#the Kelly Clarkson version though!
oneandonlychicago · 2 years
Happier Than Ever - Connor Rhodes, Will Halstead (Part 1)
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Summary: Reader finally ends a shitty relationship with Connor. Will has always been the one picking up the pieces! …just roll with it! 😅
Paring: Connor Rhodes x Reader, eventually Will Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Angst on Connor’s part, cute fluff on Will’s
To be in a relationship with the Connor Rhodes is something most girls could only dream of and somehow for you it had become a reality. Only the reality, that was once sunshine and rainbows, was quickly slipping away and returning to bite you in the ass.
What began as the perfect relationship was crumbling before you. At the beginning Connor would take you out for lavish dates and surprise you with expensive gifts, anytime outside of work was spent together and it always used to make you smile when Maggie would pair you together to work on a patient. Now you barely spent anytime together, in fact you barely saw him at all. You understood and was fully accepting of his choice to become a cardio thoracic surgeon, completely aware that would take more of his time but it had got to a point where you felt all but forgotten. Evenings together turned into evenings of non-stop arguing that ended with Connor storming out, leaving you feeling like the bad guy until an expensive bouquet of flowers appeared outside your door or at the nurses station at work.
The situation became even harder to ignore when Dr Ava Bekker joined Dr Latham’s team alongside Connor. You hadn’t let yourself get stuck in that hole but there were signs you couldn’t ignore because eventually you got the proof that proved your suspicions was correct and of course once Doris knew the whole ED was aware. As soon as Will found out he dropped everything and left to find you, signing his remaining patients for the day over to Ethan before heading to his car and making his way to your apartment. You didn’t even stop to change as you stormed into the doctors lounge and smacked the code into your locker before scooping out your keys and phone and heading straight to your car. How you managed to make it home alive was anyones guess, barely being able to see the road in front of you through the tears and even once you had got home those tears showed no sign of stopping, your heart leaping into your throat at the knock at the door.
“Y/N it’s me?” You were relieved to hear Will’s voice on the other side, fully expecting it to be Connor trying to worm his way out of it by making excuses. “Can I come in?”
“Thank god it’s you!” Your voice was still shaky from crying as you opened the door, Will’s heart sinking at the state Connor had put you in, still in your scrubs from work while your eyes were already becoming bloodshot along with your puffy tear stained cheeks.
“Oh Y/N!” Will looked at you sadly as he dropped his bag to the side and pulled you into his chest, one hand squeezing you as tightly as he could while the other cradled the back of your head, swaying you gently as you sobbed. “I came as soon as I found out what he did!”
“Found out or saw?” You mumbled against him.
“Maggie told me, you know once Doris knows something it’s not longer a secret!” Will explained with a soft chuckle. “Come on, let’s get you out of those scrubs!”
Gently taking you by the shoulders, Will directed you to your bedroom as you sat on the end of the bed while he fetched you some comfier clothes from your dresser.
“Here.” He smiled as he placed the sweater and leggings beside you. “I’ll be just out there if you need me!”
“Thank you Will!” You tried to smile although your watery eyes gave you away.
“You know I’m always here if you need me!” Will replied softly as he gently rubbed your shoulder, this wasn’t the first time he had come to the rescue nor the second. The worse your situation with Connor had gotten the more Will would keep an eye out. He hated what Connor was doing to you and always wished he’d said something at lot earlier but you had begged him not too, begged him to stay out of it as it would only end in you and him being accused of what you now knew Connor was guilty off.
Will had often wished he’d stepped in and swept you away before Connor had even got a chance to lay his eyes on you, you didn’t deserve any of this, to be treated like you were nothing and it tore Will apart. He was skeptical of your relationship with Connor from the start, not trusting a man born into that much wealth to think with his heart but of course everything seemed fine at the start, you were happy and to Will that’s all that ever mattered.
While Will waited for you to return he took the chance to change out of his own scrubs, he too had grabbed everything and left as soon as he found out what Connor had done and hadn’t thought twice about changing his clothes. Once into something clean he made his way to the kitchenette to find something quick and easy to make the two of you for dinner, a little startled when you came out rustling in a nearby drawer and slamming it shut after finding what you need.
When you didn’t return after a little while Will decided to knock on the bedroom door you had shut yourself behind.
“Y/N?” Will called your name softly as he turned the handle to let himself in, walking in to see you frantically throwing anything that belonged to Connor in a trash bag. “What’s going on?”
“Will I’m done!” You paused to take a breath, between the crying and frantic moving around you could barely breathe. “He’s out!”
“Ok?” Will was trying not smile, trying not to let his own feelings for you get too much in the way, that was the last thing you needed. “Well I’m gonna make you something to eat, call me if you need anything!”
“I know what you’re thinking, that I should’ve done this a lot sooner!” You cried. “But it’s never been that easy!”
“Hey hey I know!” Will cooed as he walked round to you, holding you close to his chest as you broke down once again. “I’d never tell you what you should and shouldn’t do but I have always said you were happier without him!”
“I should’ve listened to you before, saved myself months of being miserable!” You sniffed as Will pulled back to look at your face.
“Hey you did what you thought was right, none of this is in anyway your fault!” Will held your face in his hands as he spoke, gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “Connor’s the monster here not you!”
“He’ll turn up at the door at any moment and try to argue his way out of it!” You took a deep breath as you tried to compose yourself. “If he hasn’t tried to buy me back first!”
“Well you’re not gonna let him!” Will carefully moved the hair that was sticking to your face from your tears out of your face. “When he does turn up throw his stuff out in the hallway and tell him it’s over!”
“He’ll go mad when he sees you!”
“Then let him, he’s the one that’s guilty!”
“Yeah but I’ll be the one left feeling guilty!” You began to sob again.
“That’s why I’m staying right by your side!” Will smiled. “I’m not leaving you alone with him again!”
“Thank you!” You sniffed as you heard the loud and angry knock of Connor outside the door. “Oh god!”
“You can do this!” Will rubbed you arm reassuringly. “I know you can!”
You took one last deep breath before grabbing the trash bag of Connors belongings from the bed and heading towards the door. Opening it without a word and throwing the bag straight at Connor.
“Y/N what’s…” Before Connor could finish you cut in.
“It’s over!” You said in one shaky breath, not even able to fully look at him.
“What do you mean it’s over?” Connor almost laughed at the words. “Can we at least talk?”
“I’m done talking Connor!” You sniffed. “How many times have we been in this situation and yet nothing changes, you don’t care about me anymore and I don’t think you ever did!”
“Of course I care?” Connor replied as if you had just said something stupid stepping forward into your apartment, not immediately noticing Will’s presence. “What ever made your think I… of course Will’s here!”
