#candy wrappers for hershey bars
abibliophobiaa · 7 months
eddie munson x g/n reader.
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“you’re going to give yourself cavities.”
he’s on the couch when you enter. hair tied back in a loose ponytail, wearing his favorite pair of gray sweats that always cling to his thighs in the most perfect way. stretched across his chest is a dark, long sleeve shirt, the slightest sliver of skin peeking out from the bottom.
all across his lap are the evidence of his latest indulgences. countless wrappers with varying labels strewn about, another chocolate treat inches away from his mouth as he waves to you where you stand near the living room.
with a laugh, you unzip your jacket and toss it down onto the dining table, shoes already left by the door. your keys fall in a clatter against the wooden table.
“it’ll be worth it,” he mutters, mouth closing around his reece’s.
“should i be aware of any raids that may have happened in the neighborhood? particularly taking place at any local grocery stores?” you gesture to the endless wrappers, and the foil he crumples up in his palm to join the others.
“a heist, really,” he chuckles, cupping a hand around your thigh when you settle down beside him, wrappers crinkling beneath the weight.
“i can see it now: the great candy heist of eighty nine,” you tease, waving a hand over his bountiful — albeit sugary — feast. “what is all of this?”
“there was a sale on valentine’s day candy, so naturally i couldn’t let it slip by.”
he’s halfway to unwrapping another as you pluck a wrapper from beneath your thigh, the remnants of a chocolate bar staining your pants. “didn’t i get you enough candy for valentine’s day?”
you’d gone all out. put together a basket of all his favorites. it had been worth it, hunting them all down, if only to savor that smile which lit up his face that evening.
“well…yeah,” he mutters sheepishly, “but i ate it all, and when i saw the fifty percent off signs i…had to, you know?”
“you’re lucky you’re cute,” you laugh, leaning over to grab at a hershey’s kiss resting on his thigh. before you can grab it, he snatches the candy from where it’s sitting. “hey! i wanted a kiss.”
“shoulda said so,” he murmurs, leaning in to press his lips to yours. it’s sugary and sweet with a caramel undertone. like eddie. like home. “how’s that?”
he leans back, dimple popping in his cheek in a bright smile. a sigh spills from you, pleased, heart thrumming wildly in your chest. “the best.”
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d-dixonimagines · 1 year
Hello! How are you? I hope this idea helps you. It’s 1 idea with 2 possibilities or any other possibilities you want. Daryl x Reader. The reader got her period and fell many cramps, Daryl tries to help. So, If they are in the beginning of their relationship Daryl probably don’t know what to do, so he goes to Carol or any of the other women for advice. If they are already in a long term stablished relationship he knows exactly what to do. A lot of fluff between them, pretty please!
Hello, thank you! I can see both possibilities having a lot of potential, so choosing which direction to take is challenging! Maybe I'll just do them both! First I will do them being in a long term established relationship. Second one will most likely be in a separate post! Trigger Warnings: mentions of periods, period pain
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You laid curled up into a ball with your body pressed up against the wall, breathing through the pain as another cramp stabbed at your insides. Even during an apocalypse, periods showed no mercy. Granted, they weren't the same as they used to be due to the continuous stress of every day life, but these cramps still hit just as hard. On top of the disappointment of having to deal with all of the bloating and the aching and the pain, you had to deal with it all on your own because Daryl was off on a run that you were both supposed to go on together. Sleep was wavering in and out as you tried to ignore the the shooting pains, taking in deep shaky breaths and releasing them as the pain subsided. The door creaked open a few minutes later and you were surprised to see Daryl walk through. "What are you doing here?" The question coming out a lot harsher than you had intended it to. "What do ya mean, I live here." He set his bag down on a table and dug through it. "You know what I mean, I thought you were going out on that supply run?" You slightly turned your body so you could face him. "The supply run can wait. I didn't wanna leave ya in your condition." You narrowed your eyes at him as he turned to face you. "What condition is that...exactly?" You asked through gritted teeth as another cramp hit. Daryl walked over to you and sat down on the bed, moving strands of hair from your face. "The one where you're all hunched over and in pain." "Psh, I'm a tough cookie, I can handle it." He shook his head slightly before taking his shoes off and giving you a slight nudge to scoot over. "I know ya can, that don't mean you have'ta do it alone. Besides, I did go on a little errand and brought ya back somethin'." You moved over and draped your arm over his stomach as he climbed into the bed. "Oh yeah? What did you get?" Once he was settled, he raised his hand up to show a hershey's chocolate bar, your mouth gaped open as you let out a loud gasp. "How the hell did you get your hands on that?" You took it from his hand and looked it over. You acted like it was the last known candy bar in existence, but it might as well had been, it felt like ages since you had seen any. "I have my ways," Daryl answered with a smirk, moving his now free hand up and behind his head. His ways consisted of making a trade with Eugene. "Can't promise it'll taste very good, and I know it won't help with the pain, but I figured it might help ya feel a little bit better." "You figured correctly!" You leaned up and placed your hand on the side of his face and gave him a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Thank you very much." You nestled beside him, leaning your head onto his shoulder and opened the wrapper, breaking off a piece and handing it to him before breaking yourself one. The sweet taste melted on your tongue and you let out a content sigh. It was slightly bland, but not enough for it to matter in the slightest. After you both finished it off, you wiped your fingers off on your clothes and nestled in closer to Daryl, taking in his warmth. "You know, just for record sake, and not do diminish your efforts in finding the chocolate, however you managed to do that, just having you here to keep me company makes me feel 100% better." He glanced down at you, dropping his arm from behind his head and resting it across your shoulder, pulling you in closer to him. "I outweigh the chocolate?" He asked in a playful faux surprise. "Every time." You replied genuinely. "I mean, chocolate is great and all, but you're much sweater." You wrapped your arms around him once more, nestling in as closely as you could.
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Chocolate Fog
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Mind control, Drugged, Male/Female, Male Dominant
This was sparked by a patron's three-word prompt: Airplane. Eyes. Chocolate.
The setting sun was glaring through the little airplane window, so Amber, squinting, lowered the shade halfway. She was a pretty white girl in her early 20s, blonde, with a thin sweater stretched over generous breasts. Her seatmate had noticed them – noticed her beauty – but hadn't been creepy about it, and she appreciated that. They were only an hour into their 4-hour flight, and she didn't want to feel creeped out the whole time.
He seemed like a gentleman. Older man, with dusky skin and a trim white beard. Dr Suresh or something like that, he'd said, with just a hint of an accent, as he'd smiled and exchanged pleasantries before takeoff. She got a warm feeling from him – partly from his nice smile, partly from his rich, deep, soothing voice, but mostly from his eyes – they sparkled with warmth and mischief, and there seemed to be golden flecks in those kindly, chocolate-brown eyes.
The snacks and drinks trolley was coming down the aisle. She found she was really looking forward to that little packet of peanuts. She pulled down the little tray, moving her paperback to the empty seat beside her. How fun air travel was! And how cool that the flight wasn't fully booked, so she had room to spread out. Dr Suresh had spread out too – he'd laid a small case on the seat between them when he first sat down. So that was nice – a shared space, but also a buffer.
She ordered her peanuts and a Diet Coke from the nice stewardess.
"There you go. And for you, sir?"
"A scotch and soda, please. Neat."
"That's all?"
"That is all. Thank you. Oh – a blanket, perhaps, when you have the chance."
Amber leaned over, once the stewardess had moved on. "No peanuts? I think the peanuts are my favorite part. For some reason, peanuts on a plane just taste better than peanuts anywhere else!"
He chuckled in his throat, as she giggled. "This is true. Perhaps someone should do a study as to why. Me, I do not need them, for I bring my own snacks." He patted the small sample case between them. "The finest chocolate bars no one has heard of – yet. New, from my company."
"Wait – you make chocolate?? That's awesome! What are you, Willy Wonka?" He laughed again at her little joke. She liked his laugh. "Wait a second, I thought you said earlier you were a scientist?"
"This is indeed true. I am a scientist," he said, and his eyes twinkled. "There is a lot of science that goes into making good candy. Did you know this?"
He was already opening the case, so she decided he didn't mind talking about it. "So what's special about it?"
The bars were packaged more like an extra thick Hershey bar than a Snickers or 3 Musketeers – a dark-brown sleeve around a foil wrapper. The sleeve said "Chocolate Fog."
"Our chocolate is made from a very special bean just recently discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest," he said in his rich, melodic voice. "Its flavor is unlike any other kind of chocolate previously tasted outside of Peru. In our labs, it goes through a special process designed to enhance its unique properties, until we arrive at what I believe is the best chocolate bar ever created."
He peeled open one end of one bar to show it was segmented. He broke off a chunk and held it out. "You will have a taste, and you will agree, yes?"
Well, how could she refuse free chocolate? She popped the thick square in her mouth, and her eyes lit up at the explosion of taste on her tongue. "Mmmm! It's so rich, and ... nutty? But also there's a softness, like ... almost a little nougat in there?"
"That is what gives it its ‘fog,' I believe," he murmured. "That airy quality."
"It's amazing!" she said, and drooled a little speaking around a mouthful of chocolate. "Could I ... Could I have a little more?"
"You may have the whole bar, dear lady," he said, and the golden flecks in his eyes sparkled as he smiled. "I have plenty more ..."
Half an hour later, the plane interior was much darker. The sun had finished setting, and people were dozing, or watching movies with their headphones. Only a few overhead pinpoint lights lit up the interior gloom.
Amber had a tummy full of chocolate. She'd finished the bar in a surprisingly short time, and had been allowed to devour a second too. Now, she leaned back in her seat, feeling the gentle rocking of the plane and hearing its dull roar, and feeling ... lulled. Lulled into a repose.
Lull, lull, lull. What a funny word, she thought. Lol. Lull. Lulllllled ...
She looked over at Dr Suresh, with a dopey smile and lidded, glazed eyes. "Thasss so good ..." she whispered. "Bess chocklit ever ... It makes me, like, happy ..."
The chocolate taste coated the inside of her mouth. It felt like was coating her brain, too, which was sluggish. Thoughts were moving slowly through the rich, chocolatey fog in her head.
"I am very glad to hear that," said her seatmate. "You look like you are enjoying it thoroughly."
He raised his armrest and, moving his sample case and the blanket he'd gotten from the stewardess, slid into the seat beside her.
"I am always interested in learning more about the special properties of these special beans. So I do enjoy finding more test subjects. Tell me – and please be honest, this is for posterity – how do you feel?"
She giggled, quietly. "I feel ssoooo goooood ..." she whispered. "Like, rosy! Like no worries, no stress, all the tension I was feeling in my body that I didn't even know I was carrying, has melted away! Like every cell in my body has gone on a happy lil vacation!!!"
"Well, that does sound delightful," he said, making a few notes on a small pad.
"Whadid you ssay was in there?"
