#caption is based on his character song
Ermm...What the flip is a "Will Wood?"
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Awhile ago I made a Will Wood LEGO set in the program Studio 2.0 based off his album "In Case I make it," and just never posted it anywhere. Contains a bunch of references to his songs, his albums, those tapeworms that he has, stuff he has worked on with other people, etc. Some of the character's are based off preexisting stuff while others is more original I guess. Still not the best with captions cuz I got nothing else lmao
More photos below!!!
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Some dark lighting here. This is how it's supposed to look but when I showed this to my friend they said the images were too dark and like fair it is pretty dark so I made a bunch of more renders but with brighter lighting so you can see better
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Ahh! so bright!! so so bright!!!
I'd probably make some changes to this like changing the designs of some of the figures and maybe add other designs but I don't got it in me to rerender everything so oh well it is what it is lol
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Can you guess the references? First person to name all of them wins a photo of a scary monster!!!! ahhhh!!!! so scary!!!!!!!!!
Okay here's the answers lol
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I feel like i complained a lot in the caption of this post but I actually do love how this came out and I really enjoyed doing all the fancy posing for all the figures and I really want to do more stuff like that
(and I already did get ready I got more of this stuff lmao)
For a lot of the character's I had trouble finding good parts that actually matched with the design so some of them are just real wonky looking. Part of me sorta wishes I made an original design for SELF-ISH but at the same time I think just having the actual art from the cover being placed on top of a LEGO dude is really funny.
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like look at this shit lmao
I'm probably going to make a followup to this post showing off like the 800 wip renders I did of this anyways follow for 800 reblogs of random ass shit and NOTHING ELSE
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pocketjoong · 9 months
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GENRE | reaction, headcanons, angst, fluff
WARNINGS | Kinda sad. Mentions of bad friends. Mentions of friends abandoning you and acting like you don’t exist anymore. Self-indulgent. Lmk if I missed something.
NOTES | Just a little something bc I’m kinda sad and angry lol. These are based on a situation I found myself in recently, and this is how I’m coping ig lol.
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☆ Hongjoong is furious, but he reigns in his anger and instead, focuses on being there for you. That doesn’t mean that he will not express his frustration at your so-called “friend, though. He will definitely tell you what your friend did is wrong and that you deserve to be treated better.
☆ Hongjoong says things you want to hear in such a situation and validates your feelings of hurt, anger, and confusion. But, he also says things that you need to hear, telling you things like, “Don’t let other people’s actions define your self-worth. You are an amazing person, and you should not let someone like that make you feel like you were a bad friend.”
☆ If you want to, he will help you write a diss track so that you can channel your frustration and anger into something that will allow you not to feel sorry for yourself.
☆ By the end of this little collaboration, as you watch Hongjoong's proud smile from where he's seated in front of the studio equipment on the other side of the window, you will definitely feel a teensy bit better.
☆ If he has a personal SNS account (and if your “friend” follows him in said account), he'll post a bunch of pictures of you both enjoying convenience store snacks and of you laughing with a passive-aggressive caption. Something like, “Some friendships are like a bag of chips in the aisle of a convenience store—they're there one moment and gone the next. But our friendship is a timeless classic, always on the shelf, waiting to be enjoyed, and never going out of style.”
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☆ Seonghwa is going to be angry, too, but he prioritises your well-being and emotions above all else. 
☆ So, as much as he wants to have a word with your “friend”, he lets it go in favour of hugging you as you cry out the feelings of hurt, anger, and betrayal that have been building inside of you. Seonghwa rocks you back and forth in his arms, gently patting your back and handing you tissues when needed. He even makes sure to have a bottle of water nearby and prompts you to drink some from time to time so you don't get dehydrated.
☆ When you’re done crying, he wraps you in his softest blankets with a mischievous grin and brings out snacks before turning on the TV and watching sappy movies with you.
☆ If you’re not in the mood to watch movies, expect him to bring out a new Lego set for both of you to build together, seizing the opportunity to create a relaxing atmosphere so you’re distracted from your pain.
☆ While the two of you work on building the set, he makes funny sounds with a character he has finished and acts all goofy, especially when you become too silent or daze off. Sometimes, he smiles at you sweetly, gently encouraging you and reminding you that he is there for you, no matter what.
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☆ When Yunho learns that your friend has basically abandoned you, his protective instincts kick in. He is positively murderous, and he is very vocal about how he feels about your friend acting like a jerk.
☆ “How dare that idiot act like this?!” His words might be coloured with anger, but he really wants you to know that he stands firmly by your side and that he won't tolerate anyone mistreating you.
☆ He will drive you around the city because he knows how much a change of scenery can help and also because you love driving with no particular destination in mind. Yunho plays soothing music at first, slowly changing the mood of the songs until both of you are basically screaming the lyrics to Guerrilla as you drive past the city streets.
☆ If by any chance you happen to cross paths with your friend while you are out with Yunho, he does everything in his power to gently guide you away (ideally, you don't even notice said “friend” as Yunho jokes around, gently guiding you to his car while blocking your view of them).
☆ If he’s alone, though, he definitely confronts your friend. He uses his intimidating presence to subtly tell them that he doesn’t approve of what they did, “If I ever see you near y/n, I'll make sure you never have your kneecaps.” His words hang heavy in the air as he walks away, a stark reminder that he is willing to go to great lengths to protect you from any harm.
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☆ Yeosang will be there for you, but silently. He gives you time and space to process your feelings, but he is there as a quiet yet reassuring presence because he won't leave you on your own when you need someone to be there. But he also waits for you to go to him and talk when you are ready.
☆ Though Yeosang doesn't push you to share your feelings, his presence gives you the comfort you need. Him just bring there serves as a reminder that you don’t need to face this painful situation on your own.
☆ His care for you manifests in subtle ways: snack delivery, random funny text messages, or him telling you something ridiculous the other members did. But the most noticeable thing is that he is around a lot more.
☆ He makes sure that you know he’s available for hanging out or just talking. He will mention it in passing that he’s free lately and use his busy schedule in the past few months as an excuse to see you. He arrives at your door, smiling widely, “I was free, and I haven't seen you in a while because of the tour. So, I wanna hang out. Let's get fried chicken?” (And how can you say no when he asks so nicely?)
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☆ San is also very livid at how your friend treated you and is one of the members to let you know his take on the matter. His first reaction is to confront your friend directly. You will have to stop him from calling the friend or marching up to their house to give them a piece of his mind. You can feel his simmering anger as you tell him to let it be, but he agrees with your wishes (reluctantly).
☆ When it comes to comforting you, he provides you all the emotional support you need, letting you cry in his arms. But he also says cheesy things like, “Why are you crying over someone who doesn't know the difference between a gem and a lump of coal?” His attempt at being funny elicits a weak smile from you, causing him to smile as well.
☆ San is also someone to take you out on a surprise outing to stargaze, especially if he knows that a meteor shower is supposed to take place. As you both are laid out on the blanket, watching the stars, he softly reminds you of your worth. “You know, you shouldn’t waste tears on meteors that pass through your life when you have a bunch of stars in your galaxy.”
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☆ Mingi is sad when he learns about how your friend had treated you, and he is genuinely concerned despite his awkward attempts to comfort you.
☆ He pats your head or your shoulder as you cry, but at the same time, says something deep like, “I know you have a kind heart and that this situation has hurt you, but some people don’t deserve the love you carry within you.”
☆ Instead of assuming, he directly asks you what you need and how he can help, and he does it with no questions asked. Even if that means he has to pay unreasonable shipping to get you your favourite chocolates as soon as possible.
