#cant wait to see him tomorrow <333 (i will not see him tomorrow </3)
wulfhalls · 1 year
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girl about to drop the hottest beats in this off the charts mood lit apple store fr. and he be looking good doing it
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ultra-raging-ghost · 1 month
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"Goodbye my three little ones, your father has to go"
"Im sorry chat, i guess ill just speak from the heart. the way i lost dapper and pomme i dont think i really.. had time to process, so losing him like this feels like losing all three of them at the same time"
Visiting bagis... poor zeno fucking died to a rooster LMAO i missed bagis place so fucking bad
searching for pepito.... where is my baby.... where is my little pepito, there pepito is
Bad doesnt really know what to do with himself, hes still sad but richas is like. Officially gone. Which is a crazy thing to process. I was having a hard time dealing with it but i think richas' final goodbye made me feel a lot better about it,it doesnt feel like theres a nail in the back of my brain now, im a little more content with this at least. Wont really be happy about it, but more content with it
We're gonna go leave a richas flower (blue orchid) at bagi's old base <3 just like how we left a cornflower at a place special to pomme.
hehehe agent 18/panks_ is in chat and theyre tormenting bad for fun
Offering pepito the opportunity to visit one last place, bad plans on coming back and visiting a couple final places sometime soon, not tonight but soon. Probably gonna end after pepito picks where to go
pepito cant think of anywhere, bads picking one more place to go
Pepitos gonna be temporarily dapper while in the official dapper time spot <333
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bads back, i got so comfortable in the old house that i forgot we have to leave. Just a wave of sadness washed over me, it feels like leaving home all over again, it feels like we should be able to walk into the old spawn from dappers train station and see pierre and pomme and etoiles again
pomme in chat... assuring bad she and dapper wont be leaving any time soon. Bad promises us he has some really fun stuff hes been working on he thinks we'll enjoy, this journey isnt over
while waiting for pepito we're reminiscing on when he had to triangulate the Dont have Your Gun thing that was playing that he couldnt find LMAO
currently visiting the old subway bad was building with dapper underground.... the new terrain generation generated a FULL end city RIGHT next to it!!!!
gonna visit bobby fields another day, thats another day issue, but dapper wanted to go see it with him lol
Bad found out Lullah and Richas were leaving yesterday, sounds like he didnt know chay was leaving till today
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Pepitos playing around in the balloons Boo left <33
Bad: Yeah i remember when pomme and dapper came in one of these end cities and scared the muffins out of me Pomme: ?????? Pomme: bro you were dead Bad: I STILL REMEMBER.......
We're gonna go play Wordlos (or however you spell it) one last time before leaving the old spawn <3 gonna see if we can get it to work!!!
kinda works!!! Kinda!!! It mostly works!!!! gonna play!!!!!
"I am so proud of your spanish uncle bad!!! its a great advance to know how to explain something, its the most important thing"
We're looking at the paintings, this is it for the day. Richas logged off with bads statue painting so hes probably never gonna see that again LMAO "thats why we get screenshots"
Pepitos saying a little goodnight to the ghosties <33 pepitos gonna eat all of us up because we're so cute. "I see everything, too. EVERYTHIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG". Pepitos telling us to rest, eat, and drink water, and do our favorite things. We deserve it, to remember not to be sad it ended but be happy it happened at all <3
Bads planning on streaming tomorrow, hes not 100% sure what we'll be doing but he isnt gonna let this crank his steam
Pepitos planning on getting on tomorrow! or whenever! pepito doesnt know when pepito gets on LMAO
Thats all for todays stream, ending at 10:15, goodnight bad, richas, pomme, and dapper <3
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kpopper · 2 years
its mouse anon, back at it again
no worries, I'm also on here very inconsistently but that really warms my heart <33 I'll do my best to make it worthwhile for you!!
I work as a transportation engineer and it's a pretty niche field but I use programs like autocad on a daily basis
signal ... was definitely a show that I loved in the beginning but it got super dark and sad *cries in corruption* but I agree with that, I hide behind my anger at those types of shows. that being said, the guest and save me is still on my to watch list lol
I still haven't finished twenty five twenty one cause it's not a show I can watch in one setting! it's good but in small doses!!
the time travel shows are really hit and miss cause it throws off everything! but I ignore the time travel and the plot holes cause some of the time travel shows had really good characters
the killer's shopping list was good and short! it is a little odd cause it's more comedy than serious for most parts of the show. it's not the next Stranger but I still enjoyed it!
ahhh the business proposal!!! that show was *chef's kiss* super good! I loved both couples, but the ending was super cliche you could make a drinking game of how many cliches they had in the last episode haha both of the couples were very cute i agrees so they get a pass
prosecuter doberman <33 don't @ me but I didn't think Ahn Bo Hyun was good looking until My Name and Military Prosecuter. Itaewon Class did him so dirty (that show was overhyped too but ignore that if you liked it!) I sped through the last half cause I was hooked! and attorney woo too! I heard the cast went on a vacation on their own personal time and that's so cute of them! I think there may be a season 2 too!!!
ooh! minamdang cafe and big mouth is on my list! let me know if big mouth is similar to the Brazilian drama and your thoughts on it!
