#captain charming fanfic
cosette141 · 1 year
When You Wish Upon A Star | OUAT fanfic
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Author: cosette141
Words: 8k
Summary: When David learns that Killian killed his father, David doesn’t forgive him. Killian is desperate to get his best friend back, but when David and Killian suddenly wake up in each other’s body, they might not even get themselves back. Oneshot (Captain Charming)
He smiled.
His sword sliced between the man's ribs.
And he smiled.
Killian jerked from the memory—the horrible memory—the bloody worst thing he's ever done—from seeing the man—David's father—Emma's grandfather—die at his feet—at his hand—
—and he'd smiled—
Killian jerked again, this time seeing Emma standing in front of him, her hands on his face, making him look at her, where they stood outside the door of her parents' loft.
"It's okay," said Emma softly. "We will get through this."
Killian swallowed hard, his heart hammering in his chest, his black, dead, cold heart, very much doubting that they would make it through this.
He's only gotten back from the mess with Gideon, from his return to Neverland and his very-near death. Emma's parents' Sleeping Curse has been broken for two days now, but they haven't seen them since.
The moment David had seen Killian again…
David and Snow both awake now, embraced their daughter together, pulling Henry in with them as well. Killian had stood unsure behind them. Emma had told him that David knew about his sin—what he'd done to David's father.
When David pulled away from his daughter, his eyes bright, his smile wide for his family, he then looked at Killian for the first time since the night he'd given Killian his blessing to marry his daughter.
David's eyes locked on his, and Killian stopped breathing.
The prince left his family to approach Killian, stopping in front of him.
"Ma—" began Killian, stopping himself from 'mate,' something he hasn't censored since Neverland. "D-David," he began unsteadily. "I… I can't even begin to tell you how sor—"
His words were sharply cut off when David's fist connected with his cheek, sending him crashing to the floor in surprise.
By the time Emma had helped him up, David was already gone.
The bruise on Killian's cheek was gone now, healed by Emma's magic, something Killian had asked her not to do.
He deserved the pain.
And he deserved the scar of it.
Hell, he deserved David's sword through his own ribs.
Despite Emma and Snow's attempts to get David and him in the same room, David hadn't gone anywhere near him ever since.
On this specific occasion, Emma and Snow have secretly planned for him to stop by, not telling David to avoid him leaving. But, in Emma's words, they were planning to "lock them both in the same room until they work this out with magic if they had to".
"You can do this," encouraged Emma softly, her fingers in his, and Killian still couldn't believe that he had her forgiveness.
He had everyone's except David, which was shocking to him in its own right.
But if he could have anyone's right now, it was David.
The man who had slowly become a friend, a brother, and now… nearly a father-in-law. (He tried not to think about the strangeness of that). He'd take strange.
He just wanted David back.
So, Emma knocked on the door, and it opened quickly, revealing Snow. She gave Killian a pitied smile. "Come in," she said softly.
They did, Emma having to tug Killian along.
Just as David got up from the couch, and froze.
His lax expression immediately hardened, a contempt aimed at Killian that hasn't been in his eyes since Neverland.
"What the hell is he doing here?" demanded David, shooting an accusing look at his wife and daughter, whom both winced.
"David," said Snow in a soft chastisement, yet still gentle. "I know you're hurting, and I know… I know what Killian's done is…" Killian flinched. "But… he's changed, and we've seen him change…"
"He saved your life in Neverland," Emma reminded him, something that both men revealed over a dinner months ago. "He saved all of us, he died for us," she said, voice choking up at that, "and he's so sorry—"
Killian felt the muscle in his jaw twitch, needing to speak for himself. Despite how much he appreciated their help. "David," he said, eyes burning. "I am… I can't even… I am so sorry," his voice choked. "I… I was… I wasn't m-myself back then. I was a… monster. A… villain," he said, the word sending a shiver down his spine. "And I… if I could take it back, I would in a bloody second—"
"Well," David cut him off. "You can't."
With that, he shoved past Killian, grabbing the door and slamming it shut.
"Dav—" began Snow, about to go after him, but Killian held up his hand to stop her.
He opened the door, rushing after David.
He found him walking swiftly down the sidewalk, his silhouette only lit by the moon and the stars, and Killian called, "David!"
David kept walking.
"David, please!"
Killian took David's arm to stop him, only for David to turn sharply toward him with a scowl, and Killian winced, stepping back.
"David," stressed Killian, every bit of regret that was killing him coming out, roughing his voice. "I am so bloody sorry," he choked out, a tear burning down his cheek. Because the worst thing he's ever done, he's done to his very best friend.
"Really?" asked David, whirling on him, eyes filled with anger and pain. "Were you sorry when you assisted me in finding the monster," he ground out, making Killian's eyes burn, "who killed my father? Trying to convince me to stop looking because he was standing right next to me?"
"I told you," stressed Killian, face breaking with the utter pain making him want to explode. "I didn't realize that I—" He couldn't even say it. "I didn't realize it until afterward, until August gave me that damn page—" He shut his eyes, letting out a defeated breath. "David, I swear to you, I have never regretted anything more than what I did to your father." Another tear burned down his cheek. "I was… I was a monster," he admitted, the words burning through his lips. "I… I wasn't myself, I… I didn't… I—" He remembered that phase, that… condition he was in. Ruled by pain and darkness and misery, and…. Emptiness. He didn't even feel like a person. "I just… I just wish you could see it from my perspective," he whispered brokenly.
"What do you want from me?" snapped David coldly.
"I… I want you to tell me what I can do to earn your forgiveness," breathed Killian, another tear burning down his cheek.
"You can't."
With that, David turned and walked away, leaving Killian frozen to the ground, feeling like he was hit with something so much more painful than David's fist.
It was hours before Killian went home, finding Emma having waited up for him on the couch.
She opened her mouth to ask something, but at his face, closed it, mirroring his sadness.
She embraced him anyway, promising him that David would come around.
They retired to their bedroom not long after, and Killian shut his eyes.
Just as he began to drift into a restless sleep, he felt something shift in his chest.
But he was asleep before he could question what it was.
Killian felt himself wake slowly, reminded of the days as Captain Hook, where every day was just another day without color.
He sighed, wondering how the hell he was supposed to fix this with David.
He lifted his left arm to prop himself up to get out of bed, only to realize that he felt something he hasn't experienced in centuries.
For years after losing his left hand, he would still almost feel his fingers, even if they weren't there.
He hasn't felt his phantom hand in ages.
So why…?
He opened his eyes, looking down, wondering if he went to bed with his hook again.
His hook wasn't there.
Neither was his brace.
There was a hand.
He stared in shock.
He shook himself; he must still be dreaming.
But… this didn't feel like a dream.
He lifted his right hand, staring at two hands.
He closed both hands.
The fingers listened.
Two hands.
But… that wasn't all.
He suddenly realized something else wrong.
He was in Emma's parents' loft.
In her parents' bed.
Killian jerked out of the bed, whirling around, terrified to see Snow or David.
But the bed was empty except for him.
The whole apartment was, in fact.
He breathed out in relief.
Killian was also wearing… David's bedtime wear?
His heart pounded. "What the bloody—"
But he froze.
That wasn't his voice.
It wasn't even his accent.
It actually sounded like…
He couldn't breathe.
Killian all but ran to the bathroom.
Shutting his eyes, he winced, then opened his eyes in front of the mirror.
He felt his jaw drop.
But not his jaw.
Because staring back at him, his own bloody reflection, was David.
David groaned.
His head pounded.
His brow furrowed with the pain, the awful ache behind his eyes that he didn't think he'd drunk enough to cause. He breathed slow, trying to quell the sudden rush of nausea, but it passed after a few breaths.
Perhaps it wasn't alcohol—it also could have been stress, as Snow seemed to go on and on about how much stress he'd been putting himself under, especially while they'd been under the shared Sleeping Curse. That mixed with Emma's—thankfully sidestepped—fate and everything about his father...
Familiar, stark anger rose under his skin, remembering the conversation with Hook from last night.
He could hardly even picture the man without feeling a blinding hatred. Someone he nearly treated as a brother, as his closest friend, had killed his father. His good, innocent, finally decent father. He had ruined his father's chance at redemption, ended his life in cold blood and left David and his mother with unbearable pain that never, ever truly left either of them.
And now?
Now, Hook was going to become his son-in-law.
His practical son, who had murdered his father.
Murdered Emma's grandfather.
Her grandfather, whom she could have met if it hadn't been for Hook.
And his father would never see justice from the cold-hearted, soulless pirate his daughter had so unfortunately fallen in love with. And how she, and her mother, could still look at Hook, after what he'd done?
David groaned again, his hand rubbing at his eyes, where the intense throbbing was at its worst.
He must have woken Snow, because a hand was suddenly gently on his face, thumb brushing over his skin. David smiled a little at Snow's touch.
"You okay?"
David's eyes snapped open.
That wasn't Snow's voice.
That was Emma.
His heart suddenly pounding in his chest, he blinked at the unfamiliar ceiling.
He wasn't in bed with Snow.
He was in bed with Emma.
Which meant…
That hand on his face…
Horrible, terrible, wrong panic shot through him.
"What's wrong?" came Emma's voice again, and David turned his head, eyes flying wide. Emma was lying in the bed next to him, her hand still on his face with a touch that was far too tender for a father and daughter.
That cold panic ran through his entire body.
He was in bed with his daughter.
Why the hell was he in bed with his daughter?
She was staring at him with rich concern, like there was something wrong with him, a sort of lovingness in her eyes that should not be directed at her father.
He was in bed.
With his daughter.
In bed.
Nonononono—he wasn't even going there. There was no way. He—something must have happened last night, he got drunk or injured—head injury, it had to be—no, he must have just been closer to Emma's house than home, and… and, they let him sleep it off… or… something...
But damn it, it did not explain the fact that his daughter was leaning over to kiss him.
David jerked away, moving quickly away from her before she could.
Stark hurt gleaned in Emma's eyes at his recoil. She reached for his face again, but he flinched back. "I don't understand," she whispered, voice hurt. "Did I do something? What's wrong?"
That gave him pause.
Panic rushing to a halt, absolute confusion filling its place, David asked, "Why did you just call me—"
He froze.
His voice.
That wasn't his voice.
He didn't have an accent.
Trying to sit up, because something was horribly, horribly wrong, David faltered, his left hand for whatever reason having gone completely numb. Had he slept on it? He looked down, intending to shake feeling back into it.
His heart stopped.
His hand was gone.
His arm simply… ended.
Fear and shock flooded him.
Holy lord.
Shock widening his eyes even more with the sudden horrible understanding, he turned a bewildered gaze onto Emma. She was looking at him with nothing short of fearful concern. She saw him stare in shock at his—at Hook's—left arm, and her brows kneaded with sad understanding. She suddenly touched his left arm, fingers feather-light where the wrist ended in a stump. "Did you dream about it again?" she whispered.
David blinked.
He was Hook.
This can't be happening.
"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Emma, now concerned for a different reason. From her tone of voice, this wasn't an uncommon topic for first thing in the morning.
David shook himself.
He was in Hook's body.
He was in Hook's body.
Emma reached for him again, and David reflexively began to move away but Emma's cell phone suddenly rang from the nightstand. She looked from David to her ringing phone, and with a slightly apologetic look she sat up and answered it.
David blinked, trying to figure out how the hell to explain this to Emma.
David looked at Emma, seeing her brows shoot up.
"Um, okay," said Emma, biting her lip. "Weird." She sighed. "I'm sure it's fine… Yeah, let me know," she said, and hung up the phone. Looking at David, she said, "That was my mom."
Putting the whole trapped-in-a-pirate's-body thing aside for half a second, David felt fear shoot through him. "Snow? Is she all right?"
Emma looked a little surprised by his fear. "Uh, yeah, it's just… weird. She said David just… took off without telling her where he was going."
David froze.
He had a clone running around?
If he was in Hook's body…
Absolutely not.
"Mom said she took Leo for a walk, but by the time she came back he was gone. He didn't even take the truck or his phone." said Emma.
Hook had been in bed with his wife.
Hook had been in bed with his wife.
David was off the bed in seconds.
Getting a furious heat every time he heard that name, David tried to keep his calm. If he could track down the damn pirate, he could make him undo whatever spell or potion he used to trap them like this and no one will be the wiser.
Dammit he wasn't about to tell his daughter they were just in bed together.
"Where are you going?" asked Emma. "You don't seem like yourself," she said, her brow lifting like she does when she's trying to catch someone in a lie.
She doesn't know the half of it.
David paused, trying to come up with an excuse to leave. "I—I'll go look for Ho—David," he said awkwardly.
Emma's brows kneaded. "I thought you said it didn't go well last night," she said sadly.
David froze.
No, it didn't.
He swallowed.
"Maybe my dad just needed to blow off some steam and go for a run or something," suggested Emma.
David thought fast. "Without his phone?"
Emma's brows lifted with surprise. "You finally stopped referring to it as a talking phone, huh?"
David blinked.
Right. Hook.
He cleared his throat. "Just in case something's wrong," he tried again. Because oh, when he found him, something was going to be wrong, all right.
Emma stood, walking around the bed to him, putting her hands around his neck. David tensed but she didn't try to kiss him. "Killian, I know it's killing you that he's upset. You've barely slept all week."
David tried not to react.
"One day," she whispered, "he'll see you the way he used to. The way I do. I know it. Just give it some time. He'll forgive you."
No, he won't.
David swallowed. "I'll go find him and… fix this mess."
One of the messes, anyway.
Emma sighed.
Killian stopped, ducking into an alley, panting hard.
He was only lucky that Snow hadn’t been in the loft—or gods forbid, in bed. He grabbed a pair of David’s shoes and bolted.
There was zero chance he was going to risk Snow kissing him. He was lucky as all hell that she wasn't in bed when he woke up.
David hated him already.
Bloody hell.
He was David.
He was David.
How the devil did this happen?!
Killian stared at his hands.
His hands.
There was a piece of scrap wood on the ground at his feet. Killian picked it up, holding it between his hands. Felt it in his left fingers.
For half a second, he wanted to breathe out in relief.
Two hands.
Tears sprung to his eyes.
The last time he'd had two hands was when he made the bloody deal with the Crocodile, and he hadn't even been able to enjoy it for a full day.
But these weren't his hands, they were David's and damn it this was so wrong.
He dropped the wood, scrubbing his right hand over his face.
That was it.
He could go to Regina. This had dark magic all over it.
Killian left the alley.
Not a moment later, he was tackled back into the alley.
His back—David's back, that was—slammed into the wall, and Killian grimaced, fighting the—
—incredibly familiar hand on his chest.
He blinked, freezing his movements.
In shock, he stared at himself.
It wasn't the first time he stared at himself, and the last time he'd even knocked himself out.
But this time, this other him looked absolutely murderous.
"What the hell did you do?" snarled the Killian before him.
"I…" breathed Killian, in utter shock.
His doppleganger shoved him harder against the wall, making him cringe. "Don't play games with me, Hook!" growled the other Killian. "Switch us back, now."
Killian blinked.
Suddenly, it clicked.
If Killian was in David's body...
That must mean…
Bloody hell.
"David?" breathed Killian.
His brows rose in a duh look, and Killian suddenly realized what people meant by his expressive eyebrows.
"Switch us back," growled David, shoving him again, pinning him with Killian's own right hand, "or I swear to god I'll—" He reared back his left, stopping abruptly when he realized he had no hand.
"Works better when there's a hook at the end of it," muttered Killian. Except, he paused, because David wasn't wearing his brace.
It was only recently that he'd started to remove his brace at night. It had taken him so long to even allow Emma to see it, to see… beneath it, but he never wanted to make it a normal occasion. But after his return from the Underworld, Emma had finally coaxed him into feeling… accepted by her. It was proven to him that, at that point, after everything he'd done, all the sides of him she's seen… nothing would push her away from him.
That by no means meant he was excited about the whole town seeing it.
"Where the bloody hell is my brace?" he growled.
"I don't give a damn!" snapped David right back. Shoving him again, he said, "Change us back! I'm sick of looking at you and I don't want to have to do it every time I look in a mirror!"
Killian shut his eyes at the contempt in his voice. Swallowing, he said, "Mate, I—"
"I am not your mate!"
Boy, it was weird hearing that line from his own voice.
"David," he altered, "I don't know what the bloody hell you're talking about because I didn't do this!" he said angrily. "What could I possibly gain?!"
"I don't know," hissed David, "two hands?"
Killian's jaw snapped shut.
It was a low blow, and it hurt.
"I told you," said Killian when he could find his voice, "I didn't do this. I woke up in your body, confused out of my bloody mind."
"Well I woke up in bed with my daughter," hissed David.
Killian's brows shot up.
Bloody damn hell.
"Did you tell her you weren't me?" he demanded.
"Before or after she tried to kiss me?" snapped David.
Killian felt his heart drop down to his boots. "She what?!"
"She didn't," added David in a mutter, making Killian nearly breath out in relief. "And no, of course not! You fix whatever spell you used and I don't have to tell her anything!"
"In case you haven't noticed," shouted Killian right back, "I'm not a bloody magic user!"
"You don't need to use magic to make a potion," growled David.
