#can you tell i miss heartsteel
tokagrem · 5 months
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writerblue275 · 5 months
Hii may I request heartsteel lads and how first kisses goes?? :3
First kisses with Heartsteel!
Hi hi hi lovely anon, of course you can!! Thank you for requesting, this is such a cute idea! I’ll keep this to just first kisses, but I’ll definitely make a general kisses headcanon at some point.
Inspiration: Love a good first kiss moment.
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: Swearing. Slight discussion of rebellious activities (lmao guess for which member).
Extra: Some of these I felt like I could keep completely in bullet form, but some others I felt required more set up, so there’s some prose interspersed.
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Definitely happens further down the line when things are really getting serious. Aphelios just gives me the “takes it slow but he’s in it for the long haul” vibes (love it! You go king). It takes a while for him to let someone in, but once he does, you know you’re extremely important to him.
So you’ve been dating him maybe two-three months now. And while he hasn’t kissed you yet, there have been other kinds of physical moments (like hand holding, cheek kisses, slight cuddling, some pet names, that sort of thing) that have progressed that shows things are moving well in the right direction.
Not to mention the subtle things. Like the way he thumb lingers a little on the corner of your lips as he wipes away some ice cream your napkin missed. Or how he has to look away when you bite your lip. (Because he wants to be the one to do so. 😝) Just other subtle things that seem to signal Aphelios is ready to take that next physical step with you. You just have to figure out how to ask him in a way that won’t spook him.
One of the things you two do together? Well he’s teaching you sign language. Or at least the basics. He fully doesn’t expect you to sign all the time, hell he doesn’t even do that. But since he has to be careful to protect what remains of his voice, he does use sign language as one way of communication.
And you being the kind, wonderful partner that you are, you want to learn to sign too. Communication with your partner is so important and of course you want to be able to communicate with Aphelios as effectively as possible, so you asked him for help. (He’s so touched that you’re taking the time/making the effort to do that for him btw. Learning any new language is extremely difficult.)
So one night, after a date, when you two are just vibing together on the couch in his studio, you and Aphelios decide to play a little game that has become common for the two of you. You sign something and he grades your signing, telling/showing you what, if anything, you can do better. And for the most part it’s just been fairly basic signs and phrases.
But little does he know, you’ve been practicing more than just simple phrases at home.
Can I practice signing some questions?, you ask.
Yes, he signs. Of course! What do you have for me tonight, cutie?
You smile brightly and blush at the pet name, making him smile in response.
You start off with some basics. What is your name? How are you doing? Where are you from? Those sorts of questions. And you watch carefully as Aphelios helps you make any adjustments to clarify your signing.
“Phel, can I try and ask something more….personal? I-I want to make sure I have it down” You ask, your voice getting a little shy. You know you’re taking a risk, but you really like him and you just want to confirm he’s on the same page as you. That the connection you’ve felt isn’t just one-sided.
His eyebrows go up in surprise but he nods. Of course, he signs. What is it? You’ve really peaked his curiosity now. Especially with how shy you got.
So you take a deep breath to settle your nerves….and another one…before finally blushing deeply and signing, Will you kiss me? (You sign it flawlessly btw. You practiced for DAYS as you gathered the courage to ask him.)
His eyes widen and he blinks at you for a few moments, giving you a good clue that you did ask what you intended to.
As the silence drags on for a few moments longer and you see Aphelios try to process what you just asked, you fear you’ve made a terrible mistake of things and you start to just completely panic.
“Sh-shit Phel I’m so sorry! Oh god, I made you uncomfortable, didn’t I…Please forget I asked. Please forget I said anything! Oh I ruined everything…I’m so so so sorry. I’ll go. Please can we pretend like this didn’t happ-mm?”
You’re so frazzled and upset with yourself you didn’t even notice Phel sign absolutely yes before leaning over and kissing you slowly, his fingers threading in your hair, completely cutting off your panicked rambling.
And when he pulls away? This time you’re the one left staring at him in surprise, blinking rapidly for a few moments before smiling widely as he signs back to you, There. Now will you kiss me, please? And of course you’re more than happy to oblige. He said please, after all.
I think Ezreal would kiss earlier on in a relationship. His love language (giving) is physical touch and kisses are included in that. And of course with him, your first kiss is going to be fun and sweet because those are the vibes Ez gives off like 95% of the time.
In this instance the two of you are at an arcade for a date. You’ve noticed he’s been giving more and more signs that he wants to kiss you. Subtle (he thinks) glances down to your lips when the two of you are talking or the way his lips linger when he kisses you on the cheek after walking you to your door post-date. And well…you want to kiss him too. In fact you have a little plan to help move things along.
You asked Alune, who introduced the two of you, what Ezreal’s favorite arcade machine is before-hand and she immediately responded ski-ball. She told you he’s a god at ski-ball and how no one in Heartsteel will play with him anymore because he always wins. Always. His aim is just unmatched. (Though Phel is certainly practicing hard to beat him.)
So what do you do? You challenge Ezreal in ski-ball of course! But the stakes have to be raised. What’s the fun without some flirty competition?
Him: “And if I win? What do I get? Your tickets? Dinner? A kiss?” *Said with a little cocky smirk* (Of course.)
You: *grin widely at him* “Yeah sure, I’ll kiss you. Deal.”
Him: *His eyes wide and he’s very alert now* “Wait, actually??”
You: *smirks* “I mean what I say, Ezreal. You know that. Besides, I’m sure I’ll win, so why does it matter? You know how competitive I get.” (Muahaha, clever you. You got him hook, line, and sinker.)
Oh now it’s ON. He’s fully tuned in. You can tell his competitive nature made him play right into your plan. He wants that kiss.
And he’s absolutely going to get it. Ez is rolling a perfect game. Like it doesn’t take long for winning to be completely out of reach for you. So you pause to watch him, eventually starting to laugh before just going for it, leaning over and kissing him deeply (of course it’s just as he sinks the shot to break the high score record on the machine).
And once he gets over the initial surprise, he very eagerly kisses you back, one of his hands cupping your cheek. And the kiss lasts for a lovely few moments before you gently pull back and smile widely at him.
“If you wanted to kiss me to badly,” you let out on a giggle, “you could have just asked, you know. Hopefully I won’t have to knowingly embarrass myself at ski-ball again to get another kiss from you.”
Ezreal laughs shyly and kisses you again, letting his arms wrap around you. “Of course not. Happy to kiss yo- wait a second did you say ‘knowingly?’ What do you mean? How’d you even know I love ski-ball? I didn’t tell you that.”
You grin. “How do you think? Alune told me! I asked her what your favorite arcade machine was. It was clear I needed to take matters into my own hands since though I could tell you wanted to kiss me, you’re such a gentleman,” you tease playfully before kissing his cheek.
Somewhere else in the city, Alune starts laughing loudly, surprising a gaming Aphelios, as she receives a text message from Ezreal:
Ezreal: Name anything you want. Dead serious. I don’t care what, it’s yours. You’re the BEST. THANK YOU!!!
Alune: 😂 Holding you to that. Glad (Y/N)’s plan worked!
Ezreal: 👍👍
Something tells me that Kayn would kiss earlier on in a relationship. Not that it’s a bad thing! I definitely don’t think it is. And he wouldn’t do so unless he thought you returned his feelings. He’s a rebel, not an asshole. He’d never force himself on someone.
All that aside, there is something to be said for Kayn’s recklessness playing into his first kiss with you.
I don’t think it would happen on a planned date. Kayn strikes me as more of a “go with the flow” sort of guy, at least until things are getting serious. Then he’d actually plan out dates. Otherwise spending time with him early on in your relationship consists of him calling or texting you and saying, “Hey, I’m doing ______ tonight or tomorrow. Want to come with? Food’s on me?”
And these “things” can range from errands (he just like being in your presence, ok?) to actual events like concerts or other things like that.
And ok, like 90% of what Kayn calls you for are things that are law-abiding. But there is that 10%. That piece of him who still loves to rebel and do things for the adrenaline. Don’t worry though, when you do those sorts of things with him, he won’t let you get in trouble. He’s a pro.
In this case, the two of you are sitting on a random roof in the city after going around and doing things you definitely shouldn’t be doing. (On a completely unrelated note: A couple city cop cars have some lovely new colorful decorations on them.)
And the two of you are just quietly laughing together and watching the moon, the adrenaline from the shenanigans you two participated in still going through your veins.
And Kayn looks over at you, admiring how attractive you look and how happy you make him. And he can’t help it as he reaches over and takes your hand. When you don’t pull away, he just quietly says “Ah fuck it…” and goes for it. He leans over, gently tangling his free hand in your hair, and kisses you absolutely breathless.
Kayn can’t help but chuckle once he pulls away as he sees the slightly dazed (but very happy) expression on your face.
And once you finally get your wits back about you and go to return the favor, he’s so relieved you feel the same way as him.
Not the earliest member to have a first kiss with their partner, but definitely not the latest. K'Sante is for sure somewhere in the middle.
And with K'Sante? Your first kiss with him is almost a little...accidental? Not in a bad way, but the circumstances surrounding just were slightly unexpected.
But the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable. You can definitely feel a lovely sort of tension building in your mundane acts of physical affection. But neither of you have taken the final step to kiss the other person yet.
But that’s about to change. K'Sante is taking you out on the town for the night. The evening starts with a really delicious dinner at a really really nice restaurant (where of course he made a reservation because this man PLANS).
This is then followed up by getting ice cream and him driving the two of you to a secluded point that overlooks the city. You two can just enjoy each other's company (as well as the yummy ice cream) while he also plays some music from a little bluetooth speaker he brought that connects to his phone and relaxing on a lovely picnic blanket he has in his trunk. (1000000/10 vibes like oh my god?)
Now something that K'Sante does, he uses his phone as little as possible on dates with you. He wants to be fully present in the moment and enjoy what moments he can when he's with you.
So that's why he's so surprised when he turns on his phone to play music (since he had it off during dinner and the drive with you) to find 7 missed calls from Alune.
"Shit," he murmurs.
“Everything ok, K’Sante?” You ask, feeling concerned as you take in his furrowed brow.
“Looks like I have a bunch of missed calls from our manager. Normally she doesn’t call me unless something is wrong….”
“Uh oh…and since she called so many times….Call her back. I don’t mind,” You tell him.
