#captains and fuckgirls
goldenwilliamson · 10 months
Could you do one with leah x reader where reader is a new signing and she catches Leah's attention and Leah, all cocky, asks her out repeatedly, but the reader was warned about Leah's fuckgirl fame and always turns her down, but obviously ends up falling for Leah in the end, pure fluff please ;)
Pd: you write soo goooodd
bad idea right? | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: thanks for the ask!! i had fun with this one. reader is australian obviously inspired by kyra's signing after the world cup, but with a very different vibe to KCC's annoying little sister energy hahaha. also this is an ideal world where ACL's don't exist and leah was in training at the start of this season.
summary: reader signs at arsenal and leah has her sights set on her, but reader tries her best not to let herself fall for leah.
word count: 2.9k (got a little carried away with this, but i loved it)
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When you got your call up for the World Cup, you had expected that some clubs might take an interest in you, along with all the other younger Australian players who hadn’t yet gotten the chance to play in such a large tournament. What you didn’t expect however was that the club you grew up supporting would be making a deadline day signing for you. When you heard that Arsenal were interested after the World Cup, it was just the cherry on top of what was the most surreal experience of your footballing career so far. Obviously with Steph Catley and Caitlin Foord already being at the club, you had felt entirely comfortable about making the transfer. You had already been playing in the WSL for a few years, but you’d always told yourself that if Arsenal ever came knocking, you would go there without a doubt. 
Being such a fan of the club and playing against Arsenal in the past, you already had preconceptions about many of the girls. Before you had your first training, Steph and Caitlin had come over to your new flat to help you settle in and put together some furniture, and you took it as an opportunity to get all your final questions out of the way. You had already spoken to them endlessly about the culture of the club for the players, but you hadn’t spoken too much about the other girls. All that they had told you was that you would fit in well with the team, and that was good enough for you at the time. 
But now that your time for actually joining the team was getting very close, you decided you wanted to learn more about some of the girls you would be spending the majority of your time with for the foreseeable future.
‘What’s Kim like as a captain?’ You asked first, and both Steph and Caitlin sung her praises while explaining that underneath her hard front is a big softie who wants the best for everyone. 
‘I’m not going to lie, I’m nervous about not clicking with anyone,’ you said next. 
‘I can’t imagine you ever not getting along with anyone,’ Steph said, ‘You hit it off with everyone you’ve ever met.’
‘True, I reckon you and Leah will get along well but,’ Caitlin adds. 
‘Really?’ Your voice is higher when you say this, a little surprised. 
‘Oh yeah, she’s going to love you. She’s already spoken to me about how she’s excited you’ve signed,’ Steph says and you feel very flattered. Leah is a player you’ve admired for years, and a defender you’ve dreaded coming up against in games. Even though you’ve played against her, you wouldn’t expect her to have noticed you, let alone be excited about you joining the team which she cares so much about. 
‘What’s she like?’ You ask, genuinely curious. 
‘She’s somehow managed the perfect balance of being super fun and lighthearted, but also stern and serious,’ Steph says. 
‘Is she single?’ You find your mouth moving before your brain has the chance to tell you not to say that. Both Steph and Caitlin laugh at your forwardness, but they don’t seem all that surprised. 
‘Leah is undateable, she meets a lot of girls, but they never stick around for long,’ Caitlin says truthfully, and for a moment you feel a bit of disappointment.
‘Because she’s not a good person?’ You ask, unsure about why no girls would want anything with her. In your eyes she’s a catch. 
‘No,’ Steph says quickly, ‘She’s an amazing person, she just doesn’t want them to stick around for long, it’s always more of a one night thing for her.’
This surprises you, and it does make you see her a little differently. In the media she seems very mature, being the England captain and all. You can’t really imagine her going out, meeting girls, and having one night stands, but then you remember you really don’t know the girl at all.
A few days later you arrive in London Colney for your first training session of pre-season, carpooling with Caitlin and Katie. You’d already met Katie a few times now, which made your arrival feel a bit smoother. You don’t take it for granted having Steph and Caitlin around to welcome you and make sure you’re connecting with the other girls. 
Before you go into the first meeting of the season with Jonas, you get to meet all the other girls. While someone might find this overwhelming, you are unbelievably excited to finally be introducing yourself and meeting all these players you respected so much. 
Everyone greets you warmly with a hug and kind welcoming words. When you approach Leah she flashes you her fantastic smile and you can’t help but mirror her expression. You keep in mind but that she is used to being able to charm girls, and you try not to fall victim to it. 
‘Hello, mate. I’m Leah,’ she says in her relaxed voice, giving you a hug hello. 
‘Hey, good to meet you,’ you say.
‘Likewise. I’m so glad you’ve signed, you’re going to be a great addition to the team,’ she says and you thank her graciously, feeling good knowing you have a little bit of support behind you, from Leah Williamson of all people. 
From your first meeting, you can see what everyone else sees in her. She’s a beautiful girl, there’s absolutely no denying that, and she carries a confidence that radiates off of her. It’s both incredibly attractive and intimidating at the same time. You know immediately you can’t let yourself go down the rabbit hole of developing a crush on her, because you know all too well that it would consume you completely. So for the first few weeks at the club you don’t spend too much time with Leah. You don’t avoid her, because you don’t want to be rude, but you don’t let yourself go as deep as you normally would want to. Usually when you find yourself around someone attractive you’re asking questions, trying to get to know them. You decided the less you knew about Leah the better. 
You didn’t realise that Leah had noticed the way you hadn’t been giving her as much time and attention as you’d given some of the other girls, and the way that you had bruised her ego. One day Leah and Jen were peddling on the exercise bikes in the gym next to each other while you ran on the treadmill on the other side of the room. Leah watched you like a hawk as you took your long, easy strides. 
‘She’s great isn’t she?’ Jen said, following Leah’s line of vision.
‘Oh god yeah, she’s gonna be our secret weapon going into this season,’ Leah says without a beat. She’s been watching you every day, witnessing how well you’ve managed to establish yourself within the team already, earning respect from all the players. She would be very surprised if Jonas didn’t start you in the upcoming games, because you're the perfect number 9 that the club has been needing. 
‘Lovely girl too,’ Jen observes and Leah nods.
‘I haven’t gotten to know her that well, I don’t think she’s too interested in me,’ Leah says, and even though she tries to hide her contempt, Jen reads her like a book.
‘Finally someone who’s not interested in you, whatever will you do?’ The naturally sarcastic Scot makes fun of Leah’s obvious dissatisfaction with her ability to have you in the palm of her hand. 
‘Shut up,’ Leah pushes her shoulder. 
‘You’re seriously crushing on her aren’t you?’ Jen says.
‘I wouldn’t call it a crush,’ Leah scoffs. She would never admit to having a crush on someone, it’s not in her nature at all. When it comes to dating she has always preferred to be detached and aloof. 
‘What would you say then?’ Jen asks.
‘I guess you could say I’m intrigued by her,’ Leah says, immediately cringing at the way it sounds coming out of her mouth.
‘Alright stalker, don’t go following her home now or anything,’ Jen says, unable to contain her laughter seeing Leah in this new position. As Jen makes this comment you step of the treadmill and pull off your headphones and Leah quickly shushes Jen. 
‘How was the run, Y/N?’ Jen calls out to you from across the room, and you smile, striding in the direction of her and Leah as they continue to peddle. 
‘Yeah not too bad,’ you nod, ‘How are the bikes treating you guys?’ 
‘I think I zoned out watching you running over there,’ Leah says, and you don’t know whether or not to interpret it as a flirty or not.
You laugh lightly and shake your head, ‘Glad I could be of service.’ 
‘You do look proper graceful for someone doing sprints,’ Jen says.
‘Well now I know who to come to when I need a pick me up, thanks girls,’ you look at them both, your ego boosted. You had no clue how you looked running on the treadmill, but you couldn’t have imagine it was anything impressive, or graceful. You tell the girls you’ll leave them to it as you turn to walk out of the gym, thinking over Leah’s little comment for quite some time. 
A few days later you’re invited round to Beth and Viv’s place for a little dinner. It’s not a huge group there, just yourself, Steph, Caitlin, Leah, Jen, and Kim Little. Despite being one of the younger girls in the squad at 24, you’ve found yourself feeling most comfortable around the girls a little older than you like Jen and Beth. Even Viv who was notoriously introverted had made an effort to get to know you. 
The night is lovelier than you could have expected, chatting with all the girls with ease, like you’ve known them all as long as you’ve known Steph and Caitlin. At one point you decide to go into the kitchen to refill the water jug, and when you’re standing over the sink, Leah slips into the space with you. 
‘What are you after?’ You ask casually.
‘You,’ Leah says and you turn around to look at her with a confused look on your face.
She’s leaning against the kitchen bench, eyeing you confidently, but you’re determined not to let her work her ways on you. 
‘Whatever for?’ You ask innocently, turning back to watch as the water fills the bottle in your hand. 
‘Why’ve you been avoiding me?’ Leah says as you flick the tap off. To buy some time you rest the bottle on the bench and grab a tea towel, wiping off the water that spill down the sides of the bottle.
‘I didn’t realise I had been,’ you shake your head, not looking at her as you lie through your teeth. 
‘Maybe it’s in my head then,’ Leah shrugs.
‘Maybe, but I’m sorry if I haven’t been giving you enough attention,’ you say sarcastically, knowing that your words would cut deep for a girl who usually has her ways with girls. 
‘That’s alright, why don’t I just take you out for dinner, that way I’ll have you all to myself,’ Leah suggests and you scoff.
‘Sorry, as fun as this is, it’s not really me Leah. I’m not interested in being another notch on your bed post,’ you say, and while you might feel rude saying this to anyone else, you feel like you could chip away at Leah’s ego all night and she would remain confident as ever. 
Leah sighs with a smile on her face, ‘Worth a try,’ she says and you two walk back to the table, acting like nothing ever happened. Jen Beattie is the only one who catches the smirk on your face and the ever so slightly defeated look on Leah’s. 
She tries again a couple of days later after training, asking what your plans were for the night.
‘Going home,’ you say, stating the very obvious fact after a long and tiring training session. 
‘Want some company?’ Leah asks. While you would’ve said yes to company, feeling like anyone being around was what you needed to settle into your new home, you knew you couldn’t say yes to Leah.
‘Uh, not tonight, I’m going to go home and fall into bed,’ you say.
‘Tomorrow then?’ Leah offers and you shake your head at her persistence. 
‘You’re relentless,’ you say, smiling at the cocky look on Leah’s face. Slowly it’s getting the better of you. 
‘I prefer the term driven,’ she says and you laugh. 
‘Don’t let me stop you, it’s doing wonders for my confidence,’ you say.
‘Oh don’t worry, I won’t,’ Leah assures you as you part ways walking towards your cars. You ignore her once again, but of course she occupies your thoughts the whole drive home, and the rest of the night. 
There is even a moment after you eat your dinner that you consider asking her to come over, knowing exactly what would happen if she did. You groan out loud, realising that she had already won this battle. That’s why the next time she tries her luck, you fold. 
It was the perfect setting, all the Arsenal girls and the Matildas that lived around London were out at a bar celebrating Caitlin’s birthday. Leah was of course locked in on your every move, and you knew it. Every time you glanced in her direction, she was already looking at you. It was driving you crazy, making you feel all hot and bothered. As if dancing was the cure for your overwhelming feelings, you remained among the girls throwing their hair and arms around to the music. 
A classic ABBA song comes on and Leah makes her way into the people moving on the dance floor, subtly making her way towards you. It’s unsurprising when you feel her hands on your hips, you’d been waiting for it at this point. The music is loud in your ears, drowning out any remaining inhibitions. You turned to face Leah with a look of defeat, as if you were forfeiting to her. You let your arms fall around her neck as she stabilises herself with her hands on your hips. She leans in close to speak directly into your ear and you can feel her breath on the top of your neck, sending a small shiver up your spine.
‘You’ve been driving me nuts,’ she says, giggling slightly with her admission. 
You lean into her now, planting a tantalising, gentle kiss on her neck before murmuring, 'I still don’t want to be just another notch on your bed post.’
Leah pulls back and looks at you with a face that tells you that you can believe her when she shakes her head, ‘This isn’t about that, I just want to know you.’ 
‘Do you say that to all the girls?’ You ask, still harbouring some slight concerns about Leah’s notoriety when it comes to her sexual partners.
‘I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a long time,’ she says. Even though you really don’t know her all too well, you know her words are genuine, and you know that you feel the exact same way. There was no denying the chemistry between you both, and the similarity in your personalities. You remember the way Caitlin and Steph had predicted you two would get along, and you know it’s true now.
‘Me neither,’ you tell her honestly, and you can see from the grin on her face that it was exactly what she wanted to hear. 
‘How about we get out of here and go find some food,’ Leah suggests and you nod eagerly, dying to step out into the fresh air with her to speak freely without trying to talk over the music. 
‘Great idea,’ you say. With that you and Leah say your goodbyes, not feeling too guilty about leaving as it was nearing midnight already at this stage. When you step out into the night it feels like you’re back in the real world, and your feelings about Leah were still very much there. 
She takes your hand in hers and leads you up the street and the two of you walk until you find some fried food to sink your teeth into. You talk the night away and get to know Leah behind the persona she has created. This Leah is endlessly caring, a listener, a deep thinker, incredibly witty, and much more vulnerable.
That night you two end up back at your North London flat to save her the trip out to her house in St Albans. To your surprise, you don’t sleep together, but you’re pleased with that. Part of you was still waiting to see what Leah’s intentions were, and she proved that she really did just want to spend some time with you. You were happy to give her your attention now.
 ’You’re nothing like how I expected,’ you admit to her as you lay face to face in your bed, your legs stacked on top of each other. 
‘Better or worse?’ Leah asks, smirking at you in the darkness of your room.
‘Better,’ you say with a smile, leaning in to finally kiss her properly. It’s gentle, but there is clear passion behind it. You hum, satisfied as you pull away, ‘Definitely better’.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Dirty Love | Jeno
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Captain Jeno x Reader, university!au Word count: 6106 Genre: smut, kinda crack, fluff if you squeeze it. Warning: Mentions of hickeys and explicit sex, oral sex (fem receiving) and fingering, reader likes spicy things and slept with Sungchan, second hand embarrassment.  MINORS DON’T INTERACT this is a +18 story! Author: Maari Note: Inspired by the lyrics of dirty love by cher lloyd. I thought it would be a good idea to combine these two requests and I must say I don't know what is happening to me when I write smut lol  Requests: Can i request for fuckboy jeno and fuckgirl yn who have nvr slept w eo and finally do + can i request for uni ice hockey captain jeno x reader fluff and maybe abit of smut
⪢ NCT Masterlist  
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Y/N had just closed the door in complete silence while holding her bag and jacket in one hand, she was trying hard not to make any noise. A single noise would make Sungchan wake up and that would make her give explanations, everything she wanted to avoid in the morning.
The night before had been good, so why complicate it with the morning after?
She was about to turn the aisle when someone passed her and something hard hit her thigh bare by her short dress.
"Ouch!" she complained a little loudly and that made the person stop, revealing himself to be the captain of the hockey team carrying his heavy training bag.
Y/N knew that the entire structure of the team's uniform should be heavy but she didn't know it was that much.
She looked at the boy, his blue hair was darker because it was wet and falling in his eyes. He wore baggy clothes, a red sweatshirt and a white jacket over it, jeans and boots.
There was definitely no other university that had an ice hockey team full of handsome athletes like theirs. And no other team captain was like Jeno.
"I'm sorry." he said, moving the bag away from Y/N who was caressing her own skin to try to ease the pain, she looked away so it wouldn't seem so obvious that she was staring at the boy for too long. "I didn’t see you."
Yeah, clearly.
“Alright, Lee. I didn't see you either." she stood up straight again and noticed that Jeno was looking at her legs. “That uniform of yours is heavy, huh?”
Jeno laughed, scratching the back of his head and looking up to Y/N's face, his eyes practically disappeared.
“Actually, it's not mine. It’s from Sungchan.” he nodded towards his roommate's door and Y/N raised her eyebrows in understanding. "Is he awake yet?"
She understood what was behind the question, Jeno wasn't stupid, he had seen her carry her things silently so as not to wake up his colleague so he subtly questioned if she had spoken to Sungchan before leaving.
Which hadn't been the case. It was just one night, it wasn't going to happen again, she wasn't going back to the athlete’s fraternity, at least not to spend the night with one of the defenders.
"No." she shrugged. "I have to go, you know, I have an assignment to do."
It was a lie, all the tasks had already been handed over to the teachers. She just didn't want to sound so cold and heartless.
