#can't remember the technical term for found recordings
puppadumz · 5 months
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Helping a friend move,
and my immediate thought was:
just like the blorbos in my shows (podcasts)!
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Lights, camera, shit show
I was just cleaning my OL folders (all those Chinese paintings and scrolls do take a horrendous amount of space, heh) and I just stumbled upon something I completely forgot to share and discuss with you. I found this particular article during my solitaire lurking months and I remember being befuddled by it for a long time, then thought I've lost it for good.
I don't remember ever seeing it shared or discussed in here, either and if, by any slim chance, I am wrong, kindly forgive me. That professional website is now closed, but its content is still available to browse:
Anyway, there goes: https://www.studiodaily.com/2018/06/outlander-dp-stephen-mcnutt-asc-csc-saucy-scottish-show/
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We discussed Terry Dresbach and her inebriated rants, Vanessa Woman's devastating impact on set as Intimacy Coordinator, RDM's jealousy and many other aspects of life on the OL set. Rumors likely to have originated there peppered our shipping trail like flickering lights in a sea of darkness. So yes, we dissected these things to death. But not Stephen McNutt's interview to Studio Daily, on June 22, 2018 - please keep in mind the date, it is essential!
Stephen McNutt is a well-established professional and a member of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) and the Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC), as he hails from British Columbia. He also has a consistent track record of previous work with RDM, both on Battlestar Galactica and Caprica (its prequel). Therefore, one has to immediately suppose he was handpicked and brought on set by the same RDM, of course: set a very low bar on your expectations, I am warning you.
By the grace of RDM, he was one of the main Directors of Photography for OL during Seasons Two and Three. IMDb is not the best source for corroborating things, because they credit him with 13 episodes in Season Two (including La Dame Blanche- he is the Blue Room guy!), but only one for Season Three (First Wife), which is completely wrong. I even had to check some opening credits on Netflix (at reduced speed, ugh), because he speaks at length of A. Malcolm, something that would have made little sense otherwise. He was there, of course: and his is a first-hand account, heavily loaded with both innuendo and TPTB bullshit, up to the point of complete incoherence.
We focus on the three final questions:
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This is a study in bullshitology, right here. The question asked is very clear and very technical: how did you approach those famous love scenes?
The answer is a mumble jumble of retcon, deflections, slips and overall impossible scramble for a logical explanation. I am doing a line by line, because this is almost too good to be true:
'(...) But as far as Cat and Sammy making love (...)' : um, hello and excuse me, I thought the question was about Jamie and Claire?!? And then we are delusional and can't fucking separate, when your own henchman, the Director of Photography no less, seems to be totally unable to do so, too? Hello? Also: 'Sammy'? 'Sammy'? What. The. Total. Fuck, and I LOLed then and I am still LOLing now. Terms of endearment overheard on set - but no, here comes the 'friendship' shite, hitting the narrative fan with Mach 5 speed. Objective? Explaining in a plausible way the hugging and 'keeping warm'. And I am sorry, but this begs the question: what the hell did this man see on that set? And how many people did see the same, hence the need to release such a gratuitous lie, for pure retconning purposes?
'They are not an item at all - I think she just got married'. Oh, fuck my life, man: you are such a terrible, terrible liar! Remember, that interview was taken in June 2018: after the OZ EFH and just about when C. was gleefully answering 'oh, God forbid!' every time she was prompted by press about her marriage plans. How can somebody with a pretty high trophic level and personal rapport to both S and C be totally unaware about C's marital status at the time? How can a long time acquaintance and coworker of RDM say no both to a friend and to a current boss (same person, the worst case scenario) asking for a favor, in that particular context? It also goes to prove that the shit show plot mainlines never originated with S and C and that the Remarkable Week-end was already planned for quite some time. By TPTB. With the full knowledge of RDM.
Let's suppose Mr. McNutt was so deeply engrossed in his work as not to notice all the people who must have congratulated C on set. I mean, I know who our (spinster) colleague from Accounting is currently banging and that guy is (mercifully) not among our staff (I totally wish them well, btw). Maybe because nobody congratulated C on that fakegagement? Also, you know them well enough to confidently say 'they are not an item', but don't know she was not married at the time and state an enormity with the same confidence? What in the name of the hoo-ha did I just read, here?