“You sure? I don’t want to be disrespectful,” he says.
This makes you smile. “K’Sante, you are one of the most respectful people I know. Checking to see if there’s an emergency isn’t disrespecting me,” you reassure him.
And after another minute or two of warring with himself, he does. He realizes he wouldn’t be able to stop worrying about what’s going on if he didn’t, and that’s not fair to you. He puts the phone on speaker. Since it’s affecting your date, he figures you might as well get to learn what’s going on too.
As Alune picks up the call, you hear her groan. “Finally, K’Sante! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours! Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
“Alune, I told you I had a date with (Y/N) tonight. I’m still on the date, actually, and you’re on speaker,” he chuckles.
“Hi!” You shyly say.
You hear Alune sigh. “Hi, (Y/N)! I apologize. I didn’t mean to interrupt your date. I just have really exciting news for K’Sante and I wanted to tell him as soon as possible.”
“And you couldn’t leave a message??” K’Sante asks.
“And miss your live reaction to this? Or at least your audible reaction? Absolutely not! (Y/N), would you like to hear it too? It’s actually better that you’re with him so he has someone to celebrate with!”
You perk up and smile at K’Sante, relieved nothing is wrong and beyond curious what the news is. “Sure!! I won’t tell anyone either so don’t worry about that.”
K’Sante drums his fingers on the ground impatiently. “Alright Alune, spit it out. What am I celebrating?”
“K’Sante, they accepted your design for the up-and-coming designer show during Spring/Summer Fashion Week! And not only that, but they want YOU to walk in it! You get to model your own design!”
You gasp and squeeze his hand as she reveals the amazing news, your eyes locked on his expression. “K’Sante!!! Holy shit that’s amazing!! They’re so lucky to have you in their show!” As you talk, you can see just the biggest flurry of emotions playing over his features as he’s stunned silent, his eyes locked on yours.
You laugh softly, “Alune, I think you might have broken him. He’s just staring at me.” You smile widely back at him and go to hug him.
As you get closer, it’s like he’s finally back in his own body, and his expression lands on pure joy as he leans over and cups your cheeks, kissing you deeply for a moment before pulling you into a tight hug and starting to laugh happily.
And your brain is now short circuiting in the best way possible because omg YES FINALLY. And as you pull back from the hug, you gently brush your lips over his and whisper happily, “Congratulations, K’Sante. You deserve this.”
“I know you mean the Fashion Week stuff, but can that sentiment also apply to your kisses? Because I’ll be honest that was pretty great too,” he says as he quickly hangs up on Alune.
You just laugh and nod before kissing him again as your answer.
While I don’t think Sett would kiss super early on in a relationship, I also don’t think he’d take the longest either. Like maybe a few dates in? Whenever he feels things starting to really get serious with you. And this would be after some earlier physical things like hand holding or kisses on the cheek, etc, and he’s letting you dictate the pace of anything physical. (Once again repeat after me: “Ma didn’t raise a jackass.”)
But anyway, as you’ve gotten to know Sett better, he’s shown you different facets of himself. Like for example, you know he’s fit as fuck (I mean you see the evidence right in front of you lmao) but one of the things you might not have known initially is that he is an excellent boxer. (A/N: We know this because base lore and the MV and shit but think from the perspective of a new partner.)
And while he doesn’t fight other people super often anymore due to his profession, he occasionally accepts a challenge from someone. (Much to Alune’s chagrin. Makeup can only hide so many injuries.)
So let’s say Sett accepts a challenge and he invites you to watch the fight with the rest of Heartsteel. (He absolutely wants to show off for you.)
And at his invitation, you go and visit him in his locker room before the fight, just to show him you made it ok and to wish him luck. “Not that I think you’ll need it, Sett. You’ll kick his ass, I’m sure.”
That makes him laugh and banishes away any lingering doubts/nervousness in his mind. “Well of course I’ll kick his ass. He’s fighting “The Boss” after all. There’s a reason I have that nickname. Besides, you’re here. Like I told you, you’re my good luck charm. With you cheering me on he doesn’t stand a chance.”
As Sett is talking you see his eyes flash briefly down to your lips a couple times. But he doesn’t say anything further. So you take the initiative. It’s not like you don’t want to kiss him. You absolutely do.
“Hey Sett?” you ask, feeling bold. “Would you…like a kiss for good luck? You know…so I can make sure my good luck charm potential is fully maximized?”
And you can tell by his smile and happy eyes that yes. Yes he would like a kiss for good luck actually. (Though his eager nodding definitely gives it away the most 😂.) So you give him one. And it’s sweet and happy and leaves both of you smiling and giggling/chuckling a bit once you pull away.
Oh Sett’s opponent doesn’t stand a fucking chance now. (Not that he did before but still.)
I definitely see Yone as one of, if not the most reserved member of Heartsteel (it's a race between him and Aphelios), so it’d take the longest to get to the point of a first kiss with him.
Not that he doesn’t want to kiss you earlier on. He absolutely does. But the very last thing he wants to do is to come on too strong or go too fast and scare you away. He really really likes you, after all.
A lot of what goes into Yone’s decision of finally going for it has to do with your body language. He’s looking for a sign that clearly says “ok yes, this person likes me back, I’m not crazy.”
As for the first kiss itself, it happens after a couple months with him, when he’s driving you home.
You can tell Yone wants to take that step and kiss you. You’ve noticed his gaze occasionally linger on your lips when he’s talking with you. Or the slight swallow he does whenever you bite your bottom lip while thinking. (Not to mention the slight twinge of pink that goes to his cheeks. Only you can get that reaction out of him.)
And suddenly you realize, he hasn’t kissed you yet not because he doesn’t want to, but because he’s such a damn gentleman and doesn’t want to come on too strong and make you uncomfortable. He wants a sign that you’re ok with him kissing you.
So once he parks the car in front of your building, you lean over, lace your fingers with his, and gently kiss his cheek, letting your lips linger for just a moment longer than what might be considered purely friendly/platonic. Then you whisper in his ear, loathe to break the comforting silence in his car, “You’re not as subtle as you think, Yone. I know you want to kiss me. I also want to kiss you so-”
You don’t even get to finish your thought before Yone’s hands are cupping your jaw and he’s leaned across the center console, kissing you breathless. And my god is it lovely. Sweet but still filled with a surprising amount of passion for a man who presents such a stoic facade to the world. You can’t help but grin like a happy fool once he gently pulls away.
He chuckles at your reaction, but internally his heart is racing. Kissing you was even better than he thought it would be (and his expectations were high).
He clears his throat and looks away shyly for a second as he regains his composure. “Forgive me for interrupting you…but would it be alright if I did that again in the future?”
His question makes you laugh and you lean back over to him and peck his lips. “Yone, you are more than welcome to do that anytime you’d like…you’ll hear no complaints from me.”
Thanks for reading! I absolutely loved getting this request and I hope I did it justice, anon! Got to play into some fun ideas here. 💙
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
i loved your heartsteel!kayn scenarios! can you possibly do a scenario of fem!reader helping heartsteel!kayn dye his hair :3
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Getting His Hair Dyed by Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 900
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: He has his default skin braid here. Stay tuned for more. I MISS THIS FUCKER'S BRAID OK. Also you are his long term partner! I thought it would be cute if you have been supporting him though all his ups and downs uwu
" For reals, you've done this before right. Don't fuck it up I swear to god I will cry I'm dealing with enough shit right now babe." " You're the one that asked me to do this for you, have some trust in me."
You comb through his braid and neatly section if off one last time before slapping on the DIY at home bleach. After getting kicked out of his old band Kayn wanted a full makeover, so with five boxes of bleach and some whining he convinced you to help him bleach and dye his hair. You stood awkwardly behind him as you comb in the bleach. Kayn wasn't wearing a shirt, so that he wouldn't ruin any tees. So it was quite a sight, hair down, topless, you pause for a bit and stare. After some thinking you sigh, you were going to miss his blue and black hair...it was so soft too...
" Hey I heard that sigh! You know I HAVE to do this...I want to change my image, show them I'm better without them!"
Kayn pouts, you see it in the mirror and laugh. Slapping on more bleach, sectioning it out and complaining once again bout how the long hair sticks to the gloves and makes it all messy. But ok, you work hard, with a roll of aluminum foil ready you neatly bleach his long hair. As you wait for the first bleaching to set in you throw a little of the leftovers on your hair too, just enough for one strip.
" Should we match colors?"
You see Kayn visibly perk up as he hears your suggestion.
" Really? I think that will be cute. Like a cringey couple."
He smirks, leaning back to take a good look at you in the toilet mirror. He starts laughing loudly.
" Wait are you copying me or making fun of me! Why bleach that same chunk of hair as the old me!"
The two of you chat for a bit as you wait for the bleach to set in, when times up you help him wash it all off in the tub. Damn his hair was really such a dark black, it was just brown now. You comment about it needed a few more rounds of bleach. Kayn sighs this time instead, exhausted already but his rockstar image was at stake, he wanted to look cool so he had to do this. He had a goal already, an ombre fade of pink and purple, it would be so cool. Sitting back down, you blow dry his hair and start on round two.
And round three. Orange.
And four. Yellow.
And five before the yellow finally lifts enough! You were finally free from seeing that yellow, orange hue! And-
Oh no. You look at a handful of hair in your hands from where you combed through his hair.
" Kayn I am so sorry..." " No! I cannot deal with this right now please. Y/N Tell me its fine." " I'll fix it!"
You too were unsure how to react, were you going to cry or laugh. After five bleaches, his hair kinda...fried off. Ah...you were REALLY going to miss his long hair. Promising to fix it, you grab some hair scissors and did your best. With Kayn doing everything to hold himself together while you save what you can and work out a messy cut. It actually looked really good. You tell him to look up as you blow dry his hair yet again. Promising it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Kayn tentatively pulls his hands away from his face as he looks at himself in the mirror. A smile slowly creeping across his face.
" Oh shit you really did fix it? The hell Y/N! Let's dye it right now! I still want that pink purple thing going down!"
He tilts his head left and right, trying to get a better look at it, an idol worthy style. Kayn nods, happy with what you've done with it. Quickly you work the colors onto his hair and yours. Laughing together as he admires himself in the mirror. Half an hour passes and you wash his hair and dry it off for the last time. Kayn himself also helping to wash the and dry your hair. You smile as the two of you admire your reflections.
