#candy writes pjo
jankwritten · 2 years
on one hand: yay I got some stuff today I wanted to get done and I read a bunch of cool fic!!!
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audreyscribes · 8 months
Ω PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS: ☀ APOLLO: God of Archery, Art, Music, & Poetry, Prophecy, Light & Sun, Healing & Plagues, Truth 🎶
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, you're graced with a light haloing over you. It's so bright yet soft. You also feel warm but you somehow feel like its a warm hug and its Apollo secretly giving you a hug.
The Apollo cabin welcomes you happily and they all gather around, singing you a welcome song. Some of them break out into an Acapella, while some whip out their instruments out of thin air. You find yourself at least humming to the song and maybe even singing along, the words just coming to you naturally. 
 You’re shown the sleeping quarters that are nice and warm, and when you press your nose against them, you can smell the sun on them. 
You’re also shown the ropes of the place, but most importantly where they treat the sick and injured. As children of Apollo, your natural gifts are used almost daily. If you’re not that hyped about seeing blood or the like, you’re moved away from the rotation and help out with other things: changing sheets, disinfecting, checking stock and getting stock, and so forth. 
You’re still required to learn how to do First Aid though. Even if your godly parent is the god of Healing, you’re still going to have to learn how to do the mundane medical methods. Better learn how to do proper CPR just in case. Sure, you could heal any damages but it's better not let it happen anyway. 
You just have candy in your pockets. You might think its odd but when you see a small camper hurt their knee and one of your siblings whip out a lollipop after patching it up, you realise you’re not just there to soothe physical wounds. 
Plus, you have candy. What’s not to love?
Though, speaking of Candy, you didn’t know you had to help out in sorting candy and inspecting it. Especially any red candy or specific dyes used in them. You learn immediately that once ago, there was a period of time that the campers acted very intensely, and after an intense lava wall incident and an almost burnt down pegasus stall, it was discovered that some people had consumed certain candies containing Red dye 40 and was affecting the ADHD.
The Apollo cabin is the place to be for entertainment. There’s constantly music and art being produced. There are even beat poetry nights. 
So many rap battles. 
The Apollo cabin often has collaborative efforts with the Hephatesus Athena,Dionysus cabin. There’s always some big project happening and it’s always a treat.
Hamilition. Cats. Hadestown. Heathers. Highschool Musical- all the broadway shows and musicals you can think of, the Apollo cabin have it down pat. Along with the Dionysus cabin, you just perform and break out in song. Eventually Mr. D and Chiron let you guys perform actual broadway musicals or general theatre because there were too many impromptu moments that broke through the entire camp. No one has recovered from the D's (Mr. D, the Dionysus, and Demeter cabin) and the Giant Strawberry incident.
When you get claimed, light envelops you with a soft mysterious song playing. It was warm and you swore you could imagine arms hugging you lovingly. You’d imagine Apollo used the claim to at least give his children a hug. You hugged back and you felt the faintest squeeze back. Before you could dwell on it later, the light disappears leaving a faint glow on your skin. 
The song you had heard had also drifted off as well, but it had spoken to your soul. Like it had been chosen for you. You saw a bunch of other campers stand around and begin going into verse, a choir of campers singing a song before you realized it was the same song from before. More and more people began to join in, singing in acapella, instruments being played, and people clapping along for the beat. You watched in excitement and you felt their music resonate with you, it went through your body, up your throat and before you knew it, you were singing along, leading it. 
When the song came to an end, the singers cheered and clapped before you saw a boy with curly blonde hair step up, giving you a beaming smile. You thought he looked like a golden retriever. 
“Hi! You definitely have the chords of a child of Apollo” he complimented, holding out his hand. You took his hand as you shook, “My name is Will Solace, and I’m the cabin leader of Cabin 7. Welcome to the Apollo cabin!”
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drysdalesworld · 7 months
the sun & it’s shadow
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pairing: percy jackson x fem!nike!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff, angsty, & violence
word count: literally no clue. started to write it on here & was on a role & never transferred it to goggle docs
warning(s): NOT PROOF READ! (i will do it once i have time), mention of reader death (so sorry), timeskippy (first part takes place in the pjo show season 1 & the second takes place during the 5th book), mentions of sun!reader & shadow!percy, mentions of blood + traitor siblings + murder
note: i tried to make this poetic but very much failed at it so enjoy my attempt :) <3
The sun is many things. In realistic terms, it’s a glowing ball of gas in the middle of our solar system. In metaphorical terms, it is something that gives life and provides warmth for those on Earth. It’s a vital source of life that humans cannot live without. And for Percy Jackson, (Y/N) (L/N) was the sun.
She was one of the first people he met at Camp Half-Blood.
(Y/N) had been on her way to sit with her half-siblings when she noticed a petit blond boy sitting by himself during dinner. He had been left abandoned by the Hermes cabin as they did their nightly offerings to their godly parent. Occasionally, he’d stab his fork into whatever was on his plate and push it around, clearly disinterested in what was in front of him. (Y/N) quickly changed course and decided that she was going to sit with the lonely boy instead. Her siblings would see her later in the night anyway.
Percy felt her before he saw her, blue eyes darting up from the mashed and jumbled food in front of him to the figure approaching. The light hair on his eyebrow bone furrowed together in confusion at the sight. But before he could express his confusion, the girl opened her mouth and began to speak.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N). You must be Percy, right? I’d say it’s a pleasure to welcome you to Camp Half-Blood, but it never really is. Especially on your first day”.
The young boy let out a small snort at her saying, a small, but genuine, smile painting his lips.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N)”.
During the entirety of their conversation, Percy swore he could see literal light shine from the body of the daughter of Nike. Maybe even a little more whenever she smiled. She produced such a warm and comforting aura that Percy found himself seeking solace in her presence nearly every day. She was a comfort that was not being provided anywhere else at Camp Half-Blood. He truly believed that she was a literal interpretation of the sun, even from the first moment he saw her.
He often bugged Luke about her. Requesting that she be the one to show him around and show him how to properly fight. Albeit Luke being basically the best option of being Percy’s mentor, the boy only wanted the sun. He used the excuse of her being the literal daughter of Nike, Goddess of Victory. She surely had to have better, if not as good, swordskills as Luke. The elder son of Hermes eventually gave in, only for a week though, then it was back to business.
“Your elbows too low. It needs to be level with the hilt of the sword,” she’d speak to him in such a gentle voice that his mind often wondered to his Mother and her tenderness. “Your grip needs to be loosened. It’s too tight”.
The more she spoke, the more Percy found himself soaking in her advice and actually listening to her. She made it easy to listen. Her voice was as soft as honey and as sweet as his blue gummy candy. She never raised her voice nor scolded him when he got something wrong. Her touch was so soft that Percy barely felt her fingertips brush the point of his elbow as she corrected his stance as needed. He flourished under her watch and it was noticeable.
“Your skills are improving,” Luke heaved, picking back up his sword as the young son of Poseidon managed to disarm him within minutes of them dueling. “Your lessons with (Y/N) are really paying off huh?”.
Pride swelled within Percy’s chest at Luke’s comment, a smile spreading across his lips. He was proud of the improvement he has made in such little time and the only person he could think to thank is you.
“If I’d know any better, I’d say she’s a better mentor than me,” the son of Hermes grinned, slight disgust and jealousy tugged at his stomach. He felt Percy slipping through his hands and he needed to act quick before he lost the demigod for good.
“Perhaps,” Percy smirked, happy with the result.
When it was time for his first quest, the young twelve-year-old found himself at the Nike cabin, asking for you when one of your siblings answered the door instead.
“What’s up, kelp boy?” (Y/N) croaked out, voice still laced with sleep. She rubbed her eyes as she leaned against the door frame of her Mothers cabin.
“Sorry to wake you,” Percy spoke, teeth tearing at the dried skin on his lower lip. “I just – I just wanted to ask you something”.
“Shoot,” she replied.
“Have you ever been on a quest?”.
“A handful, I’d say. Why? Are you nervous for yours?”.
The tone of which she spoke was so sweet and soft, Percy found himself already at ease, shouldering relaxing from their prior tense state.
“I won’t tell you not to be because that’s not very helpful. But I will tell you to be careful. Don’t get too over in your head or you and the others won’t end up back home. Just because you’re the son of Poseidon and got your first ever quest at the ripe age of twelve doesn’t mean you’re immune to what’s out there. Remember what you’ve learned throughout your stay here and hold steadfast, Jackson. You’ll be just fine”.
And he was. He was fine, at least for some parts of his quest. Percy often found himself thinking back on your words spoken that night. How you unknowingly repeated the same phrase his Mother told him before being taken by the minotaur. How you had unwavering faith in him and his, limited, abilities as a new and fresh demigod. The blond often found himself thinking about what you’d do in this kind of situation. Of how’d you approach the entire situation. Of how’d you hold your sword in your hands. Of what you’d say in the times he’d need it most. He found himself shaping and molding hisself to what you’d do. A perfect making of a protégé.
