#cardio-thoracic surgeon
sif-eya · 2 years
A curved line, perhaps
Entry # 20: 281122
Up until high school, I studied in a public school. And what do we know about public schools? The sudden fights are common. Teenage pregnancies, blatant bullying, smoking and drinking, etc. all of those were considered "the norm". But everything changed when I attended a Science High School. Suddenly, all the students are achievers and highly competitive. As a result, I got motivated to do the same. For four years, I told myself that I will be a cardio-thoracic surgeon one day. I had advanced chemistry, drafting, biology, chemistry, physics, tutor every Saturdays and Sundays, and so much more. I even told myself that I will study in the No. 1 university in my country. The University of the Philippines — Manila Campus. Until the pandemic happened and I had a sudden change of heart. I realized that maybe I can try taking up HUMSS instead of STEM? And I did. I took the time to find out what I wanted to take in college. I came to a conclusion that I would take Political Science because I enjoyed my Philippine Politics and Governance subject a lot. I enjoy learning about the law and wanted to be a Criminal Lawyer. However, I realized once again that maybe I can explore a different field. Because my goal in life is to engage in my strengths as well my different hobbies and interests. I want to study Fine Arts instead. I like painting a lot, and maybe going into an Art School would make a better person than I am today.
I've always wondered why I am like this. Why do I have urge and passion to explore all of my interests despite the short life span that I have? Is it because I'm indecisive or maybe I am just naturally curious? Because if it wasn't for that random day that I realized I wanted to take HUMSS, I think I wouldn't be who I am today. I wouldn't be an aware citizen of my own country and a student-activist. I wouldn't be indulged in long conversations about our philosophies and principles in life. I wouldn't be interested in creating this Tumblr account of mine. I wouldn't be an interesting person and would've lost myself in my daily journey. Whilst other people stay on just one career in their whole life, I've already been through a lot. I've been walking on a curved line, perhaps. I still don't know if I'm gonna pursue a different path at some point of my life again. But hopping on different careers and pursuing everything that I get interested on one at a time keeps me going. I must say that I really like being different. And by this, I guess I am able to learn more about how I can improve as a person and not just someone who wants to succeed because of their liking for money. Afterall, I enjoy what I'm doing in life and would not exchange it for any amount. Because who I am today is a reflection of the decisions that I've made in the past. A curved line, perhaps. But as Ralph Waldo Emerson says, "Don't be timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment."
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shubhamkarmarkar · 9 months
Pediatric Cardio-Thoracic Surgery: Specialized Care for Young Hearts and Lungs
Pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery is a specialized field dedicated to the surgical treatment of congenital and acquired heart and lung conditions in infants, children, and adolescents. These procedures require a unique set of skills, as well as a deep understanding of the anatomical and physiological differences between pediatric and adult patients. Here's an overview of the importance of specialized care for young hearts and lungs:
1. Congenital Heart Defects: Many children are born with congenital heart defects, which are structural abnormalities in the heart that are present at birth. These defects can vary in complexity and severity, and surgical intervention is often required to correct them. Pediatric cardio-thoracic surgeons are trained to perform intricate procedures to repair or reconstruct the heart, ensuring optimal blood flow and function.
2. Lifesaving Procedures: Pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery is instrumental in saving the lives of children with heart and lung conditions. From repairing septal defects (holes in the heart) to addressing complex cardiac anomalies, these surgeries address a wide range of conditions that, if left untreated, could be life-threatening.
3. Improved Quality of Life: Beyond saving lives, pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery also aims to enhance the quality of life for young patients. Procedures like heart valve repair or replacement can relieve symptoms, improve cardiac function, and allow children to lead active, fulfilling lives.
4. Unique Anatomical Considerations: Pediatric patients have smaller hearts and blood vessels than adults, which require specialized surgical techniques and equipment. Surgeons must adapt their approach to accommodate these anatomical differences and minimize trauma during surgery.
5. Comprehensive Care Teams: Pediatric cardio-thoracic surgeons work closely with a multidisciplinary team of pediatric cardiologists, anesthesiologists, nurses, and other specialists who are well-versed in the unique needs of young patients. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care before, during, and after surgery.
6. Emotional Support: Pediatric patients and their families often require emotional support and guidance throughout the surgical journey. Pediatric cardio-thoracic teams are experienced in providing compassionate care and addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of surgery.
7. Long-Term Follow-Up: Many pediatric cardio-thoracic conditions require ongoing monitoring and follow-up care into adulthood. Pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons near you and cardiologists collaborate to create long-term care plans that transition smoothly as patients grow.
Pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery plays a crucial role in providing specialized, life-saving, and life-improving care for children with heart and lung conditions. These highly skilled surgeons are dedicated to ensuring that young patients have the best possible chance at a healthy future.
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justkeeptrekkin · 2 months
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Chapter 2 of Moving Out has been released. The first time Law met him was when he held his heart in his hands. His literal heart– this is not a metaphor. Trafalgar Law is the leading cardio-thoracic surgeon in the country.
Law saves Luffy's life and Luffy saves Law's. Just in different ways.