'I was always in such amazement of that.' In amazement of exactly what, Mr. McNutt? Surely not a woman holding hands or keeping warm with her gay co-star on set, huh? I mean, I need the best American English dictionary, here:
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Again: what the heck did this man see? What comments did he hear? Surely, 'amazement' is a very precise choice of wording, with particularly enlightening synonyms:
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Hence the need to end the demonstration with a deflection: 'They would just have fun.' You know, there is no such thing as a virgin whore, Mr. McNutt: you either are in such astonishment or you think your pals, good old S and C, such a funny girl, were having, well... 'fun', what else? You can't logically have both in the same paragraph!
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And there we go: 'a very collegial atmosphere on set'. The answer is pure fool's gold, if you ask me: 'Nobody goes to sit in a trailer or says they aren’t showing up that day. '
And I laughed. And I laughed. And I laughed. I really don't know what this man is talking about. I never heard McTavish telling S to get out of that trailer ('nephew'). I never read the 'two very loved-up birdies' in a trailer a-rockin' Anons. I never watched that 2015 Anglophile SDCC interview, when S mentioned listening in their shared trailer to Erasure's Oh, l'Amour and C immediately reacted ('oh, did you just admit to that?'). But unlike me, McNutt must have been legally bound by a big cojones Non-Disclosure Agreement and morally bound by loyalty towards RDM, his friend, boss and benefactor.
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This. All of the above. This is the real reason for all the bullshit you've just read: explaining a real, shocking love story by socially progressive regulations, allowing the cast to be 'much more happy'. I would laugh some more, if this was not sinister and cruel, in fact.
It is Love. A deep, strong one. But the seeds of the adverse narrative were planted early and deep, forcing even decent people like this guy to lie and smear himself a bit in the process. What we see and hear now are but better worded and more refined consequences of that fateful January 2016 morning in LA. And since I am allowed the dubious luxury only a healthy distance in time allows, let me remind you a simple, fun fact about this interview who stated they were never an item:
About ten months after McNutt uttered these words, the fandom was hit by the Covfefe Pics.
I rest my case.
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sleepanonymous · 13 days
I can't remember exactly where I saw it or even if it's true, but I've read somewhere that the Espera girls said they do not like being called "The Vesselettes" because it's demeaning, or something along those lines, yet you continue to refer to them as such. Why? Isn't that disrespectful? Please do not take this question as an attack on you by the way, I'm simply curious as to your reasons for it.
Hello Anon 🖤 Ty for the question, I'm happy to answer it, actually.
TLDR Answer #1: I'm too lazy to go back and change 100+ tags. TLDR Answer #2: I keep the #the vesselettes tag for visibility, especially for new or casual fans.
For a longwinded answer, Espera technically have three names: Espera, the official name for the background trio; The Choir, which encompasses their identities/part in Sleep Token; and The Vesselettes, which is a fandom created name given to the trio before they revealed their identities. I have actually called them Espera in the non-utility tags, and I've also thought about adding/editing the tags as well to include #espsera and/or omit #the vesselettes. It's just... a lot at this point 😅 Also in my mind Espera does not equal Sleep Token, but The Vesselettes and The Choir does equal Sleep Token.
As far as I know, and with a tiny bit of research, the girls in Espera didn't say they disliked being called The Vesslettes, only that they preferred to be called Espera. Granted this was in an Espera Q&A that was on the Espera Instagram page (hence why Espera does not equal Sleep Token in my mind). I wasn't present, and I haven't found a screen recording of the Q&A, but the consensus is that they didn't specifically state they disliked the term "Vesselettes" or found it offensive. The reasoning behind their preference is because they're a for-hire group and work with different artists outside of Sleep Token.
The its disrespectful point of view most likely came from fandom doing it's thing and expanding on what was said with their own feelings. There's been a lot of discourse I've seen on Reddit and in the band's Discord about the fan name. Its one of the things brand new fans or casual fans get jumped on for doing when there's actually nothing inherently wrong with what they've said. Case and point:
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In addition to my extremely unnescessarily long-winded answer: the lady who claims to have coined the name "The Vesselettes" is actually a very lovely, fellow nerodivergent, woman. She's been using the name for over two years now, and (from what I can tell) it has picked up in popularity between fans. She never intended for this sort of discourse to happen; it was never disrespectful, demeaning, or sexist in any way.
Also if you want to get super ultra technical Vessel's name is not Vessel and he's literally the First Vessel of Sleep, or I, but fans kept referring to him as "Vessel" instead of "I" and it stuck and he rolled with it because early band lore was kind of a mess for reasons i probably cannot safely get into
ANYWAY if I have actually missed something, and Espera have publicly stated "Do not Call us the Vesselettes" or "We do not like the name Vesselettes," then please tell me and give me sources and I will force myself to correct all of the tags on my blog.