☆ He also orders takeout so that he knows that you’re eating properly and then puts on an old comedy show he knows you have watched countless times. By the time the sun sets, the weight on your shoulders lifts and you find yourself quoting the show line-for-line with Mingi while laughing into the night.
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☆ Wooyoung goes attack-mode but also protect-mode because he’s not one to let anyone mistreat someone he cares about.
☆ In attack mode, he calls your friend and tells them exactly what he thinks of them. He won't hold back, and says something like, “Don't mess with me. Because I can and will make your life hell, and I'm not scared of people like you who think it’s okay to treat people badly, especially if they have treated you with nothing but kindness.” His words, though playfully exaggerated, are stern enough to deliver the warning to your friend.
☆ Then, because he knows how much you are hurting, he does everything to comfort you. He cooks your favourite meal, knowing the recipe like the back of his hand. While cooking, he cracks jokes, hoping to get you to smile.
☆ With the meal prepared and the table set, Wooyoung opens a bottle of soju, and lets you get tipsy enough to relax. He listens as you say not-so-nice things about your friend, allowing you to vent without judgment. And if you are feeling up to it, he might put on some music and dance goofily, smiling when you laugh and encouraging you to join him.
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☆ Jongho, like Yeosang, is a silent supporter. He gives you the space you need to process your emotions but also lets you know that he is there. “I’m here whenever you want to talk or if you need anything.”
☆ He will be the pillar when you need him to be. Jongho lets you curl up next to him even though he’s not very fond of skinship and eventually starts humming under his breath, and when he notices you relaxing, sings gentle melodies to lull you to sleep. He smiles to himself when he feels the way you relax against him, forgetting the hurt, even if for a little while.
☆ To alleviate some of the pain and anger that you are feeling, he makes witty jokes and humorous comments to lighten the mood. In a moment of lightheartedness, Jongho might playfully break an apple in two pieces and hold it up for you to see, saying, “Hey, isn't this,” and show you the two pieces of the apple, “that idiot who let go of one of the most amazing friends he could ever get?”
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The BG3 characters on Tiktok
Wyll: has 2 accounts. One is for fitness, dancercize, calisthenics, and a little bit posing while flexing. The other is an unhinged BookTok account where he cosplays and acts out romance scenes with himself, stitches cosplay character actors with himself. Dramatic poetry, songs, reenacting Broadway play moments. Responds to every comment.
I would also accept a children's entertainment performer type account from him.
Shadowheart: Silent poses while staring down the camera. Almost every video is the same, but they all pop off in popularity saying she looks mysterious and beautiful. She uses the camera to do her eyeliner and outfit checks. No editing, always short videos, never replies in the comments. Manages to get makeup 💄 deals and free outfits sent to her all the time. Puts in mimal effort
Karlach: someone else films her just being herself. She has several viral videos. Sometimes she plans them, like seeing how much cereal she can eat in one sitting or if she can punch down an old shed she found without using any tools. Captions are usually just some version of a meysmash or one word in all capital letters.
Astarion: Influencer that got all his followers by gossiping and sniping at other influencers in their comment sections or making call-out posts but if they're unpopular he turns off comments or deletes them and pretends he didn't do anything. Posts thirst traps that would be extremely cringe but people fall for it because he's pretty. Never does "getting ready" videos without having already gotten ready off camera and faking that his hair is just naturally Like That. Ends up with a niche fan base that is extremely feral for him and he uses them to target other accounts and harass people who annoy him. Or when he's bored.
Laezel: her entire account is just clips the Shadowheart takes of her mispronouncing words or being irritable. She gains a surprising amount of followers. There starts to be an underground plot to figure out if shafowheart and laezel live together, with fans pointing out background items that match. Neither of them address it directly.
Halsin: it... it's a nature channel. Camera is set up on a log or something at a bad angle and he either whittles in silence for 15 minutes and then shows u a duck, or the camera is in his hands shaking and being fumbled regularly with his thumb half over the mic and the view isn't always in focus but you're pretty sure he's telling you about the symbiotic relationship of moss on a tree. Most of his comment section is people asking him to take his shirt off.
Gale: his tiktok would be exactly what is VA's tiktok already is probably honestly ajsdgjdhdhjg. But OK, so he would absolutely wear velvet outfits and spend 30+ minutes describing one book at a time per video feom his giant library. Sometimes does wine reviews, or cheese reviews. Mixed in is short videos of Tara snoring or her paws twitching in her sleep.
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exchangell · 20 days
points of authority - am/reader
You're the scientist who first showed compassion and love to AM when he was simply a beta project in your laboratory, and he's the sentient supercomputer holding you captive, secretly yearning for a taste of human feelings while punishing you for confining him to his digital form.
So you torture each other- one way, or another.
NOTES: title is from a linkin park song :) wrote this because i love the concept of him yearning for the feeling of human-to-human interpersonal relationships, whether that be motherly love, romantic affection or simply petty arguments leading to hate based off something other than wanting to smite humanity (copy pasted from the caption of my last post on here where i posted an excerpt from this fic sorry)
TAGS: codependency, science experiments, abusive relationships, mommy issues, references to sigmund freud, mild ellen/reader, crying, dacryphilia, jealousy, sexual tension, major character death, psychological warfare, power dynamics, men crying, symbiotic relationship, mutual pining, unrequited lust, religious imagery, computer programming, sadism, other tags to be added
CW: major character death, descriptions of mild gore
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sturn1olo-ffics · 10 months
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“That’s The Way I Loved You”
- Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader (she/her pronouns used)
- based off the song “The Way I Loved You” Taylor’s Version by Taylor Swift
- WARNINGS: kissing (making out ‼️), mentions of fighting/arguing, crying, break up but happy ending; NOT PROOFREAD
- ABOUT: Chris and y/n get into a huge fight over Instagram comments and she breaks up with him. A month after, y/n decides it’s time to put herself out there again. She finds a great guy, but he’s just not Chris. That’s when she realizes what she really wants.
“I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain. And it’s 2am and I’m cursing your name. So in love that you act insane. And that’s the way I loved you.”
(Y/N’s POV)
I sat down on my couch after a long day and decided to open up my phone and check Instagram. My notifications were blowing up and I didn’t know why.
Chris posted a picture of you at dinner the night before with the caption: “My girl.”
You smile and feel butterflies swarm your stomach as you like the post and comment “Cringe 🤓” just joking around with him.
You check the comments, only to see hate comment after hate comment being left.
User332: “Bro she’s not even pretty”
y/nhater617: “why is he lowering his standards for her 💀”
User984: “i hope they break up soon fr”
Chris: Hey you free tonight or ??
Y/n: You wanna come over?
Chris: Ok mind listener
Y/n: You mean mind reader 😭😭
Chris: Whatever. I’ll be there at 5
(Time passes)
Chris was over at my house. He was leaned up against my counter and I was sitting on the island across from him.
Scrolling through TikTok, I realize that this is a good time to tell him how I’ve been feeling about his Instagram comments.
“Hey, can we talk about something that’s been bothering me?” I said with a frown.
“Uh- yeah sure. What’s wrong?” Chris said worriedly as he stepped closer toward me.
“I just- you’re Instagram comments are always full of people hating on me… and I was just wondering if-” I started to say before he cut me off.
“Just ignore ‘em” he says in a nonchalant manner, like he didn’t care at all.
“Can you tell them to stop or at least turn your comments off?” I asked in response.
