How can I get my vehicle back?
 Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
 I am an Las Vegas NV employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
 The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
 Who pays the towing fee?
 The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
 How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
 Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
 Why was my vehicle towed?
 Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
 My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
 Complaints can be made via phone to the Towing Services of Las Vegas Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
 How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
 Towing is enforced at all Towing Services of Las Vegas Development parking facilities.
 Who pays the booting fee?
 The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
 Why was my vehicle booted?
 Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
 My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
 All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to Las Vegas NV, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
 How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
 Currently, booting is enforced in all Towing Services of Las Vegas Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
● Best Local Towing Service Near Las Vegas NV
● Tow Truck
● Towing
● Towing Las Vegas NV
● Tow Truck Service
● Tow Truck Bronx
● Tow Truck Queens
● Towing Service Cost Near Las Vegas NV
● Tow Company
● Tow Truck Service
● Towing Services Rates
● Towing Cost Estimator
● Cheap Towing Service
● Towing Company
● Tow Truck Prices Near Las Vegas NV
Towing Services of Las Vegas
Best Towing, Tow Truck, Roadside Assistance, And Mobile Roadside Services in Las Vegas, Nevada
CALL (702) 560-5869 TOWING SERVICE
CALL (702) 560 2682 MOBILE MECHANIC 1
CALL (702) 560 5357 MOBILE MECHANIC 2
CALL (702) 560-5948 MOBILE MECHANIC 3
Open 7 days 24 Hours
Located in Las Vegas, NV!
 Service area:
10 Cities within 30 miles of Las Vegas, NV
 Blue Diamond, NV | Boulder City, NV | Henderson, NV | Indian Springs, NV | Jean, NV | Nellis AFB, NV | North Las Vegas, NV | Overton, NV | Sloan, NV | The Lakes, NV | Arden, Nevada | Calico Basin, Nevada | Callville Bay, Nevada | Citibank, Nevada | City Center, Nevada | Clark Co Courthouse, Nevada | Cold Creek, Nevada | Corn Creek, Nevada | Embarq Telphone, Nevada | Enterprise, Nevada | Las Vegas Brm, Nevada | Lv Valley Water Co, Nevada | McCarran Airport, Nevada | Mgm Properties, Nevada | Mount Charleston, Nevada | Mountain Sprg, Nevada | Mountain Springs, Nevada | Mt Charleston, Nevada | Nevada Power, Nevada | Old Nevada, Nevada | Sloan, Nevada | Sw Gas Co | The Lakes | Univ Nv Las Vegas
 the zip codes in Clark County, NV and the city/neighborhood in which the zip code is in: 89002 (Henderson), 89005 (Boulder City), 89011 (Henderson), 89012 (Henderson), 89014 (Henderson), 89015 (Henderson), 89016 (Henderson), 89030 (North Las Vegas), 89031 (North Las Vegas), 89032 (North Las Vegas), 89044 (Henderson), 89052 (Boulder City), 89074 (Henderson), 89081 (North Las Vegas), 89084 (North Las Vegas), 89085 (North Las Vegas), 89086 (North Las Vegas), 89087 (North Las Vegas), 89101 (Las Vegas), 89102 (Las Vegas), 89103 (Las Vegas), 89104 (Las Vegas), 89106 (Las Vegas), 89107 (Las Vegas), 89108 (Las Vegas), 89109 (Las Vegas), 89110 (Las Vegas), 89113 (Las Vegas), 89115 (Las Vegas), 89117 (Las Vegas), 89118 (Las Vegas), 89119 (Las Vegas), 89120 (Las Vegas), 89121 (Las Vegas), 89122 (Las Vegas), 89123 (Las Vegas), 89124 (Las Vegas), 89128 (Las Vegas), 89129 (Las Vegas), 89130 (Las Vegas), 89131 (Las Vegas), 89134 (Las Vegas), 89135 (Las Vegas), 89138 (Las Vegas), 89139 (Las Vegas), 89141 (Las Vegas), 89142 (Las Vegas), 89143 (Las Vegas), 89144 (Las Vegas), 89145 (Las Vegas), 89146 (Las Vegas), 89147 (Las Vegas), 89148 (Las Vegas), 89149 (Las Vegas), 89156 (Las Vegas), 89158 (Las Vegas), 89161 (Las Vegas), 89166 (Las Vegas), 89169 (Las Vegas), 89178 (Las Vegas), 89179 (Las Vegas), 89183 (Las Vegas).