Jeno smiled slightly and Y/N returned it, staring at the boy for a while longer. She didn't want to hit on Sungchan's roommate in front of his bedroom door, but Jeno was so irresistible…
She shook her head to clear any and all thoughts that might start to appear about Jeno and started to retrace her initial path.
“See you, 23.” she said goodbye, smirking, already with her back to him and lost the way Jeno stared at her.
"See ya!"
“Sungchan can't stop looking this way.” Y/N's friend hummed, making her take her eyes off her phone screen and face the team that was training a little further ahead.
Noticing that what her friend said was true, but the tall boy looked away at once.
"I hope he's not thinking I came to watch him training." Y/N replied, looking back at her phone.
“And you didn’t?” the friend questioned and Y/N looked at her again, this time seriously.
"You know how it works for me."
Anyone at the university knew. She wasn't one to repeat the night.
"I know I know. Not involving feelings.” the friend rolled her eyes. "But I think you're wrong!" she tapped Y/N’s leg, which quickly retracted.
"Ouch!" she complained, earning a strange look from her friend. “It hurts.”
The friend then looked at Y/N's bare thigh, who was wearing black shorts that didn't cover the bruise that was on her skin, right where Jeno's bag had hit her hard.
"Where did you get that?" her friend's raised eyebrow made Y/N look at the team again, her gaze hovering over Jeno who was practically flying across the ice at a speed that was hard to keep up with, "What? Jeno?"
Y/N looked at her friend and saw that the shock was because the interpretation had been the complete opposite of reality, so she decided to explain herself.
“That's not exactly what you're thinking, okay? I bumped into him 2 days ago when I was leaving Sungchan's room and he ended up hitting the training bag with the uniform on my thigh."
Anyone who knew Y/N would know how absurd that story would be to justify a bruise on her body, which is why her friend looked at her suspiciously.
Hickeys, marks… all of these were normal for Y/N's love life, or lack thereof.
"What? I didn't sleep with Jeno.” Y/N admitted in disbelief.
Although it wasn't such a bad idea.
The friend looked at her more firmly, as if she wanted to read beyond what she said.
"But you want!"
"What?" Y/N shook her head, looking confused at her friend. "That’s not the point."
“You didn't immediately deny it. Any guy you don't even consider the possibility of sleeping together, you immediately deny it.”
Y/N blinked a few times trying to find the words but being caught off guard, her mouth just opened and closed as she turned back to face Jeno, who was now talking to Mark.
Okay, was Jeno hot? Hell yeah.
No single girl on campus would say no to him unless she was crazy. But there was just a problem.
"He's too nice for me." Y/N replied, watching him bend down to fix something on Mark's skates. “I only meet nice, predictable guys with practically a halo on their heads.” she complained. "I want more than that."
"What? Are you kidding me?" the friend laughed, catching Y/N's attention who turned to face her. “Jeno has slept with half the students in the medical building.”
"Him and the whole hockey team." Y/N rolled her eyes and her friend crossed her arms. "Well, except Winwin, but he's your boyfriend so he's not on the list."
“You think Jeno is too nice, really?” Y/N nodded.
"He's always so polite, so kind." she complained.
"I didn't know you were looking for Tarzan, Miss Jane." the friend mocked and the two heard that the training was over.
“Maybe I am!” Y/N shrugged and got up along with her friend who was now seeing her boyfriend approaching.
"You still haven't denied it." the friend remembered and Y/N didn't have time to retort as the team left the ice rink right where they were sitting.
Winwin left first, taking off his skates after taking off his gloves to kiss his girlfriend next, Y/N stood still looking for anywhere else to look beyond the romantic scene in front of her and ended up meeting Jeno's eyes as he was behind Winwin.
Jeno smiled at her as he took off his gloves and Y/N looked him up and down, no one matched the orange and blue uniform more than he did, but then she remembered how heavy the structure was and how hard it must have been to play with that squeezing you.
Well, she knew Jeno was strong but all her sinful mind could imagine was his wide hands squeezing her waist as he devoured her lips.
The rink had the lowest temperature because of the ice, even though the glasses were inhibited it was much milder than the temperature outside since it was in the middle of summer, but the ice wasn’t enough to stop the fire that up her legs and Y/N thought it best to stop imagining what Jeno would be like if he was rough.
However, as she came out of her daydreams, noticed that Jeno was staring at the bruise on her leg with a serious face.
Haechan yelled something in the middle of the ring and Jeno blinked a few times, looking up to meet Y/N's, she felt a shiver to see that his eyes weren't as kind as before.
It had something about them and she understood what it was, lust. Pure and simple.
Y/N cursed herself internally as she was dragged by some friends down the hallway of the sports building.
She promised herself that she would never drink again or bet with her peers.
Not that it would make any difference now, the headache from the binge she'd had last night was still there along with the massive remorse for having accepted something so stupid.
“You know if I get caught, I could get kicked out of the university, right?” she tried to reason with her colleagues but they just laughed.
"You're the one who said if you lost at strip poker, you'd be in the men's locker room for 5 minutes." Jaehyun remembered.
"I was drunk!" she said and he just laughed once more, stopping in front of the door.
“Just like everyone else here.” he pointed at his friends behind and she twisted her mouth. Out of arguments.
"You should have stopped me, like the good friend you are."
"I wanted to see if you had the courage." Jaehyun raised his eyebrow and Y/N slowly turned around to face him. “But if you want to give up-”
She looked at him with narrowed eyes, offended.
"No! You can mark it on your watch.” she took out her bag and handed it to Jaehyun who took it. “Let me know when the 5 minutes are up.”
Y/N took a deep breath before entering, it was the end of the day so most of the practices were over, hockey being the last one. The locker room was silent and she was grateful for that, the five minutes would pass quickly and she would be out of there soon.
But the dark and quiet place started to bother her, she made the commitment to herself that was serious when promised that she wouldn't drink anymore, couldn't go through any other embarrassing situation anymore, that had been enough.
She sat on the benches in the center of the huge locker room and surveyed the place without much enthusiasm.
“What are we doing here?” Y/N widened her eyes when heard Jaehyun's voice and got up from the benches feeling her heart go to her mouth and her blood running cold. “Actually, we are already on our way out. And you?"
"We were training a little more, we're going to take a shower" she recognized Haechan's voice and panicked.
Take a shower now???
Y/N looked at the showers and when the locker room light came on, she ran to the last block, ducking into the back so no one would see her.
Seriously, it wasn't possible!
“Gee, I'm exhausted. I don't know why you invented this training between forwards at the last minute. And only with me.” Haechan complained and Y/N blinked several times, trying to understand what he had said.
That meant…
"Because I'm the team captain."
Jeno was there too?!
Y/N brought her hand to her mouth to prevent any sound of frustration or anything like that from coming out of her mouth.
Y/N kept silent, although she thought the fact that her heart beat so fast could be heard by the athletes, she just paid attention to the sounds.
When she heard the shower, she wanted a hole to suck her in at that moment. This wasn’t happening to her!
She overheard the two of them talking about the party Yangyang was having at the fraternity in a few days and Jeno complained about how even at the beginning of the tournament they wouldn't have a break from unnecessary parties, but it was time for the shower to turn off.
A few more conversations and noises made Y/N realize that Haechan had already finished, she almost sighed in relief but saw a shadow approaching the block where she was, getting back on alert.
"Make sure you don't come back late." Haechan spoke a little louder, the voice a little farther from the room and Y/N saw Jeno's hand approach the pressure gauge and turn on the shower.
She cringed even more, trying to escape the water, in vain.
"Okay, mom." Jeno replied wryly.
Y/N widened her eyes as she saw Jeno's shadow take off the clothes he was still wearing, she practically merged with the wall and was now soaking wet.
She no longer knew what to think or what she could do to make the situation less awkward, so all she did when saw Jeno approaching was close her eyes and wait for the boy to scream.
But that didn’t happen.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" hearing his laugh, Y/N instantly opened her eyes and turned her head to face him.
Well, in that short moment she'd forgotten about the small detail that he was undressed about to take a shower. Right in front of her.
Y/N was willing to look at his face but something else caught her attention and not even her hand that was holding her mouth could contain her shock, the hand moved away from her face almost of its own accord and she was speechless while watched Jeno's body.
The mouth she opened and closed without making a single sound was all she could manage.
She knew he was defined, he was an athlete after all, she just didn't expect him to be…big. In all senses.
Her wet hair started to cover her vision and she pushed it back still unblinking and looking at Jeno.
She couldn't turn her attention to anything else even though she was completely hot inside from sheer shame.
She shook her head and with much effort lifted her gaze to Jeno's face, he had a sly smile.
"Am I disturbing?" he put his hands on his hips and the movement made Y/N look back at the region.
She didn't want to look perverted but God, what a man he was.
"N-No!" she replied loudly, all nervousness being exposed and she stood up, feeling her legs ache.
"Are you going to tell me why you're in the men's locker room playing hide and seek?"
Oh sure, the bet. She had forgotten.
"It's just…" why the hell couldn't she take her eyes off his hips??? "Ask Jaehyun."
She closed her eyes for a minute, biting her lip, feeling really stupid and when she opened her eyes again, Jeno's smile made her shy.
She, shy, was being too much for her to handle.
"Ok." Jeno shook his head and then shrugged. "Are you going to take a shower too?"
Y/N swallowed hard and shook her head nonstop.
"No! I'm leaving." she spoke desperately and got out of there as quickly as possible. "Sorry!"
"Not for this."
Y/N turned to face Jeno one last time but all she saw was the boy taking her place, her eyes dropped from his shoulders to his ass and she bit her lip again as thoughts not at all pure took over of your mind.
But the shame she felt was much greater than the sudden desire for Jeno so all she did was run away, still hearing the boy laugh behind her.
Y/N stopped outside the locker room, leaning against the wall as she tried to catch her breath. At least the hallway was empty.
She was completely wet, and it wasn't just from the water.
“I love you, but honestly, did you have to bring me to this party?” Y/N complained as walked through the athlete's fraternity door.
It was Yangyang's party and the place was full, nothing new since the defender was extremely popular and mixed in all the groups on campus, but for Y/N to go there after seeing Jeno naked was embarrassing to say the least.
She hoped she could hide away somewhere until her friend was too busy with Winwin to remember her existence and run away.
"What? You're ashamed?" the friend laughed amusedly and pinched Y/N's cheek, who tried to get away.
"It's not funny!"
“Oh sorry, Y/N, but it is!” the friend continued to laugh as they walked through the fraternity.
Several people were already drinking even though the party had just started but Y/N ignored all the glasses and bottles, wouldn't put a sip of alcohol in her mouth. From now on, she'd be sober, so maybe she'd have control over the shit she was doing.
"Well, I didn't think he would react like that." she replied the friend and the two stopped near the stairs, the friend looking for Winwin.
"I tried to warn you that Jeno wasn't as nice as you thought."
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, she couldn't argue with her friend. She was right.
The fact that her friend was laughing the way Y/N arrived at the dorm, wet and with her mouth so open, became irrelevant when she told Y/N some things Jeno had done that she didn't know until then.
Scandals like him getting caught under the gym bleachers having sex with a law school senior, Winwin seeing him fingering a newbie between the psychology book session at the library.
Things Y/N didn't even imagine Jeno was capable of doing because she was too busy with who she slept with.
However, hearing from her friend that some colleagues commented on how rough Jeno was in bed had awakened the side of her imagination that she had been trying to put to sleep since the day she saw Jeno staring at the bruise he had accidentally caused.
She couldn't connect that image with what she saw of him, the polite smile, the flushed cheeks when someone complimented him. He looked so…innocent.
Well, of course the fact that she wasn't up to catch on university gossip had helped create this version of Jeno, the super nice version.
“Oh, hi Jeno.” Y/N's friend spoke loudly and waved her hand behind Y/N, who widened her eyes and felt her heart suddenly speed up, she didn't think to do anything but run away without looking back.
She went quickly to the kitchen as felt a heat rise from her neck to her entire face. The kitchen wasn’t as crowded as the living room and she leaned against the fridge, placing her hand on her chest to calm her heart and she closed her eyes, feeling wobbly legs.
With her breath recovered, she opened her eyes and kept leaning against the fridge, the feeling of being safe filling her.
“Hi Y/N.” she screamed when heard Jeno's voice so close and looked to the side, seeing the boy holding a beer jump back at her scream.
He was confused and she was even more so.
"You weren't..." she pointed to the door, trying to understand how suddenly he was there beside her, blinking a few times until she remembered her friend.
Oh of course!
It felt like the entire universe was making fun of her.
"I didn't mean to scare you." Jeno admitted and she laughed, perplexed.
"It wasn’t your fault." technically, it was.
Mainly because he was irresistible. If Jeno were ugly it would be a lot easier to control her hormones.
Y/N looked ahead, disbelieving herself. She wasn't that impulsive or overly thoughtful, she didn't tend to get attached to things that shouldn't be big.
Like, if she was in her normal self, she wouldn't feel shy about being around Jeno after what happened in the locker room but she was.
She could feel the tension between her fingers, she even wanted to say something to end that awkward atmosphere but she didn't know what to say.
That his ass was really pretty? No, out of the question.
"No need to be embarrassed around me." Jeno spoke first and she looked at him instantly, his face was calm and she could look better since his hair didn't cover his forehead like the other times. "I'd say we're almost even."
“You saw me naked that day and I heard you moan that night with Sungchan.”
Y/N's eyes widened and Jeno drank the rest of his beer in one gulp, putting the bottle on top of the fridge, looking back at her.
"You heard?" she stuttered and wanted to beat herself up for it.
"His bedroom wall is next to mine sooo." Jeno shrugged and she wanted a hole to open up in the floor, suck her in until she was 70.
Y/N scratched her head, not knowing what to say and looked away.
All of her femme fatale image that she'd created over the last year had dissolved and it was all Jeno's fault.
“I just thought it was a waste.” Lost in thought, Y/N didn't notice that Jeno moved a little closer to her, his chest almost touching her shoulder.
She only noticed when turned to face him, his face was serious and his eyes fixed on her.
"A waste?"
"Someone with a mouth like yours" Jeno brought his fingers to Y/N's chin and lifted her face, bringing his own closer. She could feel his breath against hers. “can moan much louder.”
Y/N swallowed, feeling her legs tremble and she realized that Jeno would do damage with words alone, but she raised an eyebrow defiantly.
She wouldn't let herself be beaten by so little.
"Why? Are you going to call me to see the trophies in your room?” She questioned, bringing her face even closer to Jeno and their lips were inches away.
"I'll show you the biggest one." he replied with conviction and Y/N ran her tongue over her dry lips, making Jeno watch the movement carefully.
Keeping her eyes fixed on his, she smiled knowingly and nodded.
Jeno reciprocated and took her hand, leading her out of the kitchen with him in justifiable haste. Y/N didn't care, in fact she kept pace with him up the stairs because she was just as anxious as he, she almost pulled him by the white sweatshirt he wore for a warm kiss in the middle of the hallway.
Jeno pulled her into the room and released her hand to lock the door, she smiled mischievously taking a few steps back.
“Why are you going to lock it?” she put her hands in the back pockets of the dark jeans she was wearing and Jeno turned to face her.
Jeno questioned with a look and all Y/N replied was a raised eyebrow, he got the message and left the door the way it was, approaching with long and slow steps, this only made Y/N watch him from bottom to top.
He wore white sneakers, neon orange baggy pants, the white sweatshirt and some necklaces. But it was Jeno's face that Y/N spent the most time analyzing, the blue hair was now a little faded and pulled back. She had a wide view of the eyes that stared at her deeply.
When Jeno was close enough to her, Y/N's eyes fell on Jeno's full pink lips, there was no denying that she was mesmerized but he didn't look too different from her.
It was time for Y/N to take a deep breath, feeling butterflies in her stomach, and Jeno advanced on her, pulling her by the back of her neck until their lips met for the first time that night. It was a strong and shocking impact, like lightning cutting through the sky, she grabbed Jeno's sweatshirt to keep her balance as her legs were weak as his lips moved against hers in a thirsty way. The two were in a hurry and the first kiss they would share that night wouldn't be the least bit slow, no, the desire they felt for each other didn't allow the moment to become sweet, it was almost animal.
When their tongues met, Y/N sighed and pulled Jeno's body against hers feeling like his pants were actually thin fabric and all that kept her from feeling the texture of his skin was that idiot piece of clothing.
A little desperate, she started to walk backwards and Jeno's other hand grabbed her waist and led her to the bed, Y/N's knees bumped against the material and she let her body fall back against the mattress breaking the kiss. Jeno lay down on top of her and Y/N took her hands to quickly remove his necklaces, throwing them across the bedroom floor.
"This will have to get out of the way." she informed him, making him chuckle lightly.