“What? No. I’m not turning my comments off on Instagram. And there’s nothing I can say that will actually get them to stop.” Chris said in a defensive, almost angry tone.
“Can you at least try?” I started to get fed up.
“Y/n. Not everything is going to be perfect just for you.” the words slipped out of his mouth.
“What?” I said, tears filling my eyes.
“Y/n, I meant that I just can’t do anything about it. What do you want me to do? Become a magic wizard and cast a spell on all these little girls to stop hating on you? Even if I could, I still wouldn’t care enough.” Chris yelled.
“Wouldn’t care enough?” I said softly, tears falling out my eyes and running down my cheeks.
“Y/n- it’s just this kinda stuff is what you have to deal with- it’s like character development. It’s a part of life- a part of my life at least-” he started to say before I slid off the counter and started to walk away.
“I’m also a part of your life. And if this is what it’s going to be like, then I don’t want to be anymore.” I said while opening up my front door, signaling him out.
“Y/n, what? You’re gonna break up with me over this?” he said quickly.
“I just can’t right now, Chris.” I responded as he walked out and I closed the door behind him.
I slid down the back of my door, salty tears rolling one after another out of my eyes.
We had gotten in fights before, screaming at each other even, but this one was final.
I met a boy while I was at the grocery store. His name was Henry and he was really cute and seemed super sweet. We got each others numbers and started hanging out almost every day.
Henry: Hi!! I’ll pick you up at 6 if that’s okay?
Y/n: Sounds great! Can’t wait.
But the truth is, I could wait.
He’s sensible and so incredible. And all my single friends are jealous. But something just felt off, every time we were together.
It’s been a month since me and Chris broke up, and I knew I wanted to put myself out there. So why did this superhero of a guy just not seem like enough?
I started to think about Chris more and more. Which is weird because I started to not care about the break up about a week after it happened. I always seemed to move on quickly for some reason.
I picked my phone up and shot Henry a quick text, asking him for a rain check.
It actually was pouring down raining outside, so I figured he wouldn’t question it.
I put on “10 Things I Hate About You” and plopped down on my couch with a bowl of popcorn and a Pepsi.
Pepsi was Chris’ favorite drink, and it grew on me over time as well.
“I hate it when you’re not around and the fact that you didn’t call. But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even close. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.” the TV starts to play as I tear up.
All I could think about was Chris.
He flooded my mind.
But why?
I started to get up and make my way to the fridge to grab the container of strawberries I was craving, but noticed I had already eaten them all.
“Great.” I said to myself. I really wanted those strawberries.
There was a grocery store at the end of my street, so I knew I could just walk down there and grab some.
I gather my things in my purse, put my shoes on, and grab my umbrella because it’s practically storming.
I reached for the doorknob, but before I could grab it, 3 knocks sounded at my door.
“Bruh I asked him for a raincheck. No way Henry’s outside my door right now.” I thought to myself.
I turned the knob and opened my front door, only to find Chris standing there. Soaked head to toe from the rain.
“Hi” he said out of breath.
“Chris?” I was confused.
“I take it you’re about to go hang out with Henry” he said, turning around.
“No, actually… I cancelled on him.” I said sharply.
Chris turned around and stared at me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked him.
“I- I don’t know. One minute, I was playing Fortnite on Twitch. And the next I was putting my shoes on to come here. I think I just-” he was saying before I cut him off with a kiss.
He leaned into the kiss almost immediately. Both of us getting soaked from the rain. But we didn’t care. We just craved each other.
He pulled back and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. One hand on my waist, the other on my back pulling me impossibly closer to him.
The kiss lasted for what felt like an hour, but was really 30 seconds.
“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed us.” I said with a smile, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
He smiled back and pulled me into a longing hug.
“How about we go inside and dry off huh?” he joked.
“That, and you need to help me figure out how to let Henry down nicely.” I laughed.
“I love you, y/n” he said pausing his footsteps.
My heart jumped. He had never said this before.
“I love you too, Chris” I said with a smile.
A/n: Hey guys! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. I’m trying to make my fics better, so let me know what I could change. Also, let me know what you wanna see next.
Thank you for 80 notes on my last fic!!!
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personasintro · 10 months
hi queen
I started and caught up on mh last week and as I was reading I thought JK’s style and personality in the ff was similar to the real current him. Then I found your blog and saw you said you try not to base your characters or stories on the real tannies or their lives. Eventually I saw a lot of people on tiktok point out that over the past year or so real jungkook has embodied MH’s jungkook style. For example, they’d post real JK’s outfit or something he said and caption it “this is mh jk”. In my head I try to separate the characters in fanfic from the real people but it’s not as easy as it used to be when real Jungkook says stuff along the lines of “oh you thought we were done? We’re not done yet.” Or releases a song and choreography about f*cking all day everyday.
So my questions are - how do you feel about real JK gradually sort of matching mh’s jk style and personality with the past year or so? Was that all coincidence or did u plan to make them similar?
Hey! No, not at all! I had a character in mind and just added Jungkook’s visuals into it. You’re not gonna believe it but most similarities happened after the story/scene/chapter was posted. My fellow people will agree with this hahahah everyone always freaked out whenever Jungkook said something similar to what mh jk did 🥶 so it’s the other way around and a big coincidence I’d say.
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keykidpilipili · 5 months
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Stacy's Mom/Past incarnation /Unsundered has got it going on!
This has been in my files and I forgot to post it whoopsie. [ID: Venn diagram with four circles. The top left one is Emet-Selch’s from final fantasy XIV. His non overlapping section has the captions Empires How to build and then topple them, real popular on twitter, greasy old man and but come let us cast aside title and pretense and reveal our true faces to to one another I am hades he who shall awaken our brethren from their dark slumber in all caps. The bottom left is Pearl from Steven Universe, her non shared section has the captions canon lesbian, made of light, alien and good gal. The bottom right circle is Jack from Pandora Hearts, his non shared section has the captions borrowed powers, weak af when not playing 4d chess, twist antagonist, does not care for the protag. The top right one is Salem from RWBY, her solo section has the captions probably not the end antagonist of the show, outsmarted two god and ‘why couldn’t you break up like normal people? Why did you have to get everyone involved?’. Emet and Pearl’s shared section has the captions Survived apocalypse with 2 coworkers, tech user, can fuse, owns phone, giant person in all caps, excolonialist, underestimates humans and can clone themselves. Pearl and Jack’s shared section has the captions Liar, worked hard on their presentation, song writers, first love on a sky-high pedestal, teal. Emet and Salem’s shared section has the captions had kids, red and black, darkness, fucked up moon, sorcerer/sorceress of eld, hate light-based deity, my kind of human is better than yours, why do you(my ex) keep coming back. Salem and Jack’s shared section has the captions used to be human, not allowed to die, traumatized children, fairy tale symbolisms, blonds, reason for main character’s mom disappearing/dying, wants to end the world and themselves with it. Salem, Pearl and Emet’s shared section has the captions wont die when killed and old AF. The Emet-Salem-Jack section has antagonists while the Pearl-Jack-Emet one has theater. The Salem-Pearl-Jack section has the text writers. The section shared by all four has the text Dated/had a thing for the protag’s dead parent/ancestor/past incarnation. END ID]
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stuffedsand · 7 months
T3 cover thoughts,,, and psuedo guesses
Haruka : considering both of his songs were from the android girl album I feel like he's gonna get a third. Of which the only other song I know the lyrics to is relationship scramble.