I live in the krama universe but I'll check out severence! I've also been meaning to watch The Great on Hulu. I'm currently watch Dark on Netflix (a German scifi show) and it's so complicated in a good way!
I recently rewatched Flower of Evil <333 I plan to start Lawless Lawyer soon and I have so many shows on my radar (once upon a small town, tomorrow, little women, rookie cops, dali and the cocky prince and all the shows you've recommended just to name a few) *cries in having no time*
I hope you're feeling safe and happy and I cant wait to hear from you!! <3
(mouse anon pt 2)
I always try to remember to send one ask at a time but I always forget something forgive me!!
I've been seeing reviews for the good detective 2 and they seem to be positive, so I'm also planning on watching it too!
transportation engineer sounds so cool tbh no idea what these programs mean though lmao
honestly save me was.... u gotta have stomach for it. and its such a good criticism against the hmmm idek the english term for it. righteous religious people who u know. just hind behind god to do whatever the fuck a christian shouldnt do, like 99% of society. its good but u gotta punch a pillow every five minutes and also it gets super dark sometimes.
i feel u about twenty five twenty one, its not something you binge watch. i felt the same in hospital playlist but did not leave so scarred after it. also with 2521 kinda ruined future shows for me like the main couples..... ok i see yall trying with the chemistry but ARE you na heedo and baek yijin? i dont think so!!!!!! so basically im watching dramas for the plot cause the couples and relationships in it aint it ever since that damn show. extraordinary attorney woo got a pass cause taeoh smiles like THAT and eunbin is so good though.
the killer's shopping list was good and short! it is a little odd cause it's more comedy than serious for most parts of the show >>> the same for cafe minamdang!!! like most of the time they are being ridiculous and suddenly you have two minutes of pure dark drama. but its fun.
i enjoyed itaewon class a normal ammount tbh lmao though i agree ahn bo hyun went above and beyond looking disagreable on it. when i watched my name i knew he looked familiar but was shocked to see from where i knew him
regarding big mouth... i think you'll like it. like i have no other comments on it. you should watch it. its just the right type of entertaining. i think it will be right up your alley
honestly i watched dark season 1 and it took so long for s2 to come out i forgot everything and it seemed too convoluted for me to keep on going fsdklfdsjjkdsl but ive only ever seen good recs over it
im very excited for little women!!! but it still hasnt arrived on my netflix so i gotta wait till october or smth. im getting by with some weekly releases but thats it.
hope youve been well <3333
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miguelo-hara · 2 years
i just hit 3k followers and i just want to say thank you all so much for following my silly little blog!!! im so happy i joined this community and made some amazing friends because of it 💖🥰 i cant thank ya'll enough, you all really helped my get through the past year <333 i've also noticed it's just good for me to have this creative outlet by gifmaking and it's so nice to see all the appreciation i get in return for it!!
I'm thinking about maybe doing a follower milestone event, if anyone is interested? please let me know!!
also, if anyone is interested, here's a little life update :)
luckily all my other colleagues were absolutely great people and fun to be with, and the work itself was alright too, eventhough i had different expectations from it. another fun thing about it is that i still get to go on a worktrip to SPAIN this weekend!! fortunately its just me and another colleague i like lol
I've basically just finished up my internship! honestly, i was kinda disappointed by it bc my boss (who was also my internship supervisor) turned out to be a dick and didn't have any of his shit together. no structure, very unclear tasks, EXTREMELY cheap, no overview of anything, doesn't deliver on promises, etc. he just doesn't know how to treat his employees and doesn't know how to run a company. if you can even call it a company, with him, two interns, a partimer, a freelancer and a permanent employee he hired way too late (A MONTH after his predecessor found another job and left. how can you put off finding a replacement for a month????). who also quit after 2 months, along with my fellow intern bc they found out just how bad it was lmao
i've kept my teacher up to date about all of this and fortunately she is aware of the circumstances and i'll still pass my internship, eventhough my boss gave me invalid negative feedback. so im glad at least schoolwise it all worked out, i just wish the work environment would've been better :/
so yeah im currently writing this from a hotel room (first hotel ive ever stayed at!! the bed is HUGE). i have an extremely early flight tomorrow, and get back very late sunday night. and then i have to be back at school at 10am the next day lmao rip me. but its worth it for a free trip to spain :)
i also moved out of the place i rented for my internship today, so this weekend has already been very stressfull lol. the place was alright to stay at for a few months, but very tiny and smelled like sewage every now and then so i'm happy to get out of there haha.
so yeah, busy weekend, lots of change again. i start my new semester on monday, i'm very excited to finally physically go to school again and see all my friends again! i'm also very excited to see what the minor i chose will be. basically i'm ready to start a new chapter and leave this one far behind (aside from my colleagues, I'd like to keep in contact with them!)
