wb-ivy · 4 years
Edward: You were hurt. Do you remember anything?
Bella: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Edward: That wasn't an ambulance, I called a car.
Bella: But I heard a siren?
Edward: That was Emmett.
Emmett: I got nervous.
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Just a reminder that my messages are open if you need to talk, remember that you are not alone!
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Hey Bro you put lion it's tiger
My bad bro, the one shot will be a tiger. I somehow managed to forget even though I read the request right before writing it.
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wb-ivy · 4 years
An Incomplete History of Music
A/N: I wrote this about a year ago as a result of coming out as trans and being punished for it. Decided that for Trans Awareness Week I would share this with you. Stay Strong and Remember, YOU ARE VALID!!!
Choral music as we know it was first recorded around the beginning of the 10th century C.E. Although score sheets have been around for longer, the first piece of polyphony music was not actually discovered until December of 2014 by an intern at the British Library who was studying for his PhD at Cambridge University. He discovered the piece in the manuscript of Bishop Maternianus of Reims. Before going any further, it should be noted that polyphony music is music specifically written for several voice parts to perform at the same time. Since this only covers the history of polyphony choir music, solo opera pieces, songs written with only voice part but performed by a large group, and instrumental symphonies will not be discussed throughout the next ten pages. 
Choral music is believed to have originated from modern day Germany with only two parts before making its way to Western Europe where it becomes elaborated for eleven hundred years to become the intricate expressions we see in every school and church across the globe. Choral music became the main event in churches, right after the Lord, during the Medieval period. Although historians have known the significance of  group performances during the Middle Ages, no physical sheets of scores have yet to be discovered. 
During this time period, the most typical and popular piece of polyphony music was in the “organum” style. Pieces written in the organum style were performed with the accompaniment singing either above or below the melody, but they both sang the same tune. The most intriguing part about the birth of polyphony music is that historians originally thought it was developed using a set of strict rules that the composer had to follow. The discovery of this artifact, along with the organum style of music shows that the creator of choral music was breaking the rules of his own invention. These discoveries have helped to smash down old assumptions made based off of The Winchester Troper, the world’s second oldest choral music currently known.
The original was then discovered to not actually be written all at once. Experts believe that it was actually written in the early 10th century as a solo piece before adding on a seperate piece a few years later during the same century. This priceless work also shows that it was nearly the basis of experimentation to create an original work that harmonized several groups of singers all at once. It seemed that the composer had bigger visions to a multiple part song.
The middle ages was truly the start of choral music becoming popular inside the catholic walls. Although most of what we currently know about this music era is guess work, many groups specializing in medieval music prefer to use easily blended sounds without any vibrato. All musicians in this line of work will try to make their educated guesses of the original sound by comparing the music to other pieces found during that time alongside the renaissance pieces known by every singer, no matter their profession. During this time, although Catholic churches preferred to use instruments to help emphasize the vocal sounds, Jewish synagogues preferred to leave singers unaccompanied to show off the beauty of the choirs natural sounds. These types of a capella performances were known as Gregorian chants and differed greatly from street singing that was common in populated cities.
Street performances during the middle ages were normally made more attractive to make the performers more money by including intricate dances that followed the rhythm with their songs. These songs were almost always accompanied with smaller instruments such as flutes, but were normally a song that was written in only one part for several singers in unison. Synagogues preferred to use advanced harmonizing that was unaccompanied with music or dance because they believed that it distracted from the word of god. Synagogues also excluded women from performing in their ensembles, whereas street singing was a gender neutral activity.
Numerous examples can be seen throughout score sheets that Christian and Catholic choirs are heavily based on the hebraic performances that started in the Jewish community. Although the Catholic community mainly performed for much larger scaled gatherings of church goers once a week. They still shared the belief that music was meant to spread the psalms and proverbs to the masses.
During the Roman Catholic regime, singing saw a drastic change of its members. Beforehand, only priests and their congregations could sing the gospel, until a special group known as a choir was formed of talented members of the congregation to accompany and contrast the priest’s solos in order to make his voice stand out. Women had major roles in the start of official choirs until 578 when the Hebraic rule that didn’t allow female singers was reinstated in the Catholic church. It wasn’t until the 20th century that choirs weren’t made up of just men and young boys, when women’s rights were brought into the religious circle and helped regain female positions in the choir.
When the renaissance gave the average person more free time then their ancestors ever saw, choral music saw a boom in composition. This was the start of vocal music outwaying instrumental pieces in importance. Scores were written mainly in Latin, and composers were preoccupied by wanting the listeners to be awed by the music to actually worry about the harmonies. Choirs would consist with about three people for each section and with countertenors instead of altos, the higher of the four parts (soprano and countertenor) still consisted of young school boys instead of women. The renaissance period also tried to stay away from the vibratos used during the dark ages because they felt like it blurred the individuality of the voice parts and caused horrible blends of the melody.
