#i just think it’s a funny trend in my reading taste
midshipmank · 3 months
one day i will find them….the mythical 5-star lesbian fantasy and 5-star gay scifi……
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percyluvr · 4 months
hello!! you're fics r amazing and i wanted to request some hc or a drabble, you choose, about fem!reading being the head counselor of hermes cabin and totally being his fem version. thank u so much if u do 🫶🏻🫶🏻
percy jackson x hermes cabin counselor!reader summary: hcs abt percy with hermes counselor reader basically being him but as a girl
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first, i think u two would be inseparable
like im talking sitting at each others tables during meals, training together all the time, sneaking off to go make out in his cabin when u really should be leading camp activities, sleeping in each other's cabins, etc etc
im just thinking of the iconic percabeth underwater kiss with u guys
with him using his powers to make sure u can breathe while u kiss, and teeth clashing together making u guys just giggle ur little hearts out
when u two go back to nyc for the school year u would live with him, sally, and paul and they would treat u like their own kid
they see how much percy likes you and how similar you two are and they cant help but think of u as one of their own
hanging out in nyc together, he teaches u how to skateboard bc he DEFINITELY knows how to
adding onto that, he would definitely teach u how to surf if u didnt know how
just thinking about if u also have the same music taste, u two dancing around the kitchen to ur favorite songs
making brownies together for estelle's school bake sales in the future!!! my heart omfg
back to camp, i think everyone would be worried if they ever saw u two not together
like im talking celebrity break up gossip page type all up in ur business
but then they see one of you sneaking out of the same place the other one just walked out of and they realize that u two were just trying to be sneaky???
but why
bc really u two have never been sneaky in ur entire lives
if either of u got picked to lead a quest, u would immediately pick the other as the first person to come with on ur quest bc u literally cannot live without each other
or just sentences in general
literally couple goals
like, if someone is talking to both of u, sometimes you'll make the same joke at the exact same time and laugh ur asses off and the other person will just like. stand there staring until they eventually just walk away bc u two wont stop laughing
like i just think u two are on the same wavelength all the time
if one of u forgets to do something, u dont even have to worry bc the other already did it for u
i saw somewhere that leo could probably tweak phones so the demigods can use them, and u two would both go to him to get phones so u could make each other ur lockscreen and background
i think the two of u would send each other the DUMBEST tiktoks or instagram reels
or like u would send it and then realize that the other already sent it or liked it
the two of u would definitely do tiktok trends
dancing together
u would DEFINITELY do the peeling the orange trend
and he would just peel the orange. no questions asked
like u wouldnt even have to ask him
he'd just see u with the orange be like "here baby give me that, i'll peel it for you"
matching tiktok pfps for SURE
or matching bios !!!!!
u two definitely went to see the barbie movie together
i have no doubts
whenever he gets pranked by connor or travis, u immediately send them to laundry duty
but they still say its worth it because one time when u were sleeping in percy's room, they poured water on the two of u and both of u chased them around camp until u realized that percy had no shirt, and u had no pants
u werent THAT embarrassed bc like. everyone already knows anyway
but the stolls thought it was SO funny and they made it their mission to prank both of u again
when u two go on cabin inspections, even if u arent doing it together, u always give each other's cabin a 10 even tho u both know that neither of ur cabins deserve it ....
the two of u definitely sneak out of ur cabins at night when u arent together and sit down by the river, just to be met with the other sitting there with the exact same thought as u
and u end up going back to his cabin to sleep
u guys have definitely gotten yelled at by mr d and chiron
but u kept doing it
so they just gave up
but anyways, u guys r literally the it couple at camp
like, all the couples wanna be like u guys
ur just such a perfect fit & u love each other so much and u cant help but show it
a/n: this was my first time doing hcs and i think i kinda got a bit carried away... but anyways i hope u like it !! also, i love writing and im so happy that u like mine, it means so much to me <3
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covenofthearticulate · 2 months
Sorry to hear you were in the ER, hope you're feeling okay! Some vampire thoughts for you:
- Daniel and Louis sharing and swapping books they think the other will like, and leaving little notes and annotations in the margins with their thoughts, comparing characters to people they know, little jokes, or letting the other know they would like to hear their thoughts on this part etc.
- Louis buying an expensive, hand-painted and detailed book on Louisiana wildlife that includes nocturnal creatures for him and young Claudia to look through and use to identify the animals they can see so clearly in the shadows or that would usually be too small to see. Claudia's favourites are the owls, with their painstakingly painted feathers and bright shining eyes in their book, and their menacing and predatory behaviour so much like the games she plays each night.
I have to get off the bus now, but I hope you're able to get some rest now!
Thanks, friend <3
God I'm so so so so so so so obsessed with these I don't even know where to start oh my god you nailed all the dynamics so perfectly!!!!
I LOVE the idea of Daniel and Louis having their own book club!! I'm sure Louis is hesitant to read any of Daniel's suggestions but to his surprise, Daniel's tastes align pretty well with his own, and they have a lot to talk about! (On the flip side though, I also am cackling at the thought of Daniel recommending Louis books that are absolute garbage, just to see how far in Louis gets before he goes on a Predictable Yet Always Funny Tirade about Trends in Contemporary Literature). Also, I bet one day Daniel reads one of Louis' favorite titles (maybe les fleurs du mal) and just casually comments on something, but it gives Louis this mind-blowing insight through a different lens that he's never considered in centuries, and he short-circuits for the rest of the evening.
also HELP IT'S TOO EARLY FOR ME TO BE SOBBING OVER LOUIS AND CLAUDIA this is so so so special to me because i've always imagined Louis to be an Old Man Bird Watcher but never even considered him sharing that joy with Claudia but it's so perfect!!! Just imagine the look on his face when they spot an owl and he's like "Oh what a beautiful creature, look at—" and then the owl swoops in on a fucking rat and tears it to shreds and Claudia's just squealing with glee LOL I love them so dearly thank you so much for these soft vampire thoughts on your bus ride I feel truly blessed <3
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 years
labor of love
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Thinking back on the books and shows that have captivated me most over the years, I’ve noticed that a significant part of my enjoyment comes through glimpses of the creator themselves. The human, fallible, subjective, personal, and unique perspective that bleeds through. I'm forever trying to see things from the other way around instead of as the audience. As I become more familiar with a person’s work, I almost imagine myself as the close friend who can see bits and pieces of their loved one in everything the write. 
When I deal with fandoms or read and listen to media criticism, I inevitably get slapped in the face by the absence of this habit in other people. Maybe it’s because of concepts like “entertainment” and “consumption” making art into a product we spend our money on, and therefore we feel it owes us something. Maybe it’s the trend of pretending arbitrary differences in taste are actually somehow a basis for objective criticism. Regardless, even though I see plenty of reminders all over fandom spaces encouraging people to just enjoy things without worrying about whether they have some sort of intellectual merit, I don't see much acknowledgement of the creator’s point of view here. 
So let’s talk about creative work as what it is: somebody’s dream, which brewed in the dark and solitary chambers of their mind, real but invisible to the outside world. By some miracle of good fortune and incredibly hard work, that dream is made accessible to us, the audience. It’s difficult to express how surreal that really is. Not all media is like this, of course. But sometimes you can see when a story is made with love, that the creator is so in awe of this miracle that they bring all of themselves into it. When that happens, I too fall in love, and preference no longer seems to matter. It’s not, “I enjoy this thing because it’s so ME,” it’s more, “I enjoy it because it’s so THEM.”  
I worry sometimes that I have rose-tinted glasses on, but here’s the thing. We seem to over-associate criticism with logic, and praise with delusion, when in reality they are both limited. What I’m talking about here is neither. Sorry if this sounds cheesy, but I think “to love,” means “to know.” It’s where flaws and strengths blend together into a whole that is understood as it is cherished. 