" Is it me or are we looking super hot?"
He snakes and arm around your waist, pulling you close. Giving your cheek a quick kiss.
" I actually like this a lot I'm glad it worked out. Thank you Y/N."
Kayn gives you a warm smile as he runs his hands through his hair, giving it a little shake as it falls gracefully along his jawline. He turns his attention back to the mirror before he shouts.
" Oh shit yeah! Let me snap a photo!"
Kayn leaves the room for a bit, grabbing his phone and a nice shirt to snap a photo in. He returns, hand draped around your shoulder as he takes a mirror selfie with you both. The largest smile plastered on his face as he sits down and edits it to use as his new wallpaper. You would mourn his pretty braid but...he was still your charming boyfriend you could live with the new style. The short hair was starting to grow on your after all.
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saey707 · 11 months
I SEE YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN "HEARTSTEEL" I LOVE THEIR INTERACTIONS ON TWITTER AND EVERYTHING (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) It's cool, just cool :') Well, the point is... could you do a Yone x fangirl!reader? (I've been thinking about an anonymous online friendship and then a BIG surprise when they just meet face to face) Anyway, have a good day <3 -🍄
✿ Prompt: You have a chance encounter with Yone ✿
♡ champion focus: yone ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: YES HELLOOO! ૮₍´。ᵔ ꈊ ᵔ。`₎ა Thanks so much for requesting! I tried my best to get the premise of your idea in, but I did make some changes to improve the flow of the short and make it more authentic! Hope you enjoy! ૮₍˶ •. • ⑅₎ა ♡
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You and Yone met through an online board long before he went off the grid- hell, you met long before Yone even became legendary!
While it wasn't the conventional way to meet someone, you couldn't help but become fascinated by him and all the discussions he participated in. It's not every day you meet a (kind) man so invested in the history of Japanese warriors, DJ'ing, cold brew, and meditating!
You've never met Yone in person, but you figured from his messages alone he was either an old man or a kind soul... Even both. Every email Yone sent you was well punctuated and wise. He always knew exactly what to say, to an extent where you didn't know if he was just researching everything he was telling you or was telling you something based on his life experiences!
The day Yone sent a photo to you was the day you were convinced he was an old man now. It was clear that the photo was printed when he took a picture of it. His long, black hair was neatly kept, and he stood tall and sharp in a suit... Not to mention, there were orbs on the edge of the photo, and his eyes were as red as a demon!
You knew, eventually, your anonymous pen pal would stop replying one day, but it still hurt all the same. For years, you wondered if Yone was okay. You wondered where he was now, what amazing things he was doing. You wondered if one day he would ever email you back again... You wondered if he was dead.
"Hey, Warrior! I know it's been a few years since we last spoke. I know you won't respond, and I don't carry any grudges against you for it. I just can't help but wonder: How have you been? Were you ever able to get that red motorcycle you wanted? Are you still DJ'ing?"
That was the first email in years you sent to him... And you couldn't help but find some comfort in having a one-sided conversation. In a way, it felt like it healed the past few years you were left wondering and waiting.
"Hi, Warrior! You won't believe what happened yesterday: I finally got myself to meditate for 30 minutes straight! I'm still not sure how you can do it for an hour, but maybe someday I can get just as good as you. Hope you respond soon. I miss you!"
It became a regular habit for you to email him, even knowing you would never get a response. But maybe someday he'll be able to see what's going on in your life. Maybe someday, he'll open up his emails and respond to you... It's just wishful thinking.
"Have you seen the new band going viral? They're called Heartsteel! Their producer has the same name as you and even rides a red motorcycle in the music video! Isn't that cool? I know it isn't you, but at the very least I can imagine that it is you. I can imagine it's you out there doing great things with great people. And maybe it makes sense to me now why you won't respond. But just know I'm proud of you. No matter what you're doing out there. I'll email you again in a few days. Bye, Yone."
You sent the email, shutting your laptop now.
Waiting in line for a cold brew, it came as a surprise to you when you saw a man in front of you looking down at his phone, not even realizing that the line had already cut down to his turn to order.
You waited a few seconds... Then another. Then another.
Soon enough, you were annoyed. "Uhh, hey?! It's your turn to order..!" You tapped the man's shoulder, watching as he turned his head to you, confused as he shook himself from the alternate dimension his head was just in.
Your eyes widened as you stared at him for a moment, taking in the intricate details of his face. You recognized the sharp look in his eyes. You were familiar with the shape of his jawline. From the moment you got a good look at him, you knew it was him.
And while it seemed as if he didn't recognize you, the moment you spoke, his eyes lit up. It was you.
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ghostlykeyes · 10 months
hiii heheh, i just got into heartsteel recently and i’d love some sett kissing headcanons! (like the ones you wrote for kayn!!) ( ^ω^ )
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HEARTSTEEL SETT / READER: KISSES ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW, NSFW under bold header ♡TW: Sexual Content
Whenever Sett hasn't seen you for awhile, (which happens far, far too often, owing to his packed Heartsteel schedule) he greets you with a huge, dramatic kiss. "Awww," he grins, "there's my favorite person!" He drops his bag to scoop you up in his arms, squishing you in a giant hug. No sooner than he puts you down is his mouth on yours, telling you how much he missed you in a way that words can't. It always lasts a minimum of five seconds and always makes you a little jelly-in-the-knees.
If you ask Sett his favorite place to kiss you, he rolls his eyes. "Awww, c'mon baby, you can't make me pick just one," he groans playfully, emphasizing his point by tugging you in and smattering kisses around your face. But really? He does have a favorite spot, and it's your forehead. Sett loves to slip his hands under your jaw, tilting your head up towards him. He brushes his lips across the smooth patch of skin just above your eyebrows. Sett lingers there for a moment. He basks in your soft warmth and closeness, rubbing tender circles over your cheekbones. Normally, he swipes a quick kiss over your lips before he pulls away (might as well make a pit stop while he's down there, right?).
Sett doesn't have an extraordinarily specific taste, but sometimes his mouth is a little sweet from the last pre-workout drink or protein shake he's had.
When he's kissing you, Sett's hands don't wander much. He keeps a gentle but firm grasp on your waist, or he's got one hand on your hip and one at the nape of your neck. If you let him, he tangles his fingers in your hair—if not, though, no biggie. He just keep his hand on the column of your neck, softly pressing you closer so he can devour your delicious lips.
Even though he wraps his fists, Sett still scuffs his knuckles up from frequent one-on-ones with a punching bag. He loves when you speckle soft-lipped kisses across his aching, split knuckles. "Thanks, hun," he hums, giving you a lovesick look that he reserves only for you. "I'm gonna be back to a hundred percent in no time."
Sett doesn't mind PDA. If you want a kiss then you're getting a kiss, who cares where you are or who sees? Picking him up from the gym? Cute (albeit sweaty) kiss in front of his gym bros. Hanging out backstage at a performance? Good luck kiss, even though he's quite aware it breaks the hearts of any groupies that might catch a glance. You're crashing Heartsteel's game night and Aphelios is kicking your ass in Super Smash Bros? Bet on a consolation kiss, even though Kayn makes a face and does an exaggerated 'eeewwww'. Sett just laughs and kisses you harder.
That being said, Sett will never give you a steamy kiss in front of his mom. You're getting a light peck at best. He's trying hard to maintain that Good Boy image for her. Plus, he just thinks it's a bit more respectful to you, as well—spending time with someone's parents can be nerve-wracking at the best of times, so he figures it's probably better not to embarrass you by shoving his tongue down your throat during family dinner.
Sett's a human space heater, which means his lips are always warm. If you're chilly, kissing Sett is a great way to get some feeling back in your numb-cold cheeks. His body heat and warm mouth will have you thawing out in no time!
Sleepy, cuddly kisses are a staple with Sett. He likes his naps and he loves to snuggle, which means you end up trapped as his little spoon pretty often. If you try to wriggle free he half-wakes-up, murmuring a little "hmm?" before nuzzling into your neck and falling right back asleep. Plan on being there for awhile if your dozes off on you. And, when he does finally wake up? Sett is not above bribing you to stay in bed with kisses. "Awwwww, c'monnnnnnn," he groans, hiding his face in your shoulder. "Ten more minutes. Please?" If you say no, he goes in for the kill. He starts at the junction of your shoulder and neck and works up from there, peppering kisses across all of your most ticklish spots. "Please?" He begs. "Please please?" Sett finds your lips before long, quickly deepening an innocent smooch into something languid—licking lazy patterns into your mouth, strong hands massaging slow circles into your skin. He relaxes you until you're basically boneless, melting into his touch. "Fine," you relent, and he hums with contentment. "Nice," he murmurs. He's back asleep before you even have time to adjust.
Sett's almost-unfair height is a bit tough to navigate when trying to kiss him. Luckily, though, there's a few workarounds. He's always wearing a necklace or chain, which is a great way to pull him down to your level and reach his mouth. And, considering he's constantly trying to "subtly" show you how strong he is, Sett's eager to lift you up for a kiss. He slides his massive arms around your waist and picks you up without breaking a sweat, holding you to his lips until you break away, breathless and giggling.
If neither of those methods are to your taste, you can always straddle Sett. This works best, honestly. Both of you can settle in to make out comfortably, with your thighs squishing his waist and his hands spread out across your ass. Perfect. The only drawback? This position almost always leads to sex. You can't help it! How are you supposed to keep from jumping his bones when he's sitting underneath you, letting out those precious moans whenever your teeth pinch his spit-shiny bottom lip? And as for Sett, how can he not tear your shirt off if you're scraping your nails against his scalp, looking down at him with those bedroom eyes?
Sett absolutely loves french kissing. If you go in for a kiss any longer than three seconds, you can bet you'll feel his tongue swiping across your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth open for him.
Getting a little messy doesn't bother Sett in the slightest. Even with your cum dripping off his face he still wants to make out with you. He works his way into your mouth, savoring the way you shiver as you taste yourself on his tongue.
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scarlet-moonlight · 9 months
One thing I love about Aphelios is imagining how he expresses himself without his words so heres some scenarios/headcanons I imagined about it!