"A mild sedative to slow the limbs, dopamines and opioids that produce a gentle euphoria, similar to being pleasantly intoxicated. Some components of the bean that inhibit activity in the prefrontal cortex and make you highly suggestible, that we have ... enhanced. And of course some pretty damn good chocolate."
He smiled, and his teeth seemed to shine in the dim light of the plane interior. She could see his eyes glittering, almost like a cat's.
"... Huhh?" she slurred. There was a bit of chocolate-brown drool at one corner of her mouth. She seemed to be having trouble focusing on him.
"Now," he went on. "Here's my question. I know the chocolate makes you happy. Makes you dopey. And it sometimes can be addictive. What I don't know is ..." And he leaned closer. "Does the chocolate make you horny?"
She blinked, and focused a little bit, looking deeply into his eyes. "H-horny?"
"Yes. You can feel it now, can't you? You can feel the rich, melting pleasure coursing through you, from your tongue up to your brain, and down through your whole body ... Melting away your inhibitions, covering your objections with flavor and pleasure." She was captivated by his eyes, dancing and sparkling. She hardly had to listen to his words. "The chocolate fog fills your whole body, making your nipples erect, yes? Your tummy tingle. Your arms and legs are like lead, heavy with the weight of their happiness, and your pussy ... oh, your pussy is singing, and buzzing, drinking in the rich, chocolatey heat. It's getting so aroused, so needy. Why, if you think about it – and it is hard to think, isn't it? – but if you think about it, you can feel your whole body, and all your mind, melting into your needy, foggy pussy. If only you could lift your arms, you would be desperate to pinch your nipples. Desperate to rub your clit. As it is, you can't help but squeeze your thighs together, around that heat, that aching need ... Isn't that right? You're squeezing right now, aren't you?"
She couldn't look away from his eyes. She could barely blink. Her eyes were watering. She nodded. Her whole body was consumed with hunger – no longer for chocolate, but for sex. For carnal pleasure. For cock. Yes! She needed to be filled with cock! That's what she craved now!!
She whimpered, quietly, in that dozing, dark plane filled with unknowing passengers, staring into the eyes of her kindly seatmate.
He moved the blanket over her lap without breaking eye contact, and pressed his hand into her crotch under its cover. He raised her skirt and stroked a finger along the moist heat of her panties-covered mound. She moaned and twitched, her mouth falling open, staring into his eyes.
"Please ..." she whispered. "Please, I'm so horny ..."
"My only question," he said, smiling directly into her eyes, "is whether you would have gotten so horny if I hadn't suggested it. Did I implant that thought into your suggestible brain? Or does the chocolate actually make you horny by itself?"
He moved her panties aside, and stuck a finger deep into her wetness. Her eyes filled silently with gratitude, already dreaming how she wanted to spend the whole weekend with him, letting his fingers and his cock and his chocolate do everything he wanted to with her.
"Every time, I tell myself I'm going to just wait and see," he went on, stroking her sex, already bringing her close to her first mind-breaking orgasm. "I won't say a word, just observe. But every time ... well ... I can't help it. I tell you how good your body feels. And it does."
She grasped his strong arm in both her little hands, and gasped in ecstasy, trying to be as quiet as possible and mostly succeeding.
"Six times now, and every time, I ruin the experiment. I just can't stop talking! It is a failing. I am a bad scientist."
He grinned.
"But you forgive me ... Don't you?"
And his eyes sparkled.
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Keep Your Eyes On The Screen
Corey Cunningham x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, fingering, threatening, cursing, etc
Halloween night was pretty much the same every year. You invited your friend now boyfriend Corey over to watch some scary movies and eat far too much candy. You were throwing various mini chocolate bars into a bowl as well as lollipops and Smarties when you heard your doorbell ring. You set the bowl onto the table and went across the house to open the door. You were shocked to see that there was no one there. Feeling a bit creeped out you called, “hello? Anyone there?”
“Boo!” Corey yelled as he jumped from the bushes onto your doorstep. You couldn’t help but jump a bit, “dammit Corey!” He grinned, “sorry baby, I had to.” He was wearing a casual outfit that looked really nice on him, his glasses notably missing. You rolled your eyes playfully, “in this town? Thank god it was you and not Michael Myers or something.”
Something flashed in his eyes as you said that, but you didn’t notice. Instead you moved aside and let him in, locking the door behind you two. Corey went over to the tv stand that had a pile of movies on it, looking through it before picking up the original Scream, holding it up to you with an eyebrow raised. You nodded, “yeah that’s a good pick.” You walked back into the kitchen and brought out the giant candy bowl. Corey laughed, “holy crap, that’s even more than last year.” “Yeah and last year we ate the whole bowl, thought I’d stock up in case.” Corey grinned at that as he unwrapped a Hershey bar, “it’s gonna be gone, I can promise you that.” You slapped his arm playfully as you took his coat to hang up, “Corey Cunningham you better not eat it all!” You heard him laugh again as you hung his coat on the rack behind you, as well as the distinct sound of another candy wrapper being opened.
You two were settled on the couch not long after, you pressed up against his chest as you watched the horror film you both had seen multiple times. You had gotten to the bathroom scene in the film when you felt Corey’s hand move slightly. You thought nothing of it until you felt your waistband get pulled. You turned to look at Corey, who had a dark look as he continued watching the film, acting as if he wasn’t about to put a hand into your pants. “What are you…” you started. “Shhh, just watch the movie,” he whispered, his fingers now teasing the front of your underwear. You shivered, “Corey how am I supposed to do that?” He turned to you, looking at you seriously, “keep your eyes on the screen, baby.” Already feeling yourself get excited, you listened to him. You went back to watching the movie as his fingers pushed past your underwear, slowly rubbing circles on your clit. You let out a small whimper, making Corey grin again. “Poor thing, all needy for me,” he whispered, “already so wet, too.” Not a moment later, the first finger slipped into you. You let out a shaky moan as he began to slowly pump it into you. “So tight….” he whispered, “you’re so tight.” Your attempt to focus on the movie was already getting so hard, but you wanted to do it for him. That would get harder when you felt a second finger slip in beside the first. You moaned out his name as he chuckled, “good girl. Being so good for me…”
Corey’s fingers began to speed up a bit, and you bucked up against them. You were now at the part of the movie where Ghostface attacks Sidney at her house, and that gave Corey an idea. “I wonder what would happen if I had a knife to your throat. Would you squirm for me? Beg for mercy?” “Oh fuck…Corey,” you whimpered as you turned to face him. His free hand shot up and grabbed your jaw, “did I say you could look away baby? I don’t wanna have to punish you.” His fingers stopped moving inside you, causing you to look back at the screen with a whimper. “Good girl, keep watching the movie while I take care of you,” Corey whispered.
He kept fingering you while the movie played, voicing all of his fantasies to you for the first time. “Maybe I should wait until you’re asleep, break through your window, and hold a knife to that pretty little throat. I can just imagine how confused and scared you’d be, at my complete mercy. You’d like that baby? For me to take what I wanted?” His fingers sped up, causing you to moan even louder. “Maybe I should tie your hands together,” he continued, “and just use you over and over again. That knife still against your throat, and my cock deep inside you. Or maybe I’d stalk you around town, following you home. Sneaking inside and waiting for my chance to pound you into your mattress.” You whined his name as his fingers sped up again, “fuck…Corey…” He grinned, his eyes darkening as he felt you get wetter as he described these scenarios. “Sounds like my baby wants that, huh? Sounds like she wants to be afraid as I fuck her. Maybe I’ll wear a mask, and you won’t be able to see my face. You can pretend it’s a real intruder taking what he wants. What he needs,” Corey said as he finally added a third finger, growling as he felt you tighten up around them.
“Corey…” you whined, “I’m gonna cum.” “Yeah? Is my baby gonna cum for me? Cum on my fingers thinking about how I can take advantage of her? And use her over and over again?” he leaned in closer to your ear, “then do it. Cum all over my fingers like the little slut you are.” Not a second later and you came around his fingers with a sob, bucking wildly on them as he continued to push them into you. Even after you came, Corey kept pushing them in and out of you, overstimulating you with a grin. Finally, he stopped. You laid back against the couch trying to catch your breath when you felt the couch move beside you. Corey moved to the floor and took your pants and underwear all the way off, spreading your shaky legs apart. He looked up at you with another grin, “keep your eyes on the movie, darling.” You went back to watching Scream as you felt his mouth on you, starting again.
You were gonna be there for a while.
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im-jesus · 27 days
I once ate too much chocolate when I wasn’t supposed to, because my mom had a HUGE pumpkin pail and kept it in the living room and told us not to touch it. But me, being the absolute shit eating demon I was, stole about one piece of candy a night, and I would go to town on a mini hersheys bar or snickers, and after Halloween my mom was helping me clean my room and all the wrappers I had hid in my pillow case came out, and they covered her feet. I got grounded, but I was able to keep my candy bag.
Sin confession 😔🙏
Nice. No Hail Marys, Mary do be hailing you in the year of our lord and savior Dionysus
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clovermunson · 2 years
candy fiend— s. harrington
summary: steve loves candy, so naturally he wants to eat all of it…even the candy that’s meant for the trick-or-treaters.
pairings: steve harrington x reader
word count: 1.510k
warnings: established relationship, domestic bliss (because who wouldn’t want that with steve?), mentions of food and eating, steve being stupidly cute, fluffy goodness, no read more cut because tumblr tried to fuck up the entire fic yet again
author’s note: i just had to write a halloween fic for steve, it was inevitable. and this was the perfect idea, so i couldn’t let it just pass me by. anyway, enjoy this fluffy cuteness with steve “good hair” harrington! likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated, but all i ask that you do not repost my work and claim it as yours! — xo, morgan❤️
requested tags: @kc-needs-coffee (because she’s finally come around on her realization that steve is a dumbass, but that’s her dumbass lol)
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“Seriously, that’s your favorite?” You asked Steve from the kitchen, grimacing as he bit into a milky way candy bar.
“What?” Steve had a mouth full of chocolate and nougat, “it’s good!”
You shook your head, scrunching your nose in disgust. “You may think that, but it’s nowhere near as good as a snickers bar, or even just a plain hershey’s bar!” You’d turned your attention away from him, mixing the batter for your halloween brownies before pouring it into the pan and placing it in the pre-heated oven. It was around 6:30 PM, and no trick-or-treaters had shown up yet, so you figured you’d have time to bake something for you and Steve before the hordes of kids came ringing the doorbell.
“Say whatever you want, but you’re missing out, babe.” Steve continued eating the candy, digging through the candy bowl to find any extras to keep for himself.
You’d heard the rustling of candy wrappers, making you look over to see Steve’s hand fishing around in the candy bowl that was for the trick-or-treaters.
“Steve…what the hell are you doing?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Steve stopped almost instantly, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. Then he slowly turned to you, looking like a deer in headlights.
