#carat's cloud secret santa
mingi-bubu · 2 years
little bit, a little bit, in love with you
For the Carat’s Cloud server’s Inaugural Secret Santa!  My giftee is the delightful and lovely Eishi @cherrybxmbby!  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I hope you enjoy~!  This is like, one of three different ideas I had for what I wanted to write.  The title is from Lykke Li’s “Little Bit” which honestly I really feel like does add to the vibe of this
f!reader x minghao, minghao + reader + mingyu best friends, mingyu actually like takes up a good portion of this but it’s for the #bants, uni au, mentions another svt uni au currently in the works, ~1.6k/words
You wave at the rest of your group mates as they gather their things and leave the library, a tired (and somewhat forced) smile on your face.  Mingyu ruffles your hair as he passes behind you, and you slap at his hand.  You know he’s doing it just to make your smile a bit more genuine.  He’s the easiest to read of your friends, and you know he worries about you.  Granted, the late nights you have, because you lose track of time studying, do give cause for concern.  But still, you do appreciate it.
“Are you staying here then,” he asks, hovering while looking like he’s trying not to hover.
“Yeah,” you say.  Well, it’s more of a resigned puff of air than an actual hard agreement, but details.
“No café today?”  His tone is casual, but you know him better than that.
You raise your eyebrow.  “Is there something you want to tell me, Gyu?”
“I- no,” he says.  You watch as he grows fidgety.  “Okay, yes.  Are you not going because of Growly McWhines?”
You snort at the newest sobriquet he’s gifted your friend and his partner for a different class project.  “Why you don’t just tell them that you’re interested rather than furthering the animosity between you two is something I’ll never understand.”  You shake your head slightly and continue, “But yes, I’m not going to Carat Cloud because of Growly McWhines.  I would appreciate just one day when I don’t have to hear one of you complain about the other.”  It’s so obvious that you guys are into each other anyways is something you decide can stay in your head.
“I would,” he says, “honestly, I would.” You give him a flat stare, not believing him in the slightest. “We can talk about it later.”
You nod and assume that that's the end of it, turning back to your notes. You were wrong.
“Ni Hao, wo Ming!” You don't need to look up to see the stupid grin on Mingyu's face. You do look up anyways, because this greeting can only mean one thing.  Xu Minghao was approaching.
It wasn’t like it was a new thing, him hanging out with you and Mingyu.  After all, the two of them have known each other since high school; Gyu’s family was Minghao’s host family when he came over from Liáoníng to study.  They are, for all intents and purposes, brothers in everything but blood.  So yes, you know Minghao.
… You like Minghao.  And honestly… what about him isn’t to like?  You like that he is generally calm and collected, a contrast to Mingyu’s energetic puppy aura, but he also knows how to let loose.  You’ve seen him go from zero to a hundred during some go-cart competition that his dance team was having.  And on-stage… in those performances and competitions?  God, it’s like he’s possessed by some other entity.  It’s as if Terpsichore herself has descended from the cosmos and made Minghao her vessel to humanity.  (Or, well, everyone who fits in the auditorium that the competition is held in.)
He is immeasurably kind and has hosted finals cram parties (wherein all you do is study with what feels like several dozen non-alcoholic drinks and snacks like carrots and apple slice bunnies within easy reach) for your group of friends.  Sometimes, if he knows someone in one of his classes is really struggling, he’ll invite them as well.  And he’s just so worldly.  He memorizes poems and historical anecdotes and recites them at the drop of a hat.  He stays up to date on so many different topics.  He is endlessly interesting to talk to, and you know you could spend all night staying up with him, just… just talking about anything and everything, if you let yourself.
“That joke was barely funny the first time, and it gets less funny as time goes on,”  Minghao says, though the smile he wears belies his true amusement.  “How are end-of-semester things going?”  He shifts the strap of his backpack, pulling the hood of his coat out from underneath it.
“They could be better,” Mingyu allows, a tiredness he hadn’t shown before seeping into his voice.  You and Minghao glance at each other; the both of you have a fairly decent idea as to what could be better.
“I agree,” you say, joining the conversation officially, “this group project is slowly sucking the life out of me.  Like, don’t get me wrong, I love Joshua, and he’s been my lifeline for this class.  But…”  You lower your voice, glancing around to see if anyone else was listening.  “Okay, is it necessary to bring a color-coded spreadsheet for the second actual out-of-class meeting we’ve had?  We just decided on what topic we’re going to cover.  How does he have a spreadsheet already?”
