#can we make a tag for tom ellis's lucifer x readers?
bloodbagcutesy2112 · 8 months
Mister Morningstar
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Context: You go to your good friend Lucifer Morningstar to get an answer to your biggest question; was he really a fallen angel? Content: Angst, some slight fluff (Yes, I wrote this. No, I do not own the series. The Lucifer series is a Netflix original TV show.)
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Lucifer Morningstar was a longtime good friend of yours. Of course, it had been years since you had seen him, but you remembered the day you met like it was yesterday. Falling from the sky onto the hood of someone's car is certainly a way to meet someone. However, what stuck with you was that there wasn't a cut or bruise on his body. Not a scratch, and he got off the then disheveled hood of your car, only responding with "Are you okay?".
His sultry voice combined with his proper British accent shocked you just as much as his perfectly uninjured body.
You only responded with a nod, which he, of course, thought was humorous. In the years to come, he couldn't help but voice his opinion on that every time someone brought it up. It was slightly annoying but for some strange reason, he always seemed to win the arguments about that subject.
Granted, it was always by seducing you, and you always seemed to fall to his charm, but he still won every time. This, in turn, made you think he was something other than human. Of course, at the time, that was only a joke. Emphasis on "at the time."
The fact that you saw his eyes turn fiery red when he was angry many a time, and the strange burn marks or scars on his back weren't helping to discourage your doubt. Once, he was about to get into a pool with you, and you saw his scars. You were curious and went to touch them, only for Lucifer to spin on you, grabbing your wrist as fast as inhumanely possible. It scared you, and his response did not help. He only said…
"Don't touch me.".
A low growl in his voice sent shivers down your spine. Your hand was visibly shaking when you moved it away, immediately apologizing.
Quickly shaking your head to clear it of these thoughts, you pulled up at the fancy nightclub he owned. It was called Lux, and it looked stunning in the moonlight of L.A. You could hear the partiers inside, and it made you nervous. However, you decided to get over your fear and walked inside.
As soon as you stepped inside, you had your eyes on the bar. They almost locked on to it as you maneuvered through the sea of party-goers. It was slightly hard, but eventually, you made it there, seeing the familiar face of Lucifer's stone-faced bodyguard, Mazikeen. "What can I get you?", she said. "Oh, I don't want anything. I need to see Lucifer.", you responded, looking around slightly nervously.
"He's busy.", Mazikeen said, not even maintaining eye contact. "Well, I'm sure he can't be that busy.", you responded, adjusting your outfit like a VIP guest in a movie. Maze looked up, making eye contact with you, in turn making you nervous. "He's busy.". At this point, it was obvious that she didn't recognize you. Doing a mental facepalm, you spoke up. "Maze, it's me! Y/N.", you said with a chuckle. "Wait… no damn way!", she laughed, playfully hitting your shoulder from behind the bar.
"Oh god, it's been how long?", she smiled. A familiar warm smile made you feel at home, even in this sea of partiers. "Two years, at least!". "Yeah… it's been a while.", you responded with a low sigh. "Now will you let me see Lucifer?", you chuckled. "Sure. If you pay me.", Maze winked. You laughed, hitting her shoulder and heading to the stairs. Heading into the elevator, you waited, letting your mind drift away again. The jazzy elevator music melted into your thoughts as the finest honey does into tea.
As you drifted off, your previous conversation with Mazikeen sunk in. Did she seriously not figure out it was you? You hadn't changed that much. Perhaps it was the skimpy dress you wore to fit in since you usually dressed more modestly. Perhaps it was the bold smile you wore? She always knew you weren't a very confident person. You weren't allowed much time to think about it, since you saw the elevator doors open and a very familiar figure stood on the balcony, facing the beautiful full moon. The figure was 6'3, had dark hair, wore a black suit, and had a cigarette in hand. A goofy smile spread across your face as you walked towards him
"I know you're here.", he said, stopping you in your tracks.
Your eyes widened and your breath hitched, but you quickly regained your composure, wondering why he frightened you. You smiled again, simply saying "Sorry. I tried to be quiet.". He turned around with a smile. "Y/N L/N, as I live and breathe!", he said, walking towards you. "Hello, darling.". "Hello, Lucifer.", you chuckled. Your eyes met, and you reveled in his deep obsidian eyes that you missed so much. "You've missed me, haven't you? I can see it in your eyes. You know, the ones you are burning a hole into mine with?", Lucifer said with his iconic smirk.