“I uh…I was checking the candy?” He sheepishly smiled, unsure of his answer after he’d said it aloud.
“Checking the candy?” You exhaled, “you seriously think I’m gonna believe that?”
“I would hope you’d believe that.” Steve smiled a little more confidently, “I mean, c’mon. You don’t want any of those kids getting sick from the candy, do you?”
“Steve, the only way they’d get sick from it is if they ate too much.” You huffed, leaning against the kitchen counter that overlooked the living room of your shared home.
“Okay, but what if they had an allergy?” Steve asked, confident that he’d backed you into a corner, though he felt a little dumb when he realized that you’d both agreed to create an allergy-free alternative.
“And that’s why we have this.” You showed him the bowl of non-candy goodies such as halloween themed pencils, erasers, ink stamps, and stickers that you’d prepared for kids that may have allergies or simply didn’t want candy for whatever the reason may be. You and Steve both believed that halloween was for everyone, and you wanted to be as inclusive as possible about it— despite the rest of the neighborhood not seeming to care.
Steve knew he’d lost, because if he argued about the allergy-free bowl, then he’d look like a jerk. “Okay, fine. I was digging out all of the milky way bars for myself.” He admitted, beginning to put some back into the bowl.
You couldn’t help but shake your head and laugh to yourself over Steve’s attempt to be a candy thief. “Thank you, for telling the truth, you absolute candy fiend.”
Steve smiled to himself, leaning back in the recliner. He felt like he’d won a small victory in being honest with you, even if he hadn’t won a tangible prize.
“You can keep half of the milky ways.” You offered, hoping Steve would accept the compromise.
“Half?” He asked as if you were unsure of your decision.
“Half.” You confirmed, “but only because I bought an extra bag of candy and already dug all of those out for you.”
“Really?” Steve’s eyes lit up like a christmas tree, and you couldn’t help but giggle at him for it.
“Yes, really.” You nodded, smiling. “But that doesn’t mean you can eat them all in one night. They’re in the candy jar on the dining table.”
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best?” Steve practically jumped up from his seat, adding the candy bars in his hand to the jar.
“Hmm…only about a thousand times since we’ve been together.” You tapped at your jaw as if you’d thought about the exact number of times he’d said that.
“And it’s still true, every. single. time.” He punctuated every word with a kiss to your temple as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into a hug.
You looked around your perfectly decorated home, a sense of pride and warmth filling your heart. Of course you and Steve hadn’t entirely made it yet, but it was a humble beginning for the both of you that you loved and truly couldn’t get enough of.
You allowed your head to rest on Steve’s chest, hearing his heart beat like a steady drum.
However, your tender moment wouldn’t last long, as a group of kids had finally rung the doorbell, making you and Steve smile at each other.
“Looks like we’ve finally got our first little goblins.” Steve joked, grabbing the candy bowl from the end table.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at how excited Steve was to hand out candy. Granted he’d never done it before, but it was still cute how he practically sprang to be the first to hand out candy.
You heard the chorus of “trick or treat!” As Steve opened the door, and caught a glimpse of a little astronaut, a ghost, and a mummy at your front door, their candy bags were already halfway full as Steve gave each kid a handful. Each kid said thank you as they excitedly left the front porch in a hurry, sprinting off to the next house.
“Happy Halloween!” Steve called after them, making you smile again. He’d always been good with kids, but of course when you have to manage six newly-teenage monsters all the time, you start to pick up some skills.
The timer had dinged, interrupting your thoughts. You sighed, whisking yourself over to the oven, shutting it off as you opened the door and retrieved the brownies with your favorite oven mitt. You set the pan atop the burners, allowing it to cool as you started cutting perfect squares.
You heard another group of kids at the door, a chorus of “trick or treat!” and “happy halloween!” filling your home once again, and Steve complimenting each of the kids’ costumes as he handed out candy.
After a couple minutes, you heard the door click shut, meaning that you were free of interruptions for at least the next few minutes.
Steve set the bowl of candy on the table near the front door, dramatically puffing his cheeks out as he exhaled.
“Tired already?” You asked, carefully picking one of the corner pieces out for Steve, setting it on a small dessert plate. You never understood why he liked the corner pieces, despite his argument of it being the perfect balance of crunchy and soft, but it was one of the many quirky things you loved about him. You also never really understood why he loved the halloween brownies so much, considering it was just a normal brownie with m&m’s, chopped up reese’s cups, and festive sprinkles mixed into the batter.
“I didn’t think we’d get that many in the span of two minutes. That was like…ten kids.” Steve counted on his fingers, unable to recall exactly how many kids had shown up.
“Well, have this as compensation for your hard work.” You offered him the plate, and he felt like his senses were in overdrive. It smelled absolutely delicious to him, and looked divine.
Steve took the plate from you, then took a bite of the brownie. “You know you’ll have to make these every year, right?”
“Only if you’ll dress up as Barbie and Ken with me next year.” You joked, knowing that Steve hated the idea of being a Ken doll with as much as he’d been called one.
“Yeah, that’s a no.” Steve smiled, chuckling as he finished the brownie, setting the plate in the sink.
“Suit yourself, Harrington.” You smirked, taking a bite of your brownie, “guess you don’t want those brownies next year.”
The doorbell rang again before Steve could answer, and he wiggled his finger at you, gesturing that you’d gotten lucky from the interruption as he strode to the living room, preparing for the trick or treaters once more.
“I’m getting those brownies, by the way!” He called over his shoulder before opening the door and being met with a new group of kids, each one in a unique costume.
“Keep telling yourself that!” You laugh to yourself, storing the baked treats away in a pastry container.
After a few minutes, Steve returned to the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
Without looking, you offered him another brownie, which he took a bite of over your shoulder, his arms still linked around your waist.
“Seriously?” You giggled, wiping away the crumbs that had fallen onto your shirt.
“I love you.” Steve tried to say it rather cutely, planting a kiss on your cheek, and you’d be damned if it didn’t work to keep him out of trouble.
“I love you too, goof.” You smiled at him, resting your head against his.
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lovely--lover · 2 years
Hellfire Halloween
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I forgot to post this yesterday oops! Just some headcanons of the different members enjoy!
🔥Writes a one-shot D&D campaign the Friday before Halloween. It’s filled with ghosts, monsters, and maybe even a vampire….and yes costumes are required
🔥Eddie dresses up like Ozzy Osbourne and gets annoyed when no one gets it. “Why are you carrying around a bat?” “Are you seriously asking me that Henderson!? I thought I taught you better!”
🔥Forces Dustin to go trick or treating so he can have some of the candy “Eddie I’m in high school now I-” “Shut up Henderson and just go”
🔥Wayne makes him sit on the porch and pass out candy to the trailer park kids. He secretly loves it and compliments all the costumes. When a young girl dresses as a princess walks up Eddie bows dramatically “For you my lady” dropping a handful of candy into the giggling girls' basket.
🔥When some of the basketball players stop by his doorstep for Halloween drugs Eddie tells them to “Get lost there are kids around” while throwing candy at them.
🔥When the kids start coming by Eddie goes inside and joins Wayne on the couch watching some scary movie on the TV. Eddie holds out the almost empty bowl of candy to Wayne “Nah you're a good boy 🔥you have the rest”
Eddie falls asleep on the couch with a bowl full of candy wrappers and Wayne just laughs draping a spare blanket over him. “Scariest night of the year and you look like a big baby”
Favorite Candy: Hershey’s 
Favorite Scary Movie: Young Frankenstein
🔥Gareth loves Halloween! The colder weather gives him an excuse to layer up! Scary movies on the tv all the time. And his mom is constantly baking!
🔥Everyone makes fun of his costume! He complains because his mom wouldn't let him get a scary one. “What if it traumatizes your sister Gare?!”
🔥He ends up being a knight because his sister picked out a pretty princess costume and begged her big brother to match. Gareth pretends to be annoyed but secretly would do anything for his sister.
🔥He carries her on his back when her legs get tired and holds her basket full of candy as they make the way back home. 
🔥When they get home Gareth dumps out the candy to “go through” for his share! But it's secretly an excuse to check her candy and make sure she wasn't given anything sketchy. There are some freaks in Hawkins!!
🔥Stays up all night watching cartoon Halloween movies with his sister on the couch sharing candy until she falls asleep and Gareth follows. When his mom comes down to check on her kids she gasps and takes a picture of the rare moment. It's printed and hung on the fridge by the next week!
Favorite Candy: Sour Gummy Worms
Favorite Scary Movie: Halloween
🔥His mom makes goodie bags for Hellfire Club. They are little pumpkin bags filled with candy for “All the growing boys!” 
🔥Dustin loves Halloween but starts to feel conflicted now that he is in high school if he should go trick r treating and dress up.
🔥Calls Suzie late on Halloween night to tell her about all the different candies he got. They stay on the phone watching a Halloween movie ‘together’. Not too scary though because Suzie doesn't like scary movies.
🔥Ask his mom to make him a Frodo costume! Eddie is so proud of his boy wearing the costume he makes someone take a picture.
🔥He picks out all the really good candy and full-size bars and lets his mom go through the candy before he lets Eddie get his share
Favorite Candy: 3 Musketeers
Favorite Scary Movie: Psycho
🔥Doesn't dress up because he ‘forgot’ mainly because he was lazy and didn't want to. When the other members ask him what his costume is (his everyday look) he just says “Oh I’m a……loser!”
🔥Thinks he’s too cool for Halloween now. Doesn't go trick or treating with Holly or Dustin he just sits at home and watches tv….not even scary movies!!
Favorite Candy: Twizzlers
Favorite Scary Movie: Alien
🔥Dresses up as a famous basketball player and all the members get annoyed because they thought he didn't dress up “Sinclair! I said costumes were required!”
🔥His mom forces him to go trick-or-treating with Erica. He stands back and complains the entire time. Mainly because when he gets too close Erica and all her friends start making fun of him
Favorite Candy: Skittles
Favorite Scary Movie: Halloween (its Max’s favorite)
🔥Loves Halloween! Candy? And all she has to do is knock on some doors…..she’s in! 
🔥Erica is the reason they didn't do the Halloween campaign on Halloween night. Erica has to go trick or treating and stay the night at Tina's. They need Lady Applejack to save the day!
🔥Definitely, the one to suggest a candy trade-off when they get to Tina “I’ll give you these M&M's for 3 suckers…..What do you mean of course it’s a good deal!”
🔥Dresses up as a My Little Pony character while making fun of Lucas’s costume
Favorite Candy: Lollipops especially cotton candy and cherry-flavored ones
Favorite Scary Movies: Erica doesn't do scary moves
🔥Does not like scary movies or anything scary at all! You thought Eddie got scared easily? Nope, Jeff is the biggest scardey cat of the Hellfire members. Poor guy just wants it to b Thanksgiving so he can cook
🔥He dresses up as a cat or something basic for Halloween. None of the members question it (they have Gareth to make fun of)
🔥Definitely complains about having a tummy ache when he eats too much candy
Favorite Candy: Paydays
Favorite Scary Movie: Does It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown count?