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crwdgoinapeshit · 1 month
Thony's Character
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I know most find Thony to be an irritating character and believe me when I say I'm one of them, but I do think(or at least hope) that last episode's opening is foreshadowing to her becoming head of the Sin Cara Cartel.
Now I know that makes absolutely no sense given that Thony has not a clue on how to run a cartel, let alone how to be a successful criminal. However, this is a show that had a cardio-thoracic surgeon, who hadn't preformed a single surgery in half a decade, do a pediatric liver transplant on her own. So you know suspend disbelief.
Deadline recently did an article where they spoke on the future of the show. In the article, they mentioned that the show runners pitched some ideas on where to take things without Adan no longer being a part of the show and those ideas were "well received".
I get the feeling those ideas involved a more empowered Thony going forward and with Ramona's health in question I can see the writer's finding a way to place Thony in her position.
*There are some big spoilers under the cut at the veryyyyyyyyyyy end so be mindful* I'll put SPOILERS so you know when to get out!
In a earlier episode this season, Jorge's character did theorize that Thony likes the chaos of crime and that's why she's "there." I'm starting to believe that to be true.
In the beginning, when Hyak, Garrett and Arman were lording over her she did the best she could with the circumstances she was in. Personally, I think that's why Thony's character was more likable in season 1, she wasn't choosing this. However, at the end of season 1 she actively made a decision to stay in America. She wanted to run an illegal clinic at the back of their cleaning shop, all while both she and Luca are undocumented.
Thony not wanting to go back to the Philippines because of Marco made sense, she wouldn't have been able to divorce him given the laws there. To be frank, the show's writing never left me feeling she stayed in America because she was running from Marco, but rather she was running towards Arman. There were no scenes post Marco's death where she toyed with the idea of going back to the Phillippines to resume her career as a high powered surgeon and freely have access to the anti-rejection meds Luca would need for the rest of his life.
I can't remember which episode Arman got out of jail, 2 or 3, but in her first conversation at La Habana she begged arman to ask Bosco to move a couple of boxes through Sin Cara's routes. Thony was now actively choosing to engage in illegal activities even though she could go back to the Philippines where not only she could buy these meds legally, she could go back to work as a surgeon, but most importantly Luca would be much safer and not undocumented.
Thony's circumstances post season 1 are her own fault. I think that's why a lot of watchers are irritated with her character. Watching her judge other people, beg people to help her out of her own mess, shame people for not risking their livelihoods to help her or Luca has grown annoying. Season 2 was the start of that type of character writing, but I do think season 3 has been a bit of an improvement.
I know Fiona going to Russo was stupid, but I can see why she did it. Fiona has lived the entirety of her children's lives in America and no trouble like this has come her way. She kept her head down and focused on providing an education for her children. She wasn't perfect, but she surely didn't get into the crosshairs of criminals along the way lol. I can see why Fiona is on edge. Thony is afterall living under Fiona's roof and driving around in her car. I'm sure they split the bills, but still Fiona and by extension Chris and Jaz will pay the price for Thony's responsibilities. I mean Fiona did get arrested and deported because of the hospital fiasco. A situation that wouldn't have occurred back in the Philippines because the life saving treatment Luca needed was not experimental there. Funny how that works.
Ultimately, my hope is that Thony gets some power in her hands because three seasons of her getting tossed around and blaming other people isn't going to keep the show around. She needs to become more likable. Likable characters aren't synonymous to "decent people", but savvy, humorous, loyal, etc. This recent episode's ending with her and Ramona was a damn good start. I'm just praying that the writer's keep that tone going. I want to see Thony own her situation unapologetically and do what needs to be done. Jorge's line earlier about Thony liking the chaos seems to ne an accurate estimation of her character. Now I need Thony to commit to this life and actively make alliances/choices to protect her family, while she delves deeper into the life.
I know the Russo/Jeremy/FBI bomb is on the table waiting to go off, but I need it to stay ticking until season 4. I'm still praying we get a season 4 and we see Thony switch from working for the Sin Cara Cartel to one of the heads of the snake.
I can see Jorge surviving the season. He was in an instagram video with our little Lucas' last scene at Thony's house.
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I'm not sure Ramona makes it out because Kate posted an instagram video while they still filming episode 10. that made it seem like she was now working on a new project. Granted my Spanish is not great, but I could make out her asking for well wishes on her new project.
I unfortunately don't think Nadia makes it out, because the actress posted a farewell insta. Then there was that picture that Elodie posted and then IMMEDIATELY took down. Yikes on bikes!
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So my prediction is Jorge and Thony are the ones left standing to run the cartel. I saw Jorge's face on Russo's board, so I think moving forward they'll be doing everything they can to get out from under the FBI's crosshairs.
Maybe Ramona takes the fall to protect Jorge and to make sure Violetta has him. Either way, I just DON'T want Thony behind bars. I'm tiredddddddd of her being metaphorically on her back, always fighting to get up on her feet, I want her to end the season empowered. Last season ended that way, but I think given Adan's health coming into the new season they had to pivot.
Sorry for the LOOONNNNGGGGG post :)
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Ghost Doctor Kdrama (but it’s Troubled Birds)
Seung Tak, on his first day of work:
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Young Min, also on Seung Tak’s first day:
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Takkie post-ghost possession, every time:
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Tae Hyeon:
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All cardio thoracic surgeons in this drama:
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Seung Won:
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Tess Hyung:
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noteguk · 1 year
is the drabble game still open, mx. Nala??