0 notes
mobilemechanics45 · 4 years
Best Local Towing Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Mechanic of McAllen
More information is at: http://24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org/local-towing-near-me/
Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Local Towing Service near McAllen TX? Mobile Mechanic of McAllen, are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Local Towing Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Welcome to Mobile Mechanic of McAllen. Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Mobile Mechanic of McAllen was established with more than 10 years of Roadside Assistance and towing service experience. At an affordable Price for the residents of Mexico Mobile Mechanic of McAllen offers: ● Local & Long Distance ● Wheel lift Service ● Flatbed Service ● Winching ● Auto Body Repair ● Illegally Parked Cars / Blocked Driveways ● Junk Car Removal ● Cash for Cars ● 24-hour roadside assistance ● Breakdown emergencies ● Jump start battery ● flat tire repair ● Gas Delivery (Gas Refuel) ● Auto Lock Outs If you’re looking for a reliable Towing company that deals with low-cost towing, Mobile Mechanic of McAllen in McAllen TX is one place where many would expect the best professional services to be found. Mobile Mechanic of McAllen Services in McAllen TX not only are capable of offering high quality services at an overall affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs.
Main Local Towing Methods to Consider Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Mobile Mechanic of McAllen Towing's tow trucks in McAllen TX are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on Mobile Mechanic of McAllen in McAllen TX New Mexico. However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown its just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for: ● 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of McAllen TX Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the McAllen TX area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning. ● Flatbed towing near McAllen TX is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. Mobile Mechanic of McAllen professionals in McAllen TX can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and even small trucks. ● If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose. ● On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option. ● Regarding special types of towing, Mobile Mechanic of McAllen services near McAllen TX can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses. Give Mobile Mechanic of McAllen a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions You may have. We service the entire area of Mexico. ● 24 Hour Towing ● Affiliated With GSA ● Auto Body Shop ● Auto Repair ● Auto Repair Shop ● Blocked Driveway Service ● Body Shop ● Car Towing ● Engines ● Exhaust ● Flatbed Towing ● Fuel Delivery ● Insurance Accepted ● Jump Starts ● Local Towing ● Lock-Outs ● Long Distance Towing ● Radio Dispatched ● Roadside Assistance ● Repos ● SUVs ● Tow Company Bronx ● Towing ● Towing Companies ● Towing Service ● Transmissions ● Truck Service ● U-Haul Towing ● Vehicle Removal
COST HOW MUCH ARE TOWING FEES? Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Towing service near McAllen TX: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company. Why Would I Need To Be Towed? There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call. Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge. Average Tow Costs Towing service near McAllen TX: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying: Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow. ● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100 ● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250 ● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600 What Services Do Tow Companies Offer? Best Towing service near McAllen TX: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company. ● Gas Delivery ● Jump Start ● Unlock Door ● Tire Change ● Transport a Vehicle ● Pull You Out If Stuck What Impacts the Cost of a Tow? If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located. Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS ON TOWING SERVICES I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
How can I get my vehicle back?
Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
I am an McAllen TX employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
Who pays the towing fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
Why was my vehicle towed?
Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be made via phone to the Mobile Mechanic of McAllen Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
Towing is enforced at all Mobile Mechanic of McAllen Development parking facilities.
Who pays the booting fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
Why was my vehicle booted?
Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to McAllen TX, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
Currently, booting is enforced in all Mobile Mechanic of McAllen Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
CALL FOR US: ● Best Local Towing Service Near McAllen TX ● Tow Truck ● Towing ● Towing McAllen TX ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Bronx ● Tow Truck Queens ● Towing Service Cost Near McAllen TX ● Tow Company ● Tow Truck Service ● Towing Services Rates ● Towing Cost Estimator ● Cheap Towing Service ● Towing Company ● Tow Truck Prices Near McAllen TX
CONTACT US: Mobile Mechanics of McAllen 24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in McAllen, TX! CALL (956) 278-8017 MOBILE MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8258 MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8619 MOBILE TRUCK MECHANIC CALL (956) 587-3435 TOWING & RAODSIDE ASSISTANCE WEBISTE: www.24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org http://www.mobilemechanicmcallentx.com/
SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
0 notes
mcallenroadsideassi · 4 years
Best Local Towing Service and Cost in McAllen TX |McAllen Roadside Assistance
More information is at: http://roadsideassistancemcallen.org/local-towing-service-near-me/
Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Local Towing Service near McAllen TX ? McAllen Roadside Assistance, are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Local Towing Service around McAllen TX . We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Welcome To McAllen Roadside Assistance. Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: McAllen Roadside Assistance was established with more than 10 years of Roadside Assistance and towing service experience. At an affordable Price for the residents of Mexico McAllen Roadside Assistance offers: ● Local & Long Distance ● Wheel lift Service ● Flatbed Service ● Winching ● Auto Body Repair ● Illegally Parked Cars / Blocked Driveways ● Junk Car Removal ● Cash for Cars ● 24 hour roadside assistance ● Breakdown emergencies ● Jump start battery ● flat tire repair ● Gas Delivery (Gas Refuel) ● Auto Lock Outs If you’re looking for a reliable Towing company that deals with low-cost towing, McAllen Roadside Assistance in McAllen TX is one place where many would expect the best professional services to be found. McAllen Roadside Assistance Services in  McAllen TX not only are capable of offering high quality services at an overall affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs.
