raayllum · 9 months
I’m so happy you liked ATSV and gwiles! Personally I see many similarities between gwiles and rayllum, so honestly i wouldn’t mind if they ultimately stay friends, but god do i hope with every fiber of my being that they become canon (pun intended!). ☺️☺️☺️
I thought they were cute in the first movie but was definitely more neutral, but they're both down so bad for each other in ATSV and I can't wait to see where both of their stories go - individually and together - from here <3
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jelzorz · 7 months
You don’t know how long i’ve been waiting for you to say that (i do—and it’s been about 20 months lmao)
Continuation of ia67? Please? 🥺
do you know how far I had to scroll for this @captainjamba??? Rest of the series linked here for convenience
The Katolis Symphonic Orchestra has a Christmas concert every year. Usually it's all the classic stuff: arrangements of Silent Night, and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas that are easily recognisable and never fail, and it's, y'know, fun and all but the classics are getting a bit too classic, even for Callum. Opeli is a bit like that as a conductor: straight laced and maybe a bit too serious, which is why this year's set list is such a shock when it's sent out to him that afternoon.
It's Wednesday, and Barius' cafe is packed given it's the awkward time of two PM. It's been, what, almost two years since that Valentine's Day he came here with Rayla after rehearsal, and busy rehearsal schedules aside, it's been a pretty good two years. Rayla disappears in the early mornings for rehearsals at the studio, and Callum isn't home until nine on some nights because so many of his own rehearsals are after work (the KSO is great, but it doesn't quite manage all the bills), but they've made it work, and Callum would rather work around the weird hours than not be with her at all.
This life suits them. He hopes it will for a while yet.
The bell at the cafe door rings, and Callum looks up and grins when he spots Rayla in the doorway brushing snow off her coat. He stands as she edges her way through the crowd towards him. "Hey," he greets brightly, leaning over the table for a kiss. "How was your day?"
Rayla grimaces. "Eh."
"That bad?"
She pauses. The way her brow furrows over her eyes says it all.
Callum frowns. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I—" Rayla presses her lips together and takes a breath. "If I had to move, would you move with me?"
There's a pause. A long pause. Callum studies her over the menu on the fake-marble tabletop. "Would you want me to move with you?"
"I—" Rayla sighs and fiddles with a napkin. "I couldn't ask you to," she says quietly. "Things are going so well with the KSO, and you're sharing first chair with Claudia now, and things are good here, so I wouldn't—couldn't ask you to leave all of that behind for me, but..." She blinks like she wants to cry. "The director of Spire Ballet called me today. They've got an opening for a principal, and they want—they want me to come and audition."
"What?" Callum's lips twitch upwards. "Rayla that's amazing!"
"But I'd have to leave—"
"And I'd go with you," says Callum firmly. "No question about it. No doubt in my mind. I'd go with you if you wanted it."
"But—the KSO," says Rayla. "All your friends and family, your brother, how could I ask you to—"
"You aren't asking me," says Callum. "They don't need me. They've got Claudia. And you—" He reaches for her hands across the table and presses her knuckles against his lips. "I'd be a shit violinist without my muse."
That draws a laugh out of her, and Callum grins, pleased he managed it. "Callum..."
"I'd go with you," he says again. "Always. Wherever you went—as long as you want me along."
Another pause. Rayla blinks and lets herself smile a little more genuinely. "Really?"
Rayla swallows and grips his hand tighter. "It's just an audition for now. I just..."
"You don't have to explain," he says. "I can see how much you want this. You deserve it. And if we have to move, we will. Okay?"
"Okay." Rayla grins at him at last, the first hints of excitement lighting her eyes. Callum's heart warms at the sight of it, which only strengthens his resolve. "Sorry," she adds. "I didn't mean to ambush you like that. It's... a bit of a shake-up, y'know?"
"Oh I know," chuckles Callum. "KSO's getting one too. Look at our setlist." He slides his phone over to her to let her see, and Rayla barks out a laugh.