All these various observations have been tumbling around in my head more and more since I’ve gotten into this funny little thing called Boku no Hero Academia. It’s so popular, so polarizing, it draws in such a wide range of opinions from so many different kinds of people. I find it fascinating to watch, but, like I just said, it also tends to slap me in the face. Not out of personal offense, mind you. More than anything I’m stunned by how disconnected a lot of people are from this human element, whether they are being negative or positive. Even if they know enough to invoke the name of Horikoshi, they treat him like more of a figure than a real person. 
It’s true none of us can actually truly know him. However, I think that while the author/audience relationship is a somewhat parasocial one, it’s worth acknowledging the mutuality of it as well. Let me take you all on a little journey to bring “the creator” down to Earth. 
First, a few plain facts: Before bnha, Horikoshi was able to get two other manga into serialization: Oumagadoki Zoo and Barrage. The former lasted 37 chapters from 2010 to 2011. Barrage lasted 16 chapters, in 2012. Juxtapose this with Boku no Hero Academia, which as of writing this, has been running for over 370 chapters spanning 8+ years since 2014. Horikoshi is currently 36 years old (born in 1986). 
Now let’s go back even further. His first one-shot was published in 2007, when he was 21. It’s called Tenko, and you can read it in English here. Most obviously, we can see that this Tenko character was later adapted to the Tenko we know in bnha, with a similar power, backstory, and appearance. But I actually think there are a few other ways we can draw comparisons from this genesis of Horikoshi’s career, all the way to the present. 
Here is the intro that prefaces the 2007 one-shot:
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^I get chills looking at this, and it makes me grin, no joke. Please take a moment to read all the little tidbits. It sounds like the intentionally foreshadowing first scene of a famous person’s biopic, but no one had a clue back then. I just find that so hilarious and moving at the same time.
So think of the Tenko one-shot as a window into who Horikoshi was as an artist and a storyteller pre- pro industry, with the assumption that certain aspects of his work are probably simultaneously a bit more upfront but also underdeveloped. You know, like a kid. There’s both honesty and naivety there. I can also think back to being around 21 myself (only a few years ago lol), about the stories I was writing in school, the workshop classes I was in with other people my age, what they were writing, the things that were important to us that we discussed informing our work. It’s a formative time, right?
One of the primary things I notice about the Tenko one-shot is that it centers themes of power, heroism, and trauma, and has a resolution which involves bridging misunderstandings. 
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It’s all very ideological, but also full of raw emotion. I read somewhere (sorry can’t remember where) Horikoshi saying that in formulating his idea for the ending of bnha, he has kept asking himself, what does it truly mean to be a hero? It seems he started asking that question way back in 2007, through this little story about swords and their wielders. The Tenko one-shot acknowledges that people and power are morally complicated, as is the idolization of heroes. The ending is hopeful, and looks ahead to times changing for the better by the will of progressively-minded and determined people. 
This reminds me of the current arc of the bnha manga, and how the whole story might eventually end. Horikoshi has shown us that the villains are worthy of sympathy, that they are a product of society’s willful ignorance, that “heroes” have also done abhorrent things. But he has also embraced the pure optimism of youth. He seems eager to ask the big questions about right and wrong, and present us with both ambiguity AND certainty. The final fights are not at all a contest of strength, and there are no winners and losers. I’m very curious to see how far he takes this. I’m sure it will ruffle some feathers, and leave some people unsatisfied, but that’s probably a good thing.
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The other major thing I notice in the one-shot is the character Hana. Now, as she shares her name with one of the main characters in Oumagadoki Zoo, and they are also similar in personality, that could be where the comparison ends. However, that’s nothing to say Horikoshi didn’t continue her themes elsewhere. The Hana in the Tenko one-shot is primarily preoccupied with her goal of becoming a warrior, and she was inspired some time ago by a warrior who saved her. This other warrior, conicidentally, turns out to be a brutal, a-moral, self-proclaimed demon, and he actually doesn’t take Hana seriously. In some ways, this reminds me of Hawks with his own idols, Endeavor and Lady Nagant, and more generally the idea in bnha that someone you look up to might not be all you imagine them to be. Like All Might and his hidden suffering. Or like Ochako looking up to Izuku up until his solo arc, after which she proclaimed, “special powers are one thing, but there’s no such thing as a special person.” 
Speaking of Ochako. Hana’s primary source of angst in the story is that since she is a woman, her “masculine” ambition is laughed at and dismissed. Her dialogue with other characters is very direct about this, which I find pretty interesting. 
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You can really feel her frustration and see the blatant misogyny in how she’s treated. Even though things are stated kinda bluntly, it feels genuine, ya know? Note that she also wears men’s clothes, and nothing about her appearance is catered to the “male gaze.” I mention all this because to me it contextualizes Horikoshi’s more recent female characters. We can infer that he carried this perspective on, but in subtler and more nuanced ways that might not be immediately noticed. They may sometimes look like shonen stereotypes and be influenced by a misogynistic world, but this is likely an act of parody and/or criticism on Horikoshi’s part. For example Ochako’s fight in the sports festival illustrates a similar point to Hana’s struggle as Katsuki is the only one who takes Ochako seriously while other male classmates see her and other female opponents as inherently weak or potential love interests. 
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Hana remains ambitious, fostering her own motivation beyond her previous idol, and her ultimate goal is to help people. She reminds me so much of Ochako’s recent convictions. Ochako is fully herself now, and I’m confident her fight with Toga will show this even more, in a way that is much more direct. Since ch 374, I anticipate we may be getting confirmation of things pretty soon, so I wanted to restate that ASAP. 
I’ve said this before, but it really does trouble me how a lot of people assume so much about bnha based on other shonen, disregarding the fact that Horikoshi is his own person. This either leads to undo criticisms or expectations that will likely not be delivered on. It makes me sad because I want people to enjoy this story for what it is. I hope this is a reminder that although it may seem on the surface like Horikoshi is rehashing the same old thing, his work really is a labor of love, of knowing. It is an homage, which both celebrates and deconstructs. Please remember that for the day when folks will be scrambling trying to figure out how we got here. Ironically, the signs were there all along, from the start of Horikoshi’s career, if you only care to look. 
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renardtrickster · 9 months
"Irredeemable Media" lists are incredibly funny because it's typically just "[literal baby show], [literal baby show], [media I've never watched and only have it on here cause I dislike a fandom trend], and [literal baby show]"
The subject matter of who gets called Irredeemable Media is pretty interesting (especially when you ask why Steven Universe or Undertale or other implicitly or explicitly progressive stuff gets marked but not shit like Family Guy or South Park which frequently do pretty sketchy stuff), but I think I'm also fascinated with the question of why it is. 'Cos looking at stuff like that list, I think there's basically four categories for why the carrd carriers would call stuff irredeemable.
It is a Literal Baby Show or something equally milquetoast/okay/apolitical but it was made in the late '90s or early 2000s so there's something kind of sketchy in there. And instead of leaving it as a historical curiosity that you handle responsibly and critically a la "hey isn't it kind of fucked up that in early Scooby Doo you could just have the gang run into a bunch of Native Americans who wear feather caps and speak broken english that wouldn't fly today" they toss the baby out with the bathwater. Maybe poor taste acts like wine in that it festers over time and a faux pas, given enough time, turns into They Murdered My Family.
It's okay but made with the expectation that a mature audience will handle it and not a terminally anxious teenager so "here is a fucked up thing I have enough faith in you to understand that this is fucked up" gets construed as "oh my god they're just endorsing it".
A variant of 2 and 3 where it's explicitly progressive, made by and for gay people, or something similarly Really Above Board, but the terminally anxious teenager in this case operates under some sort of moon logic or has impossibly high standards but only for progressive and queer people I wonder why that lets them see "groundbreakingly progressive work of fiction that raises the bar for the entire industry and spurred a positive personal or political journey for thousands" as "nazi propaganda".