If it is, can I request for:
23. Medical/Hospital AU + Angst & Smut for Jungkook
Thank you (°○°)
— contents and warnings; ridiculously specific medical talk (are you surprised?), vague smut, discussion of open relationships, I don’t support hospital seggs!!!, semi-public, protected
Two overworked and emotionally constipated surgeons trying their hand at romance was clearly a recipe for disaster — you knew it, Jungkook knew it, but none of you cared too much about it.
Medical school made you formulate a theory that, generally, the most hardworking students are the ones with the littlest time for interpersonal growth. Yeah you know the coagulation cascade, but you don’t know how to handle failure without crying. Yeah you can manage a patient in arterial fibrillation flawlessly, but you’ve sacrificed great experiences in the name of academic perfection.
It’s not all bad, obviously. Chances are that such student will be a fantastic doctor, and that matters a lot. But, then, after the diagnosis is made and the surgery is over, all that is left are the people you deal with. And all the issues that come from it.
Jungkook was a classical case of that: one of the most prolific and up-and-coming cardio thoracic surgeons out there, but a complete idiot when it came to catching a non verbal cue. At first you thought that it was adorable, and his high intellect didn’t hurt also. But when one kiss turned into another and you two started waking up next to each other, things took a more complicated turn.
“Kid with Tetralogy of Fallot also has Hirschsprung’s disease.” Jungkook threw some papers on your desk, which made the X-rays poke under the white paper. You looked down on it for a second before you heard the door close behind him, and then you found his gaze once again. “Thought that you could take over that case.”
It took you a second to digest his words, then the case came up in your head — newborn with cyanosis, yeah, the one Jungkook had discussed with you about. Unfortunately the kid had won the malformation lottery, it seemed. “How bad is it?” You asked, reaching for the papers.
“Not that extended, it seems. But he’s already showing serious signs of pain and constipation.” Jungkook sat down in front of you. You hummed in agreement, taking a quick look over the case. “Also, it’s affecting his potassium intake, and nephrology thinks the abdominal pressure could worsen his kidney. I can’t do the Fallot correction and risk cardiac failure.” He tapped on the table. “So, can you take over?”
“Well, I’m the pediatric surgeon on call, so yeah,” you agreed, staring at him. “But it’s probably going to turn into a full-on discussion. Operating his intestines can also mess up a lot of things. I’ll talk to my colleagues about it, let’s keep him hydrated and balance out his electrolytes externally for now.”
Jungkook nodded, absent minded. He had probably reached the same conclusion before he even walked in, that much you knew. After a second of silence, he spoke up again. “So,” he said, “any plans for the next hour?”
And that’s how it always started.
Having relations in the hospital was always a huge no-no in your book — so, how you always ended up pressed against the wall with his large hand over you mouth, you had no idea. It was the same theory as before, you thought: you were chasing after the college experiences you never had before, but the impulsive, teenage-like mentality came a little too late.
“Why are you so loud today?” He asked, fighting back his own sounds. Jungkook’s voice was groggy, hanging over the edge, and you could feel yourself clenching around him already. Quickies always made you rush — in all possible ways. “Missed me that much?”
You could only nod, blinking up at him. Jungkook licked his lips and dove into a heated, passionate kiss. You felt like crying.
Yesterday, he had asked you about trying new things with new people. He said he was scared of making anything official between the two of you because he “has never had anyone else”, so he didn’t want to jump into a full on commitment, even if he “liked you very much” and “looked up to you as a person and as a colleague”. You had felt your heart break into a million pieces, but, like the pushover that you were, you agreed. Even though you also liked him very much and didn’t want to see him with anyone else — you agreed.
And now Jungkook was kissing you and you felt like throwing up because you didn’t know who had he kissed in the meantime. Didn’t know if he had his eyes in someone else, if he was just trying to create some distance because he didn’t see a future with you. You felt replaceable, and that’s something you had worked hard to never feel.
With a groan muffled against your shoulder, Jungkook spilled himself inside the condom, holding tightly onto you hips. You followed right after, but the pleasure was muted by the emptiness that grew inside your chest.
“I needed this,” he breathed out. “Thank you.”
If he said that because he missed you or if he was nervous for a date and needed a way to unwind, you never knew. “No problem.” You lied through your teeth. “I needed you too.”
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offbookkeeping · 8 months
can we please talk about how the d'arcy carden off book episode about famous cardio thoracic surgeon dr seuss killing the beast from beauty and the beast and feeling so guilty about it he can't operate on the grinch on christmas is actually incredible??? the songs are so good!!! mr candles and gear boy talking about how stupid chip is and then begging dr seuss to kill them is actually my favorite thing
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horsetailcurlers2 · 4 months
guys i can’t sleep i’m too busy thinking about how in the fuck sam bennett from private practice just became a cardio thoracic surgeon overnight after 20 years of not practicing and quitting his surgical residency before finishing. like, he just decided to be a surgeon again and then he was doing big fancy surgeries all of a sudden. not to mention that he was allegedly a good one, considering how cocky he was and how charlotte was just willing to let him do whatever. wild.