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ober-affen-geil · 2 years
I found you off that post about preserving fandom history. I'm very interested in history in general, and fandom specifically, and now that Twitter is dying I feel extremely compelled to preserve history. Any...pointers?
Hello! First of all thank you for asking me this, I'm flattered. Second...I took a while to respond because this is a really hard question that I can't...really actually answer?
The short answer is, when it comes to digital preservation, which is what it seems like you're asking me about, I don't know all that much. It's a very new field and tbh the archiving community as a whole doesn't know all that much (though there are people who specialize in it and I invite any who do who may see this to add commentary). You're best bet as far as I know is the folks over at the Internet Archive.
The long answer. Look at it this way: the world wide web as we know it really only started coming into existence in the late 1980s-early 1990s. That is. Just about 30 years ago. The first roughly ten years of The Internet is basically already lost to history because we had NO idea how to deal with preserving what's called "born digital" material. None.
If you want the absolute truth of it, at that point the archive world was still reeling from the invention of the Xerox machine and the sheer amount of paper records it was generating and I'm dead serious. When this newfangled thing called "electronic mail" started to come about the archival solution for preservation was to print it out. Yes, really. There are a lot of places that still do this btw, because there still *isn't really* a widespread solution to preserving emails long term.
We know some things. We know that .tifs and .pdf-as are the best file formats for longer term preservation. We know that you have to update your formats every few years or so or the files will no longer be able to be read. We know about "bit rot" and some about how to prevent that. But otherwise...digital preservation is the wild frontier of archiving. It's really fucking hard and everything is new and changing constantly.
Basically, the best pointer I can give you is to talk about the things you want remembered. Put your eggs in more than one basket, screenshotting a tweet and putting it on tumblr in a way preserves that tweet and certain information about twitter as well (what is the format for tweets, what's the layout of the site, what's the user interface look like, etc). Start a blog or a web page to "collect" things ("know your meme" is, technically, an online archive!), even create a physical scrapbook or diary about fandom experiences you want to preserve.
That is, for better or worse, the best advice I can give you. Again, my specialty is really more in physical items (my experience is with paper documents and photographs as well as some objects and textiles) so there may be others with the ability to give more informed advice. But yeah. Keep asking questions like this!
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isca-tide · 1 month
6x03 Oh, Nolan's somewhere that isn't LA. Guess he'll get another golden ticket again. No I'm not bitter. Lucy literally took out two major drug players in one op and nada. Not even a thank you. I mean she might've gotten a thank you but still. Anywaaay. Oh domestic Chenford. And Lucy looking gorgeous just...existing. Soft Tim is dangerous for my health. When he does that smile. And that soft voice. But oh he knows how her brain works. And he knows how to work her. He knows she can't resist a shower break. Oh Blair. Fuck you. Sincerely, my future knowledge. Oh Aaron. Honey. No. Lucy, my angel. Smitty, I'm still pissed at you for the pool. Tim, go take another shower and she'll take a break. Take one for the team. Yes, the beginning of Lucy and Celina friendship. Can we please get Celina a Lucy hug now?! Nolan, Bailey, can you be less obvious? Stop filming people it's creepy. But much as Bailan is my least favourite ship, I really don't hate them. And Bailey is growing on me. Tim don't tell your wife off in front of your new adopted daughter/sister. Also are the shops different now? The cage used to be right behind the driver's seat, right? And now it's been moved behind the passenger seat. Unless they can move it themselves? I just remember when Genny did a ridealong she was behind the cage. But maybe it's new cars. Nolan get your shoes off the bed! What is wrong with you people?! Bad enough having outdoor clothes on the bed. Luna, you sweetie. Chenford, stop losing your children! A night swim fully clothed with shoes on? Really? Grey you're such a pushover, you cutie. God Lucy really would be a great TO. Not permanently, just to help out. I do think she'll have some TO duties in S7, maybe not 'officially' but it suits her. Again, I want her to be detective and then she can have some patrol duties and some TO duties and still do short term UC work. Then they can make her captain or chief because, ya know. She's awesome. Um, Nolan, suspected murderer or not, I think this is an illegal search. Right? I don't think a bandage clip/claw gives you probable cause. He was watching her sleep. LOOK AT HIS FACE. HIS SMILE. So she obviously fell asleep in bed while studying and he just settled in beside her? AGGHGGHG. Harper, Lopez, maybe you should've gotten the boat to wait for you. Hey