“Don’t you dare!” You scowled, your voice lowering in warning against the accusations you knew were about to fly your way. “You’ve barely been home for months, I hardly see you and the only time we do see each other it’s spent arguing!”
“I don’t understand what you want me to do?” Connor started to snap back. “We’ve talked things out before and been ok?”
“Are you really that blind? No we haven’t!” You were right on the end of your tether and moments away from fully letting rip. “If ‘fine’ is you trying to buy me back with some expensive gift and making me feel guilty?”
“You’ve never mentioned any of this before?”
“Because what’s the point? You never listen, you’re too wrapped up in work and that goddamn hybrid OR to even remember I exist!”
“That’s not true!” Connor went to step forward sensing Will moving on the couch behind you. “Does he have to be here?”
“He is the one that’s actually been there for me, the one who cleans up your messes!” You were now smiling as you went on to tell Connor how Will had been doing the things he should’ve been. “Unlike you he actually cares!”
“So what’s not to make me think you’ve been sleeping with him?” Connor spat as Will made to move.
“Will don’t!” You turned to the red head as he backed off.
“Well?” Connor stood waiting for an answer.
“I’d never stoop that low because I loved you!” You almost squared up to Connor. “Who do think you are to make comments like that when I saw you with Ava in that damn hybrid OR!”
“I…I didn’t …it was a mistake?” Connor began to stutter, trying to think of a quick excuse for his crappy actions.
“Don’t waste your time! Nothing you say will work!” You sighed as Will stepped a little closer to you.
“Can this ginger prick please leave?” Connor’s anger started to turn towards Will.
“Yeah that’s not happening!” Will almost smiled, angering Connor more.
“I asked him to stay because I knew you’d be like this!” You growled. “The only person that needs to leave is you!”
“Why?” Connor said with a smirk that made both you and Will want to punch it right off his face.
“Because you’ve done nothing but ignore me and reel me in by using your money!” You shouted. “And then you cheated on me with the person you were ignoring me with! You say you’re nothing like your father but you are an exact copy of him! You think you can buy your way through life, get out of everything because you have a little more money than most but not this time!”
“So that’s it?” Connor shrugged, acting like he was the one hard done by. “After everything I’ve done for you and you throw the father card at me”
“Just leave me alone!” You voice quieter now as you waited for Connor to get the point and go. “I’m done!”
“LEAVE ME ALONE!” You snapped your patience wearing paper thin and your body about to cave beneath you.
“You’ll regret this!” Connor spat as he walked to the door.
“No she won’t!” Will replied calmly as he held the door open and waited for Connor to walk out before letting it slam shut in his face, watching as you slowly slumped down to the floor. “Come here!”
Will gently helped you up from the floor before wrapping his arms tightly around you and holding you to his chest as you sobbed your heart out on his t-shirt.
“Hey you did it!” Will spoke softly as he gently swayed you in his arms. “And I’m so proud of you!”
“Thank you for staying!” You replied muffled against his chest.
“You know I’d do anything for you.” Will smiled resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Why do I feel guilty?” You sighed as you stepped back.
“Because that’s how he’s always made you feel, come on!” Will replied as he placed his hands softly on your shoulders and walked you to the couch as you both sat down, Will taking your hands in his. “You just did one of the hardest things there is, you finally got rid of someone who was making you miserable and it was not ok for him to treat you the way he did but he’s gone now! It might hurt for a little while but I know you’ll get past it and you’ll be happier than ever!”
“He was my everything for so long and now he’s gone!” You sniffed as Will pulled you into his arms again.
“I know he was but you did what you had too!” Will’s voice was soft as he placed a comforting kiss to your forehead. “I know it might not seem like it now but once you’ve had time to deal with this and you feel more comfortable you’ll find someone who’s crazy about you and will treat you the way you should’ve always been treated!”
As he shuffled to the end of the couch and placed a cushion on his lap, patting it for you to lay down and rest your head, he wondered whether you had picked up that he was referring to himself although he wasn’t going to push it. All you needed right now was a friend and he was happy to be just that as you curled up with your head on his lap, still crying and sniffing as he soothingly rubbed your arm. Listening out for when your emotionally wrecked body finally gave into sleep before quietly putting the tv on, his hand automatically resting on the top of your head as he gently moved his thumb back and forth as you slept finally in some kind of peace. Eventually he’d need to tell you about his feelings but he was more than happy to keep waiting, the last thing he wanted was to cause you anymore pain.
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saturnsickle · 5 months
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Dinah 🎤
(Lineart under the cut!)
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rocksibblingsau · 3 months
Hi @rocksibblings, it’s me again! Today I am here to suggest some music inspiration! So I just saw the Broadway musical “& Juliet” for my birthday a couple weeks ago (loved it) and I was also taking some notes on how some songs might fit in with your fic. For context, & Juliet is a jukebox musical so basically, their songs are covers of existing music (mostly by well-known artists). A good amount songs are “pop” songs but I think the musical covers kinda lean more towards a pop-rockish vibe. I also have someone in the family in the acting community and they said all audition song requirements for the musical are “pop-rock” so I think it can work out pretty well. (I like the Broadway version better than the actual songs themselves, but I'm literally a musical theatre kid so I’m biased lmao)  Anyway, here are my top three:
“It’s My Life” (Genre - Rock), Mainly Romeo’s part, I feel like this song fits Branch so much, it could be used as a statement/declaration song for his newfound rock style of life. I can also see his found family filling in the other parts and “certain” pop trolls filling the part when Romeo interrupts at the end (It’ll make more sense when you listen to it). This is a cover of Bon Jovi which I didn’t listen to completely but I’d say it’s worth listening to. It can also be a good opportunity for Branch to say his first cuss word at the end lol.  (P.S. Romeo’s outfit has a stereotypically punk/rock vibe so you can check that out if you want) Out of all the songs, I highly suggest you listen to this one (10/10). "It's My Life" – & Juliet Original Broadway Cast Recording 
“Since U Been Gone” (Genre - Pop Rock) - Pretty Iconic Song, Original by Kelly Clarkson, can fit with Branch along with many situations. It’s not a stereotypical song for rock and sounds more pop to my ear, but I think it could work out in a way somehow (6/10). "Since U Been Gone" – & Juliet Original Broadway Cast Recording
“Fuckin Perfect” (Genre - Pop) - Orginal by Pink, Not bad as an emotional song. It is a pop song though but I think the title and the lyrics as well as the message it brings across could work out well, especially since we have an ongoing problem with perfection. Definitely can see someone singing this to Branch. Not high on my list, but I think it’s worth a try (7/10). "Fuckin’ Perfect" – & Juliet Original Broadway Cast Recording
Honorable Mentions: Stronger, Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely, Problem/ Can’t Feel My Face, One More Try
So yeah I really hope you get to listen to these songs, I love this musical and I highly suggest you check it out (it’s pretty much all i’ve been listening to). If you get a chance I suggest you listen to whole the playlist if you like the covers. But most of all I hope some of these songs help. That’s all for now, can’t wait for the next chapter and stay hydrated!