Minghao huffs out a laugh at your complaints.  Mingyu snorts and then slaps a hand over the lower half of his face as if it would prevent anyone from having heard it.
“So you’re both showing up to the cram parties then, I take it?”  He asks rhetorically.  “I talked with the owners of Carat Cloud, and they said we could hang out there to study.”
“Sounds good.  Message me the rest later?  I gotta jet,” Mingyu pulls out his phone, checking the time.
“I will,” Minghao says, “I’ll probably just send a message into the group chat.”
Mingyu nods, pockets his phone, and then ruffles your hair again before walking quickly out of the library.
You scowl after him, and then shake your head with a small smile.  You don’t bother to fix your hair again.  You turn your gaze to Minghao, taking in his outfit, well, the parts of it not covered by his coat.  He has on his so-called “grandma glasses”, chain and everything, and you can see the ends of his hair peeking out from under his speckled gray knit beanie.  It’s been permed and colored for his competition this weekend, a bluey-purple mix that you’re definitely interested in seeing more of.
Minghao pushes his glasses up from where they were sliding down his nose.  “So, um.”  He pauses.
You frown at the odd behavior, not really ever knowing him to not be confident in what he was saying.  “Is everything okay?”
He blinks a few times, as if getting his bearings after suddenly being woken up.  “No, it’s fine.  I’m fine.  I just.”  Another pause.  “So you know how I have the competition this weekend?”
You smile, more of an amused uptick of the corners of your mouth than anything else, but reply, “Yes.  And even if I didn’t, the hair sort of gives away that you’re going to be doing something soon.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he jokes back.  The small exchange seemed to help, and you can see him become himself again.  “I was wondering if you would also help me record a solo tape?  There are some dance troupes who have shown some interest and I want to make sure I have something prepared for when, or if, they ask for more.”
You flip open your cartoon frog planner and check your schedule.  “When were you wanting to do this?”
“I was thinking after the competition would probably work best since the building where we’re going to perform at has a few dance studios the next floor up from the auditorium.”  He says, sketching a rough diagram in the air.
“Yeah, I can totally help with that!”  You agree.  “Let me write it down, make it all official and everything,” you tease, pulling out the blue gel pen you use for personal events in your planner.
“I was also thinking that maybe we could get dinner after,” he says, and his voice sounds forcibly casual.
Your hand freezes, the tip of the gel pen still pressed into the paper, the ink pooling slowly around it.  “As a,” your voice cracks, and you shut your eyes in embarrassment.  You swallow and try again.  “Are we meeting up with everyone after we finish recording?  Mingyu or Chan or?”
“I was thinking of dinner as a date.  Personally, I think inviting my not-brother and my co-captain might ruin that atmosphere.”  You open your eyes and see the little quirk up at the corner of his mouth.
You make a noise between a scoff and a snort, “Yeah, I think that would just about do it.”  You bite your lip, looking down at the box for Saturday, where “Minghao Dance Comp” and “Help MH Record After” were written next to little bullet points.  “Are you serious about this?”
You really, really hope he is.  He doesn’t seem like someone who would ask you out and not mean it.  But your anxieties eat at your perceptions anyway.
His voice is gentler than before, but firm in its intent.  “I do.  I am, I mean.  Honestly, I’ve been trying to figure out how I wanted to ask you out now for a while.”
You feel your heart flutter at that.  “Oh?”  A smile you didn’t even realize had started appears on your face.  “Well, we can’t put all your planning to waste then, can we?”
Minghao watches as you write into the planner, right under the previous two notes, “Date with Minghao <3”.
You can’t wait for the weekend, and from the way Minghao tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear before he leaves you to study, neither can he.
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proverbsofv · 2 years
Sturmfrei - Carat's Cloud Secret Santa Special
sturmfrei (german, adj.) - the freedom of not being watched by a parent or superior; being alone at a place and having the ability to do what you want
pairing: seokjin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
content warning: y/n being a nervous wreck in the beginning 
word count: 891
home alone - day6 (even of day) strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan dancing queen -  abba shine - pentagon love in my pocket - rich brian
a/n: hi sammie (@wonwooslibrary)! i’m happy to announce that i am your secret santa this year. hope you like the gift and thanks for being such a great friend!
Needless to say, you were excited to spend Christmas together with Seokjin and his family for the first time. However, as the days went by and the holiday drew closer, you became more and more anxious. Sure, you knew that Seokjin's relatives are lovely people, given that they managed to raise a man as fine as your beloved, but you couldn't help having some concerns.
"What if they don't like me? What if they don't like my cooking? Or worse… what if they think I'm not good enough for him?" you kept repeating to yourself, pacing around the living room frantically.