When he arrived back at camp, you were the first to pull him into your arms, nearly squeezing all the air out of his lungs as you did so.
“Welcome back, kelp boy,” you’d whisper, teary eyed and thankful to the Gods that twelve-year-old Percy Jackson was brought back safe and sound.
And he never left your side much after that.
He’d go wherever you’d go. He was your shadow and you were his sun.
And it stayed like that for years, even throughout all the losses and defeats and Luke and his growing Titan army. But, it came to a final halt during the Great War.
(Y/N) had been too busy aiding the wounded and fighting for her life to notice the glittering sword blade of her traitor half-sibling. It being too late as the weapon sunk it’s entirety into the back of Nike’s daughter.
A gasp had been the only thing to alert Percy and the others of her demise, the sound of ripping flesh and gushing blood being the next.
Poseidon’s son let out an angered scream, rushing towards the person he looked up to the most. He gathered her into his arms as she practically went limp in his hold, his pale hands coated in her blood as he tried to stop the seemingly never ending flow.
Percy’s cried pleas where the only thing that echoed throughout the now quiet night. He begged her not to go and that she was going to be okay because she had to. She had to or he didn’t know who else was going to make sure he remembered to eat breakfast or make sure his swordskills were always refined and perfect.
The horrible realization that she had been gone the minute her body hit the hard concrete had settled into Percy Jackson’s bones as he let out an anguished roar, holding the body of his sun close to his chest as his salty tears made streaks down her dirt covered face and droplet marks in her battered orange Camp Half-Blood shirt.
At the end of the war, Percy had made his way back to the body of someone he considered a familial figure. The sight of her Mother gently stroking the cheek of her slumped over body brought fresh tears to his eyes. He wasn’t able to bring himself to carry her body back to camp. He left it to the children of Apollo, making sure they treated it with the upmost care.
The days following her passing, Percy found himself in the Nike cabin most nights, sleeping on the floor next to (Y/N)‘s bed, for he was too afraid that the smell of you would disappear too quickly due to his presence on the sheets. He found himself finding you in a multitude of things and it always shattered his heart into pieces once more. Everything served as a reminder of you, even the actual sun, for he missed the warmth and comfort you brought wherever you went.
And with the sun gone, it’s shadow would forever search for it’s source of light, destined to never find what it so desperately craved.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Afro-dominican Percy Jackson headcanons but by a black dominicana cause y'all write him like an oreo
His name is actually short for Perseo and his middle name is Isadore.Percy is a nickname given to him by Sally so he took it on willingly instead of assimilation but also gringos are always pronouncing Perseo wrong,including monsters and that only encouraged him to not use it in full
Sea green eyes but also darkskinned,4d textured hair,thick lips and a big nose.He's 6'4,his gray streak naturally faded to white and he has a wide variety of hairstyles per book:Baby dreads(TLT),wicks(TTC),twists(TLO),afro(for most of SON because he dosen't remember what styles he likes),dreads(SON finale),adds beads(MOA)and long locs(Tales of Dead Seas)
He calls Sally Mamí,obviously???
His favorite dominican food is blue flan
Third gen inmigrant and monoracial(lightskin Percy with loose hair is fake,that is a NIGGA 100%)
Sally had him grow up on Discovery Kids
Trilingual-Fluent in english,spanish and greek
Haircare and skincare king
Uses nigga enough that it's a common aspect of his vocabulary
All his durags/bonnets/beads are blue
Huge Pokemon fan(It's a latino meme that we love anime based things)
Sally taught him exactly zero latino machoism or black toxic masculinity and he's actually transfem bigender and femme.She uses she/he and a bunch of neopronouns and her womanhood is extremely afrolatina with her mannerisms and tastes(doing black woman hairstyles and makeup on herself,her favorite Disney Princesses are Tiana and Brandy's Cinderella,post transition she learns she deserves to be high maintenance and tons more things)
He listens to Mcr,D'Angelo,Meet Me @ The Altar,Rihanna,Megan Thee Stallion,Ice Spice,Lo-Fi beats and hiphop
He's demisexual and his type is princess-y black women(Perseus' wife was Andromeda,the princess of Ethopia afterall and names have power in the Pjo world)
Bro is romantic-He's a guygirl so that automatically gives him an advantege with rizz but she's autistic so that boosts it by 100+ points.No regards to social norms,just unfiltered kindness and acts of service that would kill any other nigga to even think of.Also i'm obsessed with the idea of her calling his s/o 'Strawberry Pop' because i'm a Demeter Kid
As per canon he's punk but i'm not boring like Rick so i do a deep dive into it.He uses 'Punkero' for himself too and he's crustpunk,afropunk,seapunk and solarpunk and he knows how to diy things that don't even exist,uses an emulator and only phone and secondhand bought games on anti-capitalist principal,defaces public property,did a lot of research after finding out punk is an actual culture and not just an aesthetic that was surprisingly easy to focus on and starts dressing punk too as he slowly finds the right thirft stores and learns to make clothes.He throwns black/dominican influences in his outfits and in Tods he gives himself that multicolor mermaid hair where you keep your og hair tone still for that Ocean Girl swag
She's a Latino Memes Queen OBVIOUSLY but her favorites are cat ones and she's also huge on energy drinks(cotton candy bang stan just like me fr fr)and legos(i'm pleasently surprised at how many lego shows fans are latinos).White people jokes are her jam also and Luke's colonizing fascist ass got the worst of it before he killed his ass
He is 100% Nico and Hazel's mom and dad,as per canon.Nico is black too because it fits perfectly and Hazel's got black hair and brown eyes because fuck exoticification so it gives them a special connection and La Residencia Jackson is a bit of a cultural melting pot because of it.Dominican flag hung on the wall behind the couch,even more hang gesturing and loud inside voices than normal,New Orleans cuisine and everything inbetween.Percy calls Hazel 'Mamita' and Nico 'Papito',do eachother's hair,they hang out almost 24/7,he radicalized them so now Hazel's pastel goth punk and Nico's goth punk,there's a lot leaning against him for emotional support or even just out of younger sibling/child love,Percy guilt-trips Poseidon into giving him money for Nico's meds and aids and helps Hazel out with girls,beach days with them are made straight up tropical with Percy's powers and they're every white man and Karen's worst nightmares combined as one big happy familia with Sally as the topping who seems easy to speak over but Percy said herself she got her rebellion against shitty people from her
Percy Jackson is NOT Peter Parker.C'mon now,don't fall for the boyloser propaganda and be real-We all know he's Hobie Brown and that his Spider Variant is an older Spiderpunk.Speak the truth with me
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xixovart · 2 months
whats up guys its mali and im back with more pjo headcanons
because i literally nEVER shut up
nico di angelo is bae and i would die for him
ok i know his hair is described as like shoulder length (i think idk) but we HAVE to consider nico with unbelievably long gorgeous hair i beg
estelle’s brother. no questions asked. i feel like nico and estelle would be a power duo to rival annabeth and thalia yeah i said it. percy says estelle cant have candy at night? nico sneaks a tootsie roll in her pillow case. nico helps her with her homework. nico fights her bullies. nico’s relationship with estelle is what a 10 y/o nico’s relationship could’ve been with percy. ykwim?  wine aunts nico and reyna we have to consider this
ok as a sequel nico is really good with kids. idk why. no one knows why. kids love him.
will has the absolute WORST sense of style mankind has ever bore witness to and nico is an unintentional fashion icon. nico genuinely doesn't care that his bf looks like a bad teen beach movie adaptation though it's ok.
youre lying to yourself if you think nico di freaking angelo wouldnt love dinosaurs as a kid
this child was the bane of maria di angelo’s existence. i swear. imagine maria fighting for her LIFE trying to give 3 year old nico a bath just for nico to IMMEDIATELY run outside and fall face first in the mud. imagine nico stealing money from maria and accidentally giving the gelato man a hundred bucks, maria being none the wiser. if you've ever watched full house toddler nico is very michelle coded.
i know its canon that he likes marvel (thx will kayla and austin) but i think he would REALLY love batman. i mean c'mon, it's nico. it's batman. they're soulmates. 
percy going into the redesigned cabin 13 for the first time have we considered his reaction?? “dang btch you live like this???” “what were you expecting” “idk weapons everywhere rock walls a waterfall for a door ig i was just picturing the batcave 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️”
nico is the modt sarcastic little gremlin to his dad (and everyone, but his dad especially). are uou seriously telling me he wouldn't annoy hades on purpose. let's be real here guys. nico prank calling his dad is the reason im alive. 
“is your… refrigerator running?”
