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Day 2. Plants! 🌺🌺🥀🥀
A wild Flower crown Harlock Appeared!
your options!
>compliment him!
>hug him (uwu)
>walk away…
>kiss him 💞
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Let's go crew! Let's give our captain some nice things like plants and pastel clothes and sweets and a nice suit! Have fun!
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tadashidumba · 8 years
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Harlock Week 2 Day 3 - Ignores the prompt and plasters Game Grumps Quotes on pictures of Harlock
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Captain Harlock Week, Day 7: Favourite rescue
Surprisingly, this rescue was pretty good! Yeah I know loads can probably beat this scene, but I’m at work and my breaks ending soon so I wanna post this before I forget to do it later. Yama saved Kei. Then Harlock dramatically (and gracefully) falls out of the ship, does a flip, does a superhero landing (ha Deadpool reference), does an epic cape swish, then gives his hand to Yama. And then they escape from the clutches of danger by a breath (I mean you see the little escape pod sway). It’s pretty cool!
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aube-in-arcadia · 8 years
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Harlock Week Day 1 - Favorite Tochiro
Have I said I will not answer the questions directly? ... We talk about the guy who build an entire spaceship by his own, no? I will not fall in this obvious trap and draw a popular character, so have this one. Very interesting character, especially in the manga (even thus the story is a complete mess, but it’s leijiverse, you know...).
[Space Dream, 22 mars 2017]
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giraffles · 8 years
iiiit’s day two! I’ve actually been working this for a while, but finished it up for this week. \o/ today’s prompt is “favorite battle” so how about a BATTLE OF CONFLICTING EMOTIONS. it starts silly but gets feels-y, sorry. 
prompt that inspired this is here and from the lovely @writing-challenges-and-prompts​
this is set in the modern AU/Lights Will Guide You series!
Hellbent - (Young!Harlock/Warrius Zero)
"We're just friends." Harlock deadpans.
"Friends don't kiss." Kei counters, and she's not entirely wrong.
you can also read it here on AO3! 
"We're just friends." Harlock deadpans. "Friends don't kiss." Kei counters, and she's not entirely wrong. "Some friends do. Like the kinds with benefits." Kei is not amused. It shows in the way her dark eyes glare at him, and the unusual force she puts into organizing the papers on her desk. If he didn't know her better, he might have thought her jealous; but Harlock is very, very aware of her preferences for partners, and they don't include sulky ex-Navy men. "I don't trust him," She says at length, "I don't trust any of them as far as I can throw 'em." In some ways that's a roundabout compliment. Kei Yūki may look sweet and possess a slight figure, but he's seen her take down fighters twice her size. And while outnumbered. So really, she could throw them all pretty far, Zero included. And she's not a force to be taken lightly, like a storm at sea, waiting to sink ships and sink hearts. The two of them aren't related by blood, but sometimes he wonders if she isn't another long lost sibling. Kei is overly cautious from being burned one too many times. He can't say he blames her. The world is already cold and cruel, and it's done a number on all of them. She doesn't often share what happened to her in the period between running away from home and meeting up with the Arcadia crew, and he's not one to press her for details. But he knows enough to realize it wasn't pretty and it wasn't kind. So Kei has good reason to be suspicious of anyone who hasn't gained her respect, and it's a hard thing to earn her trust. The only reason she's here in the first place is because Harlock asked her to be. "Tori likes him," Harlock mentions, "I'd say that's a good litmus test." She shoots him an incredulous look. "That's a terrible example. That bird doesn't even like you." "He likes me enough," Though really, that was only because he fed the dumb parrot, "That totally counts." "What on earth are the two of you arguing about?" Marina materializes out of nowhere, a startling and all too common habit of hers. She comes armed with what look like case files, petty grievances they'll need to take care of if they want to keep their jobs. Before he can come up with an excuse for her, Kei is already counting mutiny. "Someone has been kissing the commander in the fire escape." When she put it that way, it made it sound like they were a couple of teenagers skulking around for kicks. Which, maybe wasn't that untrue, but that didn't mean she had to tell Marina of all people. The one person there who had known Zero the longest, who wasn't often found far from his side, and who always managed to look stunning regardless of the situation. Delivering mission briefings or breaking noses, she never faltered or lost her composure.  "Oh, is that all?" Marina's voice rang true and calm, yet there was an edge of ice to it, "Anyway, look into these security breaches. We need to know how deep they've gone." Then Marina sweeps away, leaving without another word like a receding tide, barely sparing them a glance. Kei throws her hands up. He shrugs. "You trust me, don't you?" He counters, knowing it's a little unfair to pull that card, because she's never been anything less than devoted, "I know what I'm doing. Relax." Kei grumbles something along the lines of 'I don't know why any of us bother with you', and his phone pings that a new email has come through. It's a very specific notification, reserved for anything from the government server they're all wired into, and he frowns when he sees it's from the same M. Oki who was just talking with them. She's also only a few yards off, there's no reason she needs to be messaging him when she can communicate in person like a rational human. He flicks the email open. It's a curt correspondence, no introduction or signature, just her name attached to the top and his in the receiving field. <If you hurt him, there will be consequences.> Few people can get away with threatening Harlock so openly. There are fewer people who legitimately terrify him. Marina is very close to the top of both lists. "What is it?" Kei asks. "It's nothing," Only quite possibly the shortest and most direct shovel speech he's ever gotten, "We should be working." "You never want to work." She points out, but lets the subject go. He doesn't dare look in Marina's direction. Really, he's not sure how much of a secret it all should or shouldn't be; Zero can be so prickly on a good day, to the point that it's hard to decipher between the officer's normal personality or if he's being an ass on purpose. He's so flighty for someone with a reputation for being loyal and steadfast, shying away even behind closed doors and hidden from prying eyes. He's not even sure where the two of them even stand at this point, if there should be labels involved or it's better to keep it off-brand for now. (Fraternization laws probably don't apply in this case, even if they did, he'd ignore them anyway, because to hell with that.) And yet kissing him is so good that Harlock couldn't resist catching him by the back door that morning. Which of course was when Kei wandered by, nearly choking herself to death on her coffee when she saw them. He's probably lucky Zero didn't pitch him out the nearest window for that one. It's not like it had been on purpose, and they were all bound to find out eventually. It's impossible not to, when they're working and living in such close proximity to each other. And they're glorified experts in espionage, for crying out loud, he could find out everyone's favorite color and childhood pet in twenty minutes if he put his mind to it. If he was really determined, he could probably find every dark and embarrassing secret of every person in a five mile radius, and the whole city if Kei and Ishikura helped. So how were they supposed to keep a relationship of all things under wraps, under the noses of individuals trained to sniff out deceptions and half-truths? Only an idiot would try. Or, someone so stubborn and deep in denial that they ran the risk of drowning. Fucking Zero. Harlock had taken a calculated risk with him, when he had asked for his handler to be the same agent who had spent years trying to bring him to justice, but he hadn't expected this. Because, maybe, he hadn't planned on an infatuation, or half jokingly flirting with him, which  may have turned into whatever it is that they've been avoiding talking about. It wasn't Harlock's fault that he was stuck living with someone who was so accidentally attractive. (Except, it was his own damn fault, and now he had to deal with the consequences.) It started as just a way to pass the time, an exercise in seeing how he could get under his keeper's skin, and now he's fallen. Hard. This wasn't part of the plan. None of this was part of the plan. Not that the plan had been fool proof, or even fully baked by the time Harlock had put it in motion. Its still a vague sort of idea, floating about with loose strings he's tying together on the fly, but it had worked out so far. Mostly. Present situation not included. But the plan comes first, it always come first, because he'd die before he'd let a vow go unfulfilled. Even if it was hard to come to terms with the fact that they would eventually be jumping ship, slipping back into the sea once they'd gotten what they came for. What Arcadia members are on this team may not know exactly what's going on, but they're smart enough to realize they're all acting the parts the government wants them to until they're ready to bail, a deception and treason of the highest order. He never said he was an honest man. Harlock sinks low in the office chair.   This would have been easier without lingering attachments. And yet had made them anyway, like the idiot he was, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. You would think he would have learned by now, but there was still that stubborn part of him that was a hopeless romantic. At least it would be good while it lasted. Marina couldn't kill him if she couldn't find him. 