"Sleigh Ride?" She squawks. "The ridiculous one with the horsey-trumpet at the end? That Sleigh Ride? That's not Opeli's style, what's gotten into her?"
"I dunno," says Callum with a laugh. "Maybe it's just a good time for change."
Rayla grins and slides his phone back. "Maybe so."
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zuppizup · 3 years
For the 50 ways ask:
All 49 of the ways you haven’t written, please! Would’ve gone for all 50 but someone beat me to it lmao
Ok just kidding (half kidding, mind you), just #22 please, if you don’t mind!
Dearest Jamba,
If I had the time to write all 50 especially for you, I most certainly would! 😘
Here’s what I got so far...
22. Listening to them while they vent…
Rayla jumped at the sound of the front door slamming. This was a strange dichotomy, Callum working late and her sitting around waiting for him.
She got up and made her way down the hallway, finding him grumbling under his breath as he pulled a shoe off and angrily tossed it in the corner.
“Hi.” She ventured, her stomach twisting at his uncharacteristic frustration.
“Hi.” He smiled at her as he pulled off his second shoe.
“So… the campaign?” She winced. It was already clear it had not gone well.
Callum shook his head, pushing himself up.
“Sorry.” She stepped forward, giving him a hug.
Callum sighed, pulling her tight and burying his face in her hair. “It’s okay.”
Rayla stepped back, running her hand down his arm. “It’s fine to be annoyed.”
“I’m not annoyed.” Callum clearly lied, taking her hand in his as he made his way into the apartment. “Let’s just have a nice dinner and forget about it. At least I don’t have to do any more over time.”
Rayla sighed, following him into the lounge.
Callum collapsed onto the couch and grabbed the remote control to turn on the television. “Want to watch a movie or something?”
“Sure.” Rayla frowned at him. He was very clearly upset and she was not the one in the relationship adept at sorting that kind of issue. She hung back by the kitchen. “Want a drink?”
“I guess.” Callum sighed, angrily switching between channels.
Returning with two beers, Rayla handed Callum one, which he immediately put on the coffee table. Frowning, she sat next to him, shuffling against his side and resting her head against his shoulder. “Want to talk about it?”
“No.” Callum pouted, continuing to concentrate on the television. “Like I said, it’s fine. It’s just work. You know I don’t even really care about it.”
Rayla bit her lip, trying desperately to think of some way of cheering him up. He was so much better at this than she was. She felt useless. Right now Callum really needed her and she was failing him.
“It’s just…” Callum huffed, glaring at the television. “We did exactly what they asked and they clearly didn’t want that, so they made it out that we messed up the project.” He dropped the remote, resting his head against hers.
“I’m sorry.” Rayla took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.
“It’s fine.” Callum sighed. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Whatever you want?” Rayla glanced up at him. “We can even get some of that super spicy stuff you like.”
She felt Callum snort against her. “Really?”
“UberEats then?” Rayla opened her phone.
“Sounds good.” Callum kissed the top of her head. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” She held her phone so that they could both see the menu. “Anything in particular you’re craving?”
“I don’t understand why they couldn’t simply say they changed their mind, you know?” Callum continued, his mind clearly elsewhere.
“Because people suck?” Rayla offered by way of explanation, resting her phone against her leg. “They don’t like admitting they’re wrong. It’s easier to make out someone else messed up. And they’re clients, so you can hardly call them liars or stupid.”
“Yep.” Callum snorted. “And now I’m not going to get to head a campaign again because I look like an idiot.”
Rayla sat up, turning to look at him. “That’s not true. Gren saw how much effort you put into this. And he is not an idiot. He knows what it’s like when clients randomly change their minds. He knows you worked really hard on this.”
Callum smiled softly at her, dropping his head a little. “I guess.”
“Hey, Gren might possibly be the nicest guy alive.” Rayla curled her knees under her body, looking Callum straight in the face. “He’s happy with your work, right? That’s the main thing.”