“nico do not fucking start with me i have a headache”
“oh yeah i'm listening to really cool rock metal cool music rn totally” (old italian music blasting from his headphones)
this kid has a guy for EVERY occasion. imagine rhe weirdest situation you could possibly be in, nico knows a guy. “ok where are we gonna find a tap dancing elephant??” “i know a guy”
when he eats ambrosia it tastes like the blue birthday cake he shared with percy im not ok
“so we’re all 16 and none of us knows how to drive??” “i can get us there” “nico you’re like 13 years old.” “and european?? hand me the keys”
ok so you can expect he has unbelievably beautiful penmanship because he was raised in 1930’s italy and you are so right. looking at his writing is like a blessing 
im listening to a pearl by mitski rn and it reminds me of him im so sad
side note i think he would really like mitski
he seems like he would be afraid of clowns. don't ask about my thought process for this i just feel it ykwim
nico would get his shit ROCKED by a nerf gun
“wHY IS THE MICROWAVE SCREAMING AT ME” “nico that just means your food is done.”
i will NEVER shut up about nico di angelo’s accent. rolled r’s, hard i’s, speaking unbelievably fast and tripping over his words. italian!! “oh but mali, in house of hades the seven were surprised to learn nico was italian.'' first of all i love the seven but its rlly dumb of them not to notice nico was italian when his last name is DI ANGELO. second. a certain 11 year old nico trained himself out of his accent as a method for escapism, he wanted to flee his past and his family and his descent, and he wanted to fit in. of course he would hide his accent. his time at camp half blood (and ofc his quest with reyna, and jason’s acceptance of him) helped him start to embrace his heritage and past. when he started dating will, he ofc began to trust will more than anybody else. every so often, nico would let his guard down and let his accent slip. eventually, he started using it freely around everybody. i see this hc as a part of his growth and character development and even if it’s a small detail it means a lot to me.
he takes his curly hair routine VERY seriously
bushy eyebrows idk where this came fr9m just bear with me
nico uses disassociation as a coping mechanism a LOT. he’ll zone out at random for hours at a time and chb has a very strict rule about not bothering campers with ptsd when they’re disassociated unless necessary, so he’ll just sit at the dinner table for ages and when he comes back to reality it’s been like 3 hours. 
 “you came out of the blue like that. i never could've seen you coming, i think you're everything i wanted.” by gracie abrams except it’s nico realizing he likes will 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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thesfromhms · 3 months
Who is THE Soul from CCCC? Well
Just a lost Soul wandering. Lost. Adrift... Well not really!
*insert a goofy cartoon intro*
HI! My names Soul! Or Eros. Or Alex. Whatever you prefer! (When sending asks, if you can, plz send me flowers I can eat!! :)))) also!
I'm a minor, my birthday is on June 17! So, ya, I'm a Gemini
As for pronouns, go crazy! Just not neos or it/its please!
I'm a proud Bisexual and Bigender person. I'm attracted to me, myself, and I :3
I'm more of an introvert irl, but on social media? I'm more ambi lol
I don't have anything else to say about myself, so onto what I like! Maybe we can be friends!
*transition PowerPoint style*
Artists? Weeeellll-
Chonny Jash! (He's a cool guy :3)
Taylor Swift (She gets hated on a lot... But her music is so good!)
Melanie Martinez (Her vibe in K12 and Crybaby>>>>>)
Ricky Montgomery (Oh. My. God. THIS IS SELF EXPLANITORY!!! /silly)
Alec Benjamin (Mr. Boy in a bubble)
Nico Collins (Underrated as HELL)
JVKE (Golden hour guy!)
That's it!
Albums? *throws them at you*
CCCC/Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium.
Montgomery Ricky
EPIC: The Circe Saga
Narrated For You
These 2 windows
This is what ____ feels like
Favorite things? Hope you'll agree!
Color: Pastels! Pink and Purple too!
Candy: XO. The strawberry cheesecake one. Hands down one of my favorite candies EVER
Beverage: Coffee. And blue lemonade!
TV show: We don't watch cable TV anymore sadly. BUT I REALLY LIKED ANYTHING NICKELODEON PUT ON!
Place: A cold bedroom
Animal: Cats, bunnies (people see me as them!), and swans!
Movie: Coco. And literally any old Disney movie. But if I had to choose 1, it'd be Lady and The Tramp!
Food: As a Filipino, I say sinigang. Or adobo :3
Writing and singing and drawing. That's it.
PJO (Only!!)
Chonnys Charming Chaos Compendium
The Stanley Parable
Little Nightmares
The Umbrella Academy
Dead Boy Detectives
Yea, idk what to add anymore. Hi. Welcome. Nice to meet you.
(August 8, 2024)
Adding the people I love
@imobsessed123 Lexi, the person that lets me torture them with Fitz angst 😌 Also the one who brings gasoline
@siennamakeschaos KEEFITZ ENTHUSIAST RAH
@axyer My host, my parent, my Stanley
@innereverblaze Last, but not least, MY COGNATE!!!!! THE ONE THAT AGREED TO BE PART OF MY CHAOS. (She took a break. Please wish her well)
(August 17, 2024)
Tags :
#quite literally keefitz - Keefitz content
#Darling Cognate - Anything that has @innereverblaze
#Emelins lessons - @thishumanformislimiting teaches me things
#the dex fanatic and the fitz fanatic - @imobsessed123 and I
#My inbox has been invaded - Someone sent me an ask
#Normal anon - THE Normal anon
#JENSA JENSA JENSA - Jensa content
#The Lunatics - Me and @multi-fandom-lunatic
#Condemn him to the infirmary - Vent tag (Plz block if you don't want to see my vents)
#the arson trio - The shenanigans of me, @imobsessed123, and @thishumanformislimiting
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ann3ofabyss4lred · 9 months
Tw: mention of child abuse (physical,mental,neglect),alcoholism, toxic relationship
Is so funny to me how most pjo college or highschool au fanfiction are like skins wannabe end up : "So there was this party, there was so much beer,any kind alcoholic drink. Anyways,Percy and Thalia are so cool,they drunk as fuck."
Out of all the riordan characters, they write loving drink alcohol,choosing Percy and Thalia is wild to me???. Let's be honest, both of them see or smell it, they probably would make a face of disgust,express it verbally or get unpleasant flashbacks???
Percy dealt with Gabe,an alcoholic step father, he left beer bottles on percy's room,probably for a long time (before percy turning 12), literally a poker adict, who takes money out of them for his addictions, making Sally and Percy struggle financially,and as far as I remember (i haven't read the book in 7 years) to the point Percy worked selling newspaper,walking dogs and selling candy illegally, not like any middle class kid would have part time jobs like that to make money by themselves and learn how to save money,but to help his mother. Not only that, but Gabe mentally abused Percy (and threatened to get physical, not sure if he did), make him a target on tv. And hit abused physically Sally
(Yeah i won't stop reminding Gabe is an abuser, and Percy was a victim,but ppl don't consider him because he fights back and had a loving mother).
and we have Thalia,whose mother was an alcoholic tv star, and lowkey unstable, to have the king of the gods, be attracted to her was such a good way to lower her ego, (of an unstable person), gave him a child, probably thought she was going to get privilege,be innmortal or whatever was in her head,it got worse when he left her, because "what if she wasn't enough for a god",fucked her ego,childish behaviour, being with the same man,bringing another child to the world, unable to care for herself, mix that with alcoholism and and u have the perfect cocktail for an unhealthy relationship based on neglect and parentification.
So yeah like even if those fanfics, I cringe so hard, I can't see them loving beer and shit
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autism-alley · 6 months
alright sorry to be a bitch about casting, but i’m gonna bc i do think it’s important to illustrating the feel of a character (if you come to me to bitch and whine about black annabeth get the fuck off my lawn). myself and others have already talked at length about the writing of the series, so if you’re looking for more weighty criticism, just scroll thru the pjo crit tag, now is my time to be a stickler for details, and this is a live action show, a visual medium, the casting is important for reasons beyond an actor’s ability to deliver lines. embodying the character purely in an actor’s personality isn’t enough—they need to physically feel like they could be this person to really sell it (there’s also something to be said abt not having to cast someone who supposedly feels like the character they’re playing just as themself—it’s called acting for a reason, but i digress).
just. take in the official viria pjo art of sally jackson.
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look at this woman. look at her!! that is MOTHER. that is the woman who worked herself to the bone to single handedly raise perseus jackson, flaws and all. that is the woman who rocked up to the battle of manhattan with a shotgun and A WILL. that is the woman poseidon himself called a queen amongst women and offered a palace to. with warm lighting only outshone by her reassuring smile and the candle of percy’s blue birthday cupcake—that’s sally jackson. the composition of it, her pose and welcoming smile, makes the viewer feel like we are percy jackson, and it’s our birthday we’re being beckoned to join in the celebration of, a special moment between mother and child.
now look at this woman.
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i feel like i’ve had this english teacher before, asking me why my autistic ass was tweaking out in the middle of her lesson on iambic peranimeter. i’m sure she’s a nice lady in real life, it’s nothing against her as a person or her skills as an actress, to me she just lacks the warmth and gentleness crucial to sally jackson’s feel as a character. that is my own subjective take. she doesn’t make my shoulders relax at the sight of her. her smile doesn’t make the tightness in my chest go away. looking at this sally jackson, i feel everything her character ISN’T meant to embody. i start feeling stressed out. like everything is somehow a lesson and she has grand expectations of my answer. and the script does NOT do her any favors with lines like “you decide how ugly this gets” at VERY MINOR “outbursts” of percy’s. paired together, the script and the casting, we get what feels more like all the chastising teachers in percy’s life rather than his loving and patient MOTHER. and i don’t wanna hear another one of y’all defend this depiction as more accurate to parents of ND children or i’m gonna lose it.
now finally, look at this woman.