OH YEAH WAIT my tumblr account got suspended for a little while today too lol, because i was hoarding too many urls 😅 i had to delete them all to get it unsuspended, luckily i could save some of my favourites to my backup account. this really added on extra stress i really didn't need today, luckily i got it all sorted out lmao (i didn't realise i was hoarding about 40 urls 😬😬😬 so i guess it was bound to happen eventually 😅)
i have to wake up in like 6 hours so i'm going to sleep lol, i hope you found this little life update interesting haha <3
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notnctu · 4 years
YAYYYY CONGRATS FOR GETTING MOAR FOLLOWERS, i knew it, u guys are awesome xD, cant believe ure open for request, can i request a scenario for Donghyuck please? the plot is he was her one night stand that she met again when visiting her cousin at the hospital, he was her cousin doctor. Feeling a little hurt but delighted to see her again, Donghyuck flirting with her every time she visit her cousin, after that is up to u, gosh hope my plot doesnt make you guys uncomfortable -_-;;v thank you
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 thank you for requesting, and your plot was totally fine :) i had a fun time writing about dr!donghyuck hehe i secretly like hospital aus lmaosdinjfhew idk why.. you can read it under the cut and i hope you like it <333
(i may or may not have written this while i waited for my jury duty service lol)
-author doie ❀
p.s. soft reminder to everyone that requests are now closed. we apologize for the wait and are doing our best to finish them all! thank you for your patience :)
doctor!donghyuck x reader genre - brief mention of fucking, mainly fluff
when donghyuck clocked in for his graveyard shift, he wasn’t expecting to see the lovely person he spent the most eventful night with. donghyuck finally understands why you left so fast after the one night stand. his new patient is your cousin, odd how fate works sometimes.
he isn’t entirely sure if you’d remember him, actually a bit hesitant to approach you despite needing to give you an update on your cousin’s progress. he’s missed you, not wanting to admit it to himself, but he spent nights wondering if he should call you .. or if you really just saw him as a one night stand.
maybe it was a shot at his pride when you didn’t follow up with him, not knowing that you left because you had gotten a call about your cousin’s accident. just as he walks toward you, you look up from your phone and your mouth hangs slightly open.
and he stops at your cute reaction, remembering how honeyed your moans were in bed and how soft your skin felt underneath his fingertips. he clenches at his clipboard and shakes himself from the sudden flashback.
“donghyuck...” you call his name and it’s absolute music to his ears. your eyes drop to the classic lab coat, spectacles that sit at the tip of his nose. you fucked a doctor? the realization is hitting you like a wall of bricks. “...doctor lee.. i mean.”
he snorts at the formality, “you can just call me donghyuck.. what a surprise, y/n. i didn’t think the next time we meet would be here.”
he eyes you through his glasses, examining your casual laid back attire that is a contrast to the tight clubbing outfit he had met you in. your face is stripped down to just your features, as stunning as he remembers.
“right, the universe is strange.” you laugh awkwardly, like the confidence in your tone only exists in bed. however, he finds this change rather sweet and charming. the only image he knows you by is the hot individual who left shameless hickeys across his neck. this difference completes you, like the icing on a cake.
“i don’t mind though. i’ve been hoping to see you again.” he smiles, dropping any sense of professionalism that he learned in med school.
you’re flustered by his random flirtation, “really? you didn’t seem like you wanted to keep seeing me.”
donghyuck’s throat goes dry, knowing too well that his pride had stopped him from reaching out. “i’m not the best with ... communication.”
“your pride get in the way?” it’s a rhetorical question, but his nervous laughter gives enough confirmation. he looks through his files, finally aware that he has a job to attend to.
“your cousin is progressing well, we can anticipate a speedy recovering in about two weeks time.” you release a deep sigh at the good news, relieving every bad energy that was pent up before.
“that sounds great. thank you for your work.” you smile, “i’m so happy that i could kiss you!” you shout rarely loudly, the receptionists eyeing you strangely over the counter top.
but donghyuck doesn’t seem phased, instead a smirk grows on his face. “we can save the kissing for later, sweet cheeks.” he leans down to whisper into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
he winks at you, before heading back to his patients, looking forward to see you around for the next two weeks.
day after day, donghyuck rushes to your cousin’s room in hopes to coincidentally run into you. and if you two can’t feel the tension in the room, everyone else can.
without a fail, he sly bids you a compliment every time he sees you.
“my day is always a whole lot better when i see you.”
“good afternoon, beautiful.”
