#can't wait for the awkward bts lol
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ah it feels so good to be so wrong
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matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
I probably will be called out for making everything about Jimin but idfc.
Notice how whenever Jimin pulls himself out of something be it relationships or jobs the people he worked with and people he had relationship with start to crumble and lose their appeal at all. It's like they lose their soul. BTS had really nice music until 2020, their artistry was unmatched in the whole industry and their stage performances were talked abt for weeks after. Then Jimin started getting pushed back in choreos and being given lesser lines in their songs. Their group music is unlistenable now. Every performance now is the Graham Norton performance which Jimin wasn't able to attend. I've loved them so much, I've waited for every performance, award show and new music. Now I desperately beg for them to stop releasing it. It's this bad. Relationships too. Jimin was close to Yg, Th and Jk, you just can't deny it. Yeah, I didn't really like some of their interactions and most of it seemed exaggerated by fans but still it seemed quite genuine. Then Jimin stopped hanging out with Th. Th's weird attitude and shifty behavior started getting more and more obvious and severe. Never expected much from him but damn he makes me lower my expectations even more. I kinda liked Yg, ngl, but at some point he started giving Jm back handed compliments and Jm kinda withdrew himself from him I think. After it Yg's ass lickery, money and power greed tendencies and selfishness and bitterness just flourished. Finally, Jk. I think they had quite nice relationship back then even if it was hot and cold (well, Ig that's just how jk's personality is, he's awkward) and mostly one sided. Jk was also more involved in creative process and in general looked happier and more genuine. After 2020/2021 Jimin started withdrawing himself from this relationship, too. Then I started noticing quite radical changes in Jk's behavior. Blatant fanservice, playing on both ship parties on purpose, insincerity. His skills too, like, bro, wtf has happened to you? The dancing?? Stage presence (yeah, he never was strong in this field but he had good moments sometimes)?? Wtf is that? His mediocrity and blandness is insane. He looks like he completely lost himself. Just plain sad.
So my point is, Jimin is/was the soul and heart of BTS, their performances, songs and every relationship he's in. The lightweight vibes, genuine fun, sincerity, desire to be and do better than yesterday, charm. It's all gone with Jimin. It feels like Jimin transforms people around him, seriously affects them and their mind. It's like the people he chooses to be around and chooses to be close with start to want to do better and be better. The group's fate is truly sad.
I've had this in drafts for god knows how long, but I wrote this:
"Polyc saying Jimin impacted him and changed his outlook on life, made him want to be a better person. He hung out with Jungkook the most but had literally nothing special to say about him
Jk before 2017 was annoying, a brat, lowkey an asshole; after he got closer to Jimin he softened and then there you have the same jungkook again as you mentioned these past years. 2021 something about jikook wasn't the same anymore and he's been closer to taehyung and acting like him too"
So I assume it must be from around those days of the polyc interview lol. Timing aside, points were made.
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this-is-lightning · 1 year
Supercorp FicRec P. 29
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The next part in my ongoing ficrec series. I go through my bookmarks on AO3 and select the ones I like the best and add a little commentary on why. 5 fics per part. 
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we're playing to a full house, darling (but this show can't go on) by the_ominous_owl
Kara’s struggling to find work. Lena’s struggling to find herself. When fate (with some help from Cat Grant) casts them into the same orbit they find themselves completely off-script, because while everyone knows about the sins of the father, they're somewhat less clear about the sins of one’s siblings. Throw into that an audience hungry for stories at the expense of fact, a showrunner with a plan nobody saw coming, and a co-star who steadfastly refuses to keep it in his pants, and you’ve got a tale so dramatic even the protagonists have noticed. or the one where they’re both actresses with a surprising amount of baggage for two people who haven’t met yet.
w: 37,360
r: teen and up
The actress trope done very, very well. Slowburn. Lena's got it so very bad but shes got baggage. Kara is captain oblivious. They figure it out tho. Lots of intimacy and feelings. There's a part two bt that ones still a wip.
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It's Funny Right up Until It's Not by ThornedRose44
It's funny because it's harmless… It's funny because it's never a big deal… It's funny because it's forgotten by the next day… It's funny because she's fine. She's always fine… Until… she’s not...
w: 12,131
r: mature
Yea so this one cut deep. Happy ending but were digging into the "haha quarterly assassination lol" witch is really not funny at all. Angst but so so heartfelt and wonderful. Some-when after S5.
