#lucifer netflix x reader
bloodbagcutesy2112 · 8 months
Mister Morningstar
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Context: You go to your good friend Lucifer Morningstar to get an answer to your biggest question; was he really a fallen angel? Content: Angst, some slight fluff (Yes, I wrote this. No, I do not own the series. The Lucifer series is a Netflix original TV show.)
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Lucifer Morningstar was a longtime good friend of yours. Of course, it had been years since you had seen him, but you remembered the day you met like it was yesterday. Falling from the sky onto the hood of someone's car is certainly a way to meet someone. However, what stuck with you was that there wasn't a cut or bruise on his body. Not a scratch, and he got off the then disheveled hood of your car, only responding with "Are you okay?".
His sultry voice combined with his proper British accent shocked you just as much as his perfectly uninjured body.
You only responded with a nod, which he, of course, thought was humorous. In the years to come, he couldn't help but voice his opinion on that every time someone brought it up. It was slightly annoying but for some strange reason, he always seemed to win the arguments about that subject.
Granted, it was always by seducing you, and you always seemed to fall to his charm, but he still won every time. This, in turn, made you think he was something other than human. Of course, at the time, that was only a joke. Emphasis on "at the time."
The fact that you saw his eyes turn fiery red when he was angry many a time, and the strange burn marks or scars on his back weren't helping to discourage your doubt. Once, he was about to get into a pool with you, and you saw his scars. You were curious and went to touch them, only for Lucifer to spin on you, grabbing your wrist as fast as inhumanely possible. It scared you, and his response did not help. He only said…
"Don't touch me.".
A low growl in his voice sent shivers down your spine. Your hand was visibly shaking when you moved it away, immediately apologizing.
Quickly shaking your head to clear it of these thoughts, you pulled up at the fancy nightclub he owned. It was called Lux, and it looked stunning in the moonlight of L.A. You could hear the partiers inside, and it made you nervous. However, you decided to get over your fear and walked inside.
As soon as you stepped inside, you had your eyes on the bar. They almost locked on to it as you maneuvered through the sea of party-goers. It was slightly hard, but eventually, you made it there, seeing the familiar face of Lucifer's stone-faced bodyguard, Mazikeen. "What can I get you?", she said. "Oh, I don't want anything. I need to see Lucifer.", you responded, looking around slightly nervously.
"He's busy.", Mazikeen said, not even maintaining eye contact. "Well, I'm sure he can't be that busy.", you responded, adjusting your outfit like a VIP guest in a movie. Maze looked up, making eye contact with you, in turn making you nervous. "He's busy.". At this point, it was obvious that she didn't recognize you. Doing a mental facepalm, you spoke up. "Maze, it's me! Y/N.", you said with a chuckle. "Wait… no damn way!", she laughed, playfully hitting your shoulder from behind the bar.
"Oh god, it's been how long?", she smiled. A familiar warm smile made you feel at home, even in this sea of partiers. "Two years, at least!". "Yeah… it's been a while.", you responded with a low sigh. "Now will you let me see Lucifer?", you chuckled. "Sure. If you pay me.", Maze winked. You laughed, hitting her shoulder and heading to the stairs. Heading into the elevator, you waited, letting your mind drift away again. The jazzy elevator music melted into your thoughts as the finest honey does into tea.
As you drifted off, your previous conversation with Mazikeen sunk in. Did she seriously not figure out it was you? You hadn't changed that much. Perhaps it was the skimpy dress you wore to fit in since you usually dressed more modestly. Perhaps it was the bold smile you wore? She always knew you weren't a very confident person. You weren't allowed much time to think about it, since you saw the elevator doors open and a very familiar figure stood on the balcony, facing the beautiful full moon. The figure was 6'3, had dark hair, wore a black suit, and had a cigarette in hand. A goofy smile spread across your face as you walked towards him
"I know you're here.", he said, stopping you in your tracks.
Your eyes widened and your breath hitched, but you quickly regained your composure, wondering why he frightened you. You smiled again, simply saying "Sorry. I tried to be quiet.". He turned around with a smile. "Y/N L/N, as I live and breathe!", he said, walking towards you. "Hello, darling.". "Hello, Lucifer.", you chuckled. Your eyes met, and you reveled in his deep obsidian eyes that you missed so much. "You've missed me, haven't you? I can see it in your eyes. You know, the ones you are burning a hole into mine with?", Lucifer said with his iconic smirk.
"I'm sorry, Luci. I've just been really busy, and-". "Don't apologize! I can survive without you for a year or two. I've gone without you for literal centuries.". You raised your eyebrow, still not fully believing his whole fallen angel persona. "Oh, right. Have you spoken to your brother in a while?", you said. "Oh, Amenadiel?", he asked. Lucifer opened his mouth to speak but quickly stopped and looked off to the side, seemingly confused about the question. "Do you know what? I don't think I have. Do you want me to call him?". "O-oh, no! I'm fine. I just… wanted to talk to you," you said nervously, trying your hardest to maintain eye contact. "Oh? Me only?", Lucifer chuckled.
"Lucifer.", you pouted. "Yes, Y/N?", he cooed, not helping your nervousness. "Are you… really a fallen angel? Like, s-seriously?", you stuttered. Lucifer chuckled, still with that iconic smirk of his, but when he saw your concerned or melancholic expression, it faded. "Oh, you're serious? I thought we confirmed this already.". "Lucifer!", you repeated, raising your voice slightly. Lucifer looked saddened by this, briefly glancing away from you. "I can prove it.", he said, a low growl in his voice that sent shivers down your spine. Now, of course, you were nervous about this. Who knows what he was going to do to "prove it"? In all honesty, although you had been friends for about two years, you knew nothing about him. The real him, below that fallen angel persona. If it even was a persona, of course.
"Now, let me-", Lucifer started to speak before he was interrupted. He looked around, saying "Oh, lovely.". "W-what? What's wrong?", you said, slightly scared. Lucifer rolled his eyes, dropping his cigarette, watching it slowly fall to the ground, eventually stopping about three inches from the balcony floor. You looked at it in terror before looking at Lucifer to see someone behind him. A tall, handsome man in a long black cloak. "Y/N, meet Amenadiel.", Lucifer sighed. You let out a sigh of relief, realizing you had never met him before this moment.
"Lucifer.", Amenadiel said in his low voice, walking closer to his brother. "Listen, brother, I am not in the mood right now, so tell Dad that I'm not coming back, and that's final.", Lucifer angrily sighed. "Why are you discussing this in front of her?", Amenadiel responded. "Why did you teleport in here in front of her?", Lucifer shot back. "Discussing- huh?! A-am I missing something, guys?!", you said, raising your voice even more. "Y/N, you should go.", Amenadiel said, moving even closer to Lucifer. "I'm not leaving until I get an explanation!", you said, standing your ground. Lucifer looked down with a sigh before continuing eye contact with you. "Please, leave. I need to talk with my brother in privacy. I'll… explain this later.". You gave him sad eyes before swallowing the lump in your throat, nodding, and walking away. As you walked away, your mind flooded with questions, theories, and so many different ideas and such. However, your devilish friend cut through the white noise, saying "I hope this is enough proof for you. Y/N!". You let a single tear fall from your eye as you stumbled into the elevator.
You were now in the elevator. As you stood alone, you let more tears fall. And more fell, and more, and more until you were full-on crying in the fancy elevator, cutting through the jazzy music of the room. Immediately, your mind flooded with more questions. All, if not most of them, remained unanswered. Where did Amenadiel come from? If this was a facade, why would they go so far as to change their name? And the most curious one; why were you crying in an elevator? You were able to chuckle at this before the doors opened and you were greeted by the sea of partiers from earlier. Deciding you wanted nothing more to do with this place for now, you made your way through the dance floor, before someone grabbed your arm.
"Hey, what's wrong?", Mazikeen said. "O-oh, it's nothing, Maze. It's just… I came in with a few questions and left with more.", you said, wiping some tears from your face. She nodded, responding "I get it. That happens a lot, especially with Luci. Want me to walk you to your car?". "Y-yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thanks, Maze.", you said, walking out of the building with her. You got in your car, only for Maze to knock on the window that you soon after rolled down. "Drive home safe, yeah?", she said with a slight smile. "Okay. See you later!", you said as you drove off. Although that display from earlier was significant proof, it seemed you had to get the answers to your other questions sometime later.
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writingbyshiloh · 2 years
Dating Lucifer Morningstar would include... (18+)
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Lucifer x gn! Reader (Please lmk if I slip up)
Word count: 1.5K
AN: I want to switch it up for who I write for and step out of my comfort zone. I’m only on season two so things may be a bit off. Heavy on platonic!Maze because I love her. This is LONG! I got very carried away but has fun!
CW: Flirting, alcohol, unwanted advancement/ creepy men, hurt shoulder by lifting something heavy, pain killer medication, sex mention but no specifics, mentions of restraints/BSDM, spit, and dom/sub dynamics. No beta, no y/n, may be out of character
LA is expensive, but at least you had a job. That paid well, leading you to work at LUX 
Bartending was more complicated than expected, and the long hours almost made it not worth it. But your coworker/supervisor (?) was great (she drew in most of the tips, but always split them 50/50 with you), and the pay was amazing. 
Not to mention your boss. Charming and handsome with an amazing accent. You would never admit it to him but you looked forward to seeing him and whatever suit he is wearing at the time. 
You thought the constant flirting would become old, but it never seems to cross too many lines. He was especially delighted when you started to flirt back, even if it was just to kill boredom on your shifts. 
You were slammed tonight, silently cursing the fact that it was only ever you and Maze working behind the bar, trying to get drinks out as fast as you could. Moving in almost a synchronized dance, you managed to work around each other, with Maze tossing you a wink when she sees a good-looking customer. 
“Tell me, love, what does your heart desire?” your boss asked, leaning against the bar, trying to catch your eye. 
You slammed the full glasses on a tray before glaring at him.
“For you to bring this to table twelve, please” 
He reached across the bar to gently hold your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes. 
“Deepest desire?” 
“Table twelve. And…” you bit your lip, dragging your eyes down to his lips, before lowering your gaze before the bar occupied your line of sight. You noticed Lucifer was taking your bait hook, line, and sinker before bringing your gaze back up to him. 
“A raise” you finished, watching his face fall. He took the tray for you, grumbling under his breath. 
Eventually, you were able to see what it was like to be one of the girls on his arm. 
Wearing an outfit Maze called “stupid hot”, men and women were dropping double the tips they usually would and doubling the attention they paid to you. 
Unfortunately, when you were making your way back to the bar after saying hi to a group of friends, a hand grabbed your wrist. On instinct, you yanked your hand back, whirling around to face the man who grabbed you. You craned your neck, looking for Maze or any other excuse to run. 
