#captain ​mahr-vehl
inoankin · 8 months
coming to the strange realization that all my babygirls are soldiers and cops. what do i do with this
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avengersrewatch · 1 year
E15: "459"
This is an interesting episode to watch because it's the introduction of Carol Danvers to the EMHU. And it's different from the comics canon (which is super complicated and involves a Kree wishing machine) but also pretty different from the MCU origin in Captain Marvel.
Here Carol is introduced as Janet's friend. I don't know how they met but I am DYING to know. Jan is a socialite in this series and Carol is a major in the military. I guess they could've bumped into each other in NYC. Is Carol the person she complains about Hank to? I bet she is.
Because Carol immediately burns Hank by saying hot hot Tony (and suggesting he'd be a good match for Jan). But actually Carol needs Hank's help with something.
Carol introduces the Ant-man and Wasp to "Dr. Philip Lawson." This is an odd change because Mar-vell, the Kree hero who was the first Captain Marvel went by the human alias Walter Lawson in the comics. It was changed to Wendy Lawson (Annette Benning) in the film Captain Marvel. Philip Lawson is less often used (I associate Philip with the variant Mahr-vehl from the Ultimates universe/1610). But I guess none of these human names are his real name.
The "twist" to make Mar-vell a female character in Captain Marvel was new for the MCU. (Although I don't know why we are imposing a gender binary on non-human races.)
Whatever gender Mar-vell is, Jan thinks they are hot. Hank is annoyed.
Anyway, something alien crashes to Earth. Both Carol and Jan want to fight whatever it is. Like girls do. There is some fighting in the woods.
It's a giant robot (the titular "459"). Hank wants to talk to it or whatever and normally I would not roll my eyes at such a thing. But it's clearly an instrument of war, and it's shooting lasers at his girlfriend, so like, catch up, genius.
You guys aren't going to believe this, but Lawson turns out to be an alien. I know, shocking. He and Carol get hit by some kind of beam from the robot (she was protecting him) and he turns back to his regular Kree form. He announces himself as Mahr-vehl. Closed captioning confirms the spelling. So he is the Ultimates version. Weird.
They bring Carol to the hospital and call the other Avengers. Mahr-vehl explains himself. This is the first name drop of the Kree-Skrull war which isn't actually relevant until next season, because this robot was sent by the Kree. To destroy Earth. Why didn't you tell them humans already had dibs on this planet, Mahr? Huh? Not a very good scout.
He explains the if the robot encounters resistance, it just blows up the entire planet. Jan actually says, "Hulk, smash him." And I'm kind of on her side here. But Hank stops the smashing (killjoy).
Marvel (I'm not typing all the dumb letters anymore) says he's just here to study humanity and he keeps lookin' at Carol in her bed. It's implied he loves Carol so much he decides humanity should be saved. I am creeped out by this.
He's been lying to her for three years studying Carol? If he cares about her so much maybe he should have a conversation with her? Maybe "psst, I'm an alien?" I think he's a weird, gross creeper and want him smashed.
Hank and Marvel are bros now, I guess. The Avengers (Hank, Jan, Hulk, Thor and Tony) plus Marvel go fight the robot/bomb.
Marvel is wearing a look more like his Ultimates gear (Kree war suit with helmet). He's not the traditional blond-haired, red spandex Captain Marvel. He also has a green glow around him and keeps making constructs out of his nanotech. It reminds me a lot of how Green Lantern looks in cartoons. I can't unsee it.
Jan and Hank fight and also get hit by explosives. Hank tries to protect Jan and takes a blast. He says "I love..." but then urges her to stop the bomb. If you had more words you could've finished that sentence, my dude. You just didn't want to.
There is a cool sequence where Jan flies at the robot, and gets inside but she doesn't actually get to save the day. (Even though getting very small would be a useful power for diffusing a bomb, I think.) Out of nowhere there is a giant floating head of Yon-rogg that Marvel talks to. This is also weird and unnecessary setting up of intra-Kree fighting that the show will never get to since it was cancelled after its second season.
So Marvel takes the bomb and flies into space with it, but he ices up which is weird because he should be able to space travel. Like, he's from another planet. Tony saves him (Tony can totally fly into space, guys, but the alien cant?) And Thor manages to throw the bomb far enough away from Earth when it explodes. That was a shitty plan, Marv.