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musings from 504 by sapphic_luthor
“We got Supergirl’s mail again,” a voice calls from behind a massive, unidentifiable sculpture as it steps through the door. He sets the piece down just as the words leave his mouth, and then the dark-haired boy spins to face you, hand outstretched to drop a letter onto the countertop, and he breathes, “Oh, fuck.” You look toward your new roommates, and register the panic on their faces. “Wait,” you say, but your mind is jumping to conclusions that your mouth is far too embarrassed to vocalize, so you find that you don’t have any follow-up. “Are you--” you start, but you know it’s true even before you ask. “Seriously?”
w: 7,670
r: teen and up
So how much do we all think Kara's neighbors know about her life? An outsiders perspective on the Superfriends. Funny and fun and heartfelt.
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Bizarre Love Triangle by powergrapes
One day, two women meet on the subway. The recently dumped Lena is recovering from a broken heart, and Kara is grappling with the open-ish relationship she has with her long-distance boyfriend. They decide that they’re going to become friends. The kind of friends who also have totally casual, no-strings-attached, nobody’s-catching-feelings sex. What could go wrong? As Alex puts it: “Kara. This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done. And I’m including the time that you set fire to your own hair and nearly burned the house down trying to do some spell you found on MySpace to make Troy Bolton materialize in real life and marry you.” Or: Lena and Kara go around New York City eating food and banging each other until their feelings eat away at them, and Alex tries not to have an aneurysm about it.
w: 113,061
r: explicit
So so so well written. Gets pretty angsty but the payoff is so worth it. Lots of feelings and fun and fluff too. And very VERY good smut. A MUST read!
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The Luthor Family by MyCatIsMyEditor
Following Lex’s death Lena finds herself guardian to the four year old nephew she never knew existed. She also finds herself in need of help. Who better to help her than her best friend and National City’s favourite Kryptonian. It’s just a little awkward that her nephew is scared of Supergirl. OR Kara and Lena raising Lex’s son while slowly getting together with a bunch of cute fluff and some angst thrown in as they work together to be the best parents possible to a scared little boy.
w: 95,676
r: mature
Digs a lot into the issues with fostering a child who was neglected and abused. But its very well done and there's a lot of fluff too. Kara and Lena slip into the parent role very well. But of course this whoe situation digs up issues of theirs too. They build a wonderful family and support net and finally get to be so so happy with everyone at their side.
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Don't forget to leave some love for the writers on AO3! Much love and happy reading!
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Okokok! Breaking News! They finished shooting Be My Favourite! So we might expect it in the forseeable future maybe even after ABAAB!
I am so not mentally ready for this thing I am sorry but from the bts picture I can't see any chemistry between the 2 of them! they literally look like 2 random friends attending a wedding(the tuxedo picture) and just hanging out in uni I am sorry but I don't think this shit show is gonna work, p.s. I don't think Krist is a good actor(other than being unlikeble) and Gawin can shoulder only so much boy is only one he can't provide for 2 people! when Mike left they should have recasted Krusty as well and chose Podd! but alas Krist is still one of their popular actors...
Well lets brace ourselves for it cuz "BMF IS COMING"!
yeah I saw lol.
They filmed this show for 4(!!!!) months which is insane lmao. Idk how many episodes we're in for but I'm scared lol.
We all know this won't work and tbh I wouldn't be surprised if they,,, uhm. altered the plot a little lol. Like it's still gonna be a bl probably but I'm expecting it to be very different from other gmm productions. I'm getting ready to take a trip down 2016 bl memory lane with this one if you know what I mean lmao. I'm preparing for sniff kisses, awkward hugs and "I'm not gay I only like you" kinda vibes lmao.
Objectively speaking Krusty is not the worst actor ever, he has some experience under his belt but he's definitely not in the upper category lmao. And as much as I love Gawin, he's not part of the A-listers either so yeah. Either it will be so strange that it's entertaining or they will somehow magically create something amazing and leave us all shook fdjkghf
But either way it's gonna be weird. Even the acting coach said their chemistry is "different" fdjkhgd. gosh. I'm preparing for the worst. Also yes, this could've been the perfect PoddGawin reunion. From what I know about the characters, Podd would've fit the role of Pisaeng perfectly so if they had kicked Krusty out and switched the roles, this would've been perfect. But this??? nah lmao.