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we can bash the pjo movies for all their inaccuracies and adaptation flaws, but if there’s one thing they nailed, it’s sally jackson. the kind eyes. the welcoming and reassuring gaze. a tired yet inherently trustworthy face. she’s so open. she feels so special, so giving, even if she herself has little. i can see myself laughing in her kitchen, making seven-layer dip or blue cookies. i can see her handing me an extra few jelly beans after a long shift at the candy store. i can see myself as percy jackson, able to put aside another school expulsion because that’s my mother and she’ll never let me doubt she loves me. i can see why poseidon, god of the sea, would fall in love with her in a way he hadn’t in thousands of years. i can see him offering her the world.
i don’t know if this casting impacted the official art, it did come first, maybe that’s a well-known fact and i just sound like a jackass—nor is official art is the end all be all (looking the og official pjo art dead in the eyes)—but this woman just deeply strikes me as the same sally jackson as the one in viria’s art and the pjo books. she’s sally jackson in ways show sally vehemently just… is not.
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pftones3482 · 9 months
i saw your post and i get where you're coming from as a fellow adult fan, but it's a kids show. the pacing is more than perfect. i recognize that a huge portion of the audience is adult fans who read pjo as a kid, but the show is still a children's show for children. if you look at it for what it is and who it's for, and not what you imagined it to be or for adults like us, the pacing is great. i'm not knocking you for complaining but i just wanted to gently put that out there in case you planned to do in depth analysis https://www.tumblr.com/pftones3482/738896974585184256/people-saying-the-pjo-tv-series-is-just-as-fast
It kind of drives me nuts when people see an adult critique a kids show and say, "Oh well you're an adult, of course it's too fast for you."
I'm a writer. I have a literal degree in writing. I know what good pacing looks like. Book to TV show adaptions will always be paced a little faster, because books just naturally have a lot more exposition. That is a given, and I expected it. TV shows (and movies) also tend to have a lot of scenes cut out that aren't crucial to plot. I also expected that.
I love a lot of things about the new PJO show - I think the way they did Medusa this time was an incredible choice. I love the new tension between Annabeth and her mom, and the parallels between Annabeth and Medusa.
I love that they focused more on Grover's Uncle Ferdinand - I always thought the book kind of glossed over the fact that he was his family, and they didn't really give Grover time to mourn his loss.
But we needed the scene where Percy learns to sword fight with Luke. We need the introduction of ambrosia and nectar - that's a crucial world building element that hasn't been mentioned once. We're missing scenes that really hammer home the kids personalities, and while they've done a pretty good job putting some in (Annabeth scooping all the candy was cute, Grover being grumbly and not a morning person another good one), I feel like they're too focused on moving the plot forward rather than building the world, which is the whole purpose of a first season in a show.
I blame season dropping - even though PJO is a week by week release, it feels like it was written to be an all-at-once season drop. Like every episode I need to instantly jump to the next one.
Also like...I'm not shitting on people who like the series. Again, I think it's cute. I think the actors are doing an incredible job. I think everyone's individual personality fits who their characters are, and I could go on for hours about the detail in the sets.
"The show is for children" children still deserve a well paced show. And frankly, I think the adults who read the books and are pretty well versed in analyzing writing and media are probably the best critics of it.
(This just in - you can be critical of something and still enjoy it. Imagine that)
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stephofromcabin12 · 4 months
(🗣️) I'm trying to write a PJO fanfic and my oc is a daughter of Athena, so my question is how would you make the oc different enough from Annabeth to make her seem like her own charecter. I think I asked something like this before.
Good question!
Firstly consider what similarities they *don’t* share. Its fine to have similarities — they are half siblings after all — as long as you can balance it with some things that set them apart! It doesn’t have to be huge, and they don’t have to be polar opposites.
- Appearance, age.
- Place of birth, family situation.
- Interests, skillsets (reading comic books and being into spelling bees is also a sign of intelligence + counts towards being a bookworm, just saying)
- Humor, cultural knowledge (im never going to let the show writers live down that they wrote Annabeth to have never seen a movie. Even before she ran away? Ur telling me Frederick Chase didn’t sit his baby daughter down for A land before time or Labyrinth? Winnie The Pooh? The dark crystal?? JURASSIC PARK????But he’s so nerdy???? Huh????)
On that note:
- There are many ways of being the same thing. Intelligence and strategising can play out in a million ways.
They might both be smart, but in what areas do they excell?
Where are their interests? Annabeth has her love of architechture, maybe your oc is super nerdy about geography and cartography (good for battle strategising) or even cooking (it is a science after all) — the list goes on!
Places that require intelligence, science and logic:
Art restoration and archival work
Cooking and baking (candy making is straight up wizardry, and Demeter kids are unlikely to be into that specific area of cooking)
Finances and business
Painting/sculpting (art in general)
Music, composition especially but also mixing and producing.
Film and stage managing (techies for theatres is a very Athena kid career)
Logistics in general. Every field ever needs people who can work a spreadsheet and calculate all the possible outcomes of a situation before it happens.
Cleaning (if you mix the wrong chemicals ur gonna poison yourself with mustard gas or something worse)
Running a non-profit org/organizing events and protests
Archeology (Must be into: dirt and ugly shoes, sincerely, and lovingly, an archeology dropout)
Anthropology, Psychology, Linguistics
Learning languages in general
Vis dev and animation
I could go on but you get the point I think
Basically: Don’t focus on the core areas they have some overlap. If your oc isn’t named Annabeth, likes archaeology and wears a yankee’s cap, you’re probably good to go.
Remember that everything shapes a person (and character) so it’s not so much about the trait or skill itself but more the effects those things have on your character. Same goes for their relationships.
Lastly consider their purpose and goal (purpose is outside the story: You as a writer deciding what role the character will play. Goal is inside the story: The ‘thing’ your character strives for)
It’s probably not the same as Annabeth’s — so work from there until the venn diagram isn’t a flat circle; some overlaps are fine but they’re not one and the same.
I hope that helps!
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s1utlvr · 8 months
Masterlist 💌
☆ Unfortunately i probably won’t continue these fics and probably won’t write for pjo for a while 🙁
Clarisse La rue
1989 series
- I Know Places
- Out of the Woods
- Feather (smau)
- Cool about it (smau)
- Candy (prequel to Feather)
- Jealous Girl (Jealous Clarisse Headcanons)
Luke Castellan
- Chemtrails over the Country Club
- Welcome to New York (smau)
- Bsf!Luke Headcanons
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audreyscribes · 9 months
⚔ ARES: God of War and Violence 🐗
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, it’s either during or after a victorious battle. If it’s during a battle, like Capture the Flag, it’s when your blood is pumping and you’re on adrenaline high. You could be losing or winning, but you hit that point of state where you’re just so in the zone before you realize you’re covered in red. You decimate the other team, striking fear in their hearts as they see you running over their teammates, your weapon swinging like it’s your own limb. Everyone looks above your head as they see the floating red boar above your head and then you hear a roar of cheer from your now half–siblings. They let out whoops, howls, and cheers, slapping you on the back and some wrestling you if you’re still battle high, before they lift you up and carry you around. 
When you’re shown the cabin, you’re immediately nerved by the boar head posted above the door, its eyes following you…but you can’t focus on that because you’re immediately told and made to remember where the live mines are around the entrance. They didn’t clarify if they were actual mines or alternative mines…they said it was classified information and you didn’t have the clearance level yet. Either which you didn’t want to find out the hard way.
If the Hephaestus cabin is the forge, you bet you can imagine that the Ares cabin is their armoury. It's not on the scale as theirs, but its pretty close. Weapons galore. It's a weapon maniacs dream. You have equipment here to upkeep and maintain weapons and if you pick out a weapon that you're not sure how to maintain? You have siblings jumping up the chance to show you. 
You wanna try and wield different weapons? Go on ahead! Every Ares’ member has their own mini armoury and collection of weapons. 
Y'know how siblings like to push each other and get into play fights? Yeah, the Ares cabin is like that constantly. It goes from rough housing to actual sparring. If you're not a big fan of participating in it, you're going to learn how to redirect people's movements. Don't worry about it getting the heat off you, as long its not entirely personal, you have another Ares’ sibling ready to switch with you. 
You also begin to take on bets because with the amount of rough-housing and sparring, it's just too good of an opportunity. The currency ranges from actual dollars, drachmas, candy bars, or what have you. All currency is accepted.  
People often like talking with their fists, but it's mostly getting rid of the pent up emotions when you guys do some talk to talk. Got to be fair you know.
If you're not particularly looking for a fight, don't worry about it. While it is true, you're a war god child, you're also good at de-escalating. After all, there's a reason in the book, "The Art of War", Sun Tzu says "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting".