On his way to the vending machine, Zero ambushes him. Which would have been great if it was for some midday fooling around, but instead Harlock has a snarling totally-not-a-boyfriend to appease. "Who did you tell?" Zero growls. "I didn't tell anyone!" "Bullshit." This is it. This is how he dies. In a back closet of an undisclosed office somewhere within the greater-Boston area. There are worse ways to go, and Harlock always knew he'd kick off young, but it's a little disappointing that it won't be in a blaze of glory. It really isn't fair. "I swear to god it wasn't me," He pleads, "If anything, it was Kei." She probably doesn't deserve to be thrown under the tracks like that, but at the same time, she had started it. If he's going to die then he's not going down alone. And technically he hadn't breathed a word of anything; that had been other people's doing. Zero looks both indescribably livid and so very tired. "I hate you. I hate you both," Zero bites out, "You're the worst." Before Harlock can come up with a defense, or a snappy reply, Zero is kissing him. It's not where he expected things to go, but he's not going to complain either. Zero is hellbent on taking every piece of his being and spinning it upside down, even if that defies logic, because it's alway been Harlock who's taken people on rides. Although, none of those had worked out very well in the end, so maybe it's just as well. This is better than any of them anyway. His hands curl in the front of that dumb Navy jacket Zero was always wearing so he can pull him closer, to cut his tongue on teeth. It's so easy to fall like this. It won't be easy to leave.
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captainharlockweek · 8 years
The lovely @aube-in-arcadia has brought to my attention that way too many Captain Harlock Week posts are not being seen, and sadly, they do not show up in the tag when I search for them. This happened last time too and it makes me very sad. I am so sorry to everyone whose posts have not yet been reblogged. I am going through them all now and I promise I do not ignore anyone's posts. They simply aren't appearing and I have asked the tumblr staff to fix this issue in the past, but we all know how useless they are... I will make sure to reblog all Captain Harlock week posts directly from your blogs from now on, as the tag itself doesn't seem to update.... And thank you so much to Aube for sending me a bunch of the posts I couldn't find. I am very sorry to everyone.
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talesofzero · 8 years
Harlock Week Day 7
Day 7 - Favorite Pet
“There are only two pets really,” someone says, but ohohoho that’s where you’re wrong.
My boss keeps making me stay late, and I hate him, so this is late, and I’m about to have to go back to work, but here. 
“And here I thought you didn’t want a pet,” Tochiro said, grinning.
“He’s not mine,” I muttered as I skimmed our navigation route.
“He’s sleeping on your bed.”
I breathed a sigh through my nose. I’d been trying to ignore that fact. “I’ve gotten onto him for it plenty of times, but he never listens. Always hops right back up. Maybe I should invest in a spray bottle.”
Tochiro barked a laugh. “He does hate baths.”
I tried not to think too hard about that with him passed out at the foot of my bed, his breaths loud enough to count as snores. I should have checked for fleas the moment we let him board.
“This is your fault,” I said as I tapped out an adjustment to the route. There were too damn many machine men for even the roundabout ways to be safe. We would have to get into some sort of skirmish. “You’re the one who said we should let him board.”
“But you said he could stay.”
“What was I supposed to do? He wouldn’t stop whining.”
“Shut up. You know you like him.”
I huffed a laugh. “Not when he’s making a mess of the ship, but I guess you do that too sometimes, and I still like you.”
I couldn’t be bothered to hide my grin. “Well if you don’t mind him so much, take him back to your room. He can sleep by your feet – keep ‘em warm.”
I looked up to find Tochiro’s brow puzzled. “Does he really just stay there?”
“Until I kick him off. Then he starts howling, and I never get any sleep.”
“Does he know he has his own bed?”
“You’d think not.” Giving up on our course, I flicked the projection off and stood to stretch the kinks from my back. “We might run into some trouble in the next few days, so I guess he has the right idea. Better get some sleep while we can.”
Tochiro mumbled something about how he was tired of trouble as I walked to my bed and tugged off my gloves. When I stood right in front of the little bed-stealer, I slapped my hands together so hard they stung from the clap. It worked like a charm, and he jolted up. “What?” he squawked, messing his hands across his face in an effort to wipe away sleep and the traces of drool. “Are we being attacked?” His brow furrowed as he looked up at my frown. “Did I break something?”
“I hope not,” I said. “But I would like my bed back.”
“Aw, your bed’s plenty big,” he grumbled, slumping back down against the blankets. “I’ll just take the corner.”
“What’s wrong with your bed?”
“It’s too hot in there. Your room’s cold.”
“Maybe he’s lonely,” Tochiro called. “Let him stay.”
“M’not lonely,” Nazca mumbled, already half asleep again. “I have plenty of friends.”
“Oh? And who’re they?” Tochiro asked.
“Hm, I got you two anyway.”
“Anyway?” I echoed. I supposed we were friends in an odd way. For all my picking on him, I did like the kid. He reminded me a lot of a younger Tochiro. But I wasn’t so sure he could think of many other friends. From the rare stories I heard him mumble when the men let him drink a bit too much, he’d lost most of the people close to him.