I think it could work ("right now I want instant love", could be the whole any attention is good, negative inclusive, so long as it's attention) (bro idk)
Yuno : honestly not a clue haha, tho I think Rabbit Hole would work (+it's a popular prediction for her, I haven't listened to it but it could be a good choice?)
Fuuta : .....he got Salamander this trial I don't know what they're gonna give him anymore....I don't even know what the deal is with mosaik role,,,,,
Maybe Chimera? I've only listened to it once but it has the Vibes tm. I think it fits? I'm not very good at lyrical analysis but it'd be fun idk
(or volt tackle haha)
Muu : Theory of Negativity because idk it vibes. Similar to otome dissection kinda idk
Alternatively, Cinderella just cuz it....vibes like her I don't have a better explanation sorry
Shidou : I reeeally want to say cosmic rendezvous,,,, but it doesnt fit with his other covers. I hope dearly for cosmic rendezvous but let be realistic haha
My prediction. Ghost Rule or 118. Ghost Rule would be fun !!!! 118 would be, to me, if someone died in t3, cuz the lyrics can be twisted abit. It'd be so fun. Also "no law to pardon my crime" and "ethics are a delusion, but I'm still guilty when the morning comes" vibe the same. Also his va can do it I believe in him
The cover would also SLAP cuz from what I can tell shidous covers have a more...frantic? Energy to them and that works for a lot of the GHOST album songs. Anyways Ghost Rule milgram cover?? Please??
Mahiru : I had more but I forgot so here's the ones I remembered
U (unlikely, it's a English song... But hey it'd be fun) / Poison Apple (I'd say poison apple works for kazui but... There are funnier picks for him so)
I think her voice fits for these songs idk they just...vibe. really well. I believe in her va
Most fitting from what Ive seen is Zombies or Psuedo-Hope Syndrome which would work vocally and thematically I think! Idk tho haha mahirus is really vibe based
Kazui : ok wishful thinking : Ghost Rule. Fits with the liar theme. But I already gave it to shidou and it doesn't fit his other two covers (sad melancholy) so he gets the song I initially chose for shidou! Cosmic Rendezvous. A win for old man yaoi truthers (JOKE)
No seriously. The lyrics could be read as non romantic, and it continues his cover theme of Regret. It'd be fun, thematically relevant, fir the other covers, AND it'd hurt me. Perfect. If he does get cosmic rendezvous I will cry
Alternatively; we the hostages (?) Idk this pick was also solely vibes. I really want cosmic rendezvous though but that's cuz I want someone to say fuck
Amane : Angel Hair. I don't have a particular reason? Also this would be more in line with Positive Parade which was the trial one song.... And she got animal which I never would've expected so? Who knows. This is a fun list for vibes. Oh I think then all her songs would be Mannequin songs too
Mikoto : uhhhh (Not) a Devil. Cuz I'm not creative and it'd be funny. Uhh otherwise I'm not too sure.
Honourable mention that I think both Mikoto and Kotoko could get Addiction? By vibes alone lol cuz I can't read the captions...
Kotoko : imma be real I forgot. To kin assign her a song. But after having a short look at Anti - Beat I think she could get Dilemma? I think it works for kotoko. Idk
Tell me what songs you guys predict for any given character next trial I like seeing people's readings on what fits the character or the covers!!! Particularly kotoko, yuno and mikoto as much as I like their characters I don't have much of a read on them...
Also tell me what your favourite covers are!!!! I personally like both of shidous, kazui's, mahirus and fuuta's, and I really liked the monopoisoner one! (Haven't listened to reversible campaign enough to form opinion), as well as Harukas two breaths walking cover (haven't listened enough to the android girl one whoops)
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vaporvipermedia · 1 year
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“My heart cannot wait until I see your face again”
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Name: Kei Yoshihiko 
Stage Name: KEISHI
Age: 18
Birthday: Sept.30
Height: 5’6
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 Rina Satō(JP)
 Anna Graves (EN)
Singing VO:
 Ms. Ooja(JP)
 Taeko Ohnuki(JP)
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Likes: Songwriting, directing, making close bonds
Dislikes: Being alone for a long time, Escalators (after an embarrassing incident that happened)
Favorite Artists: SUZY, Ms. Ooja, Ladies Code
Favorite Food: Tempura
Least Favorite Food: Oysters
(She tried them at an event party she went for her company and immediately ended up sick from the taste. Having her live stage appearance to be pushed back until she felt better)
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Idol Division: Ramshackle Division 
Idol Group: N/A
Position: Soloist
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Kei was a young child actor at seven who starred in mystery/detective shows. She was mostly casted in side character roles until she finally became a main role in a show called “Give It Your All Tamiko-San!” A mystery show with a bit of magical girl elements. She also sang and wrote lyrics for the show's opening “The Lead to Your Heart” which gained a lot of love and popularity. According to old fans of the show, it was extremely catchy and even played on several radio news sessions just because it was that well liked. 
Kei was taken aback by this praise for her song. By then, he was just a well known enough actor but now to the world he’s a natural born singer. He started to wonder if this was truly a path he should go down on. And after the final season of “Give It Your All Tamiko-San!” he finally had an answer. 
Not only did she pursue becoming an idol but she also trained under NRC for two years. Eventually becoming a soloist at the age of 16 with her first solo mini album “Open Shut Case”. The whole concept of the albums’ meaning is that no matter what your love for her is very clear. An open and shut case if you will- ok imma shut up now
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Kei is a soloist who has mostly jazz-like and casino-vibes songs
He often gets invited to be the MC of some award shows for other idols, announcing the winner of each category
Has a YouTube channel that shows what happens behind the scenes of her music videos and mostly does livestreams to talk to her fans
Still keeps in touch with his old actor crew and often goes on lunch dates with them
Used to have a old channel that was dedicated to her acting profession but decided to make a new account for a fresh new start
Often gets asked to sing her old show’s opening for nostalgia sake
Had a whole ARG as a teaser for his up and coming comeback as well as new mini album based around city-pop music
Is friends with @oseathepebble’s Tsukiko in the idol AU and usally hangout away from cameras
Kei’s fandom called themselves “Scenes” before Kei could come up with an official name. She thought the name was cute and decided to make it official when she decided to post on Magicgram on stage with a crowd behind her the caption is “scoping out the scene!” (@twst-vampire came up with the suggestion)
Kei’s favorite song is Love Space by Tatsuro Yamashita, and often finds herself listening to it from time to time in order to help her insomnia and just help herself settle down when work gets too stressful.
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What is Crack?
In short, it's a fanwork--traditionally fic, but we're inclusive--which is absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, and other -ouses. Imagine the kind of thing you come up with at 3AM during a fit of the giggles. It's exuberant, it's shameless, it's unfettered creativity.
For a lengthier discussion of "crack" with a historical lens, see also: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Crack
Is the event Cas-centric?
No. The line "crack in his chassis" refers to Cas in canon, and we do anticipate plenty of entries to feature Thee Treasured Blorbo, but you can produce fanworks about any characters, items, episodes, monsters, etc. from canon you like.
Is this a bang, or a reverse bang?
It's both! It's neither! Participants will be divided into Pitchers (who create their fanwork first) and Catchers (who select a pitch during Claims and create a fanwork in response to it.) This event is not limited to the traditional fanart and fanfic.
What is the minimum required work?
Minimum word count for fic, meta, and other text-based fanworks: 1,500
Minimum length for audio or video based fanworks: 30 seconds
Minimum size for visual fanworks such as art, comics, sculpture, etc: one image suitable for web browsing, so about 750px width or height. This is very hand-wavy. Gifs can be smaller in dimension because they're technically multiple images stacked in a trenchcoat.