"I'm sorry, Luci. I've just been really busy, and-". "Don't apologize! I can survive without you for a year or two. I've gone without you for literal centuries.". You raised your eyebrow, still not fully believing his whole fallen angel persona. "Oh, right. Have you spoken to your brother in a while?", you said. "Oh, Amenadiel?", he asked. Lucifer opened his mouth to speak but quickly stopped and looked off to the side, seemingly confused about the question. "Do you know what? I don't think I have. Do you want me to call him?". "O-oh, no! I'm fine. I just… wanted to talk to you," you said nervously, trying your hardest to maintain eye contact. "Oh? Me only?", Lucifer chuckled.
"Lucifer.", you pouted. "Yes, Y/N?", he cooed, not helping your nervousness. "Are you… really a fallen angel? Like, s-seriously?", you stuttered. Lucifer chuckled, still with that iconic smirk of his, but when he saw your concerned or melancholic expression, it faded. "Oh, you're serious? I thought we confirmed this already.". "Lucifer!", you repeated, raising your voice slightly. Lucifer looked saddened by this, briefly glancing away from you. "I can prove it.", he said, a low growl in his voice that sent shivers down your spine. Now, of course, you were nervous about this. Who knows what he was going to do to "prove it"? In all honesty, although you had been friends for about two years, you knew nothing about him. The real him, below that fallen angel persona. If it even was a persona, of course.
"Now, let me-", Lucifer started to speak before he was interrupted. He looked around, saying "Oh, lovely.". "W-what? What's wrong?", you said, slightly scared. Lucifer rolled his eyes, dropping his cigarette, watching it slowly fall to the ground, eventually stopping about three inches from the balcony floor. You looked at it in terror before looking at Lucifer to see someone behind him. A tall, handsome man in a long black cloak. "Y/N, meet Amenadiel.", Lucifer sighed. You let out a sigh of relief, realizing you had never met him before this moment.
"Lucifer.", Amenadiel said in his low voice, walking closer to his brother. "Listen, brother, I am not in the mood right now, so tell Dad that I'm not coming back, and that's final.", Lucifer angrily sighed. "Why are you discussing this in front of her?", Amenadiel responded. "Why did you teleport in here in front of her?", Lucifer shot back. "Discussing- huh?! A-am I missing something, guys?!", you said, raising your voice even more. "Y/N, you should go.", Amenadiel said, moving even closer to Lucifer. "I'm not leaving until I get an explanation!", you said, standing your ground. Lucifer looked down with a sigh before continuing eye contact with you. "Please, leave. I need to talk with my brother in privacy. I'll… explain this later.". You gave him sad eyes before swallowing the lump in your throat, nodding, and walking away. As you walked away, your mind flooded with questions, theories, and so many different ideas and such. However, your devilish friend cut through the white noise, saying "I hope this is enough proof for you. Y/N!". You let a single tear fall from your eye as you stumbled into the elevator.
You were now in the elevator. As you stood alone, you let more tears fall. And more fell, and more, and more until you were full-on crying in the fancy elevator, cutting through the jazzy music of the room. Immediately, your mind flooded with more questions. All, if not most of them, remained unanswered. Where did Amenadiel come from? If this was a facade, why would they go so far as to change their name? And the most curious one; why were you crying in an elevator? You were able to chuckle at this before the doors opened and you were greeted by the sea of partiers from earlier. Deciding you wanted nothing more to do with this place for now, you made your way through the dance floor, before someone grabbed your arm.
"Hey, what's wrong?", Mazikeen said. "O-oh, it's nothing, Maze. It's just… I came in with a few questions and left with more.", you said, wiping some tears from your face. She nodded, responding "I get it. That happens a lot, especially with Luci. Want me to walk you to your car?". "Y-yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thanks, Maze.", you said, walking out of the building with her. You got in your car, only for Maze to knock on the window that you soon after rolled down. "Drive home safe, yeah?", she said with a slight smile. "Okay. See you later!", you said as you drove off. Although that display from earlier was significant proof, it seemed you had to get the answers to your other questions sometime later.
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Muse 3: “Mil tormentas” (A thousand storms)
Wanda Maximoff x reader
Summary: Y/N and Wanda had been best friends since  High school. Between pyjama parties and uncountable time together Y/N fell in love with Wanda, but love is difficult and it is even more when you live in a place where everything is either black or white. Love can heal but it can also destroy.