Jeno ran his tongue over her red lips and nodded before starting to kiss her neck, Y/N just closed her eyes and took her hand to his hair, tangling the strands between her fingers and pulling them when his tongue found her skin.
She didn't want to moan so soon but it was hard to contain the sound as Jeno dragged his teeth against her neck, so she just tilted her head to the side and gave him full access so he could continue to devour her skin.
“I hear you like marks.” he speaks softly next to her ear, which shivers. "Let's see how many you can handle tonight."
When she thought to speak, Jeno sucked the skin of her neck and her legs shook, the breath failed and another moan escaped, she only had the strength to grab his hair once more.
She didn't want to open her eyes, just feel what he was providing, but when she felt him pull away, she did so suddenly. To meet Jeno's eyes covered in lust and his fingers went to the hem of the blouse she was wearing, his cold fingers touched the skin of her belly lightly and he began to remove her blouse in incomprehensible calm.
Jeno moved, lowering his head to kiss every inch of skin he exposed as he took off her blouse and Y/N helped him completely, he held both sides of her waist and distributed kisses all over the region while she, already without strength, threw her blouse in some corner anyway.
Her fingers found Jeno's hair again and she continued gripping the strands as he seemed to delight in her skin. Every time his tongue found her red-hot skin, every suck and bite was having an immediate reaction in Y/N's below the belly, which was starting to get wet.
She was surprised at her own body but the devotion with which Jeno enjoyed every inch of her exposed skin was making all the arousal she felt speed up.
But she didn't want to be left behind, so opened her eyes and brought her fingers to his shoulders, gripping the sweatshirt tightly and pulling it up, indicating to Jeno what she wanted to do.
He lifted the torso, stopping the kisses, and let Y/N take off, she did it with some haste and the white shirt he was wearing underneath came out with it. She saw him smile widely when the torso was exposed.
Y/N threw the clothes away and brought her fingers to caress Jeno's skin, now she could worship every bit of his chest and noticed what hockey did to Jeno's body that was always covered in baggy clothes, she hadn't had the opportunity to analyze the boy's defined abs, because on the day of the bet her attention was on something else.
But now she not only could, she would.
Jeno wasn't overly muscular, but his broad shoulders stirred up Y/N in a way she'd never felt before. She ran her fingers over his collarbone and met his stiff shoulders, squeezing the spot and he grunted.
Wasting no more time, Jeno approached to initiate a new, more coveted kiss and she took the opportunity to wrap her legs around his waist, bringing him much closer. The thin fabric of Jeno's pants made Y/N feel in the heat of her desire that he was just as excited as she was, it made her bite his bottom lip and pull it to her as he growled once more.
“How long are you going to be teasing?” she asked as they moved away and heard Jeno laugh.
"Until I make you scream." he replied and moved his hips against hers, making her take a deep breath as she felt his arousal.
Jeno brought his hand up to Y/N's shin and pulled her leg away, ready to complain Jeno shut her up as he brought his fingers to the button on her pants, making her take off the sneakers she was wearing awkwardly. Y/N smirked as he lowered the zipper, his finger was so close to where she needed it, just a little down…
Jeno took off her pants in one movement and placed his hands on each of her thighs, spreading them apart so he had a full view, especially her wet panties.
"You will undo that little smile very soon." he warned and Y/N felt every muscle in her thigh quiver as Jeno lowered his head, predicting that he would pay attention to her wet spot, he antagonized her and brought his lips to her right thigh.
Y/N already felt like she was close to seeing stars and he hadn't even touched her the way she craved, Jeno's wet lips took care of her skin once more and so close to her panties, but he didn't give in to the temptation.
He bit and sucked and kissed her thigh until he was satisfied, then turned his attention to her other thigh. Jeno immediately went to the spot that had the bruise he had accidentally left on her skin and from what Y/N was feeling, because she didn't have the strength to keep her eyes open, he was bent on leaving another bruise there. Only this time, very well aware of it.
The weak legs, the heavy breathing and the fact that Jeno was with his tongue so close to where she wanted the most, made her moan louder, only in complaint.
She needed him, urgently.
"Jeno." She pleaded, opening her eyes slowly and without force. "Please."
She saw him lift his head, an expression of false innocence that made her panties even wetter.
"Please what?" he placed a kiss near her panties and Y/N felt her stomach squeak.
"Don't torture me anymore."
He stared at her a little longer and smirked.
"Hmm I don't think so."
"I'm serious, can you just-" Jeno interrupted her, bringing his finger down to Y/N's soaked panties and she groaned. "My God."
She didn't have the strength to keep her eyes open, but the sight of Jeno staring at the way his finger touched her was just too pleasurable.
Feeling wetter and wetter and her heart pounding against the ribs, he pushed her panties to the side and his finger found the place where she needed him most, pulsing for him.
She bit her lip to hold back the moans but Jeno was willing to make her lose all the super self control she had, so he took two fingers to get inside her and that's where Y/N got lost.
Closing her eyes, she began to moan more and more as he touched her deliciously. She felt her insides squeezing his finger and it made her even wetter, the famous sensation formed in her belly and she was already wriggling her toes ready to surrender to the pleasure when Jeno stopped.
When she felt him take his finger off her, Y/N opened her eyes in shock and confusion.
But she was almost there...
She couldn't even ask properly and saw Jeno bring his fingers to his mouth and suck.
If she hadn't been so weak, she would have pulled him into her right away.
Jeno kicked off his shoes anyway and his pants too, then took off Y/N's panties and she just felt anxiety take over her body before he brought his mouth down to her pulsing flesh.
The frustration she'd felt at having almost reached her climax had been replaced by more desire, she just gave herself to Jeno and grabbed his hair once more as he devoured her like a hungry animal.
This was what she wanted, no manners or finesse. She wanted a caveman who would make her feel drunk with pleasure, who would not only make her see the stars but take her to paradise.
A dirty love, she didn't want to be treated like a lady. Because the way he ate her and made her moan, said just that.
When she was about to reach her climax, Jeno didn't stop and her vision started to blur and she couldn't contain the scream that came from the back of her throat as gave her all to him.
Y/N took a breath and felt her lungs hurt but she was smiling drunk, still not opening her eyes and weak, Jeno moved away and she only heard a few noises until she recognized one of a package being opened.
When she had the strength to open her eyes, Jeno had already put on the condom and approached her again, she called him with her finger and he smiled full of lust. Y/N rested her hands on his shoulders as Jeno adjusted to enter her as she wanted so badly. He took a hand up to her thigh and brought it up to his waist, making her hug his hip with her leg as he stared at her intensely and Y/N was lost in Jeno's dark iris, he went deep in one go. Y/N cried because she was sensitive and because he filled her in such a delicious way, feeling her insides tighten Jeno, it was his turn to moan and she leaned their foreheads together, closing her eyes as he started to move.
The first few thrusts were light and Y/N searched for his lower lip with her teeth, biting and making him squeak.
"No, I want everything from you." she spoke softly, opening her eyes and saw Jeno frowning, it was clear he was holding back but that wasn't what she wanted. “Look at me, Jeno.” he obeyed and Y/N felt her whole body tingle. “Be rough to me, I'm not a china doll. Don't be nice, don’t hold back.”
Y/N saw a different glint in Jeno's eyes and he didn't say anything, he nodded, thrusting deep and hard into her.
Y/N groaned while smiling and encouraged him to continue the way she wanted, he did. Each thrust, each movement deeper in a wild rhythm. She asked for more and he delivered.
She moaned and he squeezed the fingers that held her waist.
She would squeeze him from the inside and he would say dirty things close to her ear.
Y/N scratched Jeno's back feeling the apex close by and he groaned softly, his fingers left her waist to grip the headboard and he continued thrusting until she screamed once more under him and called his name nonstop while she fell apart.
Jeno didn't take long to reach his apex and soon his body weight fell on Y/N's, he took a deep breath before getting out of her and out of the bed to discard the condom in the bedroom trash.
Y/N lay there trying to catch her breath, lying on the bed admiring him, feeling completely addicted to Jeno and when he got back into bed, lying next to her, Y/N turned to him, her eyes tired with a big smile.
Jeno also looked at her with a smile, a little more restrained, and unable to control himself he brought his hand to her cheek and approached her to give her a soft kiss on the lips, catching her off guard.
She reciprocated, feeling her stomach turn even with such a simple kiss.
When they pulled away, Jeno caressed her cheek.
"Was I a caveman enough for you?"
She laughed in agreement.
"But I haven't had enough of you." she admitted and Jeno smiled.
“We can change that, then.”
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piedpiperslists · 2 years
hi! do you have any fec recs for shy reader/bts member x popular member/reader?
Hi. Some of the fics I've listed here are not necessarily shy x popular, some are just with one either being shy or the other somewhat popular. Most of these are Jungkook fics and only a handful for both Taehyung and Seokjin.
You can also check this similar ask I have here.
* s - contains smut sm - social media format
[drabble] by 1kook - drabble / college au Summary: Super flirty and charming JK and a shy Y/N meet at a frat party. [drabble] by 1kook - drabble / college au Summary: Frat JK/shy YN sequel where they actually get it on.
[drabble] | [drabble] by yoonpobs - drabble (s) / shy!Jungkook, fuckgirl!reader, college au
Jeon Jungkook Hates Parties by joheunsaram - drabble / shy boy!Jungkook, college au Summary: Jungkook hates going to parties. That is until he meets you at one.
When Opposites Attract by bangtaninink - drabble / college au Summary: All of a sudden, you’re being noticed by the most popular boy on campus.
A Cinderella Story [AO3] by suhdays - one shot / wc~21.2k / college au Summary: You are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. Unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. Turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. So, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. That boy? None other than the rugby star himself, Jeon Jeongguk. It doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming Halloween party. He’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
Chasing Butterflies by ddaenggtan - one shot (s) / wc~12.8k / otaku!Jungkook, jock!reader, college au Summary: You never meant to be a jock in school. The volleyball team had just needed people and you were there and then you had a knack for it. You just happened to be good at it and went with it. Similar to how you saw Jeon Jungkook in your friend’s orientation group and thought he was absolutely radiant and just went with it. For two years. You’ve spent the entire time pining from afar, mostly because you always seem to make a fool of yourself when he’s around, but also because Jungkook is part of that exclusive crowd, the ones that you never can seem to penetrate: the weebs. That is, until your friends get sick of your hopeless pining and decide to do something about it.
Cold Nights & Blurred Lines by awrkive - one shot (s) / wc~26.5k / basket player!Jungkook, FWB, college au Summary: Jungkook and you have been keeping a sexual relationship with each other for four months now, and it’s casual for the most part. But as time passes, you can’t help but feel that some of the lines suddenly got blurred in the process. Is it a cliché to blur the lines with your fuck buddy? It definitely is. Will you do something about it? Both of your emotional constipation have a hard time saying yes.
Late Fee by 1kook - one shot (s) / wc~10.3k / fuckboy!Jungkook, college au Summary: “Captain Underpants isn’t glorified by all the tryhards, so when I pick those books, you’re unknowingly more interested in me.”
Never (K)not You by jiminrings - one shot / wc~5k / established relationship, college au Summary: Established relationship ft. jock!JK and shy art major!Y/N, Y/N gets an unexpected pep talk and Jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dust according to Kook.
How to Get a Guy by taeshobipop - two shots (s) / fuckboy!Jungkook, college au, roommates au Summary: Star basketball player Jeon Jungkook has a reputation as the ultimate fuckboi. He’s loved by everyone. Everyone. And you would have followed suit if he had not broken all your strict Roommate Rules™ within the first week of his stay. Jungkook, on the other hand, thinks you’re absolutely bizarre. But there’s a silver lining — Mr. Fuckboi here knows basketball captain Min Yoongi, your dreadfully clueless crush. He strikes up a deal with you: he’ll teach you the ways of flirting if you lessen your load of rules (so Jungkook can continue perusing his way through the ladies on campus). Yet the longer Jungkook spends with you, the more he realizes that maybe he doesn’t want to be the campus fuckboi anymore. The problem is, how does he prove that to you?
Love Formula by kimnjss - series (s sm) / shy boy!Jungkook, fuckgirl!reader, college au Summary: You’re barreling into his life when he least expects it, stealing all his attention until the nights spent studying are replaced with rolling around the sheets. He’s hopelessly romantic and you’re in it for the fun, but no one told you it would ruin your life.
Lunchbox Lovers by jiminrings - series / stem major!Jungkook, cold senior!reader Summary: Cold senior!Y/N having a crush on shy stem major!Koo.
Popular-ish by hansolmates - series (s) / popular!Jungkook, normie!reader, college au Summary: You are way out of Jungkook’s league. Or is it the other way around?
Blooming for You by charcharbinksie - drabble / shy boy!Taehyung, college au Summary: For the past six months someone has been leaving notes on the front door of your dorm room. Sometimes the notes come along with chocolates or little hand drawn doodles, nothing too special. Until your birthday when you get a full bouquet of your favorite flowers, white tulips. You decide it’s time to enlist the help of your best friend, Namjoon, to track down your secret admirer.
Gorgeous by seokth - drabble / campus heartthrob!Taehyung, college au Summary: There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have. You are so gorgeous, it makes me so mad.
Of Cliches and Romcom Tropes by vanaera - one shot / wc~10.1k / college au Summary: You find yourself literally living a classic Romcom trope by being the nerdy introvert in love with her unexpected friend, Kim Taehyung, your university’s golden theater boy and campus heartthrob. It only turns more disgustingly cliché when you learn he part-times as a prince actor in the same carnival where you work as a ticket booth attendant. Trusting on the clichés you’ve watched in numerous Romcom films, you embark on a plan to get your crush to like you back this Halloween.
Bread Cheeks by tteokggukk - series (sm) / enemies to lovers, college au Summary: Kim Taehyung is so painfully cliché. Popular, godly looks, a casanova reputation, and yet adored by everyone. Everyone but you, of course. He knew your secret and it allowed him to constantly have his way with you. With your banter-laced exchanges, everyone knew you two did not get along. But what happens when you find out that this “bad boy” is secretly a cinnamon roll? Even better, a bad boy who bakes them.
Good Girls Go Bad by jkstompers - series (s) / bad boy!Taehyung, college au Summary: You’re tired of being seen as a nice, sweet girl— so you ask help from the notorious Kim Taehyung, to help your good girl go bad.
Love You a Latte by kitsutaes - drabble / barista!Seokjin, college au, coffee shop au Summary: Finding the campus prince working as the barista at your local coffeeshop wasn’t just the only surprise you got that day.
Ugly Sweater Weather by army-author - one shot / wc~4.2k / strangers to lovers Summary: Kim Seokjin is the most popular boy at your school. You think he’s stuck up and entitled, until you run into him at the clothing store you work at, and find him purchasing an unholy amount of ugly Christmas sweaters…
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
hi! can you list your recommendations for enemies to lovers with jungkook? thankieeee 💜💜💜💜
🌷 Hello! This has actually been requested but for all members (see pinned note 📌). Since I have read/reblogged a lot of Jungkook E2L fics throughout the years, I’ll create a separate list (this has around 70 fics at least 😨)
Credits go to all the writers 🥰. I love this trope, something I easily and happily consume so thank you for sharing these stories.
If you’re a 💜reader💜 who found this list helpful, you can show appreciation by reblogging the fics or commenting/letting authors know how much you like their stories 😊.