“you manage to take my breath away effortlessly, in a literal medical sense, it’s not a good thing. but im speaking figuratively in this case.”
donghyuck is so cute and much more talkative than the night you two shared. but when hes interacting with nurses or patients, he’s serious with a few lighthearted jokes to get people to smile. it’s almost like he couldn’t get any better.
and every time you leave, he always finds you to say “i’ll miss you, drive safe”
today is a little different. you catch him lingering in the lobby, chatting with a few receptionists. “goodbye donghyuck.” you grin at him, not wanting to interrupt his conversation.
but as you walk by, he holds your hand to stop you. “i’m getting tired of missing you all the time.” he starts, walking you to the hospital door. hand in your hand. you’re stunned at the action, wondering if the hospital staff are watching the two of you.
“i want to see you outside of the hospital. i want to be with you, talk to you enough to where i don’t have to be polite in our messages.” he lightly squeezes your cheek, stopping at the automatic doors.
and he gathers your hands together, “are you free for dinner tomorrow night?”
you gasp at the offer, feeling butterflies flutter at the pit of your stomach. “yes.”
“great. then, ill miss you until then, drive safe.” he pats your head lovingly, his heart pounding at your acceptance. he feels like he’s soaring in the clouds.
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diamondcamefromhell · 4 years
Timeless love
Jaskier x Reader part 5
[PART 1]  [PART 2]   [PART 3]  [PART 4]
Summary: This is an AU, where Y/N is a young woman, trying to make ends meet with her freelancing writing job. She lives in her small Nottingham studio apartment along with her cat Apollo. Things change when one evening as she is waiting for her taxi, she meets what she thinks is Joey Batey, but the man in front of her is convinced he’s Jaskier, a character from her current favorite show. Y/N now has to figure out what to do.
Warnings: drinking and just some cheesy cheese
Word count: 2,637
A/N: Ahhh you guys, thank you for liking this story and encouraging me to write it, i sooo expected this to be a flop, and i really appreciate the [so far] positive feedback ahhh! we writers do fuel on comments sometimes, lol, so whenever you lot say you like it i go so soft and THANK YOU hope you like this part <333
Jaskier doesn’t look at me, keeping his gaze at his arms. I see him try to blink the tears away, but he fails, as some escape, washing down his face. I reach out, putting my hand on his.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper, not wanting to disturb him. He wipes his face with his free hand, looking at me.
“It’s accurate.” His voice sounds rough and deep. I squeeze his hand. “Like, really accurate.”
“It must be scary.” He hangs his head low.
“It is, Y/N. But at the same time…” Jaskier now leans back on the coach, closing his eyes. His lashes now cast shadows down his face, making him appear so much older. “I am glad that it is, at the very least, correct. Not some fake story, just using our names and faces. It’s real.”
“I cant even imagine what you’re feeling. What must be going through your head.” I whisper as he opens his eyes, gazing at me. “But I want you to know I am here to help you, in any way I possibly can.”
“I have no doubts about that.” He reassures me, brushing hair out of his face, taking a deep breath in. “It’s scary, but it made me upset because… I miss it. I miss Geralt and Roach and I miss Velen and Novigrad.”
“You’re homesick.” He nods. “I promise we will get you home, we will figure it out. Something, somehow.”
“Thank you.” He offers me a smile, and I stare into his eyes, wondering just how much they have seen. How much of a different world, so far away? I wish I could experience that. With him. But then I also know, I belong here and he truly belongs there.
“Until then, Jaskier, maybe I should allow you to experience more of my world.” I say, taking laptop on my knees, exiting Netflix.
“I would be recognized as the guy who plays me, unless I can experience it from your home.” I shake my head.
“I should have thought of it sooner, if I am honest.” I sigh, turning laptop to him. “We have wigs. And some people wear cute little masks as fashion. We could pretend you are one of them, get a wig, and boom. You’re a different person, free to roam the world. We could go to eat out or an amusement park or clubbing or…-“
“Is it a date?” He cuts me off, immediately sending a blush to my face.
“Sure.” I stutter as he giggles, and my heart eases up a little.
So I order a wig. A blond one, spend good pounds on it. And a mask. And just more outfits. They should arrive here by tomorrow. I leave the shop, not wanting to know what my bank balance is looking like.
Then I open some more tabs. I begin grilling Jaskier, trying to distract him. I ask where he would want to go eat, if he even wants to go ride some rollercoasters. He agrees to it all, as his eyes lighten up and his shoulders relax. My hear beats faster.
The next day when items arrive, he tries them on, and while the wig is not the best, you cant really recognize him. So that same evening, I decide it’s time we go to a pub, something he is almost familiar with. We’re walking from the taxi, towards the pub just out of town, as I begin explaining it to him.
“It is similar to a tavern, in my opinion at least.” I say, as he nods. “You can go there, order some food, drinks, whatever really, just a place to hang out.”
“Sounds cool.” He says, not sounding impressed and I grin at him.
We make it inside, as the warmth surrounds us. I hear some pop music play, wondering what Jask will think about that. I guide us to a further corner, a table behind a pillar. I know some waitresses call it a “lovers nest” and that sheer name makes my heart skip a beat. Sadly, we are using it for coverage mostly.
We sit down, Jaskier’s back facing the pub, as a waitress gives us our menus, giving a weird glance to the bard, but not commenting on his outfit.