A/N:Every chapter is going to be based on Morat’s albums, feel free to check out their amazing music.
Tags: @leylanesobsessions​​ @buckyohh​​ @never-stopp-growing​​ @toniilaney​​​ @5aftermidnight​​ @genesisnievesr​​ @romanova-maximoff-danvers​​ @terror-triplet​​  @autumnjackson4​ @marvel-wlw​
Warnings: Mild smut, sadness, bad English?
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Pude sobrevivir a un mar sin viento. Pues supe conquistar tu piel y encontré un segundo aliento.
I was able to survive a windless sea. Cause I knew how to conquer your skin. And I found a second breath.
“I used to believe love was utter bullshit,” You said as you laid on your therapist’s couch, it was rtcliché in every way. You laying on Dr. Rodhey’s couch as if it was from a cheap hollywood movie.
“What has changed?” He asked, you weren’t looking at him. YOu had your eyes closed while your mind roamed on Wanda’s memories.
“I met someone,” You said quietly
“Are we talking about Wanda?” He asked again
You nodded ashamed
“Have you tried looking for a distraction?” He asked but it seemed more like a suggestion  
“I have, if by distraction you mean dating more people?” You answered
“How did that work for you?”
“It worked while it lasted, then when they left all the darkness came back.” You explained “And she came back to my mind. I don’t think having this crush on her is healthy for me.” You sighed
“I don’t think that what you have is just a crush.” He said carefully, “You know, when people have been deprived of love during most of their life, insignificant shows of affect can make them obsess over someone.”
“Are you implying that my parents didn’t love me?” You asked confused
“Or that you didn’t have a romantic life during your teenage years.” He added
“I didn’t, but I had Nat, why I’m not obsessing over her?”
“Because she is like a sister to you, that kind of love wasn’t missing from your life. But Wanda on the other hand, appeared when you were discovering what you liked and she fitted in the concept of love you had. That is why you fell in love with her.” It didn’t make any sense.
“She was there while Natasha was constantly dating other people.” He started “I’m speaking from what you’ve told me, Wanda was an outcast like you, but you had a little bit of more popularity so she needed you.”
You nodded.
“Maybe your brain misinterpreted that need with love?” He inquired
Maybe you can go and fuck yourself.
“Maybe.” You offered tight smile
“Our time for today has finished,” He said closing his folder and standing up.
“I’ll see you in two weeks,” You said walking to the door
 “Of course,” was all he said as you left the office
Fucking douchebag
It was finally friday night, after a long, long, long week you had finally be able to take a break. You were now lying on one of the couches in the living room, with a glass of wine and a bag of chips watching Lucifer for the fiftieth time.
“Tom Ellis is just so fine,” Gamora whined
“I feel you sister,” You responded
Nebula, Gamora, Darcy, Sif and Valkyrie were scattered around the living room, Lucifer was playing and everyone was, in some way, watching it.
“You guys are disgusting,” Valkyrie said making a disgusted face while looking at Sif and Darcy making out.
“You should get a fucking room!” Nebula faked gagged
“Oh, we will do that for sure,” Darcy winked at both girls
“Ew,” Nebula said before laughing
“I’m a lonely lesbian,” Valkiyrie whined
“Same, but not a lesbian.” You said pouring more wine in your glass
“We should do shots.” Gamora offered, the last time you had been drunk was the day you made out with Wanda and the sole thought of her under you in underwear made you wet.
“Can I join?” Wanda’s voice sounded as she entered the living room
It was an involuntary movement but as soon as you heard her you stood up, she smiled sweetly at you while she walked to your side on the couch.
Everyone knew, they just knew how smitten you were by her.
You sat and she sat next you, cuddling to your side. You swore that everyone in the room could hear the loud noises your heart was making.  
“How was your day?” She asked quietly as if you were sharing a secret.
“It was okay,” You smiled looking down at her, Sif elbowed Darcy to glance at you. She did and her heart warmed at the way you were looking at Wanda. They understood how you felt. Darcy understood better, she was in your shoes not long ago.
Sif was in a relationship with her high school boyfriend, Fandral, but all she did was cry. All day, all night. Darcy was always with her, they  had never been in a same sex relationship before so it was all new for them when they understood they loved each other.
