#crash course in romance spoilers
kateknowsdramas · 2 years
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Let me be with you just this once.
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dramadaisies · 2 years
week 2 of being extremely confused as to whether donghee wants revenge on chiyeol, is in love with him, wants his job, or some weird combination of all three
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tobeseenthrough · 2 years
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I like you. [...] I tried denying it and I tried to rationalize it but nothing worked. It's true. I like you.
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sab-teraa · 2 years
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I can't reblog this post without spoiling it but this is going to age amazingly for OP
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ah it feels so good to be so wrong
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hvangrenjvns · 2 years
I love when women are Olympians and kick men’s asses at sports, I just think it’s neat
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waohilikethat · 2 years
ok ive finally caught up w the recent episodes of crash course in romance and I have some THOUGHTS about this show.
It's a bit long so I'm adding the read more option!
first off. I'm so scared that we only have two episodes there's so much to unpack :
- Mr. Ji and his whole reveal , how it impacts choi chiyeol
nam hai-yi waking up, her mom coming back and how that impacts nam haeng seon
, the friend group, all the student drama and conflicts from the hallucinations to the cheating,
the side romances and everything too.
there's so much wtf !!!
i disagree with people who say that the murders were unnecessary and the show should've stuck to the romance.
the reason mr ji is murdering is linked to the fact that the intense concept of rigorous studies, for a 'good future', is set up for failure.
Otherwise this way you could say they shouldn't have added the hallucinations su-ah is having and the breakdown kids face. :/
It fucks people up, (like idolising someone so much you could murder for them lol)
I don't wanna be rude I get wanting to just see the romance and lighthearted scenes, I did too in the start when they introduced this plot.
I just think that the murder plot is nicely integrated into the story and is elemental for putting the point across!
It's very nice to see the type of romance that chiyeol and haengseon have.
Their love doesn't appear very physically, but emotionally. We see them constantly reassuring and accepting each other. They notice when the other is feeling troubled and they trust each other to share their concerns. When one sets up boundaries the other respects it
(somewhat, I just remembered when haengseon teased chiyeol for his whole rant of her being to friendly lol)
It's very in character for both imo. Haengseon, her entire life, has focused on living for her brother and neice. She's never had anyone who notices and shares her burdens.
Chiyeols never had emotional support in his life (not career lol) who would be there for him. His own words 'you're my second savior, following your mother'
ofcourse I do think that with the lives they've lead physical comfort is a HUGE thing both of them would crave for- we saw that with their sleeping scenes lol
The triangular love
This is just me guessing but I think with only two episodes left , and so many side plots open, there won't be any conclusion between who hae-yi gets in a relationship with.
Just plot wise, it might be geon-hu because he's not facing any major trauma like seonjae is, and there's no conflict between him and haeyi rn
Although I'm sure seon jae and hae yi will be fine after a conversation.
Personally I'd prefer this because I hate when one perosn is rejected, especially because I love both of them sm.
Also side note, but Dan ji was kept out of the loop again, and im sure she must've caught on. It'd be interesting if they talked about that but I doubt it
another side note, question really. when the students first found out about the car accident, did su-ah think it was her fault? Like did she think that she actually did it instead of hallucinating it? I'm not sure if I interpretated it wrong lol
This was way longer than I'd thought id write and I didn't even talk about a lot of things because I forgot lol. tysm for reading :)
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little-comet · 2 years
the events in crash course in romance episode 4 make me so upset
let me fight the moms and the director of the academy 😤
i’d like to have a word 🥊
makes me mad that we can’t really base anything solely on merit because there are gonna be people in power with more influence anyways
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shitstheysaid · 2 years
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stopaskingme · 2 years
baby-faced assistant Mr. Ji: I understand what it's like to have someone you want to protect at all costs
me: [still trying to deny where this story is going]
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CHOI CHIYEOL WENT TO VISIT HER MOM'S TABLET IN THE TEMPLE. HE BOUGHT THE BUILDING AND REDUCED THE RENT TO HALF. AND AC!! what i love is that he seems to be able to keep his food down if he is eating with her/her family, even if it is not the food that she cooked. cutting up meat for jaewoo? i am gonna cry.
(i haven't forgotten how he was a few episodes ago about a movie night saying that hae-e should focus on studies but now you wanna take the fam out for dinner, huh? fine by me)
interesting that the wolves are all circling his secret classses with nam hae-e. love that chiyeol punched the choichiyeolsucks guy. and i don't think it was hui-jae on the roof. can't have been. let's see.
OMG THE DOMESTICITY ON THIS CHICKEN NIGHT AT THE NAM HOUSE! rolling up jaewoo's sleeve, helping with the trash??? i love your love.