During the renaissance period young boys were only able to perform high pitched parts until their voices cracked and they had to be moved to the lower sections (tenor and bass). Nowadays it would be impossible to find a male soprano to perform the complex and intricate music that rang throughout the Roman Empire. The reason choir directors could get away with boys singing intricate songs before puberty was because the average male didn’t hit puberty until the age of seventeen, much later than the current person hits puberty. The voice ages helped the choral industry stay male dominated and hindered the allowance of women in the chorus.
Strict rules had started to be imposed on composers during the renaissance in order to attract the most attendants to the church without straying too far from the words of God. Churches knew that if they didn’t allow the music to be brilliant and inspire the crowds that attendance at the services would drop, causing a decrease of funds they get from weekly offerings. On the other hand, churches were weary that if they music was too astounding that people would be too fixated on the sounds to get the message out of it that church wanted you to know. Composers during the time were seldom allowed to write about anything other than the gospel because there were few places other than the house of god for music to be performed. 
During the late sixteenth century, the Renaissance slowly slipped away and was replaced with the Baroque period. This Era saw the founding of concertato style, where a soloist or a quartet stood out and sang something different from the rest of the ensemble. The Baroque age also saw the sizes of choirs increase by tenfold and start to try to re-include instruments into its pieces. Some historians say that the Baroque period didn’t include anything new or special from choral pieces, but that it just simply continued top experiment and expand on the Renaissance’s most famous techniques. Though others argue that the Baroque age brought in a “new style” of music, such as the canata and the oratorio, which had never been used until then. Renaissance ideas that had started to fade out of fashion towards the end of the period saw itself newly revived and at the front and center of the Baroque period. An example of this included the use of several independent lines for vocal parts, which had become obsolete and had been replaced with a form of composing that where a single melody was performed vocally with a bass part performed by an instrument. 
Some of the most notable figures in the choral sphere of the Baroque period were Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), Heinrich Schutz (1585-1672), and Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Claudio Monteverdi was most known for transitioning music from prima prattica to seconda prattica. Even to this day, three of his twelve most important pieces have been preserved and are frequently performed. Heinrich Schutz made musical history by writing the best pieces throughout all of Germany and varied his collections from passion to oriatos and motets. Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the most famous choral composers to this day. Being known for his music internationally,he produced over three hundred pieces of work during his lifetime. Bach was able to produce songs the artfully combined the most spectacular techniques from every type of music during the Baroque period. Not to mention, his music helped define choral pieces for centuries and for centuries more to come.
The classical age of music came right after the Baroque age with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart carrying most of the figurative choral weight upon his shoulders. The classical age had a major slow down of vocal pieces as composers started to experiment with the capabilities of instrumental music at its full capabilities. It was known as the classical age for attempting to revive the ancient Greek and Roman forms of fine arts and literature, which wasn’t very big on vocal music. The Classical age was famous for a Rococo style of music, which was light in nature, homophonic, and very elaborate compared to any other style of vocal performances. The Classic age was also heavily defined by its association with the church. Composer finally had the ability to write scores from a secular viewpoint with public concert halls being constructed for the first time. Choral music was finally allowed to be enjoyed by all no matter their beliefs or political views and actually became one of the most important parts of life for the socially elite in Europe.
Unlike every other musical time period, the Classical period only had three famous composers rather than several dozen of them. These three men were Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Frans Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), and Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827). Even though the popularity of vocal musicians increased, people like Mozart kept it alive with elaborate pieces that would have made the Fathers of choral music proud. Most of Mozart’s pieces were biblical and written to be performed at masses due to the fact that he was an archbishop. Some of his most famous works include Great Mass in C Minor, Coronation Mass in C Major, and Requiem Mass even though it had never been fully completed before Mozart’s death. Haydn was known for creating both The Creation and The Seasons after being a choirboy himself growing up until he was eight.
 “A Brief History Of Choral Music.” Calgary Children's Choir, 30 Mar. 2015, https://calgarychildrenschoir.com/a-brief-history-of-choral-music/.
Brown, Mayer, and Howard. “CHORAL MUSIC IN THE RENAISSANCE.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 1 Apr. 1978, https://academic.oup.com/em/article-abstract/6/2/164/402312?redirectedFrom=PDF.
Foss, Lukas, and John Patrick Thomas. “The Middle Ages.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 8 Aug. 2011, https://www.britannica.com/art/musical-performance/The-Middle-Ages.
“Introduction To Renaissance Choral Music.” Choral Music In The Renaissance, http://dlib.info/home/braxton/.
Kozinn, Allan. “The Sound of the Middle Ages, Through Research and Intuition.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 May 1990, https://www.nytimes.com/1990/05/04/arts/the-sound-of-the-middle-ages-through-research-and-intuition.html.
