hey-there-juliet · 2 years
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Here and now just happens to be it. — BY GABY DUNN.
↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day Seven: Go Rogue - anything goes @captaincanary-week
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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Welcome to Captain Canary Week 2021!
Hello, everyone! If you, like me, are still thinking about the future (and past, and present) these two might've had, then you've come to the right place!
The week long event will run from December 12th to December 18th. Each day will have two prompts, but you can pick just one or even use them both, it's up to you! More detailed information about the prompts will be released throughout November in separate posts.
All kinds of content are welcome! Feel free to make moodboards, drawings, edits, or even playlists, as well as share your metas and headcanons. They don't even have to necessarily match any of the prompts since the purpose of the event is to simply create more content for Captain Canary fans!
- Prompts:
▪︎December 12th, Day One: Deja Vu
Prompt I: Sara and/or Leonard's consciousness is thrown back in time and now they have a chance to change things.
Prompt II: Time Loop
▪︎December 13th, Day Two: Alternate Meetings
Prompt I: in canon alternate first meeting (examples: what if Sara was there when Barry recruited Len to help move the metas? What if Sara stopped at Saint and Sinners when she was in Central? Etc...)
Prompt II: "This isn't Bonnie and Clyde."
▪︎December 14th, Day Three: Crossover Season
Prompt I: Pick any crossover episode (even the ones that were just with the Flash and Arrow), and make it Captain Canary. Or create your own crossover.
Prompt II: "Legends never die."
▪︎December 15th, Day Four: Mission accomplished, now what?
Prompt I: Vandal Savage has been defeated and the Legends are back home. Now what?
Prompt II: Birthday
▪︎December 16th, Day Five: Canon Divergence
Prompt I: Teen!Sara, Teen!Mick and Teen!Leonard
Prompt II: "I don't believe in destiny."
▪︎December 17th, Day Six: CC Undercover
Prompt I: Christmas
Prompt II: "Quick, kiss me so we don't blow our cover!"
▪︎December 18th, Day Seven: Go Rogue
No prompts, anything goes!
- Guidelines:
• Use the tag #captaincanaryweek2021 (NO spaces) and tag @captaincanary-week in every post related to the event so I can reblog them all! I'll try to keep up with all the content, but I'm just one person: everything will be reblogged, just please have patience!
• Don't be afraid of screwing the timeline up for the better! If Barry can mess with the timeline, so can we!
• Please refrain from bashing characters and other ships.
• I know maybe some of these scenarios have already been done, but you have the opportunity to put your own spin on things. Besides, there can never be enough fics with the same themes, lol.
• Don’t worry if you get behind on prompts, this is supposed to be fun, not a race. You can still post things from other days, just try not to go ahead.
• You can start working on the prompts as soon as you want, but please don’t post anything until December 12th, since I’ll be checking the tag to reblog on that particular week.
• You can ask any questions or give suggestions here.
• There is a collection on AO3 for all the fanfics written for this event, and you're more than welcome (even encouraged) to add your own fic in it: Captain_Canary_Week_2021
• Feel free to reblog this to spread the word, especially if you're participating!
• If you don’t create, still share the love, reblog and comment! And most importantly HAVE FUN!!!
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stillthewordgirl · 8 years
And another one done.
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captaincanarys · 8 years
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CAPTAIN CANARY WEEK Day 6: AU!Captain Canary: Mr & Mrs Smith 
Leonard and Sara Snart are a normal married couple, living a normal life in a normal suburb, working normal jobs...well, if you can call secretly being assassins "normal". But neither Sara nor Leonard know about their spouse's secret, until they are surprised to find each other as targets. But on their quest to kill each other, they learn a lot more about each other than they ever did in five (or six) years of marriage.
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joeypacey · 8 years
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CAPTAIN CANARY WEEK 2016 ▫  Day 4: Favorite Captain Canary moment(s) Leonard looking at Sara ♥_♥
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hey-there-juliet · 2 years
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↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day Six: CC Undercover - “Quick, kiss me so we don’t blow our cover!” @captaincanary-week
Captain Canary Incorrect Quote (insp.)
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
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↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day Three: Crossover Season - Alternate Universe @captaincanary-week
🚫 Do not repost.