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thebreakfastgenie · 8 months
How did I forget Grey's Anatomy had an entire cardio-thoracic surgeon whose last name was Pierce?
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shubhamkarmarkar · 9 months
Understanding Cardio-Thoracic Surgery: Procedures and Purpose
Cardio-thoracic surgery is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on surgical procedures involving the heart, lungs, and other organs within the chest cavity. These surgeries are often critical, life-saving interventions for patients with complex heart and lung conditions. Here, we explore some of the common cardio-thoracic procedures and their purposes:
1. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG):
Purpose: CABG, commonly known as heart bypass surgery, is performed to restore blood flow to the heart muscle when one or more coronary arteries are severely blocked. By grafting healthy blood vessels from elsewhere in the body to bypass the blocked arteries, this procedure improves oxygen delivery to the heart.
2. Heart Valve Repair or Replacement:
Purpose: Damaged or diseased heart valves can disrupt blood flow, leading to symptoms like shortness of breath and fatigue. Cardio-thoracic surgeons near you repair or replace these valves to restore proper function and improve heart health.
3. Aortic Aneurysm Repair:
Purpose: An aortic aneurysm is a weakened, bulging section of the aorta, the body's largest artery. Surgery is necessary to repair or replace the damaged segment to prevent life-threatening ruptures.
4. Lung Resection:
Purpose: Lung resection involves the removal of part or all of a lung to treat conditions such as lung cancer, severe infections, or lung damage. It aims to improve lung function and overall health.
5. Lung Transplantation:
Purpose: For individuals with end-stage lung diseases like cystic fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis, lung transplantation can be a life-saving option. Surgeons replace one or both diseased lungs with healthy donor lungs.
6. Thymectomy:
Purpose: A thymectomy is the surgical removal of the thymus gland, located in the chest. It is often performed to treat conditions like myasthenia gravis and thymic tumors.
7. Pediatric Cardio-Thoracic Surgery:
Purpose: Cardio-thoracic surgery is not limited to adults; it also addresses congenital heart defects and other pediatric heart and lung conditions. These procedures aim to improve the health and quality of life of young patients.
8. Mechanical Circulatory Support (VADs):
Purpose: Ventricular assist devices (VADs) are mechanical pumps implanted in the chest to assist a failing heart. They can serve as a bridge to heart transplantation or provide long-term support for patients with severe heart failure.
These cardio-thoracic procedures require a highly skilled surgical team and advanced technology to ensure successful outcomes. They play a crucial role in treating a wide range of heart and lung conditions, helping patients regain their health, vitality, and quality of life.
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oneandonlychicago · 2 years
Happier Than Ever - Connor Rhodes, Will Halstead (Part 1)
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Summary: Reader finally ends a shitty relationship with Connor. Will has always been the one picking up the pieces! …just roll with it! 😅
Paring: Connor Rhodes x Reader, eventually Will Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Angst on Connor’s part, cute fluff on Will’s
To be in a relationship with the Connor Rhodes is something most girls could only dream of and somehow for you it had become a reality. Only the reality, that was once sunshine and rainbows, was quickly slipping away and returning to bite you in the ass.
What began as the perfect relationship was crumbling before you. At the beginning Connor would take you out for lavish dates and surprise you with expensive gifts, anytime outside of work was spent together and it always used to make you smile when Maggie would pair you together to work on a patient. Now you barely spent anytime together, in fact you barely saw him at all. You understood and was fully accepting of his choice to become a cardio thoracic surgeon, completely aware that would take more of his time but it had got to a point where you felt all but forgotten. Evenings together turned into evenings of non-stop arguing that ended with Connor storming out, leaving you feeling like the bad guy until an expensive bouquet of flowers appeared outside your door or at the nurses station at work.
The situation became even harder to ignore when Dr Ava Bekker joined Dr Latham’s team alongside Connor. You hadn’t let yourself get stuck in that hole but there were signs you couldn’t ignore because eventually you got the proof that proved your suspicions was correct and of course once Doris knew the whole ED was aware. As soon as Will found out he dropped everything and left to find you, signing his remaining patients for the day over to Ethan before heading to his car and making his way to your apartment. You didn’t even stop to change as you stormed into the doctors lounge and smacked the code into your locker before scooping out your keys and phone and heading straight to your car. How you managed to make it home alive was anyones guess, barely being able to see the road in front of you through the tears and even once you had got home those tears showed no sign of stopping, your heart leaping into your throat at the knock at the door.
“Y/N it’s me?” You were relieved to hear Will’s voice on the other side, fully expecting it to be Connor trying to worm his way out of it by making excuses. “Can I come in?”
“Thank god it’s you!” Your voice was still shaky from crying as you opened the door, Will’s heart sinking at the state Connor had put you in, still in your scrubs from work while your eyes were already becoming bloodshot along with your puffy tear stained cheeks.
“Oh Y/N!” Will looked at you sadly as he dropped his bag to the side and pulled you into his chest, one hand squeezing you as tightly as he could while the other cradled the back of your head, swaying you gently as you sobbed. “I came as soon as I found out what he did!”
“Found out or saw?” You mumbled against him.