 At that point, you still hadn't noticed Seokjin staring at you from across the room, having returned from running some errands.
"What in the world are you talking about?" he chuckled as he started walking up to you. Hearing his voice all of a sudden made you jump. 
"They already love you! Probably even more than me." he said as he started to pout teasingly. 
"How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to tell you that everything is going to be alright… aaaand that you're overreacting."
Seokjin then pulled you into his embrace and neither of you wanted to let go.
A week has passed since then and it is now was now the first day of Christmas. Which also happens to be the day when the two of you are supposed to drive down to Seokjin's home town. After what your boyfriend said to you that night in the living room, you felt way more confident and prepared whenever Seokjin made an effort to ask you about how you were doing. He was skeptical at first, but deep down knew that if something were to make you uncomfortable, you'd tell him.
You finally have arrived at the doorstep of your partner's childhood home. You were about to ring the doorbell when Seokjin grabbed your hand to stop you and said:
 "I know you're not as worried as you were that night, but I still wanted to tell you this one thing. Everyone is going to love you just as much as I do. I promise".
You wanted to retort his words, but all you did was nod silently. Finally, you rang the doorbell and before you was Seokjin's mother, who squeezed you in a hug so tight as if she hadn't seen you in ages, completely disregarding the casserole that was about to fall out of your hands. Everything was going to be alright.
When you went into the house you were completely starstruck. The decorations looked like that from a home straight out of a Hallmark movie. You could hear pots clattering from the kitchen and children laughing from the living room, eager to open their presents. Your boyfriend chuckled, "Not so bad now, is it?". 
"Not sure. Currently calculating the probability of your aunties interrogating us about getting married and having kids", you replied. Hearing your statement, Seokjin couldn't help but playfully hit you with his elbow and snorted quietly.
During the dinner, everything went smoothly. Seokjin's nieces and nephews didn't want to stop playing with you and you were praised for your cooking. You managed to wiggle out of the aunties' ever-so-slightly uncomfortable questions with your boyfriend's help. You then realised you really were worrying about nothing and allowed yourself to relax. Though you can't deny that it was still exhausting. After all, being smothered with so much love and affection can turn out to be a bit too much.
It was already really late in the night. You and Seokjin stayed behind while his family went out to take part in the Mass. 
You went to bed expecting to fall asleep right then and there, but your loving boyfriend had other plans. Suddenly, a bright light shone in your eyes. You hissed in response. "What are you doing, love?" All you got for an answer was a pillow in the face. Seokjin went up to the old stereo in the corner of the room and started blasting the loudest music known to man. You stared at him in disbelief.
"C'MON, DON'T BE SUCH A PARTY POOPER" he smirked, shouting over the music.
"Oh it's on, pretty boy. It. Is. On." your eyes filled with determination.
You somehow woke up at 3am, spooning with Seokjin. You don't remember going to sleep, let alone cuddling with your boyfriend. All you can remember was the very intense pillow fight, maybe even a pillow war. You smiled. You felt like a kid again. No one was watching you. All your worries melted away at that moment. The one to thank for all that was right there in your arms.
It was already the next day. As you were about to finish bidding your goodbyes, Seokjin's mum came up to you and whispered in your ear.
"Next year I'm expecting to see a new pillow set under the tree. I don't think I've ever seen so much pillow filling lying around like that in my life." she snickered.
"You got it." you winked and hugged her goodbye. You and Seokjin got into the car and set off on a journey back to your shared home.
"We should do stuff like this more often."
"Anything for you, my love" he smiled, kissing your knuckles, eyes still on the road.
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wooahaeproductions · 2 years
Tinsel and Lights (TXT Beomgyu)
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Choi Beomgyu x Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: super fluff
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Christmas tree? clumsiness
Rating: PG
A/N: My lovely Lien! I was so excited to get you for Carat Cloud’s first Secret Santa and I’m so happy that you were able to join us there. I really hope you like this. As soon as I knew I got you, I knew I had to do Beomgyu. Happy Holidays! 💕
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You opened your apartment door and were engulfed in the sound of Carol of the Bells and the scent of pine. Rustling noises could be heard coming from the living room and as you set your keys on the side table, you heard a large crash. A few seconds later, there was swearing.
You rounded the corner to find Beomgyu on his side in the middle of the living room floor, hog-tied in a string of Christmas lights. You stifled a laugh. It looked like he had somehow managed to get the tree up (how he got it home was also another question) but he was now stuck at the part where he was putting the lights on.