Jan and Marvel make up before he teleports out of there, a power I did not know he had. Hank fails again to say "I love you" to Jan. And the episode ends with a glowing Carol being able to fly.
But none of this will matter until next season, when there is more space stuff and Carol joins the team. I think this was a way to say "there are going to be more than one lady Avenger!!" without, you know, actually having more than one lady Avenger on the team. However, with so much the setup already this season, I feel like this episode would've been better next season.
So that's the story of how Carol Danvers got superpowers and ditched her stalker in one go.
Rating: Eh, if you're interested.
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ultimateanna · 4 years
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Ultimate Mystery #1
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Ultimate Mystery #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and Rafa Sandoval
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Captain Marvel Legacy by AdrenalineRush1996
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audreylockhartblog · 6 years
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generationblame · 7 years
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Hunger #4 (2013)
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Captain Marvel Legacy by AdrenalineRush1996
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marvelloussynergy · 5 years
Carol Danvers has a long and complicated history in the comics, much of which would be very difficult to adapt for the big screen. Thankfully, though, for comic book fans, there are many allusions to the source material instead. The following is a guide to all the ones I’ve spotted along with any deviations from the source material (I will update this as more come to light). Note that owing to the convoluted and complex nature of comic books, I’ve tried to include only the most essential information regarding a character’s history and backstories.
Though not a direct adaptation, the general story of the “Kree/Skrull War” (The Avengers #89-97, 1971-72) is used as the basis for the film—the Kree and the Skrulls fighting each other with Earth caught in between.
A former US Air Force pilot, Carol Danvers gained her initial powers of flight and enhanced strength after being caught in the explosion of a damaged Kree Psyche-Magnitron. This was amidst a fight between the Kree warriors Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel and Yon-Rogg (Captain Marvel #18, 1969). The Psyche-Magnitron—a machine that converts thoughts into reality—alters her genes and turns her into a human/Kree hybrid, granting her the abilities possessed by Mar-Vell. Danvers would later develop the ability to absorb energy and fire them as blasts from her body. A slight retcon to her origins would occur in The Life of Captain Marvel #4 (2018), in which it is revealed that Danvers is in fact half Kree, and that the Kree Psyche-Magnitron merely activated her latent powers. Originally going by the code name Ms Marvel, Danvers would also go on to use the names Binary and Warbird, before taking on the mantle of Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel #1 (2012). 
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In the film we briefly see Carol’s father (Joseph Danvers) and brother (Steve Danvers), though in the comics she has an additional sibling, Joseph Danvers Jr. At one point in the film Carol says “Higher, further, faster, baby,” a nod to the Captain Marvel comic arc titled “Higher, further, faster, more,” as well as being words Carol’s mentor, Helen Cobb, wrote to her to describe their similar mindsets and desire to push boundaries.  
While Maria Rambeau is a character taken from the comics, it is her daughter—Monica Rambeau—who is friends with Carol in the source material. A hero in her own right, Rambeau has the ability to convert her body into various types of energy. Monica has also used various code names throughout her career, including Captain Marvel, Pulsar, and Photon (Maria’s call sign in the film is a nod to this). Carol affectionately calls Monica “Lieutenant Trouble,” which in the comic books is a nickname she gives to a young friend and fan, Katherine Renner.
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Carol and Maria not being allowed to fly in combat missions bears a resemblance to Helen Cobb’s situation from the comics. In 1961, Helen is told that she and her fellow female pilots are not permitted to become astronauts as they lack military jet experience, experience they cannot obtain as women were barred from flying jets.
Early on in the movie we see Starforce dispatched on a mission to Torfa. The planet is a relatively minor one in the comics, known for its poisonous atmosphere resulting from vibranium extraction.
The Kree are an alien race known for their military prowess and advanced technology. Their home planet is Hala, which is located in the Greater Magellanic Cloud Galaxy. The Kree have blue skin, but breeding with other alien races has resulted in pink skinned (also referred to as white) Kree.
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In the comics, Starforce are a group of Kree warriors tasked with protecting the Kree Empire. Formed by the Supreme Intelligence, the initial comic lineup consisted of Att-Lass/Captain Atlas (a soldier trained in many forms of combat), Minn-Erva/Doctor Minerva (a pilot and gifted bio-geneticist; in the film she’s Starforce’s sniper), Korath the Pursuer (a cyber-geneticist; he was previously in Guardians of the Galaxy), Shatterax (cybernetically enhanced warrior; not present in the film), Supremor (an android housing the Supreme Intelligence’s consciousness; doesn’t appear in the film), and Ultimus (has the ability to manipulate cosmic energy; not present in the film).
