#can you tell I don’t have very high hopes for starfall lol
enteragoodnamehere · 1 year
ok before it starts I’m placing bets: Starfall’s gene is either gonna be
1. Runes but More
2. Like Brightshine but Arcane-Themed
3. Just a wholeee lotta eyes or smth idk
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mmvalentine · 3 years
feysand prompt: first kiss. i didn't really like how their first real kiss was like during/after they'd touched each other. so could you maybe please write a first kiss scene between them in acomaf? maybe like a starfall kiss scene or maybe at the summer court. thanks :)
Okay firstly I am SO SORRY this took so long, I loved this idea but I felt nervous because of course I wanted to do this right. (LORD imagine how Rhys felt lol). As smoking hot as that ‘one bed’ scene was, I agree that it was a shame to rush past their first kiss. And Starfall seemed so perfect. So without further ado...
First Fall
Rhys sidestepped me, veering toward the balcony rail, but not fast enough to avoid the careening star that collided with the side of his face. He leaped back with a curse. I laughed, the sound rasping out of me. Not a chuckle or a snort, but a cackling laugh. And I laughed again, and again, as he lowered he hands from his eyes.
The entire left side of his face had been hit.
Rhys was examining his hands, covered in the dust, and I stepped toward him, peering at the way it glowed and glittered. He went as still as death as I took one of his hands in my own and traced a star shape on the top of his palm, playing with the glimmer and shadows. His fingers tightened on mine, and I looked up. He was smiling at me. And he looked so un-High-Lord with the glowing dust on the side of his face that I grinned back.
I hadn’t even realised what I’d done until his own smile faded, and his mouth parted slightly.
“Smile again,” he whispered.
I hadn’t smiled for him. Ever. Or laughed. Under the Mountain, I had never grinned, never chuckled. And afterward…
And this male before me… my friend… For all that he had done, I had never given him either.
So I smiled at him, broad and without restraint.
“You’re exquisite,” he breathed.
The air was too tight, too close between our bodies, between our hands.
Rhys went to move away, but I reached out to stop him. Didn’t mean to, and I couldn’t tell you why exactly I did it, but Rhys reacted immediately. He pulled me flush against him, put his hands on either side of my face and touched his forehead to mine. The sudden closeness was overwhelming.
“What do you want, Feyre?” he asked, an edge to his voice that, if I didn’t know better, I might have called desperation.
Problem was, with him this close, with this thumbs running over my cheekbones and his breath ghosting my lips, my thoughts swirled and I couldn’t conjure a single coherent thought.
What did I want from him? Everything I could never ask for. After this past week, it all seemed so precarious. Rhys’ eyes squeezed shut for a second. 
 “Okay,” he said. “I’ll make it easy. I’ll tell you what I want.” Despite the glowing splatter that still smudged his face, the laughter and lightness of only moments ago had suddenly vanished.
Rhys’s hands were careful, but he angled his head and slid his nose all the way down mine. “I want as much or as little as you want to give me,” he said hoarsely. He brushed his lips back and forth over my jaw. “That’s all.” He exhaled at my throat. “Me? You can have all of me. You have all of me.” The tip of his nose ran up the column of my neck. “But I think you know that, already.”
Rhys hovered his mouth just over mine. “So what is it you want, Feyre?” he asked again, and the words moved his lips just barely against mine. “Please tell me,” he asked. Begged.
And still, I didn’t know how to find the words. So I just stood up on my tiptoes, and pressed the barely-there touch into a kiss.
Rhys responded with his whole body. He stepped forward as if he could get even closer, one arm dropping to circle my waist. His hand cupping my face pulled me in, and his lips chased after mine.
For a moment, everything held still, like the peak of a pendulum swing. It was like the world held its breath when we did- and we slid apart only to come back together immediately. I remembered to breathe in at the same time as Rhys exhaled, and something like Rhys’ starry darkness filled my lungs and floated through my veins.