Primm, fuck you and your fragile male ego you piece of shit. God Celina is adorable. How have they got so many adorable sunshine people on this show? Primm you absolutely piece of shit. Don't be mad that Lucy found a way for you to get the position you wanted when you hadn't. Also, Lucy wasn't the one who secured the crime scene. She showed up to what should have been a secured scene! Again, if she'd shown up 5 minutes later, would it still be her fault? How can you look at this pure cinnamon roll and still be such a dick? Her record must be fucking exemplary, and you know she did amazingly on her written test. There really needs to be some sort of IA investigation into this prick. I need more revenge fics against this asshole. Sorry Celina, Tim's got a Lucy to go cuddle up to. I mean he probably wouldn't help anyway but still. Aaron and Celina, they're just getting their friendship back slowly. Why would you take him from us?! Oh Grey. Oh Lucy. My baby. God her face just kills me. Not even a pat on the shoulder, Grey?! That's your daughter! And now begins the ball dropping of literally anyone supporting Lucy aside from Tim. I refuse to believe it's in character. I mean it's canon so it is technically in character, but just...ugh. S6 is just the season of forgetting how much everyone loves and respects Lucy. Fix it in S7. I want apologies. I want grovelling. I want worshipping! Blood sacrifices! Or...maybe just some hugs. God he's so fucking previous. His smile. His eyes. Holding hands. The trophy jesus my heart. And that gifset of her parents saying she's a disappointment and Tim saying she could never disappoint him. Gift giving love language. Her laugh. Can I just stop watching here and pretend nothing else happens?
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indelibleevidence · 3 years
Spoilers for season 2, season 4 and season 5 ahead!
Thoughts on Jane's actions at the very end of 2x09 (technically this should be posted in 2x10 week of the rewatch, but since 2x09 is where we actually see her doing it...):
This would be a real 'oh, WTF, how is the viewer supposed to like Jane after this?' moment, if not for how the show then treats it. What I love about the writing here is that Jane knows ZIPping Roman is a terrible thing to do. In fact, if I remember rightly, in season 5, Jane refers to it as the worst thing she's ever done (and she has her Remories back at that point). She's very sharp with the rest of her team for even considering using ZIP on the guy she brings to the bunker. Granted, by that point she knows it can kill you, but she seems to be referring to the memory loss rather than the horrible death.
Season one Jane calls having her memory erased a violation, before she learns that she consented to it. When she does it to Roman, she's in despair and out of options to keep Roman with her, knowing that he'll never side with the FBI while he has his memories. But she can't bring herself to overpower him and take him to the FBI by force, the way she tried to do with Oscar, despite the fact that Roman has killed at least 7 people in her presence by this point, and helped Shepherd set up the trap that killed another 12 (not that she knows how many people are dead for sure, when she ZIPs him).
It's partly a selfish decision, partly a decision made out of overprotective love, because Jane knows the only other options are arrest/black site/prison, suicide by cop, or else Roman just disappearing out of her life forever (or potentially popping up later as a bigger threat). I do want to cut her some slack because of her circumstances, though. If one of the rest of the team had forced ZIP on someone, it would be a lot harder to forgive. But Jane's experience with ZIP is kind of a scary, distressing blessing in disguise. Her context for it is: 'I used to be a horrible person, but then I used ZIP, and it was scary and led to some awful shit, but now I get to be a better person'. And she wants that for Roman.
So yes, good intentions, split-second decision, HORRIBLE act of violation that results in Jane getting what she wants, at the expense of Roman's free will . But Jane's own ZIP-altered brain makes her myopic. She doesn't think much about the long-term effects of her decisions, because she has very few long-term memories - and most of the long-term ones she does have are memories of her childhood, which just attaches her to Roman even more.
But I would argue that what redeems Jane's character is the way she wants to face up to what she did. She wants to tell Roman she was the one who took everything from him, and I think she would have, if Patterson's life hadn't been at stake - no matter what Nas and Kurt instructed her to do. She doesn't want to manipulate him any further than she already has, and she knows what it's like to discover that someone you trust has been pulling your strings the whole time (Oscar).
I guess continuing to lie to Roman after Patterson was found was a crappy thing to do, but I believe that by that point, Jane was terrified he'd end up in a black site if she couldn't be seen to be making any progress with him re: Sandstorm leads. Roman would have shut her down hard if he'd known she was the villain in his story, and Pellington and/or Keaton would have taken steps to get him transferred. Or else Dr. Sun would have been pressing for him to be committed to a secure ward for the rest of his life.