“I suppose.” Callum shrugged. “Hold on, Gren is the nicest guy alive?” He raised an eyebrow. “Nicer than me?”
Rayla snorted. “Way nicer than you.” She grinned, leaning forward to pressed her forehead against his. “But I don’t love you because you’re nice, dummy.”
“No?” Callum inquired.
“No.” Rayla blushed, kissing him softly. “I love you because you’re kind, and sweet and passionate. You’re crazy talented and smart.” She wrinkled her nose, winking at him. “And you’ve got a cute butt.”
“Is that the clincher?” Callum laughed, pulling her into his lap.
“Na, it’s, like, 80% of the appeal.” Rayla teased, happy to see him cheered up.
“Okay, maybe 82%.” She smiled happily, leaning forward to press her lips against his. “It’s a pretty cute butt.”
Callum sighed, one arm tight around her waist, cupping her face. Rayla relaxed against him, as she felt some of the tension leave his body.
Sighing happily, Callum pulled back to gaze at her. “Thanks, Rayla.” He stroked her cheek. “I love you too.”
“For my cute butt?” Rayla questioned, a cheeky smile on her face.
Callum laughed heartily. “Yeah, that’s part of it.”
Send me an ask and I’ll try writing a lil something - 50 Ways to Show Love Meme
- From the And They Were Zoom-mates Universe
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 3 years
i follow you because you’re an incredible author! also bc who else will keep up with me in all things sandwiches innocent 😇
It’s true...I do produce quite a bit of sandwiches and you are very encouraging of that
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captainjamba · 4 years
Tumblr media
To the ends of the earth.
Can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I took this picture.
My brother and I had arrived just in time for the sunset and accidentally stumbled upon a prenup shoot (the bride was in a full wedding dress and everything). Unfortinately the couple had just finished and we’d just missed it, but this other couple (in-frame) just happened to walk - well, more of danced their way into the shot, really.
Still one of my favorite shots to date. Inspiration for the final chapter of Dangerous.
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I would like to thank @captainjamba for the 12 beautiful, wonderful Rayllum artworks on my home feed that I just scrolled through. All back to back. I loved every second of it. You’re out there doing a real service 🙌
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illustrator-dani · 3 years
💜🌈🌈💜Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome (I know you’re awesome already) 💙💙
omg stoooopppp this is amazing! Thanks friend!
@shiramoonshadow @kuno-chan @lovelysheree @anxietyproblem @clevercorgi @thenerdyalchemist @this-is-an-error @captainjamba @canadian-dragon @earthblooded @jellyjay @thosefiveadoraburrs @raayllum @miriiart @jedidragonwarriorqueen @deetheteadrinkingdragon @dinochickrox @nonameforhire-ao3 @dragonblaggin
I hope to make peoples day! Feel free to reblog this adding your own! This also goes out to my followers and mutuals!
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zuppizup · 3 years
31 for the kiss prompts, if you don’t mind, please! It’s right up your area of expertise, imo! 😁
How does a little excerpt from a still to be published chapter of Reunions (rated E) work for you, Jamba?
31 ... After a small rejection
Rayla adjusted her artfully tussled updo, before slipping on a pair of dangerously high heels to exit their en suite bathroom.
Callum was standing in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie. She saw his eyes dart in the direction of her reflection, his mouth dropping open comically.
She never got sick of how bad Callum was at covering his reactions.
Smirking, she strutted up behind him, slipping her hands around his front to help him with his tie.
“You look handsome.” She purred, smoothing his nicely pressed shirt.
Callum seemed to be struggling to recover, blinking rapidly. “You look… wow.” He turned to look at her, unashamedly gawking. “Wow.”
“You like?” She grinned, stepping back to give him a full view.
Callum nodded enthusiastically; eyes nowhere near her face. “Yeah.” He responded breathlessly, seeming to remember himself and finally making eye contact.