Main Local Towing Methods to Consider Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: McAllen Roadside Assistance Towing's tow trucks in McAllen TX are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on McAllen Roadside Assistance in McAllen New Mexico. However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown its just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for: ● 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of McAllen TX Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the McAllen TX area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning. ● Flatbed towing near McAllen TX is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. McAllen Roadside Assistance professionals in McAllen TX can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and even small trucks. ● If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose. ● On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option. ● Regarding special types of towing, McAllen Roadside Assistance services near McAllen TX can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses. Give McAllen Roadside Assistance a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions You may have. We service the entire area of Mexico. ● 24 Hour Towing ● Affiliated With GSA ● Auto Body Shop ● Auto Repair ● Auto Repair Shop ● Blocked Driveway Service ● Car Towing ● Engines ● Exhaust ● Flatbed Towing ● Fuel Delivery ● Insurance Accepted ● Jump Starts ● Local Towing ● Lock-Outs ● Long Distance Towing ● Radio Dispatched ● Roadside Assistance ● Repos ● SUVs ● Tow Company ● Towing ● Towing Companies ● Towing Service ● Transmissions ● Truck Service ● U-Haul Towing ● Vehicle Removal
COST HOW MUCH ARE TOWING FEES? Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Towing service near McAllen TX: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company. Why Would I Need To Be Towed? There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call. Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge. Average Tow Costs Towing service near McAllen TX: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying: Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow. ● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100 ● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250 ● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600 What Services Do Tow Companies Offer? Best Towing service near McAllen TX: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company. ● Gas Delivery ● Jump Start ● Unlock Door ● Tire Change ● Transport a Vehicle ● Pull You Out If Stuck What Impacts the Cost of a Tow? If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located. Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS ON TOWING SERVICES I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
How can I get my vehicle back?
Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
I am an McAllen TX employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
Who pays the towing fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
Why was my vehicle towed?
Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be made via phone to the McAllen Roadside Assistance Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
Towing is enforced at all McAllen Roadside Assistance Development parking facilities.
Who pays the booting fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
Why was my vehicle booted?
Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to McAllen TX, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
Currently, booting is enforced in all McAllen Roadside Assistance Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
CALL FOR US: ● Best Local Towing Service Near McAllen TX ● Tow Truck ● Towing ● Towing McAllen TX ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Bronx ● Tow Truck Queens ● Towing Service Cost Near McAllen TX ● Tow Company ● Tow Truck Service ● Towing Services Rates ● Towing Cost Estimator ● Cheap Towing Service ● Towing Company ● Tow Truck Prices Near McAllen TX
CONTACT US: McAllen Roadside Assistance 24 Hour Towing Roadside Assistance Mobile Mechanic Services in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 278-8036 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CALL (956) 278-8258 MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8619 MOBILE TRUCK MECHANIC CALL (956) 587-3435 TOWING SERVICE Located in McAllen, Texas Open 24 Hours 7 Days WEBSITE: roadsideassistancemcallen.org mobilemechanicmcallentx.com mobileautotruckrepairmcallentx.com 24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org
COMMUNITIES WE SERVICE: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
0 notes
mobilemechanicsabq · 4 years
Best Local Towing Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM |Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
More information is at: http://mobilemechanicalbuquerque.org/local-towing-service-near-me/
Local Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Are you looking for the Best Local Towing Service near Albuquerque NM ? Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque, are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Local Towing Service around Albuquerque NM . We serve Albuquerque NM and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Welcome To Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque. Local Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque was established with more than 10 years of Roadside Assistance and towing service experience. At an affordable Price for the residents of Mexico Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque offers: ● Local & Long Distance ● Wheel lift Service ● Flatbed Service ● Winching ● Auto Body Repair ● Illegally Parked Cars / Blocked Driveways ● Junk Car Removal ● Cash for Cars ● 24 hour roadside assistance ● Breakdown emergencies ● Jump start battery ● flat tire repair ● Gas Delivery (Gas Refuel) ● Auto Lock Outs If you’re looking for a reliable Towing company that deals with low-cost towing, Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque in Albuquerque NM is one place where many would expect the best professional services to be found. Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Services in  Albuquerque NM not only are capable of offering high quality services at an overall affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs.