“Beomie…whatcha doing?” you asked in an amused tone. His eyes widened at the realization that you had gotten home and that you had caught him in the act. His adorable panicked look only made you want to laugh more. 
“I was trying to get the Christmas tree all set up so we could put on the ornaments together when you got home,” he replied with a whine.
“Well, that was very sweet of you but let’s start with getting you untangled from these lights okay?” you said, sitting on the floor next to him and grabbing a knot in the string closest to you.
He continued to pout as you began untangling him. He always tried to do sweet things for you, but in the end it always resulted in a clumsy situation. Not that you minded that at all. It’s what endeared him to you and made you love and appreciate him even more. It was always the thought that counted. 
Finally, you had unraveled him and he was able to sit up on the floor. He got up and plopped onto the couch with a huff. His bangs had fallen over his eyes in the struggle and he puffed air toward his forehead, effectively moving them out of the way.
“How about I grab the box of ornaments from the garage and we put them on and the lights on together, hm?” you suggested, walking over to him and kissing him gently on the cheek.
“Fine…” he murmured, still upset that his plan didn’t go the way he wanted it to. You had gone into the garage through the house door and a few minutes later, emerged carrying a small box that contained your Christmas ornaments. You set it on the couch next to where Beomgyu was waiting for you.
You grabbed one footstool from the hall closet and then a chair from the dining room table, placing them on opposite sides of the tree. “Okay, let’s get those lights on,” you said, giving Beomgyu a head tilt.
“Okay,” he said, this time having looped the lights around his arm neatly so it was easy to pass back and forth while winding them around the tree. You made sure he had the stool to stand on since it was sturdier and you began passing the string of lights back and forth, spreading them across the branches to get an even coverage of lights. 
Once they were properly wound around the tree, you plugged in the end you left out into the light socket near you, lighting it up with twinkling lights. “Perfect,” Beomgyu said, admiring your work. You stepped off the chair you were standing on to rummage in the ornament box you brought in. You knew there was a star for the top of the tree somewhere in there.
“Here it is!” you exclaimed, pulling it from somewhere in the middle where it was buried underneath the different colored tinsel balls. “Do you think you can put this on?” you asked the boy who was now sitting on the stool with his elbows on his knees. 
“Sure I can!” he answered, enthused with the fact you were going to let him do something of that magnitude. While he was clumsy, he was taller than you and would be able to reach the top of the pine tree much better than you would. You handed him the hollow star that would light up at the apex of the tree when it was plugged in to the rest of the lights. 
He took it, stretching up on the balls of his feet a bit to reach its place on the tree while you stood next to the stool to catch him if he lost balance. After a few small adjustments directed by you it was perfectly placed at the top of the tree and plugged in, the star lighting up bright. He was cute, as you watched him admire his work. 
“Ready to put the ornaments on now?” he asked you as he slowly stepped down from the stool and walked back to the couch to look in the box. You nodded, joining him to pick out the colored tinsel balls you wanted to place on the tree’s branches.
After seeing which colors were in the box, you and Beomgyu settled on green, blue, red, gold, silver, and white. Both of you walked back and forth. climbing on the stool occasionally to place the shiny ornaments just at the right height and spacing between each other, making sure no place was too bare or two close. 
Placing the last few, you stepped back. It looked amazing. “I think it’s done,” Beomgyu mused.
“I think so too,” you agreed. 
“Go sit down now, I’ll go make us some hot chocolate,” he said, urging you to rest now that the hard work was done. You nestled in the corner of the couch and pulled a blanket over you while he disappeared into the kitchen. 
A few minutes later, he returned with warm mugs of hot chocolate and marshmallows. He handed you one and sat down next to you, slipping himself under the fleece blanket with you to cuddle.
As the two of you snuggled up together, and marveled at the tree you two worked on together, it finally felt like the holidays.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N” Beomgyu said, putting an arm around you and pulling you close. 
“Merry Christmas, Beomie,” you said back, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. Everything felt warm and cozy. 
All works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works.