Killian let his head fall against the wall, shutting his eyes in frustration, finding it bloody ridiculous that he was pinning himself against a wall. "How many times do I have to tell you I didn't do this?!"
David glared at him for a solid minute, and Killian glared right back. After a moment, Killian watched the fire waver in his—David's—eyes. "You didn't, did you?"
After a moment, David released him. Killian fought the urge to rub the pain from his shoulders.
A little of that glare back, David muttered, "Well this is just great."
Sick of being treated like this—however much he deserved it—Killian narrowed his eyes. "I'm not happy about it either."
Slight silence spread.
Killian was the one to break it. "We should tell them," he said quietly.
"I am not walking up to my wife looking like you," snarled David, "to tell her I'm me!"
The angry heat under Killian's skin made him retort, "Afraid she'd prefer it?"
He hadn't clapped back with that kind of line in years, and he winced the moment it left his mouth. David's constant verbal punches shorted his temper and Killian suddenly wished he could take it back.
He wished he could take so, so many things back.
Angrily, David fisted Killian's own right hand, making Killian brace himself but David stopped himself. "You're damn lucky I'm not going to punch my own face."
Killian winced. "I'm sorry," he sighed shortly, because dammit he was doing a great job making things better with David. "But you have a point. I'm not sure Emma or her Highness would know exactly how to… be… around us at all," he admitted. If they were stuck like this—god forbid, forever—Emma would never kiss him again. And she'd be right to. He's in her father's body for the love of Davy Jones.
David huffed out a breath. "Any bright ideas, pirate?"
Killian bristled a little, hating how the title always sounded like an insult. "We should find someone who does practice magic," he said.
"Gold?" suggested David, and Killian wrinkled his nose hearing his voice call him anything except the name he created for the monster.
"The Crocodile? You're not serious," said Killian in disbelief.
David shook his head. "You're right. Bad idea."
"Regina?" suggested Killian.
David sighed. "Let's hope she knows what the hell happened."
They walked the few blocks to Regina's house.
Along the way, neither of them spoke other than Killian's quiet request that David keep his left arm beneath the sleeve of his jacket at all times.
David huffed a "Fine," but said nothing else.
David knocked on the door. They both waited until it opened, revealing Regina.
Her brows lifted in unimpressed surprise. "Um," she said, looking from both of them and back. "What?" Confusion and disinterest colored her tone, sounding like she was distracted by something else.
"We…" began Killian, but David cut him off.
"Morning... love," he greeted, making Killian wince at the unsteady way he phrased the epithet, shooting him a confused look. "We had a theory about how to handle our current crisis," said David smoothly as hook, and Killian raised his brows.
Killian blinked.
So that's why the walk over here was so silent.
David spent the whole damn time crafting a lie.
Regina crossed her arms. "I'm listening."
"We were wondering about… could you cast a temporary, I don't know, body-swapping spell?"
Regina lifted her brow. "Body-swapping? That's your idea?"
"One of them," said David.
She looked from Killian to David, as if she sensed something off, but not what. "Like Pan did?" she clarified.
"Exactly like that," said David, brows rising. Killian's interest perked even more, having forgotten about when Pan switched bodies with Henry.
"Yeah, well that's because he was Pan," deadpanned Regina. "I have no idea how to do that kind of magic. Gold needed his dagger's power to undo what that creepy little brat did to Henry."
Killian shut his eyes.
"Gold—ah, Rumplestiltskin," echoes David.
A slight silence.
"Well, we'll keep thinking," said David awkwardly.
Regina nodded impatiently. "And then try a phone."
She shut the door. Hard.
David raised Killian's eyebrow.
Before he could say it, Killian said, "No."
He wasn't exactly surprised when David ignored him.
The bell to the Crocodile's shop rang as they walked through the door.
Killian felt himself go instantly on edge just being in the very room.
"Gold," called David.
The curtains leading to the back of the shop moved aside and the Crocodile walked through them. He eyed both Killian and David in surprise, then suspicion, then…
He smiled. "Well, isn't this interesting."
"I knew he was bloody responsible," growled Killian.
Rumplestiltskin turned his unsettling smile onto Killian. "Captain. You look… different."
"Did you do this to us?" demanded David.
Rumplestiltskin raised an eyebrow. "And why would I waste any of my valuable time doing something so pointless?" He watched Killian seethe. "Though, I see the entertainment factor."
"Obviously you know we're… like this," said David. "If you didn't do it, how can you tell?"
"Other than the fact that neither of you walk like you're supposed to and you," he said to David, "clearly don't know what to do with a missing hand?" Turning a sick smile onto Killian, he sneered, "Maybe you can give him some pointers. Or, well. One."
Killian jerked, but David grabbed his arm. "Get yourself killed when you're not in my body," he hissed.
Reluctantly, Killian stayed put.
"Look," said David with waning patience. "You returned Henry to his body when Pan switched them. Get your dagger and fix us."
Gold smiled a tight-lipped smile. "What's in it for me, dearie?"
"Either do it for us now," said David firmly, "or we find Belle and ask her to convince you to. You're walking on thin ice with her as it is."
Gold's smile disappeared. "Very well." He walked into the back of the shop, returning a few moments later with the dagger. He held it between the two of them. He closed his eyes, and Killian suddenly felt a sensation that he was falling.
But as quick as it came, it abruptly stopped, like he hit a wall.
Both he and David stumbled. Killian caught himself on the counter, but David missed it—Killian understood that all too well—and he fell to his knees.
"What the bloody hell happened?" demanded Killian, staring at David's hands. He looked at the man himself. "I'm still you."
"And I'm still you," muttered David, using his right hand to get to his feet.
Both men looked at him.
"What is?" asked David.
Gold pocketed his dagger. "Looks like I won't be able to help you after all."
"Why the hell not?" growled Killian.
"This type of magic is some of the only magic I cannot touch," explained Gold, and by the victorious smile on his face, Killian knew it was the truth. "The only similar magic I've seen is that infused with the genie lamp our friend Aladdin found himself in."
"You're saying this is like wish magic?" said David blankly.
"That is exactly what I'm saying," said Gold.
"And you can't fix it," confirmed David flatly.
"No." He looked between them. "Magic is a fickle thing, dearies. Sometimes it finds you. And if you happen to wish something badly enough—"
"I made no such wish!" exclaimed David. "To be—to be him?" he breathed, making Killian stiffen. "Why the hell would I wish—" He turned to Killian, fury in his eyes. "Unless you—"
"Ma—" Killian caught himself from using the forbidden nickname. "David, I told you, I have no bloody reason to be you! I didn't bloody make any sort of wish last night!"
"Well neither did I!"
"Well one of you did," said Gold, making them look at him. "Magic like this only affects people strictly involved. One of you made it and you'll have to see it through. It happened for a reason and until that reason is met, this is how you'll remain."
"We don't even know what the hell kind of a wish it was," stressed David. "See what through?"
"That, dearie, is not my concern." said Gold. "Best figure it out soon, or it will be a very uncomfortable wedding."
Gold walked back into the back room, leaving Killian frozen in horror.
The wedding.
If this magic has to run its course, if it takes until they see it through—
What if it takes too long?
What if they're stuck like this forever?
David whirled on him. "You wished to be me?!"
Killian's eyes narrowed. "I didn't bloody wish for anything except you to—" Killian hesitated.
David froze. "You did wish something," he breathed. "What? What the hell did you wish, Hook?"
Killian blinked.
He remembered the conversation last night, how he felt, how desperately he wanted David to forgive him.
"I… I might have," he admitted, seeing David narrow his eyes. "But I didn't bloody realize I was wishing it!"
"What the hell did you wish?"
"I just wanted you to forgive me." said Killian in a defeated voice.
David held his gaze, furious emotion in Killian's own blue eyes.
"Then I guess we're staying like this forever."
And with that, David walked away.
Killian shut his eyes.
Killian had to run to catch up with him.
"David," he called.
He kept walking.
"Please," he tried, and he picked up his pace, feeling a terrible sense of deja vu.
"What?" snapped David, whirling around.
"I didn't mean for this to happen," he said.
"Just like you didn't mean to put a sword through my father?"
Killian's eyes screwed shut.
A million different apologies rushed through him, but he swallowed them all. They won't work.
"I know you won't forgive me," said Killian heavily. "After what I did… I get it." A cold feeling settled inside him when David made no move to argue. "But if this… this wish or this whatever it is, is waiting for you to forgive me to break it... then maybe you can just... say it. Without… without being sincere."
David held his gaze, and Killian couldn't get over how weird it was to see David's emotions in his eyes.
But David sighed. "Fine." With complete insincerity, he said, "I forgive you."
The way he said it held such disgust that Killian wasn't surprised in the least when the curse wasn't broken.
Quietly, Killian said, "You might need to mean it, ma—" Killian caught himself, "David."
David glared at him.
A long moment passed.
"I can't."
Killian felt his shoulders fall. He shut his eyes. "You're not even going to bloody try?"
"Like you tried to spare my father's—"
"Enough!" growled Killian. "I said I was bloody sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't bring my father back."
Killian shut his eyes.
He was not having this conversation again.
He couldn't.
As heartless as David thought he was, he had one, and it was currently in pieces.
"David," said Killian heavily. "Your wife is going to want to see you at some point!"
"Then we find another way."
"The bloody Dark One couldn't do it!"
"Well then you shouldn't have wished it in the first place!"
Killian wanted to scream.
"I just wanted my friend back!"
The words came out before Killian could stop them, and he saw David pause.
Then, he looked Killian in the eye.
"And I just want my father back."
Killian felt ice slide through his chest, much the same as his sword had cut through David's father.
David huffed a sigh. "We're going to have to figure this out together," he said, like the idea did not excite him in the least. "But I… I need to get some air. Meet me in one hour at the Blue Fairy's. We're going to find a way to break this damn wish, and then I never want to see your face again."
David walked away, and Killian shut his eyes, trying to will away the burn behind his eyes.
David walked through the trees of the Storybrooke woodland, trying to shake the angry heat in his veins.
He needed to get away from him.
The forest always felt like a calming place to him, so he attempted to calm down enough to face the bastard again and get this over with.
David came to a stop at the edge of the lake, accidentally catching a glimpse of his face—Hook's face—in the water.
With a growl, he kicked a rock into the water, watching the reflection shatter in ripples.
He fought the ropes of the mast, securing him tightly to his own bloody ship. The Dark One's magic held him tight—too tight.
Milah's heart was in the imp's hand.
She couldn't breathe.
He himself couldn't breathe.
She crumpled to the ground.
The magic released him, and he ran, panic consuming him, catching her before she could hit the deck.
"I love you."
And just like that, the Dark One crushed the heart, killing her in an instant.
Despair, horrible, blinding, despair—
David gasped, hands flying to his aching head, only his right hand making it.
He watched her body fall into the water with a splash.
Kept his eyes on her until she disappeared beneath the waves.
A horrible sense of loneliness.
And he looked down at his left hand—or, where it had once been.
It hurt.
It hurt so horribly.
But it was nothing compared to the loss of her.
David fell to his knees, eyes screwed shut.
But the ache faded away, as did the visions.
He stared at the water, seeing Hook's reflection.
What did he just see?
Were those…?
Hook's memories?
The woman.
Somehow he knew her name was Milah.
The one who was killed, and launched Hook on his quest for revenge.
He could still feel the emotions from the memory.
Hook's emotions.
The sense of loss, the empty loneliness in his chest.
He had nothing.
No one.
David blinked, staring at Hook's face in the water.
David himself had dealt with loss before.
He'd lost his mother.
But… he'd never experienced having nothing.
He'd had Snow, and the dwarves and the Kingdom. He'd never once been truly alone.
He'd never experience the sheer sort of loneliness that Hook's memory brought. It was such a strong hurt that it felt physical.
David swallowed.
But he shut his eyes, tearing his gaze away from the water.
It felt horrible.
It was horrible, how Hook had once felt.
But he was a pirate.
He's taken so many lives.
He was a villain.
Loneliness didn't condone murdering an innocent man.
That didn't condone murdering his father.
David picked himself up, faltering when he forgot he didn't have a left hand.
He sighed, and he started back.
David saw Killian—or, himself, as it was—waiting for him just outside the mansion.
Killian had his hands in his pockets, leaning against a tree. When he noticed David, he seemed to tense, and straightened immediately.
David felt the angry heat he'd tried to shake off the past hour return at the sight of him.
"Let's get this over with," snapped David.
Wordlessly, Killian nodded, and they both started up the steps to the mansion.
Once David walked through the door, Mother Superior was standing in the foyer already. Her brows crinkled when she saw them.
"I thought I was needed," she said softly. Looking between the two of them, her brows rose a little. "Oh," she said with a little surprise.
"How you and Gold can notice it in a second," said David, "and my daughter couldn't after ten minutes, I'll never understand."
She smiled a little. "Those of us who have been with magic longer sense it easier." She clasped her hands. "I'm assuming you came to get changed back?"
"Can you?" asked Killian.
She pulled out her wand, shutting her eyes and holding it between them like Gold had done with the dagger.
Her eyes opened. "Wish magic."
"Yes," said Killian, "the Crocodile told us that much. He either didn't know how to fix us or didn't want to."
"I sense he has told you how to solve your problem," she said quietly.
David fought the urge to groan. "We were wondering if there was another way. Without… fulfilling the wish."
Her brows crinkled. "With a wish this strong?"
David's brows rose, looking at Killian.
…Who suddenly found the floor incredibly interesting.
"What do you mean?" asked David.
"A wish fueled with this much emotion is near impossible to break before fulfilled," she said.
David blinked.
Hook wished for his forgiveness that badly?
Shaking away the wonderment, David said, "Near impossible. You said near." Raising a brow, he said, "There is a way, isn't there?"
Blue hesitated.
"What is it?" breathed David.
She sighed. "The only way to break it would be to drink broken magic."
Both David and Hook simply blinked in confusion.
"Drink what?" Hook asked.
"It would be impossible in the Enchanted Forest or any other realm," said Blue, "but this is a land without magic. At least, outside these city limits. If you were to take the well water, where our magic here originates, pass it over the town line and then drink it, there is a great chance this will be broken."
"We can't just walk over the town line?" asked David.
"For a wish this strong," she repeated again, making David try his best to ignore how Hook went rigid, "you'll need the strongest, most pure magic here to break. You cannot break this spell without broken pure magic. And it must be retrieved together."
David sighed. "Okay. Well water, town line." He nodded. "Easier than I thought."
Blue regarded him, and then Hook, with a thoughtful gaze. Almost like she knew something they didn't.
But David was already walking away, determined and ready to get this over with.
Not too far away was one of the two town cruisers.
David always left a spare key under the rim, and when he got to the car. He retrieved it.
With a sigh, he waited for Hook to catch up.
They needed to do this together, it seemed, which really ruined David's plan of getting it all himself.
David let himself into the car, watching Hook silently get in the passengers seat.
David reached to close the door, but remembered.
No left hand.
With a sigh he reached his right hand to pull the door shut. Then, he grabbed the seatbelt, pulling it over himself, his left arm moving to help it, but again—no left hand. He tried again, but the belt retracted completely.
"This is impossible!" growled David.
A slight silence spread in the passenger seat as David tried to get the seatbelt with one hand.
"You get used to it."
David paused at the quiet voice, seeing Hook not looking at him, and instead at David's own left hand. He was opening and closing it.
Just because he could.
David finally got the seatbelt to click in. He looked at Hook, seeing a familiar emotion in his eyes to something David felt in Hook's memory.
But then, he remembered himself.
Remembered the man sitting next to him was his father's murderer.
And he put the car into gear, pulling onto the street, doing his best to do everything one handed.
Hook didn't say anything else.
Just kept opening and closing his hand in silence.
They walked through the woods in silence.
David took the lead, letting Hook slink behind.
He really did look miserable.
But David didn't let himself fall for it.
He killed your father, he told himself firmly.
David tripped, nearly falling, but caught himself.
"Woah," he said, catching himself on the side of the ship, staring his five-year-old eyes onto the water.
"Careful, there, Killian," said his father, standing beside him. "You'll get your sea legs one day, m'boy."
"Will you teach me to sail?"
His father ruffled his hair. "Of course, my son."
David gasped, his head pounding.
He woke up in his cabin, but Liam wasn't in his bed across from him.
He sat up. "Father?" he called.
Liam, a few years older than him but not even yet a teenager, came in. "It's just us, Killian. Remember?"
"He'll come back," he replied with a sureness that shook. "He told me he's gonna teach me to sail."
Liam took his shoulders. "Killian, he sold us to the ship. He isn't coming back. But I will never leave you." He smiled. "I'll teach you to sail."
Sadness, fear, emptiness.
"You won't leave?" he whispered.
David fell to his knee.
He was turning black. The poison was taking his life.
"He wouldn't have if you hadn't goaded him into it."
He couldn't lose him.
The boy led him to the water, the blackness was receding.
Liam was saved.
His brother was all right.
His fractured world put haphazardly back together.
"Killian, I'm sorry. You were the honorable one. Not me."
Killian smiled.
They were in the cabin.
Liam couldn't breathe.
He fell.
Killian cradled him.
Tears burned down his face.
He was gone.
