#candy writes mcga
bazzledazzled · 7 years
Fierrochase au where Alex dyes Magnus's hair
OKAY SO i saw this post by @alexfierrolover and I literally had to write it with this prompt for april fools day. *looks at clock* welp, I got 20 let do this.
“ALEX FIERRO!” Magnus roars, bursting out of his room, the door hitting the wall with a bang. Everyone walking the halls of floor 19 stopped in their tracks, their attention turning to the boy framed in the doorway of his room, his blonde hair tinged with blue, his face red with furry. Someone was in trouble. 
“ALLLLEEEEXXXX,” Magnus calls, stomping down the hall to Alex’s room. He slams his fist against the wooden door, practically splintering it, due to his einherjar strength. The few people who just so happened to be passing by back away, their eyes wide with small grins spreading across their lips. Someone was going to die. 
“What do you want, Maggie,” Alex says, opening the door and rolling her eyes. She’s looking anywhere but his head, a laugh being restrained as she bites her lips. 
“You know exactly what I want, Alex,” he says, glaring daggers at her. 
“I have no idea–” she looks up into his face, and erupts into a fit of giggles, falling on the floor with laughter. 
“Allllllleeeeeeeeexxxxxxx,” Magnus says, exasperated. Shakily, she gets up, wiping tears from her eyes as she tries to gain control of herself. 
“Ahhh sorry I just….” she grins. “It turned out better than I expected.” Magnus scowls.
“So you admit it. You dyed my hair blue.” Alex snorts.
“Blue, which you know is my least favourite colour?” Alex snickers, which causes Magnus to throw his hands up in annoyance. 
“Please tell me you can get rid of it.”
“Sure…. but you have to make it the end of the day.”
“But–” Alex grabs Magnus’ shirt and presses her lips to his.
“Happy April Fools, darling.” 
this may as well be the shortest thing i have ever written
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Alex makes Magnus some pottery but somehow Magnus's room ends up covered in clay...
Okay super duper sorry that this took so long to get out to youuu!!! Also, I hope you don’t mind but I decided to write some headcanons???? Ye…..
• Okay so Alex did something that made Magnus rlly mad
• And that has to be rlly bad bc Magnus doesn’t rlly get mad at ppl
• They aren’t talking
• The floor 19 crew is v worried
• Nobody has any idea what to doAlex decides to take her anger out on her pottery
• She angrily shapes clay and throws pots
• Bc she was so close to finally getting together with Magnus and she ruined it
• She lost his trust
• She throws another pot
• She crumples on the ground, running her hands through her green hair and getting clay pieces stuck in it but she doesn’t care
• Magnus hates her now
• So ye she kinda gets rlly sad bc he felt like a real friend and… at the same time… she wanted something more…
• She wanted to be with him
• But now it was all messed up
• Somehow, as she’s thinking this something starts to form under her hands??
• Idk what maybe a giant tree or something idk
• But when it’s finished
• Wow
• Um
• Okay
• So like she has this amazing piece and somehow she gets it in her mind that she NEEDS to give it to Magnus??? So she spends all this time painting it with glaze and making sure it’s perfect and loses a ton of sleep
• So beep bop boop eventually one day after Magnus already left for breakfast she sneaks into his room
• And she puts the thing somewhere he could see it and has a little apology note or whatever and she feels so embarrassed about it
• But the thing is she hasnt washed up since she was working with the clay
• And she tracked clay bits all offer his room and every surface she touched had a smudge
• And the area around the sculpture/tree was filthy with it considering how much she readjusted it
• But Alex doesn’t have much time to clean it up so she walks out of the room hurriedly and goes back to her own room, waiting anxiously
• Magnus sees it when he walks in and like oh my gods what is this?
• And his room has so much clay bits on it and WAIT….
• He sees the sculpture
• And it’s a magnificent thingy
• And he reads Alex’s note
• And my gods the fact that she did all this….
• Magnus.exe has stopped working
• He goes to her room
• And hugs her
• And then kinda admits maybe it wasn’t that he HATED her exactly he was just… confused…
• And ye
• Okay
Lol these probably suck but I hope you enjoy frien!!!! ❤️️💙❤️️
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Fierrochase :)
who hogs the duvet?
Alex. And Magnus is forced to stay cold bc he wants to keep his head and does not think cuddling unexpectedly with Alex will go over well….
who texts/rings to check how their day is going?
Magnus cuz he wants attention and Alex hardly ever realizes she got a text from him until like 1am when he’s asleep
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts?
who gets up first in the morning?
Magnus. He then proceeds to wander around bored out of his mind until Alex wakes up. (but tbh he gets up at like 11am and she gets up at 1pm so…..)
who suggests new things in bed?
who cries at movies?
Magnus tries so hard…. and so badly fails…. but its okay bc Alex sometimes cries too (NEVER bring up Dobby in their house)
who gives unprompted massages?
Well…. Magus is afraid of Alex killing him again so….
who fusses over the other when they’re sick?
Magnus bc he’s the healer therefore he should play doctor
who gets jealous easiest?
Magnus bc he’s slightly insecure and thinks that Alex is going to find some other guy who’s 4190485701 times better and leave him so…..
who has the most embarrassing taste in music?
Magnus probably…..
who collects something unusual?
Eh nothing rlly. I mean maybe occasionally Magnus collects some of the pots Alex discards…..
who takes the longest to get ready?
who is the most tidy and organised?
Magnus maybe????
who gets most excited about the holidays?
Alex is lowkey excited but refuses to admit it and Magnus just gets rlly happy
who is the big spoon/little spoon?
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?
Alex? Alex.
who starts the most arguments?
Alex I think????
who suggests that they buy a pet?
Magnus bc he rlly wants a dog but Alex has had bad experiences with dogs (one chewed up her sneakers)
what couple traditions they have?
“Maggie you wouldn’t want me chopping your head off again, would you?” 
Magnus: *shivers*
what tv shows they watch together?
@alexfierrno this one’s for you. Yuri On Ice probably honestly. 
what other couple they hang out with?
BLITZSTONE AND SAM AND AMIR (is that how u spell it?)
how they spend time together as a couple?