-Its always the small gestures when it comes to him;squeezing your hand as he’s holding it, wrapping an arm around your waist in crowded areas etc. He depends on his actions to show you how he feels, because he can’t actually speak a lot of the time, but even in the off chances he can, he finds it hard to use his words as he not used to talking about his feelings. His actions may seem small, but they speak volumes. Being on the recieving end of flirting and romantic words will also make him very flustered (But he secretly likes it so keep doing it)
-Sometimes if he finds you sad or sulking, he’ll sit next to you and start humming a little melody as he puts his jacket over your shoulders. Gathering you into his arms, stroking your hair and nuzzling into it, stop his humming to leave lil kisses on your head every now and then, just comforting you to help you calm you down from whatever you’re dealing with. He’ll pause if you wanna tell him whats going on, but even if you don’t want to, he’s perfectly content with sitting there as he hums his song. His humming voice (Is that a thing?) is gorgeous, and he’ll even do it if you aren’t sad if you ask him.
-Aphelios also loves dancing! He probably loves something close to ballet honestly. He dances a little waltz by himself when he thinks no ones wtatching, twirling and spinning around in the moonlight. Its worth it to just quietly admire him as he’s dancing. If you wanna get self indulgent however, sometimes he gets a little too into it and accidentally pulls you into his arms, spinning you around the room. The flustered look on his face when he realizes what he’s doing as he’s holding you is priceless. if he gets close enough with you though, he’ll love to dance with you under the night sky. Prepare for all his charms to come out there (He didnt even know he can have them but hey, the night is just that romantic for him I suppose)
-Just like his HEARTSTEEL counterpart, Runeterra Aphelios finds music to be a way to express himself. It’s his source of comfort for both himself, and you!
-Contrary to popular headcanon, I think he likes writing more than any other form of communication. (Though obviously he can do sign language and teach you if needed) Writing feels like a very personal thing to him because its one of the only ways he can express his own feelings, and puts a lot of heart into them as such. He’ll write letters talking about the places he travels when he’s away, promising to come back to you no matter what, how much he misses and loves you in the most poetic ways possible. Also he’s also super into caligraphy. It fits nicely with him being the songwriter in HEARTSTEEL.
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duckchu · 11 months
Duckyyyy, I seriously need a change from the KDA!reader stuff going around, could I mayhaps beg of you for anything romantic with whatever heartsteel boy you feel like writing for with a Pentakill reader?
(I seriously recommend listening to Pentakill if you like old metal, I can also help give a brief description of Pentakill if you need it)
While Pentakill is (musically) my least favourite band from lol, I'm a Sona main and a Mordekaiser simp, I know them by heart, 🎃 (this sounds way more threating than it was meant to lmao) (and I do not know them by heart, I just love Sona and Mordekaiser and would very much enjoy being stuffing to a sandwich if they're the bread if you know what I mean
And you know what? I'm feeling like writing them all so enjoy my lovely pumpkin
Also sorry for kinda insterting Battle Academia Yone in there but I couldn't stop myself
Enjoy 🖤
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(mmm wife gif)
You're a hottie AND you're in THE Pentakill? He was instantly hooked on you when you two met
Though you weren't as keen on him, thinking of him as just another fanboy
After some time of him bugging you and trying to impress you as much as he can, you warmed up to him
Eventually landing yourself into a relationship with him
Everyone in both bands thought you two were just a short phase
But then the public learned about you
And my god, was it a storm
Especially since everyone suspected you were dating someone...more like you
But you two are still going strong
He loves your style, especially if your outfits include some chains (he's a kinky man what can I say)
Though he also enjoys your style outside of the stage, no matter how much it differs from your metal queen image
Honestly he just loves when you look happy
Probably wrote a few songs about you, which he will never show you, since he thinks you're too cool for love songs
Honestly? Wasn't interested at the beginning
You're from Pentakill? Ok, don't care
Honestly you were the one who fell first
He had no idea, untill he noticied you telling Sona you thought he was cute using sing language
After that he started noticing you in his surroundings more often
Especially if you wore tight clothes
I mean he's not a pervert, but you look really good
Finally Alune made him realise he's in love
Oh shit he is
So after some time to gather courage he goes in an confesses
Thought it wouldn't be a problem to do it in front of Kayle, since why would she know sing language
He may be stupid but you still love him
But rumours spread fast
So next day the press was on the asses of both of you
Honestly doesn't care. He loves you and that's what matters
Though the rest of Heartsteel might care
Oh well
You two met before Pentakill was even a thing
So he isn't intimated by you being in the band
He's actually very happy for you
Though he does miss the days when you two were just teenagers and could hang out more frequently
Especially since now you usually were with the band or touring
I mean he was happy with you
But he might not have gotten past his little high school crush on you
Ah, the old days, when he thought dying his hair pink would impress you
Now he knew he just had to tell you that he liked you in that special way
You two might have lost some time, but now you have plenty of it to make up for it~
Him? With you? Nooo, this had to be joke
A joke so good Karthus spilled his morning coffe out laughing
Oh wait, you actually were? Oh shit
No one ever thought the intimidating metal diva would be with someone like him
Everyone was sure he would be dating another popstar to break up after a week
But it's been half a year since the news broke out and you two are still going strong
He loves seeing you on stage
You're so...
He secretly wants you to step on him and call you mommy
But he can hold back
For now
Holy shit
The hottie from Pentakill
And him
It's like a dream come true
Although he is worried what his mom will think
She doesn't care
As long as you treat him well, she will welcome you with open arms
Sett loves how ferocious you are
He finds it so hot how intimidating you look on stage
Especially since you have such an effect, even against Mordekaiser and Yorick, who look...well scary
Won't tell you that, but you inspired him so much
He just loves when you mix up your stage style and home style
Like wearing just a normal blouse with that gorset belt? You look great!
He of course loves you for so much more
For example how you always take care of him
Turning into a big softie whenever he needs your help
Or the way your eyes light up when you see in the crowd at a concert
Though the music is not his taste, he will do anything for his partner
He won't admit it, but in the depths of his files there's a whole set of outfits he designed for Pentakill, inspired by you of course
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puffcap-factory · 6 months
When Carpool Jams Gone Awry (Heartsteel Kayn x reader)
Heartsteel!Kayn x gn!reader; fluff, pure fluff, crack.
<Part 2 of "It all started with a missing guitar pick...">
After Ezreal witnessed the certain incident between you and Kayn in the past week, he decided to put matters in his own hands as a wingman and set you two on a quick car trip for just the two of you. I suggest reading the first one first for more context though, but it's completely up to you :)
Words: 2.4k
Notes: Idk why but heartsteel fics smh made me focus on the crack instead of the romance (oops). There’s 3 song references that I used for the fic btw. Oh, and I might try some spicier ones with Kayn though, he has so much potential. Anyways, enjoy the story! :D
The passenger seat became a silent observer to the awkwardness between you and Kayn as he settled into the driver's seat. You could practically feel the tension seeping into the air as you clicked on your seatbelt.
It wasn’t like this for the past few days, you thought. But why do you suddenly feel awkward now?
"So… it’s not the usual spot down the street then?" you asked, breaking the uncomfortable quietness.
"Nah, Ezreal mixed things up and ordered from somewhere else," Kayn replied with a grunt. “That prick…” he muttered under his breath, almost too quiet for you to catch. You noticed him setting the GPS of the car for about a 20-minute drive from your place.
Sensing the need to ease the tension, you reached over and turned on the radio, letting the music fill the car. You couldn't help but wonder how you had ended up in this situation.
It had been almost a week since that certain incident, yet neither you nor Kayn had mentioned anything about the guitar lesson or the fall. The week had also flown by with various schedules, leaving little time for just the two of you.
Kayn, although you knew that he had been acting like everything’s cool, couldn't hide the subtle changes in his behavior. You could tell by the way he would avoid prolonged eye contact when you talked to him, or felt his gaze when he occasionally stole quick glances at you when you weren’t looking. However, the interactions you had throughout the week with him were never personal; there weren’t many opportunities in the first place.
But tonight, it was Friday night, and the group had planned a barbecue on the rooftop of the dorm's apartment building. Everyone had pitched in to prepare, setting up grills and tables for a fun evening.
As the party kicked off and laughter filled the air, it was around 8 pm when you excused yourself to head back to your room for a bathroom break. On the stairs, you ran into Ezreal, who seemed a bit frantic.
"Hey, y/n! Perfect timing, I need your help," Ezreal said, rushing up the stairs.
"What's up, Ez?"
“So, I ordered these desserts for us,” he paused as he showed you his phone with the orders displayed. “But I accidentally selected ‘pick up’ instead of ‘delivery’! Can you come with me to grab them, pleaaase?” 
"Oh, sure, no problem," you replied casually. It seemed like a simple errand, nothing more. "I'll head to my room first, then meet you in the parking lot, okay?" you added.
“You’re the best!” Ezreal exclaimed, visibly relieved. “Take your time and I’ll be waiting downstairs then!” He headed back towards the rooftop eagerly, leaving you to make your way to your room.
You smiled at his reaction, and brushed off the thought of why he had seemed somewhat agitated for a mere errand, as you headed to the bathroom in your room.
After a moment, you finally made your way down to the basement level, ready to accompany Ezreal for the dessert pick-up. As you stepped out of the glass door of the parking lot, you spotted Kayn standing near the group’s SUV. He was looking at his phone, one hand in his pocket, seemingly to be waiting for you. He looked up as you approached, quickly pocketing his phone.
“Let’s go,” he said flatly, waiting for you to join him. 
“Wait, you’re the one who’s gonna pick up the ice cream?” You quipped as you went up to him. 
“Yeah, Ezreal claimed he had some ‘urgent tasks’ to handle,” he rolled his eyes, clearly not buying what Ezreal said. 
“Oh well…” you paused, starting to understand why he had seemed unusually excited. “Let’s go then.”
And that was how it went. It was clear to you that Ezreal had set up a sneaky scheme for you two. Although you certainly wouldn’t object to spend alone time together with Kayn, you had to admit it was a bit sudden. However, the lack of conversation was starting to bother you more than usual, somehow.
“I got to play a bit further into the song, you know?” you finally began.
“Oh? So, I assume your guitar lessons are going smoothly, hm?” Kayn asked, a small smirk tugging at his lips as he turned his head slightly towards you before facing back to the road.
“Of course,” you smiled to yourself, feeling a bit proud. “I’ve been practicing a bit before bed.”
“Show me later then,” he challenged with a smirk.