Freak 1
🔥I feel like he would dress up as a pro wrestler or try to dress up as Eddie as a joke and makes Eddie mad
🔥Stays inside and watches scary movies all night on Halloween he just leaves a bowl of candy on the porch
🔥 He invites Jeff over to watch movies and laughs every time Jeff gets scared which is basically the entire time.
Favorite Candy: Snickers
Favorite Scary movie: Jaws
It's been a while so I hope I still got it 😊
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Here is a list of the inedibles that will be in this bracket
Orange Joe (fictional "beverage" that's a combination of orange juice and coffee)
Doll shoes
Pen caps
Watermelon tourmaline
Comet/scouring powder
Paper towels
Kinetic Sand
Fiberglass insulation
3DS Stylus
Plastic Bottle Cap
Babybell Cheese Wax
Bouncy ball
Human meat
Venus (planet)
Cascade dishwasher pods
Acrylic Paint
Molten glass
Sea glass
Silica gel packet
Cocoa butter lotion
Pencil Toppers, the lil eraser things
Tumbled amethyst
Rubber Ducks
The rubber balls from the game Cranium Cariboo
Polly pocket clothes
Poison Dart Frog
0.1 uF Film Capacitor
The sun
Tide pods
Phone charger wire
Those free wooden pencils you get at ikea (just the wood shell not the lead)
Liquid nitrogen
Aquarium gravel
the weird science juice in the beakers in those stock images
Origami star
Styrofoam cup
Sticky note
Collar of shirt
This submission form
Plastic straws
Glow sticks
Oil paintings
Candle wax
Nickel sulfate solution/Nickel plating solution
Silicone wristbands
The wax paper under your Poutine
Forearm (doesn't have to be one's own)
Candy wrapper
“Okay so technically this is edible but I’ve had urges to just take a huge bite out of certain sea creatures before. Like just a chunk from an orca or dolphin or great white or seal, etc.”
“Those stupid wooden spoons”
Scotch tape
Artificial grapes (the wax/plastic ones for display)
The goo inside  Stretch Armstrong
Headphone wire
Raw steak
Small colorful rubber bands 
Pencil lead
Cattails (the plant)
Foamy soap
Liquid soap
Bar soap
Shiny rocks
A hunk of random fish swimming by
A live goldfish
Price Tag Fasteners
The moon
Pool noodles
Smol frog
Destroying angel mushroom
the smoke coming out of the grain refineries two Mike's out of Gary, Indiana, Usa
Popsicle sticks
My hat
The tiny rocks in school playgrounds
Blue laundry detergent
Spray foam insulation
Battery corrosion
Fiber optic cables
Packing peanuts
Your mother
Pond water
Dry ice
Alkali metals
Chocolate shampoo
Ping pong ball
Bricks, like the stuff you'd build with. Minecraft bricks even, if you want
Hoodie drawstrings
Horse treats
Copper (II) Sulphate Water / Blue Science Rock + Blue Science Juice
Fabric Paint
Oil paint
that one art piece of the banana taped to the wall
the hotdog somebody encased in resin
“the thin lego plates not the base plates but like the lego piece thats like 2x8 and they kinda look like hershey chocolate bar pieces”
One of those little hamsters
Model magic
Battery Acid (the drink)
manchineel apple
Rubber band ball
The lava lamp liquid
Wax apples
That cake decoration that came with your slice and you're like 90% sure it's not edible... but what if ?
Soap bubble
Lush cosmetics' products
Strawberry Shortcake's dolls with scented hair
Salt lamp
People who think children are not worth their consideration
Poisonous berries
Chunky soft yarn
“whatever the Chuck E Cheese Ticket Muncher Machine is eating (it's not the tickets) (or the sound itself but that's neither a solid nor a liquid so this is just kind of holding hands with the hypothetical ticket muncher food)”
Snow globe liquid
Chisel tip whiteboard marker
Raw dough
Raw fuckin cactus. alive
Grape agate
Car seat
Lock pick
Scrub daddy
Molten sugar 
Lightning bolts
“Bark dust. Like the dirt/bark dust that's under the bark chips on a playground. Not the chips themselves. The dust.”
Clear deodorant
Apple earbud wires
Hello kitty sweatshirt zipper
Preshredded mozzarella cheese
Scrap metal
All of the rocks at a crystal shop
Origami polyhedron model
Bubbles mixture
Cupcake liners
Hair gel
Curtain rods
Incense sticks
Incense cones
Metal thing that attaches eraser to pencil
Windshield wiper fluid
Plastic pencil grips
Wooden ice cream spoon
The liquid in levels
Vanilla extract
Aroace flag
Coil incense
California state testing “next question” button
Forbidden coal iron french fries
Garage doors that look like chocolate bars
Plastic takeout box
Weird anime girl hair
Freezable gel ice pack
Necklace chains
Nail polish
Pencil Shavings
Pool floats
Bao Dumpling
Spray deodorant
0.1 uF Ceramic Capacitor
Vanillish (Pokémon)
Really fancy pillars
Favorite song
“THE LITTLE ORBS IN THE MOUSE (aka trackballs)”
“Any cutesy anime character like Chopper or Pikachu”
Wooden fan blades
Balsa wood sticks
Those blankets that look like tortillas
Milk and golden honey softsoap
1x2 lego pieces
Light bulbs
Slightly melted lounge chair
Cork (the material)
Pineapple coke
Sparkly lipgloss
Race Car Tire Marble
Gold trophies
Konjac sponge
Mandy the Slayer / Orange Spyderco Dragonfly Knife
Glasses Temples
Typewriter keys
EVA foam
Crumbs in the couch
My wife's arm/shoulder
Yellow ACE bandages
Neon Signs
Scented candles
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Halloweek: Day 2
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Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @starwithaheart, @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat , @auburnwrites , @brie-mode-activated
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*The underworld will never be the same after today* Bálor thought to himself as his eyes stared at you sitting on his throne. Halloween was always a boring and stupid time of year for Bálor. Well, festivities in general were dumb but this one in particular took the prize. What made it somewhat less painful though was you - you and your bubbly personality and deep love for “spooky things” made this time of the year something Bálor secretly yearned for.
He already lost count of the many different things you had been for Halloween in the years you’ve been together, but this year was by far his all time favorite. This year you are him: The Demon King himself - or should he say herself.
You had carefully matched everything, you’d painted your skin red, white and black, got yourself some fangs, claws, red eyes and even black and crimson hair. You looked equally adorable and frightening sitting on his throne and holding your decapitated human head candy basket.
“My King” Damian bowed before you with a playful smirk on his lips.
You smiled widely and greeted “Damian, my favorite torturer! Trick or treat?” The crinkling sound of candy wrappers being shook inside the basket caught Damian’s attention “I’m not sure if I should-”
“Oh, c’mon! I’m the king aren’t I?” You asked and he nodded in agreement “So go on, get a handful and let’s see what you’ve got”
Damian was reluctant at first, but when you shook the little basket in front of him once again, he finally took a handful of candy.
“Let me see what you’ve got” You clapped excitedly and Damian let you take a peek at what he got
”Uuuhhh, candy corn, Reese's cups, air head, hershey bar…Wow, Damie you got lucky, huh?!”
Damian felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment at your compliment and nickname. He cleared his throat quickly to regain some composure “Thank you, my King. I…I should get back to work now”
“Ok, but tell Rhea she still owes me my Reese’s cups” You spoke as you unwrapped a caramel apple lollipop.
“Ok, I’ll deliver the message” Damian chuckled once his eyes spotted his boss entering the throne room. He bowed to Bálor and quickly made his exit as the true Demon King approached his throne.
“Having fun, sunshine?” He tauntingly raised one eyebrow, instantly making you smirk. “It’s ‘my king’ to you, peasant” You mocked back, using the same words spoken by him when you first met in the middle of your grandparents’ cornfield.
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“Apologies, my king” He bowed playfully “Is that better?” The teasing tone continued to coat his voice and features, eliciting a joyful laugh from you.
“I don’t appreciate the sarcasm but yes, it’s better, thank you”
Bálor walked the thirteen steps up that led to his throne and stopped before you, he pulled the lollipop away from your lips to place it inside his mouth. “You know they’ll be unbearable, right?” He smirked and pointed with his head towards the next room, where all the demons and demonesses were gathered around a deadly combo of too much Halloween candy and every kind of alcohol available in the human world.
“Well, that will be a problem for the real Demon King” You innocently smiled before stealing your lollipop back “And rude of you to steal my candy”
“Boo-hoo” Bálor grinned and quickly stole the candy again, making you gasp “You bully!”
You stood up on your feet and looked up at his imposing figure towering above you
“What are you gonna do about that, shortstack?” He patted your head playfully, knowing how much that would annoy you.
“I’m not a shortstack!” You quickly climbed on top of his throne in order to try to gain a few inches to your advantage - but it was pointless, he was still as tall as a tower. “It’s not my fault you’re way taller than Finn and I. And I want my candy back!”
Bálor leaned forward with a grin until his face was mere inches from yours “You want it back? That’s not my problem….shortstack”
“You know I can simply fight you to get it back, no?” Your eyes narrowed and a determined expression settled in your features.
“I’d love to see you try, sunshine” Bálor leaned back and teasingly brushed some imaginary dust off his carved abs. “So, are you up for a fight?” His eyes gleamed with malice and his fangs somehow appeared sharper underneath the fireplace lit room.
Instead of answering him, you tried to get some advantage by jumping on him - but of course he held you in his embrace once your legs clasped around his hips.
“Oh, it’s on, Demon King!” You dared as he took you towards your master bedroom.
Bálor laughed before tossing you on top of the mattress to straddle your hips “I’ve never thought that someday I would have the hots for my impostor but oh well, the more you know”.