“Remember when we were like that?” Sif whispered to Darcy, she simply nodded.
“I’m so grateful we’re not on that painful stage anymore,” Darcy answered kissing Sif’s temple, she was truly everything to her and their parents had been surprisingly open to the relationship. Something Y/N didn’t have. They knew how her parents were. Extremely good people but very close minded. She was going to go through a hard time if things with Wanda eventually worked out.
“How was yours?” You asked playing with her hair without actually thinking about it
“It was nice, classes were boring, job was okay and Vis took me to this place downtown where they sold this very tasty grilled cheese sandwiches, I bet you would’ve loved them.” She smiled looking up at you.
Your stomach twisted at the mention of Vision. She was in a committed relationship, she wasn’t yours, she was never going to be yours and that reality hurt more than anything.
Me hiciste un favor, me devolviste el miedo… Por fin tengo algo que perder si te vas y yo me quedo.
You did me a favor, you gave me back my fear…I finally have something to lose if you leave and I stay back.
“You know me too well,” You tried not to sound sad, but her presence gave you an ambivalent feeling of sadness and happiness at the same time. She was the reason of both of those contradictory feelings.
“Are you gonna head out today?” She asked bringing you back from your sad thoughts
 “Nat and the guys are waiting for me at Drax’s at 9,” You answered, she didn’t answer but there was a change in her mood. “You?” You asked her
 “Vis and I were going to go to the theater tonight but he didn’t finish his project for tomorrow so he is going to pull an all-nighter to finish it.” She sighed
 “Want to join us?” You said without thinking. Nat wasn’t very fond to Wanda, she knew how much your crush with her made you suffer and the guys weren’t too far behind.
 “I don’t think so but thank you Y/N” She accommodated her head on your chest, a shot of joy went through your veins
It was barely 6:30, you had plenty of time to get ready and enjoy the presence of Wanda in your arms.
What life could be if fate was kind enough to let you stay like this forever, you, her and a bunch of animals in a farm in the middle of nowhere. Maybe a kid or two with her beautiful eyes and her intelligence. She would look so beautiful while carrying your child, you would buy her any food she craved and treat her like a princess. You would cuddle every afternoon after work and talk about your day, maybe watch a movie or the sunset from the porch. Maybe you would cook pasta or a homemade pizza and pour two glasses of wine while getting drunk in each other presence.
  “You are zoning out,” She giggled
“I’m sorry,” You smiled at the sound of that beautiful sound.
“What were you thinking about?” She asked
You, us, life, the impossible.
“Work, and all the things I have to do before christmas break,” You sighed, christmas was just 6 weeks away and the thought of going home to your family made you feel uneasy. They loved questioning your love life. After your last relationship you had never brought anyone again to your house. That was almost 4 years ago.
“It’s 2 months away, you shouldn’t worry too much,” Her smile was your favorite thing in the world. It could calm any storm inside you.
She raised her hand to put a strand of your hair behind your ear. That tiny action made your heart flutter.
“You’re so beautiful,” You whispered forgetting there were four other people in the room.
Her cheeks turned a beautiful shade of rose.
“I’m sorry,” You stuttered as you stood from the couch “I’m gonna go change.”
“What just happened?” Wanda looked at Nebula who was as shook as the other three girls watching the exchange.
 “And then I just creeply  said ‘You’re so beautiful!’ what the fuck is wrong with me?!” You whined as you re told the story t Nat and Steve.
Nat was smirking knowing this was a hundred percent something you would say
“That was sweet,” Steve said trying not to laugh
“It was stupid!” You banged your head on the table
“Look at that,” Nat pointed to the entrance of the bar, you turned to look at the direction she pointed. Carol Danvers.
“Is that…?” You started as Nat nodded. Carol fucking Danvers. Your first girl experience, she had confirmed your sexual orientation on your freshman year of college. But sadly she moved away the next year. She was here again. “A distraction,”  Rhodey’s voice echoed in your head.
“She looks even prettier,” Nat pointed. That was true, she had short hair now and boy she looked gorgeous.
“Y/N” She said as she came closer to your table
“Carol,” You side smiled at her
“You haven’t changed a bit,” She shook her head “Romanoff, captain.” She referred at Steve as the captain of the football team.
“Danvers,” Nat smiled as Steve waved.