He was dead.
Killian was alone.
David felt a sharp shake.
David opened his eyes, seeing himself—or, as it was, Hook—leaning over him with stark concern.
David blinked, headache receding.
"Are you all right?" asked Hook shakily. "Don't tell me I'm bloody dying," he said, almost like a joke, but the fear in his eyes gave him away.
David was still reeling from the memories.
How could one person lose so much?
And for his father to walk away from him when he was just a child?
To lose his brother as a teenager?
And then to fall in love, only to have her killed before his eyes?
Hook's emotions in the memories were still inside him.
He killed your father.
He killed your father.
He killed your father.
David shoved him off, getting back to his feet, even when he forgot yet again how difficult it was without a left hand.
He started walking again.
Hook hurried to catch up with him. "You're not going to bloody tell me why you just collapsed?"
Hook glared at him.
But he let it drop.
David suddenly wondered if the pirate was seeing his own memories.
He walked faster.
And he tried not to think about the horrible emptiness he still felt linger from the memories.
They made it to the well not long after.
David began to pull the bucket of water up, only remembering that he was missing a hand.
Wordlessly, Hook took over.
David stared at the trees.
He took a swig of rum, straight from the bottle.
He used to be proud of his tolerance. Now he's annoyed he's too good at drinking.
He was alone.
In every sense of the word.
He was in his cabin, sat behind his desk.
He thought of his brother.
Wondered how disappointed he would be in him.
He thought of Milah.
Looked at his hand. His hook.
He wondered if she would still love him like this.
He missed her.
He took another swig.
He killed four people today.
He felt nothing.
He hasn't felt anything in centuries.
He'll kill again tomorrow.
He'll feel nothing again.
He'll continue his search for the Crocodile.
He only hoped that once he's dead, maybe he will feel something again.
Something other than hatred.
And he learned something tonight, something he's known forever but only admitted tonight.
He didn't hate the Crocodile any more than he hated himself.
"Got it."
David jerked, eyes flying open, glad the tree had been at his back. His head throbbed.
David cleared his throat.
Hook nodded toward the town line without looking at him.
David stared after him.
He killed your father.
The words don't hold the same amount of heat.
David swallowed, and he followed.
Hook was standing at the edge of the town, before the line.
He had the bucket in his right hand.
David walked to him.
"Let's get it over with, shall we," said Hook quietly.
David moved to nod.
"I found this."
August handed him the page.
He looked.
And he recognized David's father.
Horror sank through him.
It couldn't be.
Please, no.
He couldn't breathe.
His legs were numb.
How could he do this?
How could he ever have done this?
How could he have been such a terrible, vile person?
He was just beginning to feel redeemed.
He's hated himself so much.
He still did.
But he had just begun to feel proud.
He had just gained David's approval.
He never even thought he could gain him as a friend.
Panic shot through him.
No, no, no….
How could he do this?
He could remember it, he could picture it.
The sword in his grip, the steel sliding into the man's body.
His eyes burned.
He wanted to scream.
David feels two hand grab him before he can fall.
"David?! Mate?!"
Hook steadied him.
David looked at him.
Felt the panic from the memory.
"David," breathed Hook. "What's happening? What's wrong?"
David, in all his life, had never felt that.
Felt a hatred that strong, directed at himself.
Felt a constant uphill battle to do better. 
And felt such utter remorse, such panic, such desperation to lose the people he had been almost too afraid to let into his life after so much loss.
This was a man who was broken more than David could ever imagine.
A man who realized how far wrong he had been, and clawed his way back to right.
David had known Hook wanted to make things right, had regretted what he had done, but he didn't understand just how deeply he did.
And suddenly, his headache grew tenfold, accompanied with the strict feeling of falling.
David watched Hook's eyes screw shut before his own did, both men nearly collapsing from the pressure.
When David opened his eyes, he was facing the other direction.
And standing where he had been was Hook.
Hook grimaced, his hand to his head, slowly opening his eyes. When he saw David, his eyes widened. "Bloody—" He looked to the town line. "We didn't even do it," he breathed. "How…?"
"I never knew."
Hook paused, brows lifting. "Sorry?"
"I never knew," said David, tossing the bucket to the ground. "How much you lost."
Hook tensed. "What..?"
"I don't know how, but… I could… see some of your memories," said David.
Hook went rigid.
"Hook," said David, tensing Hook even more. He sighed. "I can't forgive what you've done."
David watch despair descend in Hook's eyes. "I… understand," he said quietly.
"But I do forgive you."
Hook's brows shot to his hairline.
"Killian, what I saw, what your life was," he said slowly, "I don't know how I would have lived through it. I can't say that I'm okay with the fact that you…" He didn't phrase it but Hook flinched a little. "I guess I'm trying to say that I could see it from your... perspective. I could feel what you felt. You aren't that man anymore."
Hook looked at him with such hope that David had the stark reminder of the memory of Killian as a little boy.
"I'm sorry for how I spoke to you," added David. "Especially about your hand. It was uncalled for."
Hook shook his head. "It wasn't. David, I really do wish I could—"
David slapped a hand over his mouth. "Do not finish that thought."
David removed his hand, and Hook smiled.
A little piece of his heart falling back into place.
tag list: @kmomof4 @justanother-unluckysoul @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @tiganasummertree @jadehowlettthewolf @jonesfandomfanatic @anmylica @pirateprincessofpizza @stahlop @snowbellewells @eddisfargo @motherkatereloyshipper @killian-whump @cocohook38 @deckerstarblanche  @spartanguard
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fallenangelicss · 2 months
Sweet And Spice
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PAIRING | Bridget | Queen of Hearts/James Hook
SUMMARY | Bridget's gone missing. Or at least, Red and Chloe can't find her after they get split up for a class they've been forced into. Worried something irreversible might happen while she's out of their sight, they recruit Ella to help locate her. What they uncover is far from what they thought they'd find.
RATING | General Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | First time writing for Descendants, hope you all like it!
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Playing With Someone's Hair | @fandombingo | Unexpected Visitor | @anyfandomfluffbingo | "It's Not Like This With Them" | @multifandom-flash | The Jabberwocky | Heal The Cutie | I Did What I Had To Do | Don't You Dare Pity Me | @fandom-free-bingo | Whumper Turned Caretaker | Failure To Remain Impartial | Nervous Laughter | @character-a-character-b | Rivals To Lovers
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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“Hey, Ella,” Red called as she saw the younger version of her newfound friend's mum walk out of one of her classes, a hand raised to wave her over. Chloe’s brows pinched together as her eyes scanned between her mother and Red, attempting to decipher what Red could possibly want with her mum instead of her own. Once Ella stepped over to them, Chloe shook herself out of her thoughts and shot Ella a smile, both of them waiting for Red to speak up once again. “Have you seen Bridget? We haven’t seen her since the whole Uliana incident.”
“No, I haven’t seen her either come to think of it,” Ella murmured, taking a quick scan around the hallway the three of them were in before a concerned look made its way onto her face. Chloe couldn’t tell what that look could mean, unexpectedly foreign to everything about this version of her mum. “But I can help you look for her since my next class is with her.”
“Great,” Red exclaimed, a large grin spreading across her face as she hovered around Ella. Still unused to the layout of Auradon or Merlin Academy, Red didn’t know where to begin looking, leaving that up to Ella to decide. Chloe may have a bit more luck in the sense of the direction, visiting Auradon occasionally to see her brother whenever there was an event taking place at the school, but it was still vastly different to what she had come to know. “Do you have any ideas where she could be? Any places that she goes to when she needs to think or… something?”
“Have you checked her dorm?” Ella asked to which both girls nodded in response to, Briget’s dorm being the first place they checked once they were able to get away from one of the classes they had been roped into. That made Ella’s face contort a bit more as she thought of all the unusual places Bridget might be lurking in between classes. She must’ve had a free period, Ella thought. There wasn’t enough time in between classes to hang out or do whatever, there was hardly enough to even go to your locker and get the book you needed. “She might be in the courtyard somewhere. She normally sits out there when she's looking for a new recipe to try out.”
“That’s perfect,” Chloe said, ready to start walking and go looking for Bridget. With how close Castlecoming was, they couldn’t afford for her to leave their sight. As Chloe walked through the hallway, a loud cough caught her attention. Spinning on her heel to see what was up, she came face to face with Ella who was staring at her with a raised brow. Right, Merlin Acadamy was different to Auradon Prep. With a sheepish smile, Chloe asked, “Would you like to lead the way?”
“Sure,” Ella responded with a crooked smile before starting off in the right direction, leading the newcomers to where Bridget could potentially be. They walked for a few moments in silence, Red and Chloe slightly behind Ella’s pacing as they eyed one another, attempting to have a silent conversation as to what Bridget may be doing and how this could be related to the prank that created their future when Ella turned around abruptly, walking backwards as she asked, “Why do you need to find Bridget anyway?”
“Uh,” Red floundered for a second, trying to think of a lie on the spot while Chloe was two seconds away from revealing the truth about everything. The longer they took to answer, the more suspicious Ella grew, her eyes narrowing a bit as her pace slowed, forcing them to shorten their steps to not overtake Ella. “She said she’d show us around to all of our classes but we didn’t know where to meet her after each one so we’re a bit lost.”
“Makes sense,” Ella nodded, spinning back around to lead them out of the school's building and into the large open space the grounds had. Red’s eyes instantly began scanning the area for her mum, hoping to find some pink peeking out from around a corner so she could relax and know her mum was safe. “I could also show you guys around if you ever needed it. Normally they have someone give new students a tour if they come late in the year but they must’ve forgotten to this time.”
“Yeah, must’ve,” Chloe trailed off, joining Red in her search. Ella looked to be the only one who wasn’t actively looking for Bridget, just leading them around and hoping they would stumble upon her, though Ella must’ve had to find Bridget on numerous occasions to not be concerned at all as to where she might be. “Does Bridget disappear often? You just seem really calm even though we don’t know where she is.”
“Bridget’s a big girl, she can take care of herself,” Ella easily supplied, shrugging her shoulders as they continued their search. The more they looked, the more Chloe was beginning to lose hope that Bridget might be in the courtyard, though the grounds seemed to stretch on for ages. If they didn’t find her soon then they might have to try a different location, though Chloe wasn’t sure how much longer Ella could stay with them before she was late for class. They had already been gone for quite a while so there was no doubt in Chloe’s mind that classes had already begun. “That and this isn’t the first time she’s lost track of time and missed a couple minutes of class trying to find something new to bake. I normally always find her in the same spot which should be right around here.”
Just as Ella said it, the three of them rounded a corner, in front of them but still a few metres away was Bridget sitting at a picnic bench, her skirt fanning around her seat as a closed cooking book was placed in the space next to her. Chloe could see the side of her face, a smile on her face as she looked down at something she hadn’t yet taken notice of. Getting ready to call out to the cheerful girl, Chloe was suddenly yanked back by her jacket, the breath leaving her as she was pulled behind the wall they just stepped around. 
“What was that for?” Chloe hissed, looking over her shoulder to where Red was clutching onto her. 
“Look,” Red whispered while pointing at Bridget. Chloe’s head spun back around to see what she was trying to indicate to look at. Squinting her eyes to try and help, Chloe was about to raise another question when she finally spotted what Red was trying to show her. Kneeled just in front of Bridget was Captain Hook. Chloe’s jaw dropped at the sight of Bridget’s hands being held by James Hook as the two spoke to one another.
“We’re too far away to hear what they’re saying,” Ella murmured, crouched on the floor as her head stuck around the corner and tried to get a better look. It was to no avail though as the picnic table and Bridget blocked most of Captain Hook. “We need to get closer?”
“How?” Chloe asked, not seeing any hiding points they could use to their advantage. Chloe didn’t get any form of response as Ella took off in a crouched run to a nearby tree, hiding behind it before Bridget or Hook could get wind of her actions. Chloe was again about to ask another question before Red followed in Ella’s actions, making quick work of getting to the large oak tree and hiding behind it. The two of them looked at Chloe expectantly, waiting for her to join them. Murmuring to herself, Chloe said before she made a quick sprint to the tree, “Here goes nothing.”
Taking quick steps, Chloe almost slammed into Red in her efforts to get behind the tree without being noticed. It seemed it didn’t matter what they did though as Bridget and Hook were too caught up in one another to pay attention to them. 
“You know,” Hook started, reaching a hand up to curl some of Bridget’s hair around his finger. The grin on Bridget’s face immediately widened at the action, a trickle of nervous laughter escaping her lips as she waited for him to finish his sentence. At the same time that Bridget’s laughter reached their ears, Red stiffened next to them, clearly not liking the sight in front of them. “The two of us are going to be awfully late to our next class.”
“If he doesn’t back away I’m going to feed him to the Jabberwocky,” Red hissed, hands scrunching into tight fists.
“That’s okay,” Bridget’s voice came out in an airy sigh, almost leaning into Hook’s hand. She looked completely smitten, like she was hanging onto Hook’s every action and word. “As long as I get to spend time with you away from the others then it doesn’t matter.”
“About that,” Hook sighed, backing up from Bridget only slightly, his hand leaving her hair to once again fiddle with her delicate fingers. Bridget’s brows furrowed at the unexpected retreat, a sombre expression captivating Hook’s face and making her more aware of what was happening. “I’m sorry about the whole Uliana thing that happened earlier. I told her it was pointless to steal your flamingo feathers but you know Uliana; she always has to be doing something she considers wicked.”
“Oh, that’s whatever,” Bridget easily brushed off, her shoulders bunching up in a shrug as she acted like being chased around the school by an angry Uliana who had been turned partly into a flamingo was no big deal. “I tried to warn her but she just didn’t listen.”
“Maybe next time you can save me one of your cupcakes before they get ruined?” Hook suggested, making Bridget grin shyly and her legs to swing back in little kicks.
“Why is he acting like this in front of my mum- Bridget? In front of Bridget?” Red said, having to save herself since they were in front of Ella. The two of them must be starting to look really suspicious since Chloe had also messed up in front of Ella, accidentally calling her mum as well, although she hadn’t been able to save it as gracefully.
“He must not be able to act this way in front of his own friends,” Chloe suggested, baffled by the turn of events that was playing out in front of them.
“Whatever the reason, I don’t like it.”
“Maybe we should leave them be for a bit,” Ella warned, her eyes stuck to the way Bridget and Hooked were glued to one another, their eyes never straying from the other as they spoke, secluded from everyone else. “It feels like we’re intruding.”
“I’ll make sure I bake extra next time,” One of Bridget’s hands lightly flicked to the cookbook by her side, its cover a mixture of pastels. Her lashes seemed to be fluttering wildly at Hook as a soft blush coated her cheeks. Hook’s face remained a mixture of content and smug as his thumb ran along the back of the hand that Bridget let him keep. Shyly, Bridget offered, “Maybe you can help me taste test, James?” “Yep, definitely time to leave,” Red announced, grabbing onto Chloe’s arm and pulling her away before she could hear any objections. Ella chased after them once she realised they were gone, but not after watching Bridget and Hook for a few extra moments. Before Ella caught up enough for her to hear, Red mumbled to Chloe, “I’m not watching as my mum flirts with Captain Hook.”
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crowpickingss · 2 months
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welcome to whatever this is.
some info/rules:
- right now I’m writing for descendants (mainly rise of red) and dead boy detectives
- I only write for male or gn readers
- I don’t do NSFW or smut
- right now I’m writing for Hook, Morgie, Hades, Prince Charming, Monty (DBD), Edwin (DBD) and Charles (DBD)
- I also write for groups/poly ships
- please be respectful when sending requests
- my blog looks better in dark mode
- 61 fics (last updated september 15)
Dead Boy Detectives
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nveland · 21 days
Been thinking about writing a glassheart or stolenheart hunger games / harry potter au mini series lately, should I push through with the idea? 🤔
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x22 There's No Place Like Home (Part 1)
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 484
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (27) (28)
Notes: I knew there was no way I could stick to just one drabble an episode for the CS movie, so I didn't even try. There will be 2 drabbles for 3x21 and 4 for 3x22. They are all written, so the plan is to post one per day until they're all posted.
With Snow White off to secure reinforcements, Killian was left alone with the younger version of Emma’s father.  There was a long moment of somewhat awkward silence, and Killian couldn’t help but wonder what Emma was enduring at the hands of the queen. The anxiety swelled at the thought. She was in danger, and he was wasting time simply sitting before a fire.  He wanted to be off. Now.  He wanted to find her, to save her.
But he was and had always been a strategic thinker, and he knew Lady Snow’s plan was a good one.  He must content himself with remaining in place and waiting.
Nothing, however, said he must waste the intervening time.  Perhaps he could find a way to steer Charming toward his ultimate destiny.
“Are you excited for your nuptials?” Killian asked casually.
The prince shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly.  “Hm,” he said, “marrying Midas’s daughter.  What’s not to be excited about?”
“I don’t mean to pry, mate,” Killian said carefully, “but you don’t exactly look like someone who’s doing this by choice.”
David was silent for a moment, staring sightlessly into the fire. “I always thought I’d marry for love, and here I’m about to enter into what amounts to a business transaction, a merger of two kingdoms,” he said. “I don’t know. This whole ordeal makes me wonder if there's even such a thing as true love.”