Blood was roaring in your ears with eyes red as you gripped your weapon high. Your veins were pumping with adrenaline, almost making you shake but you never felt more alive. You had just won and you thrust up your weapon high in the air, and let out a yell. Immediately, a cacophony of cheers and yells joined you, sending another spike of adrenaline and you faintly saw the claim of Ares above your head. People swarmed you and in the zone, you attacked them which they gleefully returned back the favour. Then they lifted you up in the air, cheering that about another child of Ares as you were carried back to the Ares cabin where your siblings plopped you in front of it, and Clarisse at the head. 
She grinned at you, her figure imposing but you kept your chin high. 
“Not bad, but expected as a child of Ares. Don’t let it get to your head because there’s plenty coming” she said. 
“Bring it on” you fired back with a grin as she gave a smirk. 
“I’m Clarisse Rue, cabin leader of Cabin 5. Welcome to the Ares cabin.” 
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kazoosandfannypacks · 7 months
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summary: when an apollo camper falls for an aphrodite camper, heart-shaped cough drops and haikus written with glitter gel pens aren't too far behind. word count: 6815 words a/n: it started as a simple headcanon. apollo's kid falling for aphrodite's. i told a few friends on discord about it, and they ate the idea up so much, i knew i had to write something about them. this story is about two ocs, but you'll see a few familiar faces in here too, and if you're paying close enough attention to context clues, you can figure out where eva and kodi's story fits in within the pjo timeline. taglist: @poptart-cat-78 @fynn-arcana @babsbabbles @laughingphoenixleader {if you’d like to be added to my halfblood 5&1 taglist/pjo taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
five times it paid to know an apollo boy (and one time being an aphrodite girl paid off too)
~eva's first summer~
 Eva wasn't surprised that, in a camp with archery, flying pegasi, and lava in the dish pit as well as on the climbing wall, she'd gotten herself hurt within her first week at Camp Half-Blood. 
 But, although she hadn't sat down and considered all the possible injuries available to her at Camp, if she had, getting a papercut while opening a chocolate bar for s'mores wouldn't've exactly made the list.
 And yet, even in the dim lighting of the camp's bonfire, she could see very clearly the scratch on her thumb.
 "That kind of injury takes some serious skill," someone said.
 She couldn't see his face in the low lighting by the bonfire, but she saw him hold something out to her.
 "Need a band-aid?"
 "Thanks," Eva said. She took it from him and unwrapped it.
 By the time the bandage was around her thumb, the stranger had disappeared into the crowd, and she shoved the wrapping into her pocket.
 She'd almost forgotten that moment had happened by the time she got back to her cabin. But now that she looked at it in the light, she saw that the band-aid was a shade of hot pink— her favorite color, and the same color as the accessories she'd worn with her Camp Half-Blood t-shirt that day.
~eva's first summer~
 When Eva was a little girl, she always looked forward to Valentine's Day. It made more sense now, looking back on it after her demigod diagnosis, why her decorated shoebox mailbox was always filled to the brim with heart-shaped lollipops, tiny treasures, and cards with cartoon character puns on them. Of course Aphrodite's daughter would attract a lot of attention from her classmates.
 Not long after she settled into camp, she realized Cabin 10 was one giant Valentine's shoebox.  Eva was used to coming back to the cabin each evening and seeing her sisters' bunks surrounded by flowers and chocolates and her brothers' bunks cluttered with assorted candies and letters that smelled like perfume. As long as there were Aphrodite kids who treasured cheap attempts to buy their affection, there would be kids from the other cabins more than willing to oblige them.
 But Eva didn't get gifts like that, at least, not as much as her siblings. She spent a lot of that first summer reminding herself that she was still the youngest in the cabin, and that her time to shine would come soon enough.
 In the meantime, though, she'd just have to get used to all the flowers. She had just the luck of having a bunk next to Silena— kind-hearted, beautiful Silena, who could scarcely glance in a boy's direction without him falling for her. Eva soon found out that where there were boys falling for you, there were flowers, and where there were flowers, there were allergies, and she figured the best way to dispel the issue quietly was to stop by Cabin 7.
 A normal camp would have a camp nurse, maybe a nurse's assistant on staff, and wouldn't be much more than a phone call away from the nearest hospital. Camp Half-Blood's medical treatments pretty much amounted to "tell someone at Cabin 7 what's wrong, and if they can't patch you up, well, there's not much a mortal doctor could do for you anyways."
 As Eva approached the cabin, she noticed there were several chains by the door, each one with a different label underneath.
 That last one sounded the most like what she needed, so she pulled that chain and heard a chime go off in the cabin.
 "I'll be out in a second," a voice said, and a moment later the door opened to a blonde boy, not much older than Eva, whose eyes widened when he saw her.
 "Oh my gosh, are you alright?" he asked, with so much concern on his face she might as well have been actively on fire.
 "Yeah," Eva wrinkled her nose, "just a slight problem I was hoping someone could help me with."
 "Oh, good," he said, "I, uh, what can I do for you?"
 She hesitated a moment, not sure what would happen if word got out that Aphrodite's new daughter was allergic to flowers.
 "Can you keep a secret?"
 "Anything for you," he said, then coughed so hard Eva thought that he might need a doctor, "I mean, uh, of course."
 "I found out I'm allergic to flowers," Eva whispered, "and Drew said that if I wake her up with my coughing one more time, I'm gonna be the one who needs beauty sleep."
 "That's perfect!" the boy said.
 "My allergy is perfect?" Eva asked.
 "No, no," he said, "I have just the thing. Don't go away!"
 He scurried back into the cabin, and about a minute later he came back with a bottle and a cloth pouch.
 "These will help the allergy," he handed her the bottle, "take one each night before bed, and you should be cough free. But, just in case!' 
 He handed her the pouch as well and she opened it to see several heart shaped lollipops.
 "What are these?"
 "Newest breakthrough in Cabin 7 medicine," he said, "making your own blend of cough drops is almost a rite of passage, but I've turned the science into an art form."
 Eva held one up and sniffed it. "You made cough drops into lollipops?"
 "Yeah," he said.
 "Why not?"
 They stood in silence for an awkward moment.
 "I gotta go," Eva said, "but thanks for everything."
 "You're welcome," he said.
 She walked away, slightly confused and highly appreciative, though the whole of the moment was soon lost in the hubbub of demigod adventures.
~eva's second summer~
 The biggest problem with being a child of Aphrodite is that your skill set usually boils down to "distraction." Another unfortunate truth is that sometimes "distraction" boils down to "do the hard part and run through the woods so that someone else can get the glory for your actions."
 Unfortunately for Eva, this was one of those times.
 All of Red Team had been hopeful for their own chance to shine when Clarisse announced that she wouldn't be going directly for the flag this time. She claimed it was a solid strategy for her and a couple of her siblings to divert the enemy's attention, so she volunteered to take patrol up along the lake instead of in the woods as usual.
 However, this shuffling of the troops meant that Eva and a couple of the other Aphrodite campers were on a new mission: distract the enemy while the remaining Ares campers rush the Blue Team's flag.
 Things had gone pretty much according to plan there. A few of the Apollo kids had been guarding the flag, and more than half of them had abandoned their post to chase down the Red Team's distraction.
 But although the chase was part of the plan, Eva hoped the boy running after her would just give up already. She wasn't sure how much more of it she could take right now.
 As the forest passed by around her, she glanced over her shoulder— just long enough to see her pursuer's determined smile— then looked back ahead of her, in just enough time to notice the tree root in front of her, but without enough time to avoid tripping on it.
 She landed with her hands in front of her, the wind knocked out of her for a moment.
 "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," his voice behind her said, "are you okay?"
 Eva pushed herself up a little and turned her head to see the boy who'd been chasing her, now with a concerned look on his face.
 She wanted to make a clever remark and then run past her enemy and make her escape, but as she tried to push herself up further, she realized the pain in her knees and chin, and especially her hands.
 "I'm alright," she huffed, sitting up and looking at her hands, both of them brushburned and dirt stained, and one having a decent sized cut.
 "No you're not," he said, and knelt down in front of her, "you're bleeding in five different places."
 "I'll be fine," Eva said.
 "At least let me take a look at it. Apollo's my father, I…."
 "I know," Eva said, "and you'll take me back to Blue Team's jail as a wounded prisoner."
 A drop of blood fell onto Eva's shirt, and it took her a few seconds to realize where it had come from. She touched a sticky spot on her chin, then looked at her fingers to see a streak of red and brown.
 "Capture the Flag isn't my concern right now," he said, taking off his helmet to reveal a familiar face, with a mop of fair blonde hair that would've looked even lighter if it wasn't so sweaty, paired the warmest brown eyes Eva'd ever seen— the boy who'd given her the cough drops and allergy pills last summer, "let me patch you up, and I'll give you a fifteen second head start."
 "I guess that sounds like a deal," Eva said. She was supposed to be the distraction anyways, and this camper wouldn't be after her teammates if he was occupied with her instead.
 "Good," he said. He'd already taken off his chestplate as well, and he pulled a knife out of a holster at his side.