“I have a boyfriend” you snapped, relying on the old excuse to get him to leave you alone. 
“Dressed like that? No boyfriend would allow anyone to leave the house dressed like that” he sneers. You frown, not sure if that was an attempt to flirt while insulting you. 
You tensed, feeling two hands placed on your shoulders, before relaxing when you heard a familiar British accent in your ear. 
“What are you saying to my partner?” he said, words polite but dripping with venom. You rolled your eyes as your insulter floundered, trying to reply to Lucifer. 
Lucifer took a step forward, placing his body in front of you while keeping one of his hands on you.
You didn't even hear the conversation, mind occupied by the hand he kept on your exposed skin, until he turned back to you, moving his hands to your shoulders. 
“Are you okay?” Lucifer asked, seriousness in his voice. You nodded, before seeing Maze follow your insulter to the exit. 
Still!!!!!! You didn't make a move past the playful work flirting. The flirting continued but you were trying to make him work for it, flirting constantly and teasing him with your clothes and flirty touches. 
Once when you were trying to move a keg by yourself, your holding slipped, a shocking sounded pop, followed by pain
You cradled your arm, returning to the bar to get any bartender to help you
Telling Lucifer and Maze what happened, they gently made fun of you for having such a fridge human body. You insisted that your fine work, until a bartender accidentally bumped into you and you cried out in pain
Without your knowledge, your boss was developing feelings for you too. Not that he could have put such a fine point on them. Instead, he was just trying to get you in his bed, but night after night and day too, instead of just as a one-night stand
Maze was ready to kill you, tired of hearing you whimper when your arm flared up that night
Believing her lie that Lucifer had a while pharmaceutical cabinet (with standard painkillers) you went up to his penthouse to get some to help with the rest of your shift
Under the tense of figuring out what is wrong, Lucifer rubbed your shoulders and back. To your surprise, his hands felt nice
A small moan escaped your lips, and you leaned into his touch. You had no idea what he was doing but his hands felt like heaven. 
“I never thought I’d hear those sounds from you, love” he murmured, face close to your ear. 
You could barely piece together what he was saying, lost in the sensations from his hands. You let out a hum, trying to think of something to say 
“Don’t stop” you murmured, cursing yourself for not returning to work and then for saying the first thing that popped into your head
“Or that, sweetheart”. 
You have sex right then and there. It wasn’t like you imagined because of the hurt shoulder, but Lucifer (and his all-knowing ways) managed to make it work
Neither of you want to get out of his bed after. Lucifer manages to pull himself away from your side to get you both a drink
You rest against his headboard, watching him move around his apartment in his black silk bathrobe, silently admiring his body while he poured himself a whiskey and fixes you a drink (alcoholic or non), before bringing it to you
He doesn't know how to say that he wants to see you again naked in his bed, so he drags out his time with you now. 
Before you finally leave his penthouse (much later than if you worked your shift),  he asks if he can see you again
You roll your eyes and tease him by telling him that you're working tomorrow at HIS club
After some back and forth, (and him remembering a conversation with Agent Decker) he tells asks you out for dinner, saying to dress sexy and he will pick you up in his convertible. 
Spoiler alert: you don't make it to dinner. You ALMOST have sex in his car, before scrapping dinner and going to his penthouse.
Many early dates end like that
I feel like Luc is sacred of new feelings about you so he falls back on old patterns, like sex. Not that you’re complaining too much, but it would be nice to go an a date outside his penthouse
Even when activities go past sex and are actual date activities, you still don’t put a label on it
It’s after Decker walks in on you in various stages of undress in his penthouse that she refers to you as “your significant other” the next day to Lucifer
It is only after then you both talk about feelings and decide to be an official couple 
Okay, 1283 words in and NOW it is dating headcanons… (I just love him so much)
His hands are constantly on you. On your waist, hips, arms, shoulders you name it, no matter what you are doing
Lots of date nights at LUX. If you don’t drink, he will still want to go and dance with you
Lives to hear you laugh and squeal his name, and will do anything to hear it. Pick you up in a public area, go for a fast drive in the convertible etc
Tries to get you to spend the night at his place all the time (and you do because his bed looks to die for)
Hottub. Enough said…………. Especially at night
Pet names 24/7, Love, Sweetheart, Darlin’. Honey etc
You and Maze teaming up to traumatize him and telling her all the juicy details whether she wants them or not 
He has definitely serenaded you at his club
If other men try to flirt, all he has to do is flash his eyes and they take off running
Loves to show you off and will brag about you to anyone near him, no matter if they are listening or not
Listening to his family drama with no judgement once he trusts you enough
NSFW !!!!!!!!!!!
Will be up and willing for ANYTHING you suggest in bed. He is the devil and probably has done it after all
“Holy shit” you breathe, stretching out on his bed, slightly sore but too lost in bliss to care.
His nose bumps your jaw, pressing kisses up and down your throat. 
“Nothing holy about what we did, love”
Want to be tied up and have him spit in your mouth? Done
Want to tie HIM up and have your way with him? He's already getting the restraints
Will buy you all the lingerie you want as long as he can see you wear it
Always makes sure that you’re okay after, no matter what you two did
While nothing like anyone you dates before a FANTASTIC boyfriend, who makes you feel special every day
Taglist: @aya-daydreams (send a PM to be added)
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multi-fandom-enjoyer · 6 months
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Lucifer: And right then, mid temper tantrum, Y/n looks right up at me, all serious, and says, 'I'm going to start a rebellion.'
A nostalgic smile peirced his lips before he took a sip of his wiskey.
Lucifer: I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Morticia: I recall when Wednesday was little, she would reenact executions with her any doll she found and her miniature guillotine.
Gomez: Our little storm cloud always had a flair for the dramatic.
The three of them continued to reminisce about their children when they were younger.
Sitting a few feet away was Y/n and Wednesday. Both with a horrified expression on their faces.
Y/n: Perhaps this was a bad idea. Introducing our parents to each other.
Wednesday: Agreed. This is torture, and not the fun kind.
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gabessquishytum · 24 days
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So since there's no official Kinktober this year, I thought it would be fun to put together a few unofficial prompts for some Sandman shenanigans. Whatever pairing you'd like to do, whatever prompts you'd like to choose - even if it's only one of them, or all of them - it's completely up to you! This is really meant as a little inspiration in the hope that the wonderful Sandman community will create some fun and kinky content! Please feel free to reblog this - and it would be lovely if we could tag stuff with #Sandmankinktober to share the debauchery, too!
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ellovett · 3 months
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- what can survive the anti-life?
first time drawing lucifer properly!!
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owen-writes · 7 months
Don't put that in your mouth!
Lucifer Morningstar x Male Reader
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As you lounged on the couch in Lucifer's luxurious penthouse, your mind wandered as you idly flicked through channels on the TV. Lucifer was somewhere in the penthouse, probably in his office or perhaps the piano room, but you weren't sure. You were too absorbed in your own little world until you spotted something interesting on the coffee table. It was a small, shiny object that caught your eye, and without a second thought, you reached out to grab it.,
Just as your fingers closed around the object, a deep voice cut through the air, freezing you in place.
"Do not put it in your mouth!"
You looked up, startled, to find Lucifer standing before you, his arms crossed over his chest and a stern look on his face. His eyes bore into yours, and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of his gaze.
"But Luci, it's just a—"
"I don't care what it is," he interrupted, his voice firm. "You know better than to put random things in your mouth."
You pouted, feeling a bit like a scolded child, but you couldn't help but find his authoritative tone strangely alluring. With a reluctant sigh, you relinquished the object, watching as Lucifer plucked it from your grasp with a disapproving shake of his head.
"Really, darling, sometimes I wonder if you have any sense at all," he muttered under his breath, though you could hear the underlying affection in his tone.
Before you could protest, he reached out and gently tilted your chin up, his thumb tracing along your bottom lip in a surprisingly tender gesture.
"If you insist on putting something in your mouth," he murmured, his voice dropping to a low, husky whisper, "you might as well make it something worth your while."
And with that, he leaned in, capturing your lips in a heated kiss that sent sparks flying through your veins. You melted into his embrace, letting out a soft moan as his fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you closer.
When he finally pulled away, you were left breathless and dazed, a faint blush spreading across your cheeks as you met his smoldering gaze.
"Better?" he asked, a smug grin playing at the corners of his lips.
You nodded, unable to form coherent words as you basked in the afterglow of his kiss.
"Good boy," he murmured, pressing another kiss to your forehead before pulling away and disappearing into the depths of the penthouse once more.
As you sat there, still reeling from the intensity of the moment, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. Despite his overprotective nature and his tendency to scold you like a wayward child, there was no denying the undeniable spark between you and Lucifer. And as long as he was there to keep you in line (and shower you with kisses), you wouldn't have it any other way.
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janiehellion · 2 months
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Fallen From Grace
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Caught between a loveless marriage and a past you can't forget, you return to LA, the City of Angels. As old flames rekindle, you're faced with the consequences of your choices. Would you still make a decision that could destroy everything you've built over the years to experience the emotions you've longed for? “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: SMUT / HURT / FLUFF / ANGST
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 5.277
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With your hands deep in the pockets of your jacket, your face buried in a thin scarf, and the warmth of your breath that was soaking into it, it was making you shiver, and your thoughts were thrown back to the ritual of smoking a cigarette. The need to smoke bit into you; thinking of lighting one was still addictive and punishing at the same time. It had been years since you quit smoking, right before you got married to your husband, because he had always hated the smell. Still, your husband was behind you and always had your back regarding your decision to turn your life around, and he became a shoulder to lean on in the change from a reckless young adult into a now responsible and mature woman.
But lately, this routine that you once liked so much seemed to turn into a cage with no way out. The fights with your husband had become more frequent, and his constant work stress added more to the high tension between the two of you. You both were too tired to talk openly to each other anymore and with the same empathy that used to exist. Last night was pretty much no different. A silent dinner, a few short words exchanged between the two of you, and some annoyed glances at each other, until he then got up and went to his laptop in the living room, while you went to the bedroom to read one of your books.
It was days like this, where you felt overwhelmed by your life, that your mind began to wander back to him, to Lucifer Morningstar. You had left Los Angeles almost ten years ago to chase your dreams, leaving him and everything else behind after you came to the realization that it felt more like a simple friendship to you, which had scared you more than it should have. Although you had kept in touch by texting each other every now and then, you hadn't talked to or seen each other in years.
The sun was now setting as you got into your car, and you knew that the decision to visit the City of Angels once again came from some deep, restless part inside of you, and you convinced yourself it wouldn't be a mistake before sliding off your wedding ring and letting it fall into one of your pockets.
