#cancer sux
wellnesscard · 11 months
me talking to my goiter we're just like gigi hadid
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world-of-wales · 7 months
I haven't seen the documentary (and I don't plan on it either) but from what I've read apparently Robert Jobson accused William of being jealous of Harry's success with Invictus Games, and they blamed Charles for not making enough effort to see Harry's kids yet having a close relationship with William's kids. And they played old interviews of Harry when he was promoting Spare and blaming William for everything. The documentary is supposed to be about Invictus yet they're just talking about the rift between Harry and William and blaming William for everything, even blaming William for not seeing Harry when he visited the UK after Charles cancer diagnosis. Also they were talking about how the slimmed down Monarchy is stressful for William without Harry and Meghan being there--trying to make it look like William needs Harry and Meghan. The documentary sounds like a smear campaign against William. I won't watch it.
So it is Robert jobson only. Someone mentioned this morning also that it was him, but yk, I'm not even surprised with the narrative he is going with. He's always been a master at stirring the pot, and most of these journos, including him, the so-called rr, are more Harry Fangirls than actual journalists. Like they are the ones Harry would be chatting to pre meghan when he was at the peak of 'hero harry' pr and hence was their media darling. It was quid pro quo basically, the press got their exclusive royal source. And in return Harry got shiny new articles and media for his image & pr.
Now, william, since then, has always been a press punching bag for all sorts of things. He didn't give then any access so they've always kind of took it out on him for trying to protect his own and his family's privacy. This is completely in line with the regular shit, jobson does. So not even surprised.
Also I don't think jobson would just go off script without the knowledge of Harry or his team like I mean....
Also this whole william was jelly theory is so bs like 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😭😭 I'm sure he's crying about it rn in his place as the heir and his family around him. Also bold of jobson to assume that william who helped set these games up so that his brother had a side project to look after is surely jealous of the games. And tbh what's there to be jealous about, I hate to say it but nobody cares about these games outside of the sux stans, nowadays atleast and it all comes back partly to the fact that the world has shifted on their thinking axis a little and partly because invictus has become more of a H&M show post their engagement and them leaving rather than it being about the veterans.
One reason a lot of people don't really care that much, and it's sad that they don't is because at a time where we are forced to see the humanitarian effects of war all across the world in various conflicts, people have become apathetic towards the army personnel and the veterans. Because for the average person they have become an extension to the problem. And I'm not saying this because I want to, my maternal grandfather's whole family has been serving in the Indian army or the other defense forces post indepence and before that my great grandfather fought in the WWII in the British Indian army. So I would like to think that i atleast to some level understand the problems military personnel have to go through. And what I'm saying about the anti military attitude these days is what the reality of the world is. Because of the problems created by world governments, most of the injured veterans do end up being ignored and looked at suspiciously. So while invictus, started off as a noble project, it's not just a pr mechanism for two people.
This is what I was talking about this morning. Invictus nowadays is not about veterans, it's about 2 individuals and I as an organization would think about atleast chatting to them and being like please don't extend the family drama to this.
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claireofluxembourg · 6 months
Sux fans always trash just like their beloved quote me. Imagine comparing cancer, undergoing chemo and trying to survive so that your kids dont have to walk behind your coffin through the streets of London to being photographed pouting in a Jersey Shore rip-off of a tinsel dress in the back of a shitting taxi. also, the NYPD didnt corroborate shit, they just said the paps were reckless which is what paps are with everybody they follow. Nobody said chased. Chases happen in Jason Statham movies. Y’all aint shit and life is constantly proving it to u.
Apparently it’s about my actions
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dagman50 · 1 year
cancer sux
i joined twitter when i was in my chemo chair. i never used social media but i needed a distraction from the pain. now twitter forced me to find a new site to help cope with the pain and lack of a support structure.
sorry for the rant, i'm learning how to use the site.
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wetslug · 2 years
sometimes its like damn i wish i have communication w the patients @ work ! but then i remember how horrible i am at talking about difficult topics like what would i say ... "damn sorry about ur terminal cancer diagnosis shit sux 😔"
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harmcityherald · 6 months
the bumble bees and my dinosaur friends are in high gear. screaming springtime with their happy dance. my garden looks untidy yes. Im behind and should already be planting but I need to buy some things and as always money is short. It gives the pollinators a little time to get started. I don't cut grass this time of year for them. the dandelion and the blue shoots I call them bloom in spring. now is that time. So I know my garden looks shabby anyway. the tubs are showing their age...5 yrs I think. plastic Walmart specials. 3 yrs under my curatorship. my eclipse photos embarrassed me lol. I need to get to work. today's morning was pain filled again and I took my last pain med. tomorrow is hospital day so I hope the old us govt will put my money in tomorrow too. I mention it because I have been bed bound about a week. Ive done very little, let alone gardening. I keep up caring for all my little friends, turtles fish birds and cats and everyone. I fall behind caring for myself. artemesia has been caring for me very well. her new meds seem to help her for which I am grateful. so the big project is to rev myself up and get the garden going. so tomorrow IF my moneys come in, after the hospital I am going by my granddaughter's work for bagels and maybe I can slip in some seed hunting. my garden senses are tingling. blame the bees. pain is ever present with me. its become baggage I carry everywhere. a veil to always push through. the new meds do help. Im not gonna say they don't.