Okay, you’re not going to mention the fall, at least not yet. It seemed neither of you wanted to broach that topic. You were racking your brain for another conversation starter when a familiar song started playing in the background.
You couldn't resist vibing with the music, its lively tempo lifting the mood in the car as you started singing. Kayn was clearly enjoying the beat too, nodding along and joining you in singing. It quickly turned into a car karaoke jam.
“Bang bang into the room, I know you want it
Bang bang all over you, I’ll let you have it “
“Back, back seat of my car, I’ll let you have it
Wait a minute let me take you there, ah”
You pretended not to notice anything unusual and kept on singing, letting the beat carry you away. Why were you suddenly realizing the lyrics that didn’t bother you before? Kayn didn’t seem bothered either, at least not now, as he continued singing along. It was almost as if the music had created a little bubble of ease between the two of you, momentarily pushing aside any lingering tension.
The next song, however, shattered that bubble.
Kayn’s voice grew smaller and smaller as the lyrics seemed to get into his head.
“You like it wet and so do I…
…I know you never waste a drip”
You noticed his voice trailing off, but you pressed on, determined not to let the tension settle back in the air. Masking every awkwardness with your solo karaoke session, you threw yourself into the song, trying not to care about the awkward atmosphere.
Oh god, how much longer does this drive take.
You silently prayed for the next song to be less suggestive. Unfortunately, the radio playlist seemed to have other plans.
As soon as the next song played, Kayn went completely still beside you, his face straight, expressionless. The tension between you two became almost suffocating, thick in the air like a heavy fog.
“Push me up against the wall, don’t take it easy…
You like it hard like me, it’s what you need.”
You felt like jumping out of the car to escape the tension that filled the space. It was as if the song had suddenly laid bare all the unspoken tension between you and Kayn. He remained unresponsive as his gaze fixed straight ahead, and you could sense his uneasiness.
“Let’s get naked and explore our inner secrets…”
The words hung in the air, heavy and charged with meaning. Why was this song playing now of all times? You struggled to maintain your composure, but the blush creeping up your cheeks betrayed your cool. It was clear that the mood had shifted, and your confidence to continue singing wavered as your voice grew smaller and smaller. 
Even though the lyrics were etched into your mind, you tried to salvage the situation by nodding along with the beat. Neither of you dared to reach for the radio to change the song, as if both of you were in denial that the lyrics had stirred something between you two. The car was becoming like a pressure cooker, the tension almost tangible between you and him. 
Summoning your courage, you stole a glance at Kayn, whose gaze remained fixed straight ahead, visibly tense. His jaw was clenched, and you couldn't help but admire the view for a moment, before realizing you had stared for too long. He caught your gaze as he glanced to the side briefly.
“What?” he finally said, breaking the silence.
“O-oh, nothing,” you stammered, quickly glancing back to the front, a blush creeping up on your cheeks. “Is the shop still far?”
“No, it’s right there,” he motioned with his head, and you could see the small light panel displaying the logo of the fast food chain store.
Kayn then parked at the open lot, and you both stepped out from the car. Finally, a breath of fresh air, the one that you desperately needed. 
“Wait here, I’ll grab it quick,” Kayn said, taking the lead.
“I think I’ll borrow the bathroom,” you said with an awkward smile. He nodded in acknowledgment as he headed into the shop counter.
You made a straight dash for the bathroom, taking a moment to collect yourself and plan how to handle the rest of the drive back with him. You were sure you wouldn’t survive that same kind of tension again.
Meanwhile, Kayn, who had taken the orders, waited in the car. He knew he had been hiding his blush during the whole ride, not expecting the tension to be that intense. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he tried to clear his head. His mind was busy replaying the events that had led to this awkward situation.
“Kayn – aw, come on, I swear it’s a quick drive!” Ezreal pleaded, holding out the car keys.
“Ugh, if it’s a quick drive then why are you asking me?” Kayn groaned in response.
“Because… because…” Ezreal trailed off.
“Hey, I’ll drive. I don’t mind,” K’sante offered from the side. 
“Oh… um,” Ezreal answered reluctantly, glancing at Kayn for a bit before a playful grin appeared on his face. “Alright then, y/n will be waiting down at the carpark,” Ezreal grinned mischievously as he handed the keys to K’sante.
Before K’sante could take them, Kayn snatched the keys from Ezreal’s hands.
“Fine. I’ll go.”
Kayn rubbed his forehead, realizing all too well that they had set this up for him. He did want to spend more time with you, but the unexpected set of songs playing on the radio had interrupted his more peaceful set of plans. He then turned on the radio, just to check what song was playing, but immediately turned it off as he heard another set of suggestive lyrics in it. 
Nope, not again.  
He sighed in attempt to ease his own tension, feeling it did not work, he went out from the car. He took a deep breath as he contemplated on what he should do for the rest of the drive as he held his one arm on the car to support his weight, as his head now facing down to the ground.
“Damn it…” he grumbled, his face reddening the more he thought about you.
Meanwhile, you had decided to buy a cone of vanilla ice cream after making up your mind in the bathroom. You figured some sweet treat might help salvage the time.
Just for another 20 minutes, you can do it, y/n.
Taking a deep breath and exhaling, you attempted to calm yourself before heading out of the store. As you made your way to the car, you found Kayn sitting at the metal bars near the parked car, seemingly lost in thought as he faced the other way.
“Uh… sorry to keep you waiting, Kayn,” you said softly, approaching him with your ice cream in hand. Kayn glanced at you briefly but didn't fully turn, still deep in his thoughts. Sensing he wanted to say something, you took a seat next to him on the metal bars, quietly enjoying your ice cream. 
“Hey,” he finally called out, his face still turned away.
“Y- yes?” You were somewhat startled by his sudden tense demeanor, but you waited for him to continue. The sudden tension made your heart begin to beat faster.
He cursed under his breath, rubbing his face with his palm as if trying to shake off his uneasiness. Then, in a mumble, he said, “I’ll just ask this straight.”
“…Are you seeing someone?” His face still away from you, his voice tense.
“No…” you replied softly, a bit taken aback by the question.
He let out an exhale, rubbing the back of his neck as his face started to redden. “Do you… want to go out… with me?” His voice trailed off, barely audible.
Glancing at him, you noticed his face turned away, his ears tinged with pink. A smile crept onto your face.
Without hesitation, you softly placed your hand on his, which was resting on the metal bars.
He immediately turned to face you, his pinkish face now fully visible as you beamed a smile at him. Nodding happily, you conveyed your answer without words. You didn’t care anymore if your face turned as red as a tomato; seeing your reaction, Kayn's bashfulness immediately changed into a cocky smirk.
"Heh," he chuckled, his smirk widening although his blush was still present. "Looks like it’s not that hard to ask you out."
“Huh, what do you mean by that?” you teased, squeezing the hand which held his.
“Argh, your hand is all sticky!” he exclaimed, standing up and trying to shake off the melted ice cream.
“Kayn!” you laughed, feeling the tension dissipate as you both made your way towards the car door, ready to head back. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your hearts. 
You settled in the car seat when Kayn suddenly leaned closer from his seat. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, his fingers hovered near your nose.
“What?” you asked, trying to keep a straight face.
He grinned, his fingers lightly touching the ice cream stain on your nose. “You’re so sloppy,” he teased, before playfully sucking the melted ice cream off his fingers.
You couldn’t help but blush furiously, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks as he chuckled. Kayn's demeanor had definitely lightened up, but the car ride back home was a relentless onslaught of teasing directed at you. With or without music, his remarks kept you on edge, and though you wouldn’t admit it, deep down you were secretly enjoying it. 
Was 20 minutes this short?
Meanwhile, back in the dorm, K’sante glanced at his wristwatch, a bemused expression on his face. "Aren’t they kinda late?" he asked, turning to Ezreal.
Ezreal simply grinned, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Let them be," he replied with a knowing smile. "They'll be back with stories, I'm sure."
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olisephart · 7 months
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Short ezkayn comic loosely inspired by the song "Figure you out" by VOÍLA. God they live rent free in my brain.
Details on the backstory and the comic under the cut <3
Starting pre-relationship, heartsteel is established. Ezreal and Kayn have been heavily flirting (maybe even friends w benefits) for months already, but always danced around actually saying anything. Both are too prideful to make the first step, because it's one thing to flirt or (want to) hook up and a whole other thing to admit you have actual romantic feelings for your friend/band member/prank partner.
After an Incident (whatever it was) that made Ezreal uncomfortably aware that he's In Love, he tries to distance himself from their usual flirtatious banter and starts publicly dating/fooling around with another guy; to distract himself from Kayn, to prove to himself he doesn't need Kayn, and though he wouldn't admit it, to make Kayn jealous.
Predictably, Kayn does get jealous but holds his tongue for a surprisingly long time, since voicing his jealousy risks showing his feelings go deeper than physical. Still, he can only take so many obviously staged pictures of Ezreal Definitely being Super Happy and Not At All Faking it with another guy before he confronts him. He swallows his pride and corners Ez, which is where the comic starts.
I didn't feel like writing dialogue, so here's the gist of what I was envisioning. Kayn confronts Ezreal, telling him to drop the sharade with the other guy. It's Obvious he's not genuine with it, the guy bought him (insert thing that Kayn Knows Ez doesn't like as much as another thing; ice cream flavour, flowers, what have you) which Ez would usually scoff at. Because it's Kayn, he can't help but tease with smth like "Just admit you like me and spare us this performance".
Ezreal, defensive, starts denying everything Kayn said, insisting he's dating the guy for real and bc he likes him, and Kayn's ego is just too big etc etc. Unfortunately for him tho, he's been missing Kayn a whole lot, so having grabbed Kayn's wrist, he can't help himself but caress it with his thumb. He stops himself the moment the realized, but Kayn noticed as well and takes that as the sign he needs that Ez is full of shit.
He pins Ezreal's hand above his head and starts teasing him in earnest. Listing all the little tics he noticed about Ezreal, embarrassing things he likes that no one outside of Heartsteel (or maybe even just Kayn, since he's paying extra close attention to Ezreal) ever gets to see, how easy it is to get him hot and bothered and how cute he is when he's flustered like this. He keeps going until Ezreal, overwhelmed with this barrage of confusing emotions (Kayn is paying attention to him, he remembers what he likes and dislikes, he just confirmed all his teasing are On Purpose to fluster him-), decides to bring it back to familiar ground. He grabs his jacket, pulls him close and tells him to shut up.
