#cannon character interp
razorsrockinart · 5 months
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And I oop- my own Electra jumpscare…and you’ll never see him again.
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He’s literally my favourite one, man who commits 10000000000 OSHA violations per day
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13tinysocks · 1 year
i just wanted to say that im so glad your interpretation of the creeps are adults. for too long in this fandom ppl wrote them as teens (i get it bc that was the demographic at the time) but people will write hardcore smut of the teen creeps which is FUCKING WEIRD ‼️sometimes the authors will excuse their actions by saying the characters are fictional as if that makes a difference?? 😭 it’s still a weird ass mindset like leave that little boy alone ‼️
I understand having a crush on a character as a minor continuing into your adulthood but continuing to write them as a child/teen while you're an adult is strange to me. Jeff has long since been 13 in my head, he's always been older than me so he ages that way in my head. To me he's 23-25. But that's just me! Your idea of Jeff's age can be loose or stagnant as you'd like because everyone has creative control over these characters. That's what I like about the fandom.
But also this fandoms "cannon" is incredibly loose and policing it just doesn't work. If you still see a character as a certain age I won't judge and continue to carry my own interps as do you. While most people get this and are entirely normal- there are some freaks who unfortunately are adults writing teenage porn which is somehow more objectifying of teens than shit like Riverdale. It's something I've seen an unfortunate amount. And while they ARE fake writers must be aware of the real world impacts they may have by writing minors in porn- how that normalizes that to potential minor readers and makes weird ass adults feel comfortable being gross to minors.
The biggest demographic writing "teen porn" are teens with NSFW headcannon blogs that say 16+ in their bio. While it's upsetting to see an underdeveloped mind consume and make porn, there isn't much we can do besides reporting them. They're teenagers, they don't listen. Trust me, I was also 16 reading porn and that put me at risk for sexual grooming and hypersexuality. I didn't listen so I had to pay the piper. If you're a minor reading this for some unfortunate reason: It CAN happen to you. I hope to god it doesn't but I thought I was too smart and too internet savvy- I was not and you're not either.
TLDR: Report and block these people. Do not engage with their content. Minor or adult it's unhealthy for the writer and consumer.
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Head cannons for some of the host in hours?
Yeah hi sorry for the late response firstly i had a terrible morning and secondly i just had my english exams which sucked balls but anyways
Equinox and Invader are related in some way. Consider, they both dual wield, they both have life steal of some sort, they both have a dash attack . Dont argue with me about it.
Prophet is ill over fluffy things my personal interp is they have a cloak with the megafluff on the shoulders idk how to describe it you know what i mean they just rly like fluff
Witness is a slut. /JOKE
Witness is very flirty is what I mean, both with words and posing dramatically just to flirt . That’s just their vibes to me
Artisan is the type to “wat u up 2 :P >w<” in casual convos and “To further prove my case, I have provided eight sources that debunk every bit of misinformation you have shared in this argument” during serious convos . also they are EXTREMELY affectionate over their bobots
Vestige is a slut but the polar opposite of Witness /AGAIN, JOKE
Vestige is one of those Is gay but is in severe denial about it kind of guys . He’s Easy to fluster but he doesn’t like to admit it whatsoever. He’s terrible at hiding his emotions but will tell you he’s a-okay after sobbing for two straight hours
Visitor says poetic adverbs I rest my case
Subject is Witness but worse /hj
Subject is actually nerdier than they give off but the only reason nobody knows that is because they never bother listening to them infodump about nerdy stuff
Parting calls you slurs affectionately and petnames derogatively Why is derogatively not a word what the hell . Also says Sonic Fandub references
Also I DO like to perceive Easy Lover as a character herself i have genuinely never watched jjba ever so idk how stands work but Lover is bisexual and Parting WILL reference “woah he’s bisexual, i didnt know that” every single time it’s brought up
They ALL watch anime but Drifter is the most ill about it and will kill you if you don’t let him infodump about a hyperfixation
I personally love Witness and Vestige the most as a duo just flirty x cant stand the flirting also my sibling told me they fit the cowboy aesthetic together and I will latch onto that forever
I have no headcanons for the rest of the hosts tbh bleh
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xdollydoodlesx · 3 years
Oh no, accidentally made another Poppy Playtime OC and boi is this one a doozy, here’s a sum up of who they are:
Imagine at some point during the game you notice a area that had various fallen debris blocking off a door, the weak pleading female voice inside being what catches your attention.