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Enemies to Lovers | Jungkook
S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst | mostly Mature, minors DNI
fics are listed per category (college, slice of life, fantasy, etc)
there are other fics I haven’t included/reblogged yet plus there are new fics I‘ve yet to read 🥺 (I will just update this or I might add it to the all-member’s version)
if link’s not working, click on author’s name and check their masterlist 👍
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College AUs
Block Party @minlucent - two-shot | 9.5k | fuckboy au, neighbor au, college au, e2l, pwp | s, a
I Hate You @kookingtae - one shot | 2.7k | rivals au, some hate sex but fluffy confessions after uwu | s, f
My Babysitter’s a Quarterback @ohpretty-baby - one shot | 30k | jock!jk, cheerleader!reader, Jungkook is literally the babysitter (OC has younger sister) | A, F
The Art of War More @kpopfanfictrash - one shot + drabbles | 42k | college au, hockey team captain!jungkook x dance captain!reader | s, f, a
Drabbles (established relationship):  L is for Lunacy +  The Party + S if for Sexy
You’ve Got Mail @minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong - one shot | 12.9k | Barista!Reader, Graphic Design Student!Jungkook, Exes AU turned enemies | A, F
Color Me Red @vantaenims - drabble | 1.5k | enemies to lovers, college au, creative use of colors for fluffy effect  | f 🌷
The Habits of a Broken Heart @softykooky - one shot | 26.3k | soulmate au, unrequited love (Jungkook doesn’t want her T_T), Art student!jungkook, English major!reader, subtle e2l | A, F
Aphrodite in War @jungblue - [2/?] | Exes AU, Fake Dating, Fratboy/Greek Life, Roommate AU, Enemies to Lovers  | F, S, A  
All Over You @zibermuda  - series [4/4] | 25k | Nerd!Jungkook, Fuckgirl!Reader, E2L
Not a Date @bubmyg - one shot + drabbles | 3.1k + 4k+ | college au, enemies to lovers, eventual established relationship | F
Flick or Treat @junqkook - one shot | 3.3k | enemies to lovers, fuckboy AU, Fratboy AU | S
Get Even @egoist-joon - one shot | 6k | college au, sports au (track), enemies to lovers | S, slightly F
I Love You, Don’t You Mind @btsxstories - one shot | 3.7k | virgin!jungkook x virgin!reader, Friends to Enemies to Lovers | A, F, S
Love to Hate You @latetaektalk - series [5/?] | 55k+ | fake dating au, college au,  fratboy au, rich kid au, based on a bet (but JK contracted her to fake date to win the bet) | F, A
Hate Me @themfchase - one shot | 7k | college au, fuckboy!jungkook, pwp | S 
Ego Killer @zibermuda - series [3/3] | 32k  | Fuckboy AU, Enemies to Lovers, FWB AU, College AU | S, A, F
Bad Influence Collection @noteguk - series [5/?] + drabbles [14/?] | 74.6k+., 20-30k+ for the drabbles | Enemies with Benefits, Tutor AU, College AU, Bad Boy AU | S, A, F
Microwave Misadventures @bymoonchild - one shot | 20k | E2L, Roommate AU, College AU | S, F, slight A
Bitchin @kinktae - series [10/10] + 10 Years After | 49.5k | College AU, Fake Dating AU, E2L, 80s, Fratboy AU, Smart!Reader | S, A, F
Vaunt + Part 2 @yminie - two shot | 18.5k | College AU, Fratboy!jungkook, Frat Party, eventual Established Relationship, Jungkook has a big D | S, F
The Art of The Rom-Com @gukyi - one shot | 33k | film major!jungkook (and reader), college au, film project | F, A
Fall For You @kimvtae - series [3/3] + drabbles | 34.5k | Fuckboy AU, FWB AU, College AU, Enemies to Lovers AU | S, A, F  
Band Slam @ironicarmy - series [3/3] + Bonus | 68.6k | College AU, Rock Band, Music AU, Drummer!Jungkook, Guitarist!Reader, E2L, band contest | A, S, F
Sweet Milk Tea @a-detraque-barista - drabble | 1.8k | College AU, Enemies to Lovers, spilled milk tea on OC that turned smutty 🔥 | S, slight F
Two Rotten Apples @chickenkooks - series [4/?] + drabbles | 89.4k |  Neighbor AU, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies with Benefits AU, FWB AU, College AU, Fratboy AU | S, A, F (I don’t think this will be updated anymore, but this a classic, something I’d see in fic recs through the years and I re-read this and still love it. the preview can be conclusive of what’s supposed to happen, I think)
01 02 03 04 + drabble 1 drabble 2
05 [preview]
Color Me Red @vantaenims - drabble | 1.2k | College AU, E2L, OC hates Jungkook 👀, use of colors in the dialogue (cute) | F
Hate at First Weeb @jooneos - series [11/?] | 49k+ | College AU, Neighbor AU, Enemies to Lovers, Artist!Jungkook, Weeb!Jungkook | F (they are reposting some chapters)
Serendipity @goldenscript - one shot | 27k | enemies to lovers, college au, drama, JK is the Coffee Shop Jerk, slow burn, journalism major!oc to interview hot-headed film major!jk  | F
Waste It On Me @sunshinejunghoseokie - series [5/?] | wc: around 2-3k per chapter? | Punk!Jungkook, Enemies to Lovers, Rock Band AU, Music AU | Fluff, Crack, Angst
**Pen Pals with Benefits @bangtanhome - series [3/?] + drabbles | 31k+ | College AU, Psych project partners, fwb au, enemies to lovers | s, f, slight a
Fuckboy Jungkook Who Quotes Gatsby Part 5  Part 6   @btsinspirationtakesme - drabble series [6/6] | Fuckboy AU, Nerd!Reader, Enemies to Lovers, using literary quotes to win OC (Shakespeare, FS Fitzgerald, Neruda, etc) | F, S, A
The Likelihood Of Being On Your Mind by @jjiimin - one shot | 18.2k | Childhood Friends AU, Neighbors AU, slight Enemies to Lovers, College AU | F, A
You Are Mine @deathbyyoongi - one shot | 8.2k | College AU, sort of Enemies to Lovers, popular!JK, jealous Koo | S, A
It’s a Heartbeat @inkofyoongi - series [3/3] [ 45kk+ | Enemies to Lovers, College AU, their parents are dating, Jungkook is the South Korean Patrick Swayze and this will turn into a Dirty Dancing!AU nobody asked for 🤭 | A, F, S
The Perfect Match @meiadore - SMAU with written chapters | modern dating app, college au, neighbors au, crack | F, implied S
 Pen Pals (with benefits) @bangtanhome - series [2//?] | 18k+ | College AU, FWB AU, E2L, never got along ever since The Incident™, paired up for a project  | S, F [discontinued but you can read til the latest chapter]
Stranded @gguksgalaxy - one shot | 13k | bad boy, fuckboy, e2l, help with studying, stranded due to 🌧 (smut ensues 😉) | S, F, A
 Not His Type @writerforkpop - SMAU | College AU, enemies to lovers, kind of bet au (jungkook is a player and OC/friends made a bet they can make him notice her) | a, eventual f
One Beep @peachiekoo - series [1/?] | 2k+ | enemies to lovers, love alarm au, their parents’ divorce is related (so JK hates her/her family) | a, eventual f
Irrevocably Yours, Part 2 @eureka-its-zico - series [2/3] | 29.2k+ | Enemies to Lovers, slow burn, Rich!Jungkook but now adjusting to his situation, disability themes (jk had an accident which now affected his leg), hurt/comfort,, First Love type of fic, really cute | f, a 🌷
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Post-College (Professionals | Office | CEO | etc)
The Proposal @hansolmates - one shot | 20k | editor!jungkook x assistant!reader, inspired by the film The Proposal, fake dating/marriage au, friends to lovers | f, s
The Dating Plan @/jjkthclub - one shot | 15.8k | fake dating/trial dating | a, s, f
Owned @7deadlysinsfics - drabble | 2.2k | idol au, enemies to lovers, secret relationship | S, A
Lonely Hearts Club @dovechim - one shot | 11k | Wedding AU, Singles table | S, F, A
River Over Stones @masterninjacow - one shot | 37.6k | godparents au, parenting au | A, F
Sorry + I’m Not Sorry @bxebee - drabbles | 4k | ex-classmates, ex-bully!JK, prosecutor!reader, Reunion AU | S, A
Frost Impressions @fortunexkookie - one shot | 41.3k | Teachers AU,  Enemies to Lovers, Pining, Bestfriend AU, Gamer AU, Idiots to Lovers | F, S, slight A
Christmas is Waiting For You @lamourche - one shot | 10k | Christmas AU, Childhood Acquaintance, Phone Sex Worker, Secret Identity (or they don’t know they’re engaged in phone sex) | S, F
Midas @gukyi - one shot | 32k | Magical Realism (invisibility and healing for OC, JK can turn things to gold), a short Fake Dating stint, CEO AU | F, A
We Are All Dreamers + A Touch of Fate @yoonia - two shot | 24.5k | Soulmate AU, Lucid Dreams (they dream of their soulmates), E2L, kind of Neighbor AU | A, S, F
Tinder @tayegi - one shot | 10k | Co-worker AU, E2L-ish, Mobile App that matches you with potential “partners”, pining from Koo, Humor! | S, F
Cream & Sugar @gukslut - series [6/6] + drabble  | 36k | Coffee Shop AU, Barista AU, Escort AU, Enemies to Lovers, Jerk!Jungkook in the beginning | S, F, A
Falling For You (Falling From Grace) @sunshyngal - series [8/8] |15k | FWB AU, Enemies with Benefits, Coworker AU, Boxer AU | S, A, F
Aim for the Heart @writemywaytoyourheart - series [9/?] | 43.5k+ | Hitman AU, sort of E2L, Mystery | A, no F yet
Roses, Poetry, and Jeon @seraphimguks - one shot | 12k | Bookstore AU, Childhood Acquaintance, Love Letters/Poetry | F, A
Baby I’m a Fool @suhdays - one shot | enemies to lovers, coworker, fake dating | F, A
Rousing Rendezvous @hueseok - drabble | 1.5k |  frenemies with benefits, modern royalty au | S
I’m Yours @hueseok - drabble | 1k | Royalty AU, Enemies to Lovers, Arranged Marriage | s
Not My Fault by @writerforkpop - SMAU | gamer au, youtuber au | F
Brat Taming @sugasbabiie - one shot | 8.2k | Fuckboy AU, Roommates AU, Enemies to Lovers, Tattoo Artist!JK, Noona AU | S, A, F
Youngblood  @jinned - one shot | 14.6k | Enemies to Lovers, Journalist!OC, Rockstar AU | S 🌷
Normal Kind of Love @yoontaethings - series [1/?] | 2.5k+ | Actor AU, Exes AU, Enemies to Lovers | A (so far)
Nuisance @seokahwrites - series [00/?] |  1.3k+ | lawyer!jungkook x lawyer!reader, enemies to lovers, vacation au (stuck together thanks to the brilliant assistants *coughs* Seokjin), there’s only one bed trope? | f, slight a
Challenge Accepted @jjkthclub - drabble series [4/?]  | 5.4k+ | CEO AU, Office AU, FWB AU, E2L | S, A, eventual F
Ghosted @fortunexkookie - series [3/3] | 31k | Bartender!Jungkook, Patron!Reader, idiots to lovers, E2L, Arcade Bar AU, Humor | F, S, A
Falling Skies @fortunekookie - series [7/7] | 50k | Hurt/Comfort, Friend to Enemies, E2L, Pining | A, S, F
When the Sun Goes Down @baepsaesbae - one shot | 2.4k | Enemies to lovers, Gang Leaders (OC and JK), some badass fight scenes (then 😉🥵💦 | S, F   
Live Through This @starshapedkookie - series [1/?] | 22.5k+ | Exes AU, Enemies to Lovers, Punk AU | A, S
Bella Sposa @makeawish2020 - drabble series [6/?] | 6-8k? | secret agent au, assassin au, enemies to lovers, secret identity, mystery | a
 Love Ain’t a Business @bangtanhome - series [1/?] | 9.2k+ | best friend’s brother au, enemies to lovers, ex-fwb au, fake dating (with the best friend) | s, f, a
Combative @smasmashin - one shot (with ongoing drabbles) | 6.2k | Fuck or Die AU, Assassin AU, kinda alien too? (feat Alien!Seokjin), Enemies to Lovers, Crack/Humor | S (pwp) 🌷
Glitter and Disquiet @joheunsaram - two shot | 36k | heir au, ceo au, youtuber!oc, virgin!jungkook, gaming company, post grad au, enemies to lovers | a, f, s
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Slice of Life-ish
Addicted to U @ughcore - one shot + ongoing series [5/?] | 27k+ | Enemies to Lovers, eventually Established Relationship (a bit of secret relationship at first) | s, f, a
Year 22 @guklvr  - one shot | 11.5k | friends to lovers, e2l-ish, slow burn, childhood friends, neighbor au | A, S, lil F
After I Left You @/latetaektalk - one shot | 38.9k | Exes AU, Unrequited-ish, E2L-ish | A, F
Paddle With Me @yoongsgguktae - two shot(?) [1/?] | 16.3k | Camp Counselor AU | A, S
Lost @armxytrash - one shot | 2.3k | Camping AU, E2L pair who got lost and had to camp overnight | S, F
Of Honey and Cinnamon @rubycoast  - one shot | 14k | Musician!Jungkook, Slice of Life, Strangers to Lovers, met on a train, it has Before Sunrise feels to it | A, F
Show Me Something @yoonia - one shot | a whopping 51.7k (but it’s worth reading!) | Road Trip AU, Ex-Friends AU, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, First Love AU, Slow Burn  | A, S
Bread Pudding @myfeelsinink - one shot | 12.3k | neighbor, one-sided enemies to lovers (OC is mad Jungkook ate her bread pudding), | F
Busted in Busan @hansolmates - 10k | fluff, angst | slice of life, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, christmas detour!au
Strangers Again @minniefilms  - series [4/4] | 11.4k | frenemies, best friend’s boyfriend | A, F
Safety Net @pradaksj - two shot | 40k | Boxer AU, Enemies to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Roommates AU | A, F, S
Rattled @gukslut - series [9/9] | 69k | Single Dad AU, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Neighbors AU | A, S, F  
If I Can Never Give You Peace @candlewaxandp0lar0ids - series [3/?] | 17.6k+ | Mafia AU, Enemies to Lovers, Underground Fighter!Jungkook,  Hybrid AU  | A (so far)
Sway Me More @hoseokmylovesworld - series [2/3] | 22k+ | enemies to lovers, mafia au, continuation of their story | s, f
Knight in Distress @jimilter (blog got term, back up at @bangtae-sohotddaeng) - drabble | 2.5k | chaebol!jungkook, heir au, enemies to lovers, co-workers, CEO!Jungkook, OC high position too, shirtless jungkook in water | f, a
Jeon Husband @breakiebunny - one shot | 8.7k | Arranged Marriage or Contract Marriage, CEO AU, OC wants out and Jungkook is suddenly threatened, jealous!jungkook, feat Yoongi | s, f 
Not Like You @oureuphoria - one shot | 28k | single dad au, boxer!jungkook, enemies to lovers, childhood acquaintance, childhood enemy, slow burn | f, a
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⚡ Hogwarts
New Romantics @cupofteaguk -  one shot | 24k | hogwarts au, quidditch player!jungkook, enemies to lovers au | f, a
Amortentia @jungkxook - one shot | 5.4k | Hogwarts AU, Enemies to Lovers | F
💜 Symmetry @adriftmoonchild - one shot | 10k | Hogwarts AU, Enemies to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Arranged Marriage (for the reader), Rich AU (OC) | S, A, F
🦹‍♂️ Superhero/Villains
Banter & Bicker @littlemisskookie - two shot | 21k | Superhero AU, Roommate AU, Friends to Lovers, kind of Enemies to Lovers (Villain!Reader so there’s rivalry, Crack 😂, Established Relationship in sequel | F, A, S
✨ Other Supernatural/Fantasy Fics
Blight @kpopisthereasonihavenolife - series [12/12] | 87k |  Dragon/Shapeshifter AU, Magic AU, Enemies to Lovers, Fantasy, Witch!Reader | F
The Alchemy of Amor @army-author - one shot | 15.5k | Fantasy AU, Royalty AU, Alchemist!Reader, potions | F
Fire and Ice @army-author - one shot | 6.6k | opposing talents (he creates fire 🔥 x OC’s ice ❄)  and opposing personalities, enemies stuck in a room (stuck AU? lol)  | F (aww blast from the past, one of first fics I’ve read 🥺. so fluffy 🥰)
Scattered Stars + Collision @taegularities - one shot + drabble | 22.9k | Fantasy AU, Soulmate AU, Rival families, Enemies (Fire & Ice) | A, F, S
Among the Evergreen @rosaetae - one shot | 12.6k | modern fantasy au, enemies to lovers , Christmas AU | F
Ember Burning @kpopfanfictrash - one shot | 36k | fantasy AU, dragon AU, dragon riders, enemies to lovers, royalty | A, F, S
Frozen Hearts Flame @yoongi-sugaglider - one shot | 10k | fantasy au, soulmate au, slight enemies, fairy au | F
New Beginnings @gukeobi - one shot + follow up drabble | 18.8k | Werewolf AU, Supernatural AU, Enemies to Lovers, A/B/O dynamics | A, F, S 🌷
Moonstruck @jeonsweetpea - series [9/?] | 96.3k+ | supernatural au, werewolf hybrid!jungkook, vampire/werewolf hybrid!reader, slow burn, feat werewolf!taehyung, other members in supernatural form (witches, vampires, werewolf) | A, S, F
Thirst @avveh - series [1/?] | 10.9k | Vampire Hunter AU, Supernatural, Coworker AU, rivals at work, enemies to lovers, thriller | S (so far) - newly added because I just read it and I drooled over the concept and their dynamics!)
