#really liked the dub actually
marshmallowgoop · 2 years
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My name is Conan Edogawa, or it is now thanks to some poison slipped to me by a secret crime organization. Now I’ve gotta solve crimes as a kid while trying to get my real body back. The clues are many and suspects abound, but I’ve always believed that with a keen eye for details, one truth will prevail.
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rhythmmortis · 2 years
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gayblade 2 (for @rapidlychangingfandoms)
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lenievi · 2 years
just fyi this
MCCOY: What's your problem, Jim? KIRK: Shoulder. Just a twinge. Probably muscular strain. MCCOY: You're probably right, Doctor. By the way, I don't like how you've been running this ship lately. KIRK: All right. Reprimand received. 
is really cute 
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They're bffs now. Because i said so.
After everything is done with Kate takes Yelena on a tour of New York
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taviokapudding · 2 years
I just saw Batman 2022 after seeing all the talk about it and I feel like I watched a completely different movie than the majority of the movie’s fandom. How is Paul Dano’s Riddler more attractive than Zoë Kravitz’s Selena Kyle & Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne?
I know the pandemic has mentally put the majority of EN speakers, especially from the US, is a bad mental state- but y’all really gave emo Neville Longbottom, who only consumes Monster energy drink with heroin mixed in, & probably smells of week old American cheese that’s been sitting out in 120F- the oncelerfication treatment? Like I’m both concerned but also impressed.
Btw shout out to the writers, director, & Mr. Dano for nailing what a drug addict turned terrorist actually would be like. The intention was missed by a concerning amount of people but it was good, regardless. Also Mr. Pattinson did that - I love that for him when I know everyone’s initial reaction to his casting was mixed (myself included, I acknowledge I was wrong). Also Ms Kravitz? Smash I-i mean smash I- sorry smash sorry I- FINALLY A CAT WOMAN THAT MATCHES THE TONE IN A POST 90s BATMAN FILM {but also again, smash}
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transfemstarscream · 3 years
i don’t think you can call yourself a film enthusiast if you can’t even do the bare minimum and try to watch films that aren’t american and/or aren’t in english.
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lavenderjewels · 2 years
jjk 0 was truly embarrassing for geto
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sc-aroshark · 2 years
Sevens dub has an instrumental opening like vrains…
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detectivehole · 3 years
What’s the basic plot or episode number/name of your favorite Lupin iii episode?
i don't have a favorite, but i was thinking about p2 e56 again recently- it's good, part of a two-parter. i like when lupin and goemon beat the shit out of each other as friends
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pain-in-the-butler · 2 years
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The video stopped loading. Higher powers are trying to protect me. Alas, we must tread onward...
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kuria-glass · 3 years
I love seeing people ask "how is Aoba the best DID rep I've found" i know. I know. Im confused too.
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Thanks for the tag, @nokaru! ✨
Get to know our animanga fandom mutuals/followers better?
How did you find out about anime?
My gateway anime was Pokémon when I was but a young bean; saw it on tv and proceeded to collect the cards and even had a massive poster showing All 150 Pokémon (back when I thought ‘wow 150 Pokémon is so many!’ HA)
The first anime I really got invested in beyond my childhood years was Bleach. I’d been browsing cartoons on a certain website and noticed the background of said site said ‘Bleach’ and had some characters in an art style I liked the look of, in particular a girl wearing a cool skirt and boots, (who turned out to be Orihime) so I looked it up and promptly got hooked. And that is how Kubo’s flair for drawing fashion got me into his fighting anime.
What’s your favourite anime?
Surprisingly not Akagami no Shirayukihime! 😂 ANS is soothing and fun to watch but I prefer the manga in general, and my favourite anime at the moment is Akatsuki no Yona! I just love the story with all its intense drama, interesting characters, laugh-out-loud comedy and investable and humorous romance, (despite the occasional cringey moments 😂) and I’m a sucker for ‘adventure road trip’ stories where the characters find themselves and others along the way~~ Yona’s character development is *chef’s kiss* and also the animation is great! It has some excellent fight scenes in moody lighting which is exactly my jam👌 the type that have you on the edge of your seat and give you chills 💯👏👏
Do you have a favorite J-music/K-pop group/singer?
No, I haven’t listened to any I’m afraid 🤷
When is your bday? And how old are you?
Just turned 27 on the 27th of February, feels like it should be a lucky year since that’s my birth date, no?
Currently, what is your favorite fandom anime?
*Drumroll*.......Akagami no Shirayukihime! 👏👏👏👏 much love for you all 😘
Despite the ups and downs of Tumblr, what motivates you to stay here today and do your best?
Community really, sharing a love of something with others, creating things and sharing them with people who appreciate them and getting to see and interact with what they also create! Having a laugh and providing joy for each other is just the best??
Finally, create yourself in this picrew:
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I didn’t resonate with the clothing options really 😂 but this felt the most like me!
Tagging @ccprovolomies @the-pompous-potato and @leewritingrecs if you want to! No pressure as always!
