#carbon brush holder
fabcouniversal · 11 months
Slip ring Induction Motor Fundamentals
Slip Ring in Motors If you would like more information on slip ring induction motors. For you, the entire article. This article covers the following subjects: the use of slip rings in induction motors, their construction, their working theory, their benefits and drawbacks, how to manage the speed of slip rings in induction motors, and the distinction between slip rings and squirrel cage induction motors. Please leave a comment below if you have any other suggestions for this post; we will include them as soon as possible. Short content: Slip rings are linked to each phase winding in a slip ring induction motor, which has a 3-phase winding on the rotor. Wound rotor induction motor is another name for a slip ring induction motor. As we all know, a slip ring motor consists mostly of a stator and rotor. 
Fabcouniversal is a carbon brush manufacturer in Delhi NCR.
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swadhasqualitycarbon · 8 months
Carbon holder assembly.
My company business of Railways Traction motors component and insulating TSI (epoxy mold). We making as per your Thinking.. Find my company business on Google, https://swadhasqualitycarbonholderand.business.site
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pansyfemme · 6 months
i unfortunately don’t have any questions i just want to hear you talk about art supplies 😔
oh well. thats not particuarly hard to do.
im real hyped because in the ‘my child is autistic and i have zero idea how to shop for him’ manner my mother let me pick my own gifts this year for xmas so i will be in possession of some sennelier oil pastels shortly. ive used them several times before, but theres really no competition. i say this about almost no media because i believe theres something for everyone- but there is one oil pastel brand and its sennelier. working with them will make you feel like you are working with a completly unfamillar medium even if you’ve only ever drawn in oil pastel before. They’re just incredible. incredibly pricy too.. oh well. I’m also planning on picking up a box of Carandache neocolor I. they’re wax pastels, basically crayons but actually good. my mother lives by the Neocolor II, their watersoluable cousin, but i enjoy water resistance as much as i do soluablity. and as someone who works in so much wet media, its nice to work with a sketching media that provides resist as i do not lose or smudge the sketch as heavily. Plus, i love sketching with crayons and other chunky media. Also on my mind is a new lightboard -_- only had my old one for a year and a half before it died.. sigh. I want a bigger, heavy duty one sometime but i do not have the studio space for that.. one day.
In terms of pens, my special interest within a special interest, my kaweco sport is still my baby in terms of writing pens. Used to think i was more of a lamy guy.. but whew! im a convert. Kaweco pens are so well designed it makes my jaw drop sometimes. I just adore them. Love their lead holders too! And no, my brush pen rotation has not changed. I use my kuretake no.40 and kuretake no.13 interchangably.. i do not know better brush pens on the market, they’re just perfect in every way possible. made the switch fully to platimum carbon cartridges about a year ago and i do not regret it one bit, they’re the only ones i’ll use from this point forward. The ink darkness, permenance and waterproofing is just perfect, and it’s given me much less feathering than i had with kuretake, Akashiya (as much as i love akashiya in every other regard) and pentel cartridges. I tell people this all the time, but the ink you put in your pen is as crucial as the pen itself. Akashiya Sai Thinline, of course, is my preferred colored disposable brush pen. just wish the color range was wider! They’re truly special tho, the muted pallete, the fact they’re waterproof, the long thin shape of the bristles.. gorgeous. because of the recent trend of ‘watercolor brush markers’ (big fan, dont get me wrong) its pretty difficult to find colored brush pens that aren’t waterbased. I’ve had a scheme to make my own brush pens someday using my personal ink collection, but that depends on my ability to find a bristle tip body that is leakproof, cheap enough to get several of, and actually retains a point. People rave about just filling aquash style brushes with ink, but those leak.. a LOT. and keeping their tips consistantly wet has a habit of making their sharpness go away, which is fine if you’re painting, not so much for lineart. So. while i do get real autistic trying to find the best brush pens for lineart.. at the end of the day, i always end up just hand lining with a paintbrush and ink lol. it’s still the best way. (if you’re curious i normally do my colored lineart in liqutex acrylic ink, specifically the muted colors series because they’re perfect in every way shape and form.)
like i said. not hard to do. it’s like asking me to talk about music. i will, just can’t promise it will be understandable to anyone but me.
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[CN] Victor’s Carbon Pen and Glass Bead Event (Day 7)
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✦ thursday || friday || saturday || sunday || monday || tuesday || wednesday
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【High School Affiliated to Loveland University Second Year (Section 1) Semester Schedule - Wednesday】
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In preparation for the upcoming sports meet, this week onwards, each class’s sign holder will rehearse during the morning self-study session.
Contrasting with other students who are somewhat anxious to return to class, Victor is incredibly calm and composed.
If he waits a bit longer, he might just manage to perfectly avoid Brother Ying’s peculiar activities.
“Comrades, I’ve got a brilliant idea.”
After accurately aiming the chalk at the student dozing off, Old Gao laughs and brushes off the chalk dust from his hands.
“The next person I catch napping during the class will need to recite the decimal expansion of pi up to the 150th digit after the decimal point.”
Although Victor is confident he will not doze off in class, he still opens his eyes wider and focuses to be more alert.
Chemistry is the cornerstone of human advancement, and it’s also the subject that can elevate scores the most in the college entrance exam.
The teacher’s words are delivered with gentleness and sincerity.
Victor nods with repeated “Hm.”
The teacher in the previous class said the same thing (about their own subject).
Amidst the intermittent growls of hungry stomachs, the chemistry class comes to an end.