Prince Charming was questioning the very concept of true love?  Things were even more dire than he’d imagined. 
“I once felt as you did mate,” Killian said, “and all it took was meeting the right person, and everything changed.”
“Princess Leia, the one we’re rescuing?”
Warmth filled Killian as he thought of Emma. “Aye. I’d go to the end of the word for her. Or time.”
“And she for you, I take it?”
Would she?  Would she go to such lengths for him?  He knew she had feelings for him, but she’d been running for so long–running from him, running from her family, running from love.  Would she follow him through a time portal?
Killian chuckled “I don’t know.”
Charming looked surprised at that.  “What’s the problem?”
That was far more than a short, fireside conversation, so Killian merely brushed it aside “There are many complications.”
“Family?” Charming asked. “Because my father is making things quite difficult for me.
“Aye, there’s that,” Killian said, suppressing a grin at the irony of the question. “I’m not so sure her parents approve of me.”
“Given the lengths you’ve gone to to save her, they’d be crazy not too.”
Killian did chuckle.  “I hope you remember that.”
Further conversation came to a halt at the sound of someone approaching.  Killian and Charming got to their feet, their swords drawn and pointed to the potential threat.
It looked like further discussion on the topic of their respective love lives would have to wait.
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gayashelljatp · 9 days
Prince Charming x James Hook | Trophy Boy Chapter 1.
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Tags :Sorta Enemies to Lovers Fake/Pretend Relationship Not Canon Compliant, Inspired by Cinderella (1997), I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Prince Charming is a Bi-King, Prince Charming Is Filipino, Because the actor is and I also am one so yeah, Prince Charming gets a lot of bitches but no love, Merlin Academy (Disney), James Hook is gay, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I don't know how to tag in this fandom, No Beta Like Not Going To Castlecoming
Charming had himself caught up in a pretty little lie, telling his parents he had a date for his birthday ball. Desperate to stop their meddling in his love life, he came up with a plan: show up with someone who’d make the court gasp—a notorious pirate at school, James Hook. It was supposed to be a quick fix: fake a romance, cause a stir, and be free from the royal matchmakers forever. But the more time Charming spent with Hook—as a person, the sharp banter—the more complicated things got. This wasn’t just about pretending anymore. He was starting to get hooked. Or The sorta enemies to fake dating to lovers between Hook and Charming no one asked for.
Content Rating: Teen and Up.
Wordcount: 5,931
Notes (Same On AO3):
Hi, I'm Ace. But I'm here posting and writing more gay shit for the Descendants fandom.
I'm one for a crack ship and these two don't even interact in the movie so you may be wondering what made me do this. Three things actually:
I'm in the Descendants editing community and I saw this edit by @jewishvarian. Hook's actor Josh pretty much showing his support to this ship has made we want to do this.
The second inspiration is Once Upon A Time ship Captain Charming my sister had a Once Upon A Time phase so I know quite a bit about them. The third thing the catalyst for this is the fanfic Stage Call by Montythecrow. (The first chapter is really good can't wait for more. Also R.I.P. DBD I never got to make a DBD fic before it got cancelled *sighs in JATP*)
Let's do some housekeeping and explain the lore because this fic grabs from fifty million things.
- The Brandy Cinderella movie or Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (1997) as it's also known are major inspirations. I pulled the characterization of Charming from this film and the new Descendants film and I pulled the whole of Charming's parents and his butler Lionel from this movie. (Pls watch this movie. It's really fun, campy and entertaining.)
- I also took from various Prince Charming media from Cinderella movies from Disney to non-Disney. Charming (2018)'s Trophy Boy by Avril Lavigne, Ashely Tisdale and G.E.M. is where the title of this fic comes from. It's a bad movie but this song is legendary and pop perfection. A K-pop star, a Disney star, and a rock star all in one song is crazy.
- This fic has multiple POV's for Charming focused parts 👑 emojis are used on the other hook if it's James it's this emoji 🪝.
- Finally, this isn't a GayashellJATP fic without a playlist of songs I have on that help immerse you in the universe. Spotify playlist here!!!
Now that we are done with some housekeeping. Enjoy the fic & Remember to give feedback!!! It is always appreciated.
Notes (Tumblr):
I'm trying to do better on posting on here and being on time. With being a cross platform author. I still don't know how Tumblr works pls help me. Once again I suggest you read on AO3 my formatting is way better on that.
Chapter 1: Before The Ball
Charming was so screwed.
He'd been excused from class by royal summons, which only meant one of two things: either bad news or... well, worse news. Lionel, the family’s loyal servant and his assigned guardian at the academy, was jittery, practically fidgeting as he escorted the skateboarding teen to the castle. 
Lionel’s nervousness only heightened Charming's suspicion—did he tattle on him sneaking out of the academy for a late-night date? Again? Or worse—had he forgotten some royal obligation that would now come back to bite him?
Despite the comfortable life he'd been born into, Charming had a talent for getting into situations that made it... uncomfortable. Usually of his own making.
The moment they arrived at the vast, gilded throne room, the knot in his stomach twisted tighter. His mother stood. Not good. Queen Constantina only stood when something serious—truly serious—was about to be discussed. Lionel cleared his throat and began the ceremonial introduction. 
“Your Royal Highness, Prince Charming—”
The Queen interrupted with a sharp glance. “Prince Christopher Rupert Windermere Vladimir—”
“Mom,” Charming sighed, cutting Lionel off. “He doesn’t have to say it every time.” The poor man practically bowed in relief when Charming gestured for him to be seated. The full name was ridiculously wordy, one of the many reasons why "Prince Charming" stuck much more easily.
“Son, you didn’t need to dismiss him,” King Maximilian spoke up from beside the queen, kissing his wife’s hand. Charming had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. 
His parents were constantly doing that—displaying affection as if they were still teenagers in love. Any love hater would have gagged, but Charming simply tried to suppress a smirk. Even he couldn't deny they were a good match, for better or worse.
“Mom. Dad. What is it this time?” Charming asked, his voice strained but trying not to sound too impatient.
“Watch your tone, Junior,” his father said, though not harshly.
Charming forced a deep breath. “Fine. What’s the big news?” he said, layering on enthusiasm that was just short of sarcasm.
The Queen exchanged a meaningful glance with her husband before turning to her son, her posture regal and dramatic all at once. "Your eighteenth birthday in two days."
“I thought—” his father began, but a sharp elbow from his wife stopped him. “We thought it would be appropriate to throw a birthday ball.”
Charming's heart sank. "A ball?" His voice came out strained. "Father, is that really necessary?"
Queen Constantina's eyes glistened with an air of theatrics as she responded, “You haven’t shown any of your potential picks for marriage. You are two years overdue for at least a partner!” Her voice hitched as though it were a tragedy in itself.
Charming had tried, of course. He'd gone on more first dates than he cared to count, but none had led to anything serious. His royal reputation for being “charming” only went so far, especially when he wasn’t charmed by anyone.
“I’m working on it,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “But Mom, I don’t think a ball for my birthday is necessary.”
“Necessary?” His mother’s voice shot up an octave, her hand flying dramatically to her chest as if she were about to swoon. “Is it necessary that I should die knowing my only son will be a lonely king?!”
Charming’s eyes widened. “Mom, please. You’re not going to—"
“I might!” she countered, her voice trembling as if the mere thought of his supposed future loneliness was too much to bear. “The idea of you being all alone without a wife or family—oh! How tragic it would be!”
Charming rubbed the back of his neck, suppressing a groan. He loved his mom, truly, but sometimes her dramatics were... a lot. “Okay, fine. I get it. But… I have someone. Already. A partner.”
The words were out of his mouth before he had a chance to think them through. His heart nearly stopped as both his parents' faces lit up.
“You do?!” his father exclaimed, clapping his hands together in glee.
The Queen looked like she was about to burst into tears of joy. “Oh, my darling boy! You’ve found someone! You’ve—”
Charming quickly nodded, feeling his stomach churn with regret. “Yep. Found someone. Really great.”
His father beamed. “That’s fantastic news, son! We were beginning to wonder if you'd ever—"
“But the ball,” Queen Constantina interjected with a flourish of her hand. “The ball must still happen! After all, it’s been paid for, and all the preparations have already been made.”
Charming’s shoulders slumped. “Of course it has…”
His mother took his hands, her eyes sparkling. “Oh, darling, I can’t wait to meet this special someone of yours. Bring her to the ball!”
"Yeah. Absolutely," Charming forced a grin, though inside, his mind raced. He was so, so screwed. Not only was the ball happening no matter what, but now he had to show up with a date—someone bad enough to stop his parents from meddling in his love life ever again.
Where on Earth was he going to find that?
Charming zoomed through the academy gates on his skateboard, the wind whipping through his hair as his thoughts churned. Why had he lied? It gnawed at him, the weight of a falsehood pressing on his conscience. Lies weren’t really his thing. Now, he’d have to turn that lie into reality, or it would eat him alive.
As he skated through the courtyard, his gaze caught Fay, a fairy in training and his hexalogy class partner, sitting cross-legged on the grass, her nose buried in a spellbook. She was mumbling under her breath, waving her wand with exaggerated movements as sparks of magic fizzled in the air. 
“Hey, Fay,” he called, slowing down as he rolled over.
Fay glanced up, her wide eyes narrowing with playful frustration. “Charming, where were you?” she asked, tapping her wand against her open book. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to hex yourself and then unhex yourself without your partner? I nearly turned myself into a frog!”
“Royal duties,” Charming shrugged, offering an apologetic smile.
Fay’s expression softened immediately. She knew all too well the burden his title carried. “What did the queen say this time?” she asked, her tone light but sympathetic.
Charming rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re throwing another ball.”
Fay’s face lit up. “A ball? Isn’t that fantastic—” she paused, noticing the scowl creeping over Charming's face, “—ally… impossible to enjoy?” She attempted to course-correct, her enthusiasm dimming as she realized how much the idea clearly weighed on him. Fay wasn’t the best at being negative, but she tried.
“But I’ll make it up to you. I’ll be there for the next class.”
“You better be,” Fay huffed, but her tone was forgiving. 
“The whole kingdom’s invited. Maybe I’ll catch you at the ball?”
“Nah, I doubt it. I’ll be here practicing my spells,” she said with a shy smile, already inching back toward her book. Fay wasn’t one for social events—she always seemed to vanish from them, though Charming never asked why. 
“Well, I’ll see you later,” Charming said, giving her a quick wave.
“Later, skater!” Fay called, attempting to sound cool, which earned a chuckle from Charming. She couldn’t help but laugh at herself as he rolled away.
But as Charming skated off, Fay accidentally mispronounced her next spell. Instead of reciting "double the bubbles," she muttered "double the wobbles" under her breath. Without realizing it, she had casted a spell on Charming’s skateboard, causing it to take on a life of its own. 
Charming, an experienced skater, didn’t notice anything at first. But as he glided past the group of notorious students hanging out by the courtyard's edge, the board beneath his feet began to wobble violently, as though possessed. 
His body lurched forward, trying to steady himself, but the board had other ideas. It veered, zigzagging uncontrollably, and before Charming could react, it shot straight toward a cluster of students.
In a blur of motion, Charming collided with none other than Captain James Hook—his pirate classmate, and perhaps the academy’s most infamous heartthrob after Charming himself. With a loud thud, both boys went crashing to the ground, Hook's shiny golden hook clattering against the stone courtyard as they tumbled in a tangle of limbs.
Charming groaned, disentangling himself. “I’m so sorry!” he blurted, scrambling to his feet. His skateboard had spun off and smacked into a nearby tree, finally bringing the spell to a halt.
Hook stood up slowly, glaring down at Charming with narrowed eyes. His gaze was sharp and menacing, but there was a flicker of something else—jealousy? Amusement? It was hard to tell. 
“You really are a royal asshole, aren’t you?” Hook growled, dusting off his crimson blazer. His voice dripped with venom, but there was something undeniably captivating about the way he spoke. “Gunning for me, were you?”
“No! No, I swear. I didn’t mean to—I lost control of the board.”
Hook didn’t seem convinced. He stepped closer, his imposing presence casting a shadow over Charming. “You were heading straight toward me, mate,” Hook said, his tone dangerously low. His golden hook gleamed as he pointed it directly at Charming’s perfect face. “That doesn’t seem like much of an accident.”
Charming’s heart pounded as his eyes flicked from Hook’s face to the hook hovering too close for comfort. He held up his hands in surrender, his voice calm and soothing. “Whoa, easy,” he said, gently grabbing Hook’s wrist and pushing the hook away from his face. For a brief second, his fingers brushed against Hook’s skin.
For just a moment, Charming couldn’t help but notice Hook. The sharp features, the dark, windswept hair, the way his crimson blazer framed his broad shoulders. And those eyes—intense, narrowed in suspicion, but undeniably alluring. 
Charming blinked, snapping out of it. He was in trouble, not admiring the guy who was about to gut him like a fish.
Hook, however, seemed to notice Charming’s lingering gaze. His eyes flashed with something almost wild, and a wicked smirk curled on his lips. “What’s the matter, Prince? Distracted?”
“Uh, no. Not at all. Just… don’t want to get impaled, that’s all.”
Hook raised an eyebrow, amused but not backing down. “Right.” He clicked his tongue, his hook gleaming in the sunlight as he let it fall to his side. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today. Or else…” He let the threat hang in the air, his eyes still burning into Charming’s.
“Right, yeah. Lucky,” Charming muttered, his pulse still racing. He wasn’t sure if it was from the near-death experience or the fact that Hook was standing way too close. He hadn’t expected Hook to be so—well, so much. Why was he noticing that now?
Hook’s smirk lingered as he stepped back, finally giving Charming some space. “Try not to skate into any more of your classmates, mate. Especially not me or my crew got it?.” He turned, flipping his collar with an air of superiority, though there was a glint in his eye as he strode away. 
Charming watched him leave, shaking his head. Hook was dangerous—and not just because of the hook. There was something else there. Something he really needed to avoid.
But as he glanced back at his skateboard lying against the tree, the thought struck him: maybe, just maybe, Hook was exactly the kind of problem he needed. 
If he could bring Hook to the ball, that would surely get his parents off his back. Right? 
How would he ever get Hook to agree to that? He was really, really screwed.
Hook was seething. What a clueless little prince, he thought, his jaw clenched as he stormed through the academy's halls. Charming had to be the most oblivious royal he'd ever met. For someone so poised and charming, the prince had no idea how to navigate the real world. 
Not that Hook expected much more from royals—they were all so privileged, so sheltered, so painfully clueless. That’s what made them easy marks. Their money, their fine clothes, their trinkets—it was all just there for the taking, practically begging to be lifted.
But this? This was different. Hook’s pride was bruised more than anything. Charming had made him collide with the earth, of all things, and Hook wasn’t going to forgive the little prince for sullying his pristine, mint-condition vintage blazer. He cast a quick glance at the fabric—no visible damage, but that didn’t matter. The fact that it had touched the ground at all was an unforgivable offense. 
And worse, Hook knew his crew would never let him live this down if they found out. His reputation couldn’t take a hit like that, not when he had spent so much time cultivating it. He had to get his revenge. Teach the prince a lesson.
So, during storybook history class, Hook slipped out unnoticed. He snuck across the academy grounds to the royal dormitory— Full of one bed and customized rooms, unlike less privileged students. They weren’t allowed to deface their rooms and they had a roommate system. But Hook wasn’t complaining his roommate was pretty great.
But he wasn’t here to brood. No, he was here to act.
Charming’s dorm was up ahead, and Hook was relieved to see no sign of that bothersome butler Lionel. Of course, the little prince needs a servant to wait on him hand and foot, Hook thought, rolling his eyes. He always found it odd—off-putting, even—that Charming couldn’t go anywhere without a personal attendant. How soft and pampered could you get?
Hook approached Charming’s door, a sly grin spreading across his face. With a quick glance down the hallway, he slipped his golden hook into the lock, working it with practiced ease. Today, he was wearing his favorite hook—the golden one that added a touch of class to his ensemble. He’d have to be careful not to scratch it. The lock gave way with a soft click, and Hook pushed the door open, slipping inside.
The room smelled of expensive cologne, and everything was arranged perfectly. Typical royal. Hook sneered. He moved to the wardrobe, his eyes scanning the rows of pristine clothes. 
Charming had quite the collection—mostly royal-styled barongs and beige outfits, which made Hook wrinkle his nose. Beige? Ugh, he thought with disdain. Not his color at all. Where was the flair, the vibrancy? Not a single dark or deep color in sight. Charming had such a boring taste in clothes for someone so well-dressed.
Still, a theft was a theft. Hook rifled through the clothes, trying to find something worth taking. Surely the prince won’t miss a few pieces, he thought, tossing aside a particularly dull-looking beige tunic.
What Hook didn’t realize was how much time he’d spent browsing
But time had gotten away from him, and Hook hadn’t realized how long he’d been sifting through the prince’s belongings until he heard the unmistakable sound of the door opening behind him.
“Looking for something?” came a voice that was far too calm for Hook’s liking.