“Wanna get out of here?” You asked gulping the rest of your beer
“I thought you’d never ask.” Carol said biting her bottom lip trying to suppress a smile
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” You sad to Nat and Steve
“Is that Carol Danvers and Y/N?” Bucky asked as he sat on one of the chairs
“My baby girl is killing the game!” Sam shouted
“I want to see how that one goes,” Steve sighed
 “That was…” You panted as Carol spooned you
“A very nice welcome back gift,” She giggled, you couldn’t stop the comparing thought that hit you when you remembered Wanda’s giggle. She sounded nothing like her.
“I don’t know whose present was it,” You laughed “You made me cum 4 times, I can’t feel my legs.”
Carol laughed
“You’re welcome,” She kissed your hair “And thank you, but you owe me an orgasm you only gave me 3.”
“As soon as I can feel my legs again we are even,” You turned around to see her face
“I missed you,” She whispered. She was pretty, her big brown eyes reminded you of coffee in the morning, so helpful, so necessary, so warm.
“I missed you too,” You lied. You didn’t have the time to miss her, Wanda took most of your thoughts and time.
“Liar,” she kissed your nose “How is Wanda?”
“She’s good,” You said awkwardly
 “Are you still in love with her?” She continued
 “Liar,” She laughed “It’s okay Y/N”
 “No is not,” Your voice broke  “I can’t keep postponing my life because I’m still hoping she is going to love me back someday.”
 “Shh,” She dried your tears with her thumb.
 “I’m hopeless,” You sighed
 “Aren’t we all?” She said sweetly “Now, I’m going to give you a fifth orgasm so you feel better,” She said as she dove back between your legs
 “Carol… oh, oooh right there.” You moaned as her tongue cut your sentence.
 Now you were 2 orgasms behind.
 “Call me when you get settled,” You smiled at her, you were waving her goodbye from the door.
 “Is that Carol Danvers?” Valkyrie asked “Damn that girl is fine!”
 “That she is,” You blushed
 “You lucky bitch,” She laughed “I need details.”
 You smirked at her
 “Later,” You turned to see Wanda pouring coffee into her unicorn mug. God she was cute in the mornings.
 “Carol Danvers came back?” She asked surprised, still half sleep
 You nodded.
 “She’s so sweet, I like her.” She smiled at you
 “I’m gonna go take a shower,” You announced.
 “Someone’s jelly,” Valkyrie whispered to you, you shrugged walking to your bedroom.
 Someone knocked at your door when you just finished changing. You had a white tee on and black pants. It was Saturday afternoon and you were dying to sip on any kind of alcohol you had near, luckily there was still margarita mix in the fridge.
 You opened your door and Wanda was standing on the other side
 “Hey Wand…” Your greeting was cut short by her lips crashing into yours, she closed the door with her foot and proceeded to attack your lips, your were so shocked by the actions that you didn’t have time to react. She pulled back.
 “I’m sorry,” She said as she stepped back
 No you’re not
 You pulled her to you and kissed with everything you had, wrapping your arms around her waist. Her arms found her way to your neck and she moaned, you took the chance to slide your tongue in her mouth, another moan ripped from the back of her throat.
 You weren’t sure if you needed air or if you needed more of her. Carefully you picked her up and moved to the bed, placing her delicately on top of it, never breaking the kiss.
 “Wait,” She moaned while you kept kissing her, you stopped abruptly.
 “Yes?” You asked out of breath
 “Are you dating Carol?” She asked
 “I don’t know,” was all you could answer
 “Okay,” She said pulling you back to her body and reconnecting your lips.
 You were out of this world, this was finally happening, your hands wandered from her waist to her breasts. She was perfect in every way possible. You detached your lips from hers and lifted her shirt to reveal her braless breasts, you wasted no time attaching your lips to her left nipple. She let out a long moan, her hands coming to your head as your tongue played with the swollen nub.
 Was it possible to orgasm by just feeling Y/N playing with your breasts? Wanda thought as she felt the familiar knot in her stomach. In her almost 4 years with Vis she remembered cumming just when he was inside her and it didn’t even felt half as good as your mouth on her nipple.
 “Oh, fu… fuck!” She moaned cumming in her pants
 “Did you just-?” You asked surprised, Wanda blushed crimson
 “I’m sorry…” She apologised
 “Don’t you dare to apologise for coming” You said sternly, “I’m just surprised you came by me just licking your nipple,”
 “It felt amazing,” She sighed
 “I bet,” You smiled “Umm, do you want to…?” You tried, but it felt very awkward
 “Sure,” She encouraged you, she unbuttoned her jeans and you came to kiss her again, this felt so right and so wrong at the same time.