But yeah. Can't wait to tune in and laugh the cringe away djkhgdf
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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@keeoone I’m about to take over @thecwwalker Instagram so go follow and get ready for some wild stuff that definitely won’t be spoilers, bad behavior or awkward behind the scenes photos I took!🥰😘
LOL! Can't wait to see spoilers, bad behavior and awkward bts photos!
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Ahhh I'm reading a pretty nice yoongi x reader series right now. Found it on the tumblr for you feature. (wow actually finding something good from that omg lol) Just read the first ch. It's from his pov. He can't cum from masturbating so rm and then jin recommend a place that sells handjobs. Mc works there and helps him. Yoongi is written so well as an awkward and a lil insecure guy. I got kinda immersed into it.
my tumblr for you feature used to be all hybrid fics and then my friend got tumblr and she’s an enhypen page so now it’s like half bts fics, where some of them catch my interest and then i get jumpscared by like jay smut 😭
WAIT SORRY I GIGGLED it’s not funny it’s a real problem men face but 🥲 of course namjoon and jin recommend it
wait he sounds so cute 😭
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minpdlab · 3 months
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SUGA's Letter for FESTA 2024
🐱: Hello, ARMY this is SUGA!
Long time no see! Its been a long time sine I've written. It feels quite awkward and strange hahaha,
I'm doing great.
Since last time, our concert film was released, I made it through boot camp.
These days, I'm super busy, I'm sure our ARMY is doing good too.
Again its time for 613 BTS. We have made many good memories in every 613 BTS event.
I can't believe that I wont be able to see ARMY on this day, but I'm relieved that Seokjin Hyung will be there to have a great time with you in my stead Hehe I hope you all have a blast at our BTS 613 festival.
I'm desperately waiting for the day when we meet again!
Until then, please take good care of yourself and stay in good health!
see you soon!!!
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
I have also observed something weird going on between vminkook. This is only my observation and not facts so please take it as such. I am blunt but I'll try to be respectful for all concerned persons.
Sometimes jimin's actions got too much flirty with jk to the level that makes me question why he acts like that? Doesn't he know that his friend V would feel annoyed about it? in 2020 especially he and Tae suddenly became a little bit different than what they used to be in the past. speaking abt the dvd.. have u seen "The hickey" between Jk&Jimin? I really found it awkward and it's like a commercial lol, why would bh film that moment? What do they want to prove? Shouldn't they have to cut it or hell.. even not filming it to us either if it was real moments between real couple! Don't they know abt the shippers gonna nuts abt it? Or maybe that's what they want from the beginning? To raise their dvd sales? Jimin was speaking freely about a hickey in front of possessive Tae who was smiling to the story like he was there when it's happened! the general mood was weird at this unnecessary moment, someone apologising, another one smiling without getting involved to the conversation, other one questioning the moment and mocking, and the hickey boy smiling in an uncomfortable way, yet it could've been true with no sexual intentions.
new army's who don't have any idea about Taekook history thinks that Jk&Jimin are couples because they spend so much time together allegedly, i did notice that in their 2020 Run bts, Jimin was asking Jk to wait for him so that they go together? and while Jimin was asking Jk to wait for him.. he was a little bit embarrassed but he asked him anyway like if he had to do so, and people were like oh! Those two live together!
There's some moments where Jimin giving hints about him and Jk living together, I was like Hmm.. they indeed picked the right man. he's doing it on purpose every time he has a chance, it's so obvious, because Jk never did or said or give any hints about him and Jimin being together. - except the 2020 festa moment- Jk most of the time he's like standing there surrendering and letting Jimin take the whole role and do everything.
in an interview on late 2020 Jk&Jimin was being late and everybody was waiting for them to start the interview, and then Jimin showed up and the hyungs quickly asked him about Jk? To made us believe they're live together And he said he's coming and after a minute Jk shows up finally and Tae was looking at him when he sat down for like 2 minutes straight.. I swear to god bigshit are good should give them credit for creating this drama for Taekook and that's what brought us to Jikook's lately lol. I'm sure that 90% of them didn't see Taekook moments and didn't have any clue about their history. i never think that Jk has deeper feelings for Jimin.. like ever. His eyes and feelings are drawn for Tae and Tae only. But i started to think that maybe Jimin does? Or maybe Jimin was taking his role overly? I felt bad for him for being in this situation where he have to act in an intimate relationship with Jk, i even starting to think that maybe he started to develop feelings for him, Yes he's touchy with them all, but idk i feel like he is extra clingy with JK especially, and when ever Taekook get close he complains about them immediately, there's this moment when Taekook stand together and you know touching each other chests and Jk's back-hugging Tae, Jimin immediately looks at them and point at the staff, and Taekook try to ignore him and avoid looking to the staff :( and Jimin was insisting and keep pointing to the staff until Jk leave Tae with his puppy eyes and annoyed expression.