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
in the spirit of impending halloween, can you go off about overrated (or underrated) candies?
im gonna go out swinging and declare at the top of my lungs that i hate red candy AND blue candy and quite often green candy. strawberry flavored candy is on thin ice but usually not bad. and before you're like woah what the fuck. prepare to die on this hill with me fucker. im allergic to food dye, esp red n blue. not like, severely, but it gives me migraines, and combined with a billion other triggers, shit like birthday parties n valentines day were vomit bummers of a repeated nature when i was little.
so then like, at halloween, i'd have to give my little brother all my red n blue and often green candy, and being a little brother, he was piss poor at trading, and it was a whole thing.
chocolate except for like, almond joys, mounds. im not a coconut guy. snickers are fine. caramel fucks, peanut butter is good if it isn't a bitch to get out of the wrapper, i like crispy bits, nougat rules. pretzel m&ms fuck. the best easy to get chocolate is the hershey symphony almond n toffee bits bars that are ginormous, but like, actually decent chocolate rocks the socks. i got a bar of tony's chocolonely the other day and it was like fucking, strawberry cheese cake flavored and usually im a milk chocolate, then white chocolate, then.......................................................maybe slightly dark chocolate person, but god i ate the entire thing in one go and i had no regrets except for that it was gone
peach anything! chewy orange candy, lemon candy, strawberry candy (if you are offended on red and blue flavored candy's behalf please come take it off my hands the next time i have a variety bag). skittles, starbursts, etc. also like, sour gummy worms/octopi, watermelons, sour patch kids. also also tootsie rolls, which kind of straddle the line between one and two taxonomoically
rock candy fucks, good texture. chocolate rocks are the same. lollipops but only like four flavors and i don't fuck with mystery. pop rocks (again like. three varieties) are cool. bubblegum is a probably.
grape is a hard maybe. as are smarties (chalky), nerds. nerds are like eating aquarium gravel so you have to be in the mood. i'll eat like three candy corns and that's plenty. mint chocolate heavily varies. peanut stuff, gotta be in the mood for it. mega sour candy is probably a no, as is like...gooey things. i don't do like, gushers etc. wrong texture.
no: cherry anything, blue raspberry anything. no mystery flavors, cause you never know when it's gonna kick your ass. no coconut (texture), dark dark chocolate (bitter), spicy (spicy), coffee anything (bitter). if you are upset about it give me your mailing address and you can have any of mine you like (joke)
also i never eat candy from like, the dollar store, tj maxx, craft stores etc, and if it has been in my cupboard too long bye bye. im also not gonna eat like, chocolate flavored wax product.
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lost-soul-in-time · 1 year
Something was always off about the house. Nothing Marc could ever place besides both of his parents being odd. Robert wasn’t charm-able and his mother seemed dismissive at best. At least one of his parents were nice. The divorce had made both of the bitter, his father reluctantly spending weekends with him. But he didn’t have to tell Oliver that, not tonight. They were having another night of their lives. “Perfect! You’ve got to convince your parents to let me stay the night one day, or come over to ours! Mothers started doing night shifts at the hospital, so we could have the house to ourselves.”
Picking through the scattered candy, he starts pushing forward whatever he thinks could be traded for the chocolate bars delegated for him. “I’ve got a lot of gummies, Tootsie rolls, and some chocolate bars. Do you want any of these?”
Marc could never stay over. Not because Oliver is ashamed of him, but because Robert just simply didn’t like him enough to allow another soul into the house, and who knows how much trouble he’d find himself in the moment he leaves for small things he hadn’t been corrected on? His father’s silent anger was worse than his yells. At least when he yelled, he knew how he felt and when it would be over. The anger that slowly boils over without a means to escape only meant for a bigger punishment when it finally was able to burst.
Candy. Start thinking about candies again.
“I’ll take one of these.” Oliver decides, reaching for a few of the tootsie rolls and carefully adding them into his ‘keep’ pile, trading in a Hershey’s Kiss for his friend to take. He keeps one in his hand, popping it into his mouth and tossing the wrapper into the empty sack to throw away later. Chewing on a Tootsie Roll was difficult, so he lets it melt on its own without having to go through the trouble of digging his teeth into the chewy substance. “I’m sorry about your pumpkin. I could’ve bought you one of those wearable plastic ones.”
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sweetnzaki · 1 year
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👾 🍭 🍬 🍫 🛼 🥇 🏎️ 💚 🎩 Positive traits: friendly (usually), passionate, ambitious, creative, smart, curious, open minded, easy going
Negative traits: self centered, tough, sassy, perfectionist, manipulative, vain
ESTP * 24 * Human * 5’6 * Candy Maker / Sugar Racer
Little Details:
if the world has its early birds and its night owls… than mindy is an all day dove. this girl goes and goes and goes. she doesn't like wasting daylight or moonlight and often crashes hard whenever she decides her day is finally done.
nicknamed her neon green racing car the veloci-wrapper. she even painted little candies on the back of it as well as her zaki's snackies logo.
obviously mindy is a huge sweets girl, but she's also a big foodie. she adores anything with interesting flavors. 
she was 1000% that kid making ‘potions’ at the table in restaurants with random drinks and sauces. 
grew up doing gymnastics. don’t ask her to do a flip… because she will.
has a little brother! he's one of the few people who knows about her nerdy side. 
a shrieker. screams when she’s happy. screams when she’s scared. yeah she’s one of those girls. 
may or may not make some... 'special' candies here and there for her and her friends… when supplied with the proper ‘ingredients’ of course... if you catch my drift...
this girl always has business cards on her. you'll never catch her slacking on an opportunity to promote her candy.
will just pretty much anything once!
open minded but also judging you at the same time.
really good at partying but also really good at staying in.
mindy dabbles both on the mass production side of candy as well as the more deluxe side. some of her candies she creates with the mindset of accessibility in mind. for example, her signature pitaya-guava lollipops could easily be sold in various convenience and superstores. however, some of her other confections are too fresh and fragile, and therefor are exclusive to her own storefront, special orders and commissions.
has a small tattoo of a chocolate bar with the wonka ‘w’ flipped upside down to look like an ‘m’ for ‘mindy.’
Dive Deeper:
When you grow up a creative, energetic child with an overactive imagination and a very supportive family… you get someone like Mindy Zaki: a girl who’s childhood dream bloomed with her. Like many children, Mindy had a pretty wild sweet tooth from the get-go. Candy was such a spectacle! It could pop like fireworks on your tongue, make any party level up, and was the perfect way to seal any celebration. She loved how much emotion could surround such little delicacies. Her fixation on sweets and confections grew from easy bake ovens and junior candy making kits to taking over her parent’s kitchen with state of the art supplies. Even now, Mindy is still astounded by the variety of candy from country to country… but there was still so much more to be explored! Aren’t people sick of the same tired flavors? Grape, orange, cherry… sure they were classics… but where’s all the creativity? Her drive and passion are truly impressive… and she won’t quit until her candies are blowing Hershey and Mars out of the water.
On the outside, people look at Mindy and see a pretty girl all dressed up and reaping the rewards of a lifestyle that comes with the ‘popular’ crowd. Sure, that’s all true… but Mindy is actually a secret ‘nerd.’ She’s always had a special appreciation for the creativity that Japan had with its candy and snacks. Delving more into their culture and customs, Mindy found herself getting really into anime. Then came manga… then comics.. then superheroes, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and even video games. Naturally, no one really knows this about her. She makes sure that side of her is well hidden… especially from Tiffany and the other Sugar Racers. 
Ah, the Sugar Racers… sweet like sugar, of course! But sugar can be sour, too. Mindy understands this about herself, which is why she gets on with the crew the way she does. Compared to the other racers, Mindy is more on the laid back and open minded side— though she knows she’s by no means a saint. Mindy can be quite self-centered. Everything she does, she does for Mindy. All of the ‘do gooder’ activities and events she participates in around town… yeah that’s just to promote her business and paint her in a good light. Even when it comes to picking on Vanellope… Mindy knows its mean. She knows the bullying isn’t actually benefiting the racers. But it neither hurts nor helps herself… so she just lets it happen. Besides, it’s much better for her to be in with the Sugar Racers than out with the glitch.
Mindy is no stranger to being underestimated. The girl is well aware her niche and colorful little dream is bit outlandish to some… but she’s working her ass off for it. It’s not often that one person has both the creative and the business side to bring a brand to life, but Mindy does. She’s a whirlwind of a one-woman show. One minute she’s rolling out numbers for budgeting, supplies, goals, quota… and the next minute she’s brainstorming new flavor combinations or imagining if candied ice cream drops would be possible. Maybe candied freeze dried ice cream? Her mind truly never stops… and don’t even get her started on packaging! In truth, running a business by herself can get overwhelming at times. It’s not uncommon to catch her speeding a few laps around the track whenever she needs to let off some steam.
Fashion is a huge outlet for self expression for Mindy. She’s definitely the best dressed candy maker you’ve ever seen. Not that there’s probably much competition in that department… Who’s she got to beat anyway? Mr. Wonka? Please. Either way you’ll hardly ever catch her in an un-styled outfit. (If you do, something is seriously wrong. Be prepared to handle her tears.) Mindy is always dressed to the nines and is one of those girls that can pull off anything. Girly, edgy, preppy, street, classic… she does it all! It’s so much fun for her to style hop! However, while Mindy does love fashion, she doesn’t so much care for brands or labels like some of the other Sugar Racers do. She likes what she likes… and it makes no difference to her whether she found something on the Chanel runway or in the corner of a thrift store. She knows she looks good and feels good regardless.
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trashyswitch · 2 years
Day 24: Candy/Potions
Logan and the sides are surprising Pumpkin with lots of candy for Halloween. Then, they all find out something incredible about Pumpkin:
Part 4 of The Adorable Slimy Stranger Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Logan walked out to the living room and smiled eagerly. It was getting close to Halloween, and there were two reasons to celebrate this. 1: because Pumpkin LOVES halloween…and 2: because it was almost the year anniversary of bringing Pumpkin into their home! And that was definitely worth celebrating!
Logan had gotten a bag of goodies ready for Pumpkin. He had bought all the goodies at a nearby dollar store so the goodies were nice and cheap to buy in bulk. Logan then spent 10-20 minutes removing every wrapper from the chocolate and candy, before dumping them into the bag. 
Logan brought out the bag and looked around at the other sides who were watching and hoping to get Pumpkin’s reaction. 
“Hey Pumpa! What’s that?” Patton asked in his high-pitched baby voice, pointing to Logan. 
“Hello Pumpkin. I brought you something.” Logan told him. 
Pumpkin gurgled and started bouncing around like a big orange bouncy ball. Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle at Pumpkin’s excited reaction already. 
Logan tipped the bag upside down and watched as the candy and chocolate spilled out of the bag and onto the floor in front of Pumpkin in a large pile. 
Pumpkin’s mouth was WIDE. She couldn’t believe how much candy they were giving her! Pumpkin squealed and picked up as much of the candy as she could, before hugging the chocolate and candy tightly. 
All 4 of the sides laughed at her reaction. It was really cute to see her so happy. 
But then…Pumpkin looked up at Logan and slid up to him. She looked at her candy in her hand, and offered Logan a twizzler™. Logan smiled as he took the twizzler. “Thank you, Pumpkin.” Logan replied. Pumpkin gave him the puppy eyes as she smiled with pure, unconditional love. 
Then, Pumpkin slowly slid up to Patton, and handed Patton 6 connected pieces of a milk chocolate Hershey™ bar. Patton gasped and happily took it. “Thank you!” Patton replied. Pumpkin stared at Patton with loving eyes, as if Patton was his little baby. 