I also have to hide them less. I will leave that as self explanatory. it is something I have to deal with. cancer sux. brings out the worst....in everybody. me included sometimes. pain will do that.
so lets cross our fingers the govt keeps its timeline. tomorrow is a hinge point for a lot of stuff. hospital day in the early am too. lots of walking. I have been waking up early anyway. getting my groove back, as it were.
the turtles are still watching the earth turn. they are kind of amazing. the astronaut was talking thru a radio transmission and all three heads popped up like wtf was that? one even jumped back in the water. zippy, the male. he's back up there now but he don't like the astronauts lol. but the spinning earth has them mesmerized.
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loveh20 · 11 months
We All Have Pain
You’re on morphine,
I am doing vodka double back,
We are listening to Billy Strings,
Talking about life,
Looking at the stars,
I take a deep breath,
Because you can’t,
Time flies,
Wondering about time to live,
Switch to “Cortez the Killer”,
Dave Matthew’s,
Is there a ten on your speakers,
People hate me for my passion,
Of music at midnight,
And I agree,
The next day,
Why do need to hear music so loud?
It’s because it helps me feel alive,
When all around,
We are falling down,
I’ll take the neighbors and friends hating me,
For listening to Jungleland or Thunder road
Loud as those speakers can go,
One more day,
You are alive,
One more day,
And I think I can survive,
There’s an elephant on my chest,
It’s hard for u to breathe,
And cancer suxs,
Take my breath,
Turn those speakers to ten,
We will worry about it,
Again, and again,
I apologize to all my friends,
That let me take control of the music,
Somehow I will never forget it,
We will find a place,
Full of love and grace,
Your on a morphine drip,
I am looking for that smile,
When I look at you,
When Dave Matthew says,
“Mr. Warren Hayes,”
Or Springsteen sings,
“Mary’s dress waves,”
So many songs,
We have left,
We just need to get it right.
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nadificobsessed · 6 years
A plea for heart fluttering Bellarke canon or canon divergent fanfic recs
I haven’t been on Tumblr for ages. I have very few almost nil followers but I follow quite a few 100 Tumblr accounts. I am battling cancer. In addition to cancer I also have stage 4 Achalasia. I recently had surgery and lost 30% of my stomach and am currently having tests to see if my cancer has spread. I don’t have much energy. I really need something to keep me going - something worth fighting for - and while it may be shallow or trivial for some people, what keeps me going is the thought of Clarke and Bellamy finally getting together. I don’t have the energy to trawl through A03 or other fic sites. So I am taking a huge risk here asking if people could recommend heart fluttering Bellarke fics that are canon divergent or cannon.  For the very few people who follow me could you please reblog/share my request? I would really appreciate recommendations. And I thank you so much in advance. 
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thechitchatbar · 5 years
R.I.P. Eddie Money (ThatJillN)
Singer Eddie Money just passed away from complications from esophageal cancer.
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craftingformycrew · 7 years
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krazy-mumma · 5 years
....trying to today...4 days ago was what would of been my Dad's 69th born day....however he passed from a big arse MF of a brain tumor at age 44...the sadness I still feel around the loss of him on these kinda days almost overwhelms me. .. then today is the memorial of my baby that never made it. And I grieve for that soul I never got to meet. ..13yrs on...I guess grief never goes away, you just bury it deep down and only acknowledge it when it waves it's hand out of my soul and makes you acknowledge the pain....try not to think of all the what ifs and just breath deeply to get through the sadness....hard to ignore the red hot poker searing into my heart. 😕🖤
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292-ludovica · 3 years
can I get a mulligan on the past four months
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hopegrown · 7 years
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Grow tent I built for father-in-law with cancer.
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lymphomalife · 7 years
Stop telling people to cheer up
I’m sick of seeing post after post of people saying “just smile” “don’t over think things” “just be happy” like it’s all that simple. Don’t get me wrong, I know they are posted with good intentions, but it’s just dumb. As someone who has struggled with low moods over the last few months, - in my opinion - it sounds pretty patronising & makes me wonder if any of these people have actually gone through serious bouts of depression & anxiety. On a down day for you, yes it might be easy for you to start to think positivley at the drop of a hat, but for a lot of people it isn’t. Speaking from experience dissmissing those bad feelings without actually looking into them & yourself is very dangerous, and one day it all just explodes into a big cloud of emotion & before you know it you’re full of existential dread. We need to be addressing those shitty places our brains go to sometimes, otherwise how will we grow as people? We also need to be trying to help these people that are struggling and not just say “well maybe if you stopped over thinking everything...”. At this point in our lives we should all be grown enough to know that life isn’t as simple as that, as kings and queens we should be lifting each other up, helping each other to deal with our problems and just generally being decent human beings.
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scooplery · 5 years
i just spent the last two nights after work chillin with ben at his place and he ended up having to travel for work on extremely short notice tonight and now i'm feeling CLINGY in my OWN HOME
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mystikrebel29033 · 6 years
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A few #pictures from #years past. Except the last two. #Cancer #sux but #herb helps. The real #bone #native #american #choker and the #feathered #headress i #traded for many years ago. Ill be #selling these pieces. #Instagram # discount! Headress is $20. Choker is $15 or both for $30 Just comment CLAIM or SOLD and i will list in shop. #mystikrebel #darklilydesigns #herbalmedication #tribelife #fsst #fuckshitsunshinewarriors #ilovemytribe #hairstreaks #fundraising #thankyou #thebigC #cancer #boholife #hippieheart #healing #love #love #icannotbreakme #ishallriseathousandtimes #dandelion #generation. (at Dark Lily designs)
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