Eh Alex tries to teach Magnus pottery i guess???
who made the first move?
Alex…. and then Magnus pretty much has been very awestruck ever since
who brings flowers home?
Allllllleeeeexxx! She says they’re for her
who is the best cook?
Neither. They go to Hearth’s and Blitz’s place where Hearth has the most amazing meal made in history XDD
send me a ship and i’ll answer these questions!!!
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
First date, Magnus and Alex
Ahhh yaasss!!! :DDD
Honestly? Alex didn’t know what to expect when she decided to put Magnus out of his misery and asked him to be her boyfriend. Honestly, she should’ve  known when his face lit up, brighter than the sun. She should’ve known  when he grabbed her hand from underneath the table at breakfast, blushing like the adorable nerd he was.
But she didn’t know, which means she’s in for the biggest surprise of her life.
It started when none other than Magnus Chase showed up at her door, fidgeting with the helm of his sweatshirt, not meeting her eyes. He opened his mouth and what came out was just barely words.
“OkaysoIwasthinkingearlieraboutstuffandIrealisedthatwe’veneveractuallybeenonadateand–” Sometimes, even when Magnus tried to give off the impression that he was fearless, he got worked up like this. The first time it happened, a sort of mini panic attack, Alex didn’t know how to calm him down, how to help him. It broke her heart in ways she couldn’t even explain. But now she could help him, even when it got worse than this.
“Magnus. Stop. Take a deep breath….” Magnus does what she says, letting the oxygen return to his lungs.
“Now. Tell me what you came to say slowly,” Alex says, emphasising the last word. Sometimes, Magnus said twenty words a minute, and he didn’t realize it. It made Alex giggle in a way she never wanted to again. 
“Alex Fierro… Will you go on a date with me?” Frick. He did it in that innocent voice like a two year old asking their mom for a cookie paired with the puppy eyes. Oh gods, kill her now.
Magnus clears his throat, letting her know he was still there. She realises she’s been staring at a plant, her jaw open wide. She looks back into his marvelous grey eyes, her heart stuttering. Stupid feelings.
She smiles at him, sunshine lighting in her heart.
“Sure!” she says. And oh gods…. his smile is the best thing that has ever happen to her. 
When Magnus said “date,” Alex assumed it would be something lame and stereotypical, like a movie or just grabbing a cup of coffee at the cafe down the street. But no. She should’ve known Magnus Chase would strive for more.
“Magnus. Where are you taking me?” He smirks.
“You’ll see.” They round the corner and stop in front of an abandoned building. Alex looks at Magnus, confused.
“Did you take me here to kill me?” she says, sounding deeply concerned. 
“You’re already dead,” Magnus says.
“Did you take me here to kill me?” Alex repeats. Magnus shakes his head, giggling a little.
“No. At least, I hope not.” Alex nods her head. 
“Well that still doesn’t explain why we are here.”
“It’s a surprise,” Magnus says giddily. 
“But we’re already here. It’s  not a secret that you’re taking me to an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere.”
“Just…. let’s go inside.”
“Are you kidding me? That place is haunted,” Alex says, eyeing it warily.
“What? You scared?” He wiggles his eyebrows. She slaps his arm.
“No. I just don’t want to be that girl.”
“What girl?
The one who goes in a haunted building because her boyfriend says it’ll be fun and then they die. Gods haven’t you seen Supernatural?” Magnus snorts. 
“You know I don’t watch all that creepy junk you watch. Plus, it’s not haunted. I checked.”
“Awwwww you do love me!” Magnus blushes. He tentatively grabs Alex’s hand and brings her inside. It’s dark. 
“Well isn’t this room lovely,” she says sarcastically. “Black. My favourite colour.”
“I thought it was green.”
“Shut up Maggie that’s not the point.” He let’s go of her hands.
“Magnus? I swear if you’re going to kill me I will not hesitate to chop your head off like I did last Friday–” the lights flicker to life, illuminating the room, revealing…. oh gods.
The room is something that should be ugly and old like the rest of the building, but someone transformed it into something…. how do you describe it? Beautiful? Artistic? Lovely? Obviously, a lot of work went into it.
It’s a mural. A mural of Norse mythology is painted directly onto the wall, slowly fading away as it drifts onto the other walls. In the center is a large tree, it’s willowy branches curving and spiraling up and up, curling onto the ceiling. It was as if it was actually alive, making the room smell like forest and rain. Around the tree are animals, their features set in ferocious ways. Alex could practically hear their growls.
And in the center of the room was a pottery wheel. A pottery wheel. Not some cheap-o one that Alex has been trying to use for ages but a real life one. There where shelves stocked with paintbrushes and easels and all kinds of clay carving instruments. Tucked in a corner where stools and just…. it was an art room. It was better than she could’ve ever imagine. She walked over to her wall, pressing her hand to the painting, feeling the bumps from all the different brush strokes. 
“Did you…. did you paint this?” Alex asks. Magnus bites his lip, then nods his head. 
“Oh my gods….”
“What? Is it bad?” He’s playing with the helm of his sweatshirt again. 
“Magnus it’s…. beautiful.” That wasn’t a word that Alex threw around often. The word “beautiful” was meant to be saved for a time you really meant it, or else it wouldn’t be special anymore. That was why Magnus’s face lit up like a paper held over a match, bubbling joy spreading across his lips. Gods it was cute. 
“You-you think so?” he says shyly. Obviously he hasn’t shown many people his artwork. Alex turns to him, so he can see the absolute seriousness on her face, an expression that wasn’t there often.
“It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Magnus looked at the floor, obviously trying to hide a blush. 
“I was just thinking that…. you know…. maybe you wanted to have an art studio or something….” Alex gets a wide grin on her face that let’s you know that you made her happy. The purest of happiness. 
She rushes forward and throws her arms around Magnus, who puts his hands out in surprise. Hesitantly, he puts them around her. 
“Thank you,” she whispers in his ear. It sends chills down his back. She pulls away, looking around, seeming to try and figure out what to do first. Her eyes light up with child like glee that tells Magnus that he did the right thing. Thank the gods for once he did the right thing. 