Then, Pumpkin slid up to Virgil and gave Virgil a total of 10 gummy spiders. Virgil giggled. “Aww…you know me really well. Thank you.” Virgil replied. Pumpkin smiled at him with starry eyes for a long 10 seconds. 
And lastly, Pumpkin slid up to Roman and looked in his pile of candy. He decided to give Roman a Nerds™ rope. Roman giggled. “Awww, thank you!” Roman replied. Pumpkin looked at Roman with pure love and care in her eyes. 
Pumpkin turned around and looked around. He started gurgling questions, and looked to the other sides. 
Patton tilted his head. “What’s wrong?” Patton asked. 
Pumpkin walked up to the yellow fluffy blanket and chomped on it. She pulled it off the couch and looked at Patton. Looking at the yellow blanket told the sides everything they needed to know.
Patton sighed. “I don’t know where Janus is.” Patton admitted. 
Pumpkin picked up a plastic container filled with candy garbage. Pumpkin looked towards Roman and gave him sad eyes. 
Roman looked down. “Oh…You want to give Remus his favorite candy…” Roman muttered. 
Pumpkin nodded and looked down at the purple plastic trash can. He dropped the trash can, showing pure sadness. 
Roman grabbed out his phone. “I’m gonna text Remus to come up.” Roman told them. 
Virgil nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.” 
“And I’m gonna text Janus.” Patton told them. 
“Okay.” Logan replied. “I think Janus really likes…sour keys.” Logan told Pumpkin. He picked up the sour keys and showed Pumpkin the sour keys. “These things.” Logan told her. 
Pumpkin nodded and started collecting the sour keys from her pile of candy and chocolate. She also picked up another purple plastic garbage can from the pile. 
Roman growled and closed his phone. “He’s such a pain…” Roman reacted. “Remus doesn’t want to come up.” 
Patton sighed. “Janus isn’t coming up. He’s too busy…” Patton told them. 
Roman frowned and looked at Pumpkin. He softened his frown. “I’m sorry, Pumpkin. Remus isn’t coming.” Roman told her. 
“Janus isn’t coming either.” Patton told her. 
Pumpkin looked up at them for a few moments. Then, he started to whimper and close his eyes as little black tears started falling down his face. 
Patton widened his eyes and covered up his mouth. 
Oh my gosh-  Was Pumpkin crying?! 
Roman bit his lip as he tried his hardest not to cry along with her. 
Logan was staring at Pumpkin, unsure how to properly react. 
And Virgil had quickly taken a picture of Pumpkin and sent Remus and Janus the picture. 
[LOOK WHAT YOU FUCKING DID TO PUMPKIN!] Virgil texted to Remus and Janus. 
Pumpkin sniffled and whimpered as he covered his black eyes with his little hand nubs. Almost immediately, Pumpkin slid up to Logan and started crying with her face shoved into Logan’s middle. Only, Pumpkin just barely reached Logan’s stomach…
Logan looked at Patton, unsure what to do. He looked so confused…yet, so conflicted. He awkwardly tried petting Pumpkin for a bit. But Pumpkin only shoved his face further into Logan’s stomach. 
Logan widened his eyes as his voice wobbled somewhat. He knew Pumpkin was not meaning to cause this…but Pumpkin’s face-snuggling was tickling his belly. 
Patton looked up at the nerd the moment he heard Logan’s voice wobble. What- Was Logan laughing?! 
Logan was tense and nervously staring at Pumpkin. He didn’t want to laugh. He knew that now would be the worst time to laugh. 
But…Pumpkin’s supposed to be a tickle monster…and Pumpkin’s face…
Virgil walked up to Pumpkin from behind and gave Pumpkin’s side a poke. Almost on command, Pumpkin jumped and raised her head out from Logan’s belly. She stared off into space with shock on her face as she comprehended what happened. 
Logan looked up at Virgil with a slight frown. “Virgil…” He said, both calm, yet annoyed. 
“What? I wanted to try something.” Virgil admitted. 
Logan looked down at Pumpkin, and noticed she was turned around to look at Virgil. Pumpkin stared at Virgil’s hand…before looking down at her own side. 
Then….Pumpkin started gurgling and reaching her nubs out for Virgil’s hand. Virgil gave Pumpkin his hand and let Pumpkin maneuver it. Eager to try something, Pumpkin moved the hand into a fist, and pushed out the index finger. With that in place, Pumpkin placed the index finger onto his own side. But…it didn’t work. Not like it did before. 
Virgil tilted his head. “Are you trying…to see if you’re ticklish?” Virgil asked. 
Pumpkin looked up at Virgil and nodded with a look of curiosity and surprise. 
Virgil nodded and took a moment to first wipe the black tears off Pumpkin’s face. “But first…” Virgil cupped Pumpkin’s cheek. “Do you still want to cry?” Virgil asked. “Or are you ready to laugh?” 
Patton looked at Virgil, then over to Pumpkin. 
Pumpkin closed her eyes and leaned into the hand for a few moments…she let herself sit there, being comforted by anxiety of all people. But…Virgil had a really empathetic way of understanding her. It…seemed to help her a lot. 
Then, Pumpkin opened her eyes and nodded with a smile. This was her symbol to tell him she was ready to laugh. Virgil nodded and readied his fingers. Pumpkin raised up her little nubby hands, giving Virgil the go ahead. 
Virgil started poking Pumpkin’s sides and armpits first, just to get a general understanding of where Pumpkin was ticklish. But her reaction was immediate: She squealed and widened her eyes along with her smile. 
Virgil moved on to actually tickling. He started by skittering his fingers on Pumpkin’s belly region, before moving over to the sides, and then moving up to the underarms. Pumpkin closed her eyes and started doing these gurgly, giggly sounds. They sounded like regular gurgles, yet mixed with really high-pitched laughter. 
Logan silently gasped and slowly pulled out his phone. He NEEDED to get a video of this! 
Why? Because science, obviously! 
Roman was giggling as he watched. Virgil was visibly beaming with happiness from simply seeing Pumpkin smile. But to hear some sort of laugh leave her mouth, was HUGE! Pumpkin had been spending so much time tickling others and making others happy…that everyone, even Pumpkin herself, forgot to see if she was ticklish and loved being happy too! 
How could they have forgotten to look for such a crucial detail?! 
Virgil stopped tickling for a moment. Even though it had only been 2-5 minute, Pumpkin was already a little collection of giggles and gurgles. 
Virgil picked up Pumpkin and placed Pumpkin into his own lap. He wrapped both arms around Pumpkin, and started skittering his fingers on both of Pumpkin’s sides.
Pumpkin widened her eyes and squealed super loudly! All 4 of the sides yelled and cheered in reaction. It was the loudest they had ever heard her! 
Pumpkin quickly fell into a fit of giggly gurgles as she wiggled and jiggled around in Virgil’s surprisingly tight grip. But the tightness of his grip didn’t really matter too much, thanks to Pumpkin’s density. So Virgil could literally squish him down, and Pumpkin would probably be completely fine. 
How do we know this? 
Well…Let’s just say that Pumpkin has had to be rescued from Remus’s homemade crushing machines…More than once…
Virgil decided that now would be a good time to try something new. Virgil stopped tickling before picking up Pumpkin and turning her around so her little black eyes were facing Virgil’s eyes. Then, Virgil took in a deep breath, and blew a wet raspberry all over Pumpkin’s belly. 
Pumpkin SCREAMED and gurgle-giggled almost hysterically! It was incredible! Pumpkin was also wiggling around, and throwing his nubbies all over the place. And the best part? Pumpkin’s body was jiggling from the raspberry’s vibrations! That made things even MORE hilarious! 
Virgil removed his face from Pumpkin’s belly and gave Pumpkin a dorky grin. With his face free, Virgil took in another deep breath and shoved his face into Pumpkin’s belly again. He blew another wet, wild, and humongous raspberry all over Pumpkin’s belly. 
Pumpkin squealed and giggled hysterically! He was just a wiggly, floppy, wild mess of gurgles and squeals and giggles. 
Virgil removed his face from Pumpkin’s stomach again. “Anyone else want to give Pumpkin a raspberry?” Virgil asked. 
“ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!” Patton declared excitedly. 
Virgil handed Pumpkin over to Patton, and watched as Patton took Pumpkin under the arms. He got a firm hold on Pumpkin’s sides, and took in a deep breath. With his lungs filled, Patton placed his face down on Pumpkin’s rough-outline-of-a-neck, and blew. 
Pumpkin SQUEALED like her life depended on it! She threw her arms up in the air, and squeezed her eyes shut as she laughed and giggled all freely with glee. 
Patton removed his face from Pumpkin’s neck so he could giggle too. And when Pumpkin was ready, Patton took in another breath and blew another big raspberry on the other side of her neck. 
Pumpkin covered her mouth and squealed like the little toddler she is. It was SO TICKLISH! And she loved every second of it! 
Patton removed his face from Pumpkin’s neck so he could also laugh himself silly. Then, Patton lifted up Pumpkin and turned him around so Pumpkin was facing the others: 
“Alright. Who wants to tickle Pumpkin next?” 
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wilfofficial · 2 years
[A photo of (presumably) Han, Audrey, Fig and Luna dressed as Michael Meyers, Ghostface, Ring girl and Chucky respectively. Fig and Luna are carrying plastic pumpkin buckets already fairly full of candy and Luna has a wrapped Hershey's bar halfway to her mouth.]
It was a fun Halloween! Luna kept eating the wrappers, little menace.
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lohlite · 1 year
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It’s been years since I updated the ref of my Easter Bunny fursona Loh! She’s my favorite character that I’ve made and I always look forward to drawing her around Easter every year! I have like... a lot of information about her, so I put it all here!
The Bunny
She calls herself an Easter bunny. And it’s easy to understand why. Each year, weeks before the spring equinox begins, a human that goes by the name Loh turns into a pink and golden bunny. Though, as she would add, it’s more of an illusion of a bunny. She’s pink after all, and has the unique ability to lay candy eggs. Real bunnies don’t do that.
In modern society, that would be an Easter bunny, wouldn’t it? Only, Easter bunnies were only known to exist in stories... Myths. Legends even. Or corporate merchandising I suppose. But not in reality. Until, Loh became one. With a few twists of course. Her long ears can stand up, bend out, or flop behind her, mimicking several breeds of bunny without any of the drawbacks. She has paw pads, common in old cartoons by animators that never studied a real bunny, but different from the reality that bunnies simply do not have them. That, or a kitty-like nose or pointed teeth akin to cats and foxes. Loh still imagined her smile looked better this way, and she was an omnivore so it only made sense. Bunnies can’t eat chocolate after all, and as a candy fiend she could not be denied her own flavorful confections.
The truth was. She was a chimera. An amalgamation of creatures that exist, along with ones that don’t, in a unique form that is simply her. Those ears are not just for show. In fact, they are there to listen to the candy-focused wants of others. If someone says the name of a candy, she will lay an egg with that exact candy inside it! How eggciting!