Teachers always tend to have their favorite students– because they’re mature, sensible, and have exceptional academic performance. Of course, the uncle in the school cafeteria is no exception to this pattern.
However, this (cafeteria uncle’s) favoritism might purely be due to Victor’s handsome appearance.
The significance of having good handwriting cannot be overstated.
“Sir Vic, we wrote more or less the same thing. Why did you score 56 while I only got 42?”
“The basis for assessing the standard might be whether or not it’s readable.”
Even simple single-celled organisms can survive in this world, proving that people should indeed show more patience towards many fools. However, one shouldn’t waste too much time either.
Listening to the teacher’s explanation, Victor inexplicably sighs in his heart.
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“I wasn’t asking to borrow your eraser, I’m telling you to pick up the note next to you!”
“Vice Class Monitor, can you help me pass this down again? Be careful not to be spotted by the ‘stern-faced old demon’...”
Hushed voices almost simultaneously sound from both sides. Victor feels as if he is submerged in what seems like a low-frequency hum.
“What have I just stumbled upon?”
In truth, starting from the second year of high school, many classes have some unspoken rules. For instance, whichever teacher has the first class of the day won’t be assigned to supervise the morning self-study session. Likewise, the same principle applies to the last class and the evening self-study session.
However, the physics class is an exception to this norm.
Victor feels an immense sense of pressure pressing down on him and resolves to contemplate how to conquer it.
✧ next stop: Exclusive Story (to be updated)
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sickstarlight · 2 years
Hey, I don’t know if you’re still taking writing prompts, but if you are, I’d love to see someone coming down with stomach flu/food poisoning while driving home (alone) and not being able to pull over
this prompt is from AGES ago and i've been slowly working on it for months at this point but it's FINALLY done
enjoy a sick t*m m4rbleh0rnets, for your reading pleasure
He starts to feel lightheaded and shaky on the drive back home, so he stops for lunch at the exit just past the state line, and gets back on the road as soon as he’s finished his sandwich, taking his soda and fries with him. He’s less than two hours away now, and he doesn’t want to delay any more than he has to.
It’s a hot, sticky summer day, and the air in the car must not be working right; he’s felt uncomfortably warm for most of the drive, and maybe it’s the angle of the sun or just the high humidity but it feels like it’s gotten even hotter after his quick stop. He fusses with the air controls, turns the fan off and back on again and holds a hand up to the vent to check the air flow, but even at the highest setting it doesn’t seem to be making the car any cooler. He’s barely driven another ten minutes before he has to shed his flannel and strip down to his t-shirt, and even then sweat drips down the back of his neck and makes the fabric cling to his skin.
With a groan, he brushes his hair back from his face and wipes the sweat off his brow with the back of one hand. He can’t wait to get home and cool off. At least he does feel better after eating; his head is clearer and his arms don’t feel nearly as weak.
That holds true for maybe half an hour.
It must be the heat, he thinks, dimly, when he realizes he’s starting to feel unwell again. He’d thought earlier he was just hungry, but it’s been less than an hour and he’s already trembling again, and his head is spinning a little, enough to make it hard to focus on the road. But the heat won’t get any better by delaying, he tells himself grimly, and grits his teeth against the wave of dizziness that washes over him. He just has to make it home -- barely more than an hour, now -- and he'll feel better once he's inside.
Two miles past the next exit, he feels his stomach turn over, and realizes he’s in trouble. It’ll be another fifteen minutes at least before he has another chance to pull off, and he’s starting to feel like he might be sick. He’s all too aware, suddenly, of the grease from his fast-food lunch, and the bubbling carbonation of all the soda he drank.
Oh, Christ, he needs to pull over. He’s going to throw up.
He glances to his right and grimaces at the concrete barrier and the narrow emergency lane on the shoulder of the highway. As urgent as it feels, it isn’t really an emergency that he’s about to puke. His mouth fills with saliva and he swallows hard. How many miles to the next exit? Too many, he thinks. He’s not going to make it that long.
Breathing shallowly, he looks around the car for something — anything — he can vomit into so he doesn’t make a complete mess. The paper bag from his lunch? No, no good, it’ll soak through. The styrofoam cup his soda came in, maybe. It’s the best option he can think of.
He scrabbles to pull off the lid with one hand, tossing the trash into the footwell of the passenger seat. A wave of nausea washes over him, and he gags a little. Shit, shit, shit. Clutching the steering wheel tight with the other hand, he grabs the cup out of the cup holder and hugs it to his chest, too sick now to care that the motion splashes the last of his Coke over the side of the cup and onto the seat.
Saliva pools under his tongue again. He swallows it back, glancing up at the road signs to see how far he is from the exit. Still too far, and the churning of his stomach feels worse every second. He fights to keep his gaze focused on the road in front of him as the taste of metal fills his mouth.
The slightest bump in the road is all it takes to make him lose it, and he ducks his head as his stomach heaves. Acid burns in his chest as he retches, a thin, dark stream of watery sick spilling into the cup with a splash.
He coughs, gasps, spits to clear his mouth. It doesn’t get rid of the taste. Fuck, he feels awful, and he doesn’t even have a free hand to wipe away the vomit that’s clinging to his lips and dripping down his chin. The sensation makes him want to gag again, but he swallows hard instead. Just let him get to the next exit before he throws up any more, so he can pull off first and do it on the side of the road.
No such luck is in store for him, though; he's still seven miles and close to five minutes from the exit when he starts to feel queasy again. He groans and grips the steering wheel tighter, until his knuckles go white, but it doesn't help. Barely a minute later, the swell of nausea overwhelms him, and this time when his gut clenches it brings up chunks of his half-digested fries, making him choke and splutter a little on the feeling of something solid in his throat. Gross.