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The comic book incarnation of Bron Char (rendered as Bron-Char in the film) is a member of the Lunatic Legion, a group whose goal is to destroy the human race. Though a scout in the movie, in the comics Soh-Larr was a Kree warrior who fell in love with a Skrull, Ryga’a, with whom he had a child, Dorrek Supreme.
Yon-Rogg was a Colonel in the Kree army, unlike his cinematic counterpart who is the commander of Starforce. His antagonistic relationship with Mar-Vell from the source material has been carried over to the film.
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In the comics, the Supreme Intelligence is an organic computer created by the Kree Science Council, initially designed to help the alien race create a Cosmic Cube. Upon gaining sentience, however, the Supremor refused, knowing the danger such an object posed. Composed of the brightest Kree minds, it served as the leader of the Kree Empire for many years. In the source material it’s depicted as a large green floating head, it’s true form in the film, however, has yet to be revealed.
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Mar-Vell has been changed from a male to a female for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The comic book incarnation of Mar-Vell was sent to Earth to spy on humanity. Adopting the identity of Dr Walter Lawson (the name of a scientist Mar-Vell encountered who had passed away; changed to Wendy Lawson in the film) he began working at the Cape Canaveral military base, where he would meet the facility’s security chief, Carol Danvers. Mar-Vell would go on to defend humanity many times despite his mission, before dying of cancer as depicted in the graphic novel The Death of Captain Marvel (1982).
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The aircraft Wendy Lawson designs is called the Asis. This is a reference to the Asis program from the Ultimate Universe. Mahr Vehl (the Ultimate Universe version of Mar-Vell) joins the program in an effort to help humanity with interstellar travel.
In both the comic books and the film, Skrulls are a green-skinned reptilian alien race with the ability to shape-shift. Originating from the planet Skrullos, Skrulls have a warrior culture and, like the Kree, have conquered many worlds throughout the galaxy.
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Unlike his cinematic counterpart, Talos wasn’t born with the ability to shape-shift in the comics. A skilled combatant, parts of his body have been cybernetically enhanced giving him super strength.
Nick Fury tells Carol that he was born in Huntsville, Alabama, though in the source material he hails from New York City. His middle name of Joseph, however, is something both incarnations share. The comic book version of Fury loses the ability to see with his left eye as a result of a grenade blast, whereas his film counterpart has the misfortune of losing it after Goose scratches it.
In the comics, Carol calls her pet Chewie (named after the Star Wars character Chewbacca, since Danvers is a fan of the franchise), whilst in the movie the cat is named Goose (referring to the character of the same name from the 1986 film Top Gun). Both Goose and Chewie aren’t real house cats, but rather an alien species known as Flerken (Rocket Raccoon reveals this to Carol in Captain Marvel #7, 2014) that look like domestic felines. Flerkens possess tentacles that are released from their mouths, lay eggs to reproduce, and contain pocket dimensions within their bodies.
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Carol’s call sign in the MCU is “Avenger,” though her comic book counterpart has the decidedly less cool call sign of “Cheeseburger” (she got the name after vomiting during a g-force simulator exercise). 
The various costume colours Carol cycles through are references to costumes she’s worn in the comics. The black, red, and yellow combination allude to Carol’s Ms Marvel outfit; the black and silver colour scheme could refer to the Warbird costume; while the green and white one is a nod to the classic Kree uniform.
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Being set in the past, it comes as no surprise that there are many nods to the MCU. The space-jumps through honeycomb-shaped portals is a design first established in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. S.H.I.E.L.D. once again has a presence in a Marvel movie, although a slight continuity error sees the organisation’s name pronounced as it appears, despite Coulson saying the full acronym in Iron Man, only shortening it towards the end of the film. At one point Carol flies a Quadjet, a precursor to the Quinjet. We see an early version of Project Pegasus, the facility where it’s held making appearances in Thor and The Avengers, and in turn, the Tesseract is seen on screen once again. Carol Danvers gives Fury a modified pager to contact her with, a device we see him use at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Fury puts into motion his “Avenger Initiative,” originally naming it the “Protector Initiative.” Lastly, for the mid-credits scene, we get a sequence depicting Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and James Rhodes monitoring the pager, culminating in Carol’s arrival back on Earth, which appears to be taken from Avengers: Endgame.
