#can't say i'm all that familiar with dnd tbh
alteredphoenix · 2 years
You know for what little reblogging I’ve done for DND, I’ve never actually played it nor read any of the books. Would love to know if there are any novels that feature dragonborn and tabaxi, at least (since there doesn’t seem to be an anthro wolf race like the worgen, and even then worgen are just Fantasy Victorian werewolves - I mean something that’s pure anthro, humanoid but not human).
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
Thanks for tagging me y'all @sorry-bonebag @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 ✨
My criteria for a comfort show are gonna be 1) any piece of media 2) that I've watched more than once and 3) that I will keep reaching for. That's it. I can't even explain what the common denominator is tbh?? It's just- the kinda movie or show that I need on DVD to easily put on again and quell the brain worms (yes, I physically own all but #4-#6).
1. My School President: What can I say, this show took me entirely by surprise! I started watching a few days before episode 4 aired - aka the pinky touch ✨ the conversation in the stairwell ✨ and the origin of Gem4th's fanclub name being Khun Nuu ✨ - and fell right in love with it. I love musical storytelling, I love coming of age stories, I love a good romance, and I love found family/friend group dynamics so this really hit the spot for me. I guess these apply to a bunch of my choices for this tag though haha
2. Cutie Pie: I've talked about this show in another tag game (as "A show people find bad but you will defend") and all of that still holds true so I won't repeat it here. I'll just add that this show introduced me to Nunew who's my favorite artist these days. :)
3. Love In The Air (Love Storm): Yup! The show that most people on here seem to recall as that extra horny one lol It's one of the first Thai QLs I watched along with as it aired, maybe even the first one. I started watching when episode 2 came out, I think? And I just loved the D/s-dynamic, lovable brat Rain, and these rookie actors so much that I not only went looking for the bts, cast reactions, and interviews but I even started following Twitter translators for the show and cast. This show (and ZeeNunew lol) was basically my introduction to how the Y industry works, what Thai fanclubs are like, and got me well and truly interested in learning Thai. I think I've seen it enough times to speak along by now cause I also used my familiarity with it to study Thai. And now that BossNoeul are finally getting a new show, I'm really looking forward to seeing them in new roles!
4. Not Me: It's simply brilliant. And it's so grounded! You know how lots of tops in Thai QLs are rich, a CEO, drive a supercar, and live in a gorgeous modern home with huge windows (and death stairs lmao)? I love that Not Me starts in a place of privilege but has White leave that behind pretty early on. Bangkok really is a city where you can constantly see the divide between rich and poor. So I appreciate this show even more after having been to Bangkok. Not Me's characters look unfiltered and real and that's how the entire show feels as well. I just love what P'Nuchy has given us here! Oh and +1 for White narrating his entire story, I just kinda love that in general (also enjoyed Kawi narrating Be My Favorite). The next two kinda fall into one category: shows I loved as a kid, remembered - found - rewatched as a teen, and still fondly remember.
5. Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne: This is a magical girl anime that I first would have seen on TV in 2001. In hindsight, this show's religious themes may have influenced me in my love for fictional faith and devotion. Just a thought, haha, totally don't have more than one dnd character who is majorly connected to divinity, faith, and devotion, even though I personally am agnostic...
6. The Weekenders: I routinely cite this as my favorite cartoon (and I watched- just- So Many as a kid omg). Since I watched this on German TV, I only know the German dub which was honestly really fun. If any Germans read this and have seen that show: Wirsing! The rest is movies all the way down!
7. Timeline: A 2003 movie with a bunch of well-known actors that arguably qualifies as a B movie because it flopped so hard at the box office. It's my trash though. I chose it at the video store, brought it home, loved it, and then proceeded to rent it like once a year lol! It's basically a bunch of archeologists and history nerds travelling back in time to the Hundred Years War to save their professor. It has my preferred time travel dynamic of Everything is fixed and whatever traces in time you leave were already there to begin with.
8. Inception: There's several Christopher Nolan movies I love but this one is just so grand and fun and maybe I also had a bit of a crush on Elliott Page back then 👉👈 I'm a born nerd so naturally teen-me used "Non je ne regrette rien" as my alarm for years lmao This category is basically just Disney & co. musicals lol
9. Mulan (1998): If you asked me to choose my favorite from the entire classic Disney musical line-up, it would always be this one. It's the queerest, of course I'd always choose it!