Just a few more miles, he tells himself, panting a little to catch his breath. Just a few more miles to the exit, not even five minutes now, and he can pull off and get out of the car until he feels a little better. At least until he’s sure his stomach is empty and he’s done vomiting. He already feels sick again, but surely he can make it three more miles.
His mouth floods repeatedly with more acidic saliva that he has to swallow back every few seconds, but finally the exit comes into view. Relieved, he puts on his blinker and turns onto the ramp, but as he hits the curve still going a little too fast his stomach lurches up into his throat again.
Too late, he ducks his head as another stream of sick pours out of his mouth, mostly missing the cup and spilling down his arm and the front of his t-shirt. "Shit," he chokes out, his eyes burning as tears well up against his will. "Fuck."
There's a gas station just on the right, and he pulls into a stall next to the convenience store. He has to set the cup down to put the car into park, and grimaces as he feels vomit smearing off his hand onto the gear shift. If he's careful, there won't be too much to clean up, but the smell is probably going to linger for days. With his free hand, he rolls down both front windows, hoping a little bit of a breeze will at least help mitigate the odor.
He gets out of the car, wiping his hand on the hem of his soiled shirt, and leans against the door for a moment, waiting to see whether he’s about to throw up again. His gut churns and gurgles unhappily, threatening to revolt at any second, so he grabs the half-full cup and stumbles over to the nearest garbage can before he ends up puking all over his shoes. He’ll have to wait to get cleaned up until his stomach settles a little.
It takes a few minutes, this time, before the nausea builds up enough to make him vomit, but when he does, it feels like his stomach is being turned inside out. He retches a few times, back to back, each heave bringing up another wave of thick liquid. When he’s finished he gasps raggedly for air, sick still dripping off his tongue as he pants over the garbage can.
His knees feel like jelly, but he doesn’t dare let himself sit down, so he braces himself against the edge of the bin with both arms instead. After a long few moments, when his gut doesn’t make another attempt to purge itself of his lunch, he slowly pushes himself back upright and shuffles back towards the car. He’s not at all sure he’s done being sick, but he’s got to get himself cleaned up at some point, so he grabs his wallet and his flannel and heads into the small convenience store.
By some small miracle, it’s empty, so only the bored cashier looks up at him when he enters. “Uh,” he falters, stupidly, his tongue feeling thick and clumsy in his mouth. “Bathroom?”
“Yeah, just in back,” the cashier says, holding out the key at arm’s length as if she’s afraid to get too close to him. Probably fair, to be honest, since he has no idea if he’s contagious or not. He takes the key and hurries to the back of the store, shouldering the door open and locking it behind him.
Inside, he catches sight of himself in the mirror and can’t help but grimace. His face is so colorless it’s almost grey, the shadows under his eyes dark as bruises against his pale cheeks, and sweat has plastered his hair to his forehead in odd directions. And that’s not to mention the vomit spilled down the front of his t-shirt.
He washes his hands first, then pulls his shirt over his head awkwardly, careful to keep the mess of sick from getting in his hair. His hands are clumsy and trembling as he struggles to button his flannel, and halfway through he has to stop and drop to his knees on the dirty floor, retching weakly over the toilet. Not much comes up this time, just a thin trickle of sour liquid. Maybe he really is over the worst of it. Still, his stomach feels uncomfortably tight, and he doesn’t think he’d better take any chances.
When he’s finished changing, he splashes some cold water on his face and wipes the sweat from his brow with the end of his sleeve, then grabs his crumpled t-shirt and leaves the bathroom. On his way back up to the counter, he stops to grab a bottle of water, some tissues, and a pack of Dramamine, as well as a big plastic soda cup that he doesn’t fill.
“Can I, uh, get an extra bag for this?” he asks hoarsely, holding up his soiled shirt as he passes the key back over the counter. The cashier nods and hands one over before she rings him up, while he digs his wallet out of his pocket and fumbles to get out his debit card.
“Have a, um,” she begins as he takes his things, and then changes her mind, finishing, “I hope you feel better?”
“Thanks,” he says, and manages a very strained smile.
When he gets back to the car, he sits down in the front seat with his legs hanging out to crack open the water bottle and take a few tiny sips. It doesn’t make his stomach feel any worse, at least, and it helps clear the taste of vomit out of his mouth. He gulps down a Dramamine as well before pulling himself the rest of the way into the car, hoping maybe that will help keep him from puking any more on the rest of the way home.
With a groan, he fastens his seatbelt and starts the car up, pulling out of the convenience store parking lot and back onto the road towards the highway. Less than an hour left, and he’ll be home and can lie down, he reminds himself, and if he starts to feel sick again, well, that’s what the cup is for — and the empty plastic bag on the passenger seat, if it comes down to it.
Gritting his teeth, he turns onto the ramp, hoping that maybe he’ll be lucky and be home before that happens.
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naxosmarine · 2 years
Ship Store Supplier in Bangladesh
Naxos Marine Service: Your Reliable Ship Chandler Company in Bangladesh
Naxos Marine Service is a leading ship chandler company in Bangladesh that provides a wide range of services to vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla. As a trusted partner of ship owners and managers, Naxos Marine Service takes pride in delivering high-quality services that meet the unique needs of each client.