 "What are you doing?" Eva asked.
 "Emergency bandages," he said, cutting a strip off the bottom of his shirt, "maybe this'll convince Annabeth to let us bring more first aid supplies next time. She says they only slow us down," he cut another chunk of the fabric off his shirt, "but this would go a lot faster if I didn't have to tear apart my wardrobe to do it."
 "You don't have to."
 "Nonsense," he said, pouring some water from his canteen onto one of the cloths, "you wouldn't've tripped if I hadn't been chasing you. May I?"
 She nodded as he took her right hand and dabbed her open palm with the wet cloth. She tried not to wince too much.
 "Sorry," he said, "I wish I had something better to clean this out with."
 "No need to apologize."
 Once her hand was clean, he wrapped a strip of the fabric around it, and tied it tightly.
 "Here," he said, handing her the wet cloth, "wipe up that cut on your chin, then apply pressure to stop the bleeding."
 She followed his instructions as best she could as he cut off another chunk of his shirt and wet it.
 "You know a lot about first aid," Eva said.
 He smiled a little as he took her other hand and dappled off the dirt.
 "I'm not the best of my siblings," he said, "but I do what I can."
 Eva knew all about struggling to be the best, having consigned herself at this point to the fact that she wouldn't even be third best among her siblings for a very long time.
 "I'm Eva," she said.
 "Evangeline Blythe," he nodded, "I know. This is your second summer, right?"
 "That's what it says on my necklace," Eva said, glancing at the single clay bead on the string around her neck.
 He held up his own necklace with two beads on it. "Then I guess this is my third. I'm Kodi Archer."
 "I remember you from last summer," Eva said.
 "You do?" Kodi asked.
 "You gave me something for my allergies," she said.
 "Glad to make an impression," he said, cleaning the spots of dirt off her scratched-but-not-actively-bleeding knees, "that's also not the first time we met."
 "It's not?"
 "I'm just sorry I didn't have any hot pink bandages on me this time."
 "That was you?" Eva asked, recalling the bonfire and the perfectly accessorized band-aid.
 "Yeah," he said.
 Kodi looked back up at her, a smile on his face as their eyes met for half a moment. His eyes then shifted, however, to the cloth she had pressed against her chin.
 "Let's see what I can do for that chin," he said, his hand brushing against hers as he took the cloth from her.
 She hardly noticed the sting of the wet cloth on her cut as he tilted her chin up with his other hand, giving her a better view of his face in the golden lighting of the sun, warming his eyes to an even richer hue. He hadn't been this nice to look at last summer, but he'd apparently grown into his nose, and his height, and some confidence had no-doubt come with it, all of which paid off nicely together.
 Her gaze was drawn away when she heard a sound in the distance: the blaring of a horn, signifying the end of the game. Kodi stopped a moment as well, looking up as though trying to see where it came from.
 "That's a relief," he smiled.
 "Who do you think won?" 
 "Doesn't matter," Kodi said, "I'm just glad I didn't have to explain to Luke and Annabeth why I was stopping to help you and would've given you a head start instead of taking you prisoner."
 "At least you don't have to report to Clarisse," Eva offered.
 "I don't envy you on that one," Kodi said, dabbing away the last of the blood on her chin, "now, keep applying pressure, and stop by Cabin 7 to get it looked at once you get back by the main camp, okay?"
 Eva rolled her eyes.
 "At least grab yourself a couple real bandages?"
 "Do they have hot pink ones?" Eva smiled
 "If you tell them I sent you," Kodi smiled back, resheathing his knife. "Now, do you think you can walk with your knees all scraped up?"
 "I think so," she said, trying to stand up off the ground.
 "Here," Kodi jumped to his feet, then held a hand out to Eva, who gladly took it and let him help stand her up.
 "Thanks for everything." Eva said, taking a couple steps with minimum difficulty.
 "All in a day's work," he said.
 In the distance, they heard quite a ruckus.
 "What's that?" Eva asked.
 "Sounds like some commotion over at canoe lake," Kodi said, "probably nothing important."
~eva's third summer~
 Eva had no idea where the haikus were coming from.
 It started one day at dinner, when she got up to make her offering to Aphrodite, and came back to find a three-by-five index card on her napkin. One one side was her name— Evangeline, not Eva— written with a smudged pink glitter gel pen. The other side had three lines written on it.
 She stayed at the table after most of the other campers had left, when it was a little quieter and easier to focus on the words scribbled on the notecard:
 "if the sun should rise
 and see the way your face shines
 it would be ashamed"
 That was it. The only other thing on the card was a heart, near her name, a classic Valentine's heart with an arrow through it, and a scribbled line near the top corner that looked like something you'd do to get the ink in a pen flowing.
 By now, Eva was used to this kind of stuff. Toward the end of last summer, a couple of the Demeter boys started competing to win her affection, and she found her bunk surrounded each day with fresh flowers (which, of course, led to frequent trips to Cabin 7 for allergy medication and a weekly supply of heart-shaped "cough-pops," as Kodi had branded them.) It wasn't uncommon for the Hermes kids to slip candy bars into her pockets and backpacks for her to find later. One of the Ares kids had dedicated an arm-wrestling victory to her, and one of Mr. D's boys had just about run out of elaborate pickup lines to use on her.
 Being well-acquainted with this kind of stuff by now, Eva slipped the poem into her backpack and went on with her evening.
 That night before bed, she pulled the notecard out of her backpack, only to discover a second notecard with it. Her name was written on this one as well, with the same arrow-struck heart next to it, but there were two marks in the corner, and the glittering ink on the other side read:
 "your smile is like the
 dripping of nectar, like a
 lump of ambrosia"
 It was a pity that whoever wrote the poem wasn't there to see her read it, because they would've seen another one of her smiles as she read it.
 She stacked both notes together neatly, and was about to set them on her nightstand, when she realized there was a third notecard already there. The unlined side, once again, bore her name and and the same kind of heart, this time with three marks in the corner, and a haiku that read:
 "your laugh is a song
 that i've always known without
 knowing all the words"
 Eva couldn't help but laugh just a little as she read it, then stacked all three notes on her nightstand and went to bed.
 As they tidied up the cabin the next morning, Eva smiled with a newfound confidence. There's always something special about having an admirer, but even more deliciously romantic about a secret admirer, one who writes you poems and tells you the sun doesn't hold a candle to you.
 "Is there an Evangeline in this cabin?"Aurora, one of the first-year campers, asked.
 "Yeah, that would be me." Eva sighed. Her dad had always said he gave her the name because it was a beautiful name, and she was his beautiful daughter, but she'd never been a fan of the impromptu Disney karaoke sessions she'd see whenever she introduced herself by it. "Eva" suited her much better.
 "Someone left you a note," Aurora said, holding up a three-by-five card.
 "Where?" Eva asked, walking over to her.
 "Tacked onto the door," the girl said, "I found it while I was sweeping."
 Before Eva could get to her, one of their older brothers, Mitchell, grabbed the note and read it out loud.
 "'You are a poem, and I am just the reader,'' he read, slowly, his tone slightly mocking, "'I've mem'rized your words.' What a piece of…."
 "None of your business," Eva snapped, taking the note from him and looking it over carefully, noting the lines in the corner and familiar handwriting. A favorite pastime of the Aphrodite kids was making fun of the horrible attempts at poetry the other kids would write for them, but for some reason the mockery of this one seemed out of place.
 "Relax, Eva," Drew said, "tell me, who's this new beau, Evangeline?"
 "I don't know," Eva said, calming down a little in spite of her anger.
 "Someone from Apollo's cabin," another guy said, looking over Eva's shoulder.
 "You don't know that," Eva shrugged. Several Apollo campers came to mind.
 "Well, it is a poorly written haiku," Mitchell said.
 "And there's that arrow through the heart," he said.
 "Who do you think it is?" Aurora asked.
 "I don't know," Eva shrugged, "but it's not the first one, either."
 Now that the whole cabin was invested in this story, she showed her siblings the other three notecards and told them where she found them, as they laughed at the words comparing her to ambrosia and singalongs.
 "Those are some hard-to-get-to places to sneak a poem into undetected," Mitchell said.
 "Could be a Hermes kid, then," Lacy suggested.
 That didn't seem right, but Eva couldn't say why.
 "Could be anyone," Silena said, "but for now, let's finish getting the cleaned up and head to breakfast. Just because those Posiedon boys are gonna lose at cabin clean up again doesn't mean we shouldn't try to win."
 And with that, the campers got back to work.
 Within a week, Eva had found five more notes in various pockets of her backpack, one at her seat at almost every meal, one on her nightstand each night and her cabin door in the morning, and three in her shorts' pockets (and how they got there without her noticing, she didn't want to know.) Each of them came with her name and a heart pierced with an arrow, a series of strikes up in the corner (which she soon realized were tally marks, the highest one up to twenty-nine so far, though a few in between were missing,) and a haiku, likening her to arrows, celestial bodies, anything beautiful you could think of (except, strangely enough, flowers,) and an assortment of diseases and ailments. Any time she found one, her nearby brothers and sisters would gather around and giggle and gawk over the attempts at romance.