Suddenly, a message from your husband appeared on your phone. Apparently, he won’t be home for dinner tonight. He was staying out late with a colleague. Relief washed over you as you replied with an excuse about having decided that you were going out with your best friends anyway before you set the car in motion and headed towards Los Angeles.
A few hours later, you saw the familiar evening lights of what you once called home. You aimed for the LUX, the spot that Lucifer owned. Soon enough, your eyes scanned the room, looking for the one person you hoped to see as you exchanged a few words with familiar faces, but your mind was solely focused on Lucifer.
And there he was. The presence of him hit you hard—the lights, the music... It was overwhelming, and you quickly made your way to the bar, where you sat down. The face beside you? Familiar. She hadn't changed a bit, still looking fierce and gorgeous.
Maze immediately looked at you, recognizing you quickly. "There's no way... is it? Is it really you?"
"Hello, Maze," you said, nodding in her direction and smiling at her.
"It’s been a while! Ten years?"
"Close enough."
She whistled. "Lucifer’s going to freak out when he sees you; you know that, right?"
You smiled again, taking a sip of the drink that she handed you. "Where is he now?"
"I don't know. Probably around somewhere and probably smoking."
Your heart raced as you tried to control your excitement and nervousness. You sipped your drink further, trying your hardest to distract yourself. Then the door opened, and you felt that familiar presence. The smell of cigarettes and cologne hit you, making you grip your glass tighter.
"Now, look who’s graced us with his divine presence," Maze announced almost sarcastically.
You turned around, and there he was—Lucifer Morningstar. His eyes met yours with shock before he tried to hide it like usual. He wore his trademark suit, the one that always made him look like he owned the world.
"What in the world are you doing here?"
"Hello, Lucifer. Have you lost your manners in the last decade?"
"I just didn’t expect you."
"You didn’t have to. I just stopped by."
Lucifer only grunted and sat down next to you for a moment, his eyes never leaving yours. He took a whiskey Maze handed him and sipped it, his silence speaking volumes.
"I just needed to get away, you know," you started, but trailed off, knowing he would see right through you.
"Finish your drink. I don’t want to talk here."
You nodded, finishing your drink quickly. Lucifer was tapping the counter impatiently, and Maze gave you a knowing look as you left. "Good luck, babe," she mouthed, winking at you.
You followed Lucifer into the elevator and then to the parking lot. Right now, his attitude annoyed you, since he used to be so different with you back then, and as soon as you were outside, he stopped and turned around to you.
"Where's your car? I will hold the door open for you."
"What? Excuse me, please? What did you just say?"
He only smirked slightly instead of answering you as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. So you approached him slowly, placing a hand on his arm and feeling his muscles through his suit.
"I just thought you might want to see me again," you said softly, looking down to the ground.
"Do you think I’m not happy to see you?"
"The way you’re reacting right now, wanting me to get into my car and leave? No, not exactly."
"I just didn’t expect to see you again in LA. You simply surprised me."
You continued holding his arm, squeezing it a bit. "I simply missed you. Is it that wrong?"
"Your fault," he mumbled, finally lighting a cigarette. He took a drag and offered it to you. "Want one?"
"No, I quit years ago, don't you remember?"
He raised an eyebrow. "And do you still always do what your boyfriend wants? Do you follow his rules? Do you obey him?"
"Don’t be an asshole, Lucifer. It’s just complicated, okay?"
He handed you the cigarette anyway, and with a sigh, you took a drag. He leaned against your car, looking out over the city. The lights of Los Angeles twinkled like a thousand little stars.
"You’ve changed," he said after a minute, watching you from the corner of his eyes.
"I never changed. I grew only up."
"No, you’ve changed."
"I’m still me, just... older."
You stood in silence. Lucifer had always been a man of few words around you, but he said so much merely by being there.
"Why didn’t he come with you?" he suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
"He’s busy, working on a case."
"How did you end up with a lawyer, I wonder?"
"If you knew him, you’d understand. He’s dedicated, passionate, even."
"He took you away."
"I know. And that wasn’t my intention."
"Aren’t you here to find yourself again?" Lucifer asked, looking at you for a moment.
"Then why? Tell me."
"I'm here because of you, Lucifer. I needed to talk. To feel at home again."
"You can't just show up out of nowhere and expect everything to be the same as it was before."
"I did it without thinking."
"You, who plans everything down to the last detail, doing something spontaneous?"
"I just wanted to see my best friend again."
But Lucifer was right, and you knew it. It was strange to be back in Los Angeles without having really thought about it or thought of any consequences. But the feeling you had in your soul blurred every logical thought.
He suddenly grabbed your hand and walked you toward his car.
"What are you doing? Where are we going?" You asked, but didn't fight him.
"It's a surprise. Just wait and see."
"A surprise? What's the plan?"
"Be quiet and sit tight." Lucifer grinned as he started the car.
After the silent ride in the car, you reached the outskirts of a familiar area, where he soon led you through a wrought-iron gate to a small, charming house with a great view of a lake. The very first things that caught your eye were a marble kitchenette and a leather sofa facing a TV that was mounted on the wall, but most especially so, the floor-to-ceiling window leading out to a terrace and the lake that looked nearly as big as the house itself.
"Is this a new place of yours?" you asked him.
"Yes, indeed, it is," Lucifer confirmed with pride. "But that is not the actual surprise. Follow me." He guided you out onto the terrace. "It's a little dark already, but can you recognize the view? Do you remember it?"
You furrowed your brow, following his gaze, and gasped as you finally realized and remembered. "Is this the place that I think it is?"
"Yes, the very spot where we spent that beautiful evening," Lucifer confirmed. "I simply thought you might appreciate the nostalgia and that I bought this place in the end."
"But how did you manage to rebuild all this?" you asked, quite overwhelmed.
"Hard work and a bit of devilish charm," he teased, turning to face you and smirking at your reaction.
You remembered that night clearly—with just Lucifer and yourself—when you were talking about your dreams and your future under the starry sky.
"This is incredible! I'm so happy for you, Lucifer," you admitted, though tears were forming in your eyes.
"You're happy for me because I bought this place?" Lucifer's eyes softened, searching for yours while he asked. "Then why do I think there's more to it than that? More than simple happiness?"
You turned away from him, blinking back tears. "Forget about it. I'm sorry; I didn't want to ruin your surprise."
Lucifer closed the distance between you quickly; his face was serious but still calm and composed. "Will you tell me why you really left back then? I don't really believe that your boyfriend could hold that much power to rip you away from everything that was so loved by you."
"You know exactly why I left," you finally said, looking at him again.
"Sure... Of course, I do. Because I always do." Lucifer answered with disappointment in his voice.
You nodded slowly, biting down on your lower lip, unsure how to proceed. "I think that I probably should go home," you whispered, the guilt creeping in, just wanting to drive back home to your apartment and forget about everything.
But Lucifer clenched his fists. "Perhaps you should, yes," he agreed reluctantly, taking a step closer to you. "But not before this," he mumbled, closing the distance between your lips.
Lucifer crashed his lips onto yours, pushing you back against the patio door. There was no denying at this point—this was so much more than just a friendly reunion. It was bringing back to life a love where the flame had never actually gone out.
He broke away slightly as he led you back into the house, his hands removing your jacket, and soon enough Lucifer loomed over you inside his bedroom, his eyes searching yours for permission and reassurance. You nodded, and he kissed you again—deeply and almost desperately.
His hands were touching your body as his lips nuzzled kisses down your neck, and you could feel your body arch into him, begging for more, which was enough for the two of you to quickly get rid of each other's clothes.
"I can't wait any longer," Lucifer confessed, his eyes locked with yours.
You met his gaze, your heart racing as you nodded, and he smiled, slowly guiding you onto the bed. His touch was almost soft as he positioned you beneath him.
For a moment, Lucifer looked at you, mumbling, "You are more beautiful than ever."
You blushed, goosebumps creeping onto your skin as his fingertips brushed along your collarbone and slowly down your arm until he kissed the inside of your wrist delicately.
"You're exquisite," he said softly before his lips traveled up your arm again, across your shoulder, and onto the curve of your neck.
He kissed your forehead, then your cheek, before his lips finally kissed your own. His mouth moved slowly against yours, listening to each sigh that came out of your mouth. You reached for his arms, bringing his hands to your tits, where his fingers gently squeezed them, his thumbs lightly stroking your sensitive nipples and feeling them harden.
Once done, Lucifer's hands went down to your waist, pulling you up to straddle him. He slowly lowered you down onto his cock and pushed himself into you. His eyes didn't leave yours as he moved in very slowly, filling you up completely.
"You feel incredible," he groaned, his hands holding your hips tightly. "I've wanted this for so long."
You began moving, your body slowly going up and down as you leaned forward just a little bit with your hands on his shoulders for balance as you were riding him, and Lucifer's hands slid up your back until he pulled you close, burying his face in your neck.
"You're so perfect," he murmured. "Every part of you is."
You shivered at his words and moaned softly as his hands now moved down to your stomach from your breasts, then back to your thighs, and though the moments were stretching on, Lucifer's thrusts were still gentle instead of fast and rough.
"You're simply amazing," he whispered in your ear. "I want to make you feel everything."
His words only heightened your lust, and you rode him even more eagerly until both of you were breathless, wanting more.
But Lucifer's eyes stayed on your face. "I wish this would last forever," he whispered.
You moaned again and closed your eyes, your body quickening in time with his upward thrusts as you both felt your approaching orgasm.
His thrusts grew urgent, his hands gripping you a little bit harder to guide you through the final moments before you came, and Lucifer's body shuddered against yours.
As soon as your orgasms began to subside, Lucifer's thrusts did likewise. He embraced you tightly, stroking your back, and kissed your forehead softly. "I have missed you more than you know."
You clung to him, your racing heart only now starting to slow down. "I've missed you too," you whispered, your voice shaking, before tensing up as a certain thought inside your head started to form itself, your eyes narrowing.
"Protection! I... I didn't think of—" You started, but your words seemed to be stuck in your throat. "I'm sorry, Lucifer. I should have been more careful!"
"Don't worry about it right now, my dear. Focus only on us. and this moment," he simply answered without any care, but you ignored his words, and just then your eyes fell on something that lay on the ground beside your clothes; his eyes followed in the same direction—your wedding ring, which you had left carelessly in one of your pockets. His eyes went from that ring to you, and only then did he realize what was actually on your mind.
"Wait, wait, wait," he whispered quietly, furrowing his brow as he pushed you off, got up, and picked up the ring slowly from the floor. "You... you're married to him? What? You're actually still with him? Are you kidding me?"
Your face went pale, and you couldn't deny the truth, nor was there any reason to try to lie to him. "Yes, I am, but—"
"But what!" He cut you off. "Is this some kind of devil's bargain? Did you come here to light up an old flame, all the while you're still wearing another man's ring? Is this some kind of sick joke to you?"