One of the key services offered by Naxos Marine Service is ship store supply. They have a vast network of ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide all types of provisions, bonded stores, deck and engine stores, and safety equipment at competitive prices. In this blog post, we will explore the ship store supplier services provided by Naxos Marine Service in Bangladesh.
Provisions and Bonded Stores
Naxos Marine Service understands the importance of providing fresh and high-quality provisions to seafarers onboard. They work with reliable ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can deliver a wide range of food and beverage items, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, dairy products, canned goods, and more. The company ensures that all provisions are sourced from reputable suppliers and are delivered to the vessel in a timely manner.
In addition to provisions, Naxos Marine Service also provides bonded stores such as cigarettes, and spirits, which are available duty-free for vessels in transit. They work with trusted suppliers who can provide these items at competitive prices, ensuring that seafarers can enjoy their time onboard.
Deck and Engine Stores
Naxos Marine Service also provides deck and engine stores to vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla. They work with a range of ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide everything from ropes, cables, and anchors to lubricants, filters, and spare parts. Their team of experienced professionals can also provide technical advice and assistance to ensure that the right products are supplied to meet the specific needs of the vessel.
Safety Equipment
Safety is a top priority for Naxos Marine Service, and they ensure that all vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla are equipped with the necessary safety equipment. They work with trusted ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide a range of safety equipment, including life rafts, life jackets, fire extinguishers, and more. Their team can also provide training and technical assistance to ensure that the equipment is properly installed and maintained.
Bearing Unit, Cylindical Roller Bearing, Double Row Self-Aligning Ball Bearing, Needle Roller Bearing, Thrust Ball Bearing.
Cutting Tools
Adjustable Reamer Set, Adjustable Round Die for Pipe Thread, Bevel Rolling Center, Boring Tool Holder for Square Shank Tool Bit,WhiteWorth Coarse Thread Hand Tap 3’s/Set Carbon Steel or High Speed Steel.
Hose & Couplings
Brass Screw Air Hose Coupling, Cam and Groove Coupling, Cast Aluminum Garden Hose Nozzle with Spray, Cast Bronze Air Hose Coupling M42 x 2,Water Rubber Hose Wrapped & Fabric Construction
Measuring Tools
(Sigma) – Meter, 20 Times Microscope Probe Tube, A.P.I. Hydrometer for Petroleum, Ammonia Compound Gauge, Wire Gauge
Painting Equipment
Air Duster, Airless Paint Spray Gun, Airless Paint Spray Hand Gun, Airless Paint Spray Hand Guns and Pole Guns, Spray Gun.
Metal Sheets & Bars
Adhesive Anticorresine Zinc Tape, Aluminium Hexagon, Aluminium Plate or Aluminium Sheet, Aluminium Round, Zinc Plate
Brushes & Mats
3M Nomad Mat – Extra Duty, 3M Oil Trap Floor Mat, Angle Paint Brush Japanese Style, Angle Radiator Brush (Dog Leg Brush), Yellow Duster.
Hand Tools
12 Point & Spud End Wrench 60 Offset, 12 Point Double End Wrench Both Head 40 Bent, 12 Point Double Offset Wrench Set 45 Double Offset, 12 Point Offset Wrench 45 Double Offset, Yacht Type Triangular scrapper.
Machinery Items
Air Pipe Head, Anti-Splashing Tape for Ship’s Engine Room, Emergency Shut-off Valve, Filter Element for Marine Can Water Filter, Marine Can Water Filter
Petroleum Products
Aerosol Product, Anti-freeze Liquid, Anti-Seize Compound, Asphalt Compound, Wire Rope Grease.
Pneumatic & Electrical Tools
Air Line F.R.L. Combination, Air Line Filter, Air Line Lubricator, Air Line Pressure Regulator, Water Driven Turbine Fan.
Valves & Cocks
Brass Bib Cock with Lever Handle, Brass Meter Cock with Lever Handle Both Female End, Brass Needle Valve Threaded, Brass Needle Valve with Corrugated Hose End, Thermostatic Expansion Valve.
Ashtray, Wall Type, Barrel Bolt For Cabinet, Barrel Bolt for Door,Book Case Bar Socket, Tumbler Holder
Marine Paint
Anti Fouling Paint Longlife, Selfpolish, Marine Paint Comparison Table,Miscellaneous Paint, Monolar Mastic, Varnish, Oil, Etc.
Packing & Jointing
Adhesive SAF-T-LOK, Air Filter, All Graphite Ribbon Packing for Valve Pillar No.6650, All-purpose Grand Packing Threebond No.5910, Wood Glue.
Pipes & Tube Fittings
Air Pipe Head, Anti-corrosive Coated Flexible Pipe Coupling, Brass Flared Elbow,90, Brass Flared Elbow,90 With Male End, Union Malleable Cast Iron.
Rigging Equipment & General Deck Items
Aluminium Alloy Rope Ladder with GS Type Oval Step, Aluminum Alloy Accommodation Ladder, Aluminum Alloy Wharf Ladder (Ref.JIS F2613-1990), Anchor Shackle, Wood Hand Fid.
Welding Equipment
Acetylene Gas Cylinder, Acetylene Gas Cylinder, Arc Welder, Arc Welder,Welding Helmet.
3.5 Magneto-optical Disc Drive (MO Drive), AC Adaptor for Calculator,Accessory for Electronic Whiteboard, Air Bubble Pack Sheet, ZIP Drive Unit.
Rope & Hawsers
3-Strand Heaving Line, 3-Strand Manila Rope, 3-Strand Nylon Rope, 3-Strand Polyethylene Tiger Rope, Wire Rope Slings
Lavatory Equipment
Bathroom Equipment, Bathroom Shelve, Combination Wall Faucet w/Overhead Swivel Spout, Combination Wall Faucet w/Underside Swivel Spout, Waste w/S-trap.