 Her phone went off
 “I have to answer this,” She moaned between kisses, your hand lost inside her panties
 “Okay,” You said without stopping, your index finger circling her clit
 “I really need to answer that phone call,” A loud moan cut her off, your finger was now inside her pumping slowly.
 “Then answer,” You said kissing her neck as your hand drove her to her second orgarsm
 “Don’t stop…” Her voice filled with desire, you speeded your ministrations and in no time she was convulsing under you.
 “Come for me baby girl, come on my fingers.” She moaned at your words
 “WAN!” Nebula’s voice came from your door “VISION IS HERE, HE’S ASKING FOR YOU”
 “Shit, we had a family event!” She said standing from your bed “I-I have to go!”
 She fixed her clothes and ran out of your bedroom, leaving you both horny and confused.
 What the hell just happened?
 No se puede apagar amor con fuego, te quieres desatar de mí pero hiciste un nudo ciego
Te voy a rogar, y yo nunca ruego  Acepto ser el perdedor porque sé que no es un juego.
You can not put out love with fire you want to untie yourself from me but you made a blind knot
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thorne93 · 6 years
Writing Challenge
Hello lovelies! Something has told me that I want to see *your* work. I get inspired all the time by music, but sometimes the “full” idea doesn’t develop. Maybe it will for you! Without further ado, here’s what my challenge is! 
It’s pretty easy, it’s a 3 part challenge. 
1) Pick a pairing (I will list the options below)
2) Pick TWO (2) songs - you can mix and match, or choose 2 from the same artist. But you have to pick two. You can use lyrics in the story as dialogue or thought or a book entry. You can use it to inspire the “theme”. But it needs to be clear how you used both. 
3) Send it to me in an Ask, and you can request a gif as a bonus - you don’t have to, but maybe you want something to give you a certain theme, path, or whatever. 
Things I don’t want: A/B/O; enemies to friends trope; heavy smut - if you want a small scene, or allude to it, that’s fine, but please don’t make it ALL about smut; 
Deadline to post your entries: July 4th, 2019 (No deadline to sign up)
Rules: 1 pairing per 2 songs. If you want to do 2 different pairings then you can pick 4 songs, but once those songs are picked - they’re gone. Min word length = 500. Tag it as “thorne’s writing challenge” and tag me in the Author Notes.
To make things interesting, I’ll pick my favorite and award the winner a 20% coupon code for my candles from Fandom Fragrance Shop.
STEP 1 - Choose Pairing
Marvel Pairings:
Clint Barton x Reader
Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader
Loki x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Charles Xavier x Reader
Remy LeBeau x Reder
Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Vision x Reader
Criminal Minds:
Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader
Once Upon A Time:
Jefferson x Reader
Hook / Killian x Reader
Dean Winchester x Reader
Sam Winchester x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Benny x Reader
Balthazar x Reader
Sherlock BBC:
Sherlock x Reader
John Watson x Reader
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Kylo Ren x Reader
HP/Fantastic Beasts:
Newt Scamander x Reader
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Chris Evans x Reader
Keanu Reeves x Reader
James McAvoy x Reader
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Hayden Christensen x Reader
Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Betty Who:
Stop Thinking About You 
Just thought you should know
i love you always forever
i remember
just like me
high society
A Night To Remember
You Can Cry Tomorrow
Wanna Be
Pretend You’re Missing Me
Blue Heaven Midnight Crush
Make you Memories
Marry Me
Billie Eilish
bitches broken hearts
bury a friend
idontwannabeyouanymore - @flowerbunbunny
you should see me in a crown - @sorryimacrapwriter
The Chainsmokers
Don’t let me down
The One
Dont Say
My Type - @littledarlinhavefaithinme
It Won’t Kill Ya
New York City
Paris - @until-theend-oftheline / @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
Side Effects - @littledarlinhavefaithinme
This Feeling -  @until-theend-oftheline​ / @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​
Until You were Gone
Hold Me Down
Roman Holiday
Coming Down
Young God
100 Letters
Eyes Closed
Heaven In Hiding
Now or Never
Devil in Me
Without Me
11 Minutes - @buckybarnes-xyou
Taylor Swift
I Knew You Were Trouble - @thejemersoninferno
All Too Well
I almost Do
The Last Time
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Everything Has Changed
Begin Again
The Moment I Knew
Come Back..Be Here
Out Of The Woods
I Wish You Would
Bad Blood
Wildest Dreams
This Love
I Know Places
You Are In Love
New Romantics
End Game
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
So It Goes...
