#cant wait for the last episode dub to be released
snowyleopardess · 1 year
Welp, finished link click. cried a ton. poor little girl, her death was super upsetting, i wish she could have had a good life. I was hopeful that her brother would turn a new leaf from everything that happened, but instead it seems that his morality pet was just killed, so he's really off the rails now. Oof if he's already so unhinged now he's going to be a truly scary villain coming up. It was super upsetting that he just left his phone, implying his feelings and memories, behind on the bench. I guess he's the type to double down instead of change.
When Li Tianxi died I thought she transferred her powers to Qiao Ling, but then it seemed like it might just be her memories? But then Qiao Ling mentioned it again so maybe she did get her powers? I'm confused, so 50/50 at this point. It would be cool if she did, and that would sure be interesting for Li Tianxin to find out. I wonder if with the abilities and memories Qiao Ling got she might be able to bring Li Tianxin to the light side? I'd still like to save him if possible, but he did so much bad shit already I'm not sure. Especially with his 'friend' who you know if going to manipulate the hell out of him.
Dude I had accidentally spoiled myself a bit with Lu Guang saving Cheng Xiaoshi, but holy shit, that brief glimpse gave me chills. SUPER WELL DONE, I'M DYING TO KNOW MORE. I wonder how long ago it was, since he wasn't in the costume, just his regular clothes. It would be super interesting if it wasn't even anything recent but happened months or even years ago. HOW MUCH HAS CHANGED BECAUSE OF IT? How did he even do it? If Li Tianxi really did transfer her powers to Qiao Ling, then is that a thing? Because I thought that Lu Guang couldn't go into pictures, just look. Did Cheng Xiaoshi transfer his powers when he died during that timeline? BECAUSE THE CLAP.
Dude what if Lu Guang changing the timeline had a ripple effect that made everything so much worse? What if Emma didn't die originally, what if that nice detective guy didn't die originally, WHAT IF LI TIANXI DIDN'T DIE ORIGINALLY. Like holy shit this has the potential to get super dark. How many people have to die to save Cheng Xiaoshi? And if any of this is true, you know it's going to fuck up Cheng Xiaoshi super badly if he found out.
I love that Qiao Ling has a hint about this now, so much potential for the story line. Poor thing, she's in for a lot of terrible knowledge, and it would be so interesting to see her feelings on everything especially the darker we go. She would be devastated to know Cheng Xiaoshi died, but I also feel like she's going to have some guilt with Li Tianxi's death, so if that was part of the effects of the timeline she would be distraught. And damn, the psychological effect that knowledge could have on you, every single thing that goes wrong or seems strange could have you terrified that it's your fault because you changed the timeline. How tf does Lu Guang deal with that?
Lu Guang my beloved, he's in my heart permanently now. Like he was an arrow shaped projectile that shot his way into my feels. First of all, white haired cat boy that's a bit stoic on the outside but is a softie for the people he loves. And that morally grey do as I say not as I do when it comes to the people he loves is just chef's kiss. I'm dying to know more about him. Also damn he went through the ringer in s2, he's going to have a huge ass scar with the amount of trauma and reopening that kept happening. IRL he would be in the hospital for like an eternity and have a terrible infection. I hope he has a cool scar in the shirtless scene we MUST see of him. His eyes are hypnotizing.
Cheng Xiaoshi is a sweet little dog boy, very good protagonist. Like Li Tianxin, he never learned anything the easy way ever or changes. Don't change the timeline is like a broken record but he's always trying to change it. I know he didn't with emma's first 'death' scene in the car, but then at the finale he tried to save her again. And you know that He would have tried to save the twins' family too if he could. I appreciate the heart, but I also want to see more of what the consequences are for changing. Even if ironically we see it because of Lu Guang's changes, not Cheng Xiaoshi's. He's pretty badass too, his fight scenes are very cool.
Can I say how much I loved that, by the way. That they helped that old couple out and got fighting lessons? because god damn didn't they need and use them. Also that old couple and dad are just the best, I loved them as a trio helping them out, fuck yes badass old people. And the couple fussing over the dad, not because of 'oh you poor old man be careful with your health', but because 'please don't break that guy's face, 'please don't accidentally kill this grunt that's attacking us.' THEY'RE HOLDING HIM BACK FOR ALL OUR SAKES.
Loved the fight scenes, they look fantastic and get my heart pounding. Growing up with all the action TV and movies of our time, these really stood out with the fluid and interesting movements. Cheng Xiaoshi and Li Tianxin's fights were especially hypnotic. I kept expecting Li Tianxin to win because of how fast and fluid his movements were, but Cheng Xiaoshi kept up and kept beating him. SO COOL!
