trying to figure out what to cook each week is so exhausting ughhh
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bisexualgenderclown · 2 years
listen i love GtN to bits but the thing that makes me want to knife-fight literally everyone involved in the making of that book is that we get ZERO chapters between “One Flesh One End. Say it, loser” and the Cytherea/Ianthe Situation exploding and I just wanted them to hang out as not-enemies for a bit OKAY
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puppydogmushy · 1 day
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25-07-2024 Cannelonis i made while visiting family (DELICIOUS!!!))
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certified-pinkwasher · 2 months
i found a place that has the gluten free versions of literally all of the foods i miss the most AND they deliver to jerusalem AND theyre kosher!!!!!!!!!!! straight up they have croissants and a bunch of different kinds of ravioli and potato cigars and cheese blintzes and fucking canneloni??? ive never even had an opportunity to try canneloni even before i was gluten intolerant im so excited
heres the website in case any other gluten intolerant people follow me
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musicals-in-sweden · 1 year
Bruno Mitsogiannis and the cast of De' e' det här vi kallar kärlek performing 'Canneloni Macaroni' at Bingolotto.
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animentality · 1 year
You and your book got me an enby and a trans girlfriend. Thank you. I owe you a few sleepless nights, at least two bottles of gin tonic, and the empty promise of terrible pizza. But i'll get you the best canneloni with bechamel/cream sauce, cheese curst, stuffed with deliciousness instead.
I have no idea how my book would get you a girlfriend or two, but glad to be of service?
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foodies-channel · 11 months
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🍥 beef poached in tallow to 52c hen of woods, wild garlic, mushroom ketchup, oxtail canneloni, oxtail jus. in north yorkshire
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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Ich hatte heute 4 Käse Canneloni und Curry King Geflügel es ist wenig im vergleich zu den Tagen davor aber es ist immer noch viel
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spine-buster · 1 year
Ok so now the penguins (my team) have both Spezza and Dubas. I’m kind of excited but I’m sorry for leafs fans.
Pls treat them kindly, especially Spezza. He's just a smol Italian boy looking for some good canneloni
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matsiro-be · 10 months
Un resto italien dans le quartier des Beaux-Arts à Montpellier.
Bisciù Pizzeria, ambiance italienne assurée.
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On aime la cuisine maison et le travail de produits frais :
les pizze, rouges ou blanches,
les calzoni, classique ou frite,
mais également pour :
les arancine, boules de riz farcie et panée,
les panuozzi, sorte de sandwiches italiens,
les plats du jour, comme les lasagnes ou canneloni,
Et pour gourmandises :
cannolo sicialiano, pate feuilletée frite.
Les petits plus :
La carte des bières et vins italiens change tous les mois.
Le chef propose son pain maison.
La bonne humeur en salle et en cuisine. Les service et accueil avec des airs italiens !
Attention une vingtaine de couverts, réservation conseillée. A emporter et livraison possible. Ouvert tous les midis et soirs du mardi au samedi. Adresse : 6 Rue Proudhon, 34090 Montpellier.
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heard in the wild at uni: 'i had a dream that i was really sad so i made canneloni'
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cfiedler · 1 year
Zucchini-Canneloni mit Garnelen-Farce, Tomaten-Mousse, Estragon-Pesto und Olivencrumble
Zucchini in dünne Scheiben hobeln, 2 Minuten in Salzwasser blanchieren. Auf Küchenkrepp trocknen.
Pankobrösel goldbraun braten. Schwarze Oliven, zerdrückten Knoblauch, gehackten Rosmarin und Salz dazu. Falls es durch die Oliven zu feucht ist, auf dem Backblech ausbreiten und bei 150 Gead trocknen.
Gute Tomaten aus der Dose zusammen mit Öl, Zucker, Basilikum, Knoblauch und Piment D‘ Espelette im Food Processor mixen. Dann durch ein Sieb streichen. Sauerrahm und Ziegenfrischkäse leicht aufschlagen. Gelatine-Fix zur Tomatensauce geben. Zusammenmixen mit dem Frischkäse/ Sauerrahm. In Silikonförmchen geben und einige Stunden in den Kühlschrank
Rohe Garnelen kurz anbraten. Knoblauch, Chilli, Salz, Pfeffer, etwas Mayonnaise und 1 Ei dazu und im FP grob shreddern.
Zucchinischeiben dicht nebeneinander auf eine Klarsichtfolie legen. Garnelenfarce darauf und mit Hilfe der Klarsichtfolie eng einwickeln. Das ganze dann noch in Alufolie einpacken. Dann ca. 10 Minuten in Salzwasser sieden lassen. Herausnehmen und im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen.
Dann auswickeln. Evtl. In Scheiben schneiden und mit Pesto, Tomatenmousse und Olivencrumble anrichten.
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Captain Martini in the Mediterranean
Friday 1st September 2023 – Civitavecchia, Italy
The Last Word in Steak!
For our last evening Dinner aboard Silver Nova, we returned to ‘Atlantide’, the main open-seating restaurant and with an early show in the Venetian Theatre and most passengers needing to finish packing later, it meant there was a surge for dinner just after 7pm. But they were obviously prepared for the rush, because, busy though it was, service was still excellent.
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I chose the Crab & Chilled Cucumber to start; it was a little weak on flavour for my taste - perhaps a bit too much cucumber but otherwise it was pleasant enough.
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Andrew and I both went for the ‘Cider and Onion Soup with Gruyere Cheese’ next because we knew it would be rather different from the ‘traditional’ Onion Soup we have often had. And it was but also in a very nice way; quite sweet and much lighter but the perfect in-between.
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While Andrew went for the Canneloni as his main dish, I had the Lobster Tail with drawn butter. Simple and understated, it was very good indeed.
The big surprise came when Rodrigo the Maitre d’ arrived with guess what – a well-done steak! After them not getting things right on two occasions earlier in the cruise, we had drawn line under things and moved on but Rodrigo was clearly not happy leaving it like that. His own words were, “I don’t mind losing but I do mind not winning” and true enough, Andrew’s ‘extra’ steak was perfect and more to the point, it was still bursting with flavour; I know because Angie & I both had to help him eat it and it was excellent – it was just a shame I never took a photo! My Orange Crème Caramel dessert will have to do instead!
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All the desserts on Silver Nova have certainly been true ‘pictures’ as well as delicious and they have revived my usual disinterest in desserts on most cruise ships these days, most of which are prepared hours beforehand and fall into the categories of square, round or triangular!
So Silver Nova came through with flying colours in all departments and we arrived in Civitavecchia today, on our way home.
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raingallery · 1 year
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icantremembe · 2 years
canneloni not canteloni. But cantelope :(
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albonium · 2 years
i spent the evening making tomato sauce and canneloni filling that were supposed to be dinner but it took so long i just ate bread 😭
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