(click for better quality)
Drawing inspired by Witching Hour, Chapter 21 "Grave."
"A group of three men with weirdly contorted faces and long fangs were moving through the crowd. People were screaming and trying to get away, but the men were supernaturally strong, and faster than they should have been.
"If it's just a dream, can't we just will them away?" She held onto him despite, or because of, the screams.
Leonard gave her that same smile he had back in the bar in St. Roch, the mirror to her own. "Do you really want to?"
He reached into his coat and pulled out a stake. Sara took it with a grin.
— Witching Hour, by @captaincaitastrophe
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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I certainly am! And because of that I'll be releasing these "About the Prompts" posts throughout November as a way of explaining and expanding on the prompts, as well as promoting the event!
As you might have noticed, each day has an overall "theme" and then two prompts to get you started!
(Please note that you don't have to use both prompts unless you want to. You can pick just one, or even choose neither and just follow the day's theme!)
▪︎December 12th, Day One: Deja Vu •
Prompt I: Sara and/or Leonard's consciousness is thrown back in time and now they have a chance to change things.
This concept is pretty self-explanatory, and you can even find a million canon ways to make it happen. We're on a show where both magic and super advanced technology exist, so feel free to go crazy with that.
Maybe some magic villain decides to throw Sara's conciousness to her past body, where she can't stop them, but she can change the past. Or maybe the Oculus device has a second fail-safe, one that sends Leonard's consciousness right back to his past-body on that rooftop where it all began. The possibilities are endless, and I'd love to see what these two characters would do with a second chance like that.
How much would they be able to change? How much would they want to change? Would they be able to fix everything that went wrong on their mission, or would they want to find a way back to their own timeline? Is history destined to repeat itself?
I don't know, but I'd love to find out. After all, people do say that hindsight is 20/20.
Prompt II: Time Loop
What's more fitting to an "I've seen this all before" theme than a time loop prompt?
Again, pretty self-explanatory and the possibilities are still endless! Don't be afraid of making it into an AU, or diverging wildly from canon.
You can take inspiration from that Time Loop episode with Zari, or you can blame it on the Nerd Twins. Hell, maybe it's all the Time Master's fault or maybe someone was messing with magics that they shouldn't have been. What if Sara is forced to keep losing Leonard, again and again, until she figures out a way of stopping the loop? Or what if they meet before their mission on the Waverider, and are stuck together in this endless loop thanks to the meta of the week?
The prompt is your oyster... or something like that, lmao. Point is: go crazy with this Groundhog Day prompt.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
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↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day Five: Canon Divergence - "I don't believe in destiny." @captaincanary-week
Summary: Leonard was resigned. He was going to sacrifice himself, and there was no way out this time; not unless he wanted to leave Mick behind, and that was not an option.
Of course, he should've known that with Sara Lance involved, that plan was bound to go off the rails. Not that he was complaining.
Notes: How many times can I fix Destiny? I don't know yet, but I'll let you guys know. The limit may not exist 😅 | Thank you so much Rob for betaing this for me!! 💜
Warnings: loss of a limb, and Len is in a whole lot of pain. Sara kisses it better though.
Read it on AO3.
destiny is a small price to pay (for a chance of you & me)
Sara looked down at Mick, and then stared up at him, shock and understanding filling her eyes in equal measure. He was grateful he wouldn't have to explain himself.
"Get him out of here."
"No!" she said, short and firm, blue eyes swimming.
Leonard took a breath, ignoring with all his might the feeling inside of him that screamed for him to run.
There was no running from this. 
"Just do it," he said, resigned to his destiny, as it were.
Sara took a moment, her eyes darting from Mick to him and briefly into the Oculus. He saw her shoulders settling in determination. So much power and strength.
"I'm sorry," she said, eyes locked on his. He nodded, letting her know it was okay; giving her permission to leave him, if that's what she needed.
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day One: Deja Vu - Time Loop @captaincanary-week
Notes: I don't have a title for this yet, lmao, and I was planning on posting the whole thing today, but didn't manage to finish it in time, sadly. So here's a sneak peek to hopefully get y'all excited! This is inspired by a scene in the Doctor Who episode "The Big Bang."
