searchicons · 5 years
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Sabrina: I just broke up with my boyfriend.
No one:
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imthefailedartist · 5 years
Sabrina's not Worthy
Three seasons deep and Sabrina Morningstar neé Spellman hasn't learned a damn thing. She's still as impulsive and unthinking as she was the first episode.
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I'm only two episodes in, so far Sabrina has gotten her friends to go to hell and be tortured, commit the felony of body snatching, perform a terrible rendition of Run DMC. I cant wait until she doesn't heed Lucifers warning of "the realms need one another for balance" and she brings hell on earth. I will laugh as she looks confused only to then give some high and mighty white feminist-esque speech.
As queen of hell she's negating her duties, because apparently after 17 years as a worshiper of satan she's forgotten what they do. Sabrina has refused to take Lilith's "Ruling Hell 101" lessons seriously. Roz told her don't go in blind to save the little girl, did it anyway almost got herself and the little girl killed. Brought Nick/Lucifer to the mortal realm against everyone's warnings; messing everything up with his entrapment because she refuses to do any sort of checks and balances.
Why does everyone keep doing things for her? Time and time again she screws up and is saved by someone else; only for her to get the credit, as if its not her fault she didn't heed the advice of "Don't Sabrina. You don't know what you're doing". Why does anyone like her? She's white feminism incarnate. Why are Nick and Harvey in love with her, what has she not made worse for them?
For all of season two I couldnt understand why Nick was falling head over heels for this girl. She was selfish and arrogant all the while messing up everything at every turn.
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Prudence is the only one who really sees through Sabrina's bull, but it feels like they are going to write a big change of heart storyline for her.
Anyway, all of this to say Hail Queen Prudence. This show should've been about her.
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Update E5: Are you fucking kidding me. Beelzebub jr made of clay is not about to become Team Sabrina! For what fucking purpose? Why, because she asked him if he has no honor? Fuck this show. Caliban can go die in a kiln.
Update E6: no this little brat didn’t yell at Nick because he called her out for her bullshit. It took her two hours to convert Halloweentown 2: Caliban’s Revenge to her side and now he wants marriage instead of a total take over. Now Roz is incapacitated in stone and the Aphrodite spell failed because guess who’s still in love with the Sabrina the teenage brat? Ugh.
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huntingnabrina · 5 years
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Forehead kisses make me weak
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 5 years
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「I’d run if I were you...」
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singereden · 5 years
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This moment gave me chills 🔥🔥
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greendaleshistorian · 4 years
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Caos P3 in a Nutshell.
This is just me memeing. It happened in like the span of a week/week and a half. Wild.
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microwaved-timmies · 5 years
Oh, God | Prologue
Author: @microwaved-timmies​
Pairing: Caliban x Zoe Black (OC)
Word Count: 998
Wattpad: re-writen
Description: Hell wasn't that bad. The Underworld is way cooler, though. Zoe, Goddess of Fire, daughter of Hecate, was banished to Hell. She had no care for human life and loved to watch the world burn. Which was precisely the reason she got banished to Hell over 2,000 years ago. She had no power in Hell, something she loathed and her mother enjoyed.No one remembered her, the Gods made sure of that.Zoe, with the help of a few trusted demon friends, escaped Hell to a place she hadn't seen for two millenniums.Earth, and a new place Zoe has never been, Greendale.
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"Zoe, you stand on trial," a voice boomed through the elegant room. Zoe, a young woman with flowing flames for hair and skin that appears to be carved from ivory. She stood in the middle of a circle of thrones in chains; they glowed different shades of red, as if they were fighting against fire. People sat on the thrones in many different colours. All were stoic and hard, appearing almost like statues. Zoe glared at the man in front of her with eyes the same colour as the morning sky; Zeus, God of the Sky was the booming voice.
"You have conducted ungodly acts against the mortals of Earth," Zeus began in his booming, cold voice. Zoe smirked at his words, remembering her actions. "And you must be punished." Zeus finished.
Zoe looked at the faces around her, the people she thought of as family. Some stared at her with hatred, but some looked at her in pity. Zoe knew what she did and she felt no guilt for it. Those mortals had it coming. They deserved it. Plus, every other God in this room has done a couple 'ungodly' acts against humanity.
Zoe raised her eyebrows in a cocky manner; this wasn't her first time in front of the Olympians, nor was this the first time she had been on trial. She felt no need to worry; she was a Goddess, Goddess of Fire, to be exact. All previous punishments have done nothing to her.