Yo-ho-hoe And A Bottle Of Rum @yoonjinkooked - series [1/?] | 2.8k+ | enemies to lovers, pirate au, fantasy, crack/humor | a, f, s
Somewhere Only We Know (Final) @qersona - series [4/4] | 21k | Hybrid AU, FWB AU, childhood friends au, enemies to lovers, college AU, unrequited (for OC), sports (JK) | s, a, f (this was part of my Aug 2020 reading list so we’ve come a full circle here 🥰) 🌷
The Big Cats @breakiebunny - one shot | 10.5k | Mafia AU, Hybrid AU, Amur Leopard!Jungkook,  enemies to lovers, last amur leopard hybrids alive (they need to mate) | a, s
The Lines Between Us @chateautae - one shot | 10k | detective!jungkook, enemies to lovers, slight fantasy, FWB AU, coworker au,  | s, a 🌷
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📌  BTS Fic Reads - 2021 May Special Edition 
from my main: (Ongoing Jungkook Fics I Love)
Chain Reaction - e2l, lab partners, college au | f,a | ch.2
Night Changes - fuckboy!jungkook, matchmaking au, e2l, college au | f, a, s
Lost Stars - bassist!jungkook, roommate au, e2l, college au | a, f
To Find Us Again - ex-friends, single dad!jk, frenemies, e2l | a
Falcon - free runner!jungkook x detective!reader, e2l, rebels, dystopia | a, f, s
This Cruel and Beautiful World - werewolf!jungkook, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, e2l, assassin au, soulmate au, forbidden love | a, s, f
Ghost in My Bed - exes, e2l, rockstar au | a, f
Foolish Love, Fake Love - e2l, bodyguard!reader, idol au | a, f
Yours, Truly - arranged marriage, e2l, scorned lovers, ceo!jungkook x music producer!reader
Subliminal in Scrubs - s2l, e2l, drabble series, medical au | f, eventual s?
Demolition Lovers - neighbor au, fake dating(?), e2l | a, f
Swipe Right - personal trainer!jungkook, fuckboy!jk, nerd/IT!reader, e2l | a, s, f
Asterismos - e2l, soul-binding, fantasy | ch.2
Concentric - e2l, fantasy, warriors | a, f, s
Cursed - e2l, medieval, prince, mage!reader | a, f | ch.5
Eclipsed - inuyasha au, f2l, e2l | a, f, s? | ch.2
The Garden Thief - e2l, drama, comedy, shifter AU
Red Dawn - werewolf au, medieval, ancient e2l | a, f, eventual s | ch.4
Riddikulus - hogwarts au, e2l | a, f | ch.15
The Ebb and the Flow - percy jackson au, mythology, demigod, e2l | f, a | ch.8
Just Facts - rich idol!jk x dancer!reader, e2l, SMAU
Tell Me How - arranged marriage, e2l, modern royalty, SMAU with written
The Bully’s Tutor - modern hogwarts au, e2l, SMAU
You Broke Me First - feat Jimin, smau, fake dating au, love triangle | a, f
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Fic Recs Lists you can check:
I am encouraging you to explore and maximize the lists in the NAVI. You can explore each list and I usually put the detail “enemies to lovers” per fic
The list above are what I have reblogged so far at ggukkiereads (or my main), but if you look at the individual lists there are so much more:
Under Jock/Sports AU - Jungkook (9 fics not included in this list)
BTS Racer AUs   (2 JK Fics not listed)
Mafia AUs - Jungkook (10 Fics not listed here)
The Professor Jungkook list has one fic or two (please check the navi)
The monthly reading lists (might have fics I haven’t rb yet; it’s all in the navi too!)
Feel free to check the other lists for E2L fics I might have missed!
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🌷 posted: 2021 June 10 | updated: 2022 Oct 02 (marked with 💜)
🌷 other fic rec lists
🌷 other Enemies to Lovers List: Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
🌷 I love to read so feel free to recommend a fic =)
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3K notes · View notes
swga-ficrecs · 3 years
fics by trope / genre tags
based on existing tags as of January 20, 2024
social media
tropes / plots
abo dynamics
actor / actress
alternate universe
arranged marriage
artist / art student
baby daddy
bad boy
ballet dancer / ballet teacher
baseball player
basketball player /  basketball coach
best friend's boyfriend
best friend’s brother
best friend's dad
best friend's sister
best friends
best friends to lovers
board director
bookstore owner
brother’s best friend
cafe owner
camp counselor
captain of the guard
class president
club owner
coffee shop owner
college life
convict /  criminal
country club
dating show
delivery boy /  delivery girl
demon /  demon prince
drug lord
editor / editor in chief
emotional trauma
emperor /  empress
enemies to lovers
enemies with benefits
environmentalist / environmental activist
established relationship
exes to lovers
f1 racer
fake dating
fallen angel
family life
fashion designer
figure skater
fire fighter
flight attendant
football player / football captain
forbidden romance
friends to lovers
friends with benefits
friends with benefits to lovers
fuckboy / fuckgirl
game designer
god /  goddess / greek god
good girl 
grad school
grim reaper
guardian angel
gym rat
head chef
helicopter pilot
high school life
high school reunion
hockey player
hybrid / hybrid rescue / hybrid sanctuary
interior designer
jack frost
kindergarten teacher
lab partners
lacrosse player
lady in waiting
little space
lodge owner
love triangle
lovers to exes
lucid dreaming
managing director
marriage counseling
married life
masquerade party
mates / mating
mayor’s son
medic / medical student /  medical intern
mental health
museum curator
mutual pining
nail technician
nerd / nerd bts
one night stand
pastry chef / patisserie chef
person with disability
personal assistant
personal trainer
phone sex operator
physical therapist
pianist / piano teacher
police officer
prince / princess
pub owner
queen /  queen consort
racer /  street racer
radio dj
rock band / rockstar
roommates / roommates to lovers
second lead syndrome
secret admirer
secret letters
secret pining
secret relationship
secret santa
senior vp
sex contract
sex video
single parent
sister’s best friend
sister's friend
slice of life
slow burn
soccer captain / soccer player
social worker
stable boy
star wars
stockholm syndrome
strangers to friends with benefits
strangers to lovers
studio ghibli
sugar daddy / sugar baby
summer camp
super hero
tattoo artist /  tattoo apprentice
tea shop owner
teacher's assistant
terminal illness
time travel
undercover agent
underground fighter
unplanned pregnancy
unrequited love
vice president
volleyball player
waiter /  waitress
warrior / witch / wizard
wedding / wedding planner / wedding proposal
326 notes · View notes
goldentsum · 4 years
━ captains - with a fuckgirl    
CHARATERS: sawamura daichi, bokuto koutarou, and ushijima wakatoshi
GENRE: smut, angst
AUTHOR’S NOTE: sINNNN!! fuckgirl! reader messing with our bois’ mind--
pt. 2
━ daichi ♡
daichi knows you, he knows your reputation but he still got tangled up with your mess
he has seen the multiple guys that were left with broken hearts and pain
but how tf did he got in this situation?
daichi’s lap is just so nice, with thick thighs and a real good package in between them yum
so of course like any intellectual being, you just have to sit on them
and here you are, grinding on the best seat in town while sucking faces with the dignified captain of karasuno
he wasn’t supposed to do this... nope nope nope
daichi was supposed to be in practice right now but no he’s here with you inside his empty classroom with your tongue in his mouth
the slow and sensual movement you make with your tongue in his mouth should be illegal and how tf are you so good at this?
the rough grinding was really making this too hard to concentrate 
you smirked through the sloppy kiss when you felt something hard nudging your thigh and couldn’t help but trail your hand towards it, squeezing it as it earns you a husky groan from the captain
daichi stopped you, breathing heavily from your kiss and looked at you with a small glare
“you really have to stop getting me into trouble...” 
you smirked at that, leaning closer to him. the authoritative aura he exudes and the glare on his face was triggering your mischievous side. i mean how could you not? daichi’s too uptight sometimes, you just wanna do something about it~
besides, his reactions are far better than your other boytoys~ 
“come on, loosen up a bit, daddy~” 
and that was it, daddychi snapped.
he gripped your wrists that was inching toward again to his hard-on with a tight grip making you gasp and with his other hand, he held your chin as he looked deep in your eyes with a small glare
“you’re in so much trouble, you do know that right” 
“of course~ after all, why would I do it in the first place~”
daichi got it bad... even though, he knows how you treat others he just can’t stop it
he was trying to break off your ‘arrangement’ for weeks now but you always get him to shut his mouth and put it to use in some other places ;)
like right now, he was supposed to talk to you about it but he was getting more tangled up with you...
it was an ever ending cycle but daichi’s not complaining... as long as he has you then maybe it’s not so bad
━ bokuto ♡
he is a baby! what tf did you do?! 
bokuto probably likes you even before you brought up your little fubu arrangement
so naturally he agrees! 
but he doesn’t really understand the arrangement and thought you two were dating
baby owl will always go to your apartment and when he saw another one of your boytoys, he was livid! rip (y/n) 
when the guy left because the glaring and bo’s presence being too much, he will be all up in your face with a hard glare
“what was that?! you’re cheating on me!”
you have to explain it to him and it’s so awkward and it tugs your heartstrings because you see his expression slowly going blank and the soft glow in his eyes that you always see dies down as every word comes out of your mouth
it was silent for a moment then bokuto grabbed you, slamming you to the wall, you gasp and looked up at him
his towering height and large stature was making you feel all sort of things
“you want this right? this is what you want right?” 
bokuto kisses you so hard that you were sure that your lips would be so bruised after this
he manhandles you and held your hips in a tight grip but fuck why the hell does it feels so good?
the harsh grinding sent shivers down your spine, the feeling of his hard-on pressed to your core was too good
his mouth sucking down on your neck, his large hands on your waist and ass, the rough grinding, and the press of the cold wall was making you dizzy
“shit... kou-”
“shut up, whore” 
oh damn... he really did snap, huh.
after your whole ass session, you were sore and filled with bruises with a pouty and sulky bokuto on your side
you just have to make it up to him wink wonk~
so you surprise him with a good blowjob 
crawling down and slotting yourself between his thiccc thighs, you get down to work 
bokuto looked down at you with lust and love in his eyes but he remembers
i guess this was enough for now...
━ ushijima ♡
you and him go way back and I mean waaayyy back
he’s your childhood friend who confessed to you when you guys were 16... And you thought he was just joking, I mean come on! This was ushijima we’re talking about
he was always so stoic and stone-faced that you thought he was a robot at some point but he proved you wrong when he confessed to you, proving to you that he likes you 
though unfortunately for our miracle boi, you have some bad trust issues
he knows though, he understands and he respects that but he was always trying to make you see and believe that his feelings were genuine... 
soft boi :((
ushi is always trying to make you feel comfortable and loved even though he has his volleyball shit on the side... you were worth all the missed practices and everything 
but he’s a guy, after all, he had them manly urges ahem
the first time you guys tried the fubu arrangement, ushi was salty but beggars can’t be choosers so he’ll take what he can get with you
the boi was so awkward and stiff the whole time when you tried to make a move, he didn’t know where to put his hands and when yall first kissed, it was a painful experience with teeth clashing together
though as time progresses and he got comfortable with it, oml be prepared for some daddy action~
ushi is packing some good meat! it’s basically canon that ushijima has a big dick
but ushijima always gets you to bed before doing anything, saying that you deserve to be comfortable in any situation :((
he always lay you down in bed and takes his time with your body like damn boi
big strong calloused hands caressing down your body and lips leaving open-mouthed kissed on your tummy as he trails down 
ushi loves watching you while he thrust in you, he likes seeing you fall apart in front of him and make you cry in pleasure
and how can you not cry? the feeling of his thick cock trusting in you and the tip hitting your cervix was making you see stars
but if you ever open your eyes and watch him,, oh~ you’re in for a treat!
If you can keep your eyes open, you’ll see his usual stoic face twist in pleasure. his brows furrowing and half-lidded eyes darkening with lust. 
sweat making his usually neat hair stick to his forehead and big muscles contracting as he moves in a rough and rapid movement,, goddamn
maybe,, definitely,, just maybe you’ll keep ushi around,, in more ways than one
3K notes · View notes
doublekrecs · 4 years
haikyuu hc recs!!
aftercare (ft. bokuto) by @starboybokuto
kenma with a sensitive crybaby by @seita 
how's that going to fit (ft. osamu & ushi) by @jinkicake 
captains with a fuckgirl (ft. daichi, bokuto, & ushijima) by @goldentsum 
first time w/ them (ft. iwa, oikawa, atsumu, & sakusa) by @msbyslut
  summer dress (ft. kita shinsuke) by @agaassi 
missed connection crushes (ft. saga, bokuto, lev, & kuroo) by @bby-bokuto
fancy dinner date!! (ft kageyama tobio & akaashi keiji) by @sckusa
haikyuu boys meet your parents for the first time!! by @sugawaraxo
daichi with an s/o who has big boobs by @miinaashido
thigh kisses by @miinaashido
kenma having a crush on the team manager by @miinaashido
creampie headcanons (ft ushijima, oikawa, atsumu, osamu, kageyama, akaashi) by @vinncent
kuroo's crush on the karasuno manager by @peach-pops
dominant s/o (ft. oikawa, suga, bokuto) by @hikyoo
thigh highs (ft. captains) by @ahega0princess
fwb!suna by @rintarous
open up - spit kink (ft. atsumu, ushiwaka, tendou) by @writingbakery
spell coconut (ft. akaashi, semi, tanaka, & ushijima) by  @jinkicake
thigh riding (ft. the captains) by @shinsotired
dry (ft. hinata, kageyama, & akaashi) by @kagayamasthighs
post game (ft. sakusa kjyoomi) by @diem-my
short gf wants a kiss (ft. suna, akaashi, & osamu) by @beccascribbles
fake dating (ft. oikawa tooru, atsumu miya, kuroo tetsuro) by @krappykawa
thigh riding (ft. kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei, daichi sawamura, kuroo tetsuro) by @namikxze
s/o walks in naked by @samwritesss  
sneaky sex by @seita
nsfw hcs (ft. tsukki, oikawa, & mattsun) by @visaintes
lactose intolerant s/o (ft. kageyama) by @kagayamasthighs
heated kisses (ft. kuroo, ushijima, & bokuto) by @tetsuwhore
accidentally hitting you face with a volleyball (ft. miya twins & sakusa) by @hotsukie
be quiet (ft. suna, akaashi, & osamu) by @akaashisbabygirl
skincare (ft. suga & suna) by @popkou
cum on my thigh (ft. ushijima & kageyama) by @akaashisbabygirl
size kink hcs (ft. ushi, tendou, eita, shirabu, & sakusa) by @seita  
297 notes · View notes
Lifeguard/lesbian cruise prompt: It's Dani's bachelor's party. Karen introduces her to the daughter of a friend from high school, Jamie Taylor, who works at the night club and would be - according to Karen - a best friend to Dani.
They talk in the bathroom about how Karen loves Jamie, what ends up being a revealing moment when Jamie asks if Karen would like her so much if she knows Jamie is gay. Things became tense, they end up kissing and they make out in a cabin. Dani kinda "wakes up" an runs after Jamie whispers:
"I wonder if Karen would love me if she knew I was fucking her daughter".
Dani avoids Jamie and gets married to Eddie, Jamie returns to England.
Dani's family and Eddie's are business partners in a cruise company. Eddie has to go in a travel but he doesn't want let Dani alone, so he asks her to go in 4 weeks cruise ship and meet him when it stops in Italy.
He tells her to invite Rebecca to go with her. Dani is confused of why he's doing all this - he's a jealous man, every time he has to travel, he manages things so she would be with someone he trusts (family, her mother). So why he's so comfortable with the idea of her going in a cruise where would man be there?
When Dani is finally in the cruise, she understands: it wasn't just a cruise. It was a lesbian cruise with 6,000 woman together.
In his mind, Eddie sent his straight wife to a lesbian cruise, no man around, no threat to his marriage. He never knew about Dani/Jamie and Dani believes this feeling for Jamie was a mistake, just a result of all the stress she was being through.
On the cruise, Becca is getting fun seeing Dani receiving so much attention from girls and Dani is trying to survive this and deny her feelings.
In their second day on the cruise, Becca and Dani talk with the Captain of the ship and she tells them about the new lifeguard and how girls are crazy to go to the pool just to be around her, how one girl just pretended she was downing just to be rescued by the lifeguard. Or trying to find her while she's on her day off.
Becca is curious to see the famous lifeguard, so she makes Dani put her bikini on and they go to the pool - Dani thinks there's no need of it, since the Captain said she invited the lifeguard to have dinner with them, so she could meet one of the faces behind the cruise company. But Becca insists.
Then Dani sees the lifeguard: the red swimsuit thin strap, small red shorts, the whistle hanging around her neck, the sunglasses. Jamie Taylor.
