#but i don’t think priory will be it
midshipmank · 3 months
one day i will find them….the mythical 5-star lesbian fantasy and 5-star gay scifi……
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tragedykery · 1 year
the thing about niclays roos is that he is both a little bitch and a massive cunt. and I love him for it
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alectology-archive · 1 year
hi im aware this is rlly random lol but like,,,i know you like priory and have you seen that were getting two more books in the world of priory after ADoFN?! apparently one WILL be a priory sequel so ahhhh
I kind of forgot that she mentioned that she’d like to write a priory sequel someday, ha, but I also do recall her mentioning that she had five solid ideas for instalments in priory’s world (including tpotot and adofn) so there’s that! she’s also said that she intends to finish the roots of chaos with three instalments where each book is set in a different generation so that she can explore more of the world and the history, so I’m not entirely certain the third book might be priory’s sequel in the sense that we want it to be - but there’s still the matter of the fourth and fifth books, so maybe someday!
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2022 reads // twitter thread      
The Life Giver
YA stand-alone high fantasy in a dystopian underground city
a scribe who records prophecies from his dreamer, who talks to the sun (their god) each night
the dreamers are being picked off one by one by something dangerous and unexplained in the dreams
no romance
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
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prans-micellar-water · 9 months
So I’m. I. I just finished Priory of the Orange Tree and. I did not think the ending was spectacular? Like it was fine, I just personally thought it was underwhelming
Because. Pretty much every character got exactly what they wanted at the beginning of the story? The only character whose expectations were subverted even a little was Niclays—he wanted to perform alchemy and return to Mentendon as a genius hero, and instead ✨he lost a limb for narrative purposes✨ (which I am completely in support of btw. That is a compliment and not a dig) before accepting that immortality is unattainable and processing Jannart’s death and mortality. Everyone else, though?
Sabran got to become a sovereign whose success does not hinge on her marriage or fertility, Ead completed her mission and returned to lead the Priory (a desire not explicitly stated but rather implied), Loth… well, Loth never really had any ambition except to return to Inys so he can hang out with Sabran and Ead and Margaret, which he achieves, and Tané is a Miduchi, which she’s desired since childhood.
Like?? What was the point of the novel? I read 800 pages and only ONE character’s desires and motivations changed? To be charitable, I guess Ead and Sabran both assume/return to their leadership roles to stabilize the world so they can later run off together guilt-free. But still, their priorities don’t really change—they still both put their duty before their personal happiness, which is good for the world but narratively boring, because they both spent the whole novel putting their duty before their personal happiness. It even felt like a step back for Ead, who struggled the entire book with defying the Priory to do right by Sabran, only to revert back to being mindful of her duty once again.
Loth never really had any ambitions except to return to his status quo—which is nice, I guess, I feel like I haven’t read about very many truly reluctant heroes—but like??? After everything he’s been through, he’s content to literally just return to the status quo? Switch places with Margaret so he can hang out at court? The same thing he was doing at the beginning of the novel? I get that he’s supposed to be just Some Guy, but he ends the novel as just Some Guy too! I refuse to believe he emerged from everythin he went through as just Some Guy. He became a bit braver, a bit more self-assured, but I don’t know that he went through the kind of radical transformation that makes a story interesting to me.
Tané’s ending felt better than the others, though (Niclays excepted. Niclays’s ending was the most narratively satisfying imo even if his character development felt somewhat sudden). The resolution of her guilt and anxiety was pretty rewarding, so even though she achieved exactly what she wanted at the beginning of the novel, it felt hard-earned and real. I think I just really like Tané as a character so she can get away with more than the others
Idk. This isn’t even getting into my opinions on the final battle, which I also did not enjoy. There were some other issues I had as well—there were some plot holes IMO and some parts of the world that went tragically unexplored. Maybe I’ll play script doctor later. Everything was just so neat and perfect, and while I enjoy happy endings, it just felt unsatisfying. Idk.
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sunnibits · 2 years
yknow what actually does anybody have good book recs for me bc I want to get back into reading more sooooo badly but I’m having a weirdly hard time with it lmao
I’m a big fantasy/sci fi girl and I would love if they were queer please pspsppsppss 👁👁
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theriversarebroken · 2 years
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Aaaaand November’s display. Cozy time! Have to promote the best series or the thiccest books.
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lusts · 2 years
priory has been mid so far tbh i’m kind of just ready to be finished with it
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seabringers · 1 year
I love the priory of the orange tree but the queendom of inys being a matriarchy will never make sense to me. Galian Berethnet takes credit for the slaying of the nameless one when it was Princess Cleolind, creates a religion around himself and is worshiped as a saint and it’s definitely a bit repressive, but instead we get a queendom with cool ladies? Sure theres a little bit of talk of them being reduced to their ability of having a daughter, but there’s not much. I feel like it should be the very opposite. Inys and Virtuedom vs the Priory and the more matriarchal society of Lasia. The world is so interesting, and Ms Shannon truly worked so hard on it but it just doesn’t make sense! (To me)
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mzcain27 · 2 years
Still haven’t finished the handmaids tale and I think it’s because I wanna read like. In depth fantasy. Like I want politics and shit I want a slower intricate kinda content heavy fantasy
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tragedykery · 1 year
look I get why people write them but for some media modern aus are just inherently hilarious to me
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alectology-archive · 1 year
so far I think I’d still pick priory over adofn, mostly because the pacing in that book worked far better for *me*.