I can't get over this video where they were performing lately and Taekook stood together, having the time of their life and their arms on each other's shoulders and suddenly Jimin pumped out of nowhere between them in purpose to separate them, and Tae's reaction was like :| he literally froze for a second while looking at Jimin back and then he immediately realized he's being filmed and start to sing again and smile, Jimin either was a Man in a mission which is "separate Taekook" or his action was out of jealousy for Jk, or he just wanted some attention at this moment. Even when they play in different teams in run bts and had a Jk&Jimin as a team Tae will quickly look at Jk with poker face, and we had mad non active Tae all the day. I am not saying this happens all the time.
In Dynamite Mv, there's this moment where Jimin was looking at Jk for a moment and suddenly piggyback him, in their reaction for the Mv Jk said for Jimin when this scene was playing: why you were looking at me like that? It's creepy. He's teasing him but yet he's telling the truth, and RM immediately said did the piggyback was directed? Tae quickly complained to RM and said Jimin always does that! So RM said to jimin don't you think you're being too spontaneous? We have to be serious. It's like they're kids here lol
Anyway, In the soop when the hyungs had a drink together and they got drunk and everybody go to sleep eventually but Jimin started to play with Jk all the night, and he ran into Jk's room and Jk trying to lock the door in front of Jimin's face and ended up by Jimin broken Jk's Mosquito Net. And we got Tae angry that day he was so not in the mood and he looked annoyed all the day for some reason? And Jk was trying to get Tae's attention by being around him even when Tae cook the dinner he just wanted to be around, you can tell whenever Tae is angry or jealous by Jk's acting like that around him. and Jimin didn't have much interaction as usual with Tae that day.. Nothing happened between Jk&Jimin that day according to the camera the last thing happened that poor Jimin fell down and hurt his knee.
Maybe Tae was jealous or he felt like he's being left out? Could be another reason but we can clearly admit that Vmin relationship must been affected a little bit by Jk&Jimin closeness nowadays, before Jimin was laughing and giving hints about Taekook and cheering for them, he was a big shipper himself for those two. nowdays, he's doing the exact opposite and being in the middle between them whether it was scripted by bigshit or by himself just because he enjoyed Jk's company, and that's what make Vmin look like Tom&Jerry thosedays, you can feel the tension sometimes between them even in their choreography.
Again my analysis, could be true could not be. Nothing against any member. Thank you for reading.
At this point, I don’t personally have much more to say on this topic than I’ve already said before, so I don’t really have anything to add to this, but I’ll share it to contribute to the conversation on here.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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kyutown · 3 years
hi!! If you aren't too busy I'd love a matchup plz! The groups I'd like are BTS, txt, and skz!
I was born in '02 and my mbti type is ISFJ! I have brown hair, brown eyes, I wear glasses and I'm 5'4. I love journaling, reading (more specifically mystery novels), and I would describe myself as a fairly anxious person who often overthinks. My love languages are quality time and physical touch, and I love stargazing, and just being out at night. I'd love to travel once I'm able to and it's very easy to make me laugh, I'll laugh at almost anything lol. My favorite season is fall, and I love wearing more loose and comfy clothing. I hope this is enough info! Please don't feel the need to rush, take all the time you need! I can't wait to see what you write! :D
hi! thank you for responding!
for bts, i think you would be nice with rm! rm would be the type who would read like you in his free time! he would enjoy reading and would read books with you! from fantasy to mystery, he would read with you and wouldn't mind having that comfortable silence between you guys as you read.
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for txt, i think yeonjun would fit you well! yeonjun would be the type who would make you laugh and would enjoy traveling. he would love to travel to as many cities as you guys can and when you guys travel, he would always make the time fun and it would never be boring or awkward.
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for stray kids, i think hyunjin would be a good match! hyunjin would be the type who would love physical skinship and i feel like he would really make you feel loved and included! he would be willing to do anything to make you happy! when you need words of comfort or just a night drive outside, he would happily do it for you!