Bonus 1: Karen is a fan of Jamie. She thinks Jamie is perfect, but obviously doesn't know Jamie at all. She is the one who hired Jamie as lifeguard.
Bonus 2: Becca is gay.
Bonus 3: Jamie knows a lot of things about Dani because of Karen. Eg: about how she doesn't know how to swim and almost drowned. (Swim lessons?)
Bonus 4: "So you knew I was engaged and still kissed me? I'm not... I'm married now. To a man. Eddie. You just did that to make me confused..."
"Do u have any idea of how you're looking at me that day? I'll never forget that look on your face. I saw you at the day of your wedding, your mother invited me. I was curious to see you. You looked so... The white fancy dress, the veil, your blonde hair... I was mesmerized. You looked like a Queen. You remember the moonflower with the note "You look beautiful" they delivered to you in your car, when you're about to enter the church? It was me. I waited to see you entering the church and when you saw Eddie waiting for you... I didn't see that look on your face. I left when you said "Yes". I left knowing you would never look at him the way you looked at me. Why, Dani?
Bonus 5: "you're the fuckgirl type right? If not, you love all the attention the girls offer you during all day. There are 6,000 girls here. You won't have a problem finding one since so many of them want you"
"Not interested in... 5,999 of them"
"Leave. Please."
"Is that an order? Because the company belongs to your family. So it makes you my boss too. If I'm a problem to you, you can fire me. Just do it, Danielle. C'mon."
"Don't call me that."
"Danielle? I'll call you Danielle because it's that what you want people to see - including me. You're trying to convince me you're Danielle. Or it's just you trying to convince yourself that you're Danielle. Not Dani. I met Danielle when your mother introduced us. I saw Dani in that toilet cabin. I saw both. So just fire me, Danielle."
Ps: A lot of angst, but there are a lot of positive things you can add (if you like the prompt, of course), spa, sauna, dinners, etc.
I know I promised to not to send prompts anonymously, but I want to keep myself anon to others and this prompt was too much to send it in private message. It's enough for me to you to know who I am. 😘
I really love this idea and think it would make a great fic, thank you for sending it my way I will start planning this out so that I can write it when I have the time and have tied up some of my other fics!! I think there is so much potential for angst here and so much potential for soft stuff too and I really love this and I love how detailed this prompt it too!! I do know who you are and while you did say you would've send anymore anonymously I am 100% fine for you to send them this way and I promise to keep you anonymous as long as you want to be anonymous for!! Again thank you so much for sending this prompt to me I love it!! 💜
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mygpuffstoread · 4 years
                    | OT7 | KSJ | MYG | JHS | KNJ | KTH | PJM | JJG |  
1920's 1950's 1990's
ABO Alien AlienInvasion Alpha&Omega AmongUs Android Angel ArrangedMarriage Artist Assasin Assistant Atla (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
BadBoy Bakery Best Friend Blackmail Bodyguard Breakup Brothers Best Friend
C2L Camp Counselor Camping Ceo Cheating Childhood Friends College Cupid CyberPunk
Dancer Demon Detective Devil Divorce Domestic Dragon Dystopian
E2L EMT Ex Ex2L Extreme Sports
F2L Fae Fake Dating Fake Marriage Fanfiction Fashion Designer Fast Food Worker Fighter First Date Forbidden Love Foursome Fratboy Friends To Lovers FuckBoi FuckGirl FWB
Genderbender Ghosthunters Greek Myths
Halloween Harry Potter Hellboy Highschool Historical Hogwarts Hospital Hurt Hybrid
Idiots2Lovers Idol Infidelity
Mafia Magic Manager Marriage Medival Mermaid Mystery
PacificRim Painter Pilot Pining Pirate Popstar Pornstar PostApocalypse Producer Proffessor Punk
Radiohost Rapper RichBoi Rockband Rommates Royal
S2L Scooby Doo Scrooge Secret Child Singer Single Dad Slice Of Life Slow Burn SM-au Soulmate Starfleet Captain StepBrother StreetRacer Summer Camp
Tattoo Artist Threesome
Unexpected Pregnancy
Werewolf Witch
Yandere Youtuber
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stallingdemons · 7 years
What Do You Feel | 002
Who: Jughead Jones What: Riverdale
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Part One ||| Part Two
Veronica looked over her shoulder, frowning as she watched [Y/N] laugh and chuck a few french fries in Reggie’s direction. It had been weeks since the whole Jughead and [Y/N] incident and [Y/N] was keeping her distance from her normal group of friends. Turning back around, she reached for her milkshake and fiddled with the straw. “I know the topic of [Y/N] is sort of off limits but I miss her.”
Without missing a beat, Jughead’s eyes snapped up from his laptop, his cold expression icing her bones. Normally, he could tune out his friends but ever since the rift between him and [Y/N], his focus had been all over the place.
Putting her hands up in submission and then crossing them over her chest, she leaned back into the booth, frowning again. “Sorry but I’m just speaking the truth.” Lowering her gaze to the table, she sighed. “She should be sitting here with us, not with the fuckboys and fuckgirls of Riverdale.” Veronica shuddered at the group of people [Y/N] had taken comfort with for the past few weeks.
Kevin avoided Jughead’s ice cold stare, nodding in agreement. “Not trying to throw myself to the wolves but I agree with Veronica.” Running his finger over the faded design of their booth, he flickered a look behind him towards [Y/N]. He could tell that she wasn’t entirely happy by the way her smile would falter just a smidge after she finished her laugh, [Y/N] was extremely easy to read for those who truly knew her.
Archie, who sat directly behind Jughead and the others in a separate booth, chimed in. “It’s weird not having her here. I mean, have you tried talking to her since it happened, Jughead?”
Betty violently turned around, her eyes narrowed with a look that could have killed. She had been there for the aftermath and saw firsthand the broken state it left Jughead in. “Let’s change the subject, guys.” Throwing everyone dirty looks, she changed the topic onto an altercation between her and Cheryl that had happened earlier that day.
Slinging off his helmet from the day’s practice, Archie walked through halls of Riverdale High. Just as he was about to reach the locker rooms, movement at the end of the hall caught his attention. Squinting his eyes, he headed for [Y/N]. He watched as she placed a physics textbook back into her locker, he figured that she had just gotten done with a tutor session. [Y/N] always helped out her classmates whenever they needed an extra hand.
She gasped, clutching the locker door from being startled. “Archie! Shit, you scared me.”
Leaning against the lockers, he frowned slightly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to.”
Pressing her lips together, she tore her eyes from his and started to shove some books into her bag. “Need something?” She finally asked.
“Yeah, I do. An explanation.” He firmly stated.
Closing her locker, she frowned. “Archie,” she warned.
“Come on, [Nickname].” Archie pleaded. He hadn’t been lying when he said it had been weird with [Y/N] straying from their friendship. Even his father was noticing the absence of a certain girl.  “It’s been weeks and we’ve barely held a conversation long enough for me to know if you’re okay. We’re best friends or at least I thought we were. I care about you, [Nickname]. You just cut me off, you cut everyone off. I wanted to be there for you.” Archie reached out for her arm as she went to turn away, pulling her back gently, and shaking his head. “You and Jughead can coexist in our lives, [Y/N].”
“Shouldn’t you be at practice,” she asked coldly.
Letting go of her arm, he narrowed his eyes lightly. “It got cut short today.”
Frowning, she looked down, “I’m sorry, Archie. I didn’t mean it like that.” Looking back up, she sighed. Closing her locker, she gave a small smile. “I know you guys wanted to be there for me but I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want you guys defending him and making me feel like I was wrong for ending things.” Adjusting the strap of her bag, she placed her back against her locker. “And to be completely honest if I stuck around, Jughead wouldn’t have. And he really needed you guys more than I did.”
Archie pressed his lips together, [Y/N] had a point. She was easy to get along with, people flocked to her. Jughead wasn’t necessarily a loner but he kept to himself and only trusted those who knew him. And that list wasn’t very long. Giving her a smile, he pulled her into a hug. Squeezing her tight and relishing the time he had left with her. He could tell that tomorrow she’d continue to avoid him.
Jughead looked up from his blank screen, finding Betty standing in the doorway of the Blue and Gold room. Clearing his throat, he lowered the laptop. “Yeah?”
Stepping inside, she walked slowly towards him. All Betty wanted was for Jughead to get out of his mood. “How are you feeling?”
Groaning, he ran both his hands over his face and kept them there. “Isn’t that the million dollar question.” Peaking through his fingers, he sighed, “I don’t know.”
Betty sat in front of him, frowning. “You don’t know or you don’t want to say? There’s a difference, Jug.”
Pulling his hands down, he narrowed his eyes. “What?”
Biting her lip, “You love [Y/N], you have to. And I’m not saying that you have to love her. I mean it as there’s no way that you don’t.” Betty had witnessed the romance between her friends happen. It was just a gradual fall. Every day, she’d notice that they’d sit just a little bit closer than the day before, their looks would linger for a second or two longer, and that their smiles were wider by the day. It was such a sweet, innocent kind of love that formed between them. Betty wanted nothing more than to talk about it but she knew that the minute she said something, they’d shy away and never return. 
Jughead closed his eyes, “Betty.” He didn’t want to talk about it. He just wanted to forget about it and let it die. If [Y/N] wanted to run off with another group then so be it. 
“Why didn’t you tell her how you felt, Juggie? This whole thing could have been avoided and your relationship would’ve been stronger.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” he mumbled.
“Try me, Juggie.” Betty murmured. 
Biting down on his thumb, he looked away from her intent gaze. Mumbling, he moved his thumb away from his lips. “When we were all little, my dad used to tell me that I was going to fall in love with her and that he could see it happening years from then.” Betty smiled lightly at the thought of his father calling his romance. Now that she thought about it, it was sort of easy to see that Jughead and [Y/N] would have ended up together all those years ago. They had always been attached at the hip, always supporting each other through everything.“He also told me that girls like [Y/N] were dangerous.” 
Betty’s brows knitted together, “I don’t understand.” Of all the people in Riverdale, [Y/N] was the least dangerous, she was always so calm and collected. 
Shaking his head, he shrugged. “I didn’t either until I asked him the other day what he meant when he said that.” Running a hand over his beanie, he sighed again. “He kind of looked at me and pieced it all together. I guess I’m not as good at hiding my emotions like I thought I could. He figured out that [Y/N] and I were more than friends and that we broke up. He just looked at me and asked me what I felt and that, that was the reason why she was dangerous.” Meeting Betty’s eyes, he frowned. “How do I tell her words that have never been formed or ever existed. Because that’s what I feel whenever I’m around her.”
Betty placed a warm hand over his, “Then you use words that already exist.” 
[Y/N] didn’t know how the fight started or what made it happen, all she did know was that she and Archie walked straight into a fighting ring in the student lounge. Their classmates all cheering and recording Reggie and Jughead brawling in the middle of the room. 
Exchanging looks with Archie, they both threw down their books and backpacks. Before Archie had the chance, [Y/N] beat him to it and grabbed Reggie by the back of his shirt and yanked him off of Jughead. 
Slinging him away from her, [Y/N] snarled out while Archie quickly helped Jughead up off the ground. “Back off, Reggie.” The crowd quickly dispersed as Archie threateningly told all of them to leave or else there would be another fight. 
Reggie scoffed, fixing his shirt from the scuffle. “He had it coming.” 
“I think it was the other way around, buddy.” Jughead sneered as he held his bleeding nose. “I hope you choke on all that shit you talk.” 
“That’s it, you little-” Reggie went for it but [Y/N] was quicker. Planting her feet firmly on the ground, she shoved him as hard as she possibly could causing him to stumble backwards onto the couch.
“-I said back off, Reggie!” [Y/N] snapped. She was absolutely livid, the fact that Reggie and Jughead were fighting infuriated her. [Y/N] hadn’t been a huge fan of Reggie but she accepted him for his flaws and tried to tolerate him. There were moments where she could see herself being friends with him but after today, she wanted nothing to do with him. Whether Jughead started the fight or not. 
“Don’t put your hands on me or-”
“-or what?” Archie growled. Gently grabbing [Y/N]’s arm, he pulled her behind him. Stepping directly in front of his captain, he squinted his eyes. Archie didn’t think Reggie would swing at a girl but he didn’t want to take that chance. Despite [Y/N] avoiding him for the last few weeks, it didn’t matter. He was going to protect his friends no matter who it involved. 
Reggie was about to respond but thought against it the second Betty, Veronica, and Kevin all came barging through the door to see the commotion. 
[Y/N] was fuming, it was clear to anyone that was watching her that her blood was boiling. The students that were left were all in shock at her current demeanor. She had never shown anger this way not even when Cheryl had it out for her. 
Taking a deep breath, she turned around to look at Jughead. He sported some cuts and a profusely bleeding nose. Glancing down at her wrist, she cursed silently, 2:54. The school’s nurse had already packed up and gone home for the day. Reaching over towards the table, she plucked a few tissues from the box and handed them over to Jughead. With her voice low and comforting, she placed a hand on his shoulder, ushering him towards the door. “Come on, let’s go.” 
All of her friends exchanged looks, surprised that she was even talking to Jughead. Veronica pursed her lips, leaning towards Betty and quietly whispering. “Do you think this will mean we’ll have [Nickname] back?” 
Betty watched carefully as [Y/N] gently guided Jughead past her, “I hope so but I don’t know.” 
Leaning down to grab her backpack and books, she heard Reggie scoff, “Yeah, go run back to your little freakshow boyfriend.” 
Tightening her grip on Jughead who tensed underneath her, she gave him a look as to not respond. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, her hand left Jughead as she turned to look Reggie in the eyes. “Cry me fucking river, Reggie. It was never going to happen.” Opening the door, she motioned for Jughead to go. 
“You would have been a waste of my time anyway.” 
Archie lost it, shoving him against the wall, “Hey! Watch that fucking mouth!”
Rolling her eyes, she gave Archie a smile, feeling stupid for shutting her friends out of her life. “Thanks Arch but,” looking at Reggie, she wore a look of disgust on her face. “you can only offend me if you mean something to me and Reggie, honey, you aren’t worth a damn thing to me.” 
The silence was killing him, but he didn’t dare speak a word. Jughead just sat quietly in the nurse’s office while [Y/N] sneakily shuffled through the cabinets. Looking up when she kneeled down in front of him, he met her eyes. A sharp pain shot through his chest because all he wanted was to kiss her and tell her how much he had been an idiot for not going after her. 
Biting her lip, [Y/N] handed him a wet rag to wipe his bloody nose. Watching him clean himself, she started to work on the cut just above his right eyebrow. After a few minutes of unbearable silence, she finally stood up and asked the question she had been dying to ask. “Why were you two fighting?” 
Jughead debated on responding, but knew that he could never really shun her out the way she did with him. Looking down at his hands, he shrugged. “Just said some things I didn’t like.” 
“Like?” She pushed. 
He stood up too, walking past her and leaning against the nurse’s counter. “It’s Reggie, [Y/N]. He says shit all the time and it just pissed me off.” Avoiding her raised brow, he mumbled. “He was just talking about you.” 
Tilting her head, she stood in front of him, with her arms crossed. “Saying what exactly?” 
Taking a deep breath, he met her gaze. “That he was this close to sealing the deal with you. That he was going to take you to one of the rooms during Cheryl’s party tomorrow night.” Breaking their eye contact, he gave an irritated sigh, “It just made me snap because the thought of you-” Jughead quickly closed his mouth. He didn’t want to go there. He wasn’t ready. 
Moving closer, she raised a brow. “The thought of me what? The thought of me losing my virginity to Reggie made you upset?” [Y/N] shook her head, her hands grabbing his. Her movement caused Jughead’s head snap up and look her in her eyes. 
Nodding, he chewed on his lip. “Yeah.” 
“Oh, Jug.” Dropping her hands from his, she brought one up to caress his cheek. “I already told you that you were the only one I wanted to claim it.” 
“Yeah but that was before you broke up with me.” He said coldly.
Pulling back her hand, she nodded. “Yes but,” trailing off, she scoffed at the idea of Reggie having her virginity and the idea that he thought he could take it. “you couldn’t have possibly believed that I would let Reggie Mantle of all people-”
“-it wasn’t that, [Nickname].” Jughead interrupted, getting slightly frustrated. Gently pushing past her, he paced a few steps before turning around to look at her confused expression. “It was the way he was talking about you, [Y/N]. Like, like you were some kind of score. A thing that could be won. You aren’t an item, [Nickname]. You’re a person, a person with feelings, a person with feelings that broke up with someone who also had feelings he couldn’t explain.” 
“Well,” biting her lip, “it means a lot that you’d stick up for me but,” she motioned towards his bruised eye and cuts, “was it worth bucking up to the Captain of the football team, Jug? I mean you got some really good licks in but not enough evidence on his face to back it up.”