"Severely." Zoe was forced to turn to view the speaker. She locked eyes with Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft.
Her Mother.
Both women glared at each other. Both were almost complete opposites; Hecate had as dark as night and eyes that appeared purple in certain light. She had almost no colour in her skin. Zoe was bright in almost every way possible; her hair was like fire and her cheeks were flushed. They looked almost nothing alike, but their mannerisms matched almost perfectly.
The glare between the mother and daughter was fierce and burned like fire. There was almost no love in the look; Zoe expected nothing else. Hecate didn't pay any attention to her daughter anyways, so Zoe didn't really care what happened to any stupid mortals.
Zoe turned around in a circle, staring all the Gods in the eyes with a smirk. Many looked the same way as her mother; cold, no sympathy or love in their eyes. Most didn't care about her outcome, as long as she was punished for her actions. Some, not many at all, were scared for her. Hades, God of the Underworld, stared back at her with soft eyes; he considered her a daughter, one of his own. Hecate and Zoe lived in the Underworld, so Zoe would wander around and usually ended up being escorted to Hades as a disturbance to the souls. Hades helped Hecate sculpt her from the coals of an eternal flame, so he was the closest thing Zoe had to a father.
"You will be striped of your powers; no longer will you be Goddess of Fire," Zeus spoke seriously. Zoe's eyes widened; how dare they! She was a Goddess; made from coal of a flame.
"No mortal will remember nor speak of your name for the rest of eternity," Hecate said with hatred. Zoe turned and flared daggers. The chains became redder and the throne room started to become hotter. The other gods started to fidget in their seats, but Hecate sat straighter. She stared at her daughter, not standing down.
"And you will never step foot in Olympus again." Zeus finished, leaving no room for Hecate to interrupt. He stared down at the girl, having conflicting opinions. He didn't know what to do with her; she did evil things to mortals, but also wonderful things. Zoe had a good heart, but it was incased in a veil of darkness, never to be seen again.
The room was getting hotter and flames began to lick the floor where Zoe was standing. She was fuming; how could they do this to her? Those mortals were evil and deserved what she gave them.
"You will be banished to Hell."
Zoe turned sharply. She felt fear deep in her gut. Hell was not a place for a God like herself. It was not a realm within her control. No means of escape or power for her. Zoe would be stuck there for all of time. There were murmurs around the room, all the gods shocked at Hecate's words.
"Hell? Hell? No!" Zoe yelled, "You can't do that! I won't let you!". She twirled around the circle, looking for help of any kind.
"Don't let her send me to Hell!" Zoe screamed in fear.
Zoe's face hit the floor, her body landing hard. Zoe could barely breathe, she couldn't see very well, either. The place was dimly lit and...red?
She got up slowly and awkwardly. The chains remained on her, cold and the colour of steel. Zoe felt a chill go up her spine and goosebumps appear on her skin. Zoe felt cold, which was odd to her. She was always warm and was told she kept everyone around her warm.
A throne...made out of a giant hand? It stood in the centre, with a goat sitting on it..? Hell is weird, Zoe thought. People (demons?) were speaking around her in a language she didn't understand. Goat-Man-Thing spoke in that tongue too, which was off putting. Zoe had no idea what was being said or what was happening. She looked around in confusion. Demons were everywhere; all were different. They were snarling at her, they looked at her as if she was a meal to them. Zoe felt terror in her stomach, she would never show it or admit it. Zoe stood straighter and hardened her expression.
What's the worst they can do? Zoe thought.
She would later learn that they could do a lot worse then she thought they could.
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pingvinsstuff · 5 years
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damn beautiful woman
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rachelvice · 5 years
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‪I talk a lot of shit about the new season of Sabrina but I’m still all about this teen witch / queen of hell aesthetic‬
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searchicons · 5 years
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Sabrina: [putting Nick back in his place]
Caliban thinking: THAT WAS REALLY HOT!
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killerfrostmd · 5 years
No one:
Literally, no one:
Caliban: I am made of clay
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Just finish watching CAOS part 3
so... that was... something...
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 5 years
CAoS writers’ room be like
“Guys, guys, how tf do we fix the bloody mess we made??” “Wait, I’ve got it!”
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greatkinglulu · 5 years
A bitch is gonna wake up at 4:20 a.m. just to watch Netflix at 5.
It's me, I'm that bitch.
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