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thatkidjoeb · 7 years
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Marvel: Generations by Alex Ross
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vedelbach8 · 2 years
What is the secret of the environment-friendly Costume of captain marvel?
Our precious award-winning starlet Bri Larson plays the function of superhero Captain Marvel or Carol Danvers. However there is a change in her costume that we can see these days. As well as what is that modification? Let us understand about the tricks of the eco-friendly costume of Captain Marvel.
What is the CGI suit and also What does it indicate for captain marvel?
We have already seen actress Bri Larson wore in the Captain Marvel movie series before. Her costumes include an incredible combination of shades. We remember our favorite captain marvel in her suit which remains in red, blue as well as gold shades. However nowadays we can see her in a brand-new costume which is based upon black, environment-friendly and also silver shades. Seeing Bri Larson in her new and also changed costume made the target market as well as followers go surprised. Our preferred Captain Marvel is mosting likely to play the function of the first female-lead film at the initial Marvel Cinematic Universe's. flash cosplay is based upon a superhero that has all the powers to give thanks to the alien race which is called The Kree Empire. Brin Larson first showed up on the sets of Avenger 4. The behind the scene pictures of the young Oscar winner was filmed at the Atlanta collections. Because her approaching captain marvel film is embeded in the 1990s, therefore the old costumes can not be presented. Seeing her in the environment-friendly costume, which looks similar to the comics costume, individuals have started thinking that she is going to play the function of Leprechaun. While we don't precisely understand the reasoning behind the brand-new costumes, there are some reasons which can be feasible to identify the response to the question: Why the new Captain Marvel costume is eco-friendly in shade? The original Captain Mar-vel: The very first superhero in name of captain marvel was not Carol Danvers, it was a Knee Warrior in the name of "Mar-vell". He was a Knee spy that determined to come to be a superhero. He uses to wear a costume which was silver in color. He puts on a headgear and also trims in environment-friendly color. Later on, his costume changed to gold, red, blue color design. So possibly Danvers also wear Mar-Vel's very first suit or costume. We know that Jude Legislation plays the function of Mar-Vell in an upcoming solo flick; it can be possible that this is her attire which is green in color. The Ultimate variation: While the principle of art has revealed a precise version of the comics variation, it will certainly simply stay like a principle just. The final shade of costume suit will differ as well as modeled after the captain Marvel Ultimate variation. The Alternating Marvel Cosmos is likewise called best. A Warrior name as Mahr-Vehl wears a suit that is environment-friendly in color. black widow cosplay costume is not the only personality of Marvel Personality based on the Ultimate Universe. The suit includes a white as well as green cybernetic fight suit which gives superpowers to Captain Marvel. The superpowers consisted of in this costume are the capacity to create energy shields, blasts, increased strength, enhanced speed, raised healing powers, and so on . CGI suit: It can also be possible that the costume she is using is not the real color pattern of the costume whatsoever. The image is a behind the scene image as well as the after-effects can provide her costume in an altered form. The idea art of the costume she is using looks really similar to this yet looks acquainted to its color design. The final appearance of the costume might look various when the shot is provided with CGI. The green-colored costume can be changed by electronic impacts as well as recreations. Few of the Marvel characters have already been seen similar to this. Parts of the costume adjustments with CGI: It can also be possible that just some components of the suit might obtain changed with CGI and also the various other continues to be the exact same. Our Captain Marvel is mosting likely to have some one-of-a-kind and also different superpowers. In comics, several of the superpowers of Captain Marvel consist of superhuman endurance, rate, stamina, sturdiness, power absorption, as well as projection, etc . The head of state of the marvel, Kevin Feige has actually said that Captain Marvel is one of the most effective superhero in MCU. Now we don't know what will certainly the last powers added from this in the movie. This was all about the captain marvel environment-friendly costume.
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daley02rooney · 2 years
What is the CGI suit as well as What does it indicate for captain marvel?
Our beloved award-winning starlet Bri Larson plays the duty of superhero Captain Marvel or Carol Danvers. However there is an adjustment in her costume that we can see nowadays. And also what is attack on titan costumes ? Allow us understand about the keys of the green costume of Captain Marvel.