“I wasn’t going to sit there and let him say those things about you, [Y/N].” Shaking his head, he scoffed, “It was a matter of time before Archie heard them and then what?” 
Sighing, [Y/N] stepped forward. Throwing her arms around his neck, she pulled him in close. Her grip tightened when she felt him embrace her back. Fighting back tears, she whispered out. “I miss you, Juggie.” 
Closing his eyes, he breathed, “I miss you too.” 
Pulling away just enough for her to look him in the eyes, she murmured, “Can we take baby steps? I’m not completely over the fact that you can’t tell me what you feel but I guess I have to accept that we just work better without words but I need to go slow.”
Jughead couldn’t resist kissing her, both of his hands flew up her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss. It lasted for a few seconds but it was enough to give him courage for what he had to say next. Resting his forehead against hers, he sighed lightly. “I know that wasn’t slow but I just want you, [Nickname]. That’s it. Nothing else but your flaws, mistakes, laughs, jokes, sarcasm, everything. I didn’t know what I felt until you walked away because everything I ever felt with you was normal. I had never felt any other way before. And then when you walked away. I felt broken. I felt like my entire world came crashing down around me and now...now I understand those lame sappy sad songs about broken love.” He chuckled with her, suddenly feeling a little bit better after hearing her giggle. 
“Juggie,” she breathed. 
“Love isn’t supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to be worth it and no one else is worth an ounce of my attention besides you. Years from now when we’ve said goodbye to this shit town, I want to look at you by my side and think how lucky I am to have kept you this long.” 
[Y/N] couldn’t respond, she was choked up. This was what she wanted to hear. That Jughead had the same exact plans as she did, that she wasn’t the only one feeling this way. Smiling, she pressed her lips against his. 
I didn’t see her love, I felt it plainly as the sun. -atticus 
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piedpiperslists · 2 years
JJK: College / University AU [#-D]
List of all Jungkook fics tagged under 'College / University' AU with titles starting with '#-D':
* s - contains smut sm - social media format
* Last updated: 29/10/2023
[drabble] by 1kook Summary: Super flirty and charming JK and a shy Y/N meet at a frat party.
[drabble] by 1kook Summary: Frat JK/shy YN sequel where they actually get it on.
[drabble] | [drabble] | [drabble] by 1kook s athlete!Jungkook, established relationship
[drabble] by angelguk angst, classmates au Summary: The one where your love confession got buried under the hot cheeto packets in his backpack and JK didn’t realise until a month later.
[drabble] by badbhye underclassman!Jungkook
[drabble] by candlewaxandp0lar0ids fratboy!Jungkook, nerd!reader, friends to lovers
[drabble] by gyukult fashion student!reader
[drabble] by hobibliophile Summary: “D-don’t do that with your lips.”
[drabble] by soraviie established relationship
[drabble] by taetaesbaebaepsae s angst, exes au
[drabble] by yooaliceee established relationship
[drabble] | [drabble] by yoonpobs s shy!Jungkook, fuckgirl!reader
[drabble] by yukheii enemies to lovers
11:35 PM by thekaykery s FWB, PWP
[11:48 PM] by yumeyooa angst Summary: I’m not the type to risk it all, but you got me acting irrational.
21st Century Love by gukyi enemies to lovers Summary: You and fellow film student Jeon Jungkook have been clashing heads all semester in your realistic fiction and 21st century film class, because Jungkook thinks that rom-coms are meant to express the beauty of love, and you think that they’re ploys by hollywood to tell people that they can achieve love by engaging in consumerism. But when you’re assigned to create your own stereotypical romantic comedy short film, Jungkook takes it upon himself to show you just how attainable love can really be.
Ain’t Nothing but a Number by yeojaa Summary: “Age doesn’t matter unless you’re a cheese.”
All I Want for Christmas by bangtanstanst established relationship Summary: Even a night out in the cold is made better when you spend it with your boyfriend.
All in My Head by rkiverse angst, best friend's boyfriend Summary: Because at the end of the day, he’s your best friend’s boyfriend.
Arabesque by gukyi friends to lovers
“Are you always this much of a brat?” by taetaespeaches
Bedtime by triptaech Summary: Boy next door helping you in with a bed.
Breaking In, Making Out by gukyi established relationship Summary: Being locked out of your apartment in the middle of the night covered in paint sounds pretty dang terrible, but at least Jeon Jungkook is always there to save the day.
By the Light of the Moon by minisugakoobies s friends to lovers Summary: Just you and Jungkook, and the ocean, under the moon.
Chocolate Eyes by taehyung-the-baehyung Summary: “Hypothetically, if I asked you out, would you say yes?”
Christmas Kiss by kpopfanfictrash fratboy au Summary: “That’s not mistletoe, that’s basil.”
Color Me Red by vantaenims Summary: You hate Jeon Jungkook but who are you trying to fool?
Daft Pretty Boys by jeonqkooks basketball captain!Jungkook Summary: Jungkook swears he doesn't usually do crushes. That is, until you.
Dense Ice by breadoffoxy hockey player!Jungkook, bookworm!reader Summary: You’re at the rink waiting for Namjoon to finish practice, but two Players won’t let you study in peace.
Distance by kthvluvr friends to lovers Summary: As much as you hated the way he only ever seemed to contact you when he wanted something, the sentimental part of you was willingly to keep any piece - no matter how small - of friendship you two had left.
Don’t Walk Out by mortaljin Summary: “You can’t walk out on me!”
10 Things I Hate About You by leviackermanscleaningbuddy wc~4.9k / enemies to lovers Summary: Enemies to Lovers. It's cliche right? You'd think so, until it happens to you. Then, suddenly, it doesn't seem quite so black and white anymore.
A Cinderella Story [AO3] by suhdays wc~21.2k Summary: You are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. Unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. Turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. So, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. That boy? None other than the rugby star himself, Jeon Jeongguk. It doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming Halloween party. He’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
A Love Told as Seasons Unfold by seokth s wc~3.8k / friends to lovers Summary: Falling in love with you in the winter; falling in love with me in the spring; falling in love with us in the summer; and falling in love with love in the fall.
Absolute by v-hope wc~4.3k / fuckboy!Jungkook, tutor!reader, FWB Summary: After arguing over the status of your relationship and having a bit of a fall out, Jeongguk and you find out you don’t quite like the idea of each other being with someone else. Nevertheless, with the two of you not being precisely a couple, things might get a little too complicated.
Addicted by sparklingchim s wc~2.9k / rich boy!Jungkook, established relationship, PWP Summary: Your boyfie Jungkook fucking you silly.
All’s Fair by kimvtae s wc~13k / ft KTH, boyfriend!Taehyung, polyamory au, soulmates au Summary: They say soul mates get their marks on the same day, and you’ve been dating Taehyung for almost four years now, but it isn’t his name that shows up on your wrist. It’s Jeon Jungkook’s, also known as your least favorite person in the world.
Angel by pixieknj s wc~5.2k / fuckboy!Jungkook, inexperienced!reader, university au Summary: After giving your virginity to the university’s most notorious fuckboy, he’s on a mission to slut your innocent ass out and take all that he can get... [or] small collection of fuckboy JK turning you out...
As I Told You by eleventoes wc~9.7k / enemies to lovers, roommates au Summary: Jeon Jungkook: junior, rising star quarterback, no.1 on the list of People You Cannot Stand. Also, your new roommate.
Awkwardly in Love by strawberrynamjoon wc~20k / friends to lovers Summary: Even if everything changed, yours and Jeongguk’s friendship would always stay the same - at least you thought so. But jokes on you, cupid had other plans for the two of you, making you reconsider everything you thought you knew about your best friend of twelve years.
Baby Don’t Go (I’m Bad at Being Alone) by whoreternal s wc~25k / friends to lovers
Bad Habits by sugarjaee s wc~5.5k / fuckboy!Jungkook, FWB Summary: “Tell me something,” he spoke. “Do you want this - us? You said you didn’t know what to call us but I want to give you a name.”
BB / GG by whatifyoulivelikethat s wc~7k / bad boy!Jungkook, good girl!reader Summary: Jeon Jungkook is the lead singer in a rock band and failed his Biology class last semester, so he has to take remedial classes over the summer. You're the Biology TA, double major in Psychology and Biology, watching him freak out over his make-up exam because he had overslept. Both of you are surrounded by rumors. Does the title stand for bad boy / good girl or bad bitch / good guy? Who knows.
Be-Ghoul-Ment by bookyeom wc~10.1k Summary: You hate haunted houses more than you’ve ever hated anything. You don’t understand the appeal. But this Halloween, you decide you might hate Kim Taehyung even more.
Bickering & Butterflies by strayberryminhos wc~5.6k / enemies to lovers Summary: Jeon Jungkook is the epitome of obnoxious - always arriving to class five minutes late in his fuckboy hoodies, with nothing but a spiral notebook and his cellphone in his hand. Every day, he sits beside you and every day, he pokes you in your arm just as lecture is starting to ask you for a pen. Each time you consider giving him the telling off he deserves, he flashes that stupid, sheepish, puppy-dog-eye smile at you, and you cave. Only for the brat to spend the entirely of lecture chewing on the cap of the very pen you’d lend him! Yeah, you kind of can’t stand Jeon Jungkook. So then why does your heart race a little bit every time he pokes your arm? And why, when he’s absent, do you find yourself almost *gasp* missing him?
Big Enough for Both of Us by btsmosphere wc~4.7k Summary: His jumpers are going missing. And ending up on you. An annoying amount of books, some very cold weather and an admin mix-up later, will things change between you and Jungkook?
Ways to Say I Love You by btsmosphere established relationship
Bite Me by jeonsweetpea s wc~11k / fuckboy!Jungkook, vampire au Summary: You’re not very fond of your fuckboy blood donor, who’s an open masochist.
Bite Me, Jeon by sailoryooons s wc~19.3k / friends to lovers, vampire au Summary: Somehow you convince Jeon Jungkook to look into theories of vampirism for a research paper. What Jungkook doesn’t expect, is for vampirism to become a very real and very personal problem for him.
Blue Isn't for You by kidguk s wc~7.2k / fratboy!Jungkook Summary: Jeon Jungkook is the epitome of ‘new’ for you and, without a doubt, the strangest frat boy you’ve ever met.
Breakfast in Bed by angelguk s wc~2.6k / established relationship Summary: Waking up with Jeongguk in your bed often leads to neither of you ever leaving it. Particularly when he deems breakfast is between your thighs.
Boys Tears by arcticguk wc~6.8k / fuckboy!Jungkook, frenemies to lovers Summary: Your school’s resident fuck boy wants to settle down.
By the Pool by bluewhale52 s wc~2.9k / ft KSJ, boyfriend!Seokjin, PWP Summary: Jungkook has to stay back after practice, thanks to you. But perhaps, staying back isn’t so bad after all.
Calling You Mine by artaefact wc~8.5k / strangers to lovers Summary: After the failed fifth blind date, or rather, skipped, Jungkook finally reveals to his friends that he is already enamoured with someone else. Someone he has never spoken to despite seeing her every Tuesday and Thursday. However, it’s a fact that Jungkook swears will change soon.
Catch 22 by alluremin s wc~7.2k / friends to lovers, FWB Summary: You and your best friend had agreed: college was for a good time only, no serious relationships were necessary. Who knew that a frat boy would be the one to shake up that notion?
Catharsis by junghelioseok s wc~23.5k / FWB Summary: No matter what kind of release you need, he’s there.
Chasing Butterflies by ddaenggtan s wc~12.8k / otaku!Jungkook, jock!reader Summary: You never meant to be a jock in school. The volleyball team had just needed people and you were there and then you had a knack for it. You just happened to be good at it and went with it. Similar to how you saw Jeon Jungkook in your friend’s orientation group and thought he was absolutely radiant and just went with it. For two years. You’ve spent the entire time pining from afar, mostly because you always seem to make a fool of yourself when he’s around, but also because Jungkook is part of that exclusive crowd, the ones that you never can seem to penetrate: the weebs. That is, until your friends get sick of your hopeless pining and decide to do something about it.
Cherry Glosses N Car Washes by softlyjiminie s wc~7k / established relationship Summary: In the blistering heat of the summer sun, a bikini carwash is the last place you’d expect to find tattoo bearing, black sweater wearing Jeon Jungkook. But then again, no one expected to find him dating everyone’s beloved sorority queen YN LN either. In all honesty, he only really came to support her…but most definitely in more ways than one.
Close the Distance by hearts4joon s wc~13.5k / neighbors au Summary: Two different adults, living two completely separate lives — in the same neighborhood. A guy who’s overbearing mother makes him carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. A girl who’s parents are all too drawn to her younger siblings to even give her the time of day. While the two fall in an unlikely relationship (very unlikely), they still ravish each and every part of one another in every way — the best of attention, the one they both craved all their lives.
Cockblocked by mercurygguk s wc~15.8k / friends to lovers, roommates au Summary: In which a pair of best friends are hopelessly in love with one another but they’re both too dumb to realize, even when everyone around them are dropping hints every five minutes. Or alternatively; “You’re an idiot for thinking I wouldn’t love you back.”
Cold Nights & Blurred Lines by awrkive s wc~26.5k / basketball player!Jungkook, FWB Summary: Jungkook and you have been keeping a sexual relationship with each other for four months now, and it’s casual for the most part. But as time passes, you can’t help but feel that some of the lines suddenly got blurred in the process. Is it a cliché to blur the lines with your fuck buddy? It definitely is. Will you do something about it? Both of your emotional constipation have a hard time saying yes.
Curiosity by hobidreams s wc~3.6k / best friend’s brother Summary: When innocent Jungkook comes to you with a not-so-innocent question… you decide it’s easier to just demonstrate.
Daydream by luffles424 s wc~7.8k / friends to lovers Summary: You never thought that simply waking up your best friend would lead to something more.
Divine Feminine by gimmethatagustd s wc~2.6k / FWB Summary: No one can make you feel like a goddess better than Jeon Jungkook.
DNA (None of This is a Coincidence) by xotoosweet s wc~11.4k / soccer player!Jungkook, art history major!reader Summary: It’s the first party of your junior year when you spot Tae’s new hot friend. And though you usually avoid hooking up with your best friend’s unfairly attractive frat bros, Jungkook is SO fucking cute and sexy all at once. It’s all going great…until you realize he’s just a freshman. Cue the internal crisis.
Don't Ever Let Me Go by thedefinitionofbts s wc~6k / FWB Summary: You were ten years old when you first met Jeon Jungkook, seventeen when you decided he was your best friend, and twenty one when you agreed to be fuck buddies upon his proposal.
Drunken Proof | The Aftermath by v-hope wc~4.4k / retired fuckboy!Jungkook, established relationship Summary: Dating someone who used to be a fuckboy might cause some constant insecurities to invade your mind. Who would’ve thought an argument and way more drinks than usual would be the reason for them to go away.
Dumbo by cinnaminsvga s wc~17.2k Summary: You know what they say about boys with big noses… {or alternatively: Jungkook has a big dick but he doesn’t know how to use it, but luckily you’re there to help.}
T W O S H O T S / S E R I E S
Bad Boy Good Thing by yoonpobs s fuckboy!Jungkook, friends to lovers, FWB Summary: A series of drabbles where you're confused and Jungkook's confusing
Behind Pixels ² by aseaofyoongi s sex worker au Summary: With rising stress, being caught touching yourself and no satisfaction for your own imagination you decide to take your friends advice of using a certain little app for assistance.
Blackout by jjungxkook s friends to lovers, roommates au Summary: Utility bills shooting up like this should be an international crime. Luckily, Jungkook has the perfect idea(s) to save up money and make your night sinfully unforgettable.
* Boy in Luv by ggukiepie s athlete!Jungkook, friends to lovers Summary: Just two idiot best friends in l*ve.
Calculated by whatifyoulivelikethat s TA!reader Summary: Some people would call you far too serious. Some would call you stuck-up. And some would call you a bitch. But to freshman Jeon Jungkook, you’re the head Calculus I TA noona – and he’s determined to fuck you.
Casual by muniimyg sm friends to lovers Summary: While everyone on campus has their eyes on Bangtan’s frat boys, the boys have their eyes set on YN. She’s a mini fashionista, has a small boba addiction, and is completely unaware of just how much these boys love her.