The Eggs
When someone says the name of a candy, Loh will lay an egg with that candy inside. Simply saying “Chocolate!” will get you a tasty milk chocolate egg (her favorite, and the default) that would put any popular brand of chocolate to shame! You need to be specific if you want dark or white chocolate. If you say “Twix!” or perhaps “Cadbury Creme” you will find eggs with a shell design very similar to the wrappers of each respective “brand”. Only, Loh will assure you, they will taste far better than store bought!
But what’s the limit that she can make exactly? Well, as Loh will put it simply, she can lay a candy egg of anything treat she’s eaten at least once. By eating any candy, her unique ability will allow her to make a higher quality version of it. Fortunately for others, despite candies that she despises (anything with peanuts!), she has forced herself to learn recipes of things she hates to eat, so that she can still make those candy eggs for others. Just because she doesn't like Snickers bars, doesn’t mean she would deny someone their favorite treat!
When it comes to other non-brand specific chocolates, the eggs will take on patterns that she enjoys. Some of her own unique designs she’s made as an artist might appear, but more commonly ones from the Pokémon franchise. Why? She thinks they’re cute. The Togepi egg design being her favorite, you will almost always find one nearby. The eggs often vary in size, but would be recognizably the same size as a chicken egg on average, only more colorful.
Every egg Loh lays is unique, perfectly delicious, edible, sterile, and safe to eat. An interesting attribute to her candy eggs would be that they have the same nutritional value as iceberg lettuce... That is, if you eat too many, you won’t face the same consequences as their real life counterparts. So, if you could choose between over eating on chocolate, skip the Hersheys and enjoy the fact that you can indulge on these candy eggs! You might still find yourself too full though. Eat in moderation!
The Lore
So, why is all of this a thing? Why does Loh turn into an Easter bunny? And why that of all things? Just like with any special interest, it starts at childhood. Loh was born in April, and with Easter being a very mobile holiday, it would always appear before, after, or sometimes the same weekend as their birthday. This meant lots of candy, cute bunnies, pastel colors would always be around their birthday! And as a pastime, Easter egg hunts were one of their favorite activities!
Loh loved to hunt for and hide stuff! And those little plastic eggs they would get? They’d use them to store their treasures when they finished eating the candy inside. And they would keep the colorful baskets to put their stuff in! It became their favorite holiday by proxy. The truth was, they knew Easter bunnies didn’t exist… but they were fascinated by the idea of one. A bunny that could lay eggs? Bunnies don’t do that! And they would have candy? To give to others? The very idea of a creature that would go out of its way to make candy and give it to kids and adults alike sounded too good to be true.
So much so, that they wanted to be one! But how? How do you just, become an Easter bunny? Luckily for Loh, it wasn’t their decision to make. It was their friend’s. A hyper intelligent dragon scientist friend (quite the mouthful!). That, unsurprisingly, Loh found as an egg. Though, he assured them, that was a ONE time thing and he just needed to recharge for a few decades… That dragon was well over a thousand years old. And knew how to manipulate reality in a lot of surprising ways.
You would think finding a fantastical dragon would have phased Loh, and it did! They were a kid when this happened, how cool was it to have a dragon as a friend! Anyone they would tell would surely be jealous, if they were not so good at keeping it a secret. That dragon friend loved Loh’s imagination. While he could make many mind-boggling inventions, it was always Loh’s creativity that would spark the ideas to make them. It’s how their close friendship was fostered. In this lifetime anyway.
Both unfortunately, and fortunately for Loh, this dragon has a long memory, and a desire to make his friend happy. Sure, Loh was just a kid when they said they wanted a way to become an Easter bunny, but the dragon lacked the common sense to know that, and spent years trying to find a way to create one. Or rather, turn Loh into one.
The “wish” Loh made to their dragon friend as a child… Eventually came true when they were ending their final year in high school. The dragon gave Loh a special egg to eat, and upon eating it. POOF! They were turned into a pink and gold bunny! That could of course lay candy eggs. A real life Easter bunny! They succeeded!
At first, Loh was mortified at such a transformation! At the time, they were a “he” and never imagined turning into a female. Let alone one that laid candy eggs! And turning into such a small adorable form? Like, seriously? But, their dragon friend was happier than they had ever seen them… They were tempted to demand a way to change back, but instead, they heard their dragon friend out. He did spend years finding a way to make such a fantasy a reality after all… And it was a pretty fantastical gift to refuse. Though, as they learned, there was really no going back.
The Anatomy
The rules were simple enough. Every year, as Easter approaches, Loh would turn into an Easter bunny. Or rather, it was originally just for a few days… Turns out making a “curse” was a bit trickier and that time frame grew longer and longer before finally stopping just a month out of the actual holiday. Something about “photosynthe-cells” that monitored the moon’s phases to guess the holiday. Eventually Loh learned to recognize when their body was going to change into a bunny, so they wouldn’t transform in awkward situations again.
The bunny design, that “chimera” state, was purposeful. The paw pads were necessary for grip and cuteness as the dragon said. And don’t forget the retractable claws so you can climb trees to hide those eggs! Why sharp teeth? Well, the dragon wanted Loh to still be able to enjoy their own candy, so carnivore teeth made more sense… Human teeth would have looked terrifying. And the dragon friend could speak fine with his own sharp teeth, so he imagined Loh would prefer them too. Buck teeth would make them sound funny anyway! As for the nose? Well, it looked cuter than a bunny nose, and a kitty nose had a better sense of smell. And pink was a given for a cute little girl bunny. As for the gold and other markings, that was always something inherently “Loh” in design.
This chimera bunny illusion state was tough enough… But what about the eggs? How did the dragon pull it off? After all, Loh is only the size of a large cat when they’re a bunny… Laying chicken sized eggs, and multiple at that... How do they all fit in such a small creature, and get past that conservation of mass and energy law of the universe? Turns out that was the trickiest part.
As an Easter bunny, Loh has an “interdimensional womb”. Patent pending. Her female anatomy twists quite literally into her very own “pocket dimension” containing a special womb-like organ capable of converting dark matter into… candy.
Why candy? Well, as the dragon scientist put it, they wanted to test a new technology that could potentially solve world hunger. Dark matter and energy exists in abundance, but no human found a way to use it quite yet. While not infinite, there exists more than can ever be consumed by a tiny bunny.
When Loh mentioned a magical creature existing that could lay candy eggs, it gave the dragon scientist an idea to test how such a thing could exist. And this was his solution. A hidden interdimensional organ that could copy simple candy recipes and convert dark matter into exact edible replicas.
Most foods expire, but candy has a long shelf life. It was the perfect subject to test such a unique biological technology. So, like many times before, Loh was a test subject, as they were many times for other technologies… but at least it turned out fun in the end. Loh couldn’t imagine how such a thing exists inside of them, or rather the pocket dimension she’s attached to? It was still surreal to think about, but ultimately all of it worked to one outcome: Loh is able to turn into a real Easter bunny, that can lay candy eggs at will, and they taste better than any candy that exists!
Over the years, Loh made a hobby of laying as many candy eggs as possible and hiding them in parks for all of her friends to find and enjoy! She loves to make her friends happy, and this was a gift for them! She even found herself always looking forward to turning into a bunny. Being so cute, and a girl, others would look forward to the transformation too! It made her feel… special for once.
Though, Loh did have one question… Why does she still have to lay them??? The eggs!?
“You said Easter bunnies lay candy eggs. What, did you just want them to appear in your hand or something? That makes no sense. This is all an intricate biological process, how would I even get that to work?”
Fair enough dragon scientist friend. Fair enough.
Misc. Easter Bunny Facts
- As a bunny, Loh is roughly the size of a large cat, but cuter.
- It’s impossible to mistake Loh for a regular rabbit. Like, how!?
- The eggs are the size of large chicken eggs, but can vary from baseball size to large marbles.
- Her fur is as soft as the softest minky fabric. Sofffff.
- Her pink fur smells like pomegranates by default, but temporarily changes to the scent of the. last reddish or pinkish fruit she eats. Think strawberries, apples…
- If given multiple candy commands, she will lay them in that order, no eggceptions.
- Her ears are a mystery. Straight up, bent, floppy, how do they work? No one knows.
- She can hear at great distances putting many hunting dog breeds to shame.
- Her favorite egg design is a Togepi egg. She always lays one each Easter at least.
- She can lay “Golden Eggs” to temporarily turn others into bunnies.
- “Bronze” eggs remove that temporary curse immediately.
- Silver eggs are special.
- Eggs she lays around Halloween glow for some reason.
- She has lost count of how many eggs she’s laid over the years. Probably in the tens of thousands.
- Despite having access to semi-infinite candy, she still needs to eat other foods to live. A candy diet would be miserable anyway.
- Since the candy eggs are made of “dark matter” and converted into regular matter, they actually contain no nutritional value whatsoever. But since when was candy eaten for nutrition?
- The eggs are designed specifically to be treats and are not a substitute for food in this way.
- Surprisingly, despite mimicking foods on a semi-molecular level, the candy eggs do not trigger food allergies, so go nuts!
- In early years, laying eggs used to hurt her and make her pass out.
- Now laying eggs is as mechanical and comforting as a quick hug.
- Laying too many eggs at once can still make her pass out.
- Thanks to her big bushy tail and long ears, she can sit like a hen and lay eggs anywhere without others seeing the act.
- She will purposefully give you a concussion by launching an egg at you Yoshi style if you try to watch her lay the egg on purpose. Don’t be weird about it.
- This does not apply to a partner or close friend. But still like, don’t look?
- Rumor has it that there are still eggs hidden from previous Easter events. She can hide them that well!
- Yes, those candy eggs are still good! As long as the candy shell isn’t cracked, the candy won’t expire! They’re similar to honey in that way.
- There’s a way to tell which year an Easter egg was laid. Think tree rings, but less conspicuous 
- She doesn’t know how big her interdimensional womb is and she’s terrified to find out.
- No soul has disliked one of her candy eggs and lived to tell the tale.
- She can make explosive dynamite eggs. This is unrelated to the above fact.
- She’s too afraid to make such eggs for fears of blowing up.
- Her edible eggs are limited to candy recipes she’s eaten herself.
- Other foods can’t be laid because they… Don’t turn out right…
- You cannot force her to lay anything beyond candy.
- Consent is still a factor here, she likes giving people candy eggs so she allows the commands to work. She can ignore “commands” for candy from people that bother her.
- After years of practice, Loh has learned to make a few special eggs for self defense, medical assistance and amusement. She won’t reveal them yet.
- Okay but some medicines are kinda like candy, so some of her eggs can cure sore throats, heal wounds aloe vera gel style and so on.
- The yellow diamonds behind her ears and the one on her back can glow in the dark at will!