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dalkyeom · 2 years
hello, chia! im your carat secret santa! i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to message you, my social battery was drained and i could barely hold a conversation :( but i'm here now! i see you're away for a few days and i'm sorry to hear about your grandma.. i hope you and your family take the time to heal a little. everyone will be awaiting your return with love and open arms! myself included :3 i'm excited to get to know you. - 🥕
Hello my carrot santa (amg it’s cute you signed with a carrot 🥺💖) it’s so nice to finally meet you! were you able to rest well? It’s been a busy season with finals and holiday prep so I hope you’re able to enjoy some free time now 😌✨ also www— I don’t mind the late intro at all 😂 my social battery does the same too so sometime’s I’m just 💀
take care of yourself lots, my santa 🥺💖 I’m really glad that you dropped by! And tysm!! I think we’re all healing together slowly, we were able to spend lots of time with her before her big heaven’s cloud promotion to the 100th floor so it doesn’t feel as bad 🥺 I’ll be here and there (but don’t be shy if you want to send an ask anytime! i’ll be sure to answer it when I can 💓)
Likewise too amg it’s always super exciting to meet new friends 😭 who’s your bias?
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bfwonu · 2 years
ooh im glad your day was good i hope today is just as nice! today i have to study and stuff for finals but i think it'll be pretty chill?
can you tell me about how you got into seventeen :] for me i randomly stumbled upon one of their interviews and i was just so down bad for joshua that i watched a lot of their own content. since it was also comeback time it was kinda just like damn i'm a carat now although joshua isn't my bias anymore
it's also getting pretty chilly here so do you have any favorite winter/cold weather activities :3
have a wonderful day/night !!
-secret santa anon
my day was also pretty good hehe, i hope studying for ur finals went well! i basically did the same but i also lazed around a bit since it rained today :,)
and of course! that’s so funny bc i was kind of the same, i think i came across an edited video of the tribal games gose episode and not only was i in tears from laughing so hard but wonwoo also caught my eye :3 i realized that i had watched the fear dance practice and listened to heaven’s cloud before without knowing it was them and decided i should get into more of their music and, well… here i am lol! i wanna say this was like right after attacca era so it gave me some time to catch up on their discography and content which was nice
it’s definitely getting cold where i am too, my favorite winter activity is honestly curling up in some blankets with a warm drink and watching movies or tv! i also really like ice skating every once in awhile :) wbu, do u have any favorites?
i hope u have a wonderful day/night as well <3
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tagsecretsanta · 4 years
From @little-old-rachel
to @misssquidtracy
Secret Santa does not own this work, full credit to the author above!
Summary: Scott will always insist that actually, Gordon’s first snow was the year he was born, to which Gordon says, “yeah, like I remember that, Scooter,” but if you ask Gordon, his first snow was when he was five and three quarters. 
Part One: First Snow
Over the last few years, Kansas has seen a spate of mild winters and wet summers - not even a snowflake to be seen. But this year is The One, Gordon can feel it. After years of envying the way Scott and Virg wax lyrical about snowball fights and school closures, this is Gordon’s year.
This particular morning had dawned like any other; a fine mist gradually curling a retreat from muddy fields, breath like dragon’s smoke before him as he and the other kids wait for the school bus, and a chill in the air that almost sounds like Mom (“are you sure shorts in December are a good idea, kiddo?"). Once sandwiched between a barely-conscious Virgil and foggy window, Gordon entertains himself drawing in the condensation. 
“Look V, it’s a dolphin!” He pokes his sleepy brother in the side until Virgil raises his head, eyes bleary, and removes an earbud. 
“So it is, Gordo,” Virgil says, though Gordon’s ‘dolphin’ looks more plane-like than aquatic. 
“Do me a squid,” Gordon says, yanking at his big brother’s sleeve and employing the big round eyes he’s fast learning will get him what he wants. Virgil obliges - of course he does, because who could resist Gordon - and the rest of the journey is spent with Virgil poking out increasingly obscure sea creatures in the condensation. 
Outside the bus, the sun rises, the fog clears, but thick white clouds remain. Virgil happens to glance up as he walks his brother to the kindergarten classroom, and says, “hm, I wonder if it’ll snow today,” and Gordon stops dead.
“Today?! Is it gonna snow? Today?”
Virgil suppresses a yawn - how is he still tired? - and shrugs. “Johnny thought it might. S’the right clouds for it.”
An electric buzz shoots through Gordon’s limbs and he can feel himself practically vibrating with excitement. Actual snow! Today! He can’t wait, even as Virgil tugs him across the ice-slicked playground towards school.
It’s going to snow!
Or so he thought.
Gordon’s been watching the window all day, to the extent that Mrs Cartwright has had to call his name three times to drag his gaze from it. He can’t help it that her classes are boring-schmoring and he already knows how to sound words out. 
He’s only been in kindergarten for a year or so, but he’s less than impressed. John always gushed about school, sure, but John’s a nerd (he’s allowed to say that, because Johnny’s his brother), so Gordon took that with a healthy pinch of salt. Thanks to Virgil, Gordon’s heard enough about the arts department to last a lifetime, and again that’s not really his jam.. But Scott, too, was enthusiastic about his classes and Scott was cool. 