Rhys moaned softly, and kissed me again.This was not like when Isaac had kissed me, or Tamlin for that matter. The first kiss with someone had always felt uncertain to me, exciting and green but cautious. Testing each other. This was something else entirely.
Kissing Rhys was at once entirely shocking, and also deeply familiar, as if something was clicking into place that should have been there long ago. I found that the more I kissed him, the more I seemed to feel like I had been missing him for a very long time, and I could have wept with relief now that he was here. Wrapped around me and pouring molten midnight straight down my throat. The sea and citrus taste of him was suddenly a craving that I didn’t know I had, and I felt like I could get drunk off the wine of him.
When Rhys pulled away, with a soft scrape of his teeth on my bottom lip, I felt strangely empty. I opened my eyes to find him staring down at me, violet wonder and pale-green stardust filling my vision.
“I think,” Rhys said slowly. Breathlessly. “I think if I don’t stop now I very well might keep you here all night.” He brought my fingers to his lips. “Not that I would be at all opposed to that, myself. But I can’t let you miss the Starfall.”
“Then dance with me,” I said, entirely unwilling to let him go. “All night, if you wish,” Rhys said, his voice raw and his eyes eternal.
Thanks anon for this sweet request. I had such a godsawful day today, writing this was food for my soul. I hope you like it, and I hope that I did them justice.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-babies @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @thalia-2-rose @asteria-of-mars
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julibf · 6 years
Arya and Gendry hints from the books...
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Ok, I should had written about them to be honest, but life got it in the way. So, for you, lets go. I have to admit that once I reread Arya’s chapters last year, her relationship with Gendry was absolutely delicious to read. There is a lot of foreshadowing for this couple, I am not sure if they will end up together … One of the first foreshadows happens pretty much in the first book, there is always references of hammers and blacksmiths on Arya storyline, its actually pretty funny.
She frowned down at them with dismay and glanced over to where her sister Sansa sat among the other girls. Sansa's needlework was exquisite. Everyone said so. "Sansa's work is as pretty as she is," Septa Mordane told their lady mother once. "She has such fine, delicate hands." When Lady Catelyn had asked about Arya, the septa had sniffed."Arya has the hands of a blacksmith."
A Game of Thrones - Arya I
Arya has the hand of a blacksmith!!!!! This is pretty good.
“Is that why you killed all the Starks?”
“Not all,” said Jaime. “Lord Eddard’s daughters live. One has just been wed. The other…” Brienne, where are you? Have you found her? “…if the gods are good, she’ll forget she was a Stark. **She’ll wed some burly blacksmith** or fat-faced innkeep, fill his house with children, and never need to fear that some knight might come along to smash their heads against a wall.”
- Jaime, ADWD
Again, thats pretty on the nose.
Their friendship begins because Gendry takes her side when everyone else is either ignoring her or bullying/attacking her. And later on they become pretty much inseparable, they even share their food with each other.
“Leave him be,” said the boy with the shaggy black hair who rode behind them. Lommy had named him the Bull, on account of this horned helm he had that he polished all the time but never wore. Lommy didn’t dare mock the Bull. He was older, and big for his age, with a broad chest and strong-looking arms…
The Bull shouted, “Behind you,” and Arya spun. Hot Pie was on his knees, his fist closing around a big jagged rock…
Lommy Greenhands wasn’t even hurt, yet he stayed as far away from Arya as he could get. “Every time you look at him, he twitches,” the Bull told her as she walked beside his donkey.
Once they are together, Arya is always trying to be in the company of Gendry, she still doesn’t understand why she wants his company all the time, but she does…. And she is clearly attracted to him, but  since she is still so young, she again, doesn’t really understand why....