Main Local Towing Methods to Consider Local Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Towing's tow trucks in Albuquerque NM are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque in Albuquerque New Mexico. However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown its just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for: ● 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of Albuquerque NM Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the Albuquerque NM area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning. ● Flatbed towing near Albuquerque NM is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque professionals in Albuquerque NM can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and even small trucks. ● If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose. ● On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option. ● Regarding special types of towing, Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque services near Albuquerque NM can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses. Give Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions You may have. We service the entire area of Mexico. ● 24 Hour Towing Bronx ● Affiliated With GSA ● Auto Body Shop ● Auto Repair ● Auto Repair Shop ● Blocked Driveway Service ● Body Shop ● Bronx Towing ● Bronx Towing Service ● Car Towing ● Engines ● Exhaust ● Flatbed Towing ● Fuel Delivery ● Insurance Accepted ● Jump Starts ● Local Towing ● Lock-Outs ● Long Distance Towing ● Radio Dispatched ● Roadside Assistance ● Repos ● SUVs ● Tow Company Bronx ● Towing ● Towing Companies ● Towing Service ● Transmissions ● Truck Service ● U-Haul Towing ● Vehicle Removal
COST HOW MUCH ARE TOWING FEES? Local Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: Towing service near Albuquerque NM: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company. Why Would I Need To Be Towed? There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call. Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge. Average Tow Costs Towing service near Albuquerque NM: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying: Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow. ● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100 ● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250 ● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600 What Services Do Tow Companies Offer? Best Towing service near Albuquerque NM: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company. ● Gas Delivery ● Jump Start ● Unlock Door ● Tire Change ● Transport a Vehicle ● Pull You Out If Stuck What Impacts the Cost of a Tow? If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located. Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS ON TOWING SERVICES I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
Local Towing Service near Albuquerque NM: The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
How can I get my vehicle back?
Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
I am an Albuquerque NM employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
Who pays the towing fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
Why was my vehicle towed?
Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be made via phone to the Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
Towing is enforced at all Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Development parking facilities.
Who pays the booting fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
Why was my vehicle booted?
Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to Albuquerque NM, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
Currently, booting is enforced in all Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
CALL FOR US: ● Best Local Towing Service Near Albuquerque NM ● Tow Truck ● Towing ● Towing Albuquerque NM ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Bronx ● Tow Truck Queens ● Towing Service Cost Near Albuquerque NM ● Tow Company ● Tow Truck Service ● Towing Services Rates ● Towing Cost Estimator ● Cheap Towing Service ● Towing Company ● Tow Truck Prices Near Albuquerque NM
CONTACT US: Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque 24-hour Mobile Mechanic Roadside Assistance Services in Albuquerque, NM! CALL (505) 485-1736 MOBILE MECHANIC - 1 CALL (505) 485-1618 MOBILE MECHANIC - 2 CALL (505) 346-2682 TOWING TOW TRUCK CALL (505) 346-2463 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE WEBISTE: www.mobilemechanicalbuquerque.org http://mobileautotruckrepairalbuquerque.com/ http://towingalbuquerque.org/ http://roadsideassistancealbuquerque.org/
SERVICE AREA: 18 Cities within 30 miles of Albuquerque, NM Algodones, NM | Belen, NM | Bernalillo, NM | Bosque Farms, NM | Casa Blanca, NM | Cedar Crest, NM | Corrales, NM | Isleta, NM | Jarales, NM | Kirtland AFB, NM | Los Lunas, NM | Peralta, NM | Placitas, NM | Rio Rancho, NM | Sandia Park, NM | Tijeras, NM | Tome, NM | Torreon, NM | Alameda, NM | Five Points, NM | Los Padillas, NM | Los Ranchos, NM | Los Ranchos De Abq, NM | Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM | Los Rnchs Abq, NM | Manzano Base, NM | Metropolitan Detention Ctr, NM | Public Service Co, NM | Sandia Base, NM | Univ Of New Mexico, NM | Univ Of Nm, NM | UNM, NM | Village Of Los Ranchos, NM Albuquerque, NM - Standard ZIP Codes 87101 87102 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87115 87116 87120 87121 87122 87123 87124
0 notes
mobileautotruck · 4 years
Best Local Towing Service and Cost in Iowa City |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City
More information is at: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org/local-towing-near-me/
Local Towing Service near Iowa City: Are you looking for the Best Local Towing Service near Iowa City ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City, are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Local Towing Service around Iowa City . We serve Iowa City and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Welcome To Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City. Local Towing Service near Iowa City: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City was established with more than 10 years of Roadside Assistance and towing service experience. At an affordable Price for the residents of Iowa Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City offers: ● Local & Long Distance ● Wheel lift Service ● Flatbed Service ● Winching ● Auto Body Repair ● Illegally Parked Cars / Blocked Driveways ● Junk Car Removal ● Cash for Cars ● 24 hour roadside assistance ● Breakdown emergencies ● Jump start battery ● flat tire repair ● Gas Delivery (Gas Refuel) ● Auto Lock Outs
If you’re looking for a reliable Towing company that deals with low-cost towing, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City in Iowa City is one place where many would expect the best professional services to be found. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Services in  Iowa City not only are capable of offering high quality services at an overall affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs.