After a short one sided explanation she says that she had been a lower class worker who had also been called back to the factory, tho ended up locking herself in that room after being spooked by Huggy n some unnamed being… the offending fallen debris likely being caused by the mentioned creatures.
They are a bit bigger then you overall which is why they didn’t just use the small air vents that connected the two areas.
If you decide to do this optional side quest of sorts (likely in hopes of learning some lore, just being a good person, or because they supposedly had something you could use to continue your mission easier. you choose which 😉) upon entering the room by using the grab pack you spot the shabby makeshift bunker and shaken female within… along with a ID card that’s too dirty to read.
Turns out they don’t talk much and aren’t up for physical touch, which makes sense with her poor condition n touch related trauma,
She then follows you around either mentioning stuff they saw during their chase or pointing out little facts about the place, some details a little odder then others. Tho they happily help when there are tricky tasks.
Eventually Huggy or another toy starts chasing and the both of you run until you come across something that can only quickly be done by two people, they rush to their part only to hesitate before grinning oddly.
Upon seeing your confusion they gesture to the card and after finally rubbing off the grime your shocked to see them, looking the exact same as the 10+ old picture.
Turns out this girl was actually a shapeshifting sequin themed toy, imagine the scale like sequined flipping as her form shifts to something like this-sorry I suck at monster making and this is just a half assed doodle lol
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(Best part is this isn’t her only possible form since she is a shape shifter, the only limit is size so if ya ever wanna make them you can go nuts)
After having a short monologue you have to flee from Huggy/etc and them, tho the cannon character will be there to make sure you keep moving then anything.
In the end after fighting n running she turns into you and attacks only to get accidentally picked up by the other monster giving you a first hand view of what exactly these things do once they caught you.
They get injured and tossed away before refocusing on you n from there it follows the plot once more… may end up editing this as more chapters come out but for now this gives a good look on how she is.
She was meant to be a sorta dress up doll, one that could look like anyone around them. She was a defect who ended up having a messed up body which ended in everyone forcing her to stay shape shifted at all times. They hated the real her and in the end she hated everyone for it, I imagine she had been pretty during your passive moments before the reveal but lord do she look creepy n warped otherwise 0-0
Anywho that’s all I got, hope you like them. I didn’t show their humanoid look Bro cus I like to keep it up for interp. Uwu
I can imagine them hating poppy… just ye, probably shifts to a ugly version sometimes just to spite n mock her cus she be a bit of a petty ass.
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jo-ho-nev · 3 years
my favorite fannon vs cannon interp of a jjba character is prbly star platinum bc weve just turned him into a wholesome loving himbo to make up for jotaros emotional messness.
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Shakespeare Characters Ask Meme
((For all the amazing Shakespeare nerds who follow me/follow people who follow me who have insane and wonderful character interps that I love))
Send in a symbol/character to find out:
❤️ why I love this character
💙 why I hate this character
⁉️ what initially drew me to this character
💕 who do I think this character is in love with (if anyone) and why
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 what do I think this character’s feelings about their family are
🕰 what do I think this character enjoys doing in their free time
👿 who does this character hate more than anyone else
🌈 what is their relationship like with their romantic partner(s) ((cannon or not))
🌕 happy headcanon
🌑 sad headcanon
📂 random/obscure headcanon
📱favorite/personal modern interpretation
📺 favorite film interpretation
🎻 a song I asociate with this character
📕 my ideal epilogue for this character (if they survived)
📗 what I think would have happened to this character if they HAD survived
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rpwatch-tracer · 6 years
May I ask, why do you dislike Lemon tea? It seems rather wholesome when done right
// i dislike lemon tea simply because i think its boring? kind of? idk i’m biased towards cannon characters with at least SOME backstory, and lemon tea just doesn’t do it for me. i also dont like being forced into lemontea relationships because that opens up a whole other can of worms that i’d rather not get into. emily is just a character that doesn’t strike my fancy at all, if i’m being honest, and the fact that everyone has a different interp of her backstory/how she met lena/what she does for a living and it’s too much for me to keep up with. 
plus i like fucking with my muses and hurting them with angst so /shrug
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