Variant of 1 and 3 where there's literally nothing here to get mad at but mind-meltinginly eldritch and esoteric discourse has caused some sort of warping to occur. This is rare I think but it's the only explanation for a Bizarre Take I once saw, where someone played Yume Nikki, did a "Madotsuki as a trans man" reading, interpreted the game as being transphobic in light of this reading, and then accused the creator of being transphobic even though 100% of that legwork was entirely on the person doing the reading.
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
I love all your kyman hc's so much!!!!😭❤ I just need to hear more, so here are my questions: if kyman got married how would they act around each other? And do you think they'd adopt kids and if yes: what would they name them? And would they raise them jewish or christian or both?
Aaahhh I know there are too many questions I'm sorry 😭😭
Don’t apologize, I love talking about kyman :D
Regardless of context, the core of their dynamic is: Cartman is the instigator, Kyle reacts, a little back and forth, escalate the issue to Nth degrees of insanity, Kyle lands the final blow. Though sometimes, depending on the issue, Kyle lands the last punch thinking he’s won, only for Cartman to win the war last minute. Another way the show’s mixed things up, is that Kyle’s victory is undermined either by South Park itself, or Cartman. I see their marriage as an opportunity to expand their unique dynamic and introduce new plotlines/ jokes that couldn’t be done if they were still kids.
I see Cartman taking Randy’s place as the adult that’s always up to no good, the fixture of South Park’s weirdness. self serving hijinks flare up just about every week. Meanwhile, the Sharon (or straight man) to offset that cannot be anyone else but Kyle. This time however, unlike the marshes, and perhaps most couples in South Park, the Brofloski’s are truly in love. That’s kinda the joke. The couple that started out insulting each other and trying to kill each other on multiple occasions end up in the happiest relationship. I see them fitting nicely among the pantheon of sitcom couples— Mitchel and Cameron, Marge and Homer, Ralph and Alice, Gomez and Morticia. Their relationship, in Trey fashion, pays homage to and in the same breath, mocks those classic couples.
TLDR, Their dynamic is in tact, it’s just evolved to a new label. Instead of sort of friends-ish, they’re a couple. They’re still loud, obsessed with each other, fight over issues, hang out and share similar tastes. Only this time they got rings on their fingers. And if they don’t fistfight, how do they deal with their classic arguments? Well, like any sensible american couple, of course! they fuck each other’s brains out! ( just kidding. I have this vision of Cartman doing the most outrageous shit and Kyle chasing him offscreen in anger, Cartman shouting “domestic abuse domestic abuse!”)
I’m not sure what they’d name their kids. Does it matter? I do know what personalities I’d like them to have though— the 1st, their oldest, is outgoing, entitled, bossy, manipulative, a performative people pleaser, makes everyone’s problems their responsibility, and is quick witted. (A 2w3) Much like Eric, they are exceptionally charismatic and love being in the limelight. And like Kyle, they love getting involved in the lives of others, seen as helpful. The 2nd child is less outspoken, prefers to keep opinions to themselves, a dispassionate observer. ( poster child for 8w9) Like Eric, they’re materialistic, and prone to laziness. Still, they are an intellectual like Kyle, and far more principled in comparison to their sibling/Eric. They’re probably the most capable and dangerous in the family. They don’t shoot themselves in the foot like Cartman, and they don’t fight against the currents of South Park like Kyle. If they wanted to, they could take over the world and succeed where the Brofloskis failed. They just don’t care though lol.
I could never, ever see them as a two religion household. Yeah, Cartman has been portrayed as a bigoted Christian (or in his words, “[used] Christianity as an excuse to be a piece of shit”), but carrying that extremity to adulthood isn’t as funny. I don’t know how to articulate that other than, many extreme right wingers on twitter weren’t able to read Cartman’s bigotry in Cupid Ye as hyperbolic and instead took it as fact, and praised the stuff he whispered into Tolkien’s ears. His actions in Cissy were recently trending and was seen as heroic and like, justification why trans ppl can’t use whatever bathrooms they want. You can’t escalate the crazy stuff from real life anymore— it’s become reality. So the funniest thing to do, is either personify it as something else or, run in the opposite direction. If anything, PC has shown us that it’s funnier that the very same kid who once belittled Judaism in fact, became devoutly Jewish and proceeded to rub it in everyone’s faces rather than him ending up as some evil businessman. You rob bigots the chance to idolize Cartman, but give Cartman the freedom to hone his brand of idiocy on other things. So! Kyle slaps the antisemitism outta him, they get married, bam. They are a Jewish family.
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lurafita · 7 months
Make Them Sparkle
(fanfic, oneshot)
If Raphael had any say in this, Magnus would not be allowed to give mundanes writing advice. Ever.
Magnus prided himself on being a person who went with, and adapted to the ever changing times.
He had witnessed many immortals who got stuck in particular time periods. Be it refusing to adopt new fashion trends, or remaining stagnant in certain behaviors or mindsets that had been common at one point in history. Bemoaning how things ‘used to be so much better back in the day’. People who needed to anchor themselves in the past, in order to face the present and future. 
Not Magnus, though. While he treasured many of the memories made during his long existence, he had always been the type to look forward, instead of back. 
He had seen and embraced the progress humanity made, philosophically, technologically, and socially. 
And, while the road of progression hadn’t always been a smooth one and weathered its fair share of hiccups along the way, Magnus certainly appreciated the fruits of this particular labor. 
(And not only mundanes, but the shadow world, too, had come a long way from what it had once been. Magnus would never not be proud of the part his dearest Alexander and his friends and family had played in that development.)
Anyway, being a "modern" warlock, and having personally supported some of the various technological marvels of the world they now lived in, Magnus had a deep appreciation for the internet. 
A way for so many people from so many different places and stages of life to come together, to connect and share with each other, was truly remarkable.
There was almost nothing that the internet didn’t have, unless it connected to matters of the shadow world, but even that was slowly changing.
From funny videos and beautiful music, to shops and art and so much more. 
Websites tailored to specific hobbies or tastes. Sites to find employment, or living accomodations. Those that gave the user an opportunity to make friends, or find love. 
And, of course, so called help-forums. Professionally or community run sites, spanning various topics all around offering advice when someone needed it. 
Like one particular writing forum for aspiring authors, which Magnus had found himself in one sunny afternoon, as he had been browsing aimlessly to waste some time.
One of the requests had caught his eye especially. 
‘Please help me bring fresh wind into old supernatural lore!’
Clicking on the request and reading further, Magnus had learned that the hopeful author was trying to write a teen love story with vampires and werewolves, revolving around a highschool mundane girl and her vampiric love interest, as well as a werewolf contender.
Magnus had snorted, thinking the idea hardly original, and had almost clicked away again, but one sentence had stood out.
‘Vampire love stories are a dime a dozen, I’m well aware of that. But while plot and circumstances often change around the different narratives, the lore and rules behind the vampires rarely do. It’s always a thirst and need for blood, a weakness to religious artifacts, and an inability to bear sunlight. That last one especially, I wish to change for my story, as I feel that describing a whole world that most humans are unaware of, and plays mostly in the dark, is terribly restrictive. But I also think that just waving any effect the sun might have on a vampire away, is a missed opportunity for exploring alternative plot points. Which is why I’m asking for any kind of inspiration or thoughts any of you might be willing to share.’
So Magnus had read on as the author had described their world and characters in a little more detail.
And upon learning of the broody, dark haired, stubborn, kind and compassionate main vampire character, Magnus couldn’t help it when his brain had made the comparison between a fictional character, and his very own favorite broody, dark haired, stubborn, kind and compassionate vampire. 
