#captain charming is my brotp forever
spartanguard · 1 year
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
Tagged by @shireness-says (thank you, darling Dev!!!)
First fic: Drunk Dial (okay, it's not actually my first fic on AO3, but I posted it on tumblr first). It's exactly the kind of silliness I was into at the time.
Last fic: I'll be posting the final chapter of Sons of Love and Death tomorrow (though I highly doubt it will be my "last"--as in final--fic; just need the muse to focus on something)
Only once: All my fics have been for OUAT, and the vast majority Captain Swan, but I wrote two fics for crackships: A Pair of Barflies (Captain Beauty) and True Love is Like a Beard: It Grows (Captain Charming--romantic, which I need to specify because there are quite a few brotp fics in there).
Favorite fic from the fandom I’ve written in most: You mean I have to pick? I usually say Savage Garden, but it might be overtaken by Sons of Love and Death...but probably only because it's more recent.
Fic I wish more people read: All of them, haha. But particularly Sons of Love and Death and Most Wanted. They were both a lot of fun to play with different kinds of magic and worldbuilding.
Fic I agonized over: Sons of Love and Death started from a tumblr prompt sent to me in September 2015 and didn't see the light of day until July 2023. So definitely that one. (But let's be real, just about all of my MC fics.) Shoutout also goes to Two Booksellers of Storybrooke because I had to brush up on Shakespeare a LOT.
Fic that sprang fully formed: A good number of one-shots--particularly the ones inspired by songs (which I will be adding to soon)--but also Partners, because binge-watching SVU does that to a person.
Work(s) I’m proud of: SEVERAL! All of the above, for starters, but here's a few more:
A Tall Tail: My first MC/'verse (because it ended up expanding from there) and what got me any kind of following as a writer. I'd never tackled anything like that--let alone being new to fanfic writing--so that I was able to pull it off still amazes me.
Something In The Water: aka Mermaid Killian 2. Because pulling that off in a modern setting was incredibly fun.
Spinning Together: I just love that I was able to put together CS and colorguard (my other passion).
It's Getting Hard to be Someone: This was an idea that had been floating around forever and I'm really happy with the way it turned out when I finally got to write it.
I could keep going but I'd be here a while. But we all know that when we write something, we usually put a part of us into it, so it's hard not to have a fondness for all of them!
Tagging: @optomisticgirl @initiala @ohmightydevviepuu @kmomof4 and whoever else wants to do this!
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Pirate on the Plantation
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Okay, let’s try this again. As usual when scheduling a post, I fucked up. You’d thing me technologically unsound with all the times I’ve messed up a post, really I’m not. Tumblr just continues to best me from time to time. Anyhow here is my submission for the Captain Charming June Prompt, some of you have read it already, since I posted a day early. I deleted that post as soon as it was pointed out to me that I posted a day early... apologies!!! Thank you to those that liked, commented, and reblogged, I did get a chance to see them before I deleted the post ♥
Rated K ~  Words 1k ~ Captain Charming June Prompt ~ Killian helps David on the farm ~ Amazing Aesthetic by @juliakaze ~ Unbeta’d ~ See links below!!
                                Pirate on the Plantation
“Come on, mate. When’s the last time you, Henry, and I took the Jolly out for a day of sailing and fishing?” Killian asked David over the phone.
“I know, I know. It’s just... A farm doesn’t run itself, you know. I have a a ton to do every morning, and by the time I’m done, I’m beat. It won’t last forever, eventually I’ll get used to the work.”
“What could be so hard about feeding farm animals and tending some vegetables, Dave. Sounds like an excuse to me. Afraid to get sea sick again?” Killian teased.
“It was one time,” David growled. “When was the last time you ran a farm? I doubt you could handle it.”
“Oh, I bet you I could. Tell you what, make those famous nutmeg pancakes of yours, and the family and I will be over bright and early. Have your list of chores ready for me, and when I’m done we go sailing. If I don’t finish, I won’t bug you anymore.
“Deal,” David agreed, it got him a free morning whether they went sailing after or not. I’m sleeping in tomorrow, David thought rubbing his hands together.
                                       ~Captain 💪 Charming~
When Killian’s alarm went off at 5:30AM he realized he’d become a bit lazy, and spoiled. At one time this would’ve been considered getting up late, and now his body was protesting the early hour. There was no way he was losing this bet though. He reluctantly got out of bed, stretched, then roused Emma. “C’mon love, time to head to your parents.”
“Uh-uh, you made this bet. Henry and I will be over later,” she mumbled sleepily. “Love you, babe, but it’s way too early for pancakes and parents.
He chuckled and leaned in to kiss her forehead, “I suppose you’re right, Swan. Love you, and I will see you at a more decent hour.”