Tableware & Gallery Utensils
3M Scotch-Brite Cleaner, 4 Pcs Cruet Stand Set (Condiment Set), Air Pressure Type Thermos Bottle, Alarm Timer, Yosenabe Pan.
Welfare Items
8mm Video Camera, Bathroom Scales, Cassette Film for 8mm Video Camera, Cassette Tape, Weight Set, etc.
Cloth & Linen Products
100% Acrylic Blanket, Bed Sheet, Bed Spread (Counterpane), Bow Tie, Wool 100% Blanket.
Anti-electro-static Boilersuit, Aramid Fibre Gloves, Boilersuit (Coverall),Boilersuit Half-sleeved, Working Jacket Working Trousers Summer Use.
Bakery & Pastry Products, Meats, Beans And Peas, Dry, Biscuit, Cracker Snack, Wafer, Bonded Dairy Products, Tinned Vegetables.
Electrical Equipment
2-Flat Pin 3 Way Receptacle, Alarm Bell Explosion-proof Type, Alarm Buzzer Explosion-proof Type, ALCAD Nickel Cadmium Battery, Wet Cell Battery.
Absorbent Cotton, Absorbent Gauze Ribbon, Absorbent Lint, Adhesive & Elastic Bandage, Zinc Ointment
Nautical Equipment
Air Horn, All-Weather Stand Type Binoculars, Astro-Navigation Calculator, Automatic Chart Plotter, Xenon Searchlight.
Safety Equipment
Air Horn, All-Weather Stand Type Binoculars, Astro-Navigation Calculator, Automatic Chart Plotter, Xenon Searchlight.
Pipes & Tubes
Aluminium Tube, Welded, Aluninium Tube, Brass, Carbon Steel Pipe for High pressure Service(STS), Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temprature Service(STPT), Symbol of Steel Pipes
Screws & Nuts
Button Head Socket Screw, Cap Head Square Neck Bolt (Carriage Bolt), Cold Headed Rivet, Cross-Recessed Head Machine Screw, Wing Nut.
Cleaning Material & Chemicals
Acetone, CH3COCH3 (Dimethylketone), Activated Alumina, Activated Carbon (Activated Charcoal/Coconut), Aerosol Glass Cleaner, Zinc Chloride, ZnCI2
Naxos Marine Service is a reliable and trusted ship chandler company in Bangladesh that provides a wide range of services to vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla. Their ship store supplier services are second to none, with a vast network of suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide provisions, bonded stores, deck and engine stores, and safety equipment at competitive prices. If you are looking for a reliable ship chandler company in Bangladesh, Naxos Marine Service should be your top choice.
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yoyik456 · 3 months
Box brush holder QTH4-16 Generator QFS-125-2 for Pakistan Thermal Power
"Box brush holder QTH4-16 Generator QFS-125-2 for Pakistan Thermal Power is an exclusive product for power units offered by Yoyik. Dongfang Yoyik Engineering Co., Ltd mainly provides hydraulic components, spare parts of power units, mechanical parts processing and so on. We have spare parts, components, replacements for generators, boiler, turbines and hydroturbines.
Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:
DF-Box brush holder QTH4-16 Generator QFS-125-2-DF
filter LH0030D5BN3HC actuator filter HQ25.10Z jacking oil pump oil-return filter φ55.5/φ100652-ZHUJUN filter ZX-25180 filter water purifier XLS-100 pp filter housing DlS-400 oil press machine with filter FX-520×100 cross reference hydraulic filter TZ-1000×10 water filter straw KLS-50T/80 filter GY93-2510 pp spun filter KLS-50U/200 pp micro 5 filter KLS-50U/200 hydraulic return oil filter ZU-F40×10BSIII filter water systems SWF4 filter HX-1003W oil hydraulic filter 6526710 filter PQX-15010Q2 (ZHUJUN) cartridge filters ZUI-A40×5S Fuel Discharge Valve Filter CB13300-002V 1607-2 filter LXM-1511.2 lube system fan filter FDQ-039 outlet filter DQ8302GA10H3.5C filter UX-160*100 filter 0030D003BN3HC oil filter tool Q2U-A10×20S Filter PA 250-100 pp micro 5 filter SG-125/0.8 filter HC2295FKS14H 5 micron pp filter DSG-65/08 BFP EH oil main pump suction filter HTGY6E.0 diatomite filter ST718-00-03ZXCO oil filter machine C13-160×800E water filter cartridge quick SL-9/50.03 water cartridge filters KLS-125T/20 hydraulic return oil filter 0660D010BH3HC water filter material SG-125/0.8 Box brush holder QTH4-16 Generator QFS-125-2
filter UX-40180 hydraulic line filter element YWU-250×80J hydraulic filter CFRI-250×5 oil filter Q3U-A6305FS water filter SGLQ-6000A line filter element 01-361-013 oil filter ZU-H6305FS oil filter CFRX-630×30 pp filter core SL-9/50 Filter element XFL-40020H pp cartridge filter SGLQ-300A activated carbon filter cartridge honeycomb LH0110D20BN3HC melt blown cartridge filter SGLGLQ-16T-50 filter tank hydraulic GX-250×3 filter hydraulic oil HFX-400×30Q multi cartridge filter housing 0110D025W machin oil filter element TZX2-630×5 hydraulic return filter HY-10-005-F pp melt blown filter SGLQB-1000 pp spun filter cartridge making machine DLS-150 oil filter cartridge 1320D020BN3HC filter FX-25-3H filter ZX-2580 filter STZX2-25040 water purifier filter SGL-600A machine oil filter T-150×500 bulk oil filters LXM-15-112 oil filter elements PA810-001D filter water machine XLS-100 cross reference hydraulic filter XU-A25×80S 5 micron pp filter SWFY3 filter HX.BH-63040W filter WYX-5001012 oem oil filter XJL-02-09 pp filter cartridge making machine SGL-600A pleated filter cartridge DP2B01EA10V/-W Box brush holder QTH4-16 Generator QFS-125-2
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automotiveshopping · 7 months
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Car Carbon Brush Holder Cover ... Price 4.31$ CLICK TO BUY
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betterworldtomorrow · 7 months