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lafilleestmorte · 2 years
I was SO sure that ccir was going to join my kdrama favourites list but the last two episode were honestly such a fumble. I put it right next to extraordinary you because both shows really had the most nonsense endings possible, given the attention to detail and quality of writing in the episodes leading up.
I henceforth propose a list of things I would have liked to be different:
(spoilers under the cut)
1. WHY DID HAE-E'S BIOLOGICAL MOTHER COME BACK. I literally did not care about her, and we had already explored Hae-e's feelings about having been abandoned in the earlier episodes. This sideplot occupied so much of the last few episodes when that same time could have really been used to flesh out the development of the other side plots so it makes me frustrated. I did end up appreciating the mother's story but it was so last minute and took away from the other stories in a really big way
2. Sua's family. Their endings were so!!! underdeveloped I don't understand how they thought they could get away with that. I liked the scene where Sua tells her mom to get a divorce, because her mom starts to realise that she is mature and not some child to be protected and coddled. At the same time, we don't get to see Sua go to therapy and overcome her anxiety and actually mature emotionally. We don't see her mom face any consequences or revelation regarding all of the BULLSHIT she put so many people through. Including her husband, who she actually did neglect. I think Sua's father had an interesting potential in having been neglected and treated shittily by his wife and acting out in turn. He was quite a socially aware character from the start and I wish they made him out to be more complex than some rich dude throwing a hissy fit. I don't like that her mom got off scot-free and still boasts about Sua
3. Sun-jae's family. what in heck. I don't even understand what happened there. You can't expect anyone with braincells to accept that his mom just GAVE UP on pushing her sons' educations when that's literally been her personality for the entire show. Even if the court case made her realise her faults, it's not enough to warrant a complete 180 with no supporting development. I liked the idea of the parents connecting over the issue and becoming more supportive of each other, but that would only make sense if they spent!!! time!!! showing it to us!!! I would have liked for Sun-jae's mom to realise (like Sua's mom) that her son's actions were coming from a place of maturity and awareness, and for her to apologise. I think Hui-jae going to the military was a good choice, but the vacation was quite forced. I'd also have liked!!! for the mom to have a scene with Hae-e
4. NAM HAE-E (and friends). if the previous point with Sun-jae's mom making up with Hae-e and Sun-jae happened I might have appreciated them getting together a little more. But it feels like they were just shoved together because they didn't have time to give either of them a more fulfilling ending. Sun-jae is sO MUCH MORE than some idiot who is obsessed with Hae-e. Seeing his family issues be solved would have been more important (and satisfying) than seeing his love life solved. When it comes to Sua, I imagined her bursting into tears when Hae-e woke up (because she still doesn't know that it was Donghui that did it) and then trying to become friends with Hae-e. I really liked that it was Geonhu instead that reached out to her!!! He's the friendliest so it makes a lot of sense and I really like the sense of ease between the two of them. I don't know/care about the implied romance though. Finally this last bit. is a tad personal. but we were this || close to getting aroace!Hae-e who rejects everyone and does not date if they had left it at the dinner scene I would have been the happiest girl alive. maybe danji was my aroace queen all along
5. JI DONG HUI. genuinely what the hell. He was my FAVOURITE character for the first ten episodes, even after I started suspecting him of being the killer. My friends thought that it was a cop-out to have him commit suicide, but I disagree, because I genuinely cannot imagine him having to go against Chi-yeol so it was either that or him being dragged into prison screaming 'i did it to protect you!' while Chi-yeol watches in complete shock. But if they were going to go down the suicide route then WE NEED TO SEE CHI-YEOL GRIEVE. Dong-hui was genuinely a huge contribution in getting him this far in his career, and Chi-yeol must have really loved him. I mean, that was the only person he felt close to and had contact with for almost SIX YEARS. I was interested in seeing Chi-yeol process his grief and betrayal and regret in a more prolonged way, because they spent that long making the audience attached to and invested in Dong-hui's character. idk when I saw Hyowon driving the car something in me broke.
I have a singular positive, which is that this was the first show where I never got bored or annoyed with the leading romance. They were so cute and loveable until the end and I really enjoyed watching them
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kdramaxoxo · 2 years
WOW. Shin Jae Ha makes a really good villain and also...thanks, I hate it.
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tubbietommo · 2 years
Sorry but.... YOU KIDNAPPED THE KID?!?!? Listen, I love Mr. Choi too, BUT THIS GOES TOO FAR. TOO FAR.
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Yo guys this is Haeng Seon and Choi Chi Yeol 🌝
And no I will not elaborate.
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