Riley, Danny. “A Tour through the History of Choral Music.” By Bachtrack for Classical Music, Opera, Ballet and Dance Event Reviews, Bachtrack Ltdhttps://Bachtrack.com/Themes/bachtrack2013/Mastheadlogo.png, 17 Jan. 2018, https://bachtrack.com/feature-at-home-whistle-stop-choral-music-june-2017.
Stevens, Denis William. “Choral Music.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 19 Jan. 2015, https://www.britannica.com/art/choral-music.
THE BAROQUE PERIOD (1600-1750), http://cmed.faculty.ku.edu/private/hyltonbar.html.
THE CLASSICAL PERIOD (1775-1825), http://cmed.faculty.ku.edu/private/classical.html.
THE ROMANTIC PERIOD (1825-4900), http://cmed.faculty.ku.edu/private/romantic.html.
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wb-ivy · 4 years
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👏🏾Education 👏🏾is 👏🏾a 👏🏾right,👏🏾 not👏🏾 a👏🏾 service 👏🏾
Pass along and use the shit out of them
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Being a Lion Shapeshifter Who’s in a Poly Relationship with Tanya and Leah Would Include:
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A/N: I got a request to do this as an imagine, but since my brain has yeeted itself out a window, I decided to do some HCs until the creativity juices start flowing. Please send in requests! ( the correct way!)
Being a Lion Shapeshifter Who’s in a Poly Relationship with Tanya and Leah Would Include:
You would meet Leah first
It would be when you went to La Push 
You originally went to calm down and clear your head
It was always nice to get some alone time
so the LAST thing you were expecting was to sense someone following you
You shift into your Tiger form to defend yourself
And get confused when you see a giant werewolf appear out of the trees
You get even more confused when the wolf turns into Leah Clearwater, one of the locals
After some awkward explaining on both parts
You two would end up spending the rest of the night on the shore talking to each other
Leah would tell you all about the pack being werewolves
But wouldn’t force you to open up about your past until you were ready
The way she seems so enthralled by your mundane conversation amuses you
But you don’t say anything
Because she looks too happy for you to ruin it by bringing up her joy
Somehow the random meeting turned into a weekly event 
And then into a daily occurrence
Until it somehow morphs into the two of you spending every waking moment together
(When your not in school at least)
That’s about when Leah finally tells you about you being her imprint
 Which end up causing you two to end up becoming an official couple
A few months after you started dating
A new person shows up at the Cullen’s residence
(Where you had been staying since they took you in after you were almost killed)
The new girl was more beautiful than anybody you’d ever seen before
Despite the fact that you were completely in love with Leah, your heart was drawn to the vampire
And you could see the way she would constantly stare at you from across the room
Edward tells you that her name’s Tanya
And that your apparently her mate
You couldn’t believe it
You had somehow become both a vampire’s mate AND a werewolf’s imprint
The confusion around it was too much to handle
You ended up running out of the house into the woods
It took both Alice and Jasper three hours just to get you to come back to the house
Once you calm down, you decide that you need to have a serious talk with both girls
After a while, they both decide to share you
Which you agree to after some explaining of what that meant
It took the two of them a little while to get used to being around each other so much
(The first month was just you mediating fights)
But eventually they get along really well and become fairly good friend’s
Tanya ends up deciding to move in with the Cullen’s and starts to go to Fork’s High School with you
She magically gets put into almost all of your classes
You still spent most of you afternoons at La Push of the Clearwater house
Except now you spent the weekends going to places like Port Angela’s so that you can be with both of your girlfriend’s
One of your personal favorite date nights is when all three of you go running through the woods
Tanya almost always wins when you try to make it a race
She lets you win all the other times
You also like to spend the nights cuddled up with Tanya
She’ll lay with you through the whole night while she reads a book
When you guys are all older, you decide to get a place of your own
It’s nice to be able to be around the both of them without anyone’s family being upset about the other one being there
Your finally allowed to just be yourselves
It’s honestly amazing
And you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way
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wb-ivy · 4 years
I've decided that I'm going to put my essays and stuff on here alongside my fanfics. I apologize if that's not what you came here for, but it helps me anonymously get my emotions out!