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unworthykid · 3 years
So this was it ! I never knew that I'll meet Kim Namjoon like this!?!!? No like we all manifest but my dream came true! I'm so happy that I met him 🥺 but I don't have any proof so that I can flex ಥ_ಥ. It's alright (〒﹏〒) though because I know I met him that's enough! To be honest it really is unbelievable (〒﹏〒).
So I was filling a form for my new job which is a trainee job because I'm still in college lol. I wanted to be an idol manager in Hybe Labels ! So that I can work for kpop groups especially for BTS<33
Next day
I was going to Hanyang University (yup that's my college). And suddenly I saw a huge crowd of girls shouting and hooting !
Kim Areum: what the hell is happening here in early morning Yu Rae(유래)?
Choi Yu Rae( 최 유래)- Dumbo I can't believe you call yourself an army *whacks me* , BTS is here! They're going to shoot here for their next song !
O..h..my... fucking....god! What the hell!! I mean-
Kim Areum: Really?! No I don't understand why my life has become so cool?By the way do you know I met RM yesterday ( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )and I helped him :^.
Choi Yu Rae- And you know I met Moon jae-in (president of korea) :().
Kim Areum: -_- believe it or not but I had a good time :^. But seriously I did met him!
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Girls were getting mad ! My god these dumb assess! But wait I want to go there too so that RM can recognise me😭.
I was trying to go inside the crowd but I was unable to cross it :'(.
At Lunchtime
BTS was in the cafeteria and they were taking rest ! But the girls were staring at them continuously :). But obviously I understand them because I'm an army too. So I tried took a seat near them and I had to sit with some stupid girls T-T
Kim Areum *trying to gain attention*- Wow today's lunch is so nice!! Girls let's eat (^∇^).
Other girls - *_*what is wrong with her!?
But BTS members were busy in their own stuff T-T . It's alright because I realised that I don't have to be an attention seeker :).
So I Acquiesced and finished my lunch quietly :')and after finishing it I went to wash my hands. Guess who I ran into ?
RM *turned at me*- oh..hey , you're the girl I met yesterday right?
Kim Areum:(ok what the hell ?! Aaaaaaa) Yes you're right and I hope you didn't had any kind of problem? *Awkward face*
RM: Oh not at all , thankyou so so much for helping me it means a lot:)))! Anyway I gotta go see ya .
See ya?!!!!!!!!!! Omooooooooo , the ends of my lips literally touched my eyes :')))).
BTS shooting started
Director: 1..2...3..Action!
BTS was doing all their acting and singing (the song audio was already released) and they were looking so hot as always!!!!! ┏(^0^)┛
Choi Yu Rae- hey let's go for our next class .
Kim Areum *sighing*: ughh yes thanks for ruining my wholesome moment :).
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
The thing is things went back how it used to be in the initial years of bts. Jk and tae have always been closer from the beginning, jk preferred tae over others. For some reason that changed over the years, and he became closer to jimin. The dynamic remains like that for a good while. Then we see tae and jk's confession of how things became awkward between them and from that point onwards litttle by little tae and jk(not sure about him lol) made efforts to improve their bond. And by the beginning of their solo era we see taekook sharing the same bond they used to during their initial years, jk even making efforts himself to remain in touch with him. But jm and jk became distant due to some unknown reasons. Now we wait for confession part 2 when they come together as a group again 😂 no but jokes aside it's just sad , i hope this new dynamic is temporary ☹️ but anyways we don't know what goes on in their life, so can't judge anyone actually.
In The Soop 3 jikook talk let's gooooo
I see where you're coming from. I don't remember what prompted these posts, but in June last year I was already talking about a change of dynamics and "regression" to the old ways.
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v-hope · 6 years
Kiss Cam
Pairings: Kim Seokjin x Idol!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
Request by @sorryimacrapwriter: "Hi there! I’m a new follower, and I wanted to make a request but also let you know that you’re writing is super dope (I love your angst, lol). Anyway, would you ever consider writing a one shot where Reader is in a girl group and her group and BTS got to a baseball game to perform. Both fandoms have shipped Reader with Jin for years, and so when they’re watching the game, kiss cam finds them immediately, and it’s awkward and goofy and a little heated but just all around sweet. 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️"
A/N: This was so cute to write uwu I hope you like it!
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“Anyone knows what's going on?” your maknae asked, her eyes fixed on the court as everyone moved around.