"She climbed to the roof and peeked down. Gendry was beating out a breastplate. When he worked, nothing existed for him but metal, bellows, fire. The hammer was like part of his arm. **She watched the play of muscles in his chest and listened to the steel music he made. He’s strong, she thought.”**
Gednry also, thinks Arya is beautiful and is also, always by her side. BTW, this is by far one of my favorite chapters in the books. Gendry loves being a smith and when he finds out there is a smithy close to the inn they are staying he invites Arya to go see it with him. She is the only one he shares any personal information or secret.
"Arya?" Gendry had followed her out. "Lady Smallwood said there's a smithy. Want to have a look?"
"If you want." She had nothing else to do.
In this conversation Gendry is sharing how he was going to make his first sword. He telling something to Arya that he propably told no one else. He is playfull with her, pinches her face, calls her pretty. He is soooo smitten with her, ughhh, my fucking heart
"He won't remember me, but he used to come to our forge." The Smallwood forge had not been used in some time, though the smith had hung his tools neatly on the wall. Gendry lit a candle and set it on the anvil while he took down a pair of tongs. "My master always scolded him about his flaming swords. It was no way to treat good steel, he'd say, but this Thoros never used good steel. He'd just dip some cheap sword in wildfire and set it alight. It was only an alchemist's trick, my master said, but it scared the horses and some of the greener knights."
She screwed up her face, trying to remember if her father had ever talked about Thoros. "He isn't very priestly, is he?"
"No," Gendry admitted. "Master Mott said Thoros could outdrink even King Robert. They were pease in a pod, he told me, both gluttons and sots."
"You shouldn't call the king a sot." Maybe King Robert had drunk a lot, but he'd been her father's friend.
"I was talking about Thoros." Gendry reached out with the tongs as if to pinch her face, but Arya swatted them away. "He liked feasts and tourneys, that was why King Robert was so fond of him. And this Thoros was brave. When the walls of Pyke crashed down, he was the first through the breach. He fought with one of his flaming swords, setting ironmen afire with every slash."
"I wish I had a flaming sword." Arya could think of lots of people she'd like to set on fire.
"It's only a trick, I told you. The wildfire ruins the steel. My master sold Thoros a new sword after every tourney. Every time they would have a fight about the price." Gendry hung the tongs back up and took down the heavy hammer. "Master Mott said it was time I made my first longsword. He gave me a sweet piece of steel, and I knew just how I wanted to shape the blade. Only Yoren came, and took me away for the Night's Watch."
“You can still make swords if you want,” said Arya. “You can make them for my brother Robb when we get to Riverrun.”
“Riverrun.”** Gendry put the hammer down and looked at her. “You look different now. Like a proper little girl.” “I look like an oak tree, with all these stupid acorns.”
Part of the reason Gendry doesn’t like the idea to go to Riverrun and serve Robb Stark  is because once he does that, their magical moments together will be gone. You see it, as long as they stay hidden on the roads of Westeros together, there is a tiny part of Gendry that can dream of being with Arya, they are just  dirty kids running away from the Lannisters together; once they are reunited with King Robb and Lady Stark, Arya, of course will retake  her position of a high born Lady and he will be just a bastard boy serving House Stark. Sometimes reality is just too painful.
“Nice, though. A nice oak tree.” He stepped closer, and sniffed at her. “You even smell nice for a change.”
“You don’t. You stink.” Arya shoved him back against the anvil and made to run, but Gendry caught her arm. She stuck a foot between his legs and tripped him, but he yanked her down with him, and they rolled across the floor of the smithy. He was very strong, but she was quicker. Every time he tried to hold her still she wriggled free and punched him. Gendry only laughed at the blows, which made her mad. He finally caught both her wrists in one hand and started to tickle her with the other, so Arya slammed her knee between his legs, and wrenched free. Both of them were covered in dirt, and one sleeve was tom. on her stupid acorn dress. “I bet I don’t look so nice now,” she shouted.
Gendry is always described as a serious and grumpy boy, the only momments he seems relaxed and happy is when he is with Arya. Look at the way he talks to Arya about his art of making swords, he was sharing a very special thought with her and he will do this with only her. He is falling for her, but she is a Highborn Lady and he is a bastard and he knows what this means.