“Maggie told me, you know once Doris knows something it’s not longer a secret!” Will explained with a soft chuckle. “Come on, let’s get you out of those scrubs!”
Gently taking you by the shoulders, Will directed you to your bedroom as you sat on the end of the bed while he fetched you some comfier clothes from your dresser.
“Here.” He smiled as he placed the sweater and leggings beside you. “I’ll be just out there if you need me!”
“Thank you Will!” You tried to smile although your watery eyes gave you away.
“You know I’m always here if you need me!” Will replied softly as he gently rubbed your shoulder, this wasn’t the first time he had come to the rescue nor the second. The worse your situation with Connor had gotten the more Will would keep an eye out. He hated what Connor was doing to you and always wished he’d said something at lot earlier but you had begged him not too, begged him to stay out of it as it would only end in you and him being accused of what you now knew Connor was guilty off.
Will had often wished he’d stepped in and swept you away before Connor had even got a chance to lay his eyes on you, you didn’t deserve any of this, to be treated like you were nothing and it tore Will apart. He was skeptical of your relationship with Connor from the start, not trusting a man born into that much wealth to think with his heart but of course everything seemed fine at the start, you were happy and to Will that’s all that ever mattered.
While Will waited for you to return he took the chance to change out of his own scrubs, he too had grabbed everything and left as soon as he found out what Connor had done and hadn’t thought twice about changing his clothes. Once into something clean he made his way to the kitchenette to find something quick and easy to make the two of you for dinner, a little startled when you came out rustling in a nearby drawer and slamming it shut after finding what you need.
When you didn’t return after a little while Will decided to knock on the bedroom door you had shut yourself behind.
“Y/N?” Will called your name softly as he turned the handle to let himself in, walking in to see you frantically throwing anything that belonged to Connor in a trash bag. “What’s going on?”
“Will I’m done!” You paused to take a breath, between the crying and frantic moving around you could barely breathe. “He’s out!”
“Ok?” Will was trying not smile, trying not to let his own feelings for you get too much in the way, that was the last thing you needed. “Well I’m gonna make you something to eat, call me if you need anything!”
“I know what you’re thinking, that I should’ve done this a lot sooner!” You cried. “But it’s never been that easy!”
“Hey hey I know!” Will cooed as he walked round to you, holding you close to his chest as you broke down once again. “I’d never tell you what you should and shouldn’t do but I have always said you were happier without him!”
“I should’ve listened to you before, saved myself months of being miserable!” You sniffed as Will pulled back to look at your face.
“Hey you did what you thought was right, none of this is in anyway your fault!” Will held your face in his hands as he spoke, gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “Connor’s the monster here not you!”
“He’ll turn up at the door at any moment and try to argue his way out of it!” You took a deep breath as you tried to compose yourself. “If he hasn’t tried to buy me back first!”
“Well you’re not gonna let him!” Will carefully moved the hair that was sticking to your face from your tears out of your face. “When he does turn up throw his stuff out in the hallway and tell him it’s over!”
“He’ll go mad when he sees you!”
“Then let him, he’s the one that’s guilty!”
“Yeah but I’ll be the one left feeling guilty!” You began to sob again.
“That’s why I’m staying right by your side!” Will smiled. “I’m not leaving you alone with him again!”
“Thank you!” You sniffed as you heard the loud and angry knock of Connor outside the door. “Oh god!”
“You can do this!” Will rubbed you arm reassuringly. “I know you can!”
You took one last deep breath before grabbing the trash bag of Connors belongings from the bed and heading towards the door. Opening it without a word and throwing the bag straight at Connor.
“Y/N what’s…” Before Connor could finish you cut in.
“It’s over!” You said in one shaky breath, not even able to fully look at him.
“What do you mean it’s over?” Connor almost laughed at the words. “Can we at least talk?”
“I’m done talking Connor!” You sniffed. “How many times have we been in this situation and yet nothing changes, you don’t care about me anymore and I don’t think you ever did!”
“Of course I care?” Connor replied as if you had just said something stupid stepping forward into your apartment, not immediately noticing Will’s presence. “What ever made your think I… of course Will’s here!”
“Don’t you dare!” You scowled, your voice lowering in warning against the accusations you knew were about to fly your way. “You’ve barely been home for months, I hardly see you and the only time we do see each other it’s spent arguing!”
“I don’t understand what you want me to do?” Connor started to snap back. “We’ve talked things out before and been ok?”
“Are you really that blind? No we haven’t!” You were right on the end of your tether and moments away from fully letting rip. “If ‘fine’ is you trying to buy me back with some expensive gift and making me feel guilty?”
“You’ve never mentioned any of this before?”
“Because what’s the point? You never listen, you’re too wrapped up in work and that goddamn hybrid OR to even remember I exist!”
“That’s not true!” Connor went to step forward sensing Will moving on the couch behind you. “Does he have to be here?”
“He is the one that’s actually been there for me, the one who cleans up your messes!” You were now smiling as you went on to tell Connor how Will had been doing the things he should’ve been. “Unlike you he actually cares!”
“So what’s not to make me think you’ve been sleeping with him?” Connor spat as Will made to move.
“Will don’t!” You turned to the red head as he backed off.