And as he was thinking of his dear little Raphael, the vampire he had taken under his wing decades ago and practically raised (even though Raphael had been 24 and fully adult by mundane standards when he had been turned), Magnus hadn’t been able to curb his more mischievous impulses. 
Clicking on the answering function to the thread, he had snickered heavily as he typed out just three words.
‘Make them sparkle!’
Who would have thought that, just a few years later, this little bit of innocent fun he had had, would come back to interrupt his sexy make out session with his precious shadowhunter boyfriend?
“Magnus!” The door slammed open and shut in barely more than a second, as an incensed Raphael stormed into the loft.
A lifetime of training and battle ready instincts had Alec lift Magnus off his lap and behind him in just one move (which was so fucking hot, if not for their unplanned intruder, Magnus would have climbed his boyfriend like a tree), as his other hand seemlessly went down to quickly retrieve the throwing knife strapped to his lower leg.
The defensive maneuver was aborted as soon as Alec registered who had just barged into the apartment, and instead the tall man slumped back into the couch (careful not to crush his boyfriend) with a deep, slightly annoyed, sigh. 
Raphael though reacted to neither the knife that had almost been thrown at him, nor the glare the shadowhunter was giving him right then.
Instead, he held up the book he had in hand and snarled in Magnus' direction. “What the fuck is this?!”
Magnus blinked, still trying to sort through the haze of his newly ignited arousal after Alexander’s display of strength and speed, and the clearly agitated mood Raphael seemed to be in.
“It’s called a book, my dear. It holds in its pages the wonder of the written word and thus the power to create wonderful and fascinating tales for all to share.”
If anything, that answer made Raphael look even more mutinous. Which was just rude, if anyone were to ask Magnus. 
“I know what a book is!”
Magnus huffed, finally straightening himself out of the mess of limbs he had been from Alexander’s manhandling him to safety (And they would have a talk about that later. As hot as that had been, Magnus couldn’t have his Alexander trying to shield him while facing a threat on his own.)
“Then why did you ask?”
Raphael could apparently not be bothered to explain, and instead just chucked the book at him. Once again shadowhunter reflexes trumped Magnus' own, and Alec snatched the book out of the air before it could hit the warlock. 
He scrunched up his nose a little (which was adorably cute in Magnus’ humble opinion and he quickly leant forward a bit to peck Alec on the cheek) as he read the title. “Twilight?”
It made Magnus smirk. “Oh, I think I have heard of this. A supernatural teen romance novel, if I remember Biscuit’s words correctly. I must be honest, my dear boy, I didn’t think this would be your type of thing.”
But the vampire just crossed his arms over his chest. “Open it up to the introduction.”
A little puzzled, but also curious, Alec and Magnus did just that. It appeared to be just your ordinary preface to any book. 
‘I thank everyone who has supported me through this, bla bla bla, I’m incredibly honored and grateful for this opportunity to share bla bla bla, I hope this tale will find a way into your heart bla bla bla.’
Really; pretty standard as far as the warlock was concerned. Until they reached the last section on the introductory page, and it slowly dawned on Magnus just why Raphael looked as if he had been forced to listen to Simon ramble about a deep introspection on why Spider-Man was the best Marvel superhero ever.
‘I would like to give special thanks to someone I unfortunately have never met personally, but whose input has definitely helped to inspire me to spice things up a bit. So this is to you, The_Magnificent_Bane. I “made them sparkle”!’
“Oh?” Raphael thundered. “That’s all you have to say to this? You told this woman to make her vampires sparkle in the sunlight like some demented disco ball! We don’t sparkle! The only sparkly crazy person around here is you! Do you have any idea what the stupid flea balls are going to say when they learn of this? Are you laughing? Stop laughing! There is going to be so many glitter jokes in my future now thanks to you! I’m never gonna hear the end of this! Magnus! Stop laughing!”
Magnus stopped laughing. Eventually. 
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
I saw your fic recs post (Jason Todd fics 2022)!
Aaaaand I saw Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter there. The fic about Jason resurrecting Stephanie and going for revenge in Gotham.
Do you know any other Steph fics? Maybe with Jason and Steph. Because... this one is great, but very biased and some things are VERY different from canon. Kinda like the writer didn't really read War Games and consequences. Which is sad, because it's a story that is placed right after the War Games and have Stephanie as one of two main characters.
have a good day/night✨
I made a Steph & Jason fic rec list a while back! "Jason and Me" and "Just Another Kid" are some of my top fics ever for Steph and for Jason, but I think everything there is solid! "Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter" is over here too.
Anyway, more random Steph fic recs!
"What's So Amazing That Keeps Us Stargazing" by Cerusee - Batman doesn't take another Robin after the second one, and Spoiler is effectively his third kid sidekick. Bruce has an actual heart in this fic, and he uses it to connect with Steph.
"The Unseen Garden" by Nokomis - Steph has a lot of emotions about the baby girl that she placed for adoption. This fic might make you a bit misty-eyed.
"Birthday" by CrimeAlley1048 - Like the last fic but softer.
"she’s like a shine on your shoes (or hearing the blues)" by Anonymous - The Bruce-is-Steph's-bio-dad fic that you didn't know you needed. A series of disembodied vignettes with hilarious comedy, mean-spirited pranks, and heart-melting moments.
"Have I Told You About Minnie?" by Hinn_Raven - Funny and sweet Malone family shenanigans.
"hit 'em up style" by TheResurrectionist - Really silly comedy. Bruce's perfectionist dad instincts lead him on a quest to buy the best menstrual hygiene product ever.
"Crepe Suzanne" by Cerusee - Steph deserves waffles and to tell Bruce that she hates him.
"little matchstick girl, asleep in the snow" by lifetimeoflaughter - NOT A HAPPY FIC! Revisits Bruce's abusive treatment of Steph and her alienation from a support system in canon.
Fan fiction replaces the biases of canon with different biases, and that's to be expected as a rule. If I want to engage with canon, then I read canon or talk about canon. I do bring in Doylist and Watsonian perspectives about canon events, but I try to exclude fanon and non-canon apocrypha. But when it comes to fan fiction and other fan-made content? I freely enjoy things that absolutely contradict canon. I'd definitely say my fic tastes do stick much closer to canon than most Batfandom/Batfic trends, but you can find some aggressive and gleeful butchering of canon in my fic recommendations.
About "Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter"... I'm not sure what you mean that it is "biased". I think the fic does a good job of portraying how Steph and Jason descend into terrible cruelty, violence, and grief, while also acknowledging them as victims of unresolved injustices. And just looking at canon only, without bringing fanon into the discussion at all, I believe War Games is part of a long deconstruction of Bruce Wayne/Batman in comics that continued all the way through Final Crisis. As a fan fiction, "BWIM" obviously does take some liberties with fudging canon, but I don't think the story is unfairly biased in favor of the Dead Robins or of Batman.
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villainessprefect · 1 year
Idia w/ a fem or gn s/o who’s cater’s introverted best friend (and they both share a love for spicy ramen lol) pls?
sorry for the late fic!! this came out shorter than the rest rip but I hope you still enjoy! I am unfortunately not a fan of anything spicy so I struggle here 😔 shout out to those who can handle the burning fires of hell in their mouth cuz I can't-
title: #a quick pic
summary: You and Idia enjoy ramen together, but first you have to send a pic to Cater.
ship: Idia x gn!reader
word count: 725
Read on AO3
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Carefully, you hold your phone at just the right angle. Capturing the freshness of this steaming bowl of ramen without fogging your phone's camera proves to be more difficult than you imagined. You don't know how Cater does this without any effort. With a quick snap, he's done! Meanwhile, it feels like it takes you a whole minute to get a decent picture.
But you do. Or at least you think you do. You're still learning about the whole aesthetic about taking pictures from your best friend. Content with your pic, you set your phone down. A sigh from across the table captures your attention.