So I do have a lot of sympathy for Jane, despite what she did being pretty unforgivable (plus we got half a season of cinnamon roll Roman before the ZIP started wearing off, and I wouldn't trade that for anything).
Tl;dr: Jane has a track record of feeling very guilty/responsible for people (people who are in danger because of her tattoos, people who are in danger because of her family/terrorist connections, the team, Roman...) but she also really likes to get her own way, and when those two things collide, the results are...not great.
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fractallogic · 2 years
how am I doing, you ask? HOW??? am I doing????
well, I finally reset the router in the airbnb and I've been here since tuesday, exclusively using my phone and, briefly, the phone hotspot when I need something on my computer, because the wifi did not work
mom and bf still don't have wifi in their house because ah, oh, we didn't know until YESTERDAY that no one had called to set it up again after they were gone for so long. (bf called this morning. comcast is SHIPPING something to them before they can access the wifi. it will not get here by the time I leave.) this is obviously great and super convenient considering we're in an age where everything is electronic and it's also my mom, who fully embraced the internet and being digital in the mid-90s.
I found my mom's most recent will, which is four pages long. there is one section where she says she's leaving her share in [PROPERTY] to bf, and one section where she says she's splitting the rest of her assets between bf, me, brother, and stepdad in these various unequal amounts. that's it. she does not specify what the other assets are. I'm entitled to 25% of her estate, minus that property previously specified. what the fuck does 25% of her estate even entail. the pueblo house? (am I technically speaking entitled to 25% of 1/3 of the property? wtf?) plus 25% of her various other accounts and whatever? is it only the stuff in the house (and scattered throughout wherever she owns things)?
let me reiterate, it is FOUR pages long. one page is the witnessed page. one page is the beginning of the will where you renounce all other previous wills. half a page is naming bf as the executor and me as the executor if he can't do it. half of what's left is the "i leave the property to bf". half of what's left is "everything else is left in these proportions to these four people".
i just..................... god.
bf got all grumpy with me earlier when I was like "mom, we need to send a copy of your 2021 tax return that you filed jointly with stepdad TO STEPDAD so that he has some kind of record of his 2021 taxes, and there's no record of it in your turbotax account online, and there's nothing on your desktop computer or google drive, where is it". he was like WELL that's AWFULLY PERSONAL to be LOGGING INTO HER TURBOTAX ACCOUNT
bruh. what the fuck do you think we need to be doing with her death imminent and her memory basically gone. her short-term memory is atrocious, and that starts with anything happening in basically april of this year. she can't remember what she had for breakfast by the time lunch rolls around. and I'm sorry but this is as cogent as she's going to be for the literal rest of her life. so, sorry dude, we're going to be doing LOTS of logging into various accounts to make sure all her affairs are in order. she was also sitting here with us as we did it, so like, chill.
also yeah, don't talk to me like i'm stupid for not checking anything on her laptop and only checking her desktop computer, because I couldn't find her laptop in the hellhole that is her office space and I don't know where the fuck you put anything in this goddamn fucking house especially after you unpacked mom's things YESTERDAY from your fucking trip. of COURSE that's the one you had with you on the trip and what you did your taxes on, but I can't fucking look for anything on it if I can't find the fucking computer in the first fucking place
HE LOOKED AT ME LIKE I WAS STUPID; I'M NOT STUPID. he backed down after I used my "hi adult, you are talking to another adult" voice, but oh my do I feel PRICKLY after that. can't wait to see how far we progress toward "professor talking to students who clearly cheated but denied doing so" in the next two days.
(also, my man, you have six people who are going to be helping you eat out the fridge tomorrow for breakfast and lunch. I think I can make a plan to make fucking pasta sauce for dinner tomorrow. GOD FORBID I make something that you can fucking FREEZE what we don't eat and don't need to worry about going bad. jesus fucking christ.)
you fucking goddamn coward. sack up, buddy. you need to get your shit together and act like a fucking adult right now. you're scared? sure. but you need to do all this anyway.
you know who else is probably even more scared (deep down somewhere where she remembers getting her terminal prognosis a month ago or remembers looking up what a glioblastoma is)? my fucking mother.
you know who's scared but doing it anyway? my brother, who is a CHILD and having to learn about all of this stupid fucking bullshit on the job instead of getting to learn about it first, who is about to lose his primary caregiver very prematurely, and who is facing having no parents in a very short period of time.
dude, you're a grown-ass man and you can't manage this? I'm tired. I'm done. I'm ready to steamroll over you so my brother and stepdad have to deal with as little of your bullshit as possible, because you keep putting up needless fucking roadblocks all of the time because you're afraid of death and in denial about your partner dying. welcome to the present, we're running a real nation.
