#care precure
salsasprecure · 7 months
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ok I finished this drawing of Cure Cheer :3c
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allimocha · 1 year
Okay, so I decided to make a fanfancure for someone else’s Precure fan series because I can, and they deserve it.
This time, for @salsasprecure ‘s fan series Care Precure!
Let me introduce you to,…
Cure Secret and Cure Friend!
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Cure Secret / Haru Hasegawa
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A 14 year old girl who suffers from severe social anxiety. Because of this, she’s developed selective mutism and rarely talks at all. Though she is a very talented ballerina and practices everyday. Most people see her as cold since she doesn’t really talk and avoids social interaction. Despite this, she actually really wants to make friends, but just can’t get the courage to hold, or even start conversations. Her childhood bestie, Cure Friend is constantly trying to help break her out of her shell in any way she can.
As Cure Secret, she develops enough courage to speak, even if it’s just a small whisper, and using her voice to lead the duo.
Cure Friend / Robyn McBride
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A very cheerful 13 year old girl. She’s basically the light that everyone needs or wants in their life. She’s very outgoing and friendly, and just a friend-shaped pal. However, sometimes she can focus on others a little bit too much, as she rarely has time for herself. But that’s fine as long as everyone else is happy, right? Because of her selfless nature, she sometimes jumps in blindly to help others, which can get her in a lot of trouble. She’s very close friends with Cure Secret, and the only one who can understand her without Secret needing to talk.
As Cure Friend, she’s always looking out for others, but makes sure to not put herself in harms way all the time, and instead tries to look before she leaps.
And there they are! Honestly designing them was so much fun, and I hope you all like their designs too! Also, go read Care Pre, Salsa puts a lot of effort into it!
That’s all!
She just like me fr-
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careprecure · 2 years
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chapter 2 page 70
character overview main blog
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dreamnotefancures · 1 year
Story Care Time Pretty Cure
I originally wrote this for @salsasprecure during the Fancure Artfight (an unofficial Artfight for Pretty Cure Fanseries where you create whatever you want!). However, because the Fancure Artfight ended and I got pretty far on this fanfic I decided to make this a fanfic gift for Salsa.
Hope you like this Salsa! Also, be sure to check out Salsa’s stuff on @salsasprecure she has amazing art!
Also big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
Mio was humming and skipping to meet her friends at the park. “What a lovely, sunny day!” Mio sang. With how gorgeous today was and how she and her friends have been busy fighting Careless, this was a perfect way to relax and recharge.
She had her whole day planned, first a picnic at the park with food provided by Tomoko, then checking out this new craft fair, ultimately ending the day with some crepes.
As Mio made it to the park, she heard rustling in the bushes. She turned around and shivered in fright. “Okay, Suzu. This isn’t funny! You can come out now.” Mio said.
However, to her surprise, it wasn’t Mio but a little swan. Mio was at awe at how cute and little she was, but saw something was up with it. The swan was little and wore a glistening crown and a multi-colored jewel necklace. Though it looked like the swan was injured by someone or something judging by the injuries the poor bird was limping from.
“You poor thing,” Mio whispered. “Who did this to you?”
The bird didn’t reply, just slowly opened her eyes and something flashed the second she saw Mio. The latter felt the same thing, almost like the two were destined to meet. Opening her bag, she took out a small handkerchief and wrapped the little swan to keep her safe before heading off to see her friends, hoping one of them could help the little bird.
Meanwhile, Tomoko, Suzu, and Fuaffu were sitting down on a bench with snacks in tow, just waiting for Mio to show up. . 
Suzu’s stomach rumbled as she let out a yell. “Where is Mio! I’m hungry!” She whined.
 Fuaffu’s stomach started to growl. “Me too…” She whined.
“I’m sure Mio is on her way.” Tomoko reassured her friends. Soon enough Mio came running and Tomoko smiled, “See she’s here.”
Suzu sighed. “Finally!”
Mio skidded holding on the handkerchief close. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Where have you been? We’ve been starving!” Suzu yelled.
Mio caught her breath and showed her friends the little swan that she held wrapped in her handkerchief. Suzu and Tomoko gasped in surprise. Fuaffu jumped on Suzu’s shoulder and gasped at the sight of the swan's injuries. She then felt the same odd spark the swan and Mio felt earlier.
“I found her injured on my way over here,” Mio explained.
Tomoko looked at the bird and saw that there was nothing broken and that the bird needed rest and food. “The poor thing.” She whispered. “What happened to them?”