Sara, Mick and Jax don't really have the time to get to their seats. They barely make it to the bridge, Jax helping Sara drag a barely awake Mick along, when Rip pulls the lever that sends the Waverider careening into the air and away from the Oculus Chamber. 
Away from Leonard.
The trio drop to the floor and take a hold of the nearest object just as the light from the explosion flashes in the ship's version of windshields. Sara expects the sound or the shockwave to come next, and she hopes Rip can make the jump into the temporal zone before either reaches them because she doesn't even want to imagine-
The sound barely starts before it stops abruptly, and the world outside is still. The Waverider slows down, and Sara thinks they made it. They made it, but not everyone. Not him.
"Uh, what just happened?" Ray asks from his usual seat.
Next, Jax huffs a breath from next to her. "Dude, why did you stop?!"
Finally, Sara pushes herself up. She'll have time to mourn and maybe fall apart later, but now there's something else going on because they clearly can't catch a break.
"What are you talking abo-" Before she can finish, Sara catches sight of the view outside. The Vanishing Point. They're still at the Vanishing Point, and that looks like the building that houses the Oculus Chamber, except it's intact and- The light from the explosion flashes again, flooding the bridge and temporarily blinding them all. Then it's like the explosion is sucked in, and everything is fine again.
"I- I don't know. Gideon detected the temporal anomaly before we could jump, and insisted we stop once out of the damage zone," Rip stutters through an explanation, one Sara thinks not even he is sure of.
"Gideon?" Martin prompts the AI, getting off his seat to join the others as they all gather around the holotable.
"It appears there was a fail-safe within the fail-safe in the Oculus device," Gideon explains, materializing into a big, holographic head above the table. "Before Captain Hunter could jump into the timestream, my sensors picked up a major time disturbance around the Oculus Chamber, one that ended quite abruptly as soon as we moved away enough.
"It is my understanding," the AI continues, "that the disturbance zone is originating from within the Chamber. Somehow, the device has created a zone of repetitive time, perhaps designed to protect whoever found it necessary to destroy the device."
The light flashes through again, rendering them into silence until it's sucked back in.
"And, in this case, it's Leonard," Ray says, his voice tense and his eyes distant, lost in thought.
"It's a time loop," Mick grunts, and Sara snaps her head around to look at him. He's not around the table with the others, and she finds him standing by the windshield, staring out into the Oculus Chamber. "And my partner is over there. Dying. Again, and again, and again."
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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It's tomorrow!!! Are you guys ready? 🎉
Just a few friendly reminders for everyone who's participating tomorrow:
• Don't forget to use the tag #captaincanaryweek2021 (NO spaces) and tag @captaincanary-week in every post related to the event;
• And if you feel comfortable with it, feel free to add your work to the AO3 collection: Captain_Canary_Week_2021
• If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them!
• Remember to like, reblog, and comment on all the new content we'll hopefully be getting. Even if you don't create, still share the love;
• And for any more Guidelines, please check out the pinned post!
That's it for now, I'm so excited to see what everyone has prepared for tomorrow! 💙
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day One: Deja Vu @captaincanary-week
Summary: The last thing Leonard Snart expected when he blew up the Oculus was to end up right back at the beginning: on a rooftop with a bunch of strangers and listening to Rip's dramatic speech.
And yet, there he was. Figures. Sacrifice yourself to save the world’s free will and get a one way ticket to being locked inside your own head with no autonomy whatsoever. Karma really was a bitch.
CHAPTER TWO: take me back (to the start)
He wasn’t much of a dancer. Oh, he could dance, and he was even good at it, even if he reserved that particular skill for jobs when it was required. But he wasn’t really a casual dancer, and this – in the middle of a bar with no dance floor and to this type of music – wasn’t exactly his scene. So he understood his past self’s immediate urge to deny Sara’s invitation. 
But this was one instance that had kept him up for several nights later. What if he had accepted her offer? Would it have made a difference? Would she have let him in sooner? Would their card games have started earlier?
Leonard didn’t know, but now he had a chance to find out. And if nothing else changed, at least he would die with one less regret. So he tried to focus, tried to imagine those two streams of thoughts  – his and Snart's, like two rivers running parallel to each other – and tried to picture himself reaching over to his past self's stream and sending thoughts of 'Yes. Dance with her. Say yes.'
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