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koorinohebi · 3 years
Real talk tho.
In a more linear timeline, by the time LB4 hits, I'm quite certain that Kiomi and Takechi Zuizan will be on more agreeable terms. This isn't because she's learned to like him (yet), it's far from that. But when you're dealing with destroying countless worlds and lives for the preservation of your own, Kiomi understands that she has to accept aspects of herself that she hates. She's already a rather chaotic character to begin with, but avoids having to go too deep into touching the darkness that she lets sleep inside her. She's been that before, and having been part of Chaldea has been quite the rehabilitation for her.
In a sense, as these Lostbelts come and go, she's going to be forced to develop a defense mechanism against the guilt. Again, it's not as if she likes humanity in general... but the people in LBs are mostly innocent in her eyes, so she does feel bad that these people have to get rubbed out of existence. But it's them over her own world-- and the choice is really a no brainer.
Like I've spoken to about with Guin, Kiomi has different priorities when it comes to wanting to save and preserve pan-human history. As far as her belief system goes, she knows that Chaldea is fighting for the future of humanity along with keeping the grand order of things, however, she's not as concerned of invested about the future like the rest. What Kiomi wants to protect is the past which her servants lived and died for. What's important to her is to keep their memories alive in a place that will always remember them no matter how much time passes. That's something that can't be done in Lostbelts, precisely because it's a different version of history. So as much as she laments an LB civilization's innocence, she will always choose what she believes to be Proper Human history because that's the only true place where the spirits of her precious heroic servants exists. It doesn't matter to her if what she's fighting for have already passed into the after life; if they've been good or evil during their time of being alive in their own eras. To Kiomi who believes she had nothing before meeting her servants and bonding with them, they are the most precious existence. Which is why fighting for the history that these heroic spirits have carved throughout time, building the foundation of generations with their blood-- all of it is worth protecting and struggling for, much like facing any adversity to secure both present and the future.
She wants to preserve the place in which they initially existed, so that even if future generations come to learn of them a little late, or not at all, it's the World itself that never forgets them; because these legends, from time immemorial, have been recorded in its very essence. For someone like her who believes that she's quite powerless without anyone's help, this was the only thing that she can truly do for her servants to thank them. She's perfectly aware (but most of the time, in denial) that the day will come when her servants will no longer be with her. That order will be restored and that there won't be any need for grail wars like these. At the very least, if she could protect this world, she'd have protected the world her most beloved servants have died for.
This blog goes on and on about how much Kiomi loves Izo (because somehow for the first time in her life she found someone who, in normal circumstances, she could say...she'd want to build a future with--the first time that she actually wants a future or even thinks about it. This is extra painful for her because he's a heroic spirit, someone who is TECHNICALLY DEAD, so it's never going to happen. But just look at her plunge into those feelings because she doesn't know how to even stop it, even if she wanted to. Lol. This is a very different can of worms.) , but it's not just him. She loves all of her servants, ALL of them (we just havent gotten to the part where Takechi feels endeared to her but it'll happen eventually). And just as much as they are willing to help her and sacrifice themselves for her cause, she's prepared to offer every breath and life coursing through her veins for them.
This is how much she loves them, even if she knows that she'll lose them all one day.
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vidalrichmond · 4 years
"Connecting the Digital Divide in the School"
Richmond C. Vidal
The digital divide is the discrepancy existing between different demographics on access to information technology. These populations can have unlimited, good enough, or inadequate access to IT. In this context, information technology encompasses the internet, computers, telephones, and televisions. Also falling under this bracket are any other gadgets related to information technology.
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Source: http://www.digitaldividecouncil.com/how-to-bridge-the-digital-divide/#prettyPhoto
We can't achieve excellence in education except equity. Every student wishes enough get proper of entry to to educational sources and useful resource choices in order to acquire academically. Nowhere is this truer than in the location of academic technology. Students who do now not have get admission to to computers and the Internet (among extraordinary technologies) will get in a similar way and in addition in the back of their peers who do. They will ignore over the immediately hyperlinks to information, entertainment, and verbal change with others that luckier college students have. Their faculty reviews will lack the state-of-the-art records and the professional appear to be of excessive decision snap shots and laptop publishing. And these college students in all likelihood will pass over out on the 70 share of jobs that require reasonable or immoderate quantities of computer knowledge, all of which pay properly (Linn, 1999). They in all likelihood will cease up in that 10 percent of low-paying jobs that do no longer require technical expertise.