Thank you for the recommendations! When possible for any songs that appear in fic I'm going to be using the originals rather than genre changes (except in a few... special cases ;)) but as songs to listen to while I work I love these!
I really like It's My Life, namely Romeo's part! It's funny, the start of it reminds me of a boy band song that I can't remember (I wanna say Larger Than Life? but I'm too lazy to look it up).
Rock covers of pop songs always hit so hard. The cover of Bad Romance by Halestorm? Perfection.
I could see a couple people singing 'Fuckin' Perfect' to Branch!
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hangmanbradshaw · 4 months
Some questions if you’re willing:
1) besides Sereshaw/Hangster what pairings are your favorite in the TG universe?
2) have you considered writing your own version of what you would like the plot of Top Gun 3 to be?
3) pretending you had all the time in the world to write what’s the top five universes you would explore?
4) Ex Coach Rogers From IWBWY, any chance he ever gets his comeuppance? I know he was fired but is there ever a full on Bradshaw family mama bear style beat down on that jerk for trying to hurt Jake?
5) Vegas lol?
Thanks for all your contributions to this fandom. I don’t think I need to tell you how much I adore your stories!!! And for your kindness when I spam your messages with all my nonsense lol
Friend!! I'm always willing <3
1000% my fave other couple is Carole/Goose. I love some old school icemav, some Javy/Nat, some Bob/Nat. I can get behind a lot of them actually.
I have a super angsty, beautiful, heart wrecking redemption type post canon story in my head that one day I'll tackle, but it's not anything I think they'd actually make or even that I'd want them to make lmao. So probably not- I like my little AU worlds too much (but I do have a plot in mind I'd love to see. Give us the daggers in a squad OR give us Hangman and Rooster who are now on a squad together as wingmen and they have to call in Mav for 'one last ride' before he retires for good for some insane mission. Ideally though I want all the daggers back sigh.)
I WISH. Someone fund me so I don't have to work lmao I'll write all day happily. Okay so 1) the offer/mob universe which is coming soon 2) boxerina universe also coming soon 3) a world where they're rivals at a research station in antarctica feat. survival expert bradley and scientist jake 4) i'd actually love to write a straight up horror movie plot 5) a bonnie and clyde style world very loosely inspired by hit man that would be really fun
Rogers gets his in the form of Karma a la TSwift, but you know who we might see again? Maybe not how you'd imagine? Donny :)
IT'S STILL A MAYBE. I'm trying so hard to convince myself to be good and stay in KC and go to the watch party downtown, but I'm also like.....I could see Kelly Clarkson and Christina Aguilera and go to the Super Bowl Experience Saturday and also Chiefs/T Swift/the Tellers and and- ugh hahaha maybe.
You're so sweet <3 I'm always happy to get your messages. Thank you for always being so supportive and wonderful.
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ankahikoibaat · 16 days
Song Poem Challenge
tagged by: @ossidae-passeridaetagging: @firstelevens @nurselaney @bhavvyyy @atomatowriter @heatherfield @frankensteined @agreatandhonorablesoldier and whoever wants to! Rules: Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. You must then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of! Then tag or send asks to three others that you think might enjoy the challenge!
(this is AMAZIGN and i am already in love with the concept????)
i'm calling this 'change is inevitable'. song titles after the read more!
this feels very bonnie bennett and dick grayson coded.
Car is parked, bags are packed, I ain't your little girl. I can hear the cannons calling as though across a dream. Never saw 'I love you' as a trend, There's no escape on the spell you have placed. An old man turned ninety-eight, I've been having a hard time adjusting. Don't give up When I look into your eyes. I'm so glad you made time to see me.
Breathe Again by Sara Bareilles
That's Right by Kelly Clarkson
Elsa's Song by The Amazing Devil
Tip Of My Tongue by Kelly Clarkson
Rock wit U by Alicia Keys
Ironic by Alanis Morissette
this is me trying by Taylor Swift
You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) by Josh Groban
I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz
Back To December (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
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starlitangels · 1 year
Songs and Ships!
I’ve been tagged by the lovely @floofdeloop for the songs and ships game, where we post songs that we associate with certain ships!
So, now the entire fandom gets to see how milquetoast my music taste is. Sorta. I just have very specific criteria for songs that I associate with characters and ships and a lot of songs I love don’t meet said criteria 
Enjoy! Also I don’t know how to use Spotify on my computer, just my phone, so we’re doing YouTube links instead so I don’t lose my mind
Other Side - Anberlin this one doesn’t count because Erik dropped it in a stream. I just like it and kept it
Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay (does this one need an explanation? I don’t think it does)
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane (this one doesn’t count either. Floof put it on an Avior/Starlight playlist first)
Endless Night - The Lion King on Broadway (switch Father for Starlight and it works leave me alone)
Stand By You - Rachel Platten (they’ve been through so much)
Electric Love - BØRNS (cheesy, cliché, doesn’t count?)(gendered but Vibes™)
Chasin’ the Sun - The Wanted (it’s a bop and a lot of the lyrics vibe and also can’t beat the music video lol)
Bring Me the Night - Sam Tsui and Kina Grannis (just listen to it and you’ll know exactly what I mean)
Happy as the Sun - Tyrone Wells (another one where you just have to trust me)
Love Like This - Ben Rector (I’ve been too cowardly to send this one to @gingerbreadmonsters for months now but this song encompasses them perfectly and I take no criticism)
Extraordinary Magic - Ben Rector (just cute)
Glad You Came - The Wanted (i mean, tell me this isn’t early S1 of these two and you’ll be wrong, innuendo in the lyrics or not)
Babe - Styx (one of my favorite songs growing up, and I hc that Gabe was really into classic rock and passed it on to both Davey and Ash)
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham! (idk why. just. energy)
Angel - Theory of a Deadman (I think one of the only obviously-gendered ones, sorry. The song slaps)
Gravity - Tyrone Wells (the one couplet about foundation cuts to the core of their relationship)
Everything - Michael Bublé (I just think it’s neat, and for some reason I imagine Davey looking a lot like my actual husband even though they’re nothing alike and this is kinda-not-really our song. We don’t have “a song,” we have a playlist)
Dark Side - Kelly Clarkson (from David’s POV)
I’m also semi-convinced that Angel teases David with every song with “Angel” in the title including “Angel with a Shotgun” - The Cab
As Long As You’re Mine - Wicked Soundtrack (don’t know why. it just is)
My Demons - Starset (Vibes™)
I Won’t Give Up - Jason Mraz (if you look me dead in the eye and say this isn’t them I will simply not believe you)
Stand By Me - Florence and the Machine (this version specifically because it wrenches my heartstrings)
Dark Side - Kelly Clarkson (Darlin’s POV)(yup this one gets put on twice)
Also “Never Die” - All Good Things is the Darlin’ beating the snot out of Quinn song and I take no criticism on this
I think this was supposed to be 5-10 songs for one ship but my brain doesn’t work like that. Have too many songs to listen to
Tagging @frenchiefitzhere and Ginger (if you haven’t already been tagged!), and @ryn-halo26 and @dollscircus
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kissabledyke · 11 days
top 5 kellys
yours truly baby
the kelly from my high school math class who i had a crush on and whose name i stole
kelly sue deconnick? i liked bitch planet and her run on aquaman is the definitive version of the character in my head. i think she might be a kamala stan though for some reason. despite all the shit in bitch planet
kelly clarkson. the only song by her i know is people like us because of the larry traynor feat. maura lee karupt cover but that scene made me cry very hard
i can't think of any other ones. sorry :(
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jamesunderwater · 4 months
My 2024 (Spotify's Version)
put your on repeat playlist on shuffle & the first 12 songs represent your 2024
thank you for the tag @spookymoonie & @deermessrs!