"No, no! Listen, Lucifer! Listen to me! I didn't come here to hurt you," you tried to explain, your voice breaking. "I came because I missed you and—"
"Missed me?" He laughed out loud and shook his head. "You come back into my life, get me all worked up, and then this? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I must be quite the fool for thinking that you actually came back for me after ten years. How foolish I am, indeed."
"Listen! You don't understand! Just calm down and listen to me, please!" you pleaded, your face now red with tears that started to roll down your cheeks. "I never meant for this to happen! You know that! It just happened!"
"Never meant for it to happen?" Lucifer scoffed, anger suddenly giving way to a mocking laugh. "Oh, please, my dear. You do think this is some kind of joke, don't you? Did you come back just to test my patience?"
He turned away from you—his hurt was obvious as he threw your wedding ring across his bedroom. "How very amusing," he said bitterly. "A married woman who seeks out the Devil."
You reached out to him, your voice desperate, but he didn't let you touch him anymore. "Please, Lucifer, don't be like this. I never wanted to hurt you, I promise!"
He turned toward you again. "Don't be like this, you say? What did you expect? Should I just take this as some cruel joke of, what, fate? You think I should simply forgive and forget just because you come at me with a few tears and your excuses?
He had picked up a cigarette from the package lying on the side table of the bed and grabbed a lighter. "Here's a solution for you," he said, lighting the cigarette. "Why don't you go back home to your husband? I'm sure he's just waiting for you to come crawling back into his arms, so you can do what he wants some more."
You winced at the mockery and sarcastic tone in his voice. "Lucifer, please don't—"
"Don't what?" he interrupted you again. "What is it, huh? Don't you want me to remind you of the mistake you've just made? Don't make you face the reality of your actions? Of our... situation?"
He took another drag from the cigarette. "How amusing," he said bitterly. "I've spent most of my time in Hell, and with you, I finally got a taste of Heaven again, only to have it taken away from me in an instant..."
He flicked the cigarette into an ashtray, letting it go out by itself as it continued to burn down. "I'm supposed to be the Devil," he said, his lips now showing a rather sad and hurt smile. "But right now, I feel like I am the biggest fool in all of creation there ever was..."
The silence fell between you, and there, in his eyes, was only hurt, pain, and pure anger.
"I'm so sorry for everything, Lucifer. I never wanted to hurt you, really! Just believe me! Please!" You pleaded and begged.
He sat down at the edge of the bed, his anger now replaced by sadness, especially given the look on his face. "So, now what?" he asked. "What do you think happens to us after all this?"
"I don't know," you said, your voice trembling as you took a deep breath. "I wish things could be different, but they aren't. Believe me, I know this was wrong. I was wrong."
Lucifer took a deep breath as well to try to relax himself and calm down. "Well, wishing won't do anything, nor will prayers," he said, getting to his feet. "And if you want me to be completely honest, then I think you should leave."
You realized you were feeling regret—this was the end of what could have been all along, what could've been all those years ago. "I'm so sorry, Lucifer," you said again, through the tears that were now streaming down your face. "I wish there was a way..."
He smiled at you sadly and shrugged, handing you your clothes. "Here's to the past," he said bitterly. "May it stay there."
You took them from him, brushing your fingers across his while doing so, and began dressing quickly. "Goodbye, Lucifer," you said softly, your voice cracking again.
"Goodbye," he replied as his eyes watched you walk towards the door and into the living room. The taxi was called quickly, and you turned to go out of the front door, but you stopped for a second, turning around to the bedroom door again that he was about to close. "Go on and don't keep the taxi driver waiting."
After he closed the door, you quickly grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note, tears falling onto the paper and smudging the ink. You left it on the coffee table and stormed out, slamming the door shut behind you. The street was already dark, with only a few lights on each side of the road, and you quickened your pace to the main road. After a few minutes, you could finally see the approaching lights of a taxi.
The taxi driver soon enough returned you to your car, which was still parked in the LUX. Once inside your car, you glanced at the time, which was approaching midnight, and then you noticed the three messages from your husband and some missed calls from him that you quickly opened nervously.
9:42 PM: "Where are you? I'm back, and you're not here."
10:39 PM: "When are you coming back? Why don’t you answer? I’m worried."
11:16 PM: "I called your friends, but they said you weren't even with them tonight. What's going on? Please call me!"
Tears silently rolled down your face again as guilt consumed you. How had things gone so wrong? Your life had been perfect—or so you thought all the time. You’d spent the last ten years forgetting about your feelings for Lucifer, pushing them aside, and now, in one evening, you’d destroyed everything.
With trembling fingers, you tried calling your husband, but there was no answer. The worst part of this whole mess wasn’t just that you’d probably destroyed your life, but how little you’d considered the consequences of your actions with Lucifer in the first place. If karma were real, you thought, you’d crash while driving back home. But two hours later, you found yourself standing in the parking lot of your apartment again.
Entering it quietly and closing the door behind you, you saw your husband asleep on the big couch in your living room, his mobile phone still next to him. With one hand, you covered your mouth to stifle a sob, not wanting to wake him up, and you paused, uncertain of what to do, then slowly removed your jacket, throwing it over a chair, and decided to lay down beside him.
You couldn't help but remember how you both had always been a great team, at least at the start of your relationship back then, facing the darkest moments and hours together and supporting each other through thick and thin. He’d always been there for you; maybe he's been too distant at times, but he's been there nonetheless.
And now your endless thoughts about your mistake kept you awake until exhaustion finally took over. Later, when you woke up, your husband was gone. You hoped it had all been a bad nightmare, but the note on the table proved otherwise:
"When I get back from work, you tell me what the hell happened! And don’t even try to call me today! We'll sit down and talk in person."
You stared at the note, rereading it several times before crumpling it and throwing it on the floor in frustration. You grabbed your coat and left, not even bothering to look in the mirror. At the pharmacy, you were quick, buying what you needed before heading back home. Once sitting down on the couch, staring at the morning-after pill on the table, you knew you should take it right away, but something inside you held you back.
Your eyes kept wandering around, seeking distraction, but just as you were about to scream, the doorbell rang, making you jump. You tried to calm yourself before opening the door, but it wasn’t your husband who you thought might have left his keys behind. Standing there was Lucifer, who decided to step inside your apartment without even waiting for an invitation.
"What in the world are you doing here?" you asked, staring at him while closing the front door.
Lucifer pulled a crumpled note from his pocket—the note you had left for him. "Why do I have to read such nonsense?"
He held up the note before reading it out loud.
"Lucifer, the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I wish I could."
"Lucifer," you began, but he cut you off.
"Well, isn’t this poetic? The Book of Jeremiah—17:9 to be exact!" His voice sounded neutral, but you could see the fire in his eyes. "I guess the Devil isn’t the only one who’s capable of deceit, isn't he? How charming that you choose to repent now, but I’m afraid it won’t absolve you of the choices you made, my dear... I do admire your attempt at biblical drama! Quite charming, isn't it?"
Your hands were now sweaty, and your heart pounded so fast that you thought it was going to explode. "Lucifer, please..." You managed to whisper, but he shook his head.
"I suppose that’s the true nature of humans, isn’t it? Always seeking redemption when it suits them." His voice relaxed slightly, but the intensity behind it remained, and only then did he grab something from his pocket again. It was your wedding ring. "I’m not a priest, my dear. You know exactly who I am, and I won’t be so easily fooled by your attempts at repentance. I'd say that you owe me more than that."
You had barely started to open your mouth when the sound of keys at the door made you turn around in shock. You looked over just in time to see your husband standing there, his face full of anger and surprise at the same time.
"What the hell is that man doing here?" he asked, staring at you.
"Listen! It's not what you think," you started, but your voice cracked, unable to find the right words to even explain yourself.
Meanwhile, Lucifer gave him an almost bored look and crossed his arms over his chest. "Ah, the husband has finally arrived! How very delightful," he said. "I'm Lucifer, and you must've forgotten about me, I see!"
Your husband glared at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting to be welcomed with open arms by the man of the hour. But then again, I've never been one to shy away from a bit of chaos."
You took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on the situation. "Listen, we need to talk..."
But your husband's eyes were still on Lucifer, looking him up and down. "About what? How obviously you have been cheating on me?"
You winced at the accusation, but Lucifer merely laughed. "Cheating? Now, that's a rather strong word. I prefer to think of it as rekindling old flames."
Your husband's hands clenched into fists, and he let out a scoff. "You! You have no right to be here. Leave. Now."
Lucifer's eyes narrowed, and for a slight moment, he revealed what really lay beneath. "How quaint! I assure you, I'm only a catalyst. Or, let's just say, the devil's advocate, if you will."
Your husband took a step back, his face turning pale for a second. "What the fuck are you trying to pull here, huh?"
Lucifer stepped closer to him, his smile turning into a grin as he pointed to the pill on the table in the living room, which he had noticed all along. "That little token of affection over there might reveal more with its symbolism than you may realize."
The eyes of your husband went to the pill on the table and then back to Lucifer. "What... what do you mean? What the hell are you even talking about?"
Lucifer's smile widened as he leaned forward. "Why don't you take a guess? Or maybe you would prefer to leave it to your imagination?"
"My imagination? You're obviously fucking my wife, and now you are standing here like you have some right to her? As if you own her?"
Lucifer let out a dramatic sigh. "Well, I suppose you could say I am more of an old flame to your dear wife. But let's not get down to the boring details."
Suddenly, your husband stepped forward, his anger overflowing. "Get out of my house. Now!"
"Oh, such a fiery temper. Are you sure you're not harboring a bit of Hellfire yourself?" Lucifer said sarcastically and threw his hands dramatically in the air.
The eyes of your husband widened again, and he took a step back as soon as he could while he looked into his eyes. "I'm warning you. Just leave..."
Lucifer's eyes changed, his stare reaching deep into your husband's soul. "And I assure you that I'm not someone that you want to provoke."
He took a step closer, and your husband's confidence broke down as he looked him in the eyes. "You know what? I'm done with this. I'm leaving! Don't you dare touch me, whatever the hell you are!"
Lucifer's eyes followed him, and he smirked proudly. "As you wish."
The apartment was almost completely silent as the door slammed shut behind your husband, and you stood there, paralyzed, the realization of that moment and what had just happened finally setting in, but Lucifer snapped you out of it as he looked at the morning-after pill on the table once again.
"My dear, really? Do you think that this pill is going to undo what's done now?" Lucifer started. "Do you actually believe that some sort of pill will stop something divine, like... Oh, I don't know, my touch, as an example? I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, darling."
You looked at him with shame, lust, and regret in your eyes. "What now?" You asked him, whispering silently.