Killian arrived at the Charming home at six sharp and was about to knock when he saw a note taped to the door. His eyes narrowed as he read the note detailing that the household was still asleep, pancakes were in the fridge if he was hungry, and to wake them if he finished before they were up. The to-do list was extensive, but he was sure it would not keep him from the open waters. He chuckled upon seeing the closing to the note:
Good luck, but seriously, maybe we can go sailing again once I get used to this schedule, because there is no way you’ll finish, and want to go today.
“Challenge accepted,” Killian mumbled to the crisp morning air. As he set about the tasks in the order they appeared on the list he realized, one, he had not dressed appropriately, and two, this shit was a hell of a lot harder than he’d fathomed.
When he saw Emma and Henry pull up he reached into his pocket for his phone to see what time it was. Damn! It was already after eight, and he’d only just hit the halfway point of the list.  How long did it take to till a ten by twenty plot he wondered. Looking at the marked area he reckoned it wouldn’t take too long.
“How about a cup of coffee?” Emma asked from behind him as he assessed the plot.
“Thanks, love,” he smiled, taking the hot beverage. Wiping at his brow he sipped the coffee only to realize just how dissatisfying it was. He needed ice cold water.
“Too strong?” Emma asked, seeing his hesitation to drink more.
“No, it’s just not what I need right now. I think I’ll grab a cold water.”
“Don’t you dare step foot in mom’s house, she will kill you if you track dirt and chicken shit onto her carpet. I’ll get it,” she told him, taking the mug and kissing him on the cheek. She wrinkled her nose, “You smell like farm animal.”
Killian laughed heartily, “Not as good as sea salt, leather, and rum then?”
Emma didn’t even bother responding since they both knew she loved his normal scent, instead she just rolled her eyes and went to get him a small cooler of bottled waters.
When he finally finished tilling the plot he was unsure of the time, but he knew it’d taken him longer than he expected. His hands, already calloused from his years at sea taking care of the beloved Jolly, ached something fierce from the task. He looked at his list once more and chuckled, he’d be done within the hour now, and then they’d be out on the water.  Heading to the storage shed to put away the tiller and shovel, he sat down in the shade to enjoy one of the bottle waters Emma had brought him.   
                                      ~Captain 💪 Charming~                                      
David’s loud guffaw woke Killian. “Not as easy as it looks, is it Deputy Jones?”
“A pirate, in skinny jeans, farming, now I’ve seen it all,” Mary Margaret snickered.
Killian looked up at his family to see his parents-in-law open amusement, while Henry seemed torn between concern and amusement, and Emma had her hand over her mouth, no doubt trying to stifle her laughter.
“What bloody time is it,” he asked, realizing he’d fallen asleep against the side of the shed.
“It’s time to go sailing,” Henry announced.
“Well, son, it seems I have not upheld my end of the bargain. I did not finish all the chores so I must get back to work,” Killian told Henry.
“We finished the chores and got everything ready while you were getting your beauty rest,” David teased. “Come on, let’s get out on the water.
“Perhaps the next time we decide to set sail we will tackle the farm as a team to begin with? I didn’t realize how much work it was,” Killian offered.
“Sounds like a plan,” David answered slapping a hand on his son-in-law’s back.
The family was on the water within the hour enjoying a relaxing afternoon of fishing, sunbathing, and swimming.
                                       ~Captain 💪 Charming~
 Check out other Captain Charming June Prompt stories by the following authors:  
@whimsicallyenchantedrose - The Favor  
@flslp87 - A Bet, A Hickey, and a Useful Teen 
@hellomommanerd  - Monstrosity  
@ladyciaramiggles - A Little Hard Work is Good for Everyone 
@allyourdarlingswans - A Matching Set   
 @hollyethecurious - Farm Hand Hook 
@charmingturkeysandwich - Lord Byron & The Jealous Princess   
@ashar663 - CC June Prompt   
@snowbellewells - Morning Routines 
@hungrywhovianpotterheadfrom221b - Boys and Their Tools
@captain-swan-coffee - Should Have Stuck to Dragons
@krustybunny - Weekends With Dad
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bloomingcockroaches · 3 years
Ooooo, Davy Jones could be interesting
OTP: there is only one answer to this question my friend: Calypso
the actual romance of all time. every time Sparringbeth unearth the Dead Man's Chest and Elizabeth looks heartbroken at the pearls, love letters, dried flowers, I just wither away
BROTP: davy jones isn't the kind of mythological sea devil that i can picture having friends but i loooooove his dynamic with the cursed crew. who like, besides Bootstrap and Wyvern everyone else seems pretty stoked to be cursed and evil forever.