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zilabee · 1 month
Tony Bramwell on Brian:
- Brian dropped in at the Cavern and, spoiled for choice, fell in love at first sight with each of the Beatles in turn
- Brian almost promised to love, honour and obey them.
- He never publicly showed his embarrassment with poor deals, but one could tell something wasn’t right because inside, he anguished. Chewed his knuckles and grew pale.
- He was a fiercely loyal and honourable friend to those he loved, and ruthless toward those he despised
- He was shy to the point of blushing and stammering, and theatrical to the point of ranting and frothing at the mouth
- His biggest problem, perhaps his only real problem, was that he was homosexual in a still very unenlightened era. It kept getting in the way. Whenever he sat down for a meeting with heavyweights like Sir Joseph Lockwood at EMI, or whoever, he felt they all knew. “They’re talking behind my back, Tony,” Brian said. “They don’t respect me.”
- Paul was fond of Brian and thought he was the best possible manager: one who was courteous, who didn’t interfere with their private lives, but achieved all he said he would do. He never criticized him—none of us did. Brian was a god.  (It was only later that the façade cracked a bit, but even then we loved him. He was like family, and you accept your family for what they are and forgive them most anything.)
- his wonderfully fertile mind continuously thinking up innovative ideas and then worrying about them
- Brian was so different when around his beloved protégés. He became one of them. He was a friend, a chum, charming, trustworthy and kind. He set out to do what he promised and they all said it would never have happened without him.
- Brian bought an off-the-shelf company named Suba Films, which I virtually ran. It was way ahead of its time, the only independent company in England making music videos
- Whenever things got raunchy and out of hand around us, he would make his excuses and leave. At times, he almost ran.
- [on writing his biography]: “You don’t think John will think I’m raining on his parade, do you?” he asked hesitantly.
- I believe that Brian’s paranoia over the Beatles’ contract and his heavy use of drugs led him to think that it was only a matter of time before everything came tumbling down and he would be left standing in the ruins, with people pointing their fingers like kids in a playground.
- He was seriously ill and desperately sought to escape from the circus of his own creation.
- He was tormented by the idea of letting down his beloved Cilla and the Beatles, particularly John.
- He underwent deep sleep therapies at the Priory, being put under for days at a time with heavy drugs.
- Whether he managed the Beatles or not, he would still get 25 percent of their earnings from record sales for nine years. This subtlety had somehow escaped the Beatles, but it bothered Brian. It gnawed at his conscience because in his heart he knew he had conned them.
- [He] was abnormally distressed, convincing himself that they weren’t going to sign up again because they loathed him. Going through months of paranoia, he looked for reasons and forlornly asked the question, “Don’t they like me anymore?”
- It was so silly because it wasn’t like that at all. At different times, all of them commented to me that they would never have signed another contract as “Beatles” but they would have signed individually with Brian.
- “No, I think John hates me now. I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t sign. What will people think? I can see the headlines now: EPSTEIN DUMPED BY BEATLES.”
- He was now seriously unhappy, not just troubled. His personality had radically changed.
- Brian had resident nurses, doctors who stayed, psychiatrists who lived in, all crowded into that little doll’s house, getting on each other’s nerves. At times he’d make an effort. He would sweet-talk everyone and then escape when they weren’t looking.
- [after Brian's death] Joanne was in shock. She had seen him first. The doors had been broken down and there he was, curled up on his side in bed with Saturday’s mail lying next to him. “We all knew at once that he was dead, but I heard myself say, ‘It’s all right, he’s just asleep. He’s fine,’ ” she said.
- It was unbelievable that the man who had got all this going—the vast money-making machine and the culture shock that had changed the world—was gone.
- The Summer of Love was over and autumn coming.
- I have been asked many times why it was that the Beatles didn’t just hire an office manager to handle their business affairs and pay him or her a salary. It would have made sense. But it never occurred to them. They just went blindly on, trying to find someone to replace Brian, like it was some kind of law. They seemed to think that they had to have a manager, to whom they had to give 25 percent of their gross income, or they’d be arrested or drummed out of the Brownies.