Main Local Towing Methods to Consider Local Towing Service near Iowa City: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Towing's tow trucks in Iowa City are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City in Iowa City.
However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown its just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for: ● 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of Iowa City Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the Iowa City area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning. ● Flatbed towing near Iowa City is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City professionals in Iowa City can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and even small trucks. ● If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose. ● On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option. ● Regarding special types of towing, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City services near Iowa City can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses.
Give Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions You may have. We service the entire area of Mexico. ● 24 Hour Towing ● Affiliated With GSA ● Auto Body Shop ● Auto Repair ● Auto Repair Shop ● Blocked Driveway Service ● Body Shop ● Car Towing ● Engines ● Exhaust ● Flatbed Towing ● Fuel Delivery ● Insurance Accepted ● Jump Starts ● Local Towing ● Lock-Outs ● Long Distance Towing ● Radio Dispatched ● Roadside Assistance ● Repos ● SUVs ● Tow Company Bronx ● Towing ● Towing Companies ● Towing Service ● Transmissions ● Truck Service ● U-Haul Towing ● Vehicle Removal
COST HOW MUCH ARE TOWING FEES? Local Towing Service near Iowa City: Towing service near Iowa City: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company.
Why Would I Need To Be Towed? There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call. Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge.
Average Tow Costs Towing service near Iowa City: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying: Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow. ● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100 ● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250 ● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600
What Services Do Tow Companies Offer? Best Towing service near Iowa City: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company. ● Gas Delivery ● Jump Start ● Unlock Door ● Tire Change ● Transport a Vehicle ● Pull You Out If Stuck
What Impacts the Cost of a Tow? If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located.
Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS ON TOWING SERVICES I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
Local Towing Service near Iowa City: The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
How can I get my vehicle back?
Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
I am an Iowa City employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
Who pays the towing fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
Why was my vehicle towed?
Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be made via phone to the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
Towing is enforced at all Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Development parking facilities.
Who pays the booting fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
Why was my vehicle booted?
Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to Iowa City, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
Currently, booting is enforced in all Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
CALL FOR US: ● Best Local Towing Service Near Iowa City ● Tow Truck ● Towing ● Towing Iowa City ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Bronx ● Tow Truck Queens ● Towing Service Cost Near Iowa City ● Tow Company ● Tow Truck Service ● Towing Services Rates ● Towing Cost Estimator ● Cheap Towing Service ● Towing Company ● Tow Truck Prices Near Iowa City
CONTACT US: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Iowa City Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Iowa City Iowa CALL (319) 471-4726 MOBILE MECHANIC 1 CALL (319) 359-6136 MOBILE MECHANIC 2 CALL (319) 471-4590 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Iowa City IA WEBSITE: http://mobilemechaniciowacity.org http://roadsideassistanceiowacity.org/
SERVICE AREA: 74 Cities within 30 miles of Iowa City, IA Ainsworth, IA | Amana, IA | Atalissa, IA | Atkins, IA |Bennett, IA |Blairstown, IA |Cedar Rapids, IA | Center Junction, IA |Clarence, IA | Columbus City, IA | Columbus Junction, IA | Conesville, IA | Conroy, IA | Coralville, IA | Crawfordsville, IA | Ely, IA | Fairfax, IA | Fruitland, IA | Grandview, IA | Harper, IA | Hiawatha, IA | Hills, IA | Homestead, IA | Kalona, IA | Keota, IA | Letts, IA | Lisbon, IA | Lone Tree, IA | Lowden, IA | Marengo, IA | Marion, IA | Martelle, IA | Mechanicsville, IA | Middle Amana, IA | Morley, IA | Moscow, IA | Mount Vernon, IA | Muscatine, IA | New Boston, IL | Newhall, IA | Nichols, IA | North English, IA | North Liberty, IA | Norway, IA | Olin, IA | Ollie, IA | Oxford, IA | Oxford Junction, IA | Palo, IA | Parnell, IA | Richland, IA | Riverside, IA | Robins, IA | Shellsburg, IA | Solon, IA | South Amana, IA | South English, IA | Springville, IA | Stanwood, IA | Swisher, IA | Tiffin, IA | Tipton, IA | Van Horne, IA | Walford, IA | Wapello, IA | Washington, IA | Watkins, IA | Wellman, IA | West Branch, IA | West Chester, IA | West Liberty, IA | Williamsburg, IA | Wilton, IA | Wyoming, IA Near Zip Codes: 52244 - Iowa City, IA | 52242 - Iowa City, IA | 52245 - Iowa City, IA | 52243 - Iowa City, IA | 52246 - Iowa City, IA | 52235 - Hills, IA | 52241 - Coralville, IA | 52240 - Iowa City, IA | 52340 - Tiffin, IA | 52317 - North Liberty, IA | 52327 - Riverside, IA | 52333 - Solon, IA | 52755 - Lone Tree, IA | 52247 - Kalona, IA | 52358 - West Branch, IA