there's a moment i love where as they're approaching Isla Cruces, Jones says that he can't set foot on land for nearly ten years, and Maccus (being a very helpful good boy) says "you'll trust us to go in your stead :))))))" and Jones roars at him that he'll trUST HIM TO KNOW WHAT AWAITS YE IF YE FAIL
which like, yes, a mercurial sea devil if ever there was one, but i love that the cursed crew are all just like, into being ghoulish. Jones is a cruel (literally heartless ba dum ts) captain but his men rally behind him and indulge in the same cruelty.
i wonder if it's because Bootstrap is a more recent member of the crew? since he's the most human of them all. so maybe he just hasn't found his footing yet in terms of having fun with your eternally cursed afterlife.
also i lOVE his relationship with jack like he's clearly so begrudgingly fond of the boy he gives him an extension on his debt he lets him clown around for ages trying to wriggle out of it he let's him talk because he's just. charmed by him. i love it.
local guy CANNOT stop getting legendary cursed pirate captains to give him the time of day. salty old pirates from the north country LOVE him
NOTP: Anyone who isn't Calypso or her human form Tia Dalma
MEHTP (A ship you don’t hate but don’t ship either, you just find it ok): I have no degree of neutrality on anyone lmao Tia Dalma or no one
Rarepair: See above
send me a character and I’ll tell you my ships for them by category
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emmaswcns · 3 years
hey renee! 💖 how about emma, regina and neal for the character headcanon asks? :)
libby !!! i miss you & thank you !!! <33333
going under a read more so i don't jam up everyone's dash boards lmao
( also tagging @swiftbarnes bc my angel sent in emma and regina too 🤍 )
emma swan:
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Sexuality Headcanon: i rly don't like answering these questions bc they end up getting hate in my inbox lmao but imo emma is NOT straight (see examples: lily, regina, ruby and aurora) but she also has great sexual chemistry with men (examples: neal, hook, jefferson, august, graham). so i wanna say bisexual?
A ship I have with said character: should this be a random one? bc obviously everyone knows i love me some swanqueen and captain swan lmao but i guess i'll go w the one most prominent to me rn: emma and will scarlett. i know they had brief interactions, but omg, idk why but i loved their banter back and forth and how emma was so casual w him even though she didn't know him? she doesn't tend to act that way w strangers, especially someone who was breaking into libraries and ruining her date lmao, but i just thought they were cute. obviously knew it would never happen, but i dig it
A BROTP I have with said character: emma and elsa forever. elsa was the perfect friend for emma and i'm so happy that they met and had an entire arc together. my heart broke when elsa left emma though. i wish elsa and anna stayed in storybrooke so emma could have a best friend :(
A NOTP I have with said character: emma & rumple! ofc, no judgment/shame on anyone who does ship it, just not for me.
A random headcanon: emma has a praise kink lmao and that's that on that lmao
General Opinion over said character: emma is the light of my life and i love her so fucking much. i am so sad about how her character from (i wanna say) season 6 on got destroyed and diminished to whatever/whoever she was by the end, but the good thing about the tv show/fic is you can always go back and re-watch emma's good times on the show or read fic with better alternative endings for her character!
regina mills:
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Sexuality Headcanon: also same as emma but i get the sense that she prefers women more than men.
A ship I have with said character: i honestly don't ship regina w anyone other than emma? like wow i hate myself for that lmao but i just don't see it w anyone? i didn't like her and robin, we barely knew daniel... i guess i understand the allure of regina & mal? but idk. wow. i suck lmao. rumple maybe? like evil queen regina and rumple i can totally see lol
A BROTP I have with said character: i love regina's relationship with the charmings' and how they all evolve into one big found family. i love how regina still calls them names and acts like she hates them, but really, she knows david, snow and emma are her best friends lmfao
A NOTP I have with said character: ummmm... i can literally imagine regina w anyone? lmao probably my notp would be zelena? but idk everyone in this show is somehow related in some way so lmao
A random headcanon: i s2g it’s not just bc i love swanqueen lmao but i always got the vibe that regina was in love w emma and emma is totally oblivious. like regina’s “happy ending” was supposedly robin but he didn’t even last through the show so lol no & she never got with anyone else (i never watched the last season so i may be ignorant to her finding her true love but i’ve seen a lot of posts and it doesn’t seem that way but pls correct me if i’m wrong!) she never got over emma and hook being together (i.e., all her rude comments about them, never warming to hook), her facial expression when she learns emma’s engaged, that look at emma’s wedding.... just she’s in love w emma and she knows it’s unrequited love bc emma is dumb (i made myself sad okay wow bye)
General Opinion over said character: i can’t believe that i used to hate her. the first time i watched the show, i despised regina and idk why! i think deep down she’s my favorite character (emma i’m sorry). her redemption arc and everything, just so good. i love her so much. she deserves the world.
neal cassidy:
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Sexuality Headcanon: pretty straight. this show had a way of making everyone feel kinda gay in some sort of way but neal was always pretty straight to me 
A ship I have with said character: SWANFIRE. there’s nothing else. just emma and neal forever.