January: REMember by Mac Miller February: forget me too by Machine Gun Kelly (feat. Halsey) March: Lowlife by Neck Deep April: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) by Whitney Houston May: It's All Coming Back to Me Now by Céline Dion June: (You Drive Me) Crazy by Britney Spears July: The One by The Backstreet Boys August: Show Yourself by Idina Menzel (Frozen 2) September: She (For Liz) by Parachute October: good, but not together by Valley November: Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson December: What A Catch, Donnie by Fall Out Boy
lmaooo this is so all over the place, i don't even know how to make a narrative out of it. it's assuming a MUCH greater focus on romance than will actually happen, though, that's for sure xD
mostly i'm just like....damn dude, low place to end the year... that's rough, buddy.
open tag to whoever wants!!
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Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🌲
Glad I was able to get to this just before Wednesday is about to end!
Thank you to @jrooc and @sgtmickeyslaughter for tagging me! 💕
🔤 Name: Rach
🎶 Last song you listened to: Wrapped in Red by Kelly Clarkson…listen it’s November 1st, I’m in the spirit. 🎄
🎵 Artist on Spotify giving you the feels right now: Probably Noah Kahan
👯‍♂️ Fave Blorbo Moment: How do I even choose? His exclamation of love to his future husband in front of the family ranks pretty high. The character growth.👌🏻 He just wants to be married for fuck sake.
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🍟 Your guilty pleasure snack: I love a chip and dip moment
🌮 What food are you craving today: I could go for some wings 🍗
📖 Last fanfic tab you opened: Mickey Milkovich’s Guide to Flirting by whatwouldmickeydo. I’ve read it before, but I was reminded of it today so I want to do a reread. It’s so good!
🖌️ Favorite fic project you’ve created: I haven’t written any fics! Maybe one day!
👩🏼‍🎤 Next tattoo you want: I don’t currently have any tattoos, but if I were to get one I’d probably get some sort of lyrics or a symbol that related to a fave song!
🧐🆓 What’s living in your head rent free this week: Honesty Taylor Swift’s song “Say Don’t Go” from the vault tracks on 1989 (Taylor’s Version). Season 3 Gallavich and pain. 💔 Such a good song though!
Phew! Just got this posted with a few minutes to spare of Wednesday!
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@gyubby99 so I had an idea
Kelly Clarkson made a new song after her divorce and it gave me vibes-
Alastor x OC
This is fluff! No angst! (Kinda) just domestic stuff in heaven with Alaponi/Lillystor and Judy in heaven.
Fair warning,, My version of heaven is where everyone can "live their lives" with happiness and none of the struggles it takes to actually live. And kids that died already who ended up in heaven are able to grow up until a certain point so they too can have some sort of life.
In my opinion, heaven is about happiness and living up to it by being with loved ones again.
It's impossible to know what death is like until it happens, so if this isn't your perception of it, then note that I'm not trying to make you believe what I do, I promise, lol.
Lilly woke up on a Saturday morning in heaven, opening her eyes to see her husband Sleeping beside her.
She smiled and sighed as she looked at him, remembering her new afterlife.
Slowly, she got out of bed and walked through the little house they had bought.
She opened the door to her toddler daughter's room, checking on her.
She smiled before walking over and kissing Judith on the forehead.
In the kitchen she began to hum a tune as she began to make coffee.
Even though she wasn't able to live her life, she fought her way to better herself to make it to heaven. And she did it gracefully.
And now she was in heaven, with the daughter shs couldn't have, and a husband who used to be an overlord of hell.
She got out 3 plates and set the table before beginning to cook breakfast for her little family.
She hummed a tune a bit before she felt arms wrap around her waist.
"Good morning, darling," Alastor muttered as he hugged his wife.
"Good morning my love. I'm making Judy's favorite if you wanna help," Lilly stated with a smile as she turned to her husband.
"Of course! It smells just wonderful, my butterfly," Alastor complimented before helping her with the food.
The phone rang and Aponi walked over to answer it.
"Hello, who is this?" Lilly asked in a friendly tone.
"Hello honey! It's mom. Your father found a sweet little church if you like to come. No pressure, but that's usually where the angels up here go," Deborah spoke on the line.
"Uhhh I don't see why not! I haven't been to church in a while, it would be fun. Is it like the churches from that we used to go to?" Lilly asked.
"Not that I've heard! Your brother and his husband will be there so I'm assuming its okay," Deborah replied.
"Hm... okay! I'll talk to Alastor about it, but there shouldn't be a reason for us not to go," Lilly stated.
"Sounds good! Your brother has a suprise for you in that case!" Deborah chuckled.
"Oh joy. I wonder what it could be," Lilly said, sarcastically.
"Alright well, I'll let you get back to your family. I love you!" Deborah stated.
"Love you too, mom," Lilly replied before hanging up the phone.
"Who was that, my dear?" Alastor asked from the kitchen as he put food on the plates that were on the table.
"My mom. She and my dad found a small church and asked if we wanted to go," Lilly explained as she turned on the water in the sink to soak the dirty pans.