This article summarizes the most contemporary files about the digital divide regarding these college students who prefer the most guide – those who are poor, minority or limited-English-proficient (LEP). It appears first at the records for the U.S. population in general, due to the truth having get proper of entry to to technological know-how in the home is as vital as having get entry to at school. This article gives statistics related to get admission to in school, focussing on quantity issues in phrases of hardware, software, and Internet get right of entry to as accurate as on quality issues in phrases of how science is used with these college students and how instructors are prepared for science integration. It concludes with guidelines on how to reduce the divide based on a review of the literature and the author’s numerous years of experience in working with bilingual, English as a second language (ESL), and mainstream utility instructors on integrating technological information into preparation in excessive poverty and excessive minority schools.
A Look at the Digital Divide
The term digital divide refers to the gap that exists between these businesses in the United States who have suitable get admission to to science and those who do not. The present day document from the National Telecommunications Information Administration, Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide, found patterns of laptop possession and Internet get entry to that had been related to those found in preceding research (1999). In short, if you are affluent, younger (under 30), college educated, White or Asian, and live in a city, then you are higher in all likelihood to have science get admission to than if you are poor, older, less-educated, African American, Hispanic or Native American, and live in a rural area. The ethnic group with the least get admission to to technology is the rural Native American populace (half of whom lack telephones in their homes), accompanied by using capacity of Hispanic and then African American populations.
We would count on socio-economic fame to have a most important have an effect on on who has access. Computers, modems and Internet service carriers (ISPs) are expensive. But the records additionally advise that area and race and ethnicity are essential elements in the equation. When profits is held constant, these who stay in rural settings have much less access, mainly to the Internet, than those who stay in metropolitan areas. The majority of users use dial-up modems that remember on phone traces to be a part of to the Internet. Rural clients regularly can't have adequate money the prolonged distance costs of connecting to a some distance away ISP. Faster connection techniques such as cable modems and DSL are additionally solely supplied in main cities, and wi-fi and satellite tv for pc tv for laptop technologies are not yet accessible in most places.
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Eight Samsung Galaxy tricks you can't do on any other phone
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Eight Samsung Galaxy tricks you can't do on any other phone
Samsung likes to add its own flourishes to the Android operating system, which means Galaxy phones boast quite a few unique features that you won’t find on standard Android devices—or iPhones for that matter. We’ve collected eight tips and tricks that should work on Galaxy phones and Note devices released in the last couple of years (except where we state otherwise). Go ahead and take full advantage of the Galaxy experience.
1. Change the order of the navigation keys
Don’t like the way Android arranges the navigation keys (Recents, Home, and Back) at the bottom of the screen? You can swap their order, and even make the navigation bar to stay out of the way until you need it.
Open Settings and hit Display followed by Navigation bar. On the next screen, you can set a new background color for the bar and change the order in which the Recents, Home, and Back buttons appear.
From the same menu, you can also add a new button to the navigation bar to hide it from view, leaving more room on screen for your apps. If you enable this hide button, it will appear on the far left of the bar. Tap it twice to hide the bar, and then drag it up from the bottom of the screen to restore the bar. Then you can double-tap the show and hide button again to lock the bar in place.
2. Create GIFs from YouTube videos
Everyone loves a well-chosen GIF, and Samsung Galaxy phones let you create them straight from any on-screen YouTube video—no third-party add-ons required. Instead, all you need is an integrated app called Smart Select, available on the most recent Galaxy phones (from 2017 and later).
First, open a YouTube video in the app. On a Galaxy phone, you then swipe in from the right; on a Note device, you tap the S Pen icon on the right side of the screen. Next, choose Smart select followed by Animation. Arrange the capture box on screen, start playing the video, and tap Record to capture the clip you like. When you’re done, tap Save to store the GIF in your Gallery app. From this repository, you can load it into other apps and share it with other people the same way you’d share a photo.
3. Set customized reminders
For the forgetful, phone reminders are invaluable. And when it comes to the Reminders app, Samsung phones have a couple extra tricks up their sleeves.
First, you can turn any website into a reminder. Open Samsung’s own browser, tap the menu button (three dots) on the top right, and then choose Share followed by Reminder. Second, you can receive a reminder about text messages too: Open Messages, long-press on the thread you want to save, and then pick Message options and Send to Reminder.