Well, you know what’s not cool, Scotty? 
Being stuck next to Barry Duckworth, who still mixes up his ‘b’s and ‘d’s. 
“Gordon, please don’t make me ask you again.” 
Gordon smiles serenely at Mrs Cartwright until she’s turned back to the smartboard, then tips his gaze back to the window. He can’t help that his brain goes a million miles a minute, until it snags on something, like the threads of Dad’s old Christmas sweater. And then that’s suddenly all he can think about for hours at a time; it’s why he’s so good in his swimming classes, because he can fixate on cutting through the water as fast as possible like nothing else, relishing in one of the few times he can outpace his brain. 
Anyway. Thanks to Virgil’s offhand comment, today his brain is absolutely fixed on snow and there’s nothing he can do except watch as the sky gets greyer. 
Maybe Johnny was wrong and they weren’t the right clouds, after all…
Except, Johnny’s never wrong - something he’ll only truly come to appreciate later in life - because when the school bell finally rings for hometime, he and Darry Buckworth spill out into a playground that’s ever so slightly dusted white.
Gordon grabs Barry’s arm excitedly, has the bizarre desire to lick the icing sugar-like substance. He resists, only because his mom’s standing at the gate and the desire to fling his arms around her outweighs the urge to get a good taste of the playground. 
Besides, he tells himself, he can play in the snow later.
But there’s no time - there’s never enough time. Between rushing to his swimming lesson, dropping Virgil at his piano teacher’s place, taking Scott to Scouts, collecting John from Science Club, and the constant backdrop of little Allie’s wailing, the Tracy family is zombie-like over their dinner that evening. 
It’s all Gordon can do to shovel chicken pie in his mouth as his eyes droop lower and lower, until they finally close all the way. He would have face planted straight into the remaining saucy goodness on his plate if it weren’t for Scott’s lightning quick reactions. 
Before he can find the words to ask about the snow, he has Gordon tucked up in bed. His eyelids are too heavy to even glance out of the window, and so Gordon surrenders to sleep with weary acceptance.
The next morning, Gordon wakes to a whole new world he’s only seen in picture books. 
He can’t believe how bright it is, it almost hurts to look at the dazzling, unfamiliar shapes across the fields. The sharp edges of every building have been softened beneath a wedge of snow, the field boundaries vanished under an endless white expanse, trees that were bare only yesterday now swaying beneath the weight of their new finery. Delicate crystals of ice dangle from the windowsill. Tiny snowflakes trim the edges of his window like lace. 
“John. John, you were right!”
John grunts something back at him, rolling over and Gordon rolls his eyes.
One glance back outside has him letting out a whoop loud enough to wake even a hibernating bear. Gordon flings his door open, banging into his oldest brothers’ room and shaking Scott’s shoulder till he stirs with a groan. 
“Snow, Scott, it’s snowed.”
A growl from across the room has him retreating behind his oldest brother’s bed, because a barely-awake Virgil is a Dangerous Thing. 
“Gords, no,” Scott hisses. “You woke him.”
“Worth it!”
“Would someone like to tell me why I’m awake at 5:00am?” Virgil is the biggest softie in the world, with a heart of twenty-four carat gold, but in that moment his voice is deadly. 
Scott and Gordon exchange Looks for a split second, and then Gordon makes his escape, darting from the danger zone and leaping into his parents’ room instead. “Mom, mom, moooooom!” 
Dad cracks an eye open, murmurs something to Mom that sounds suspiciously like “save me from your son,” and shoves his head under the pillow. 
“Like he didn’t get this from you, Captain Snowball Fight,” Mom retorts, but she’s got the fondest smile on her face as she looks down at her husband. 
Dad peeks his head from under the pillow. “You love me anyway,” he says, sleep lines crinkling an unfiltered, joyful smile.
“More than life, Jeff.”
And then she’s ducking her head to kiss him - and - gross -
Gordon makes a loud retching sound, dramatically flinging himself across the sheets and thereby crushing any romantic atmosphere. 
Mom rolls her eyes, but it’s just as fond. “What is it, sweetheart?”
“It SNOWED, Mom it actually snowed! Johnny was right and it’s all white outside! I can’t wait to play in it, please can I go? Please? Do you think we’ll get the day off school? Please say yes, pretty please? I can’t-”
Dad swoops down, cutting him off with a surprise tickle attack and Gordon shrieks, writhing down the bed and flopping to the floor with a thud. 