"Ah.... would you wanna go?" He asked as he placed the pan in the sink.
"I'd like to. But if you aren't comfortable with it we don't need to," Lilly answered as she leaned against the counter.
"Oh my dear, I grew up in New Orleans in the 20s! I'll happily go with you and Judith," Alastor replied.
Aponi smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Okay. Well then after breakfast we need to go get Judy a church dress... and maybe me. But I know you have suits, so you'll be alright," Lilly thought out loud.
"Sounds wonderful my dear. Come, let's go wake Judy for breakfast," Alastor stated as the two walked to Judith's room to wake her up.
The next morning Lilly woke up early to get dressed, alastor following close behind before moving to get Judith ready.
Aponi sighed as she put on a purple sun dress.
She smiled as she looked at herself without her demon markings. She was glad she was able to wear her favorite color again without clashing with her own skin.
Aponi got the baby bag ready, and placed it in the car before Alastor walked out with Judith and placed her in her carseat.
"You ready?" Lilly asked as she moved to open the driver's side door, only to be stopped by her husband.
"I will drive today my dear," he stated with a genuine smile as he walked Lilly over to the other side and opened her door for her.
As Alastor parked the car in front of the church, Lilly spotted her family.
"I've got Judith, my dear, go say hello to your family," Alastor stated as he got out of the car and began to get Judith out.
Aponi walked over to her family, giving her father and mother a big hug before moving onto her brother.
"Thanks for inviting us! It's been a while. I'm actually very excited to be here!" Lilly exclaimed with a smile as Alastor walked up next to her, Judith in his arms taking a nap with a little red sundress on.
"Of course! We never spend as much time together as I'd like and.... I regret it deeply...." Deborah stated with a sad smile as she took Lilly's hand.
"I know, mom.... I'm glad both of us are better," Lilly smiled before turning to her brother. "Gabe, where's Rob?" She asked.
"Already inside, saving us some seats," Gabriel replied before reaching out to Alastor to shake his hand. "Good to see you again! I take it you're being kind to my sister?" Gabriel asked.
"I try! It's a lot easier when i dotn have anymore hate residing in my soul, that's for sure. All I have is a family with the butterfly I love, and that's all I could want, nowadays!" Alastor stated with a smile.
"Cmon, we should head inside," Lilly's father spoke with a small smile as Deborah hooked her arm with his.
As the service went on, Judith slowly woke up, and seemed to listen intently to it.
Aponi sat, her legs crossed as she sighed contentedly.
The sermon spoke up.
"And now to finish off our lovely service, we jave a special guest! She came from hell but redeemed herself and made a new death for herself up here, and her family has vouched that she is a fantastic singer! Everyone be kind as we introduce the angel, Lillian!" The sermon exclaimed as he gestured for Lilly to walk up.
Lilly turned to her brother as she glared at him playfully.
She made her way on stage and up to the mic.
"Uh... I would like to say, my sly little brother did not inform me of this," Lilly stated with an awkward smile.
The churchgoers laughed and chuckled.
"I know to some people.... the fact that my husband and I came up from hell is a bit startling.... it was certainly startling to us, but we worked ourselves so hard.. and we fought our inner demons so hard.. and here we are.... I have a family...." Lilly spoked.
She took a breath. "In life, I made theistake of taking my own.... while I knew I had a life inside of me.... and because of that neither of us made it out alive because she was so small that she looked like a bean on the ultrasounds..... and because of that mistake, I ended up in the worst place.... but even though the demons in my head were dancing around, there was one demon there who helped... even though he was dancing with his own demons, he was able to let me go enough so I could become who I wanted to be... and then he did the same for himself so he could be with me up here.... and the life that I held inside of me just happened to be up here too.... and so there she is.... my miracle... with the man who silenced my demons," Lilly spoke with tears in her eyes as she looked at her family.
She chuckled and wiped her tears.
"I apologize. Though all of that was true, I must admit I was also attempting to stall so I can think of a song to sing," Lilly laughed, earning a. Few chuckles from the audience. "Oh i know!" She muttered as she walked over to the pianist and whispered q song into his ear.
The music began to play as Lilly walked back to the microphone.
Buried myself into somebody else Shut out some parts of me Did it so casually
As Lilly sang, Alastor stared at her with a genuine smile, his dark brown hair falling over his face.
I guess I needed that To be able to step back I lived my life without me I never allowed me to
Lilly closed her eyes as she sang. Getting into the music as the happiness she felt expanded in an aura of blue.
Too much I've had to live for Put my life on hold for I'm always pleasin' someone Honestly, now I'm done
She sang as her eyes filled with tears, remembering her past sorrow.
I don't need somebody to hold me Don't need somebody to love me Don't need somebody to pick these pieces up I put together my broken Let go of the pain I've been holdin' Don't need to need somebody When I got me
She sang as she remembered how the key to getting out of hell was forgiveness, not just to forgive other people, but herself as well.
Loved you so much Took an army to pull me up But now on the other side I remembered I could fly
She sang as she felt the area of her wings light up.
Hey were usually invisible, but in that moment, with the love she was feeling, her wings were visible to everyone.
I told you I wanted you But you needed me to need you Your insecurity Was the death of you and me
She sang, a tear rolling down her face as she remembered the relationship she was in prior to her death.
Too many times you questioned What were my intentions I never gave you reasons You're the one with secrets
The church could feel her emotions as they all stood up, some singing along to the song if they knew the words.
I don't need somebody to hold me Don't need somebody to love me Don't need somebody to pick these pieces up I put together my broken Let go of the pain I've been holdin' Don't need to need somebody When I got me When I got me When I got me
As Lilly sang, the room got brighter as everyone let go of their worries.
Judith giggled and danced to the music as Alastor held her, looking at his butterfly with such joy and admiration.
I bet you feel the absence of my love every night There's no one else, you are the reason I said goodbye
As the room got as joyful as it could, it was clear to tell that some of the people here were elwtying go of past hate and sorrow that they held in their selves.
'Cause I don't need somebody to scold me Don't need somebody that hurts me Don't need somebody who feels weak standing next to me I put together my broken Let go of your hand I've been holdin' Don't need to need somebody When I got me When I got me, yeah
As Lilly finished the song, the church clapped for her.
The environment was so full of happiness that it wouldn't be a stretch to say that God was looking down on them himself with such joy.
As everyone walked out of the church, Alastor went to put Judith in her carseat.
Gabriel hugged his sister tightly.
"Thanks for coming today," he whispered.
"Any excuse to see you again, dumbass," Lilly chuckled.
"I know! I'm just so great!" He exclaimed before getting serious again. "Dont be an asshole," he muttered.