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wow the jjk 0 dub certainly made some choices and almost all of them were bad
#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen 0#jujutsu kaisen volume 0#i havent been this disappointed by a dub a long time#even looking past the casting issues#(and seriously most of the cast didnt fit the characters at all)#the actual script itself was just fucking awful#some lines weren't kept anywhere close to heir actual translations#some other lines were just the clunkiest most awkward phrasing#like who in the fuck signed off on this??#yuuta's va had one or two lines where she upped her pitch and actually sounded half way decent#but most of the time she was just way too raspy and also weirdly posh sounding#panda + toge + maki + suguru all have va's whos voices are way to deep and/or rough for their characters#so does ijichi for that matter#the rest of the dub voices were like. fine. i guess#out of the whole cast i only rlly think satoru's va actually fits his character#and even then i cant say i found his performance GOOD bc the script itself was that shit#they changed geto's line from 'i fight for justice' to 'i fight to win'#literally WHY the fuck was that a decision that was made?? WHY????#also i personally want to fight the person who changed the 'my one and only/only one' line to 'the only one i really ever had'#those are completely different tones and you fucking know it#the lack of the past tense in the japanese is important!!!!#also:#changing 'at least curse me at the end' to 'at least throw some curses at me'#bro suguru is not asking to literally be attacked by satoru's cursed technique in that scene#honestly just so many of suguru's lines were shit#and dont get me fucking started on yuuta or i will literally go insane i swear#silver lining: nanako and miguel's voice actors were also very good
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armageticwords · 2 years
confession time i never watched shippuden and don’t intend to because obito is my #1 blorbo and i’m too scared he sounds nothing like the voice i made up for him in my head that i’ve grown incredibly attached to
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beybladefanboy · 3 years
So me and some online buddies were fooling around, wondering what the Beyblade characters sounded like in other languages and... I’m sorry @yuki-carey but I really can’t take Reiji’s french voice seriously XD.
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Overanalyzing Paradox
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So I have this series on Quotev where I analyze villains in certain categories and since this blog is all about Yugioh (which I haven’t been watching lately due to being more focused on writing lately but I promise I’ll get back to Zexal soon), I figured I’d put it here too. Also, this is purely based on Paradox’s appearance in Bonds Beyond Time, which I've seen both the dub and sub for. I have not seen 5Ds and didn't want to wait until I saw Paradox's apparently super minor part in it to make this analysis. If I have something to say about his portrayal there, I’ll say it when I see it. Anyways, here I go overanalyzing a minor children’s anime villain with next to no villains for the SECOND fandom now. (Okay but Paradox low-key cute though. Where my homies at?)
Backstory/Motivation 9/10
Yugioh really likes giving its villains insanely sympathetic backstories. Pegasus got his eye ripped out and lost his wife, Marik was imprisoned and abused, Bakura's village was massacred, Yubel was twisted into believing that showing love is the same as causing pain, you get the idea. Paradox's backstory is that everyone and everything he knew died in an apocalypse which he blames the game Duel Monsters for. How founded that accusation isn't completely clear. In the sub it's more up to interpretation and Paradox is "experimenting" with the timeline but in the dub he's completely convinced Duel Monsters is the cause of suffering. In both versions, he believes he's the good guy and is saving his future from destruction, which is actually really interesting. His motivation isn't really evil, it's actually understandable and even heroic at first glance: it's the way he's going about it that makes him evil. Stealing those cards, murdering Pegasus (and tons of innocent bystanders), and dooming entire generations of people to being erased from existence is going really far. But he merely sees them as necessary sacrifices to his "noble" goal. That's honestly horrifying and kind of realistic.
Design 8/10
I love anime designs. They're just... So over the top. I mean... look at him. Look at edgy blond Christmas tree man with big muscles. I'm not sure how to even approach this. I think he looks silly but in a fun way, just like the movie he's from: silly but fun. He's not meant to traumatize children (unlike SOMEONE) he's meant to be the villain of a silly fan service movie so the design works for that.
How they posed a threat 8/10
This is an odd complaint but I think they make Paradox TOO much of a threat. If the protagonists lose to him, then all of their eras in time and even the Duel Monsters game itself will cease to exist, giving the protagonists no room to fail. So Yugi, Judai, and Yusei, three characters with radically different dueling styles and no experience dueling alongside each other, are magically able to duel together without much issue because the plot demands it. It's pretty forced writing. Still, messy writing aside, Paradox is an effective villain and he does pose a more larger threat than most Yugioh villains, putting the entire existence of the card game our characters hold near and dear and the universes of GX and 5Ds at stake.
Character 8/10
I am... more attached to Paradox than I probably should be. I sympathized with his story the way he explained it in the dub. In the sub, I was at first disappointed that he was more of a jerk and uses the word "experiment" to talk about what he's doing to the timeline, somewhat implying that he's committing these atrocities just to see what happens. It seems a lot more callous than the dub, where he acts much more certain that Duel Monsters is the cause of his destroyed future. His motivation is still the same however. He wants to prevent his world from being destroyed and he will do anything to achieve that. In the sub, that desperation drives him over the edge and makes him lash out when the protagonists start to gain the upper hand. (The dub doesn't portray this scene with as much severity.) He's brutal, his voice is crazed with anger, he flat out demands to know what Yusei thinks he can do to save the doomed future. It's startling, especially after how nonchalant he seemed throughout the rest of the film. However, it makes sense. During the duel, the protagonist trio insist that the future isn't set in stone and they can change it, but Paradox has seen for a fact that this is wrong. He's from the future. He's from a future far beyond their time, where Yugi, Judai, and Yusei have already lived their lives and passed on and that future has gone to shit. Paradox knows they haven't changed anything. He knows that history, the way it is now, caused a future where everything and everyone he knows has DIED. Of course he's freaking out. From his point of view, he's the only one who can or will do anything to save his destroyed world. It's very interesting and I kind of wish he'd been redeemed.
Overall Score: 8/10 Great Villain/Character
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