“No idea” Jeongguk answered by your side. “I'm just trying to see who of those guys runs faster”.
After having travelled all the way from Korea to America to perform in one of the most important baseball games ever earlier that day, people would have believed you idols were at least familiar with the game, especially since you were supposed to stay and watch the game afterwards. Sadly, you were not. Not in the slightest. Which is why you didn't know what was going on in the game, or even what you should be paying attention to.
But hey, at least you were spending some quality time with your friends, especially with some certain crush of yours that was sitting right next to you.
“I think it's that one” you joined in the conversation, pointing your finger at one guy that was now standing on the opposite side of you.
“Nah, I'd say it's the one by his right”.
You cocked one of your eyebrows, still focused on those two guys as a sly smile curved up your lips. “A bowl of popcorn and an iced tea to that guy” you bet.
“Coke” Jeongguk said his preference, making you look at him. “You've got yourself a deal”.
Too focused still, you missed the amused smile already adorning Jin's lips. “You want popcorn?” he offered, leaning a little closer to you so you could hear him better.
Your eyes snapped to him, completely forgetting about the bet. “Yeah”.
“Okay” he nodded simply, leaving you dumbfounded as you watched him stand up to go buy some.
“Yah! Jin hyung!” Guk called out before he could leave, “I want popcorn, too!”
“Get your own”.
You threw your head back, letting a loud laugh escape your throat, which only made Jeongguk glare at you before he pouted.
“So unfair that you get privileges just because you guys are dating”.
That sure made your laugh stop in a second. “We're not dating?”
“Then when will you, unnie?” another of your members asked you from two seats away. “The guy's clearly whipped for you”.
“And so are you for him” Jeongguk taunted.
You rolled your eyes overdramatically. “He's not” you stated, deciding to ignore the maknae's cocky smile at the realisation of you not denying his words.
“He just offered you popcorn and left us to rot in the dust”.
“Oh, wow” you said with a blank expression. “He's buying me food, must seriously be head over heels for me”.
Everyone listening to the conversation did nothing but roll their eyes at how oblivious you were. However, neither of them even got the chance to say anything else, since the game stopped, leaving you all clueless as to what was happening; and then this huge screen by the other side of the monumental place announced ‘Kiss Cam’.
All of you started looking at each other, suddenly starting to feel anxious as multiple couples, and people who were apparently not couples at all, started being shown on the big screen, having no choice but to comply to the social pressure.
“Should we sit like… further away from each other?” you heard Taehyung ask from a few seats away from you.
“It's too late now” one of your members answered. “We're idols, they won't make us do this, right?” she worried. “They can't”.
“They can't what?” Jin arrived to your side, handing Jeongguk a bowl of popcorn before he did the same to you, along with the iced tea you had mentioned previously.
As your eyes remained lovingly focused on Seokjin while he claimed back his seat by your side, you didn't even have time to answer his question, for the scream in unison coming out not only of the crowd, but also of your maknae's mouth, and Jeongguk's gasp, had you turning your head towards the big screen to see what the big commotion was about.
Seokjin and you.
You could see all colour drain from your face as you watched yourself on the image, and Jin was not the less freaked out of all people either.
Glancing to each other for a quick second, you made your decision, instantly looking back to the camera. “We can't” you made sure to articulate clear enough in English for everyone to understand. “No, no” you moved your hands in a negative way, “we can't!”
Because just imagine the scandal that would mean for the idol industry to have two of their worldwide artists kissing in front of everyone to see.
You apologised once more, not really caring about the booing currently going on against you, before the camera, much to your relief, focused on another couple.
“That was close” you fell back on your seat, feeling like you could breathe again.
“Yeah…” Jin nodded, not as enthusiastically as you.
“Boo!” Jeongguk copied the crowd, taking it one step further and throwing popcorn at you. “You're no fun”.
“Have you got any idea of what that would've mea–”
“No fun” he repeated, throwing some more popcorn at you.
Just as you dipped your hand in your own popcorn to fight back, the crowd started laughing as well as cheering louder than ever. And there you were again, Jin and you being shown for everyone to see for a second time.
Bold of you to believe they were letting it go.
You threw your head back in exasperation and, in an attempt of not letting anyone see how embarrassed you actually were, you leaned into Jin's shoulder, hiding your face in your hands.