Lilly rolled her eyes and smiled before mussing his hair.
"See you later!" Gabriel called as he jogged back to his car.
Lilly turned to her dad, hugging him tightly.
"I missed you, peanut," He stated as he kissed the top of his daughter's head.
"Missed you too dad.... we should all start having family game nights!" Lilly suggested as she pulled away from her dad.
"I'll see what we can do," he smiled before wlaking over to his car.
"I've missed you," Deborah stated.
"I know.... don't worry. We'll see each other more often, I swear," Lilly stated before giving her mom a short hug.
"Hey, bean?" Deborah called out to her daughter using her old nickname.
"I love you," Deborah stated.
"I love you too mom," Lilly replied with a smile before hopping into the car with her husband.
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Because I’m in Love with your takes on these: acotar characters from most to least devastated after a breakup (coping mechanism commentary appreciated but not required)
16. Tamlin- Functioning but just barely. Absolutely cuts bangs into his hair. New me, he sobs into the mirror. Drops all his friends to grieve, never really gets over it.
16. Elain- CATATONIC. Red album on BLAST for MONTHS. Is it coping if you just stop living your life entirely? Sleeps in old hoodie, devastated when the smell is gone.
15. Rhysand- Oh yeah. DRUNK FOR WEEKS. "I just knew she was the one," he hiccups to a stranger at the bar. Watching cheesy rom-coms in bed, alternating between whiskey and ice cream. Does not shower for a solid two weeks, forces Azriel and Cassian to have an intervention.
14. Gwyn- can't go five minutes without crying. Vanishes one day, resurfaces in Europe without a word. Girl you couldn't CALL? Just needed someone to worry about her a little. Is very apologetic in the aftermath.
13. Jurian- Tries to win them back, comes off like a major stalker. Has schedule memorized, will not let it go. Just wants to talk, obsessed with what went wrong.
12. Azriel- SILENT AND IN PAIN. Dude are you still thinking about her? NO but his phone background is still a picture of ex. Gets drunk, shows up at their house. Doesn't ring doorbell but sends a text. "Miss you". Doesn't cry, feels like no one will ever love them, this break up validated those feelings.
11. Tarquin- Trying to be friends in the aftermath. Falls into messy "fucking my ex but it means nothing" thinking it will change their mind. Has to go through heartbreak TWICE when they realize they won't get them back this way. Does have a hot girl summer glow-up though.
10. Emerie- Throws herself into work. Swears they don't care, spotify playlists are very suspicious. Invites you to bar but oh no its karaoke and double oh no, Emerie has queued up Kelly Clarkson's version of Happier Than Ever
9. Mor- D R U N K. Can party her way out of her feelings like its 2012. Too many one-night stands trying to forget they have feelings at all. Is not helping anything, does not stop.
8. Lucien- Fucking like he doesn't have feelings. Swears he'll never love again. Honestly, low key about the whole thing but VERY dramatic in his mind. Trying to project an aura of not caring, but very skittish about another relationship. Has to be psp psp psp'ed into the next one like a feral cat.
7. Vassa- Honestly, knows relationship was toxic but is still sad about it. Grieving through loud music and being, generally, a bitch. Apologetic when people back off. Just doesn't want to be alone. Hosts a lot of powerpoint nights to help her forget, develops a new hobby, and generally comes out of break-up a better person
6. Cassian- Sad for like, a week? Hitting the gym, working on his fitness. Gains are good, remembers he's hot...all is forgiven. Does have sex with one random against the brick of the bar on night to chase away his loneliness but generally not pining
5. Nesta- Also drinking and dancing but also cannot remember what that persons name was. Starting to think the breakup was just an excuse to party. Find out later she did the breaking up, just didn't bother to mention it.
4. Helion- One who got away means no one else can ever hurt him. That ex lingers and this new break up is easily shrugged off. Break up? Baby this was just a fling. Says it with a smile. No worries, no hard feelings. Already has someone new before break up even finished.
3. Feyre- New boyfriend in five minutes. Snaps her fingers, someone is already crawling at her feet. Can list everything he did wrong without tears in her eyes. Posts the most insane selfie, ex begs for her back. Feyre laughs with her friends later that night. Warned you she'd fuck your best friend, makes good on that threat. Ex emotionally scarred for years.
2. Eris- best way to get over someone is get under someone. Did you ever mean anything to him? Doesn't seem like it, he's already fucking that ex he told you not to worry about.
1. Amren- We were DATING? Genuinely had no idea.
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sakurastarkey · 5 months
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❀ My message to you all.
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Since I started here, I wanted to share my passion for fandoms I’m into as well as projects I began to work on. I came across so many artists and writers that inspired me in so many ways that gave me the inspiration to be both a writer and an artist that works on my own anime fanfic version in comics. My first one of Fairy Tail became a big success thanks to not only the support of my readers/friends but the artist that helped me put together it in the first place who I’ll always be thankful for, since then I started to seek guidance from other writers to help me improve on future works! As a writer I like to seek out help from other people I greatly admire to try and make friends and gain more knowledge. Sadly though, I later learned in some communities that some writers have been disappointing and become a let down when they sometimes misunderstand you and judge you for thinking you're not worth anything here on Tumblr.
Due to those past and sad experiences it caused me to be haunted by those harsh criticism especially when they didn’t turn out as nice as you thought they would be and I almost quit completely. It doesn't help when I’m sensitive and autistic other people don’t understand. But! Thanks to loving supporters from other people who praised my talents when it came to not only my love ones and even celebs I met who further support my work, even kind company’s like Lowbrow who went to the trouble of making a personal uplifting message for me… they are what showed me that I’m still loved and admired by others that motivated me to keep going and be strong enough to continue what I love to do best as well as to also inspire others to unlock their imaginations! I don’t know what I would have done if it weren’t for them who touched my heart greatly… ❤️‍🩹
It’s not easy how we all sometimes start out, that’s why I want to also encourage other great and talented people too to keep pursuing your passion no matter how other people might criticize you. Also to watch out if you're part of a roleplay community and be careful who you try and reach out to because they won’t always act as nice as they seem and are very judgmental when it comes to how they think you write they wouldn’t want to bother with as well as even jump to harsh conclusions. But to those who are nice and encouraging to others I happily praise and hope they will always bring joy of writing as well as to inspire many more people out there! Cuz that’s the true meaning in the writing and roleplay world, being respectful to others and to enjoy pursuing what you love to do best. 🫶🏻
I hope this new year will be happy and better to you all! As my goal for the new year is to keep encouraging people to unlock your imaginations. 🎉
SakuraStarKey 🌸
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rphelperblog · 2 years
The Lying Game Quote RP Meme
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“We played along with the lie. We became the lie.”