“Well?” Connor stood waiting for an answer.
“I’d never stoop that low because I loved you!” You almost squared up to Connor. “Who do think you are to make comments like that when I saw you with Ava in that damn hybrid OR!”
“I…I didn’t …it was a mistake?” Connor began to stutter, trying to think of a quick excuse for his crappy actions.
“Don’t waste your time! Nothing you say will work!” You sighed as Will stepped a little closer to you.
“Can this ginger prick please leave?” Connor’s anger started to turn towards Will.
“Yeah that’s not happening!” Will almost smiled, angering Connor more.
“I asked him to stay because I knew you’d be like this!” You growled. “The only person that needs to leave is you!”
“Why?” Connor said with a smirk that made both you and Will want to punch it right off his face.
“Because you’ve done nothing but ignore me and reel me in by using your money!” You shouted. “And then you cheated on me with the person you were ignoring me with! You say you’re nothing like your father but you are an exact copy of him! You think you can buy your way through life, get out of everything because you have a little more money than most but not this time!”
“So that’s it?” Connor shrugged, acting like he was the one hard done by. “After everything I’ve done for you and you throw the father card at me”
“Just leave me alone!” You voice quieter now as you waited for Connor to get the point and go. “I’m done!”
“LEAVE ME ALONE!” You snapped your patience wearing paper thin and your body about to cave beneath you.
“You’ll regret this!” Connor spat as he walked to the door.
“No she won’t!” Will replied calmly as he held the door open and waited for Connor to walk out before letting it slam shut in his face, watching as you slowly slumped down to the floor. “Come here!”
Will gently helped you up from the floor before wrapping his arms tightly around you and holding you to his chest as you sobbed your heart out on his t-shirt.
“Hey you did it!” Will spoke softly as he gently swayed you in his arms. “And I’m so proud of you!”
“Thank you for staying!” You replied muffled against his chest.
“You know I’d do anything for you.” Will smiled resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Why do I feel guilty?” You sighed as you stepped back.
“Because that’s how he’s always made you feel, come on!” Will replied as he placed his hands softly on your shoulders and walked you to the couch as you both sat down, Will taking your hands in his. “You just did one of the hardest things there is, you finally got rid of someone who was making you miserable and it was not ok for him to treat you the way he did but he’s gone now! It might hurt for a little while but I know you’ll get past it and you’ll be happier than ever!”
“He was my everything for so long and now he’s gone!” You sniffed as Will pulled you into his arms again.
“I know he was but you did what you had too!” Will’s voice was soft as he placed a comforting kiss to your forehead. “I know it might not seem like it now but once you’ve had time to deal with this and you feel more comfortable you’ll find someone who’s crazy about you and will treat you the way you should’ve always been treated!”
As he shuffled to the end of the couch and placed a cushion on his lap, patting it for you to lay down and rest your head, he wondered whether you had picked up that he was referring to himself although he wasn’t going to push it. All you needed right now was a friend and he was happy to be just that as you curled up with your head on his lap, still crying and sniffing as he soothingly rubbed your arm. Listening out for when your emotionally wrecked body finally gave into sleep before quietly putting the tv on, his hand automatically resting on the top of your head as he gently moved his thumb back and forth as you slept finally in some kind of peace. Eventually he’d need to tell you about his feelings but he was more than happy to keep waiting, the last thing he wanted was to cause you anymore pain.
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llycaons · 7 months
as much as I hate to admit it, i have to go through now with the knowledge that It Was All a Game. I think lwj actually might be a surgeon, bc when wwx describes him, it does sound like lwj
As a cardio-thoracic surgeon, getting enough rest is the literal difference between life and death. Wei Ying understands that — has always accepted his dutiful nature and innate calling to help others. Wei Ying loves him for it.
wel now I know it's lwj, yeah. needing his sleep + dutiful + wanting to help others
earlier today his spouse had graciously accompanied Wei Ying to an art gallery to pick up a painting he commissioned, lunch at an artisanal deli he wanted to try, then shopping through luxury boutiques. He good-naturedly indulged Wei Ying’s every curiosity, trying on clothes he would never dare wear outside of fitting rooms. It was fun.
indulgent and typically conservatively dressed...man...I complained so much about lwj acting like hc, but lwj was in this fic from the very beginning, hiding in plain sight...
I had no idea this was coming. I hope I can find hints when I skim through it, because it was so convincingly written it doesn't feel realistic that was actually what wwx was thinking
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stormneedle · 9 months
Dad's doing OK so far. Today it could go either way. For some reason I'm anxious about that.
Medical stuff hiding
He's had atrial fibrillation for a few years, and the last time they did an ablation instead of a pacemaker because he doesn't want to be a cyborg. Somebody isn't reading enough Science Fiction.
But when Hillary came onshore, he was already in the local hospital due to a heart attack. The Catheterization Lab folks said all the cardiac arteries were problematic. The surgeon there didn't think Dad would do well even if he got past a bypass surgery.
Dad went back to his cardiology group, and they've done a bunch of testing, including a nuclear medicine test Tuesday. Wednesday morning, he'd passed out in the bathroom. My sister (#4) drove him to the hospital where his cardiologists have privileges, and they admitted him from ER. Had another angina episode due to blockage Thursday morning, and they put in a balloon pump.