As the world shifts towards sustainable choices, biodegradable toothbrushes have become the eco-friendly alternative to their plastic counterparts. These toothbrushes, aside from being environmentally conscious, also offer a unique blend of comfort and style. Let's dive deep into understanding these marvels of sustainable dental care. Why Biodegradable Toothbrushes? Environmental Impact Every year, billions of plastic toothbrushes end up in landfills and oceans, posing a significant threat to our environment. These plastics take hundreds of years to decompose, causing harm to marine life and the ecosystem. Conversely, biodegradable toothbrushes minimize this environmental footprint, showcasing our commitment to a cleaner planet. Benefits for Your Health Apart from their eco-friendliness, biodegradable toothbrushes often boast natural, non-toxic materials that are gentle on your gums and overall health. Without the harmful chemicals found in some plastic varieties, you're prioritizing both your well-being and the Earth's. Economic Advantages Believe it or not, making the switch to biodegradable toothbrushes can also be kind to your wallet in the long run. While the upfront cost might seem higher, the long-term environmental and health benefits can lead to fewer medical bills and contribute to a reduced carbon footprint. Choosing the Right Biodegradable Toothbrush Materials to Look For From bamboo to cornstarch, there's a variety of materials used in making biodegradable toothbrushes. Bamboo, for instance, is a popular choice due to its fast-growing nature and inherent antimicrobial properties. Always research and select materials that resonate with your eco-goals and personal preferences. Bristle Types and Their Differences While the handle is essential, the bristles play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness and comfort of your brush. Natural bristles, nylon, and charcoal-infused are some options. Each has its unique advantages, with charcoal-infused bristles, for instance, offering added whitening benefits. Certifications and Brand Authenticity With the rise of eco-friendly products, it's essential to ensure the authenticity of the brands and certifications they carry. Look for certifications like Fair Trade, USDA Organic, or other local eco-friendly badges to guarantee you're making a genuinely green choice. Proper Care and Maintenance Cleaning After Every Use Just like any toothbrush, the key to longevity and effectiveness lies in regular and proper cleaning. Rinse your biodegradable toothbrush thoroughly under tap water to remove debris and leftover toothpaste. Occasionally, you can also soak it in a mixture of water and baking soda to deep clean. Storing Your Biodegradable Toothbrush Unlike plastic toothbrushes, biodegradable ones require a bit more attention when it comes to storage. Ensure your brush dries thoroughly between uses. Using a stand or a holder that allows air circulation is ideal, preventing mold growth and enhancing the brush's lifespan. Know When to Replace All good things must come to an end, and that includes your biodegradable toothbrush. Typically, with regular use, consider replacing it every 3-4 months or when the bristles start to fray, ensuring optimal dental care. Disposal and Recycling Composting Your Toothbrush Handle One of the joys of having a biodegradable toothbrush is knowing you can compost the handle, turning it back to nature. Simply remove the bristles and place the handle in your compost bin or bury it in your backyard. Bristle Disposal Tips Though the handle might be compostable, the bristles may require a different disposal method depending on their material. Check with local recycling guidelines or return them to specific brands offering recycling programs. Upcycling Ideas Before you bid adieu to your old toothbrush, consider these creative upcycling ideas to give it a new lease on life. From using it as a cleaning brush for delicate jewelry to turning it into garden markers, the possibilities are endless!
Making the Switch: Overcoming Common Concerns Durability Concerns One of the primary hesitations people have is the perceived fragility of biodegradable toothbrushes. However, with proper care, they can last just as long as their plastic counterparts. Cost and Affordability With the notion that eco-friendly products are more expensive, it's time to debunk this myth concerning biodegradable toothbrushes. As demand increases, prices are becoming more competitive, making them accessible to a broader audience. Availability and Where to Buy If you're wondering where to get your hands on a quality biodegradable toothbrush, fret not; the options are more abundant than you might think. From online eco-stores to your local health shop, the choices are aplenty. Making the shift to a biodegradable toothbrush is not just a personal health choice but also a step towards a sustainable future. With every brush, you're making a statement, emphasizing the importance of conscious choices and healthier living. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q1: Can I use regular toothpaste with my biodegradable toothbrush? Yes, you can! However, for a complete eco-friendly routine, consider using natural or organic toothpaste. Q2: Are biodegradable toothbrushes safe for kids? Absolutely. Just ensure you pick the right size and softness suitable for your child's age. Q3: How long does it take for the toothbrush handle to decompose? Depending on the material and composting conditions, it can take anywhere from a few months to a few years.