“Will you teach me how to paint?” she says, practically bouncing. Magnus giggles. 
“Only if you’ll teach me how to make a pot.”
In the end, neither of them succeeded in trying out the other’s talent. Magnus’ pot looked like a blob and Alex ended up getting frustrated with the painting and messing it up entirely. But either way, they had fun doing it, music blaring in the background, (they both had the same taste. Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco) and laughter bubbling in their throats. The rhythmic pattern of brushstrokes and and moving their hands up and down the vase soothed them and they let their lips crack into broad grins as they realised that they where meant to be. 
How’s that anon? U like?? :DD
Send me a word + a ship and I’ll make a fanfic out of it
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Magnus looked up at Alex and smiled. "I'll see you in my room," and winked, before his eyes rolled back into his skull and he died.
“Magnus you’re a frickin idiot. I told you not to poke the sleeping dragon,” Alex says, dropping his body to the ground and facing a very angry dragon. Technically speaking, it was Alex’s fault, but that’s not important. Magnus was the one that poked the dragon when she said “hey bet you can’t poke that sleeping dragon.” Idiot. 
Well now she had the problem of fire and, in case you haven’t noticed? Fire still hurts like Hel and it’ll ruin her new sweater vest. Yeah no. That’s not gonna happen.
Alex ran her fingers through her green hair and transformed into a wolf, running to the side just as the dragon let out a breath of fire, scorching the ground where she was. She then charged at it, claws scratching at scales trying to get it to stop. There wasn’t much that she could do to stop it, but it was chained up. Maybe if she just got far enough away……
She ran like the wind, her paws thumping on the ground underneath her. Her heart was racing and the wind rushing through her fur made her feel as if she was walking on air. She let out a howl of joy, and then she was just out of it’s reach. She turned back into a person and giggled, sticking her tongue out at the dragon. It looked annoyed as it blew a wisp of fire, which caught on Alex’s hair. She frantically patted it out and glared at the dragon, that seemed to be chuckling.
“I’ll get you later. I have a date.” And she ran back up to floor 19, where she bursted into Magnus’ room. He still wasn’t there yet. She took the time to look around the room, which was mostly empty. Except….. what was that peaking out from under the pillow?
She pulls it out, now curious. It’s a plain old notebook, battered with yellow pages. Tenderly, Alex opened it, wondering what could possibly be in it. Photographs started to spill out, some of them falling on the floor. Some of them where of Magnus and a woman that looked a lot like him. Some were younger versions of him and what she could only guess was his cousin Annabeth. Some were just things you might catch if you had an eye for photography, which he obviously did and then….
There where pictures of her. Some of them where kooky selfies they took together with a disposable camera they found. Some of them where taken with the professional camera that she, Sam, Hearth, and Blitz gathered the money to get for him. It was her in the green and pink checkered dress that Magnus bought her one year for Christmas. One had her fingers clutched tightly around a mug of hot coco as she flashed a toothy grin at Magnus. There was sneaky shots taken when she wasn’t looking. There was one, and only one stuck to the page. 
There wasn’t anything extraordinary about it. It was just a normal, everyday shot of her with her messy hair at breakfast, practically falling asleep on herself. But, right next to the picture, is a short little message in his abnormally beautiful handwriting. It said, “To the girl who will never understand how much beauty she radiates.” Her heart clenches.
“What,” Magnus says, bolting up. He looks over at her. 
“Hey Alex!” he says joyfully, as always. For once, she’s at a loss for words. He tilts his head.
“You romantic little shit,” she says with a chuckle. 
“Wha–” She grabs the helm of his green Hotel Valhalla shirt and pulls him toward her, planting a kiss on his lips. She drops him just as suddenly as she grabbed him. 
“What the–”
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Now shut up Maggie. You made me late for dinner.”
Start a fanfic in my inbox and I’ll finish it 
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Okay 1st of all I am super duper sorry this took literally forever to get out to you Allie!!!!! Okay so I’m finnally just finishing this off i have been working on this forever and it has NOT been helping that it keeps getting deleted. But here’s sum headcanons frien!!!! :D
Okay so I was thinking and I had this rlly amazing idea that Hearth is an author
Okay like srsly that boy can write
So idk if any of y’all had experience with this, but I find that it’s actually a LOT easier to write in cafes like Starbucks and stuff
Idk the whole atmosphere kinda just sets the mood
And there are a lot less distractions
Plus u can get all the hot beverages u like so…..