The police chief really went through the ringer in s2, damn. poor guy has the death of a good subordinate on him, got bashed in the head, beat up multiple times, tazed, etc etc. that's just from quick memory, Someone get this guy a vacation and some therapy. And he's going to get put though it even more with being in charge of the special abilities task force. Pray for him. poor guy.
Neeways, I of course ship the everloving hell out of cheng Xiaoshi/Lu Guang, which research tells me has the ship name of ShiGuang, which I am going to thoroughly investigate and probably follow after this. I thought Qiao Ling was nice enough but just kind of okay in the first season, but now I adore her and am perfectly happy for her to be a fantastic part of the OT3. There has been some fantastic OT3s these days now that fandom is doing a little better (not all there, but yknow) with misogyny. Not to mention she's super cute and more than can hold her own in fights and helping with planning. Plus she's such a good sister figure/friend to Cheng Xi. So sweet that she made a little celebration for them in the final episode.
How's that funny character strip go again?
Character who gets into shenanigans- Cheng Xiaoshi.
Character who pretends to be too good to get into shenanigans but follows the other's lead- Qiao Ling
Charcter whos done with both of them- Lu Gang.
except lu guang will also totally go along with shenanigans too.
I'm looking forward to the OVA and s3, not only because of the story line but because of the sic fucking music and OPS so far, they have been amazing and they are all stuck in my head. I love them every time I've seen them and I saw each 11-12 times ffs. Just fanfuckingtastic work. A++
Well this has gotten super fucking long, so Id better stop and can just make more posts if I think of more stuff to say. If anyone even reads his lol. But then again it's nice to go through my thoughts and I have been wanting to get into journaling. Plus it's good writing exercise.
Anyway, you should watch link click, they hype is deserved and it's super fun.
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thetidemice · 1 year
PLEASE watch summercamp island its so good its so silly its got that thang where random stuff in the first season is built upon and makes a complex lore, theres a he/him lesbian, mini stories, all sorts of stuff. i still have to find where to watch the last season because hbo max nixed it before it released, but its so good
!!! it sounds so lovely!!! i cant believe i put off watching it a few years ago (some guy called it ugly.. not even true. i love looking at it i think the way they developed julia pott's style for animation is really cute and charming. same thing happened for clarence but now sometimes i see clips of it and its genuinely funny idk what the hate was for). i watched some episodes last night and the pacing is so light and refreshing and nonserious and sincere all at once.. it's a nice breath of fresh air since i havent watched cartoons in a while. it reminds me so much of adventure time and over the garden wall (particularly the animal school and greg's dreams! super whimsical and offbeat and straightforward. how we see the world when we're children)
and thank god:
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i felt a hyperfixation forming for this show before i even watched it but i've seen how many people love susie and she does deserve it. my first impression was that she was a kind of over-it 20-something who just wants the kids at her camp to not die but she is perpetually 15 and an utter bitch (who genuinely thinks her meanness is charming) god bless. i believe it's also julia pott who voices her and she does a brilliant job. her voice stands out where most of the main cast are american (and because i'm an accent freak i find hers interesting it's sort of a mix of a standard london accent but instead of pronouncing the t in a word like "better" or dropping it for "be' er" she uses a slightly more american "bedder" while still not swapping the -uh sound on the end for a more rhotic -err). anyway she's the high-maintenance butch representation we need in media, i LOVE her eyebrows, & i cant wait to see her get more complex and sympathetic as time goes on.
going back to the main characters, oscar and hedgehog are the best protagonists!! he's incredibly nervous! she's an academic weapon! they grew up together and are the perfect vessel for these silly stories to be told. i appreciate your wisdom and i will definitely be watching more of it!! i will have more to say about it and might end up doing some art for it because the charm of this show is irresistible.
as for places to watch... i heard they got major fucked over by HBO max.. even if it was all on there i wouldnt be able to watch since i'm in the uk. i wish i could stream it somewhere where i could fully support it, but for situations like this, these two are my secret weapons - there are little to no adverts and none of them are gross or for nsfw sites. they're both clean and they WORK:
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weird-dere-fics · 2 years
I know I joke about crying a lot but I am deadass serious when I say the end of episode 13, the last episode of this cour until next year, had me wholeheartedly sobbing, nose running, eyes red, gasping for air, ugly crying.
Watching him hold both swords after realizing his blade is him made me so fucking happy. I got to see a scene I’ve loved so much animated and fucking amazingly at that after so many years. Animators did such a good job with this.
Thank you Taguchi.
I will never forget this moment or this episode.
Even if he didn’t speak, seeing Shiro again, seeing him be recognized for speaking the truth the entire time, recognized for all his help, means so fucking much to me.
I’m sad it’s over for the time being, but this was an amazing way to end the first cour. Cant wait to watch it again in dub when it releases and choke even harder on my tears.