A BROTP I have with said character: i wish that neal and killian were able to make amends had neal survived bc they would’ve been a great duo. also love neal and belle’s relationship as well.
A NOTP I have with said character: neal x hook. again, no shame in anyone’s shipping game, just not for meeeee. 
A random headcanon: well in my head neal never fucking died and he and emma raised henry together along w regina and they all went to parent-teacher conferences and dealt with bad grades together. emma and neal would obviously be the less strict parents where regina is, well, regina. neal, if not romantically with emma, would’ve found someone (*cough* tallahaasee *cough*) and they would’ve been one big happy family together ugh
General Opinion over said character: i truly believe that the writers killed him off to pave the way for emma and hook. i think as long as neal was around, emma’s character wouldn’t of fully given herself to hook and the writers knew that so they took him out of the equation entirely. i think it would’ve been so cute for neal to be there w emma and support her for moving on and all that. i truly believe neal was emma’s true love (swanqueen feels aside lmao) but they didn’t need to kill him off to prove that he wasn’t. i could be totally wrong and the actor had other engagements but it’s just my opinion hahaha
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sprnklersplashes · 6 years
Steve Rogers, Thor, Hook, Wish Hook, Henry, Snow, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange. I think that's a balance between ouat and marvel. lol
(o lordy lordy!)
Steve Rogers
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Peggy!
friendship them with: Bucky (I feel like I am the 1% that only likes them as friends. Best friends), Sam, Natasha, T’Challa, Wanda (aka his adoptive sister/daughter), 
general opinions: I just love Steve a lot. I love his drive to do the right thing, regardless of legality. I love how much he cares. I love how great a leader he is. I love how he will throw himself into the line of fire with no defense. Steve Rogers, the best boy.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Bruce, a little
friendship them with: Also Bruce, Steve, Darcy, Loki
general opinions: I love this big space Labrador a lot, he makes me smile. Also when he made his Entrance to the battle of Wakanda in IW, I felt it in my gut. I want him to hug me, I bet he gives great hugs. His muscles are big, but his heart is the biggest muscles.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Emma Swan
friendship them with: Belle is my main one (Captain Book brotp FOREVER), David, Henry.
general opinions: He’s such a wonderfully complex and flawed character. He’s had such amazing character development but I like that even though he is a hero he’s still willing to cross some lines the other heroes don’t. I love how he loves people so completely, devotedly and truly. Also he’s just a Huge Nerd hiding under that Bad Boy aesthetic.
Wish Hook
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with:  No one
friendship them with:  Robin Jr, they were cute. 
general opinions: Eh… I tried to love him but he just feels pretty 2 dimensional. His writing is pretty shaky in places. He’s a good guy I guess. He’s an awful cop, but we’ll just leave that to the curse.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Ella (Glass Believer are cute, y’all are just mean), Violet, Nick.
friendship them with: Grace, Alice, Robin, Roland (sidenote: Henry needed more friends his own age)
general opinions: I love Henry so much and I think I underappreciated him for a while, but how can you not love him? He’s sassy, but also incredibly brave, and kind. He just wants to be a hero and make people happy and make his mark on the world and I love him for that. 
character: hate them | don’t really care (s4-6 Snow) | like them (s1-3 Snow) | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Charming  
friendship them with: Red, Killian (Captain Snow was the brotp we deserved)
general opinions: Snow was the first character I fell in love with on the show, I was in love with how brave and kind and amazing she was, how much she loved her daughter, how she stood for love and family. And then from season 4 onward, she seemed to care less and less about her daughter and more about Regina. She has some great moments from s4-6, but I think the bad outweighs the good :(
Tony Stark
character: hate them (okay not hate… dislike)| don’t really care | like them (mainly Avengers 1 Tony) | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: No-one really (16 y/o me did ship Stony but not anymore)
friendship them with: Bruce (SCIENCE BROS)
general opinions: Ugghhh so I liked Tony in Avengers 1-2, but like… Civil War put me off him a lot little. Really I don’t like how he tried to get other people to give up their human rights, and the Accords would not affect him in any way really. He also put Wanda under house arrest (doesn’t matter that it’s a big ass house, it still was house arrest). Really the big thing that puts me off him is how he treats Peter; getting him to fight in a war without giving him all the information, yelling and putting him down (“the adult is talking!”). I want him to be a wonderful surrogate dad, but like…. yeah. I want my sacrastic but loveable douche Tony back.