I forced him to wear a simple white shirt with a oversized colourful jacket. It had patterns of marvel superheroes, which I thought was cool, but he said wearing “green goblin” on his ass wasn’t his cup of tea.
“You can take your mask off.” I encourage Jaskier now, as he practically rips it off. Underneath, I see a smile.
“This is nice.” I hm in agreement, looking at the menu.
“We can start with drinks.” I say, turning it around to the drinks side. “Unless you’re hungry.”
“No, I’m okay on food.” I smirk, twisting his menu too.
“Then let’s drink.” He seems to like that.
We order some cocktails, although Jaskier insisted of good old ale. And some shots of different spirits. The waitress brings it, wishing us a good night, and I know she probably wont bother us much. Unwritten rule for lovers nest.
So we drink up, talking about everything and nothing. I tell him about how I find Apollo on the streets, poor boy was bones and skin, full of lice and worms in his belly. Costed me a lot, but I was determined to take care of him. He tells me about the time before he met Geralt, how he learnt to play the lute by himself.
“I would wonder the fields, singing my heart out. I wasn’t very good then.” He laughs, looking into the distance with a nostalgic look growing on his face.
“How come?” I ask, sipping my Mojito, which Jaskier didn’t like.
“The wolves would run away, whenever they would hear me.” I chuckle, and his gaze comes back, landing on me, as his lips curl into a smile. “But I learnt.”
“I know.” I say, as he grows silent. He hasn’t sung since we met. “You should, however, prove it some time.”
“Hm.” He smirks.
I almost don’t hear it, in a faintest voice, Jaskier begins to sing. In a language I don’t understand. I don’t know if he spoke one of the elder languages, if it was elven or something, but it sounded beautiful. So sad, however.
My gaze seemed to encourage him, as his voice grew ever so braver. He didn’t take his eyes off me, as if to make sure I was listening. I wouldn’t dare to do anything else. Then, as sudden as it began, it stopped.
“That was beautiful.” I say as the light above our table flickers. “Even if I understood nothing.”
“Not mine song. One of the elves I’ve met on a road taught me.” My curiosity grows as I lean in.
“What is it about?” That makes Jaskier blush, as he winks at me.
“I’ll tell you another time.” I lean back now, crossing my arms.
“Not fair.” I argue, but he doesn’t budge.
“I promise, you will learn someday. Just, not today.” I roll my eyes, easing up however, as I reach back for my mojito.
“Oh! I love this song!” I say as a slightly louder one comes on. It’s Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking Out Loud’
I spring to my feet, drink still at hand, as I dance to the rhythm, twirling and twisting around, not caring if I look graceful or anything. I was feeling the moment. I sing along to it, not being anxious if I sound bad. The wonders of alcohol.
I finally make eye contact with Jaskier, who seems to be mesmerized. I reach out to him, pulling him up just as the lyrics hit ‘Maybe just a touch of a hand’. I keep singing, making him dance with me. He kind of doesn’t move, his lips slightly apart, eyes wide open.
I take step back, to sing the chorus and I twirl around him, smiling. I keep singing, now mostly just waving my body side to side, looking at the bard in front of me. The whole pub seems to disappear, nothing else matters. Just me and him, in his stupid wig.
Just us, in this world. Scared and confused. Lost. Not sure of what tomorrow may bring. But for now, we were in this together, and in this very moment, I counted all of my blessings. The biggest one stood before my very own eyes. His lips still parted, his gaze still on me.
My chest tightened as the song was nearing the end and I walked towards him. Just to make sure he is real, truly here. And he was, as his hands land on my waist and he finally swings with me, as I silence my signing to a mere whisper, placing my forehead on his shoulder. Breathing him in, storing the scent in my brain. I memorize the way his hands lay, engraving it in my body, so I could remember it when he is not there to remind me.
I touched him. I smelled him. And now.
I pull away, and before I can change my mind, before worry and anxiety come over me, I place my lips on his. My eyes are shut, as I am scared to open them, even when we pull apart.
Now I tasted him too. The pina colada he just drank was still on his lips. Coconut and a mix of alcohol. But there was something else, something I couldn’t point out. I guess it was just the way his kiss tastes.
“You can open your eyes.” I hear hip whisper, as the song ends. I jump a little, opening my eyes. He gazes into me.
“Sorry.” I stutter, stepping back, as his grip loosens and I slide out of his arms.
“For what?” He furrows his brows, and I feel heat rush to my face.
“I crossed the line?” I say, and it sounds more like a question than a statement.
“Oh, Y/N.” He lets out a laugh, as it eases me up immediately. “You really didn’t. I like you.”
I stare at him, as he says it so casually. It slid off his tongue, like poison, going right in my bloodstream, straight to my heart. I go back to my seat, downing the rest of mojito. Jaskier follows suit, sitting in front of me, grinning.
“Stop being so afraid.” He grabs my hand, which I didn’t even notice was shaking.