So what was one night of him sleeping at the foot of my bed? He did make for a good foot-warmer.
“Alright,” I said. “You can stay, but don’t make a habit of it.”
He looked like he might have already been asleep. I doubt he heard me.
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yamiangie · 8 years
Harlock week 7
Favorite Pet 
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Kitty! Just Mi-kun the cameo kitty!
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Captain Harlock week 2020!
Day 1. pastel🌺🌺🌺
Here’s Harlock, Tori-san, the crossbones logo, and Mii-kun!
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Please message me if you would like to suggest a prompt!
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tadashidumba · 8 years
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Harlock Week 2 Day 1 - Favorite Tochiro
Napped through the end of the day, but here. SSX Tochi is top tier Tochi. 
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Captain Harlock Week, Day 6: Favourite minor character
Zero- duh! Wait...... does he count as a minor character? Meh... Either way he’s one of my favourite characters, I can relate to him a lot in personality :’)
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aube-in-arcadia · 8 years
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Harlock week day 6 - Favorite minor character
The more the characters are ignored by the fandom, the more I will love them. (This sentence can be reversed, it’s true as well: the more the characters are loved...)
She’s not “my favorite”. But she deserves more fanarts.
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giraffles · 8 years
Keep It Low
shhh it’s still day 4 somewhere in the world, right? don’t worry about it. today’s prompt was “favorite rescue” so here’s some one’s dumb ass getting rescued. :D again apart of Lights Will Guide You don’t look at me like that
warnings for all sorts of things including torture, mentioned eye trauma, choking, psychological torture, god just click the AO3 link for the whole list. zone is a douchenozzle here what can I say
Keep It Low (Young!Harlock/Warrius Zero)
"I'll never get over how he came running when he heard," Even behind tinted glasses, those eye glint maliciously, "So predictable. So romantic! I'm almost a little jealous."
you can also read it here on AO3!
"I'll never get over how he came running when he heard," Even behind tinted glasses, those eye glint maliciously, "So predictable. So romantic! I'm almost a little jealous." Harlock spits up blood. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Zone bares his teeth like the rabid animal he is, then lashes out for the hundredth time in god-knows how many days. Harlock has lost count, because it hasn't been easy to keep track in a windowless cell or the cloistered bunker. Getting backhanded to the ground still stings, but it's not the worst thing that's happened to him, objectively speaking; everything hurts from previous thrashings, and there's something wrong with his right eye. A couple ribs might be broken, though that's something he's used to by now. Zone may herald himself a genius, but he's hardly creative in the physical torture department, and that's a cold comfort. Harlock has old scars that come from masters of the craft, mementos of younger times when he got into more trouble, or put himself in between them and someone who didn't deserve it. He doesn't regret any of it. However, the current situation still sucks. There's a knee in already fractured diaphragm, causing his breath to catch and stutter, and then a hand wrapped around his throat. There's not much he can do but wheeze, with his wrists bound and no way out in sight. At the moment it's just a threatening display, but he's still wonders why Zone just hasn't killed him yet. Probably to fulfill some sadistic fantasy. He's certainly the type. "Your little army boy," Zone drawls, "The righteous prick who thought he could save you." Harlock would be tempted to correct him (the Navy and Army are two very different branches after all, you can't just interchange them like that) but there's that implication that has him reeling instead. There is only one idiot who fits that description, who would be reckless enough to come charging into such an obvious trap, and just the thought is enough to sink razors into his heart. This wasn't supposed to happen. "What did you--" "Ah, ah," Zone's expression is positively predatory as he presses down on his windpipe, "I'm telling the story here, aren't I?" Harlock chokes, and thinks better of struggling, if only to spare aggravating existing injuries. He hadn't entertained any ideas of getting out alive and no one else should have been involved. This was wrong, wrong on so many levels, and there's nothing he can do while pinned and abused. "It was so easy. He was so distracted, all it took was a single shot. Oh, not lethal, of course. What would be the fun in that?"   