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wb-ivy · 4 years
It’d be a shame if someone accidentally linked a pdf to that book so that their followers could read it without supporting the author
UPDATED 8/15/20 (or 15/08/20) with new link
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Being the Youngest Winchester Would Include
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Being the Youngest Winchester Would Include:
Being a half sibling from one of John’s one night stands
Him not finding out until your mother ended up dying on a hunt and you end up living with Bobby
Being taken in the moment John finds out that you even exist
Getting along with both of the boys and becoming close to them when you were forced to sit in the hotel with them when you were younger
Breaking down crying when Sam ends up leaving for college
Becoming really close to Dean during those years
Going out to Stanford to get your brother after John goes missing
It ends up being you who convinces him to go with the two of you
He just can’t stand to see you so upset
It breaks his heart
Being a huge pie fan like Dean and fighting him for the last slice all the time
Liking classic rock just like him
It drives Sam insane, but he puts up with it because he loves you both
Helping Sammy with all of his research that he never puts down
You’re the only person other than Dean who he’ll let call him Sammy
You’re also one of the only people who he’ll let borrow his books
Spending hours together just reading about different kinds of supernatural creatures
Which ends up with Dean calling you both nerds
Depending on how old you are when you meet them, Dean will end up teaching you how to drive
Not with the Baby, there’s no way in hell that he’s ever going to let you drive that thing
You end up using one of the already beat up ones from Bobby’s junkyard
But once you start going on hunts by yourself, you end up taking the truck John had before he died
Dean’s cassettes magically disappearing all the time out of his car
And they just so happen to show up in your truck
Speaking of hunting by yourself
The boys absolutely lose their minds when you first suggested it to them
They could hardly handle the thought of you going on hunts with the two of them by your side
Let alone without either of them there to protect you from whatever you were after
“(Y/N) we’re not letting you go out there on your own! Are you insane!”
“At least make sure that you’ve got enough salt with you. And call us the moment something is wrong!”
Dean ends up overstuffing your truck with every type of weapon known to man because he’s so worried
Even though it’s just a simple salt and burn that you’ve done with them a million times before
He even tries to get Castiel to go with you to make sure that you don’t end up dying or something stupid
Honestly, these two don’t know what they would do without their little baby sibling
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Trash-Fire of a Masterlist
Updated: 11/21/20
As of now, this gets updated every time I post
Please message me if any of the links don’t work!
Sam Winchester:
Being the Youngest Winchester Would Include
Dean Winchester:
Being the Youngest Winchester Would Include
Edward Cullen:
Dating Edward Cullen Would Include
Leah Clearwater:
Being a Lion Shapeshifter Who’s in a Poly Relationship with Tanya and Leah Would Include:
Tanya Denali:
Being a Lion Shapeshifter Who’s in a Poly Relationship with Tanya and Leah Would Include:
Original Pieces:
Random Blurb #1
An Incomplete History of Music
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Dating Edward Cullen Would Include
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A/N: My first writing other than a short blurb! I’m so excited and I hope you like it!
Dating Edward Cullen Would Include:
Meeting him when you first move to Forks and falling for him like everyone else
Being friends with Alice before you’ve even met Edward 
Finally talking to him when you go over to the Cullen's’ house to work on a project with Alice
Being super confused by Edward always grabbing you things without you saying you needed it
Going on bookstore dates nearly weekly
Dancing together around his room to one of his numerous CDs
More like you dancing around like an idiot while he smile at how happy you are
“What are you laughing about?”
“Nothing, just how gorgeous you look when you’re dancing.” (cue you blushing)
Him trying (and failing) to teach you how to play the piano
Which ends up with you just sitting there listening to him play instead
Joining Alice when she forces him to try on clothes she bought on her seventh shopping trip this week, despite the fact it’s only Wednesday
Always being protected by him whether it’s from a killer or a paper cut
It can be annoying how overprotective he can be at some times
But you know that he’s just doing it because he loves you
Speaking of “I love you”
You end up being the first one to say it
Edward was just being his gorgeous self when it slipped out of your mouth as you were admiring how breathtaking he is
Needless to say that boy chuckled at how adorable you were and said it back
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wb-ivy · 4 years
Started this in class today
It couldn’t be possible, it just couldn’t. 
Luke’s mind raced as he frantically tore through the two bedroom apartment that he and his twin sister had shared since they had turned eighteen. He checked everywhere in the entire grimy place for any clues of his sister’s whereabouts, but not a thing was out of place. Nothing amiss. But he knew without a doubt - she was gone. Evelyn’s room was still a labyrinth of second hand books, the living room still had stacks of video games on top of the blue wooden coffee table, there was even a coffee mug sitting on the kitchen counter that was still steaming and waiting for someone to drink it. But Evelyn was nowhere to be found, even though she had called Luke only ten minutes ago and told him that he needed to come home immediately. 
Luke had been working down at the grocery store just a couple of blocks away when she called in a fit of inaudible hysterics. By the time he was able to calm her down enough to get anything coherent out of her, the only thing she would say was get home now.  Before he had enough time to question her any further, his ears were greeted by the beep-beep-beep of the line being disconnected. 
He must be imagining things. He tried pinching himself and rubbing his eyes until they were red, but no matter how hard he tried, the house was still as empty of his other half as it had been when he first bursted through the door mere moments ago.
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