A killer with a guilty conscience.”
The only way to win a lying game is not to play.”
You need to be honest with him and yourself, before somebody gets hurt.”
You think she's dead, don't you...”
Please tell me we're not gonna get all dysfunctional and nasty when we're middle aged.”
It's not exactly a love song. Think Kelly Clarkson, not Taylor Swift”
Does an innocent man run?”
Didn't feel like being the only former murder suspect at the pep rally.”
Well, we're in a motel. We're at least 100 miles from any parental supervision, your boyfriend is two doors down probably shirtless, do I need to go on?”
Legal geniuses don't work for free and I just checked under the couch cushions and I came up a little light.”
You're having boy troubles, which is still a crippling form of impairment.”
You have some real issues, ya know?”
You love him right? So what are you still doing standing here?”
Oh my God, something's happening. I actually think I feel bad for you.”
You, my friend, are a giant neon sign of sexy right now.”
You're too close to this. You're gonna get hurt.”
They can take the girl out of the foster system, but they can't take the foster system out of the girl.”
Nothing good ever happened without a fight, right?
If there's one thing frat boys can't resist, it's girls.”
“I know she's the more improved version, I get that a lot.”
Just to let you know, I'm choosing you. It's always been you.”
It was you people, with all your secrets and lies. Someone here did this, I'm gonna find out who.”
When I look at you, I turn into something I don't like.”
Are you gonna make me cry? Because I just put on mascara.”
All I ever wanted was a family.”
I'm just trying to prove his innocence. And you're trying to prove his guilt.”
We all feel things we shouldn't sometimes.”
It feels like I'm the one on trial now.”
You and me. We're everything.”
It's probably that "A" you got on your history final. Or that your boyfriend just got arrested for murder.”
He's in the big leagues now; that's for damn sure.”
This was always my life. You were just pretending to be a part of it.”
No offense guys, but at some point you're going to have to stop being surprised by things that man did in the mid-90s.”
I've lived with you for 16 years and I never needed shared DNA as a reason to love you.”
I know a huge part of you wants me to be guilty for one reason, but I'm not.”
It's like I got voted off the island.”
The safest thing you could do right now is stay out of it. This is a murder investigation.”
Is that why you waited until we were half naked in a motel room to tell me you were into my sister?”
Why do you allow yourself to be continually punked by that girl?”
You and I broke up, remember? So you lost the right to ask me that.”
even though we're not together anymore, what we had meant everything to me. In some ways it still does.”
he's the one that arranged your whole adoption, under the table of course. And I know that was wrong but how can I regret that? It gave me you.”
Between you and me, it's kind of a thrill to be back and turning heads.”
Don't you have to care about someone to be disappointed in them?”
Honest is not another one of my fortes.”
Look, that boy is distracting you, taking your focus off the plan.”
Pick a lower hanging fruit.”
This place? What are we hillbillies?”
Who knew you were the daughter I was forced to give up 17 years ago?”
you wanna take a walk down memory lane you gotta give me a head's up.”
Did I just walk in on my own funeral? Because if so, I've gotta say the turnout kinda sucks.”
I mean she was into the idea of living sorority life. I guess if you're into lying games there's no better venue.”
Well isn't this cozy. I'm sorry, have I come at a bad time?”
My dad is many things, but he is not a killer.”
I don't think fugitives from the law, tweet.”
Why is it that around here, the first thing out of people's mouths is a lie.”
The only mistake I made was taking your bastard ass in when nobody gave a crap about you.”
When you're accessing a true memory you look to the left, lying to the right.”
So you don't believe in destiny?”
So you're not just kicking me out of your house, you're kicking me out of your life?”
I can't. I've been burned by it too many times.”
Tell my wife I'm coming for her.”
Let's just say this weekend my bride finally gets everything she deserves.”
So you guys wanna go or should we go next door and look for the Easter Bunny?”
You've just been the bright spot in all of this.”
Don't you think it's a little late to be playing that card.”
if you hadn't been asking those questions we never would've found each other.”
It looks like some people need to start apologizing until I tell them to stop!”
I can either choose to be miserable or choose to be happy.”
I always wonder about that decision I made. What it would've been like to have kids of my own. I know I said it before, but I'll say it again. I never blamed you for that.”
“he  is a bit of a wild card, and that's the last thing we need right now.”
He doesn't need luck. He has me.”
If anyone found out that you know about me and her your life could be in danger.”
Tonight was kind of amazeballs and I hope it was amazeballs for you, too”
Please it's like riding a bicycle, a 1200 lb bicycle that would crush me if it landed on me.”
Trust me, if I were you I wouldn't quit at the finish line pal.”
You and I are on the same ship and it's sailing fast.”
never thought one of the best heart to hearts would be with you.”
We're sisters. We're related by blood.”
Look at it this way, the closer I get to her, the safer your secret is.”
So much for here comes the bride.”
Why? So you can stop second guessing your feelings for him?”
Who else would be so protective of the secret of the twins that they would kill for it?”
I don't know I wasn't really listening. An award for giving homeless people boob jobs or something?”
You wanna know another surprise? I'm getting pretty good at telling you two apart”
When our embryos split, you got all the heart.”
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izzythehutt · 1 year
For the top 10 ship thing, Rhett and Scarlett from GWTW?
Hoooo boy this is a big one for me. I used to be a minor "thing" in the GWTW fandom, actually.
my favorite or a defining moment
Rhett's proposal after Frank's death. It's got humorous banter in an inappropriate setting, it's got angst, it's got Rhett letting his mask slip, it's got passion and Scarlett failing to understand that she's sexually attracted to Rhett or that she's actually in love with him, it's got him treating her like an asshole to prevent her from seeing she has emotional power over him. A grabbag of the ship.
whether they’re wholesome (affectionate), fucked up (affectionate), fucked up (derogatory), or boring
They have some pretty messed up moments but honestly it's a ship that is all about them being terrible in a way that's both compatible and self-destructive.
a song I think captures their essence
I used to have a whole playlist for them but then Apple killed iTunes and all my playlists died with it. Addicted by Kelly Clarkson was definitely on there and it fits them lol. Basically every angsty song that compares love to a drug addiction.
A Sister Ship
At some point early on into my Fruits Basket fan days I realized Akigure was just the manga version of them.
what kind of AU I’d like to stick them in
In college I seriously considered writing a fic where they both went to Japan in the 1870s and got caught up in the Meiji Restoration which would have been batshit but still better than the Ripley sequel.
bonus: whether they’re on my pre-made list of all-time favorite ships
Uh, unfortunately, yes, they are definitely a top ten ship for me even though I have increasingly mixed feelings about the book.