You didn't know what flustered you more, if his wholehearted laugh or the way his arm so protectively wrapped around your figure to pull you closer.
The cheering didn't seem to be ending anytime soon, and the camera didn't seem to be going away either. Those two reasons, besides the fact that Seokjin really wanted to kiss you, had him making a decision of his own this time.
“Come on” he whispered after he had lowered his head a little bit, “just let me kiss you”.
Hearing those words leaving his mouth could only have one reaction from you: removing your hands from off your face so you could lock your astonished eyes with his. That's when he saw his chance and took it, pulling your face up by your chin so he could connect his lips with yours. What he got instead, however, was the cap on his head bumping against your forehead, earning immediate laughs from the crowd and your friends while both of you laughed it off, too – both your faces becoming hot as hell at the embarrassment.
One of your hands went to his hat to turn it around so that it wouldn't intervene with your kiss once again – his eyes lightning up at that realisation, of you still wanting him to kiss you.
So he did.
The second you felt those plump lips of his in yours, you suddenly stopped worrying about the thousands of people around you screaming and capturing the whole thing with their phones. Nonetheless, you had thought that would be it, a tender, brief kiss that would just shut everyone up; but you were wrong. As you were about to pull away, Seokjin tensed the arm that was around your neck, preventing you from moving away as he intensified the kiss by parting his lips for a second before he pushed them further against yours, trapping your lower one in them.
It wasn't like he wanted to give everyone the show of their lives, but just him completely forgetting you were in the public eye as soon as your mouth had touched his. He had wanted this for too long, and felt like he could not get enough.
When it finally came to an end, you smiled, still with closed eyes as you felt him mirror your expression and let out a little laugh; pressing one last peck to your lips before fully pulling apart.
The moment your eyes finally opened, it was as if a ‘mute’ button had been switched off, immediately hearing the crowd going wild again. Luckily for you, as the Kiss Cam had gotten what it wanted, it ended, going back to the game. Because what couple or kiss could ever top what had just happened between you and Jin?
“That was…” one of your members struggled to find the right words, “steamy” she blinked rapidly.
“Just wait until the scold from BigHit gets to you, hyung” Jeongguk smirked.
Seokjin laughed – his arm still around your figure as his hand travelled up and down your arm, having you lean into his touch.
“Jeongguk-ah” he shook his head, a smug smile forming on his lips, “when have I ever cared about what BigHit has to say?”
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
Ok I'm fully rested and ready to tell you all my favorite parts of the last chapter.
1) "I never felt like I didn't know you." YES! We all really needed to hear this. I was worried initally Taehyung might confirm Nina's comment. I felt so frustrated bc even though she was hesitant I thought there were so many genuine moments we saw OC fight against her survival instincts and push herself out of her comfort zone to share parts of herself, and I'm so happy Taehyung saw that. It's ok to not feel comfortable opening up to someone until trust is established and Davis and Nina proved that they were not worthy of earning OCs trust so they have no right to gaslight her into thinking she was the cause for their treacherous actions. Do you see OC and Nina ever making up or do you think she will learn its best to let Nina go?
2) "An outline of the boy who sees you, knows you, loves you." Ugh this might be favorite line of the whole series.
3) "Since Strindberg!" Omg the way I can picture irl Taehyung doing the exact same thing in this moment. It reminds me of the "medic! medic!" moments from Run BTS. I remember you saying you only write for Taehyung right now bc you feel most comfortable writing in his voice and this was a moment where I felt your ability to capture his playful but earnest spirit really shone through.
4) The smut scene at the end was so good! When they first went to the basement I was like really? On the pong table? After that sweet love confession? But then per usual you surprised us with a switch up and a steamy but still very sweet scene! I love how you pepper in realistic moments of silliness or awkwardness during these scenes, like OC getting a leg cramp a few chapters earlier. It makes them feel so much more real than so much of the smut out there that sometimes describes things that are not even physically possible lol.
5) And lastly Taehyungs final words. Just the perfect ending moment that was romantic in all the right ways while still being authentic. And don't get me started with the fact that the first thing he called her in that list was smart. Swoon.
And yes 😱 you totally had me going for a moment! I was like girl did you not just say "what was it all for??"
I'm so sad this series is over but so excited for more CF drabbles and Trip! I can't wait to reread the whole series again once I start missing it and find more of the little threads you've woven throughout that I probably didn't see the first time. And in the meantime will start making my wishlist of WWH drabble requests.