"What happens now will be entirely your choice," he said, moving closer to you and stretching out his hand to touch your cheek. "You see, I very much adore you, and I have for quite a while."
His hands were soft but strong, and a shiver ran down your spine. "You can either act like nothing happened, or maybe you can accept it and see where it takes you," he said, his eyes locked on yours. "You've got a choice to make."
He stepped closer, his lips touching your ear as he spoke. "You could try to forget about the night we just had, but you and I both know better. The seed has been sown, and the question is, at this point, whether you'll let it grow."
Lucifer took a few steps back and pushed the front door open, just enough to fit through. "Whatever you choose, I will be here, waiting. And trust me," he said with a smirk, "I have all the time in the world."
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Hello, Little Girl (Part One)
Logan Howlett (Wolverine) x Reader
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Summary: You have been living at Xavier's school for a few years now, feeling slightly out of place as a Nephilim from another universe but welcome nonetheless. When something pops up that has no business being in this universe you're sent gearing up for a mission that you would rather leave the X-Men out of, but an anxious endless and overprotective step-uncle-devil insist on this being worked as a team.
A/N: The title is an Into the Woods reference for no good reason other than that I couldn't help myself. We're also loosely using X2 Logan purely because of the kitchen scene, but in reality it's an AU.
Some quick background, the reader (Y/N in fic, described with she/her pronouns) is based off of an OC I tend to pull out pretty frequently. Half human, half angel, displaced from their home universe and dropped into this one, with characters from Lucifer (show/comics) and The Sandman (show/comics) making appearances despite not existing in the Marvel Universe. *shrug* TW: Alcohol use, swearing, mature/explicit themes down the line in subsequent chapters so MDNI
Feedback/questions/comments HUGELY appreciated as it took me a long ass time to say f it and post this <3
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Reader
Word Count: 3,437
It was late when you arrived, but that was part of your plan. You didn’t want too much of a fuss and had plenty of groceries to put away, everyone made a big fuss out of missing your cooking when you announced your departure, so you were sure to come back with all the essentials you knew you’d be asked to make in the coming days. It was late to start cooking, even by your standards, but the silence in the house was so deep that you were certain starting some baked goods wouldn’t be the cause of any commotion. You got to work with plenty of butter, flour, sugar, and eggs on hand. All of the basics you would need to make as many things as possible. 
You got started on big batches of basics; chocolate chip cookies, brownies, dough for cinnamon rolls to serve tomorrow morning. You had several bowls in various stages of prep when you fell silent, realizing you were no longer alone. 
“If I had known you were here I swear I wouldn’t have started,” you turned, explaining yourself to the only person it could be, “You’re the only one who could’ve heard any of this from three floors away.” 
Logan shook his head in the negative and unlocked the fridge that stored alcohol for the adults of the mansion, grabbing two beers. He held one out to you that you accepted, and he took a large sip of his before explaining. 
“I was up as soon as you landed in the kitchen,” he referenced your unique method of travel, shrugging, “You might be flying too fast to see, but I heard you.” 
You smirked, “Yet you waited until the cookie dough was just about ready…” 
He shrugged, “Figured you’d be so happy to see your favorite in the house you’d be more likely to sneak me some extra.” 
“Were you even asleep?” You cut through the bullshit, and Logan chuckled, “And so confident you’re my favorite?” You teased, “What if it’s Scott?” 
He actually growled and wasn’t ashamed of it, “Don’t say things just to wound me, darlin’.” 
You chuckled to yourself but relented, sharing the cookie dough with the wolverine with an extra spoon you pulled from the drawer as soon as you realized who was snooping. You took a long sip of the beer and hummed, relenting without much of a fight. 
“How many are still here?” He knew what you meant without clarification. 
“Not many, but they’re all older so no one complains about these,” He gestured to the beers between the two of you, “But all of this will be gone by tomorrow.” He meant all of your baked goods and you shrugged. 
“That’s what they’re for, Old Man.” He glared at you, shoveling more cookie dough out of the bowl.
“How long are we going to do this little dance?” He asked looking you dead in the eye. It took a lot to throw you off balance, but Logan was better at doing it than most. 
“Is it your hip? Need a seat, grandpa?” They were coming out half-hearted even to you, and he leveled you with a look to tell you as much as he continued to wait, “Alright look, I’ll admit those weren’t my best, but if you don’t want to keep up the dance how about you just ask me whatever it is you want to know?” 
Logan looked genuinely surprised and you snorted, getting back to work you started to roll out dough that had finished resting for the cinnamon rolls. Logan sat down to watch, sipping his beer and enjoying your company while he worked out how to ask you everything he was thinking without scaring you off. 
He sighed, “When you left you said you couldn’t tell us much, and I understand needing to leave the past in the past better than most.” 
You waited for him to continue as you spread the filling across the dough. There were long silences sometimes between the two of you, but they never felt awkward. Logan didn’t have the gift of gab, but you weren’t in any rush. You learned early on that it was best to give him his time, but you also realized equally early that sometimes Logan sitting down and trying to talk about his feelings was like trying to recite a poem he’s never heard in a language he doesn’t speak.
“If I’m being totally honest, and I will be since it seems like that’s what you’re getting at, I don’t really know if I fixed anything or if I just…” You trailed off and Logan nodded, scooping up more cookie dough. This was the point you realized Logan really wasn’t leaving without more answers from you, any other day and that cookie dough would be a fond memory by now. 
“If they’re sending you for intel it must be pretty bad, huh?”
You finally got a genuine laugh out of him, “No one sent me, bub. The reason I waited for this to be ready first,” he gestured to his snack, “Is because I could smell the stress on you miles away. Whatever sent you runnin off hasn’t let you alone since, matter of time before you accept the fact you need help.” 
You squinted, “Can you actually smell stress or is that an exaggeration?” It may have sounded like a joke but you were genuinely curious and he knew, deciding to humor you. 
“More complicated than I made it sound, but bottom line is yes, bub. Is it my turn to ask a question?” He threw you a signature smirk as you both nursed your drinks, cinnamon rolls temporarily abandoned. You took a deep breath. 
“You’re no stranger to the fact that there are other worlds out there, some like the ones I came from, some much closer than that within this universe.” Logan sobered up quickly, sitting up straighter. He thought it would take more prodding, he didn’t expect you to casually toss him into the deep end. “Does the name Morepheus mean anything to you?” 
Logan shook his head in the negative and you nodded, but he interrupted before you could continue, “Do you want me to wake the professor?” 
You smiled sadly, “I’m going to tell him everything too. But is it alright if I just tell you first, we’ll consider it a first draft. I really have no clue how I’m going to explain this to-” 
“I’m gonna get us some proper drinks, don’t get too ahead of yourself kiddo.” You rolled your eyes and took the break as an opportunity to finish spreading the filling and roll up the cinnamon rolls to rest ahead of slicing and baking. 
Opening up to Logan first thing upon your arrival wasn’t on your bingo card for how your return was going to go, but it wasn’t unwelcome either. Your friendship with Logan was an easy one, but you couldn’t pretend it didn’t get strained in your absence. He knew you weren’t a mutant and that some part of you felt you didn’t belong at the school, didn’t deserve it, but he would be the first to remind you that didn’t matter. Of course, you weren’t fully human either, so what that made you to the team was always a question mark in your own mind. 
Logan returned and began covering your many bowls before you had a chance to tell him what went where, “I take it you’re forcing me into a break?” 
“And some sleep if I’m lucky.” He meant it as a joke but regretted it as soon as he saw your face fall, “But for now moving us into the study with the whiskey.” 
You got the kitchen mostly in a state of order before heading down the hallway to meet Logan by the fire, plate of brownies in hand. If you weren’t painfully aware of the bad news you were about to deliver, it might even feel romantic, huddled near the fire with chocolate and alcohol. You kicked your shoes off and collapsed onto the small couch beside Logan, enough space between the two of you to feel intimate without being crowded. You closed your eyes and leaned backwards into the plush cushions of the couch, taking a deep breath as you tried to pinpoint the start. 
“Now hon the first thing you need to understand is that nothing sent me off running. It may have seemed abrupt to everyone here, except the professor that is, but I was gone the second my head hit the pillow that night. I shut my eyes here and opened them in another world.” You took a deep breath as Logan stared back at you looking like he wasn’t entirely certain if you had completely lost it or were telling him something of dire importance. Once the shock wore off and he remembered who he was speaking to, a nephilim from another universe, he decided if you told him you were pulled into another world, he had no reason to doubt it as fact.
“Do you know where you were?” 
You nodded and pointed to your empty glasses, “It’s not like you to be stingey with the liquor, ever plan on helping a girl out?” 
He rolled his eyes but eagerly poured you both what looked to be maker’s mark. Not your favorite but for the conversation ahead anything would do. You weren’t a lightweight, but you couldn’t be called a drinker either, so you surprised yourself and Logan when you downed the double shot he poured before refilling your own glass and topping off his. You expected a snarky joke or more disapproval of your behavior, but instead the Wolverine just continued to watch you as if he were studying for a test he wasn’t entirely prepared for. 
You didn’t need his heightened senses to see that your behavior was putting him on edge, and you quietly admired this as one of his most underrated abilities. He might not know what you were about to tell him, but his instincts knew before you said the words that you were gearing up for a fight. 
“Have you ever heard of the Endless?” You asked Logan and he slowly shook his head no, “I didn’t think so, at this point most people think of them as myths. Stories that got lost to time and all that. But my Uncle Lu had a few run ins with the family, not all of them good, but you know how he could be…” You wandered off for a bit and Logan felt a chill, as much as he would try to deny it. You mentioned him so casually, your “Uncle Lu”, Lucifer Morningstar, the devil himself. 
“Dream of the Endless dropped in at Lux to see if Lucifer was behind a hex bag found in the dreaming.” You pulled a leather pouch from your pocket and Logan felt all the hair on his arms stand at edge, “It’s unusual here though, this type of magic. Even some of the most powerful magic users in this world haven’t seen anything like it, but to be fair it’s some creative work.” You pulled the drawstrings slightly to open it just enough for Logan to see inside. 
“Bones? And..” He squinted at the bag and you nodded as he finished, “Sand.” 
“It belongs to Dream. Also known as the Sandman, never seen without a raven,” you gestured to the bones in the palm of your hand, “and his sand. They contain fragments of his power, even in this state.” You stared at the item in your hand that weighed on you more heavily than the literal weight of its contents. You felt yourself veering towards tipsy but reached for your glass anyway. 
“The irony of who I’m saying this to isn’t lost on me, but you seem pretty quiet, even for you.” You threw a playful elbow nudge in Logan’s direction and completely missed, he caught your shoulder before you could fall over him onto the couch. His hand stayed on your arm as he shook his head as if to clear his head. 