If they have hooked up before, Kayn knows what comes after he says "make me" - the kiss is expected but simultaneously way more emotionally charged than ever before, because they have essentially both admitted their feelings. Post comic, they make out/hook up and then confirm it in actual words. They like each other, theyre going to be exclusive (bc I love them being possesive over each other) 
If they haven't hooked up before: Ezreal would usually find a comical way to shut Kayn up once he says "make me" - be that smothering him with a nearby couch pillow, pulling the leash on his stage outfit, etc. Kayn feels the electricity between them but this hasn't happened before. He leans in and says "make me", but he leaves the ball in Ez's court. Once Ez grabs the back of his head to pull him closer, Kayn shifts his other hand to hold onto his waist in turn.
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lunar-arrows · 5 months
is it really that time again where I try desperately to find a rp partner and either miss someone good by a single message or not find anyone at all? sure is.
I just wanna find something that can occupy my mind and we can chat about plot and dumb little things while we write, so slap this post with a like or wander into my messages to tell me what you like from this list
I'm 25+ so I'd very much like for partners to be at least over 21, and I tend to write in and around discord message limit or a bit shorter depending on the mood
fe3h: I really enjoy writing Felix as he's very my type of character that I tend to gravitate towards. Though I am willing to write for Dimitri, Yuri, Ingrid (as a side character mostly), and a whole host of others as needed.
dimilix, sylvix, glenn/holst
trigun: simple as that I'd like to write as Vash, but I could write as Wolfwood, Meryl, Milly as side characters if we do pairs other than vashwood
vashwood (top priority)
jujutsu kaisen: idk man just a lot of satosugu, would honestly be willing to play either of them, they give me so many feelings god help me. and maybe even itafushi because Megumi, once again, is a type of character I would adore writing as. also either one in inuokko.
there are also a lot of other fandoms I love but haven't gotten the chance to rp in that I'd be very willing to try at least once, if you see anything on my page you'd like to try then go on ahead and ask me about it (mxtx novels, nier, ffxiv, ffvii, league of legends music-verse with heartsteel or kda?, possibly some genshin ships?, haikyuu?)
my roleplays tend to be very angst based, very plot heavy so if you're down for that then come at me with your most character hurting ideas you can think of. I don't have many triggers at all, but I'll happily avoid yours if you just let me know!
anyways, thanks for reading, I hope to shoot a message your way or get some in my inbox at some point!
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✧ ━━ 𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐀 @tealbeats
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"I want to personally thank you for accepting my invitation to tea this afternoon, Ezreal, I am well aware of how busy your schedule can be."
Robin’s voice was warm as he grinned from across the room, the door open in preparation for his arrival. The assistant lounged comfortably on one of the two plush couches in his stylish high rise office ( perfectly placed on the eighth floor ) , both elegantly facing a beautifully carved wooden coffee table that served as the centerpiece of the space. The table was adorned with a steaming tea set, delicate porcelain cups waiting to be filled, alongside a deck of cards and a vintage ashtray that looked as though it had been plucked right out of a glamorous 1950s Hollywood film. A few plants here and there. With a gentle gesture, Robin beckoned Ezreal to join him with green, inviting eyes ━ "So, we have a business deal coming up with another production company soon," he continued, his tone sweet while delicate hands lifted the pot to pour the steaming water. The moment the water met the leaves, it brought forth the soothing aroma of bergamot; a citrusy sweetness that mingled with the earthy undertones of the black tea. Plumes of steam mingled with soft strains of piano music, "and I'm to conduct interviews for the various members of Heartsteel to see if any of you fit the 'young handsome talent' position we'll inevitably need. You can imagine my enthusiam at such a task."
As he rose from his relaxed position, the warmth of the room began to shift, it didn't change too much however, his eyes crinkling at the sight of Ezreal settling across from him. He poured a delicate cup for his guest, "There you are, please do tell me if you need cream or sugar, I find it can be somewhat bitter for unexperienced palettes. Should we have more meetings, I'll fetch something a bit less intense." Robin lifted his cup to his mouth with a pleased sigh, peeking over the amber liquid to his guest before he lowered it slightly. His index finger tapped the rim of his glass twice, "Miss Evelynn has told me much about you," he began, "Rising back up the charts must be a very exhilarating feeling for you; I imagine you're quite proud of all that you've gained in these recent times. Congratulations." A chuckle left him, floating daintily through the air like dandelion fluffs, and he placed his tea cup down with a quiet clink.
"But ... before we begin with the interview, there is something I was hoping to discuss with you," he sighed wearily with a shake of his head as he leaned back; fingers moving to the tuft of fluffy hair beside his left ear. "You see, you have put me in quite an awkward position, Ezreal." He continued, his tone now tinged with a hint of exasperation. "Ahh, I've grown quite fond of you in our time working together, but you've reaped quite a bit of trouble for yourself by sneaking and poking around where you don't belong." He paused, a playful smile gracing his lips as he tilted his head slightly. Then, quickly to follow in a croon, that grin unmoving, "Oh my, my apologies, I realize that may be a sensitive topic regarding your personal history."
The door slammed shut with a resounding thud, the deadbolt sliding into place with a sharp click. Instantly, the atmosphere shifted; the air around him felt thicker, colder, as if an unseen chill had seeped in alongside the newest member of their meeting. Just then, a hand emerged from the shadows, gliding over the back of the couch where Ezreal sat. The newcomer had appeared with nought even a whisper, as though he had had simply manifested from the ether. The voice that broke the stillness was unnervingly familiar, whatever last memories the pop prince had of his late father seemed to fuel the tone and timbre of the newcomer, “Our deepest sympathies for your loss, Mr. Lightfeather." Crimson eyes glinted like embers from beneath a shadowed brow, their gaze fixed downwards as he loomed beside Ezreal. The stark contrast of his silhouette against the flickering light rendered his features nearly indistinguishable, but just as quickly as he had appeared, he turned away, deliberately shifting the focus to Robin while settling in a chair that faced away and only let Ezreal look into slicked black locks.
"Mm, Abel, what a pleasant surprise. I was relaying the situation to our friend before you oh so rudely interrupted." A softer, genuine expression crossed his face at the new visitor's huff of amusement, but all too soon the smile he wore faded with his dry words, and was now replaced by a measured calmness. Robin straightened, his long, wintry lashes casting shadows over his cheekbones as he regarded Ezreal with a wearisome glance. His kindness looked … forced.
"Thanks to you, I have to worry about text messages, calls, recorded lines, addresses ━ it's quite a bit of stress. And now all of the hard work I've done over the course of four years could be destroyed by a mere whim you may have ━ maybe to tell your Uncle. No doubt with how close you both are." Slowly, though, Robin's stare darkened into a cold husk of its former self, as though all of the warmth and kindness within it had died and rotted away under the worm's tooth. " ... I know what it was you saw on August 6th," he declared, his voice dropping to a chilling whisper, "Surely you don't think I'm the type of man who would be satisfied with the destruction of my work. I'm sure we're likeminded in that regard, aren't we? It would be a shame to lose it all over something silly."
A bubbling and bright expression lit his face anew as he cut in swiftly, interrupting Ezreal before he could even hope to muster a defense, lifting a slender hand between them, "Oh, it must seem like I'm waiting to hear some sort of excuse or apology," he began, a teasing lilt in his voice, "I'm sorry for giving you the wrong idea." While he spoke Robin's gaze flickered towards Abel, whose raven-black hair framed a face carved from shadows. His supposed partner, with an air of 'this is just another Tuesday', lit a cigarette; the flame dancing briefly before yielding to a thin wisp of smoke that curled and twisted, slowly ascending until fading into the florescent light above the trio. It was steady … the man didn't even appear to be breathing. Robin's eyes slowly rolled within his sockets to focus on Ezreal again, a hollow, almost penetrating stare that seemed to peer straight through him. Robin took another sip of his tea, humming before offering him a forgiving ━ no, a merciful, grin:
“As I said, I've grown fond of you in our time working together so far, so I wanted to catch you before you made any mistakes that you may regret later, I would like to at least be able to properly interview you for that new up and coming production. As such, with the difficulties you've caused me, it would only be appropriate for you to lend me your cooperation on the matter and save me the trouble of giving you the motivation to do so.” His hand touched his chest in a show of earnestness, the sincerity of which could not be read, and a sweet smile stretched across his lips — one that did not reach his eyes. Poor poor thing. The corners of his brows curled upwards in dubious concern,
"I do hope I've been clear enough in my words, and that we understand eachother?"
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unforgottcn · 8 months
All things had a beginning, and so there must have been a time before. Before the warmth in their chest and the soft little smile that betrayed them when their mind turned to how his hair felt; how he smelt when he was close.
But that was a time before, and often, before was meaningless without now. And perhaps it is a bad idea (it is. They have not spoken in years and though they could not remember how it happened, a gulf had somehow grown, the way a ravine grows between mountains. And he is doing well! And they are proud of him!)
Yes. They decide it is pride which blossoms in their chest; that tugs at their lips when they see him on their socials; that is now hovering over his name in their phone. That is all it would be. Their pride for their oldest and bestest friend, whom they had not spoken to since-
-Well, since they had been relatively sober, if they were honest.
But that is okay too! He doesn't need to know about that (and even if he found out, what harm could there be? He's on tour now, and they're an ocean away, and he would never cross an ocean just because they were a little drunk.
Maybe more than a little. Maybe it isn't just wine.
The voicemail tone shocks them out of their little reverie. Oh. When did they do that?
"Uh.. Hey, Yone," and though their tongue trips over the syllables; reacquanting itself with Japanese the way knees acquaint themselves with the ground, his name is one that will always feel comfortable in their mouth. They could sigh it forever and never be sick of the sound, they think.
They blink. When did they fall quiet? Did he hang up on them yet? They hope not.
"I saw you on the news again. I just... I just think you're so fucking awesome and I always knew you could do it. You always were the best out of all of us, you know?" And they're not sure if it's the alcohol or the something else or the rust that's making all the words sound funny but it's okay, as long as he understands. As long as he knows about that funny feeling in their chest when they see him on their phone.
(He'd probably be a little disappointed if he knew about all the girls they flamed for thinking he's hot. Don't they know, he's-)
Ah. Fuck.