"I still don't get the point of taking pictures of food," Idia comments. Chopsticks are digging into his own bowl, mixing the broth to ensure the flavor will be in every bite. "It's not like it's any different from the last one we had. The bowls aren't even from a limited time event. It's such a normie thing to do."
"It's for Cater," you answer. Part of you agrees with him, you still didn't quite understand this whole trend. But another part of you is. Having something to look back to, something you can remember even if its just a picture is nice. "This is his favorite food, you know." And coincidentally, yours too.
You take this moment to post the image of your meal on your Magicam account. It's a barren post that lacks any description or hashtags, just a simple image so you wouldn't pop up in the search results. Regardless of your anonymity, a like instantly finds its way to your post within seconds.
"It's just food," Idia huffs. "Though, I guess it is pretty cool since you did make it..."
And he can't complain how they taste ten times better than a regular cup of noodles. This was the ultra rare edition! Not only made with fresh ingredients, but with gentle love and care. Anime always claimed food made by loved ones taste better and he understands why now. He doesn't linger on the thought for too long, but his hair gives him away.
"He's rubbing off on you."
"He is my bestie," you answer with a chuckle. "Don't worry, you're not in the picture if that's what you're worried about."
"I-I'm not!" He pouts before stabbing at his noodles, hitting nothing and resulting in broth jumping up. He decides to shut up and eat his food before anything else can escape him.
You flash him a small smile, watching as he dines on your meal. Unlike you, he opted for a more basic flavor. It lacked the spicy kick you loved, but you understood not everyone could handle the intense flavor. It was almost funny to consider that your boyfriend's hair was literally fire yet couldn't handle the same level of flames for food.
At least he's enjoying your ramen. That's all that matters to you.
Before eating, you decide to make a quick jump into your DMs with Cater. You send him a different picture, a recent one. It still contains the ramen you made, but that's not the focus. Rather, the one this picture captures is Idia. Noodles in perfect unison hang from his lips, captured as he slurps them up. It's cute in your eyes. Getting pictures of him with permission is always a struggle, whether it be you trying to bring it up or getting one where neither of you are flustered.
'Is this a good pic?'
'100%! so authentic u should post that one and tag him
#datenight #bestnoodlesinthehouse'
'you know I cant do that'
date pics get you sooo many likes but i totes get it
keep sending me ur cute pics later
enjoy ur datesies bestie!'
"Your food is going to get cold."
"Ah!" The comment drags you out of the conversation with Cater and back to reality. You hadn't forgotten about it, just caught up in the conversation. With that out of the way, you dig into your meal.
It's hot. Both in freshness and flavor. The heat from the bowl fills your senses as you hover over it and the fiery burn from the sauces cover your tongue. The burning sensation leaves you hungry for more. It's a shame you can't share a spicy love with Idia, but at least your bestie could understand it.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
Haute Couture (18+)
Words: 1,554
Warnings: Contains explicit content, please DNI if under 18
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You looked out the window of the jet, the top of the Eiffel tower visible in the distance as you got close to your destination. You were joining Jack in Paris for the Louis Vuitton dinner that evening, but Jack headed to the city before you to attend the Givenchy show that afternoon. You loved Paris and couldn’t wait to spend a couple of days with your love in the City of Lights. You were jogged out of your daydream by the sound of notifications on your phone. You opened twitter to see Jack’s fans going feral over his look for the fashion show, some tweets downright explicit. Your stomach twinged with jealousy as you read through your feed. Not a lot of people knew about your relationship, especially not the public, so you often had to withstand the thousands of thirst tweets and DM messages he received without being able to claim him publicly, and it pissed you off. Especially when he looked this fucking good in the photographs.
It took a few rings for Jack to answer your phone call. “Hey, baby.” You scoffed, he had some nerve giving you a regular greeting after what he’d done. “Oh lord, what now?” He chuckled. You could hear he was in a car, the roar of the engine in the background. “You alone?”, you asked, finally breaking the silence. “You’re not even going to ask me how the show was?” You rolled your eyes, clearing your throat. “I can see how good the show was; you’re trending on Twitter right now.” He perked up, knowing this was driving you crazy. “Oh really? What for?”
“Don’t be funny, Jack, I’m not in the mood.”
“What are you in the mood for?” His tone was telling, his voice low and gruff; you squeezed your thighs together at the thought of his hands on you.
“It’s not fair that other people get to see you like that. I miss you, baby.” You were pouting and felt like a brat even bringing it up, but it was how you felt.
“I wanna hear how much you miss me.” It was more of a command than a request.
“I just said I missed you.”
You could hear his smile over the phone. He let out a sharp breath. “You know that’s not what I mean.” Your pelvic muscles clenched involuntarily at his inuendo. “Jack, there are other people on this plane. I don’t think the pilot wants to hear me moan your name.”
“Fine. Then just listen. You belong to me, and I don’t think about anyone else but you. Tonight, I’m going to prove it to you. After I’m done with you, there won’t be an inch of your body that hasn’t been kissed, licked, or pleasured. I’m going to make you cum so hard with my just my tongue, you’re going to be tasting yourself on my lips for days. And then I’m going to fuck you so hard with my cock, that tight pussy of yours will only orgasm for me. Understand?”
You gulped, shifting in your seat, your wetness soaking your panties and jeans.
“Do you understand?” He asked again, this time expecting a response.
“Good girl. I’ll see you tonight.”
Jack checked his phone a couple of times as he sat at the table. He was expecting you to arrive at least thirty minutes ago, and he was starting to get worried. He cursed to himself when he dialed you a couple of times but didn’t have good enough service for the call to go through.
Jack was startled when the waiter bent around him, holding out a small, wrapped box. “Monsieur Harlow. Mademoiselle Y/L/N regrets to inform you she could not join you for the party, but she hopes you’ll accept this gift as apology.”
Jack plucked the small card from the top of the box, recognizing your handwriting immediately.
Thought you would want a souvenir to remember your actions earlier today. Come find me at the hotel when you’re done tonight.
He pulled the ribbon on the gift, opening the top to reveal a piece of lace fabric. It took him a second to realize it was your underwear; the same underwear you were wearing today on the plane. Without giving hit a second thought, he excused himself from the table and headed to the hotel.
You heard the whirring of the key card as the door unlocked, Jack emerging from behind the door, his eyes dark. “You think you’re cute?”, he asked as he stripped off his suit jacket, moving to unbutton his white shirt. You couldn’t help but giggle as you layed on the bed. “So, you got your gift?” He scoffed, removing the buckle from his belt. “You know I did.” His hard cock sprung from his boxers as he slipped them down his hips. “What did you think?” You licked your hand, beginning to stroke the head of his cock, Jack letting out a groan as he gathered your hair in one of his hands. Knowing that you had him under control for at least a few seconds, your grabbed at his testicles, squeezing them in your hand. His hips bucked toward you. “Baby, what are you doing?” Jack edged out, his eyes squeezed shut in pain. “Just a reminder that you belong to me, too. I can’t have people thinking that you’re single looking that fuckin’ good. You won’t do it again, will you?” Jack was too focused on his balls to answer. You squeezed harder, making him cry out. “Fuck, yes, baby. I won’t do it again.” You released, giving him a cute little smile. “Thank you, baby.”
Jack shivered as you ran your lips across the tip of his cock, a string of saliva connecting when you pulled away. “Are you ready?” You simply nodded, sticking out your tongue to him. He slid his cock down your tongue, about halfway, so you could adjust to his size in your mouth. When you were ready, you tapped the back of his thighs to let him know you wanted more. With one thrust, he hit the back of your throat, slowly pulling back out so you could take a single breath before he thrusted into you again. You couldn’t help the tears brimming in your lashes, the drool uncontrollably dripping out of the sides of your mouth. “Fuck, your throat is almost as tight as your pussy.” It didn’t take long before you could feel his balls start to pulse, his pace staggering as he came close to orgasming. You whined when he removed himself from your mouth, wanting to continue to pleasure him. “Turn over.” You immediately complied, presenting your ass to him as you arched your back. You felt him drag his cock through your folds, stopping at your entrance at pushing the tip in. “Jack, please”, you begged, the teasing driving you crazy. With a snap of his hips, he thrusted into you, the force making your core clench around him. He set a furious pace, his pelvis hitting your ass with each drive.