Hook froze, hand halfway through a drawer of silk cravats. Slowly, he turned around, his heart sinking as he locked eyes with Prince Charming standing in the doorway with a smirk, arms crossed over his chest. He hadn’t expected to get caught—he never got caught.
Hook blinked, trying to regain his composure. “Ah skater boy,” he began, straightening up and smoothing his jacket. “This… is not what it looks like.”
Charming raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in his eyes. “Really? Because it looks like you’re in my room rifling through my wardrobe.”
Hook swallowed, his mind racing for an excuse. He’d been in tight spots before, but this? This was a mess. “I was, uh… inspecting your clothing choices. Offering a little… constructive criticism, you might say,” Hook replied, flashing a crooked grin, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He wasn’t used to feeling this off-kilter. “No offense, mate, but 50 shades of tan and beige? Really?”
Charming’s expression remained neutral, though there was a glint of something unreadable in his eyes. “And you thought breaking into my room was the best way to offer fashion advice?”
Before Hook could answer, Lionel appeared in the doorway, eyes wide as they flickered between the pirate and the prince. “Am I interrupting, sir? I didn’t expect a guest,” Lionel said, his voice a touch too polite, suspicion creeping in.
Charming, without losing his cool, glanced slightly over his shoulder at Lionel but didn’t shift his focus from Hook. “It’s fine, Lionel. Could you give us a moment?” His tone was dismissive but not unkind, the sort of royal command that left no room for argument.
"Of course, Your Highness," Lionel replied, a touch too formal as he bowed and quickly excused himself, but not without one last curious glance, probably wondering if he had just witnessed the beginnings of some lovers' quarrel. The door closed softly behind him.
The moment Lionel left, Hook let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He eyed Charming warily, wondering how much trouble he was in. He hated the feeling of being cornered, especially by a royal.
“So…” Hook began, his voice dripping with false confidence. “No need to make this a big deal, yeah? You’re not going to go crying to Merlin, are you?”
Charming’s lips curled into a small smile. “I’m not planning on it, no.”
Sweet relief washed over Hook, but it was short-lived as Charming took a step closer, his tone turning just a shade more serious. “But I can’t just let this slide either, can I?”
Hook swallowed, his bravado faltering for a moment. “I only did this after our little incident,” he blurted out, trying to regain control of the conversation. He gestured vaguely between them, referencing their earlier collision.
Charming tilted his head slightly, as if considering Hook’s words. “And you thought breaking into my room and raiding my wardrobe was the right way to even the score?”
Hook’s mind scrambled for a sweet escape. “Look you don’t need to turn me in,” he said, practically begging now.
Charming considered this for a moment, his gaze flicking over Hook’s disheveled form and the mess of clothes scattered around his room. Then, almost as if a thought occurred to him, his smile returned—this time, sharper. “Actually, I think I might have an idea. Meet me by the castleteria at dinner time.”
“A dinner? You’re not going to tell anyone about this?”
“No, not yet,” Charming replied, his voice smooth but tinged with mischief. “But if you don’t show up, then maybe we’ll reconsider the whole punishment thing.”
Hook’s stomach twisted. He hated feeling like he was at someone’s mercy, especially Charming’s. But something in the prince’s eyes told him this wasn’t just about revenge—it was about leverage. Hook didn’t know what Charming had in mind, but whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.
Still, he nodded, trying to regain his bravado. “Alright, Prince. Dinner date it is.”
Charming smirked, stepping aside to let Hook pass.
Hook left the room, heart still pounding, cursing himself under his breath. He’d been caught, and now, somehow, he was in too deep.
“Hook, what bullshit did you get into?” Uliana’s voice cut through the room like a whip, her tone sharp with irritation as she lounged on Morgie’s bed, her tentacles subtly shifting.
The five of them were crammed into Hook and Morgie’s shared dorm room, a small space that felt even smaller with Uliana’s dramatic presence filling the air. Hook, on the other hand, was sprawled lazily across his bed, legs crossed like he had not a care in the world, but deep down, his stomach churned with unease. 
Hook glanced at Uliana, who was tapping her nails against her belt buckle.. “Relax, Uliana. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“Is it a date?” Morgie piped up, his eyes wide with genuine curiosity as he fiddled with a piece of parchment,
Hook scoffed. “Really, wizard-oo? That’s your question?” The brunnete pirate shot back, but he didn’t quite meet Morgie’s gaze, a flicker of discomfort crossing his face. “It’s not a date, you idiot.”
“You didn’t deny it, Hook, so that means you’re going on a date with that royal eyesore,” Maleficent added with a sly smirk, reclining against the wall. She twirled a strand of dark hair between her fingers.
Hook sat up, trying to regain his composure, his golden hook glinting as he gestured wildly. “He’s got a little rebel streak in him, sure, but a date? With me?” Hook forced a laugh, but it came out a little too harsh. “He’s too soft for that.”
Hades, who had been lounging in the corner, arms folded and his fiery blue hair flickering lazily, chimed in with a smirk of his own. “I dunno, mate. You see those blue streaks he’s rocking these days? Kid’s got a little fire in him. You pick them well, James.”
What did the prince have in mind for him? Why had Charming asked him to meet at dinner? He was good at handling himself, but this was different. Royals had a way of twisting things to their advantage, and he wasn’t sure he’d come out on top this time.
Uliana’s tentacles flexed, her eyes narrowing. “This better not blow back on us, Hook. You get tangled up with that prince, and we’re all screwed. I’ve got enough on my plate without cleaning up your messes.”
Morgie, ever the optimist, gave Hook a hopeful smile. “Maybe it won’t be so bad? You two could, you know... find common ground?” He shrugged, completely oblivious to the heavy glares that Uliana shot his way.
Hook grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck. “Trust me, I don’t belive in common ground I’m a pirate after all. The seas are what matter,” he muttered, but even as he said it, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that Charming wasn’t as simple as he’d like to believe. Whatever the prince had planned, Hook had no choice but to play along—for now.
Lionel watched as Charming’s fencing movements faltered, his usual grace replaced by distracted, half-hearted parries. The clanging of their swords echoed through the gymnasium, but the prince’s mind was clearly somewhere else.
“Sir—I mean, Christopher, what’s the worry face for?” Lionel asked, lowering his sword slightly, his tone a mix of concern with playful scolding. “Your mother would say frowning is terrible for the face.”
Charming winced and laughed, “Ouch. Thanks for that reminder, Lionel.”
Lionel tilted his head, eyeing the prince with the same scrutiny one might give a misbehaving child. “Having love problems, are we?”
Charming hesitated mid-lunge. “Sorta… kinda... undetermined.” He shrugged, trying to mask the uncertainty in his voice with nonchalance.
“I’ll try to make sense of that, sir,” 
Charming straightened up, tossing his sword onto the nearby rack. “I do have a problem,” 
“And what may that be, Your Highness?”
“I lied to my parents,” Charming confessed, running a hand through his streaked hair. “I told them I had someone to bring them for the ball, but... I have no one.”
Lionel gasped theatrically, hand flying to his chest in mock horror. “Oh dear! The end of the world!” 
Charming grinned, though the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Don’t panic. I’ve got it under control. I think…”
“Is that why there was a handsome pirate rummaging through your wardrobe this morning?” he asked with a pointed look. “Is he part of your grand plan?”
Charming blinked, caught off guard. “He’s not that handsome,” he blurted out, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop them. Lionel’s amused smirk only deepened. Charming’s cheeks flushed. “I mean—he’s alright,” he backpedaled quickly, though Lionel’s knowing look said it all.
Lionel chuckled softly, tapping the flat of his sword against the ground. “What would your parents think of him, then? A pirate at the royal ball?”
“They did say every suitor in the kingdom that doesn’t exclude male or pirates. But they’d be terrified,” 
“And here I thought you were planning to bring a princess,” Lionel mused, shaking his head with fond exasperation.
“Well, ‘pirate’ does start with a P,” Charming quipped, unable to suppress his grin. “Might be close enough. Don’t ask for permission ask for forgiveness.”
“The ball’s happening no matter what, Christopher. Your parents are set on it,” Lionel reminded him, though there was no judgment in his voice. He was used to the prince’s antics by now.
Charming nodded, tossing his fencing jacket aside. “Yeah, well, might as well make it a little more exciting.” 
“If I’m going down, I’m going down singing.” The prince sang.
Lionel chuckled, stepping forward to ruffle the prince’s hair. “You’re always causing trouble. But… you're going to be fine, you always are.”
Charming laughed, a bit of the tension easing from his shoulders. “Thanks, Lionel.”
"Just... try not to start a royal scandal this time," 
"Can't make any promises," Charming shot back with a grin.
The night had settled over Merlin Academy, and the castleteria was buzzing. On the lower level, students from various backgrounds sat together, some attempting to eat in peace while others whispered and laughed in tight-knit groups.
The second level, however, was a different story entirely—a separate, glass-enclosed space designed for royal students, a consequence of the infamous "Ariel incident" from freshman year. Uliana, the sea witch, had stirred up a food fight with the sophomore Little Mermaid herself,  (A girl her older sister bullied aswell)
which ended with food flying and a lot of egos bruised. Now, extra security stood guard, and Charming hated it.
It drained his social battery to be so isolated. He used to enjoy mingling, making polite conversation with his peers, but now he found himself perched in this sterile room, looking down at the rest of the academy through the glass window like he was in some kind of fishbowl. 
It didn’t help that Lionel, who usually provided some form of company, was off handling royal duties whenever it was mealtime. So Charming sat alone, poking at his food, waiting.
Well, not exactly alone. He was expecting someone. Or rather, a pirate . The word "victim" had crossed his mind, but that sounded too cruel, and blackmailee was just unpleasant. So, pirate it was.
Charming’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a scuffle outside the door. Voices—loud, irritated voices—drifted in, and he didn’t need to guess who it was.
“Let go of me! Easy on the coat!” came the familiar accent, sharp and indignant.
The guards were clearly manhandling Hook. Charming sighed, standing up from his seat and making his way to the door. He opened it just in time to see one of the guards tugging on Hook’s crimson coat, and Hook, true to form, looking royally pissed off.
“Stop it!” Charming barked, a little more forcefully than usual. “Let him go. He's with me.”
The two guards immediately released Hook, straightening up as they realized their mistake. One of them, the taller one with a stern face, glanced at Charming apologetically. “Apologies, Your Highness. We didn’t know he was—”
“Yeah, clearly,” Hook cut in, brushing off his coat like he’d just been dragged through the mud. “A real fine welcome, I must say.”
The other guard, younger and more nervous, muttered, “We thought he might’ve been here to, uh… cause trouble, Your Highness.”
Charming sighed, rubbing his temples. “He’s not here to cause trouble. I invited him.” He shot a look at Hook. “Sorry about the mix-up.”
Hook crossed his arms, glaring at the guards. “Way to go, Prince. You invite me, then forget to tell your people I’m coming. Real nice lad, aren’t you?”
Charming gave him a sheepish look, stepping forward and placing a hand on Hook’s shoulder—more of a placating gesture than anything. “I said I was sorry.”
Hook immediately shrugged off his hand, the familiar click of his hook against Charming's wrist. “Easy on the coat. You and your lot have already helped it deteriorate faster than it should.”
“Shall we?” he said, gesturing toward the table.
Hook huffed in response but said nothing, striding past the prince and into the dining area. His eyes scanned the lavish room, taking in the gleaming chandeliers, the velvet-lined chairs, and the royal setup. For a moment, Charming saw a flicker of appreciation cross his face—just for a second—before Hook’s usual facade of nonchalance slipped back into place.
“Nice place you’ve got here,” Hook said, though the casual tone didn’t quite match the look in his eyes. “Bit excessive for a meal, don’t you think?”
Charming smirked, crossing his arms as he followed Hook inside. He could see through the pirate’s act. “If it hadn’t been for that food fight with Ariel and your friend during freshman year, none of this would’ve happened.”
“Yeah, well, she was pretty awesome for that.”
Charming rolled his eyes, though a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Right. Let’s just sit and eat before you start a revolution in here too.”
They settled into their seats, a tense silence hanging between them. Charming could feel the weight of Hook’s gaze, sharp and calculating. This wasn’t some casual dinner. Both of them knew it, even if neither wanted to admit it.
The dinner had been silent for too long. Hook, never one to let tension sit without poking at it, decided to break it “So, what are your intentions, Your Highness? You’re a popular bloke around here. Getting lonely?”
Charming’s fork paused mid-air before he set it down, carefully. “I have friends.” His mind flickered to Aladdin and Jasmine, who often joined him for meals, bringing stories of their magic carpets adventures.
Then there were Ella and Bridget, after the two got together they always found time to drop by with baked treats—often enchanted with strange, unpredictable side effects, like turning his hair fully blue or making him float for a few minutes. 
Zelly, ever the life of the party, would bring her chameleon Pascal, and they’d all end up doing karaoke. After all, the royal dining area inexplicably had a karaoke machine tucked in the corner.
“So it’s not loneliness or complete boredom, why have me here?” Hook pressed.
Charming hesitated, trying to maintain a mysterious air. He knew Hook was too clever to show his cards too early. “I have something to ask,” was all he said, keeping his tone casual.
Hook leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips as he lounged in the velvet chair, clearly amused by the prince’s attempt at suspense. “What’s this all about, then? A royal invitation for little old me? You're not planning on throwing me in the dungeons after dessert, are you?”
Charming chuckled, though there was a hint of nervousness behind it. “No dungeons. Just… an arrangement.” He felt Hook’s guard go up instantly, the pirate’s smirk hardening into something more defensive.
“Arrangement?” Hook’s brow arched in mock curiosity, though there was no mistaking the sharpness in his tone. “What sort of arrangement would a prince want from moi ?”
“I need you to be my date,” Charming said, the words slipping out before he could fully gather his nerve. He paused, seeing Hook’s expression shift, and hurried to clarify, “Not in the traditional sense.”
Hook’s face didn’t change much. He leaned in slightly, his gaze sharp, like he was toying with a fish on a hook. “You went to so much trouble to impress me,” Hook said with snobbish amusement, “I’m flattered, but you’re not my type.”
Charming felt his face flush but pushed on. “My parents are throwing me this stupid ball, and I hate it. It’s all about me, and I just—” He suddenly found himself unraveling, words tumbling out in a rush. “I blurted out that I had a date, thinking it would stop them from pressuring me, but now it’s just worse, and I don’t know how to—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold your horses, Prince,” Hook interrupted with a bemused smirk, holding up his hand. “That’s a lot of whining for me.”
Charming blinked, startled by Hook’s bluntness. Somehow, those few words snapped him out of his spiraling rant. He let out an embarrassed laugh, the tension easing from his shoulders. For a second, he found himself thinking Hook looked oddly…kinda hot. 
The pirate, for all his snark, had an air of control about him that made Charming’s stomach twist in a way he didn’t quite understand.
But Hook was getting up, clearly looking like he was about to leave. He couldn’t let him just walk out, not after coming this far. Desperation flickered in his chest, and he scrambled for a last-ditch effort.
“Wait!” Charming stood quickly, his hand brushing against Hook’s arm as he reached out. “I haven’t told you the benefits yet.”
Hook paused, turning halfway with a knowing gleam in his eyes. “Alright. I’m listening.”
Charming exhaled, thinking quickly. “You’ll get lots of opportunities being seen with me. The ball is in two days. You won’t have to pretend for long. You’ll get to live lavishly, and you don’t have to worry about me telling anyone about your… thieving incident.”
Hook’s eyes flickered, but instead of biting, he turned fully away, stepping toward the door. Charming felt his heart sink. He'd blown it. This was going to be harder than he thought—time for Plan B, whatever that was.
Then, Hook stopped, glancing over his shoulder with a smirk that made Charming’s pulse quicken. “I’ll do it.”
“I said I’ll do it,” Hook repeated, turning fully now, his expression unreadable. “I’ll be your boyfriend. For rent, of course.”
Charming bristled slightly. “That doesn’t sound very nice.”
“Well, that’s the reality, babe,” Hook teased, the last word slipping off his tongue like a taunt. The prince stiffened at the word. He didn’t like the way it sounded coming from Hook’s mouth. Or maybe he liked it too much, and that was the problem.
“Fine, we’ll talk tomorrow, lay down the ground rules. We can discuss everything over breakfast.”
“Blah, blah, so boring. You don’t need so many pleasantries to fake-date me, you know. We’re not writing a treaty.”
Charming stepped closer, his face inching into Hook’s space. “I’ll pick you up in the morning. We’ll discuss the plan then.”
Hook gave him a mocking grin, eyes flicking down between them before meeting Charming’s gaze again. “You just love a good scheme and a meal, don’t you? That’s pathetic—and kinda cute, actually.”
Something inside Charming snapped at that last line. “Who are you calling pathetic?” he growled, stepping even closer until they were face to face.
Hook’s eyes danced with amusement, but there was something else beneath the surface, something unreadable. For a brief moment, they stood there in awkward silence, close enough to feel each other’s breaths, their hands grazing.
The bell rang suddenly, cutting through the moment and pulling them back to reality. Charming took a step back, clearing his throat. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked, his princely demeanor slipping back into place, though his voice was quieter than before.
Hook smirked, already slipping toward the door. “You know where to find me, Your Highness .”