Stephen Strange
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with:  Nobody
friendship them with:  The cloak of levitation
general opinions: I could not care less about this character if I tried
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violetfaust · 6 years
Hey, what are your top 3 (or 5, if you’re up for it) plots/character dynamics that would’ve made OUAT more interesting but that the writers either didn’t do/tried to do but screwed up royally
Wow, Nonny, I think this might be the best ask I’ve ever gotten (or tied with the one about Regina sending all the random guests at the Captain Swine wedding home with their hearts in favor baggies) and I’ve had some great ones.
And I was going to mull it over as usual and give it the respect it deserves but if I do that it’s going in my drafts and won’t be answered for weeks if ever and will be six thousand words long. So I’m just gonna half-ass it. [Editorial note: it has now been more than a week since I wrote those words and I have been half-assing it in draft all that time. And it STILL got long as hell. This is why no one sends me asks. :-( Sorry, Anon.]
Top 5 characters/character dynamic missed opportunities:
-- First and foremost forever, everything having to do with Neal. Papafire, Fire Believer, Floof Family, Swanfire, Neal/Regina coparenting...every plot since would have been improved, more organic and more interesting by adding Neal. Neal and Emma going back in time and BOTH meeting their parents? Rumple’s Rampage with Neal around--and Neal being the one to banish him? The Dark Two costarring the Dark One’s son? Which wouldn’t have ended with Emma being upstaged in her own story by her Stu boyfriend, but given her the sacrificial moment she deserved.
-- Regina’s love life: With all due respect to OQ, that should have ended the moment Marian was brought back, and Regina’s next and permanent love interest should have been a villain for her to bring back to the light. Hook, if he was kept around after Neverland (the both of them rebounding after Swanfire and Robin/Marian reunited, but growing into something more); Maleficent (written to be a little more bitter/less reformed); Jafar coming off OUATIW (bringing in Aladdin and Jasmine a few seasons earlier, perhaps in place of the Frozen nonsense); even Facilier with the same backstory (which seems to be a fling while she was the Evil Queen, with possibly much stronger feelings on his part that she didn’t return because revenge). 
...OR. If the decision was made to ditch the original story of Swanfire, the only organic alternative would have been to go forward with a full-on love story for Swan Queen. (Which to be honest is one of the few things that I think would have prevented the show’s ratings decline and failure.)
-- Ruby should have stayed a main character, and her romance should have been onscreen. I enjoyed the setup for Frankenwolf in S2, but Kitsowitz have been promising a LGBT couple since S3, when all we got was sad, lonely Mulan in love with her straight best friend. (Cutting-edge wlw content, circa 1925.) Ruby and Mulan coulda/shoulda had a long-term, medium-burn romance like Alice and Robin are getting now. Ruby’s friendships with Snow and Belle could also have been respected (and poor Belle wouldn’t have been used to prop her and her family’s abusers). Even after the show had gone down the Stu hole, there was a period when they could have gotten Meghan back (before she became the queen of the Hallmark Channel) and could have gone on from there.
-- The Sheep Boys BroTP should never have been abandoned--especially so that Charming could play sidekick and patsy to a toxic misogynist pirate who never learned from him. Charming and Hook together were basically two frat boys glorifying traditional masculinity (with Hook being the darker, toxic side and again, never changing through learning anything from David). Rumple and Charming were incredibly different, but they had the commonality of putting their wives and families above everything else in the world. Exploring the different worldviews they came even with that common goal could have been fascinating, and expanded both characters.
-- And, of course, probably most of all: Rumbelle, and Belle’s other relationships. Like, I can’t even begin...there are SO many missed opportunities and lost chances with them--beginning even back in S2. What if they’d kept Lacey for more than two episodes and let her play a part in the main story? (I’ll never get over the hilarious visual of Lacey in Neverland.) But overall...just...not piling on stupid, needless, often OOC conflict without any payoff for three or four seasons. Not to say have them always be in perfect accord like Snowing, or a codependent mess like CY, in which Belle kept brushing off any of Rumple’s wrongdoings. But let them work out issues onscreen, let them fight together against outside threats like Hades, let them address their conflicts in ways that made sense in character rather than being excuses to prop a Stu or Sue. (Let’s not even discuss the constant teasing of the BatB TLK and the  ultimate utter pathetic anticlimax when it didn’t happen.) While I do think that canon Swan Queen is the only thing that could have definitely saved the ratings in later seasons, IMO a strong Rumbelle story that respected their characters and their story as Beauty and the Beast had a good chance of doing it as well. (Especially if Kitsowitz had had the brains to cash on on the live-action BatB hullablaoo.) But Kitsowitz were too small-minded and spiteful (and ABC too prejudiced and cowardly, I guess) to focus on their best romance.