Gorgeous - @thejemersoninferno
Getaway Car
King of My Heart
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Call It What You Want
New Year’s Day
Miscellaneous Artists
Rita Ora - Let You Love Me
Rita Ora - Poison
The 1975 - Somebody Else - Alt Edit
Amy Shark - Adore
Amy Shark - Drive You Mad
Anna Clendening - Invisible
Ellie Goulding - On My Mind - @buckybarnes-xyou
Ellie Goulding - Codes
J. Roddy Waltson & The Business - The Wanting
Jaira Burns - Sugar Coat
Sara Kendall - Delicate
Transviolet - The Hamptons
The Wombats - Greek Tragedy
Zara Larsson, MNEK - Never Forget You
fun. - We Are Young - @sorryimacrapwriter
fun. - Some Nights
fun. - Carry On - @flowerbunbunny
Arkells - My Heart’s Always Yours
Tagging folk who may be interested
Forever Tag:
James McAvoy:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
Jensen Ackles:
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
@howling-at-that-moon @sneakygitsune @whiw0lf
Charles Xavier
Peter Parker
Loki Odinson
Dean Winchester:
Sam Winchester:
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
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chloelucia13 · 6 years
Chloe’s 600 Follower Writing Challenge!!!
So, to celebrate this amazing accomplishment, we're gonna do a writing challenge!
1. It can be any character from Supernatural, and it can be no pairing, x reader, x OC, a crossover fic, character pairings, anything you want!!!
2. Make sure to put proper warnings at the beginning of your fic to avoid any problems! You can write whatever you want (fluff, angst, smut, etc.), though!!!
3. Have fun! The due date is July 25, but if you need me to move it back or anything, JUST TELL ME! I don't want it to be stressful for you guys! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask!
4. There are going to be 30 songs, and two people can have one song (so 60 total fics). To choose the song, message me with the number of the song and the pairing you will do for it! (Again, if you want to change the pairing, just tell me!)
5. Make sure to tag me in the fic and use the hashtag #chloes600 so I can see it! Also, if I don't like it within 48 hours of you posting it, message me!
6. You don't have to go directly off the song. You can have it play in the story, it can be based off the lyrics, you can even just have people listen to it while they read! The choice is yours!
Now let's get to the songs!
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1. Cigarettes After Sex- Nothing's Gonna Hurt you Baby
2. Adna- Overthinking
3. Brighton- Forest Fire
4. Halsey- Sorry
5. Imagine Dragons- Next to Me (@summer-binging-spn dean x reader?)
6. Bears Den- Don't Let the Sun Steal you Away
7. Sufjan Stevens- The Only Thing
8. Tom Rosenthal- It's Ok
9. Agnes Obel- Familiar
10. Harry Styles- Meet me in the Hallway
11. Lykke Li- No Rest for the Wicked
12. Ollie MN- Please Never Fall in Love Again
13. Sufjan Stevens- Fourth of July
14. Dodie Clark- Burned Out
15. Daughter- Candles
16. Adna- Run, Lucifer
17. Dean Lewis- Waves
18. Margot and the Nuclear So Sos- A Children's Crusade on Acid
19. Sleeping at Last- You are Enough
20. City and Colour- The Grand Optimist
21. San Fermin- No Devil
22. Bastille- Good Grief (@ellie-stiel sabriel)
23. Sufjan Stevens- Mystery of Love
24. Banks- Better
25. Billie Eilish ft. Khalid- Lovely (@the-salty-asian)
26. Nothing but Thieves- Broken Machine
27. Flora Cash- You're Somebody Else
28. Stomper- Wishing Well
29. K Flay- High Enough
30. Hozier- Cherry Wine
Signal boost: @iwantthedean @ellen-reincarnated1967 @angelkurenai @faith-in-dean @dancingalone21 @luci-in-trenchcoats @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @jpadjackles @bkwrm523 @kas-not-cas @notnaturalanahi @not-moose-one-shots @iwriteaboutdean @dean-the-smol-bean @manawhaat @iwriteaboutdean
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