So ye as u kinda guessed Hearth goes into a small run down coffee shop every day after work (lol I was just thinking he probably works at a school or something maybe as something small or something like a janitor or one of the ppl that serve the kids lunch and most ppl don’t pay attention to him but the highlight of his day is seeing Magnus, Sam, and Alex at the school and talking to them (fight me on this)) and he just sits and writes in the little coffee shop. If he has enough money, he’ll get a small coffee or something but really he’s just there bc it’s the only place that get’s him into the creative mood
Now let’s get to the good stuff
So Blitzen’s family (actually mostly just him and his mom Freya) owns the coffee shop and stuff
Blitzen usually isn’t there much bc he has another part time job at a vintage clothing store or something idk
But ye so one day Hearth is at the coffee shop and literally before he even walked into the door he was writing bc my gods an idea has been itching at him all day as soon as he left he started writing and he was pretty much just writing in his notebook as he walked down to the cafe (it rlly close to the school and the cafe is close to his house)
Soooo y’know he’s walking into the cafe and his head is bent low over his notebook that’s pretty much falling apart
And like, if u aren’t paying attention u kinda can run into ppl
So he’s writing
And he runs full into another man who is shorter than him
Now his hands are frantically moving in an apology and both of them dropped a ton of papers and Hearth is desperately trying to clean them up
Now Blitzen doesn’t know sign language, keep in mind
So he’s trying to talk to Hearth but Hearth doesn’t say anything and he has no idea why he won’t say anything
Hearth gives him back his papers and tries to rush away but more embarrassingly um…. his already loose scarf catches on Blitz’s satchel
Oh gods he’s blushing SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD
So ye um he hurriedly grabs his stuff and leaves Blitz and Blitz goes to his job away from the cafe trying not to think about how handsome the tall stranger was
(Hearth is also having these thoughts but he doesn’t have time to think about them BC HE NEEDS TO WRITE LIKE RIGHT NOW OKAY)
Okay so Hearth opens the notebook
And he isn’t met with writing
Or black and white
He is met with a ton of bright colours
there is literally no lines on the page at all
Bc it isn’t his notebook with his story
Its a book full of fashion designs
SO um ya I mean, Hearth finds himself falling in love with the designs but he doesn’t know how he will get his notebook back so he’s kinda like “oh schnitzel” and knows that the handsome stranger has his book
Meanwhile, Blitz doesn’t notice until he gets back to the coffee shop that evening and opens his book to color the dress he was designing
Now ofc he confused but he starts reading
And like y’know how u can kinda tell what a person is like through writing???? Like I mean i guess y’all can tell im super uber weird from what I write and ye you kinda get a feel of what the person is and who they are
So like not only does Blitz fall in love with the characters and the writing style but he falls in love with the person behind the words and frick he’s in love with a random person that he doesn’t even know who it is
Now the next day Blitz stays at the coffee shop all day to see if anyone is looking for the book
And he knows that they probably have his book bc they both look the same
And when he thinks about it more he realizes it’s probably Hearth who has it
And then he dies bc wow Heart is hot as hell
His mom thinks that something is wrong with him
But he’s just a lovesick puppy
And then finnally after work Hearth comes into the coffee shop and him and Blitz lock eyes
Blitz immediately walks up to him and holds out the notebook
“I think we grabbed the wrong one,” he says with a laugh
Hearth grabs the book, blushing and gives Blitz his
Then Blitz asks if he wants to talk or something but ofc Hearth doesn’t hear him
And Blitz is trying to get his attention and then grabs his arm
Hearth looks up blushing rlly hard
Hearth reads his lips and knows he’s saying “You want me to get you a coffee?” Hearth nods his head
Blitz makes them both sum coffee and they both sit at the back of the room
Blitz starts talking about how much he loves what Hearth wrote and Hearth can read his lips (kinda. they’re moving a little too fast) and he blushes rlly hard. Then, he grabs his notebook and flips to a blank page.
He writes, “Thank you. YOu have no idea how much that means to me,” he shows it to Blitz, who smiles, but looks a little confused. Hearth catches it
“Sorry. This is the only way I can communicate,” he writes. Blitz smiles and grabs his own notebook.
“That’s fine.” Hearth smiles
THey continue talking like that till the cafe closes
And the next day
and the next
and the next
he goes home one day like rlly lovestruck
then he has a brilliant idea
guess what this amazing person does :))))
and there’s one specific phrase he’s trying to learn ;) ;) ;)
So fast forward to the next day
They sit at their usual table with their usual coffee and such
They start to write back and forth like they usually do
Blitz signs something to Hearth
“Will you go out with me?”
Hearth is so excited he almost cries
bc to think that someone would go out of their way like that to do that for him
gods just help my poor son
Ofc he says yes
tbh even if he didn’t like Blitz he probably would’ve said yes just bc Blitz went out of his way to do that for him
And oh gods the smile that cracks on Blitz’s face is enough to light a thousand cities
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Beatrice (fierrochase) + dog
There is always two things that should never be put together unless you want massive destruction. An example of this is vinegar and bleach that when mixed together create a toxic chlorine gas. Another is giving Magnus Chase a dog. 
Technically Alex didn’t give him a dog. He came into Hotel Valhalla holding a little pitbull puppy and both of them looked at her with that look that could make you say yes to anything. Alex should’ve known when they both looked at each other with a troublemaking gaze that this was not going to end well for her, but alas, she didn’t realise until she woke up one morning to find her pink high tops ripped to shreds. She grabbed them by their wet, ruined laces, her mouth hanging open. The dog sat in front of her, it’s tongue hanging out and it’s tail wagging. 
“MAGNUS CHASE,” she yells, waking up all of floor 19. She stomps out of her room, the shoes dangling in her grasp. She plants herself in front of the door to Magnus’ room and bangs her fist on it as hard as she can. Magnus opens the door wide, his blond hair a mess and his eyes barely able to stay open.
“What is it Aleeexxx,” he whines, “I was sleeping.”
“YOUR DOG,” she roars, “ATE MY SHOES,” she says, dangling the ruined mess in his face. 
“Oh,” is all he says. 
“They’re just shoes Alex–”
“I didn’t know–”
“Whatever. Just get that dog under control or I’m kicking it out.”
“Okay?” Alex turned on her heel, walking away with anger radiating off of her like the thunder in a storm. To be honest, it scared Magnus. He sunk to the floor, and the dog jumped into his arms, looking at him with it’s tail wagging. Magnus let out a chuckle. 
“It’ll be fine. You just did a very bad thing,” Magnus says, pointing a finger at the dog. It started to nibble on his finger.
“If only there was a way to make it up to her……” Then, Magnus’ eyes lit up as an evil idea started to cackle in his mind. 
Alex was awoken the next morning when something heavy jumped on her chest. 
“What the fri–” She opens her eyes to see big brown ones in front of her’s 
“Ughhhh,” she groaned, sitting up.
“You again,” she said to the dog, ready to push it off. It deposited something in her lap. 
“Wha–” she looked down to see what it was, hoping it wasn’t a dead bird. But it wasn’t. Sitting there where her pink high tops, everything the exact same up to the last sharpie mark. Everything was the exact same, almost perfect, except they weren’t as dirty.
“MAGNUS FRICKIN CHASE.” He crept the door open. 
“Get over here,” she demanded, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Magnus nervously walked over to her. She stood up so that she didn’t have to look up at him, then threw herself at him, hugging him. He stumbled a little, then caught himself, absolutely shocked with her reaction. 
“Thank you,” she breathed. A smile quirked at his lips.
