#canon can fuck itself
kanaiow · 9 months
I will continue spouting bullshit headcanons, what do you mean I have nothing better to do
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aeonophagic · 10 months
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me, the jester, asked the court if yaoi could bloom even on a battlefield. the court was so kind as to even help me care for the fields for it to sprout and then bloom — is it my fault?
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starsapphire · 7 months
do people actually think that fictional characters have agency. do u think hal jordan, who does not exist, was attracted to arisia because he was a pedophile. or do you think that maybe. just maybe! the storyline was the result of the writer controlling the character and using the story as a vessel for his own values, because that is how writing works?
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wolf-tail · 11 months
Some of the 40k fandom can be so lame about the concept of Astartes who happen to be girls. You're telling me that gene-seed can mutate enough that the Black Dragons have fucking bone spikes coming out of their skin, but it can't be modified just a little bit to implant it in someone with a uterus???
And even if that's true (which would still be utter BS to me) you're telling me that not ONE Space Marine found the thought of being called a Battle Sister instead of a Battle Brother appealing???
You're telling me that the Primarchs wouldn't be just as proud of their daughters as they are of their sons?
You're telling me that Leman Russ wouldn't brag about how many xenos his she-wolves killed???
For shame!
@hatefulhyena i know you'll understand me
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dnangelic · 20 days
dark obviously hates being called dark-kun over literally anything else like dark-sama or Just Dark but it's also nice when a muse recognizes that he is or at least should be just like. 17.
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nyaskitten · 4 months
Dudeee I went to the Chima wiki to find info on the Mother Sun, right>? And ALL that informastion is just lumped into the main article for Chima, so NO article about the actual Sun itself right? Y'all TELL ME WHY THE WIKI IS JUMPING THROUGH LOOPHOLES TO DENY THAT CHIMA'S IN THE WYLDNESS...
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GIRL not to be That Guy but why are you THIS angry about this shit...
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The only reason why both shallan and adolin are still alive is because the two opposing forces of “all married men must kill their wives” and “shallan kills all her loved ones” are cancelling each other out
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rosalinesurvived · 6 months
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innocentartery · 6 months
”halcarol is toxic!!!” “halcarol should just be friends!!!” well first of all l + ratio and you don’t even understand that the circumstances keeping them apart have nothing to do with their influence on nor feelings for each other… they dance in a constant choreography of interchanging power dynamics because deep down they’re the same. and they’re soulmates who fuck nasty <3
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lovegrowsart · 2 months
i'll be honest every time i see atla fandom defend characters' unacknowledged flaws/mistakes/underdevelopment using some comic panel or another i have to laugh, as if bryke constantly relying on extratextual material to atla and tlok to try and fix the holes they write themselves into isn't a massive indicator they're generally quite bad at writing a good and cohesive story on their own/when they insist on complete creative control 🫠
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martyrbat · 2 months
im so considerate.... (<- guy not ranting about a thing it hates before its friend is done with the media)
#can officially say i finished the arkhamverse. didnt watch anything about that suicide squad one but i read all comics#a d watched the complete story & side mission gameplay for origins asylum city and midway through my refresher for knight#the biggest takeaway i have is wow these people are weird about convicts and addicts and love their toxic masculinity#but the gameplay and nostalgia impacts peoples opinions on it. maybe an enjoyable experience but for the story or universe itself#its a complete failure in every regard i can think of—only having glimpses moments of quality that makes the rest of it#be frustrating because the potential can be there. theres interesting premises occasionally but the execution and payoff doesn't make it#even worthwhile to get to those premises because of what you must wade through to reach them#<- thats me being my nicest and most spoiler freeabout it btw.#my other big takeaway is that tim is canonically older than jason and i think a grown ass man saying fuck that kid is really funny#[SPOILERS LOOK AWAY CJ]#<- tim currently works as a highschool science teacher while jason was shown to be adopted and made robin at 15#where he was then promptly captured and kidnapped by joker. he escaped half? a year later during asylum and AK takes place 2 years afterward#i think. the entire timeline for this shitty universe is awful and confusing. dick was robin for like 2 years its ridiculous.#and i think primarily so they can go noooo see bruce is a hot late 30 year old instead because you become dust at any older!!#but. back to the age thing. hes about 17 maybe early 18 during AK but because tim is a private school teacher he needs a bachelor's degree#and most people get it at 22/23ish and then theres the actual teacher application and being hired (or not because hes a nepo baby)#so hes early mid twenties or so. compared to a (presumably dead) teenager who he called a loser more or less.