“Why don’t we just blow off dinner?” She enquired, stepping forward to run her hands across his chest and shoulders.
“We can’t.” Callum groaned, fingers light on her waist. “We… we’ve… they’ll still charge us.”
Rayla chuckled, her fingers threading through the short hair at the back of his neck.
Callum sighed, biting his lip. “Rayla-” He protested half-heartedly.
“Come on.” She whispered against his ear. “Surely you can find something interesting to do here.”
Callum’s fingers tightened on her waist, as he sighed against her cheek. Taking that as a yes, she turned to press her lips against his.
The sensation seemed to awaken Callum and he stepped back suddenly, grabbing her hands.
“Rayla! Seriously!” He shook his head at her, grinning. “Do you know how much effort I put in to organising tonight?”
“What calling a restaurant?” Rayla rolled her eyes. “Big woop.”
“No, I…” Callum paused. “I wanted to organise something special for our first Valentine’s Day now we’re engaged.” He took her hand, his thumb rubbing over the sapphire ring on her left hand. “Come on. Indulge me.”
Rayla pouted at him, giving in. “Fine.” She rolled her eyes, tying to keep a smile from creeping onto her face. Teasing him never got old.
Callum shook his head, stepping forward to press a kiss to her cheek. "I'll make it up to you."
Rayla smirked with raised eyebrow. "You better."
Drop me an ask - Kiss Meme
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 3 years
Fanfic ask game! A fellow lover of all things sandwiches!
Very much so...so many ideas, so little time
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zuppizup · 3 years
7 & 24, for the writers ask, please! If that’s ok :)
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Oh jeez... no idea really! I actually like to play around with styles and genres so I don't really think I have anything super distinctive in that sense. I've definitely had more than one person surprised that I wrote say, Husk but also something as silly and low stakes as Zoom-mates.
Within that thought, I really like writing banter. As much as I get “yelled" at for writing angst, I do prefer to balance out my more angsty stuff with fluff. Simialrly, I don't think I've ever written something that was pure fluff.
So mostly writing a balanced story is generally my aim, though I'm not sure if others would agree! 😅
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
I hope so? I definitely feel like some things come more easily to me now than they used to. I feel a bit more confident with some characters voices. I personally see writing as a continuous improvement project. I enjoy trying out new things, styles, voices, etc. I do like challenging myself, even if it’s a bit daunting exposing myself like that!
 Writer's Ask meme
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zuppizup · 4 years
#3 for zoommates and #4 for husk for the adk game, please!
3. Which part of [Zoomates] was hardest to write? Hmm, it’s a toss up between the jelly tart date and the most recent chapter. Both of them seemed like... self indulgent filler but were obviously super important to the story. I think though, the latest chapter was definitely the hardest. I procrastinated on the timeskip for aaaaages because it felt wrong to just go ‘boom, three weeks later!’ but I also felt liked we’d gone through text message/phone flirting before (like 12 chapters of it!) and I didn’t want to rehash that AGAIN. And also because I did not have chapter after chapter of After Hours in me to... finish those phone calls, which is pretty much the only way I saw them ending. 😅 So, timeskip it was and up-coming references to what happened in those three weeks in later chapters. 4. If you could change anything in [Husk], what would it be? The ending...? To be super evil. The final scene between Callum and Rayla was actually the first thing I wrote when I decided to change it from a oneshot to a multi-chapter, but occasionally, as I was nearing that scene, I wondered whether a sad ending would be more fitting. I was anxious that the ending I had envisaged would be way too low key and anticlimactic, so I had a few alternate super angsty endings floating around my head. I might actually write one or two of them when I get around to revising the story. Maybe I release them on tumblr as a sort of ‘choose your own adventure’ style thing.  
Ask Game!
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zuppizup · 4 years
For the fanfic asks - can i ask two? #s 2 & 19 please! 😊
Two? But of course, Captain!