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starlightgenerator · 8 months
Inspection and Repair of Damaged Slip Rings in Diesel Generator Sets
Do you know how to inspect and repair the damaged slip ring of a diesel generator set? After shutdown, check that the insulation of the rotor winding to the main shaft is zero, and the insulation of the excitation circuit is about 7MW. After the maintenance personnel removed all the rotor slip rings and insulation sleeves, they checked that the insulation of the rotor winding to the main shaft was greater than 100 MW, and the results of the DC resistance and communication impedance experiments were qualified. From this, it can be concluded that as long as the negative slip ring is grounded, the insulation of the excitation circuit and other parts of the rotor winding is excellent, and the excitation system is normal. Collaborate with the manufacturer to remove the positive and negative collector rings, fan rings, and insulation barrels of the diesel generator, and polish the rotor shaft. Finely process the positive and negative collector rings until they meet the surface lubrication and runout requirements. The testing institute also conducted external inspection and hardness inspection on the main shaft, collector ring, and fan ring of the diesel generator set.
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After polishing the two defects of the generator main shaft, no external cracks were found during the flaw detection, but the hardness value was scattered and some points had the highest hardness value of HB478. It is recommended to focus on inspection during the next major overhaul. The collector ring fan can be continuously used after polishing treatment. The hardness value of the positive collector ring is uniform, and there are no defects in the appearance inspection, making it sustainable for use. The negative collector ring has severe burning damage. Although no surface cracks were found after polishing, its hardness value is scattered and lower than the specified value. It should be replaced in the next major overhaul. This revision has replaced the negative electrode brush holder, insulation cylinder at the steam excitation end, stop gaskets on both sides, sealing rings, copper stop gaskets, and all carbon brushes.
Jiangsu Dingbo Power Generation Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 1974 and is one of the earliest manufacturers of generators and diesel generator sets in China. The company has a registered capital of 218.88 million yuan. The company covers an area of 86,000 square meters and a building area of 55,000 square meters. There are more than 660 employees, including 456 professional technicians and 106 senior technicians. It has 46 sales and service outlets nationwide. The main products are diesel engines, generator sets, and diesel generators, providing users with a one-stop service of design, supply, debugging and maintenance at any time. Dingbo has always insisted on using first-class talents, building first-class enterprises, manufacturing first-class products, creating first-class services, and making every effort to build a first-class domestic enterprise. If any question please feel free to visit our website https://www.dieselgeneratortech.com/ or send email to [email protected].
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fabcouniversal · 11 months
Working of Slip Ring Induction Motor
Slip Ring in Motors A stator winding generates magnetic flux when it is energised by an AC source. The rotor winding induces and produces a magnetic flux current according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The torque created by this generated EMF allows the rotor to spin. However, because the created torque is not unidirectional, the phase difference between the voltage and current does not match the requirements to generate strong beginning torque. To increase a motor's phase difference, a large external resistance is added to the circuit. Inductive reactance and the phase difference between I and V are thus decreased. This decrease enables the motor to provide strong starting torque as a result. Below is a schematic of a slide ring induction motor. Fabcouniversal is a carbon brush manufacturer in Delhi NCR.
Compared to a squirrel-cage rotor, the rotor windings have more windings, a higher induced voltage, and less current. Slip rings are used to connect the windings to an external resistance, allowing for better control over a motor's torque and speed.
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siruselectronet · 8 months
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TOP CHOICE FOR GENUINE LV AC Cage & Slipring Motor Spare Parts! 🛠️ If you're in need of Fan Covers, Brush Holders, NDE Covers, Sliprings, Terminal Blocks, or Carbon Brushes, look no further.
We've got you covered! Contact us for all your requirements. 👍 📱 +917995080633 📧 [email protected] 🌐 sirus.in
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finaltouchbakersfield · 9 months
Slip Ring Carbon Brush Holders Manufacturer and Motor Carbon Brush Supplier in India
In the dynamic landscape of industrial manufacturing and machinery, the reliability and efficiency of equipment are paramount. Key components like Slip Ring Carbon Brush Holders Manufacturer and Motor Carbon Brush Supplier India play a pivotal role in ensuring seamless operation. In India, a trusted name in the industry is emerging as a leading manufacturer and supplier, offering top-quality solutions that power various sectors. This article delves into the world of slip ring carbon brush holders and motor carbon brushes, highlighting the importance of choosing a reliable partner in the form of a manufacturer and supplier.
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Understanding the Role of Slip Ring Carbon Brush Holders
Slip ring carbon brush holders are essential components in various types of rotating machinery, such as generators, motors, and alternators. These holders facilitate the transfer of electrical current from a stationary power source to a rotating component, allowing for continuous and reliable power transmission. Quality brush holders are crucial in maintaining uninterrupted electrical contact, reducing wear and tear, and ultimately ensuring the longevity and performance of the machinery.
The Significance of Motor Carbon Brushes
Motor carbon brushes are another vital component in electrical motors. These small but crucial parts are responsible for transmitting electrical energy to the commutator, allowing the motor to rotate and perform its designated function. Properly designed and well-maintained carbon brushes are essential for minimizing friction, preventing overheating, and extending the life of the motor.
Choosing the Right Manufacturer and Supplier in India
India boasts a burgeoning manufacturing sector, and amidst this, several companies offer slip ring carbon brush holders and motor carbon brushes. However, finding the right manufacturer and supplier can make all the difference in the performance and longevity of your equipment. Here are some key factors to consider:
Quality Assurance: Look for a manufacturer and supplier with a commitment to producing high-quality carbon brush holders and brushes. They should adhere to strict quality control standards and use premium materials to ensure reliability.