I am no longer crying (especially since mom will be home soon) but I am still feeling such deep and raw emotion.
Gonna need both Ichigo and Shiro to come cuddle me right the fuck now.
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stanharu · 4 years
beastars episode 24 thoughts!
this post got kinda long i have Many Thoughts on this one
Overall I had fun watching this ep but I could really tell it was rushed and there was so much that got cut, which makes me super sad. our fears about the finale having pacing issues due to all the added scenes & rearranging were confirmed & it rly sucks, but i'll elaborate more on that in a bit.
this week's ep covered the end of chapter 92, chapters 93-97, and included small bits of chapters 98 & 99.
so the ep starts with the ED and the latter part of the tunnel scene with ibuki and louis. i liked the visual effect they used to show that they were in the dark. louis' voice acting was also On Point. for the most part i think this scene was done pretty well but I can tell it's being rushed also. I really wish we got more buildup and narration instead of just jumping straight to ibuki telling louis to shoot him. the way it is in the anime feels less impactful imo.
also im sad we didnt get to see this in the anime
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before i move on, i wanna talk a bit about louis and his relationship w/ the shishigumi and ibuki. i feel like in the anime quite a few of the lil moments that really endear you to the shishigumi and also ibuki were either cut or kinda glossed over, which is strange to me considering how much effort and care went into the ED. it's very emotional and good but i feel like maybe anime onlies are missing out only seeing the anime and the MV. but idk.
legosi and riz's fight was quite rushed as well. there's so much narration and dialogue missing from it and that really rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't all bad but compared to the manga I just don't think it's as good. I will say tho that I really liked the sequence w legosi and the moths. I thought it looked really nice and was pretty well done.
also i liked how the backgrounds had some anti-yahya graffiti, its a nice touch imo
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it says "high quality horse meat"
I was happy to see legosi do the "tell me more" pose but I'm honestly disappointed that the anime took out the whole exposition about why legosi did it. like i feel like without that it's just legosi being weird when he has a reason for it!!! This is just one example of the anime taking out crucial narration during the fight.
I also think it's kinda weird how they changed how louis shows up at the fight. im not sure how i feel about riz just charging at him like that, but i liked how legosi kicked him before they ran lol.
i dont have much to say about pina's small scene but I did wanna say that during my first watch thru of the ep i was too distracted trying to read the graffiti behind him that i didn't notice him getting his phone out of the dumpster and calling the cops lmao
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it says "devour yahya"
and now... here we are... the predation scene.
overall i thought it was pretty well done but, like the rest of the ep, i could tell it was also being kinda rushed. some important beats werent given enough time to really sink in, and there's a few bits of narration taken out of this part as well that i find disappointing :^(
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tho i did like how the anime called back to this scene in s1 when legosi mentions utilizing his strength.
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also this part where louis is remembering ibuki had me like😭
I also really liked seeing louis cry. I was crying too sjdflskjdflsjkdf. i thought that scene was really good, its prolly my favorite part of the ep tbh. getting to hear the whole predation scene voiced made me kind of a mess lol. i really liked louis' expressions throughout this whole ep too. studio orange used their whole louis expression budget on these last 2 eps lmao.
seeing legosi instantly get all beefed up was great too. he looked a little ridiculous but i kinda loved it lol. he's so huge and poofy. i love him.
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big pomeranian
anyway, im also sad they took out louis' line about being reduced to a flashback character lol. instead he tells legosi "be a hero" again which... im not sure about that change. i liked the part with riz thinking back about tem tho. tho imo the way riz realizes he's in the wrong feels pretty sudden. again adding to how rushed the whole ep feels.
before i move on again i just wanna say legosi looks so cute. even all puffed up and covered in blood. how does he do that
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baby boy baby. i wanna ruffle his cheek floofs.
i think one of the things im most disappointed about from this whole ep was how the fight got wrapped up. i really like how the cops show up and totally shift the tone in the manga jslkdfjskljdf. im also really sad we didnt get this interaction
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tthe anime really took out most of the sillier moments from the finale, which makes me pretty sad to think about. i know the anime and manga have different tones but pls let the boys be silly sometimes!!
the next part where legosi and louis finally establish their friendship was really cute tho ❤️ even tho it was pretty different i enjoyed it a lot.