“Of course. It was the least I could do.”
lol is it bad that i searched what chemicals make explosions when writing this??? XD
Put a word + a ship in my inbox and I’ll write a fanfic
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bazzledazzled · 7 years
Chapter 61
Oops guess who wrote more fanfiction for Alek and Katie??? @alexfierrno
“Oh thank the gods,” Katie said, burying her face in the pillows on the cloudlike bed in the center of the room. Alek followed soon behind, sitting on the end of the bed.
“I feel like sleeping for a hundred years.”
“You can do that later. We have to go get food with the others,” Alek reminds her. Katie groans, sitting up. Both of them looked tired, considering they just had to walk through hell and back to find out who Melanie was. Katie wrinkled her nose.
“My clothes smell like death. I’m going to go change,” she says, grabbing her bag and heading into the bathroom. After a few minutes she came back out, looking mostly the same in her orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, blue cardigan, and jeans. Alek looked up from the TV, which she was messing with in an attempt to find a good show to pass the next 15 minutes.
“Anything good?” Katie asks, taking a seat beside her. Agitated, Alek clicks the TV off.
“No. Just a bunch of boring stuff.” Katie sticks her tongue out in a way that Alek had to admit was pretty adorable. She looked around the room, as if looking for something to do. Alek had no idea what she was planning, considering the run down hotel room didn’t even have a single notepad. Then, her eyes landed on the small bag lying on the bed, a small grin spreading across her lips as she lunged for it.
“What are you doing?” Alek asks curiously as Katie opens the bag, rummaging through it. She holds up a finger as she continues to dig through extra clothes, nectar and ambrosia, and countless of other necessities. Then, she pulls out a book victoriously, holding it up with a happy glint in her eye. Alek leaned forward, catching the yellow and blue cover with big black letters forming the title. She gasps.
“You brought Carry On?” Alek says, a small smile spreading across her lips. Katie scoffs.
“And here I was thinking you knew me.” Alek snorts, then puts a hand over her mouth self-consciously, but Katie just laughs along with her, pushing her long hair over her shoulder.
“Well…. Do you want me to read it?” Alek smiles a real smile. She’s been doing a lot more of those since she met Katie.
“Shall we start at the most legendary moment?” Katie asks. Alek laughs.
“Of course. Where else?” Katie flips the pages, the rough paper sliding through her fingers as the smell of books wrapped around her like a warm hug. Her copy was starting to fall apart, its pages yellowing with age and smelling sweeter than newer books. But she wouldn’t trade it for anything. This was her favourite book of all time, and now she could share the wonderful experience that was chapter 61 with Alek, the one thing she probably loved more than this book.
Katie cleared her throat, scooting closer to Alek so that their legs touched, and then began reading from the moment the scene began to start, all the way in the last couple pages of chapter 60. After she finished a page, she felt Alek move beside her so that her head was resting on her shoulder, peering at the words lined on the page, fitting against her like a piece of a puzzle. It made her cheeks heat up, trickles of light starting to come off of them. It caused Alek to laugh her flustered sort of laugh that made Katie’s heart through somersaults. Nobody has ever made her felt that way. Nobody.
When the point of view changed, Alek surprised her by speaking first, reading the first line. She played with her voice, acting out the different characters and nailing the British accents. It changed Katie’s whole perspective of the book, making her fall in love with it, and Alek, even more.
Then… they got to the part. Alek’s smooth voice read over the words slowly, taking time to announce each and every word. Katie looked at her, a smile curling at her lips, her heart feeling like a raging inferno. There is nothing more that she wants to do than–
“‘I just want to kiss him, then go,’” Alek reads. Katie sits up a little, turning ever so slightly, facing Alek. A strand of hair falls over her face, and before she can reach to push it back, Katie does it for her, electricity cackling through her fingers as she lets her fingers linger. Alek looks up for a moment, then reads: “‘“Simon,” I say. And then he kisses me.’”
Then, Katie puts her other hand on the side of Alek’s face, tilting it up ever so slightly, their eyes meeting. They’re so close that Katie can feel Alek’s hot breath on her skin, sending shivers through her. The book drops to the floor as they both lean in, their eyes starting to flutter closed. And then, when their lips are just inches apart, Katie whispers so softly Alek can barely hear it, “Can I….?” Alek nods her head anxiously, her heart hammering in her chest with the closeness. She reaches shaky fingers towards Katie, leaning in, her eyes closing and Katie leaned forward and…
They were kissing. They molded together like two pieces of wax, becoming one as Katie fists her hands in Alek’s hair and Alek ran her fingers through Katie’s. It was as soft as silk, just as she would expect it to be. She kissed her tenderly, in a way that made her feel like a supernova. Now she knew what it was all about. Now she knew why people spent years and years finding the person they clicked with, because nothing was better than the feeling sparking inside Alek’s chest.
Then, there is a knock at the door, causing them to jump apart, both of their faces red and looking guilty. Heart still feeling like it would explode out of her chest, Katie stood up, brushing imaginary dust off her jeans in an attempt to calm the fire raging within her. That was my first kiss.
Taking a deep breath, she smiled at Alek, her throat feeling choked up with love, and made her way to the door, Alek following close behind, attempting to fix her messy hair.
When Katie opened the door, it was just Nico.
“There you two are! We were supposed to meet ten minutes ago! C’mon we’re going to McDon–WOW Alek what have you been doing?” he says, catching Alek hovering behind Katie. She blushes, messing with her hair more, running her fingers through it.
“N-nothing. I was just taking a nap.” He looks between her and Katie, obviously catching her lie. Then a smirk spreads across his lips.
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bazzledazzled · 7 years
Always and Forever
Lol guess who decided to write fanfiction for me and @alexfierrno‘s OCs? Though technically I guess it’s not fanfiction since we made up the characters but that’s not important XDD
So here’s an AU where Katie and Alek have been friends since they were kids and are now in high school and Alek is dealing with her mega crush on Katie
“Yes Katie?”
“I think…. I think I might be in love.” Alek sat up from where she was lying on her bed, looking up at Katie and searching for clues, but alas her face betrayed nothing.
“What makes you say that?”
“It’s just…. I can’t stop thinking about them and….”
“I don’t know what to do.” Katie’s usually smiling face showed a hint of sadness. It made Alek’s heart wrench in pain.
