#can you think of many lesbian romantasies?
midshipmank · 6 months
one day i will find them….the mythical 5-star lesbian fantasy and 5-star gay scifi……
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bloody-wonder · 5 months
So ever since I found mlm and wlw stories (especially fanfics), my interest in het romance decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead or mc (female) and female lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories for romance....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
no i don't think it's weird. i myself had little interest for fictional romance before i discovered queer media. captive prince and all for the game were the books that got me back into reading a few years ago and the romances they feature impacted me so much that i read almost exclusively mm books and fics for many months after that, trying to recapture the magic. historical mm is still my go to genre when i want to read a romance. but as i read more i (re)discovered het too and the more i read the more i realized that i can get invested in mf ships as much as into yaoi - they just have to have some very specific dynamics. lol tbh i'm no less nitpicky about mm romance dynamics and tropes but still there's a higher chance of me liking a mm book than, say, a romantasy. or so i tell myself as i make myself push through yet another cat sebastian book nobody made me pick up lol. ff is still difficult for me but the locked tomb shows it can be done. i can be interested in fictional lesbians, i just have to find some particularly fucked up ones
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