He loves these moments with his parents more than anything else in the world - maybe even more than blue-ringed octopi, which is A Lot because have you seen them?! Living in a family of five brothers is absolute carnage and Gordon adores every second of it. But sometimes, it’s like he gets a little bit forgotten in the chaos, even more so since Alan was born.
Speaking of which, Alan, of course, chooses that moment to wake up, big blue eyes blinking slowly at them. Until he puckers his face up and begins howling. 
“I’ve got him!” Dad says, rubbing a hand over his face as he makes his way to Alan’s cot. “What’s up, little man? What’s with all the noise? You're gonna be like your big brother?” 
Alan brandishes his arms and Dad scoops him up, tucking up him against his chest and humming quietly. “Luce, love, I’ve got him,” he says softly, “I’m gonna need to go in to work this morning, so why not take this little sea monkey to play outside whilst you can?” He nods his head at Gordon, who perks up immediately.
“Actually, Dad, I don’t think I would be a sea monkey, they’re not much fun!”
“Oh, my mistake, what would you be then, son?”
“A seal, I think. They love to play allllll day long.”
“Sounds about right,” Mom says, ruffling his unruly blonde curls. “Alright then, little seal pup. Wrap up warm, let’s go play!”
John is awake by the time Gordon returns. As Gordon flings his pyjamas off, yanking on thick socks and sweats, John is there to steady him when he tries to shove both legs into the same hole of his trousers. 
“You’re going to want those gloves,” John says, pointing at the heap of discarded clothes on the floor. 
“Nah, I want to be able to feel the snow! Otherwise I won’t make the best snowballs.”
John rolls his eyes, but tucks Gordon’s gloves into his own pocket. “More fool you when you lose your fingers to frostbite.”
“What’s that?”
“John’s right, kiddo.” Mom is standing in the doorway, scarf wound about her neck and fluffy socks up to her knees. “Gloves on, or you’ll end up like Captain Hook!”
“He lost his hand, silly, not his fingers! Now come on!” 
Gordon seizes his Mom’s hand and John’s sleeve, dragging them excitedly down the stairs to the door, bouncing uncontrollably as Mom unlocks it. 
Gordon darts outside, stumbling in the thick layer of snow that sinks him knee deep and lets out a cry of delight as he sinks his face into it, and-
“Noooooooooo!” he yelps - yelps, not squeals, thank you very much John - and leaps back towards the door. “It’s so cold!”
“Of course it’s cold, doofus,” John says. His tone of voice would be cruel if it were anyone else, but it’s John so of course it’s not. “It’s made of ice. Ice is cold.”
“But… but…”
A cold explosion strikes him in the chest, and Gordon turns an expression of utter betrayal to see his Mom grinning maniacally. “A little cold never hurt nobody!” she yells, ducking for another scoop of snow. 
Gordon lets out an indignant whoop, grabs a handful of snow and flings it back at her. It falls apart before it reaches her, snow scattering everywhere. The ice sticks to his hands, and he shivers at the dampness of it. 
Before he even has to ask, John has whipped out the gloves and is holding them out to him. He gratefully accepts, just as Scott rushes out of the house to join them. 
“Snowball fight!” he yells, eyes shining with glee. 
Virgil follows, still yawning a little, but he perks up at Scott’s words. “You’re on,” he says with a grin. 
Mom holds up a hand, “Scott and John against me, Virgil and Gordon.”
Scott hesitates. “But there’s three of you, and only two of us!”
“War is war,” Mom says, “there’s no shame in admitting defeat-”
“Oh you are on,” says Scott at once, as they all knew he would. “Come on, Johnny. We have some snowballs to make.”
Virgil bounds over to Gordon and Mom, and together they begin compiling their own mound of weapons. Mom shows Gordon how to pack it into a ball so that it doesn’t splinter apart, whilst Virgil quietly beavers away, producing snowballs at double the speed. Gordon’s cold but he’s also pressed between his mom and brother, and the warmth in his heart is absolutely worth the occasional shiver. 
Finally, they’re ready.
With a blood-curdling battle cry, Gordon launches the first snowball. It falls short - by a good few feet - splattering at Scott's feet. 
Scott starts to laugh, head back, just in time for Gordon's second snowball to strike him directly in the neck. 
Gordon lets out a cackle that has Scott narrowing his eyes and pelting snowballs in their direction. Mom hurls them back as good as she gets, snowflakes catching in her dark hair, whilst Virgil works to replenish their fast dwindling stock. The enemy - his brothers, that is - put up a valiant effort, but burn through snowballs faster than John can produce them. Soon they are backed up against the wall of the old barn, and Gordon is breathless and exhilarated and joyful. 