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mobiletruckmcallen · 4 years
Best Local Towing Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen
More information is at: http://mobileautotruckrepairmcallentx.com/local-towing-near-me/
Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Local Towing Service near McAllen TX ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen, are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Local Towing Service around McAllen TX . We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Welcome To Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen. Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen was established with more than 10 years of Roadside Assistance and towing service experience. At an affordable Price for the residents of Mexico Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen offers: ● Local & Long Distance ● Wheel lift Service ● Flatbed Service ● Winching ● Auto Body Repair ● Illegally Parked Cars / Blocked Driveways ● Junk Car Removal ● Cash for Cars ● 24 hour roadside assistance ● Breakdown emergencies ● Jump start battery ● flat tire repair ● Gas Delivery (Gas Refuel) ● Auto Lock Outs If you’re looking for a reliable Towing company that deals with low-cost towing, Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen in McAllen TX is one place where many would expect the best professional services to be found. Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen Services in  McAllen TX not only are capable of offering high quality services at an overall affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs.
Main Local Towing Methods to Consider Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen Towing's tow trucks in McAllen TX are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen in MCALLEN. However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown its just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for: ● 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of McAllen TX Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the McAllen TX area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning. ● Flatbed towing near McAllen TX is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen professionals in McAllen TX can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and even small trucks. ● If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose. ● On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option. ● Regarding special types of towing, Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen services near McAllen TX can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses. Give Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions You may have. We service the entire area of Mexico. ● 24 Hour Towing Bronx ● Affiliated With GSA ● Auto Body Shop ● Auto Repair ● Auto Repair Shop ● Blocked Driveway Service ● Body Shop ● Bronx Towing ● Bronx Towing Service ● Car Towing ● Engines ● Exhaust ● Flatbed Towing ● Fuel Delivery ● Insurance Accepted ● Jump Starts ● Local Towing ● Lock-Outs ● Long Distance Towing ● Radio Dispatched ● Roadside Assistance ● Repos ● SUVs ● Tow Company Bronx ● Towing ● Towing Companies ● Towing Service ● Transmissions ● Truck Service ● U-Haul Towing ● Vehicle Removal
COST HOW MUCH ARE TOWING FEES? Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: Towing service near McAllen TX: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company. Why Would I Need To Be Towed? There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call. Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge. Average Tow Costs Towing service near McAllen TX: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying: Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow. ● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100 ● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250 ● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600 What Services Do Tow Companies Offer? Best Towing service near McAllen TX: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company. ● Gas Delivery ● Jump Start ● Unlock Door ● Tire Change ● Transport a Vehicle ● Pull You Out If Stuck What Impacts the Cost of a Tow? If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located. Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS ON TOWING SERVICES I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
Local Towing Service near McAllen TX: The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
How can I get my vehicle back?
Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
I am an McAllen TX employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
Who pays the towing fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
Why was my vehicle towed?
Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be made via phone to the Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
Towing is enforced at all Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen Development parking facilities.
Who pays the booting fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
Why was my vehicle booted?
Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to McAllen TX, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
Currently, booting is enforced in all Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
CALL FOR US: ● Best Local Towing Service Near McAllen TX ● Tow Truck ● Towing ● Towing McAllen TX ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Bronx ● Tow Truck Queens ● Towing Service Cost Near McAllen TX ● Tow Company ● Tow Truck Service ● Towing Services Rates ● Towing Cost Estimator ● Cheap Towing Service ● Towing Company ● Tow Truck Prices Near McAllen TX
CONTACT US: Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in McAllen Texas CALL (956) 278 8258 MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC CALL (956) 278 8619 MOBILE TRUCK MECHANIC CALL (956) 587 3435 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Edinburg Mission McAllen Brownsville TX WEBSITE: http://mobileautotruckrepairmcallentx.com http://www.mobilemechanicmcallentx.com/ https://mobile-truck-mechanic-mcallen.business.site/
SERVICE AREA: Alamo TX | Alton TX | Brownsville TX | Donna TX | Edcouch TX | Edinburg TX | Elsa TX | Granjeno TX | Harlingen TX | Hidalgo TX | La Joya TX | La Villa TX | McAllen TX | Mercedes TX | Mission TX | Rio Grande City TX | Raymondville TX | Palmhurst TX | Palmview TX | Penitas TX | Pharr TX | Progreso TX | Progreso Lakes TX | San Juan TX | Sullivan City TX | Weslaco TX | Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
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mechaniclincoln · 4 years
Best Local Towing Service and Cost in Lincoln NE |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln
More information is at: http://mobileautotruckrepairlincolnnebraska.com/local-towing-near-me/
Local Towing Service near Lincoln NE: Are you looking for the Best Local Towing Service near Lincoln NE ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln, are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Local Towing Service around Lincoln NE . We serve Lincoln NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Welcome To Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln. Local Towing Service near Lincoln NE: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln was established with more than 10 years of Roadside Assistance and towing service experience. At an affordable Price for the residents of Mexico Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln offers: ● Local & Long Distance ● Wheel lift Service ● Flatbed Service ● Winching ● Auto Body Repair ● Illegally Parked Cars / Blocked Driveways ● Junk Car Removal ● Cash for Cars ● 24 hour roadside assistance ● Breakdown emergencies ● Jump start battery ● flat tire repair ● Gas Delivery (Gas Refuel) ● Auto Lock Outs If you’re looking for a reliable Towing company that deals with low-cost towing, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln in Lincoln NE is one place where many would expect the best professional services to be found. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Services in  Lincoln NE not only are capable of offering high quality services at an overall affordable rate, but are also versed in making virtually any type of towing method easy and accessible depending on your specific needs.
Main Local Towing Methods to Consider Local Towing Service near Lincoln NE: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Towing's tow trucks in Lincoln NE are considered to be some of the best operated by our towing technicians. When looking for timely, affordable and highly efficient towing services you can rely on Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln in Lincoln New Mexico. However, as always, it is extremely important to get to know a Towing company you want to hire before taking the next step.  But when in the middle of a breakdown its just impossible to do the research and even think about who is right for the job. So, let’s find out just what you can expect from these services in terms of the varieties of towing techniques and methods you should look for: ● 24 hour towing services are prevalent in this region of Lincoln NE Regardless of when and where your car breaks down in the Lincoln NE area, you can be sure that at least some of the best towing companies will be able to render assistance even at 3 in the morning. ● Flatbed towing near Lincoln NE is probably the most popular and efficient way to tow an average size car. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln professionals in Lincoln NE can provide reliable and safe flatbed towing for regular cars, sports cars, SUVs and even small trucks. ● If your vehicle weighs less than 10,000 lbs., wheel lift towing is probably the most practical, as well as the cheapest towing practice you can choose. ● On the other hand, for larger vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs., medium or heavy duty towing is considered to be the preferred option. ● Regarding special types of towing, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln services near Lincoln NE can offer dependable tow trucks and towing features for vehicles such as motorcycles, RVs, modified vehicles and even large trucks and buses. Give Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln a Call to Help with Any Towing Questions You may have. We service the entire area of Mexico. ● 24 Hour Towing Bronx ● Affiliated With GSA ● Auto Body Shop ● Auto Repair ● Auto Repair Shop ● Blocked Driveway Service ● Body Shop ● Bronx Towing ● Bronx Towing Service ● Car Towing ● Engines ● Exhaust ● Flatbed Towing ● Fuel Delivery ● Insurance Accepted ● Jump Starts ● Local Towing ● Lock-Outs ● Long Distance Towing ● Radio Dispatched ● Roadside Assistance ● Repos ● SUVs ● Tow Company Bronx ● Towing ● Towing Companies ● Towing Service ● Transmissions ● Truck Service ● U-Haul Towing ● Vehicle Removal