“Oh, I’m gonna cum, Jack.” Jack pulled out, turned you around so you were on your back, before entering you again. He lifted your legs so he could hit your g-spot, helping to take you over the edge. You came around his cock within seconds, your orgasm traveling through your legs, making your toes curl. He placed kisses on your calves as he watched you catch your breath. “You okay?” He checked in with you. “Yes, keep going.” He slipped back into you, picking up that same pace, your orgasm immediately building in your lower stomach. “Jack, I’m gonna cum again”, you announced, breathless. “I’m close, too.” You tried holding off, but he was hitting your cushiony ceiling just right, you came again, this time the sensations even stronger. “Shit, I’m cumming.” Your clenched pelvic muscles drew out his orgasm, his release filling you up.
Jack hovered over you, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath he took to steady himself. “You did so good, baby.” He placed a kiss on your forehead, tasting the beads of sweat that had formed on your skin. You grabbed at his bicep, attempting to pull him back down. Where you thought you would feel relief at his weight being lifted off of you, you just felt cold. You could barely move, your core still tight from your last orgasm, and your limbs rendered immobile, aside from the occasional muscle twitch from fatigue. You could feel his cum begin to drip out of you, your body shuddering at the sensation. He used his index finger to collect what he could see, pushing it back into your pulsing pussy. “Fuck, Jack.” You grabbed at his hand, his large digit making you feel fuller than three fingers usually did. “I can’t do anymore, baby.” Your tone was pleading, but your eyes were lustful. You would take anything he was willing to give you. He lifted your hips, cupping your ass with both hands as he slid a pillow underneath. “Keep your legs closed for me, okay?” You complied, your eyelids heavy from fatigue. 
Jack chuckled, raising up and standing over you. “Don’t move. I’m not done with you yet.”
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baronessblixen · 2 years
My Prompt: Mulder afraid of getting bald/his hair turning grey and Mulder worrying he needs Viagra
Set in the revival, season 10-ish. It's Mulder's birthday and he worries about things.
Fictober Day 13 | Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 | Wc: 1,295
Growing Old (With You)
The sun’s not quite up yet when he opens his eyes to the new day and the new year of life. Another trip around the sun and once more, he’s a year older. For once, he feels like it too. When in the past he bounced back from their strenuous work easily enough, he now needs longer to recuperate. Much longer.
He sits up in bed with a soft groan and rubs his eyes. His vision is blurry so he reaches for his glasses on his bedside table. He blinks a few times and yawns, deciding he’s officially old.
55 years old.
20 years ago he didn’t think he’d ever reach that age. Now, here he is. In the bathroom, he stares at himself in the mirror. He still looks good. Right? Well, he looks okay at least. There’s still enough hair on his head to make it work.
Leaning in closer, cursing the light, he inspects every single one, trying to spot the traitors. The ones that are gray. A while ago, while their flight was delayed, Scully read him an article about gray hair. She had glanced at him then, as if observing him like a piece of evidence. Now he’s doing the same to himself. He knows he’s at that age. Past that age, really.
The longer he looks, the more gray he will find. One day – and he fears that day will come sooner rather than later – his head of hair will be completely gray, only a strand of brown here and there.
Still checking his hair, he hears the front door downstairs open and close. His body tenses. He may be 55 years old today, but he’s still the same person he’s always been. That’s why he doesn’t lock his door out here in the middle of nowhere. Scully has reminded him repeatedly that he’s inviting trouble in, but so far he’s been fine. Until now. And on his birthday of all days.
He’s on his way to grab his gun when he hears the intruder mutter a furious ‘fuck’ in the kitchen, making him grin. Not bothering to get dressed, he goes downstairs, the stairs creaking loudly.
“When you said I was inviting trouble in,” he says, unable to hide his smile. “Were you talking about yourself?”
“Very funny, Mulder,” she says. “It’s a good thing I brought coffee because your machine still hates me.”
“It doesn’t hate you. It’s just particular.”
“Much like its owner, hm?” She grabs the collar of his shirt to pull him down to her and presses a soft kiss to his lips. She tastes like the pumpkin spice lattes she’s been getting lately. His Scully, still following trends. He may not care for the taste himself, but he loves her taste. Her lips, her skin, her everything. Just thinking about it, about her, wakes up his cock and it twitches in his boxers.
“Happy birthday, Mulder,” Scully says, stroking his arm.
“This a nice surprise, seeing you here.” She hands him his coffee and he takes a sip. It’s perfect, just like he loves it. He gives her an appreciative smile in return.
“How are you feeling?”
“Old,” he admits, watching Scully chuckle before she takes a sip from her fancy beverage. Compared to him she’s a spring chicken, barely over 50. What if he’s getting too old for her? He takes her in, biting his bottom lip, because his lower regions have opinions, too. She’s dressed casually, one of his favorite sights. Her jeans fit perfectly, hugging her curves in the best way. Her sweater, too. He can’t help but wonder if she dressed like this for him.
“You’re not old, Mulder,” she assures him.
“Tell my back that,” he mumbles. “Or my hair.”
“What’s wrong with your hair?”
“It’s graying.”
“Of course it is. It’s a natural process.”
“Easy for you to say. Your hair looks perfect.”
“Well, thank you. You know I’ve been dyeing my hair for years, Mulder.”
“That’s not the same,” he says, sitting down at the table.
“Let me have a look.” Scully walks over to him and runs her fingers through his hair as if checking him for head trauma or open wounds. “Hmm,” she says, scratching his scalp. He’d complain, maybe, if it didn’t feel so damn good.
“What’s the verdict, doc?”
“There’s a bit of gray, Mulder. But you can wear it,” she assures him. “Can I sit?” She asks him, and for a moment he’s confused; there are three empty chairs around the table. He realizes that’s not what she means.
“Yes”, he replies softly and she slips onto his lap, looping her arms around his neck. His arms go around her, too, just like they’ve always done. It’s a Pavlovian response by now. She smiles at him, smoothing down the hair she’s ruffled.
“Is this a good idea?” He asks her, tightening his hold on her in case she decides to run away from him.
“I don’t know,” she admits. “But it’s your birthday.” He decides not to question it and accept her being here, her sharing herself with him, as the gift that it is. “You really feel old?” She asks him.
“I’ve been feeling old for years, I think. What’s another year, eh? It just makes me think.”
“About your hair?”
“That, too. About how long I’ll be able to do this. Can I still run around chasing monsters with gray hair?”
“I don’t think the monsters care.”
“They might if they’re faster than me. What if I’m going bald, Scully?”
“Are you?” Her fingers are back in his hair. “Looks like a full head of hair to me. You worry too much.” The fingers wander from his hair to his forehead where they run over his skin as if they possessed magic power. Being with Scully has always made him feel younger and stronger. She makes him feel like he’s more than he ever thought he could be.
“Just wait til you’re my age,” he jokes.
“55 looks good on you.” She proves her point with a kiss on his nose. “I can only hope to look as good as you when I turn 55.”
“You will. And I will remind you of it. If I’m invited to your birthday, that is.”
“You’re always invited to my birthday.”
“Is that a promise?”
“Yes,” she says, sealing it with a kiss to his mouth. This time it’s not sweet, it’s demanding. Her tongue runs over his bottom lip, begging to be let in. He welcomes her. They haven’t made out in a while, but muscle memory takes over. It’s as if no time at all has passed. He refuses to let himself think about what this means – or doesn’t mean.