“Have you seen anything like it?” Logan asked cautiously. If he was being completely honest the direction of this conversation was unsettling him for reasons he couldn’t place, it was a new feeling entirely. 
“That’s the million dollar question,” You smiled sadly, “I’m gonna need a favor, Lo.” You stood up and began  throwing all your strength into sliding the small couch you and Logan had just occupied out of the way, lifting the edge of the rug it had been resting on. You gestured to a particular floorboard, “Can you lift that one?” 
You expected another question or any hesitation really, but Logan stood and did as you asked. You reached into the opening as soon as the board was cleared and pulled out a small bag that looked nearly identical to the one you had shown Logan. 
“I have a feeling I’m not gonna like where this is goin’.” Logan huffed as you returned the floorboard and started to climb back into your seat. 
“Everyone told me the kind of things in the world I came from didn’t exist here, but even when I was with Lucifer and then came here, I couldn’t just…let my guard down?” It sounded like you were asking him a question but you just kept going, “I had been on the run for years, Logan, and everyone was telling me I was safe here, but-” 
“You were stuck in survival mode.” He said it as matter of fact, and you closed your eyes and nodded, “So you hid these here for…protection?” Logan was giving you a break, filling in the gaps he came to understand from what you were telling him and what he already knew about you. 
“Some are for protection,” You nodded, “Some of them actually act as little safeguards too so that if someone or something comes waltzing in here that shouldn’t be, it can bind them to the spot.” 
Logan chuckled, the way you delighted in your clever tricks not lost on him, “Can’t say we couldn’t have used a few of those before you got here,” 
“To be honest, I wasn’t even sure if they would work here. Still not totally sure, can only tell you that this one,” you pointed to the one fallen open with sand and bones, “Managed to work in the dreaming without Morpheus detecting anything.” 
You didn’t need to tell Logan you were scared, your heart rate was erratic enough for him to start to wonder if he should change the subject, shit on Scott for a while or something else guaranteed to get a chuckle out of you. This time a few years ago he might’ve done that, when you were both still new and he didn’t know how quickly you would become pivotal to his life, to everything he knew about who he was, not that he ever said as much. When it came to you Logan wasn’t prepared to take the easy outs, he needed you to tell him everything.  
“How does it work?” It was a careful question asked quietly, vague enough to keep you talking, but not specific enough to spook you. 
“It was basically hijacking some of Dream’s power. Whoever made this used it to create a little pocket dimension for themself deep in the dreaming, the only reason Morpheus found out at all was an increasing number of dreams and nightmares stumbling upon it only to be transported back to Morpheus’s castle with no memory of their hours before.” Your voice was just above a whisper, and you startled a bit when Logan snorted. 
“This guy has a castle?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“You know, some would call this a castle, Logan.” You getured to the mansion you were seated in, tucked away in the cozy study that screamed wealth, intentional or not, “But yes, Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmares. No one has that many names and doesn’t have a castle.” 
Logan caught the mocking tone and was grateful to hear it, “So are you telling me you ditched us to go hang out in a castle, Princess?” 
He smirked at you and your heart stuttered for a different reason entirely. Logan being insanely, ridiculously attractive was by no means new to you, but huddled next to the fireplace and calling you ‘Princess’, even jokingly….well, you took a deep breath and tried to laugh off just how flustered his comment made you. 
He knew, of course he knew. Any other night Logan may have finally taken the plunge, grabbed you by the chin to look him in the eye and ask if the two of you were ready to stop dancing around your feelings. But then again he had been telling himself that for months already, and the night of your return showing up being chased by ghosts from your past was probably not the best night to add more to your plate. 
“Something like that. I actually haven’t gone to the dreaming yet, Lu didn’t think…well, he thought-”
Logan stiffened and his mind started racing a thousand miles a minute while screaming at himself that he’s a fucking idiot, that he should have caught on to what this all meant sooner. 
“He thinks they’re coming for you?” It was growled through his teeth, but he needed to ask it. 
“He thinks…” you chose your next words carefully, not wanting to put Logan any more on edge than he already was, “That we don’t know enough yet to rule it out, and me prancing right into the dreaming, even with him and Morpheus-” 
“You need backup.” Logan finished for you as you nodded. 
“As much as I don’t want to involve any of you in this, I’m afraid I don’t have much of a choice. Logan, I,” you struggled with this next part, trying to figure out how to explain it. 
“Just say it, kid, don’t worry about how it sounds on my account.” 
“Logan, the best case scenario would actually be that they’re coming for me.” You whispered as Logan began to snarl, you continued talking faster, “The alternative is that someone with a lot of knowledge they shouldn’t have is trying to destabilize the dreaming. If that’s what’s happening, I’m not the only person in danger. Human and mutant alike, we’re all tied to the dreaming. If the dreaming dies…” 
“Alright kid, look,” Logan sat up in his chair and took your hands, that you hadn’t realized you were wringing anxiously, in his, “I��ve lived a long time, alright? Until I met you I didn’t know about all of this celestial bullshit, hell I still don’t understand half of what you’ve told me tonight.” You chuckled, acknowledging it was quite a lot to handle in general let alone around 3 am, “But you know what, bub? I’ve been in more wars than I’d care to count, we’ve been in battles with imperial space birds, and I’ve had to time travel enough that Chuck sometimes has to fill me in on what’s changed when my consciousness returns to the present.”
You looked at him quizzically, not having been aware of that last one and he shrugged, “You can be nosey about it later, my point is everyone under this roof has stopped the end of the world a few times by now, don’t go losing sleep before we even know what we’re up against. Give us some credit.” He winked at you and squeezed your hands before returning them to your lap and finishing his drink. 
You released a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and smiled sweetly at him, a little too sweetly in fact, “That was quite the pep talk Lo, gotta be careful, some might say you’re starting to sound like Scott.” 
You expected a glare, maybe even an actual growl as you compared Logan to the ever present thorn in his side but instead he shrugged, “You tell anyone I said this and I’ll deny it, but one thing Summers and I agree on is tackling the big bads as a team. From this universe or whoever the hell else is stupid enough to come knocking.”
There were a few beats of silence as what Logan said soaked in, and even though your instincts were still screaming at you to run, when Logan told you you would face it and beat it as a team, god help you, you believed him.
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havensins · 1 year
lucifer morningstar x male reader
cw . sub!lucifer, dom!reader, bondage, teasing, brat taming (?), begging, use of toys (butt plugs), handjobs.
note . for zepplin since it’s his birthday <33 @f4nrir 🫶🏾!
“i’d appreciate it if you’d hurry up a little,” lucifer had called from his position on his bed. his face was flushed and his arms were pulled taut over his head with thick black rope that kept him in place.
his hair was messy, fluffy from how you’d tugged on the jet black stands only an hour earlier. his chest moved up and down with deep breaths of anxious anticipation as he waited for you to do anything. he was stark naked, save for the ironically red plug nestled between his cheeks, fighting the urge squirm under your nearly predatorial eyes.
“why should i? i think i should take my time with you, luci,” you grinned at him, taking a couple steps forward before kneeling on the bed, between his spread legs. “you’re torturing me here, love.” he murmurs, holding eye contact and trying to buck his hips up for any form of friction.
you run a finger along the length of his cock. it was as needy as he was — his tip flushed red as he leaked precum down his shaft. he shivers at the feeling. “i’m.. i’m ready for you, just do something already,” he whines, but you ignore him on purpose.
“you’re so sensitive… i wonder how many times i could make you cum for me?” you ask rhetorically, moving your finger down to press at the base of the plug. he inhales sharply, “if you keep teasing me..” he grits, shamelessly clenching around the plug.
you wrap your hand around his cock and he practically shivers at the feeling. “you’ll what? we both know you won’t do anything but take what i decide to give you,” you mutter, and he shrinks back a little.
“you know how i love to hear you beg, luci.“ you tell him, stroking him slowly. the noises that tumble past his lips has you straining against the confines of your own boxers.
he’s clenching his teeth, pulling against the rope and trying not to give you the satisfaction of him moaning, though his plan fails when you swipe your thumb over his slit. he chokes out a curse, melting into his velvet sheets.
you could feel him throb and twitch in your palm, you knew it wouldn’t be long before he cracked a little and gave you what you wanted. more precum dropped down his shaft and you used it as lube to stroke him faster.
he lets his head fall back into the pillows, guttural moans leaving his lips in quick succession. “please!” he blurts finally, tears building up behind his eyes as he stares you down. “i’m sorry! fuckfuckfuck-!” he whispers, and you smile.
you stop your hand completely and he sobs. “see how easy that was, luci? now i can give you what you want,” you murmur, hooking your thumbs into the waistband of your underwear. “and you’re going to take it all.”
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freckles-things · 8 months
Rescued by the Devil
Summary: What happens when you run away from your abusive husband? Who will be able to help you? And why does he nearly run you over with his car?
Pairings: platonic Lucifer x reader
Warnings: abusive marriage (not descriptive), mentions of blood
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The bitter cold of the night seemed to seep into your bones as you sprinted down the desolate street. Each ragged gasp of breath felt like a lifeline, a desperate attempt to outpace your tormentor. The pounding of your heart echoed in your chest, matching the ache in your soul. Bruises adorned your body, and the pain in your bones matched the ache in your soul.
The sound of screeching tires shattered the otherwise quiet night and were your only warning as you stumbled onto the road, gasping for air. Your heart hammered in your chest as a black luxury car came hurtling towards you. Frozen in fear, you braced yourself for the impact that seemed inevitable. At the last moment, the car swerved, narrowly avoiding a direct collision and merely grazing your body. But the impact still sent you crashing to the pavement and knocked the wind out of you. Groaning in pain, you struggled to catch your breath and get back on your feet.
The driver's side door swung open, and out stepped a tall, impeccably dressed man with devilishly handsome features, looking equal parts furious and bewildered.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" he drawled, his voice smooth and rich and his piercing gaze taking in your disheveled state. "Running in front of cars now, are we?"
You took a step back, wincing at the pain that shot through your side. Despite the throbbing ache in your body, you gritted your teeth and tried to stand your ground. "I... I had to... I had to get away," you managed to spit out, your voice barely audible as you fought to remain on your feet.
His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized your battered appearance, ignoring your words.
"Well, congratulations, love," he said with clear disdain, the sarcasm virtually dripping from his words. "You've managed to stop a moving vehicle with your rather dramatic entrance. Quite impressive."
You clenched your jaw, defiance burning within you. Ignoring his sarcasm, you mustered the strength to retort, meeting his gaze head-on. "I didn't have much of a choice. And I'd rather take my chances with a moving vehicle than face another minute with that monster of a husband."