(Honorary mentions to the Rumple/Regina frenemyship, which I cover below, and to poor Will Scarlet, who should have never been on the show if he wasn’t going to be more than a “soul-destroying” unneeded glitch in Rumbelle.)
Top 5 plot missed opportunities:
[OMG, Violet, you’re not done YET???]
-- The Anti-Magic Organization that Greg/Tamara supposedly worked for would have made a brilliant arc. Kitsowitz should have played that out before heading off to Neverland (it was obviously the plan because they didn’t expect the NL/PP perms situation to resolve so quickly).
-- My best crack theory: Hook found the author in Season 3B and had been using him to manipulate everyone ever since. Explaining Once Upon a Stu--and more important, getting out of it at the end of S4. https://violetfaust.tumblr.com/post/114245381966/what-if-someone-already-got-to-the-author
-- A S5b based on my second-best crack theory: https://violetfaust.tumblr.com/post/143427662086/things-that-absolutely-wont-happen-but-should Rumple and Belle try to get out of Hades’s clutches by working with Regina--who claims to be Rumple’s second-born child via Cora. We could have had so much juicy stuff exploring their past, what Rumple did to Regina, Rumple and Cora (it’s a travesty that they didn’t even have a passing encounter in the UW). It could have led into Emilie’s maternity leave when Hades discovered the truth and kidnapped Belle--which would have led to a 6A in which Rumple rescued Belle from some other dimension but found their child gone. And one of the plot points of 6A would have been Rumple working with the EQ not in some idiotic parody of a romance, but because she called in a favor.
-- And then there’s the most destructive missed plot opportunity in the history of the show: Giving Rumple’s and Belle’s POVs in seasons 4 through 6. Given the reveals about the Dark Squad in S5, the most dramatic story this show ever had was Rumple’s battle against the Dark One (and his near-loss) in S4. A S4 that showed his POV of what was happening would have been epic--especially if it did not sideline Belle but allowed her to play a part in trying to save him at the end, culminating in their TLK that freed Rumple but unfortunately also let loose the Dark One, leading to it taking over Emma. Then S5 would have played out as it was advertised: the current Dark One vs. the only surviving former Dark One. Similarly, Belle’s actions in 6A caused nearly all the drama of 6B--and she wasn’t allowed to participate in it at all. 
Honorable mention to not including Belle in the Mulan/Ruby/Merida adventure in S5--a one-off that included three of her friends versus her enemy and could have really benefited from having, you know, a MEMBER OF THE MAIN CAST involved in the episode. 
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extasiswings · 7 years
Birthday Character Ask Part II, you thought you were done. You're never done. Frank Castle, David Nolan/Charming, aaaand Matthew Rogers (I TOLD YOU I WOULD! /cackles)
Bahahaha okay. *cracks knuckles*
1: sexuality headcanon: heterosexual
2: otp: Kaaaaaaaaaaastle
3: brotp: Frank and Curtis. Also Frank and David. 
4: notp: Frank and Matt (which I think is a thing?)
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He absolutely checked on Karen in the interim between S2 and TPS1.
6: favorite line from this character: He has a lot of good ones, but: “We don’t get to pick the things that fix us, Red.” (DDS2) and quite possibly “So is Karen!” from TPS1.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I’m also really angry at the world and wish I could fix it all myself (not that I would go with his methods because no) and don’t necessarily forgive easily. 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Oh god, that whole speech to Karen in S2 about how she’s in love with Matt and should be with him even if he’s lied to her, etc. Worst. Advice. Ever. 0/10, would not follow relationship advice from Frank Castle. 
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problematic fave.
1: sexuality headcanon: heterosexual
2: otp: Is there really anyone other than Snow/MM?
3: brotp: Captain Charming
4: notp: Uhhhhhhh idk? Let’s go with David/Gold for something truly cracky but definitely Terrible.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He loves baby Neal Charming but forever regrets that he missed so much with Emma, so he’ll drag her out sometimes to do random things that he would have done if he’d had the chance when she was a kid. 
6: favorite line from this character: Look, “I will always find you” is a Classic. 
7: one way in which I relate to this character: It’s funny because I’m generally pretty cynical, but I do have days where I believe in the best of things and that everything will work out, etc the way he does. 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Oh Lord, S1 David and the whole Kathryn love triangle thing. He handled that soooooo badly. 
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll, but definitely has elements of problematic fave. 
