bladeofdestruction · 1 year
Tag Drop 1
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Crimson Chaos (IC)
Eternal Decay (RP)
Fragmented Delirium (Asks)
Destruction (About Muse)
Distorted Lunacy (Crack RP)
Free Blade Hugs (OOC)
CAPtastrophe (Mun)
Unending Wreckage (NSFW)
Playtime (Dash Games)
Papers (Tag Index)
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kazeshinigami · 2 years
“  can i help you?  ” (Zangetsu)
misc sentence starters
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It takes discipline not to snap when he replies, “Do I look like a guy who needs help?”
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melancholicblossom · 2 years
😇 – a surprise kiss (love Sengo)
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They had been arguing, or rather, Souza had been nagging at him since they were both on stable duty -- do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, et. cetera.
So when Sengo corners him up against the wall and leans in to kiss him, he startles like a cat. It certainly surprised him, and he's very much shocked out of saying whatever it was he was going to say next!
"did you just -- kiss me?!"
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causalitylinked · 2 years
"Yngwie? Umm, this might be an odd question but I think you might be able to help me figure something out! How do I win banter with flirty seductive women who are confident? Metera sometimes makes my brain short circuit and uhh...'', Gran was so flustered he had to look away for a moment to compose himself!
"...makes me feel very SOIYA sometimes. Which isn't bad if other people, usually Vryn and Lyria, weren't around."
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                        unprompted. » always accepting!
    “Oh?” With interest piqued, Yngwie turns to regard Gran. “Well, as long as I can help, I don’t mind offering you my advice. You’re the captain, after all!” Of course, his eyes would gleam in amusement as he immediately suspects this boy must be having love problems judging from the way he so hesitantly addressed him, but nevertheless, he’ll never once interrupt while patiently listening. Despite this being the case, however, Yngwie still couldn’t help managing a sly grin when Gran admits Metera sometimes flustered him to the point where his brain short circuited.
    Honestly, it was rather... endearing. To think.their fearsome captain, someone who defeated Akasha and slain countless other Primals, would be rendered speechless by the charms of a single coquettish woman!
    “Hahaha! It seems that no matter how popular you are with the madamoiselles, there’s one even you can’t maintain your composure around,” Yngwie finally brings himself to laugh once Gran finishes speaking. Sure enough, he then extends a single palm outwards, and upon managing a wink, he’ll launch into a subsequent explanation.
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    “Listen up, Gran. You got to take iniative at some point... and flirt with her back. Based on my own personal experience, I’d say it’s possible she might be taken completely off guard or fall head over heels for you. And even if this isn’t the case, something tells me she would probably get all shy on you if you pay her a genuine compliment, so you should keep on showing her your kind, gentlemanly side; in other words, try sweet talking her!”
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skiesxend · 2 years
@captastrophe​ asked....
Gran squinted at the thing fabric (read: stings) that was in the male swimwear section. Supposedly as sexy fashion designer was making these mesh speedos the new craze. Thankfully only the most shameless men (read: Seofon) dared to wear such a thing.
"...it breathes but does it have to be so tight and revealing?"  He's looking directly at you Belial- I mean Deisgner-Sensei!
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“Revealing’s all the rage right now, Tokuiten~ Besides, the detailing ovet the mesh makes sure to keep people from seeing too much, you know? It’s important to give just enough or a glimpse to tantalise, but enough covered it makes you want more~”
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grailwishes · 2 years
Chaldea had provided many chances that Lancelot wouldn't have believe were possible or deserved. So while in his mind he always knew it was possible Guinereve could possibly be summoned, he never was ready for it. His relationships with his fellow Knights of the Round, their King and Galahad were all complex and painful. He understood if they all hated him- yet how much would his Queen hate him? His face couldn't hide the joy and sadness he felt seeing her. "Guinevere? Is it really you?"
“ yes, it is. ” seeing any member of the court of camelot is always something that dredges up a multitude of mixed emotions in the queen’s soul. anger, joy, resentment, relief- a swirl of emotions ugly and beautiful and so very, very human. it’s what she was denied as a living person, to be camelot’s doll-queen. )
lancelot . . . lancelot is someone those jumbled feelings grow white-hot for. ( just like artie- she still hates him, and she still loves him. ) she wants to spend time with him once more, and she never wants to see his face ever again.
can’t she just make up it’s mind, for god’s sake ?
“ sir lancelot . . . ” the queen smiles, picks up the rich, blue fabric that make up her gown, and curtsies politely. she can always fall back on her exceptional diplomatic skills. the holy swords that hang from her hips briefly clank against each other’s scabbards with her graceful, practiced movements. “ it’s nice to see you again- you look well. ”
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safiirimaagi · 2 years
"Luvia! Here have some shaved ice to cool down. It looks like the heat is getting to you." Shirou was here to help Luvia defeat the evils of heat exhaustion with cold treats!
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Truly? Maybe summer isn't so bad after all if Shirou is giving her treats.
"Thank you, Shero!"