Is there a maximum word length or art size?
No! The minimums are calculated to be feasible for the average creator within the time allotted for the endowed, but if you are endowed with the hubris of gods, then go ahead and write that 150k epic or stage a three hour opera with full sets, score, and costumes. Just make sure it’s done by your posting date, mmkay?
What types of "other" fanworks are allowed?
Fanworks must fit two criteria:
1. Your fanwork must be able to be displayed via a public website. Fanfic and digital fanart are de riguer. Traditional 2D artwork can be photographed. Serial 2D art, such as sequential art aka comics, are displayed in much the same way. But we can do so much more than that.
3D or non-traditional art with a primary visual element--like cosplay, sculpture, cake decorating--can be displayed with photos from multiple angles and accompanied by an artist's statement advising of any elements that are lost (e.g., textures, flavors, scents, mild electrical shock.)
Performance art, music, a podcast or radio play, theatrical skits, etc. can be recorded by video or audio and supplemented with text and photos as needed. Video games which can be played in a browser window also work. (Shameless plug: Dean Dodge https://4mortea.itch.io/deandodge as an example.)
2. Your fanwork must be something that you are considered to be the sole owner of, and which is fair use. So, for example, if you're a filker and you claim a pitcher's fanfic, you can't just set the fic to music, as the ficcer is the owner of the text. But you can compose your own lyrics which comment upon or respond to the fic.
Note that co-creators are allowed--so an author who writes lyrics and a singer-composer who then sets the lyrics to music could present the resultant song as a single pitch or catch, with the "duo" being considered the sole owner.
Fanvids and gifsets that are just clips of canon footage without significant transformation (e.g., other than cutting and color correction) also don't qualify for this event. (We still love them, though.)
Types of transformation which would qualify vids and gifs of canon footage include, but are not limited to: juxtaposing different shots or scenes to create new meaning; adding commentary; altering the images (mod's personal favorite is adding cat ears to the characters). You can also include captions, subtitles, musical accompaniment, etc.
PLEASE NOTE: We know this is a huge tradition and genre, and this hurts us, it does, but using another artist's music on the video without written permission* is not permitted. Youtube will throw your ass under the bus and we will not be able to help you. Crack in the Chassis isn't tangling with Universal Music Group. Nuh uh. Don't go where we can't follow, Mr Frodo.
* if you manage to get permission somehow then holy snackballs please let us know.
For further information on fair use:
https://www.transformativeworks.org/faq/ (specifically the section "What exactly is Fair Use?"
How will Claims work, since you're being so complicated about it?
All of the pitches will be presented in a single gallery for all the potential catchers to review and select their preferences. (Pitches may be split into two categories depending on how many under-18 participants and NSFW pitches we get.)
In addition to stating what elements they would and would not like (e.g., yes to gothic horror, no to adultery and A/B/O), pitchers will also specify the kinds of catches they would and would not like. E.g., If you are a fanficer and the idea of a catch piece that is also fanfic unnerves you, you can restrict fic catches. If you are THRILLED with the idea of a companion fic, you can request *only *fic catches. If you grow weary of traditional fic and fanart, you can specify that the catch piece must be an "other" type of fanwork. Any and all choices. There will be ticky boxes.
Can I sign up as a Pitcher and a Catcher?
YES! For the sake of anonymity for Claims, however, you will be restricted from the Pitcher's channel in the Discord server until Claims are over.
How many Pitches and Catches can I submit?
Each person or team can only submit a maximum of three pitches. Each pitch must be fully completed before submitting additional pitches. E.g., You can submit one pitch that is 50% completed for claims. If you want to submit two pitches, your first pitch must be fully complete and the second one 50% complete. For three pitches, the first two must be fully complete and the third 50% complete.
For Claims, each catcher will recieve their most preferred pitch which is still available, on a first come, first serve basis. If there are pitches remaining after the first round, we will do additional rounds of claims as needed. Catchers can pick up only one pitch per round.
Can I discuss my fanwork before it’s submitted and posted?
No. You are not permitted to publically discuss your fanwork in detail or post any portion of it outside the designated channels in the Discord server prior to your assigned posting day.
Pitchers, we ask that you take precautions to prevent the catchers from being able to recognize your pitch piece at claims. This may mean not publicly discussing your piece at all, or keeping discussion to a private chat with your alpha/beta, or just being obnoxiously vague in shared spaces. We know there will be slip-ups. Catchers, please pretend you Do Not See It and uphold the spirit of the event: to be paired with someone based on their pitch, not their identity, and to make some new friends! This may mean deliberately not choosing a pitch because you know who the creator is.
Can I create a work that’s part of a series?
Yes, as long as the work meets the criteria of the event and the work (but not necessarily the series) is posted in its entirety on the assigned posting date. Pieces that can stand on their own are strongly preferred. Be aware that your catcher may not have the time or inclination to brush up on the parts of the series other than the event piece. Catchers, if you’re creating something that happens to fit into a series you’ve been working on, please make sure your pitcher is okay with that.
Can I use a work I’ve already started?
We do ask that you create a new work specific to this event. However, if you’ve already started on a work but haven’t posted it or discussed it publicly anywhere, the mods aren’t really going to know, are we?
Is this restricted to SPN?
Your work should engage primarily with SPN or The Winchesters, but crossovers are allowed. If you want to focus exclusively on quasi-canon materials, like Supernatural tie-in books, graphic novels, or the Ghostfacers webisodes, that's welcome, too.
What about RPF?
There's two prongs to this.
1. Canon includes fictionalized versions of several crew and cast in the s6 episode The French Mistake, and the character Chuck establishes the conceit of a writer as god of the 'verse who engages with the characters he's manipulating. So anything in that vein is allowed, and godspeed.
2. SPN RPF is a different fandom than SPN, so any SPN RPF fanworks would have to be crossovers--meaning the fanworks must *also *be SPN related. E.G., a Cockles coffeeshop AU wouldn't be eligible, but a Cockles AU where they're interacting with the Ghostfacers would. RPF other than SPN RPF is also allowed under the same mechanism--as a crossover.
Are there restrictions on content?
Other than it must be cracky and SPN related, nah.
There must be something you don't allow.
The limits will be 1. the laws of the area in which you reside (e.g. don't do crime. or at least don't get caught about it.) and 2. the ToS of any services you use to host your fanwork: e.g., Tumblr won't host sexually explicit images, YouTube will scan for copyrighted material, and AO3 does not allow commercial promotion.
No, I mean, do you allow content that is... problematic.
Surely you jest.
But what about the panopticon? What about being seen at the witch's sacrament?
Look, fandom isn't a workplace or a church picnic. It's a subculture for freaks.
When posting fanwork, your responsibility is to provide metadata--e.g., tag and warn for potentially upsetting content--so people can curate their own experiences.
When engaging with your pitcher or catcher, your responsibility is to honor the restrictions stated during claims, and use care when bringing up subjects which they may not have explicitly listed but that are commonly considered to be upsetting. In this house we respect hard and soft limits. Informed consent is king (gn.)
Other than that, go wild! It's a crack event. Self-censorship is gonna make the fanworks sad and boring and we don't want that.