“You’re still thinking too much,” Scully mumbles against his lip, gently biting into it. Her hand has wandered under his shirt, searching for skin. She’s neither shy nor patient. But Mulder’s body is surprisingly slow to catch up.
“I’m an old man, Scully,” he says. “Have some patience.”
“I always thought you were the impatient one,” she says, her hand moving lower, pausing at his waistband.
“Some parts of my anatomy are still waking up. Scully, what if I…”
“What if you what?” She leans back to be able to see his face.
“What if I need… Viagra?” He whispers the word and shudders inwardly.
“That’s never been a problem before,” Scully says, her hand slipping into his boxers. “I don’t think it will be one any time soon.”
And Scully is right. As soon as her hand wraps around him, his body is on board. Every single part of him.
“Let’s go upstairs,” Scully says. “I think your back would appreciate a soft mattress.”
As always, she is right.
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thalwhore · 11 months
Joining in the trend bc I've been thinking abt this scene since yesterday. Gave my gal some Scottish ways of talkin and hopefully kept Tally pretty in-character. As always the lad belongs to @dynamite124 !
No Preassure
Eira sighs as she takes a seat on one of the chairs overlooking the Inn, undoing the clasps of her chestplate while Saadia serves their drinks. "Thank ye love, yer a dear. Have a good night yeah?" Saadia smiles, taking the extra coin Eira had offered, "I'll certainly try, see you in the morning." She responds, bowing her head to the rather tall Altmer coming to join the party before heading out the room and down the stairs.
The Redhead takes a swig of her ale, "Shor's bones, I needed that drink after the day we've had, huh Tally?"
Taliesin furrows his brows, turning to face her, "And when were you planning on telling me that you're dragonborn?"
Eira groans and brings a hand to her face, "I was hoping it wasn'y true. I really, really was."
"You mean to tell me that you've known this entire time?!" Taliesin asks in shock. "How could you have known in the first place? There hasn't been a dragonborn for eras now!" He exclaims, stopping to recompose himself before taking a drink of the ale, making a face at the taste. "If this is your idea of a joke, it's not a very funny one." He adds.
"I'm no pullin' yer leg, believe me, I wish I were." Eira says, elbows resting on her knees as she holds her head in her hands. "Its a long story, I'm no' gonna blame ya if ye leave without hearin' me out." She adds, staring out at the Bannered Mare patrons below them.
Taliesin sighs, confusion painting his face, before he shucks off his overcoat, hanging it on the back of the chair and placing the gloves on the table between them. "You've given me no reason not to believe your words so far- so I'll stay. Besides, it'd be a waste to not take advantage of the room you've so generously bought for us." He says with a smile, posture mostly relaxed but his hands restless.
"Thank you. I really do mean that Taliesin." Eira says, flashing a smile before leaning back in her seat. "When I was a wee lass, a psycic came to me family's farm, or more like- was attacked by wolves just outside it." She starts, letting out a small laugh at the memory. "Me father had chased them off with a torch and his piddly wee steak knife, then offered the man to stay with us for the night before headin off the next morn'."
She seemed to relax more as she told her story, almost deflating in the chair as she seemed more comfortable. "He'd offered to tell our fortunes, me da' wouldn'y hear a word of it but, I begged and begged and he let up." Eira's face screws up as she recalls the details. "He did a ritual with some chicken bones we'd had leftover from supper that evenin' had me do a whole thing with shakin' them about in a bowl. Told me there was greatness in me' future." She says.
Taliesin laughs, not unkindly, smiling as he speaks "And I suppose that's why you're so confident now then?" He asks, raising a brow in her direction.
"Oi you cheeky shite, yer' hardly one to talk. What with yer whole 'superiorly bred mer' crap." She reponds jovially. Taliesin rolls his eyes and nods "Alright, alright. Continue, then."
"Thank you." Eira says. "Anyway, the man seemed a lot more worried when he read more o' the weird chicken scrying. Said he'd saw death and destruction. Fire and war. Said he saw great wings of black and toppled towers." She recounts, mood darkening. "He'd said I'd be the one to bring it about and also the one to end it."
Taliesin leans forward in his seat, brows furrowing as he listens intently to the story.
"Needless to say, me da' kicked him out and said it was a load of shite." Eira says with a laugh, before turning more serious. "That's why, when we killed that dragon, and I absorbed its soul. I lost me shit. That crazy old fuck had been right, and now I've gotta go from a farmhand, to the savior of Tamriel as a whole!" She yells. "It's- it's not what I wanted. Not in a million years." She adds, shaking her head before downing half the ale. "I just wanted some fun. A couple o' decades adventurin', then I'd settle down back with me folks, maybe find a nice lass to warm the bed. But now there's- all of this."
Taliesin sighs, reaching a hand over the table to take hers into his own. "I know, it's a lot to be pushed onto you. But if there's anyone who can do it, I believe it'll be you." He says, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
"Ye barely even know me Tally. But...thank you." She says with a smile. "And hey, it's no pressure right?"
"No pressure at all."
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burninblood · 1 year
I don’t know if this is just my problem(probably), but I noticed this trend in the newest comics run I’m reading: it feels like there is TOO MUCH fighting. Not just arguing, but actual physical fighting.
Maybe is just me, but I started noticing it while reading the new Scarlet Witch’s comic, which I have some mixed feelings about. You have Wanda fighting almost no-stop against various enthities (with an almos not existing plot in the bg) and not only with her magic, but with her bare fists too. Wanda Maximoff, yes.
I mean, maybe I am getting too old for this shit, but I found exhausting to have these characters FIGHTING constantly against someone! I noticed the same trend into the new Daredevil arc, and few issues of Symbol of Truth have been like that too. People throwing punches and stuff exploding, just to start again the next issue all over. Ok, I know these are superhero comics and not some intimistic european graphic novels, and I like it, and I enjoy a nice and fun fight like everyone else, but I prefer when a fight really feels personal and intense, when it brings chatarsis, and to obtain that you also need to let things cool for a little, to gain momentum, to let the tension built before it explodes... How can you have a compelling and meaningful confrontation between parts if your plot is neverending little or not so little fights?
Sometimes it feels more like watching someone else playing Street Fighter with a lot of talking (lol, I always think about that scene in CW movie when Sam tells to Spidey “You know, usually there isn’t that much talking while fighting!” ... WELL Sam, darling, apprently THERE IS!) , than reading comics. And there is not just the inner monologue of the characters, but some high philosophical and moral discussions too, which always make me laugh tbh.
I know that conficts of any kind are important for every model of narrative, and that the superhero genre has the actions at the core of it, but I started reading comics back in 2005 and I don’t remember this being the style?! Maybe memory fails me and maybe I’ve kept only the memories of my favorite interactions, but I remember there were a lot of characters moments, a lot of funny interactions and some good plot development between beating a bad guy and the other. For me the interest was always in the characters and in how their relationships were playing out, how they felt real even in such big and super-human circumstances. I don’t know, probably this is just something I noticed more for my personal taste, or maybe the “talk and take time before fighting” is an old way of writing comics, but sometimes it feels a bit too much.
I’m curious to know If I’ve been the only one getting this impression (’couse, you know, OLD!!!), or if it is something that’s really happening!