2. What's next on your 'to read' list? (fanfic or otherwise)
Its a crime but the Delicate series by @jellyjay
I get weirdly intimidated by long fics (especially when writing and having little time) so there's a bunch of fandom classics I haven't got around to, but A Delicate Arrangement is definitely top of a very long list.
19. What's your favourite character head canon?
I still really like the idea of elves not having a proper word for 'girlfriend/boyfriend'.
I like the idea of "my heart" being the Moonshadow default endearment.
And I really like "Intended" as a the Moonshadow term for "we are going to get hitched someday"
And I'm not the only one, eh, @numptypylon ?! Ah, the first instance of "Rayllum Collect Brain Cell" between us, I believe?
From the FanFic Ask Meme
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zuppizup · 4 years
For the ask game: 08, 13, and 23 if you don’t mind please! 😊
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
 “Anyway, back to the timeline…” Rayla looked at her notes. “Can you please confirm you were working on the 8th? Sent emails…?”
Callum nodded again, biting his lip to maintain his composure.
“I need you to verbally confirm please, Callum.”
“Yes.” He snorted, his shoulders shaking.
Rayla rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You’re thinking about that stupid hump day thing, aren’t you?”
Callum grimaced. “Maybe”
“Ugh" She sighed, a small smile on her lips then disappeared.
Callum snorted then tried to regain his composure as she called again.
“Good morning-"
He snorted and she rolled her eyes as she began to chuckle as well.
“You are by far the worst client I have ever dealt with.” She teased.
“Worse than the boxers guy?”
I'm not sure proud is the word exactly, but this was one of the first exchanges I wrote in my Zoom-mates outline and I liked it because I felt it was some of the first hints that Ice Queen Rayla was all a persona and she was as much of a dork as Callum.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
I know its cliché at this point but "write". Like with anything in life, you can expect to improve if you don't practice. I can see such a difference between my writing from this time last year to now. I think its important to be open to constructive criticism too. Its fine to write for fun, but if you want to improve, you need to look at your work objectively.
23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Definitely Husk. In fact, when I finish either Purgatory or Zoom-mates, I do want to go back and edit parts of it. I'm relatively happy with the plot, but there are section I find a little clunky now and I'd like to tidy them up.
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zuppizup · 4 years
Yooo I went through old messages of me flirting (*cringe*) over text after I read chapter three of zoommates. And let me tell ya, I could have really used some of that smoothness from Rayla and Ezran. Loving the fic!
Haha, thank you! I’m glad you liked it. I have an older brother who was zero help with any of my crushes. The cringe is real... Wing-man Ezran is my therapy. Rayla is pretty smooth in text... isn’t she...? And you re-read your old text messages?! You’re a braver person than I. I live in complete denial of my past self. I may never be able to face that reality.
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zuppizup · 4 years
For the writers ask: toss up between Rayla waking up in Husk or Rayla finding Tio for the first time in Found Family! 😁
Aw, yay! Thank you. I quite liked those scenes too. It’s nice to be nice to those kids occasionally. The final chapter of Husk was actually the second one I wrote and the whole story was basically because I wanted to get there. And similar with Found Family... I just wanted to write about Rayla holding a baby and now there’s an entire universe and and a WIP sequel to go with it. I have zero discipline. Writer’s ask post
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zuppizup · 4 years
4, 8, and 28!
4. What is/are your favorite trope(s)?
Answered 😊
8. Who is the most shippable person you can think of?
Hmm, maybe Harry Potter? I read a lot of Harry Potter fanfic while waiting for The Order of The Phoenix to come out and it seemed like who ever you shipped Harry with you could find heaps of content.
28. What is your best shipping advice?
I guess, just have fun? I try not to take things too seriously. We're all here because we enjoy our ships.
People create content becuase they love the characters and want to share that with others. If people tag for content you don't enjoy, then see that as the warning it is and leave well enough alone.
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