(You really did that. Wow. /smdh)
1: sexuality headcanon: What is with all these Straight boys? 
2: otp: Matthew/Responsible Choices, Matthew/His Assigned Seat, Matthew/Jack’s Fist, …and I suppose Matthew/His Future Wife (whose name is eluding me at the moment XD)
3: brotp: Matthew and Liam
4: notp: Matthew and Being Anywhere Near Sam. (Not over it, never over it)
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Okay, well, this is actually a positive: down the line, the first time he catches another officer pulling the kind of shit he used to, he turns that icy terrifying competence of his around on him and makes it Very Clear that sort of behavior is Unacceptable. (And the people said amen and I was proud of him for once)
6: favorite line moment from this character: Well, obviously I spent most of my time hating him, but hoooo boy, that Scene. With the club hauling. And the Incredibly Attractive Competence. 
Ahem. Yes. That. 
7: one way in which I relate to this character: …I suppose we’re both brilliant. 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: *cackles* Literally everything with Charlotte. Because ohhhhh honey. 
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problem.
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send me a character and i’ll answer these!
( answering specifically for EF Red! )
sexuality headcanon
Pansexual, panromantic. Red falls in love with people versus gender identity. She has a stronger preference for men ( though her experience with men is still very limited ), but she’s not going to dismiss feelings based on someone’s genitals.
Oh god, here we go...
Peter & the Wolf ( this is what I call Peter and Red, idk if there’s an actual ship name ). Anyone who says that Red didn’t truly, deeply love Peter can go sit the hell down.
Captain Wolf. I am a slut for this ship in any and every fucking capacity, but especially EF Red and Hook. The sweet she-wolf breaking through to the fearsome pirate and softening him enough for him love again? Yes please. ( I also might be a slut for Hook teaching her things of a more ... carnal nature. SO SUE ME. )
Frankenwolf. Forever headcanoning that red was the first color Victor saw ( because, technically, it was -- Rumple’s vest was red when he visited him in the Land Without Color; it was the only color in those black and white scenes ). 
Red Huntsman. A good chuck of this is based on the Shadow of the Queen graphic novel, and the rest is all @honorablesacrifice‘s fault. I mean ... a man raised by wolves and a woman that turns into a wolf. This ship sails itself.
Red Beauty. Come on. Belle finding adventure with Red? Yes, yes and yes. ( Plus. Beauty and the Beast. Tell me Red isn’t the ‘beast.’ I dare you. )
Red Snow.
Red Charming / Charming Wolf ( personally, I like the way Charming Wolf sounds better, but whatever ).
Red Snowing.
I’m pretty sure the last three don’t need any explanation. I’m a little on the fence about Red Snow and Charming Wolf on its own just because Red would never try to get between them, but a poly ship? Nnnng, yes. Because there is so much love and understanding between the three of them and I just cannot.
Red Snow, Charming Wolf ( fuck the fandom, I’m using this ship name! ), Red Snowing. I love this trio so god damn much. Red is their right hand woman when they take back the kingdom and her loyalty to them is so fucking fierce.
Red/Snow/Huntsman. Again, based mostly on Shadow of the Queen.
Lucascest of any kind ( I doubt this is a thing with Granny, but Anita ...? Idk, it could be because the internet is a fucked up place and just ... no. I don’t care how hot Anita is, I’m not on board with incest. )
Golden Wolf. I just ... no.
Red and anyone that’s, more or less, on the villain spectrum is a little ehhhhh for me.
first headcanon that pops into my head
At a very young age, Granny taught Red how to hunt. It wasn’t until her thirteenth birthday ( when the wolf was meant to emerge ) that Red became truly skilled at the task, honing in on abilities she wasn’t even aware of.
Second bonus headcanon: no matter how hard Granny tried to teach her how to bake, Red was a miserably failure. Instead of asking the girl to help with the work, she made her delivery girl for Granny’s in-home business.
favorite line from this character
“No! I chose me! I’m not a killer!” Because it’s the first time Red realizes, no matter what her mother/the pack and her grandmother have told her, she doesn’t have to choose between the human and the wolf. It’s the first time she’s stood up for herself.
one way in which I relate to this character
I’m incredibly loyal to those closest to me; Red has a few people that she holds dearest in her heart ( like me ) and she would do anything for them.