10. Anastasia: You know, I looked at my shelf full of cartoon musicals- no wait, High School Musical and Pitch Perfect are next to them, hm, wELL- at my movie musicals shelf and it came down to choosing between this one and The Swan Princess (1994). And this one just kinda won out because "Once Upon A December" is impeccable! And now I've got it stuck in my head 👍
Since it took me a few days to get back to it, this has clearly made the rounds already. Who to tag?? Uh-- @pharawee @airenyah @telomeke and whoever sees this and wants to do it of course!
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wildmelon · 5 months
Is Baldurs Gate 3 a game that you think is worth buying and playing? This is coming from someone who has never played the game before and I’m not usually into fantasy and things of that nature but it sounds like a fun game.
this is honestly just so subjective i can't give a short answer 😭 but i'll try to help 🩷
do you like rpgs in general? in my opinion, it's always worth trying out games from genres that aren't your usual favorite. i'm personally not drawn to sci-fi basically at all but have loved every game i've given a chance with those vibes, so i wouldn't write it off just bc it's fantasy.
are you familiar with dnd mechanics? they were pretty foreign, intimidating, and overwhelming to me at first, and i can see that putting some people off. but if i can get the hang of it truly anyone can, just go in knowing there'll be a learning curve.
as far as content, i think it's great value. especially in this day and age. it's a huge game, visually beautiful, expansive, and comprehensive. very solid experience for the money.
do you enjoy headcanoning? this has been the most fun part for me tbh, i think i love bg3 so much bc it opened me to the wider world of dnd. i generally prefer the storyline of, say, any dragon age game to bg3's. but those games didn't encourage me to roleplay and flesh out every detail of my characters like bg3 did. 🤷🏼‍♀️
i personally think it's worth buying and playing overall. gameplay is usually pretty low on my list of priorities (1. characters 2. story 3. setting, list goes on) but i love bg3's gameplay. the mods are also amazing and got me to care about lore and weapons more than ever before lol. i also end up wandering act 3 basically cozy gaming with intermittent quests, just shopping and kissing my love interest and taking pictures lol. the characters are great.
you can always do the steam return thing if you don't like it!
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girls-and-honey · 2 years
Sleepover time again: based on my tumblr, tell me what you think i’m like irl
Based on your url im gonna say that you enjoy poetry (at least I think it's the title of a poetry book?), in which case, here's my favorite poem:
Tumblr media
ooh okay so pt. 1: based on your tumblr I think you get very excited about things in a way that the right people in your life find endearing. it's possible this was framed as a bad thing when you were younger and/or you got labeled as a bit of a weird kid but tbh who on tumblr wasn't? and now your passion for things is a big part of what brings you together with friends and also makes you happy so if I got this part right then yay! I get this vibe in part from your tags (both quantity and quality) and also just the variety and types of things you post/reblog
I also think you're a great friend irl, the kind of person who will hype up your friends' accomplishments and celebrate with them but also be there for them when they need to vent or problem solve or just need to feel like someone's on their side. and I think you're a very loyal friend too
hmm I can't tell as easily if you're more introverted or extroverted, maybe very comfortable and open around people you're familiar with but not a fan of being around strangers? or maybe I'm just projecting lol
okay last assumption based on your blog, I think you also love creative pursuits especially as a means of storytelling. either variations and spinoffs of existing stories or original stores, through writing, reading, art, maybe crafts, and I feel like I've seen you post about dnd? and because of all that I also think irl you're very cool in a bit-of-a-nerd way (the best way tbh)
okay pt. 2 based on my url: you're 100% right, girls-and-honey is based on the poetry book milk and honey by Rupi Kaur! poetry has gotten me through a lot and it's effectively my version of journaling when I need to think / feel through things
idk how to express the way poems like the one you shared make me lose my mind !! anything that plays with structural composition AND in a way that adds another piece that can stand on its own and adds even more meaning to the overall piece is one of my favorite flavors of poetry and that's the easiest way I can think to describe it if that makes sense? this is going to sit at the front of my mind for at least the rest of the day thank you so much I genuinely love this <333 (I'm internally screaming still btw)
sleepover time is all the time!
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