Charming was still screwed how was he going to pull this sham? But he did make some progress he just hoped the pirate didn’t cause too much trouble.
Hope you enjoy the fic & Remember to give feedback!!! It is always appreciated. The fate of this fic is in y'alls hands its up to all of you whether this continues. (And if you reading this on tumblr. Thank you so much for giving this a read.)   Request go here on my tumblr.
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sterolinebarbieforbes · 2 months
Fandom: OUAT (Once Upon a Time)
Pairing: Captain Charming
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): None
Summary: Mary Maragret is worried about David because he’s been acting so distant lately, and she can’t figure out why. She finally decides that it must have something to do with him not wanting Emma to date Killian – that he is only concerned about their daughter’s safety.
David is set in his mind that he feels nothing for Hook, but after an encounter with the pirate in the diner – he finds he can no longer hide when the walls in his mind start crumbling down around him.
Note: This fic is not completed yet, chapters 2 and three will be posted within the next few days, though.
This is also part 5 of an ongoing CaptainCharming fanfiction.
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jamgoesart · 7 days
Black Queen [Once Upon A Time]
"I am living proof that the mind... that the mind is a terrible thing."
Many believe there were only two queens in Wonderland, White and Red, but there was another. The Black Queen.
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A chessboard.
One white side and one black.
We know the Red Queen, who is known to shout "Off with her head" and who does not rule the country, but terrorizes it. A very pedantic, bossy and lecturing person, who for many is the equivalent to a teacher.
The White Queen, a noble and sensitive woman, but at the same time stupid and helpless, almost like a newborn.
Many believe that there are only the two of them, but there is another queen. The Black Queen.
Black against white.
Not red against white.
After a quick shower, which did her more than good, Valerie wiped her hand over the fogged mirror and immediately took a few steps back, letting out a sharp scream. It wasn't her own reflection looking back at her, but a row of pointed teeth. The teeth slowly dissolved and single letters appeared in their place. First here, then there, without any connection. Little by little, words formed and finally a sentence. It is about time. No sooner had she read the sentence than it disappeared again and the same game began all over again. The fall is imminent. Again the letters disappeared, rearranged themselves and new ones were added. Reclaim what is rightfully yours. Nothing more came after that.
It was all a sign that Val was overtired. Mere fantasy, that was all it had been.
As if these hallucinations weren't disturbing enough, paranoia was added to the mix. Ever since Valerie had left the hospital and was on her way home, she had felt like she was being watched. But there was nothing to see. Nothing at all. Except a crow. Not one of the birds that had been so close to her since she left the hospital. Fortunately, this day would soon be over.
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ask-missparker · 7 months
You walked in and my heart went boom! / AU series
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Pairing: Charming!Nikolai x Snow!Amelia
Summary: The looks turned into letters from one another became secret meetings away from the walls of the hills. Until one night, they were crumbled among them.
Note: They go by Nicholas & Amara sometimes
Setting: Enchanted Forest
Extra characters/mentioned: Captain Hook!Jeremy, Mr. Smee, King Midas, Princess Jemma and etc.
‘I have never been one to try and grab the spotlight, but all of it happened on a hot night. Tried to focus on the mission to steal the jewelry and I stumbled into you. Your eyes dazzled as you were captured by the loom and my heart secretly went boom. Tryin' to catch our eyes at the sight outside of the ballroom, despite the band top volumes. Sometimes I wonder how many nights I can spend without seeing you, but when I remind myself, even without you I am not doomed.’ - Love, Nicholas M.
Amara Snow—Amelia, would smile to herself at rereading the letters he sent her and the ones she return by morning light. Her heart belonged not to her fiancé, but yet another. The Dark Prince’s charming and awfully wildly dashing hearted brother. He was a little insane and jumped first into danger based on her letters and stories she’d hear from him in the late hours of the night and yet, that was comforting to her.
Tons of letters stacked and or hidden pieces in the desk of her vanity. She’s write in her letters back, ‘Helpless! Look into your eyes (Oh, look at those eyes). And the sky's the limit. Down for the count, and we’re drownin' in 'em. You can sometimes see past the falsely shows and sneak your way into the halls, even if your mind wondering how I’m even it. Every week gets better with every note that you write me, rushing into my room and my heart will go boom. Sometimes my mind will just rewind and remember those nights for the rest my days, hoping to see you again like it’s a play.’
Charming Nicholas—Nikolai smile opening up the letters as short much they seem, he knew she meant every word. His life was never easy and cheerful, always trying to find a sense of peace and belonging. He found it in the woodsy hills of the kingdom, living in caves and then old vacant homes for a reasonable price of shelter. Yes, his brother wanted him gone out of pure jealousy and villainous pride, having posters to reward whoever could find him firsthand. He never thought he would find some company nor comfort out here until he stumbled into her by accident, the same princess he stole from, making him believe there was still good in the world.
Resulted in him slowly but surely start to open his heart and small home to others he seemed, such as Cinderella one night and The Huntress who speared his life. Helping out people in need like he used to before running away from the castle and trying to be of service. Yes, it seemed like it was a small gesture to many but yet it spoke to who understood what he meant.
He stood on the ground near the old house he called home, reading one of his love’s letters. He chuckled and snorted as thoughts filled his head, when suddenly an impulse decision came to mind. To see her again. It’s felt like a lot to do, bring flowers, sneak into the castle walls of King Midas, and arrange an agreeable plan to have them escape into the night together. He just needed to see her again, tell her a few short words in person.
And he smirked knowing exactly who to call.
He was a young man based on honor and loyalty but couldn’t resist a good challenge, no matter how small.
As well as the thought of golden treasure hidden behind locked doors in the castle of Midas.
With that he found his one handed friend leaning against a barrel of beer at the marketplace. He seemed like he just finished buying some fruit and ready to head back to his ship.
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Jeremy, also known as Hook, turned around to sound of the accent being the one to belong to his friend. He raised a eyebrow smiling softly, “Yes, Nicholas? What is it that you want?”
“Why do you assume I want something?” Nikolai reply with a matching smile.
“The way your captain’s hat is tiled and your suit is fitted for a dueling requirement for today. You know I’m open to hearing what it is.”
“That’s why your my friend. I want to do something tonight but I need your help.”
“I’m listening.”
“I need safe passage on your ship to do so.”
He snorted, “Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas! Why it is that we need my ship for this and not steal a carriage?”
“We need to go to the half side of the forest near the bay of the Kingdom.” He added half smirking.
“And what for? Don’t tell me it’s for another girl now?”
Nikolai was silent and smirked sheepishly with a wink. Jeremy snorted loudly and nodded, “Of course it is. What’s this lovely lady have to offer?”
He explained glancing around as he did, “She doesn’t know I’ll be coming. And we not being to any home but Midas’s castle.”
That seemed to catch Jeremy’s attention as the brightest grin filled his face. He always wanted to sneak into Midas’s castle to steal from treasure from the bottom of the home and never found a reasonable time to do so, until now. The blonde nodded leading him onto his ship as they chatted, deciding where they would get in and then get out.
Better yet, getting some drinks and food once the trip was over. In Nikolai’s eyes, his friend wasn’t just a pirate but a knight with a heart of gold.
At the castle, Amelia was wondering around in her brown dress as her fingers played with a tiara talking with Jemma who talked about her latest story riding the horses in the stables and going on a picnic with her love afterwards.
Jemma asked, “How was the last time for you with Fitz? He seemed stuffy..he told me that at the party he was more focused on bringing in new guests than dancing.”
“Ah yes. He was mainly having a headache wanting to head home instead as I tried to help him nurse the pain. I talked with other royals as he went to use the restroom.” She explained, “But he seemed more like he wanted to dance with you.”
“We did dance that night but his father hasn’t noticed anything yet.”
“I hope he does…”
“How about you? You seem to glow lately, what it is that is making you a bit lighter?”
“Let’s just say I met someone who makes me smile. I hope you meet him one day.”
Jemma grinned, “Ohh how darling! Is he a knight? A prince? A baker?”
The girl blushed in return, “No, yes, and no..he is a artist that’s much I will tell you.”
Both ladies giggled, walking past their chambers into the maid grounds to visit the staff of the castle and get something to eat. What they didn’t know is that King Shaw’s guardsmen were listening in on them every now and then to report back to their royal office, as one of them casually walked in on one of princess’s rooms to accidentally glance at a letter that seemed to be semi-finished…
A couple of hours past, Jeremy and Nikolai were on the ship having a round of views as they sailed the seas. Hook’s crew were friendly to the ex-prince turned bandit, ordering him rum and all types of snacks they brought of board, as their captain discussed his plans to enter the vault of riches underneath the castle without being seen or shot at, needing half of his crew to distract the guards meanwhile the other follow them to collect the treasure of diamonds and gold. Having at least two of his crewmen follow Nikolai up the stairs and across the front tower head for he can see his lovely lady and possibly get any insight needed on the royals.
Hook’s crew followed suit with the plan, some knowing that their captain tend to have a mind of his own possibly stealing more than jewelry on the way out of the home. Once they arrived at the castle, Jeremy step foot inside with his crews behind him knocking out any guardsmen around, he had to use his swords to wack a few leaving a scar on a face or two. He shrugged.
Running down the halls and across the stairwell to the bottom of the castle, Hook and his men sensed it far and well, a room filled with riches of many. It was locked but Jeremy used his sword to slice the first handle and cracking open the combination to the second look with his hook, swinging some guards on his way in.
As he stepped into the room, he placed his sword back in the handle glancing over a fallen knight and rolled his eyes. He scoffed, “If you were my men, I would’ve never made you down so easily. But I would say, your men did put up an impressive swing, for royals..I guess.”
Mr. Smee, his former right hand, called him off as one of crewmen, LightFoot, found the set of riches they were looking for. To say Jeremy’s jaw dropped was an understatement.
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He had seen plenty of times riches, potions, jewels and items of many. But the moment he kneeled down to run his fingers across it, he knew this was all very breathtaking. King Midas was known in tales for turning anything and everything into golden suns, stealing and sometimes sharing his own foundation with others as rare as it may seem, he did.
“My gods…” He muttered, never wanting to leave the place in order to bring it all home but he knew he had to be fair. He can’t take it all in one sitting and thinking possibly striking a little deal with the king sooner or later, but not tonight.
Jeremy stood up opening his sack as he piled in as much as he can could, ordering his men to do the same. As Hook was scanning the room, even finding a sword on the wall to take, he noticed a small pile of golden coins and yellow diamonds likes the ones he past earlier on his way in. However rounding the inner layers of diamonds stood a oceanic blue one, more than one, that called his name. Picking it up, Jeremy noticed two out of six large diamonds were engraved in rings.
He smirked, “He will love this..”
The ring was grand yet elegant and perfectly fine for a gift, a promise ring one might say. Mr. Smee noticed his Captain face and nodded liking the thought of him being pleased with himself especially after finding a satisfying reward such as a ring.
To say Nikolai was grateful for his company tonight to the castle was unbelievable thing but he was. He was lucky enough to be accompanied by theses men in moments like this. As he made his way through the whole deeply him halls, he swung his sword in his hand and use his shadows to guide him through the staircase. He had thwe two men walk his six from the narrow ends.
In his pocket, he held a small handful of daisies as he made his own way between the columns in the deep deadly silence. He bit the bottom of his lip, entering the tower head of the castle ready to make a left turn to find his lady when two knight stopped them, he was able to take them down as a 3rd ordered him to follow him to a decorative room filled with trinkets, tables, a warm fire and the king.
He expected for it to be Midas but it was Shaw. He was confused asking where was Midas’s chambers as Shaw said he was out on leave for the next couple of nights with his son and will return in the morning, he was requested to watch over the castle while he was gone. Nikolai asked what exactly he wanted with him, lying about just here to see a friend.
“Enough. I know everything.” King Shaw said holding up a letter in his handwriting with a small doodle in the corner, “You’re clever to not use your own name, I had to do some digging to find a match. You poisoned her heart and now her marriage, because your pathetic behavior towards one another. I’ll have you know love is disease and like all diseases, it can be released from the body in one of two ways.”
Nikolai was silent wanting to hold his tongue but spoke up, “Sir. Love is not a disease or any kind, people don’t want to accept that it’s—”
“Foolish boy, it is. Only two ways to stop it, a cure or death. Do you know where your beloved is right now? She is right now that hall wishfully unpacking away her things for official stay, for a new life with her husband.”
“She will never know I’m here…”
“Oh yes she will because you’re gonna walk down that hall and crush her stupid little heart.”
“You hate your daughter that much?”
“She’s not my daughter. Never was, if she were, she’ll know when to listen and stay shut!”
“You’re gonna sneak in and tell her that you received her letters. Tell her why your here. Because you don’t love her, never did. Never will.”
“…it was break her heart in two…what if I don’t? You’ll kill me?”
“Oh no. Then I’ll turn you over to your brother for that precious reward for your capture. It’s will save both of you the trouble, if you just tell her the truth. It will cure all of this.”
“And if you kill me?…that will only make her love me more and run away from her wedding day, leaving you with no choice but to go after her head as she tries to bring me back to life..but if you have her killed by accident, Midas would break your deal for those riches..”
“Ah, you are smart. No wonder you are so badly wanted for your crimes against the prince. Now go.”
The room was pretty quiet. Dark, as the only shining down was the ones coming from the moon and light setting stars stirring in the night. The Princess Snow was holding up her favorite brown skirt from her bags smiling to herself. She looked over her shoulder hearing the door crack open, expecting it to be one of knights or Jemma coming to feed her mind with her latest book of discoveries. But to her surprise, it was Nicholas—Nikolai who stepped in shutting the door behind him with a soft smile on his face walking over to her.
She blinked in disbelief letting out a breathless sigh, “Nicholas…”
“Amara..” He replies with a nod still smiling softly, “.. I uh, I got your letters and I came to see you. Surprise.”
“It is a surprise. H-how did you get in?”
“I have my tricks.”
She walked over pulling herself closer, gently placing a hand on his cheek as he placed both hands on her hips in a almost tight manner not wanting to let go soon but he must.
“You came! Y-you came to see me.” She said about to lean in to press a kiss to his cheek but he stopped her.
“Wait, Snow.” He said as one hand slipped to hold her wrist, “Us. It can’t happen. I can’t be with you.”
“W-what? No..it can happen. All our talks and sneaking off to see one another shows that we can work..I know it will be tough and might cost—”
“I won’t be the one to cost you, your happiness. I am a prince and your just some farm girl, it can never work out.”
“Yes it can. You came all this way to see me, it was for a reason..I love you and now that I know you love me to—”
His face fell to a neutral yet serious face, no emotion written as he cut her off again with no smile, “I don’t.”
“Wha..” She replies with tears pooling a small shower within her eyes.
“I don’t love you. I come from a family of lies, I was only playing cards here. I will never be in your heart , Amelia, that’s too cruel of fate.”
“B-but..no. Nikolai please..”
“Go live your life. With me, because I’m not in it.”
“Y-yes yo-you are…we were gonna..we were gonna..”
“Gonna what? Live happily ever after like in the fantasy your heart made up? I’m sorry, love. It won’t be true. Fill your heart with love for someone else, someone who can love you the way I never have…and never will.”
Before she can say anything else to his face, he removed her hand from his cheek and the other from her waist walking out of the room stone cold. She was left there holding herself whimpering as light sobs came into the air of the room, sitting down on her bed unable to breathe nor believe what she heard. As Nikolai walked out shutting the door behind him, he can hear the crying noise along with her voice as he fought his body to rush in and comfort her, and just gave a nod to King Shaw…
He kept his face netural on, gripping his sword tightly as his eyes water and a sense of anger filled his shoulders wanting to release it somehow. He wasn’t one to feel this way unless it was personal and this, it felt personal.
He walked out of the castle walls, allowing the tears to finally fall as he took one last glance at the castle, tower head where he left a crying Amelia. He wanted his numb himself of this pain and needed to do it quick.
The crewmen follows him out and onto the harbor where Captain Hook stood there grinning at the jewelry in hand about to ask how did it go with his lady but paused seeing the booking look of regret and pain on his face.
He knew that look all too well himself as he placed hand on his shoulder and said, “My friend, it will be alright. You need a drink.”
“No, i don’t need a drink. I need food, and a lot of it..and a tree to stab with my sword..” Nicholas replied with a light glare looking down at his grip.
“We can go down swinging later, drinks and food now. You need it, we all do.”
“Okay..yeah, I..I do think I need to take a breather for a moment.”
Jeremy smiled hearing that, clasped his shoulder letting his friend rest his head there knowing the pain of heartbreak himself. I wished he got an answer to what might’ve led him to feel this way too but knowing his past and the crossroads that they both faced, he can already pictured he was forced into a room of decision making. He knew that drinks and food of any kind would satisfy their stomachs tonight, later they can duel it out in the woods to release whatever bowling emotions within.
Nikolai followed him, entering the town’s deep well kept bar passing the men and women inside to themselves a booth, a couple of Hook’s crew members stepped in to have a round themselves. That night beers, chicken legs and singing was done in that bar at full volume. It numbed the rubbing sadness against his chest, he lied to her face saying that he didn’t love her, but the truth is…
…he did. He doesn’t know when or how but he will find a way to get her back, even if he has to wait for it. But for now, he sat and drank his feelings away like the honorary pirate that he is. Jeremy brought the first couple of rounds talking about his nicely designed ring he took from that treasure room he will give to Cole when the timing is right as Nikolai chuckled softly. He knew what they were doing.