COST HOW MUCH ARE TOWING FEES? Local Towing Service near Lincoln NE: Towing service near Lincoln NE: Millions of vehicles are towed in the US each year. Nearly every car owner has needed at least one tow in their lifetime. Towing fees can be costly if you do not have roadside assistance through your insurance, membership in a roadside assistance group, or an emergency fund set up for cases of, well, auto emergencies. Many people do not realize tow services include more than transporting a vehicle from one place to another. The fees charged by tow companies can vary depending on your circumstances, where you live, and the tow company. Why Would I Need To Be Towed? There are several reasons that you might need to employ the services of a tow truck, and thankfully, several of them are avoidable but many are not. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged to the point that you cannot drive it, or if your car has a problem that keeps it from starting, you’re definitely going to need a tow truck. But the most common reasons for needing a tow truck are avoidable. Have you ever left your lights on accidentally and killed your battery? Keeping a pair of jumper cables in your trunk could help you avoid making the costly call. Likewise with keeping and knowing how to change a flat tire for a new one and keeping an eye on the gas gauge. Average Tow Costs Towing service near Lincoln NE: Some tow companies may charge $2.50 to $7.00 per mile. The higher dollar amount is usually reserved for heavy-duty vehicles. The cost adds up fast. Here's a ballpark estimate of what you could end up paying: Finding a mechanic nearby could really help reduce the cost of your tow. ● 5 to 7 Mile Tow: $30 to $100 ● 40 Mile Tow: $100 to $250 ● 100 Mile Tow: $250 to $600 What Services Do Tow Companies Offer? Best Towing service near Lincoln NE: Keys locked in the car is a common occurrence for many. Calling a tow company to help can save the day. Check out the other services that are often available from a tow company. ● Gas Delivery ● Jump Start ● Unlock Door ● Tire Change ● Transport a Vehicle ● Pull You Out If Stuck What Impacts the Cost of a Tow? If you check directly on a tow company's website for pricing, you will probably be hard-pressed to find a dollar amount. I checked several and not one listed their prices. However, luckily the cost of a tow is fairly standard so I can at least give you a ballpark figure. Towing fees often start at $50 and can quickly get as high as $100 depending on the type of tow and where you are located. Often the base fee or often referred to as a hook-up fee is $50, regardless if you need your vehicle towed one mile or twenty. More mileage does often come with a higher price tag. A standard tow is usually cheaper than a flatbed tow. A tow due to a car accident can be substantially higher. The cost of having your vehicle towed and impounded can also be a lot higher.
FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS ON TOWING SERVICES I think my vehicle was towed. What should I do?
Local Towing Service near Lincoln NE: The Development Property Manager has the contact information for the towing company in your area, check with the Property Manager to confirm. Then contact the Development's towing company for more information on how to retrieve your vehicle.
How can I get my vehicle back?
Contact the towing company for that Development. Towing information is posted on signage around the parking facility.
I am an Lincoln NE employee, who do I contact about my towed vehicle?
The Development Property Manager will have this information, as they have to authorize the towing of any employee vehicles.
Who pays the towing fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all towing fees.
How much do the towing companies charge to release a towed vehicle?
Fees are paid directly to the towing company.
Why was my vehicle towed?
Your vehicle was in violation of our towing policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously towed, how do I file a complaint?
Complaints can be made via phone to the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Parking Services offices. Please see the Contact Us page for further information on how to reach the office.
How do I know if towing is enforced at the lot?
Towing is enforced at all Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Development parking facilities.
Who pays the booting fee?
The vehicle owner is responsible for all booting fees.
Why was my vehicle booted?
Your vehicle was in violation of our parking policy. Please refer to our policy in the Parking Rules and Regulations page.
My vehicle was erroneously booted, how do I file a complaint?
All vehicles are checked thoroughly both visually and through the parking permit software prior to a boot getting placed, but if you believe an error was made please send you concern and backup to Lincoln NE, and we will investigate and respond in writing.
How do I know if booting is enforced at the lot?
Currently, booting is enforced in all Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Development parking facilities, in addition to towing.
CALL FOR US: ● Best Local Towing Service Near Lincoln NE ● Tow Truck ● Towing ● Towing Lincoln NE ● Tow Truck Service ● Tow Truck Bronx ● Tow Truck Queens ● Towing Service Cost Near Lincoln NE ● Tow Company ● Tow Truck Service ● Towing Services Rates ● Towing Cost Estimator ● Cheap Towing Service ● Towing Company ● Tow Truck Prices Near Lincoln NE
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Lincoln Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Lincoln Nebraska CALL (402) 875-7347 MOBILE MECHANIC CALL (402) 875-7348 TOWING & ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE OPEN 7 days 24 Hours SERVICE AREA: Lincoln NE 68521 EMAIL: [email protected]
www.mobileautotruckrepairlincolnnebraska.com www.towinglincoln.org
SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood,  Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178.
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