Cardio-thoracic surgeon talked to him last night. He's willing to try, and his sub-speciality is tricky patients. Dad's regular heart doc said if not a bypass, they would suggest hospice and a lot of pain drugs.
Surgery's starting at noon. 27% chance he doesn't go back to his room. Yes, I want to see the data model the surgeon is using and find out if work has it or something similar. Thinking about that is an anodyne for emotional reactions.
He is stubborn. Cardiac rehab isn't easy, but he wants to hang around for the youngest granddaughter's events. She turned one in August.
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vijay1225 · 10 days
Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Minimally invasive and non-invasive products and services refer to medical devices and therapeutics that don’t enter the body, and such procedures do not use instruments that directly penetrate the body or breach the skin. These products and services are used to make several surgeries dramatically safer and more tolerable.
Sizing and Forecast The minimally invasive and non invasive product and service market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $134.5 billion in 2023 to $144.45 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to early adopter influence, industry collaboration and research, regulatory changes and approvals, evolving patient expectations..
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The minimally invasive and non invasive product and service market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $190.02 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to rising healthcare costs, consumer preference shifts, regulatory changes and approvals, training and education, market consolidation and competition.. Major trends in the forecast period include rise in cosmetic and aesthetic procedures, personalized medicine, focus on outpatient services, expanded applications, integration of ai and robotics..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The minimally invasive and non invasive product and service market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Surgical Devices, Electrosurgical Devices, Imaging Devices, Robotic Systems, Other types 2) By Technology: Non-visual imaging, Transcatheter surgery, Laparoscopic surgery 3) By Application: Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Neurological Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Dental Surgery 4) By End-user: Hospital Surgical departments, Outpatient surgical centers, Group practices, Individual surgeons, Medical schools, Other End-users
North America was the largest region in the minimally invasive and non invasive product and service market in 2023. The regions covered in the minimally invasive and non invasive product and service market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The rising geriatric population is expected to propel the growth of the minimally invasive and non-invasive product and service market going forward. The geriatric population refers to a group of older people whose age is 65 or above and who are retired from work. With the progression of age, the growing geriatric population results in an increased demand for non-invasive products and surgeries that include hearing aids and external splints. For instance, in October 2022, according to the World Health Organization, a Switzerland-based international public health organization, the global population of individuals aged 60 years is projected to increase to 1.4 billion by 2022 compared to 1 billion in 2020. Moreover, 1 out of 6 people in the world will be aged more than 60 years or older by 2030. Therefore, the rising geriatric population is driving the growth of the minimally invasive and non-invasive product and service market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the minimally invasive and non invasive product and service market report are Medtronic PLC, Integra LifeSciences Corporation, NuVasive Inc., Olympus Corporation, Smith & Nephew PLC, Stryker Corporation, Teleflex Incorporated, Boston Scientific Corporation, CONMED Corporation, Surgical Innovations Group PLC, Clarus Medical LLC, Intuitive Surgical Inc., Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc., B. Braun Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Alphatec Holdings Inc., Auris Health Inc., CooperSurgical Inc., HOYA Corporation, GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, Abbott Laboratories, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Praxis Medical Devices, ATEC Spine, Progressive Medical, PQ Bypass, Terumo Medical Corporation, Nexter Medical SAS, Cook Medical Inc., Johnson & Johnson Inc., Coloplast A/S, AtriCure Inc. .
The minimally invasive and non invasive product and service market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market Characteristics
3. Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market Trends And Strategies
4. Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market — Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market Size and Growth . . .
31. Global Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market Competitive Benchmarking
32. Global Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market Competitive Dashboard
33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market
34. Minimally Invasive And Non Invasive Product And Service Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
35. Appendix
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scribblesoul-20 · 30 days
Job title: Cardio Thoracic Surgeon Company: Black Pearl Job description: Job Description:One of the high-tech healthcare facilities is the region's biggest private referral hospital offering effective medical care in a professional and caring environment is looking for Cardio Thoracic Surgeon.As a Cardio Thoracic Surgeon, you will specialize in the surgical treatment of diseases affecting the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other thoracic organs. You will perform a variety of complex surgical procedures, including coronary artery bypass grafting, valve repair/replacement, thoracic tumor resection, and lung transplantation. Your expertise will contribute to improving patient outcomes, advancing surgical techniques, and promoting thoracic health within our institution. Perform comprehensive evaluations of patients with cardiothoracic diseases, including coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, thoracic tumors, congenital heart defects, and esophageal disorders. Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, including cardiologists, pulmonologists, oncologists, anesthesiologists, and other surgical specialists, to develop comprehensive treatment plans for complex cardiothoracic conditions. Perform a wide range of cardiothoracic surgical procedures, including coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), heart valve repair/replacement, aortic surgery, arrhythmia surgery, lung resection, thoracic tumor excision, and esophageal surgery. Utilize advanced surgical techniques and technologies, including minimally invasive approaches, robotic surgery, and image-guided procedures, to optimize surgical outcomes and minimize patient morbidity. Provide preoperative counseling and education to patients and their families regarding surgical procedures, risks, benefits, and postoperative recovery expectations. Perform surgical consultations and provide expert guidance to referring physicians, healthcare professionals, and patients regarding surgical treatment options and recommendations. Participate in on-call coverage schedules to provide timely evaluation and management of cardiothoracic surgical emergencies, such as acute myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, and thoracic trauma. Engage in clinical research and scholarly activities to advance the field of cardiothoracic surgery, including participation in clinical trials, outcomes research, and publication of scientific findings. Mentor and supervise surgical trainees, including residents, fellows, and allied healthcare professionals, in the performance of cardiothoracic surgical procedures and patient care. Maintain accurate and timely documentation of surgical procedures, perioperative care, and patient outcomes in electronic medical records, in compliance with regulatory requirements and institutional policies. Requirements-Experience From US (Board), Canada (Royal College Fellowship) UK (CCT), Ireland (CSD, CSCST), Australia &NZ (Fellowship), France (DES, DESC), And Other European Countries According to The Qualification Equivalence Tables of the UAE- MOH -Minimum 5 years experience in a hospital environment - Western and Asian countries experience is preferred. Asians with Gulf experience is preferred. -Demonstrated expertise in performing a wide range of cardiothoracic surgical procedures, with proficiency in both open and minimally invasive techniques . - Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite -Fluency in written and spoken English -MOH registered- Preferred -Ability to multitask, prioritize tasks, and work efficiently in a fast-paced environment. -Willing to work flexible hours as and when requiredLanguages - English, Arabic- PreferredLocation: Sharjah, UAETo view other vacancies we have, please check our website ( ) and follow us on our social media accounts - / / /Disclaimer: Black Pearl will never ask for money or any form of charge our candidates just to process or consider their application for any of our available vacancies. If you happen to receive such a request from any members of our staff or other individuals claiming to be part of Black Pearl, please do call our office at +9712 622 55 03 or drop us a message on our website - . Expected salary: Location: Sharjah Job date: Sun, 05 May 2024 00:06:29 GMT Apply for the job now!
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umeshkhedkar123 · 4 months
How to Improve Heart Health with Exercise
Your heart, like every other muscle in your body, needs to be worked. According to studies, people who engage in some form of exercise have a lower risk of developing a heat-related illness. But which types of exercise are the most beneficial to one’s heart health?
Aerobic Exercise:
What is aerobic exercise, and how does it differ from other types of exercise? Aerobic exercises such as biking, jogging, and running all cause your heart to beat faster. These aerobic exercises, sometimes known as “cardio,” force you to breathe harder and elevate your heart rate. Cardio is one of the best activities for improving heart health, according to India’s top cardiac physician.
If you have joint problems, however, opt for a light aerobic activity like walking or swimming. It’s crucial to stay consistent and not overwork yourself. If you want more challenges, the finest Heart Doctor in Aurangabad recommends starting slowly, building up your strength, and progressing up a level.
Weight Training
Weight training is an excellent form of exercise for improving both bone and muscular health. Pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and other weight-training activities are examples. According to a prominent cardiac specialist in Aurangabad, you can now acquire dumbbells and resistance bands online and begin weight training and stretching at home.
If you can afford to join a gym, you’ll have access to a variety of equipment such as kettlebells, stability balls, weighted body bars, and more. Weight training, when combined with aerobics, will help you burn body fat and increase muscular mass, according to Dr. Umesh Khedkar. A healthy body weight is essential for a healthy heart.
Interval Training
Consider the shape of a sinusoidal wave. Interval training consists of short bursts of intensive exercise separated by significantly longer rest intervals. In alternate periods, this is followed by a high-intensity exercise and then recuperation.
According to India’s best heart doctor, interval exercise (i.e., increasing and decreasing your heart rate alternately) permits blood vessels to operate optimally. Plus, you’ll burn more calories this way.
Let’s have a look at an example. You can sprint for two minutes, then take a four-minute walk, and so on. This is especially beneficial if you’re just getting started and can’t run or jog for long periods of time, according to Dr. Umesh Khedkar these are the top three heart-healthy exercises recommended by the country’s greatest cardiologist. If you can carve out even 30 minutes of your day for one of these activities, it will pay off handsomely in the long run.
Book an Appointment if you have a heart disease (or suspect so), schedule an appointment Dr. Umesh Khedkar. To begin appropriate treatment, it’s important to first get a proper diagnosis and consultation with the doctor.
Dr. Umesh Khedkar is one the best cardiologists in Aurangabad,has done specialization in Cardio-thoracic and Vascular Surgery with distinction and stood first in Mumbai University B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital and T.N. Medical College Mumbai India. He is one of the safest heart surgeon in the world with a more than 99.7% success rate in bypass surgery. Dr. Umesh Khedkar is one of the eminent and famous cardiac surgeon in Aurangabad and has performed over 10,000 cardiac Surgeries. He is actively involved in Minimally Invasive heart surgery programs and has done several such surgeries with excellent results. He is involved in large-scale charitable work, providing medical treatment and heart care to the neediest section of a society free of cost.
Dr. Umesh Khedkar ,providing Heart Surgery treatment In Aurangabad Dr. Umesh Khedkar He has more than 10 years of experience in this field he has best team for Heart surgery hospital is well known for Heart Specialist in Aurangabad.
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