 Eva, however, treasured every one of these notes in her heart. With each note she found, her secret admirer became even more of a point of interest. At the end of that week, her curiosity got the better of her, and she hatched a plan involving a stakeout out front of her cabin. Whoever was hiding these notes came every night to leave them on the door, and tonight she'd catch the cupid culprit in the act.
 It was nearly midnight, and her tiredness had almost caught up with her as she crouched behind a flowering shrub outside the cabin.
 Suddenly, she heard the sound of someone coming, and perked up to watch. This part required the most secrecy. If they heard her, no doubt they'd come up with some alibi that didn't involve haikus and thumb tacks. She'd have to catch them in the act. Quietly as she could, she watched as a figure approached the door, stuck something to it, and started to walk away.
 Quickly, Eva shone her flashlight at the note, just to check that it was indeed another three-by-five with her glittering name on it, then turned the light on the intruder.
 "Going somewhere?" she asked.
 He looked like he was gonna jump out of his skin, but instead turned back around to face her. She recognized him as one of the Stoll brothers from Hermes' cabin, but even in better lighting she wouldn't be able to tell you which one.
 "You've been writing me haikus?" Eva asked.
 "Oh no," he said, his hands over his head in a way that made Eva feel like she was some kind of cop. "I'm just the delivery boy."
 "You're running errands?" Eva asked.
 "Half-Blood's gotta make a living," he said, "and I'm just using the skills dad gave me."
 Hermes was a master of sneakery and delivery, and there was a reason the Stoll brothers were the heads of his children. Every demigod knew that if you want something done sneaky and you want it done right, you turn to the Stoll brothers.
 Every camper also knew that they could both be easily bought.
 "Who put you up to this?" Eva asked.
 "My 'client' paid a high price for my silence," he said.
 "Oh?" Eva asked, "and how high a price would I have to pay for the opposite?" 
 "I'm not a sellout," Stoll said, "even among thieves and pickpockets, there is honor."
 "Such a shame," Eva smiled, smugly, knowing she had a bargaining chip worth much more than money, "because that means I won't have to tell my lovely sisters that you were part of this 'secret admirer' plot."
 "Why should that matter?" he asked.
 "They haven't been able to stop talking about it," Eva said, "someone being so clever and sneaky in the name of love. They always go crazy for guys in touch with their romantic side."
 "Oh, sure," Eva said, "If they found out you were involved with this, oh, they'd be all over you."
 "They would?" he asked, his voice weak.
 "And of course," Eva said, knowing exactly how to seal the deal, "the best thing about attracting my sisters' attention? Being a child of Aphrodite pretty much guarantees more candy than you'll ever be able to eat, more than enough to share with such a daring romantic soul as your own.."
 "Any peanut m&ms?" he asked.
 Though they were a favorite slip-into-your-pocket candy from the Hermes kids, the Aphrodite kids seldom appreciated them. However, there was no one at camp who loved them more than Connor Stoll, who'd burn a pack of them for his father on the regular, and that gave Eva a pretty good hunch who she was talking to.
 "Too many to eat," she said, "it's a shame, really."
 "What's a shame?"
 "Oh, you know," Eva said, "the fact that you'd rather keep your silence than attract the interests of a dozen beautiful girls with a lifetime supply of chocolate."
 Eva turned, with a smile on her face, knowing she'd made an offer he couldn't refuse.
 "Do you promise you won't tell him I told you?" Stoll asked.
 She turned back to him.
 "The only person who'll know about this conversation is my siblings, who will get to hear about how wonderfully romantic the great Connor Stoll is."
 He smiled, so Eva assumed she had guessed properly as to which brother it was.
 "I don't know," he said, with a wink, "Kodi paid a good price to tell me not to tell you."
 "Kodi?" Eva asked, "Kodi Archer?"
 Aside from her trips to Cabin 7 for allergy pills, cough-pops, and brightly colored band-aids, she hadn't spoken much to Kodi since the Capture the Flag game at the start of last summer. She'd attracted the attention of a lot of guys last year, and even more this year, so a lot of her attention-seekers fell through the cracks. She couldn't keep up with every boy who went out of his way to do something for her.
 "I don't want any trouble between myself and the guy who makes my medicine," Connor winked again, and nodded in confirmation, "but don't tell anyone besides your sisters."
 "You got it," Eva smiled, "now, you should get outta here before the harpies catch you."
 "That's not a concern when you know what you're doing," he laughed. He pulled something out of his pocket and threw it into the distance, and Eva watched something in the sky chase it into a far-off tree.
 "How did you…" Eva asked, but when she looked back at him, he was already gone.
 Since she didn't have any magical harpy-escape-plan, she decided it best to head back to the cabin.
 But she stopped a moment at the cabin door, running her fingers along the index card. Had she been paying attention, she could've figured it out without Connor's help. No one at camp called her "Evangeline," except Kodi. He'd written it in what he clearly knew was her favorite shade of pink. The arrow piercing the hearts doodled on the notes represented Cabin 7, and also the boy whose last name just-so-happened to be Archer. There were metaphors to sunshine and medicine and archery all throughout the poorly written poems, and while any other poet would've likened her to beautiful, fragrant flowers, only Kodi knew of her allergy. Not everyone on campus would trust the word of one of the Stoll brothers, but the facts lined up in this one.
 She sighed, and decided not to bring the notecard back to the cabin with her. It would be better to leave it there for her siblings to gawk over in the morning.
 The next morning, Eva regaled the tale of her stakeout to her cabin mates, a captive audience, especially for her version of the story, in which Connor had taken the task of leaving the haikus solely "for the sake of romance" and "keeping the delicate flower of young love alive" and a few other poetic turns of phrase that made him into the kind of guy that at least a few of her siblings would fall for by the end of the story.
 The other big change in this version of the story was that when she recounted it, Connor was not so easily bought, and claimed to "honor the romanticism of mystery," meaning he disappeared into the night before telling Eva who her secret admirer was.
 In Cabin 10, names were thrown around often. Eva could list off the top of her head at least a dozen demigods who'd tried gestures like this to win her siblings' affections. Gossip was more juicy when you had names and faces to go with the story.
 But for some reason, Eva didn't want this to be juicy gossip, though, quite frankly, she couldn't quite put her finger on why. So, she kept Kodi's name out of the discussion, suggesting to her clamoring sisters that maybe the best way to get that information was from Connor, either through sweet-talk, or just sweets in general
~eva's third summer~
 It was Eva's turn to help Silena in the stables. It always fascinated Eva, how comfortably Silena got on with the pegasi, and vice versa, especially because Eva was terrified of them. It wasn't just pegasi; she was afraid of horses too, and though she'd never seen a unicorn, she was sure she wouldn't want to. No matter how much Silena would tell her it was safe, that the pegasi wouldn't hurt her— and even having a satyr and that Percy kid translate the pegasi's whinnies for her multiple times— this was something Eva couldn't shake.
 And yet, that afternoon she found herself in the stables with Silena.
 "I wish I could talk with them," Silena said, brushing a winged palomino.
 "Why?" Eva asked, polishing a saddle as far from the pegasi as she could be.
 "I think they know more than they let on," she smiled, "kind of like you."
 "What?" Eva's nose wrinkled.
 "I heard you talking to Connor outside the cabin last night," Silena said.
 "You what?"
 "I knew you were gonna stay up and get to the bottom of the secret poet mystery," Silena said, "so, I waited up to listen in. Kodi likes you?"
 "Not so loud!" Eva said.
 "The only ones around to hear us are the pegasi," Silena said.
 "And they know a lot more than they let on." Eva rolled her eyes, then looked back down at the saddle in front of her and buffed up a stain.
 If Silena had anything further to say, she didn't say it. Instead, she rubbed her wrist, anxiously, then bit her lip, with a far-off look in her eyes.
 "I'll be right back," she said, before Eva had time to question her or protest at being left alone with the flying death horses.
 "May as well get this over with," Eva muttered. She picked up the horse-brush Silena had been using and decided to try to face her fears head-on.
 Everyone had always told her these kinds of creatures were more afraid of her than she was of them, which seemed stupid because they weighed at least ten times more than her and had a mouth bigger than her entire face.
 But whoever had said it was apparently right, because the pegasus she approached seemed startled by her mere presence, and the last thing Eva remembered before hitting the floor was the pegasi standing in front of her, reared up to a terrifying height on his hind legs.
 Eva knew stable floors to be notoriously hard and dirty, and yet when she came to, she felt like she was lying on fresh bedsheets on a mattress. Instead of being surrounded by hay and the smell of a stable, she saw tulle around her, and smelled something delightfully clean.
 "I know this room," she thought, "I'm in the Big House."
 Usually, campers only stayed in the Big House for medical emergencies. As her consciousness regained itself, a pain in her head did too, and she realized why she qualified.
 Trying not to move her head too much, she looked around the room. Out the window was total darkness, like the middle of the night. Flowers were gathered, not near her bed, but on the other side of the room. The only light in the room was a lamp, which sat next to a chair that was next to the bed, and in that chair sat someone Eva knew well: a dimly lit Kodi.