As he continued to observe you more closely, the stranger's expression softened slightly. His keen gaze gliding over the old and fresh bruises, the fear in your eyes, and picking up on the way you flinched when he took a step closer.
"Please, I need help. I can't go back," you pleaded, desperation seeping into your voice. You knew that he was your only chance. Your husband hadn't been that far behind you once you'd run and you were sure he was lingering in the shadows nearby, waiting to pounce on you once the stranger had disappeared. You'd have no chance, all the head-start you'd had would be gone and you'd have to face the punishment for your unsuccessful escape. Tears streamed down your face, and your entire body trembled with fear and exhaustion. You weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to do this. You were sure that your body wouldn't cooperate much longer.
The man's features softened even further, and he let out a sigh, running a hand through his dark hair. "Fine," he said, the resignation in his voice clearly mingling with sympathy. "Get in."
For a moment, doubt flickered in your mind. Should you trust a stranger? But something about his aura, his presence, gave you a glimmer of hope. And after all: it couldn't get much worse than what you would face if you didn't. Taking a calculated risk, you got into the car, unsure of what lay ahead and where you were even going.
As the car sped down several streets your posture grew more hunched by the minute. The adrenaline that had fueled your escape now waned, and the pain in your body was intensifying steadily. You winced at the small bumps of the road, tears prickeling at the corners of your eyes, but you fought to keep them at bay. You'd experienced worse after all.
The man glanced at you, his concerned eyes piercing through you. "You alright there, love?" he asked, surprising you with unexpected gentleness.
You wanted so badly to hold on, to keep up the facade of indifference. But for some reason you couldn't. Without realising it, you shook your head, the floodgates of emotion breaking open. "No, I'm not," you admitted, your voice cracking with vulnerability. "But I'm alive, thanks to you."
He glanced at you, his expression unreadable. "Well, you're welcome, I suppose," he said, his tone again a mix of annoyance and indifference. What was wrong with him? You didn't necessarily need or want his sympathy, but the back and forth of emotions was exhausting and confusing you.
You frowned, feeling a surge of unreasonable frustration at his response. "You know, most people would show a little more empathy." you snapped, your emotions raw and unfiltered. Instinctively you moved as far away as possible, expecting a response fueled by anger at your insolence.
He chuckled however, a smirk playing on his lips. "Darling, I'm not most people," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm the Devil, after all."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you looked at him with renewed uncertainty. "The Devil?" you repeated incredulously.
He nodded, a self-satisfied smirk still playing on his lips. "That's right. Lucifer Morningstar, at your service," he said with a dramatic flourish of his hand.
You stared at him in disbelief, your mind racing. The Devil? Seriously? Did he have no better introduction? It literally did fit his name though, that you had to admit. You quietly mumbled your own name in response.
"What are you doing here, then?" you asked, your voice filled with a mix of amusement and variness at his antics. The Devil, as if. "Shouldn't you be busy torturing souls or something?"
Lucifer chuckled, the sound grating on your frayed nerves. "Oh, I do have my fair share of responsibilities, but I do enjoy a bit of a break now and then," he replied casually. "And apparently, fate decided to throw you into my path tonight. Quite literally at that"
"Haha", you muttered but couldn't quite help the corners of your mouth trying to lift into a smile. The rest of the drive was spent in silence, though it was a more comfortable one than before.
His car stopped in a parking house and you aprehensively glanced at him. While you had willingly taken the calculated risk of getting into his car, you still were on high alert. Looking for any possible exit and threat in your surroundings, calculating the best for a possible escape. Maybe you should have stayed outside. Who knew what this man had planned with you. Just because he hadn't tried anything yet, didn't mean he wouldn't. And while the adrenaline had pushed your body to it's limits and beyond, the pain had been slowly increasing and made it harder to move.
Trying to get your attention but not succeeding, Lucifer reached out and gently touched your shoulder. You flinched at his touch, almost throwing yourself against the far end of the car. His gaze softened again, and he swiftly withdrew his hand.
"I'm sorry," he said, his tone sincere. "I didn't mean to startle you. I'm aware that you have no reason to believe me, but you don't have to be afraid anymore. You're with me now."
Feeling a flicker of reassurance in his words, you hesitantly met his gaze. It was as if his eyes held a glimmer of understanding, a depth that hinted at a tumultuous past. Though the circumstances were uncertain, you found yourself inexplicably drawn to him, a sense of trust blooming amidst the chaos that had consumed your life.
You just nodded at his words, still glancing around the parking area. There weren't a lot of cars and those you could see you recognised as luxury ones. Now that you thought about it, the interior of Lucifer's car very much looked like a luxury car as well. You hadn't really paid attention to it before.
"I live in the penthouse apartment at the top of the building. There's a private elevator we have to take. Only a hand full of people have the code, half of whom work for the LAPD." You recognised what he said as an indirect reassurance that no one could enter his apartment unnoticed, which was greatly appreciated.
Gathering your strength, you mustered the courage to slowly open the car door, and cautiously maneuvered out of the confined space, mindful of the pain that flared with each movement. Gasps of discomfort escaped your lips, but you remained resolute in your determination to persevere. Only once your body threatened to give up on you, did Lucifer step in.
"You look like you're going to collapse any second. Let me help you, love."
You nodded reluctantly, watching him as he cautiously approached you. You cringed away from the initial contact, but forced yourself to stay still afterwards. He was right. You would not make it to the elevator on your own and as sad as it was, Lucifer's apartment was your safest bet right now.
With one of his strong arms wrapped around your waist to support you, you gingerly stepped into the elevator. The pain in your body spiking with every movement, causing gasps to escape your lips. But you were determined to push through. Lucifer, ever attentive, noticed your struggle and adjusted his grip to provide more stability while trying to avoid any cuts and bruises. Not that he was having much luck.
As the elevator doors closed, the two of you were enveloped in a momentary silence. The dimly lit space felt both comforting and eerie, the soft hum of the elevator serving as a backdrop to your ragged breaths. You stole a glance at Lucifer, his expression a mix of concern and determination. There was an air of power and mystery around him, and it was both captivating and unsettling.
As the elevator jolted to life, you braced yourself against the wall, trying to find a balance between the pain coursing through your body and the need to stay upright. You could feel Lucifer's unwavering support, his arm providing a steady anchor amidst the storm raging within you. His gaze on your face slighly hardening with every gasp of pain you emitted.
"My dear," he murmured softly, his voice laced with sympathy, "what has been done to you is unforgivable."
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with pain and fear. The weight of your past experiences resting heavily on your shoulders, making it difficult to trust, to let someone in. Yet, in that moment, as you stood together in that confined space, you felt a flicker of hope ignite deep within you.
"I... I didn't know where to go," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't think anyone would help me."
Lucifer's heart ached as he took in your battered form, the vulnerability etched into every line of your face. Without a second thought, he reached out to you, his touch gentle as he wiped away a tear with his thumb. You flinched at first, the instinctive reaction born out of the countless painful encounters you had endured. But his touch was different—filled with a warmth you hadn't felt in a long time.
"No one has the right to hurt you," he said, his voice low and filled with righteous indignation. "You're safe now. I won't let anyone harm you."
His words held a sincerity that resonated deep within you, soothing the wounds that extended far beyond the physical. In that moment, you allowed yourself to believe, to trust that this enigmatic man before you was someone who could offer you the solace and protection you so desperately wanted and needed.
The elevator doors slid open, revealing a lavish penthouse apartment bathed in soft, golden light. You marveled at the opulence surrounding you, feeling a mix of awe and apprehension. Lucifer guided you over the threshold, his arm never leaving your side, ensuring that you felt supported every step of the way.
As you entered the sanctuary of his home, a sense of relief washed over you. The outside world, with its darkness and torment, felt distant and insignificant within these walls. You could finally breathe, unburdened by the constant fear that had plagued you for so long.
Lucifer led you to a plush couch, carefully helping you to lower yourself onto its soft cushions. He disappeared momentarily, returning with a first aid kit in his hand. With steady hands and a gentle touch, he tended to your wounds. Each gesture, no matter how small, served as a reminder that you were no longer alone, that at least right in this moment someone was there to care for you.The pain persisted, refusing to be easily forgotten, but Lucifer's presence provided a comforting distraction.
"Ah, my dear," he quipped to get rid of the silencebetweenyou, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he carefully wrapped a bandage around your wrist, "I must say, you really know how to make an entrance. Not everyone gets a personal chauffeur in the form of the Devil himself."
You chuckled weakly, the corners of your lips turning up despite yourself. "Well, I guess I have a knack for attracting trouble," you replied, feeling a little more at ease in Lucifer's company.
He flashed you a grin, his devilish charm in full force. "Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, darling. It's not every day I get to play the knight in shining armor. Quite the rolereversal."
You couldn't help but blush at his teasing, grateful for his lightheartedness. His witty remarks and quick comebacks brought a sense of levity to the heavy atmosphere, making you forget, if only for a moment, the pain and fear that had consumed you.
Lucifer's touch was gentle as he continued to tend to your wounds, his fingers moving with practiced ease. He cleaned each cut and bruise with meticulous care, his focus unwavering. The pain, though still present, seemed to diminish in intensity as his hands worked their healing magic, applying ointments and dressing the cuts with gentle precision.
As he worked, you marveled at his dexterity, the way he handled each bandage and antiseptic wipe with expertise. It was clear that he had encountered similar situations before, and his expertise gave you a sense of relief. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to relax into his care as best as you could.
"I apologize for any discomfort, my dear," he said softly, his voice laced with genuine concern. "I'm trying to be as gentle as I can."
You nodded, grateful for his presence and the tenderness he exhibited. Despite his initial sarcastic demeanor, he had proven himself to be compassionate and empathetic.
"Thank you, Lucifer. I... I didn't expect this."
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, his eyes meeting yours with a hint of vulnerability. "Sometimes, even the Devil can surprise himself," he replied, his voice tinged with sincerity. "Everyone deserves compassion, especially in moments of pain."
Silence settled between you as he continued his ministrations, and you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of trust and connection. The sound of running water caught your attention, and you opened your eyes to find Lucifer wetting a cloth under a nearby sink. He returned to your side, wringing out the excess water, and gently began to clean the dried blood from your face. His touch was gentle, his movements deliberate, as if he was handling something incredibly precious.
"There, that's better," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "We can't have you going around looking like a walking piece of art, now can we?"
You managed another weak smile, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood. Despite the pain that still lingered in your body, you found solace in Lucifer's presence, in the warmth of his care.
Once he finished dressing your wounds, Lucifer retrieved a soft blanket from a nearby armchair and carefully draped it around your shoulders. The warmth enveloped you, offering a comforting embrace that went beyond the physical.
"You need rest, my dear," he said gently, his voice filled with concern. "Allow yourself to recover. I'll be here if you need anything."