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captastrophe asked: Shirou's onii-chan senses were tingling! He wasn't sure why Illya was upset but he was ready to comfort with food and emotional validation both spent years being starved from.
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“Shiroouuu! Tell them that it doesn’t matter how cute your Servant is!”
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chuckersatz · 4 years
[From the Coronarchives]
Concert des 10 ans, 27 Septembre 2014 @ Heretic Club, Bordeaux.Orga: The Rock'n'Roll Agreement & Guerilla Asso.
captastrophe, n.f., mot-valise : se dit communément d’une captation de spectacle vivant dont les conditions techniques n’ont pas été suffisamment respectées pour produire un contenu conforme aux attentes.
ndlr: cette vidéo est à considérer comme une archive et non comme une œuvre artistique. Elle a été montée durant le second confinement de la crise sanitaire du covid-19 en France et a pour vocation de mettre sous verre et de valoriser des images et des sons issus d’un concert de punk-rock en 2014 à Bordeaux, dans le but de rappeler et de transmettre, dans un contexte où ce genre d’évènements est fortement menacé.
Current youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChuckErsatz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chuckersatz/
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asagamifujiino · 2 years
What color does your love feel like?
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Deep staining red
Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
Tagged by: @captastrophe​
Tagging: @tieflingmagic​, @despairfiles​ (for whoever on both of you), and anyone who wants to steal it.
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3pirouette · 4 years
Ok. I just read a post wrong. all I saw was
CAPTASTROPHE in stead of catastrophe 
I need a Steggy/Howling Commandos story where they refer to Steve as a “Cap-Tastrophe” 
I don’t care what he’s a mess about. Driving, women. Life. ANything. PLEASEEEEEEEEEE
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causalitylinked · 2 years
"Nice work on the mission today, Herja! No wonder I've been hearing a few saying they'd love to work under you!" Gran's smile and praise was sincere but the phrasing...
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                        unprompted. » always accepting!
    “Ah, danchou-dono! I believe my leadership skills could still use some more work, but thank you. If nothing else, I just hope my agents and I were able to make the rest of your job easier.” At first, she’ll allow a smile to twist upwards along the corners of her usually stern lips, but upon being told he heard quite a few people saying they’d love to work under her, she’ll blink, allowing hazel brown eyes to widen with raised brows. Honestly, those words alone were enough to send Herja’s imagination spiralling. They couldn’t have been secret admirers of her, could they?!
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    “Eh? T-They truly said that? Oh my... I-I’m flattered of course, yet still, it’s all so sudden!” Herja finally brings herself to stammer out before attempting to compose herself with a cough ushered through a raised fist. Subsequently thereafter, she then hurriedly drops her gauntleted hand back down along her side while straightening up her posture  “M-Might I ask who specificially you are talking about, danchou-dono? And do they happen to be... anyone from our crew perhaps?”
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skiesxend · 2 years
what crystal are you?
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black tourmaline. you have a strength to you that has been hard earned. you don't hesitate to cut out the parts of you you despise, you're unafraid to call out others. your bluntness can off-put people at times, but you're unwilling to compromise your personal code. once your loyalty has been earned it is not easily shaken. you're a protector and you purge away anything you believe could harm you or those you love. when was the last time you relaxed, though? when was the last time you let down your guard? there is just as much strength in vulnerability.
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snowflake obsidian. you are all grit and closed fists. you refuse to let anything in through the cracks of your armor. you would burn the world to protect those you love. the heart of a warrior burns in your chest. and it also weighs your shoulders down. what is the price for being so strong? what have you sacrificed to make yourself feel safe? when was the last time you let someone see your soul? when was the last time you let someone see you and not just the masks you hide behind? not everything must be a fight.
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black tourmaline. you have a strength to you that has been hard earned. you don't hesitate to cut out the parts of you you despise, you're unafraid to call out others. your bluntness can off-put people at times, but you're unwilling to compromise your personal code. once your loyalty has been earned it is not easily shaken. you're a protector and you purge away anything you believe could harm you or those you love. when was the last time you relaxed, though? when was the last time you let down your guard? there is just as much strength in vulnerability.
tagged:  @nulltune​
tagging:  @cxffexngel​ @loreconcepts​ ​ @mcmiji​ @captastrophe​ and YOU
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safiirimaagi · 2 years
What color does your love feel like?
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warm burnt orange
Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
tagged by: @captastrophe​ tagging: well...hm, perhaps you?
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What Crystal Are You?
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above all you seek truth. you want to understand how the world works. you want to take things apart and put them back together again. your methods of dealing with stress and fear is to understand where it comes from. you face your demons with a focused mind and readied fists. you see everything so clearly, except yourself. it's so much harder to look inward than it is to analyze everyone else. what are you so afraid of looking at? what is it within yourself you don't want to touch? maybe one day you'll be strong enough to expose the parts of yourself you're afraid to understand.
tagged by: @psychcdelica​
tagging: @roseicicles​ , @starveinedvenues​ , @musekaiplex​ , @musesnetwork​ , @captastrophe​
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