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taehyuncult · 6 months
bf!riwoo 18+ thoughts <3
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warnings: fem!reader implied, when writing this i took his mbti + sun sign into consideration! (idk if that constitutes as a warning?? oh well), passionate seggs, powerplay mentioned, lovebites, this is the softest h word thing ive ever written tbh, my ily kink jumped out
bf!riwoo, who is so passionate. sex with him is an experience that’s charged with so much sensuality and emotion. it’s electric. hands in hair, tongues melting into each other, whimpers flooding the once quiet room. he’d be on top of you, touching every inch of you without hesitation. for the first time in awhile he had the dorm all to himself, and he was more than ready to take advantage of the opportunity to love on you. your back would be smushed between the soft sheets of his bed and his pretty body. his hands would have a tight grip on your body as if he was afraid that you would disappear if he let go of you. his soft, but strong, hands on the bare skin of your waist as he attacks your mouth with his own. it was all so desperate, but intimate and soft at the same time. “need you, need you so bad.” he’d whine out between rushed kisses, and you’d nod your head in agreement, telling him how badly you need him too.
bf!riwoo, whose back is a huge erogenous zone for him. his lower back, specifically is such a tender area for him. when his torso is bare, and you slide your hands along the sides of him, his eyes will roll back once you reach his lower back. your soft touch along the sensitive skin of his back is borderline euphoric for him. in general, he just loves the feeling of your hands all over him. the way you softly caress him, making him feel so loved. there’s a gentle inexplicable intimacy about it that he really enjoys when it comes to having your hands on him.
bf!riwoo, who has a lot of stamina, so he’s able to keep up with you if you’re extra needy. over the course of your relationship he would really be observant, paying close attention to what makes you feel good and how you react. he’s become so good at using his body to make you absolutely melt in his hands.
bf!riwoo, who smiles when he first enters you from the sheer pleasure of feeling your walls tightly wrapped around his sensitive cock. he’s not the most vocal as he’s just naturally a quiet guy, but he’ll whimper a lot. when he’s fully inside, he’ll pause for a second, close his eyes, and mutter out a “ah- feels so good~” while biting back a smile. he’s so endearing, so cute even in a moment like this that your body instinctively clenches. he’d let out a light laugh, but inside his body would feel like it’s on fire from the way you clench around him.
bf!riwoo, who doesn’t really care a ton for power play (but is definitely a switch). if you want him to take control over you by domming or be your cute little sub then he’s all for it, but typically the two of you don’t have a set dynamic. definitely has a praise kink, though. he loves observing you, but at the same time loves hearing verbal confirmations that what he’s doing feels good. he honestly loves when you moan his name, just something about it causes him to have butterflies. it’s like a little ego boost for him. one of his favorite things is when you’re so overcome with pleasure, telling him you love him with stars in your eyes. he would be thrusting into you, his face nestled in your neck and your hands in his hair. his ear would be right by your lips, allowing him to hear every uttered word of yours so perfectly. “s-sanghyeok- love you- love you so much.” and he would start kissing your neck, thrusting into you even harder causing you to throw your head back.
bf!riwoo, who isn’t really into giving love bites so much so as he is into receiving them. if you ask, again he’ll deliver because he revels in pleasing you, but he really likes when you mark him. he thinks it’s a sign of your love engrained into his skin and it’s so romantic to him. truly such a sweet lover boy that prioritizes you over him. <3
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xodahafez · 8 months
roadman! tom riddle duels with harry to get his attention pt 4
part three here
[partnered duelling in DADA]
walburga, sultrily: hi tom, want to be my partner?
tom, busy glaring at harry and his partner: you’re fucking butters, move yeah??
walburga: *stomps away angrily after making empty threats*
the mandem: *exchanging shifty glances with each other*
tom: the sweet one’s still dead set on airing me
orion: what does airing mean?
nott: like a cooling charm?
tom, sneering: forgot you purebluds are a buncha wet neeks. harry is ignoring me
rosier, hurriedly: i see. might i suggest a direct confrontation?
orion: yes, my— yes, riddle. i think confronting him about this will resolve your dilemma. perhaps try cornering him so he doesn’t escape
tom, rudely gesturing to harry’s duelling partner: you lot reckon i should deck him with a spell or suttin?
the mandem: …
abraxas: excellent idea
tom: aiight say less akhi
tom: *storms over and knocks out harry’s duelling partner before turning around and smiling at harry*
the mandem, collectively sighing: oh merlin
professor merrythought, appalled and shook: mr riddle! 20 points from slytherin!
tom, ignoring everyone else: wagwan darlin
harry, burning with rage: stupefy!
[a duel begins]
tom: anyways fam i been trynna hit you up but you always moving funny. what’s your problem?
harry: you! you’re my problem!
[the entire DADA class is watching]
tom: listen sweet’art i ain’t done nothing to ya?? and you was happy just last week bruv??
harry: what? no i wasn’t— bloody hell why can’t you just take no for an answer and leave me alone??? it’s creepy and weird
tom, angrily: you’re actually bare cooked dyou know what i’m sayin? always beefin with me, and for what—
tom, still angrily ranting: —mans is just trynna move to you yeah, allow it???
harry: did you consider that the reason i want nothing to do with you is because you’re a terrible person with a skewed moral compass—
tom, in a mocking/booing, deep voice: PHUSsioooo
[priori incantamem is triggered]
tom: …
harry: *panicking*
tom, laughing with surprise and steadily falling in love with harry: oh my dAYSSSS, THIS IS MADDDDD WALLAHI
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