Customization: Each industrial application may have unique requirements. A reliable partner should offer customization options to tailor their products to specific needs.
Experience and Expertise: Choose a manufacturer with a proven track record and years of experience in the industry. This experience ensures a deeper understanding of customer needs and the ability to provide expert guidance.
Customer Support: Exceptional customer support is crucial, especially when it comes to technical assistance, product recommendations, and after-sales service.
Competitive Pricing: While quality is paramount, affordability also matters. Seek a manufacturer and supplier that offers competitive pricing without compromising on product quality.
Slip ring carbon brush holders and motor carbon brushes are the unsung heroes behind the smooth operation of numerous industrial applications. Choosing a reliable manufacturer and supplier in India can significantly impact the performance, reliability, and longevity of your machinery. By considering factors like quality assurance, customization options, experience, customer support, and pricing, you can empower your industry with the right components, ensuring seamless operations and enhanced productivity.
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Use 3 in 1 Mixer Taps for Comfort, Saving Water and Energy
Reputable water filter companies offer various spare parts such as gunmetal grey stainless steel 3 in 1 mixer taps with spray and water filter, black stainless steel 3 in 1 mixer spray Taps, brushed stainless steel 3 in 1 mixer spray taps and more at competitive prices. These suppliers ensure that their new mixer taps are very functional with 360 degrees swivel for greater mobility and use with an easy to access the spray. The water filter is accessible by turning on the smaller tap on the left hand side of the mixer up and down 45 degrees with the water is being dispensed through the middle of the crossbar of the tap.
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These companies also supply replacements water filter cartridges in Australia to ensure unlimited unspoiled drinking water supply readily available at home. These suppliers also guarantee their team is always available to install filter cartridges in your home, fridge, sink or caravan. They can supply water filters and water-filter replacement cartridges in various lengths and diameters to ensure that they have the perfect products to meet your specifications. They can provide you three types of cartridges such as sediment water-filter cartridges, carbon-water filter cartridges and Aklaline water filter cartridges.  Cartridges for sediment water filters that  made to minimize and eliminate physical particles from source water that are greater than a certain size.
Importance of Buying 3 in 1 Mixer Taps with Spray and Water Filter:
Verified links indicate that the pull-down sprayer on your kitchen tap has a dual mode setting that allows you to go quickly from a non-splash stream to a forceful spray. The black kitchen mixer tap has a 360-degree range of motion. These kitchen mixer taps are soft without cracking and incredibly flexible. This neatly fits into the holder and slides out easily for flexible use. It delivers a wide variety of motions. Due to the sprayer's smooth flow, a spray and stream produced.  There are two flow rates, and there is a halfway stop to effectively restricts the flow and saves both water and energy. These three-in-one mixer taps are now offering in black, brushed chrome, and gunmetal grey. 
In conclusion, filer companies offer various filter systems and spare parts.  Someone looking for these products and installation should contact a nearby water filter company. 
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tanya-reph · 1 year
Camera Bag Accessories You Didn't Know You Needed
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As a photography enthusiast, it is essential to have a high-quality camera bag that will protect your gear while on the go. However, a good camera bag is only half the story. To make sure that you have everything you need to capture incredible photos, you'll need some accessories. In this post, we'll explore some camera bag accessories that you didn't know you needed.
1. Memory Card Holder
Memory cards are essential for storing all your precious photos. If you're like most people, you probably have several memory cards of different sizes and types. A memory card holder is a fantastic accessory for your camera bag to keep your memory cards safe and organized. Some memory card holders can store up to 12 cards of different sizes, and they usually have a protective casing to keep your cards safe from damage.
2. Lens Cleaning Pen
Keeping your camera lenses clean is essential for capturing sharp, stunning photos. A lens cleaning pen is the perfect accessory to remove dirt and fingerprints from your lens. The pen has a retractable brush, which is used to remove dust and other particles from the lens, and a cleaning tip, which is used to clean the lens surface.
3. Rain Cover
If you're planning on doing outdoor photography, a rain cover is something you don't want to be without. A good rain cover will keep your camera and lenses dry in the heaviest rain. It is usually made of waterproof material and can be easily slipped over your camera and lens.
4. Tripod
A tripod is probably the most essential accessory for any photographer. It is used to stabilize your camera, which will help reduce camera shake and produce sharper, more detailed images. Tripods come in many different shapes and sizes, so be sure to choose one that is compatible with your camera and your personal preference in terms of height and weight.
5. Camera Strap
A camera strap is not only a handy accessory but also a necessary one. It is used to hold your camera around your neck or shoulder, keeping it safe and accessible while you're on the go. A good camera strap should be comfortable and durable, as you'll be carrying your camera around for a long time.
6. Extra Battery and Charger
Running out of battery power when you're out capturing photos can be frustrating. That is why it is wise to carry an extra battery and charger in your camera bag, so you're always ready to take that perfect shot. Make sure to choose a battery and charger that are compatible with your camera to ensure maximum compatibility and charging power.
A good camera bag is essential for protecting your precious photography gear while on the go, but to capture the best photos, you also need the right accessories. In this article, we've discussed some camera bag accessories that you didn't know you need, including memory card holders, lens cleaning pens, rain covers, tripods, camera straps, and extra batteries and chargers. By having these accessories in your camera bag, you'll be ready to tackle any photography challenge that comes your way.
References: 10 Best Rain Covers for Cameras in 2022 – Tripodis Best camera straps in 2022: carry your camera with style and comfort - Digital Camera World The best tripods in 2022: carbon fiber, light weight, and affordable options - Tech Radar
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