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Her innocence ( verse dependent tbh; from the point where she’s living with Granny until she kills Anita -- before she really comes into herself -- Red is very innocent and somewhat naive ).
cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
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emmaswcns · 3 years
Hi Renee! Hook, David and Snow for the character headcanons? <3
becky, thank you !!
going under a
killian jones:
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Sexuality Headcanon: if someone told me a really convincing reason why hook could be considered anything but straight, i'd love to hear it and absorb it bc that would be so amazing for me. but unfortunately, killian has made it quite clear that he's quite the ladies man lmao
A ship I have with said character: obviously captain swan. the more i re-watch the show and don't skip over the cs parts, the more i remember how cute they actually were. it's still team #swanqueen for me, but hook makes emma happy and therefore i am happy lmao. also, ariel and killian could've been hot !
A BROTP I have with said character: captain charming! also like i said in my other post, i do wish that neal had survived longer bc neal and hook would've been a great duo. ALSO, it's not a brotp bc killian hates him, but the few interactions between will scarlett and killian were great and i loved those two together
A NOTP I have with said character: idk any notps i would have for him. probably just henry honestly but that goes for any character in this show
A random headcanon: this is more a headcanon about a scene rather than just hook, but i just recently rewatched snow drifts and i am convinced that emma brought ef!hook back to his ship to have sex w him bc time traveler!hook told her NOT to go to the ship and when emma gets there and sees time traveler!hook there, she's like "what're you doing here?!" / "i thought you'd be gone by now" which means she was TOTALLY planning on going back to the jolly roger with ef!hook and i think we all know what would've happened had time traveler!hook not been there. that's not really a headcanon about hook, sorry, but it's the only headcanon i have that has him in it really lmao. (i don't think abt killian too much oops)
General Opinion over said character: i actually do like hook's character now that i am rewatching without being bitter about captain swan. i feel they ruined him the same way they ruined emma, just not as horribly. he still had a personality by the end - albeit, not his personality, but still a personality where emma was like a dead fish for two whole seasons. i like that he has a redemption arc and all that, but at the same time, i absolutely adored captain hook opposed to killian (if that makes sense? like villian hook) and he was probably one the best villians on the show imo.
prince charming:
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Sexuality Headcanon: as much as i would love to see some captain charming romance, david strikes me as pretty straight
A ship I have with said character: snowing always and forever. no contest there.
A BROTP I have with said character: captain charming and also emmadavid. i know they're not really a brotp really, but i love daddy!charming and i love how similar david and emma are and i love when they work together on stuff and when they're both sheriff !!
A NOTP I have with said character: david and kathryn. it never made sense bc it wasn't supposed to and i just didn't like kathryn's character that much (probably bc of the curse but you know lmao)
A random headcanon: i just always find myself thinking about how much of an amazing father he would've been to emma had the curse never happened. like he'd be totally obsessed with the notion that emma wouldn't love all the girly things about being a princess and she'd love riding horses and sword fighting and all that stuff he'd love teaching her but also he'd be the dad who cried his first time seeing emma in a ball gown ugh i love them :'(
General Opinion over said character: he's a bit questionable in the beginning (having an affair and all that but they were cursed so i can't judge too hard lmao), but david is such a solidly good character. he steps up to the plate as dad of the year multiple times when snow is less than helpful w emma and he is truly a prince charming and i love him very much
snow white: (oh becky... you opened a can of worms here lmao)
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Sexuality Headcanon: mary-margaret? straight as a whistle. enchanted forest!snow? i could see enjoying the company of men and women (all her time w ruby? come onnnnn)
A ship I have with said character: obviously snowing !! not even a contest for any other ship there.
A BROTP I have with said character: regina & snow. i always say it and i am a broken record, but their character development together is *chefs kiss* and i love how close they become by the end.
A NOTP I have with said character: um maybe whale? lmao. i've seen some instances of cora x snow and i can't get behind that. some evil queen x snow tho? i could possibly get behind it but probably not still.
A random headcanon: i hate to say it but i think emma and snow would've had a hard relationship had the curse never happened. i think snow would've wanted emma to be the typical princess, and emma obviously wouldn't be. i feel snow would pressure her a lot and emma would pull away and spend more time with david and possibly grow to resent snow the way regina resented cora (not in the same way ofc, snow would never kill emma's first-love/any love of hers but you know what i mean)
General Opinion over said character: okay i was obsessed w mama!snow in season 2, having that time with emma in the ef and having that heart to heart in emma's would-be nursery. i really liked her until season 4 when she had baby neal and was acting as if she didn't have another child. i understand that emma is what 29 by this time? maybe 30? but like, she's also her child who needed her and it just felt that snow kind of threw her to the side to focus all her energy/love on neal and it's quite obvious in episode 4x7 when she looks at/treats emma like absolute shit. she then realizes what she's done and feels badly BUT then she supports emma and thinks it's a good idea for her to get rid of her magic so she could be "normal"... yeah i just did not like snow past neverland. she was not a good mother after that point imo.
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