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goldentsum · 4 years
your captions with a fuck girl is 😗 chefs kiss but I was wondering if I could request the reader eventually catching feelings for the captains and how that would go 👉🏽👈🏽
━ captains - catching feelings for a fuckgirl
CHARACTERS: sawamura daichi, bokuto koutarou, ushijima wakatoshi
GENRE: angst, fluff
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i couldn’t think of anything so thank you to my unnie, @daydreamingsora-fics​ for the ideas hehe! check her account! that bitch be having a big braiin~
pt. 1
━ daichi ♡
how long has it been since he first agreed to this arrangement?
tbh daichi doesn’t know either, it felt like it was years ago. every time you leave his front door, the sting he felt almost became nostalgic and slowly became numbing.
he can’t do this after all, his feelings are always all over the place with you. daichi was always torn between feeling happy and hurt when you guys meet up. so with a heavy heart, he confronted you, face void of emotion but his feelings were a whirlpool of mess.
“I can’t do this arrangement anymore. I have to focus on volleyball”
his voice was cold and left no room for argument. it didn’t surprise you tbh, I mean daichi is the complete opposite of you. he’s always hard-working, responsible, and just so so kind. and you were just you, a girl who’s scared of commitment and pushes people away.
naturally, you agreed to end it because who were you to stop him? it’s not like you guys were dating. It was just some harmless fun, right?...
as days pass, your mind always kept coming back to that moment. what if you just stopped him? but who were you to do that? feelings are complicated and soooo, you did the thing you were known for. toy with others to forget daichi
when you heard that karasuno was up against shiratorizawa, you couldn’t help but be proud. daichi worked hard for that, he really did it, huh...
you then went to the arena to watch the match though you swore you’re just watching because it was a first in 5 years that your school has a chance to go and play in the spring interhigh and karasuno is playing against the top school in your prefecture, you just have to watch its so not because daichi was there.
when you arrived, you saw daichi with another girl and saw that she was giving him something, a soft blush on her face. you rolled your eyes at that, wanting nothing more than to pull Daichi away--..
you slowly realize that you really like the dependable captain and seeing him take the charm from another girl was leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. you stomped towards them and grabbed daichi, surprising the two
“(y/n)? what are you doing here--! Hey, wait!”
you started to drag the male away, a scowl on your face. you two got inside the arena when daichi removed your grip on his wrist, turning you around to face him.
“what’s your problem? you just can’t pull me away like that--!”
grabbing his jersey, you planted a firm kiss on his lips when he was close enough. the kiss finished as quickly as it started but it surely surprised the heck out of daichi. his face became bright red, looking at you with bewilderment
“I.. I like you, you idiot! So don’t talk to other girls and don’t take charms from them!” You shouted, your heart was beating a little too fast
“Y-You mean that? You like me?”
you nodded, feeling shy. daichi looked at the sight in front of him, a warm feeling started to blossom inside his heart. you, the cold female who scares others off,  getting flustered in front of him and actually telling him about your feelings
he smiled and hugged you so tightly making you gasp.
“Don’t worry, you’re my good luck charm now.”
━ bokuto ♡
you comforting bokuto after he gets pouty has become a normal thing now and you don’t really know how to stop it
you noticed that he was always popping out of nowhere, pushing his way through in your life and always always hanging onto you.
this was really bad, you shouldn’t have let this happen... you should’ve pushed him away like you always did
the more he hang around you, the more you start to notice the little quirks he has and dare to say it was making your heart flutter... but your pride was getting in the way for you to really say it to Bokuto.
it was embarrassing for you. bokuto was constantly declaring his love for you, reassuring that his feelings would never change but you always shrug it off. Ignoring his feelings and rejecting him so bluntly.
it amazed you though, bokuto never took that to the heart which was the complete opposite of what you thought his reaction would be. you thought he’ll go emo mode and leave you but he actually stuck around more.
he would always hang out with you, getting brighter every single day. At this point you thought that bokuto should replace the sun if anything
bokuto, who was trying to make you see that there’s nothing scary about love if you two got each other, asked you to come to watch his matches for the interhigh tournament, saying that he’ll win all the games for you.
you declined the offer, feeling flustered at how easily he say such embarrassing things.
bokuto was in his emo mode for the rest of the day when you declined and ran off, leaving him behind. he tried texting and calling you but you didn’t answer.
in your dorm, you laid in your bed with your phone looking at Bokuto’s texts with a smile threatening to pop out but you didn’t really notice, too immersed in your thoughts while you stared at his cute texts
when the interhigh rolled in, bokuto was slightly pouty because you didn’t even text him back and you didn’t wanna come and watch his ‘super awesome spikes’
it was the first game and fukurodani was nervous because their captain and ace was still pouting in the corner, head not really in the game.
you quickly ran in the small arena beside the main one, getting lost on your way there. you saw bokuto frowning in the court and your eyes averted to the scoreboard, widening when you saw that fukurodani was lagging behind with 7 points.
you pursed your lips and shove down your pride, cupping your hands around your mouth and shouted, 
“bokuto! go and show me your ‘super awesome spikes’!”
you could feel all the eyes were on you, almost regretting it, but when you saw bokuto’s wide eyes and bright grin you knew that you did the right thing.
“(y/n)!! yosh!! i’m pumped up!”
you sighed at him with a smile on your lips, watching him catch up all the points. as he score, he points at you, grinning from ear to ear.
it was official, you really did fall for this dork and you’ll make him yours after all this. you swore.
━ ushijima ♡
why the hell is your childhood friend avoiding you? whenever you tried touching him, he always has these excuses. after your last session with him, ushijima just went up and go.
which was really weird because even though he was quiet and blank, he always made you his number one priority.
did he finally got over his feelings? were you really that easy to set aside? you don’t really blame ushijima. you knew he could definitely do better...
but it was really annoying, why can’t he even look at you? you miss your wakatoshi...
without ushijima by your side, you start to notice how big of a role he actually plays in your life. he was always there for you and always made time for you. even though, you can be moody and mean, ushijima was always there. never faltering, never getting tired.... but you took that for granted...
you realized it now.
tendou, that wildt boi, noticed the distance between you two. usually, you two were inseparable and every time he looked at you or ushijima, one was always beside the other.
the red-haired male noticed you were getting a little too quiet and so so closed off and being your friend he knew what to do. he went up to you and talked. he asked you if you were okay.
your feelings then started spilling because you were bottling it up for too long. your tears started running down your face, scaring and surprising tendou.
you told Tendou what happened and all your thoughts. tendou was one of your closest friends and he was just a chaotic precious boi.
tendou listened to all your worries and comforted you with food. after he finished talking to you, he was running to ushijima’s dorm as if it couldn’t wait any longer.
the tall male was done with you two moping around and misunderstanding your feelings for each other, so he took the matters into his own hands.
“wakatoshi-kun! why are you avoiding, (y/n)-chab?!”
satori burst into the ushijima’s dorm, yelling, and saw the said male on his bed and looking at his phone with a small frown.
ushijima furrowed his brows and told tendou his side
 “i don’t want to make her uncomfortable with my feelings and I know that she doesn’t like me like I like her. (y/n) will find someone better...”
satori just wants to slap you two wtf
“she was crying a while ago and told me she likes you, ya know”
ushijima scowled a bit at his words, “Don’t play with me like that and why would she cry”
satori being the little shit he is, told Nishijima something that would push him a bit to you.
“i’m telling the truth, she likes you. And if you don’t chase after her, who knows, maybe she really will find someone else.”
that did it, imagining you with another male when you could have been with him was not ideal to ushijima. he can’t let that happen.
the olive haired male stood up and run out of the door and towards to your dorm, determined and persistent until he knows the truth. do you really like him too?
he shouldn’t have left you alone. ushijima knows now, you really just have to be his.
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goldentsum · 4 years
Hey Hey, I really really liked the fuckgirl HC, could you maybe do one for Oikawa too and maybe like continue Bokuto's one? It was so so so good but Baby Owl all sad is making me go :'(
━ with a fuckgirl - oikawa and kageyama ver
CHARACTERS: oikawa tooru and kageyama tobio
GENRE: smut, angst, fluff
AUTHOR’S NOTE: hello bbies~ thank you for reading my trashy fics <3 hehe
captains ver.: part 1 | part 2
━ oikawa ♡
oh, oikawa is definitely down for some fubu arrangement because after all the things he been through with girlfriends and their problem with his love for volleyball, commitment started getting irritating for him.
this type of arrangement is oikawa’s style ngl, there’s no commitment to worry about so he will always have time for volleyball aND he can let out some frustration, it’s a win-win situation for him
he was actually the one who talked to you about it, finding you a bit interesting and really hot so he was like why the fuck not
you agreed when he brought it up, wanting to let out some frustration too cus it’s been a while since you got a new fubu
usually, he invites you in his dorm for a steamy and kinky fuck, too lazy to go to your place. so he just lets you in his dorm. 
this boi doesn’t wait and will take action if he feels even a little horny. the moment you step in his dorm, his hands are all over your body but you weren’t really complaining.
rough hands inside your shirt, touching your soft skin, and reaching up for your breast to cup a feel. lips pressed against yours in a frenzy way, tongue inside your mouth. hip firmly pressed against yours, grinding so awfully slowly that it makes you feel so needy 
after, oikawa would ask if you need anything, still a good boi and shows at least a little sympathy after some rough fucking but won’t really do aftercare all that much, believing that detailed aftercare is something you should do with your lover. his ego won’t let him live if he does it with you
he will offer you a glass of water though, also pick up your clothes and help you to the bathroom if you need any assistance.  
there’s was this one time though... he got really soft with you, getting into some soft pillow talk after sex, and for the first time, it actually felt that you were with someone because usually it was just fuck and go but this time, you two were talking about weird random stuff, oikawa didn’t even care that the topic is whether you two were in a simulation game, and sharing your thoughts with each other
it got a bit awkward after that, soft feelings started to blossom for oikawa and he freaked the fuck out! this was not supposed to happen, nope! but here he is, staring at you across the cafeteria on his campus as you talk with your friends. 
he doesn’t know what he’s doing and at this point, he was in too deep to back out, HE EVEN LET YOU MEET IWA! 
ngl, when you first met iwa, you were like, “hot damn”, and tried to ask oikawa about him a week after. flat king got mad real fast! He was getting real petty with you after you asked about iwa and he reasoned that it was messy if you fuck one of his friends too
tooru was sulking all week after that, he was moping around with a small pout. he tried to get you off his mind and texted iwaizumi to hang out. To his surprise, he learned something new!
you and iwaizumi was texting and the latter even got to go to your dorm, though it was just a coincidence when you two got stuck in the rain and just went for shelter nothing even happened, bUT to oikawa it wasn’t like that
he talked to iwaizumi, telling whining him that he shouldn’t go to you cus he was wITH YOU! and at that moment, oikawa realized that his feelings for you were deeper than he first realized. iwaizumi was scoffing a bit and told him that it wasn’t even like what oikawa was thinking and that he knows about oikawa’s feelings for you. 
oikawa was determined now, he will let you know about his feelings. he didn’t care if you don’t like him, he just wants you to know that his feelings are true and he will court the heck out of you! and that he will wait for you. 
━ kageyama ♡
kageyama is baby, how did you make this awkward boy agree to a fubu arrangement? magic, i tell you. 
the first time you brought it up to kageyama, this boy stopped working and just shut down. his face was super red and eyes wide open in shock, his body stiff. you thought you killed him and you were expecting to be rejected
to your surprise though, the baby blueberry agreed. he likes you and just blurted out yes without thinking, he also probably thought that you were confessing for a relationship.
when you first started to touch kageyama, he just froze and sat there with a massive blush that you have to stop and ask him if this arrangement was really okay with him. 
he got pouty and asked why you stopped. he’s a precious awkward bean that’s touch starved. 
you have to take the reigns with this one because he’s inexperienced and doesn’t really know what to do. tbh, you love taking care of this tol bub~ 
kageyama is not necessarily a sub, he’s just inexperienced. so you have to take it slow at first and guide him through it. 
you sat him on the couch, kissing him deeply making him moan into the kiss. his hands awkwardly resting on your hips, gripping it when you started to grind down on him. 
kageyama would unconsciously start to copy the movements of your hips, chasing the pleasure you give him. 
his moans are so lovely, it was deep and so full of raw emotion that it was enough to make you soak through your panties. you could feel his thick cock poking you through his shorts while you bite his lip earning you a gloriously loud moan. 
you leaned away from him and broke the kiss, kageyama whined a bit at the lost of contact. you smirked down at him and started going down, slotting yourself between his toned thighs 
kageyama blushed at the sight of you between his thighs, looking up at him while you hand rub him through his shorts
“want me to suck your dick, tobio?” 
kageyama.exe has stopped working. error. please restart.
rip kags, you killed him. he came and he went, he will be missed. 
but fr though, kageyama likes you so much even before you brought up the fubu arrangement and that’s also the reason why he agreed. he was willing to go out of his comfort zone just to be with you. D: 
you noticed this and that’s why you told him if he wants to be fuck buddies with you. You exploited his feelings for you at first but every time you two finish being fucking rabbits, he was just so cute that it was making you feel guilty. 
kageyama was always thinking about you and if that you were okay with what he’s doing. with shining eyes and a smile, he gets all soft when you compliment him that it was affecting you. 
you were maybe falling in love with this dork. yes, he could be an idiot and moody. he can be so painfully awkward but you don’t want him any other way. he’s an idiot but you want him to be your idiot. D: 
when you finally come to terms with your feelings, you started to see him in such a different light. 
you stared at kageyama, who was “sleeping” beside you, you tried to suppress it but you just can’t. you swallowed your pride and whispered your feelings, thinking he was fast asleep because it was already 4 am.
he scared the hell out of you with how fast he opened his eyes and just stared at you with wide shining eyes and a growing smile
“r-really? you like me too?”
“no cus you’re supposed to be sleeping right now! you have a test later at 9 am, idiot...”
“i like you so much, (Y/n)... that I’ll gladly lose sleep for you.”
please love and support him. also, be patient with this awkward blueberry. he’s a baby and he would do anything for you. he would jump if you told him to, without any hesitation. kageyama only hope that you would always stay with him cause he knows he can be an idiot.
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goldentsum · 4 years
━ fly high, crows.
Tumblr media
☼ - fluff | ☾ - angst | ☆ - smut / suggestive themes | ☁️ - comedy / crack
━ daichi ♡
with a fuckgirl -  ☾, ☆
catching feelings with a fuckgirl - ☾, ☼
thirst post - captains ver. - ☆, ☁️
━ sugawara ♡
thirst post - setters ver. - ☆, ☁️
reaction to their s/o being suggestive - ☆, ☁️
━ asahi ♡
thirst post - wingspikers ver - ☆, ☁️
━ nishinoya ♡
thirst post - libero ver + yama - ☆, ☁️
━ tanaka ♡   
thirst post - wingspikers ver - ☆, ☁️
━ hinata ♡
jealousy - ☾, ☼
thirst post - middleblockers ver. - ☆, ☁️
stubborn s/o - ☾, ☼
seeing their idol in real life - ☁️
━ kageyama ♡
thirst post - setters ver. - ☆, ☁️
with a fuckgirl - ☾, ☆
reaction to their s/o being suggestive - ☆, ☁️
seeing their idol in real life - ☁️  
pretty submissives pt.2 - ☆
━ tsukishima ♡
thirst post - middleblockers ver. - ☆, ☁️
pretty submissives pt.2 - ☆
━ yamaguchi ♡
thirst post - libero ver + yama - ☆, ☁️   
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©️ 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦; please refrain from stealing, modifying, and reposting.
202 notes · View notes
goldentsum · 4 years
━ one ball, heart, and soul.
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☼ - fluff | ☾ - angst | ☆ - smut / suggestive themes | ☁️ - comedy / crack
━ bokuto ♡
with a fuckgirl - ☆, ☾
catching feelings with a fuckgirl - ☾, ☼
with a virgin s/o - ☼, ☆
jealousy - ☾, ☼
s/o with a sensitive neck - ☆
thirst post - captains ver. - ☆, ☁️
stubborn s/o - ☾, ☼
a quiet s/o during sex - ☆
seeing their idol in real life - ☁️
━ akaashi ♡
jealousy - ☾, ☼ 
different colleges and LDR - ☼
thirst post - setters ver. - ☆, ☁️
━ komi ♡
thirst post - libero ver + yama - ☆, ☁️  
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©️ 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦; please refrain from stealing, modifying, and reposting.
92 notes · View notes
goldentsum · 4 years
━ irresistible force.
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☼ - fluff | ☾ - angst | ☆ - smut / suggestive themes | ☁️ - comedy / crack
━ ushijima ♡
with a fuckgirl - ☾, ☆
catching feelings with a fuckgirl - ☾, ☼
thirst post - captain ver. - ☆, ☁️ 
seeing their idol in real life - ☁️ 
━ tendou ♡
thirst post - middleblocker ver. - ☆, ☁️ 
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©️ 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦; please refrain from stealing, modifying, and reposting.
59 notes · View notes