Meanwhile Amara Snow—Amelia stood in front of her full body mirror whipping away tears that kept coming. She wanted to stop the thoughts that came across her mind but the words were so recent in his mind like cutting a freshly squeezed orange. She sipping the glass of water in her nightstand as it felt like a small headache was coming on. Yes the words were said but there was an uncertainty laced over his body language even though his face coney something completely different.
There was this bit in the bottom of her stomach, a swirling dizziness and foggy touch to it all just didn’t even bother to get her a warning. It hurts, the harshest of his tongue and the face he gave her was serious, numbness filled with a slight hint of glassy eyes, as if he wanted to tell her something else to this speech. She thought it was his brother then she into the hallways to find Shaw speaking softly with his guards, she sighed as it clicked. He said something that changed his mind..
And she basically seemed like she lost him. But a strong part of her wants to rush out and find him, reason with the man she claimed to love. But she had a wedding to attend. Her own little wedding with no say to even what type of dress she could wear, but she doesn’t know if she sneak off into the woods or worse, find a way to suck it up and go ahead with the plan.
Either way, she will probably enter up sniffling a tear.
So here it is! I had this conversation in my head for a while and had to make the fic sooner or later. What do you guys think?
Yes, in my head Jeremy & Nikolai have a small bromance and it’s called ‘CaptainCharming’!
Remember to like, share and comment with your thoughts
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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treatian · 10 days
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Domestic Battles
Chapter 50: On the Outside Looking In
"Emma is on her way," David explained to Belle. "She was just down the street with Mary Margaret and Neal when I called her. Hey, Henry, that's...a different look...!"
Emma was on the way. David was already here. Belle and Henry were safe even though he still felt the Queen's Ice Magic over in the library. Only moments later, when Emma turned up and brought Hook and Elsa with her, did it leave him convinced that he'd mistaken the Snow Queen for her niece. A mistake he couldn't afford to make if Ingrid was going to have absolutely no sense of respect for a deal they had in place.
"Last I checked, my permits stated this was a place of business, not a meeting house."
"It's okay, we're gonna go get her and get out of your hair," Emma declared.
"You know what you have to do?" David asked her.
"Yeah, I got this…" she stated, holding the candle in her hands but sounding utterly unconvinced. It made him grit his teeth in frustration. If it was him, he'd have this done by now.
"Just remember," Belle impressed upon Emma, "you have to believe in yourself. That's the key."
Emma nodded as her heart beat out a nervous rhythm that told him she didn't exactly "believe" as Belle suggested. "All right, let's go catch an Ice Queen."
He rolled his eyes as Emma, her parents, and Hook left the shop and headed for the library. "Just believe in yourself" was the key not just to the Elemental Candles but to magic in its simplest form. The first step in making all magic work was to simply believe that you had the power to make it happen. That was how it had always been, which was why he was always so great at it. Coward as he'd been, confidence had always come easily to him, with magic at least.
But Emma was not him. And while the Savior had a tendency to exude confidence it was not something that was present in every aspect of her life. She was confident she could tell truth from fiction, confident she could locate people on the run, confident she could keep the pirate barbarian in check, but when it came to magic…he could still see her shaking in her boots.
She lacked confidence in every way where magic was concerned. Power she might have had, but believing that she could do it…that would be her downfall.
Which was why he wasn't shocked that Belle seemed nervous as the four of them marched into the library with a candle as her only defense. Belle might believe in people, but she read them well enough to know that Emma's ability to believe in herself and properly control her magic was lacking.
With an arm protectively around Henry, the pair of them watched an empty street and an unchanging building. He stayed behind the counter and watched them, mainly to make sure he didn't need to intervene if the Snow Queen got any ideas about coming to find his wife outside of the library, but also because he was curious about what would happen.
An Elemental with moderate control over her water element matched against a Savior who was easily more powerful but lacked the confidence and control to properly use the tool she'd been given. Hell, if Belle and Henry weren't standing right there, he'd have been trying to conjure the image through a window to watch the spectacle himself!
"There!" Henry pointed out suddenly. "They're coming out! They've…they've got her! Look, Mom's got her! The woman in white! That has to be her! Is it her?"
"That's her…" Belle mumbled next to Henry.
And indeed it was. The magic that left the library the second she was gone told him it could be no one besides Ingrid. No trick, no illusion. It was fast, too. Almost too fast. They'd been over there for no more than five minutes, at least two of which they would have needed for the elevator. And Ingrid…she'd actually allowed Emma to put handcuffs on her! David ran down the street and pulled the yellow bug closer to the curb, but before they set the Ice Queen in the backseat, he could see those cuffs on her wrist clear as day, glittering right along with the rest of her wardrobe. The effects of the candle shouldn't be so strong that they would overpower her now, so the only conclusion was that she had allowed herself to be captured. She'd wanted it. But why? What was her game?
And why were the others standing in front of the library, casting nervous glances up to the clocktower, chatting instead of doing something about the assumed menace they'd just captured? Something didn't feel right.
"I uh…I think the fun's over. You better get back to your chores," Belle announced as Emma suddenly got in the car and drove away. David was on his way back to the shop, but Hook…Hook stayed right by those library doors as if he was standing sentry. A poor choice of guard, in his opinion, but he was more curious about what he felt he needed to guard to care.
"Work, not chores," Henry corrected, turning his attention back to the shop.
Belle suddenly joined him behind the counter, where he'd watched the perplexing scene unfold. "I'll call you if I learn something," she promised before kissing him quickly and leaving the shop to intercept David. Henry went right back to work, but he didn't. He couldn't. There was something more happening right before his eyes, and he could feel it in every magical bone in his body. The way that Belle and David stood there talking to each other, the way David kept glancing around the street to make sure no one was listening, even the way that Hook kept casting wayward glances up the length of the library. He didn't like it.
Nor did he like the way that, after a quick briefing, David and Belle walked across the street and back into the library with Hook.
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cosette141 · 2 years
Don't Let Go (Because I Can't Hold it Back Anymore) | OUAT fanfic
Because I apparently never put this fic on tumblr
Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Captain Swan Author: cosette141 Words: 26k Summary: (canon divergence for s4 episode "White Out") Rather than Emma and Elsa trapped in the ice cave, Emma is trapped with Killian. They have to keep warm and stay awake as they fight the frigid cold, or their first quiet moment together may very well be their last. h/c CS (CSSS 2021 gift for jrob64!)
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Chapter One
Killian followed the ice wall, thankful that his heavycoat was keeping out most of the chill of the night.
After receiving Emma's… what do they call it? Talking call? He'd done as she asked, scoping out the mysterious wall that erected overnight. It was far too high and too icy to climb over, and the cold alone was enough to keep Killian from standing too close to it as he walked its length toward the town line where Emma said she and her father would be waiting.
He heard them before he saw them, and he couldn't help the little tilt of his lips when he heard the sound of her voice.
Stepping out from the trees, Killian saw her standing with her father, both of whom were regarding the ice wall.
"In case you were wondering," said Killian, gaining their attention, "it goes the whole way around."
Both of them looked over as he stepped out from the forest, a comfortable, perhaps slightly smug, smile on his face. He saw something flicker in Emma's eyes when she saw him, and he liked to think it was some brief contentment in his company.
Yet, the look on David's face was anything but.
It seemed like Killian had managed to do something to irritate the prince before even having arrived.
"Hook," said David, and Killian heard that irritation color his words thickly. "I didn't know you would be joining us."
Truthfully, Killian himself was less than pleased when Emma told him to meet her and her father, so he understood the feeling.
Because Killian had built quite the residence on David's nerves, he allowed his smugness to grow. "I get a distressed call from a fair maiden," he said with a flick of his eyes to Emma, seeing her brow raise in an unimpressed look the way he knew it would, "and I'm on the spot."
"I was not distressed," said Emma with a slight roll of her eyes. "And you're saying, what, this wall goes around the whole town?"
"That it does."
"So, once again," said David, "we can't leave Storybrooke."
"Doing more than keeping us inside, by the looks of it," said Killian, eyeing the wall distrustfully. It didn't look as if it were made from do-gooding fairies or any of the snuggly sort. Killian's gaze followed the ice and snow until he saw the large, crumpled metal structure lying in a heap on the ground, surrounded by tangled coils of black cords and broken glass. From what he's gleaned from this town, he's seen them spark what Emma coined electricity. "I guess that's what caused the loss of power?" He asked, looking to Emma for confirmation.
If he wasn't mistaken, her brows rose with surprise. "When did you become a twenty-first century man?" Killian did his best not to let onto the fact that impressing her pleased him. "Yeah," Emma went on. "It looks to me like whoever was putting up the wall wasn't trying to take out the lights, they were just… putting up the wall." That smile of hers faded, once again her attention taken by the endless strings of danger that seemed to follow her.
Her father's gaze followed hers. "To keep us in," he agreed. "Why?"
"Kill us all, one by one." Killian smiled goodnaturedly, even when both of them gave him looks. He shrugged. "It's what I'd do."
What I used to do.
For he wasn't that man anymore.
And the woman not a yard away from him was why.
Some garbled voice laced with static sounded from the driving vessel, and David turned back to go check it.
Killian stepped into the space David had once stood in, finding himself next to Emma. The indescribable urge to touch her, to kiss her welled in his entire being, but he attempted to keep it at bay.
Only days ago, they'd gotten back from their trip to the past.
Only days ago, he'd finally given up his secret to Emma—how he got to her. Trading his ship–his beloved ship–for the magic bean that would take him back to her realm.
And only days ago, Emma had kissed him.
Given into what Killian could only hope—only dream—she'd been fighting for as long as he had.
It was the second time they kissed, yet it was nothing like the first.
The first was desperate and fueled by passion and doomed to be what Emma had firmly said: a one-time thing.
But the second…
She'd proven herself wrong, and she'd kissed him again. Made the choice herself, for Killian knew by now, Emma was equal to that of a frightened animal when it came to anything emotional. He had to let her lead this all the way through. He was a patient man. And more than that…
She was worth it.
That recent kiss…
Killian could still taste her.
It was something soft and sweet and so unlike the persona that Emma puts out, this armor she wears. For as tough as she likes to be perceived, Emma is one of the most innocent souls he's ever met, and also one of the most damaged. And how anyone could damage someone as pure as Emma…
One day, he might ask her for some names, and decide to teach a few people a very painful lesson.
But the other day, their moment wasn't rushed.
It wasn't desperate.
She'd kissed him, and he'd felt himself melt.
Everything he's waited for.
All that time, after all of her attempts to push him away, he'd truly wondered if he was chasing after someone who simply would never want him in return.
She'd disappeared after they'd gotten back from the past, and he'd thought perhaps he misread it all. Even the moments trapped in the past… he could still feel her against his chest, could still feel her crumble into his embrace in a way that suggested she trusted him, in a way he might have fooled himself into thinking she needed him, even for just a moment.
He'd sat outside the diner that night while she and her family celebrated the baby, alone with his thoughts and rum, facing the terrifying thought of what if she doesn't want him? What the bloody hell was he to do then? He'd never call the time he spent chasing her, the things he'd done for her, the times he'd saved her as wasted time. To him, it was a dream, a gift, a privilege that he played any part in her life.
But the idea that she could want him back, that he could have her without having to chase her, without having to fight her walls every step of the way…
It was something he wanted so badly it hurt.
But that night, when that diner door opened, when she'd come outside with a gaze that was looking specifically for him….
His hope had flared, a dying firelight flickering in a windstorm.
"How did you do it? How did you get to me?"
He'd never intended to tell her.
The idea of telling her felt as vulnerably naked as when he'd been forced to reveal the depth of his feelings for her in the Echo Cave. When he knew that even if she'd felt an attraction for him, even if she felt something, it was too soon. No matter what feelings she might have had, she'd fight it to the bloody death before admitting it, especially to herself.
And this, this secret, how he'd gotten to her… it felt just as… revealing, if not so much more.
He'd, more than once, told her how much his ship meant to him.
His ship, for so many years, had been his one and only love, and ever since he and Liam had commandeered the Jewel and since she'd become the Jolly, had been his home.
Killian took a moment to look at Emma, even when her attention was drawn to the ice wall.
Home was no longer a place to him.
He felt something tug at his lips, looking at the only home he'll ever need for the rest of his days.
He'd been so afraid to tell her such a thing—for he already knew with a painful certainty that he was in love with this woman, far deeper even than Milah, which he once would have never, ever believed could be possible, and only recently admitted to himself—and it almost felt as if telling Emma how he managed to get to her realm was saying those three words all the same.
And after all the times she's pushed him away…
"How about you try cursing the lips of someone I'll actually kiss."
He knew she had been scared.
He knew that Emma knew admitting to Zelena that she felt anything for him was a dangerous move.
And Killian knew Emma didn't mean it.
But it didn't mean it didn't hurt.
And it also didn't mean it didn't make him worry that there was truth in those words.
If he told her what happened to his ship…
If he told her what he gave up for her…
If he told her before she was ready to accept her own feelings for him, if he told her before she even had any…
He was terrified it would scare her away for good.
He was bloody terrified that a rejection from her at this point would be a break his weathered heart finally couldn't take.
But that night outside the diner, that look in her eyes…
Something had changed, after they'd gone back in time.
He'd felt it, he knew it was finally mutual, and that look in her eyes as she waited for his response…
She was ready.
He could see it.
He could feel it.
She might still be as hesitant as a fawn alone in the woods, but…
She wanted it.
And that kiss…
Her choice…
That night was proof that his doubts were wrong.
It was proof that she did want him.
And what he felt from her in that glorious moment, a moment that he re-lived from the moment she'd left him that night to every moment since…
He finally had the answer to the terrifying question he's had since Neverland.
She wanted him.
He knew she did.
But right here, standing next to her amidst the newest town dilemma, he could see it in her face.
Her walls were as solid and imposing as the ice wall in question.
And now that he knew she wanted it, knew that she was only scared…
He was determined to take those walls down completely.
Unravel her, and heal as much of the damage that had been done to her in her life.
"Be patient."
He was a patient man.
But he had a feeling that Emma would only keep running if someone wasn't there to stop her.
"I ran. It's just what I did."
He'd follow her anywhere, but he was ready to not have to chase her.
So, gently, Killian took a breath, and attempted to try to hack at her walls, and reveal the Emma he knew and loved inside.
He treaded carefully, saying lightly, "Oh! I should have brought the champagne."
His abrupt change in subject grabbed her attention, and she looked at him like he was mental. "What?"
"To celebrate our second date," he said smoothly. "And… because we've got the world's largest ice bucket," he added, gesturing to the wall.
"Second date?" she asked, and he felt himself smile wider because she was playing along. "Did I miss the first?"
"Aye," he said. "Snow monster's the first, ice wall's the second." And treading even more carefully, yet rising to those imposing walls of hers, he said, "After all, if I only count the quiet dinners, we wouldn't even get one."
It was a push, he knew it, but he had quite the idea that Emma wasn't planning on making any move herself. It was a slightly firmer push than the more gentle ones he's made since that glorious moment, allowing her to avoid him, allowing her to take her own time.
But Killian knew it was only her fear, those damn walls keeping her from truly being with him.
A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets.
He was ready to fight those walls of hers with everything he had, one scratch a time.
Killian watched her carefully as she looked away from him, shifting her stance like she was unsure, but then in pure Emma-fashion, her eyes caught hold of a distraction. And just like that, he and his attempts were forgotten with her whisper of, "Hang on, I think I see something behind the wall."
Killian let out a breath, hanging his head a little in defeat.
"Wait here with the ice bucket while I check that out," murmured Emma, still not looking at him, her full attention drawn to the supposed danger.
Emma started toward the wall, and Killian tried to think of another way to approach the subject in a way that wouldn't scare her off when David returned, stopping to stand beside him. "I think it's time you and I have a little chat about your intentions with my daughter."
Killian's brow rose. The tone of his voice suggested this was a long-time coming. Though at least now he understood the irritation from earlier.
Not exactly in the mood, because it seemed it would be years before anything even remotely happened with his daughter, Killian couldn't exactly hide the edge to his voice. "That's a little old fashioned, even by my standards," he muttered. "And I still pay with doubloons."
David swung the flashlight beam around, as if his full attention wasn't on his attempt to intimidate Killian, which was quite impossible. "Remember," said David, "I know your reputation. Emma's not some conquest."
Killian's brow hitched even higher at that, because did he honestly think that's what this was about? David has seen the amount of times Killian has risked his life for Emma, from Neverland to the Wicked Witch, to their trip to the past, where David had physically witnessed the lengths Killian would go for her. Killian would not have given up his revenge and traded his damn ship simply for a good time with a beautiful woman.
Feeling his own frustrated heat, he said firmly, "I wouldn't risk my life for someone I see as loot." David said nothing, and Killian went on, just as firmly, "Whatever we become, it's up to her as much as me." Killian kept his gaze firmly on David until the prince finally turned to look him in the face. Killian held his gaze, and when the prince was still silent, lifted his brow as if to dare David to contest the truth in his words.