“I like you.” I admit, not looking at him, as I blush even more. “And it’s scary to like someone, Jaskier.”
“It’s not like you like a monster.” He teases as I fix my gaze on his empty glass.
“No, of course not, but…” I stop there. No need to remind him we are from different worlds. Right now we were both here. Together. Nothing was stopping us from falling. “I don’t know.”
“There are a lot of things people may never know.” I look at him now, as he gives me a soft, encouraging smile. “Love might just manage to be one of them.”
“It really is.” I agree, leaning back. I feel my heart calm down a little.
“By the way, you sound incredible.” I open my mouth in shock as Jaskier doesn’t seem to be able to hold in a laugh, as it rings the entire pub. “You look so much more surprised by that, than me liking you.”
“Because you just said I sound incredible!” I pull my hand from his grip, brushing my hair out of my face, squinting at him. “Do you like the sound of dying cats too?”
“If they sounded like you, I might kill cats for fun.” I flush red.
“Stop.” I stutter as he giggles, clearly entertained. “I need to use the restroom.”
I spring to my feet, fanning my face as I rush past him. I find the bathroom in a basement. I go, splash some water on my face. It doesn’t really help, but it gives me a moment to calm down. I take deep breaths, bravely walking out.
I bump into someone.
“Sorry.” I say, lifting my head. My heart sinks.
“It’s okay.” Our eyes meet, as the man face grows full of concern. “Are you okay?”
“I think I might be sick.” I scramble the words, turning on my feet rushing back in the bathroom. I let out the alcohol into the toilet, flushing it, as my head aches. This can’t be happening.
“Hey, are you okay?” The familiar voice creeps in as I grunt. I know he cant hear me. I quickly wash my mouth with some water, coming out again.
“Yeah, sorry.” I cant stop my voice from shaking, as he crosses his arms, his blue eyes piercing at me.
“You looked like you saw a ghost or something.” He giggles and I manage to give a weak smile in response.
“I recognized you, is all.” I decide to say the truth, or at least some of it. “Didn’t expect to see someone like you in this pub.”
“One of my friends is from around here, we’re catching up.” I stare at him, not believing my luck. One of his, one of Joey Bateys friends lives nearby. Are you kidding me.
“Then I wont hold you back any longer.” I say, moving out of the way so he could go to the stairs, but he doesn’t move.
“You’re not holding anyone back, I am glad to meet a fan.” I grin, turning around and initiating us walking out of this basement.
“Maybe not by the bathrooms.” I point out as he snickers and now not seeing him I can pretend it’s Jask.
“Can I buy you a drink?” I shake my head.
“I’m on a date.” I say, gritting my teeth. “Thank you, though.”
“Yes, of course.” I stop in the pub now, as I see that nobody is batting an eye. Nobody else seemed to recognize the actor.
“Well, I better not keep my man waiting.” I look at Joey one more time, praying to god I don’t vomit on him now.
“Enjoy your date.” Joey says as I nod as a thanks. “Maybe I’ll see you around?”
“I truly hope so.” I say in a friendly voice, as he waves at me, going to a different end of a pub.
I rush to our table, practically attacking Jaskier. I grip his shoulder tightly.
“We need to go.” I hiss startling him. “Now.”
“What happened?” I don’t feel like I have time to talk, as I take my purse, pulling out the card.
“Mask on. Head down.” I order, as I speed walk to the bar, paying for the drinks.
I hear Jask behind me, so I rush to the door, glad Joey seems to be seated in the other corner, where he can’t see us flee. Once outside, I keep power walking, until out of breath Jaskier catches on and grabs my hand.
“What happened?” I look at him.
“I met Joey Batey. Inside.” I grunt, as I shake. Jaskier pulls me into a hug, patting my back.
“Hey, he’s just a guy, nothing to be scared off.” I know he’s right. I know it, but yet…
“I am not scared off him, just. If people were to see you two, next to each other…” I jumble the words, not sure if he can understand what I’m trying to say.
“So you were worried for me.” I hear a smile in his voice, so I gently punch his hand, as I pull away. “That’s why I like you.”
“Because you need someone who will look after you like you’re a baby?” I tease as he laughs.
But my beating heart doesn’t slow, so I quickly get us a taxi home.