“Hey. It’ll be okay, Katie,” Alek says, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. Katie found her usual spot in the crook of Alek’s shoulder, leaning into her trustfully. It made Alek’s heart race faster and faster, her face creeping with heat and betraying her feelings. The past two years have been absolute hell as she watched Katie mix and mingle with different groups of people, and become quite the flirt. Sure, she was still the shy and awkward girl Alek knew, but now she was desperate to find some sort of romance in her life, and it suddenly made Alek…. sad. She never understood why, but as soon as Katie went on her first date, the truth suddenly crashed into her like a bullet train.
She was in love. Every time their fingertips brushed Alek longed to grab her hand, twining her rough guitarist fingers through her own. Whenever she smiled Alek felt like the room warmed a hundred degrees and she often found herself daydreaming in class of blonde curls and freckled cheeks. And every moment she spent with her, every sleepover they had and every movie they went to, she found herself falling deeper and deeper, listening to her laugh as if it were music and trying to impress her so that maybe, just maybe, she could be good enough for the sun that was Katie.
“Who is it?” Alek asks, trying to pull her mind from far off fantasies. She already knew that Katie would never think of her…. In that way. They were just friends. Just friends.
“I guess someone I didn’t realize I appreciated so much until now. They’ve…. Always been there for me, no matter what and…. Oh god they’re probably one of the most beautiful human beings on the planet like…. Wow. And I think I trust them more than I’ve trusted anyone before and… I don’t know. I’ll shut up now you probably don’t want to hear this mess,” Katie says, closing her eyes tight as her cheeks glow a bright red. Something about her words stung Alek, making her almost feel…. Jealous. It was not a pleasant feeling.
“Who is it?” Alek says again, “That guy you were flirting with in science class?” Katie wrinkles her nose in disgust.
“Ew. That wasn’t flirting. Plus…. Who said it was a guy?” Katie’s now bright scarlet, but the words are still ringing in her ears. Who said it was a guy?
“Are you….?” Alek whispers, not quite trusting herself to form the words.
“Gay? 120 percent.” Alek’s breath catches, her heart seeming to beat faster and faster. Katie moves away from her.
“Why? Does that bother you?”
“N-no it’s great,” Alek says, smiling. Her mind is moving in a million different directions.
“Oh thank god. I was….. A little worried….” Alek nods, biting her lip. She is very aware of how close Katie is and how if she reached forward just a little….
Alek clears her throat, breaking the spell. “Well… if you like her I think you should ask her out.”
“You do?”
“Of course. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend,” Alek says, the words sticking in her throat. Katie nods her head.
“Alright. Okay. I think I’m going to tell her.” Alek smiles, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“That’s the spirit.” Katie nods her head.
“Go on now,” Alek says, smiling as Katie stands up, fidgeting with her sweater nervously. Katie nods her head, then rushes out the door, leaving Alek feeling cold and alone.
After a few minutes, there's a knock at the door, which startles Alek. “Come in?” she says, wondering who it could be. Probably her mom asking why Katie left so soon. But out of all the possibilities, Alek never imagined it would be Katie herself, looking more flustered than Alek has ever seen her, and she gets easily flustered.
“I… um….” Alek sighs.
“Do you want me to come with?” Katie shakes her head, shakily taking a step forward towards Alek. Her hands are hidden in her sweater and playing with the loose threads. Pink dusts her freckled cheeks, and her hair is a lot messier than when she first left.
“Katie…. are you alright?” Alek asks, closing the distance between them and taking her hands. Katie seems to be at a loss for words, staring at their interlocked hands and not meeting Alek’s eyes. Alek softly puts her fingers on Katie’s chin, tilting it up every so slightly, making her look into her face, her stomach sinking.
“You can tell me anything Katie. What is it?” Her breathing seems to be getting heavy.
“I… I… the… um…” Alek leans closer to her, their chests almost pressing together. Sparks of adrenaline shoot through them and thoughts run wild.
“Alek what if I……” The words die in her throat. Alek wipes a stray lock of hair from her face, letting her fingers linger as Katie seems to melt to the touch.
“Shh. It'll be alright. Don't worry.”
“I….” Katie looks into Alek’s eyes, soaking in their chocolaty brown, and it suddenly becomes too much. Pushing herself up on the tips of her toes, she meets Alek’s lips, kissing them softly and slowly. Alek let's out a startled gasp, but then wraps her arms around Katie's waist and pulls her closer, deepening the kiss.
Katie was the first to break away, breathing heavily, a small smile quirking at her lips. She put her hands on both sides of Alek’s face and whisperes, hints of joy creeping into her voice, “You're the one.” A small laugh escapes her lips. “It's always been you, Alek. Always.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“I've been so desperate that…. I didn't see what was right in front of me,” she says, leaning into Alek, who smelled like campfire and forests. It smelled like home.
“I love you, Alek. I always have.” Alek blushes, not seeming to be able to find her voice through the pounding of her heart and the happiness spreading through her body.
“I-I love you too, Katie. Always and forever.”
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bazzledazzled · 7 years
Stay Alive
Okay yes that title is lowkey a Hamilton reference shut up. So after I wrote this fic with me and @alexfierrno‘s OCs, I kinda couldn’t stop myself from writing more. So here’s a very much angst with Katie and Alek that made me cry writing it where…. well you’ll see…..
“We won,” Alek whispers, looking over the battlefield of demigods and monsters crumbling away to dust. Along with her other demigods where rising, calling over the Apollo kids to see if their siblings are alive and can be saved, or are dead. Tears fell on the bloodstained grown as people realised it was too late.
“Katie we won!” Alek says again, turning around, expecting to see Katie smiling at her, holding her bow victoriously and wrapping her in a hug as Alek pressed a soft kiss to her lips. After everything they did, they would come out unharmed, and continue to live their life peacefully at Camp Half-Blood, sharing morning kisses and joking around with each other.
But when she looked around, she couldn’t find her. They promised to stay close to each other, but Katie was nowhere in her sight. But then… there. She was on the ground, on her knees, facing away from Alek. She’d recognize her blonde curls anywhere. Alek rushes over, only just barely managing to sheath her sword.