What is the Captain Marvel environment-friendly costume?
We have actually already seen starlet Bri Larson suited up in the Captain Marvel film collection before. Her costumes include a fantastic combination of colors. We remember our favored captain marvel in her suit which is in red, blue and also gold colors. Yet nowadays we can see her in a brand-new costume which is based on black, environment-friendly and silver shades. Seeing Bri Larson in her new and transformed costume made the audience and also followers go shocked. Our favored Captain Marvel is mosting likely to play the duty of the very first female-lead motion picture at the initial Marvel Cinematic Universe's. It is based on a superhero that has all the powers to thank the unusual race which is known as The Kree Empire. Brin Larson initially appeared on the sets of Avenger 4. The behind the scene images of the young Oscar winner was shot at the Atlanta collections. Because her upcoming captain marvel motion picture is set in the 1990s, hence the old costumes can not be presented. Seeing her in the green costume, which looks similar to the comic book costume, people have actually started thinking that she is mosting likely to play the duty of Leprechaun. While we do not precisely recognize the logic behind the brand-new costumes, there are some factors which can be feasible to recognize the solution to the question: Why the brand-new Captain Marvel costume is eco-friendly in shade? The original Captain Mar-vel: The first superhero in name of captain marvel was not Carol Danvers, it was a Knee Warrior in the name of "Mar-vell". He was a Knee spy who made a decision to come to be a superhero. He utilizes to put on a costume which was silver in color. He wears a helmet and trims in environment-friendly color. In the future, his costume transformed to gold, red, blue color pattern. So perhaps Danvers additionally put on Mar-Vel's first suit or costume. We understand that Jude Legislation plays the role of Mar-Vell in a future solo movie; it can be possible that this is her attire which is eco-friendly in color. The Ultimate version: While the idea of art has actually revealed a precise version of the comics version, it will just continue to be like a principle only. The last color of costume suit will differ and also imitated the captain Marvel Ultimate version. The Alternating Marvel Cosmos is also referred to as utmost. A Warrior name as Mahr-Vehl uses a suit that is green in shade. This is not the only personality of Marvel Character based upon the Ultimate Cosmos. The suit includes a white as well as green cybernetic fight suit which provides superpowers to Captain Marvel. The superpowers consisted of in this costume are the capability to develop energy guards, blasts, boosted toughness, increased speed, boosted healing powers, and so on . CGI suit: It can also be possible that the costume she is putting on is not the real color scheme of the costume at all. The image is a behind the scene image as well as the after-effects can present her costume in an altered kind. black captain america suit of the costume she is putting on looks really similar to this yet looks familiar to its color pattern. The final appearance of the costume might look different when the shot is made with CGI. The green-colored costume can be replaced by electronic impacts as well as recreations. Few of the Marvel characters have actually already been seen such as this. Components of the costume adjustments with CGI: It can also be possible that just some parts of the suit may obtain changed with CGI and also the other stays the very same. Our Captain Marvel is mosting likely to have some unique and various superpowers. In comics, some of the superpowers of Captain Marvel include superhuman endurance, speed, toughness, toughness, energy absorption, as well as forecast, etc . The head of state of the marvel, Kevin Feige has said that Captain Marvel is the most powerful superhero in MCU. Now we do not understand what will certainly the final powers added from this in the film. This was all about the captain marvel environment-friendly costume.
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fanfictionolivia · 7 years
Fandom(s): Marvel, Marvel Ultimates, Captain Marvel
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Carol Danvers/Philip Lawson (Mahr Vehl)
Warnings: Interspecies Sex, Pegging
Love’s a Trainwreck, You’re a Mistake or Kinktober 2017 Day Sixteen
Her hips snapped forward and she realized that this awful alien might be the perfect man for her.
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Her from Marvel Comics and Wonder Woman from DC are my two favorite female Superhero's. Though I wish they would of went with the blue skinned version of Mar-Vell, but I guess technically that version comes from a different Universe in the Multiverse and his name is Mahr-Vehl. If they do Genis Vell, I hope they go for the Green outfit look with the black skin with stars all over. I wonder how Brie will do in this movie, I heard rumors they were thinking of using a butt double, because her ass appeared to flat in her outfit, I hope they don't, that sounds insulting. I am also hoping they keep this look on her, I am not a fan of Captain Marvel when they give her the short hair and overly masculine appearance.
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