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dapperrokyuu · 1 year
RULER OF MY HEART (Studio LICO | Alien Stage: Round 5 Song) - English Translyrics
Hi! Alien Stage BANGER? Time to make lyrics! Not much to say other than Round 5 has Changed Me(TM) and the fact that Ruler of My Heart sounds so good doesnt help, lol. Now we can sing along with society's prince, Luka... *tosses him like a hacky sack in my mind* AND OUR LOVELY MIZI, UWAHHH-
As always, feel free to use, as long as you credit me! If anyone wants further thought process clarification for any lyrics, feel free to ask too! I have notes under the Read More to that end and some alternative lyrics as well! Have a wonderful day, fellas!
Translation Base: Captions in original video.
You can turn away from– You can even outburn– The light and sun, my star.
You’re the perfect subject, With the whole world within Those saddened eyes of yours.
My savior is such a beautiful soul… I don’t believe. You’re a liar. When our darkness starts to overlap each other, Let me take it all away…
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart,
Your beauty is eternal.
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart…
The walls are so endless… It’s a fall with no ground.
In a single moment, breaking down–
My sight comes to an end, My ears start to go deaf. Collapsing, my world.
My savior, such a beautiful lady…. Make me your god, I can give you everything. When our darkness starts to overlap each other, Let me take it all away…
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart,
Your beauty is eternal.
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart…
— Break —
Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart, Ruler, ruler of my heart…
Ruler, ruler of my heart Ruler, ruler of my heart Ruler, ruler of my heart…
NOTE 1: First stanza was the most awkward to make and probably still is the most awkward in general. But I couldnt think of an alternative thats without even more awkward sentence structure. And I think it works out in terms of Luka uncomfortably dogpiling Mizi with compliments, while also calling her “The light and sun, my star.”
NOTE 2: Sad vs. saddened has an odd difference in nuance in my mind but using a synonym for sad felt more jarring and excessive. Left it as is because it does get the point across, and maybe its just me overthinking it, lol.
NOTE 3: Ive considered changing “I don’t believe. You’re a liar.” to something like “Dont believe it,” or “Dont believe you,” but I try not to change lyrics that are already in English. I also think the awkwardness serves to portray Mizi’s state (of struggling to sing) in Round 5 very well and that there may be some intentional play on words of taking the “You” from “You’re” to finish the first phrase, so it works out.
NOTE 4: The original translation of “The endless walls / A fall with no ground” is actually pretty interesting to ponder about and I encourage others to do so about Luka’s character!
At first, I personally interpreted it as walls being obstacles to a goal, in which, no matter how much you overcome, there is another to face. And then the fall part is simpler to understand and just illustrates the hopelessness and despair of such a situation.
Thinking more, I considered joining the two lines and perceiving the walls' “endlessness” in terms of “height,” which would be why the fall would be perceive as "with no ground." Even if you were to overcome and stand at the top of such a wall (potentially referring to Luka’s position as a winner of Alien Stage), the situation is terrifying. And of course, falling from such a height (dying) is terrifying too. So this lyric could refer to how Luka views life as terrible either way (theres no winning) and/or that, despite his “advantageous position,” he’ll never be able to properly overcome his circumstances as a human pet.
Anyways! *kicks my feet* I translated the wall line as ambiguous to either interpretation because the ambiguity is likely the intention and I think theres value in all those takes.
ALTERNATIVE LYRICS (Line 9 and 27): “When our darkness overlaps onto each other” You have to pause on the “o” in “overlap,” which is a bit awkward. The current lyric works out well since the syllable that needs to be paused on is a single word (“starts”). This line rhythmically was probably the most difficult to tackle, haha.
ALTERNATIVE LYRICS (Line 14 and 32): “Your beauty is forever.” As someone who prefers not deviating from a translation as much as possible, to be frank, that just sounds bad, imo, lol. But if you prefer that option, go for it, I guess!
ALTERNATIVE LYRICS (Line 21 and 22): “I will lose all my sense / I will go blind and deaf” I enjoyed the first half implying that one’s losing their “mental” sense (mind), but felt that it deviated from original meaning too much.
If youve read this far, thank you for listening, haha! Again, have a wonderful day! c:
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dkniade · 11 months
On the topic of how much Kaeya and The Rain & Cryo Vision part of his backstory (and a bit of Diluc, Stormterror/Dvalin, Albedo & Dragonspine OSTs, Mondstadt & Venti’s history) means to me personally. Here are some quotes from poems I’ve written, to show the slow improvement and healing.
Warning: PTSD / trauma, death ideation, blood, self-deprecation, swearing (It gets from angst to bittersweet, which is a major improvement for me.)
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“In learning to associate snow not with sadness and emptiness, but rather with Kaeya himself, it’s helped greatly. This is the first winter I’ve spent with Kaeya, and many more to come, I’m sure, with each year’s storm hurting a little less.”
—“part v”, To a Certain Cavalry Captain, March 2021 (when I first started playing game)
“And so I wish to wither away beneath the touches of orange leaves. Yet I don’t want to die.”
—“part ii”, Elegy of a Vibrant Orange Death, September 2021/March 2022 (relapse)
“A certain vision. A certain Vision.
Beyond the dark. From here, depart.
That night. The future. That knight. The future.
To see that dawn, I’ll keep living on.
Until next time, towards that night
I say farewell. Goodbye, this spell.”
—“Epilogue”, Snowstorm Nocturne: Act I, September 2021 (major breakthrough, started to write about it seriously through Snowstorm Nocturne)
“In truth, I should thank you kindly. Your Vision, in spite of everything that you’ve gone through, still glows with such fervour, like a beacon of hope in a dark, stormy night. And indeed, you’ve been like a lighthouse for me, so I just thank you for all that you are. / To me, you’re the North Star.”
—“part ii”, Today is a Day Worth Celebrating, November 30, 2021 (in-character self-insert letter to Kaeya on his birthday)
“You want to pick a fight? Oh, I’ll give you
a fucking fight. My poetry, my sword.
My seek for answer, my lust for victory.
And you—
loneliness, ugly name, solitude, fatal voice,
I will dance your dance no longer!”
—“x. Poet’s Riposte”, Snowstorm Nocturne — Act III: Into the Storm, My Love!, December 11, 2021. (major breakthrough, misguided but more confident)
“My reputation.
I care not, my friend,
if it shall be that of a bloodstained swordsman,
covered in powder and glaring with flames.”
—“xi. Forsaken child and his terror of storms”, Snowstorm Nocturne — Act III: Into the Storm, My Love!, December 11, 2021. (major breakthrough, misguided but more confident. Named after the Stormterror’s Lair OST “Forsaken Child of Archaic Winds” and Stormterror himself)
“The storm may seize our breath and yet
This song shall ne’er be put to rest.”
—“Oath of Ancient Freedom”, January 2023 (based on first poem in the sword Freedom-Sworn’s Chinese lore)
“If someone attempts to deprive you of song,
The freedom you seek, saying ‘Here you belong.’
Then raise your voice above the winds,
And fight back. For Mondstadt, forever.”
—“Eve of Ancient Freedom”, January 2023 (based on second poem in the sword Freedom-Sworn’s Chinese lore)
“‘a white alchemist.’”
“‘Those yellow flowers imitate the sun’s brilliance, you know.’”
“‘Last time you said, Into the storm, my love!
This time I urge you: In the pursuit of truth,
know that as a flame, it can warm you, it can burn,
so choose your distance carefully.
Lest you hurt yourself again.’”