Then there's a knife gouging a hot trail down his side, because the bastard wants the satisfaction of hearing him scream. Well, Zone can't have it, not while he's half conscious enough to resist. He's lying. He has to be lying, Zero would never make such a rookie mistake, to come alone and to fall victim to a madman with a shotgun. "I tied him up. There's a well out back, you know. Very old. It runs deep, even though there isn't much water left. But there's enough." "You f-fuckin'--" "Not done yet," The knife twists, "That was, oh, three hours ago, give or take? He's very dead by now. Maybe I'll even put your corpse down there too." It's hard enough to breathe as it is, but this is crushing. The weight of this revelation is almost too much to bear, too absurd to believe-- but Zone has that covered too. From his pocket he produces a torn piece of cloth, blue and gold and stained with dark blood, the insignia of a ship's anchor and pilot's wings. It's from a worn bomber jacket. It's from Zero's jacket. He snarls something, an insult, an unintelligible sound of rage and pain, and gets a blade in his leg for all his trouble. This time he does scream, because what does he have left to lose? Zero is dead. He's dead at the hands of a monster Harlock couldn't stop. It's all his fault, because he wasn't smart enough, wasn't quick enough, because he hasn't been the same since he found Tochiro and Emeraldas murdered in a not-so-safe house. Since then he's only been one part of three, left behind to try to make some sense of the world, and he's obviously failed. And now he's dragged someone else down to hell too-- someone who never deserved to die like this, to die for him. "I think, when I'm done, I'll pay everyone else a visit," Zone muses aloud, a hint of maniacal laughter slipping into his voice, "Lure them in. Break them down. That'll be very entertaining. Maybe I'll let you watch." He can't even come up with an answer to that, not when Zone is choking him to near unconsciousness. Funny though, how everything has now gone numb, with dark clouds on the edge of his vision and a shadowy figure approaching the scene. It's most likely a manifestation of death, with his oxygen deprived brain doing it's best to keep up with the torture and trying to fill in sensory jargon with familiar objects. It would almost be better if it just happened. If it all just stopped. Then it would feel like he was being eviscerated with every stolen breath.   A sickening crack rings out and Zone falters. He then slumps, tumbling to the side and onto the concrete floor with a garbled moan. He doesn't move. "Fucking hell," Zero, dripping wet and one arm soaked in blood, stands not more than two feet away with a rusty pipe in hand, "What an asshole." Harlock is too busy trying to remember how lungs work to fully process what's happening. He's dizzy from both shock and emotional whiplash, and neither are very pleasant things to deal with. While he stumbles over words, Zero is rummaging around Zone's prone form. "But-- t-the well--" "I can swim, you know," Zero says with the utmost patience, "They do require that if you're a sailor." "He-- he tied you up!" "Those knots were the worst I've seen in my entire life." "He said he killed you," And god, he'd believed the bastard, "I thought you were dead." Zero huffs. "He's bad at that too. Anyway, I'm more worried about you right now." Zero has found the magnetic key to the cuffs, and wastes no time in pulling them off of him before tossing them across the room. The sound makes him flinch. Part of him is having trouble parsing that this is happening, that it's even close to being real. He must be half a moment away from waking up in a black hole again, but there are also startlingly cold hands on his, still damp from groundwater and cast pink in diluted blood. "You came for me," Harlock's voice cracks, and he feels like his rib cage is crumbling inward at the effort to speak, "You came here for me." Zero looks startled and concerned before his expression melts into something warmer. "Of course I did. I wasn't going to leave you behind." He's not sure what to say to that. He doesn't deserve an ounce of anything this man has given him, and yet he keeps coming back. A wiser person would have given up on the wreckage that is his being and ran far away. But Zero has always been defying the equation, hasn't he? Since Budapest, since Tabito, since rocky first missions together and rockier first touches. Ever so gently, Zero brushes back his hair, wincing in sympathy at what Harlock can only assume is the injured side of his face. "Is it that bad?" "Well, it's not pretty," Zero admits, which confirms his suspicions about his sight being permanently damaged, "But I think you'll live." "I can work with that," he murmurs back, "Can we get the fuck out of here?" Zero hauls them both to their feet, and he has to lean on him more heavily than he would like. But he's a solid, grounding force that Harlock hadn't realized he was missing until it wasn't under his fingertips anymore. His heart may never be steady again, but at least there's this. It's something to help with the ache, even if it doesn't fill the void, even if this is all they ever are. Even if they have to hobble out of there while using each other as mutual crutches.   "Shit." "Yeah." "Fuck." "Mmhm." "Are you gonna be like this the whole way home?" Harlock grumbles, "I'm bleeding out, you could at least show a little sympathy." "I could always carry you." "Don't you dare."   The snickers that bubble out from Zero are contagious as hell, and maybe there's something to be said about finding mirth even when you've been torn apart. Maybe it’s not too late to hope.
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arcadiargh · 8 years
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captain harlock week, day seven: favorite pet
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