TAG LIST [if you wish to be added or removed from this, let me know <3 ]
@ultracolorfulnerdcollection ; @viyamystic ; @sleepyblossom ; @killjoy-acid-crash ; @halszka-potter  ; @apersondealwitlt <3
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
i cant wait for the new chapter tomorrow and im literally watching it right now for like the third time also i love hanako, nene, kou and matsuba theyre cool but yay im so happy u love it finally bcs i barley see blogs talk about it
its such a comfort show it makes me so happy <333
AHH I LOVE MITSUBA BUT HE MAKES ME SO SAD :(((((( i literally feel my chest ache if i think too hard abt him. beloved, sweet, angel boy <3
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jensungf · 4 years
(1/?) okayy so this is gonna be a long one as I was just informed that the reveal is tomorrow as I forgot what day it was - quarantine has really ruined my perception of time 😳(this is also why you turn on notifs for the main page eek!) We usually bake separately because we'd argue over how to do it otherwise... my french is limited to telling you that i'm listening to music in the bakery or my weekend plans, useful in some cases and complete nonsense in others... (🍉)
o(2/3) It would be so nice if they could rest, they deserve it, but also selfishly i'm kind of excited 👉👈I think it could be any unit, they're really confusing us, also this thought came to me but might be impossible, do we think Hendery dyed his hair just for bad alive or maybe... its a bit far fetched but... a U unit? I'm wishful thinking at this point. Ok so I had a look at the main page because I'm a bit of an idiot and hadn't checked for tasks, but I have some questions for you 👀 (🍉)
(3/3) What was your favourite hairstyle in 7th sense era and what is your favourite NCT hairstyle since? rank your top three Kpop songs, and why? what about your bias makes you happy? and finally if you could have one wish, what would you wish with that one wish? - sorry this is so rushed my perception of time and space have completely gone out the window (but i'm excited for the big reveal tomorrow 👀I am not sure how you'll react) - 🍉
omg ima respond under the tag SORRY IM SO LATE I JUST GOT ON DESKTOP
dont worry bub bc tbh I HAD NO IDEA THAT THE REVEAL WAS TMRW HAHAHA so ty for telling me (and same!!! omg dont worry i cant believe its alr august hhh ଯ( ॢᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ॢഒ ) and omg that sounds like smth that would happen w me and my sis HAHA except i dont allow them in the kitchen or else theyll fr burn everything down (the feel when theyre like 10) but nonetheless thats so cute! and ur french is still interesting nonetheless liek having teh ability to even comprehend another lang in the slightest is a major feat and sometimes i surprise myself when i understand like slivers of spanish so dw bub! its all just for u <3 
omg bub ur not being selfish at all bc ur still supporting them but unfortunately rest is not a word that sm can read e.e but its good to be excited! i am as well!! and omg yeah its so confusing i lich rally have no idea what to expect so in order to ease my anticipation ive decided not to expect anything at all HAHAHAH but omg.. nct u w hendery? thats unheard of but u never know!! and asdfghjkl i feel like a debbie downer for bringing this up but i feel so bad that sm sort of forced him to dye his hair blonde :((( like they asked but he didnt seem too happy when he said he dyed his hair ugh but wtv sm is booty wbk lets just appreciate how good he looks!! and OMG NO ITS OKAY i think the tasks are optional bc tbh i havent checked the main page and done any of them either! its okay bub dont worry!! 
i honestly... umm... dont remember the 7th sense era LOLLL lemme google it rq — ok ima be so honest rn. i looked and i dont like any of them 😭😭😭 ITS OKAY THO CUS THEYRE ALL KINGS! 
my fav nct hairstyle... i honestly have to give it to jaemin like i CANNOT get over how fkn good he looked with long blonde hair and the blue bangs in boom. thats my fav look on him hands down and im in love w that style!! 
my top 3 kpop songs,, honestly the ones that came to my head were my boy - secret, moonlight - got7, and love is not over - bts, which is funny cus i never rly talk ab these songs but theyre soooo good idk i can listen to them on repeat. 
okay so ima talk ab both jeno and jisung hehe so jeno!! honestly i just love him bc hes so fkn talented and hardworking but also his presence is so calming and just how much he rly cares and thinks ab the ppl around him. like hes funny in his own way but the way how he said once when he filled out this questionnaire thingy that he’d prefer to follow than lead, but now all of the members look to him as the unofficial leader. he comforts them all whenever they need sum and check up on them and he took initiative even tho it was difficult for him and there are things that he sets goals to improve in and he does so well bc he works so hard. like he wasnt comfy talking but hes literally a spokesperson and well-known emcee now and he tries his best! and not only that but also how hes very talented in everything and how soft and caring his personality is. not to mention his duality. i could go on forever but if u read all of this, ily 🥺
for jisung, he makes me happy bc of how he interacts with everyone! like hes so young but hes super talented and still super humble and just seeing him be a kid makes me forget about my worries and it reminds me to just let myself be sometimes cus yk he had to grow up rly quickly and his success came from hard work and it makes me happy to know he got what he deserved!
and if i had one wish.. ig this is cliche but i truly wish for world peace. like the peace of mind for everyone in the world bc we all deserve to be happy and altho the future seems obsolete, we all need a sliver of happiness and hope to make life worth living
AND PLEASE BUB DONT WORRY AT ALL ABOUT ANYTHING i cannot wait until tmrw and i dont mind that this is rushed!!!! <333 i appreciate u sm and i seriously cant wait until the reveal! <3 im so lucky to have u as my anon ur the sweetest! also pls feel free to answer all the questions u just asked me bc id love to know!!!!!!