Tom was singing when they returned to the hall.
My featherbed is deep and soft, and there I’ll lay you down,
I’ll dress you all in yellow silk, and on your head a crown.
For you shall be my lady love, and I shall be your lord.
I’ll always keep you warm and safe, and guard you with my sword.
Pay attention to those lyrics, “I will dress you in yellow silk”.. yellow is the colour of House Baratheon … and on your head a crown… you all know that Arya is going to be a queen, you have been warned by me, lol. “For you shall be my lady love, and I shall be your lord. I’ll always keep you warm and safe, and guard you with my sword.” This is a love declaration…
Harwin took one look at them and burst out laughing, and Anguy smiled one of his stupid freckly smiles and said, “Are we certain this one is a highborn lady?” But Lem Lemoncloak gave Gendry a clout alongside the head. “You want to fight, fight with me! She’s a girl, and half your age! You keep your hands off o’ her, you hear me?” “I started it” said Arya. “Gendry was just talking.” “Leave the boy, Lem,” said Harwin. “Arya did start it, I have no doubt. She was much the same at Winterfell.”
Tom winked at her as he sang:
And how she smiled and how she laughed, the maiden of the tree.
She spun away and said to him, no featherbed for me.
I’ll wear a gown of golden leaves, and bind my hair with grass,
But you can be my forest love, and me your forest lass.
In the second verse of the song, the lady accepts the love of the Lord, but refuses his proposal “She spun away and said to him, no featherbed for me.” But you can be my forest love, and me your forest lass.
I think that George was trying to tells us, that even tho Arya desires love, she may not desire marriage. Her hungry for independence may be stronger. I hope I am wrong, I would like to see them getting married.
Gendry was actually very jealous of Arya friendship with Ned Dayne.
Poor Ned seemed to grow more miserable with every mile. “When I wear my helm, the rain beats against the steel and gives me headaches,” he complained. “But when I take it off, my hair gets soaked and sticks to my face and in my mouth.”
“You have a knife,” Gendry suggested. “If your hair annoys you so much, shave your bloody head.”
He doesn’t like Ned. The squire seemed nice enough to Arya; maybe a little shy, but good- natured…
“You have a House?” That was stupid; he was a squire, of course he had a House. “Who are you?”
“My lady?” Ned looked embarrassed. “I’m Edric Dayne, the… the Lord of Starfall.”
Behind them, Gendry groaned. “Lords and ladies,” he proclaimed in a disgusted tone. Arya plucked a withered crabapple off a passing branch and whipped it at him, bouncing it off his thick bull head. “Ow,” he said. “That hurt.” He felt the skin above his eye. “What kind of lady throws crabapples at people?”
“The bad kind,” said Arya, suddenly contrite. She turned back to Ned. “I’m sorry I didn’t know who you were. My lord” …
Just like Arya is also very much jealous of Bella:
Then maybe I’ll go find that black-haired girl and ring her bell for her.”
“I said, go away. M’lady.”
Arya whirled and left him there. A stupid bullheaded bastard boy, that’s all he is. He could ring all the bells he wanted, it was nothing to her.
BTW, just like in the tv show Gendry decided to join Jon Snow and serve him, I believe the same will happen in the books. The last time Gendry and Arys talked in the books Arya was mad at him because he decided to join the brotherhood and not go to Riverrun to serve Rob.
I think Gendry regrets this decision and wishes to make it right with Arya, not to mention, Jon will be the last chance he will have to reconnect with Arya. I have no doubt they will reunite in the books too.
There is so much more about them in the books, this is just a tiny piece. I can easily say they are one of my favorite couples of this story. I love, love love them and will write more about them for sure. I hope Gendry survives season 8, his death would break my heart!!!
BTW - Imiss writing metas and I miss tumblr, life has been crazy these past months, but I will be here for sure for season 8!!!
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