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gar-trek · 2 years
OKAY TO BE REAL THO.... my spirk journy:
When I first started watching star trek, i did not know spirk existed... HONEST!!!! i was like 13 and i wasnt really active in any star trek fanspaces... just existing in pure bliss and enjoying the show for what it was.... den... as i kept existing through life i was peripherally away of spirk but i never even had one thought about it and if i did that thought was probably like "oh thats kinda weird and funny" THEN... a year before i started my tumblr account, i went to an antique store and found a star trek zine. It was not a spirk story, just a little bit gay. this was during my first year of college when i had yet to make any friends. I found that zine and showed it to some aquantences who thought it was pretty funny, and we all spend an afternoon reading it together, laughing, and speculating if it was supposed to be gay (it was not k/s, but it was still a little gay)... one of those people turned out to be my now very close friend austin (HI AUSTIN) and perhaps this moment shared between us helped our beautiful friendship grow. Either way this was one of my best memories from my shortly lived pre-covid college experience... this made me associate good feelings with star trek zines, and when i went on ebay to check out more i was extremly amused to find that a lot of them were kirk and spock... this is what me and my friends had joked about with the first zine... but for realsies this time... SO i went on ebay and bought some authentic K/S zines and this coincided with me making my tumblr blog.... in January of 2021 i began yet another rewatch of tos... and i was enjoying it so much.. but i wanted someone to talk to about it!!! so i joined tumblr,,, ALSO since i was intrested in zines, RIGHT before i started my tumblr account i looked it up and found that people on tumblr were STILL making spirk zines, which i had become obsessed with, SO I SIGNED UP TO CONTRIBUTE MY ART TO A SPIRK ZINE.. which i did and it was physically printed like 6 months later. anyway i made my first post on january 15th... and by januery 18th... i had reblogged my first spirk post.. then that same day i posted this... as i struggled to come to terms with the fact i shipped spirk
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then on febuary 7th... i made a spirk post that got 1.5 K notes... my first taste of spirk clout...I would say my main spirk era lasted untill i started watching tng, which i did in may of 2021. In may i also made a post that likened spirkies to johnlockers, and although i did not say anything negative about spirk shippers, but if i was compairing them to johnlockers i must have been growing wearing. i must also note that during this period, i used to get a lot of random anons that were just like "i love your blog! your content is so funny!" or whatever... and this was like kind of a regualr theing. this really did stop when i started posting about tng more and probably started acting a lot more mean and now i just get anons asking me if i have a gas leak in my house.. just saying. I enjoyed a summer of tng content, and slowly started to realize that i could like a trek that wasnt tos... THEN .. by septerber.. i made my first negative spirk post... a disturbing trend that would be repeated
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i was very wearing about saying something negative about spirk, as i knew a lot of my followers and friends LOVED spirk.. but it has began to really grate my nerves. then it was all down hill from there!! anyway, i wont lie. i used to get the spirk feels man. i even read a couple fanfics man!! drew some fan art!!!! idk. i moved on to greener pastures. i used to say sappy things about spirk!!! i think that... me ... shipping spirk and liking that a lot is very much tied to online schooling and a time in my life when i was feeling very isolated from genuine friends. I'm not trying to say like spirk was a trauma response or anything, but its just weird how different my life was a year and a half ago, like much more different then it should have been. it was just like me and spirk against the world back then.... actually like right now writing this post im having a revelation that im probably so soured on spirk because it reminds me of a time in my life when i was a lot less happy then i am right now.. ISNT THAT WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!! the parellels im drawing.. wow i never thought of it like this before.. okay mind blown. good night everyone
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leonaluv · 2 years
Can you do Kim Soohyun actor as boyfriend by tarot reading? Thank u
I actually wanted to do more readings like this instead of ideal type .
You must had read my mind because I wanted to do a reading on actors as romantic partners. He will defend you, and anything said about his partner will get back at that person. He is kind, caring, king of cups is going to remember your favorite song, know small details about you and he wants you to relay on you. Soo-Hyun does put a lot of effort into his relationships, and he can talk in a gentle way to his lover. He wants to hear a lot of praise, and he can become an emotional addict.
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Soo-Hyun wants to feel that intense emotional passion and date people different from him. He is the fixer upper that means going after someone that helps dress, basically give someone a glow up. Soo-Hyun has the King of Pentacles in reverse and shows that he may leave when he doesn't feel that love anymore.
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Soo-Hyun does have that understanding of others well that high emotional intelligent. Ex. Say someone is wearing older-style clothes; others might think that person looks like a grandma or wonder why they aren't in on the latest trend. Soo-Hyun will know that the person likes vintage items and even may help someone to develop more of their personal taste. Soo-Hyun is okay with his partner arguing with him which I mean if someone was yelling at him and next day his partner is sick will not whole grudge.
As long as he has that emotional assurance and he is move by his heart, not by his logic or even in psychical so he can be impulsive that why it turns into arguments in relationships. Soo-Hyun can get along with women really easily, and King of cups is that type of guy. If he were to dm you, it would be a message that happens to be what you needed to hear in that moment.
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A time where you feel sad and he just sends this funny meme along with a sweet message & gift, just the timing would feel special because you didn't post about feeling sad, but he just knows then. He can start off as good friends with a person then become lovers. ace of diamonds - he isn't ready to commit to someone right now
hero card was reverse
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mengyao · 1 year
writing ask meme: 3 &/or 30?
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
i've always felt that my writing is very identifiable, embarrassingly so. this isn't necessarily a bad thing--i like to think my stuff has? personality??
but specifically… i love "unexpected tenderness" type stuff between characters who have a fraught dynamic and either aren't expecting tenderness from the other person or are going against their own ~better judgment~ to offer it. i eat that shit up.
other ingredients of the cocktail i would consider the Bloodletter Special:
class dynamics… sometimes this is more obvious than others but yanno
characters having gender (in some way or another, regardless of whether they're trans) but specifically having gender as a facet of broader questions of self-definition or agency… i just find it really compelling TT
sex before feelings and/or characters having sex while denying that they have feelings
Weird (But Enjoyable) Intimacy As Catalyst For Emotional Journeys… this may be related to the previous two bullet points or it may not be.
subpoint of above: i do make a point to write more explicit content than i otherwise would when i'm writing about characters having gender because i'm trying to be the change re: boring or personally unappealing trends in the trans(/etc) fic porn that's common to find on ao3… but also i just think it's an interesting lens for a lot of different aspects of character. Porn As Character Study yk. but yes i do have a self-inflicted mission to convince people that you can indeed write fic porn about trans characters that is a) sincerely horny [rather than being so wrapped up in Not Getting Things Wrong that it feels... detached?] and b) distinguishable from bad a/b/o (sorry to be a bitch. but.) obvi it's also a matter of personal taste and i'm sure there are people who hate my trans fic porn and they are so valid. however i will not stop writing it because i find it fun and can do what i want
dark humour… these days i think my stuff gets more comedic the heavier the subject matter gets (though this is also hard to gauge because idk if things i consider funny ping as funny to a reader other than myself)
i Will tell you where every scene is set. you Will be informed of this. usually in more detail than is necessary. (i've been actively trying to resist doing this while writing my most recent HX fic, because one of my tenets of writing he xuan POV is to not describe physical/material details to add colour to the scene unless i want the reader to be noticing that he xuan is thinking about a given thing, or it's necessary to understand what's going on. it takes A LOT of willpower on my part!)
characters getting angry… i just really like (justified) conflict. the girls are fighting!
people having baths and/or playing with each other's hair. i literally get embarrassed over how often i write this into things but does it stop me? absolutely not
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
i rarely stay in my comfort zone for larger projects tbh. i crave novelty and a challenge B)
the most recent example is definitely panting like a dog at the edge of your bed because i've never written anything that's about sexual violence in such an overt way (even though it's also about other things…). part of my brain still haunted by the spectral voices of various ex friends was convinced that i'd get a bunch of people vagueing me in bad faith over it (probably without even reading it), and the fact that that..didn't…happen…. is reassuring lol. so i guess the takeaway is that most people paying any level of attention to my small fry ao3 profile are not going to do weird discourse at me at the drop of a hat and i can calm down (this is not the first time i've had a similar mental dialogue with myself over various topics and i doubt it will be the last)
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