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
i'm curious, how do you feel abt the whole uuh, Michael reincarnated/his soul is stuck in glamrock freddy theory? if you've seen it floating around :0
yeah i’ve seen it around, my thoughts are that as an actual canon theory: it doesn’t make a lot of sense and just isn’t very interesting or compelling. like why exactly would mike be possessing freddy when they’ve never had any relation??? there’s no actual proof for it in the game or ANYTHING. glambear doesnt even act like mike At All people just came up with that theory because gregory looks like evan . but listen we have GOT TO LET THE AFTON FAMILY REST FOR REAL !!!! WE HAVE GOT TO LET MICHAEL REST HE HAS TO GOOOO !!!!!!! as an AU concept: sure why not. it can be interesting but also honestly i think a lot of people just Dont Understand how mike would act if he was actually possessing glamrock freddy. he would not be doing all that niceys fixing his mistakes and projecting shit he would be in the fucking torture labyrinth. having to deal with a kid that looks like his dead brother? Yeah he’s in the torture labyrinth. everyone include this in your mike is glamrock freddy au
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
love takane enomoto. never enough to make me watch any of the godfather movies or a clockwork orange though
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queerasian · 5 months
succession is simultaneously a:
shakespearean tragedy
postmodern tragicomedy
drama about dysfunctional families and cycles of abuse/trauma
comedy about the absurdity of the ultra wealthy
surreal circus of repressed queerness
political critique of the toxicity of late-stage capitalism
trying to pinpoint exactly what kind of show it is feels impossible, and that's what makes it good – you can rewatch it and experience it from a different lens each and every time and i love it for that
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Rhaenyra is the rightful heir, do u support team green also because you think that aegon's claim is stronger because he is a man?
honestly, succession doesn't matter all that much to me, I'm not a political person even when it comes to fantasy shows. but let me have a spin at explaining my take.
Rhaenyra was the true heir, she was the first born and she was the named heir, I agree with that fully. but with the way we see her act, I personally don't think she would have been a good queen. she tends to expect a lot of others, give little in return except she she's desperate for aid, and picks self benefit over what's best for the realm (having multiple bastards, "killing off" her husband in place of another that will weaken her ally ship with the velaryon's, running of to dragonstone, etc.) and then will harm those who threaten to topple her house of cards (putting the blame and wanting the torture of a child after her own son cut out his eye, asserting her son onto the Driftmark throne even when he had no claim, killing an innocent man who stated a simple fact, etc.). I think she would have ruled with fear and very irresponsibly. at the end of the day, my thing is, is that Rhaenyra was never prepared for the throne and was coddled (that's Viserys's issues) and she was unfit for the throne because she could never seem to out the realm before her and her children. Daemon is also insanely cruel and rouge and Rhaenyra refuses to put him on a fucking leash which is another massive problem (if he could stop killing people that would be great in my opinion)
Now, do I think Aegon has a better claim cause he's male? no, I think men and women are equally capable of ruling. do I think Aegon would be any better? no not really. I do think that with the counsel of his mother, who served in Viserys's place for years and always thought of everyone else (the court, house, allied houses, and the realm while also thinking about image, money, etc), his wife (who was beloved by the people and had their interests in mind), Aemond (who was an excellent warrior and was well studied for the task of being king), Otto (if he could pull his head out of his ass was one of the best hands. key word, if, but it stands for something. he understood and played the game of politics for years), and Criston (he definitely wasn't made to be hand, no matter how much I love him, but he was always a good inside ally to the greens) could help him rule much better than Daemon could for Rhaenyra and many of her allies were similarly not well suited (most not all). again, Aegon and his court would be far from perfect, but they were much better suited for the task in my opinion.
but at the end of the day, the Targaryen dynasty was crumbling, rotting away day by day. I don't think either side could have saved it, I think both had flaws that were ingrained to their core. while Aegon's line might have kept it alive a wee bit longer, it wouldn't be substantial. war and bloodshed was biting at their heels and total death and destruction hovered over their shoulders.
neither was fit to be heir. Rhaenyra being the rightful heir by both birthright and by claim through Viserys doesn't make up for her not being fit. Aegon having a cock doesn't make up for him being unfit. that's the moral of the story.
I'm not pro green cause I think Aegon deserved the throne, I'm team green cause they're more interesting in my opinion, they also just happen to be my pick if I'm forced to pick a side in the war.
in a perfect world they would have come together as an actual godforsaken family, say their overdue apologies, strengthen the house as a whole, made up for the years of infighting and ruled together through Rhaenyra, that personally what I want, but it'll never happen in a million years. so yeah, that's my take on the succession war. throughout the whole timeline I may shift closer to one side than the other, but 90% of the time I was with team green, even when I wanted nothing more for Aegon to be allowed to run away to essos
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luobingmeis · 7 months
at the joking risk of being called chronically online i think it's funny when people (especially those who also spend a lot of time on the internet) act scandalized when people find academic ways to talk abt pop-culture media/fandom like. 1) fandom is actually a wide phenomenon now so there is understandably a lot to study about masses of people that come together and form a type of "culture" around a certain thing 2) it's always lowkey said with the "oh it's so embarrassing that their professor has to read that" as if these are not topics that have had to be approved somewhere by at least one person and 3) my own experience being in a graduate level rhetoric/composition/theory course is that i am writing a rhetorical analysis of pathos in undertale and my professor helped me start my research
this isnt in response to anything recent i was just thinking abt how a couple months ago there was something on twitter going around like "someone is writing their dissertation on BL that's so embarrassing" and after like thinking abt it for a minute it's like. yeah. there's probably a lot of research you can do on that. a lot to say to generate academic discussion.
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