#canon fornever
daylightcommand3 · 2 months
Turtles ForNever
I already have a good idea for the crossover special within TMNT 2036. But first, you'll need to hear WHY I chose the other iteration in the crossover (abbr. T2)
The main requirement for a good iteration crossover is the powerful villain. There needs to be a reason for them all to stay in the crossover. If the only threat for them to face is Scumbug, I don’t see why 8 turtles are needed. Just send the rest back home already.
These crossover specials are best saved for the end of the series, allowing the series to develop on its own and to have fully developed ideas and casts be contrasted. While I don't know the specifics, I am certain that by the end of TMNT 2036, there will not be many villains left. Therefore, the T2 I'm crossing over with needs to have a sizable villain roster remaining.
Furthermore, I have some personal requests for any potential T2: 1. cannot have been in a TMNT x TMNT crossover before, 2. must not be regularly receiving updates, 3. must have been produced in the 2010's.
Request 1 is so I can be more original. I want to "break" new ground. I don't want to crossover with a TMNT iteration that has already done a crossover. The past experience can be kinda limiting. Sadly, this means I can't crossover with 2012. Fortunately, this means I can't crossover with 1987 (They already have too many). 2003 is also off the table.
Request 2 is so I don't break anyone else's canon, or, more accurately, I don't get broken by anyone else's canon. Also, so I can exclude the comics as potential crossovers. IDW is still getting official releases. Mirage and Archie occasionally get fan continuations. Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal, but these fan creations often heavily collaborate with the original writers and artists. For instance: the Archie comics continuity got a new project based on a scrapped arc, they got the original creator of the arc to fully collaborate with them.
Request 3 is complicated. You see the major inspiration for my iteration is TMNT 2012. As such, I take a few design and creation philosophies from the show. One of the biggest is a love for nostalgia. The creators of the show are clearly 80's kids. They references 80's media and culture whenever they can (especially horror movies). The pinnacle of this is the fact that the 2012 turtles use VHSes. The Watsonian reason is that the turtles use whatever trash they can find, and VHSes are going out of style. The Doylist reason is that since the creators used VHSes growing up, so do the turtles. They have the turtles experience the creators' own memories of their youth. I plan to do the same. My turtles are big fans of DVDs. They have a collection of collections and a small DVD player that they move around all the time.
To circle around, I want to bring my own experiences and memories forward in time. As such, I want TMNT media from my childhood: the 2010's.
Now, according to my knowledge, there is only one iteration that fits the requirement and the three requests. My T2 still has plenty villains on the loose. My T2 has not crossed over with any other iteration. My T2 will NEVER EVER get any continuation. And my T2 was released in the 2010's, twice to be specific.
Yes. My T2 is none other than TMNT 2014, and it's sequel: Out of the Shadows.
"Donnie, Mikey, Raph, Leo, Ready. Straight from the Sewers. Bebop and Rocksteady. Got the Foot Clan under attack. It gets heavy. When the brother hood of ninja warriors drop levy. It's all in the fam. No heroes just brothers. Dedicated to the cause of protecting others. All different in their own right. But when they come together, as a team you've never seen it better. Splinter's got their backs. But Shredder strikes back. Turtle Power to the limit. There's no turning back."
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noys-boise · 1 year
if A fucked up group of kids and Together ForNever were tv shows they'd have at least one random crossover that might not even be entirely canon and they'd have largely the same fan base
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perfackles · 4 years
Literally the only good thing I’ve got out of Supernatural is the people I’ve met along the way. For that, I’ll be forever grateful. 
I’ve never come out of the endgame of a story I loved so much to feel so much shame and disgust for what they chose to do. 
But I can’t regret starting it, as I’ve met some of the nicest, kindest, warmest friends a person could ever ask for. 
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missjackil · 4 years
Ahhh the sun is shining, Hellers are helling, Sam is STILL Dean’s #1 and this makes me smile 🥰
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uurameshii-a · 7 years
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Follow Forever : A Yu Yu Hakusho Special! ;D
Holy shit-- 25 years? 
I remember watching YYH back when I was nine or ten years old on Adult Swim, and I was instantly hooked~ I had no idea this anime would impact me in the way that it has. Crazy as it might sound, it’s been such a huge part of my life and every time I think back to the day I first watched, I can’t help but feel nostalgia hit me like a ton of bricks. 
I’m so grateful because throughout the years I’ve met so many wonderful people that also share a love for the anime/manga, the story and the characters. People in the fandom have come and gone, (including myself for a bit), but each and every one of them have helped me shape and build on the way I portray Yusuke. I’m so happy I decided to return to play this mouthy punk again. :p Him and the rest of the characters have always shared a special place in my heart, so I can't begin to express how happy I was to see other YYH muses floating around.
Through writing, I’ve made all these great friends, and for me, that’s what this is all about.  <3 I really love you guys! 
Our fandom might be small, but I’m glad that it’s still alive! Canon muses and OCs alike, I love seeing you all on the dash! I love the way each and every one of you breathe life into these characters, from the in-depth headcanons and backstories to the interactions on the dash. It’s honestly such a pleasure to interact with you guys. 
Here’s to 25 years of Yu Yu Hakusho. Forever Fornever!  ❤
@jardinfleursduciel @immolatiism @fox-in-human-clothes @kindanoko @killingmoonlight @vinelashed @thievingbat @jcgenshi @kxronue @kitsunextsuki @gwijxnghxnyxng @tsubasayorukage @buiwarrior @kcguya @rebclvixen @humanheartdemonsoul @yukigafuru @yuki-fuyuko @kitsunerozu @fractacrystalli @rosesques
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