"Surrender or die!" he bellows, holding a snowball in each hand.
"Gordon," Mom says sharply, and Gordon sighs.
"Fine. Surrender or suffer!"
Even as they raise their hands in unison, John's grin stretches his cheeks wide and Scott's eyes gleam with amusement. 
Gordon is fit to burst with all of the warm, happy feelings inside of him, coursing through his veins like the ocean currents. 
Once a truce has been declared and Gordon's Squad are pronounced the rightful champions, the five of them drift in groups to catch their breath. It’s hard work racing round in snow, especially when you’re practically wading in it, and Gordon flops to the ground to relish in his victory. 
Virgil, predictably, begins creating, rolling a ball of snow round and round till it's as tall as Gordon! Scott and Mom head inside, tracking slush pools in their wake. John plops down beside Gordon, and then leans all the way back.
“What are you doing?” Gordon asks. John is now thrashing his arms and legs through the snow enthusiastically, flattening it beneath his gangly limbs. 
“Snow angel! You try!”
Gordon shoots him a dubious look, but obeys, copying John’s movements. John helps him up, and they survey their handiwork. One small, wonky angel, one with huge wings and long legs. 
“Snow day, guys!!” Scott sprints back outside. “The bus got stuck coming up the hill!”
If Gordon’s being totally honest, he’d forgotten today was technically a school day at all, too caught up in the fun and frivolity of experiencing his first ever snow.
“Try to look a little less delighted, Gordon,” Mom laughs, back in the doorway with Alan in her arms. He’s cocooned in layer upon layer, eyes wide at the landscape around him. Scott heads to where Virgil is jabbing sticks into his snowman’s sides, and holds out a carrot. Beaming, Virgil takes it and turns to Gordon. 
“Wanna help make your first ever snowman?”
“You can do his nose! Here,” Virgil puts the carrot in Gordon’s hands, and lifts him beneath the arms so that he’s level with the snowman’s head. Grinning, Gordon pushes the carrot in, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. 
It’s the perfect day, and it’s barely 9:00am. No day will ever top this day. 
Unable to find the words to express all the happiness dancing little jigs in his chest, he grabs Scott and Virgil, clinging to them in a cuddle. John joins them, and before long, Mom and Alan are there too, Allie clutching at Gordon’s curls. 
It’s overwhelmingly wonderful: warming in a way that is less to do with physical heat and more to do with the absolute overflow of love in his heart. 
Later that day, they’ll stand around the kitchen, dripping over the tiles and arguing over who gets the first dibs of hot water. They’ll regroup in the lounge, Scott and Virgil curled together on one couch, John at their feet, Gordon tucked between Mom and Dad (who admits defeat when the car engine refuses to sputter into life) on the other. They’ll cradle Mom’s magical hot cocoa in thawing fingers - and Gordon’s will be more marshmallow than hot chocolate - and put on a movie they’ll be too busy talking through to pay much attention. Dad will light a fire, guiding Scott through creating the perfect log stack, and the crackling heat of it will lull them to sleep one at a time. 
It will be the perfect day.
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mingi-bubu · 3 years
KPop Masterlist
♡ = personal favorite // updated 20230326
We (Don't) Waste Time - Song Mingi (Happy Mingi Day 090822) ♡
Midnight Dishes - Song Mingi
At the Beach - Jeong Yunho (birthday scenario for @baobeejun)
Sharing Blankets - Jeong Yunho, part 2 to above
Confessions - Song Mingi
University AU ♡
Ateez as Crushes ♡
Purple Sweaters - Park Seonghwa (birthday scenario for @lovleez)
Youtuber/Streamer AU ♡
Ateez as Dates
San as the leading man in a hallmark Christmas movie ♡
Christmas Confession - Lee Jihoon (t.c.t secret santa for @kthpurplesyou) ♡
little bit, a little bit, in love with you - Xu Minghao (carat's cloud inaugural secret santa for @cherrybxmbby) ♡
Farmer’s Market AU - Xu Minghao ♡
The Boyz
Hyunjae + post breakup angst
Sunwoo + breakup angst
The Boyz as Crushes
Victon as Crushes ♡
Victon as Dates ♡
Waking Up with Byungchan
SM Ent - There are rats in the walls!? ♡
SF9 as Crushes ♡
VAV - Jacob university au
Monsta X as University Students
Shownu’s hat
NCT 127 Doyoung timestamp angst
BTS Taehyung Confession
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