David held his gaze, looking the slightest bit surprised at the amount of emotion in Killian's eyes. Perhaps David was only trying to make up for lost time as a father, perhaps it was just his way of trying to protect her when she was already all grown up, but the insinuation that Killian would use Emma was something that disgusted him. And after all this time, for David to even suggest it…
Hadn't he done enough to prove the lengths to which he'd go for Emma?
It seemed, unfortunately, that it was a constant battle to prove himself to both Emma and her family, no matter what he did.
David gave a little nod, but there was still a question in his eyes. Small, faint, but there.
Killian let out a breath.
He'd just have to prove himself.
But if he was being honest with himself, the life he led and the man they had met so long ago certainly warranted such distrust.
But he was really, really ready to be free of that curse.
Whether he brought it on himself or not.
Both Killian and David looked over at the sound of Emma's quiet, startled voice.
They could faintly make out the conversation she seemed to have with someone else as both men rushed toward the wall. Was someone trapped in it?
"My sister. I need to find her."
It was another woman's voice.
And with it, a flurry of snow began to fly around the wall.
Killian exchanged a look with David as they ran.
Killian covered his face as the snow picked up with speed and power, making it hard to see and the temperature drop even lower. But Killian could see blond hair fly just beyond the few icy stalagmites Emma had climbed through.
Sudden fear seized Killian's chest, realizing that whomever Emma was speaking to must have created this wall, for they were also creating the sudden snowstorm.
Killian exchanged another fearful glance with the prince who seemed to put two and two together just as he did, and David deftly drew his projectile weapon, aiming it toward the figure of the unfamiliar woman.
Emma was still beside her, and Killian could see her now, the fear in her eyes, hair flying wildly, but her hands were out toward himself and her father in a placating gesture. "No," said Emma quickly. "No, it's okay, you don't have to—"
The figure of the woman backed away even as the storm picked up around them, as if the magical ice witch was completely unaffected by the buffeting wind that made Emma, Killian and her father cover their faces from the icy wind.
But it was when the ground shook, the distinct sound of a crash and Emma's scream that Killian's eyes snapped open, panic like a dagger to his chest.
Something struck her, and she fell to the ground.
"Emma!" cried both Killian and David.
Killian watched in horror as ice fell from the wall, cascading down—
It was going to crush her.
Killian ran before he could think.
He dove through the structure, hearing the prince's yell behind him but he didn't stop.
He reached Emma, covering her body with his just as the ice struck them both.
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jackiestarsister · 8 months
OUAT fanfic: "Requiem"
My latest update of "A Time for Everything" depicts Hook's thoughts during and in between Episodes 3x15 and 3x16.
Explored in this chapter: Who arranges funerals in Storybrooke, where no one aged for 28 years? How did Hook learn about the stages of grief? What did people talk about at Neal's funeral?
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50711170/chapters/134555035
Read on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14287129/13/A-Time-for-Everything
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crowpickingss · 1 month
Charmingly Scary
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hook x charming x gn! reader
summary: you life with hook and charming
warnings: none
a/n: one of my favourite ships (behind hook x morgie nothing could beat them)
If you had told your past self you would’ve ended up with the biggest royal and biggest villain at Merlin Academy you would’ve laughed in your own face. But still that’s how it was.
You, charming and hook the perfect blend of sweet, charismatic and utterly terrifying. They acted as your protectors they were very overprotective sometimes often guarding you from really anyone.
When a couple made up of a royal and a villain approached you begging you to be in their throuple they came running around the corner and scared them off. After that they didn’t leave your side.
If you were feeling down charming would skip class to join hook in comforting you. One time you got locked in your dorm causing you to skip your daily ritual of meeting them at their dorms
Hook first noticed you were missing he went to charming who also noticed you were missing. They immediately started searching. They eventually found themselves at your dorm hook kicked the door to open it.
They cared a lot for you each of them bringing different things to the relationship. You loved them both equally and teh school dubbed you the sweetest throuple which let’s be honest is a very fitting title.
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nveland · 30 days
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➵ “ life is sweeter when you are ”
Hi! The name’s Darling, I’m a reader / writer and I go by the pronouns She/Her. Please take note that I will not be writing nor accepting any NSFW / smut requests, as I am not comfortable with writing those types of content.
Oneshots & Drabbles
Mini Series
I generally write content that is fluff, angst, etc. I'm also open to different kinds of tropes and I usually only write fem / gn readers, and ships involving characters that I ship.
Keep in mind that I will not tolerate any form of hate or harassment, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.
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➵ James Hook
Little Treasure | J. Hook (Coming Soon)
Genre: Fluff & Romance
➵ Red of Hearts
➵ Chloe Charming
➵ StolenHearts (Hook and Bridget)
Sweet Nothing | J. Hook x B. Hearts (Coming Soon)
Genre: Fluff & Romance
➵ GlassHeart (Red and Chloe)
The Words I’ll Never Say | C. Charming x R. Hearts (Coming Soon)
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rainingfishandfrogs · 11 months
Home Chapter 5
Henry walked along the shoreline, lost in thought and memories. He wasn’t sure how to feel about any of this. Any of the last seven weeks. He thought back to the discussion he and the pirate had in Camelot, about building a future for Emma.
About the house, and about what that future would look like for them and their friendship. He hadn’t gotten a chance to know his own father much before he lost him and David and Robin tried and of course were there, but the two men had other children to look after and raise. Killian didn’t have those other responsibilities - Emma and Henry were his first priorities.
The thirteen year old wasn’t ready to fully admit it, even to himself, but he knew deep down what he started to think of Hook as. It made him feel all mixed up - he had so many conflicting feelings and wasn’t sure how to handle them all.
Henry missed Hook a lot, and was angry at him and still hurt but was also happy to be down here to get him back, but he also hated him a little for even dying on them in the first place and sad that getting rid of The Darkness had resorted to this and…
Henry signed and picked up a flat rock to skip. Hook taught him how and it made him miss him more and feel more angry and…he threw another stone. This one didn’t skip, just landed into the water with a deep plunk.
He groaned and found another. This time, he was able to make it skip and that made a small smile appear on his face. He could never beat Hook’s record - the man could always get out five or six skips. Henry was often lucky if he got two. He picked up another and then another and more after that.
The more stones he threw, the calmer he felt and the more his mind settled. After some minutes failing and succeeding in getting the stones to skip, he continued down the beach, picking up this shell and that shell. He sighed again and sat down on a bit of driftwood - he wasn’t going to question where it came from. 
Turning a large shell over in his hand, Henry thought back to the last time he spoke to Hook, the last time he saw him alive.
The library was a bust, nothing in these books were giving them any clue as to what Emma was planning. Henry dropped his head onto the table and let out a loud “Uuuggghhh.”
He felt a hand on his back, trying to soothe in short passes - up and down, up and down. He and Belle were the only ones here today. The rest of the family didn’t want him there when they confronted Emma.
“I don’t need a babysitter! She’s my mother, let me talk to her! Let me try!” He’d argued.
But Regina and his grandparents had been firm.
“You don’t need to see this, Henry,” his mom had argued back, “And we…we don’t know what kind of state she’ll be in. I won’t risk your safety.”
He’d argued for a long time, but eventually Belle stepped in and told him that she would need help with the research and Henry had no choice but to relent. Now he’s wishing he’d kept arguing.
He was just picking his head up when the library door swung open with a BANG! Both Belle and Henry jumped at the noise and quickly turned at the intrusion. It was Hook, but he…he seemed different, somehow. More…something. And less…something…
But Henry didn’t have time to wonder about that! He stood and raced to the man, “Did you find her - did you find Mom?!”
“Mm,” Hook said, barely acknowledging him; his focus was entirely on Belle. “I need your help, Lass. For Emma.”
Henry felt Belle sidle up next to him, he could feel how tense she was. Hook was still ignoring him and his face was stone. Whatever happened between him and his mom, it definitely wasn’t good.
“What do you need, Killian?” she asked slowly, cautiously, “What happened?”
“Hook--” Henry started, but was cut off.
“Nothing concerning, I just need you to come with me. I’ve something to discuss with your husband and it would make it easier if you were there…to--mediate.”
Henry’s brow furrowed at the odd request. Hook hated Grandpa! What on Earth would he need to talk to him about? He felt the tension rise as he watched Belle watch Hook. Something weird was going on.
“I’ll not ask again, Lass” Hook said, voice deep and rough and--honestly--a little scary, “You will come with me to assist.”
It happened so fast. Henry just barely caught Hook lifting his hand and only had a split second to think before he grabbed onto Belle’s sleeve so they couldn’t leave him behind.
Teleportation is weird and honestly unpleasant. It leaves you with a swooping feeling in your stomach and a strange smell in your noise and a light headache from the sudden whirl of air and space-time. Henry used to think it was the coolest thing. Fantasy novels were liars…
Also, the landing sucks.
Henry rubbed his head as he picked himself up off the floor of his grandpa’s shop.
“Ow…” he muttered.
“Henry!” Belle dropped to her knees next to him, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” he winced out, letting his grandmother help him stand. He looked around for Hook, and frowned when he saw him. He was off to the side, leaning nonchalantly against one of the glass displays, playing with his so-called moniker. Henry couldn’t tell if he was deliberately blocking the door or not, but that didn’t matter. He had to try again. “Hook--gah!”
With a wave of fingers, Henry felt the magic seep into his throat. He gasped at the same time Belle did. Hook…he had magic--and he used it to silence him! Henry felt the sting of tears as he stared disbelievingly at his--at the pirate.
“Killian!” Belle rounded on him angrily, “What the hell is going on! How could you!”
“I think I can answer that,” Henry’s grandpa said, stepping out from the backroom. “Clearly, our Miss Swan saw fit to split The Darkness in two.”
The pirate smirked, still playing with his hook.
“Wait--Emma made you--a Dark One?” Belle asked haltingly. “Why-why would she do that?”
“The why’s of it don’t matter,” Hook said, turning to grin a Gold. “The only thing on my mind is what this magic can do.”
Henry watched, annoyed, as Gold rolled his eyes. Same, Grandpa! Same. He turned his glare at Hook, who--once again--was ignoring him.
“If revenge is what this is about,” Belle said, putting herself in front of Henry, “Why do you need me? I know you, Killian--you’re not going to kill me to get your revenge."
Hook didn’t take his eyes off Gold, and Henry didn’t take his glare off him. They didn’t have time for any of this! Emma needed their help! But Henry found he couldn’t move, too angry and betrayed to just leave.
Plus that would mean walking past Hook to get the door and he didn’t want to find out what his emotions would be if he did and Hook…just let him. Without a glance. Without an apology. Without any kind of acknowledgement.
No, he didn’t want to think about that at all.
“Like I said, Lass, I need you here to mediate. The Crocodile and I have unfinished business and the easiest way to get someone to do what you want is to have leverage.” His smirk widened into a crazed smile. “Isn’t that right, Rumpelstiltskin?”
There was an old cutlass resting on a shelf behind Hook, he snatched it up and sent it skidding across the wooden floor. Henry was forced back a little by Belle, as if the sword would nick them, but Henry knew--even now--that Hook would never let that happen.
Gold leaned forward on his cane, completed unamused, “What exactly is it you want? Belle’s right, you won’t kill her--even for leverage. And we both know, this sword can’t kill you. Why the theatics in the first place?”
“Ah, maybe that sword can’t kill me,” Hook magicked another into his hand, “But this one can!” He pointed the sword directly at Gold, “And all you have to do is take it from me. Besides, just because I won’t kill her, doesn’t mean she won’t be harmed.”
It all happened in an instant.
Belle was in front of him, shielding him with her body.
Then she was in front of Hook and was letting out a painful grunt.
“No!” he heard his grandpa call out, angry and terrified.
And before he knew it, Henry was watching as Hook ripped out her heart and squeezed…
“Stop it!”
...and he couldn’t make a single sound.
“Come to the lake, Dearie. Defeat me and she’ll get her heart back.”
Then they were gone and his voice returned.
Henry sniffed and wiped a few stray tears from his eyes; it wasn’t like he was ashamed to cry, he knew it didn’t make him weak.
It’s natural, Lad--it doesn’t make you any less of a man.
But he spent so long this past week crying and he was sick and tired of it. That got another small smile, like mothers like son. And speaking of mothers…Henry turned his gaze back toward the small cottage. It was several feet away now, but he could still just barely make it, and the small crowd that was his family, out against the backdrop of beach and forest.
It was getting late--or at least, it felt like it was getting late--and he really ought to turn back, but he didn’t want to. He knew that one look at his face and his family would be on him with annoying, but well-meaning inquiries about his mood. And he knew that, like back home when they asked those same questions, he wouldn’t know what to say.
But it looked like his mom was getting everyone agitated and Robin wasn’t doing a good job of talking her down. That meant she wanted to use magic for something, and it wasn’t anything his grandparents approved of.
He took one last look at the sea - quiet and waveless. It wasn’t right, Hook being someplace the ocean didn’t move. So with a clap to his knees, Henry stood and made his way back toward his family.
Emma braced herself for another swipe; when Liam said “pet” she was not expecting a giant freaking three headed dog! Would any of this fairytale shit ever not be weird?!
She dove to the side, the beast’s claws just barely missing her, and rolled in a move Killian taught her. Liam wasn’t faring much better. Between the teeth, the claws, and the freaking tail, it was a miracle neither had gotten severely hurt yet, let alone killed.
“We can’t just keep dodging!” Emma yelled to him.
“And what--” Liam jumped out of the way of another paw swipe “--do you suggest” -- he dropped low -- “we do?!”
Emma looked down at her hands; she hadn’t used magic since she was freed from The Darkness a week ago and she honestly wasn’t sure she could use it now. But they couldn’t keep dodging forever, they had to go on the offensive.
“I,” she started, stopped and swallowed, then stronger, “I have magic. I could--I don’t know--summon a sword or something!”
Liam glared at her, “You have magic and decide to speak of it now!”
Emma glared back, “I haven’t used it in--”
“I don’t care, Your Highness--if you can conjure up weapons then do it!” He barked in a voice brimming with authority and impatience. The same voice her pirate used with them on the ship toward Neverland, and even with Arthur and Merlin in Camelot. A captain’s voice.
She kept glaring, but Emma also took a moment to look inside herself, to ask the questions, “What am I doing this for? Whom am I protecting?”
She felt the heaviness of a broadsword in one hand and the lighter weight of a cutlass in the other. She tossed Liam the saber.
“Much thanks,” he called back, sounding both genuinely thankful and annoyed by it. Whatever, they could work on the dislike later.
Emma readied her stance, just as her father showed her, and prepared to charge when a high, sharp whistle pierced the air. The dog (dogs?), just a second ago hovering with thick ropes of drool under glistening deadly teeth, vanished. Instead, Emma and Liam stared down at a…maybe cute? Three headed puppy.
“That is quite enough of that, don’t you think? Can’t have you hurt my dog.”
They turned in unison, both still tensed and posed for battle. A tall, pale man with black hair in even blacker robes stood behind them…with…was that popcorn?
“Um…” Emma said eloquently.
Liam instantly lowered his sword and gave a deep, respectful bow, “My Lord Hades, please forgive us--we apologize for the intrusion and--”
Hades--freaking Hades?!--waved a carefree hand, “No need to be so formal, Captain. It’s been quite a long time since you’ve made an appearance here. To what do I owe this millennium’s visit?”
“What…?” Emma whispered, but she was ignored.
“It is my brother, Milord.” Liam answered promptly, still not having risen from his bow, “He--well he’s recently died and--”
“Ah,” the Lord of the Dead interrupted, magicking away his popcorn (what the actual hell?!), “you’ve come to collect him.”
“Yes, Milord, if your mercy sees it so fit.”
“Mm, and who is this?” His piercing silver gaze made it to Emma. “Hoping to make another trade?”
“Excuse me!” Emma gasped, stepping back.
“No, Milord!,” Liam jumped in, finally looking up, “She is my brother’s love--here with me to bring him home. We would like to argue his case, if you would allow it.”
Hades stared at them a long time; cold, calculating, but not entirely unfriendly either. Emma felt a chill go through her and sweat that wasn’t actually there gather along her forehead. If he denied this, would that be it? Would there truly be no way to save Killian?
No! That wasn’t an option--he shouldn’t be down here! And Emma wasn’t leaving without him, she didn’t care whom she had to go through. Nothing and no-one would take Killian away from her again.
She watched, slightly unsettled, but still full of determination, as the Lord of the Underworld smiled and let out a soft, short chuckle.
“The former Dark One and the next Davy Jones--here to rescue the man who’s escaped my domain for the better part of two centuries? Sure, why not--my schedule’s free and I could use a laugh. Let’s hear that argument.”
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Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Prince Charming/ Killian Jones
Warning(s): None
Summary: Emma suspects something is going on with Killian and her father, but without any real proof she leaves it for the time being. Mary Margaret is hopeful that her husband will talk with her more about what has been making him act strange lately. David decides to tell his wife and daughter about his affair with the pirate, but his plans get pushed aside when Regina asks him for help.
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