“I don’t know. I found her like this and I figured I'd bring her here. I thought maybe you guys would know what to do.”
Tomoko held her hand out as Mio put the bird into her friend's hands. Tomoko examined the bird and saw the injuries on her. “She looks a bit bruised, and maybe hungry.” Tomoko examined a little more. “Looks like it’s nothing serious, but let’s keep her with us for now, if she doesn’t improve we can take her to the Tenderheart Veterinarian after this.”
“Okay!” Suzu and Mio agreed. Mio picked up the handkerchief and wrapped it around the wing of the swan. “For now, until we get you proper help.”
The swan smiled and snuggled up close. “Thank you.” She whispered. Mio paused and looked down at the swan who rested beside her. She looked at her friends who were already opening snacks and eating. Weird I thought I heard something. Mio shrugged and went to eat with her friends.
The group ate, all they could do was stare at the swan. The four nodded in silent agreement and handed a small snack to the little swan. The swan looked up and slowly ate the snack in Fuaffu’s paw. Her eyes sparkled as she ate the rest of what was offered to her. “So good!” The swan beamed. Soon the swan turned into a puff of smoke and appeared human.
The swan’s human form was of a young girl with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She wore a long red floral dress with puffy sleeves and over the dress was a white apron and brown shoes.
Mio and her friends stared in shock as the swan girl landed on the seat looking happy and healthy. “Thank you!” She beamed.
The girls couldn’t utter a word. Sure they’re Pretty Cure, and have seen some wacky things on their adventures, but this was the first time they saw a swan fairy turn into a human. “Y-you're human!” Suzu shouted.
The swan nodded. “I’m Dottie by the way! It’s nice to meet you.” She beamed.
Mio smiled and shook Dottie’s hand. “I’m Sasaki Mio!” She replied. “And these are my friends; Yoshida Suzu, Shimizu Tomoko, and Fuaffu.” When Mio introduced her friends they each gave a wave to the swan girl. Dottie smiled and waved back to Mio’s friends.
“So Dottie, what happened to you?” Tomoko asked.
Dottie frowned as she recalled her memories. “Well I was visiting here and suddenly this monster attacked me. I was too weak from traveling so I went in my swan form to get away.” She explained.
“What monster?” Suzu asked.
Suddenly, the girls heard screaming from a distance and went over to its source. The group got up and saw a Careless attacking a group of civilians at the park. Suzu let out a frustrated yell. “COME ON! ON OUR RELAXING DAY?” She yelled.
“Relaxing day or not! We have to defeat this Careless.” Fuaffu said.
Suzu sighed. “Fine.” She and her friends pulled out their transformation items and transformed.
With love and care, Pretty Cure Heart Activation! 
A Rainbow of encouragement, Cure Cheer!
Energetic playfulness, Cure Shine!
The Dreams of the Stars, Cure Wish!
Care!! Pretty Cure!
Dottie’s eyes glistened as she gasped in delight seeing Mio and her friends as the Pretty Cure. “Let’s go!” Cure Cheer beamed. Her team members nodded and went off to fight the Careless.
The monster took notice at the three Care Precure and a fight ensued. Cure Cheer jumped up and did some cheerleader flips before going in with a powerful kick.
Cure Shine and Cure Wish then came in throwing punches and kicks on the Careless before blocking their attacks and pushing them away. Cure Shine and Cure Wish used a wall to protect themselves from crashing. Then going back in and throwing a few more punches.
Cure Cheer came by quickly and swooped in to attack by throwing punches. The Careless was about to knock out Cure Cheer, but the pink cure made her pom poms appear and used them as a shield, blocking the punch. She then used the pom poms as punching gloves, but the Careless found an opening and knocked Cheer down.
Cure Shine and Cure Wish came in and started to attack the monster by throwing even more kicks and punches, but the Careless knocked them away, crashing into Cure Cheer.
The three pretty cure groaned as the Careless marched over them. Before the Careless could strike the final blow, the monster was kicked in the face and knocked to the other side of the park. The Care cures were in confused shock, wondering where the mighty kick came from.
“Look!” Cure Wish exclaimed. She pointed at another Pretty Cure in the distance. 
This Pretty Cure had long blonde hair with a peach ombre, a part of her hair tied to a bun, feather hair pieces, and a crown. She wore a pale blue dress with a pink ribbon on the front with a swan shaped bottle in the middle, gold accents, and white feather sleeves complimented with a feather skirt on the bottom. She sported white wings on the back of her outfit, white arm bands, and blue toe shoes with little wings on them.