 He didn't look like he'd intended to fall asleep. Instead of a blanket, his lap was covered in notecards, and he hadn't returned the cap on the pink gel pen in his hand.
 She turned over, just a little, and felt something out of place on her pillow: a notecard, her name written in familiar handwriting, with an arrow-pierced heart, and more tally marks than she wanted to count. The other side contained three simple lines.
 "evangeline, please,
 you've got to wake up because
 i kind of love you."
 The rest of the kids in Cabin 10 would've laughed their heads off at the words "kind of," but she was focused on the word after them: love. It was one thing to say you like someone, or have a crush on someone, or you think someone's cute. But to say you love someone, even just "kind of?" In the last three summers at Camp Half-Blood, and all those years of grade-school Valentine's and getting hounded for her phone number, not one of those guys had ever said they love her. And now, Kodi had.
 But Kodi hadn't just said that he loved her, he'd shown it. Maybe the hot pink bandages weren't a coincidence. Maybe the heart-shaped cough pops were made with her in mind. Maybe there was a reason he'd helped his Capture the Flag enemy. Maybe he hadn't left her side since he heard about her pegasus incident, and wanted her to see a friendly face when she came to.
 Even if none of that was true, there was no denying he'd gone out of his way to pour his heart out for her. Given the lengths he went to to get his poems to her and the price he paid for Connor's silence, it was clear that he wasn't doing this to get something in return. He just wanted her to know that she was special, and she was loved. That was all he'd been telling her from the beginning, wasn't it?
~kodi's fourth summer~
 From the first time he met Evangeline Blythe, Kodi had known one thing: she was special, and she deserved to be loved like it.
 Of course, his friends and siblings tried to dissuade him. Demigods and mortals alike throughout history had grown a sudden belief in "love at first sight" after meeting Aphrodite kids, and it never worked out as planned.
 Kodi, however, was great at working out plans. He saw the way she accessorized each day, and sent for some colored bandages to meet that need. Every time he saw her felt like Valentine's Day, so when her coughing fits started, it'd only made sense to make heart shaped "cough-pops" to capture that essence. And when he realized that helping her with her injuries in capture the flag wasn't enough to compete with all the other boys who sought her attention, he started his most ambitious project yet, which took a long while (and several pink gel pens) to execute, but the payoff was well worth it.
 He was a worried mess when Silena called him to the stables, and even more of a wreck when he saw Evangaline's lifeless form, and the blood dripping from her forehead. He was thankful he always kept a bit of ambrosia on hand. Had his shirt been able to voice an opinion it would've been ungrateful, though, that Kodi had thought ahead to keep hot pink bandages and a knife on hand, but didn't keep any cloths on hand. A chunk of his shirt was cut off without a second thought as he wiped the blood off her forehead and prayed a million prayers to his father.
 He'd gotten her to a more stable condition— no pun intended— though still unconscious, and brought her back to the Big House as safely as he could on the back of a pegasus.
 Kodi had insisted on staying by her bedside until she woke up, and Chiron said that would be fine, as long as they weren't alone together. Silena volunteered to stay with them, feeling excessive guilt over not being in the stable to stop the problem before it happened.
 Around midnight, after an unexpected heart-to-heart with Silena about his feelings for Evangeline, he'd told her to get some sleep, and that he'd wake her up when Evangeline did.
 In the meantime, Kodi had plenty of time to write some more haikus, and had just slipped the best of them on her pillow when his exhaustion from the day's events finally kicked in.
 Kodi woke with a start when he felt something touching him, and looked down to see a hand on top of his. The hand was slender, nails well-manicured in a shade of pink that perfectly complemented the bracelets around the wrist.
 His eyes followed the arm to Evangeline's face, her eyes open and her lips smiling at him as she lay on the bed next to his seat.
 "Good morning, sleepyhead," she whispered, despite the fact that the sun hadn't even risen yet.
 "You're awake," he whispered back in surprise, "and you're… holding my hand?"
 He wasn't sure how this had happened, but he tried to move his hand away from hers, just in case, but instead her hand chased after his, and caught it.
 "I am," she smiled.
 "Why?" he asked, and when she looked disappointed, he followed up, "not that I'm upset, just a little confused. Did I miss something? Maybe you're delirious? I should wake Silena, or maybe get Will…."
 "Not yet," Evangeline said, "I'm thinking clearly. I'm actually thinking a lot more clearly about a lot of things than I have been in a long time."
 "What kind of things?"
 "I never asked to be Aphrodite's kid," she said, "we don't get to come up with strategies or fight epic battles or tend to the wounded with great expertise," and she smiled and squeezed his hand, "but we do have it lucky."
 "How?" Kodi asked.
 "When your mom is the goddess of love," she smiled, that pure smile that somehow had a way of healing his soul every time he saw it, "the most confusing thing anyone can ever go through suddenly makes a lot more sense."
 "What's that?"
 "This," Evangeline said, holding up the note he'd left on her pillow, "'I kind of love you' too," she said.
 "You do?" He asked, and he hoped she liked his smiles as much as he liked hers, because there was no stopping the one that now spread across his face. All that planning and working at getting her attention had actually worked.
 Instead of responding, she squeezed his hand three times, and he'd listened to the modern poets enough to know it meant "I love you."
 He responded the same way, but after the third squeeze, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, the world stopping a moment as he looked up and saw the blush creeping along her cheeks, that perfect shade of pink she'd taught him to see everywhere.
 "You said you needed to wake Silena?" Evangeline asked.
 "Yeah," he said.
 "Can it wait ten seconds?"
 "Why ten seconds?" Kodi asked.
 "Because," Evangeline said, leaning closer toward him off the edge of the bed, "that gives me just enough time to do this."
  Then, she kissed him, and if it had lasted ten seconds or ten hours, he wouldn't've known the difference, and he wouldn't've cared. It still would've been overwhelming. He still would've thought it ended too soon. It still would've taken him a few hazy minutes to recover. Even after passing out in a stable and spending a day in a hospital room, her lips still tasted like chocolate and strawberries, and they pressed against his as gently as a feather, pulling away just as softly.
 "Wow," he whispered, between deep breaths, "I think I kind of love you more than I thought I did."
 She giggled a little, and said "me too," and it was the capstone of the greatest moment of his entire life.
 The sun was just beginning to rise out the infirmary window, and as perfect as it would be to say they held hands and watched the sunrise together while Apollo painted the skies in glorious hues, no one could honestly say that's what happened that morning— because Kodi was much more interested in watching Evangeline than in anything the sunrise had to offer.
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starmanlupinn · 2 years
☆ get to know me! (UPDATED) ☆
name: tori
pronouns: she/they (genderfluid)
♡ bisexual ♡
IMPORTANT: I am fine with people 18+ interacting with me as long as you're not weird or creepy
main fandom(s): marauders, PJO, heathers (the musical), the outsiders
❤️ - reading, music, rainy days, writing, fanfictions, astrology, the moon
💔 - math, watermelon flavored candy, black olives, canned tuna, that time of the month, (cow) milk (I'm not lactose intolerant btw)
DNI: homophobic people, transphobic people, racist people, etc.
mental illnesses: depression (diagnosed) + anxiety (also diagnosed)
main social platforms:
discord - ask in DMs
ao3 - sunandmoonyy, neglecting updating my fic (which you should definitely check out, lol)
roblox - ask in DMs
fave marauder: remus <33
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kvanderquack · 9 months
Immediate pjo thoughts
The Minotaur looked so cool!
I love Grover he’s the only one with common sense
Did they write out the oracle?
Luce already convincing Percy to like him and value glory over the gods
No dolphin threats yet :(
I would kill for the trio
Chiron being a dark brown horse instead of white is correct
Percy burning the candies killed me
Get these children therapy
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chocozozo095 · 2 months
intro post (something i should've made a long long time ago.)
okays uhm.
Hi! Welcome to my blog!
names : Zoe; charis
what to call me : zozo; whatever you wanna call me :)
minor °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ no nsfw °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ dirty mind°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ brainrot°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ cringe sometimes°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・random asf °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ writer °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ artist/drawer °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ gacha-toker °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ multi-fandom °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ infp-t
Fandoms i'm in : ENGENE °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ pjo/hoo/toa °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ miraculous ladybug °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ beyblade °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ inazuma eleven °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ colourful stage °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ stay °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ fearnot °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Swifite °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Livie °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ moa °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ carat °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ MLP °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Winx club °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ gacha life °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Keeper Of The Lost Cities °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Candy Meow °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Powerpuff Girls °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・many, many more...
what you'll find here : writing pieces °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ one shots °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ fanart °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ plain art in general °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ rants °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ random things °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ headcanons °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ music °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ roleplay blogs promotion°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・reblogs
where you can find me : Tumblr, my wattpad, my TikTok acc, my c.ai acc, my YouTube channel
Join my Discord!! - my server
so yeah! scroll through and follow if you want :)
thanks for reading! :)
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