These entries, like any other reminder on your phone, will appear in the Reminder app. You can also tap on any reminder and choose Edit, then tell that item to pop back into view at a certain time or location (for example, make a grocery list reappear when you take your phone to the supermarket).
4. Modify the split-screen view
Many Android phones let you split the screen into two so you can view a couple of apps simultaneously. But the latest version of Samsung’s operating system (found on the Galaxy S8, S8 Plus and Note 8) takes this ability a step further: It lets you pin part of an app—such as a video, a portion of your Twitter feed, or a section of a map—in split-screen mode. This will leave the clip on the top of the display, while you keep working on something else underneath.
On the navigation bar, tap the Recents button, scroll to the app you want to pin, and hit its Snap Window button, which looks like a box with a dashed outline. A blue box will appear over the window; position it to highlight the relevant portion of the screen and tap Done. Then you can choose another app to fill the lower half of the view. To exit this split-screen view, touch the divider line between the apps and drag it up to the top of the screen.
If you have an earlier version of the Samsung Galaxy phone, you can’t pull off the same trick. However, you can still use the split-screen view: Tap the Recents button, scroll to the app you want to see, and tap the icon that looks like two stacked rectangles. The app should stick to the top half of the screen. In the bottom half of the screen, scroll through the other recent apps and choose the second app you’d like to view.
5. Personalize your audio experience
Samsung promises to create an audio experience tailored specifically to your tastes, which is especially effective when you’re wearing headphones. Once you tweak the settings to find your ideal mix, the phone will remember your choices and keep those settings in place for calls, music, movies, and every other sound it emits.
To tinker with the sound, go to Settings and tap Sounds and vibration followed by Sound quality and effects. On the next screen, you’ll see a few equalizer options you can play around with, such as adjusting the balance between bass and treble.
If you’re less comfortable with technical terms and just want to feel out the best mix for you, tap Adapt Sound and then Personalize sound. This will take you through a short configuration wizard that lets you hear sample sound configurations and pick the one you like best. To go back and reconfigure the sound after you’ve set it, or turn off the feature, go back to the Adapt Sound screen.
6. Hide apps and files
Samsung Galaxy phones come with a Secure Folder app that acts like a digital safe on your phone. You can hide apps and files in here, setting a password, PIN, or fingerprint scan to protect them.
To set up your safe, launch the Secure Folder app from your app drawer. Then follow the instructions on screen to set up the security lock. Once you’ve protected the app, use the Add apps and Add files buttons to drop new stuff into the Secure Folder, hidden away from anyone who might get access to your phone.
You can also use the Secure Folder in conjunction with regular apps like Camera and Calendar: Anything in these apps, such as photos and appointments, won’t appear in the regular apps elsewhere on the phone. You can even have duplicates of your social networking apps, such as Facebook, run separate accounts in the Secure Folder.
7. Pay with your phone more often
To pay for stuff with your smartphone, Apple Pay and Android Pay are both fantastic choices. However, they only work with checkout terminals that come equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC), the same tech that powers contactless credit cards. Samsung Pay can work via NFC, but it’s also compatible with the older magnetic-stripe terminals, where you swipe your credit card through to pay. That means a broader range of card readers support Samsung Pay, compared to the payment methods from Apple and Google.
To connect your financial accounts with Samsung Pay, start by opening the app—it comes pre-loaded on your phone. Then choose Start and follow the on-screen instructions to add your credit or debit cards to your account. If you haven’t already created a password-protected Samsung account, you’ll need to do so now, but the app should walk you through this process.
When you’re done, head to the store and get ready to pay with your phone. For an older terminal, tapping your phone near the stripe should do the trick.
8. Take notes on the lock screen
To scribble on your phone without unlocking it, you’ll need a Galaxy Note 8 phablet. Because this trick relies on the Note’s integrated stylus, it won’t work on the smaller Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus phones.
The phablet should enable this ability by default. However, you can always check to make sure it’s active: Open Settings and tap Advanced features followed by S Pen. The Screen off memo toggle switch should be set to on.
Now, whenever inspiration strikes, you can pop out the stylus from the base of the device, tap it on screen while holding down the top button, and start writing. There’s no need to wake the screen, type in your PIN, or make any other preparations. In fact, this will even work in the rain—both the Note 8 and the S Pen are waterproof, so droplets won’t faze them. And as soon as you replace the stylus, Samsung Notes will automatically save anything you jotted down on the lock screen.
Written By David Nield
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