Ty author for the wonderful story! I hope you are not overwhelmed by my long and frequent messages, I just love your work and want to give back even a fraction of the joy you give us readers! 💕
Ughhhhh 🌴anon i love you 😭😭😭😭😭😭
and 2. kind of go together. Something I wanted to convey in WWH is that he REALLY *knows her*. Bad, good, he GETS it. And that’s partly him, but it’s partly her LETTING him, despite everything, despite every instinct telling her to throw up walls. And as you talked abt last time - how she extends so much grace to him? Once he’s cooled down, in his heart he extends the same grace to her and that’s something that makes me SO emotional abt these two.
Honestly, as an adult person who has walked away from MULTIPLE toxic friendships and came out stronger for it, no, I don’t see oc and Nina reconciling. OC deserves better from her friends, and she’s learning through this story to realize her worth. I made my ride or dies in college, and i see that future for oc, kiko, and brig.
bless you for saying this 😭😭😭 the taetae i know and love is SILLY and him teasing her up through the last second feels so true to me 🥺🥺🥺
4. Ty for complimenting the smut bc it still feels so difficult to write 😭🫣🫣🫣 jimin voice, I’m shhyyyyyyy 🫣🫣🫣
5. Fr fr i feel like if you asked wwh!tae what attracts him to oc his #1 answer would be that big sexy brain!!!!! Also of course he has to tease her even then “look how easy this is” I LOVE HIM 😭😭
6. POV requests go up tmrw morning! Looking forward to it! Thank YOU for these amazing reviews. I could never be overwhelmed, i wish every reader did this. I think most authors would agree, getting to talk with ppl abt their thoughts and reactions to what we create is honestly the dream.
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notiara · 7 years
My Group Of Friends
School and life is stressfull af,but I'm glad we all got each other backs :)
The Shipper : She's the second youngest.She ship you randomly if you made contact with someone.Kind of pessimist but everyone keep supporting her to ignore the haters.She was tricked oftenly by The Tsundere.
The Tsundere : (A.k.a me lol) Tries to be mean and egoistic,but her true emotions is too kind and failed to lie at times.Never let emotions controls her and show an stoic face everyday,but cries after 12 AM.
The 2nd 4-D Alien : The ultimate BTS fangirl and just out of this world (Happy-go-lucky),she yells "I'M KIM TAEHYUNG'S WIFE" all the time.Copy Spring Day MV (where Jimin ties the shoe on a tree branch).Wears earphones all the time.
The Team Mom : Often brought food,kind and hardworking.Very considerate and supported everyone the most,but makes awkward jokes.The eldest.
The Twice Fanboy (Yeah we got one guy) : This guy is the definition of IDGAF.Fights a lot with The 2nd 4-D Alien,and The Tsundere is enjoying the drama.He's straightforward,and has the heaviest bag.Stop doing the Likey dance I swear to god—
The Anime Girl : Watch YOI even tho she's not interested in Yaoi.Begs to The Tsundere to take her to an anime convention,they talk about anime and mmorpg games.ex-Kpopers.New in school.
The Quiet Ghost : Talk ffs.She's always dozing off and sleeping all the time.Likes food.Fangirls about male idols,but still she can't beat 2nd 4-D Alien (wait until you see Wanna One,it's pretty flower boys heaven).
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coffingrover · 7 years
히히 You're so lucky 😍 Hmm I think they went here, too, but BTS just visited a month prior, so I got real flat broke, and they visited before I could even start over. MJ's vocals are really 대박 but I prefer baby Sanha's voice more *I dunno, I just do* And yasss! Listening to all 4 mini albums on loop relieves stress *I thought that was so awkward for a girl my age, but I'm happy to know you do that, too 😁* I happen to influence my younger friends to stan them, esp Sanha. Can't fangirl alone😂😂😂
Awww i hope you will get to see them in the near future! 🙏🏻❤️ You're lucky too; you saw bangtan!! I couldn't see them @ KCON because tickets were quite expensive and I was poor 😢 Plus, I prefer to wait for them to come here with their WINGS tour (hopefully they will come). I bet you had an awesome time at BTS' concert! Everyone in ASTRO has great voices, but I also prefer Sanha's lol *high five* WE'RE NOT ALONE IN THIS, YAY! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Fangirling alone is sad, I'm happy that you're a good influence to your younger friends so you can fangirl all together 😍
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