- She can make eggs that produce light like a lantern for when she hides them in the dark. The light mysteriously goes out when the egg is broken open to eat.
- Her sharp canines are in fact very sharp. She can and will bite you if you’re mean.
- Her paw pads are super soft and squishy. 
- Her eyes are brown like her human form, the one thing that doesn’t change.
- When not in her Easter bunny form, Loh actually can turn into a few select other creatures too. If that form happens to be female, Loh can lay eggs in that form too! So like, an Easter Pikachu.
- Loh grew up playing Yoshi games and found the whole eggs as a weapon thing very interesting, they have decent aim with their eggs so watch out!
- Why does a seemingly random dragon give Loh her Easter bunny form? It’s just the story canon of her world. Other fantastical creatures exist in her world too you know, she’s just the only candy egg laying bunny to exist. Fire breathing dragons? Check. Rodents that shoot lightning? Check. Portals between worlds? Yep. She fits in just fine in her own way.
- There are more abilities and facts but I can’t think of them right now haha, if you read this far thanks!
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mulderscreek · 2 years
Got any halloween fics, from this year or oldies like this one? At me and It'll reblog you late tonight :D
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Title: The Barest Bones Author: Neoxphile Category: Halloween-fic, Post Series Written for this challenge: https://mulderscreek.tumblr.com/post/659799768649826304/halloween-2007-challenge
Summary: Halloween finds Scully with a mission
October 31, 2007
The small hand in mine is warm. And there's still a brown smear of chocolate on his lips, a reminder of the Hershey bar I'd just given him. I smile down at him. "Come on, Sweetie, we've got to go."
He looks up at me with wide blue eyes, and I am dismayed to see confusion there. I thought we were both on the same page. It doesn't seem to be the case, so I pull him gently to get him moving. He doesn't budge.
"No!" He punctuates this by stomping a small foot so hard that his shock of red hair bounces. The defiance in his expression makes him look so much like Mulder that I almost smile.
"You shouldn't talk like that, young man," I scold, and his eyes threatened tears. Ignoring that, I hurry him past a display of half priced Halloween costumes and out the door. His small black sneakers shred fallen leaves as I drag him out onto the sidewalk.
Eventually I get tired of trying to reason with him, and pick him up. Since he immediately begins to shriek, this makes me angry with him. "Stop that!" Trying not to appear as nervous as I feel, I shoot a woman walking by an apologetic look. She shrugs, so I assume that she has an unruly child too. This doesn't make me feel better, because I don't want anyone thinking I'm a bad mother.
For a six-year-old he has a lot of fight in him, so it's a struggle to get him in the backseat of my new minivan and seat-belted. When I finally wrestle him in he kicks the plastic pumpkin filled with candy off the seat, and the treats scatter on the minivan's floor. Trying not to hiss in annoyance, I sweep my hands across the carpet and capture as much as I can, not caring that I'd managed to snag a wrapper or two as well, and stuff them back into the pumpkin.
I then put the pumpkin in the front seat - if he's going to act like that, I'm not going to let him have any more sugar. Maybe the first candy bar was a mistake. Trying not to stomp like an ill-tempted brute myself, I round the car and climb onto the driver seat.
"Where are we going?" he asks petulantly.
"I want my daddy!" His small fists begin to pound on the window until I still him with a look. My mother would be proud.
"You'll see Daddy soon," I promise, but I don't mean it. Mulder wouldn't understand, so I'm not planning to bring William right home. I have to figure a few things out first. He wasn't there when I realized what's necessary, so he's been slow to accept the inevitable.
I try not to draw attention as I pull out onto the road, because Halloween night often brings out the cops. It's inconvenient to be stopped even if you're let go with a warning, so I'm trying to avoid that. There's no one around to notice when we drive off.
An hour goes by and he and I don't exchange a word. I suppose he's mad at me for taking him out of the store before he was good and ready to leave. That's just too bad. I hate driving at twilight these days, because the October sun has a way of glaring off everything and making it hard to see through the distortion.
Fortunately, twilight passes soon enough, and before I rear-end one of the idiots who slams on the brakes every time the sun gets in their eyes. Since it's getting dark, there are already costumed kids beginning to pour out of their homes, and it will only be a matter of time before they flood the streets. I'll have to dodge them.
A flare of green off to the side of the road catches my eye as I drive by, and I tilt my head to catch sight of a child's glow stick bobbing by, held on a string around their neck. I glance back in the rear view mirror, and decide that William needs one too.
He breaks from giving me the silent treatment by shouting, "Look out!"
Startled, I turn my eyes back to the road in front of me. I have no idea why he spotted it first, but I nearly nail a small black kitten with the front wheels of my car. Swerving at the last second, I'm able to correct and the feline rockets across the street like his tail is on fire.
"Eight lives now," the child behind me murmurs.
"They don't really have nine lives, William," I say quietly. My distraction is beginning to make me feel guilty, because it's far too obvious that my mind is not as fully on the road as it ought to be.
"Don't call me that," he snaps.
I wonder then what they've been calling him. Will? Willie? Billy? Surely not Bill. He's only a small boy, and my brother's choice of nickname is far too grown up for the boy in my car.
"Why don't I see if there's some Halloween music on?" I ask. Before long I find a station playing The Monster Mash. Once, when he was seven, Charlie created a dance to the song for a school play. Our mom taped it, though in pre-camcorder days the films had no sound, and I find myself wondering what happened to my folks' collection of home movies after Dad died.
While the song played William giggles reluctantly, but soon enough it's over. An announcement about a code Adam comes on next, so I flick the dial. "We don't want to listen to the news, do we?" Eventually Sam the Sham came on, and we're both amused by the wolf howls. At least I think it's shared amusement.
The news that some parents out there are missing their child has shaken me more than I want to admit, and I still am not driving as carefully as I ought to be. So when a sign advertising a haunted house rises up ahead, it seems like a godsend.
"Let's go there. It looks scary," I say with false cheer. A break from driving is what we both need.
"Already scared," comes the muttered reply.
That's disheartening. Mulder is never scared, and, short of perps breaking into my home, I rarely have been. Why has our boy turned out to be a scaredy cat? Perhaps braveness isn't something that gets passed along in genes.
Maybe he just needs toughening up. "It'll be fun."
To my surprise he doesn't need to be dragged out of the minivan. Instead he comes along, hesitantly, but on his own two feet.
There's already a crowd waiting to go in, so I clamp my hand to his wrist so there is no chance that we'll get separated. Not that there is much danger of that, given the way he cringes against my legs every time a person in a mask comes within ten feet of us. If he's this scared in line...
"I think we should go home," he whispers urgently a second after I take our tickets.
"We will. You're going to like my apartment." I hope he will, anyway. Mulder and I had had a huge fight about how I'd decorated William's room.
"I don't want to go to your apartment. I want to go home!"
Just then a clown races by, wielding an axe. I pull William behind me, but he still gives a shriek of terror.
It takes two long minutes before he's calmed down enough to speak to. "You're going to live with me now, William, I thought you understood that."
"Stop calling me William! My name is Nicholas!" he shouts at me, his face nearly as red as his hair. "My name is Nicholas Turner!"
"Sweetie, that might be what your adopted parents told you-" I start to say, but he cuts me off in a rush.
"I'm not adopted. I look just like my dad, with his red hair. And I'm left-handed like him too."
That doesn't mean anything, I tell myself. There are lots of left-handed kids who have two right-handed parents like Mulder and I. There's no reasoning with a boy that age, though. "That's no way to talk to your mother."
"You're not my mother! I'm eight now, and my mother died when I was six. And you're not her!" With that, William turns, breaks free of my grip and runs deeper into the structure.
I follow after him, but slower. A single father. I suppose that explains why it was so easy to take him from the store. Not that anyone ever questions a red-haired woman and child, even if that child is screaming. It used to exasperate me to no end growing up that people would ask of every other redhead we knew "are you related?" But now I've found a use for that inability to tell us apart.
But I think of his father now. If he'd been truly loved, even a single man would have kept an eye on him, not let him wander the store. Not let him take candy from a stranger, and hold her hand.
And that's what I am, I realize as I side-step a screaming ghoul. This boy is too old to be my William, and there's no way to make him into him. It's not the first disappointment, the first one was too young. And a her, I discovered when I changed her diaper. But she'd looked so much like William as I watched her doze in the seat of a shopping carriage. She even had the same sweater I'd once put on William.
I think Mulder brought her back to the store. Maybe he put her in the same carriage I'd taken her from. I suppose she eventually found way home.
Not like my little lost boy.
Mulder doesn't think we'll ever find him again, and he starts talking about hospitals every time I bring it up, ever since then. I'm smarter than that, and I didn't tell him when I found William this time. He has no idea where I am, and that suits me just fine.
Borne along by despair for having failed a second time, I finish walking through the haunted house. None of the people in costumes scare me at all, because I've seen true monsters in the past fifteen years. Some of them left their scars, but all have left marks. Enough to bruise my soul.
Though it's not frightening I feel a kinship of a kind to the fake skeleton hanging from the rafters of the haunted house near the exit, so I linger to study it, ignoring the screams of over-excited teenagers that are finding the frights I didn't. It's not the sort that would be accepted as a substitute for the real thing in a medical class, but it's pretty close. All it lacks is artful artificial sinew holding it together. It could be me hanging there.
After five years on the run I've been pared down to the barest bones. I lost Dana years ago, but even Scully was striped away piece by piece as we've fled one danger after another. We're still not safe, and I've littered seven states with the remnants of myself.
I know that Mulder is trying so hard to understand, but his whole life has been chaos, so for him it's just been one more time into the breech. I wasn't built to withstand a world turned on its end, a life of sucking maelstrom, and I'm struggling. I think the fact that I realize this is what scares Mulder the most. His own forays into madness have always run into him head first, but for me it's a slow seduction. I fight it, but sometimes it's like a lover you know you should leave, but talk yourself out of fleeing.
I decide to leave the boy there. Someone will bring him home. He's not what I need. I find a car with the keys in it, and leave my minivan in trade.
There are screams as I leave the parking lot, but when I get a tenth of a mile away I can't hear them any more. All I hear is the pound of my sadden heart. It's a slow steady rhythm, and it promises to keep going forward longer than I'm sure I want to commit to.
How long can anyone go on this way, shivering without their skin?
It's full dark now, and small shapes rush past my vehicle, clinging for dear life to bags of candy. I smile to see them, and think back to when I was them in my life. That's a bit of lost Dana trailing after the big kids. She'll never catch up.
The headlights of my car lighten up a lone figure. He's too young to be out alone on a night like this. When I see the red of his hair lit up like the sun, I pull the car over and draw the plastic pumpkin full of candy onto my lap.
The End
End Note: Mulder is easy to imagine losing his mind, but I think Scully would be less inclined to fall into madness' embrace. Everyone has their breaking point, though. Five years on the run just might be hers.
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