“Katie!” she calls excitedly. She turns around, revealing her pale and sweaty face. It’s streaked with blood and there’s a deep gash over her eyebrow, which is sure to leave a scar. Her hair is matted in blood, but she looks alright. A little bloody sure, but they all are.
“Katie,” Alek says, coming up beside her and taking her face in her hands. “You’re alright.” Alek smiles, tears threatening to escape the corners of her eyes.
“We did it?” Katie whispers.
“Yes sweetheart. We did.” Katie smiles, a weak laugh escaping her mouth, but it causes her to cough, blood coming out.
“Katie?” Alek says, looking more closely at her. That’s when she looks down. Her shirt is shredded, as if she was attacked by a wolf or something. She’s holding her arms tightly around her stomach, but that still doesn’t hide the blood coating her arms in thick layers. So much blood…..
Alek looks back at Katie’s face. “Katie?” Tears are streaking down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry Alek I tried, I tried so hard to stay alive…. For you. I know you’ve always wanted to get an apartment with a dog and wanted to take me to a Panic! At the Disco concert and save the money to see Hamilton on Broadway and I--”
“Shh. Katie you’re going to be okay. Listen to me. You’re going to be okay.” Tears are streaking down both of their cheeks. Alek wipes the one off of Katie’s cheeks, holding onto her like she’s everything, which she is. Until Katie came to camp, the world was dark and lonely. Sure, she’s had friends before and they made her laugh, but all of that was nothing compared to Katie. As Baz says, she was the sun, and she was crashing into her. Everything spun around her, and she shone brighter than all the stars in the sky. She was the light to her dark, and the only one who could bring her out of her shell, make her feel like a person again. She couldn’t leave her. Not after everything.
“Alek you know there’s nothing we can do. It’s over for me. That’s how it was destined to be.”
“No. Katie it’s not. We still have so much we need to do…. What about our Klance cosplay?” A ghost of a smile creeps on her lips.
“I guess you’ll have to find yourself another Lance to your Keith.”
“No. Katie. There is no one but you. I…. I need you.” She nods her head.
“I know, but it wasn’t what we were destined for. Just promise me that, when I’m…. gone--” Katie says, grabbing Alek’s hands-- “you’ll live on. Find new love, fight more battles, and keep being you. You’re a wonderful person Alek…. And I’m glad I got to be yours for just a little, even if it was…. Cut short….”
“No no no no no. Katie stop talking like this. You’re going to be fine. You have to be.” Katie shakes her head, her eyes already seeming to unfocus. She reaches up, pressing a soft kiss to Alek’s lips, her lips feeling almost cold and lifeless.
“Goodbye, my love.” And she closes her eyes, and goes still. So still.
“NOOOOOOOO!” Alek cries, hugging Katie to her, burying her face in her chest.
“No no no no no Katie you’re not going to die, you hear me? You. Can’t. Be. Dead.” Someone puts a hand on her shoulder. She looks up to find Will standing over her, tears streaking down his face.
“I’m sorry, Alek.”
“No! Don’t be sorry. Fix her!”
“I-I can’t. There’s only so much we can do…..”
“Alek I-I can’t. I w-wish I could--”
“Shut up.” Will stops, backing away as Alek pushes Katie’s hair out of her face. Her skin only holds a bit of warmth, and her mouth only holds whispers of their pinkish colour. It’s a gruesome scene, and each time Alek looks at her, her heart sinks further. She bows her head, letting the tears streak down her cheeks in rivers. This wasn’t how their story was supposed to end. But then, behind her, she hears a gasp from Will. She turns to him, to see him staring at Katie. Alek looks down at Katie, only to discover that she’s glowing, just like she always did. But something about this light was different, and less natural. Alek took a step back, fear starting to cloud her grief as Katie floated into the air, her hair blowing out around her and light shone from her stomach. It was almost blinding, but as Will looked away, Alek forced herself to watch, worry wrapping around her.
Then, there was a blinding flash, causing Alek to look away and shield her eyes. When she turned back, Katie was back on the ground, looking the same as before.
“What the Hades was that?” Will asks.
“I-I don’t know.” Alek steps closer to Katie, crouching down beside her. Immediately, her eyes go to the gashes in her side but…. They’re not there. Instead there are pale scars, still looking rough, but no cuts or more blood. When Alek looks at her face, the same thing happened with the gash on her head.
“Her wounds…. They’re gone.” Will comes up beside Alek, looking down at Katie and assessing her scars. He then gasps.
“What? What is it?” Will points to something on her side that sort of looks like a sun.
“It’s…. The mark of Apollo.”
“What about it?” Will runs his hands through his hair.
“The gods don’t really interfere with mortal lives…. Much. Every so often there’s one hero that Apollo feels deserves…. a second chance. He heals them, even if they’re on the brink of death. And he leaves behind that mark.” Alek’s breath catches in her throat. “Does that mean….?”
“I don’t know….” Suddenly, there’s a gasp and Katie’s eyes fly open. She sits up, looking at Alek and Will’s tear streaked faces.
“W-what happened?”
“KATIE!” Alek says, throwing her arms around her, burying her face in her shoulder.
“You’re alive. I told you you’d be okay.”
“Alek what are you talking about?” Katie says, pushing her off, but keeping her hands on her shoulders.
“Katie…. You almost died.”
“What? But I’m fine now. I don’t even hurt." Alek nods her head, looking happier than ever.
“I don’t understand…. Did you use magic or something?”
“No,” Will says. “It was Apollo.”
“He saved you. I don’t know how, but he did."
“You’re not making sense. Apollo?” Will points to the sun on her skin. She lifts her shirt to get a better look at it.
“W-what is this? I never got a tattoo.”
“It’s not a tattoo. It’s Apollo’s blessing.”
“It doesn’t matter. You’re alive, and that’s all I need,” Alek says, kissing the top of her head. And they sit like that, watching the sun dip below the horizon as Alek cradles Katie in her arms, thanking the gods for being there this one time.