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Appreciation post for the talented sweetheart and cutie that is Mr. Daniel Nicholas Durant (born December 24th, 1989)!!! Part 1:
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1. Aww... Seeing him cry or tear up makes me really sad, but also, how incredibly sweet of both of his moms to send in a video message to tell him how proud they are of him and how much they love him. "Who Wouldn't Want More Moms?" Title of his autobiography/memoir that would SO be on my reading list. It still makes me sad and a little bit angry that his birth mother left this poor thing behind when he was just a baby, but unfortunately, it's a true story for quite a lot of people, which I personally can't (and don't even want to) imagine. I'm glad he's in such a good place now, though. I love how proud he is, not just that he's deaf, but also that he was adopted as a really young (and I can imagine quite cute) little guy. I would love to, at some point, have kids of my own, but I would want to adopt them/become a foster mom, and it wouldn't matter to me what they would look like or what their background was because I would love them all equally and unconditionally. If I ever adopted a deaf child, I would totally incorporate deaf culture and sign language into the family because I just love love, no matter what kind it is.
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2. He signs so beautifully and eloquently, so it reminds me of royalty. Who else would love to see him play a Disney prince?
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3. How precious was little Daniel at the age that he was back when he was so carefree just having the time of his life just chilling in his mom's car and jamming to NPR Talk Radio (lol). It's so funny and cute! Kelly Clarkson Show, please have him back at some point!
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4. Happy, giggly, bubbly, cute Daniel is one of my favorite versions of Daniel, along with rock star Daniel and sharp dressed Daniel.
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5. He just looks so comfy and cozy in that bed/sofa thing in the picture above.
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6. I love these boys' friendship so much! Adorable on and offstage brothers, and they both brought Deaf West Spring Awakening's Moritz Stiefel to life SO BEAUTIFULLY!!! I'm still very sad that production has closed, and I really wish that they could bring it back!!! 🤍🕊🖤🥺🤧🦋
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7. And here's gamer Daniel! Whoo hoo! Sorry to sound like a video game cheerleader, but he looks so intensely cute playing video games, and I love that for him.
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8. Daniel with Mama Bear Marlee is so effing cute!!! I love their friendship and rapport so much!!! Anytime they play mother and son or a relationship resembling that, it just makes my heart so happy and warm.
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9. A cute couple that dances together stays together! I will never not be grateful for them and all the magic they brought to DWTS in Season 31, and I love Daniel & Britt so much!!!
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10. Above all, Daniel is such a multi-talented actor and human being. Any character that I see him play makes me prouder and prouder of him each and every day!!! (I just want to say that Daniel is still doing great!)
Part 2 incoming...
XOXO, Sarah
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
thinking abt Society If (Akd As) Taylor Gets To Sing and know you've mentioned thus before but what are a top pick or several for what song could be applied thus. can be attuned to knowing the KoppLevs genre & canon scene tendencies & or not particularly hold to that as a more flexible transformative scenario idea or whatall. plus like especial lyrics that would be the highlight presuming it's not a full song or that some lyrical or musical moments would be extra fun
i think this is best answered in terms of the two scenarios i’ve contemplated wherein Taylor Gets To Sing — not necessarily scenes that would happen Within the show proper, but situations that could still be considered basically canon compliant — as follows:
scenario #1
taylor & philip leave prince cap at the end of a long workday, getting in the same elevator and riding down together, and oops! the power’s gone out and the elevator’s stuck! they can’t easily contact anyone because elevators have terrible cell reception & wifi connectivity! and either there isn’t a backup generator or it isn’t powering the elevator, because the plot demands it! so they’re stuck in the elevator for an unknown amount of time with only one another for company and distraction. they do their best to make conversation, which at one point leads to an impromptu game of truth or dare, which leads to philip daring taylor to sing something, anything, for just ten seconds. after some consideration, taylor sings the first few lines of the chorus of super bass by nicki minaj. (i have to imagine that the one time they referenced nicki minaj says something about their music taste.) naturally, taylor then dares philip to sing something, anything, for twice that long. he goes with all right now by free, which is the unofficial fight song of stanford university. (both the original version and the leland stanford junior university marching band’s version are on my rotation of Songs To Think About Philip To.)
scenario #2
prince cap karaoke! specifically, the younger employees at prince cap (for this purpose, “younger” = under 35 or so) are going to a bar for karaoke under taylor & philip’s leadership, as a bonding exercise, and the understanding is that everyone Must get up and perform at least once. taylor doesn’t really think this should apply to them, though, and they spend a good part of the evening quietly debating this with philip and restating their refusal to sing in front of people while the following performances happen:
winston and peach duet on don’t go breaking my heart by elton john and kiki dee. it’s very fun.
ben kim sings my life would suck without you by kelly clarkson. half the reason behind this choice is that daniel k. isaac said in an interview that he’d once sung a kelly clarkson song at karaoke. the other half is that it probably resonates with how he feels about his coworkers / prince cap in general. sad but true.
sacker sings tears dry on their own by amy winehouse. she kills it, because she canonically was in an a cappella group in college and also canonically is good at literally everything she tries. is she thinking about one or both connerty brothers? maybe!
tuk is reluctant to get on stage; winston convinces him to do a duet of i don’t dance from high school musical 2. it’s a little clunky, but they both have fun. obviously tuk sings chad’s part and winston sings ryan’s part. here’s how winstuk can still win!
philip, who is still trying to convince taylor to sing something, gets up and sings wichita lineman by glen campbell. it’s out of place with what their group (and everyone else at the bar) has been singing, and it takes people by surprise, ultimately in a good way.
rian sings go your own way by fleetwood mac. it feels very pointed, but no one’s completely sure who it’s pointed at. (taylor has the best chance of guessing correctly, though.)
and finally, taylor gets on stage — and brings winston along. when the music starts, it seems that taylor is going to sing common people by pulp. however, it quickly becomes clear that taylor is actually doing william shatner’s version of common people, in which most of the lyrics are spoken rather than sung, and winston is covering the sung lines in that version. most people at the bar think this is kind of a weird move. philip thinks it’s hilarious and is begrudgingly impressed by taylor exploiting the loophole in “everyone must get up and perform at least once.”
since that’s been accomplished, all the prince cappers gradually leave to head home. philip and taylor leave around the same time, and while they’re waiting for rides, he can’t help pointing out that they still haven’t actually sung, which is the point of karaoke. and, with no one around to hear them except philip, taylor sings head over feet by alanis morrisette. not the whole song — they won’t have time for that anyway with their uber arriving soon — but just enough to leave philip wondering.
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