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snowlilys-wife · 7 years
85 Statements~!
Whew okay, finally got around to this. I was tagged by @crazyanime3, @catslab, and @adeslowmoqueen
The Last :
1.) drink: Dr Pepper 2.) phone call: The discord chat lol 3.) text message: Asia :3 4.) song you listened to:  Smoke and Mirrors cover by Lollia 5.) time you cried: Chatting with Briana a few days ago, because she made me really happy, so I teared up lol. Im a sap 6.)dated someone twice: Technically not, but we were “unofficially together” on and off before he finally broke up with me in high school. 7.) kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t regret kissing him since we were together at the time, but I do remember being caught making out during school hours and that caused a lot of drama. 8.) been cheated on: Nope 9.) lost someone special: Yeah... 10.) been depressed: Every day lolol 11.) gotten drunk and thrown up: Not of age yet. Next year~!
3 favorite colors:
12.) Cerulean blue 13.) Black 14.) Red
In the Last year have you:
15. made new friends: Yes! My online friends here on tumblr and discord! 16. fallen out of love: I was forced to after being broken up with. 17. laughed until you cried: Yes ahaha. 18. found out someone was talking about you: The other day, at work, yes. It was very frustrating 19. met someone who changed you: Yep 20. found out who your friends are: I feel like I have, yes. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Both my ex and my current bf are on my FB so yes ahaha
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have Facebook friends that I don’t know irl 23. do you have any pets: My family has 3 dogs and tbh, im sick of them lolol 24. do you want to change your name: Nah, im good haha 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I worked and then just hung out with my friend? lolol 26. what time did you wake up: About 8am or so because of work. I’m looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow <3 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Chatting with Asia about SakuMahi lolol 28. name something you can’t wait for the announcement for: OvO??? Uhhhh maybe more voltron since thats recent right now? XD lolol idk. 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Around 10:30 or so (Its 12:30 am rn) 31. what are you listening to right now:  Friend Like Me - NeYo cover 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Many...MANY things lately. my boss is a big pain in the ass right now though 34. most visited website: Tumblr and Discord lately <3 35. hair color: Light brown (dyeing it red tomorrow ^_^) 36. long or short hair: Short 37. do you have a crush on someone: Yehhhh <333 my bf ahaha. Also I have tons of friend crushes too ;3  38. what do you like about yourself: whew uh... depends on the day 39. piercings: two ear piercings in both ear lobes and then 2 cartilage ear piercings on one side 40. blood type: I actually have no idea tbh 41. nickname: Ino pretty much it ahaha. (Although the discord peeps have started calling me “Han” and idk how i feel about this yet lololol jk yall can call me whatever you want XD) 42. relationship status: Taken~ 😘 43. zodiac: Leo 44. pronouns: She/her but honestly I shouldnt have to say that 45. favourite tv show: Changes too often, but some all time favorites are Durarara, Ouran, Servamp, and the Total Drama series 46. tattoos: None 47. right or left handed: Right handed. 48. surgery: No... unless you count stitches? 50. sport: I played softball for 2 years in high school, but not since then 51. vacation: Going to Disneyland for my birthday on Saturday and Sunday :3 52. pair of trainers: idk....?
53. eating: Nothing atm 54. drinking: Nothin 55. about to: Lay down after I get this post done lolol 56. waiting for: too many things 57. want: too many things 58. get married: I plan on it, yes. My bf and I have talked about it many times 59. career: I want to be a freelance digital artist and do commissions and stuff but ya know
60. hugs or kisses: Kisses. I love kissing <3 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taaaaalllll >;D 63. older or younger: I prefer being older despite the responsibilities 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms i guess? I really dont mind 65. hook up or relationship: Relationship. 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant, definitely.
67. kissed a stranger: No way 68. drank hard liquor: Not 21 yet 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes! its so annoying when you lose your glasses and you CANT SEE. i feel like Velma when that happens. 70. turned someone down: Surprisingly a lot???? Idk why people like me?????? 71. sex on the first date: No no no no way 72. broken someone’s heart: Probably...I dont want to think about that ;;; 73. had your heart broken: oh man...... a lot
74. been arrested: I am a good noodle 75. cried when someone died: I’m surprisingly apathetic in those situations... It’s not intentional! But I just cant cry 76. fallen for a friend: Whew...every time man.
77. yourself: On good days 78. miracles: Definitely 79. love at first sight: Nah. It needs time to grow 80. santa clause: Never have really. 81. kiss on the first date: If the timing is right and it feels right, then you do you. I personally wouldn’t unless I was absolutely sure 82. angels: Yes
84. eye color: Brown. 85. favorite movies: Emperor’s New Groove and Iron Giant
Most of my friends have already been tagged, but ya know, I’ll tag the ones I havent seen do it yet.
@mermaibee @twofabricatedtruths @kavourikarma @allshewhispers @tina-nightray @angel-of-music-hyde-no-longer
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