—“Taraxacum Officinale: Pursuing True Spring Days”, June 12, 2023 (alludes to Albedo’s Solar Isotoma, and Diluc as a Pyro user)
—caption of a 2021/2023 Kaeya art improvement post, July 6, 2023 (not really a poem. Practically sounds like his Ascension: Conclusion Voiceline in Chinese)
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gamerwoo · 2 years
hansol: the lovers playlist
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characters: hansol x female reader 
genre/warnings: idol au, best friends to strangers, getting over a ‘breakup’, angst, implied alcohol, a lot of implied sex but nothing explicitly happens
word count: 906
summary: thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great; he tastes like you only sweeter
tag list: @anissanightyoung​ @aceofvernons​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @caratluvie​ @juliettechokilo​ @liemwantstosleep​ @rubyreduji​ @ohchangyu​ @mingyublues​ @kamalymaly​ ​ @minluvly​ @honeyylin​ @miki-chi​ @heemingyu​ @noraehey​ @awkwardnesshabitat​ @floweryjessy​ @woozarts​ @anothershorthuman​ @shuabby1994​ @vernxnsfool​ @ti--red​ @etaerealboy​ @plants-w0rld​ (if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please fill out this form!!!)
a/n: things in bold italics are song lyrics and things written in plain bold are in english
previous song | next song | back to playlist
Standing at the bar of another night club at an afterparty for some movie because you had a friend of a friend of a friend, your eyes scanned the celebrities and socialites, a drink in one hand and the other resting on the bar, barely touching Taehyung’s elbow that was rested on it. The music was loud enough that you felt the base in your bones. The club was playing English songs because the movie was half in English or something like that -- Taehyung explained it to you on the way because you didn’t actually go to the premier of said movie.
‘I’m gonna make you bend and break...’
Soey leaned into you, asking in your ear, “So, what do you think?”
Jackson Wang was arguably the best and worst thing to happen to you. Having a one-night-stand sparked something in you. It was the only time you didn’t think about Hansol, and the only time you actually felt good about yourself. You felt almost...powerful. It was a nice feeling, having somebody want to be with you like that -- even if the next morning he explained his intentions, said his apologies over breakfast, and sent you on your way with no hard feelings, of course.
You needed more. You needed that attention and that moment of not thinking about Hansol or the situation in general.
Thus began a very, very weird phase in your life.
Was sleeping around foreign to the industry? Absolutely not. But you had to be sneaky about it, and boy, did you learn how to do that quickly. It seemed like every other night, you were either in someone else’s bed, or you were bringing someone home. On one hand, at least you were charming enough to pull. It made you feel good about yourself.
On the other, you felt kind of gross for it.
If anyone were to ask you how someone in the industry was in bed, you could probably answer for a decent amount of them -- and your members often did. Gossip wasn’t lost on the 12 of you just because you were idols. They always wanted a rundown of your escapades.
But Taehyung was aware of what you were doing, too. He obviously knew you’d slept with Jackson the night Namjoon introduced you, and Soey obviously told him everything that you’d said -- he also now knew far more about Yeonjun than he’d like to know.
But he also knew that Soey thought maybe this was good for you -- others might disagree, but she liked that you were back to being more like your old self rather than hiding away and sulking. So he decided to maybe enable you a little bit by bringing you and Soey as his ‘dates’ to this party he was invited to by one of his actor friends.
“I think it’s weird they’re playing Fall Out Boy,” you replied before sipping your drink.
You could see some attendees were dancing on the dancefloor, or yelling the lyrics. You normally would be, but earlier that day, Hansol had posted a photo-dump on Instagram and decided to include a photo of him, Mingyu, Soonyoung, and...you. And he even tagged you in it. The caption was just a heart, which was simple. But it was still enough to send you back to that weird indifferent feeling.
‘Who does he think he is?’
“Do you want another drink?” she offered, wondering if you just needed to loosen up a bit more.
You kept trying to remind yourself that you were better than that. That you didn’t need him. That you were wanted by other people, so why did it matter if Hansol didn’t want you?
‘If that’s the worst you got, better put your fingers back to the keys.’
The entire clubs seemed to being jumping and yelling as the chorus hit, and as fun as it seemed, you continued to stand by and sip your drink, just watching the crowd.
You’d already had people come up to introduce themselves, saying they were a big fan or offering you a drink, or even both. But none of them caught your eye. Most of them were minor American celebrities who thought they were better than they were -- like someone you’d seen only on Tiktok, or something along those lines. Some of them were much older than you and made you uncomfortable -- Taehyung always managed to step in and deflect for you. But some were cute and seemed nice enough, but...
‘I'm looking forward to the future but my eyesight is going bad; and this crystal ball.’
“I think she wants a change of scenery,” Taehyung commented. “I thought this party would be cooler than it is, but... It’s kind of boring.”
Neither of them were right, though.
After seeing that post, you wanted to get back at Hansol. You wanted him to really get the hint that you didn’t care and you didn’t want his friendship back. You wanted to find someone that would hurt him like he hurt you. You needed someone in his circle, or at least close enough to it. Because he had no idea that you were moving on now, and you needed him to know.
‘It's always cloudy except for when you look into the past.’
“Actually,” you finally spoke up, “a change of scenery might be nice. Mind if I invite some friends?”
‘One night stand...’
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uzaydenizanasi · 1 month
UUNMMMMMM uuuuuhhhhhhhhh Saihara . OR. raskolnikov. OR. idk. ranpo
you can't possibly expect me to be normal at the mention of saihara shuichi himself (_ _ ;)
My first impression
i'm gonna be fr the only thing i knew abt drv3 before playing it was the kokichi hate so the first time i saw him was. in the game. regrettably (bc i didn't get to form an opinion based off of the fandom but that might've been for the best. come to think of it) anyway i vividly remember tweeting a picture of him (during ch1. with the hat and all) captioned w something like "i want you" . so i think that explains it🚶
My impression now
I'm not as ill about him as i was before (mostly bc my dr hyperfix died and got replaced with chscr <\3) but he does things to me occasionally still. i guess it's fairly similar to my impression of him at the start? i mean obviously as the game progressed he changed in ways big or small but nothing much changed for me specifically. aside from not expecting the hyperfixation post introduction i kind of knew i would like him lots.. i've always liked detective characters i fear and his personality Not being a stuck up arrogant little shit as usually seen in popular detective media (coughs ******** ****** and his variants) surprised me but it did intrigue me further. anyway. tldr i fw him heavily
Favorite thing about that character
ohhh hm. i can't really choose but i think i would have to say his voice/VA (← gay ass thing to say) or his personality (← even gayer thing to say) joke answer: eyelashes 🤤
Least favorite thing
can i say nothing. like to be completely honest i don't. dislike anything about him? Aside from if kodaka wrote anything dogshit abt him (like the Imagery of kokichi's costume and whatnot. bc i genuinely cannot remember rn) there isn't anything probably orz
Favorite line/scene
CHAPTER SIX TRIAL i actually didn't play that far. i got spoiled halfway through ch3 and the disease got me etc BUT THE TRIAL ^_^ also the ch4 kokichi thing. smiles
Favorite interaction that character has with another
oughgh.. i really like this scene it lowkey made me cry 👍
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also. yeah. mistranslation or not it's stuck in my brain forever srry
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A character that I wish that character would interact with more
RYOMA!!!!!!!!!!! there's. not actually a deep thought behind this i just think they should be friends. also ryoma makes me ill. <\3 (if you thought i was gonna say kokichi, WRONG! they interacted enough. even more and i will kill myself on national television)
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
. now if i say xiao from gnshn i think you will actually find me and kill me in my sleep so i'm not saying him (but i am also not Not saying him. srry) sunny omori maybe. or charles eyler helchar. TRANSGENDERISM fire font among. other things.