“Is that?” Cure Shine asked.
“A Pretty Cure?” Cure Cheer finished.
The new Pretty Cure glared at the monster. “I won’t let you attack this world, or my new friends.” She promised.
The Careless growled. The new Pretty Cure was able to dodge and fly missing on all of the Careless attacks. The Care Pretty Cure team were in awe seeing how agile the Pretty Cure was.
Not wanting to keep missing for any longer, the Careless went for a punch, but the mysterious pretty cure used her legs to block it before kicking the monster away and causing it to knock down a few trees.
“Now finish it! Care Pretty Cure!” The mysterious cure commanded.
The Care Pretty Cure team nodded and got ready to do their finisher attack.
“With Great Care… Pretty Cure, Purify Blast!” 
A multi-colored blast filled with hearts and stars came flying out and purified the Careless. The Pretty cure sighed and collapsed on the ground relieved they were able to stop the monster in time.
“Thank you for your help!” Cure Cheer beamed.
“No problem. I’m Cure Crown by the way.” She introduced herself.
Cure Cheer’s eyes lit up as she shook Cure Crown’s hand. “I’m Cure Cheer! It’s nice to meet you!” She beamed in reply.
Cure Crown smiled as the two Pretty Cure let go of their hands. “Well I wish you luck Cure Cheer,” Cure Crown said before flying off into the sky.
“Same to you, Cure Crown,” She replied as she went back to her civilian form. “Same to you.”
 Cure Shine and Cure Wish transformed back into their civilian forms and smiled seeing Cure Crown leave. Fuaffu jumped up in Tomoko’s arms and looked up at the duo. “You know, she did look familiar.”
“How so?” Suzu asked.
“You mean that she looked like Dottie?” Tomoko answered.
“Yep!” Fuaffu replied, but soon her and Suzu’s eyes widened as they faced the green cure. “Wait, how did you know!”
“Because,” Mio spoke up, causing the trio to look at the leader. “I felt it. The second I saved Dottie I felt this weird connection. I didn’t know what it was, but now I know.” Her friends smiled and walked over to her as they looked up at the sky. “It makes you wonder if there’s more Pretty Cure out there of all kinds.”
Fuaffu put her paws on Mio’s hands. “Who knows Mio? Who knows.”
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lion-buddy · 11 months
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did some screenshot edits for fun :]
ogs r under the cut ^^
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https-b0nb0n · 3 months
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An unfinished Sonicure art piece (Yeah that's all)
Art by: Me
Sonicure belongs to: toshiyuki (Formally Sasi sage)
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Which one is my favourite child?
Time for some positivity. Can you guess what fandom is my favourite in regards to my poll blogs. (You can vote for yourself)
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candystudios · 11 days
Bluster is watching something
Casually blends my current fixations together
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doizy · 3 months
I was looking closely at Cure Lillian in the new wonpre ending, looking for details for my cosplay and... Is Lillian skirt supposed to be two distinct layer?? I've always interpreted it as a skirt with a ruffle at the bottom attached underneath the ribbon, but in the CGI model it's clearly an overskirt above a fuller and longer skirt...
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Now, I was very confused so I went back to look at 2D screen shots and references and it does look like one piece there...
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What a strange thing to change...
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prettycurefever2024 · 1 month
Let me just say that I will most likely never ship Komugi x Iroha nor Yuki x Mayu as anything other than friends/family because I just find it too weird to ship someone with their pet lol 😂
This is also a chance for me to remind myself again that not everything needs to be shipped haha
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aquarterasian · 9 months
can we stop hating on him he hasn't even breathed yet 😭
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salsasprecure · 1 year
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Introducing Cure Destiny!! She is based on Destiny bear, and together with Cure Care she protects Cure-a-lot.
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kiwisandpearls · 1 month
look I get being uncomfortable with shipping the owners and pets together in wonderful precure, but when you look at the way the anime frames at least mayu and yuki’s relationship…it is, really really not that hard to see why people ship the two.
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careprecure · 2 years
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chapter 2 page 72
character overview main blog
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faline-cat444 · 22 days
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I'm really starting to think only a select few people actually knew what a horse looks like
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lion-buddy · 10 days
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happy one year of being real guys. prim and puka have had a huge impact on me and continue to bring me lots of happiness, and I’m glad I get to share that excitement with other ppl. stay cool guys
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