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bazzledazzled · 7 years
Oh,well,any fierrochase or blitzstone? Or Mallory and halfborn?
I have written a few fierrochase and blitzstone in the tag “Candy writes mcga” off the top of my head I can’t think of some fanfictions to recommend from other people. Sorry it’s been a while since I read fanfic D:
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
For the about me: Hi! I'm Candyce, Candy for short. I'm 13 and my birthday is April 14th. I have blonde, wavey hair, brown eyes, and curves! I love Voltron, Mcga, pjo, hoo, Solangelo, and KLANCEEEEEE. (Lance is my child don't hurt him). I love getting asks and I need lots of love and support. -Your Admirer 💙 (how did I do!?)
AHHHH THIS MEEEE!! 9/10 I think?? (*whispers* just bc u forgot Carry On otherwise it's literally perfect XD)
write an 'about me' pretending to be me and i'll rate the accuracy /10
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Hi! I was wondering if you have a tag that all your fics are under?
Ya! Okay so anything from the PJO universe (Solangelo, Percabeth, etc.) is under "candy writes pjo." Anything from Magnus Chase (ex. Fierrochase and Blitzstone) is under "candy writes mcga." Carry On/Snowbaz stuff is "candy writes snowbaz," Voltron (Klance) is under "candy writes vld," Supernatural is under "candy writes spn," Harry Potter is "candy writes Harry Potter" and you get the idea. You might just be able to search "candy writes" on my blog but ye that's basically how my system is I guess??? Hope this helps anon!!!
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Alright y’all I’m updating all of my fanfic stuff so that it’s easier to find on this page. If you want to find my Snowbaz fanfics and headcanons it’ll be tagged as “candy writes snowbaz,” if you want to find ships from PJO (ex. Solangelo, Percabeth, ect.) it’ll be tagged under “candy writes pjo,” Magnus Chase stuff under “candy writes mcga” and so on....
enjoy friens! So far the snowbaz one is the only one completly up to date, but I’ll be getting to the others soon!! <3 <3 <3 
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bazzledazzled · 8 years
Tag Thingy
I was tagged by @thenerdgun TYSM FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Candy, Candycane, Can-can, Can, Book, Pix
Star sign?
 5″7 I think or 170cm
Time right now?
Favourite music artists?
 Fall Out Boy, Lindsey Stirling, starting to get into Twenty One Pilots.......
Song stuck in your head?
Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots
Last movie watched?
 Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (don’t blame me it was just on TV and my aunt put it on)
Last TV show watched?
 Awww yeah Supernatural let’s go (i cried) (my poor baby Cas) (he just needs to be wrapped in blankets and have Dean snuggle with him all day and they both need to just eat cookies and be happy)
What are you wearing right now?
 Umm.... jeans, my orange CHB t-shirt, and my Ravenclaw cardigan
When did you create your blog?
Umm.... I think it was the beginning of the school year???? This year’s school year??? Like the week before school started.
What kind of stuff do you post?
Kinda a bit of everything. There is literally not one specific thing. But mostly I guess fandom stuff like Carry On, PJO/HoO/MCGA/Whatever Rick writes, Voltron, SPN, Harry Potter, TMI/TID/TDA, and relatable posts
Do you have any other blogs?
Yeah.... sorta.....
I have @beyondthepagesbook which is where I have a few chapters of a novel I’m working on up, @harrypotterstorybook which is supposed to be a Harry Potter fan art and fanfic collab that I’m getting together that still needs more fan artists and writers!!!!! There’s also the blogs that I help co-run like @somerandomocsand-weirdcreators that I believe is me and @desthedemon and it’s basically where ppl ask us questions about our OCs and @alexfierrnofam which is run by me, Des, and @alexfierrno and is just our Tumblr fam being amazing and stuff (and it’s also free to join as long as you read the rules!!!!)
Do you get asks regularly?
Sorta.... I mean, it’s not as much as some blogs but I think I get an average of 3-6 asks a day and roughly 7 if it’s a good day. But guys, MY ASK BOX IS ALWAYS OPEN IF YOU JUST WANT TO CHAT ABOUT SOMETHING RANDOM OR ASK ME A QUESTION ABOUT ANYTHING
Why did you choose your URL?
Hehehehe.... So when I first created this blog I was pretty much the same as I am now and obsessed with Carry On (although this blog seems to be more about PJO idk why or how it just is XD) but I kinda wanted to have something that showed that I would be multifandom. So I thought about book references I could use and I thought about The Insidious Humdrum from Carry On and basically I figured that “theinsidiousbookworm” was kinda showing that I luv Carry On way to much but at the same time showing that I luv to read and stuff. Then I switched it for christmas and the username got taken, but I still loved “theinsidious____” so I brainstormed usernames that I could use with that beginning. Then, I pretty much came up with “theinsidiouscinnamonroll” bc I knew that most of my fav characters are Cinnamon Rolls TM and I probably would be considered a cinnamon roll so ye here we are :p
Hogwarts house?
Ravenclaw through and though (I mean, I’m wearing a ravenclaw jumper rn so.....)
Pokemon team?
lol um.... idk what this means tbh......
Favourite colour?
Pink, blue, purple, pastels
Average hours of sleep?
9-10 hours
Lucky numbers?
Idk but I’ve always liked the number 7
Favourite characters:
Umm.... Simon Lewis, Simon Snow, Alex Fierro, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Magnus Chase, (wtw why do all of my fav characters have the same name????), Baz Pitch, Hazel, Frank, Percy, Annabeth, Sadie, Carter, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Bobby, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mrs. Hudson, Keith, Pidge, Hunk, and probably so many more like it isn’t even funny
How many blankets do you sleep with?
1 and a very comfy sweater
Dream job?
Author but since that is an unsteady job I’d also take an English Teacher :D
Tagging:  @youtubespawn, @tactileintrovertedace @crispyninjadonut, @redorangespiderpaulpaulsorrn, @raspberry-jazz, @thechubbyballerina, @jason-gayson, @ancientgreekchase, @smol-birb-central, and @readenheim (lol that fam list is literally the best thing ever now I can tag other ppl in the fam :D)
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