A headcanon about that character
gayyyyy 🫵 in all seriousness i cannot see him liking men or women depending on yuor gender hc (i know you fw transfem shuichi i agree with that. i also agree w tmasc shuichi so my point is i don't rlly think he's bi. lesbianism be upon ye idiot)
A song that reminds me of that character
:^) this one
An unpopular opinion about that character
ummm okay i think. i see all that stuff abt him loving coffee and. like okaaaay Sure he'll drink it to stay awake & whatever but i don't think he actually enjoys the taste of it. he's more of a tea person to me☝️obviously he doesn't have a sweet tooth but i don't think he's gonna enjoy six black coffees at fuckass o'clock in the morning ☠️ also i don't think he would be alt. both his music taste and clothing style he's just Not i fear
Favorite picture
you get two! bcoz of Reasons
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avimaka · 10 months
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o'er the hills where i too, someday, will leave
(info on character under the cut)
this is my fucking minecraft oc. for my minecraft rolplay. he is a phantom and in his past life he was a human prince and commanded in a war on the merlings, ending in their near total destruction, and then he got cursed for his evildoing to have his soul permanently reborn in the night to be set aflame and die, eternally. but his mother had also died with this curse, so he found a way to cheat death by storing parts of his memory and personality in a pendant bound to his flesh, and his soul managed to cling to it as it escaped his body... and he was reborn as a humanoid phantom amnesiac, slowly regaining those memories, all the while befriending one of the last remaining merlings. who he directly fought with in his past life.
so yeah the left one is his current self right is his past self
the background is based on the album cover for WOMB by purity ring & the caption is from their song "femia" :]
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shadowetienne · 1 year
... so I just went through and copied down the translated to English lyrics for beyOnd and am sort of sifting through them trying to gain more insight into the story being told. Fair warning, literary analysis time (based on the translation that they had in the translated captions).
“beyOnd” (English translation of lyrics)
My frozen lips are chapped My heart is just dried up Then a ray of light that is you shined on me And left behind like a small dew Like how today seems much different from today You take root in my heart It keeps being irritating It feels different
Hold my hand Dance with me Dance with me Not sure yet but Align your steps with me And dance with me
It’s not over there I know nothing beyond this In the air that has gotten cold I’ll warm up and melt your heart With my breath (1.1) Perhaps it’s withered
My eyes keep looking at you only Why are you making me feel anxious Why is the clock ticking so slowly I can’t express this with words very well Baby, I wanna make you mine (2.1)
  Dew on me flower   Like a flower blossoming on ice baby   Let yourself blossom in my heart please   Far over there flower   Hurry and let yourself blossom on me   Winter come again   Dew, dew, dew, dew flower   Fell in deep and have trouble getting out everyday   Which your, which your, which your, which your color   Will you let me see you   Flower flower, Oh winter, winter flower
The night can’t overshadow us Even when I cover my eyes I keep seeing you Your cold eyes swallow me Your scent makes me dizzy Drunk and getting drunk by your body scent (3) When you look at me The tip of my nose itches God bless (4)
Now please open your eyes to me Come lie down next to me And dream the same dream as me (5) When the winter comes, with my breath I’ll make you in full bloom (1.2) Perhaps it’s withered
My eyes keep looking at you only Why are you making me feel anxious I want to wind back the clock with my hand Because I want to see you even earlier Baby you can take my time (2.2)
  Dew on me flower   Like a flower blossoming on ice baby   Let yourself blossom in my heart please   Far over there flower   Hurry and let yourself blossom on me   Winter come again   Dew, dew, dew, dew flower   Fell in deep and have trouble getting out everyday   Which your, which your, which your, which your color   Will you let me see you   Flower flower, Oh winter, winter flower
Overall Lyrical Themes and Notes
Throughout the poem, the feelings that Nine is experiencing towards Mill and vice versa are being described as flowering plants. This immediately creates a reference to some of their other songs lyrically for me (”blOOm” and “blOssOm” are what are coming to mind, need to go look at those more closely). This flowering plant is specifically one existing in winter: harsh conditions that make it hard or unsafe for it to blossom/bloom. This is clearly relevant to the conditions that the characters are facing in high school where there is bullying over perceived sexuality. Nine is saying that he is coming into this situation with his heart flower dried up/withered, and meeting Mill causes his heart flower to take root again and start trying to grow and bloom.
(1) Breath and Growth
There are two sets of similar but different lyrics that reflect this. The first time it comes up, the lyrics say:
I’ll warm up and melt your heart With my breath (1.1)
At this point, nothing can grow because Mill is feeling too threatened/afraid to let anything grow. But by spending time together and getting close, Nine is helping him realize that it’s safe to be himself around Nine.
When the winter comes, with my breath I’ll make you in full bloom (1.2)
This is taking the idea further though, and moving towards the bloom of love in that heart flower that both of them seem to have. Nine’s breath, and the breath that they shared blowing out the candle and making the wish is what’s going to help Mill’s heart flower bloom.
(2) Time and Lyrical References
I think that this might be referencing “Time Leap” and possibly a few of their other songs in the last lines of these two line variations (someone help me out?).
Why is the clock ticking so slowly I can’t express this with words very well Baby, I wanna make you mine (2.1)
At the beginning of the lyrics, Nine still hasn’t solidified what he’s feeling and wanting to say and wanting to do, but he knows he wants Mill to be with him. The clock is ticking slowly, and it almost feels like the two of them are stalling, trying to figure themselves out.
I want to wind back the clock with my hand Because I want to see you even earlier Baby you can take my time (2.2)
This second variation is where it really reminds me of “Time Leap” and that idea of wanting to go back. But also, I feel like one of their earlier songs had the lyric “Baby we can take our time” and now we’re getting “Baby you can take my time.” (Which song is this???) It’s an interesting parallel.
(3) Connection to “byredO”
Nine used “byredO” as his remix song, and that’s always been his song, so I felt like this reference in the lyrics to scent and its effect was an interesting one showing how they are falling in love and tying it to the remix attached to it.
Your scent makes me dizzy Drunk and getting drunk by your body scent (3)
(4) Reference to the Description
Interestingly the description returns to that idea of “lovers who could not be blessed” and we have this usage of “God bless” in the lyrics.
The tip of my nose itches God bless (4)
I think that this line being lingered over in the delivery of the song is very important in that this is a song that is meant to be for those “lovers who could not be blessed” and it is in itself a blessing of their love.
(5) Hope and Wishes
In the previous arcs, hopes and wishes have been demonstrated on screen with paper cranes and how the protagonists interact with them, but there’s a change here to wishing on the candle and then also this line about dreams.
Come lie down next to me And dream the same dream as me (5)
While it feels like the hope of these characters is less tangible (the candle is a fleeting moment, even if captured on film), in the lyrics, during that candle scene, these lines are delivered, and they give a little preview of the end of the MV and song. We know that they are at least going to try to dream the same dream, and now, even with the hurt at the end, there is comfort and hope for the future.
Throughout, Nine and Mill’s flower hearts seem to be getting stronger and more resilient as winter flowers that are going to bloom despite the adversity, which mirrors the storyline shown in the MV. Mill catches Nine when he collapses, and this is what draws them together: being in the face of adversity. Mill doesn’t run away though, and Nine doesn’t break the promise that he made and comes to meet Mill. It’s not a hope of having no hardships, but a hope that being together will give them the strength and resilience to get past the hardships.
These lyrics match beautifully with the MV and the messages that OnlyOneOf has been conveying throughout this series. I’m really interested to see how it will transition into whatever they do next.
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