(They said all that out loud, didn't they? Double fuck.)
"Uh... anyway, I just wanted to say you're awesome and I'm really fucking proud of you."
Yeah, that was perfect. They're sure Yone didn't hear any of the rest. They were just thinking! Maybe a little more out loud than they thought. Oops.
"Hey Yone..?"
They have not noticed the suspicious silence on the other side of their call. The messenger continues to record.
"I really miss you, you know?"
They sniffle. It's just allergies, really. Where are those invisible onion-cutting ninjas?
(.i was originally going to make this more painful, but i am merciful)
Yone held his phone tightly. He listened to every word that fell from their mouth through the static of the phone; hands covering his smile at first, and to hide himself from breathing too heavily with muted relief. He had a nightmare about them for the first time in ages- just in time to wake up to see he missed their call.
Anxiety riddled his chest when he found strength to get up: he was beyond worried. They had never spoken to him since Heartsteel kicked off- and now, out of nowhere, there is a voice message on repeat in his head. "Hey, Yone?" is all he can hear when he looks around the empty hotel room, and only then does he realize they were on tour, and he wasn't at home.
How he wanted to ask if they still remembered his voice after all this time. Or if they even cared that he had spent so many hours like this, wondering if to call them, and ask them if they were okay. Yone stands up shakily, worn down to the bone- he doesn't waste time to tell their manager and bandmates that he's heading out. He'll be back before the next show of a three day festival. He would never lie.
"Family matters." He says through his teeth so effortlessly. Yasuo hadn't spoken to him in a while, either. The band doesn't pry- simply says: go, we'll see you tomorrow.
The minute Yone steps out of the hotel elevator and onto the streets of Japan, he's calling back. Until the dial tone tells him that he needs to leave a message- and even as sober as he is, he feels like a young teen that's just found out about the world of fame and liquor. That even those you love can be strangers too.
"Hey. Are you there? Are you awake?" Stupid thing to say, he concludes with a wince. "I'm glad you called. What's wrong? Do you-..." need me? He wants to ask so badly, but finds his throat closing up with sorrow before he can finish.
"Do you need anything? I'm going to be headed to Kyoto, if you're nearby..." A simple invitation. "I can buy you a ticket." He drops this suddenly before he can realize what he's saying.
"I'll meet you wherever, just let me know. Alright? Missing you, always." He hangs up, far too nervous: what would he even say if they were to call back? He could spend a lifetime thinking this, so he just stands in Kyoto's spring rain, walks up and down the streets all night, with a hood and cap on his head. Waiting for a call for help. One he fears will never come by the time it's four in the morning.
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pitgritted · 11 months
[ 11:08am Robin -> Sett (Heartsteel) ]: Hello, this is Miss Evelynn’s assistant. I am reaching out to you to discuss a meet up time in order to get you fitted for the debut and the event following. Please respond at your earliest convenience. Are you free this evening?
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[  11  :  15  AM  to  :  unregistered  contact  ]  -  this  ain't  spam  mail  is  it  .
[  11  :  16  AM  contact  associated  with  personal  registration  ]  
[  11  :  16  AM  to  :  robin  ]  -  hold  up  .  it's  robin  .  sup  dude  -  !  weird  ...  my  phone  just  realized  who  you  were  ,  lol  .
[  sett  is  offline  -  11  :  20  AM  ]
[  sett  is  online  -  11  :  25  AM  ]
[  11  :  26  AM  to  :  robin  ]  -  yeah  i'm  down  for  this  evening  .  tho  tell  'yer  boss  she  can  just  message  me  .  she  has  my  number  for  peat  sake  .
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ioniansunsets · 3 months
can i request a fic for when reader falls asleep on kayn? it can be friends to lovers if you want <3
✖ Sleeping on Kayn's Chest ✖
✖ Word Count: 599 Words
✖ Tags: Budding RS | Shadow Order Reader
✖ A/N: I miss writing runeterra kayn so I WROTE RUNETERRA. hit me with another ask if you want a heartsteel ver of this uwu (or any other skinline tbh ugh i love you kaynie)
It was late after training. He didn’t know how it ended up like this but with some complaints about being not only exhausted but covered in bruises, he found you collapsing in his arms as he stumbled back to lean against the wall behind him. A soft oof escaping him as he caught you. Slowly sliding down to sit on the floor and properly support your weight, he casts his gaze downwards to stare at you.
“ W-What the hell are you doing?”
He whispers out to you flustered as his arms instinctively wrapped around you to hold you close. Eyebrows furrowed as your arms are lazily thrown around him.
“ Hey. Hello? Are you-”
Kayn promptly shuts up as he notices your closed eyes and how you were now dead asleep in his arms. A rhythmic up and down breathing of your chest as you slept soundly lying against him on the dusty floor of the training hall. Oh no.
The long haired man felt his heart race. The loud drumming in his ears that he knows is from the adrenaline of you holding him like this. Suddenly, very, very aware of just how intimately close the two of you were like this. I mean, it was nothing new, he’s held your arms in a grapple before, straddled you as you two sparred, hells, he’s even felt your arms around him when you flipped him over mid fight once. Feeling you, holding you, those things were but small second long treats saved for when he sparred you. Not…not for whole minutes…not this.
Gods he hope his racing heart doesn’t wake you up. The beating so loud and hard he swears he can see his chest move up and down with each thump. It was late in the evening after lunch. No one should be coming by the training hall at this time. He can afford to hold you for a little bit…right? He was…allowed to keep you close like this? Allowed to…have you comfortable in his embrace…
Kayn bites his lip as he thought about it, hoping he wasn’t overstepping any boundaries with you as you two held each other. The blush on his face getting redder and warmer as you slowly sink into his hug. Your head moving so slightly to snuggle up against him. He feels it now alright... The undeniable, overwhelming amount of love he has for you. He curses to himself, knowing that romance isn’t something he can really pursue in this line of work but when you look so soft and vulnerable in his arms. When you feel safe enough around him to fall asleep although you were covered in cuts and bruises… He sucks in another soft breath to try and calm himself.
“ The things you do to me…”
Kayn whispers softly as a hand tentatively reaches up to comb through your hair. A soft look of affection on his face that no one has ever seen from him before. As his heart slowly calms down, a new soft of peace and serenity fills him. Seeing you sleeping so soundly. He looks around, making sure the two of you truly were alone before he whispers again even softer as his gaze carefully lands back on you.
“ I… I really love you so much. I hope you can tell.”
As a genuinely appreciative smile graces his lips as he admits his little secret to your sleeping form. Closing his eyes too, Kayn takes a nap with you lying against him. Whatever you have to say about this is later’s problem.
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noctumsilenced · 11 months
-> [ alune ]: i need a little blackmail of some of the members of heartsteel -> [ alune ]: safety precautions -> [ alune ]: surely you can assist me?
[ to : miss eve ] blackmail? oh my.
[ to : miss eve ] please tell me that no one's in jail or about to be... its the last thing i need right now
[ to : miss eve ] but sure, ask away
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Hey could you do an image with Mycroft and his wife while she is giving birth to their first child ?
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Onboard the U.S.S Heartsteel the medical bay was in an unholy trinity of distress, fear and panic as Ambassador Holmes and his wife were preparing to give birth.
No one outside their race has truly witnessed how they bring life into the world much less how they were conceived turning every decorated doctor on board into a second guessing ensign from the Academy.
It wasn’t that unusual considering that the Federation had only just begun communication with their planet a year ago but still it was a nerve wracking experience for the crew aboard the floating starship.
“Do we even know if their kind needs to be placed in water after they come out,” questioned Dr Kal, one of the finest doctors to serve in the fleet, “ I need to know these things or else we might damage the babies!”
“Wait-I thought Lt. Miguta translated that there was only one baby,” piped up one of the nurses.
Kal waved her claw around dismissively, “The day I trust Lt. Miguta’s translations on a new species is the day I get my horns clipped and paint them yellow.”
“Now Kal you know that Miguta is doing his best despite the circumstances and I don’t appreciate you talking ill about my crew,” D’Morge chided at the old doctor, “We all know that he’s had his share of blunders same as everyone else on this ship but so far he’s the only one of us that seems to have a hang on what Ambassador Holmes and his wife are even suggesting.”
“Captain he almost got us imprisoned on M’Bega 9 because he accidentally insulted the high priestess and then had us nearly kill ourselves by miss-translating those barrels from the Quan as something safe for consumption. That kid is the worst linguist the Fleet has every had,” Kal ranted. Her claws on full display as was her coloring at her ridges sending any nearby nurses to back away lest they burn under her radiating body heat.
Truly Kal had a beef with the young lieutenant but Captain D’Morge could not stand for any bad blood between his crew members. Putting two green suction cups between his brow he sighed.
“Again, Kal I understand why you’re pissed at him but now is not the time to start fighting when he’s literally the only one that has been able to help so far and we need this birth to go smoothly. Their planet is the only one in galaxy that produces those little insects that could save the Federation from shedding more blood and the fact that their kind can adapt like no other we’ve encountered before.”
Careful not to put his section cups on any of the dark patches of Kal’s skin D’Morge says intensely, “I cannot stress this enough doctor but we need them more than they need us. If we screw this up we are most likely not only going to lose our jobs but the fate of every species known to our galaxy so for the love of your  people and mine please do not harp on Miguta and throw him off. Understand?”
Dr. Kal is still purple in some places but nods all the same. She may be an Watari full of righteous rage but even she knew that if the captain was telling her to cool it for the fate of the Federation than she needed to suck it up. “Understood Captain.”
D’Morge gave her an small smile. “Good, now what’s the status of the Ambassador’s wife?”
“Nothing like anything we’ve come across and its driving my machines crazy,” Kal complains.
“Crazy how?”
Rather than waste her voice Dr. Kal beckons the captain to follow her to the birthing part of the medical bay where Ambassador Holmes was seated next to his bedridden wife and Lt. Miguta standing somewhat awkwardly on her left talking to them. 
Despite the sweat on her brow and the redness creeping on her skin the Ambassador’s wife seemed in good spirits as did her husband. Holmes was stroking her hands lovingly and murmuring low in their strange language.
It sounded so alien to their ears but nevertheless very soothing.  
“Are they supposed to get red like that?”
“Miguta says that its perfectly normal under stress but like I said earlier I’m relying on that idiot’s word entirely,” Kal grumbles.