You reached out, grabbing his hand instinctively, not wanting to be alone.
"Please, stay," you pleaded, your voice barely a whisper.
A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he nodded. "Of course," he replied, his voice filled with reassurance. "I'll be right here."
He settled into a chair beside the sofa, his presence a steady anchor that eased your troubled mind.
You nodded, a deep sense of exhaustion washing over you. The pain, both physical and emotional, had taken its toll, and you realized how desperately your body and mind needed respite. As you settled into the couch, with Lucifer nearby, a strange sense of safety enveloped you. The world outside, with all its chaos and cruelty, felt far away. As sleep finally claimed you, Lucifer remained by your side, watching over you like a guardian in the darkness, his mere presence a source of reassurance in the midst of your pain.
Sooo, forst try for the Lucifer fandom. Not sure I portrayed Luci correctly ^^ Thanks for reading tho!
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stars4graham · 1 month
I forget how much I'm attracted to men and then I just see Tom Ellis and I start foaming in the mouth not literally but my jaw is dropped and I'm jumping for no reason laughing like a psychopath
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suckerforcate · 1 month
Gwendoline Christie
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Larissa Weems
Brienne of Tarth
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 4 months
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A/N: Sorry it took so long to update I just didn't really have the motivation also I usually don't proofread my work so I do apologize. Also I wanted to update as quick as I can while making this so its a bit smaller then I would've preferred but ill try to make a longer part next time! Also thank you Max for the tips!
"Come in." Weems said from the other side of the doors. Oh how her voice was so raspy and soft. It's like whenever she talks her words are coated in love spider webs.
I step into her office, mentally preparing myself to see her. Once i'm in her office I instantly see her red plump lips that look so inviting. I quickly shake my head slightly to get out of my trance.
"Im here for our art lesson." I said with my stoic expression, my voice sounding like a hundred freshly made blades.
"Ah yes Miss Addams, I apologize I lost track of time." She said apologetically. Which I stared at her. The air in the room wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. She then decided to interrupt the silence.
"Follow me to the art studio then, this is where we will meet up instead of you coming to my office just like today." She smiled while standing up and walking around her desk.
She opened the door for me, I then step out of her office and wait for her to lead the way. When she was walking on her way to walk in front of me our hand's gently grazed each other. Making me feel spiders crawl in my stomach.
"Here we go Miss Addams." She smiled sweetly while opening a door. Inside there were a bunch of blank canvases, art supplies, etc. Basically any art supplies that some artist wished to have is right here in this very room.
I scan the room to see two canvases set up for the both of us and two stools. I look back at her to see her smiling at me with that soft smile that could make even an Addams's heart melt.
"Lets begin Miss Addams." She smiled, gesturing towards the stools. I stay quiet and go sit on one of the stools. She then goes to occupy the other one.
"Now Miss Addams what do you already know about art?" She asks me. I look at her, thinking if I should answer her or not. Eventually I decided to.
"About how to make art or what is art?" I asked in my icy cold tone. I see her a shiver a bit from that tone making my lips twitch in a small smirk. I quickly turn away, hoping she didn't see it.
"Well I suppose I should be more specific, what is art Miss Addams?" She said while clearing her throat. I see her starting to take off her gloves to reveal her soft porcelain skin.
Seeing her pale skin makes me shiver, but of course my skin was paler. "Art is a way of communicating with your thoughts and feelings, but thats the deeper meaning. Art is an object that is expressed with skill and imagination." I said while getting some acrylic paint out.
Weems just looks at me with a soft smile. "You think outside the box Miss Addams." She compliments. "Your first assignment is to paint what you have on your mind right now. Now this may take a couple of sessions to complete but do not rush."
I then think for a moment, I then look around the room. My eyes then look at her. In that moment I then decided what I was gonna paint.
The next day I was roaming the halls when Enid came up to me.
"Bell! The Poe Cup is soon and I was wondering if you could join us? Wednesday said she'll go if you go so please say yes!" Enid squealed. Shaking my shoulders making my tempted to cut off her fingers and stack them right in front of her.
"Ill think about it now please don't ever touch me again." I said before pushing her away. Not too hard but not to soft either.
I then walk to the quad, up from above I see Weems with her binoculars looking down at all the students. Our eyes then lock making her put her binoculars down and smile at me. Making a bowl of spiders crawl in my stomach. Which was definitely a feeling I was unaware of. I then turn away, walking to the art room since it was my free period and deciding to work on my painting for a while.
I peeked back a bit to see Weems with a sad expression before going back into her office.
I walked into the art room and looked over at Weems's painting. It seemed like a painting of black rose. My favorite rose...
"Lets play 21 questions hm? I think its only right since we will be giving these paintings to each other." Weems smiled at me. I just nodded.
"You will got first Weems." I said flatly while giving her my usual glare. She just nodded before thinking for a bit.
"Why did you decide to come to Nevermore?" She asked me after a few minutes. I think about my answer for a bit.
"Because I was in a boarding school in France before. I was there for a few years and I decided I wanted a change of scenery and Wednesday has expressed how much she wanted me to come back through our letters to each other." I said while starting to paint the background. Some clouds with hues of pale yellow.
"A boarding school in France? Wednesday told you she missed you?" Weems said, firing questions at me.
"Wednesday and I are very close. We always did everything with each other and for the question about me going to France for school. I needed to get away from mother and father. They were too affectionate and over-protective." I said while creating soft stroked on my canvas. I look over to see Weems with a bit of a sad look.
"Too affectionate?" She said in a bit of a sad tone which she tried to hide but I caught on right away.
"Yes too affectionate, they would smother me in hugs and kisses and always made sure to know where I was going." I said a bit softer then usual.
She just nodded which I thought was a bit strange but I brushed it off. I then started to think of what I should ask her.
"Do you think angels are good?" I asked. She looked at me perplexed since this was a strange question for me to ask her. She then thought for a bit.
"I do believe angels are good Miss Addams. They are supernatural beings that have many tales about their good deeds and what they have done for humans in the past." She said. I then see her finally starting to pain.
"Yes but only of their good deeds, they must have committed something down right sinful at least once." I said while starting to paint some golden gates. The gate ways to heaven hell. As I believed she was sent from heaven hell.
"What's your favorite flower Miss Addams?" She asked with a smile.
"A black rose." I said with ease. One of the easiest questions that could she could ask from me.
"It represents elegance and mystery." I said while glancing over at her. I see her get out black, grey, and white paint. I then quickly assume she will be painting my flower which made the corner of my lips turn up a bit before I shook that odd pleasant feeling down.
I then quickly return back to the present. Though I felt a strange feeling when I realized she was painting my favorite flower.Even though I already knew that it still made spiders crawl in my stomach. Basking myself in joy despair.
I then hear Enid calling my name which me roll my eyes. I then hear her open the door to the art room to see me which made her grin widely.
"Bella! Can you participate in the Poe Cup this year please?" Enid asked with puppy eyes which didn't prove effective on me.
"No." I stated plainly before going back to painting.
"Please Bella? I know I already asked today but please??" She pouted which made me roll my eyes before sighing.
"Fine." I said, finally relenting to join this silly event.
"Really?" Enid said happily, about to go in for a hug before I glared at her. Signaling to not do that.
"Oh Principal Weems will be so happy that you'll join! I told her how I wanted you to join the team today and she hoped that you would join and you did! I have to go thank her!" Enid smiled excitedly.
"Oh and we'll build the boat this week!" Enid smiled before walking out.
I sighed, already regretting my decision to join the Poe Cup. But I then thought about how Weems would be happy to see me play which made it kind of worth it.
I snap out of my daze, looking back at my painting of an angel. As I saw Larissa Weems as an angel. I mentally conflicted with myself if I should use Weems's face but decided against it since it would seem weird. I decided to put a mask on the angel. The identity hidden.
I then feel something crawl on my shoulder to see Thing. I glare at Thing, mentally saying to get off my shoulder.
Thing decided to stay on my shoulder which irritates me.
"What do you need Thing?" I asked while starting to paint the mask of the angel. Thing quickly starts doing signals which makes me look at him.
"You want me to help Enid build the boat?" I said asking him. Which makes him sign a yes. I sigh, looking back at my painting before starting to clean up.
"I suppose." I said setting Thing down on the floor. Thing then starts to lead the way to where our team was building the boat.
In the distance I see the blonde werewolf and my sister. I get closer and seem them both trying to paint a black cat which makes me sigh. I then decide to paint the other side.
"Leave the painting to me you fools." I said starting to paint. Enid looks surprised that I was helping out since Wednesday probably told her I wouldn't. It seems that Wednesday was surprised to. I just glare at them making them both quickly go back to painting the other side.
"Thing tie my hair up." I ordered which makes him do so obediently. He ties my hair making my raven hair into a ponytail. My hair shining a deep purple in the sun.
After about an hour of painting I am halfway done with my side. I look over to see the two gone. I then feel three sets of eyes looking at me. I turn around to see Enid and Wednesday looking at me paint. But there were only two people behind me. I drag my eyes around my vicinity to see no one us but us three. Weird...
I decide to ignore it and go back to painting my cat for our team.
After about another hour I finish my painting, going back a few steps to marvel at my work. I see Enid come closer, inspecting it before turning to me and smiling.
"Oh Bella it looks amazing! Thank you!" She said happily, about to go in for a hug which makes me step back immediately. Like second nature.
I see Wednesday right next to me, shoulder to shoulder. I see Enid looking at us excitedly before pulling out her brain sucking device.
"We should take a picture and make memories!" She said excitedly before snapping a picture of me and Wednesday making me a bit mad but I suppose it was okay. Just one photo...
After Enid took our photo I demanded to see it. Conflicting with myself if I could delete it or not. I take the phone and look at the picture. Me and Wednesday standing shoulder to shoulder, Enid in the corner of the picture. A failed part on hers of trying to include herself in the selfie. I then examine the photo.
But in the background I see a shadow...A shadow of a large figure. The tree right next to the shadow has three claw marks...
I then look back to see the shadow gone but the marks still there...
@poorwritingandstalecoffee  @maxfanartfan @a-goblin-named-cherry
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erinyaya · 10 months
Dreaming of heaven
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marvelsgirl616 · 6 months
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my little troublemaker
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ellovett · 3 months
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☆ morningstar's kiss
the gloved hand can be whoever n it might even be YOU (kidding. its me actually/j) but this is based on a janitor.ai conversation my sandman oc had with the lucifer bot :) ehehhehe THEYRE SO PRETTY I CANT BELIEBE MY EYES
convo sc and drawing reference under the cut
THIS WAS JUST OUTRAGEOUS this response made me like holler n start thrashing around from the excitement..the lucifer bot on j.ai is so good i promise u
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