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the wrap-up for this arc and this episode gave me whiplash sdjlfkjsdf. it literally speedruns thru legosi's predation conviction, being released, louis & haru's graduation, and legosi deciding he's going to drop out of school. that is SO MUCH AT ONCE. also i was holding out hope that legosi would have his new years call with haru after the fight instead but that didnt happen!! so it just got cut!!! kinda mad about that tbh. legosi and haru having a lil scene at the very end made up for it a lil bit but that's still one of haru's few moments in this arc that's just not included.
we didnt even get the part wher legosi learns he can't marry haru bc of his conviction.
ive been really hoping for a season 3 announcement once this season ended. with all the background allusions to yahya, the added plot point of someone stealing elephant tusks, and sebun and melon's lil cameos in this season, it seemed to me that studio orange was kinda teasing a 3rd season. but now, with the dismissive way the anime ended, and paru's note from earlier today, im less sure about the possibility of a 3rd season. i'd still like to see the rest of the series animated, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see if more anime is announced in the future.
if we do get another season in the future i just hope that we swing back around and actually address the things that got completely glossed over in the last couple minutes of this episode instead of charging forward w/o touching them again.
i really think the finale for this arc should've been two episodes at least. not including the tunnel scene. i think then things wouldn't have felt so rushed. people have been saying this season really would have benefitted from at least 1 extra episode and i cant help but agree. some have even suggested a whole 24 episodes just for this arc, but i think that this arc couldve been done properly with 12 or 13 episodes if there was some better prioritizing on what to include and what to cut.
like i dont mind not getting the parts about legosi's family if they can be addressed somehow in a future season (or if theres no more future anime seasons thats a plot thread that doesnt have to be worried about). i could have lived w/o seeing sheila & peach's chapter animated if it meant more time for the focus of this arc. and was the kangaroo red herring really necessary?
adaptation wise, i dont think this season was as good as the first. i still think it did fairly well, but i know that it could have been much better. ive been excited to watch this season with my friends once the dub releases, but now im wondering if i should just tell them to read the manga instead. sighs idk. perhaps it comes thru better as a bingewatch, or perhaps im being a bit too harsh. idk. at some point ill do a rewatch and see how i feel about the season as a whole, but that wont be for a while.
if you've read this far, thanks for reading my ramblings!! it's been fun to make these posts every week and im gonna miss getting new episodes every week.
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chiripepe · 3 years
Wow, the day has finally come. I’ve been waiting for so so so long for this. The fourth and Final Rebuild of Evangelion is premiering on Amazon video at 12am and I truly cannot believe the day has finally come.
I first found out about Evangelion years and years ago. I think it was the summer of 1995 the very first time I saw a review of the anime of the back of GameFan magazine! I couldn’t even read English at the time but I kept the issue for years and years and much later like in 6th grade I could finally understand enough English to consume the text. “The best anime that has ever been made”. I was like wow... okay girl calm down. But... it was true!
Right around that time I discovered this video game store in Tampa called MicroPlay where they had almost all the dubbed VHS tapes. I think this was like eight grade? So 1998. I could not get enough of it. I loved the show. I would literally connect a VCR to a TV/VCR combo we had and would copy all the tapes so I could watch them over and over again LOL. I loved the show and still do. I still remember the day I watched episode 20 for the first time and how it made me feel.
A few years later in 9th grade is when I finally got to watch The End of Evangelion. I’d made a friend on the Dreamcast IRC chat from Puerto Rico who liked my username (from Slayers). We made buddies and he mailed me a VHS copy of EoE and it absolutely blew me away even more than the show. It was the most intense raw movie I’d ever seen. Now, I’d seen the mass-production Evas online in ‘import stores’ as well as the back of GameFan LOL but didn’t even know what the hell they were, where they came from. I’d already seen the entire show! Then I saw EoE and it was glorious. The VHS is probably still somewhere!
I watched the first Rebuild in college in Gainesville in the late 2000s but I don’t remember when. I had lost track of everything, even video games my first year there because it was my first year out alone as an adult. I loved what they did with the first five episodes. Then in the summer of 2009 I watched the SECOND Rebuild and that one really blew me away. The new characters, the new angels, the new spin! I didn’t know what to think that of all shows they would decide to retell the biggest one of all this way!
I think it was 2012 when I watched the first 9 minutes of Q that had been uploaded on YouTube in varying degrees of quality lol. I was like... okay, this is completely out there. There’s nothing left to work with from the show and this is all new now. Later in the year or probably 2013? I’m not sure, but that’s when I watched my first cammed version of Q and then later finally got a hold of a good copy of the movie after it was released in Blue-Ray in Japan and people uploaded it on Pirate Bay. Q is the one that made me feel and think the most. I even wrote like a five page interpretation I still have around somewhere.
In the years since the Final just kept getting delayed. I watched the first 3 Rebuilds over and over. They were like my feel good movies that made me feel something strong during some very hard years of life. Last year I spent the entire year thinking COVID would take me before I’d get to watch the Final film as it got pushed back two more times, released in Japan finally and then the loooong wait to the US release in THREE HOURS!!!
IT’S FINALLY HERE. I’ve literally dreamed of watching it and seeing it finally including last night hahhaha! I’m so happy!! I CANT FUCKING WAIT IM SO READY!!1
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