“Dr. Kal,” called a nurse Solin frantically, “ Dr. Kal, you have to see this!”
Without much delay both the captain and the good doctor ran over to the worried nurse hovering over the body scanners.
“What is it nurse?”
“These readings are off the charts,” Solin exclaimed showing them the readings. “All of them. Pain receptors, hormone levels, brain activity, blood work-by our standards the Ambassador’s  wife should be dead.”
Kal could only hum as she surveyed the readings as Solin continued to gush about the strange data but even D’Morge knew what she was thinking. Their kind are truly something to be feared and revered.
“How can she even stand to be smiling,” Solin yammered on, “how can she even take that much pain and why is her mate so calm about it? Does he even know?”
Now for Solin’s kind the males generally harbor the offspring until they are ready to materialize via transporter from the womb as did most species once inducted into the Federation or through pod incubation.
It was the safer way to ensure growth to endangered populations and encourage to those who were fertile or unable to procreate normally to do so at a higher frequency. 
To have natural births was pretty much an outdated system that none of them could stand to do anymore without horrific consequences. Live birth was simply to archaic and dangerous that most  generations didn’t understand the process anymore much less learn it.
Captain D’Morge had tired to see if Lt. Miguta could convince them to do the same for the Ambassador’s wife but it seemed that they were content to do this their way.
 “Nurse Solin please center yourself,” Captain D’Morge urged the young nurse, “we can only afford so many people to be panicked at this moment and I would like you not to be one of them.”
Solin did not look too terribly quelled but her antenna did not seem as ridged as it was before. “I still think that they’re crazy.”
“Given on how they reacted to us tossing those gold boxes into the compactor I think that they think we’re crazy too,” D’Morge offered as Kal handed tugged on one of his limbs.
“Captain you need to see this,” she urged.
Looking down at the body scanner cautiously D’Morge could not hide his astonishment. 
“What is that?”
“I believe captain that it is their baby-moving downward.I’m not entirely sure what it means but I’m sure that it means we’re about to find out how their kind is born.”
The medical bay turns into a hush in acknowledgement of what is to come and it sends collective chills down their spines.
 “By Timor I hope we’re ready.”
“We don’t have a choice,” Kal concedes, “it’s either we wing it and fail or succeed.”
“Um, Captain?”
Captain D’Morge turns on his heel faster than he thought at the sound of that voice. “Lt. Miguta, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be with the Ambassador and his wife to let us know when she’s ready to give birth!”
Miguta looks nervous as he shifts from foot to foot. “Well that’s just it sir, they’re fixing to give birth right now.”
“Outta my way,” Dr. Kal command, “doctor coming through!” 
Both the captian and Miguta race after her to the receiving bay while the rest of the medical bay crew start to work furiously at their scanners.
Upon opening the door they are greeted with a sight of Ambassador Holmes holding his wife’s hand in what looks to be great pain as his wife’s color fluctuates from white, red and blue.
“What’s happening,” Kal demands at Miguta as she tries in vain to figure out anyway she can help.
Miguta talks hurriedly at Holmes and he responds tersely back not at all like the nice sounds that he had portrayed earlier. His wife was grunted and growled unlike anything the captain or doctor had heard before and it frightened them terribly.
Her hand white as it gripped her husband’s hand and strained against the bed in a way that seemed uncomfortable.
“Um, Ambassador Holmes says that she needs something called an epidural. Something like a pain blocker so she doesn’t break his hand and not break,” Miguta explains, “its really hard to understand him captain because his wife is distracting him with his hand.”
“If she needs a hand I shall definitely give her mine,” D’Morge quickly offers three of his strongest suction cups. His kind may have odd appendages but they were stronger muscles than even the most trained Kinshia.
Ambassador Holmes gives a skeptical look at the suction cups but in a move that could almost be described as ‘its your funeral’ he conceded to migrate the suction cups to his wife’s hand in order to free his own. 
“CAPTAIN,” Kal injected quickly, “COMPOSE YOURSELF!”
“Easy for you to say,” D’Morge grounded out darkly. It felt like the ambassador’s wife was purposely trying to tear his suction cups apart on a cellular level that was unheard of by brute strength alone. “And get that information quick Miguta or I’ll have you stranded on the next starbase when this is over.”
“Yes sir!”
Lt. Miguta talks some more to both the Ambassador and his wife in fats tones.
“He says that any pain blocker that has cortisone with lidocaine, orbupivacaine, and saline would be good right now and to hurry because depending on how tired she gets this could last a full rotation!”
“Are they mad? Those chemicals are killers. I’m not injecting her with that” Kal declares only to be growled at by the Captain.
“The hell you will because I’m not allowing the Ambassdor’s wife to crush my suction cups into oblivion! Miguta get the recipe from the Ambassador and get it whipped up and ready to inject now!”
Miguta works furiously to translate under pressure and deliver the message to the other officers in the medical bay as Kal tries in vain to make them comfortable.
She watches as Ambassador Holmes despite the obvious pain in his hand looks loving at his wife and makes what sounds like encouraging noises to her. His wife on the other hand seems torn between looking mad at her mate and happy.
An odd thing to witness given the current times but endearing none the less. 
The ambassador makes a noise at Kal to which she can’t understand until he gestures to the cooling solution gel at the opposite bedside. “You want this,” she points curiously.
The ambassador nods and holds up his hand for the item to which Kal is not going to bother questioning things anymore and just forks it over.
Gently Holmes spreads the cooling agent at his wife’s inner thighs and lower back in a way that is almost reverent if not frantic as Lt. Miguta comes back with the pain blocker solution.
“We have to inject this into her lower back in order to help her,” Miguta says handing the hypo injector to Dr. Kal.
“Just in her lower back?”
“Holmes said he would guide you.”
Indeed the Captain’s green suction cups were turning a very worrisome pale green so Kal quickly set forth to inject the solution.
Holmes had been very careful in trying to move his wife forward that even Miguta had to step in and help but the application was tricky.
“He wants me to stick the hypo there,” Kal kept trying to confirm as Miguta translated.
“Yes there.”
“But there’s too much bone there for me to get to the nerve endings.”
“Look, Holmes says to do it there so we have to! You need to trust me!”
“Boy it will be a hot day on Anmari before I trust you-”
“JUST DO AS HE SAYS!” screamed the Captain that even had the Ambassador’s wife flinching.
There’s a hiss from the hypo and a groan from the wife before she releases his suction cups and slumps on the bed.
“Lomar above please tell me we didn’t kill her,” Kal pleads until she opens her eyes and gives a worn smile.
Even ambassador Holmes looks more at ease as the chemicals kick in and besides the captain whimpering over his suction cups the room’s atmosphere is more tranquil. 
Again the Ambassador whispers to his wife and she in turn looks lovingly at him until there’s a grunt, a movement and shrug and then grunt again.
“What’s happening?” Kal demands frantic and unsure of what to do.
“He says she’s pushing the baby out and that we need a blanket and scissors to cut the cord when it comes out,” Miguta explains as he fetches a towel and hand held mini laser.
Both work quickly and diligently together as the captain is still shivering on the floor.
“He says we need a warm light for the baby to be under.”
“Nurses get on it.”
“He says we also have to give the baby some injections to help booster its immune system.”
“Nurses see if you can access their planet’s data base on what that is stat.”
“ Computer time?”
Approximately 13:04:26 ship rotation it sounds off as a foreign noise starts to materialize in the room that is coming from neither the captain or ambassador’s wife.  
“What is that?” Kal says as the Ambassador helps expel the baby from between his wife’s legs.
“That,” Miguta says cheerfully, “is their baby.”
Kal can’t say that its a pretty thing but then again she can admit that she has a bias for her own kind. Noticing that now both are crying Kal looks to Miguta and asks, “Is it okay?”
There is some talking to which Miguta confirms, “Yes the baby is okay. They are both just overwhelmed by the magick of it all.”
“What in Yarmil is ‘magick?” 
Miguta shakes his head. “I do not know but if I were to guess it would be the experience of it all like when my younger sister was brought home in her pod.”
The two of them watch as Holmes kisses both wife and child fervently. How he holds them both so gently and murmurs in that strange tone again.
“What is he saying?”
“I love you. I’m so proud of you. You are so strong. I’m the happiest man in the universe and our aughter is beautiful like you.”
“What is a ‘aughter’?”
“Again I do not know but we’ll wait to ask that until we get better communicators at Federation central. I know I’m not the best linguist and I sure don’t want to screw up again by offending them.”
Kal puts a friendly claw on the young lieutenant’s shoulder. “Now I wouldn’t say you’re the worst either. Look what you did today! You helped me monitor and deliver the first live birth in centuries. Not a lot of people can say they did that.”
Miguta doesn’t look convinced but Kal retracts her claws something very rare for for her species to do. “Listen, I know I’m hard on you and I shouldn’t be since I only know the common tongues and nothing else but you are not worthless and after today you’ll go on to be the galaxies greatest. I just need to remember that you are doing your best and as long as you’re working toward getting better I need to lay off. In fact, feel free to tell me off when I’m coming at your back.”
“Oh but I couldn’t-”
“Hey, doctor’s orders,” Kal insists, “You have to follow them.”
Miguta looks embarrassed and pleased until he hears some faint murmurs from Holmes again. 
“What’s he saying?”
“Ambassador Holmes and his wife want to know if the Captain is alright.”
Looking down the Captain did indeed look like he was still in immense pain on the floor clutching his three suction cups. 
“By Timor Captain compose yourself,” Kal groaned trying to aid the man up and out of the room, “it couldn’t have been that bad.” It’s a slow process as Miguta stays to keep the Holmes company but she manages all the same.
Not even past the door frame Dr. Kal is bombarded by nurses alike.
“Doctor you have to see these readings!”
“Doctor the pain levels were something never heard of before!”
“Doctor the amount of strength in her one arm was that akin Quagmire in battle lust!”
Kal looks down at D’Morge and concedes, “Okay maybe it was that bad.”
“My Kori how can their kind even stand to do that let alone have more than one offspring?” 
Dr. Kal gives them a disbelieving look. “I don’t know but given what I witnessed in there we definetly do not want to make an enemy of them. Keep them happy and send me all data on the happening after that you may all step off rotation. Lt. Mo’Roack will have the com until D’Morge feels better. Understood?”
“Yes Dr. Kal.”
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